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Students’ Shortcomings Correction in English



专业名称:________ 英语____ ___


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论文类型: _______应用语言学________

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Students’ Shortcomings Correction

in English Reading

【Abstract】At present,the purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve students’ skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing。English reading is the comprehensive use of English language ability,which is an important criterion of measuring the students’ level in English.It is also a basic skill for a student .So it is very important for students to change their bad reading habits and reading speed.

【Key Words】:Reading ,interest,improvement ,teaching methods,




Abstract (in English)……………………………… I

Abstract (in Chinese)……………………………… II

Contents…………………………………………… III

1.Introduction (3)

2. Problem (4)

3. Problem analysis (4)

3.1 Analytical method (4)

3.2 Questionnaire (4)

3.3 Brainstorming (5)

4. Project objective (5)

5. Project hypothesis (5)

6. Project rationale (5)

6.1.Description of subjects (6)

6.2. the principles adopted (6)

6.3 Teaching Plan (6)

7. Project design (7)

8. Project implementation (9)

9. Data analysis (11)

10. Problem unsolved (12)

11. Conclusion (12)

12.References (13)

1. Introduction

I have been teaching the students who are in their second year of a senior middle school in my teaching I’ve found there are some problems. I hope I can solve the problems that have

troubled me for some time through the action research so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice,which I learned from my work.

2. Problem

The problem I have in my teaching is that most of my students often make some mistakes in reading. I assign them to do at school.

3. Problem analysis

In my teaching,the problem identified was really a serious problem. My preliminary research confirmed that there were main reasons that accounted for students’ reluctance to reading out of class.

3.1 Analytical method

Good man thinks that in the reading focus on meaning without being hindered by the attention he must pay to linguistic form. In communicative teaching model,the classis students---centered,and communicative activities are performed between students and the teachers,students and students. But efficient communication still depends on successful decoding of the “meaning” of the discourses,that is,a listener must instantly make out what a speaker wants to get across. And communicative efficiency means that students should be able to efficiently in all of the four skills .So reading competence,which can be considered as

a communication between readers and writers,should also be brought full consideration.

3.2 Questionnaire

Reading should be regarded as an active psycholinguistic process;a text is assumed to have its potential meaning;and it’s real meaning depends on the reader’s interaction with the text. The relationship between a writer and a reader may be represented in this simple flow chart:

Writer or speaker Text or discourse (with message or meaning ) Reader or listener .This proceeding clearly shows that the purpose of reading is to try to get out of a text as much as possible the message that the writer has tried to put into it,However,we may find it
