



4、液压系统 9、副车架 14、分配机构
5、液压油箱 10、泵送单元 15、搅拌机构
3. 整机铭牌
3.1 整机铭牌
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3.2 整机铭牌位置图 整车铭牌统一安装在机罩前面。
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泵机工作时,必须置于坚实的地面上,以保证其稳定性。应 避开已挖的松土,可有可能塌陷的地表;应远离斜坡、堤坝、 凹坑、壕沟。
Ø 在未将料斗栅格关好前不能工作。
Ø 在泵机周围设置必须的工作区域,非操作人员未经许可不得 入内。
Ø 中华人民共和国国家标准《混凝土泵送施工技术规程》 标准号:JGJ/T10-95
Ø 泰安民乐机械制造有限公司标准《混凝土输送泵车》 标准号:Q/OKAM901-2001
Ø 中华人民共和国行业标准《混凝土泵车》 标准号:QC/T718-2004
Ø 中华人民共和国行业标准《道路车辆外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》 标准号:GB1589-2004
参 01708/01718/01728
数 01710/01720/01730 系列
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车辆标准规范中英文对照车辆综合1 GB 1495-1979 机动车辆允许噪声Permissible noise limit emitted by power-driven vehicles2 GB/T 1496-1979 机动车辆噪声测量方法Measuring method for noise of power-driven vehicles3 GB/T 3730.1-1988 汽车和半挂车的术语和定义车辆类型Motor vehicle and semi-trailer-type-terms and definitions4 GB/T 3730.2-1996 道路车辆质量词汇和代码Road vehicle--Masses--Vocabulary and codes5 GB/T 3730.3-1992 汽车和挂车的术语及其定义车辆尺寸Motor vehicles and towed vehicles—Dimensions of vehicles—Terms and definitions6 GB 4094-1994 汽车操纵件、指示器及信号装置的标志Motor vehicles--Symbols for controls,indicators and tell-tales7 GB/T 4782-1984 道路车辆--操纵件、指示器及信号装置--词汇Road vehicles--Controls, indicators and tell-tales--Vocabulary8 GB/T 4970-1996 汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验方法Method of random input running test--Automotive ride comfort9 GB/T 7031-1986 车辆振动输入路面平度表示方法Vehicle vibration--Describing method for road surface irregularity10 GB 8410-1994 汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性Flammability of automotive interior materials11 GB/T 9417-1988 汽车产品型号编号规则Motor vehicles-type and model designation12 GB/T 11551-1989 汽车乘员碰撞保护Motor vehicles—Occupant cash protection13 GB 11552-1989 汽车内部凸出物Motor vehicles—Internal protrusions14 GB 11553-1989 汽车正面碰撞时对燃油泄漏的规定Motor vehicles—Regulation of fuel leakage during frontal impact15 GB/T 11559-1989 汽车室内尺寸测量用三维H点装置Motor vehicles—Use in defining their seating accommodations—Three dimensional H point machine16 GB/T 11568-1989 汽车罩锁装置Motor vehicles—Hood latch system17 GB/T 12478-1990 客车防尘密封性试验方法Dust proof performance—Test method for buses18 GB/T 12480-1990 客车防雨密封性试验方法Rain proof performance test mothod for buses19 GB/T 12484-1990 客车车身术语Terms for the bus body20 GB/T 12534-1990 汽车道路试验方法通则Motor vehicles—General rules of road test method21 GB/T 12535-1990 汽车起动性能试验方法Motor vehicles—Starting performance—Test methods22 GB/T 12536-1990 汽车滑行试验方法Motor vehicles—Coastdown—Test method23 GB/T 12537-1990 汽车牵引性能试验方法Motor vehicles—Towing performance—Test method24 GB/T 12538-1990 汽车重心高度测定方法Motor vehicles—Height of gravity center—Measuring method25 GB/T 12539-1990 汽车爬陡坡试验方法Motor vehicles—Steep hill climbing—Test method26 GB/T 12540-1990 汽车最小转弯直径测定方法Motor vehicles—Minimum turning diameter—Method of measurment27 GB/T 12541-1990 汽车地形通过性试验方法Motor vehicles—Passing topography capacity—Test method28 GB/T 12542-1990 汽车发动机冷却系冷却能力道路试验方法Motor vehicles—Cooling capacity for engine cooling system—Test method on road29 GB/T 12543-1990 汽车加速性能试验方法Motor vehicles—Acceleration performance—Test method30 GB/T 12544-1990 汽车最高车速试验方法Motor vehicles—Maximum speed—Test method31 GB/T 12545-1990 汽车燃料消耗量试验方法Motor vehicles—Fuel consumption test method32 GB/T 12546-1990 汽车隔热通风试验方法Motor vehicles—Ventilation and heat insulation—Test method33 GB/T 12547-1990 汽车最低稳定车速试验方法Motor vehicles—Minimum stable speed—Test method34 GB/T 12549-1990 汽车操纵稳定性术语及其定义Automotive controllability and stability—Terms and definitions35 GB/T 12674-1990 汽车质量(重量)参数测定方法Motor vehicles—Weight parameter—Measuring method36 GB/T 12677-1990 汽车技术状况行驶检查方法Motor vehicles—Technical condition—Inspection method37 GB/T 12678-1990 汽车可靠性行驶试验方法Reliability running test method for automobiles38 GB/T 12679-1990 汽车耐久性行驶试验方法Motor vehicles—Durability running—Test method39 GB/T 13860-1992 地面车辆机械振动测量数据的表述方法Mechanical vibrations--Land vehicles-Method for reporting measured data40 GB/T 14168-1993 汽车制动液类别图形标志Motor vehicles--Graphical symbols to designate brake fluid types41 GB/T 14172-1993 汽车静侧翻稳定性台架试验方法Static roll stability test method for motor vehicles42 GB/T 15089-1994 机动车辆分类Motor vehicles--Classification43 GB 15740-1995 汽车防盗装置性能要求Motor vehicle--Protective devices against unauthorized use--Performance requirments44 GB/T 16735-1997 道路车辆车辆识别代号(VIN)位置与固定Road vehicles--Vehicle identification number(VIN)--Location and attachment45 GB/T 16736-1997 道路车辆车辆识别代号(VIN)内容与构成Road vehicles--Vehicle identification number(VIN)--Content and structure46 GB/T 16737-1997 道路车辆世界制造厂识别代号(WMI)Road vehicles--World manufacturer identifier(WMI)code47 GB/T 16738-1997 道路车辆世界零件制造厂识别代号(WPMI) Road vehicler--World parts manufacturer identifier(WPMI)code48 GB 7258-1997 机动车运行安全技术条件Safety specifications for motor vehicles operating on roads49 GB 13094-1997 客车结构安全要求The safety requirements for bus construction50 GB/T 16888-1997 客车安全顶窗The escape hatch of bus汽车发动机1 GB/T 5923-1986 汽车柴油机燃油滤清器的试验方法Test methods of fuel filters for automotive compression ignition engines2 GB/T 5924-1986 汽车柴油机燃油滤清器的试验值及分级Test values and classification of fuel filters for automotive compression ignition engines3 GB/T 12781-1991 汽车供油系气阻试验方法Motor vehicles—Vapor lock for fuel system—Test method4 GB/T 12782-1991 汽车采暖性能试验方法Motor vehicle—Heating performance—Test method5 GB/T 14169-1993 汽车空气滤清器接头A型和B型Air filter connections for motor vehicles--Types A and B6 GB/T 14170-1993 载货汽车空气滤清器滤芯尺寸规范Air filter elements for trucks--Dimensions7 GB/T 8409-1999 汽车发动机旋装式机油滤清器连接尺寸Road vehicles--Intermal combustion engines--Spin-on filters for lubrication oil--Dimension8 GB/T 17653-1999 汽车柴油机旋装式燃油滤清器安装和连接尺寸Road vehicles--Spin-on fuel filters for combustion-ignition engines--Mounting and dimensions9 GB/T 17692-1999 汽车用发动机净功率测试方法Measurement methods of net power for automotive engines汽车底盘与车身1 GB 1589-1989 汽车外廓尺寸限界Outside dimension limits of motor vehicles2 GB/T 2933-1995 充气轮胎用车轮和轮辋的术语、规格代号和标志Wheels/rims for pneumatic tyres--Nomenclature,designation and marking3 GB/T 3487-1996 汽车轮辋规格系列Rim contours for motor vehicles4 GB/T 4095-1995 载货汽车辐板式车轮在轮毂上的安装尺寸Disc wheels for trucks--Dimensional characteristics of attachment on hub5 GB/T 4784-1984 使用非石油基制动液的汽车液压制动软管总成Brake hose assemblies for hydraulic braking systems of motor vehicles used with a non-petroleum base hydrau-lic fluids6 GB/T 5334-1995 轿车钢制车轮性能要求和试验方法Performance requirements and test methods of passenger car steel wheels7 GB/T 5335-1985 汽车制动装置液压试验的连接器Automobile hydraulic pressure test connection for braking equipment8 GB/T 5345-1985 制动液容器的标记Labelling of containers for brake fluid9 GB/T 5620.1-1985 汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义制动系种类、组成、力学及现象The terms and definitions of braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers--Types,constituent elements,braking mechanics and phenomenon of braking system10 GB/T 5620.2-1985 汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义零部件The terms and definitions of braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers--The parts and components of braking equipment11 GB/T 5909-1995 载货汽车车轮性能要求和试验方法Performance requirements and test methods of truck wheels12 GB/T 5911-1986 转向盘尺寸Steering wheel--Dimensions13 GB/T 5921-1986 汽车和挂车气压制动系部件上接口的识别标记Motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Air braking systems--Identification of connections on units14 GB/T 5922-1986 汽车和挂车气压制动装置压力测试连接器Motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Pressure test connection for compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment15 GB/T 6792-1996 客车车身骨架应力、形变测量方法Measure method of stress and deformation for bus budy skeleton16 GB 7062-1986 汽车气制动软管总成Automotive air brake hose assemblies17 GB 7063-1994 汽车护轮板The wheel guards of motor vehicles18 GB/T 7680-1987 液力变矩器性能试验方法Hydrodynamic torque converter--Method of performance tests19 GB/T 10484-1989 汽车真空制动软管总成Vacuum brake hose assemblies for motor vehicle20 GB/T 11549-1989 汽车安全带总成性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles—Safety belt assemblies—Performance requirements and test methods21 GB 11550-1995 汽车座椅头枕性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles--Seats head vestraints--Performance requirements and test methods22 GB 11555-1994 汽车风窗玻璃除雾系统的性能要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Windshield demisters--Performance requirements and test methods23 GB 11556-1994 汽车风窗玻璃除霜系统的性能要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Windshield defrosters--Performance requirements and test methods24 GB/T 11558-1989 汽车安全带用卷收器性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles—Retractors for safety belt—Performance requirements and test methods25 GB 11561-1989 汽车加速器控制系统的技术要求Motor vehicles—Accelerator control systems—Technical requirements26 GB 11562-1994 汽车驾驶员前方视野要求及测量方法Motor vehicles--Forward visibility for drivers--Requirements and measurement methods27 GB/T 11563-1995 汽车H点确定程序Motor vehicles--Procedure for H-point determination28 GB 11565-1989 轿车风窗玻璃刮水器刮刷面积Passenger cars—Windshield wipers—Wiped areas29 GB 11566-1995 轿车外部凸出物Passenger car--External protrusions30 GB 11567-1994 汽车和挂车侧面及后下部防护装置要求Motor vehicles and trailers--Lateral and underrun protections--Requirements31 GB/T 11611-1989 汽车液压制动系金属管、内外螺纹管接头和软管端部接头Motor vehicles—Hydraulic braking systems—Pipes tapped holes, male fittings and hose end fittings32 GB/T 12482-1990 客车侧窗平面玻璃规格系列Side window flat glasses systematization for buses33 GB/T 12483-1990 客车风窗、后窗玻璃规格系列Buses windscreen and rear window glass—Systematization34 GB/T 12673-1990 汽车主要尺寸测量方法Molor vehicles—Basic dimensions—Measuring method35 GB/T 12780-1991 货车、客车制动器台架试验方法Trucks and buses—Brake—Bench test methods36 GB/T 13051-1991 汽车机械式变速器动力输出孔连接尺寸Motor vehicles—Connections for PTO37 GB/T 13053-1991 客车驾驶区尺寸Bus driver compartment dimensions38 GB/T 13054-1991 客车驾驶区尺寸术语Bus driver compartment dimensions terms39 GB/T 13055-1991 客车乘客区尺寸Bus passenger compartment dimensions40 GB/T 13056-1991 客车乘客区尺寸术语Bus passenger compartment dimension terms41 GB/T 13057-1991 客车驾驶员座椅尺寸规格Bus driver seat—Dimensions42 GB/T 13058-1991 客车驾驶员座椅技术条件Bus drivers seat—Technical specification43 GB/T 13059-1991 客车乘客座椅尺寸规格Bus passenger seat—Dimensions44 GB/T 13060-1991 客车乘客座椅技术条件Bus passenger seat—Technical specifications45 GB/T 13061-1991 汽车悬架用空气弹簧橡胶气囊Air spring for automotive suspension—Rubber bellows46 GB 13594-1992 汽车防抱制动系统性能要求和试验方法Vehicles anti-lock braking systems performence requiremants and test procedures47 GB/T 13604-1992 汽车转向球接头尺寸Motor vehicles—Steering ball joints—Dimensions48 GB 14166-1993 汽车安全带性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles--Safety belt assemblies--Performance requirements and test methods49 GB 14167-1993 汽车安全带安装固定点Motor vehicles--Safety belt anchorages50 GB/T 14171-1993 汽车气制动系管路螺纹孔和管接头外螺纹Motor vehicles--Pneumatic braking systems--Tapped holes and male fittings51 GB 15083-1994 汽车座椅系统强度要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Seat systems--Strengthrequirements and test methods52 GB 15084-1994 汽车后视镜的性能和安装要求Motor vehicles--Rear view mirrors--Requirements of performance and installation53 GB 15085-1994 汽车风窗玻璃刮水器、洗涤器的性能要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Windshield wipers and washer systems--Performance requirements and test methods54 GB 15086-1994 汽车门锁及门铰链的性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles--Door locks and door hinges--Performance requirements and test methods55 GB/T 15087-1994 汽车牵引车与全挂车机械连接装置强度试验Motor vehicles--Drawbar couplings and eyes for hinged drawbars--Strength test56 GB/T 15088-1994 汽车半挂车牵引座牵引销强度试验Motor vehicles--Fifth wheel coupling pins--Strength test57 GB/T 15704-1995 轿车车轮冲击试验方法Passenger cars--Wheels--Impact test procedure58 GB/T 15705-1995 载货汽车驾驶员操作位置尺寸Trucks--Operating position demensions of driver59 GB 15741-1995 汽车和挂车号牌板(架)及其位置The license plates (crackets) and its position on motor vehicles and trailer60 GB 15743-1995 轿车侧门强度Passenger car--Strength of side doors61 GB 16897-1997 制动软管Brake hose62 GB/T 17346-1998 轿车脚踏板的侧向间距Passenger cars--Lateral spacing of foot controls63 GB 11557-1998 防止汽车转向机构对驾驶员伤害的规定The stipulation protecting drivers from being injured by motor vehicle steering mechanism64 GB/T 17351-1998 汽车车轮双轮中心距Dual spaeing of vechicle wheels65 GB 17354-1998 汽车前、后端保护装置Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars66 GB/T 17578-1998 客车上部结构强度的规定Provisions of strength for the Superstructure of bus67 GB 12676-1999 汽车制动系统结构、性能和试验方法Road vehicles-Braking systems-Structure performance and test methods68 GB 17675-1999 汽车转向系基本要求Steering system of motor vehicles-Basic requirements69 GB/T 17676-1999 天然气汽车和液化石油气汽车标志Natural gas vehicle and liquefied petroleum gas vehicle Identification marks车辆通用零部件1 GB/T 1359-1978 汽车与挂车气制动接头型式与尺寸Pneumatic brakes for motor vehicls and their trailers-couplings--Types and dimensions2 GB/T 7726.1-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置术语Mechanical connections of articulated bus Glossary3 GB/T 7726.2-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置技术要求Mechanical connections of articulated bus Technical requirements4 GB/T 7726.3-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置球头销Mechanical connections of articulated bus Ball pin5 GB/T 7726.4-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置球形衬套Mechanical connections of articulated bus Ball socket6 GB/T 7726.5-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置伸缩篷Mechanical connections of articulated bus Telescopic tarpaulin车用电子、电气设备与仪表1 GB 4599-1994 汽车前照灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of headlamps for motor vehicles2 GB/T 4659-1984 汽车前照灯类型、主要尺寸和连接尺寸Type,main size and mounted dimension of headlamps for motor vehicle3 GB 4660-1994 汽车前雾灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of front fog lamps for motor vehicles4 GB/T 5053.1-1985 汽车与挂车之间24N 型电连接器Electrical connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Type 24N5 GB/T 5053.2-1985 汽车与挂车之间12N 型电连接器Electrical connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Type 12N6 GB/T 5053.3-1985 汽车与挂车之间电连接器的试验方法与要求Test methods and requirements of electrical connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles7 GB/T 5054-1985 汽车与挂车的七芯电缆线Seven-core connecting cable of motor vehicles and towed vehicles8 GB/T 5337-1985 汽车电器、灯具和仪表名词术语Nomenclature and terminology for automotive electrical equipment, lighting and instrumentation9 GB 5920-1994 汽车前和后位(侧)灯、示廓灯和制动灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of front and rear position (side)lamps, end-outline marker lamps and stop lamps for motor vehicles and their trailers 10 GB/T 6784-1986 M10×1平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M10×1 with flat seating and cylinder head housing11 GB/T 6785-1986 M12×1.25 平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M12×1.25 with flat seating and cylinder head housing12 GB/T 6786-1986 M14×1.25 平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M14×1.25 with flat seating and cylinder head housing13 GB/T 6787-1986 M14×1.25 矮型平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Compact spark plug M14×1.25 with flat seating and cylinder head housing14 GB/T 6788-1986 M14×1.25 矮型锥座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Compact spark plug M14×1.25 with conical seating and cylinder head housing15 GB/T 6789-1986 M14×1.25 锥座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M14×1.25 with conical seating and cylinder head housing16 GB/T 6790-1986 M18×1.5 平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M18×1.5 with flat seating and cylinder head housing17 GB/T 6791-1986 M18×1.5 锥座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M18×1.5 with conical seating and cylinder head housing18 GB/T 7360-1987 汽车与挂车照明和信号装置的工作电压及其测量Working voltages and their measurement for lights and lighting signal devices fitted to motor vehicles and towed vehicles19 GB/T 7825-1987 火花塞Spark plugs20 GB/T 10485-1989 汽车和挂车外部照明和信号装置基本环境试验Basic environmental testing of lighting and light signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers21 GB/T 12548-1990 汽车速度表、里程表检验校正方法Motor vehicles—Speedometer and odometer—Calibration method22 GB 15082-1994 汽车用车速表Motor vehicles--Speed meters23 GB 15235-1994 汽车倒车灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of reversing lamps for motor vehicles and their trailers24 GB 15742-1995 汽车电喇叭的性能要求及试验方法Automotive--Electric horn--Performance requirements and test methods25 GB/T 17348-1998 道路车辆会车光束倾斜角随载荷变化的测量Motor vehicle--Measurement of variations in dipped beam headlamp angle as a function of load26 GB/T 17349.1-1998 道路车辆汽车诊断系统词汇Road vehicles--Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles--Vocabulary27 GB/T 17349.2-1998 道路车辆汽车诊断系统图形符号Rord vehicle Diagnostic systym Graphical symbols28 GB 17509-1998 汽车和挂车转向信号灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of direction indicators for motor vehicles and their trailers29 GB 17510-1998 摩托车光信号装置配光性能Photometric characteristics of light-signalling devices for motorcycles30 GB 4785-1998 汽车及挂车外部照明和信号装置的安装规定Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light signalliug devices for motor vehicles and their trailers31 GB 11554-1998 汽车及挂车后雾灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of rear fog lamp for motor vehicles and their tralers32 GB 11564-1998 机动车回复反射器Retro refletor for motor vehicles33 GB 5948-1998 摩托车白炽丝光源前照灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of motocycle headlamps epuipped with filament light sources汽车1 GB/T 918.1-1989 道路车辆分类与代码机动车Classification and code for road vehicles—Motor vehicle2 GB/T 918.2-1989 道路车辆分类与代码非机动车Classification and code for road vehicles—Non-motor vehicle3 GB/T 1332-1991 载货汽车定型试验规程Trucks—Engineering approval evaluation program4 GB/T 1333-1977 汽车产品质量定期检查试验规程Test code for regular quality inspection of automobile products5 GB/T 4780-1984 载货汽车车身名词、术语Glossary of truck body6 GB/T 4971-1985 汽车平顺性名词术语和定义Terms and definitions--Automotive ride comfort7 GB/T 5902-1986 汽车平顺性脉冲输入行驶试验方法Method of pulse input running test--Automobile ridecomfort8 GB/T 6104-1985 机动工业车辆名词术语Powered industrial trucks--Terminology9 GB/T 6323.1-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法蛇行试验Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Pylon course slalom test10 GB/T 6323.2-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向瞬态响应试验(转向盘转角阶跃输入) Eontrollability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Steering transient response test(Steering wheel angle step input)11 GB/T 6323.3-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向瞬态响应试验(转向盘转角脉冲输入) Contorllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Steering transient response test(Steering wheel angle pulse input)12 GB/T 6323.4-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向回正性能试验Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Returnability test13 GB/T 6323.5-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向轻便性试验Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Steering efforts test procedure14 GB/T 6323.6-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法稳态回转试验Controllability and stability test procedurefor automobiles--Steady static circular test procedure15 GB/T 7361-1987 半挂牵引车的制动及电路连接位置Brake and electrical connection locations of semi-trailer towing vehicle16 GB/T 7362-1987 全挂牵引车和货车的制动及电路连接位置Brake and electrical connection locations of truck andtrailer-towing vehicle17 GB/T 11380-1989 客车车身涂层技术条件Technical requirement for bus body coating18 GB/T 11381-1989 客车顶部静载试验方法Method of static load test for bus top19 GB/T 11382-1989 客车前保险杠效能试验方法正面固定式障壁碰撞试验Effect test procedure of front bumper for bus--Head-on collision with fixed wall20 GB/T 11709-1989 客车产品质量定期检查试验规程The regulated inspecting test procedure for bus21 GB/T 12427-1990 客车产品系列型谱Series and spectrum of buses22 GB/T 12428-1990 客车装载质量计算方法Laden mass calculation of buses23 GB/T 12429-1990 客车车身二氧化碳气体保护焊焊接质量要求及检验方法The quality requirement and test method for the carbon-dioxide arc welding of coach-body24 GB/T 12430-1990 客车乘客扶手杆的固定件基本型式与规格尺寸Basic type and size of fixings for passenger hand-rails in buses25 GB/T 12431-1990 客车乘客扶手杆断面Sections of passengers hand-rails in buses26 GB/T 12432-1990 客车乘客门门泵技术条件Specification for passenger door cylinder of buses27 GB/T 12433-1990 客车乘客门门泵试验方法Testing method for passenger door cylinder of buses28 GB/T 12675-1990 微型货车出厂检验方法Test methods of inspection after production for mini-truck29 GB/T 13043-1991 客车定型试验规程Buses—Engineering approval evaluation program30 GB/T 13044-1991 轻型客车定型试验规程Light buses—Engineering approval evaluation program31 GB/T 13046-1991 轻型客车产品质量定期检查试验规程Testing regulations for light bus and light van periodical inspection32 GB/T 16887-1997 卧铺客车技术条件Specification for sleeper bus33 GB/T 5910-1998 轿车质量分布Passenger car Mass distribution34 GB/T 17347-1998 商用道路车辆尺寸代码Commercial road vehicles Dimensional codes专用汽车1 GB/T 9465.1-1988 高空作业车分类Aerial platform--Classification2 GB/T 9465.2-1988 高空作业车技术条件Aerial platform--Specification3 GB/T 9465.3-1988 高空作业车试验方法Test methods for aerial platform4 GB/T 12503-1995 电视机通用技术条件Generic specification for TV vans5 GB/T 17350-1998 专用汽车和专用半挂车术语和代号Terms and marks in special automobiles and semi-trailers拖拉机1 GB/T 1592-1986 农业拖拉机动力输出轴Power take-off for agricultural tractors2 GB/T 1593.1-1996 农业轮式拖拉机后置式三点悬挂装置第1部分: 1、2、3和4类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Rear-mounted three-point linkage--Part 1: Categories 1,2,3 and 43 GB/T 1593.2-1987 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置第二部分: 1N类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 2: CategorY 1 N4 GB/T 1593.3-1987 农业轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置第三部分: 0 类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 3: Categories 05 GB 1593.4-1987 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置第四部分:0类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 4: Category 06 GB/T 2777-1992 农业拖拉机动力输出轴安全防护罩型式尺寸和强度要求Power take-off safety shield for agricultural tractors--Types, dimensions and strength specifications7 GB/T 2778-1992 农业拖拉机动力输出皮带轮圆周速度和宽度Power take-off pulley for agricultural tractors--Peripheral speed and width8 GB/T 2779-1992 拖拉机拖挂装置型式尺寸和安装要求Tractor's connective equipment for trailers--Types, dimensions and mounting requirements9 GB/T 2780-1992 农业拖拉机牵引装置型式尺寸和安装要求Darwbars for agricultural tractors--Types dimensions and mounting requirements10 GB/T 3373-1982 拖拉机和农业、林业机械用轮辋Rims for tractors,agricultural and forestry machines11 GB/T 3871.1-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第1 部分通用要求Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 1: General requirements12 GB/T 3871.2-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第2 部分整机参数测定Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 2: Measurements of tractor parameters13 GB/T 3871.3-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第3 部分动力输出轴功率试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 3: PTO power tests14 GB/T 3871.4-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第4 部分液压提升能力和输出功率试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 4: Hydraulic lifting capacity and power tests15 GB/T 3871.5-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第5 部分转向和离合器操纵试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 5: Turning and clutch operating tests16 GB/T 3871.6-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第6 部分制动试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 6: Braking tests17 GB/T 3871.7-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第7 部分视野测定Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 7: Measurements of operator's field vision18 GB/T 3871.8-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第8 部分噪声测量Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 8: Measurements of noise19 GB/T 3871.9-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第9 部分牵引功率试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 9: Drawbar power tests20 GB/T 3871.10-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第10部分低温起动试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 10: Low temperature starting tests21 GB/T 3871.11-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第11部分高温适应性试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 11: Suitability tests for hot atmosphere22 GB/T 3871.12-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第12部分使用试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 12: Working tests23 GB/T 4329-1984 农业拖拉机三点悬挂装置锁销尺寸Three-point-linkage for agricultural tractors--Dimensions of linch pins24 GB/T 6229-1995 手扶拖拉机试验方法Methods of test for walking tractor25 GB/T 6236-1986 农业拖拉机驾驶座标志点Agricultural tractors--Operator's seat index point26 GB/T 6238-1986 农业拖拉机驾驶室的门道、紧急出口与驾驶员的工作位置尺寸Agricultural tractors--Access, exit and the operator's workplace--Dimensions27 GB 6376-1995 拖拉机噪声限值Noise limitation for tractors28 GB/T 6960.1-1995 拖拉机术语整机Tractor terminology--Complete tractor29 GB/T 6960.2-1995 拖拉机术语传动系Tractor terminology--Transmission system30 GB/T 6960.3-1995 拖拉机术语制动系Tractor terminology--Braking system31 GB/T 6960.4-1995 拖拉机术语行走系Tractor terminology--Running gears and undercarriages32 GB/T 6960.5-1995 拖拉机术语转向系Tractor terminology--Steering system33 GB/T 6960.6-1995 拖拉机术语液压悬挂系及牵引、拖挂装置Tractor terminology--Hydraulic hitch system and drawbar, hook34 GB/T 6960.7-1995 拖拉机术语驾驶室、驾驶座和覆盖件Tractor terminology--Cab, seat and sheet metal35 GB/T 6960.8-1986 拖拉机名词术语第八部分履带行走系统Tractor terminology--Part 8: Endless track installation for track laying tractor36 GB/T 6961-1986 拖拉机动力输出轴和牵引装置的使用要求Operating requirements for tractor power take-off and drawbars37 GB/T 6972-1986 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶座振动的测量Agricultural wheeled tractors--Operator's seat--Measurement of trahsmitted vibration38 GB/T 7120-1986 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂农具快速挂接器3N类Three-Point hitch implement quick-attaching coupler of agricultural wheeled tractors--Category 3N39 GB 7121-1986 农林轮式拖拉机防护装置强度试验方法和验收条件Agricultural and forestry wheeled tractors--Protective structures--Test method in the strength and acceptance conditions40 GB/T 7927-1987 手扶拖拉机振动测量方法Method of measurement for walking tractor vibration41 GB/T 8421-1987 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶座传递振动的评价指标Agricultural wheeled tractors--Operator seat--Evaluation criteria of transmitted vibration42 GB/T 10176-1988 手扶拖拉机牵引装置和动力输出皮带轮Walking tractors--Drawbar and pulley of power take off43 GB/T 10910-1989 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的测量Agricultural wheeled tractors—Measurement of whole-body vibration of the operator44 GB/T 10911-1989 农业轮式拖拉机和后悬挂农具的匹配Matching of agricultural wheeled tractors and rear mounted implements45 GB/T 10916-1989 农业轮式拖拉机前悬挂装置第一部分: 1、2类Agricultural wheeled tractors—Front-mounted linkage —Part 1: Category 1, 246 GB/T 10917-1989 农用轮式拖拉机前置动力输出轴Front-mounted power take-off for agricultural wheeled tractors47 GB/T 13875-1992 手扶拖拉机通用技术条件The general specification for walking tractors48 GB/T 13876-1992 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的评价指标Agricultural wheeled tractors--Evaluation criteria of whole body vibration of the operator49 GB/T 13877-1992 农业拖拉机和自走式机具密封驾驶室加压系统试验方法Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines--Test method for enclosure pressurization systems50 GB/T 13878-1992 农业拖拉机和自走式机具封闭驾驶室采暖和通风系统性能试验方法Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines--Performance of heating and ventilation systems in closed cabs--Method of test51 GB/T 14226-1993 草坪和园艺拖拉机三点悬挂装置Lawn and garden tractors--Three-point hitch52 GB/T 14785-1993 拖拉机和农林机械车轮侧向负载疲劳试验方法Wheels side load fatigue test methods for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines53 GB/T 14786-1993 拖拉机和农林机械车轮扭转疲劳试验方法Wheels torsion fatigue test methods for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines54 GB 15369-1994 农林拖拉机和机械安全技术要求第三部分: 拖拉机Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 3: Tractors55 GB/T 15370-1994 农业轮式和履带拖拉机通用技术条件General Specifications for agricultural wheeled and tracking tractors56 GB/T 15832-1995 林业轮式和履带拖拉机通用技术条件General specifications for forestry wheeled and tracklaying tractors57 GB/T 15833-1995 林业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法Test methods for forestry wheeled and tracklaying tractors58 GB/T 6235-1997 农业拖拉机驾驶座及主要操纵装置位置尺寸Agricultural tractors--Operator's seating accommodation--Dimensions59 GB/T 16877-1997 拖拉机禁用与报废Prohibition and scrapping for tractors60 GB/T 17122-1997 草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机动力输出套管Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--Power take-off61 GB/T 17123-1997 草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机单点套管式悬挂装置Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--One-point tubular sleeve hitch62 GB/T 17124-1997 草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机牵引杆Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--Drawbar63 GB/T 6232-1998 农林拖拉机和机械车轮在轮毂上安装尺寸Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-Wheel-to-hub fixing dimensions挂车1 GB/T 4330-1984 农业挂车Agricultural trailer2 GB/T 4331-1984 农用挂车试验方法Test methods for agricultural trailers3 GB/T 4606-1984 道路车辆半挂车鞍座50号牵引销主要尺寸和安装、互换性尺寸Road vehicles--50 semi-trailer fifth wheel coupling pin--Basic and mounting/interchangeability dimensions4 GB/T 4607-1984 道路车辆半挂车鞍座90号牵引销主要尺寸和安装、互换性尺寸Road vehicles--90 semi-trailer fifth wheel coupling pin--Basic and mounting/interchangeability dimensions5 GB/T 4781-1984 牵引车与全挂车的机械连接装置互换性Mechanical connection between towing vehicle and full trailers for interchangeability6 GB/T 6420-1986 货运挂车系列型谱Freight trailer series pedigree7 GB/T 13872-1992 货运挂车定型试验规程Trailer--Rules for the identification test8 GB/T 13873-1992 货运挂车试验方法Trailer--Test procedure9 GB/T 13874-1992 货运挂车质量定期检查试验规程Trailer--Rules for the periodic quality inspection test10 GB/T 13880-1992 半挂牵引车牵引座的安装Road vehicles--Semi trailer fifth wheel mounting11 GB/T 13881-1992 牵引车与挂车之间气制动管连接器Pneumatic braking connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles12 GB/T 13202-1997 摩托车轮辋系列Series of motorcycle rims13 GB/T 17275-1998 货运全挂车通用技术条件Technical requirements for freight full trailers摩托车。



水泥厂建设施工常见物品中英文对照Edit By Tony Zhang起重臂节Jib section起重臂拉杆Jib con-rod平衡重管Steel tube for counter weigh 铁箱Iron/ferreous box塔顶Tower head回转塔身Slewing mast司机室Operator cab上下支座Upper&lower support液压泵站Hydraulic pump顶升套架Climbing frame起升电控柜Hoisting mechanism control cabinet电阻箱Electric resistance box控制电缆Control power cable主电缆Main power cable固定支腿Embeded anchor基节Tower base section标准节片Tower section pieces爬梯及护圈Climbing ladder and protection ring标准节平台Tower section platform斜拉杆Tie bar起升机构Hoisting mechanism平衡臂拉杆Counter jib con-rod平衡臂拉杆架Butt strap for counter jib con-rod平衡臂过渡拉板Transition plate for counter jib载重小车Trolley吊钩Load hook反吹柜Purging cabinet分析仪器柜Analyser cabinet窑筒温度监控及在线分析系统Kiln temperature supervising and analysis system高温工业电视系统Industrial monitoring system for high temperature 彩色监视器Color monitor膨胀节Expansion joint空气输送斜槽Air slide 闸阀Gate valve止回阀Stop vavle消声器Muffle异步电动机Induction motor通风柜Ventilation box出线盒Terminal box篦冷机,冷却器Cooler冷却器罩Cooler cover低(高)压电缆L(H)V cable中压电缆MV cable卷扬机Hoister手动液压千斤顶Manual hydro-hoisting jack螺旋千斤顶Top spiral daughter(screw jack)卸扣Shackle手拉葫芦Chain block麻绳Hemp rope滑轮Pulley钢丝绳Wire rope框式水平仪Box levels百分表Dial indicator水准仪(水平尺)Level经纬仪Theodolite水压机Hydropress电锤Electric hammer手枪钻Pistol drill煤气喷灯Gas burner内外卡钳Interal&external caliper黄油枪Grease gun游标卡尺Caliper钢板尺Steel ruler角尺Square ruler卷尺Tape塞尺Feeler氧气乙炔管Oxygen acetylene tube氧气表煤气减压阀重型套筒扳手Heavy-duty socket wrench常用套筒扳手Common socket wrench重型内六角扳手Heavy hex wrench常用内六角扳手Common hexagon wrench磨光机Polisher方头手锤Square hand hammer线锥Line cone手动绞板Manual board什锦挫Assorted setback哨子Whisel切割机Slicing machine弯管机Pipe bender电气检修设备Electric testing machine 焊条Welding rod红丹粉Red lead powder石棉绳Asbestos rope铜板Copper board切割片Cutting wheel抛光片Polishing piece抛光球Polishing ball压力钳Pressure clamp石笔Slate pencil锯条Saw blade毛刷Hair brush砂布Emery cloth密封胶Sealants裁剪刀Cutter安全帽Helmet安全带Seat belt帆布手套Canvas glove焊工手套Welder glove碘钨灯架Tungsten light frame碘钨灯管Tungsten lamp玻璃胶Silicon sealant/glass cement电工胶带Electrician ribbon电缆绑扎带Cable strap/tie线号牌Cable tag膨胀螺栓Expansion bolt塑料胀管Plastic expansion pipe自粘防水胶Self-adhesive waterglue相色带Identification tape集装箱Container断路器Breaker电源线Power line 测电笔Power testing pencil钢丝钳Wire cutter尖嘴钳Needle-nosed plier钳形表Clamp meter数字万用表Pointer multimeter倒顺开关Switch back shun剥线钳Striping wrench电焊面罩Welder mask磁力钻Magnetic Drill钻头Drill丝锥Screw tap变径套Reducing sleeve空气开关Air switch斜口钳Oblique nose pliers压线钳Crimping pliers断丝钳Wire cutting wrench大锤Sledge螺丝刀Screwdriver锉刀File紫铜棒Copper rod焊把钳Welding clamp钢构安装Steel structure work熟料库及输送Clinker silo&conveying 水泥制备Cement Manufacture水泥磨配料站Cement proportion station for cement mill水泥磨Cement mill(cement grinding)活动扳手Adjustable wrench钢锯Hacksaw划归Motonori白铁剪Snips钢字Steel character三角刮刀Scaper磨刀石Grindstone普通老虎钳Ordinary vice墨斗Ink marker管子钳Pipe wrench水泥库及散装Cement silo&bulk loading水泥包装及发送Cement packing&dispatch燃料准备Fuel preparation煤卸车及输送Coal unloading&conveying煤均化堆场及输送Coal preblending storage&conveyingDust doing汽车衡Truck scale机电车间Electromechanical workshop 汽油站Gas station车库Garage耐火材料库Refractory warehouse(store room)备件库Spare parts storeroom矿山车间Mine workshop梯子栏杆Ladders&handrail胶带Belt钢球Steel ball给料称部件Spare parts for weigh feeder电子执行器Electric actuator料位计及水位计Level meter温度压力变送器Temperature and pressure transformer带式输送机Belt conveyor工艺阀门Process valve风机Fan/blower熟料输送机Pan conveyor地中衡Bridge weigher高(低)压开关柜H(L)V switchgear 直流驱动柜和软驱动柜DC drive cabinet & soft starter cabinet油罐Oil tank陶瓷弯管Ceramic elbow静电水垢控制器Electrostatic water treating apparatusX荧光分析仪部件Accessory of X-ray analyser回转窑备件Spare parts for rotary kiln 耐火砖Refractory brick浇注料Castable refractory硅钙板Calcium silicate board斗式提升机Bucket elevator熟料输送机Pan conveyor油泵站Oil pump station空气压缩机Air compressor压力表Pressure gauge气体分析仪Gas analyser 二氧化碳灭火系统CO2 fire fighting system化验室设备Laboratory equipment带式输送机Belt conveyor组合机床Machine tool电梯Elevator堆取料机Stacker and reclaimer槽型刚Groove shape steel(channel steel)C型钢C-shape steel扁钢Flat steel工字钢I-shape steelH型钢H-shape steel角钢Angle steel无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe施工工具Building machine回转窑Rotary kiln三次风管Tertiary air duct窑头篦冷机Grate cooler水泥粉磨Cement grinding窑胴体扫描系统Kiln shell scanning中心实验室Central lab汽车衡Weigh bridge燃油供应站Fuel oil supply station天然气站Natural gas station全厂公用廊道安装原料粉磨变电站Raw mill substation篦冷机变电站Cooler substation水泥立磨变电站Cement grinding substation水泥包装电力室Electrical room for cement packing总变电站Main substation柴油发电机Diese generator生活区电力室Electrical room for utility area底梁Bottom beam立柱Column小件Small parts振动传打Rapping shaft振动杆Rapping rod支座Support seat灰斗Hopper端墙End wall垂直杆Upright rod/Bars分布板Distribution plate进出气口部件Inlet&outlet part托盘Tray吊架Hoist板条箱Crate控制箱Control cabinet限位架Directional stop轴箱Bearing box框架管Frame tube平台Platform极板悬吊梁Suspension beam for CE plate顶梁Roof beam变压器Transformer篦冷机控制柜Control cabinet for cooler弧形阀控制柜Arch valve control cabinet破碎机卸料溜子Crusher slide上(下)壳体Upper (lower)shell/casing 上壳体散件箱Discrete box of uuper shell传动装置Gearing device格栅,栅条Grill托论导向轮Conveyor idler and guide roller传动护罩Hood/Shield料斗Chute /Hopper电动弧形阀Electric arch valve风管Air duct/pipe挂板连接板Connecting board撒料板Discharging board护板Guard board转子Rotor电机Electromotor主轴Principal axis标准件Standard parts润滑系统Lubricating system卧式单级泵Horizontal single-stage pump锅炉给水泵Boiler feeding pump给水设备Water supply equipment 控制柜Control panel罗茨鼓风机架体零件箱Frame parts box法兰Flange筒体Tank shell(body)张紧拉杆Tensioning rod梯式直通Ladder type cable support沉淀极板方颈螺栓Square neck bolt侧式堆料机Lateral cantilever stacker 梯式双边大跨距直通Ladder type large span cable support直通盖板Straight cable tray cover角钢立柱Column of angle steel通风口Air vent进料口Feeding hole出料口Discharging hole半底座压板Pressing plate围板衬板liner地基零件箱foundation parts box框架Frame box架体支座Frame tray/bracket减速机底座Reducer pedestal电机底座Motor base按钮盒和电源箱Button box and power box计算机控制柜Computer control cabinet 皮带机防御罩Rainproof hood for belt conveyor自动取样机Automatic sampler熟料散装机Clinker bulk loading machine均化库设备Homogenizing silo and cement silo equipment除铁器Magnetic separator立式辊磨机Roller mill排污泵Sewa pump空气清堵器Air cleaner化验室设备Laboratory equipment除尘器立柱Upright post of dust collector除尘器箱体Case of dust collector除尘器灰斗Ash bucket of dust collector 主气管Main air pipe滤袋Filter bag袋笼Frame of filter bag气缸Cylinder脉冲阀Impulse valve长皮带输送Overland belt conveying石灰石、页岩破碎及输送Limestone&shale crushing &conveying 石灰石、页岩均化堆场及输送Limestone&shale preblending storage石膏、辅料储存、均化及输送Gypsum/additive preblending storage and conveying石膏、辅料破碎及输送Gypsum/additive crushing and conveying生料准备Raw material preparation原料磨及废气处理Raw material grinding & exhaust gas treatment生料均化库及入窑系统Raw meal homogenizing silo & kiln熟料准备Clinker preparation预热器和燃烧炉Preheater and precalciner拉链机Slide fasten machine侧板Side plate灰斗阻流板Hopper baffle端梁架Frame of end girder防护罩Cover塔架装置Tower device起重配件Accessories of hoisting machine滑触线刮板叶片Scraper张紧装置Tension device链条板架Frame of drive station头部驱动轮Head driving wheel出料漏斗Outlet hopper中心柱底座Base of column旋转框架底(上)部Bottom(top)of turnable frame主梁Main girder轨道Railway 耙托架装置Bracket device for harrow 轨道支架Railoway bracket托架Bracket立辊导轨Guide rail驱动装置Driving device链条导辊Bottom chain guide链条导轨框架Frame for chain guide行走小车Travelling bogie地脚螺栓Foundation bolt电控柜Power control panel输送带Tape支架Support配重箱Counterweigh box配电箱Switchgear box/room喷枪Spray lance头(尾)部装配Head(tail)assembly 驱动平台Drive platform驱动装置Drive device螺旋输送机Screw transportation machine/ Screw conveyor回旋给料器Rotary feeder零部件Component料斗Bucket备件Standby redundancy、Spare parts 两年用备件Spare parts for 2 years出(进)料口中间机壳Intermediate casing with outlet(inlet)中间节盖板Intermediate casing cover plate配件Accessories链条Chain标准件箱Standard parts case减速机Gear motor刚性叶轮给料机排灰阀Ash valve气包Air holder主机Main body安装工具Eraction tool聚乙烯衬板Polyethylene liner轮带Trye半齿圈Half gear风冷套Cooling cover弹簧板Spring board齿轮罩Gear cover支架环Supporter ring窑口窑尾护板Kiln mouth&kiln rear guard支撑装置Suppoter device液压挡轮Hydraulic thrust roller unit小齿轮装置Pinion device灰斗(上)下盖Hopper (upper)lower cover径向密封环Radial sealing ring回料勺Return spoon风管支架Air pipe support进风管Air inlet pipe膜片连轴节Diaphragm coupling辅助传动Auxiliary drive device主电机Main motor device支撑小件Supporting parts地脚螺栓Foundation bolt密封小件Sealing pieces起重机配件Accessary for hoister滑触线Trolley conductor筒体Shell body锥管Cone tube出料螺旋同Discharge spring cylinder 扬料板Lifter plate隔仓扬料板Diaphragm lifter lining衬板Liner主轴承装置Main bearing滑履罩壳Casing of slide shoe辅助电机及底座Auxiliary motor base 托辊Roller球体座Spheroid bracket托瓦Carrying bushing管路系统Pipeline system进料装置Feeding device进料支架Feeding support出料装置Discharging device出料支架Discharging support大齿轮Girth gear小齿轮装置Pinion device齿轮上罩Upper casing of gear主梁Main girder端梁End girder电缆桥架Cable tray液体电阻启动器Liquid resistance starter气液压缸Gas liquid pressure jar气液加压系统Gas liquid pressure add system转子部分Rotator传动部分Driving device液压检修装置Overhaul device地脚螺栓Anchor bolt冷却塔Cooling tower加药装置Dosing unit溶气装置Air dissolving device滤料Filter material无阀过滤器箱体Valveless filter body 污水处理设备Sewage treatment equipment机械混合反应池Mechanical mixing reaction tank斜管沉淀池Inclined pipe sedimentation tank气浮移动罩滤池Air floatation portable cover filter横梁Cross beam燃烧器Burner/ Combustion device橡胶软管Rubber hose控制柜Control cabinet调节阀Ajustment valve风机机壳Fan casing叶轮Impeller传动箱Transmission case风管Air tube燃油热风炉Fuel cowper stove油泵Oil pump油箱Oil/fuel tank电机顶罩Motor cover柴油发电机组Diesel genset次氯酸钠发生器主机Main frame of NaC10 generator溶盐罐Saturator酸洗车Mobile cleaner整流器Rectifier次氯酸钠贮罐NaC10 tank配电变压器Distribution transformer传动机构Transmission unit主机Mainframe支腿Foot头轮装置Head sprocket device驱动装置Drive unit重型板喂机Heavy-duty apron feeder链板Chain slat导料装置Guide feeder unit头部护罩Head cover增湿塔标准件Conditioning tower standard parts钢球提取器Steel applicator螺旋输送机Screw conveyor煤粉仓锥体Coal powder bunker定量给料机Weigh feeder固体流量计Flow meter电子皮带秤Belt weigher电动润滑油站Electronic lubricating station液压缸Hydraulic cylinder离心风机Centrifugal fan轴承箱Bearing box筒体冷却风机Barred cooling fan极板悬吊梁Suspension beam for CE plate振打杆Rapping rod风撑Wind support钢板Steel plate正面板Front plate顶部栏杆Roof rail顶梁Roof beam杆件Bar平台梁Landing beam螺母Nut螺栓Bolt构件Structural member钢构配件Steel structure fittings屋面板Roof board钢柱Steel column圆钢Round steel高强螺栓High strength bolt钢梁Steel beam柱连接板Column connecting plate梁连接板Beam connecting plate檩,桁条Purlin采光板Daylighting panel 连接螺栓Connecting bolt槽钢Channel steelH 型刚H—type steel扁铁Flat steel钢管Steel pipe工字钢I type steel焊接钢管Welded pipe花纹钢Checkered steel pipe不间断电源Uninterrupted power supply 镀锌卷Hot-dip gavanized coil彩涂卷Color coated coil高强耐碱转Anti-alkali brick耐火砖Firebricks电流互感器Current transformer电压互感器V oltage transformer电池盒Battery cabinet相灭弧室Interrupter母线Bus短角铁Angle lug隔离开关Disconnect switchgear电动机构Motor operating mechanism 钢支架Steel bracket储油罐Conservator片式散热器Radiator避雷器Surge arrester变压器附件Transformer accessories高压套管HV bushing零相套管Neutral bushing升高座Mounting barrel风机及附件Fan&accessories变压器主机Transformer body袋式/净气室Bag case,net air case螺旋输送机Screw conveyor灰斗支架Hopper bracket压缩空气储气罐Air tank回旋给料器Rotary feeder电控箱Power control device模块Weight modules接线盒Terminal box窑主电机直流控制柜Digit DC drive for kiln压力变送器Pressure transmitter温度仪表Temperature transmitter雷达式物位计Radar level meter电磁流量计Electromagnetic flower4组瓶4 Cylinder双排座Double row cylinder集流管组件Header pipe assembles灭火器Fire extinguisher高压无缝钢管High pressure seamless steel pipe主轴瓦Main bushing,carry bushing熟料散装机Clinker bulking machine (bulk cement loaded)水泥散装叶片体Vane body。






三、标书内容3.1 标准配件1.液压泵2.液压马达3.混凝土输送管4.控制系统5.泵车轮胎3.2 技术要求1.液压系统工作压力不低于200 bar2.混凝土输送管材质为耐磨橡胶3.控制系统应具备远程控制功能4.泵车轮胎耐磨性强四、技术规格1.最大输送距离:100m2.最大输送高度:30m3.最大输送流量:50m³/h4.柴油机功率:150kWFive, Technical Specification1.Maximum conveying distance: 100m2.Maximum conveying height: 30m3.Maximum conveying flow rate: 50m³/h4.Diesel engine power: 150kW六、交付时间本项目的交付时间为确认订单后的90天内完成。



九、付款方式采用XX方式付款,分期付款方式如下: 1. 订单确认后付款XX% 2. 交付前付款XX% 3. 交付后付清尾款十、结语柴油机车载式混凝土泵车的上装标书中英文涵盖了产品的技术要求、质量保证、费用和付款方式等内容,希望双方能够达成合作共赢。


Glossary of Concrete Machinery
A 安全带 安全阀 安全出口 安全系数 按钮 凹槽 B 摆动马达 摆线转子泵 摆动油缸 摆动支腿 摆线马达 扳手 板式安装 板式球阀 半环 半圆卡箍 半轴 保养 混凝土泵车 泵叶轮 泵体 泵试验台 泵送速度 泵送性能指数 泵送混凝土 泵送混凝土压力 泵送混凝土骨料粒径 泵送机构 泵送系统油压 泵送压力 泵送压力表 泵送剂 比例阀 比例放大器 闭式叶轮 闭式回路 臂架 臂架泵 臂架支撑 臂架振幅 臂架多路阀 臂节长度 臂节数量 臂架折叠方式 变径管接头 变径管 变量泵 safety belt / life belt safety valve / relief valve/overload relief valve emergency exit safety factor button notch swing motor cycloid rotor pump swinging hydraulic cylinder swinging outrigger cycloid motor spanner/ wrench(美式) Sub-plate mount plate ball valve semicircular loop semicircular snapring half shaft/half axle maintenance truck mounted concrete pump pump impeller pump body pump test bed pumping speed pumping ability factor pumping concrete pumping concrete pressure aggregate diameter of pumping concrete delivery unit pumping system pressure pumping pressure pumping manometer pumping solvent proportional valve proportional amplifier closed impeller closed loop boom boom pump boom support boom swing boom multiple unit valve the length of boom section boom sections the type of boom-folded reducing nipple reducer pipe variable displacement pump



泵中英文对照序号设备英文名称设备对应中文型式备注1 D.O. Transfer pump with motor柴油输送泵卧式/齿轮泵2 F.O. Transfer pump with motor燃油输送泵卧式/齿轮泵3L.S.F.O. Transfer pump with motor低硫燃油输送泵卧式/齿轮泵4Main L.O. pump with motor主机滑油泵潜入式离心泵5Cylinder Oil pump with motor 汽缸油输送泵卧式/齿轮泵6L.O. Transfer pump with motor 滑油输送泵卧式/齿轮泵7Sludge pump with motor油渣泵卧式/齿轮泵8Sterm tube L.O. pump with motor 艉管滑油泵卧式/齿轮泵9Daily Bilge pump with motor 日用舱底泵卧式/齿轮泵10Bilge& G.S. pump with motor舱底总用泵立式/离心泵11Ballast pump with motor 压载泵立式/离心泵12Fire, &G.S. pump with motor 消防总用泵立式/离心泵13货舱舱底水喷射泵14压载水扫舱喷射泵15锚链舱喷射泵16艏尖舱喷射泵17Main L.T. Cooling F.W. pump with motor主机低温淡水冷却泵立式/离心泵18Cooling S.W.pump with motor冷却海水泵立式/离心泵19Cooling water pump with motor冷却水泄放泵卧式/离心泵20M/E Jecker Cooling F.W.pump with motor 主机高温淡水冷却泵立式/离心泵21Emergency Fire pump with motor应急消防泵立式/离心泵22Drinking water pump with motor饮用水泵卧式/离心泵23Hot water circulating pump with motor 热水循环泵卧式/离心泵24Fresh water pump with motor淡水泵卧式/离心泵25Sewage pump with motor污水泵卧式/离心泵26Bilge transfer pump with motor洗舱水驳运泵卧式/离心泵27MGO Transfer pump with motor MGO输送泵卧式/离心泵。



汽车、汽车零部件、配件中英文对照表汽车类 Automobile English整车 Finished Automobile轿车 Passenger Car休旅车 Recreational Vehicle (RV)小型商用车(3.5吨以下)Light Duty Commercial Car(Less Than 3.5 Tons)大型商用车(3.5吨以上)Heavy Duty Commercial Car(More Than 3。

5 Tons)散装车 Bulk Truck搅拌车 Mixer Truck环境卫生车 Garbage Truck液罐车 Refueling Truck倾卸车 Dumper Truck曳引车 Tractor Truck消防车 Fire Fighting Truck堆高机 Forklift拖板车 Pallet Truck运钞车 Armor Cash Carrier冷气客车 Air—Conditioned Car冷冻车 Freezer Car拖车 Trailer车体打造(改装) Car Body Building (Refitting)瓦斯车 LPG Car底盘车 Chasis Truck引擎零件 Engine Parts引擎 Engine引擎波司 Engine Bush引擎修理包 Engine Gasket Kits引擎零件 Engine Parts凸轮轴 Camshaft凸轮轴链轮 Sprocket Camshaft皮带张力器 Tensioner曲轴 Crankshaft曲轴皮带盘 Crankshaft Pulley曲轴轴承片 Crankshaft Bearing汽门 Valve汽门座 Valve Seat汽门摇臂 Valve Arm汽门摇臂盖 Rocker Cover汽门弹簧 Valve Spring汽门导管 Valve Guide汽缸头(盖) Cylinder Head汽缸衬套 Cylinder Liner汽缸体 Cylinder Block波司垫片 Washer活塞 Piston活塞肖 Piston Pin活塞环 Piston Ring活塞衬套 Piston Liner飞轮 Flywheel飞轮环齿轮 Ring Gear of Flywheel 时规炼条/皮带 Timing Chain/Belt 连杆 Connecting Rod连杆轴承片 Connecting Rod Bearing 摇臂轴 Rocker Arm Shaft汽门锁 Valve Cotter止推垫片 Thrust Washer共鸣箱 Resonator喷油嘴 Injection Nozzle燃料系统 Fueling System油箱 Fuel Tank油箱浮筒 Gauge Fuel Tank空气滤清器 Air Cleaner空气滤清器盖 Air Cleaner Cover空气滤清器导管 Air Intake Tube空气滤蕊 Air Cleaner Element消音器 Exhaust Muffler排气歧管 Exhaust Manifold排气管 Exhaust Pipe进气歧管 Intake Manifold节流阀 Throttle Valve燃油管 Fuel Pipe燃油帮浦 Fuel Pump燃油滤清器 Fuel Filter触媒转化器 Catalytic Converter柴油车黑烟净化器 Diesel Particulate Filter 时规炼条/皮带外盖 Timing Chain/Belt Cover 燃料系统 Fueling System废气回收管 EGR Tube冷却系统 Cooling System水箱 Radiator水管 Water Hose水箱水管 Radiator Hose水帮浦 Water Pump水箱风扇 Radiator Fan风扇 Fan副水箱 Auxiliary Radiator节温器 Thermostat调节器 Regulator水箱支架 Radiator Mounting冷却系统 Cooling SystemA/C风扇 A/C Fan润滑系统 Lubrication System油底壳 Oil Pan自排车用滤油器 Oil Filter for Automatic Transmission机油尺 Oil Level Gauge机油帮浦 Oil Pump机油滤清器 Oil Filter机油滤网 Oil Strainer润滑系统 Lubrication System机油尺导管 Oil Level Gauge Tube空调系统 Air-conditioning System冷气总成 A/C Assembly冷气配管 A/C Hose冷气导风管 A/C Duct冷气压缩机 A/C Compressor冷凝器 A/C Condenser暖气总成 Heater Assembly鼓风机 Blower Assembly蒸发器 Evaporator冷媒管 A/C Pipe储液瓶 A/C Receiver空调相关零件 A/C Related Components空气清净机 Air Purifier空调滤网 A/C Filter空调系统 Air—conditioning System提速器 Actuator车身钣金件 Body & Stamping Parts引擎支撑 Engine Mounting引擎盖 Engine Hood车身 Car Body车门 Door Panel车顶板 Roof底盘及其另件 Chassis and Related Parts 底盘车架 Frame门框 Sash保险杆 Bumper钣金件 Stamping Parts叶子板 Fender横梁 Cross Member行李箱盖 Trunk Lid车柱 Pillar车身钣金件 Body & Stamping Parts支架 Bracket补强板 Reinforcement Plate底盘系统 Chassis System下臂 Lower Arm上臂 Upper Arm手剎车拉柄 Parking Brake Lever支柱总成 Strut Assembly方向盘 Steering Wheel比例阀 Proportional Valve主轴、副轴 Mainshaft / Countershaft 平衡杆 Stabilizer Bar扭力杆 Torsion Bar剎车分泵 Brake Cylinder剎车来令片 Brake Lining Shoe剎车油管(软) Brake Hose剎车油管(硬) Brake Tube剎车真空倍力器 Brake Vacuum Booster 剎车总泵 Brake Master Cylinder后轴总成 Rear Axle Assembly动力方向系统 Power Steering System 动力转向油管 Power Steering Hose动力转向帮浦 Power Steering Pump控制拉线 Control Cable排档杆 Shift Lever排档头 Knob球形接头 Ball Joint等速接头 C。

ZLJ5311THB 47X-5RZ泵车标书(闭式)

ZLJ5311THB 47X-5RZ泵车标书(闭式)

中联重科混凝土泵车标书ZLJ5311THB 47X-5RZBids for the ZLJ5311THB 47X-5RZ truck-mounted concrete pump3.2.2精准设计:采用PRO/E、ANSYS、ADMAS、IDEAS等先进软件对臂架、底架、支腿等进行运动学、动力学和装配有限元结构分析,使应力分布趋于最合理,根据计算结果作全面调整,确保臂架系统结构合理,性能优良。

Extractive design: ZOOMLION introduces into PRO/E、ANSYS、ADMAS、IDEAS software, and so on. Through analysis for the boom、base structure and outriggers, stress is very reasonable. According to the calculation, engineers rectify the design, so this will make the boom system more reasonable and unparalleled.3.2.3臂节长度优化组合,实现展臂高度小,展臂速度快,操作更灵活、方便.The boom length is optimized, so it can realize that the angle of opening placing boom is very small, thespeed of opening placing boom is very quickly, operation is more convenient and flexible.3.2.4成熟的X支腿,单侧支撑技术,扩展了泵车场地适应性。

Mature technology of X type outrigger and OSS technology extends the adaptability of the truck-mounted concrete pump.3.2.5多臂智能协调技术(MBIT)实现了流量按需比例分配,降低了臂架抖动,操作更舒适、更安全。



中联重科混凝土泵车标书ZLJ5300THBKBids for the ZLJ5300THBK truck-mounted concrete pump2.工作范围图Working scope fig.3.性能特点Capability feature3.1该混凝土泵车底盘采用日本五十铃底盘,性价比高。

The truck-mounted concrete pump adopts ISUZU chassis. The ratio of performance to price is very higher.3.2布料范围大:臂架为5节RZ型臂架,展、收臂时间更短;最大布料半径35.8米,最大布料高度可达40.1米。

Wide placing range: the 41X-5RZ placing boom is manufactured by CIFA. The time of opening folding and placing boom is very short. Its’ horizontal radius is 35.8m,and the maximum vertical reach is 40.1m.3.3高适应性:前部X伸缩型支腿,后部摆动支腿,适合狭小空间作业。

High adaptability: the front X outrigger and the rear swinging outrigger makes the machine suit narrow working space.3.4高品质:臂架结构件保证5年不开裂。

High quality: we can insure that placing boom can be used for five years and won’t craze. 3.5低使用成本:配备具有自主知识产权的双层输送管,耐磨性高,使用寿命长。

Low use cost: equipped with double layer concrete pipes, which has independent property right, this makes pipe wearable, so the pipe’s life is very longer.3.6高效:液压系统输送方量大,配备高低压切换装置,适应各种工况。


of electric fuel injection engine ECU(ENGINE CONTROL UNIT)with J1939 interface.
Intelligent Diesel Engine Pump
n n c c
智能水泵控制器具有控制GOV的功能,可以实现通过调速稳定出水压力的功能。控制器准确监测发动机的各 种工作状态,具备故障自动保护功能,同时将故障状态显示在LCD上。控制器带有SAE J1939接口,可和具 有J1939接口的多种电喷发动机ECU(ENGINE CONTROL UNIT)进行通信。
自动控制:柴油机泵组在接收到消防/管网压力或者是液位等其他自动控制信号后,做出自动启停,运行监 测的响应。
Automatic Control: Diesel engine pump unit will do automatic start-stop, monitoring the response of the operation after it receives fire/ pipeline pressure or liquid level and other automatic control signals.
Our company is committed to diesel engine pump research and development and innovation to improve pump diesel
engine intelligent control. Diesel engine pump unit with its own functional advantage use in power shortage area to fire water supply and drainage, drainage emergency rescue, flood control and drought relief, industrial water supply equipment, the municipal emergency etc to be equipment for the electric pump replaced or backup. Our company diesel engine pump has strong ability of supporting, variety of forms,technology security, practical, not affected by power supply and ground, mobile operation, flexible, strong adaptability etc functions.



A.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT1.Hard Hats to protect the head from falling objects and bumps shallbe worn on all levels of the CP with the exception of the PanelRoom.2.Safety Glasses or other approved eye protection are required at alltimes.3.Chemical Type Goggles of “Monogoggle” type are approved for usewhen handing acids , caustics or other materials which would causeserious injury to the eyes if splashed into them.4.Long―Cuff Leather Gloves when handing or working with rough,heavy, shary, or dirty materials and for all other purposes where the hands may be in danger of injury from striking,scraping, rubbing or coming in contact with any object.5.Heavy Duty Rubber Gloves are worn when handing catalysts, acids,caustics, corrosive liquids, solids, or other chemicals about which you are not certain, or materials that have been in contact with the above chemicals.6.Heat―Resistant Gloves shall be worn when handing extremely hotmaterial where the temperature and nature of the material is such that leather gloves might be damaged or the hands might be burned through leather gloves.7.“Dust Foe” Respirator shall be worn during those operationswhich require the handing of catalysts as specified by area safety rules.8.Boots―Rubber boots and rubber shoes for general use andprotection against acids, caustics and other corrosives should be of the safety toe type unless worn over safety shoes.9.Safety Shoes must be worn by all employees.10.Rubber Coats shall be worn during those operations in whichcaustic or causticized material is handled as specified by area safety rules.11.Plastic Apron shall be worn during those operations in whichcaustic or causticized material is handled as specified by area safety rules.12.Aluminized Suits (hoods, coats , pants, gloves) and Spats or bootsshall be worn when performing the following operations: probing process lines, draining and flushing process vessels or lines.。



齿轮油泵的产品说明书(中英文)CONTRACTORSHANGHAI ELECTRIC GROUP CO. LTDPT. MAXIMA INFRASTRUKTURGear Oil Pump Production Instruction 齿轮油泵产品说明书四川高精净化设备有限公司SICHUAN FINE PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT CORP.LTD1.RIEF INTRODUCTIONWith history of more than 20 years in producing large separation equipment, our compary manufactures Model ZJA High Vacuum Oil Purifier, ZLY Vacuum Oil Filter, JYG Fine Filter,BMS, BAS Manual/Automatic Board Frame Press Oil Filter Which are designed for filtering turbine oil, transformer oil, aviation hydraulic oil, machine oils and Diesel fuel. Besides, We produce WCB,KCB,2CY Geared Oil Delivery Pumps suitable for delivering various medium oils.Model WCB, KCB,2CY Gear Oil Pumps are suitable for fertilizer factory, oil refinery, oil-pressing factory, power plant, transformer station, lubrication oil storehouse, capacitor plant, painting factory and grain departments for delivering oils, such as turbine oil ,transformer oil, aviation oil, mechanical oil, diesel oil and edible oil.WCB,KCB Geared Oil Pump features of good appearance, compact construction, stable performance, low pulsation impactvalue and low noise less than the specified of the national standard, safety and reliability as well as easy maintenance and service. We provide our customers with wear parts for a long term.Series of gear oil pumps produced by our company find their wide use in national defense, scientific research, Petroleum, light/chemical industry, metallurgy, textile, transportation, Pharmaceutical-making and food departments for delivering non-corrosion heavy oil, mid-viscosity oil, light oil, edible oil and other similes with viscosity below Engler 10°E at temperature below 60℃.However, they are not s uitable for delivering dirty oils, lubricating/corrosive medium. Explosion-proof motors and special motors can be provided according to user's requirements.Model WCB Geared oil pump is of one with excellent performance and reasonable price. It can be used in grain sales department for delivering edible oil with illumination power.2.SPECIFICATION3. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION PRINCIPLE3.1StructureGeared pump is composed of body ,front/back end cover, driving gear, driven gear, bearings, bearing cap, oilseal coupling, motor, chassis, inlet/oulet oil pipe, flange and safety valve etc.Front/back end cover supports driving/driven gear by means of bearings. The body enables driving gear and driven gear to rotate, resulting in vacuum operation mode. Oilseal acts assealing of driving shaft. Motor drives driving gear through coupling and shaft pin.2.Moving Sketch3.2 Operation PrincipleWhen driving shaft drives Gear1and Gear2 to rotate in direction shown by arrow and geared teeth disengage graduallyin oil suction cavity, teeth disengage from teeth of another gear so that vacuum is formed. aˊ,bˊ…of a, b…between teeth carries oil from oil suction cavity to oil discharge cavity. Oil in geared space is pressed out when gear rotates continuously. Outer load action causes oil pressure. With continuous running of gear, oil pump sucks and discharges oil continuously.When resistance of oil circuit exceed safety Pressure, safety valve starts to make oil in discharge cavity go back suction cavity. In doing so, pressure is reduced and pump/piping is protected.4.INSTALATION AND CONISSIONINGGeared pump and motor is fixed on chassis. Shaft line between motor and geared pump has been adjusted. Geared pump rotates smoothly.During operation, keep an eye to suction height. Rated lift can be obtained. Specified oil inlet/outlet pipes should be chosen. Oil inlet should be through. Before starting, check to see whether fasteners are loose and whether geared pump moves freely. Idle running can't last more than 1 minute. If no oil is sucked in, check geared pump for correct rotation(Running in direction shown by arrow).Check to see whether oil suction pipe joint is loose, connections are leaky and oil groove bottom is blocked by oil suction pipe inserted as well as oil suction height and oil outlet height exceeds tolerance.No abnormal noise and vibration should occur when geared pump works.Safety valve was set in specified safe pressure scope at factory. Users can regulate it. But max regulation puessure can't exceed 40%.5.OPERATION5.1 Before operation, check to see whether geared pumpmoves freely(Turn by hand).5.2 Make sure power supply is OK and rotation direction of motor is correct.5.3 Check to see whether oil inlet/outlet diameter meets requirements and lift is within specified range.5.4Make sure that all fasteners are firm (Including connectors of inlet/outlet pipe)5.5Before starting, insert oil inlet pipe into oil groove properly. Oil pipe can't reach to groovebottom to prevent blocking intake.5.6Only everything is OK, you may start machine.6.MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY6.1 Connect grounding device6.2 Always keep an eye to loosening of fasteners and abnormal noise of geared pump.6.3 Corse filter should be mounted at oil inlet to prevent iron and impurities from entering pump. 6.4 Oil seal is wear part. In case that driving shaft leaks oil, change oil seal.6.5 Oil pump adopts ball bearings. If ball bearings are worn out, serious noise will occur. Replacement should be made.6.6 After service is completed, made sure that axial gap of the pump, and concentricity should be within tolerance. Otherwise, Pump will fail to work properly.6.7 Geared pump is not allowed to operate in environment and the open-air with high temperature.7.TROUBLESHOOTING AND REMEDYMAIN PARTS AND MATERIALS TABLEBEARING CATALOGUESPARE PART AND WEAR PART CATALGUESPARE PART AND WEAR PART CATALGUEOVERALL AND INSTALLATION DIMEMSIONS OF OIL PUMP一、简介我厂已有二十多年制造分离大型机械设备的历史,产品为各发电厂或从事电力事业的单位提供ZJA系列高真空净油机、ZLY系列真空滤油机、JYG系列精密过滤机、BMS、BAS系列手动和自动板框压滤机、LY系列板框滤油机过滤透平油、变压器油、航空液压油、机油、柴油,还为客户提供WCB、KCB、2CY系列齿轮输油泵,输送各类不同用途的介质油液。



4. 泵送性能曲线
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5. 标准依据
Ø 中华人民共和国国家标准《混凝土泵》 标准号:GB/T13333-2004
Ø 中华人民共和国国家标准《混凝土输送管型式与尺寸》 标准号:JG/T95-19999
能充分予以保证。 由于使用不当造成的车载式混凝土泵车损坏,不但不能得到质量三包的服务承诺,甚
至可能造成危及自己及他人的严重损失。 1.2 安全工作条件 Ø 车载式混凝土泵车的正常使用寿命为 10 年。 Ø 为保证设备的使用寿命,应使用泰安民乐原产配件。 Ø 车载式混凝土泵车工作的海拔高度一般不应超过 3000m,当超过 3000m 时
本套手册是泰安民乐编写的 2009 版车载式混凝土泵车使用手册,它分 《车载式混凝土泵车说明手册》 《车载式混凝土泵车操作手册》
《车载式混凝土泵车维护保养手册》 等几个部分,为用户按要求正确且安全地操作车载式混凝土泵车和进行 常规的保养与维护,提供了相应的说明、方法和措施。如果在使用及保养的 过程中由任何疑问,请您与我公司的售后服务人员及时联系、咨询。 ● 在使用操作前,请认真阅读本套使用手册及相关资料,在充分理解 产品性能及操作要领后再使用本产品。禁止未经过拖泵使用培训的人员操作 车载式混凝土泵车。 ● 为了保证机器安全可靠地运行,使用者应该遵守各种操作的相关安 全规则!任何违规操作均有可能导致机器损坏,更有可能引发安全事故,对 此行为造成的任何损失我公司将不予以质量保证! ● 民乐产品遵循技术不断改进、提高的原则,本套手册仅供参考,不 作为产品验收之依据,如有不符,以实物为准,恕不另行通知! 本手册适用于以下人员: ● 车载式混凝土泵车操作者 ● 维修和保养人员 ● 产品售后服务人员


12 264530002 oil pump Assembly R 180,0 A4VG180HDm.DTSAE-B 23655665
13 242870001 oil hydraulic pump R180,0 A4VG180HDo.Durchtrieb 1.2 12479
8 C26989000 Air Filter Assembly BSA2100 9.8 C14378
9 C00032100 Air Filter Assembly KW2448B3-0000
5 271029001 Sheng Da elastic coupling BF6M1013CP-A4VG180
6 271030003 Sheng Da elastic coupling - mounting flange FL-SAE2-27
7 C26964801 exhaust valve BSA2100 Байду номын сангаас 9.8 C14379
3 C00155800 Transmission 181KW BF6M 1013 CPMOLI 2109
4 423996 Diesel Engine 181,0KW/2300 BF6M1013CP 100673691
14 242946003 slippage pump SAE-B A4VG180 1.1 14051 15 255201007 Hydraulic pump assembly Rkpl.A10V28(21)DR 1.3 13434 49526717
邮编:201613 电话:021-57741000 -1146 邮编:201613 电话:021-57741000 -1146 Machine model 机器类型 MOLI BSF2109 Machine no 机器编号 214501306 Manufacture no 制造令号 60006187 Delivery line max 最大输送管 DN125/133X4MM Chassis make / type 车制造商/型号 ZZ1124G5415C1 -Wheel base 轴距 5400 Number of axles 桥数 2 -Voltage 电压 24v Chassis serial no. 车架号 LZZMBBGH08C075360 Engine(motor )make /Type 发动机公司/类型 J6518800091 Motor serial no 发动机编号. YC6J190-30 Gear unit type of veh. 汽车变速箱类型 DC6J75T171-00030 No. of gear unit of veh 汽车变速箱编号. DC6J707-025 Circuit diagrams 线路图 Hydraulic system 液压图 C438462H Main control cabinet 电器箱 429031_F Pos Item ID Description Part group Serial Nr

QCT 718-2004混凝土泵车

QCT 718-2004混凝土泵车

QC/T 718-2004 ( 2004-10-20发布,2005-04-01实施)前言本标准的附录A、附录C为规范性附录,附录B为资料性附录。





混凝土泵车Truck mounted concrete pump1 范围本标准规定了混凝土泵车术语和定义、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、产品标牌、使用说明书和随车文件、包装、运输、贮存。



2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。




GB l589 道路车辆外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值GB/T 3730.3 汽车和挂车的术语及其定义车辆尺寸(neq ISO 612:1978)GB/T 3766 液压系统通用技术条件(eqv IS0 4413:1998)GB/T 3797 电控设备第二部分:装有电子器件的电控设备GB/T 3811 起重机设计规范(neq IS0 4301:1980)GB/T6067 起重机械安全规程GB 9969.1 工业产品使用说明书总则GB/T 12534 汽车道路试验方法通则GB/T 12673 汽车主要尺寸测量方法GB/T 13333 混凝土泵GB l5052 起重机械危险部位与标志GB/T 18411 道路车辆产品标牌JB/T 5943 工程机械焊接件通用技术条件JB/T 5946 工程机械涂装通用技术条件JB/T 9737.1 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机液压油固体颗粒污染等级JB/T 9737.2 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机液压油固体颗粒污染测量方法JB/T 9737.3 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机液压油选择与更换JB/T 9739.1 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机平衡阀JG/T 95 混凝土输送管型式与尺寸QC/T 34 汽车的故障模式及分类QC/T 252 专用汽车定型试验规程3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。

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中联重科Bids for the truck-mounted concreteline pump车载式混凝土泵车标书(01730)First edited in 20092009年第一次编辑DIN EN ISO9001: 2000ZLJ5120THB (01730)First edition of 2009 (2009年第1版) 11. Main technical data2. Part names部件名称3. Main technical feature主要技术特点3.1 Hydraulic system液压系统Double open hydraulic loops (pumping hydraulic circuit is independent of distributing hydrauliccircuit) with two pumps, makes the whole hydraulic system much simpler. The reliability of the whole system is also much higher as well as the components’ life is prolonged greatly. This isconvenient for judgeing and removing trouble.采用双泵、双回路开式液压系统,主泵送油路和S阀摆动油路相互独立,使系统简单,元件寿命延长,可靠性更高,并便于故障判断和排除。

Large valve changing direction, makes the main pumping loop quick response, small leakage, good stability,high reliability and high resist contaminative capability.主泵送油路采用大通径阀换向,响应快,内泄漏小,稳定性好,可靠性高,耐污染能力高。

Hydraulic system has safe relief protection,at the same time,when the system pressure is over, the main oil pump cutting device makes itself be protected reliably.泵送液压系统具有安全溢流保护,同时,主泵还具备系统超压时,油泵压力自动切断截流装置,使主泵获得多级可靠保护。

Distributing hydraulic circuit adopts constant pressure pump, which can provide strong distributing pressure and economic energy control.摆动油路采用恒压泵供油,摆动力大又具备节能功能。

Cone sealing of all pipes make the pipe joints seal reliably.所有管路均采用锥面密封,管路接头密封可靠。

The electrimotion high-low pressure switch adopting cartridge valve of reduces the trouble of dismantling and installing the oil pipe.采用插装阀电动高低压转换,免去拆、装油管的麻烦。

Adopt emulsification technology of initiative and passivity recovery integration.采用了主动防御和被动防御相结合的综合防乳化技术。

3.2 Electric control system电控系统The outstanding features of the truck-mounted concrete line pump are advanced technology, simpleness and high reliability.中联车载式混凝土泵车电控系统的突出特点是技术先进、简单、可靠性高。

The reliability of industry control is higher than PLC(programmable control). It uses fewer auxiliary relays, father reducing the quantities of the electric element.该泵使用带总线的工业控制器作为控制核心,比之以前同类产品用的PLC(可编程控制器),其可靠性更高,功能更强大;由于其输出触点有更大的输出功率,比PLC系统可以使用更少的中间继电器等分离元件,进一步减少了电器元件的使用数目及接线数量,提升了电控系统可靠性。

The main electric control elements from German and French ensure the elements reliability.主要电气控制元件均采用德国易福门、海拉、巴鲁夫和法国施耐德公司等原装进口件,保证了元件的可靠性。

Compared with domestic product, the electric control system is simplest, the element quantity is fewest and its reliability is highest.与国內同类产品比较,电控系统最简单,采用元器件数量最少,可靠性最高。

The wire and wireless remote equipment is convenient for operation far away.配有有线或无线遥控装置,方便远距离操作。

After the automatical pumping stops, the diesel engine’s rotate speed declines to idle speed automatically to save oil.自动泵送停止后,柴油机的转速会自动降为怠速,以节省油料。

Adopting proximity switch in hydraulic cylinder can realize changing direction with non-touch, which ensures that the direction can be changed reliably.采用油缸内接近开关非接触换向,确保换向可靠。

The direction and stroke control function makes the oil quantity of the main pumping cylinder adjusted automatically, thereby the optimal control of pumping can be realized.带有换向行程优化控制功能,能根据主缸行程自动调节主缸的进油量,从而实现泵送最优化控制。

The GPS function can monitor and control the equipment position and running status.带有GPS功能(选配),可以远程监控设备位置以及运行状况。

The touch screen can check the equipment run status,imput and output state and alarm display.带有触摸屏,可以随时查看设备运行、输入输出状态和实时报警显示,并可方便设置系统各项参数。

The high efficiency and reliable double-signal control system, which is installed main and complement signal check sensor, ensures that the truck-mounted concrete line pump has good ability of concrete suction and high efficiency.采用高效可靠的双信号控制系统,即安装有主辅两套信号检测传感器,可保证泵送油缸满行程工作,从而确保了车载泵具有良好的吸料性,实现了泵送的高效率。

3.3Mechanical system机械系统The design of hopper and S valve and so on adopt I-DEAS software to caculate, the hopper and S valve have good rigidity to avoid the phenomenon of hopper distortion and S valve breakage.料斗、S阀等关键受力元件的设计,采用I-DEAS软件对其受力状态、结构刚度、应力集中状况进行了细分网格的有限元计算,设计出的料斗、S阀结构刚度好、工艺性佳,避免了同类产品高层输送时料斗变形及S阀断轴现象。

The agitator have unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor from agitator bearing pedestal.At the same time, adopting large displacement motor ensures that the agitator moment is big enough.搅拌机构采用独特的结构形式,将液压马达与搅拌轴承座完全隔离,即使搅拌密封磨损漏浆,也不至于影响液压马达。


Make sure the pumping is good and decline the phenomenon of pipe jam, the spectacles wear plate and cutting ring should be useed in lower abrasion. ZOOMLION’s spectacles wear plate and cutting ring use high wear material, making the components’ life prolong ed greatly.车载式混凝土泵车的眼睛板,切割环应该在低磨损下使用,才能够确实保证良好的泵送状态,降低堵管现象的发生。
