对于美剧《生活大爆炸》的合作原则 礼貌原则研究

256违反合作原则视角下的语言艺术——以《生活大爆炸》第11季为例刘思佳 辽宁大学摘要:由马克·森德罗斯基执导的美国情景剧《生活大爆炸》因幽默自然而备受追捧。
(一)违反数量准则Leonard :No one talks to me ,it is like high school.Penny :I would totally do high school all over again.…So what is the worst that could happen?Leonard :I may get fi red.莱纳德在电台采访时的过激言论使学校获得投资遭受巨大损失,校方要求他将此事的负面影响降到最低,否则将被开除。

关 系 准则 要 求 说话 要 有 关 联 。 下 面 一 例 明 显 违 反 了 关 系
准 则 。Amy : S o u n d s l i k e y o u h i t t h e g r o u n d r u n n i n g . I h a v e a b i t o f
2 o 1 4ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้年第 7 4 期是 试周 刊
运用合作 原则和礼
则简析 , 生活l 大
中的会话 幽默
吴 晓华 吕 鑫 马 婷 婷 韩 爽
( 东 北 林 业 大 学 外 国语 学 院 , 黑龙江 哈尔滨 摘 要 : 幽默 是 一 门 艺术 , 在 生 活 中扮 演 重 要 的 角 色。会 话 幽默 指 在 日常 生 活 对 话 中产 生 的 幽 默 .是 言 语 幽默 的 一 部 1 5 0 0 4 0 )
合 作 原 则 礼 貌 原 则 《 生 活 大 爆
An y J e n n i  ̄r An i s t o n mo v i e .
T h e B i g B a n g T h e o r y ( S 0 5 E 0 9 )
引 言
幽 默存 在 于各 个 领 域 , 是 言语 及 文 化 的重 要 组 成 部分 。由 于 人 们 的交 际绝 大部 分 通 过语 言进 行 .因 此 许 多 幽 默 产 生 于 言语中。 会 话 幽 默 作 为 言语 幽默 的一 部 分 。 一 直 受 到 语 言 学 家 和 语 言研 究 人 士 的关 注 。 本 文 从 合 作 原 则 和 礼 貌 原 则 出发 。 以 情景喜剧《 生活大爆炸》 中 的罐 装 笑 声 为参 考 , 分析《 生 活 大 爆 炸》 中违 背 合 作 原 则 和 礼 貌 原 则 产 生 的会 话 幽默 , 帮 助 人 们 更 好 地 理 解 美 国情 景 喜 剧 。 二、 《 生活 大 爆 炸 》 简 介 《 生 活大爆炸》 ( T h e B B a n g T h e o r y ) 是2 o 0 7 年9 月 美 国 哥 伦 比亚 广播 公 司 ( C B S ) 推 出 的情 景 喜 剧 , 讲 述 的是 职 业 、 性格、 教 育 背 景 、感 情 经 历 各 不 相 同 的 四 个 宅 男科 学 家 和 一 位 美 女 邻 居 的 生 活 故 事 。 目前 该 剧 已经 更 新 至 第 七 季 , 每季2 4 集, 每 集2 0 分钟 。 短 短 剧 情 中 充满 了幽 默 的 语 言 表 达 。 该 剧 主 要 人 物包括 S h e l d o n , P e n n y , l e o n a r d , H o w a r d , R a j , A my ,B e r n a d e t t e 等, 他们性格各异 , 在 互 相 磨 合 的 过 程 中 笑 料百 出 。 《 生 活 大 爆 炸》 借 助各年龄段 、 各 社 会 阶层 男 女 在 不 同 情 境 下 的 对 话 , 向 我 们展 示 了现 实 生 活 中 的 会话 幽 默 ,对 了 解 及 学 习 英 语 语 言 及 文化 有 重 要 的作 用 。 三、 合作原则与《 生活 大 爆 炸 》 中 的会 话 幽默 美 国语 言学 家 格 莱 斯 指 出 . 为 了保 证 会 话 的顺 利 进 行 , 谈 话 双方 必须 遵 循 一 些 基 本 原 则 , 即所 谓 的合 作 原 则 。 合 作 原 则 要 求 会 话 者 根据 会 话 的 目的 或 交 流 的 方 向 。使 自 己讲 出 的话 语在一定 的条件 下是实际所需 的 , 包 括 四个 范 畴 : 量 准则 , 质 准则 , 关系准则和方式准则[ 2 J 。无 意 或 故 意 违 反这 些 原 则 都 可 能 产生 幽默 。 下面结合例子 , 具体分析《 生活大爆炸》 中 的会 话 幽 默 与 各个 准则 之 间 的关 系 。

(二) 礼貌原则礼貌原则是由里奇提出的一系列准则,旨在实现礼貌在交际中的运用。

合作原则论文方式准则论文:从合作原则看《生活大爆炸》中的幽默[摘要] 幽默源于生活。
本文从语用学角度出发,依据grice的合作原则(数量准则、质量准则、关联准则和方式准则),对美国热播情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》(the big bang theory)中人们对合作原则的违反产生的幽默效果。
[关键词] 合作原则数量准则质量准则关联准则方式准则一、引言幽默作为一种语言艺术,在生活中几乎随处可见。
walter nash在the language of humor一书中指出,幽默是人类所独有的特征[1]。
对于幽默迄今为止还没有一个令人满意的定义,《辞海》上对“幽默” 的定义是:美学名词。
1967年美国哲学家h.p. grice在哈佛大学系列演讲中首次提出了合作原则理论。
合作原则包括四个范畴,每个范畴又包括一条准则和一些次准则[2]:1.数量准则(quantity maxim)(1)使自己所说的话达到所要求的详尽程度。
2.质量准则(quality maxim)(1)不要说自己认为是不真实的话。
3.关联准则(relation maxim)(1)说话要贴切,要与谈话有关联。

二、《生活大爆炸》概述《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)是一部美国情景喜剧,于2007年在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)首播。
该剧以轻松幽默的方式,讲述了四位天才物理学家谢尔顿(Sheldon Cooper)、莱纳德(Leonard Hofstadter)、霍华德(Howard Wolowitz)和拉杰什(Raj Koothrappali)的日常生活以及他们与邻居佩妮(Penny)之间的有趣互动。
三、会话合作原则及其违反会话合作原则(Cooperative Principle,简称CP)是由美国语言哲学家格莱斯(H. P. Grice)在20世纪70年代提出的,它是指导人们进行言语交际的基本原则。

Leonard:What are you doing?Sheldon:What does it look like?I’m playing sad harmonica in a apartment as empty as my heart.在这段对话中,谢尔顿(Sheldon)只要回答莱纳德(Leonard)正在干什么即可,他却提供了超过莱纳德(Leonard)所需要了解的内容,给出了另外的信息--心情就像所在的空房子一样空荡。

w a s o u r l i v i n g r o o m, a n d j u s t o u t s i d e o u r l i i f n g r o o m w a s t h a t h a l l w a y , a n d i m - me d i a t e l y a d j a c e n t t o he t h a l l w a y w a s ・ ・ ・ t h i s .
s o n 2 0 0 9 )
的原 因。如冬天 ,此处距离空调刚好 ,温 暖到不会 出汗 ;夏天面对窗外 凉风 ,也是看 电视的最佳位置 ;此处甚 至能避于直 面他 人问话 ,也不会
给别人距离感 。
按正常会话发展 ,谢尔顿 只需 列出一 两条理 由,而连续 四条理 由 , 远远超 出会话所需 量。此时 伦纳德 不得 不打 断二人 对话 ,因为 如不 打 断 ,对话还会 以谢尔顿的数条理由继续开始 , 这会影 响到双方情绪 。此 对话体现 出谢尔顿缺乏社交技能 、情商极低 的性格特点 。 3 .2质量 准则 的违反 谢尔顿看到佩妮 杂乱 的房 间后 ,深 夜偷 溜进佩 妮 的公寓 。整理 房 间。这一行为被伦纳德发现 :
S :I j u s t g a v e y o u a r e So a n a b l e e x p l a n a t i o n .
在 实际交谈 中若会话双方 能遵守 这些准则 ,可达 到最佳交 际效果 。 但在实际中,合作原则不会 被严格遵 守 ,有时甚 至被故 意违反。此 时, 听话人需要推导说话人想要表达的真实意图。这种在 言语 交际 中推导 出 来的隐含 意义就是 “ 会话含义” 。( He 2 0 0 2 ) 三 、 谢 尔 顿 的性 格 分 析 《 生活大爆炸》 设定于加州 , 剧 中 四位科 学家伦纳 德 、 谢 尔顿 、霍 华 德和拉杰什 的书呆气与女主角佩妮的社交能力形成 鲜明对 比,喜剧效 果 十足 。此剧不乏违反合作原则的现象 ,我们 可以由语境 推导其会话含 义, 体会 言语幽默效果并分析谢尔顿的性格特 点。 3 .1适量准则的违反 某 日伦纳德请佩妮来公寓吃饭。开饭前 ,佩妮无意 中坐到沙发某个 位 置 , 引发 三 人 对 话 :

”在第四季第一集中,Sheldon在固执己见和利益驱动下,拒绝共享他的发明,“雪花杠铃”(Snowflake’s Bells),最后必须依靠别人的帮助才得以打破僵局。

特别是所谓“合作原则”(Cooperative principle)。
在最高原则,即合作原则下,人们在交际中要遵守如下四个准则:A.量的准则(Quantity Maxim)a.所说的话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息b.所说的话不应包含超出需要的信息B.质的准则(Quality Maxim)a.不要说自知是虚假的话b.不要说缺乏足够证据的话C.关系准则(Relevant Maxim)说话要贴切,有关联D.方式准则(Manner Maxim)a.避免晦涩b.避免歧义c.避免罗嗦d.井井有条2)什么是幽默?Humor是外来词,由林语堂先生在1924最早音译为幽默。
帕尔默( 1994) 指出,“任何事物本身并不幽默,幽默只存在于接受者的认知过程”。
” 19世纪英国文人黑慈里特、梅瑞迪斯等所主张,把幽默视作绅士风度十足的含蓄诙谐,张狂,更容不得低级趣味。

收 稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 . 1 2 . 2
作 者简 介 :马冬 ( 1 9 7 0 一 ) ,女 ,黑龙 江齐 齐哈尔 人 ,教 授 ,硕 士生 导师 ,从 事英语 教学 法研究 ;管 迪 ( 1 9 8 6 一 ) ,女 ,黑 龙 江齐 齐哈 尔人 ,硕 士研究 生 ,从 事跨 文化交 际和 语言学 研究 。
No . 3 . 2 0 1 4 Ge n e r a 1 . No . 1 2 3
( 总第 1 2 3期 )
【 L 语言文化 旧目天 J 】
用合 作原则 和 L 貌 原贝 0 来分 析 《 生 活大 爆炸 》
马 冬 ,管 迪
( 齐齐哈尔大学 外语学院 ,黑龙江 齐齐 哈尔 1 6 1 0 0 6)
的 目的 。也 就是说 合作原 则和礼貌 原则在语 用学 中 扮演 着非常 重要 的角色 ,合作原 则和礼貌 原则是 说 话 和交流 的基础 ,但是人 们不会 是不得不 一定遵 循 的规 则 ,违 反这些 原则这 些反 而能够让说话 和 交流 变 的更 加 的 “ 意味深长 ” 。 ( C a ma p R s a y s ,1 9 5 5 ) 有时候 ,人们参 加交 流 中会不 同 的程 度违反 礼 貌原 则和合 作原 则 的 ,这 样才 能产 生话语 的不 同的 言语 效果 。他们会 制造 不 同的话语 效果 。 当接 收话 语 的人不 能够更 加深层 次 的理 解话语 的意义和语 言
话。在这个情 况下 。通过分析使 自己越过对方话语的表 面意义,去领会 深层次意义,以便 于更加灵活的理 解并
运 用英 语 了。
关键 词 :文化 ;交 际 ;原 则
中图分 类 号 :H 0 3 0
文 献标 志码 :A

【关键词】礼貌原则;言语幽默;《生活大爆炸》1 礼貌原则及准则:礼貌原则有六条准则(1)得体准则:减少表达有损别人的观点,尽量少让别人吃亏,尽量多让别人受益。
2 违反礼貌原则下的幽默效果实例分析2.1 对得体准则的违反产生的幽默Penny:我能问你一个问题吗?Sheldon:考虑到你社区大学的教育背景,我鼓励你问更多的问题。
2.2 违反慷慨准则产生的幽默Kripke:到底要不要互换啊?Sheldon 和Kripke交换了他们的研究报告。

关键词 :合作原则 ;准则 ;言外之意 ;Mr s . Wo l o wi t z
中图分类号 :1 1 0 6 文献标识码:A
出理论解 释。 二、“ 言外之 意”的魔 力 语用学是一 门研究 “ 斋外之意”的学科 ,不仅
人们一般都这样认为 “ 情景喜剧需要通过演员
丰富而夸 张的表情 ,滑稽可笑 的动作和奇 异 的服 装, 道具才能使观众发笑 ”” 。然而 ,M r s . Wo l o w i t z 的扮 演者 C a ml A n n S u s i却从未在观众眼前 出现
角色为何有其 独特 的成功之处 ?笔者尝试从 语用 学角度分析剧 中 M s r .Wo l o w i t z 和她的儿子 H o w a r d
停 止有关话题 的谈论 , 如果 乙停止谈论 ,乙就意会
到了甲的 “ 言外 之意” ;如果 乙继续谈 论该话 题或 者问甲 : “ 你感 冒了吗?” 乙就没有意会到 甲的 “ 青
话题, 甲马上意识到 了问题并咳嗽 了几声 , 示意 乙
K o o t h r a p p a l i 演 的对手戏 。连配角都算 不上的 c a r o l
A n n S u s i 凭着其独特的声线 、 异常大的嗓门给剧迷 留下 了深刻的 印象 , 这个 “ 只 闻其声未见其 踪”的
文章编号 :1 0 0 8 . 8 7 1 7( 2 0 1 3 )1 2 . 0 0 3 2 . 0 3
利用合作原则探讨美剧 《 生活大爆炸》的言外之意
— —
以 Mr s . Wo l o w i t z 角 色为例
冯 小 玮
( 肇庆医学高等专科学校基础部 , 广东

Goosy 神经质 Obsession 强迫症 Cleanliness 洁癖 Poisonous tongue 毒舌 Perfectionist 完美主义者
Example 1: of Flouting Cooperative Principle 3. Case Study There is burglary in Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment, so in “The Big Bang Theory” they call the police.
Sheldon: Our Ps2 our Ps3 Our x-box our -box 360 Our classic nintendo 3.1Violation of the Quantity Maxim Our super nintendo 3.1.1More Information Our nintendo64 and our wii. Example 1 Leonard: We like games. What Sheldon is a violation quantity maxim by saying Sheldon: says Right games. They took of halo 1 too much information to has lost in their Halo 2 the halopoliceman. 3 call of dutySomething 1 Callpoliceman of duty 2 call of duty 3 make a survey, Sheldon apartment, when the came to Rock band rock band 2 omitted the computers and answered what they had lost, and he Final fantasy 1 thru9 the legend of zelda told the policemanThe they had various games in detail legend oflost zelda: ocarinacomputer of time quickly and carefully without stopping The legend of zelda: twilightbeyond princess expectation. This Super Mario brothers super mario galaxy excessive information makes the policeman bored and considered 2 Marioperson. and sonic at thehumorous winter olympics … came out. him as a mental disorder Thus effect and Ms. Pacman. Policeman: Assorted video games.

【关键词】美国情景喜剧;不礼貌言语行为;不礼貌策略框架;不礼貌回应策略框架1.不礼貌言语行为1.1 界定如果要对某一言语行为进行研究,首先要对这一言语行为进行界定,那什么是不礼貌言语行为?这个问题很难回答。
在已有的研究中,不同的学者给出了不同的定义,而到目前为止,学者们还没就不礼貌言语行为给出一个一致的定义.由于文章的篇幅有限,不可能就所有的“不礼貌言语行为”的定义进行研究,在本研究进行的过程中,笔者着重对culpeper所给出的定义进行了探讨culpeper 认为“不礼貌是使用交际策略攻击对方的面子,因而造成社会的矛盾和不和谐。
1.2 分类正如之前提到,不同学者就不礼貌言语行为给出了不同的界定,那么对于不礼貌言语行为的分类也有不同类型。

%Politeness Principle may guarantee the undergoing of interpersonalrelationships ,more and more scholars have been paying their attention from politeness to impoliteness ,and many researches have been carried out .Mock politeness is an important and complex part of impoliteness that has rarely been focused . The pragmatic features of mock politeness was explored from the perspective of humor under the guidance of Politeness Principle .【期刊名称】《河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)005【总页数】5页(P140-144)【关键词】虚假礼貌;幽默;语用效果;语用特征【作者】马王储【作者单位】华北理工大学外国语学院,河北唐山 063000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H3194礼貌是维系正常社会生活最起码的道德规范,是保证交际成功的重要因素,也是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,因此,人际交往间的礼貌问题一直是语用学领域的重要研究内容。
二、《生活大爆炸》简介《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)是2007年9月美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出的情景喜剧,讲述的是职业、性格、教育背景、感情经历各不相同的四个宅男科学家和一位美女邻居的生活故事[4]。
该剧主要人物包括Sheldon,Penny,leonard,Howard, Raj, Amy, Bernadette等,他们性格各异,在互相磨合的过程中笑料百出。

它模仿了现代科学界的重实验室环境,并以此为背景讲述了四位极客物理学家(Sheldon, Leonard, Howard 和 Raj)和一位非想象力的女孩(Penny)的日常生活。
1. 《生活大爆炸》简介:描述该剧的背景、主要角色以及情节发展。
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)是一部美国情景喜剧,讲述了四位极客科学家和他们的邻居,也就是一位漂亮但不懂科学的女性,谢尔尔库珀(Sheldon Cooper)之间的友谊与互动。
其中主要角色包括:天才物理学家莱纳德莫尼卡库珀(Leonard Patrick Cooper),他的温和与顽固;博学多才的生物学家兼物理学家艾米莉亚布兰德(Amy Farrah Fowler);古板但善良的工程师霍华德沃洛维茨(Howard Wolowitz);以及具有社交天赋的医生拉杰什库珀(Rajesh Koothrappali)。
2. 合作原则与礼貌原则:介绍这两个语言学原则的定义及其在交际中的作用。
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Co-operative principle and Politeness Principleanalysis on American sitcom big bang theoryAbstractThis paper entitled “Co-operative principle analysis on american sitcom big bang theory” discusses the analysis with the reference to linguistic theories, especially theories of pragmatics involving the cooperative principle in the overwelmingly popular american sitcom big bang theory.First, the survey of Grice’s cooperative principle in pragmatics is mentioned as the theory foundation of this paper,which includes four maxims within. The maxims of conversation are respectfully the maxim of quality, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner. And Leech’s Politeness Principle.Then, brief introduction of american sitcom is the next part. From the point of historical and contemprary view.Finally, comes the analysis of big bang theory (season4,episode8 and episode 9) with the reference of the cooperative principle theory in pragmatics.Literature viewPragmaticsIn 1962, John Austin(1962) published his book How To Do Things With Words in Oxford. In 1970, John Searle (1970) published Speech Acts.The titles of these two publications, in themselves, highlight this fact: word and action are the one. An important approach to the act of speech lies in questioning not only what is said, and the manner in which it is said explicitly, but also what is left unsaid or said ambiguously, irrelevantly, indirectly. The latter is sometimes as effective as or even more effective than what is said plainly and clearly. The speaker’s intention and the effects of his words are subtler if we differntiate between what is apparent, immediate and what is effective but implicit, reflecting the speaker’s deep and true intentions. That gives rise to new discipline that often involves the inference of the meaning between the line, behind the line and beyondthe line, resulting in a new subject:Pragmatics.Pragmatics is a systematic way of language studying in context. It seeks to explain meaning that cannot be explained by semantics only. As a field of language study, pragmatics is fairly new, practical and involves many other disciplines. We can say the study of pragmatics covers things that semantics has overlooked. As a branch of knowlege belonging to linguistic science, its roots lies in the work of Amerian philosopher Paul Grice(1975) on Conversational Implicature and the Cooperative Principle, and on the work of Stephen Levinson, Penelope Brown and Geoff Leech on politeness. The theories of the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle have provided insights into interpersonal interactions.Grice’s theory of implicatureUnlike many tother topics on pragmatics, implicature does not have an extended history. The key ideas were proposed by Grice in the William James lecture delivered at Harvard in 1967 and still only partially published (Grice, 1975, 1978). The proposals were relatively brief and only suggestive of how future work might proceed.Before we review Grice’s suggestions it would be as well as to make clear that the other major theory associated with Grice, namely his theory of meaning-nn is not generally treated as having any connection with his theory of implicature (cf. Walker,1975). In fact there is a connection of an important kind. If, as we indicated, Grice’s theory o f meaning-nn is constructed as a theory of communication, it has the interesting consequence that it gives an account of how communication might be achieved in the absence of any conventional means for expressing the intended message.A corollary is that it provides an account of how more can be communicated, in his rather strict sense of non-naturally meant, than what is actually said. Obviously we can, given an utterance, often drive a number of inferences from it; but not all those inferences may have be en communicative in Grice’s sense, i.e. intended to be recognized as having been intended. The kind of inferences that are called implicatures are always of this special intended kind, and the theory of implicatures sketches one way in which such inferences, of a non-conventional sort, can be conveyed while meeting the criterion of communicatedmessages sketched in Grice’s theory of meaning-nn.Grice’s second theory, in which he develops the concept of implicature, is essentially a theory about how people use language. Grice’s suggestion is that there is a set of over-arching assumptions guiding the conduct of convention. These arise, it seems, from basic rational considerations and may be formulated as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation to further co-operative ends.Cooperative PrincipleGrice identifies as guidelines of this sort four basic maxims of conversation or general principles underlying the efficient co-operative use of language, which jointly express a general co-operative principle. These priciples are expressed as follows:The co-operative principleMake your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engagedThe maxim of QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true, specifically:(1)do not say what you believe to be false(2)do not say that for which yu lack adequate evidenceThe maxim of Quantity(1)make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of theexchange(2)do not make your contibution more informative than is requiredThe maxim of RelevanceMake your contributions relevantThe maxim of MannerBe perspicuous, and specifically:(1)avoid obscurity(2)avoid ambiguity(3)be brief(4)be orderlyIn short, these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a mximally efficient, rational, co-operative way: they should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information.Violation of maximsIn a word, the principle requires the convrsation to be precisely informative, truthful, relevant and explicit. It is interesting and important to note that while conversation participantts nearly always observe the CP, they do not always observe these maxims strictly. Assuming that the Cooperative Principle is at work in most conversation, we can see how hearers will try to find meaning in utterances that seem meaningless or irrelevant. We may also, sometimes, find it useful deliberately to infringe or disregard one maxim or some maxims under the Cooperative Principle –as what we do when we receive an unwelcome call from a telephone salesperson. Suppose “A"is the salesperson and “B” is one of us picking up the ringing phone.A: Hello! We have something special for our old customer like you. Please comes as soon as possible to witness its fantastic effect on your skin!B: Oh, sorry! I’am afraid that I have to time this weekend. I’am doing some extra work now. Thank you anyway.As a matter of fact, B is at home, sitting in front of the TV and enjoying a film through DVD. B is not speaking the truth, so the maxim of quality under the Cooperative Principle is violated. Very often, we communicate particular non-literal meannings by appearing to “violate” or “flout”one or soem of these maxims. There must be somereason for these.Politeness PrincipleThe Cooperative Priciple account for the relationship between the literal meaning and actual meaning, explaining how the “Conversational Implicature”is produced and understood, but it does not explain why people violate the conversational maxims so as to express themselves in a vague or an indirect wya. And Leech’s Politeness Principle is proposed as the complementary to Grice’s Cooperative Principle.In the book Principle s of Pragmatics published in 1983, Leech (1983) defines politeness as forms of behavior that establish and maintain comity and he proposes what he terms “The Politeness Principle” as a way of expaining how politeness operates in conversational exchanges, indicating the ability of participants in a social interaction to engage in interaction in an asmosphere of relative harmony. Leech’s maxims of Politeness Priciple are:1.TACT MAXIM(a)Minimize cost to other [(b)Maximize benefit to other]2.GENEROSITY MAXIM(a)Miminize benefit ot self [(b)Maximize cost to self]3.APPROBATION MAXIM(a)Minimize dispraise of other [(b)Maximize praise of other]4.MODESTY MAXIM(a)Minimize praise of self [(b)Maximize praise of other]5.AGREEMENT MAXIM(a)Minimize disagreement between self and other(b)Maximize agreement between self and other]6.SYMPATHY MAXIM(a)Minimize antipathy between self and other(b)Maximize sympathy between self and other]Leech (1983) points out that it is not that all of the maxims and sub-maxims areequally important. Rather, of the twinned maxims 1-4, 1 appears to be a more powerful constraint on conversational behavior than 2, and 3 than 4. This reflects a more general law that politeness is focused more strongly on other than on self. Moreover, it is obvious that within each maxim, sub-maxim (b) seems to be less important than sub-maxim(a), which illustrates the more general law that negative politeness or avoidance of discord is a more weighty consideration than positive politeness or seeking concord.Introduction of American sitcomWhat is sitcom?A situation comedy, often shortened to sitcom, is a genre of comedy that features recurring characters in a common environment such as a home or workplace, accompanied with jokes as part of the dialogue. Such programs originated in radio, but today, sitcoms are found almost exclusively on television as one of its dominant narrative forms.A situation comedy may be recorded before a studio audience. Some also feature a laugh track.History of sitcomComedies from past civilizations, such as those of Aristophanes in ancient Greece, Terence and Plautus in ancient Rome, Śudraka in ancient India, and numerous examples including Shakespeare, Molière, the Commedia dell'arte and the Punch and Judy shows from post-Renaissance Europe, are the ancestors of the modern sitcom. Some of the characters, pratfalls, routines and situations as preserved in eyewitness accounts and in the texts of the plays themselves, are remarkably similar to those in earlier modern sitcoms such as I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners. The first television sitcom is said to be Pinwright's Progress, ten episodes being broadcast on the BBC between 1946 – 1947. In the U.S., director and producer William Asher, has been credited with being the "man who invented the sitcom,"[3] having directed over two dozen of the leading sitcoms, including I Love Lucy, during the 1950s through the 1970s.Big bang theoryThe Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show, along with Lee Aronsohn, who is also one of the head writers. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007.Main cast of Big bang theory∙Johnny Galecki as Leonard Hofstadter, Ph.D. – Leonard is an experimental physicist with an IQ of 173 who received his Ph.D. when he was 24 years old. He shares an apartment with colleague and friend Sheldon Cooper. The writersimmediately implied a potential romance between him and neighbor Penny, andtheir sexual tension is a frequently explored drama. The original protagonist,Leonard's role was downplayed in favor of Sheldon. Leonard is increasingly seenas assisting Sheldon with social skills.∙Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D. – Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy who began college at the age of 11 (after completing the fifth grade), started graduate studies at 14, and earned his first Ph.D. at 16. A theoreticalphysicist focusing on string theory, he possesses a master's degree, two PhDs, and an IQ of 187. He exhibits a strict adherence to routine; a lack of understanding ofirony, sarcasm, and humor; he is also uninterested in many of the romantic hijinks between Leonard, Howard, and Raj. These characteristics are the main sources of his humor and the basis of a number of episodes. Sheldon shares an apartmentwith Leonard Hofstadter, across the hall from Penny, and relies on both for advice in social situations.∙Kaley Cuoco as Penny – She is the attractive blonde, "born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska", who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. She hopes for acareer in acting, and has been to casting calls and auditions but has not beensuccessful thus far. To pay the bills, she is a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory.To date, her last name has not been revealed. During the fourth season, KaleyCuoco broke her leg in a horse-riding accident. When she returned, after missingtwo episodes, she was shown working as a bartender at the Cheesecake Factory,instead of in her normal employment as a waitress. Her cast was concealed, and no mention of the unseen broken leg was made.∙Simon Helberg as Howard Wolowitz, M.Eng. – He works as an aerospace engineer. He is Jewish, and lives with his mother, his father left when he was 11 and has to date never learned why. Unlike Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj, Howard lacks a Ph.D. He defends this by pointing out that he has a master's degree inEngineering from MIT and the apparatus he designs are built and launched into space, unlike the purely abstract work of his friends. He provides outrageouspick-up lines and fancies himself a lady's man with suitably unimpressedreactions from Penny; however, he has shown limited success with other women.He is a polyglot.∙Kunal Nayyar as Rajesh Koothrappali, Ph.D. – Rajesh, who originally comes from New Delhi, India, works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinksalcohol (or thinks he has been drinking alcohol). However, he has had muchbetter luck with women than his overly confident best friend Howard. His parents, Dr. and Mrs. V.M. Koothrappali, are seen via webcam. In the third season, he works for Sheldon because his research has run into a dead-end and he does not want to return to India.∙Sara Gilbert as Leslie Winkle, Ph.D. (recurring seasons 1 & 3, starring season 2) –Leslie is an experimental physicist who has casual sex with both Howard andLeonard during the show's airing. She does not get along well with Sheldon and frequently mocks him. Gilbert was promoted to main cast during the secondseason, but demoted again once the writers realized they could not producequality material for her for every episode.∙Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler (guest season 3, recurring and starring season 4), a woman Raj and Howard meet on an online dating site using a faux account for Sheldon. She is essentially a female duplicate of Sheldon and she andSheldon become friends although - as Sheldon claims - she is a girl and is hisfriend, but she is not his "girlfriend".Melissa Rauch as Bernadette (recurring season 3, starring season 4), a waitress and co-worker of Penny paying her way through graduate school microbiologystudies. Bernadette is introduced to Howard by Penny. At first she and Howard do not get along, as they appear to have nothing in common. When they find out that they both have overbearing mothers, they feel a connection.Analysis on the lines with the references of Cooperative Principle and Politeness PricipleStudy subjectAll the lines are from the season4, episode8 and episode9.Here is a scene. From S4E8 (season 4, episode 8)ok, help me out here. How does an archeology professor get that good with a whip? (hearing the music of the movie on TV)(laugh track)(夺宝奇兵)eat, pray, love.(laugh track)eat, pray, run away from a Giant Boulder(美食,祈祷和骑着捷安特变速自行车出走), I’ll read it.(laugh track)Raj is murmuring in Howard’s ears.t care if eat, pray, love changed your life, i am not reading it. (saying to Raj)She also designed the iconic red and bl ack jacket in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video, which I’ve never viewed in its entirety, as I find zombies dancing in choreographed synchronicity implausible. (laugh track) And also, it’s really scary. (laugh track)track)on the big screen at the Colonial.hing it now. Why would I want to see it again on Friday?of previously unseen footage.;Exactly. They say it finally solves the submarine controversy.;Did... Leonard? I’am not expert, but i believe what we just heard from Penny was sarcasm.Penny is pointing her nose, implying that Sheldon is right. (laugh track)be together.no, we wouldn’t. (laugh track)Raj is murmuring in Howard’s ears.(high pitchlaugh track)Penny and leonard are eye contacting , Penny is shaking her head implying Leonard not say anything. Leonard has a face showing he is kind of confused or his compromisement.Analysis1. In sentence two, Howard did obey the maxim of relevance but violate the maxim of quality of Cooprative Principle. It’s common in daily conversation, es pecially when sense of humor comes out.Sometimes a speaker has to flout a maxim in order to observe another.2. In sentences three ane four, Leonard and Penny both kind of flout the maxims of approbation of Politeness Principle, just dispraising each other and showing each other’s unacceptableness on hobbies.3. In sentence five, Leonard just obeied the maxim of relevance and maxim of generosity, which creates a huge humor.4. In sentence eight, Sheldon observes the maxim of relevance, but flouts the maxim of quantity and manner. To some extend, it is just the most effective utterance to audiance when we see him by his personality. As he is a child prodigy, less skillful in social interaction and geeky.5. In sentence nine and ten, Leonard violates the maxim of sympathy of Politeness Pricipel. So does Sheldon. With this sarcasm, definitely will bring laughter.6. In sentences 14, 15, 16, Penny is using irony or antiphrase, meaning that 21 seconds are two short to go again to see. Leonard doesn’t notice that but Sheldon does which he kind of never did before or usually did.7. In sentence 19, the cool thing could be a pun, on one hand, Leonard means the movie thing, which is the previously unseen footage will be on the next Friday. On the other hand, according the context of they (Penny and Leonard) have been broken up, Raj and Howard consider and imply that something sexual.8. In sentence 21, in view of the illustration above, analysis seven, not imply anymore but inference.Another scene from S4E9 (season 4, episode 9)Penny’s farther comes to see his daughter considering that Penny and Leonard are still together, actually not. So Penny and Leonard just decieve him by acting like a couple. And th e other day, Penny and Leonard are talking at the door of Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment. When Sheldon comes over and show them the up-date roommate agreement, concerning they have been together again.together, and if I can figure out a way to do so and sound sincere, I will. (laughttrack) In the meantime, I’d like to go over some proposed changes to theroommate agreement specifically to address Penny’s annoying pers onal habits.I have a list. (laught track) FYI, overuse of the phrase “oh, my god” is number12. (laught track)I’ll have no track with plots. (laught track)Penny and Leonard are looking each other , Penny says in a low voice which Sheldoncann’t hear.annoying habits shall we discuss?Agreement. As such, he bears responsibility for all your infractions and must pay all fines. (laught track)an escrow account. (laught track) sign here. (laught track) (Sheldon sending Leonard a pen)Analysis1.In sentence one, although Sheldon is saying that he is kind of happy for them gettingback together, his arrangement to roommate agreement thing just not like what he said. It is an example of observation of Tact Maxim and violation of GenerosityMaxim in Politeness Principle.2.In sentence two, Sheldon is flouting Generosity Maxim and Approbation Maxim.3.In sentence six, actually it is a sarcasm, with the form of palying words. Penny saystrack, afoot as truck and feet. She is just pretending that she does not understand what Sheldon saying about the plot and track thing.ConclusionAs language we use in our daily life is to conduct interpersonal communication and social interaction, most of the time it may be not the meaning we tend to consider at the first place. Usually we just ovserve the pragmatic principles, like Grice’s Co-operative Principle and Leech’s Politeness Principle, but at times we don’t. And both that just generate laugher and humor.References[1] Stephen C. Levinson, Pragmatics, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,Cambrideg University Press, 101.[2] Li qing, On Co-operative Principle& Politeness Principle in Diplomatic Language Strategy, 2005[3] /wiki/Sitcom[4] /wiki/The_Big_Bang_Theory。