英语专业精读教学中学生赏析能力的培养——以“A Dill Pickle”为例

英语专业精读教学中学生赏析能力的培养——以“A Dill Pickle”为例作者:刘少仙来源:《校园英语》 2020年第36期文/刘少仙【摘要】精读作为英语专业的核心课程,其中心任务是提升学生的阅读能力,即提高学生的理解能力、赏析能力和应用能力。
因此,本论文尝试以杨立明主编的《现代大学英语精读》课文“A Dill Pickle”(《一块莳萝泡菜》)为例,从英语专业精读教学的角度出发,探究如何在精读教学中培养学生的赏析能力,以期填补这一研究上的空白。

选材主题包括如下:学习态度(如Another School Year―What For?);家庭关系(如Message of the Land);人生感悟(如Half a Day);神话故事(如The Nightingale and the Rose);悬疑小说(如Midnight Visitor);历史灾难(如Pompeii);生态环保(如The Rite of Spring);生活轶事(如The Boy and the Bank Officer);人性探讨(如The Man in the Water);种族优越感(如Say Yes),等等。
disappearing through the sky line课文解析--大学英语专业精读

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Part 1
(1)Science is accepted universally. (2)With the development of science, the difference and divergence have been narrowed down.
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This part takes the old-fashioned banks and the modern banks as examples to clarify the disappearing of history. Nothing is out of escape with the development.
• “disappearance” — nature, history, even the solid banks •universalizing tendency of science and technology •the modern man is universalized by a homogeneous world and becomes a cosmopolitan •a form of liberation resulting from the disappearance of history, “playfulness”
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Eiffel Tower (La Tour Eiffel)
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• built in 1889 in Champ-de-Mars(战神广场), • located in Paris, France. • named after its designer ------Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. 埃菲尔建议法国当局建造一座高度两倍于当时世 界上最高建筑物——胡夫金字塔、科隆大教堂和 乌尔姆大教堂的铁塔,并于1886年6月向1889年 博览会总委员会提交了图纸和计算结果,1887年1 月8日中标。 不过巴黎的文化人士听说这个计划之后马上 就发表了抗议信:“……该清楚地认识到我们在 追求什么了,该想象一下这个奇怪可笑的铁塔了。 它如同一个巨大的黑色的工厂烟囱,耸立在巴黎 的上空。这个庞然大物将会掩盖巴黎圣母院、残 疾人宫、凯旋门等著名的建筑物。这根由钢铁铆 接起来的丑陋的柱子将会给这座有着数百年气息 的古城投下令人厌恶的影子……‖

关键词:语篇分析英语精读教学应用1. 精读课教学现状在目前的大学英语精读教学中存在这样的问题,很多学生掌握了大纲要求的词汇,语法知识也很扎实,却可能在读一篇生词不多的文章时抓不住其主旨。
2. 语篇分析理论黄国文教授认为:“语篇通常指一系列持续的话段或句子组成的语言整体。
3. 语篇分析在精读课教学中的具体运用文化背景知识的导入有助于进行语篇教学只有联系一篇文章所反映的政治、经济、历史、文化等背景知识,才能对该文章的主题即作者的写作意图、观点等做出正确的评价与反馈。

To be continued on the next page.
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Protagonists of the story
Para. 2: the officer, with his strongly built form and slight air of superiority, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace.
Protagonists of the story
Para. 6: the light showed a pale, squarejawed face with keen eyes, and little white scar near his right eyebrow.
Para. 9: “TheWest is a pretty big place, and I kept running around over it pretty lively.”
The end of the Setting.
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Drama of the story
When they met again twenty years later, they should find themselves on opposite sides of the law—one was the man wanted by the police and the other turned out to be the police officer instructed to watch out for the runaway criminal. But no matter how much Jim had cherished their friendship, he would not let a personal relationship stand in the way of discharging his duty.

现代大学英语精读重点讲解现代大学英语精读重点讲解Beneath my clenched fingers the alder was wriggling like a small, frightened snake. My father saw that I was about to drop it."Hang on to it!"“The branch is squirming," I repeated. "And I hear something that sounds like a river!""Open your eyes," my father ordered.I was stunned, as though he'd awakened me while I was dreaming."What does it mean?" I asked my father."It means that underneath us, right here, there's a little freshwater spring. If we dig, we could drink from it. I've just taught you how to find a spring. It's something my own father taught me. It isn't something you learn in school. And it isn't useless: a man can get along without writing and arithmetic, but he can never get along without water."Much later, I discovered that my father was famous in the region because of what the people called his "gift": before digging a well they always consulted him; they would watch him prospecting the fields or the hills, eyes closed, hands clenched on the fork of an alder bough. Wherever my father stopped, they marked the ground; there they would dig; and there water would gush forth.Years passed; I went to other schools, saw other countries, I had children, I wrote some books and my poor father is lying in the earth where so many times he had found fresh water.One day someone began to make a film about my villageand its inhabitants, from whom I've stolen so many of the stories that I tell. With the film crew we went to see a farmer to capture the image of a sad man: his children didn't want to receive the inheritance he'd spent his whole life preparing for them—the finest farm in the area. While the technicians were getting cameras and microphones ready the farmer put his arm around my shoulders, saying:"I knew your father well.""Ah! I know. Everybody in the village knows each other... No one feels like an outsider.""You know what's under your feet?""Hell?" I asked, laughing."Under your feet there's a well. Before I dug I called in specialists from the Department of Agriculture; they did research, they analyzed shovelfuls of dirt; and they made a report where they said there wasn't any water on my land. With the family, the animals, the crops, I need water. When I saw that those specialists hadn't found any. I thought of your father and I asked him to come over. He didn't want to; I think he was pretty fed up with me because I'd asked those specialists instead of him. But finally came; he went and cut off a little branch, then he walked around for a while with his eyes shut; he stopped, he listened to something we couldn't hear and then he said to me: "Dig right here, there's enough water to get your whole flock drunk and drown your specialist besides." We dug and found water. Fine water that's never heard of pollution.The film people were ready; they called to me to take my place."I'm gonna show you something," said the farmer, keeping me back." You wait right here."He disappeared into a shack which he must have used to store things, then came back with a branch which he held out to me."I never throw nothing away; I kept the alder branch your father cut to find my water. I don't understand, it hasn't dried out."Moved as I touched the branch, kept out of I don't know what sense of piety—and which really wasn't dry—I had the feeling that my father was watching me over my shoulder; I closed my eyes and, standing above the spring my father had discovered, I waited for the branch to writhe, I hoped the sound of gushing water would rise to my ears.The alder stayed motionless in my hands and the water beneath the earth refused to sing.Somewhere along the roads I'd taken since the village of my childhood I had forgotten my father's knowledge."Don't feel sorry," said the man, thinking no doubt of his farm and his childhood; "nowadays fathers can't pass on anything to the next generation."And he took the alder branch from my hands.桤木树枝在我紧握的手指下扭动,如受惊的蛇一般。

Part One (paras. 1-3) The mother and her hopes for her daughter.
Part Two (paras. 4-76)
The conflict between mother and daughter.
I imagined myself as different types of prodigy, trying to find out which one suited me the best
finding the queen of hearts in a deck of cards.
Put this into Chinese:
----You, Lady Queen, though, through fair you are, Snow White is fairer far to see.
Read Paragraph 19, and answer following questions: 1.What did the girl see in the mirror? 2.What new thoughts did she have now? What did she decide to do?
The girl had the sauciness of a Shirley Temple.
sauciness: impertinence; rudeness in an amusing way a Shirley Temple: of the Shirley Temple type.
The girl was Shirley Temple-like, slightly rude but in an amusing way.

Abraham Lincoln (18
09-1865): the 16th pres
ident of the U. S. and a
republican. Born in Kent
大学英语 精读 第二册
Unit2 Lessons from Jefferson
Lessons from Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, may be less famous t han George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but most people remember at least one fact about him: he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Of all Jefferson's many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and tireless writer. His comp lete works, now being published for the first time, w ill fill more than fifty volumes. His talent as an au thor was soon discovered, and when the time came to w rite the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776, the task of writing it was his. Millions hav e thrilled to his words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ..."

Unit 51. apparent2. disappear3. pressure4. widespread5. collapse6. alternative7. does no harm8. tissue 9. liberate 10. visible11. radiation 12. by itself 13. consume 14. in all likelihood1. grow2. hotter3. seem4. run5. fall6. melt7. means8. away9. retreat 10. to 11. necessarily12. possible 13. so 14.exist 15. gained 16. though 17. found 18. another19. piled 20. stay 21. causing22. flooded 23. fartherS1. planet’s S2. averageS3. directly S4. temperatureS5. too cold for most lifeS6. In fact, it’s frozenS7. thick S8. hot enough to melt leadS9. The earth absorbs most of the energy that reaches its surface and re-emits it as heat.S10. In doing so, we are setting the stage for a warmer Earth.1.If the rich countries spent more moneyon green industries, instead of on building up military machines and nuclear weapons, many of today’s widespread pollution problems would gradually disappear.2.The burning of coal not only consumesthe oxygen in the house but also gives out poisonous gas.3.Apparently, finding alternative energysources is essential to the steady development of our country.4.Solar cells can absorb sunlight andconvert it into electricity.5.If the temperature on the earthcontinues to go up from year to year, the polar ice caps will begin to melt and, in all likelihood, half of the buildings in coastal cities will disappear beneath splashing sea waves.6.Because these creatures are small andtend to hide beneath leafy plant, they are not always visible to the naked eyes.7.As a result of exposure to atomicradiation, he finally collapsed at work. 8.There is distinct evidence of theconnection between heavy pressure of work and some disorders of the body.Unit 61. surgical2. confident3. dwell on4. emerging5. sweat6. competent7. at one time or another8. relax1.from2. examined3. nothing4. trouble5. much6. same7. ago 8. advice 9. you 10. pay11. worry 12. followed 13. again14. quite 15. that 16. tailor1.How 2. answer 3. cut 4. surgeon 5. had 6. over 7. only 8. found9. by 10. got 11. then 12. saying13. around1. by most standards2. distance3. diseases4. considered5. a different way of practicing medicine6. show concern for7. stand apart from 8. grows9. by my first name 10. satisfying1.As long as you keep on trying, you will be able to resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.2.We anticipate that we will encounter resistance to our plan./ W e anticipate that our plan will meet with resistance.3.Jim’s friends said that the noise problem in their city was terrible, but they have to live with it.4.At first Tom thought that with his knowledge, skill and experience he was bound to find a satisfying job.5.It would be wise/advisable to handle the delicate problem with calmness and patience.6.Dick thought that if he wasn’t able to take the machine apart, chances were that no other workers in the plant could, neither.7.Do you think bus drivers should take full responsible for passengers’safety?8.You needn’t dwell on your mistakes in judgment anymore. What’s important is to try your best to avoid repeating them.Unit 71. moved in2. waged3. property4. take a stand5. drifted6. tragedy7. prompt 8. impact 9. took to10. got through to 11. ran into 12. fussin 1.Judging 2. Confronted 3. change4. You5.treated6. But7. set8. never 9. called/named 10. boy’s 11. your 12. the 13. on 14. make 15. bring 16. through 17. later 18. showing1. cigarette2. two and a half packs3. lung cancer4. influence5. pull a blanket over my head6. suffering7. decision8. effect9. prospect 10. sharing his experience 1.Under the leadership of the localgovernment, the villagers rose to the serious food crisis caused by the floods.2.The exhibition is very popular and isattracting a steady stream of visitors. 3.When Mom came upstairs to check onus kids, I turned over and pretended to be asleep.4.Waging a battle against drug pusherswas a challenge to Armstead. She felt rather nervous but she decided to confront them.5.The old lady told me to be cautiousand not to talk to the guys hanging out on the street corner.6. A health organization prompted thelocal government to raise a three-million-dollar fund for a new hospital.7.Opening the door, the man who had setfire to the church found himself confronted by a dozen policemen with guns.8.It’s reported that the fire which ragedfor more than two hours started in an abandoned warehouse/store.Unit 81. evident2. on the rise3. behavior4. launched5.campaigns6. contagious7. Numerous8. linked 9. unlike 10. reinforece1. pair2. never3. very4. won5. On6. happened7. When8. along 9. stopped 10. help11. to 12. station 13. found14. gone 15. lying 16. this17. recognized 18. back 19. like20. strong 21.fists 22. got23. never 24. on1. computer games2. was getting married3. hesitated4. Unfortunately5. W orse still6. forever7. positive8. property9. learn a lesson10. it’s too bad and I won’t be able to replace it.1.V ast amounts of investment have enabled the economy of the area to grow rapidly.2. They launched a campaign to raise money for a new hospital.3. Success lies in diligence. Dr. Nolen is a case in point.4. Men of high moral standards, they are never to be tempted into taking such expensive gifts.5. There are indications that numerous factories are faced with a very difficult situation.6. The police arrested the criminal on a charge of armed robbery several hours after they found an important clue to his identity.7. Investigation has revealed that retirement tends to cause psychological troubles for some people.8. The medical team did more than complain about the relatively poorworking conditions at the local hospital. For instance, several doctors bought simple medical instruments with their own money.Unit 11. shortly before WW1 一战前不久2. track down 追溯,追查3. be seated 就座4. spring up 突然出现,开始5. outgrow the jumping-on-a-chair-at the sight of a mouse era 不再像过去那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上6. That last ounce of self-control is what really counts.这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。

比喻修辞手法在《大学英语·精读》中的运用赏析第4卷第3期2002年9月沈阳教育学院JournalofShenyangCollegeofEducationV o1.4No.3Sep.2002比喻修辞手法在《大学英语?精读》中的运用赏析李跃平(广西师范大学大外部,广西桂林5411304)摘要:比喻是作者常用的一种修辞手段.它能使文章更生动,更形象,更鲜明,更感人.了解和正确理解比喻语言是阅读的重要技能,它能帮助读者更好地理解文章的内容,提高读者的欣赏水平和审美能力;也有助于读者体会到文章的"感染力",更好地理解语言的"神奇功能",从而更好地欣赏作品.常见的比喻方式有:明喻,暗喻,拟人,换喻和讽喻等几种形式,本文拟对《大学英语?精读》中的比喻修辞手法的应用进行简析.关键词:比喻;修辞手法;《大学英语》;赏析中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1008—3863(2002)o3一OO62—03由全国六所名牌大学的专家教授联手精心编写,上海外语教育出版社出版的《大学英语》系列教材因其选材立意适合我国外语教学的实际,是目前国内最受欢迎的一流教材,曾荣获全国高等学校第二届优秀教材特等奖.《大学英语?精读》中的文章集思想性,知识性,科学性和趣味性于一体,具有鲜明的可读性和教育性,如GoingHome,The WomanWhoWouldNotTell,WhyITeach,TheDay MotherCried等都是脍炙人口的不朽之作.这套教材的文章采用了多种修辞手法,笔者拟对其中比喻修辞手法的应用进行简析,以飨读者.比喻,又称为打比方,是一种修饰性语言(figurativelanguage),是用某些有类似点的事物来比拟想要说的某一事物,以便表达得更加生动,形象,鲜明,感人."Justaspaintersdrawpicturesincolors,SOwriterspaintpicturesinwords.Theyusefigu- rativelanguage————languagethatcompares————topm?? duceimagesintheirdescriptionsornarrations'?'figurative languageisanimportantstylisticdevicethatwritersuse. Itmakestheirdescriptionornarrationmorevividandin. teresting.Understandingfigurativelanguageisallimpor- rantreadingskillwhichhelpsreaderstorecognizethe'secretpower'ofwordsandappreciatethesensoryim? pressionsandemotionalreactiomcreatedbyauthors.''(翟象俊,1997)常见的比喻方式有:明喻,暗喻,拟人,换喻和讽喻等几种形式.一,明喻(Simile)明喻,顾名思义就是明确,直接地比较两个不同的人,事物或概念之间的某种相似之处,通常用like,as,seem,asif,asthough,suchas等词引导.这种比较属于想象比较,只存在于人们的心目中,并不是自然属性.应用明喻这一比喻修饰手法可以激发读者的想象力,使人产生一种清晰的意象,从而达到深刻理解文章的目的.比如:①Thechequeflutteredtothefloorlikeabirdwithabroken慨.(BookI,UnitThree)作者将老太太撕碎的cheque(支票)比作abirdwithabrokenwing(一只断了翅膀的小鸟),生动而又形象地描述了当时老太太希望的破灭和极度痛苦,失望的心情.收稿日期:2001—11—29作者简介:李跃平(1958一),男,四川南充市人,广西师范大学大外部副教授. 一62—李跃平比喻修辞手法在《大学英语?精读》中的运用赏析②Helookedatmewithallairofsurpriseddisap—pmval,asacolonesmig~atlookataprivatewhoseboot—laceswereundone.(Book1I,UmtFour)该句描写了"校长用一种吃惊的,不以为然的神态看着我",就象一位上校看着一位衣着不整的士兵,表现出校长的冷漠和不悦.③I'l1efirstisthepropertyrightyouestablishbypayingforit,justaSyoupayforclothesandfurniture.(BooklV,Unitsix)作者将不完全拥有书的情况比喻成"如同你花钱买衣服和家具一样";作者认为:只有将书化为自己的一部分之后,这才是真正拥有书.二,暗喻(Metaphor)暗喻,又称为隐喻,是把某一事物比喻成另外一种不同的事物,暗示其相似之处,而不是明确表示出来.在暗喻中,本体和喻体都出现,但与明喻不同,它不用任何比喻词;暗喻可以使抽象的概念或含义赋有具体的形象,增强语言的直观性和生动性.在日常生活中,人们都在有意无意地使用暗喻,因为暗喻是"语言无所不在的原则"(I.L. Richa'ds).比如:①IfeelasifIhadwakenedfromanightware.Wild horsescouldnotdragmedoomtoCapeHornandthatsin—isterSouthernOceanagain.(Book工,UnitTwo)奇切斯特在波涛汹涌的南大洋经历了最黑暗,最恐怖的夜晚之后,心存后怕,用wildhorse(野马)来比喻任何强大的力量(也无法迫使他"重蹈覆辙",去南大洋"重温旧梦").②Therewerenomorebutterfliesinmystomach whenIopenedupanabdomenorachest.(Book1I, Unitsix)作者用nomorebutterfliesinmystomach比喻自己经过几年的痛苦磨练,终于"修成正果",给病人作手术时再也不害怕,再也不紧张了,能够做到得心应手,应付自如.@Itwaslikewalkingintoanightmare.(BookIV,[!nitTwo)作者引用贝蒂姨婆的话把战争比喻成恶梦,表明战争并不象有些人所描述的那样荣耀和浪漫,相反战争充满了痛苦,污秽和死亡.三,拟人(Personification)拟人的修饰手法是把无生命的物体赋予生命或人格.或赋予人的言行或思想感情,借以增强语言的感染力和生动性,使表现对象的特征更加突出感人.比如:@Thefrontgardenwasagravelsquare;foreverg—reenshmbsstoodateachcomer,wheretheystraggledto survivethedustandfumesfromabusymainroad.(Book1I,UnitFour)作者把stmggle和survive这种人的行为特征用来描述evergreenshrubs,生动地展现了这所学校所处的恶劣环境,同时也流露出主人公见到此景时的心情.②…"Help,letmein,pleaseletmein!"But山ehouseswerecold,closed,unfriendly…(BookⅡ, UnitSeven)houses本是无情之物,但作者却用有情人的情感(cold,unfriendly)来描绘无情的房子.通过拟人的手法,实际上揭示了"房子里的人们"那种"冷漠无情,紧闭大门,不友好"的态度和行为.四,换喻(Metonymy)换喻,又称为转喻,是不直接说出某事物,而是用存在着某种现实关系的一种事物的名称来代替另一种事物的名称,或用一种概念来代替另一种概念.换喻一般来说大致有以下几种情况:1.用人名代替其作品;2.用容器代替容器内的物品;3.用人体的器官代替其功能;4.用特征代替人物;5.用事物的工具名称或原料代替事物;6.用一事物代替另一事物;7.用抽象事物代替具体事物或用具体事物代替抽象事物;8.用局部来代替整体或用整体来代替局部.比如:①My15studentsreadEmerson,Thoreau,andHuxley.(BookII1,UnitThree)句中用Emerson(爱默逊),Thoreau(梭罗),Huxley(赫胥黎)分别代替他们的着作,相当于Emerson'S,Thoreau'S, andHuxley'Sworks.②AnotherreasonisGeorge,whostartedasanen—gineeringstudent,thenswitchedtoEnglishbecausehe decidedhelikepeoplebetterthenthings.(BookⅢ, UnitThree)因为理工科的学生主要学习物的制造与运用,学文科的学生主要学习反映人的生活和思想的文学,所以句中的people和things代表不同的事物, 分别代替文科和理工科.五,讽喻(Allegory)讽喻是一种用说故事或其他一些方式说明事物一63—沈阳教育学院2002年第3期道理的修辞方法.文字中不凡具有辛辣的讽刺,挖苦.比如:①Shewas,infact,awomanofforty(achanningage,butnotonethatexcitesasuddenanddevastating passionatfirstsight),andshegavemetheimpressionof havingmoreteeth,whiteandlargeandeven,thanwere necessaryforanypracticalpurpose.(BooklV,Unit Seven)作者得到女士的恭维,受宠若惊;为了讨好女土,虽囊中羞涩,也不惜打肿脸充胖子,谁知一见面,对方是一位半老徐娘.作者用辛辣讽刺的笔墨对他的"客人"描述:40岁是一个具有魅力的年龄,但不是初次相见就能令人激情进发,神魂颠倒的那种年纪!而该女士话多贪吃,一张嘴就露出一口整齐的大白牙,其牙齿的数目多得超过了实际需要.在人们心目中,女士应该是美丽,漂亮,文雅,端庄,而该女士却是一张长着太多大白牙的嘴盖住了脸上一切,整个人物便浓缩成了一张贪吃好说的嘴巴子.②Shegavemeabrightandamicableflashofher whiteteeth."Mydoctorwon'tletmenJ(anythingbut champagne."(BookⅣ,UnitSeven)作者用讽喻手法再次辛辣地揭露了该女士虚府假意"友好地一笑,露出了一口大白牙"的不雅之相,还理由十足地说道:"我的医生只让我喝香槟酒".③Shewavedhim(thewaiter)asidewithanairy gesture.(BookⅣ,UnitSeven)该女士"以假模假样的手势让侍者走开"的丑态实际上让自己贪吃的嘴脸暴露无遗.因为(下文)她立即就表达了自己的心愿:不吃点芦笋就离开巴黎,那就太遗憾了.众所周知,比喻是作者常用的一种修辞手段.它能使文章更生动,更形象,更鲜明,更感人.正确理解比喻语言是阅读的重要技能,它能帮助读者更好地理解文章的内容,提高欣赏水平和审美能力;也有助于读者体会到文章的"感染力",更好地理解语言的"神奇功能",使许多看似费解的语言现象变得妙不可言,从而更好地欣赏作品.参考文献:1]翟象俊.大学英语?精读[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.2]包天仁.英语辅导报(合订本)[N].通化:英语辅导报社,1987—2(K)O.[3]徐启江.大学英语(精读)修订本学习手册[M].武汉:武汉工业大学出版社,1998[4]井升华.大学英语(精读)教学与辅导[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998.[5]孙亦丽.大学英语(精读)学习精要[M].北京:科学技术文献出版社,1998. Rhetoricdevicesoffigurativelanguage:theirappfication incollegeEnglishandtheirappreciation(GuangxiNormalUniversity,Guilin541004,China)Abstract:Figurativelanguage,akindoffrequentlyusedrhetoricdmdee,canmaketheartic le morevivid,interesting,clearandmov—ing,thushelpingthereadersget3betterunderstandingofthearticle,impmvetheiradmirationl evdandaestheticjudgment,recognizethe" secretpower"ofwordsandappreciatethesensoryimpressionsandemotionalreactioncreate dbyauthors.Simile,metaphor,personifica—tion,metonymyandallegorywhicharecommonlyusedwillbedealtwith,inthisarticle,inter msoftheirapplieationincollegeEnghshandtheirappreciation.Keywords:figurativelanguage;rhetoricdevice;CollegeEnglish;appreciation--?-——64--?——(责任编辑祝颖)。

UNIT 1As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier.课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。
Some Strategies for Learning EnglishLearning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.学习英语绝非易事。
Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them.虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。
1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary.1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。

the words Confucius said & Analysis of complex sentences
Line 12 Rotten wood cannot be carved, a wall of dirty earth will not receive the trowel! What is the use of my trying to teach this fellow! You cannot carve anything out of rotten wood nor plaster up wall built up of rubbish. 朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可圬也 【注释】 (1)粪土:腐土、脏土. (2)圬:音wū,抹墙用的抹子.这里指用抹子粉刷墙壁. 译文:腐烂的木头不可以雕刻。用脏土垒砌的墙面不堪 涂抹!
Line 58
dour determination:固执的决定
rather dour:脸色阴沉
turn out to be: 结果是,原来是,证明是 turn sth. inside out: 把某处翻得乱七八糟 distinguish for: 因…而出名 Distinguish…from…: 辨别,把…与…区分开来 2016/10/26
mediocrity : 平庸;平凡; 庸人 mediocracy: 平庸主义;庸人统治
synonym: ordinary; medium antonym: extraordinary;extreme

大学英语精读(1)考前辅导一、单选题(20分,每题2分)1. As the ( ) manager of the company, Alan White should be responsible for all the sales of the department.A、chiefB、mainC、commonD、general2. The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t ta ste like anything I ( ) before.A、was havingB、haveC、have ever hadD、had ever had3. Mr. Smith was determined to ( ) the experiment after so many years’interruption.A、carry onB、carry outC、carry awayD、carry forth4. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ( ) for London to attend a meeting.A、will leaveB、leavesC、will have leftD、left5. The mother together with her sons ( ) asked to go to the court.A、areB、haveC、wasD、were6. It’s a problem that doesn’t need ( ) right now.A、to solveB、solvingC、being solvedD、to be solving7. Although many young people are eager to go abroad, he prefers ( ) in his own country.A、stay and workB、stayed and workedC、to stay and workD、to be stayed and worked8. The young couple ( ) their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.A、imaginedB、figuredC、comparedD、cheered9. I am sorry ( ) written you a letter at the time.A、to have notB、to not haveC、not to haveD、not having10. I’m sorry that I ( ) you had been there already.A、won’t knowB、didn’t knowC、don’t knowD、haven’t known二、翻译题(30分,每题6分)1、那个经理亲自调查产品的质量问题。

现代大学英语精读的重点讲解现代大学英语精读的重点讲解I was grateful to all the people I met for their rides, their food, their shelter, and their gifts. But what I found most touching was the fact that they all did it as a matter of course.One day I walked into the chamber of commerce in Jamestown, Tenn. to find out about camping in the area. The executive director, Baxter Wilson, 59, handed me a brochure for a local campground. Seeing that it cost $12, I replied, "No, that's all right. I'll try something else." Then he saw my backpack. "Most people around here will let you pitch a tent on their land, if that's what you want," he said. Now we're talking, I thought. "Any particular direction?" I asked. "Tell you what. I've got a big farm about ten miles south of here. If you're here at 5:30, you can ride with me."I accepted, and we drove out to a magnificent country house. Suddenly I realized he'd invited me to spend the night in his home. His wife, Carol, a seventh-grade science teacher, was cooking a pot roast when we walked into the kitchen. Baxter explained that local folks were "mountain stay-at-home people" who rarely entertained in their house. "When we do," he said, "it's usually kin." This revelation made my night there all the more special.The next morning when I came downstairs, Carol asked if I'd come to their school and talk to her class about my trip. I agreed, and before long had been scheduled to talk to every class in the school. The kids were attentive and kept asking all kinds of questions: Where were people the kindest? How many pairs of shoes did you have? Did anybody try to run you over? Did youfall in love with someone? What were you most afraid of?Although I hadn't planned it this way, I discovered that a patriotic tone ran through the talks I gave that afternoon. I told the students how my faith in America had been renewed. I told them how proud I was to live in a country where people were still willing to help. I told them that the question I had had in mind when I planned this journey was now clearly answered. In spite of everything, you can still depend on the kindness of strangers.对于那些搭乘我、给我提供食物、遮蔽和礼物的人,我都心怀感激。

⼤学英语3精读及解析⼤学英语3精读及解析 ⼤学⽣活总是很轻松的,可是我们还是得好好学习,课外之余再好好放松,毕竟学习才是主业,接下来⼩编为你带来⼤学英语3精读及解析,希望对你有帮助。
Lsaac Bashevis Singer (1904—1991) was born in a Jewish village in Poland. In 1935 he immigrated to New York. Singer wrote many stories and novels, as well as books for juveniles and four autobiographies (including Lost in America, 1981). In 1978 his work received world attention when he was awarded the Noble Prize in Literature. The Son from America------lsaac Bashevis Singer The village of Lentshin was tiny. It was surrounded by little huts with thatchad roofs. Between the huts there were fields, where the owners planted vegetables or pastured their goats. In the smallest of these huts lived old Berl, a man in his eighties, and his wife Berlcha. Old Berl was one of the Jews driven from Russia who had settled in Poland. He was short, broad-shouldered, and had a small white beard, and in summer and winter he wore a sheepskin hat, a padded cotton jacket, and stout boots. He had a half acre of field, a cow, a goat, and chickens. The couple had a son, Samuel, who had gone to America forty years ago. It was said in Lentshin that he became a millionaire there. Every month, the Lentshin letter carrier brought old Berl a money order and a letter that no one could read because many of the words were English. How much money Samuel sent his parents remained a secret. They never seemed to use the money. What for? The garden, the cow, and the goat provided most of their needs. No one cared to know where Berl kept the money that his son sent him. The hut consisted of one room, which contained all their belongings: the table, the shelf for meat, the shelf for milk foods, the two beds, and the clay oven. Sometimes the chickens roosted in the woodshed and sometimes, when it was cold, in a coop near the oven. The goat, too, found shelter inside when the weather was bad. The more prosperous villagers had kerosene lamps, but Berl and his wife did not believe in new gadgets. Only for the Sabbath would Berlcha buy candles at the store. In summer, the couple got up at sunrise and retired with the chickens. In the long winter evenings, Berlcha spun flax and Berl sat beside her in the silence of those who enjoy their rest. Once in a while when Berl came home from the synagogue, he brought news to his wife. In Warsaw there were strikers who demanded that the czar abdicate. Somebody by the name of Dr. Herzl had come up with the idea that Jews should settle again in Palestine. Berlcha listened and shook her head. Her face was yellowish and wrinkled like a cabbage leaf. She was half deaf. Berl had to repeat each word he said to her. Here in Lentshin nothing happened except usual events: a cow gave birth to a calf, a young couple got married. Actually, Lentshin had become a village with few young people. The young men left for Zakroczym, for Warsaw, and sometimes for the United States. Like Samuel, they sent letters and photographs in which the men wore top hats and the women fancy dresses. Berl and Berlcha also received such photographs. But their eyes were failing and neither he nor she had glasses. They could barely make out the pictures. Samuel had sons and daughters—and grandchildren. Their names were so strange that Berl and Berlcha could never remember them. But what difference do names make? America was on the other side of the ocean, at the edge of the world. A talmud teacher who came to Lentshin had said that Americans walked with their heads down and their feet up. Berl and Berlcha could not grasp this. How was it possible? But since the teacher said so it must be true. One Friday morning, when Berlcha was kneading the dough for the Sabbath loaves, the door opened and a noblemanentered. He was so tall that he had to bend down to get through the door. He was followed by the coachman who carried two leather suitcases. In astonishment Berlcha raised her eyes. The nobleman looked around and said to the coachman in Yiddish, "Here it is." He took out a silver ruble and paid him. Then he said, "You can go now." When the coachman closed the door, the nobleman said, "Mother, it's me, your son Samuel-Sam." Berlcha heard the words and her legs grew numb. The nobleman hugged her, kissed her forehead, both her cheeks, and Berlcha began to cackle like a hen, "My son!" At that moment Berl came in from the woodshed, his arms piled with logs. The goat followed him. When he saw a nobleman kissing his wife, Berl dropped the wood and exclaimed, "What is this?" The nobleman let go of Berlcha and embraced Berl. "Father! " For a long time Berl was unable to utter a sound. Then he asked, "Are you Samuel?" "Yes, Father, I am Samuel. " "Well, peace be with you. " Berl grasped his son's hand. He was still not sure that he was not being fooled. Samuel wasn't as tall and heavy as this man, but then Berl reminded himself that Samuel was only fifteen years old when he had left home. Berl asked, "Why didn't you let us know that you were coming?" "Didn't you receive my cable?" Samuel asked. Berl did not know what a cable was. Berlcha had scraped the dough from her hands and enfolded her son. "I never thought I could live to see this. Now, I am happy to die," Berlcha said. Berl was amazed. These were just the words he could have said earlier. After a while Berl came to himself and said, "Pescha, you will have to make a double Sabbath pudding in addition to the stew." It was years since Berl had called Berlcha by her given name. Only now did Berlcha begin to cry. Yellow tears ran from her eyes, and everything became dim. Then she called out, "It's Friday—I have to prepare for the Sabbath." Yes, she had to knead the dough for the loaves. With such a guest, she had to make a larger Sabbath stew. The winter day is short and she must hurry. Her son understood what was worrying her, because he said, "Mother, I will help you." The nobleman took off his jacket and remained in his vest, on which hung a solidgold-watch chain. He rolled up his sleeves. "Mother, I was a baker for many years in New York," he said, and he began to knead the dough. Berlcha wept for joy. Her strength left her, and she slumped onto the bed. Berl said, "Women will always be women." And he went to the shed to get more wood. The goat sat down near the oven; she gazed with surprise at this strange man. The neighbors had heard the good news that Berl's son had arrived from America and they came to greet him. The women began to help Berlcha prepare for the Sabbath. Some laughed, some cried. The room was full of people, as at a wedding. After Berlcha lit the candles, father and son went to the little synagogue across the street. A new snow had fallen. The son took large steps, but Berl warned him, "Slow down." In the synagogue the Jews sang their prayers. All the time, the snow outside kept falling. When Berl and Samuel left the Holy Place, the village was unrecognizable. Everything was covered in snow. One could see only the contours of the roofs and the candles in the windows. Samuel said, "Nothing has changed here." Berlcha had prepared fish, chicken soup with rice, meat, carrot stew. The family ate and drank, and when it grew quiet for a while one could hear the chirping of the house cricket. After the final prayer Samuel asked, "Father, what did you do with all the money I sent you?" Berl raised his white brows. "It's here." "Didn't you put it in a bank?" "There is no bank in Lentshin." "Where do you keep it?" Berl hesitated. "One is not allowed to touch money on the Sabbath, but I will show you. "He crouched beside the bed and began to shove something heavy. A boot appeared. Its top was stuffed with straw. Berl removed the straw and the son saw that the boot was full of gold coins. He lifted it. "Father, this is a treasure!" he called out. "Well." "Why didn't you spend it?" "On what? Thank God, we have everything." "Why didn't you travel somewhere?" "Where to? This is our home." The son asked one question after the other, but Berl's answer was always the same: They had everything. The garden, the cow, the goat, the chickens provided them with all they needed. The son said, "If thieves knew about this, your lives wouldn't be safe." "There are no thieves here." "What will happen to the money?" "You take it." ” Slowly, Berl and Berlcha grew accustomed to their son and his American Yiddish. Berlcha could hear him better now. She even recognized his voice. He was saying, "Perhaps we should build a larger synagogue." "The synagogue is big enough," Berl replied. "Perhaps a home for old people." "No one sleeps in the street." The next day after the Sabbath meal was eaten, Berl and Berlcha lay down for a nap. They soon began to snore. The goat, too, dozed off. The son put on his cloak and his hat and went for a walk. He strode with his long legs across the marketplace. He stretched out a hand and touched a roof. He had a desire to talk to someone, but it seemed that the whole of Lentshin was asleep. Samuel returned home. Dusk had fallen. Berl went to the synagogue for the evening prayers and the son remained with his mother. In the twilight Samuel put his hand into his jacket pocket and touched his checkbook, his letters of credit. He had come here with big plans. He had a suitcase filled with presents for his parents. He wanted to help the village. He brought not only his own money but funds from the Lentshin Society in New York. But this village needed nothing. From the synagogue one could hear people chanting. The cricket, silent all day, started again its chirping. Berlcha began to sway and utter holy rhymes inherited from mothers and grandmothers. 冷申村的贵客---艾萨克·巴舍维斯·⾟格 冷申村微不⾜道,四周全是⼩⼩的茅草屋,草屋之间是⽥地,农民们在这些⽥地上或种蔬菜,或放牧⽺群。