形成性与终结性评价在英语阅读测试中的实践与研究作者:段欢庆来源:《科技视界》 2015年第18期段欢庆(海口经济学院,海南海口 571127)【摘要】尝试在英语阅读教学中建立形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的考核模式,利用问卷调查法、测验法、数理统计法等研究方法验证改模式是否能更有效地提高学生的阅读能力和学业成绩。
0 引言教学评价是高校英语教学中的一个关键部分。
1 构建科学合理的教学评价体系欲知一种评价体系是否科学合理,在将其应用于教学实践中进行检验之前,第一要使之具备教学评价的基本功能,即导向、鉴定、促进、反馈、展示、激励、检测、监督等功能。
从封面上的照片以及座右铭.比如:“Failure and success is wonderful as long as you do it.” “捕捉幸福的镜头,留住美妙的瞬间。
” “一切高远的理想都要建立与牢固的起点上”,从这些封面上的文字,我们可以得知孙亚微是一名开朗大方上进的学生,从她照片上的眼神我们可以了解到她对学习的执着,她脸上的笑容表明了她对生活乐观积极向上的心态。
英语阅读打卡记录表示例如下: | 日期 | 阅读材料 | 阅读时
间 | 感想 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1日 | The Catcher in the Rye | 1小时 | 读完后感到非常失落 |
| 2日 | Animal Farm | 1小时 | 读完后感到非常有趣 |
| 3日 | Great Expectations | 1.5小时 | 读完后对英国文学有了新的理解 |
| 4日 | To Kill a Mockingbird | 2小时 | 读完后对历史和政治有了更深入的理解 |
| 5日 | The Catcher in the Rye | 1.5小时 | 读完后想起了自己以前的读书经历 |
| 6日 | The Great Gatsby | 2小时 | 读完后感到深受启发 | | 7日 | Lord of the Flies | 1小时 | 读完后对孩子们的生活感到震惊 |
| 8日 | The Diary of a Young Girl | 1.5小时 | 读完后对女性文学有了新的认识 |
| 9日 | The Catcher in the Rye | 1.5小时 | 读完后想起了自己的读书经历 |
| 10日 | To Kill a Mockingbird | 1小时 | 读完后对法律和道德有了更深入的理解 |
档 案袋 评价 体 系 的起 源与 特 点
5定 期 进 行展 示 与交 流 .
根据 第 二语 言 习得 的“ 互 作 用 理论 ” 相 和教 育 学 的 合 作 理 论 , 言 语 学 评 价 ” 是 当前 荚 国评 价 改 革运 动 中所 出 现 的 一 种主 要 评 定 方 法 。 , 它是 教学 内容 的组 织 可 以通 过 交 流 与 互 动 的模 式 进 行 。 生 收集 资 料 三 个 让 被 广 泛 认 为是 质 性 课 程 评 价 的典 范 。凌方 法起 源 于艺 术 家 有 意 保 存 的 月左 右时 ,教 师 可组 织一 次 档 案 袋 展 示 交 流 会 , 学 生 相 互 交 流 阅 读 个 人 作 品 档案 袋 (rs’ ot l ) 表 现 艺术 家个 人 艺 术 追 求 、 汁风 档 案 , 互 评 价 学 习 。这 样 , 生 既 可 回顾 自 己的 学 习 过 程 , 可 了 解 a i sproi , tt f o 设 相 学 也 既 也可 感 受 自己 的 进 步 。 “ 此 而 产 由 格 、 作成 就 、 略 领 域 、 不 同时 期 代 表 作 和艺 术 探 索 历 程 。通 过 作 他 人 的进 步 ; 可与 他 人 交 流 经 验 . 创 涉 集 品 档 案 袋 , 方 面 . 家 本 人 可 以 反思 自己 的 艺 术 成 长 历 程 . 一 方 生 的满 足感 和成 就 感会 增 加他 们 参 与 语 言 学 习 的 积 极 性 和激 发他 们 一 作 另
3学 生 自主 收 集 阅读 学 习材 料 . 阅读 档 案 袋 内 可 收集 课外 阅 读 与课 堂 阅读 的资 料 , 括 阅 读 时 碰 包
阅 阅 理 甚 态 度 , 别 不 同文 体 的 特 征 . 通 过 分 析 句 子 结构 理 解难 旬 和 长 句 , 到 的 生词 。 读 速度 的 变化 , 读 心 得 , 解 能 力 的变 化 , 至 可以 记 能识 能 能 在 老 师 的帮 助 下 欣 赏 浅 显 的 文学 作 品 . 根 据学 习 任 务 的需 要从 电 录 历 次做 题 的得 分 变 化 。 能 总之 . 要学 生认 为 对 自己 是 有 意 义 的 , 切 只 一 自主 学 习 原 则 ” , 子 读 物 或 网络 中获 取 信 息 . 并进 行 加 工 处 理 。 体现 在 高考 中 , 读 理解 与 阅 淡有 关 的资 料 都 可 收入 其 中 。档 案 袋 评价 本 着 “ 阅
01 一、引言
03 三、研究方法
02 二、研究背景 04 四、研究过程
05 五、研究结果与讨论
07 参考内容
06 六、结论与建议
《中国英语能力等级量表》(CSE)是描述中国学生英语能力发展水平的标 准,对于我国初中学段的英语阅读教学具有重要的指导意义。初一年级是学生英 语学习的关键阶段,如何有效提升其阅读能力,对于增强学生的语言运用能力和 提升学科素养具有重要意义。本次演示以《中国英语能力等级量表》为指导,对 初一年级英语阅读教学进行行动研究。
在实施过程中,教师对学生的学习情况进行观察和记录,及时了解学生的学 习情况和反馈意见。同时,教师也对自身的教学进行反思和总结,不断调整教学 策略和教学方法。
经过一段时间的行动研究,教师发现学生的阅读能力得到了显著提升。具体 表现为:学生的阅读速度加快,阅读理解能力提高;不同层次的学生都能够得到 相应的提升和发展;学生的阅读兴趣和自信心也得到了增强。这些结果表明, 《中国英语能力等级量表》对于初一年级英语阅读教学具有重要的指导作用。
本研究采用行动研究法,通过教师对自身教学实践的反思和改进,实现教学 过程的优化。具体步骤包括:发现问题、制定计划、实施行动、观察与反思。
在初一年级英语阅读教学中,教师发现学生的阅读能力存在较大差异。部分 学生能够自主阅读并理解文本,而部分学生则需要借助工具书或教师的帮助。这 表明传统的教学方式已经无法满足不同学生的需求。
(2)制定阅读目标:教师帮助学生制定明确的阅读目标,包括词汇、语法、 语篇等方面的目标。这样有助于学生有针对性地提高阅读能力。
写一写自己和同学的阅读小档案英语作文Reading has always been an integral part of my life and the lives of my classmates. It has the power to transport us to different worlds, expand our knowledge, and shape our perspectives. In this essay, I will delve into my own reading habits and profile, as well as those of my fellow students, to provide a comprehensive understanding of our collective literary journey.As an avid reader, I have always found solace and inspiration in the pages of books. From a young age, I have been captivated by the written word, exploring a diverse range of genres and subjects. My reading preferences tend to gravitate towards classic literature, where I can immerse myself in timeless narratives and delve into the complexities of the human experience. Authors such as Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, and Fyodor Dostoevsky have left an indelible mark on my literary journey, each offering a unique perspective on the human condition.In addition to classic literature, I also have a deep appreciation for contemporary fiction, where I can engage with the pressing issuesand cultural trends of our modern world. Writers like Haruki Murakami, Margaret Atwood, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie have captivated me with their thought-provoking stories and their ability to shed light on the nuances of the human experience. I find myself drawn to narratives that challenge conventional norms, explore the complexities of identity, and grapple with the societal and political landscapes of our time.Beyond fiction, I have also developed a keen interest in non-fiction, particularly in the realms of history, science, and philosophy. I find immense joy in delving into the works of renowned historians, such as Yuval Noah Harari and David McCullough, who have the remarkable ability to bring the past to life and illuminate the intricate connections between historical events and their lasting impact on the present. Similarly, I am fascinated by the insights offered by contemporary thinkers and scientists, whose works have the power to expand my understanding of the world and the universe around me.Interestingly, my reading habits and preferences are not unique to me alone. Upon observing and engaging with my fellow classmates, I have discovered a diverse tapestry of literary interests and preferences. Some of my classmates share my fondness for classic literature, while others gravitate towards more contemporary works of fiction. I have also encountered classmates who have a deeppassion for poetry, finding solace and inspiration in the rhythmic and lyrical expressions of renowned poets.Furthermore, I have been impressed by the breadth of non-fiction interests among my peers. Some of my classmates have immersed themselves in the realms of political science, exploring the intricacies of governance and the dynamics of power. Others have delved into the realms of psychology and sociology, seeking to understand the complexities of human behavior and the social structures that shape our world. Still, others have developed a keen interest in the natural sciences, captivated by the wonders of the physical universe and the mysteries of the natural world.One particularly noteworthy aspect of my classmates' reading profiles is their willingness to explore diverse cultural perspectives. Many of my peers have embraced the opportunity to read works by authors from different cultural backgrounds, expanding their horizons and gaining a deeper understanding of the human experience across various geographical and sociopolitical contexts. This openness to diverse literary perspectives has not only enriched their own reading experiences but has also fostered a greater sense of empathy and cultural awareness among our group.It is truly remarkable to witness the breadth and depth of literary interests within our classroom. Each of us brings a unique set ofexperiences, preferences, and perspectives to our collective reading journey, creating a vibrant and dynamic literary community. Whether we are discussing the nuances of a classic novel, debating the merits of a contemporary work of non-fiction, or sharing our favorite poetic verses, our conversations are imbued with a genuine passion for the written word and a desire to expand our understanding of the world around us.As I reflect on my own reading profile and those of my classmates, I am struck by the profound impact that literature has had on our personal and academic growth. Reading has not only broadened our intellectual horizons but has also shaped our emotional and psychological well-being. Through the stories we encounter, we have gained a deeper understanding of the human condition, grappling with complex themes of love, loss, identity, and the search for meaning.Moreover, our collective reading experiences have also informed our academic pursuits, providing us with a solid foundation for critical thinking, analytical skills, and effective communication. Whether we are crafting persuasive essays, engaging in scholarly debates, or presenting research findings, the insights and perspectives we have gained through our reading have been invaluable in shaping our academic trajectories.In conclusion, the reading profiles of my classmates and myself serve as a testament to the enduring power of literature. Through our diverse literary interests and preferences, we have not only enriched our own lives but have also contributed to the vibrant intellectual discourse within our classroom. As we continue on our literary journeys, we remain committed to exploring new worlds, challenging our assumptions, and expanding our understanding of the human experience. The written word will undoubtedly continue to be a guiding light in our personal and academic endeavors, shaping us into more informed, empathetic, and intellectually curious individuals.。
(1)He is best known for coining the term fractal to describe phenomena (such as coastlines, snowflakes, mountains and trees) whose patterns repeat themselves at smaller and smaller scales.(2) To explain these puzzling findings, some scientists have revived an old idea of Einstein’s that had been discarded as false: that the vacuum of space has energy in it that acts repulsively and accelerates the expansion of the universe.(3) New language that seemed to assert Facebook’s “irrevocable”right to retain and use a member’s personal information, even after the member had closed his or her Facebook account, deserved a little more editing.(4) The tenor of our time appears to regard history as having ended, with pronouncements from many techno-pundits claiming that the Internet is revolutionary and changes everything.(5) As a by-product of an industry that exists all over the world-the stalks that remain after grain has been harvested-straw also helpfully soaks up carbon from the atmosphere and locks it in, so long as it is not allowed to decompose.(1)The problem in the paradox, he reasoned, is that we are confusing a description of sets of numbers with a description of sets of sets of numbers.(2)Now the cosmological constant is one of the leading theories of why the universe is blowing up like a balloon at ever-increasing speed.(3)That’s not because Facebook is hell-bent on stripping away privacy protections, but because the popularity of Facebook and other social networking sites has promoted the sharing of all things personal, dissolving the line that separates the private from the public.(4)Although it’s unclear if the capacity for remote operation will justify the QB’s US$15,000 price tag, Anybots believes its technology will appeal to a new generation of workers who expect to be in contact at all times and in all places.(5)As a by-product of an industry that exists all over the world-the stalks that remain after grain has been harvested-straw also helpfully soaks up carbon from the atmosphere and locks it in, so long as it is not allowed to decompose.(1)But Russell ( and independently, Ernst Zermelo ) noticed that x = {a: a is not in a} leads to a contradiction in the same way as the description of the collection of barbers.(2)An analogy is the siren of an ambulance that changes pitch as it moves toward you, then passes you and heads the other way — its waves are first compressed, then stretched.(3)It’s the older members — those who could join only after it opened membership in 2006 to workplace networks, then to anyone — who are adjusting to a new value system that prizes self-expression over reticence. (4)Although it’s unclear if the capacity for remote operation will justify the QB’s US$15,000 price tag, Anybots believes its technology will appeal to a new generation of workers who expect to be in contact at all times and in all places.(5)No matter how stylishly modern and environmentally friendly straw-bale house may look, however, you still want to know that it won’t get sopping wet in a thunderstorm or go up in a whoosh of flames if you knock over a candle.(1)For example, we can describe the collection of numbers 4, 5 and 6 by saying that x is the collection of integers, represented by n, which are greater than 3 and less than 7.(2)Dark energy is the name given to an unexplained force that is drawing galaxies away from each other, against the pull of gravity, at an accelerated pace.(3)Among members, a Law of Amiable Inclusiveness seems to be revealing itself: over time, many are deciding that the easiest path is to routinely accept “friend requests”, completing a sequence begun when one member seeks to designate another as a Facebook friend.(4)The area between the QB’s head and base consists of a length of telescoping plastic that can be adjusted to let the QB stand as tall as 175 centimeters or as short as 81 centimeters.(5)After waiting another 45 minutes and finding that the panel still hadn’t failed, the team gave up and stopped the experiment, secure in the knowledge that the material had performed beyond the requirements of building regulations.Part III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (20%) 1. This system served as vehicle for the first formalizations of the foundations of mathematics; it is still used in some philosophical investigations and in branches of computer science.2. That’s not because Facebook is hell-bent on stripping awayprivacy protections, but because the popularity of Facebook and other social networking sites has promoted the sharing of all things personal, dissolving the line that separates theprivate from the public.3. No matter how stylishly modern and environmentally friendlystraw-bale house may look, however, you still want to know that it won't get sopping wet in a thunderstorm or go up in a whoosh of flames if you knock over a candle.4. The premise on which the technology is based is that geneticinformation[1], encoded by DNA and arranged in the form of genes, is a resource that can be manipulated in various ways to achieve certain goals in both pure and applied science and medicine.5. Many people are working towards trying to make cities more sustainable. A sustainable city offers a good quality of life tocurrent residents but doesn’t reduce the opportunities for future residents to enjoy.Part III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (20%)1. This system served as vehicle for the first formalizations of the foundations of mathematics; it is still used in some philosophical investigations and in branches of computer science.2. Dark energy is the name given to an unexplained force that is drawing galaxies[1] away from each other, against the pull of gravity, at an accelerated pace.3. When the distinction blurs between one’s few close friends and the many who are not, it seems pointless to distinguish between private and public.4. No matter how stylishly modern and environmentally friendly straw-bale house may look, however, you still want to know that it won't get sopping wet in a thunderstorm or go up in a whoosh of flames if you knock over a candle.5. Engineers in the future will work at the extremes of very large and very small systems that require greater knowledge andcoordination of multidisciplinary and multi-scale engineering across greater distances and timeframesPart III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese(20%)1. To explain the puzzling findings, some scientists have received an old idea of Einstein’s that had been discarded as false: that the vacuum of space has energy in it that acts repulsively and accelerates the expansion of the universe.2. Telecommuting workers and traveling executives alike could use QB( so named because it is the next in line after the company’s prototype QA bot ) as a virtual extension of themselves, allowing them to attend meetings, tour facilities or perform walk-throughs of real estate properties, all while controlling the robot from a computer keyboard.3. Research had developed to the point where progress was being hampered by technical constraints, as the elegant experiments that had helped to decipher the genetic code could not be extended to investigate the gene in more detail.4. The ideas that the state of the universe at one time determines the state at all other times, has been a central tenet of science, ever since Laplace’s time.5. Nuclear power’s prominence as a major ene rgy source will continue over the next several decades, according to new projections made by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has just published a new report, Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power for the period up to 2030.Part III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese(20%)1. For a smallish two-bed roomed house with one largeopen-plan kitchen/dinner, that doesn’t particularly cheapgiven that straw is supposed to be inexpensive, and you’dstill have to buy the plot and dig the foundations.2. Combined with advances in CAD systems, it will be possible formechanical engineers to collaborate in immersive interactive environments where they can design collaboratively, testhypotheses, run models and simulations and observe theircreations in three dimensions much as an engineer canobserve a car being built with their colleagues on the shopfloor.3. Although it is unclear if the capacity for remote operation willjustify the QB’s US$15,000 price tag, Anybots believes itstechnology will appeal to a new generation of workers whoexpect to be in contact at all times and in all places,4. That’s not because Facebook is hell-bent on stripping awayprivacy protections, but because the popularity of Facebook and other social networking sites has promoted the sharing of all things personal, dissolving the line that separates theprivate from the public.5. Because gravity draws mass together, most experts expected to find that gravity had slowed down the universe’s rate of ballooning, or perhaps that the rate was staying about the same.Part III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese(20%)1. Dark energy is the name given to an unexplained force that is drawing galaxies away from each other, against the pull of gravity, at an accelerated pace. Dark energy is a bit likeanti-gravity. Where gravity pulls things together at the more local level, dark energy tugs them apart on the grander scale. 2. The growth of membership and of individual networks seems impervious to gaffes at the company during its brief, five-year history. One of those instances was in February, when it fiddled with its terms of service. New language that seemed to assert Facebook’s “irrevocable” right to retain and use a member’s personal information, even after the member had closed his or her Facebook account, deserved a little more editing.3. Along with the wheels, a self-balancing system and a motor with a top speed of five kilometers per hour make the robot mobile. The two-wheel—as opposed to a tricycle or quad—design makes it more maneuverable in tight spaces and helps keep its weight down to about 16 kilograms. The area between the QB's head and base consists of a length of telescoping plastic that can be adjusted to let the QB stand as tall as 175 centimeters or as short as 81 centimeters.4. Social and demographic changes are leading to a greater demand for housing. People are living longer, and choosing to marry later, and in recent years there has been a rise in thenumber of single-parent families. Added to this, the UK is experiencing immigration from other countries, e.g. from Poland[1]which has recently joined the EU. The result is an ever-larger number of smaller households, all requiring accommodation.Part III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese(20%)1. Dark energy is the name given to an unexplained force that is drawing galaxies away from each other, against the pull of gravity, at an accelerated pace. Dark energy is a bit likeanti-gravity. Where gravity pulls things together at the more local level, dark energy tugs them apart on the grander scale. 2. The growth of membership and of individual networks seems impervious to gaffes at the company during its brief, five-year history. One of those instances was in February, when it fiddled with its terms of service. New language that seemed to assert Facebook’s “irrevocable” right to retain and use a member’s personal information, even after the member had closed his or her Facebook account, deserved a little more editing.3. Along with the wheels, a self-balancing system and a motorwith a top speed of five kilometers per hour make the robotmobile. The two-wheel—as opposed to a tricycle orquad—design makes it more maneuverable in tight spaces and helps keep its weight down to about 16 kilograms. The areabetween the QB's head and base consists of a length oftelescoping plastic that can be adjusted to let the QB stand astall as 175 centimeters or as short as 81 centimeters.4. Social and demographic changes are leading to a greaterdemand for housing. People are living longer, and choosing to marry later, and in recent years there has been a rise in the number of single-parent families. Added to this, the UK is experiencing immigration from other countries, e.g. from Poland[1]which has recently joined the EU. The result is an ever-larger number of smaller households, all requiring accommodation.Part III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (20%)1. The problem in the paradox, he reasoned, is that we are confusinga description of sets of numbers with a description of sets of setsof numbers.2. That’s not becaus e Facebook is hell-bent on stripping awayprivacy protections, but because the popularity of Facebook and other social networking sites has promoted the sharing of allthings personal, dissolving the line that separates the privatefrom the public.3. The two-wheel—as opposed to a tricycle or quad—design makesit more maneuverable in tight spaces and helps keep its weight down to about 16 kilograms.4. The straw bales, it turns out, are all packed tightly inside a series ofprefabricated rectangular wooden wall frames, which are thenlime-rendered, dried and finally slotted together like giant Lego pieces, called ModCell panels.5. Although the UK is an urban society, more and more peopleare choosing to live on the edge of urban areas - with many relocating to the countryside. This is called counter-urbanisation.。
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文章编 号 : 1 6 7 1 — 0 5 1 7( 2 0 1 3 )0 5 — 0 0 4 9 — 0 3
合 反 映1 2 1 [ 3 1 。加 德 纳 认 为 ,建 立 科 学 系统 的评 价体
系是体现多元智力理论价值的重要途径 ,而档案 袋 评 价 就 是 其 中一 种 有 效 的手 段 。 阅 读 档 案 袋 ( R e a d i n g P o r f t o l i o ) 是 以档 案 袋 为 依据 而对 评 价 对 象 近 几 年 ,高 职 院 校 大 学英 语 教学 压 力 越 来 越 进行 的客观综合性评价 ,其记录的内容可 以作 为 大 。一方 面 , 随着生 源 的减少 , 高职 院校 录取分 与普 学生审视和监控 自己认知过程的对象及依据。强 通高校 的差距越来越大 , 部分学生甚至无需参加高 调 自我 反 思 是 阅读 档 案 袋 应 用 的关 键 特征 和 主要 考, 直 接 注册入 学 , 学生综 合 素质 明显降低 。另一方 目的之一 ,学习者通过收集资料完成档案袋的建 面 ,由于 高职 院校 注 重学 生 专业 实践 操 作 能力 , 大 立 ,来 记 录 学 习过 程 和 学 习结 果 。档 案 袋 反 映 了 量 削减 英语 课 时 。 以南通 职 业大 学 为例 , 三 年 的教 每一 个 学 习者 的 学 习轨 迹 ,在 英语 课 外 阅读 中实 学中 , 大 学 英 语 课 时 数 累计 为 1 4 2学 时 , 占整个 教 施 档 案 袋 评 价 ,学生 的英 语 阅读 发 生 不 同程 度 的 学计 划 总课 时 数不 到 6 %, 显得 微不 足道 。要 提高学 变化 ,在阅读技能 、情感态度 、学习能力等方面 生英语语言阅读能力 以及语言综合运用能力 , 仅靠 的提 高 ,都 能 在 档 案袋 中体 现 。从 外 语教 学 的相 这 1 4 2学 时很 难 达到 理想 的教学 效果 。 因此 , 鼓励 关 理 论 中发 现 ,档 案袋 评 价 符 合 外语 教育 评 价 的 学生充分利用课余 时间 , 加强课外英语 自主阅读势 发展趋 势 。档案 袋 可分 为评 价 型档 案袋 和学 习型 在必 行 。使用 档案 袋评 价能够 很好 地 了解并 指导学 档案 袋 两 大 类 。评 价型 档 案 袋 侧 重 于学 生 的学 习 结果 ,具 有 终 结 性评 价 的功 能 ;学 习 型档 案 袋 侧 重 于学 生 的学 习 过 程 ,具 有 形 成 性 评 价功 能 。本 收稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 —0 8 —1 0 研究所使用的档案袋同时具备 总结性评价 和形成 作者简介 :庞德美 ( 1 9 7 4一) ,女 ,江苏南通人 ,副教授 , 性评价 两种 功能 ,即复合型 档案袋 。 硕士 。研究 方向 : 应用语言学、 语用学 , 大学英语 教学 。
《小学英语阅读能力培养的研究》课题结题报告xx年xx月xx日contents •研究背景和意义•研究方法和过程•研究结果和结论•研究反思和建议•参考文献和附录目录01研究背景和意义03小学英语阅读教学现状的需要当前小学英语阅读教学存在一些问题,如教学内容单一、教学方法简单、缺乏有效的阅读策略等,需要研究和解决。
(一) “阅读档案袋”在英语阅读教学中的重要性1、阅读档案袋能充分发挥学生在阅读过程中的主体性。
能力 和 自 主学 习 能力 的教学 模式 。《 英语 课程标 准 ( 实验 ) 》 中明确 提出 , 学生在学 习过 程中要建立学 习
档案夹 。学 习 档 案是 展 示 学生 在 阅读 中所做 的努 力, 所 取得的进步及反映其学 习成果 的一个 集合 体。 它通常 以一个文件 夹的形式 收藏学 生具有代表 性的
高级 教 师 一 级 教 师
5 1・
遁造里立英蟹阿读植案爨提高 — 习 l 壁 性 蔓 验研究
脑袋 或手指学 习单词 。
其 次是档案袋的 内容 。阅读 档案袋 是对 阅读过 程、 阅读 内容 以及反 映学生在 阅读 过程 中的努力 、 进 步和成 就 的一 种 记 录 。因 此 , 其 内 容需 包 含 以下 内容 :
摘 要: 本文 旨在通过 建立英语 阅读档案 袋的方式来提 高 学生 阅读的趣 味性 和有效性 , 促进 学生 学习的 自 主性。在文献研 究和 问卷 调查的基础上 , 笔 者 以高一 学生作 为研 究对象 , 选用( 2 1 世 纪报 ( 中学生版 ) 》 为
阏读材料 , 通过 以阅读报纸 和建立阅读档 案袋相 结合 的方 式来探 索新的英语 阅读课 学习模 式 , 培 养英语 学 习 者 的阅读 自主性和 学 习 自主性 , 从 而提 高学生的英语 阅读能力和英语 学习效 率。 关键词 : 高中英语 阅读档 案袋 学习 自主性
2 O 1 3年嚣 6
1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / i . i s s n . 1 0 0 3—6 8 2 2 ( j ) . 2 0 1 3 . 6 . 0 2 0
第 1 第 3期 0卷 20 08年6月
基础 英语 教育
J u n lo sc E g ih Ed c to o r a fBa i n ls u ai n
V0. O.No 3 11 . J n ,2 0 u. 08
生在学 习与发 展过程 中的优 势与 不足 ,反 映学生 在达到 目标过 程 中付 出的努力 与进 步 ,并通过 学 生的反思 与改进激励学生取得更高 的成就。 ”
档案袋的分类方法很多 , 最常见的是把它分
为成果型档案袋 、过程型档 案袋 和综合型档案袋 。 综合型档案 袋不仅 能展示学 生在一个 时期 内 ( 一 个学期 、一个学 年 )的最 佳学 习成果 ,也 可以展
意识 ,充分调动他们参与学 习的积极性与主动 性 , 为档案袋评价 的实施打下 良好 的基础 。
计得当的话 , 档案袋可以反映学生思维和解决问 题 的能 力 、运用 策 略和程序 性 技能 的能 力 以及 建 构知识的能力。那么档案袋评价的设计有哪些成 分呢?根据钟启泉 (04 20 )的看法 , 主要成分 其 有 : )确立明确的评价目的、内容、主题 , 1 保障 每一个学生有 自己的成长记录袋 ; )包括明确清 2 晰的说明或是使用指南 , 选择广泛多样 的不同类 型的作品样本 ;3 )依据所 收集 的作 品样本 的性质 归类存放; )师生合作 明确评判作品质量的标 4 准 ; )在教师指导下总体地或是分项 目地评价作 5 品;6 )举办作 品交 流会 。 可见 ,档案袋作 为学 生学 习 的工 具 和教 师设 计教学的基础,是一种促进学习者提高水平、加
2023年外研版英语说课稿(精选篇)外研版英语说课稿篇1今日我说课的内容是本节课出自外研版七年级上第2模块第1单元 I can speak English.下面我将从教材和学情分析、教法学法、教学过程、设计意图、板书设计五个方面对本课进行说明。
4.教学目标:(1)学问目标:重点词汇:体育音乐: basketball, tennis, table tennis, ride a horse, ride a bike, play the piano其它:parent, welcome …to, international重点句型:I can…,I can’t… / Tony can…Can you…?Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.(2)实力目标:能听懂谈论所擅长的体育项目的简短对话;能用can做自我介绍。
二、教法学法教学理念:任务语言教学:以谈论体育擅长与职业这一话题为主线,采纳任务语言教学途径,兼顾交际功能和有关can 的语言学问结构的学习,以一种按部就班的交际性的学习程序,引导学生学会运用这个语言学问有目的地做事情。
【关键词】大学英语阅读教学档案袋评价【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-4810(2013)24-0015-02一引言档案袋评价是20世纪90年代在美国兴起的一种新的教育评价方式。
学员档案登记表学员编号:1号所报班型:2011 年考研英数联报姓名边静用户名bianjing65邮箱电话号码地址北京市旭日区王四营乡孛罗营村409 号所在院校、专业国都经济贸易大学注会专计划报考中央财经大学会计专业业院校专业四六级经过情四级 509 分,六级未出分数学基础不好况学员自我计划他日到 2月25日进行数学和英语的初步复习。
每天可用学习时间早8: 00 到晚 22: 00.间、复习项目)学员需求怎样合理的安排一天的学习时间,进行有效的数学和英语学习。
同时这也表示了你对我们考研教研室的相信,希望接一下的一年时间经过你自己百折不挠的努力,以及和我们老师的配合,授课相长, 2011年达到自己想要的目标。
实验证 明 ,档 案袋 评价应 用于英语课 外阅读 有其 重要 意 义 , 同时 也 出 现 了 很 多 问题 。 通 过 档 案 袋 所 反 应 出 来 的 问题 ,对教学进行 反思 ,也 正是档案袋评 价 的主要特点之 利用档案袋进 行教学反思 不仅有 利于有学生及 时发现 自己的问题 和困难 ,也有利 于 教师 了解 学生 真实 的情 况 , 不断地调整档案袋的设计 和内容,达到更好的教学效果 。 档案袋评价对英语课 外阅读 的重要意义 档案袋评 价 ,作 为一种形成 性评价方式 ,应用 于 英语课外 阅读 的监督和管理 中,不仅 可以真实地 展现学生 在课外 阅读过 程中所做 的努 力和取得 的进步 ,还 有助 于培
生 的个体 差异性 ,并激 发学生 自主学习 的热情 。通过档 案 袋观摩 、交流和展示 ,学生之 间可以互相取 长补短 ,借 鉴 学 习方法 ,从而取得更 快的进 步。 ( 二)培 养学生的 自主监督 能力 。档 案袋 的实施是 整 个评价 的重点 ,它决定着档案袋评价是否能够成立 。首先 , 真实性 是档案袋 的特点 之一 。只有保 证档案袋 中的记 录和 材料 的真实性和原始性才能确保评价 的公平和客观 。其次 , 学生是 丰富档案袋 的主体。档案袋 的原则制 定好 之后 ,学 生要 按照原则来不 断丰富档 案袋 的 内容 。在 此过程 中 ,教
养学 生的 自主学习能力 、 自主监 督能力 、 自主评 价能力 以 及 自主反思能力 。 ( 一)培 养学 生的 自主 学习能 力。阅读 档案 袋 ,作 为 档案袋评价的核 心 ,其制定 过程需 要学生的积极 主动参与 , 是师 生共 同合作完成 的结果 。学 生根 据 自身 的情 况制定 阅 读计划 、阅读 目标 以及 阅读评价 标准。教师 充分地尊重 学
小课题 初中生英语阅读能力的研究 活动记录
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日期 1 月16 日
新词和完形填finish 动词,完成
短语空《我work out 解决(问题等),算出。
eg: I can w’o r tk out this puzzle. It ’s too 只想出difficult.
去》tired 形容词,累的,疲惫的
by yourself 你自己(短语by oneself)eg: I ’ll do my homework bmyysel f.
阅读理find one ’s w找a y到路
解《对friendly 形容词,友好的
建议:生词注明词性(名词、动不起,smile 动词,微笑
我不会take out 拿出来
我认为完形填Do you like finishing homework by yourself or getting help from others?
至少五阅读理She can ’fi t nd her way .她找不到路了。
个句子解《对Which bus goes to Miller ’s s哪h o一p ?辆公交车能到米勒商店?
不起,He is new in London. 他也不熟悉伦敦。
Idon’t know much Chinese. 我不太懂中文。
解《我I ’ll go to China next year with my mother.我明年会和妈妈一起去中国。