
Finite element analysis system development present situation and forecastAlong with modern science and technology development, the people unceasingly are making the faster transportation vehicle, the large-scale building, the greater span bridge, the high efficiency power set and the preciser mechanical device. All these request engineer to be able precisely to forecast in the design stage the product and the project technical performance,needs to be static,technical parameter and so on dynamic strength to the structure as well as temperature field,flow field, electromagnetic field and transfusion carries on the analysis computation.For example analysis computation high-rise construction and great span bridge when earthquake receives the influence, has a look whether can have the destructive accident; The analysis calculates the nuclear reactor the temperature field,the determination heat transfer and the cooling system are whether reasonable; Analyzes in the new leaf blade the hydrodynamics parameter,enhances its operating efficiency. The sell may sum up as the solution physics question control partial differential equations often is not impossible.In recent years the finite element analysis which develops in the computer technology and under the numerical analysis method support(FEA, Finite Element Analysis)the side principle for solves these complex project analysis estimation problems to provide the effective way. Our country in " 95 " Plan period vigorously promotes the CAD technology,mechanical profession large and middle scalene terries CAD popular rate from " 85 " End 20% enhances that present 70%.With enterprise application of CAD, engineering and technical personnel has gradually get rid drawing board, and will join the main energy how to optimize the design, engineering and improving the quality of products, computer-aided engineering analysis (puter Aided Engineering)method and software will be the key technical elements.ln engineering practice, finite element analysis software and CAD system integration design standards should be a qualitative leap, mainly in the following aspects :The increase design function,reduces the design cost;Reduces design and the analysis cycle period;Increase product and project reliability;Uses the optimized design,reduces the material the consumption or the cost;Discovers the latent question in advance before the product facture or the project construction;Simulates each kind of experimental plan, reduces the experimental time and the funds;Carries on the machine accident to analyze, search accident cause factor.In vigorously promotes the CAD technology today, from the bicycle to the aerospace craft, all designs manufacture all will not be able to leave the finite element analysis computation,FEA obtains the more and more widespread value in the engineering design and the analysis. The next chart is the American San Francisco bay bridge earthquake responds the computation the finite element analysis model. The development direction and on significant progress international early20th century in the end of the 50's, at the beginning of the 60's has the formidable function on the investment massive manpower and the physical resource development the finite element analysis procedure.What is most famous was (NASA) entrusts US by American country Space Agency in 1965 to calculate the NASTRAN finite element analysis system which the scientific company and the Bell aerospace system company developed.This system development until now had several dozens editions, is in the present world the scale is biggest, the function strongest finite element analysis system. From at that time to the present, the world each place development facility and the university also developed one batch of scales smaller but to use nimble, the price is lower special-purpose or general finite element analysis software, mainly had German ASKA,England's PAFEC, France's company's the and so on SYSTUS, US'S ABQUS, ADINA, ANSYS, BERSAFE,BOSOR, COSMOS, ELAS, MARC and STARDYNE product. Now on the international FEA method and the software development presents below some tendency characteristics:1. develops from the pure structure mechanics computation to solves many physicalfields question finite element analysis method most early is comes from the structure matrix analysis development,gradually promotes to the board, the shell and the entity and so on the continual body solid mechanics analysis, the practice proved this is one extremely effective numerical analysis method. Moreover the or etically also already proved, so long as uses in to be separated solution object theunit enough to be small, the obtained solution may enough approach to the precise value.Therefore the recent years finite element method has developed question the and so on hydromechanics,temperature field,electricity conduction,magnetic field, transfusion and sound field solution computation,recently developed solves several inter disciplinary studies. the questions.For example when the air current flows a very high iron tower to have the distortion, but the tower distortion in turn affects to the air current flows. This needs to use the solid mechanics and the hydrodynamics finite element analysis finally overlapping iteration solves, namely so-called " Flows solid coupling " Question.2 Progresses from the solution linear project question to the analysis non-linear problem along with the science and technology development, the linear theory already by far could not satisfy the design there quest. For example in construction profession high-rise construction and great span hanging bridge appearance,request consideration geometry non-linear problem and so on structure big displacement and big strain; Astronautics and power engineering high temperature part existence thermal deformation and thermal load, also must consider the material the non-linear problem;Such as the plastic,the rubber and the compound material and so on each kind of new material appearance,only depends on the question which the linear computation theory is insufficient to solve meets, only has uses the non-linear finite element algorithm to be able to solve. It is well known, the non-linear value computation is very complex,it involves to the very many special mathematics question and the operation skill, thanks the general engineering technical personnel to grasp very much. Has spent massive specialty and so on manpower and investment development such as MARC, ABQUS and ADINA for this recent years overseas some companies to solution non-linear problem finite element analysis software, and widely applies to the project practice. These software common characteristics are have the highly effective non-linear solution as well as rich and the practical non-linear material.Definitely.3The enhancement visible pretag e modelling and the post positioned data processing function early time finite element analysis software research key lies in infers new high efficiency solution method and the high accuracy unit. Along with the numerical analysis method gradually consummation,the computer operating speed rapid development,the entire computing system uses in to solve the operation inparticular the time more and more few, but the data preparation and the operation result performance question day by day is actually prominent. On the present project workstation, solves to contain100,000 equations the finite lement models only to need to use several dozens minutes.But if establishes this model with the manual way, then the rehandling massive computed result must use several week-long time. May not exaggerate said, engineer calculates a project question when the analysis has 80% above the energy all to spend in the data preparation and the result analysis. Therefore the present nearly all shangye finite element software all has the function very strong pretage modeling and the post positioned data processing module.Is emphasizing" Visible " Today,very many procedures have all established to user extremely friendly GUI (Graphics User Interface), enables the user direct-viewing fast to carry on the grid automatic division by the visible graphic mode, the production finite element analysis needs the data, and the massive computed result will reorganize the distortion chart, the equivalentd is tribution cloud chart according to the request, will be advantageous for the extreme value search and needs the data to tabulate the output.4 With the CAD software seamless integration now the finite element analysis system another characteristic is and the general CAD software integrated use namely, after uses CAD software to complete the part and the components modeling design, automatically produces the finite element grid and carries on the computation,if analyzes the result does not conform to the design requirement then recarries on themodeling and the computation,until satisfaction, thus enormously raised the design level and the efficiency.The complex project analysis question today, which engineer may quickly solves in integrated CAD and in the FEA software environment in before is unable to deal with. Therefore now all shangye finite element system business all has developed and famous CAD software (for example Pro/ENGINEER,Unigraphics,SolidEdge, SolidWorks, IDEAS, Bentley and AutoCAD and so on) connection.5 Basically in Wintel platform development early time finite element analysis software all is in the large and middle scale computers(mainly is Mainframe) on the development and the movement,after wards also developed take the project workstation(EWS, Engineering WorkStation)as the platform, their common characteristic all uses the UNIX operating system.. The PC machine appearance caused the computer the application to have he fundamental change,engineer hadlonged for completed the complex project analysis on the desk the dream to become the reality. But early PC machine uses 16 CPU and the DOS operating system, in the memory public block data is restricted, at that time there fore calculated the model the scale not to be able to surpass 10,000 steps equations. Microsoft the Windows operating system and 32 Intel Pentium processor promoting for used in the finite element analysis PC machine to provide essential software and the hardware supports the platform. Therefore on the current international famous finite element procedure research and the development organization all in abundance move theirs software the value to the Wintel platform in. Next cava logged version environment and the SGI workstation simultaneously calculates the solution time with ADINA the V7.3 in PC machine Windows on the NT which 4 projects examples needed. May see the newest upscale PC machine solution ability already and center low-grade EWS is equally matched.In order to will develop on the large and middle scale computers and EWS the finite element procedure will move the value to PE machine on, frequently will need to use Hummingbird Corporation simulation software Exceed.Does this the result quite is troublesome,moreover cannot fully use the PC machine software and hardware resources. Therefore recently some companies,for example IDEAS, ADINA and R&D starts in the Windows platform to develop the finite element procedure,is called as " Native Windows" The edition, meanwhile has the finite element routine package which in on Linux operating system environment develops in PC machine.The domestic development situation and the prospect in 1979 US'S SAP5linear structure was static, the mechanical analysis procedure transplants successfully to the domestic introduction, raised the application general finite element procedure to analyze the computation project question the high tide. This high tide continuously continued to 1981 the ADINA non-linear structure analysis procedure introduction, many continuously was unable the project difficult problem which solved all to be easily solved for a while. Everybody also starts to realize indeed is engineer carries on then is computation to the finite element analysis procedure using the computer the important tool。

中文3240字Steps in Finite Element AnalysisIntroductionRecently there is a trend towards using it in the early stages of design. A designer may use FEA just to validate the structural integrity of a design or she may use it for structural optimization along with the parametrized design techniques.This paper examines the requirements of a structural analysis agent and proposes an architecture to facilitate FEA in a concurrent design environment. The next section briefly describes how FEA is used in a typical industrial set up.Section 3 presents a survey of existing FE tools. Section 4 discusses some issues related to the development of an FEA agent. Section 5 proposes an architecture for the FEA agent that addresses the issues described in Section 4 and finally Section 6 presents the concluding remarks.Steps in Finite Element AnalysisThe process of FEA starts with identification of the region of interest and the formulation of the physical problem。

The Basics of FEA Procedure有限元分析程序的基本知识2.1IntroductionThis chapter discusses the spring element,especially for the purpose of introducing various concepts involved in use of the FEA technique.本章讨论了弹簧元件,特别是用于引入使用的有限元分析技术的各种概念的目的A spring element is not very useful in the analysis of real engineering structures;however,it represents a structure in an ideal form for an FEA analysis.Spring element doesn’t require discretization(division into smaller elements)and follows the basic equation F=ku.在分析实际工程结构时弹簧元件不是很有用的;然而,它代表了一个有限元分析结构在一个理想的形式分析。
弹簧元件不需要离散化(分裂成更小的元素)只遵循的基本方程F=ku We will use it solely for the purpose of developing an understanding of FEA concepts and procedure.我们将使用它的目的仅仅是为了对开发有限元分析的概念和过程的理解。
2.2Overview概述Finite Element Analysis(FEA),also known as finite element method(FEM)is based on the concept that a structure can be simulated by the mechanical behavior of a spring in which the applied force is proportional to the displacement of the spring and the relationship F=ku is satisfied.有限元分析(FEA),也称为有限元法(FEM),是基于一个结构可以由一个弹簧的力学行为模拟的应用力弹簧的位移成正比,F=ku切合的关系。

关键词:有限元分析;现状;发展局势中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2016)18-0242-011 有限元分析系统的发展现状1)如今,在我们的生活中,从自行车到飞机,所有的设计都离不开有限元的系统分析计算。

由世界上最大的有限元分析软件公司之一的美国ANSYS开发,它能与多数CAD软件接口,实现数据的共享和交换,如Pro/Engineer, NASTRAN, Alogor, I-DEAS, AutoCAD等,是现代产品设计中的高级CAE工具之一。
有限元分析(FEA,Finite Element Analysis)的基本概念是用较简单的问题代替复杂问题后再求解。
有限元分析 ppt课件

1) 了解什么是有限单元法、有限单元法的基本 思想。
2) 学习有限单元法的原理,主要结合弹性力学 问题来介绍有限单元法的基本方法,包括单 元分析、整体分析、载荷与约束处理、等参 单元等概念。
3) 初步学会使用商用有限元软件分析简单工程 问题。
4. O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor. The finite element method( 5th ed). Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000
5. 郭和德编. 有限单元法概论,清华大学, 1998
1 有限单元法简介
d(L x)N(x)d xq(Lx)dx EA EA
u(x)xN(x)d xq(L xx2)
0 EA EA 2
du q (Lx) dx EA
q(Lx) A
自重作用下等截面直杆的有限单元法 解答
1)离散化 如图所示,将直杆划分 成n个有限段,有限段之 间通过一个铰接点连接。 称两段之间的连接点为 结点,称每个有限段为 单元。 第 i 个 单 元 的 长 度 为 Li , 包含第i,i+1个结点。
对弹性体进行必要的简化,再将弹性体 划分为有限个单元组成的离散体。 单元之间通过单元节点相连接。 由单元、结点、结点连线构成的集合称 为网格。
通常把三维实体划分成四面体(Tetrahedron) 或六面体(Hexahedron)单元的网格
外文翻译 对于有限元分析的介绍

本科生毕业设计 (论文)
注:1. 指导教师对译文进行评阅时应注意以下几个方面:①翻译的外文文献与毕业设计(论文)的主题是否高度相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献;②翻译的外文文献字数是否达到规定数量(3 000字以上);③译文语言是否准确、通顺、具有参考价值。
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共 5 页第11 页。

有限元分析的未来发展与 挑战
利用人工智能和机器学习技术, 自动构建有限元模型、优化求解 过程和提高分值算法和 求解技术,提高有限元分析的稳 定性和精度。
探索多物理场耦合的有限元分析 方法,以解决复杂工程问题中的 多物理场耦合问题。
在有限元分析中,边界条件的处理是重要的环节。边界条件通常通过在边界节点上施加约束或加载来实现,以模拟实际系统 的边界条件。
求解是有限元分析的核心步骤,涉及到建立方程组、求解方程组并得到离散化模型的结果。常用的求 解方法包括直接法、迭代法和优化算法等。
• 有限元分析(FEA)是一种数值 分析方法,用于解决各种工程问 题,如结构分析、热传导、流体 动力学等。它通过将复杂的物理 系统离散化为有限数量的简单单 元(或称为“有限元”)来模拟 系统的行为。这些单元通过节点 相互连接,形成一个离散化的模 型,可以用来预测系统的性能和 行为。
目 录
• 有限元分析简介 • 有限元分析的基本原理 • 有限元分析的实现过程 • 有限元分析的优缺点 • 有限元分析的未来发展与挑战

<br> 近年来随着计算机技术的普及和计算速度的不断提高,有限元分析在工程设计和分析中得到了越来越广泛的重视,已经成为解决复杂的工程分析计算问题的有效途径,现在从汽车到航天飞机几乎所有的设计制造都已离不开有限元分析计算,其在机械制造、材料加工、航空航天、汽车、土木建筑、电子电器,国防军工,船舶,铁道,石化,能源,科学研究等各个领域的广泛使用已使设计水平发生了质的飞跃,主要表现在以下几个方面:<br> 增加产品和工程的可靠性;<br> 在产品的设计阶段发现潜在的问题<br> 经过分析计算,采用优化设计方案,降低原材料成本<br> 缩短产品投向市场的时间<br> 模拟试验方案,减少试验次数,从而减少试验经费<br><br> 国际上早在60年代初就开始投入大量的人力和物力开发有限元分析程序,但真正的CAE软件是诞生于70年代初期,而近15年则是CAE软件商品化的发展阶段,CAE开发商为满足市场需求和适应计算机硬、软件技术的迅速发展,在大力推销其软件产品的同时,对软件的功能、性能,用户界面和前、后处理能力,都进行了大幅度的改进与扩充。

利用CiteSpace分析有限元技术在法医学中的应用现状王婷;孟运乐;魏智彬;肉孜·巴依斯;杨超朋【期刊名称】《刑事技术》【年(卷),期】2024(49)1【摘要】本文利用CiteSpace可视化软件对CNKI和ISI Web of Science数据库所收录的有限元技术在法医学中应用的研究文献进行统计和可视化对比分析,得出国内外法医领域有限元应用研究文献的关键词、机构合作、作者合作的可视化知识图谱。


南京林业大学本科毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译翻译资料名称(外文)Stress analysis of heavy duty truck chassis as apreliminary data for its fatigue life predictionusing FEM翻译资料名称(中文)利用重型载货汽车的有限元应力分析的初步数据预测其疲劳寿命院(系):汽车与交通工程学院专业:机械制造及其自动化(汽车设计方向)姓名:学号:指导教师:完成日期: 2012/5/31利用重型载货汽车的有限元应力分析的初步数据预测其疲劳寿命Roslan Abd Rahman, Mohd Nasir Tamin, Ojo Kurdi马来西亚工程大学机械工程系81310 UTM, Skudai,Johor Bahru摘要本文对一重型货车底盘做了应力分析。
本文是用商用有限元软件ABAQUS 软件完成底盘应力分析的。

转向节文献综述--有限元分析的发展及应用前景有限元分析的发展及应用前景1 有限元分析的发展及其思想1.1 有限元分析的发展历程20世纪60年代初首次提出结构力学计算有限元概念的克拉夫(Clough)教授形象地将其描绘为:“有限元法=Rayleigh Ritz法+分片函数”,即有限元法是Rayleigh Ritz法的一种局部化情况。
不同于求解(往往是困难的)满足整个定义域边界条件的允许函数的Rayleigh Ritz法,有限元法将函数定义在简单几何形状(如二维问题中的三角形或任意四边形)的单元域上(分片函数),且不考虑整个定义域的复杂边界条件,这是有限元法优于其他近似方法的原因之一。
有限元分析(FEA,Finite Element Analysis)的基本概念是用较简单的问题代替复杂问题后再求解。
1.2 有限元分析计算的思路和做法目前在工程领域内常用的数值模拟方法有:有限元法、边界元法、离散单元法和有限差分法,就其广泛性而言,只要还是有限单位元法。

有限元分析报告有限元法在工程领域的发展现状和应用有限元法(Finite Element Method,FEM),是计算力学中的一种重要的方法,它是20世纪50年代末60年代初兴起的应用数学、现代力学及计算机科学相互渗透、综合利用的边缘科学。

二、有限元法的基本理论有限元法(Finite Element Method,FEM)是一种数值分析技术,广泛应用于工程和科学问题的求解。

现代机械设计理论与方法有限元方法学院:机械工程学院日期:2012年12月8日目录摘要 (3)关键词 (3)Abstract (3)Key Words (3)1 有限元方法的国内外研究现状及应用实例 (3)1.1 有限元的发展趋势 (3)1.2 有限元的应用实例 (3)2 有限元方法的分析过程 (4)2.1 有限元分析的三个阶段 (4)2.2 有限元分析的七个步骤 (5)2.3 有限元软件的分析过程 (6)3 参考文献 (8)有限元方法摘要:有限元方法法的基本概念是用较简单的问题代替复杂问题后再求解。
关键词:有限元方法;单元;节点Finite Element MethodAbstract:The basic concepts of the finite element method is solving complex problems with a simple question instead.The basic idea of the finite element method is dismembered, and then plot the parts into a whole, that is divided a continuum into a finite number of unit; that is to regard a structure as a whole connected by many nodes,first to analysis unit,then analysis the overall combined by these units,which represents the original structure.Key Words:finite element method;unit;node1 有限元方法的国内外研究现状及应用实例“有限单元法”这一名称是克拉夫(Clough)在1960年首先引用的。

关键词:有限元分析结构计算结构设计Abstract: The 1965 "finite" appeared for the first time this term, and today is widely used finite element in engineering, after more than 30 years of history, theory and algorithms have been improved. Finite element discretization of the core idea is to structure, is the actual structure of the supposed discrete combination unit for a limited number of rules, the actual structure to analyse the physical properties can be felt through a discrete body of drawn precision engineering approximation as an alternative to the analysis of actual structures, this would solve a lot of theoretical analysis and practical engineering needed to address complex problems that cannot be resolved.Key words: finite element analysis structural calculation physical design1 有限元的发展历程有限元法的发展历程可以分为提出(1943)、发展(1944一1960)和完善(1961-二十世纪九十年代)三个阶段。

外语·外文 课程教育研究 Course Education Ressearch 2015年1月 下旬刊116· ·务的教师,不仅需要较强的英语听说读写能力,更应该重视教师英语的专业性考察,在这样的基础上,还需要不断地学习,增强自身的实力,学习先进的教学理念,更好地指导学生学习英语。
参考文献:[1] 罗海燕,申翰林,周超等.机务人才专业英语水平提升的探索与思考[J].中国民用航空,20113(12):109-110.[2] 慕永锋,张杏辉.民航院校机务类学生素质教育研究[J].时代教育,2014(03):72+78.[3] 王凌燕.浅谈对艺术类英语学困生进行有效教学[J].价值工程,2012(08):209-210.[4] 张驰.航空维修专业英语教学现状分析与解决途径[J].英语广场(学术研究),2012(10):99-101.[5] 张永利,裴育新.艺术类大学生英语学习现状与教学策略探析[J].求实,2014(S1):250-251.本文系2013年湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划一般课题《高职院校航空机务类英语课程教学改革的研究与实践》的部分成果,项目批准号XJK013CZY032”《有限元分析》课程全英文授课教学实践李红军(浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院 浙江 杭州 310018)【摘要】随着我国高等教育的发展,课程建设的国际化也成为了我国高校教育改革的一个重要课题和发展方向。

20外⽂⽂献翻译原⽂及译⽂参考样式华北电⼒⼤学科技学院毕业设计(论⽂)附件外⽂⽂献翻译学号: 0819******** 姓名:宗鹏程所在系别:机械⼯程及⾃动化专业班级:机械08K1指导教师:张超原⽂标题:Development of a High-PerformanceMagnetic Gear年⽉⽇⾼性能磁齿轮的发展1摘要:本⽂提出了⼀个⾼性能永磁齿轮的计算和测量结果。
上述分析的永磁齿轮有5.5的传动⽐,并能够提供27 Nm的⼒矩。
经测量,由于较⼤端齿轮传动引起的磁⼒齿轮的扭矩只有16 Nm。
相⽐标准电⽓机器有约10kN m/m的扭矩,装有⾼能量永久磁铁的磁耦有⾮常⾼的单位体积密度的扭矩,变化范围⼤约300–400 kN 。
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Finite element analysis system development present situation and forecastAlong with modern science and technology development, the people unceasingly are making the faster transportation vehicle, the large-scale building, the greater span bridge, the high efficiency power set and the preciser mechanical device. All these request engineer to be able precisely to forecast in the design stage the product and the project technical performance, needs to be static, technical parameter and so on dynamic strength to the structure as well as temperature field, flow field, electromagnetic field and transfusion carries on the analysis computation. For example analysis computation high-rise construction and great span bridge when earthquake receives the influence, has a look whether can have the destructive accident; The analysis calculates the nuclear reactor the temperature field, the determination heat transfer and the cooling system are whether reasonable; Analyzes in the new leaf blade the hydrodynamics parameter, enhances its operating efficiency. The sell may sum up as the solution physics question control partial differential equations often is not impossible.In recent years the finite element analysis which develops in the computer technology and under the numerical analysis method support(FEA, Finite Element Analysis) the side principle for solves these complex project analysis estimation problems to provide the effective way. Our country in " 95 " Plan period vigorously promotes the CAD technology, mechanical profession large and middle scalene terries CAD popular rate from " 85 " End 20% enhances that present 70%.With enterprise application of CAD, engineering and technical personnel has gradually get rid drawing board, and will join the main energy how to optimize the design, engineering and improving the quality of products, computer-aided engineering analysis (CAE. Computer Aided Engineering) method and software will be the key technical elements .ln engineering practice, finite element analysis software and CAD system integration design standards should be a qualitative leap, mainly in the following aspects :The increase design function, reduces the design cost;Reduces design and the analysis cycle period;Increase product and project reliability;Uses the optimized design, reduces the material the consumption or the cost;Discovers the latent question in advance before the product facture or the project construction;Simulates each kind of experimental plan, reduces the experimental time and the funds;Carries on the machine accident to analyze, search accident cause factor.In vigorously promotes the CAD technology today, from the bicycle to the aerospace craft, all designs manufacture all will not be able to leave the finite element analysis computation, FEA obtains the more and more widespread value in the engineering design and the analysis. The next chart is the American San Francisco bay bridge earthquake responds the computation the finite element analysis model. The development direction and on significant progress international early20th century in the end of the 50's, at the beginning of the 60's has the formidable function on the investment massive manpower and the physical resource development the finite element analysis procedure. What is most famous was (NASA) entrusts US by American country Space Agency in 1965 to calculate the NASTRAN finite element analysis system which the scientific company and the Bell aerospace system company developed.This system development until now had several dozens editions, is in the present world the scale is biggest, the function strongest finite element analysis system. From at that time to the present, the world each place development facility and the university also developed one batch of scales smaller but to use nimble, the price is lower special-purpose or general finite element analysis software, mainly had German ASKA, England's PAFEC, France's company's the and so on SYSTUS, US'S ABQUS, ADINA, ANSYS, BERSAFE, BOSOR, COSMOS, ELAS, MARC and STARDYNE product. Now on the international FEA method and the software development presents below some tendency characteristics:1.develops from the pure structure mechanics computation to solves many physicalfields question finite element analysis method most early is comes from the structure matrix analysis development, gradually promotes to the board, the shell and the entity and so on the continual body solid mechanics analysis, the practice proved this is one extremely effective numerical analysis method. Moreover the or etically also already proved, so long as uses in to be separated solution object theunit enough to be small, the obtained solution may enough approach to the precise value.Therefore the recent years finite element method has developed question the and so on hydromechanics, temperature field, electricity conduction, magnetic field, transfusion and sound field solution computation, recently developed solves several inter disciplinary studies. the questions. For example when the air current flows a very high iron tower to have the distortion, but the tower distortion in turn affects to the air current flows. This needs to use the solid mechanics and the hydrodynamics finite element analysis finally overlapping iteration solves, namely so-called " Flows solid coupling " Question.2 Progresses from the solution linear project question to the analysis non-linear problem along with the science and technology development, the linear theory already by far could not satisfy the design there quest. For example in construction profession high-rise construction and great span hanging bridge appearance, request consideration geometry non-linear problem and so on structure big displacement and big strain; Astronautics and power engineering high temperature part existence thermal deformation and thermal load, also must consider the material the non-linear problem; Such as the plastic, the rubber and the compound material and so on each kind of new material appearance ,only depends on the question which the linear computation theory is insufficient to solve meets, only has uses the non-linear finite element algorithm to be able to solve. It is well known, the non-linear value computation is very complex, it involves to the very many special mathematics question and the operation skill, thanks the general engineering technical personnel to grasp very much. Has spent massive specialty and so on manpower and investment development such as MARC, ABQUS and ADINA for this recent years overseas some companies to solution non-linear problem finite element analysis software, and widely applies to the project practice. These software common characteristics are have the highly effective non-linear solution as well as rich and the practical non-linear material. Definitely.3 The enhancement visible pretag e modelling and the post positioned data processing function early time finite element analysis software research key lies in infers new high efficiency solution method and the high accuracy unit. Along with the numerical analysis method gradually consummation, the computer operating speed rapid development, the entire computing system uses in to solve the operation inparticular the time more and more few, but the data preparation and the operation result performance question day by day is actually prominent. On the present project workstation, solves to contain 100,000 equations the finite lement models only to need to use several dozens minutes. But if establishes this model with the manual way, then the rehandling massive computed result must use several week-long time. May not exaggerate said, engineer calculates a project question when the analysis has 80% above the energy all to spend in the data preparation and the result analysis. Therefore the present nearly all shangye finite element software all has the function very strong pretage modeling and the post positioned data processing module. Is emphasizing " Visible " Today ,very many procedures have all established to user extremely friendly GUI (Graphics User Interface), enables the user direct-viewing fast to carry on the grid automatic division by the visible graphic mode, the production finite element analysis needs the data, and the massive computed result will reorganize the distortion chart, the equivalentd is tribution cloud chart according to the request, will be advantageous for the extreme value search and needs the data to tabulate the output.4 With the CAD software seamless integration now the finite element analysis system another characteristic is and the general CAD software integrated use namely, after uses CAD software to complete the part and the components modeling design, automatically produces the finite element grid and carries on the computation, if analyzes the result does not conform to the design requirement then recarries on the modeling and the computation, until satisfaction, thus enormously raised the design level and the efficiency.The complex project analysis question today, which engineer may quickly solves in integrated CAD and in the FEA software environment in before is unable to deal with. Therefore now all shangye finite element system business all has developed and famous CAD software (for example Pro/ENGINEER, Unigraphics, SolidEdge, SolidWorks, IDEAS, Bentley and AutoCAD and so on) connection.5 Basically in Wintel platform development early time finite element analysis software all is in the large and middle scale computers(mainly is Mainframe) on the development and the movement, after wards also developed take the project workstation (EWS, Engineering WorkStation) as the platform, their common characteristic all uses the UNIX operating system.. The PC machine appearance caused the computer the application to have he fundamental change, engineer hadlonged for completed the complex project analysis on the desk the dream to become the reality. But early PC machine uses 16 CPU and the DOS operating system, in the memory public block data is restricted, at that time there fore calculated the model the scale not to be able to surpass 10,000 steps equations. Microsoft the Windows operating system and 32 Intel Pentium processor promoting for used in the finite element analysis PC machine to provide essential software and the hardware supports the platform. Therefore on the current international famous finite element procedure research and the development organization all in abundance move theirs software the value to the Wintel platform in. Next cava logged version environment and the SGI workstation simultaneously calculates the solution time with ADINA the V7.3 in PC machine Windows on the NT which 4 projects examples needed. May see the newest upscale PC machine solution ability already and center low-grade EWS is equally matched.In order to will develop on the large and middle scale computers and EWS the finite element procedure will move the value to PE machine on, frequently will need to use Hummingbird Corporation simulation software Exceed. Does this the result quite is troublesome, moreover cannot fully use the PC machine software and hardware resources. Therefore recently some companies, for example IDEAS, ADINA and R&D starts in the Windows platform to develop the finite element procedure, is called as " Native Windows" The edition, meanwhile has the finite element routine package which in on Linux operating system environment develops in PC machine.The domestic development situation and the prospect in 1979 US'S SAP5linear structure was static, the mechanical analysis procedure transplants successfully to the domestic introduction, raised the application general finite element procedure to analyze the computation project question the high tide. This high tide continuously continued to 1981 the ADINA non-linear structure analysis procedure introduction, many continuously was unable the project difficult problem which solved all to be easily solved for a while. Everybody also starts to realize indeed is engineer carries on then is computation to the finite element analysis procedure using the computer the important tool。