



Ask people to name someone they find charming and the answers are often predictable. There’s James Bond, the fictional spy with a penchant for shaken martinis. Maybe they’ll mention Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton or a historical figure, like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi. Now ask the same people to describe, in just a few seconds, what makes these charmers so likable.要是你让人说出一个他心目中有魅力的人的名字,答案通常都可以预测。



那么现在再让同一个人来用区区几秒钟描述,到底是什么特质让这些魅力十足的人物如此受人爱戴呢?It’s here, in defining what exactly charisma is, that most hit a wall. Instinctually, we know that we’re drawn to certain people more than others. Quantifying why we like them is an entirely different exercise.到此为止,在魅力到底是什么的确切定义过程中,通常就是到这里走进了死胡同。



Is growth in China soaring or slowing?中国的经济增长究竟是在飙升还是在放缓The answer depends on how you calculate growth答案可能取决于你如何计算The excited headlines were predictable. When China reported its GDP for the first three months of the year on April 16th, growth soared to 18.3% compared with a year earlier. It was China’s fastest growth on record, underlining the strength of its recovery. Yet it also illustrates the oddities in how GDP is reported.这些激动人心的头条新闻都在意料之中。




China’s recovery should be old news. Since last March, when the country emerged from its covid-19 closures, a wide range of indicators, from metro ridership to export orders, have pointed upwards.中国的经济复苏已经不是什么新闻了。


But because the convention in China is to report GDP in year-on-year terms, it is only now that the recovery makes a dramatic appearance in its most-watched data series. 但由于中国过去习惯于以年为单位公布GDP数据,因此直到现在,经济复苏才在其最受欢迎的一系列数据中脱颖而出。



最新《经济学人》文章阅读精选1WHEN Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in 2007, he changed an industry. Apple’s brilliant new device was a huge advance on the mobile phones that had gone before: it looked different and it worked better. The iPhone represented innovation at its finest, making it the top-selling smartphone soon after it came out and helping to turn Apple into the world’s most valuable company, with a market capitalisation that now exceeds $630 billion.Apple’s achievement spawned a raft of imitators. Many smartph one manufacturers now boast touch-screens and colourful icons. Among them is Samsung, the world’s biggest technology manufacturer, whose gadgets are the iPhone’s nearest rivals and closest lookalikes. The competition and the similarities were close enough for Apple to sue Samsung for patent infringement in several countries, spurring the South Korean firm to counterclaim that it had been ripped off by Apple as well. On August 24th an American jury found that Samsung had infringed six patents and ordered it to pay Apple more than $1 billion in damages, one of the steepest awards yet seen in a patent case.Some see thinly disguised protectionism in this decision. That does the jury a disservice: its members seem to have stuck to the job of working out whether patent infringements had occurred. The much bigger questions raised by this case are whether all Apple’s innovations should have been granted a patent in the first place; and the degree to which technology stalwarts and start-ups alike should be able to base their designs on the breakthroughs of others.It is useful to recall why patents exist. The system wasestablished as a trade-off that provides a public benefit: the state agrees to grant a limited monopoly to an inventor in return for disclosing how the technology works. To qualify, an innovation must be novel, useful and non-obvious, which earns the inventor 20 years of exclusivity. “Design patents”, which cover appearances and are granted after a simpler review process, are valid for 14 years.The dispute between Apple and Samsung is less over how the devices work and more over their look and feel. At issue are features like the ability to zoom into an image with a double finger tap, pinching gestures, and the visual “rubber band” effect when you scroll to the end of a page. The case even extends to whether the device and its on-screen icons are allowed to have rounded corners. To be sure, some of these things were terrific improvements over what existed before the iPhone’s arrival, but to awar d a monopoly right to finger gestures and rounded rectangles is to stretch the definition of “novel” and “non-obvious” to breaking-point.A proliferation of patents harms the public in three ways. First, it means that technology companies will compete more at the courtroom than in themarketplace—precisely what seems to be happening. Second, it hampers follow-on improvements by firms that implement an existing technology but build upon it as well. Third, it fuels many of the American patent system’s broad er problems, such as patent trolls (speculative lawsuits by patent-holders who have no intention of actually making anything); defensive patenting (acquiring patents mainly to pre-empt the ri sk of litigation, which raises business costs); and “innovation gridlock” (the difficulty of combining multiple technologies tocreate a single new product because too many small patents are spread among too many players).Some basic reforms would alleviate many of the problems exemplified by the iPhone lawsuit. The existing criteria for a patent should be applied with greater vigour. Specialised courts for patent disputes should be established, with technically minded judges in charge: the inflated patent-damage awards of recent years are largely the result of jury trials. And if patents are infringed, judges should favour monetary penalties over injunctions that ban the sale of offending products and thereby reduce consumer choice.Pinch and bloomA world of fewer but more robust patents, combined with a more efficient method of settling disputes, would not just serve the interests of the public but also help innovators like Apple. The company is rumoured to be considering an iPad with a smaller screen, a format which Samsung already sells. What if its plans were blocked by a specious patent? Apple’s own early successes were founded on enhancing the best technologies that it saw, notably the graphical interface and mouse that were first invented at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Centre. “It comes down to trying to expos e yourself to the best things that humans have done—and then try to bring those things in to what you’re doing,” said Jobs in a television documentary, “Triumph of the Nerds”, in 1996. “And we hav e always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”。



A global house-price slump is coming全球房价即将暴跌It won’t blow up the financial system, but it will be scary虽然不会摧毁金融体系,但仍然令人恐慌Over the past decade owning a house has meant easy money. Prices rose reliably for years and then went bizarrely ballistic in the pandemic. Yet today if your wealth is tied up in bricks and mortar it is time to get nervous.过去十年里,拥有一套房就意味着轻松赚钱。



House prices are now falling in nine rich economies. The drops in America are small so far, but in the wildest markets they are already dramatic. In condo-crazed Canada homes cost 9% less than they did in February.九个发达经济体的房价都在下跌。



As inflation and recession stalk the world a deepening correction is likely—even estate agents are gloomy. Although this will not detonate global banks as in 2007-09, it will intensify the downturn, leave a cohort of people with wrecked finances and start a political storm.随着通货膨胀和经济衰退的风险在全球范围内蔓延,房价或将迎来一场深度调整——甚至房地产经纪人也对此感到悲观。



Dominant and dangerousAs America's economic supremacy fades, the primacy of the dollar looks unsustainableIF HEGEMONS are good for anything, it is for conferring stability on the systems they dominate. For 70 years the dollar has been the superpower of the financial and monetary system. Despite talk of the yuan's rise, the primacy of the greenback is unchallenged. As a means of payment, a store of value and a reserve asset, nothing can touch it. Yet the dollar's rule has brittle foundations, and the system it underpins is unstable. Worse, the alternative reserve currencies are flawed. A transition to a more secure order will be devilishly hard.When the buck stopsFor decades, America's economic might legitimised the dollar's claims to reign supreme. But, as our special report this week explains, a faultline has opened between America's economic clout and its financial muscle. The United States accounts for 23% of global GDP and 12% of merchandise trade. Yet about 60% of the world's output, and a similar share of the planet's people, lie within a de facto dollar zone, in which currencies are pegged to the dollar or move in some sympathy with it. American firms' share of the stock of international corporate investment has fallen from 39% in 1999 to 24% today. But Wall Street sets the rhythm of markets globally more than it ever did. American fund managers run 55% of the world's assets under management, up from 44% a decade ago.The widening gap between America's economic and financial power creates problems for other countries, in the dollar zone and beyond. That is because the costs of dollar dominance are starting to outweigh the benefits.First, economies must endure wild gyrations. In recent months the prospect of even a tiny rate rise in America has sucked capital from emerging markets, battering currencies and share prices. Decisions of the Federal Reserve affect offshore dollar debts and deposits worth about $9 trillion. Because some countries link their currencies to the dollar, their central banks must react to the Fed. Foreigners own 20-50% of local-currency government bonds in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey: they are more likely to abandon emerging markets when American rates rise.At one time the pain from capital outflows would have been mitigated by the stronger demand—including for imports—that prompted the Fed to raise rates in the first place. However, in the past decade America's share of global merchandise imports has dropped from 16% to 13%. America is the biggest export market for only 32countries, down from 44 in 1994; the figure for China has risen from two to 43. A system in which the Fed dispenses and the world convulses is unstable.A second problem is the lack of a backstop for the offshore dollar system if it faces a crisis. In 2008-09 the Fed reluctantly came to the rescue, acting as a lender of last resort by offering $1 trillion of dollar liquidity to foreign banks and central banks. The sums involved in a future crisis would be far higher. The offshore dollar world is almost twice as large as it was in 2007. By the 2020s it could be as big as America's banking industry. Since 2008-09, Congress has grown wary of the Fed's emergency lending. Come the next crisis, the Fed's plans to issue vast swaplines might meet regulatory or congressional resistance. For how long will countries be ready to tie their financial systems to America's fractious and dysfunctional politics?That question is underscored by a third worry: America increasingly uses its financial clout as a political tool. Policymakers and prosecutors use the dollar payment system to assert control not just over wayward bankers and dodgy football officials, but also errant regimes like Russia and Iran. Rival powers bridle at this vulnerability to American foreign policy.Americans may wonder why this matters to them. They did not force any country to link its currency to the dollar or encourage foreign firms to issue dollar debt. But the dollar's outsize role does affect Americans. It brings benefits, not least cheaper borrowing. Alongside the “exorbitant privilege” of owning the reserve currency, however, there are costs. If the Fed fails to act as lender of last resort in a dollar liquidity crisis, the ensuing collapse abroad will rebound on America's economy. And even without a crisis, the dollar's dominance will present American policymakers with a dilemma. If foreigners continue to accumulate reserves, they will dominate the Treasury market by the 2030s. To satisfy growing foreign demand for safe dollar-denominated assets, America's government could issue more Treasuries—adding to its debts. Or it could leave foreigners to buy up other securities—but that might lead to asset bubbles, just as in the mortgage boom of the 2000s.It's all about the BenjaminsIdeally America would share the burden with other currencies. Yet if the hegemony of the dollar is unstable, its would-be successors are unsuitable. The baton of financial superpower has been passed before, when America overtook Britain in 1920-45. But Britain and America were allies, which made the transfer orderly. And America came with ready-made attributes: a dynamic economy and, like Britain, political cohesiveness and the rule of law.Compare that with today's contenders for reserve status. The eurois a currency whose very existence cannot be taken for granted. Only when the euro area has agreed on a full banking union and joint bond issuance will those doubts be fully laid to rest. As for the yuan, China's government has created the monetary equivalent of an eight-lane motorway—a vast network of currency swaps with foreign central banks—but there is no one on it. Until China opens its financial markets, the yuan will be only a bit-player. And until it embraces the rule of law, no investor will see its currency as truly safe.All this suggests that the global monetary and financial system will not smoothly or quickly wean itself off the greenback. There are things America can do to shoulder more responsibility—for instance, by setting up bigger emergency-swaplines with more central banks. More likely is a splintering of the system, as other countries choose to insulate themselves from Fed decisions by embracing capital controls. The dollar has no peers. But the system that it anchors is cracking. 主宰的和危险的随着美国经济支配地位的衰落,美元的霸主地位看上去是不可持续的霸主的好处在于能够给它主导的体系带来稳定。



One afternoon in April 2020, I took an old bamboo rod out of my shed and cut it to a length of 115cm. Stood on the ground, it came about halfway up my chest. I laid it on a scrubby patch of our garden on the island of Aegina, in Greece: one end next to a tough-looking dandelion, the other pointed northwards. Then I dug up the dandelion with a trowel and replanted it at the other end of the stick. A small step for humans, but quite the leap for the dandelion.2020年4月的一个下午,我从棚子里拿出一根旧竹竿,把它切成了115厘米的长度。






This 115cm corresponds to a particular measurement. It is the present average velocity of climate change — how fast the effects of global heating are moving across the surface of the planet — and thus represents the speed we need to move in order for the conditions around us to stay the same. It also implies a direction: the bubble habitats where different forms of life can survive and thrive are moving uphill, and towards the poles.这115厘米所对应的是一个特定的尺寸。



经济学人科技类文章中英双语(5篇范例)第一篇:经济学人科技类文章中英双语The Brain Activity Map绘制大脑活动地图Hard cell 棘手的细胞An ambitious project to map the brain is in the works.Possibly too ambitious 一个绘制大脑活动地图的宏伟计划正在准备当中,或许有些太宏伟了 NEWS of what protagonists hope will be America’s next big science project continues to dribble out.有关其发起人心中下一个科学大工程的新闻报道层出不穷。

A leak to the New York Times, published on February 17th, let the cat out of the bag, with a report that Barack Obama’s administration is thinking of sponsoring what will be known as the Brain Activity Map.2月17日,《纽约时报》刊登的一位线人报告终于泄露了秘密,报告称奥巴马政府正在考虑赞助将被称为“大脑活动地图”的计划。

And on March 7th several of those protagonists published a manifesto for the project in Science.3月7日,部分发起人在《科学》杂志上发表声明证实了这一计划。

The purpose of BAM is to change the scale at which the brain is understood.“大脑活动地图”计划的目标是改变人们在认知大脑时采用的度量方法。



A deadly profession致命职业Four journalists have been killed in Mexico this year今年墨西哥已有四名记者被杀It was lunchtime on January 31st when Roberto Toledo, a 55-year-old video journalist, opened the door. He was shot and later died of his wounds. He was the fourth member of the press to be murdered in Mexico in just one month.1月31日中午,55岁的摄影记者罗伯托·托莱多打开了房门。



Mexico has long been a deadly place for journalists. Reporters Without Borders, a watchdog, reckons 47 have been killed over the past five years, the same number as in Afghanistan. More reporters are missing—presumed kidnapped—in Mexico than anywhere else in the world. Even so, the events of recent weeks have shocked many.对于记者来说,墨西哥一直以来都是一个致命的地方。





Have baby, stay in school生孩子还是继续上学?Why teenage mothers in Zimbabwe struggle to get educated为什么津巴布韦的未成年妈妈很难继续接受教育Brilliant Ndlovu has never really known childhood. Since the age of seven she has headed her household in Tsholotsho, a town in rural western Zimbabwe, after her parents went to work abroad. The oldest of five, she scraped a living growing crops while trying to keep up with her schoolwork.聪明的恩德洛夫从未真正经历过童年。



But in 2020 the covid-19 pandemic struck, coming shortly after a devastating drought. Farmers could not afford to pay child labourers like Ms Ndlovu. “So I looked for a man to help support my family,” she recalls. She found one who demanded sex in exchange for money. Aged 17, she got pregnant.但在2020年,经历一场毁灭性的干旱后,新冠疫情又紧随其后。



Britain’s young face a poorer future英国年轻一代面临更加贫穷的未来Economic statistics will never fully capture the extent of the sacrifices of Britain’s youth during the pandemic. For a generation of students and pupils it was a lost chance to make friends, explore who they are and, gradually, become adults — as well as to learn, in person. In the face of the deaths in the broader population, it is easy to dismiss as frivolous the setbacks of those who missed partying, travelling and dating during the long months stuck inside but these are still years of carefree youth they will not get back. What is more, most of these privations were primarily to protect those from older generations, the most vulnerable to the coronavirus.经济统计数字将永远不能完全反映出英国青年在这场大流行病中牺牲了多少。





Surging living costs force Britons to work past retirement age生活成本飙升迫使英国人退休后继续工作The share of older UK workers planning to carry on working in their retirement has nearly doubled in two years due to rising living costs and insufficient pension savings, according to a survey from Abrdn.根据Abrdn的一项调查, 由于生活成本上升和养老金储蓄不足, 计划退休后继续工作的英国老年员工比例在两年内增加了近一倍。

The investment manager’s stark findings underscore the impact of soaring energy and food prices on household budgets, which is pressuring people’s finances as inflation hits a 30-year high.这家投资管理公司的严峻调查结果凸显出能源和食品价格飙升对家庭预算的影响。

随着通胀触及30年高点, 家庭预算正给人们的财务状况带来压力。

Surveying people planning to retire in 2022, Abrdn found that 66 per cent respondents proposed to continue with some form of employment beyond retiring, up from just over 50 per cent in a similar study last year and just 34 per cent in 2020.Abrdn对计划2022年退休的人进行了调查, 发现66%的受访者打算在退休后继续从事某种形式的工作, 而在去年的一项类似研究中, 这一比例略高于50%, 而在2020年, 这一比例仅为34%。



(2):食品公司与减肥斗士【翻译交流】Feb 9th 2006From The Economist Global AgendaFood firms and fat-fighters食品公司与减肥斗士Five leading food companies have introduced a labelling scheme for their products in the British market, in an attempt to assuage critics who say they encourage obesity. But consumer groups are unhappy all the same. Is the food industry, like tobacco before it, about to be *engulfed[1]by a wave of lawsuits brought on health grounds?五家业内领先的食品公司采取了一项方案,就是在其投入英国市场的食品上作出标注,力图堵住那些说他们鼓励肥胖的批评人士的嘴。


食品业会像之前的烟草一样,被卷入一场关乎健康的诉讼之中吗?KEEPING fit requires a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise. On the second of these at least, the world’s food companies can claim to be setting a good example :they have been working up quite a sweat in their attempts to fend off assaults by governments, consumer groups and lawyers who accuse them of peddling products that encourage obesity. This week saw the unveiling of another industry initiative :five leading food producers—Danone, Kellogg, Nestlé, Kraft and PepsiCo—introduced a labelling scheme for the British market which will show “guideline daily amounts” for calories, fats, sugar and salt on packaging. The new labels will start to appear on the firms’ crisps, chocolate bars, cheese slices *and the like[2] over the next few months. A number of other food giants, such as Cadbury Schweppes and Masterfoods, have already started putting guideline labels on their products.将健康的饮食习惯和经常性的锻炼二者结合才可以让身体保持健康。



economist(经济学人)精品文章中英对照(合集五篇)第一篇:economist(经济学人)精品文章中英对照Whopper to go 至尊汉堡,打包带走Will Burger King be gobbled up by private equity? 汉堡王是否会被私人股本吞并?Sep 2nd 2010 | NEW YORKSHARES in Burger King(BK)soared on September 1st on reports that the fast-food company was talking to several private-equity firms interested in buying it.How much beef was behind these stories was unclear.But lately the company famous for the slogan “Have It Your Way” has certainly not been having it its own way.There may be arguments about whether BK or McDonald’s serves the best fries, but there is no doubt which is more popular with stockmarket investors: the maker of the Big Mac has supersized its lead in the past two years.有报道披露,快餐企业汉堡王(BK)正在与数个有收购意向的私人股本接洽,9月1日,汉堡王的股值随之飙升。




1英语阅读-经济学人《Economics》双语版-Rebuilding the American dream machine

1英语阅读-经济学人《Economics》双语版-Rebuilding the American dream machine

(1):重建美国梦机器From The Economist print editionRebuilding the American dream machine重建美国梦机器FOR America's colleges, January is a month of reckoning. Most applications for the next academic year beginning in the autumn have to be made by the end of December, so a university's popularity is put to an objective standard :how many people want to attend. One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York (CUNY), a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties (it doesn't even have dorms), and, until recently, academic credibility.对美国的大学而言,一月是一个清算的月份。





考研英语阅读英文原刊《经济学人》:收入与幸福感Happiness and Income收入与幸福感Everything that rises must converge幸福的家庭总是相似的Emerging markets are catching up with the West inthe happiness stakes新兴国家的幸福指数将要赶上西方POETS, songwriters and left-wing politicians hate theidea, but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear: money buys happiness and thericher you are, the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life. Until now. Asurvey of 43 countries published on October 30th by the Pew Research Centre of Washington,DC, shows that people in emerging markets are within a whisker of expressing the same levelof satisfaction as people in rich countries. It is the biggest qualification to the standard viewof happiness and income seen so far.诗人,作词家,左翼政治家总是反驳这样一个观点:钱可以买到幸福,一个人越有钱,他对生活的满意感就可能越高。



5英语阅读-经济学人《Economics》双语版-Stuff of dreams

5英语阅读-经济学人《Economics》双语版-Stuff of dreams

Stuff of dreams梦想的精粹(译者注:本文是关于画展的评论。

)Two exhibitions show how a pair of 18th-century painters, James Barry and Henry Fuseli, inspired the modern visual ★romance with[1] the gothic两个画展展示的是,两位18世纪画家——詹姆斯•巴里和亨利•富塞利——如何唤起了现代人从视觉上对哥特式艺术的憧憬。

THIS spring the bad boys of British art are ★making a comeback[2]. Not Damien Hirst and his friends, but the original ★enfants terribles[3]—★Henry Fuseli[4] (1741-1825) and James Barry (1741-1806)—who aimed, above all, to depict extremes of passion and terror in what they called the new art of the Sublime.今春,英国艺术界的坏孩子再次粉墨登场了。


Barry and Fuseli are hardly household names; indeed since Victorian times they have been virtually ignored. But in the late 18th century, Fuseli, and for a short time Barry also, were prominent members of the young Royal Academy of Arts (RA) and influential professors of painting there. Barry's ★fall from grace[5] was the most dramatic, but there is much to admire in this irascible Irish artist who, like Fuseli, once taught William Blake. Barry's prolific historical paintings demonstrate his ambition to rival the painters of antiquity and the Renaissance and to practise what the then president of the RA, Sir Joshua Reynolds, always preached—that history painting was the noblest form of art. (1)But Barry found it hard to be bound by rules, and he turned history and myth into a series of ★tableaux[6] that were at once oddly expressionistic and deeply personal.巴里和富塞利这两个名字算不上家喻户晓,实际上自维多利亚时代以来,世人对他们已经不闻不问。



经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集The Economist thinks that media is diverging into blockbusters and niches—with everything else struggling. Why are blockbusters still doing well in this world of almost limitless entertainment choice? First,blockbusters are the common topics that people talk about with their friends.Second, all that technology that has made niche content so much more accessible has also proved handy for pushing blockbusters.Third,in a world of growing entertainment options that make people freaking out, it's easier for some people to choose what others are talking about or what they have heard.So,is the increasing polarization of media products into blockbusters and niches a good or a bad thing? Of course it is a challenge for media companies.But is a boon to consumers.Media companies must raise their game to outshine others.Creative types must learn how to move between big-budget blockbusters and niche, small-budget fare, observing the different genre and budget constraints that apply in these worlds.So, the growth of those niche products grab the market of middle class's instead of blockbusters'.It comes to aconclussion by The Economist that there are only a few things that can be guaranteed to delight large numbers of people.Thus the future of blockbusters is stable.经济学人杂志认为娱乐产品正在发生两级分化,一边是风靡一时,流行大卖的娱乐产品,另外一边是满足小部分人需求和兴趣的小众利基产品,而介于两者之间的产品日子越来也难过.在娱乐选择越来越多的年代,流行热卖的作品还能有这么大的市场呢?原因有三.第一,流行大卖作品是人们与朋友交谈时的共同话题,因为人们对此都会略知一二.第二,让小众产品更易获取的因特网技术也帮助流行热卖产品横行世界.第三,在娱乐选择多得让人抓狂的情况下,对很多来讲,选择别人都在谈论的,或是自己听说过的作品总是来得更容易一些.那么娱乐产业的两级分化是好还是坏?当然对于娱乐公司来讲这是巨大的挑战,但对消费者来讲,却是好事,因为娱乐公司为了让他们的产品能够在成千上万的同类产品中脱颖而出,他们必须要精益求精.对于创作者来讲他们必须要在流行大卖作品和小众利基产品的世界做出合适的定位.所以,那些不知名小众产品的增长抢夺的不是流行热卖作品的市场,付出代价的是中等受欢迎,质量一般般的娱乐产品.经济学人杂志得出结论说,注定只有少部分产品会受到绝大多数人的欢迎,所以流行热卖作品的未来是稳固的.。



The 19th century French philosopher Auguste Comte got it wrong: demography is not destiny.19世纪法国哲学家奥古斯特•孔德错了:人口并不决定命运。

Population trends are some of the strongest forces in economics, affecting global prosperity, the growth of individual nations and the strength of public finances. But reducing the success of countries and regions to their trends in births, deaths and migration is a simplification too far.各种人口趋势是经济学中最强大的一些力量,影响着全球繁荣、单个国家的增长和公共财政的实力。


As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, the confident predictions in 2020 of a lockdown baby boom followed by the 2021 fear of a Covid baby bust demonstrate that demographic trends are far less stable than often imagined. Small changes in fertility, mortality and migration can have immense effects.正如新冠疫情所显示的那样,2020年对疫情封锁会带来一波婴儿潮的自信预测,以及接下来的2021年对疫情会造成婴儿荒的担忧,表明人口趋势远没有通常想象的那么稳定。

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IF THE Federal Reserve eases monetary policy again at its meeting on 1September 13th, as I expect, it will be its most meticulously debated, 2planned and scrutinised move in recent memory. The case for action has 3been apparent at least since the spring when it became clear the economy 4would underperform the Fed's repeatedly lowered economic forecasts. Yet 5Ben Bernanke spent much of the press conference following the Fed's 6meeting in June, when it extended Operation Twist (the purchase of 7long-term bonds financed by selling short-term bonds) on the defensive 8over why the Fed hadn't done more. In August, it again chose not to pull 9the trigger. But it did release a statement that hinted the point was 10drawing near. The minutes to that meeting released three weeks later 11suggested it would take an immediate and powerful improvement in the 12economy to stay the Fed's hand.1314When Mr Bernanke made his annual appearance at the Kansas City Fed's 15economic symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, today, the world was 16wondering whether he would send a definitive sign that action was coming.17He did not, merely repeating the key sentence from the August statement, 18that the Fed "will provide additional policy accommodation as needed to 19promote a stronger economic recovery." This should not have been 20surprising; Fed chairmen don't like to front-run the Federal Open Market 21Committee.2223Mr Bernanke had a different goal than signaling to Wall Street. Pressure 24on the Fed has become intense in the last year, from hawks and 25conservatives (not necessarily, but increasingly, the same) who think the 26Fed has done all it can do and going further risks inflation, monetisation 27of the debt, and a loss of credibility for the central bank; and from doves 28and liberals who accuse Mr Bernanke of having shirked his responsibility 29and his own prior advice to the Bank of Japan by not more aggressively 30using the tools and alternative frameworks available to boost employment.31That this debate has unfolded against the backdrop of a tight and divisive 32presidential election has only raised the stakes, because it meant no 33matter what the Fed does, one party will accuse it of having helped the 34other win.3536Since Mr Bernanke could not escape criticism regardless of what the Fed 37did, tactically he was best served by waiting until the case for action 38was unambiguous, unsurprising and, most important, well articulated. The 39data have made the case unambiguous: employment and growth are weak and 40inflation by the Fed's preferred measure has edged down. By September 13th, 41it will certainly be unsurprising. Mr Bernanke's task today was to 42articulate the case.4344Mr Bernanke has always said the test was whether the benefits of more 45"quantitative easing" (QE)—the purchase of assets by printing money 46—exceeded the costs. This is what he did today. On the benefits, he said 47studies that show the Fed's two previous rounds of QE (large scale asset 48purchases, or LSAPs in Fed jargon) plus Operation Twist had lowered 49Treasury yields by 80 to 120 basis points. They have also led to 50"significant declines in the yields on both corporate bonds...[and] 51substantial reductions in MBS yields and retail mortgage rates. LSAPs also 52appear to have boosted stock prices, presumably both by lowering discount 53rates and by improving the economic outlook." On the economic impact, he 54reported:5556“57If we are willing to take as a working assumption that the effects of 58easier financial conditions on the economy are similar to those observed 59historically, then econometric models can be used to estimate the effects 60of LSAPs on the economy. Model simulations conducted at the Federal 61Reserve generally find that the securities purchase programs have 62provided significant help for the economy. For example, a study using the 63Board's FRB/US model of the economy found that, as of 2012, the first two 64rounds of LSAPs may have raised the level of output by almost 3 percent 65and increased private payroll employment by more than 2 million jobs, 66relative to what otherwise would have occurred. The Bank of England has 67used LSAPs in a manner similar to that of the Federal Reserve, so it is 68of interest that researchers have found the financial and macroeconomic 69effects of the British programs to be qualitatively similar to those in 70the United States.”7172Mr Bernanke also argued that the Fed's forward rate guidance, that is 73its commitment not to raise rates through the end of 2014, have had a 74powerful impact on expectations of Fed tightening. In conclusion, he said 75that "nontraditional policy tools have been and can continue to be 76effective in providing financial accommodation" (emphasis mine).7778He then catalogued the potential costs of further easing: impaired 79market functioning as the Fed's share of total bonds in circulation rose;80the potential for asset bubbles if interest rates are kept low for a long 81time; the threat of inflation if the Fed has trouble exiting from its 82purchases; and potential losses if the bonds lose value when interest 83rates rise. Mr Bernanke said "the hurdle for using non-traditional 84policies should be higher than for traditional policies. At the same time, 85the costs of non-traditional policies, when considered carefully, appear 86manageable, implying that we should not rule out the further use of such 87policies if economic conditions warrant."8889Do conditions warrant? Yes. As Mr Bernanke put it, "the economic 90situation is obviously far from satisfactory."9192If Mr Bernanke has made it clear that the Fed plans to act on September 9313th, he has not yet clarified how. The Fed could extend its low-rate 94guidance past 2014, but Mr Bernanke's speech seemed to assign such a move 95less efficacy than further bond purchases. If the Fed buys bonds, would 96it buy Treasurys or MBS or something else? By citing housing as first among 97the headwinds holding back the economy, and specifying the impact on 98mortgage rates of prior QE, he made a prima facie case for buying MBS and 99Treasurys. It is still not clear, though, whether the Fed would announce 100a fixed amount of purchases over a fixed term, or an open-ended programme 101(eg, $100 billion per month, keyed to economic conditions).102103What is fairly certain is that he will not be thanked when it happens. 104Conservatives will dial up their accusations of reckless Fed activism, 105and probably add toadying to Barack Obama to the rap sheet. Liberals will 106decry the Fed for not having gone further, or acted sooner. And in truth, 107no one can be sure that either is wrong. At today's Jackson Hole conference, 108there was an animated debate on this question. Adam Posen, whose last day 109on the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee is today, decried the 110"defeatism about policy" which leads people to conclude that if monetary 111policy isn't working, it must simply be the structure of the economy. In 112fact the problem is more likely to be impairments to particular financial 113markets, which can be addressed with asset purchases in that specific 114sector (eg, small-business loans). Central banks have shied away from such 115purchases because of "self-imposed taboos", Mr Posen fretted, such as 116fears that such purchases would misallocate credit or look like 117politicised fiscal policy. This, he said, "is a prehistoric way of 118thinking."119120Larry Lindsey, a former Fed governor and adviser to George Bush, shot 121back: "In a free society, individuals and institutions don’t do unusual 122things because if you do, and break custom and happen to be wrong, you’123re betting the farm. It's normal, prudential sort of political behaviour. 124For our profession, after the last two decades, to realise modesty in what 125we express and can do, is probably becoming."126127Mr Bernanke can sympathise with both. When he first joined the Fed in 1282002, he was, like most academics, something of a hedgehog, quite sure 129of the answers and impatient with the fools and cowards who refused to 130implement them. One of his first speeches as governor made the academic 131point that when short-term interest rates are at zero, the Fed still has 132plenty of ammo by printing money, what Milton Friedman euphemistically 133called dropping money from a helicopter. This was the origin of the epithet 134"Helicopter Ben". A year after that, he made the same case but with more 135nuance in Japan. In the intervening years, he has become, as most 136policymakers do, a fox: the real world contains political constraints and 137unintended consequences that must be factored in before the academically 138ideal remedy is applied.139140The fox in Mr Bernanke appears to have made peace with the hedgehog. 141His most important audience today was his own colleagues. He needs not 142just their votes but their full-throated verbal endorsement of the Fed's 143next move in their speeches they make afterwards. What most outsiders 144can't appreciate about the job of Fed chairman is that among his unwritten 145responsibilities is maintaining the integrity and credibility of his 146institution for his successors. There are two ways this can be lost: by 147doing too little in the face of either too high unemployment or inflation; 148the other is by doing too much, with activism that prompts a backlash 149against the institution, constraining its ability to act again. If Mr 150Bernanke has calculated correctly, he has found a path between the two. 151152153154155156157158159Barren rocks, barren nationalism160THE wave of anti-Japanese protests that has erupted across China, after 161tit-for-tat landings by ultranationalists on uninhabited islands which 162the Japanese call the Senkakus and the Chinese the Diaoyus, is alarming. 163It is a reminder of how a barren group of disputed rocks could upend 164pain-staking progress in the difficult relations between Asia’s two 165biggest powers (see article). And the spat even raises the spectre of a 166conflict that could conceivably draw in America.167168History always weighs heavily in East Asia, so it is essential to 169understand the roots of the squabble. China has never formally controlled 170the Senkakus, and for most Japanese, blithely forgetful of their country’171s rapacious, imperial past, possession is nine-tenths of the law. Yet the 172islands’ history is ambiguous. The Senkakus first crept into the record 173lying in the Chinese realm, just beyond the Ryukyu kingdom, which in the 1741870s was absorbed by Japan and renamed Okinawa. The Chinese emperor 175objected to Japanese attempts to incorporate the Senkakus into Okinawa, 176but in 1895 Japan did it unilaterally. After Japan’s defeat in 1945 the 177Americans took over Okinawa’s administration, along with the Senkakus. 178In the 1951 peace treaty between Japan and the United States, as well as 179in the agreement to return Okinawa in 1972, the Senkakus’ sovereignty 180was left vague (Taiwan claims them too). The Americans say the dispute 181is for the parties to resolve amicably.182Three decades ago that looked possible. Deng Xiaoping, the architect 183of China’s modernisation, recognised the risks. When he signed a Treaty 184of Peace and Friendship with Japan in 1978, the two countries agreed to 185kick the Senkakus into the long grass. “Our generation”, Deng said, “is 186not wise enough to find common language on this question. The next 187generation will be wiser.” His hopes have been dashed.188189Chinese maritime power is growing, in ways that not only challenge 190Japan’s control of the Senkakus (but also worry other countries that have 191maritime disputes with China). Maritime law has evolved with exclusive 192economic zones around territories (see article). So all the islets have 193become more valuable. The current squabble began when the right-wing 194governor of Tokyo declared that the metropolitan government would buy the 195Senkakus from their indebted private owner, the better to assert Japanese 196sovereignty. Not to be seen as weak, Yoshihiko Noda, the prime minister, 197retorted that the Japanese government would buy them instead.198199The natural solution200201What can be done? Neither side wants to jeopardise good relations, let 202alone go to war, over the Senkakus. But the fact that there is a (remote) 203danger of conflict should prompt both governments to do two things. The 204long-term task is to defang the more poisonous nationalist serpents in 205both countries’ politics. In Japan that means producing honest textbooks 206so that schoolchildren can discover what their predecessors did. In China 207(no promulgator of honest textbooks itself) the government must abandon 208its habit of using Japanophobia as an outlet for populist anger, when 209modern Japan has been such a force for peace and prosperity in Asia. But 210the priority now is to look for ways to minimise the chances of 211unwished-for conflict, especially in seas swarming with rival vessels. 212213At a minimum that means not only having hotlines between the two 214governments, but also cast-iron commitments from the Chinese always to 215pick up the phone. A mechanism to deal with maritime issues between the 216two countries was set up last year, but crumbled when put to the test. 217Ideally, both sides should make it clear that military force is not an 218option. China should undertake not to send official vessels into Japanese 219waters, as it still occasionally does, and deal more forcefully with 220militaristic sabre-rattlers like the general who suggested using the 221Senkakus for bombing practice. Back in 2008 the two countries agreed on 222a framework for the joint development of disputed gasfields in the East 223China Sea, though China unpicked this good work when a Chinese trawler 224rammed a Japanese coastguard vessel near the Senkakus in 2010.225226As for the Senkakus themselves, Mr Noda’s proposal to buy them would 227have value if accompanied by a commitment to leave them unvisited. And 228it would be easier to face down the nationalists if America acknowledged 229its own past role in sweeping competing claims over the Senkakus under 230the carpet. Our own suggestion is for governments to agree to turn the 231Senkakus and the seas round them—along with other rocks contested by 232Japan and South Korea—into pioneering marine protected areas. As well 233as preventing war between humans, it would help other species. Thanks to 234decades of overfishing, too few fish swim in those waters anyway.235236237238CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A day after fumbling a predictable and 239straightforward question posed by Mitt Romney last week —are Americans 240better off than they were four years ago — the Obama campaign provided 241a response on Monday that it said would be hammered home during the 242Democratic convention here this week: “Absolutely.”243The focus on the campaign’s handling of the question, after halting 244and contradictory responses from Democrats on Sunday, complicated the 245White House’s effort to begin striking a set of themes the president 246intends to highlight here and carry through the general election.247That effort starts with an argument that Mr. Romney, the Republican 248nominee, would raise taxes on the middle class while cutting them for the 249wealthy. It seeks to pitch forward to the next four years the case that 250Mr. Obama and his allies have made over the spring and summer —that Mr. 251Romney’s business caree r showed him intent on profit even at the expense 252of workers and that his wealth has given him tax advantages not enjoyed 253by regular people.254“The problem is everybody’s already seen his economic playbook,” Mr. 255Obama said at a campaign stop in Ohio before a Labor Day audience largely 256consisting of United Auto Workers union members. “On first down he hikes 257taxes by nearly $2,000 on the average family with kids in order to pay 258for a massive tax cut for multimillionaires.”259The Obama campaign began running a new commercial making the same point, 260and asserting, “The middle class is carrying a heavy load in America, 261but Romney doesn’t see it.”262As delegates streamed in for the opening of the convention on Tuesday, 263Mr. Obama and his team were putting the finishing touches on a program 264that requires a different kind of political daring from the one they showed 265four years ago, when Mr. Obama gave his speech in a stadium on a stage 266compared by some to a Greek temple.267This week Mr. Obama is planning to undertake a tricky two-step of 268convincing wavering supporters being aggressively courted by Mr. Romney 269that they made the right decision in choosing him four years ago and that 270he has the country on its way to a sustainable recovery even if they do 271not always feel it. He will make the argument in an outdoor stadium again, 272on Thursday night under the threat of rain, but aides say there will be 273no Greek columns.274Obama campaign aides indicated they were moving into a new phase, 275applying their case that Mr. Romney has no history of looking out for the 276middle class to the question of what the next four years would look like 277under a Romney presidency.278But Republicans showed that they were not going to give Mr. Obama a free 279ride this week, with Mr. Romney’s running mate, Representati ve Paul D. 280Ryan, coming to North Carolina to keep the focus on the last four years. 281“The president can say a lot of things, and he will, but he can’t tell 282you that you’re better off,” Mr. Ryan said on Monday at a rally in 283Greenville, N.C. “Simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good 284old days compared to where we are right now.”285Mr. Obama’s aides initially appeared to stumble when television 286interviewers asked them to respond to Mr. Romney’s charge in his 287nomination acceptance speech Thursday night that Americans were not 288better off under Mr. Obama.289On Fox News Channel, Mr. Obama’s top strategist, David Axelrod, said, 290“We’re in a better position than we were four years ago in our economy.” 291But Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, a Democrat, answered “no” on 292CBS’s “Face the Nation,” though he blamed Republicans. Other aides 293equivocated.294Mr. O’Malley provided another answer on Monday on CNN: “We are clearly 295better off as a country because we’re creating jobs rather than losing 296them. We have not recovered all that we lost in the Bush recession. That’s 297why we need to continue to move forward.”298In fact, on Monday the campaign settled on a definitive answer of, as 299the deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter put it, “Absolutely.”300301302。
