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21 tickets.
2.What about the price? 4.What kind of sleeper
do they book?
The hard sleeper is ¥145 and The soft sleeper is ¥ 224.
The hard sleeper.
1b.Read 1a again and fill the table

百度文库好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。下 午9时21 分1秒 下午9时 21分21 :21:012 0.10.20

一马当先,全员举绩,梅开二度,业 绩保底 。20.10. 2020.1 0.2021:2121:21 :0121:2 1:01Oc t-20

牢记安全之责,善谋安全之策,力务 安全之 实。202 0年10 月20日 星期二9 时21分 1秒Tu esday , October 20, 2020
“五一”快到了,你和你朋友的旅游计划做好 了 吗?请用英语描述一下你们的日程安排吧
1. book a ticket/room/seat 2. have got =have 3. pay for /pay money for sth 4. I’d like to book….. 5. what about the price? 6. What kind do you want? 7. May I have your name ?
trip. 3.It’s hard__to__s_a_y___ (say). 4.The best way ___to__g_o___(go) is by plane. 5.He asks me__n_o_t_to__c_om__e_bac(knot come back)on time. 6.It’s important_to__s_t_u_d_y (study)English well. 7.It takes him too much time__t_o_p_l_a_y_(play) the
hard sleeper
soft sleeper
3.1a. Listen,read and answer
1.When does the train 3.How many tickets do
leave and arrive?
they book?
The train leaves at 11:45 a.m and arrives at 6:44p.m
It’s hard to say.
• 坐飞机去的花费:
the cost to go by plane
• 做决定:
make the decision
• 旅游的最好方式是 坐火车。The best way to travel

is by train.
• 祝你旅途愉快
Have a good trip

相信相信得力量。20.10.202020年10月 20日星 期二9 时21分1 秒20.1 0.20
What did we learn in this class?
• 1. book在句中作动词“订购,预定” book a ticket for…“订一张…..票” I want to book ticket for the Olympic Games.
• 2. make a reservation预定 I’d like to make a reservation for our dinner.
Target language (pair work) A: Hello, What can I do for you? B: Yes, I want to book a room. A: OK. Which kind of room do you want? B:A standard room with two single bed. A: When will you want it? B: March 29th A: Your name and telephone number, please?
Complete the passage according to the conversation.
Kangkang _ph_o_n_ed_ the clerk to __b_o__o__k_ the train tickets ___fo_r_his classmates. They are leaving on_M__a_rc_h_1_3_th. The hard sleeper is much _ch_e_a_pe_r_ than the hard one. So he booked __2_1__ tickets. The train l_e_av_e_s_at 11:45 a.m. and _a_rr_iv_e_s_ at 6:44 p.m. He must _co_l_le_c_t and _p_a_y__for the tickets b_e_fo_r_e_17:30.
34中 204
Unit6 Topic1 Enjoy Cycling
Section B
34中 刘桦 Tel:13950281008
• 春游: Spring field trip • 打电话 over the phone.
• 去泰山旅游:
• 很难说
go on a visit to Mount Tai
Argument/Free talk
1.Is it good or bad to have a spring field trip ?
2. Where did you visit last summer? Could you tell us something about it ?
1. I’d like something__to__e_a_t____(eat). 2.Our work is__t_o_f_in_d__o_ut(find out)the cost of the

树立质量法制观念、提高全员质量意 识。20. 10.2020 .10.20 Tuesday , October 20, 2020

人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。2 1:21:01 21:21:0 121:21 10/20/2 020 9:21:01 PM

安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20. 10.2021 :21:012 1:21Oc t-2020- Oct-20
computer game every day.
1 Review Unit 6 Section B 2.This weekend your family will go on a twoday trip. You want to book rooms for yourselves. Please make a reservation for him. Then write down dialog in your exercise books 3.Preview Section C

加强交通建设管理,确保工程建设质 量。21:21:0121 :21:012 1:21Tu esday , October 20, 2020

安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。20.10. 2020.1 0.2021:21:0121 :21:01 October 20, 2020

踏实肯干,努力奋斗。2020年10月20 日下午9 时21分 20.10.2 020.10. 20
T:Ok, when you go out for traveling, where do you live?
Do you think where the best place for them to live in is?
•Making a room reservation
A room with a single bed A room with two single beds
Name: Li Weikang
Kind of tickets:
the hard sleeper
Starting time: 11:45a.m
Price(per person): 145
Tel: 82502448 To: Mount Tai Number of tickets: 21 Arriving time: 6:44p.m Total price: 3045
• Make a similar conversation • A: Hello, what can I do for you? • B: I would like to book….
A: Hello, …Hotel/ Station. Can I help you? B: Yes. I’d like to book... /I want to make a…reservation A: Which kind do you want ? B: ……. A: How many do you want? B: …And what about the price?/How much does it cost? A: ….. Your name and telephone number? B: ………Thank you. A: You’re welcome. Good bye! B: …….

追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。2 020年1 0月20 日星期 二下午9 时21分 1秒21:21:0120 .10.20

严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020 年10月 下午9时 21分20 .10.202 1:21Oc tober 20, 2020

作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2 020年1 0月20 日星期 二9时21 分1秒2 1:21:01 20 October 2020
• Translate some similar sentences. • Four pairs from different groups perform
short conversations
2.Lead in
T:Now, we know Kangkang’s class want to go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. There are enough vehicles for them to choose from. In the end, they decided to go there by train. Now, what will they do?
价格,年龄, 速度等词前。 I’ve got 2 tickets at¥100 for The
Super Girls
4. pay for /pay money for sth • 5.介词with 意为“具有,带有”
a house with a swimming pool
4.1c.Pair work
• book a room /ticket /table/seat • make a room reservation • I ’d like to book a room. • I ’d like to make a room reservation.
. • 3.介词at在句中意为“以…,在…”用在表