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Unit 1 Life Plans and Goals

Unit 1 Life Plans and Goals

Part I Speaking

1. Lead-in

【Directions】Ask students to read these sentences in the language bank.

Asking about someone’s plan

What will you do tonight? 你今晚要做什么?

Are you going to leave for Canada? 你打算去加拿大吗?

Are you planning to translate the novel? 你计划翻译这部小说吗?

Do you plan to apply for the position?你打算申请这个职位吗?

What do you mean to do? 你打算做什么?

You intend to return to London, don’t you? 您打算回伦敦,是吗?

What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning? 明天的早餐你吃什么呢?

Do you think you’ll go to the movies tomorrow night? 明天晚上你会去看电影吗?

What are you doing this evening? 你今晚要做什么?

What will you do at the weekend? 周末你要做什么?

What are you going to do? 你打算做什么?

Stating your future plan

I’m going to see the film. 我打算去看这部影片。

I’m planning to take the job. 我打算担任这份工作。

I’ve decided to buy that house. 我已决定要买那所房子。

I’m leaving this afternoon. 今天下午我要动身了。

I plan to translate the novel. 我计划翻译这部小说。

I thought about giving her a present. 我想过要给她一份礼物。

I’ll be seeing him off at the airport tomorrow. 明天我要到机场为他送行。

I’ll make an effort to stop smoking. 我要尽力戒烟。

I’ll do what I can to persuade the manager. 我要尽可能地去说服经理。

I’m hoping to visit Africa. 我希望能去非洲。

I intend to go on studying after graduating from college. 我打算大学毕业后继续深造。

My intention is to apply for a master degree. 我打算申请硕士学位。

I’m intending to retire next year. 我打算明年退休。

I mean to phone her first when I get there. 我打算到那里后先给她打个电话。

2. Further practice

【Directions】Ask students to work in pairs to make up dialogues.

Activity1: Work in pairs. Suppose this is the first day of the New Year. You meet a friend and exchange your New Year’s plans to each other. Make a dialogue trying to use the following sentence patterns.

I’m going to/ intending to/ planning to/ thinking of…

I want /hope/plan/mean/expect/intend to…

Activity2: Work in pairs. Please make up your own dialogues based on the following situations, and you may refer to the sentences in Language bank.

Situation 1: Summer holiday is coming. Ask your partner about his/her holiday plans and tell him/ her your plans.

Situation 2: You meet your former classmate on the street. Talk about your plans after graduating from college.

Part II Reading

1. Lead-in

【Directions】Learn the background knowledge of coping with summer vacation .

While summer vacation can be relaxing times for sleeping in, eating home-cooked meals, and seeing old friends,for many students it may fall significantly short of the romanticized image. Issues that students often face can be discussed under three different headings. Family and Home: When returning home from college, a period of readjustment is natural and expected. After a year away, you may have changed from the person your family remembers. Sometimes parents feel threatened by such changes, perhaps feeling a loss of control, fearing of your new independence, or feeling devalued in their parental role. If talked about with mutual caring and respect, such tensions and changes can provide the basis for a more mature and equal relationship.

Work: Looking for a job—whether it be for the summer or a career job. Following graduation is a major rite of passage. This rite, which marks the passage into adulthood, challenges us to demonstrate who we are and what we know to the larger world. We are also challenged to maintain our self-esteem and sense of perspective in the face of evaluation and possible rejection. Although summer employment is less an indication of one’ s social status and success than launching one’ s career, it is easy to become caught up in the process of finding the perfect summer job. One way to avoid the roller-coaster(急转突变) of expectation and disappointment is to keep in mind that every loss or closed door is also an opportunity.

Obstacles teach us to become more resilient(适应性强的), flexible, and creative—qualities whose value will last far longer than the three summer months. Even unemployment can teach us such lessons as humility and valuing the moment, instilling in us a confidence in our ability to survive our worst fears. The next time one of your hopes or expectations is dashed against reality, you might ask yourself: What opportunities does this leave open? Perhaps, you will be surprised by what you discover.

Social Life and Recreation: It seems to defy (蔑视) common sense to suggest that many of us struggle more with having free time on our hands than with being intensely busy. And yet, the sudden lack of structure that accompanying extended vacations poses a real challenge for many people. Some students even experience depression, as personal issues that were submerged under the demands of school and work suddenly rise to the surface.

2. Learn the new words and phrases in the text A

【Directions】Ask students to read these new words and phrases. Then practice each word and phrase by making up a sentence. (注:*表示B级词汇;★表示A级词汇;◆表示超纲词汇)

◆Integral adj. being an essential part of sth. 必需的;不可或缺的

*Ease vt. to become or to make sth. less unpleasant, painful, severe, etc. 使减轻;缓解n. 轻松,自在

e.g. The pill eased my headache. 药片使我的头痛减轻了。

I don’ t feel at ease in the strange place. 在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。

With a smile on her face, the actress performed with ease and in a natural way. 演员面带微笑,表演得轻松自然。

Love ease and hate work. 好逸恶劳。

★financial adj. connected with money 财政的;金融的

e.g. This company was in serious financial difficulties. 这家公司陷入严重的财政困难。

Southeast Asia’s financial crisis has taught people a profound lesson.


Please give us a 60-day extension on loan repayment to help us tide over current financial difficulty. 请给我们延长60天的贷款偿还期限,以便克服目前的财政困难。

*current adj. happening now,of the present time当前的;现在的n.水流;电流

e.g. Languages change all the time. Many words that were found in Shakespeare’s works are no longer in current use. 语言总不断变


The current is strongest in the middle of the river. 河中央的水流最急。

◆Employment n. work, esp. when it is done to earn money工作;职业;就业

e.g. He is out of employment. 他失业了。

I got this job through an employment agency. 我通过职业介绍所找到了这份工作。

*Employer n. a person or company that pays people to work for them雇主;老板

e.g. A certain percentage of your salary is kept back by your employer as an insurance payment.雇主扣下你部分薪金作保险金用。

The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
