Introduction 占全文比例10-15$\%$左右,字数控制在400-500字为宜。
请注意,不同的期刊和学科可能会对 Introduction部分有不同的要求,因此在写作之前,最好查阅相关的投稿指南或阅读往期的文章,以确保符合投稿要求。
Chapter 2. Introduction2.1Introduction to Introduction2.2Build a Model of Introduction2.3Establishing the Narrowed Research Topic2.4Establish the Need/Gap2.5State the Purpose of Your Research2.6State Value of Research2.7Outline the Research2.8Moves and Steps of Introduction2.9Tenses in Introduction2.10Exercises2. _______________________________________________________________Suppose you were writing an article titled “A novel vacuum cleaning and floor mopping robot”. How d o you plan to write the Introduction part? Brainstorm with your teammates and write d own a list of the key information.three questions:1.How do writers normally start the Introduction?2.What type of information shoul d be in my Introduction, and in what order?1.__________ What is the context of this problem?2.__________ Why is this research important?3.__________ What is the gap in our knowledge this research will fill?4.__________ What steps will we take to try and fill this gap or improve the situation?5.__________ Is the study limited to a specific geographical area or to only certain aspects of the situation?6.__________ Is there any factor, condition or circumstance that prevents the researcher from achieving all his/herobjectives?7.__________ In considering his/her method, model, formulation or approach, d oes the researcher take certainconditions, states, requirements for granted?research problem.•Do I introduce the topic in the first sentence?••••your work explores an area/issue/question that has previously not been explored, or not been explored in detail, in not explored in the way that you are going to use. There are four ways to demonstrate that you are adding to the•••••--claiming centrality (why this field of study is important) AND/OR --moving from general to specific AND/OR--reviewing relevant items of previous research AND/OR--describing the background AND/OR--definition of key words•Move 2: _________________________--indicating a gap OR--raising a question OR--continuing a previously developed line of inquiry OR--counter-claiming (disagreeing with an existing/accepted approach) •Move 3: _________________________--outlining purpose/setting objectives AND/OR--announcing present research (methodology) AND/OR--announcing principal findings (results) AND/OR________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________∙Too much detail, and hence too long.∙Repetition of words, phrases or ideas.∙Unclear problem definition.∙Poor organization.Now review your list of Introduction for the article “A novel vacuum cleaning and floor mopping robot”. How d o you improve it into a better one?often used in the opening sentences. For example:1.Tungsten is a heavy metal with several unique physical and mechanical properties. (Effects of tungsten onenvironmental systems, Nikolay Strigul, et. al.)2.When analyzing hydraulic networks, it is usually possible to identify three types of variables. (FuzzyApproach for Analysis of Pipe Networks, Roberto Revelli and Luca Ridolfi, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,1.Earlier studies carried out on 0.5 Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V steel showed notch strengthening for shallow notches andtendency towards notch weakening for sharp notches. (Effect of Multiaxial State of Stress on Creep Rupture Behaviour of 2.25Cr-1 Mo Steel, Sunil Goyal et al. / Procedia Engineering 55 ( 2013 ) 510 – 516)2.However, the vast majority of these studies have been confined to suspensions with millimeter- ormicron-sized particles. (Mechanisms of heat flow in suspensions of nano-sized particles (nanofluids), P.Keblinski, et. al. , International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 855-863)3.Nair (1982) notes in his study that another one of the reasons for lack of widespread use of more rigorousmathematical programming techniques is that is sometimes difficult (if not impossible) to isolate a problem for optimization using this technique. (A Practicing Engineer's View at Benchmark Problems in Structural Optimization, K. Mueller, et. al., 20th Analysis & Computation Specialty Conference) (computer science) Note that comparable options exist in the clauses.1.The effects of tungsten on environmental systems have not been investigated extensively and publisheddata are fragmentary. (Effects of tungsten on environmental systems, Nikolay Strigul, et. al.)(environment engineering)2.Radaj [9] developed a n approach based on Neuber’s micro-structural support hypothesis by suggesting anadditional fictitious radius r f at the notch, which allows the local stress to be analyzed directly withoutrequiring a stress concentration factor or fatigue notch factor [8]. (Fatigue strength assessment of Invar alloy weld joints using the notch stress approach, D.J. Oh, J.M. Lee, M.H. Kim, Engineering Failure Analysis 42 (2014) 87–99)(material mechanics)3.Rigorous mathematical programming optimization techniques are well established and numerous authorshave attempted to apply these techniques to practical structural engineering design problems with varying degrees of success. (A Practicing Engineer's View at Benchmark Problems in Structural Optimization, K.Mueller, et. al., 20th Analysis & Computation Specialty Conference)(computer science)4.It has long been recognized that suspensions of solid particles in liqids have great potential as improvedheat-management fluids. (Mechanisms of heat flow in suspensions of nano-sized particles (nanofluids), P.accidently.1.This paper presents a model-based input-output synchronizing technique for reducing sense axismeasurement drift resulted from the mechanical structure imperfections. (Input-Output Synchronization for Bias Drift Reduction of MEMS Gyroscopes, Afshin Izadian, et. al., 2008 American Control Conference) (electronic and automatic control)2.In accomplishing these two tasks, this paper hopes to point out how two modeling approaches initiallyappearing very similar are in fact qualitatively different.(Wong, C. (2014) A Novel Operational Partition between Neural Network Classifiers on Vulnerability to Data Mining Bias. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7, 264-272.) (software engineering)You may ask whether you should use is, was,has been, or will be when you describe the present research. Indeed, both is and was is used in the Introduction. Very rarely can has been or will be appear.1.In this study, a fatigue assessment for various welded joints of Invar alloy in an LNG carrier was performedusing the notch stress approach. (Fatigue strength assessment of Invar alloy weld joints using the notch stress approach, D.J. Oh, J.M. Lee, M.H. Kim, Engineering Failure Analysis 42 (2014) 87–99)(material mechanics)2.Next, common structural engineering design and analysis software packages in the design office arediscussed, along with optimization techniques “built in” to the software. (A Practicing Engineer's View at Benchmark Problems in Structural Optimization, K. Mueller, et. al., 20th Analysis & Computation Specialty Conference) (computer science)3.To clarify the differences and similarities in each discipline, this study will examine the major academicvariations within the data mining field in relation to keywords, articles, books, courses offered, textbooks taught, and soft-ware used.( Data Mining Technology across Academic Disciplines, Lesley Farmer, et. al., Intelligent Information Management, 2011, 3, 43-48)(software engineering)4.In the present investigation, effect of notch on creep behaviour of 2.25Cr-1 Mo steel has been studied. Thedifferent notch acuities have been introduced to study the multiaxial state of stress. The creep rupture of the material under multiaxial state of stress has been explained based on the stress distribution around the notch estimated using FE analysis. (material science)Note that using the Past Simple tense when you present the results in the Introduction means that the findings are linked only to the present research, while using the Present Simple tense means that you believe your finding are convincing enough to be considered as accepted facts.1.After three semesters of use of this architecture we found that we could archive a single integratedarchitecture that would serve both courses. (VLabNet: The Integrated Design of Hands-on Learning in Information Security and Networking, Valerie J. H. Powell, et. al., Information Security CurriculumDevelopment Conference’2007)(computer science)2.With our multi-scale feature sharing network, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance (97:3%) on LFWbenchmark. (Learning Deep Face Representation, Haoqiang Fan, et. al., ) (electronic and automatic control)(1) Establish the topic: _____________________________________(2) General research problem: _____________________________________(3) Brief overview of previous research _____________________________________(4) Establish the gap: _____________________________________(5) The purpose of the research: _____________________________________2.Identify the moves and steps by the model of the Introduction to test if it complies with them.3.What do you think the structure of Introduction is like? Why is Introduction shaped like this?。
introduction英语解释An introduction is a way to begin a conversation, a presentation, or a written piece. It's like the first handshake that sets the tone for the whole encounter. It gives a glimpse of what's coming next and makes people curious to hear more. In a speech, an introduction might catch your attention with a funny anecdote or a thought-provoking question. In writing, it might draw you in with a vivid description or an intriguing fact. It's that little hook that makes you want to stick around and find out more.When introducing something to a friend, it's like showing them a new toy and saying, "Hey, look at this!Isn't it cool?" You want to share the excitement and make them interested in what you're about to reveal. An introduction in a book or article might be more formal, but it still serves the same purpose to grab the reader's attention and make them want to dive deeper into the subject.Think of an introduction as the appetizer before the main course. It whets your appetite, gives you a taste of what's to come, and makes you eager for the rest. It's that brief moment that sets the stage and prepares you for the journey ahead.And let's not forget, introductions are not just about what's coming next. They're also about who's bringing it to you.。
Sample Demonstration 1
In recent years applied researchers have become increasingly interested in the interpersonal relationships with manager-subordinate dyads. The majority of studies have focused on actual similarity between managers’ appraisals of subordinates’ performance (Miles, 1964; Nieva, 1976; Rude, 1970; Senger, 1971), subordinates’ job satisfaction (Huber, 1970) and subordinates’ evaluations of their managers. (Weiss, 1977). A few studies have examined the extent to which subordinates congruently perceive their managers (referred to here as “subordinate’s perceptual congruence”). These studies suggest that subordinates who are more perceptually aware of their superiors’ work-related attitudes receive higher performance evaluations (Golmieh, 1974; Green, 1972; Lavovitz, 1972) and are more satisfied with their superiors (Howard, 1968). (1. Literature review 研究背景及前期成果)
于对方姓 名前。如 :H w d o o o o y ud ?Myn mei H ny a e r s
Bo . rwn 在向我介绍后,对方一般也乐意介绍他 自己。 二、主动请 教。如果没有第三人在场 ,或者双方都没有
自 介 就 主 询 对方 姓名 D a Inwyu 我 绍、 要 动 问 的 妻 My o r = k o
n me a ?
三、 他人介绍。在社交 场合, 人们之间更多 下是由 情况
他人介绍而认识。一般是先把年轻的介ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้给年长的, 先把男
ss o h’ 性绍女。如 介 给 性 例 : rG e ,ti ( nsmj . s r n h i J h t I :e
被 绍 认 后 互 打 招 以 麦 。一 e , r 介 人 识 应 相 声 呼, 示 好 t I M. I Ho
S t , 或 “ l e o , . mi . 当然 ,在介 mi ” h Ga t me t u Mrs t ” do y h 绍过程中 ,除语言上的沟通外 ,还少不了适 当 的点头或握手
1 了
Diinw / a ooio. , / .i : : x .
I d t n t O c n u i r O
在英 美国家 ,如双 方属初 次见 面 ,一般 可通 过不同途
径 相互 结 识 。
自我介绍 。介 绍时 ,自己的姓名 前面一般 不要 加
Mr . s 或 MS 等表 示尊 敬 的称号 。因 为这 些称 呼只 用 \ s s M; .
INTRODUCTION结构框架:1、论文涉及到的选题和核心概念的文献回顾.(1)研究领域(2)前人工作(3)问题所在(4)本文贡献1.Begin the Introduction by providing a concise background account of the problem studied.研究背景介绍)2.State the objective of the investigation.Your research objective is the most important part of the introduction.(研究的必要性)3.Establish the significance of your work: Why was there a need to conduct the study?(研究的意义)4.Introduce the reader to the pertinent literature. Do not give a full history of the topic. Only quote previous work having direct bearing on the present problem.5.Clearly state your hypothesis, the variables investigated, and concisely summarize the methods used.6.Define any abbreviations or specialized terms.7.Provide a concise discussion of the results and findings of other studies so the reader understands the big picture.8.Describe some of the major findings presented in your manuscript and explain how they contribute to the larger field of research.9.State the principal conclusions derived from your results.10.Identify any questions left unanswered and any new questions generated by your study.abstract例句:精美句子总结:To the author’s knowledge*****,There is little information available in literature about ****We conducted this study to determine wether******。
有各自的特点,掌握这些特点会使写作过程化难为易。下面将对引言各层次的写作特点和 技巧分别加以介绍。 2 如何写引言的开头
英文论文 Introduction 的写作技巧 —as a "hook" to attract the readers
学术论文中的引言(Introduction)是对全文内容和结构的总体勾画(The purpose of the Introduction is to stimulate the reader’s interest and to provide pertinent background information necessary to understand the rest of the paper.Without an introduction it is sometimes very difficult for your audience to figure out what you are trying to say. There needs to be a thread of an idea that they will follow through your paper) 。 The introduction section shows the questions that should be answered for the readers once they finish reading the “Introduction”. 1 引言的内容与结构布局
引言的开头常用句型有: 句型 1:研究主题+谓语动词 be… .例 a.Fuel cell(燃料电池)is a technology for the clean and efficient conversion from chemical
Introduction 的写作要点
4.3 Research Objectives
2) When you introduce your research activity
by the words of study/ research/ investigation/experiment, you emphases the result of your work, --- Past tense
e.g. Acid rain is a serious problem in many areas of Europe.
(2) Refer to other people’s research– past tense
e.g. Chen(1992)showed that the water boils at 100°C.
e.g. The purpose of the experiment reported here was to investigate the effects of …
e.g. In this research (study), we investigated the effects of X.
Expressions of Research Objectives • • • • • The aim of this paper is to give… The main purpose of the experiment reported here was to… The study was designed to evaluate… The primary focus of this paper is on… The aim of this investigation was to test …
The content of an Introduction
【A 】概论。
总之,我的INTRODUCTION一般不超过700 Words。
a. 首先一般要讲所研究问题在这一领域内的重要性或者提供背景信息
b. 其次要叙述所研究地区能够解决的诸多问题
c. 在这一地区已经开展的前人工作。
d. 提出前人工作的不足,从而转折到自己要做的重点问题
e. 总结自己的观点
其实是大家把它想简单了,就好比I n t r o d u c t i o n部分,看似简单,其实要写好真的很难。
引言(I n t r o d u c t i o n)作为对论文的内容和结构的概括可以遵循一定的“公式”,也就是说引言(I n t r o d u c t i o n)可以被解构为6个层次的内容,下面就给大家讲解一下。
六个层次“公式”即:背景;现状及分歧;目的;原因;意义;o u t l i n e。
具体写作层次如下:第一层次描述这个所选t o p ic的背景和重要性背景写作的主要目的是引出所选t o p ic以往的研究文献也及该课题以往的研究观点,因此在写作上虽然会比较宏观一些,但一定要紧密联系t o p i c,可以用一两句话带过。
举个例子:“O n e o f t h e m o s t c o m m o n d i l e m m a s f a c i n g m a n y s t u d e n t s i nt h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m i n r e c e n t y e a r s h a s b e e n t h e q u e s t i o n o fw h e t h e r o r n o t t o t a k e a p a r t-t i m e j o b.R i s i n g t u i t i o n f e e s a n d l i v i n g e x p e n s e s m a k e l i f e v e r y d i f f i c u l t f o r s t u d e n t s w h o d o n o t b e n e f i t f ro m t h e f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t o f t h e i r p a r e n t s o r o t h e rs p o n s o r s.I n o r d e r t o s u r v i v e,t h o u s a n d s o f s t u d e n t s t a k e o u ts e v e r a l l o a n s a n d i n c u r s e r i o u s d e b t i n t h e c o u r s e o f t h e i r y e a r sa t u n i v e r s i t y.H o w e v e r,o t h e r s a t t e m p t t o e a s e t h e f i n a n c i a lb u r d e n o f f u l l-t i m e s t u d y b y f i n d i n g a p a r t-t i m e j o b.”介绍该课题目前的研究现状以及存在的分歧在这一部分不仅要对前人的研究做简要说明,还要总结这些文献的g a p,也就是目前的研究中都存在哪些争议,或者没有涉及到的研究。
Abstract一、在摘要中直接提出论文主题的句型和句式1、In this paper,we present a… approach to…本文提出了一种针对…的…方法。
2、In this paper,we describe improved… models for…本文介绍几种针对…的改进的…模型。
3、We propose a new… model and…algorithm that enables us to…我们提出一种新的…模型和…算法,它让我们能够…4、We present a…model that enables…我们提出了一种…模型,它使我们能够…5、This paper demonstrates the ability of …to perform robust and accurate…本文证明了…进行…可靠准确的…的能力。
6、In this paper we report results of a…approach to…本文报导了…的…方法的实验结果。
7、This paper demonstrates that…can effectively…with very high accuracy.本文证明,…能够有效地准确地…8、The purpose/goal/intention/objective/object/emphasis/aim of this paper is…本文的目的是…9、The primary/chief/overall/main object of this study is to survey…本研究的首要目标是考察…10、The chief aim of this paper/research/study/experiment/the present work is…本文的主要目标是…11 、The emphasis of this study lies in …我们的研究重点是…12、The work presented in this paper focuses on…本文所述工作重点放在…13、Our goal has been to provide…我们的目标是提供…14、The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of …我们的研究目标是获取有关…的知识。
introduction to后一般加书名,文献名,意思是:入门(书) ,导论。
introduction:n. 介绍; 引进; 初次投入使用; 推行; 新采用(或新引进)的事物; (正式的)引见。
The students showed great interest after the professor gave a brief introduction to the course.
It's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject.
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz.
On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.
Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature
➢ How do writers normally end the introduction?
Example Analysis
Research Method,本文研 究方法:个案分析
Background,介绍背景,糖尿病 孕妇及其婴儿患病几率比正常
presenting the research problem and saying how and why this problem will be solved:随着科技发展, 降低患病率成为可能,此项
1.What Is an Introduction?
❖The introduction section shows the
questions that should be answered for the readers once they finish reading the “Introduction”.
The aim of this paper本文研究目的: 提高糖尿病孕妇母子
4.The Model of Introduction
(1) establishes the importance of this research topic
(2) provides general background information for the reader.
> [研究领域的背景] 过去几十年来,[研究领域] 已经受到广泛关注,其中一个关键问题是 [研究问题]。
> 本研究的目的是 [研究目的],这一研究对 [研究领域] 的发展和应用具有重要意义。
> 本研究采用了 [研究方法] 来 [研究问题],数据来自 [数据来源]。
> 本研究预计将得出 [预期结果],这将进一步增加对 [研究领域] 的理解,并为 [实践领域] 提供有益的指导。
introduction 写作要点 -回复
introduction 写作要点-回复如何写好一篇引人入胜的文章。
以下是一些建议和要点:1. 引言部分:在引言中,需要引起读者的兴趣并提出文章的主题或问题。
2. 提出主题:在引言之后,明确文章的主题和目的。
3. 组织结构:确保文章有良好的结构和逻辑。
4. 引用权威资料:为了增强文章的可信度,引用一些权威的资料、研究或引用专家的观点来支持自己的论点。
5. 语言运用:使用恰当的词汇和语言风格来增强文章的表达力。
6. 使用例证:通过提供具体的例子来支持自己的论点。
7. 引领读者:在文章中引导读者思考和探索更多的问题。
8. 结论部分:在结论部分中,总结文章的主要观点和论点,并给出一个得出结论或提供解决方案的观点。
9. 修订和编辑:完成草稿后,进行仔细的修订和编辑。
10. 最后呼吁:在结尾处,可以鼓励读者采取行动或思考某个问题,以激发读者的兴趣并引发更多的讨论。
1. 开门见山在Introduction的开头尽快引入主题,避免过多的铺垫和废话。
2. 提供背景信息如果主题相对复杂或者涉及专业知识,可以在Introduction 中提供一些背景信息,帮助读者理解文档的前提条件。
3. 确定目的和意义明确阐述文档的目的和意义,告诉读者他们将从文档中获得什么,并为什么这个主题或概念对他们有价值。
Introduction 介绍
Introduction 介绍一、Introducing Each other 介绍相识高频语句自我介绍1.May I introduce myself to you? 我可以作自我介绍吗?2.Did you meet before? 我们见过面吗?3.Allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我作个自我介绍。
4.Hello, my name is Bill. 你好,我叫比尔。
5.Can you just introduce yourself to the other guests? 您向其他客人自我介绍一下,好吗?6.Are you Mr. Smith? 你是史密斯先生吗?7.Do you mind if I join you? 我加入你们当中来,介意吗?8.Here is my card. 这是我的命。
9.It’s really an honor for me to meet you. 真的很荣幸认识你。
10.This is the first time we have met. 这是我们第一次见面。
介绍同事1.I’d like you to meet Mary, my colleague. 我介绍你们认识玛丽,我的同事。
2.Will you introduce me to that lady? 把我介绍给那位女士认识一下,好吗?3.I don’t think you have known each other. 我想你们俩还互不认识吧。
4.Just go in and meet everyone. 进去和大家认识一下。
5.May I introduce Mr. Chen?让介绍一下陈先生好吗?相互寒暄1.We have been looking forward to meeting you. 我们一直盼望着见到您。
2.I’m delighted to know you. 很高兴认识你。
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《大学英语预备级1》课程开篇导学Introduction of College English (Foundation)一. 课程简介:General Introduction of this Course1课程名称:大学英语精读课Intensive Reading2授课教材:《大学英语》(综合教程预备级)(上海外语教育出版社, 2003)College English -Integrated Course (foundation)二. 课程任务:Content of Class2.1 阅读:ReadingUnit 1, Reading: A School with No RulesThis unit discusses different ideas aboutdiscipline in schools by looking at thecontext of the “free” school of Summerhillwhere the students make the rules. This unitrelates discipline to learning and motivationUnit 2, Reading: Fear of the Unknown, Not the knownThis unit has a mystery poem and a mysterystory.Unit 3, Reading: Reporting the NewsThis unit looks at the job of newspaperreporting and the role of the internationalnews agencies.Unit 4, Reading: Living in Virtual RealityThis unit looks at the world of virtualreality: special helmets and clothing andcomputers.Unit 5, Reading: The Richest Man in the WorldThis unit looks at the stories of how some ofthe richest people became rich.Unit 6, Reading: Practical JokesThis unit takes up the topic of practicaljokes and reports on some tricks which havebeen played by the media.Unit 7, Reading: Life is Just a DreamIn this unit there is an interview with adoctor who explains why we dream and whatdreams are.Unit 8, Reading: Project “ORBIS”—the Flying Eye HospitalThis unit describes a medical project whichis working to reduce the problems which affectpeople’s sight in some countries. Foundation Test 1,2This book also has two test papers so that students can measure their progress. Each test paper has two texts and a series of text activities for reading comprehension, knowledge of vocabulary and language structures, cloze activities, translation and writing activities.2.2 语法:grammarUnit 1: PrepositionsUnit 2: Singular and Plural NounsUnit 3: AgreementUnit 4: Connecting ideasUnit 5: PronounsUnit 6: InfinitivesUnit 7: Auxiliary VerbsUnit 8: Articles三. 学习的重点与难点本学期的教学内容为教材的8个单元,词汇和语法的学习为学习的重点。
每单元的(reading)精读课文是教学的重点,每单元的(reading by yourself)泛读课文是自学内容。
四. 学习方法;Several ways to improve English study are as follows:1.Read English Newspapers:21st Century, China DailyAdvertisements (Ads):1) Start ahead.2) Fresh up with seven-up.3) Everything goes better with Coca-cola.2. Watch English Television Programs and Listen to English Radio Programs:CCTV 9/4VOABBC3. Learn through the Internet:chatting online/ white lies / pen-friend4. Practice Tongue twisters:I eat what I can and I can what I can’t.Sally always suffers from seasickness when she is at sea.She sells some seashells on the shining seashore.5. Proverbs:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.No fish without bones, no woman without a temper.五,其他应注意的问题:教材的使用要求:How to Use this Book:There are eight units in this book. Each Unit has two texts for reading: “Reading” and “Reading by yourself”. We focus on “Reading” in class. “Reading by yourself” is students’ homework.There are seven parts in each section of “Reading”, they are “Getting ready to read”, “Reading”, “Checking vocabulary”, “Thinking about your reading”, “Working with words”, “Working with language” and “Working on translation”.Getting ready to readThe purpose of this section is to get students to think about the topic and have discussions.ReadingThe reading is a short text on an interesting topic. In different units these texts are articles, reports, stories, explanations, poems or interviews. They will help learners to develop their language skills by focusing on different features of grammar and vocabulary. In this way they will extend students’ reading skills through a wide variety of activities.Checking VocabularyThere are several ways of using this section. Some readers may wish to work through this section before they read the text. This is a traditional habit: studying new words and then reading a text later. In this way, the students will not get used to looking at new words in their context before using a dictionary, and this means it will become more difficult for them to become independent in their reading. Therefore, we suggest another way of using this section.Students should try to read through the text to get a general idea, even if they do not know all the words. Then they may read through the text a second time. To do this, they shouldfind the word in the checking Vocabulary section. Then they can read the appropriate definition and notice the pronunciation and Chinese meaning.Thinking about your readingThis section has a wide variety of exercises such as multi-choice questions, true-false questions and open questions to help students to really understand the text.Working with wordsThis section takes some of the words and phrases from the checking vocabulary section and other important vocabulary from the text and helps students to understand it, use it and learn it.Working with LanguageThis section is based on the common errors which are often made by Chinese students. The focus is on propositions, uncountable and countable nouns and plural forms, subject-verb agreement, connecting ideas using conjunctions and so on.Working on translationIn this section there are five sentences to translate from English and five to translate from Chinese. These sentences are carefully based on the texts and they use the same kind of language that has been used in the activities in the previoussection.。