[作者简介]李若白,男,内蒙古农业大学外国语学院助教; 贾婧杨,女,内蒙古农业大学外国语学院助教。
The I nfluence That Christi a nity Bri n gs Upon English Language○L iRuobai,J ia J ingyang(Foreign L anguage College,InnerM ongolia A gricu ltura l U niversity,Hohhot,InnerM ongolia,010020) [Abstract] To know the hist ory of English language is unlikely without bringing the influence of Christianity int oconsiderati on .I n each stage of English,Christianity has its distinctive i m pact upon the devel opment of English .Three ele 2ments are t o be considered in this thesis:the influence of Latin,B ible and translati on upon English language . [Key words] B ible; Latin; English hist ory [中图分类号]I 31019 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]167228610(2009)0720067202I .I n troducti on“The diversity of cultures that find exp ressi on in it is a re 2m inder that the hist ory of English is a st ory of culture in contactduring the past 1,500years .”[1]1The English language we s peak t oday went thr ough three stages,namely,O ld English,M iddle English and Modern English .I f we l ook back t o the hist ory of English,it would be certain t o say that many ele ments have hel ped t o shape the language;but one ele ment that is s o crucial that we should pay s pecial attenti on t o is the influence of Christianity .One can see the distinctive i m pact that Christianity brings t o English in different peri od of language devel opment .W e shall go thr ough three as pects of these influences .Firstly,the effect that Christianitys bring t o old English,which can be called Latin influence;secondly,we shall have a revie w of the hist ory of B ible translati on,which is the ti m e that English gain its positi on as modern language;at lastwe shall see the influence of B ible in common saying and literature,which can show the p r of ound i m pact that Christianity bring t o English language .Ⅱ.The i n fluence of Chr isti a n ity on O ld EnglishThe English language of t oday reflects many centuries of de 2vel opment .Nor mally we call the English of Angl o -Saxon peri od O ld English .The influence of Christianity at that ti m e can be called Latin influence .W e can find much evidence in words bor 2r owing and literary works .“The Roman Christianizing of B ritain in 597br ought England int o contact with Latin civilizati on andmade significant additi ons t o our vocabulary .”[1]2I n the p r ocess of Christianizing of B ritain,monks bring the gos pel t ogether with Latin culture int o English language .The Christian m issi onaries br ought the Latin al phabet int o B ritain,which has re mained the writing syste m of the English language .I n this p r ocess,Latin as the language of the services and of ecclesiastical learning was fre 2quently used in England .It is not hard t o i m agine many Latinwords were intr oduced int o English .On the one hand,manyEnglish words for church p ractice can find it origin in Latin .“Church ”this word itself is Latin .The list includes alter,an 2gel,candle,canon,disci p le,martyr,m inister,pope,p sal m ,relic,and te mp le .On the other hand,many native words gain its ne w concep ts in Christianity belief .They did not borr ow the Latin word dues,f or their own word God was good enough .L ike 2wise heaven and hell exp ress concep ti ons already known t o Angl o-Saxon culture and consequently English words .[1]84-89A t the sa me ti m e,many Latin words entered the life of com 2mon peop le,which includes cap,silk,pear,l obster,box,mal 2l ow,kitchen,kettle,and street .A s the center of learning,church was the p lace of educati on .This is another as pect of the church ’s influence .Words such as school,master,gra mmatical and verse are Latin .A s a result if the Christianizing ofB ritain s ome 450Latin words appear in English vocabulary .I f we take a l ook at the literature of Angl o -Saxon peri od,the influence of Christian is more obvi ous .W ithout the cop ing works of monks,the earliest poetry of England can hardly retain its hold on the life and language of English peop le .“More than half of Angl o -Saxon poetry is concerned with Christian subjects ”.[1]69O ldEnglish can not be considered as a f or m of fully devel oped lan 2guage .It can be underst ood as the basic for m of modern English,which Latin language hel p s t o enrich its vocabulary and f or malize its grammar .Next peri od of English devel opment with the hel p of B ible translati on,English entered a ti m e of rap id changing .Ⅲ.B i ble tran sl a ti on and English l anguage“No work excep t Shakes peare has had s o much influence on the phraseol ogy of English as the authorized versi on of the bible at one ti m e fa m iliar t o all households ”said Pr of .Earnest W eekly .The hist ory of biblical translati on is s o l ong that it con 2tains a huge a mount of evidence about how English had changed over centuries .The i m pact of B ible on English language is s o big—76—语文学刊・外语教育教学 2009年第7期that one can easily tell a phase directly fr om B ible.B ible transla2 ti on influences the devel opment of English in many ways.W e shall go thr ough the hist ory of B ible translati on in English,con2 sidering the contributi on of John W ycliffe,Tyndale,and Author2 ized Versi on,t o reveal the effects that holy scri p t brings t o English.The main versi on of the bible used in the earlyM iddle Ages was Vulgate,Saint Jer ome’s Latin translati on fr om Greek and Hebre w.The first translat or we should know in this p r ocess is John W ycliffe.H is translati on of B ible is the first comp leteB ibles in the English language.W hen John W ycliffe translated the B ible,he enlarged the English language by adap ting many Latin words int o his English B ible.The words treasure and mys2 tery,gl ory and horr or,female and sex all owe their English us2 age t o W ycliffe’s B ible(English Language Words/Phrases).H is translati on p reserved Latin constructi ons and word order even when they conflicted with English usage.The words like“unsta2 tiable”or“ungl ori ous”were p r oduced by W ycliffe.I f you go though old editi on of B ible you will be likely t o read“i m possi2 ble”as“unpossible”.H is translati on was in use thr oughout the 15th century.Tyndale can be as father of English literature’s phrases and compounds,es pecially related t o great feelings and mood.“B r oken-heart”,“l ong-suffering”,“peace-maker”and“mercy-seat”are fe w exa mp les.He coined words fr om the Dutch and Ger manic s ources as well as French.H is translati on of Ne w Testa ment was comp leted in1525.He was fluent in eight languages and is considered by many t o be the p ri m ary architect of the modern English language.So many of the phrases Tyndale coined are still in English language t oday.Let’s make no m is2 take that Tydale’s versi on has st ood the test of ti m e.“The1611King Ja mes B ible’known as“translati on t o end all translati ons”,beca me the most widely used p r otestant English B ible.It is the first authoritative state bible,als o known as the Authorized Versi on.Its influence has been more p r ofound on the linguistic habits of English-s peakers than any other book.It has hel ped t o shape the language f or nearly400years. For centuries a copy of the B ible was t o be found in virtually ev2 ery house,read and consulted regularly.Peop le could exp ress their reacti on t o life in biblical language,s pecifically the lan2 guage of the King Ja mes B ible.The first recorded use of many of the words used in ordinary English t oday can be f ound in the ear2 ly translati ons of the B ible int o English.To be exactly,B ible translati on enables common peop le t o have access t o the holy scri p t and at the same ti m e hel p the m t o f or malize their nati onal language.Ⅳ.The i n fluence of B i ble on co mm on s ay i n g and litera tureW ith the popularity of the King Ja mes B ible,English lan2 guage gains its maj or s ource of idi omatic exp ressi on.Nu mer ous phrases used in every day s peech have their origin in the B ible. Many English idi om s are Hebre w sayings the KJV B ible transla2 ted literally.W e know that Shakes peare,whose work is the other s ource of English idi om,frequently quoted fr om B ible;it is not sur p rise t o know that most English s peakers use s ome idi omaticexp ressi ons fr om B ible even without clear knowledge where they are originally fr om.“Eye f or eye,t ooth for t ooth”.This fa mous saying establishes a la w governing relati onshi p s bet w een peop le, and is often quoted as a si m p le s oluti on f or justice.Only name a fe w of these fa mous sayings:‘al pha and Omega’/‘ashes t o a2 shes,dust t o dust’/‘at one’s last gas p’/‘blind leading the blind’/‘casting pearls before s wine’/‘cr own of thorns’/‘digging a hole f or oneself’/‘eye of a needle’/‘God save the king’.The undeniable effect of B ible on English language is that maybe you never read the B ible comp letely but you have t o use its idi om s t o exp ress you feelings.B iblical reference runs thr ough much of western literature.A l ot of writers refer t o biblical st ories.Not only are the st ories well know,but they can be varied for effect f or particular pur po2 ses,thus many tales about theB ible st ories become the subject of p r om inent books.A fe w exa mp les m ightmake this clear.I f we talk about“vanity fair”maybe it is not directly connected with B ible st ory,but one would i m mediately think about John Bunyan and his Pilgri m’s Pr ogress;and surly the novel of Thackeray. Both works can find their origin in Ecclesiastes:all is vanity. And if we talk aboutW aste Land of T.S Eli ot,it is i m possible t o understand its the me without adequate knowledge of B ible.Actu2 ally the maj or subject of western literature is rest upon“salva2 ti on”,the task of Christianity.Even the B ible itself can be con2 sidered as a literary work because many chap ters have their liter2 ature significance.A s we can see,Christianity has its unique influence upon English language.W ith Latin enriching its vocabulary,B ible translati on devel op ing its language,idi om s fr om B ible p r ovoking its literature,English becomes a modern language t ogether with Christianity melting int o its culture.Thr oughout the hist ory of O ld English,M iddle English and Modern English,we can dis2 covery that each peri od bears its s pecial Christianity element.A s a maj or religi on of the world,Christianity has its share of influ2 ence on brief;moreover,with widely s p reading of church and f oll ower,its i m pact upon language and culture is p r ofound and l ong-lasting.【References】[1]Baugh,A lbert,and Thomas Cable.A H ist ory of theEnglish Language[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Re2search Press,2001.[2]Greer,Ger maine.Shakes peare[M].Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press,2007.[3]R iches,John.The B ible[M].Foreign Language Teachingand Research Press,2008.[4]Stavrianos,L.S.A Gl obal H ist ory:Fr om Prehist ory t o the21st Century[M].Peking University Press,2004.[5]Tan,Zaixi.A Short H ist ory of Translati on in the W est[M].Commercial Press,2004.[6]W ilkens,Steve,and A lan Padgett.Christianity andW estern Thought Vol.2[M].Peking University Press,2005. (下转第74页)LANG UAGE L i Ruobai,J ia J ingyang/The I nfluence That Christianity B ringsUpon English Languagelanguage structure,but it is not s o easy t o say ho w many levels should be set up in order t o ex p lain the way this structure is organized.S o me si m p le models of language recognize only t w o basic levels:the set of physical f or m s(s ounds,letters,signs,words)con2 tained in a language,and the range of abstract mean2 ings conveyed by these f or m s.Four-level models of language are a mong the most w idely used.These f our levels are phonetics,phonol ogy,gra mmar and se man2 tics.Ho wever,further divisi ons w ithin and bet w een these levels are often made.For exa mp le,w ithin the level of gra mmar,it is co mmon t o recognize a distinc2 ti on bet w een the study of word structure(mor phol ogy) and the study of word sequence w ithin sentences(syn2 tax).W ithin phonol ogy,the study of v o wels,cons o2 nants,and syllables(seg mental phonol ogy)is usually distinguished fr o m the study of p r os ody and other t ones of v oice(sup ra-seg mental phonol ogy).W ithin se2 mantics,the study of v ocabulary(lexicon)is s o me2 ti m es taken separately fr o m the study of larger patterns of meaning.A ll of these are regularly referred t o as levels of structure[2].Ⅳ.Conclusi onThere are still a l ot of subjects on language.Thispaper only intr oduces the s mall parts of n2 guage is not only ex p ressed by s peaking but only by w riting,even by body or s o me nguage is als o st orage of cultural and hist orical kno w ledge.I n co m2 mon usage language can als o refer t o non-hu man sys2 te m s of co mmunicati nguage study relates t o man2 y areas.【References】[1]胡壮麟,姜望琪.语言学高级教程[M].北京大学出版社,2002.[2]David,Crystal.The Ca mbridge Encycl opedia of Language[M].Ca mbridge University Press,1987.[3]Jack,C.R ichard.John Platt and Heidi Platt.Long manD icti onary of Language Teaching&App lied L inguistics[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.[4]F.de.Saussure.Course in General L inguistics[M].ChinaSocial Sciences PublishingHouse,1999.析语言结构史艳英 杨海升(内蒙古农业大学外语学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020;内蒙古农业大学职业技术学院,内蒙古 包头 014030) [摘 要] 本文主要从语言的定义和结构分析语言的特征。
西方文化的影响英语作文Title: The Influence of Western Culture on English Composition。
English, as a global language, serves as a conduit for cultural exchange, and the influence of Western culture on English composition is undeniable. From literature to everyday language usage, Western culture has left an indelible mark on how English is written and spoken worldwide.Firstly, Western literature has played a significant role in shaping English composition. Works of renowned Western authors such as William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Ernest Hemingway have not only contributed to the richness of the English language but have also provided models for narrative structures, character development, and thematic exploration. For example, Shakespeare's use of iambic pentameter and dramatic dialogue has influenced poetic forms and theatrical writing across the globe.Similarly, Austen's insightful portrayal of social dynamics in her novels has inspired countless writers to delve into the complexities of human relationships in their own works. Thus, Western literature serves as a treasure trove of inspiration for English writers worldwide, shaping the way stories are told and ideas are expressed.Furthermore, the spread of Western media and popular culture has had a profound impact on English composition. With the advent of the internet and social media, Western films, television shows, and music have become easily accessible to people around the world. As a result, phrases, slang, and expressions originating from Western media have permeated everyday English usage, influencing thevocabulary and colloquialisms found in written compositions. For instance, phrases like "catch-22," "butterflies in the stomach," and "the whole nine yards" have become ubiquitous in English discourse, transcending cultural boundaries and finding their way into essays, articles, and even academic writing. Moreover, the rise of platforms like YouTube and Twitter has facilitated the dissemination of Westerncultural norms and values, shaping the perspectives andwriting styles of English speakers globally.Additionally, the dominance of Western educational systems has contributed to the influence of Western culture on English composition. Many English language learners receive their formal education in institutions that follow Western pedagogical methods and curriculum standards. Consequently, they are exposed to Western literary classics, grammatical conventions, and rhetorical techniques from an early age, which in turn inform their writing practices. Moreover, the emphasis on critical thinking, argumentation, and research skills in Western education encouragesstudents to engage with diverse perspectives and develop their own voice as writers. As a result, English compositions produced within this educational frameworkoften reflect the influence of Western academic discourse and intellectual traditions.In conclusion, the influence of Western culture on English composition is multifaceted and far-reaching. From literature and popular culture to education, Western ideals, values, and linguistic conventions permeate the way Englishis written and spoken worldwide. As English continues to evolve as a global language, it will undoubtedly continue to reflect the diverse cultural influences that shape its usage.。
西方文化的影响英语作文The influence of Western culture on English。
The English language, as one of the most widely spoken languages globally, has been significantly influenced by Western culture throughout history. This influence can be observed in various aspects, including vocabulary, grammar, literature, and even social norms. In this essay, we will explore the profound impact of Western culture on the English language.Firstly, Western culture has left a lasting imprint on English vocabulary. This influence stems from historical events such as the Norman Conquest in 1066, during which the Normans, who spoke Old Norman, a dialect of Old French, invaded England. As a result, many French words entered the English language, enriching its vocabulary. Additionally, the Renaissance period, with its focus on classical learning and exploration, introduced numerous Latin and Greek terms into English, further broadening its lexicon.Moreover, in modern times, the dominance of Western economies and media has led to the widespread adoption of English words and phrases across different languages, a phenomenon known as "linguistic imperialism." Thus, Western culture has played a pivotal role in shaping the vocabulary of the English language.Secondly, Western cultural norms and values have influenced the grammatical structure of English. For example, the concept of individualism, which is prominent in Western societies, is reflected in the English language through the use of pronouns such as "I," "me," and "my," emphasizing the self. In contrast, some Eastern languages prioritize collective identity, which is manifested intheir grammatical structures. Furthermore, Western cultural ideals of democracy and equality have influenced the development of English grammar, contributing to its relatively simple and egalitarian syntax compared to other languages.Additionally, Western literature has had a profound impact on the English language. The works of Shakespeare,Dickens, Austen, and other Western writers have not only enriched English literature but also influenced the language itself. Many idioms, phrases, and literary devices commonly used in English today originated from theseliterary masterpieces. Moreover, the spread of English literature worldwide, facilitated by colonialism and globalization, has further entrenched the influence of Western culture on the English language.Furthermore, Western cultural trends and innovations often find expression in the English language. For instance, advancements in technology, fashion, and entertainment originating from Western societies are often accompanied by new words and expressions that become part of the English lexicon. Similarly, social movements such as feminism,civil rights, and environmentalism, which have their rootsin Western culture, have shaped the discourse andvocabulary of English-speaking communities worldwide.In conclusion, Western culture has exerted a profound influence on the English language in terms of vocabulary, grammar, literature, and social norms. This influence isevident in the adoption of words and phrases from Western languages, the grammatical structure of English, theliterary heritage of Western writers, and the expression of cultural trends and values in the language. As English continues to evolve and adapt to changing global dynamics, its connection to Western culture remains a defining characteristic of the language.。
○ 文化艺术研究 2007年4月号上旬刊 文教资料
(商丘师范学院 外语学院, 河南 商丘 476000)
摘 要: 语言与社会文化有着密切的关系, 社会是语言发 展的基础, 语言是社会历史文化的体现。英语的每一步发展都 与当时的社会历史文化背景息息相关。古英语时期英国的基 督教化是英国历史上一个重大历史事件, 它不仅在各方面影 响了英国的历史风俗和文化生活, 对英语语言的发展同样也 起到了很大的推动作用。下面本文将从采用拉丁字母表的影 响, 英语词汇, 对英语文学的影响三方面浅析英国基督教化对 英语语言的影响。
二、基督教经典《圣经》对英语翻译的影响《圣经》(The Bible)是基督教的经典,包括《旧约》(The Old Testament)和《新约》(The New Testament)两大部分,共计66卷。
基督教对英语文化的影响论文(英文版)As is known to us all, there are three main religions in the world, which includes Christianity, Islam, and buddhism. In a sense, these three religons including many followers exert a great influence on human-beings around the world. For many people, the belief in these religions has been incorporated into their daily lives. Whenever they awake from their dream and wherever they go to, they wil never forget to worship their Gods. How powerful the religion is! When it comes to some western countries, we have to focus on the significant religion----Christianity. The reason why we should refer to Christianity in this situation is that not only does it offer the spirit guide to many westerners, but also it can help us to comprehend these countries deeply. Also, Christianity can Be found everywhere in western world, espicially for politcs , economy, culture and society. The western politics is formed in the process of western culture.Therefore ,there is a close connection between Christianity and western politics from the very beginning. If you read books about western politics, you will know that some priciples used in western countries is derived from Christianity. For instncance, the concept of freedom and equality, dmocracy, and political structure.At the very begining, inspired by Christianity,many people dare to venture their lives to fight with tyrant and appeal for freedom.Since Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire, it had turned into a kind of official ideology. At that time, great changes have taken place in different areas of this country. it is a milestone in the history of Roman Empire. Since then, the religious system of Roman changes from polytheism to monotheism. The ruler makes full use of the religion tostrengthen his regime. At the same time, what the average people have to do is to submit to the doctrines that serves the emperor. Thus, there is no doubt that Christianityand western politics is inseperable at any time.First of all,Human rights and democracy play an important part in the field of today’s politics in western countries. In other words, it is the foundation of western political civilization. At present, a handful of people think that the idea of human rights and democracy must trace back to Greek and roman cultures. However, it is Christianity that promotes the development of these ideas. Although not a single of these items does Christian put forward, we can find the core content in Christianity. When we read Deuterononomy in the Holy bible, we will see the sentences like“If your fellow Hebrew, whether male orfemale, is sold to you and serves you for six years,then in the seventh year you must let that servant gofree. ”and “If yo u set them free, you must not sendthem away empty-handed. You must supplythem generously from your flock, your threshingfloor, and your winepress—as the L ORD your Godhas blessed you, you must give to them.”As you can see, from the doctrine of the Holy bible, a great importance has been attached to hunma rights. This is the reason why people claim that these valuable ideas come from Christianity. What is more, thanks to the ideas in the Holy bible, many people in western countries seek ways to overturn the Monarchy and colonists. In the past, People in British created the constitutional monarchy to guarantee human rights and democracy. People in france also overturnde the king and established a system called bourgeois republic. After getting rid of the british rule, in order to gurantee human rights of American people, they enacted the Declaration of Independence.In this official document, we will find the sentences like “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursui t of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving th eir just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institu te new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such for m, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”This document is designed in the name of god and highlights the necessity of equality and other human rights that god gives them all. The political system goes very well in America at earlier time, with Christianity involved. Futhermore, the idea of original sin in Christianity also offers us a way to understand democracy in western politics. With few exceptions, the monarchy in western countries do not have absolute power like the emperor in China throughout the western history. That is, the power of the monarchy is limited by the church. They believe that everyone in the world has original sin after Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruits in the Garden of Eden. So no one can become a ruler who overtops the others because all men need to be saved by the only God. Naturally, with the help of the idea, western politics heads toward the progress of democracy.Secondly, the author wants to talk about the relationship between Christianity and dual political concept. Some enlightenment occurs to our mind at the moment we think of the words “Caesar’s to Caesar, god’s to God.” It contains themeaning that the division of secular rights and religious authority. In Middle Ages, it was widely believed that secular rights needed to be approved by religious authority, which was important for a king who wants to come into power. In daily life, the king had to pay a great tribute to pope, the representative of God in the world. Hence, there happened the corruption of Vatican because of his absolute power. Accordingly, the civilian suffered from the exploit from the community, the king and the pope. With the development of the western society, pope has no longer had the power to contral the king. It advances the progress of the social reform and prosperity. Compared with the dark ages, we can see that great changes has been made. Nowadays, there also have many regimes that belong to the unification of the state and the church in the Middle East. This kind of system does not promote the countries to prosperity. On the contrary, it brings them the conflict between different denominations. For example, the contradiction between Shiah and Sunite. For the modern western countries, they do not need to worried about that. The religion has no connection to politics , so they have an effective government. The idea of original sins enable western countries to divide the absolute power to several parts. In America, president, congress ,and suprem court are the essence of the country. It makes it certain that the power will not be abused. In this political framework, people have the opportunity to participate in the current affairs of the government. In conclusion, we have to prevent government from the control of the religion, but we should admit the value of Christianity.。
Paradise Lost
by John Milton
The long poem Paradise Lost used to express Milton’s feeling. Although it was taken from the Bible, the poet‘s mind was not confined by the original. Over half of the poem describes Satan. A series of his behaviors expressed his reaction against God when he lost love in the heaven and schemed to take revenge on God and lured Eve to eat the fruit, which reflected Satan’s indomitable(不屈不挠的) lofty sentiments and aspirations.
Part of the plot Task2:
Antonio borrow 3,000 ducats(钱币) from Shylock. If the debt is not repaid on time, Antonio will pay one pound of his flesh(肉). Antonio is unable to pay the debt because his ships are lost. Shylock demands his pound of flesh. The duke(公爵) tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. So does Portia. Bassanio promises to pay twice even ten times the money Antonio has borrowed,but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh. Portia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh, but no more no less.And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his land and money. Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished,though not killed.
基督教英语作文Title: The Essence of Christianity: A Journey of Faith and Transformation。
Christianity, as a faith that has profoundly influenced the course of human history, embodies a rich tapestry of beliefs, values, and practices that have resonated across cultures and civilizations. In this essay, we delve into the essence of Christianity, exploring its core tenets, its impact on individuals and societies, and the transformative power it holds.At the heart of Christianity lies the belief in the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—whose love and grace are central to Christian doctrine. The foundational narrative of Christianity revolves around the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. His sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection are seen as the ultimate acts of redemption, offering salvation to humanity andreconciling humanity with God.Central to the Christian faith is the concept of grace, the unmerited favor and love of God freely given to humanity. This grace, Christians believe, is received through faith in Jesus Christ, not by any works or merits of our own. This principle underscores the core ofChristian theology—that salvation is a gift, available to all who believe.The Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments, serves as the sacred text and authoritative guide for Christians. It contains the inspired word of God and serves as a source of spiritual wisdom, moral guidance, and theological insight. Through its narratives, teachings, poetry, and prophecies, the Bible offers believers a framework for understanding God's plan for humanity and the principles by which they are called to live.Christianity places a strong emphasis on love—love for God and love for one another—as encapsulated in the commandments to love God with all one's heart, soul, andmind, and to love one's neighbor as oneself. This ethic of love extends beyond mere sentimentality to encompass compassion, forgiveness, and self-sacrificial service, reflecting the example set by Jesus Christ during hisearthly ministry.The Christian life is characterized by a journey of discipleship, wherein believers seek to emulate the lifeand teachings of Jesus Christ. This involves cultivating virtues such as humility, integrity, patience, and perseverance, as well as actively engaging in acts of worship, prayer, and service. Christians are called to be ambassadors of God's kingdom, sharing the message of hope, reconciliation, and redemption with the world.Throughout history, Christianity has played a pivotal role in shaping the moral, cultural, and social fabric of societies around the globe. It has inspired art, literature, music, and architecture, leaving an indelible mark on human civilization. At the same time, Christianity has been a source of both unity and division, as differing interpretations of scripture and theological doctrines havegiven rise to various denominations and traditions.Yet, beyond its institutional forms and doctrinal formulations, Christianity speaks to the deepest longings of the human heart—the quest for meaning, purpose, and transcendence. It offers a vision of reality imbued with hope and redemption, inviting individuals into a transformative relationship with God. Through faith in Christ, Christians believe they are called to participatein the renewal of all creation, working towards justice, peace, and the flourishing of all humanity.In conclusion, Christianity is more than a system of beliefs or a set of rituals; it is a way of life—a journey of faith and transformation that encompasses the entirety of human existence. It calls individuals to encounter the living God, to experience the boundless depths of his love and grace, and to embody the values of the kingdom of heaven here on earth. As Christians, we are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, guided by the light of his teachings and empowered by the presence of his Spirit,as we strive to fulfill the greatest commandment: to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves.。
关键词:《麈史》 善本
《麈史》成书于北宋时期, 是北宋学者王得臣的著作, 三 卷 。很 多 学 者 在 谈 及 宋 代 的 风 俗 、诗 话 时 往 往 拿 来 引 证 。《四 库 全 书 总 目 》也 称 此 书“凡 朝 廷 掌 故 , 耆 旧 遗 闻 , 耳 目 所 及 , 咸 登 编录。其间参稽经典, 辨别异同, 亦深资考证。非他家说部惟载 琐事者比”, 可见其史料价值之高。也正因其重要的史料文献 价值, 因此有必要对《麈史》的版本进行认真的考证。但综观前 人的研究成果, 对其版本的研究比较简略, 因此笔者不揣浅 陋, 将其大致情况总结如下:
二 、对 英 语 词 汇 的 影 响 据有关统计, 现代英语的85℅是外来词, 而拉丁语占很大 一部分。随着基督教传入英国, 有很多的拉丁词进入古英语词 汇。这次的影响与历史上的罗马征服有质的不同, 罗马征服之
后, 确实有一些词汇 进 入 英 语 当 中 , 但 数 量 极 少 , 如Lancaster、 Manchester、Worchester、Greenwich、Yorkshire、Herefordshiredeng 等等一些地名, 而基督教传入英国以后不但文字拉丁化, 而且 引进了约450个拉丁词, 多是宗教方面的, 如abbot修道院长, anthem圣歌、赞美诗, angel天使等。又因教会影响及于教育乃 至日常生活, 如grammatical, history, master, mቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱter, paper, school, talent等 大 量 的 宗 教 用 语 进 入 英 语 词 汇 , 当 然 还 包 括 法 律 、医 学 、神 学 、科 学 及 文 学 , 光 是 翻 译《圣 经 》就 借 用 了1000个 拉 丁 词。随着基督教的传播和普及, 拉丁语言进入到人们的生活当 中, 在之后的文艺复兴时期, 人们甚至认为拉丁语是十全十美 的, 而英语却不够成熟完美, 无法像拉丁语那样表达抽象的思 维和高深的哲理, 所以一些作家为了表现风格, 借用大量拉丁 词。文艺复兴时期传入英语的拉丁词比中世纪传入英语的法 语词还多, 达12000个, 如: the king of kings( 王中之王) , the holy of holies( 最神圣的地方) 。
The Influence of the Bible on English Idioms
The Influence of the Bible on English Idioms英语语言文学系2009级1班赵闻悦AbstractEnglish idiom is the most vigorous part in the language which was greatly influenced by the religious classic of western society the Holy Bible. This paper probes into the influence of the Bible on English idioms in two ways: allusion of biblical story and original saying, so as to better understand the cultural connotation of English idioms and relationship between English idioms and the Bible.Key words: English idioms; cultural connotation; the Bible.I. The Definition of Idiom“Idioms refer to the language peculiar to a people, country, class, community or more rarely, an individual, which have grown out of the linguistic practice of the people ever since the language came into being.”(张维友著,《英语词汇学教程》,华中师范大学出版社,2004) Strictly speaking, idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meanings of individual constituents.Idioms are rooted in the soil on which the people live and are realized as formulaic phrases in its language system. Therefore the character of the people is clearly branded n its idioms. By comparing idioms of different people with each other, we can find that each people’s characteristics, history, cultural tradition, morality, sense of value, geographical environments and other aspects are fully expressed in its idioms. Consequently, in order to understand idioms, we should observe them in relation with such conditions as its religion, history, culture, customs, geography and sense of value, etc.II. The Significance of the BibleReligion, as one of special culture morphologies, almost came into being and developed at the same pace as human civilization. The Christian Church, instead of the monarch, controlled the whole European society, which then spread Christianity throughout the continent and molded unique European culture during two thousand of years. Religion is very important many westerners. In Britain, almost everyone reads the Holy Bible, and most of people go to church on Sundays. Newly-born children are baptized in church. People’s lives are closely related with religion.The Bible is a library of different literary types rather than a single book. The larger part, the Old Testament, is a collection of Jewish sacred writings, originally in Hebrew and consisting of teaching, history, prophecy, and poetry. The New Testament, originally in Greek, also includes diverse literary forms—letters of Paul and other apostles, historical narrative, apocalyptic writing, and four Gospels which are not history but arrangements of remembered acts and sayings of Jesus.III. Epurated from the Story of the BibleIdioms have grown out of the linguistic practice of a people and are realized as formulaic phrases in its language system. On the other hand, the Bible, as a public chrestomathy and cultural enlightenment text in western countries, facilitated the development of the English language along the history of thousands of years. More specifically speaking, since every individual is familiar with the classical allusions of the Bible, idioms epurated from them become commonly understood and circulate as formulaic phrases in such a culture.According to Matthew, as a result of the day of last trail when the Christ separated people one from another, the righteous people would go to heaven while the sinner would go to hell. “All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goat.”(房龙著,秦立彦译,《圣经的故事(中英双语版)》,广西师范大学出版社,2006) Therefore, “the sheep”and “the goat”respectively get the connotation of righteous people and the opposite while “tell the sheep from the goat” get the meaning of dividing good or useful people from bad or useless ones, which nowadays,however,is mainly used to distinguish between the efficient enterprises and inefficient ones.The idiom “the hand writing on the w all” is another illustration for this sort. In the Old Testament, Daniel, Chapter 5, Belshazzar and his buddies were on a drunken toot and used golden vessels from the temple of God which was at Jerusalem to drink wine. Then in the same hour, came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plasters of the wall of the king's palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Daniel “in whom is the spirit of the holy gods” interpreted the handwriting for the king: “God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Thou art weighted in the balances, and art found wanting. Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.”(by Hodder and Stroughton,The Holy Bible(New International version),New York: International Bible Society,1983.) In that night was Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldeans slain. Refined from the Biblical story, the idiom “handwriting on the wall” means a threat of impending doom. As an instance, the sentence “The hand-writing is on the wall for the private company” has the similar meaning as “The bankruptcy of the private company seems certain”.IV. Cited from the Original Saying of the BibleIn the mind of Christians, the Bible is not only a religious classic or a prominent masterpiece, but also an unprecedentedly collection of wisdom. The original sayings of Cod or Jesus are being preaching in the church through out the world every Sunday, so that some of the most pious Christians even can recite them fluently. Many classic original sayings in the Bible have functioned as important sources of English idioms, which make the topic in question more comprehensive and visualized.The idiom “salt of the earth” comes from Matthew, chapter 5. When Jesus taught his disciples, he said that, “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted?”As is known to us all, salt is an important flavoring in food without which people’s health will surely collapse. Therefore, salt is greatly cherished by many nations and sometimes regarded as a valuable gift for guests. Here, “the salt of the earth” can be explained as “the most valuable members of society”, “the finest type of the humanity” or “a person or a group of people having the best character”.When comes to the idiom “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than…”, you may think that Jesus really has great sense of humor. According to Matthew, chapter 19, Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Obviously, this expression refers to the difficulty or impossibility of doing things. Based on this, we can paraphrase the sentence “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for Johnny to enter Harvard before he is thirteen” as “It is impossible for Johnny to enter Harvard before he is thirteen”.。
英语作文 西方文化影响
英语作文西方文化影响Title: The Influence of Western Culture。
Western culture, with its rich tapestry of traditions, values, and practices, exerts a significant influence on societies around the globe. From the spread of the English language to the proliferation of Hollywood movies, Western culture permeates various aspects of our daily lives. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted impact of Western culture on different societies.First and foremost, the English language stands out as one of the most potent vehicles through which Western culture disseminates worldwide. As the lingua franca of international communication, English serves as a common medium for people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to interact and exchange ideas. Its prevalence in business, science, technology, and entertainment underscores its indispensability in today's interconnected world. Consequently, proficiency in English has become a covetedskill, opening doors to global opportunities andfacilitating cross-cultural understanding.Moreover, Western cultural exports, particularly in the realm of entertainment, wield considerable influence across borders. Hollywood films, renowned for their production quality and storytelling prowess, captivate audiences worldwide, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers. Through blockbuster movies and popular television series, Western values, norms, and lifestyles are subtly conveyedto audiences, shaping their perceptions and aspirations.The global appeal of Western entertainment not only fosters cultural exchange but also fosters a sense of shared experience among diverse populations.In addition to entertainment, Western cultural normsand practices have permeated various aspects of social life, including fashion, cuisine, and social etiquette. The proliferation of fast food chains, such as McDonald's and Starbucks, exemplifies the global diffusion of Western dietary preferences and consumption patterns. Likewise, Western fashion trends, from casual wear to haute couture,influence the sartorial choices of individuals worldwide, reflecting a convergence of styles across cultures. Furthermore, Western concepts of individualism, personal autonomy, and gender equality have prompted shifts in societal attitudes and behaviors in regions wheretraditional norms prevail.Furthermore, the dominance of Western media platforms and technologies has facilitated the dissemination of Western culture on an unprecedented scale. The rise of social media, streaming services, and digital communication tools has enabled individuals to access and engage with Western cultural content with ease. Whether through YouTube tutorials, Netflix series, or viral TikTok challenges, people around the world actively participate in the global cultural discourse, contributing to the hybridization of cultural identities.However, alongside its pervasive influence, Western culture has also faced critiques and resistance from various quarters. Critics argue that the homogenizingeffect of Western cultural hegemony undermines culturaldiversity and local traditions, leading to a loss of authenticity and identity. Moreover, the commodification of culture by Western corporations and industries has been criticized for perpetuating consumerism and materialism at the expense of societal well-being.In conclusion, Western culture exerts a profound andfar-reaching influence on societies worldwide, shaping values, behaviors, and perceptions across diverse contexts. From the spread of the English language to the global popularity of Hollywood entertainment, Western cultural exports permeate various facets of contemporary life. While this influence has facilitated interconnectedness and cultural exchange, it also raises questions about cultural imperialism and the preservation of cultural diversity. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, understanding the complexities of cultural influence is essential for fostering dialogue, empathy, and mutual respect among nations and peoples.。
基督教对西方的影响 英文
Influence of Christianity on current western society Christianity is one of the world’s main religions, which is the dominant religion in the western country. And until now, it still influence the modern western country deeply in this 21st century, not only in political systems and education, but also in holidays, social problems and so forth. 48 The most deeply influence is in political systems, I think.Christianity has brought the development of the Western political systems and law. Whether it is in the choice of political system or the maintenance of social order , the Christian civilization has always been the thrust of the highest spiritual guides the political fantasy of the people who have reasons and love of political fantasy . In the meantime, in order to enable people to fully use their democratic rights and to prevent problems in the use of power, let all the people to participate in decision-making as much as possible and let people to elect and depute their trust groups or organizations to join the process under the legal proceedings.The most famous in it is Britain Magna Carta and American Declaration of Independence. 132 But what deeply connected with us is education. It is Christianity that rises the concept of universal education. And what’s more, it is also the base of university. The best universities in the world are set up for Christianity’s purpose. For example, USA’s first one hundred and twenty-three universities are set up for training the pastors and preachers. Talking about the modern civilian education, it rose in Eupore during the Reformation period. Obviousely, the education system is original from Christianity. 80Nowadays, Christianity still has an important impact to our society and it causes a lot of problems. In June of 2003, when the US president then Bush announced its support of Road map to peace in the Middle East, he received 50,000 postcards from the Christian conservatives for protesting any plans to create a Palestinian state. And then, the government change their mind at once, ending up with nothing conclusive. 70 Always, holidays exhilarate us most. There is no doubt that a lot of holidays are originated from Christianity. Christmas at December 25th is the most important Christian festival which is celebrated for the birth of Jesus. However, in order to memory the death of Jesus, westerns celebrate the Good Friday two weeks before Easter which is for the resurrection of Jesus. These three festivals are most typical in the modern western country. 72 We have reasons to believe that Chritianity will still give its unshakeable play to the modern western society now and in the future. 23Total: 425。
西方文化的影响英语作文Western Culture and Its Influence on English。
As the most widely spoken language in the world, English has been greatly influenced by Western culture. The impact of Western culture on the English language can be seen in various aspects, such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In this essay, we will explore the influence of Western culture on the English language and how it has shaped the language we use today.One of the most noticeable influences of Westernculture on English is the vocabulary. Many English words have been borrowed from Western languages, such as Latin, French, and German. For example, words like "ballet," "champagne," and "cuisine" have been borrowed from French, while words like "algebra," "guitar," and "safari" have been borrowed from Arabic and Swahili. These borrowed words have enriched the English vocabulary and have become an integral part of the language.In addition to borrowed words, Western culture has also influenced the development of new words in English. With the rise of Western technology and innovation, new words and terms have been introduced into the English language. Words like "internet," "computer," and "smartphone" have become commonplace in English, reflecting the influence of Western culture on the language.Furthermore, Western culture has also influenced the grammar and syntax of the English language. The structure of English sentences and the use of tenses have been influenced by Western languages, such as Latin and Greek. For example, the use of the subjunctive mood in English is a reflection of its Latin influence, while the use of the past perfect tense is a reflection of its Germanic influence. These grammatical influences have shaped the way English is spoken and written today.Moreover, the pronunciation of English has also been influenced by Western culture. The introduction of new sounds and accents from Western languages has led tochanges in the pronunciation of English words. For example, the pronunciation of words like "ballet" and "cuisine" reflects their French origins, while the pronunciation of words like "algebra" and "guitar" reflects their Arabic and Spanish origins. These pronunciation influences have added diversity to the English language and have made it more dynamic and adaptable.In conclusion, Western culture has had a profound influence on the English language, shaping its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The borrowing of words from Western languages, the introduction of new words through technology and innovation, and the influence of Western grammar and pronunciation have all contributed to the development of English as a global language. As English continues to evolve, it will continue to be influenced by Western culture and will remain a reflection of the dynamic and diverse world we live in.Overall, the influence of Western culture on the English language has been significant and continues to shape the way we communicate and express ourselves. AsEnglish speakers, we should be aware of the impact of Western culture on our language and embrace the diversity and richness it brings.。
西方文化的影响 英语作文
西方文化的影响英语作文Title: The Influence of Western Culture。
The influence of Western culture has permeated societies worldwide, shaping ideologies, lifestyles, and even languages. This essay delves into the various facets of Western cultural influence and its impact on global communities.First and foremost, the spread of the English language stands as a quintessential example of Western cultural influence. English, as the lingua franca of the modern world, serves as a tool for global communication, trade, and diplomacy. Its prevalence in media, technology, and education has solidified its status as the language of international discourse. Consequently, individuals worldwide are compelled to learn English to participate in the global economy and access a myriad of opportunities.Moreover, Western cultural exports, such as Hollywoodmovies, music, and literature, have captivated audiences worldwide. The cinematic masterpieces produced by Hollywood have not only entertained but also disseminated Western values, norms, and lifestyles. Through movies andtelevision shows, audiences are exposed to Western ideologies, fashion trends, and societal norms, which often shape their perceptions and aspirations.Furthermore, Western consumer culture has influenced purchasing behaviors and preferences globally.Multinational corporations based in the West dominate markets worldwide, promoting consumerism and materialism. Brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and Nike have become synonymous with Western culture, symbolizing notions of modernity, progress, and affluence. Consequently, consumer habits and preferences in various societies have shifted towards Western products and lifestyles.In addition to popular culture and consumerism, Western political ideologies and institutions have also left a lasting imprint on global governance systems. Concepts such as democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, rooted inWestern political philosophy, have gained traction worldwide. Many nations aspire to emulate Western-style democracies and institutions, albeit with varying degrees of success and adaptation to local contexts. Western influence in global politics extends beyond ideology to encompass institutions like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, which shape global governance and development agendas.Despite the pervasive influence of Western culture, it is not without criticism and resistance. Some perceive it as a form of cultural imperialism, eroding indigenous cultures and fostering homogeneity. Critics argue that the dominance of Western cultural norms marginalizes alternative worldviews and perpetuates inequalities in the global cultural landscape. Moreover, resistance to Western cultural hegemony has led to movements advocating for cultural preservation and revitalization, particularly in regions where indigenous traditions face existential threats.In conclusion, the influence of Western culture onglobal societies is undeniable, encompassing language, popular culture, consumerism, and political ideologies. While it has facilitated interconnectedness and economic development, it has also sparked debates about cultural imperialism and homogenization. Nonetheless, the dynamic interplay between Western and local cultures continues to shape the diverse tapestry of human civilization in the contemporary world.。
基督教英语作文范文10篇1. The Power of Faith.Faith is a powerful force that can move mountains. It is the belief in something that we cannot see or prove, but we trust that it is true. Faith can give us hope in the darkest of times and strength to overcome any obstacle.There are many different types of faith. Some people have faith in God, while others have faith in science, technology, or themselves. No matter what your faith is in, it can be a powerful force for good in your life.Faith can help us to make difficult decisions, to overcome our fears, and to live a more fulfilling life. It can give us hope for the future and help us to see the good in the world.2. The Importance of Love.Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the glue that holds the world together and the foundationof all relationships. Love is patient, kind, and forgiving. It is not selfish or boastful. Love is always there, even when we don't deserve it.There are many different types of love. There is thelove between parents and children, the love between friends, and the love between spouses. No matter what type of loveit is, it is a powerful force that can change our lives.Love can make us feel happy, safe, and secure. It can give us the strength to overcome any obstacle. Love canheal our wounds and make us whole again.3. The Meaning of Life.The meaning of life is a question that has been askedfor centuries. There are many different answers to this question, but there is no one right answer. The meaning of life is different for each individual.For some people, the meaning of life is to find happiness. For others, it is to make a difference in the world. And for still others, it is to simply experience all that life has to offer.No matter what your definition of the meaning of life is, it is important to find something that gives you purpose and direction. When you have a purpose in life, you are more likely to be happy and fulfilled.4. The Power of Prayer.Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us to connect with God and to experience his love. Prayer can be used to ask for help, to give thanks, or to simply spend time with God.There are many different ways to pray. Some people like to pray out loud, while others prefer to pray silently. Some people like to pray in a specific place, while others prefer to pray anywhere they feel comfortable.No matter how you choose to pray, the most important thing is to be sincere and to open your heart to God. When you pray, God listens.5. The Bible.The Bible is a collection of books that contains the history, laws, and beliefs of the Jewish and Christian religions. It is one of the most widely read andinfluential books in the world.The Bible has been translated into over 2,000 languages and is estimated to have sold over 5 billion copies. It is a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of people around the world.The Bible is a complex and multifaceted book, and there are many different ways to interpret it. However, one thing that is clear is that the Bible has a powerful message of hope and love.6. The Cross.The cross is a symbol of Christianity. It represents the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.The cross is a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It is a symbol of hope and forgiveness. The cross shows us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.7. The Resurrection.The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most important events in human history. It is the foundation of the Christian faith.The resurrection shows us that death is not the end. It shows us that there is hope for eternal life. The resurrection gives us the assurance that we will one day be reunited with our loved ones in heaven.8. The Second Coming.The second coming of Jesus Christ is a future eventthat is prophesied in the Bible. It is the belief thatJesus will return to earth to judge the living and the dead.The second coming is a day of hope and judgment. It isa day when all people will be held accountable for their actions. The second coming is a reminder that we shouldlive our lives in accordance with God's will.9. Heaven.Heaven is the eternal home of God and his people. It is a place of perfect peace, joy, and love.Heaven is a place where there is no more pain, sorrow,or death. It is a place where all our dreams come true. Heaven is a place where we will be reunited with our loved ones who have died.10. Hell.Hell is the eternal destination of those who have rejected God and his love. It is a place of eternal torment and suffering.Hell is a place where there is no hope, no love, and no peace. It is a place where people are separated from God forever. Hell is a place that we should all strive to avoid.。
英语论文-The Influence of Bible on English Culture
The Influence of Bible on English Culture1.IntroductionIn western countries, Christianity is the main type of religion. With the world widely spread, Christianity acts an enormous impact on western culture. The influence of the Bible is world-wide. Its mighty power has affected every department of human activity. The contents of the Scriptures have supplied themes for the greatest poets, artists and musicians, and have been the mightiest factor of all in shaping the moral progress of the race. Let us consider a few examples of the Bible‟s influence as displayed in the various realms of human enterprise. This article expounds the influence of the Bible on the English culture from several aspects.2. A general study of BibleKnowledge of the Bible is a prerequisite to understand English culture.What exactly Bible is?The explanation in the encyclopedia is “Bible, term used since the fourth century to denote the Christian Scriptures and later, by extension, those of various religious traditions. This article discusses the nature of religious scripture generally and the Christian Scriptures specifically, as well as the history of the translation of the Bible into English. For the composition and the canon of the Hebrew and Christian Bible, see Old Testament; New Testament; Apocrypha.”2.1 The history of how Bible createdChristianity started in the middle of the 1st century AD, it originated from the earliest religion which Hebrew established of the world—Judaism, the Christianity admitted and continued to use Judaism‟s religion idea, and developed it on this foundation. Except accepting Jehovah as God, the Christianity also believes Savior is the name of God‟s son, a name of Jesus Christ who was sent by God to save the people. Christians take the words recorded that how Christianity spread and develop into the New Testament. The combination of the New Testament and the scripture of Judaism” Old Testament” became the sacred writings of Christianity—“Holy Bible”. During 4th century AD, the Roman Empire‟s Constantine made the Christianity as the nation‟s religion, since that, Christianity started to spread all over the European area.Pope Damascus I assembled the first list of books of the Bible at the Council of Rome in 382 AD. He commissioned Saint Jerome to produce a reliable and consistent text by translating the original Greek and Hebrew texts into Latin. This translation became known as the Latin Vulgate Bible and in 1546 at the Council of Trent was declared by the Church to be the only authentic and official Bible in the Latin rite.2.2 The versions and translations of BibleThe Bible is often described as "the greatest book ever written." This is because of its unending significance and influence on people throughout the ages. No other book in history has impacted peoples and cultures like the Bible. So far, the Bible hasbeen translated into 2,018 languages and every year more copies of the Bible are sold than any other single book.In scholarly writing, ancient translations are frequently referred to as "versions," with the term "translation" being reserved for medieval or modern translations. Bible versions are discussed below, while Bible translations can be found on a separate page.The Christian Bible consists of the Hebrew Scriptures, which have been called the Old Testament, and some later writings known as the New Testament. The original texts of the Bible were in Hebrew, although some portions were in Aramaic. There are several different ancient versions of the Bible in Hebrew, mostly differing by spelling, and the traditional Jewish version is based on the version known as Old Testament. The primary biblical text for early Christians was the Septuagint. In addition, they translated the Hebrew Bible into several other languages. Translations were made into Syria, Coptic, Greek, Latin, and other languages. The Latin translations were historically the most important in the West, while the Greek-speaking Countries continued to use the Septuagint translations of the Old Testament and retain the New Testament.The earliest Latin translation was the Old Latin text, or Vetus Latin, which seems to have been made by several authors over a period of time. Bible translations for many languages have been made through the various influences of Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestant, especially since the Protestant Reformation. The Bible has seen a notably large number of English language translations. The work of Bibletranslation continues, including by Christian organizations such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, New Tribes Missions and the Bible Societies. Of the world's 6,900 languages, 2,400 have some or the entire Bible, 1,600 (spoken by more than a billion people) has translation underway.2.3 The main formations of BibleThe Bible as we know it today is divided into two main sections or collections of books called the Old Testament and the New Testament. The word 'testament' literally means …something that serves as proof or a personal wit ness either verbally or written‟. So these testaments are the writings of people and the recordings of events that serve as proof. The climax or pinnacle of the Bible is Jesus - God's coming to earth as a man (incarnate). The Old Testament is the history of God's work through the nation of Israel (or the Hebrew people) to the world in preparation for Jesus. The New Testament is the witness of Jesus' coming life, teachings, work, and the ramifications of these to the people of that time and in the future till the end of time. The bible was written from 50 A.D. or so and was completed in the second century. The origins and formations of the Bible, Testaments, and books included are covered in detail in the specific Testament sections.The writers of the books of the Bible were just ordinary humans, but it is the historic Christian belief, that they wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit, that is under 'inspiration'. This inspiration factor makes the Bible different from any other book that exists - past, present or future. It therefore bears unlimited importance for usto study and understand. Although many other books existed at that time,the Bible books were still the main choice of people . Persons spiritually guided by the Holy Spirit chose the book. This enabled them to choose what was spiritually true and what was false and therefore should or should not be included as 'scripture'. The collection of books recognized as authoritative and divinely inspired, were canonized. Canon is a Greek word which means rule or measuring line. The books that passed the canon were considered scripture. Other books that did not pass the canon, may be of interest to read, and suitable for learning, but are not regarded as on the same level as Biblical or 'canonical' books in that they carry no authority.3. The influence of Bible on English cultureWhen the Bible's influence is profound in a society, it will affect all aspects of that culture in a positive way. How we dress, what we eat, what music we listen to, and what we choose for entertainment, are all reflections of how strongly the Bible affects our lives. The idea of the Bible has become firmly established in western society today. This influence has been demonstrated in all aspects of their daily life.It is considered as an important source of western language culture as well as a classical religious masterpiece. Just like how Confucius‟philosophy and works has affects Chinese‟s ideas profoundly, the Bible is a foundation of ideas and principles upon which western society rests. For hundreds of years, the Bible has been penetrated deeply into western families‟ daily life, and became the rules of people‟s life. The Bible has shaped not only religious thought, but also politics, law, education,literature, culture, flavored English language with words and phrases etc. Indeed, for Americans of many denominations, the Bible was considered as the wellspring of national mythology, as the prevailing biblical stories and imagery spread with the change of time and circumstance.3.1 The influence of the Bible on CeremonyEnglish countries are Christian countries, both presidents and farmers go to the church every weekend. Almost all the important ceremony is held in a Christian way. It‟s safe to say that all the ceremonies are originated from bible, Such as, wedding, funeral and so on. In many countries of the western world, newly-born babies usually received the baptism.The parents bring the babies to the church, or invite the pastors to their home, to hold a simple and solemn ceremony. After the pastor chanted the scripture of the Bible, he gently sprays water on the head of the baby, saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and the son, and of the Holy Spirit”.3.1.1W edding Ceremony:Weddings are treated as a big occasion. Bible reputes that marriage is an eternal relationship. In Bible it is described like this, “the Lord God said: …it is not good for the man to be alone I will make a suitable partner for him‟”(Genesis 2:18). God thinks Adam is lonely when he was alone, so he took one of Adam‟s ribs and creates Eva with it. Adam said: “This one, at last is bone of my bones, and fresh of my fresh.-(Genesis 2:23-24)”. Husband and wife is no longer two people, but one.Christianity holds that, marriage is matched by God, and marriage should be founded on the reverence of God. People should worship God in marriage and family life. Therefore, wedding is one of the most important ceremonies of English countries. So all close families and friends would be invited to the church to witness this stately moment. With the holy music going on, the bride in a long white wedding dress and white veil takes her father‟s right arm walks to the altar. And the vicar asks her father: “Who gives this woman to this man?” Bride‟s father gives her daughter‟s right hand to the vicar, and then vicar give this hand to the groom.The vicar may say:“Bride/groom, are you here to ask Groom to be your partner, your lover, your friend and your husband/wife? Do you intend to give him your deepest friendship and love, not only when you are feeling bright and alive, but also when you are feeling down? Not only when you remember clearly that you are a manifestation of God, but even in those times when you forget? Do you announce before God and those here present that you will seek always to see the Light of Divinity within Groom/bride, and seek always to share the Light of Divinity within you?”The bride/groom may say: I do.The bride and groom say their vows and rings are exchanged. The vows always go like this:I, Groom, take you, Bride, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to honor and to cherish unconditionally. Forsaking all others, I will be faithful to you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.The weddings always appear as the most complicated ceremony. There is often a party coming after the ceremony. People nowadays hire professional company to hold their weddings.3.1.2 The ceremony of Christian death and burialThe same as the funeral, it also has a strong Christian flavor. Christians believe that when someone dies, they are judged by God. The righteous go to Heaven and the sinners go to Hell. Christians believe that Hell is the separation from the love of God: “T hey shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes on that day to be glorified by his saints.2 Thessalonians 1:9-10”When a Christian dies, it is seen as the end of his/her life on earth. A funeral is held for friends and family to grieve for the person who died and give thanks for their life. If someone is on their deathbed, a minister will prepare them for death. This is most likely after a long period of illness. Prayers of preparation and reconciliation may be said, with only the minister in the room. Family and friends can participate in the Lord's Prayer, the Word of God and Holy Communion. Often, the funeral is held about a week after one‟s death. It can either take place in a church or at a crematorium.The Gathering: the priest will open the service with this reading from thescriptures:'I am the resurrection and the life,' saith the Lord; 'he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.'I know that my Redeemer liveth...Book of Common Prayer 1979’Readings and sermon: a psalm from the Bible is read out. It is often Psalm 23, 'The Lord is my Shepherd'. Verses from the Old or New Testament are also read.Personal readings: The priest will talk about the person who died. This can be quite a personal section, reflecting on the person's life and their role in the Christian church. A family member or friend may wish to read out a poem or a passage from the Bible.Prayers: prayers of thanksgiving, penitence and readiness for death are said.Reflection: Silent time for reflection. The congregation is given a minute to reflect on the deceased.Commendation and farewell: The priest speaks these words: "Let us commend (the person's name) to the mercy of God, our maker and redeemer." The priest then reads a prayer of entrusting and commending.The committal: this is probably the most solemn moment of the service. At a burial, this is when the coffin is lowered into the grave. At a cremation, the curtains are closed around the coffin. "We therefore commit (his or her) body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of theResurrection to eternal life."There may also be a selection of hymns which are sung throughout the service.Some parishes still have space for burials. The burial follows a church service and the family and friends of the deceased gather round the grave for the Committal. It is tradition to throw some dust/mud onto the coffin. A short prayer will be said by the minister. For those who wish to be cremated, the body is taken to a crematorium, where it is burned. At the point of Committal, the curtains close around the coffin. The ashes are put into an urn and given to the family, who may choose to keep them or scatter them in a place that was meaningful to the deceased.3.2 The influence of the Bible on FestivalIn English countries, many festivals are closely related to Christianity. Easter and Christmas are the main religious festivals of the Christian Y ear. Most people in England celebrate Christmas and Easter. School children have two weeks off school during Christmas and Easter. Most of the festivals are come from the Bible and extensively affected by it.3.2.1 The influence of the Bible on SundayTake Sunday for example. As Sunday is the very common holiday that now it is spreading around the world. Sunday were mentioned many times in the Bible. Sunday is come from the Sabbath. In Hebrew, Sabbath means to rest. The Christians believe that: God has made people a promise of rest but it is up to people to claim it. In the Bible God tells people there are certain things they must do before they can enter His rest. The Sabbath days were just a shadow of our true rest, Jesus Christ. Only Christcan save our soul and give us rest.Jesus Christ has become our Sabbath and people can have a rest every weekend of the week if people want. People need to have faith, an open mind and work to get God‟s rest. Read God's word and claim the promise of rest that God made to us. If you would like to set aside a day of the week to do this, there is nothing wrong with that. But remember that mankind gave the days of the week, not God. Also, with God a day is a thousand years, so saying a certain day is the Sabbath just doesn‟t work. People use Sabbath as Sunday today.3.2.2 The influence of Bible on ChristmasSince about 400 AD, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus. 'Christ' means 'Messiah' or 'Anointed One' - the title given to Jesus - and 'Mass' was a religious festival. Christmas is a wonderful time of year. In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas on December 25th is a high point of the year. Christmas is a very special time for Christians, it is a time of celebration. According to the record of the Bible, Jesus is God‟s son, he is given the birth by Saint Mary. For commemorating Jesus‟birth, Christianity decided December 25th as the Christmas. Christmas is the biggest festival that all sorts of groups of Christianity celebrate. December 24th is called Christmas Eve. Christians hold the firmed belief that Christmas is the day that Christ was born. That‟s how Christmas comes. But the real Christmas story is found in the Christian Bible. It is told in two different books: Matthew and Luke chapters 1 and 2.Christians believed that it was exactly God's plan that things happened in thisway. They say that it shows that Jesus came as a humble, poor person and not as a strong, rich king. They also claim that the birth of Jesus was told many years before the event was written in the books of the prophets. Five hundred years ago, the prophet Micah had said,"But you Bethlehem, though you are small, out of you will come for me, one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."The prophet Isaiah had written,"A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, "Wonderful Counsellor," "Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince of Peace." His royal power will continue to grow; his kingdom will always be at peace. He will rule as King David's successor, basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time."These are only two of many prophetic words that told of the birth and life of Jesus, written hundreds of years before His birth.The prophet Isaiah had written, Herod, the evil king of the area, heard about the child, saw Him as a threat, and sent soldiers to kill Jesus. But God told Joseph in a dream to take Mary and the baby and escape to Egypt. They lived there till King Herod died and then went back to live in Nazareth. Jesus was indeed "the man born to die".In the West today, the real meaning of Christmas is often forgotten. It has become a non-religious holiday! More children believe in Father Christmas than in Jesus. Christmas Day is a time for eating and drinking too much and watchingtelevision. Most people in UK or Europe will not go to a religious church meeting, even at Christmas. It has become a busy race to spend money on presents, and get ready for the Day. In UK, our shops stay open till late Christmas Eve and often open again on Boxing Day with the cut-price 'sales'. (Not much holiday for the poor shop workers!) A visitor from another world would think that Christmas was a festival to the gods of money and shopping.How do they celebrate Christmas?From November onwards, it is impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. Coloured lights decorate many town centers and shops, along with shiny decorations, and artificial snow painted on shop windows. In streets and shops, 'Christmas trees' (real or plastic evergreen 'conifer' trees) will also be decorated with lights and Christmas ornaments. Shopping centers become busier as December approaches and often stay open till late. Shopping centre speaker systems will play Christmas 'carols' - the traditional Christmas Christian songs, Christians sing Christmas Carol to one and another family to proclaim the glad tidings that Jesus was born. People give present to each other and every family decorates a Christmas tree in their house. It is said that Santa Claus will monitor eight moose with plenty of gifts from north, climb down the chimney during the mid night, and put the gifts in every children‟s stockings. Most places of work will hold a short Christmas party about a week before Christmas. There are many traditional Christmas foods that are available in the party, but which means little work will be done after the party!By mid-December, most homes will also be decorated with Christmas trees,coloured lights and paper or plastic decorations around the rooms. These days, many more people also decorate garden trees or house walls with coloured electric lights, a habit which has long been popular in USA.In many countries, most people post Christmas greeting cards to their friends and family, and these cards will be hung on the walls of their homes. In UK this year, the British Post Office expects to handle over 100 million cards EACH DAY, in the three weeks before Christmas.In English-speaking countries, the day following Christmas Day is called 'Boxing Day'. This word comes from the custom which started in the Middle Ages around 800 years ago: churches would open their 'alms boxe' (boxes in which people had placed gifts of money) and distribute the contents to poor people in the neighbourhood on the day after Christmas. The tradition continues today - small gifts are often given to delivery workers such as postal staff and children who deliver newspapers.3.2.3 The influence of Bible on EasterWhat is Easter?Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. But actually Easter means much more. Easter is the season in which Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the oldest Christian festival, and the one celebrated with the greatest joy. It is the most important festival in the Christian year. Jesus' resurrectionis at the centre of the Christian faith. Jesus died for the sins of humanity and by coming back to life promises eternal life for all those who believe in him. The date of Easter changes each year, and several other Christian festivals fix their dates by reference to Easter. Churches are filled with flowers, and there are special hymns and songs. But not all Easter customs are Christian; some, such as the Easter Bunny, are Pagan in origin.The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity:On Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion. His body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave.The tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body.On the following Sunday, some women visited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty.The remains of Jesus were seen that day and days afterwards by many people. Thus, his followers realized that God had raised Jesus from the dead.3.3 The influence of the Bible on Daily lifeThe Bible covers a wide range of people‟s daily life. Its influence includes people‟s name, laws, and even politics.3.3.1 The influence of Bible on naming names:Boys always named Abraham( the ancestry of Jew)、David (an hero of Jew)、Moses(prophet of Jew)、Joseph(Jesus‟ father) or use the name of Jesus‟ twelve disciple,like John、Peter、Thomas、Andrew and so on; girls always named as Mary(Jesus‟mother)、Elizabeth(John‟s mother)、Sarah(Abraham‟s wife)、Ruth(King David‟s mother). John was the most popular boy s‟ name from 1880 (the earliest year my research could trace) through 1924. Mary was the most popular girls‟ name from 1880 until 1947 (when it was knocked out by Linda, only to return in 1953 to hold the top spot until Lisa knocked it out again in 1962). In 1972 it fell out of the top ten and has never returned. In the early years of America, most children were named Jeremiah, Abigail, John, Josiah, Peter, Sarah, Paul, or Elizabeth. Today, many of these Bible names are making a comeback. In fact, of the top 50 names given to girls in America in 2005, 14 are Bible names. Of the top 50 names given to boys, 25 are Bible names. No matter in public or in family life, the Bible shows its unique function by its distinct symbolized meaning.3.3.2 The influence of Bible on Laws:On court, the judge demanded witness to hold the Bible to swear that every word he said is truth. In the United States there are laws that punish those who assault and rape women, those who would murder, those who would steal and lie. You may be surprised to know that the source of these laws came directly from the Bible and were given for the protection of society. Many of them can be found in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy.Other examples of laws were taken directly from the Bible are our laws regarding bankruptcy, laws in our courts that demand witnesses to a crime before one can be convicted, and laws that demand just weights for commerce. The child laborlaws protect children from being exploited. Even our government Child Protection Agency was created to keep children from abuse. Although this agency goes to the extreme at times and shields a rebellious child that is lying, its original intent was to protect children from parental abuse. Our civil laws were established to keep order in our society, and because our founding fathers were Christians, they created a structure that was based on moral laws taken from the Bible.Many legal clauses are changed from the Ten Commandments of the Bible.3.4 The influence of Bible on American politicsThe Bible's continuing influence in twentieth-century American culture was particularly evident in American politics. When most of the Presidents assume the post, they all quote the sentences from the Bible to support their speech.So influential was the Bible in the formation of early American political thought and governance that hardly any of America‟s founding fathers were silent on the importance of the Bible. Here‟s a sampling of comments by the first seven men elected President of the United States.George Washington (1789-1797) was America‟s first military and political leader. On June 15, 1775, George Washington was named by unanimous vote as permanent military leader of the colonies‟ rag-tag armies. Later he was chosen as t his country‟s founding president.America‟s first hero said, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”Washington used the Bible as the basis for governing America‟s earliest days.Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams were appointed todraft a formal statement defining to reason for the colonies‟ irrevocable separation from Great Britain. Jefferson claimed, “I have always said, I always say, that the studious perusal of the sacred volume will make better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands.”And on that basis, he drafted the Declaration of Independence. He also became the third U.S. President (1801-1809).James Madison, the fourth President of the United States (1809-1817), gave a speech to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia in 1778 in which he admitted, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We‟ve staked the future of all our political institutions upon our capacity…to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”watchful eye must be kept on ourselves lest, while we are building ideal monuments of renown and bliss here, we neglect to have our names enrolled in the Annals of Heaven.Andrew Jackson was the seventh U.S. President (1829-1837). His trust in the Bible spilled out almost every time he spoke. "Go to the Scriptures...the joyful promises it contains will be a balsam to all your troubles. That book is the rock on which our republic rests,” said Old Hickory. Just before he died, Jackson testified, “I am in the hands of a merciful God. I have full confidence in His goodness and mercy...The Bible is true. I have tried to conform to its spirit as near as possible. Upon that sacred volume I rest my hope for eternal salvation, through the merits and blood of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."These are not the words of professional politicians; they are the words of。
英语作文 西方文化影响
英语作文西方文化影响Title: The Influence of Western Culture。
Introduction:Western culture, with its rich history and diverse traditions, has had a significant impact on societies around the world. From language and literature to art, music, and fashion, the influence of Western culture permeates many aspects of our daily lives. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which Western culture has influenced different parts of the world.Language and Literature:One of the most notable influences of Western cultureis in the realm of language and literature. English, as the lingua franca of the modern world, has become the primary language of international communication, commerce, and diplomacy. The spread of English can be attributed to thehistorical dominance of the British Empire and later the United States as global powers. As a result, many people around the world learn English as a second language and consume English literature, further reinforcing the influence of Western culture.Art and Architecture:Western art and architecture have also left an indelible mark on societies across the globe. From the Renaissance masterpieces of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to the modernist movements of the 20th century, Western art has been celebrated and emulated worldwide. Similarly, Western architectural styles, such as Gothic cathedrals, neoclassical buildings, and skyscrapers, have been adopted in diverse cultural contexts, shaping the urban landscapes of cities around the world.Music and Entertainment:The influence of Western culture is perhaps most evident in the realm of music and entertainment. Westernpopular music genres, such as rock, jazz, and hip-hop, have achieved global prominence and have been embraced by people of all cultures. The rise of Hollywood and the Americanfilm industry has also contributed to the spread of Western cultural values and norms, as Hollywood movies reach audiences in every corner of the globe.Fashion and Lifestyle:Fashion is another area where Western culture exerts a considerable influence. Western fashion trends, originating from fashion capitals like Paris, Milan, and New York, often set the standard for global style. From designer labels to fast fashion brands, Western fashion dominates the global market, shaping the way people dress and express themselves around the world. Moreover, Western lifestyle trends, such as consumerism, individualism, and digital technology adoption, have become increasingly prevalent in societies worldwide.Cuisine and Dining:Western cuisine, characterized by its diversity and innovation, has also made its mark on global gastronomy. Fast food chains like McDonald's and Starbucks have become ubiquitous symbols of Western culture, with branches in nearly every country. Moreover, Western cooking techniques and ingredients have been integrated into traditional cuisines, leading to fusion cuisines and culinary experimentation.Conclusion:In conclusion, Western culture has exerted a profound influence on societies around the world, shaping everything from language and literature to art, music, fashion, cuisine, and lifestyle. While the spread of Westerncultural values has led to increased globalization and interconnectedness, it has also sparked debates about cultural imperialism and the preservation of local traditions. Nevertheless, the influence of Western culture remains pervasive in the modern world, reflecting the enduring legacy of centuries of cultural exchange and interaction.。
教会英文作文高中英文:As a high school student, I have been attending church for several years now. I find that the church community isa great place to connect with others who share similar beliefs and values. It is also a place where I can learn more about my faith and grow spiritually.One of the benefits of attending church is the opportunity to participate in various activities and events. For example, my church hosts a youth group every week where we can hang out, play games, and have discussions about our faith. There are also retreats and mission trips that I can participate in to further develop my faith and serve others.Another important aspect of church is the sense of community and support that it provides. Whenever I am going through a difficult time, I know that I can turn to my church family for prayer and encouragement. I have seenfirsthand how the church can come together to support those in need, whether it be through organizing a fundraiser or providing meals for a family going through a tough time.Overall, attending church has been a positive experience for me. It has helped me to grow in my faith and connect with others who share similar beliefs. I amgrateful for the sense of community and support that my church provides.中文:作为一名高中生,我已经参加教会好几年了。
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As is known to us all, there are three main religions in the world, which includes Christianity, Islam, and buddhism. In a sense, these three religons including many followers exert a great influence on human-beings around the world. For many people, the belief in these religions has been incorporated into their daily lives. Whenever they awake from their dream and wherever they go to, they wil never forget to worship their Gods. How powerful the religion is! When it comes to some western countries, we have to focus on the significant religion----Christianity. The reason why we should refer to Christianity in this situation is that not only does it offer the spirit guide to many westerners, but also it can help us to comprehend these countries deeply. Also, Christianity can Be found everywhere in western world, espicially for politcs , economy, culture and society. The western politics is formed in the process of western culture.Therefore ,there is a close connection between Christianity and western politics from the very beginning. If you read books about western politics, you will know that some priciples used in western countries is derived from Christianity. For instncance, the concept of freedom and equality, dmocracy, and political structure.At the very begining, inspired by Christianity ,many people dare to venture their lives to fight with tyrant and appeal for freedom .Since Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire, it had turned into a kind of official ideology. At that time, great changes have taken place in different areas of this country. it is a milestone in the history of Roman Empire. Since then, the religious system of Roman changes from polytheism to monotheism. The ruler makes full use of the religion to strengthen his regime. At the same time, what the average people have to do is to submit to the doctrines that serves the emperor. Thus, there is no doubt that Christianity and western politics is inseperable at any time.First of all,Human rights and democracy play an important part in the field of today’s politics in western countries. In other words, it is the foundation of western political civilization. At present, a handful of people think that the idea of human rights and democracy must trace back to Greek and roman cultures. However, it is Christianity that promotes the development of these ideas. Although not a single of these items does Christian put forward, we can find the core content in Christianity. When we read Deuterononomy in the Holy bible, we will see the sentences like“If your fellow Hebrew, whether male or female, is sold to you and serves you for six years, then in the seventh year you must let that servant go free. ”and “If you set them free, you must not sendthem away empty-handed. You must supply them generously from your flock, your threshing floor, and your winepress—as the L ORD your God has blessed you, you must give to them.”As you can see, from the doctrine of the Holy bible, a great importance has been attached to hunma rights. This is the reason why people claim that these valuable ideas come from Christianity. What is more, thanks to the ideas in the Holy bible, many people in western countries seek ways to overturn the Monarchy and colonists. In the past, People in British created the constitutional monarchy to guarantee human rights and democracy. People in france also overturnde the king and established a system called bourgeois republic. After getting rid of the british rule, in order to gurantee human rights of American people, they enacted the Declaration of Independence. In this official document, we will find the sentences like “We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and the pursui t of Happiness. --That to secure these rights,Governments are instituted among Men,deriving th eir just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,and to institu te new Government,laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such for m,as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”This document is designed in the name of god and highlights the necessity of equality and other human rights that god gives them all. The political system goes very well in America at earlier time, with Christianity involved. Futhermore, the idea of original sin in Christianity also offers us a way to understand democracy in western politics. With few exceptions, the monarchy in western countries do not have absolute power like the emperor in China throughout the western history. That is, the power of the monarchy is limited by the church. They believe that everyone in the world has original sin after Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruits in the Garden of Eden. So no one can become a ruler who overtops the others because all men need to be saved by the only God. Naturally, with the help of the idea, western politics heads toward the progress of democracy.Secondly, the author wants to talk about the relationship between Christianity and dual political concept. Some enlightenment occurs to our mind at the moment we think of the words “Caesar’s to Caesar, god’s to God.” It contains the meaning that the division of secular rights and religious authority. In Middle Ages, it was widely believed that secular rights needed to be approved by religious authority, which was important for a king who wants to come into power. In daily life, the king had to pay a great tribute to pope, the representative of God in the world. Hence, there happened the corruption of Vatican because of his absolute power. Accordingly, the civilian suffered from the exploit from the community, the king and the pope. With the development of the western society, pope has no longer had the power to contral the king. It advances the progress of the social reform and prosperity. Compared with the dark ages, we can see that great changes has been made. Nowadays, there also have many regimes that belong to the unification of the state and the church in the Middle East. This kind of system does not promote the countries to prosperity. On the contrary, it brings them the conflict between different denominations. For example, the contradiction between Shiah and Sunite. For the modern western countries, they do not need to worried about that. The religion has no connection to politics , so they have an effective government. The idea of original sins enable western countries to divide the absolute power to several parts. In America, president, congress ,and suprem court are the essence of the country. It makes it certain that the power will not be abused. In this political framework, people have the opportunity to participate in the current affairs of the government. In conclusion, we have to prevent government from the control of the religion, but we should admit the value of Christianity.。