

Fill in the Blanks.

1.__________(I) name is Linda.

2.Look at his _________(ear). They are small.

3.Do you like ________(pig)? No,Idon’t.

4.How many _________(mouse)are there in the hole? There are three.

5.How many __________(box)are there? There are five.

6.The yellow pears _________(be) soft.

7.What is that? It is _______________(apple).

8. ________(have)Ken got any red pens? Yes.

9.I am very hot. _______the door,please.

10.My friend __________(be) playing football in the rain.

11.What’s that? _______a rose. A.that is B. This is C.It’s

Rewrite the sentences.

1.This is a picture of my school.(改一般疑问句)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2.Jim can write ABC.(改为否定句)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3.Tim is seven years old.(对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4.Sam and Peter are in the playground. (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5.Eddie is her brother. (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 6.That’s a blue bird. (改为否定句)

_____________________________________________________________________ 7.This is an orange car. (改为一般疑问句)

_____________________________________________________________________ 8.This is a plum. (改为复数句)。

_____________________________________________________________________ 9.There are five oranges on the plate. (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 10.They are four yuan. (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 11.My name is Ben.(对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 12.I am fine. (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 13.Your tail is long.( (改一般疑问句)

_____________________________________________________________________ 14.I’m Mike.(改为一般疑问句,并肯定回答)



1、名词的种类: 2、专有名词:专有名词是指某个人、某些地方、某样物品专有的名称。Children’s Day 专有名词第一个字母要大写,前面不加a, an, the 3、单数名词: (1)一般名词,在前面加a:a book, a computer, (2)元音字母开头的名词,在前面加an: an egg, an orange(元音字母是:a, e, i, o, u)少数例外: an hour, a university (以元音发音为准) 4、复数名词: 规则: 不规则: 5、不可数名词:在不可数名词前只能加some(一些), much(许多) (1)液体:water, milk, coke, coffee, juice, tea (2)气体:air, vapour (3)不能“个别的”存在:hair, rice, beef, meat, pork, mutton

1 2、物主代词 3、指示代词: this, that, these, those 如:This is my doll. That is Mary’s. Look at the those sheep. They are eating grass. 语法专项整理(三)数词 1、基数词:表示数目的多少

2、序数词:表示顺序 1、介词的分类 2、at, on, in在表示时间时的区别: (1)at用于具体的时刻:at 10:05, at noon, at night, (2)on用于具体的一天(常与星期、节日、具体的某一天连用,也表示某天上午、下午或晚上):

on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on June 1st, on my birthday, on Friday morning, on the weekend, (3)in用于某一段时间(常与上午、下午、晚上连用,常与月份、季节、年份连用):in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in March, in spring, in 2007, 语法专项整理(六)There be结构 1、概念:There be结构又叫存在句,表示某地存在某物。 2、There be 结构的肯定句 (1)There is + 可数名词单数 + 地点:There is a book on the desk. (2)There is + 不可数名词 + 地点:There is some water in the glass (3)There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点:There are some flowers in the garden. 就近原则:若句子中有几个并列的主语,be动词的形式和最近的一个主语保持一致 There is a book and 2 pencils in the bag. There are many flowers and a tree in the garden. 3、There be 结构的疑问句(把be动词提到句子前面,若句子中有some,要变为any) Is there a book on the desk? Is there any water in the glass? Are there any flowers in the garden? 语法专项整理(七)现在进行时 1、概念:表示说话时正在进行的动作。(提示词:Now, look, listen) 2、构成:be动词 + 现在分词: be动词后面的动词要加ing,变成动名词。

三年级英语语法大全 (1)

语法专项整理(一)名词 1、名词的种类: 2、专有名词:专有名词是指某个人、某些地方、某样物品专有的名称。Children’s Day 专有名词第一个字母要大写,前面不加a, an, the 3、单数名词: (1)一般名词,在前面加a:a book, a computer, (2)元音字母开头的名词,在前面加an: an egg, an orange(元音字母是:a, e, i, o, u) 少数例外: an hour, a university (以元音发音为准) 4、复数名词: 5、不可数名词:在不可数名词前只能加some(一些), much(许多) (1)液体:water, milk, coke, coffee, juice, tea (2)气体:air, vapour (3)不能“个别的”存在:hair, rice, beef, meat, pork, mutton

语法专项整理(二)代词 1 2、物主代词 3、指示代词:this, that, these, those 如:This is my doll. That is Mary’s. Look at the those sheep. They are eating grass. 语法专项整理(三)数词1、基数词:表示数目的多少

2 语法专项整理(五)介词 1、介词的分类 2、at, on, in在表示时间时的区别: (1)at用于具体的时刻:at 10:05, at noon, at night,

(2)on用于具体的一天(常与星期、节日、具体的某一天连用,也表示某天上午、下午或晚上) on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on June 1st, on my birthday, on Friday morning, on the weekend, (3)in用于某一段时间(常与上午、下午、晚上连用,常与月份、季节、年份连用):in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in March, in spring, in 2007, 语法专项整理(六)There be 结构 1、概念:There be结构又叫存在句,表示某地存在某物。 2、There be 结构的肯定句 (1) There is + 可数名词单数 + 地点:There is a book on the desk. (2) There is + 不可数名词 + 地点:There is some water in the glass (3) There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点:There are some flowers in the garden. 就近原则:若句子中有几个并列的主语,be动词的形式和最近的一个主语保持一致 There is a book and 2 pencils in the bag. There are many flowers and a tree in the garden. 3、There be 结构的疑问句(把be动词提到句子前面,若句子中有some,要变为any) Is there a book on the desk? Is there any water in the glass? Are there any flowers in the garden? 语法专项整理(七)现在进行时 1、概念:表示说话时正在进行的动作。(提示词:Now, look, listen) 形式例句 第一人称单数 + am + 现在分词I am reading a book. 第三人称单数+ is + 现在分词He is doing homework. She is flying a kite. 第二人称单数/各人称复数+ are + 现在分词We are cooking dinner. They are cleaning the room. 3 规则例词 一般情况,加ing Walk-walking, do-doing e结尾,去e加ing dance-dancing, make-making, write-writing, have-having,


小学三年级英语语法精 选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

(is what ,your number ,telephone) (mother , your ,a teacher , is) (who’s , cap , it , is) 答案:一. I(my) you (your)he(his)she(her)it(its)We (our)you (your)they (their) 三. name class 3. his little brother grandmother tail shoes scarf shirt teacher1 0. Mary’s umbrella 四. name is Tom. Gao is our friend’s your telephone number? your mother a teacher?’s c ap is it? (三)介词、连词和感叹词 1.介词:介词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,必须在介词后面加上个名词或代词使用,作句子成份。 介词后面的名词(或相当于名词的其它词)叫做介词的宾语。介词和介词宾语合称为介词短语。介词短语在句中可作壮语、定语或表语。 介词如: in 在…里面on在…上面under在…下面等。 in the classroom in the tree in the hall on the road on the desk on the floor under the table under the bed under the chair 2.连词:连词是用来连接词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子等的词叫连词。连词是一种虚词,在 句子中不能单独作句子成分。连词分两类:一类叫等立连词,另一类叫从属连词。(1). 等立连词是用来连接同等的词、词组和分句的。等立连词有许多 我们现在只学到了and和but,其他的以后学到再介绍。 如:A and B ; blue and white ;an apple and a banana; a car and a bus;Lucy and Ben ; B en and Kitty ; This is a lorry and that’s a drill. I like dolls and you like robots. (2). 从属连词是用来引起从句的、从属连词又分为 1) 引起名词性从句的连接词,如:if ,that 等。 2)引起壮语从句的连接词,如:when , after ,befare等。以后会逐渐学到再介绍。 3.感叹词: 表示说话人的某种感情(惊讶,高兴,痛苦等)的词叫感叹词。感叹词后常用感叹号。常用的感叹词有:oh(表示惊奇或痛苦),ah(表示惊奇或满意),hello(常被用来打招呼相当于汉语的“喂!”),well(表示惊讶,无奈) 如: you Mary? 练习:翻译下列词组 1.在桌子上面 2.在树下面 3.在椅子上面 4.在盒子里面 5.在黑板上 6.在书里 7.在脸上 8.在公共汽车上 9.一只猫和一只狗. 10.又小又胖 答案:1. on the desk 2. under the tree 3. on the desk 4. in the box 5. on the blackboard 6. in the book 7. on the face 8. on the bus 9. a cat and a dog 10. small and fat (四) 单数句和复数句:


2018沪教三年级英语下册语法知识点汇总 1.look就是不及物动词,要与介词at连用,才能后接宾语。Look at意为“瞧某物”。 2.Listen意为“听”,就是不及物动词,需与介词to连用才能后接宾语。 3.形容词性物主代词+名词,表示某人的某物。 例:her name his book 拓展:名词性物主代词 例:This book is hers、 4.have与has都表示“有”。当主语就是第一人称、第二人称或第三人称复数时,要用have;当主语就是第三人称单数时,要用has、 5.this 表示“这个”,this is 不能缩写。复数形式就是these“这些”; that 表示“那个”,that is 可以缩写,为______。复数形式就是_______“那些”。 6、易错的复数形式:bus——leaf——tooth——it—— 7、Do/Does+主语+like sth、? 用来询问某人就是否做某事。 肯定回答用:Yes,主语+do/does、 否定回答用:No,主语+don’t/doesn’t、 8.like+可数名词/不可数名词,表示喜欢某类事物。 like+doing sth、/to do sth、表示喜欢做某事。

9.what colour 用来询问颜色;what ______用来询问季节;what______用来询问时间;what_______用来询问形状。 10.Can+主语+do sth、? 用来询问某人就是否会做某事。 肯定回答用:Yes,主语+can、 否定回答用:No,主语+can’t 11.be动词运用口诀:我用am,您用are,is 连着她/她/它。单数全用is,复数全用are、 12.How do/does+物品+feel/taste/smell? 用来询问对物品的感觉。 例:This banana is soft、(对划线部分进行提问) 13.当指代之前出现货的东西时,要用定冠词the、 例:I like these flowers,but I don’t like the green one、 14.want to do sth、想要做某事 15.含有实义动词的陈述句改一般疑问句的方法:一加二变三问号 一加:在句首加动词do/does 二变:动词变原形 三问号:句号变问号


人教版小学英语三年级 上册语法 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

三年级(上)u n i t1 一、口语 1、见面打招呼用语:Hello/Hi.你好。 2、道别用语Goodbye./Bye.再见。 二、句型 1、自我介绍的句型: 2、I’m+姓名。我是...... I’m Sarah. 我是萨拉。 I’m Zhang Peng.我是张鹏。 2、表达自己拥有某物的句型:I have a/an... 我有一...... I have a ruler.我有一把尺子。 I have a new pencil box.我有一个新的铅笔盒。 3、询问对方的句型及问答 What’s your name 你叫什么名字? I’m/My name’s...我是/叫...... What’s your name 你叫什么名字? I’m John.我是约翰。/My name’s John .我叫约翰。 三、语法:1、Hello/hi 用于打招呼“你好”,喂 打电话时:Hello!This is +姓名喂!我是...... Hello和hi不受时间限制可以用于打电话,hi没有这个用法。 2、I’m... 与我是谁 (1)I’m +姓名

(2)I’m还可以用于介绍自己的年龄,特征等信息。 I’mnine 我九岁了I’m cute 我可爱I’m tall 我高 3、I have a/an...我有一......I have a/an +物品 a用于读音以辅音音素开头的单词;an用于读音以元音音素开头的单前 apen 一支钢笔aneraser 一块橡皮 4、What’s your name ’m... 我是/叫... name is...我是/叫... I表示°我±时永远大写,无论是在句首还是在句中 5、再见1.”Goodbye±比较正式的道别用语。2.“bye±比较口语化,“bye-bye±用 于非正式场合。3.“see you°再见、回头见!”一般用于熟人之间 6、°me too±我也是(1)当别人告诉你他/她有某个东西,恰好你也有 时。 I have a pen. 我有一支钢笔。Me too!我也是 (2)当别人介绍他/她的个人情况,你恰好跟他/她一样时I’m nine我 九岁了 Me too 我也是! (3)当别人说“Nice to meet you°(见到你很高兴)时,Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴Metoo! 我也是 Unit2 一、口语 早上(上午)、下午的问候语:Good moring/aftnoon!上午/下午好! 初次相识与对方打招呼用语:Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you , too.见到你也很高兴。 二、句型 1、介绍某人的句型 This is...这是...... Mr Jones,this is Miss Green.琼斯先生,这是格林小姐 2、表达“我看见......”的句型 I see...我看见...... I see red.我看见红色。 I see John.我看见约翰


上海三年级(上)英语牛津语法复习 一、反义词复习和答案 1.up---down https://www.360docs.net/doc/6a1784868.html,e---go 3.morning---night 4.old---young 5.tall----short 上下来去白天黑夜年老年轻高矮 6.fat---thin 7.open---close 8.black---white 9.long---short 10.new---old 胖瘦开关黑白长短新旧 11.big---small 12.Yes---no 13.hot---cold 14.warm----cool 15.stand---sit 大小是不是热冷暖和凉爽站坐 16.go---stop 17.soft ---- hard 18.smooth ---- rough 走停软硬光滑粗糙 二、单词复习和答案 1.Mrs 先生 2.Miss小姐 3.stand up 起立 4.sit down 坐下 5.open the door 开门 6.close the door 关门 7.open the window 开窗8.close the window 关窗 三、肯定回答、否定回答复习和答案 1. Are you a pupil? 2. Are you doctors? 3. Is she in the classroom? 4. Is your father a policeman? 5. Are they in Class One? 6.Can you dance? 7. Are Tom and you playing games ? 8. Have you got a toy car? 1.Yes,I am. No,I am not. 2.Yes,I am. No,I am not.


语法专项整理(一)名词 1、名词的种类: 2、专有名词:专有名词就是指某个人、某些地方、某样物品专有的名称。Children’s Day 专有名词第一个字母要大写,前面不加a, an, the 3、单数名词: (1)一般名词,在前面加a:a book, a computer, (2)元音字母开头的名词,在前面加an: an egg, an orange(元音字母就是:a, e, i, o, u) 少数例外: an hour, a university (以元音发音为准) 4、复数名词: 规则: 不规则:

5、不可数名词:在不可数名词前只能加some(一些), much(许多) (1)液体:water, milk, coke, coffee, juice, tea (2)气体:air, vapour (3)不能“个别的”存在:hair, rice, beef, meat, pork, mutton 语法专项整理(二)代词1、人称代词 2、物主代词

3、指示代词:this, that, these, those 如:This is my doll、That is Mary’s、 Look at the those sheep、They are eating grass、 语法专项整理(三)数词1、基数词:表示数目的多少 2、序数词:表示顺序

1、介词的分类 2、at, on, in在表示时间时的区别: (1)at用于具体的时刻:at 10:05, at noon, at night, (2)on用于具体的一天(常与星期、节日、具体的某一天连用,也表示某天上午、下午或晚上): on Monday, on New Year’s Day, on June 1st, on my birthday, on Friday morning, on the weekend, (3)in用于某一段时间(常与上午、下午、晚上连用,常与月份、季节、年份连用): in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in March, in spring, in 2007,


小学三年级英语语法讲解【三篇】 导读:本文小学三年级英语语法讲解【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】1、This _____a box. 2、She ______ draw a balloon. 3、He’s ______unhappy boy. 4、_______ you paint? Yes, I can. 5、This is ______ exercise book. 6、What’s _______name? ______name’s Ms. Black. 7、_______that boy? He’s my brother. 8、What _____ is the banana? It’s _______. 9、A dog _____swim. But a cat _____swim. 10、______a bird fiy? Yes , ____ _____. 11、________ do you ________? I like_____ ______.(雪糕) 12、________this? ______ a pencil. 13、I _____like bread. 【篇二】1、Let’s count the candles. 让我们一起数数蜡烛。 OK. 好的。 2、You’re a good boy. 你是一个好男孩。 Thank you. / Thanks. 谢谢。 3、Who’s that boy? 那男孩是谁?

He’s my friend. 他是我的朋友。 4、Oh, it’s a banana. 噢,它是一个香蕉。 5、What’s this? 这是什么? A pencil. 一只铅笔。 或:It’s a pencil. 它是一只铅笔。 6、What color is the banana? 这个苹果是什么颜色? It’s yellow. 它是黄色。【篇三】 1.Hello 的用法:Hello 的意思为“您好” ,一般可作为熟人,亲朋好友之间的打招呼用语,语气比较随便,例如: Hello,Li Hua!你好,李华。 Hello,Tom!你好,汤姆! Hello 也可以用以引起某人注意,常用在打电话时或者在路上碰见熟人时,相当于中文中的“喂”,有时也可用Hi 来代替hello ,但前者显得更随便。 2.What's your name?的用法: 当两人初次见面互相询问姓名时,可用What's your name?来提问,回答时,可用My name is ….来回答,接着反问对方时,可用And what's your name?来提问。例如: Hi!What's your name? Hi!My name is Lucy.And what's your name? My name is Wang Ying. 你好,你叫什么名字?


①反义词小练习 1.up--- 2. ---go 3.---night 4.old--- 5.tall---- 上下来去白天黑夜年老年轻高矮 6. fat--- 7.--- 8.--- 胖瘦打开关闭黑白 9.long---10.--- 长短新旧 11.---12.---13.---14.---- 大小是不是热冷暖和凉爽 15.stand---sit 16.go---17.---- hard 18.smooth ---- rough 站坐走停软硬光滑粗糙 ②单词小练习 1.先生 2.小姐 3.起立 4.坐下 5.开门 6.关门 7.开窗8.关窗 ③肯定回答、否定回答 1. Are you a pupil? 7. Are Tom and you play ing games? 8. Have you 2. Are you doctors? got a toy car? 3. Is she in the classr 1. , . oom? . 2. , . 4. Is your father a pol . 3. , . . iceman? 4. , . , 5. Are they in Class On 5. , . , 6. , . , e? 7. , . , 6.Can you dance? 8. , . , , , , . . . . .

9. Has your mother got 9. , . , . a red coat?10. Has the 10. , . , . boy got any grapes? 填空 中文意思 2 个空格 1 个空格我是I am 你是 / 你们是you are 他是he’s 她是 它是 不是 ( 单数 ) is not 不是 ( 复数) are not 我不是am not 没这个 补充 是什么what is 谁是who is


小学三年级下册英语句型与语法归纳 一、句型复习 一般疑问句: Isthis/that/ita...?回答:Yes,itis.No,itisn’t. Ishe/she...?回答:Yes,he/sheis.No,he/sheisn’t. Areyou...?回答:Yes,Iam.No,Iamnot. Arethese/they...?回答:Yes,theyare.No,theyaren’t. Doyou...?回答:Yes,Ido.No,Idon’t. Isthere...?回答:Yes,thereis.No,thereisn’t. Arethere...?回答:Yes,thereare.No,therearen’t. 特殊疑问句: Who’she/she?回答:He’s/She’s? Whoarethey?回答:Theyare... Whereis..?回答:It’sin/on...(介词短语) Whereare??回答:Theyarein/on...(介词短语)Whereareyoufrom?回答:Iamfrom.../Wearefrom... Whereishe/she/itfrom?回答:He/She/Itisfrom?Wherearetheyfrom?回答:Theyarefrom....

What’sin/on/near/under/besidethe??回答:Thereis/are... Howmany...?回答:Thereisone./Therearetwo.(2个或2个以上的数字) Whatisit/this/that?(单数)回答:It’sa.... Whatarethey/these/those?(复数)回答:They’re... 日常用语: Put...on/in(介词短语)...回答:OK/Allright. Draw...回答:OK/Allright. Thankyou!回答:You’rewelcome. Here’s...回答:Thankyou! 二、名词单数变复数,一般都把s加。 特殊变化有以下: 单数复数一个样,sheep--sheepfish-fishgoldfish-goldfishChinese-ChineseJapanese-Japanese 2.遇到oo变ee:foot-feetgoose-geesetooth-teeth 3.有些变化就是大:mouse–micechild-childrenman-menwoman-women 4.以s,x,sh,ch结尾,+es(bus-buses,box-boxes,brush-brushes, watch-watches) 5、以0结尾(有生命的o)+es(tomato-tomatoes)(番茄)例外:kangaroo-kangaroos


小学三年级英语下册句型与语法归纳 一、句型复习 一般疑问句: Is this/that/it a ...? 回答:Yes,it is. No,it isn’t. Is he / she...? 回答:Yes, he /she is. No, he/she isn’t. Are you...? 回答:Yes, I am. No, I am not. Are these/they ...? 回答:Yes,they are. No,they aren’t. Do you...? 回答:Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Is there...? 回答:Yes,there is. No, there isn’t. Are there...? 回答:Yes,there are. No, there aren’t.特殊疑问句: Who’s he/she ? 回答:He’s/She’s ? Who are they? 回答:They are... Where is..? 回答:It’s in/on...(介词短语) Where are?? 回答:They are in/on...(介词短语) Where are you from? 回答:I am from...

/ We are from... Where is he / she/ it from? 回答:He /She / It is from ? Where are they from? 回答: They are from.... What’s in / on / near/ under / beside the ?? 回答:There is /are ... How many...? 回答:There is one./There are two.(2个或2个以上的数字) What is it/this/that? (单数) 回答:It’s a... . What are they/these/those? (复数)回答:They’re ... 日常用语: Put...on/in(介词短语)... 回答: OK/All right. Draw... 回答: OK/All right. Thank you! 回答: You’re welcome. Here’s ... 回答:Thank you! 二、名词单数变复数,一般都把s 加。 特殊变化有以下: 单数复数一个样,sheep--sheep fish- fish goldfish - goldfish Chinese-Chinese Japanese -Japanese 2.遇到oo 变ee : foot-feet goose- geese tooth - teeth 3.有些变化就是大:mouse –mice child - children man-


Unit 1 10. Let's have a race. 1. Nice to see you. Good idea! Nice to see you, too. 11. Who are you? 2. This is my new friend, Amy. I'm the Easter Bunny. 3. Where are you from? 12. Guess! I'm from America. Unit 4 4. Good morning, boys and girls. 1. Do you like pears? We have a new friend today. Yes, I do.\ No, I don't. 5. Good afternoon. 2. Have some juice. 6. Good evening. Thanks. 7. Goodbye.\ See you. 3. What about…? 8. Watch out!\ Look out! Oh, I like hem very much! 9. Come in, please. 4. Hmm…It tastes good! 10. I'm sorry. 5. Can I have an apple, please? It's OK. Certainly! 11.Wait a minute.\ Wait a moment. 6. Have some more? 12. Have some tea, Mom. Yes, please.\ No, thank you.

Thanks. 7. I want some… 13. Happy Women's Day! Miss White! 8. No way! Thank you! 9. I'm full.\ I'm hungry. 14. Boy or Girl? 10. Oh, I see. 15. Hi! My name is…Unit 5 Unit 2 1. Where is my plane? 1. Well done! It's on the desk. 2. Come on! 2. Excuse me. Can I use your pencil? 3. Who's that man\boy? No problem. He's … 3. Are you ready? 4. Who's this woman\girl? Yes!\ No! She's… 4. Where are you? 5. Let's watch TV. Haha! I'm behind you. Great! 5. Are you in the toy box? 6. Really? 6. I can't find you. 7. Wow, how funny! 7. Happy Children's Day! 8. Is she your sister? Thank you! Yes.\ No, my mom. 8. This is for you!


PEP 小学英语三年级上册单词、句子、语法、练习汇总 Unit 1第一单元 pencil 铅笔 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 book 书 bag 书包 pen 钢笔 pencil-box 铅笔盒 sharpener 卷笔刀 open your pencil-box show me your pen close your book carry your bag 打开你的铅笔盒 给我看看你的钢笔 合上你的书 背上你的书包 Hello ! I ’m Chen Jie:你好,我是陈洁. What ‘s your name ?你叫什么名字? My name ’s Mike.我的名字是Mike. I have a ruler . 我有一把尺子。 ========================================================================== Unit 2第二单元 red 红色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blue 蓝色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉红色的 brown 棕色的 show me ….:给我看… black black orange orange white white brown brown stand up sit down touch the ground turn around 黑色,站起来 橙色,坐下 白色,摸地板 棕色,转圈 Good morning.早上好。 Good afternoon.下午好。 This is Miss Green.这是格林小姐。 I see green.我看见了绿色。 Nice to meet to you.很高兴认识你。 Nice to meet you,too. 也很高兴认识你。


一.将下列句子变成一般疑问句 1 Mr Wang is thirsty __________________________? 2.The elephent’s ears are long __________________________? 3. We like birds _________________________? 4.Hello.You are his mother __________________________? 5.I can sing and dance. ___________________________? 二将下列每组词各组成一句特殊疑问句 1.(you are how). _________________________?. 2.(old how Ben is)_________________________? 3.colour is what your shirt_________________________? 4.(can see what the on you desk ) ________________________? 5.(like what do you)_________________________? 小学三年级英语知识点复习:单数句和复数句 口诀: 单数句子变,变化规则要记住。 名词代词要变化,am, is要变are。 this, that变成啥,these, those来替它。 he, she, it要变啥,全部变they不用怕。 I要变we莫落下,名词后面把s/es加。 名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。 具体注意下面的六要素: 1.单数主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词,即I→we; you→you; she, he, it→they。如:She is a girl.→They are girls. 2. am, is要变为are。如:I'm a student. →We are students. 3.不定冠词a, an要去掉。如:He is a boy. →They are boys. 4.普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如:It is a cat. →They are cats. 5.指示代词this, that要变为these, those。如:This is a book.→These are books. 6. man, woman作定语修饰可数名词时,要在"数"上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示"性质"时,不作变化。 如:


PEP 小学英语三年级上册单词、句子、语法、练习汇总 出现的人物: John Miss White Mr Jones Zoom 要掌握的单词&短语&句子: Unit 1第一单元 pencil 铅笔 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 book 书 bag 书包 pen 钢笔 pencil-box 铅笔盒 sharpener 卷笔刀 open your pencil-box show me your pen close your book carry your bag 打开你的铅笔盒 给我看看你的钢笔 合上你的书 背上你的书包 Hello ! I ’m Chen Jie:你好,我是陈洁. What ‘s your name ?你叫什么名字? My name ’s Mike.我的名字是Mike. I have a ruler . 我有一把尺子。 Unit 2第二单元 red 红色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blue 蓝色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉红色的 brown 棕色的 show me ….:给我看… black black orange orange white white brown brown stand up sit down touch the ground turn around 黑色,站起来 橙色,坐下 白色,摸地板 棕色,转圈 Good morning.早上好。 Good afternoon.下午好。 This is Miss Green.这是格林小姐。 I see green.我看见了绿色。 Nice to meet to you.很高兴认识你。 Nice to meet you,too. 也很高兴认识你。 Unit3第三单元 Look at me .看看我。 This is my face.这是我的脸。 This is the arm.这是胳膊。 How are you ? 你好吗? I ’m fine.Thank you./Very well,thanks.我很好,谢谢。 Let ’s go to school. 我们一起去上学吧。 OK.好的。 Let ’s make a puppet.我们一起来做木偶吧。 Great./Good idea.好主意。 Mike Chen Jie Wu Yifan Sarah Zip


外研社小学三年级上下册英语语法 1.名词 (1)可数名词book,map,apple (2)不可数名词milk,juice,water 2.名词的数单数和复数名词变复数的规律:①一般情况+s ②以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词+es ③以辅音字母+y 结尾的名词先变y 为i,再加es. ④以o 结尾的部分名词+es ⑤以o 结尾的部分名词+s ⑥以f 或fe 结尾的名词把 f 或fe 变成v 后+es 3.名词的格Lingling’s book 4.冠词 (1)不定冠词a /an (2)定冠词the 外研社小学四年级上下册英语语法 5.代词 (1).人称代词主格I we you they he she it 宾格me us you them him her it (2).物主代词形容词性的物主代词my ,your ,our, his ,her its ,their 名词性的物主代词mine, yours ,ours, theirs, its,theirs (3) . 指示代词this ,that ,these ,those (4). 疑问代词who ,whose, what 6.数词 (1)基数词one, two ,three (2)序数词first second third 7.介词in ,on, at ,under ,behind ,for,of ,about,to 8.连词and ,but ,because 外研社小学五年级上下册英语语法 9.形容词good ,red, long ,old 10.副词well,home,here 11.形容词和副词的比较级 12. 动词—系动词be (am,is are) 行为动词swim ,dance 助动词do does don’t doesn’t did didn’t 情态动词can should may would 外研社小学六年级上下册英语语法 13.动词时态 ①一般现在时态:经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度副词的时间状语连用 (1.)am is are作谓语(2.)行为动词作谓语(3.)情态动词+动词原形 ②现在进行时表示现在正在发生的事情。结构:be +doing(现在分词) 现在分 词的构成: 时间状语标志:now, look, listen ③一般将来时:表示将来将要发生的事。结构:will do/ be going to do 时间状语标志:tomorrow, next week/month/year ④一般过去时态:表示过去一段时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。(1.)was /were作谓语(2.)行为动词的过去式作谓语(3.)could +动词原形/would +动词原形 (4.)常用的时间状语yesterday,ago ,last night/week/month/year 14.简单句 陈述句I’m a good teacher. I’ve got a new sweater. She’s got a brother. 疑问句( 1.)一般疑问句Do you often watch TV? Have you got a new book? (2.)特殊疑问句who how many how much whose when
