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邹其徽, 吕百达
( 四川大学激光物理与化学研究所四川成都 610064 )
中图分类号O435 文献标识码 A
Propagation of ultrashort chirped pulsed Gaussian beams in free space
Qihui Zou, Baida Lü
(Institute of Laser Physics & Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China)
Abstract Based on the Rayleigh diffraction integral and complex analytical signal representation, the free-space propagation equation and its Fourier spectrum for ultrashort chirped pulsed Gaussian beams are derived, and the far-field analytical electric field and spatial intensity are presented. The effects of chirp parameter on the spatiotemporal and spectral properties are illustrated with analytical formulas and numerical calculation results. It is found that if the chirp parameter C is relatively small, the on-axis spectral blueshifts increase by C2 times, the on-axis spectral bandwidth increases by (1+C2)1/2times, and the off-axis spectral redshifts also increase considerably. On-axis intensity increases with increasing chirp parameter for relatively small values of the pulse duration. The transversal intensity distribution remains nearly unchanged with increasing chirp parameter for relatively large values of the pulse duration. The sign of chirp parameters has no effect on the spectral distribution and transversal intensity distribution.
Key words Laser optics ;Ultrashort pulsed Gaussian beam;Chirp;Complex analytical signal representation
1 引言
E-mail: qihui_zou@ Tel. (028)85412819.
2 啁啾脉冲高斯光束在自由空间的传输方程
根据瑞利-索末菲衍射积分公式[11], 空间中光场分布在Z >0的半空间的任一点r =(x , y , z )的光场E (r ,ω)表示为
0200i d d )22(2i exp ),(2cos i ),(y x yy xx y x r k E r
e k E kr
⎤⎢⎣⎡--+-=ωπθω0r r (1) 式中:r 0=(x 0, y 0, 0)是入射面∑上的任一点;E 0(r 0, ω)是初始场分布;k 是波数,k =ω/c ;cos θ=z /r ,
r =(x 2+y 2+z 2)1/2,θ为衍射角。 设入射面z =0上有一高斯脉冲光束[8,11]
]2)(ex p[)(),,(22
000a y x S y x E +-=ωω, (2) 式中:S (ω)是初始轴上的脉冲光谱;ρ02 =x 02 +y 02;a 为束腰宽度,与频率无关的常数[3]。将(2)
)()(2sin i )
(2sin exp )i exp(i cos i ),(422234422222222ωθθθωS a k r r k a a k r k r a kr ka r ka r E ⎥⎦⎤
⎢⎣⎡+++--+=. (3) 式中:r ρθ=sin ,22y x +=ρ为横向距离;c 为真空中的光速。(3)式作傍轴近似得
)()e x p ()1(2e x p i 11
),,,(22ωωS kz d a y x d z y x E p i i -⎥⎦
⎤⎢⎣⎡-+--=. (4) 式中:d =z ωc /(L d ω) ; L d = ωc a 2/c (载波频率处的衍射长度);ωc 为载波频率。(4)式与文献[8]
设在z =0处的啁啾高斯脉冲的光场实数形式为[8,9]
)2c o s (2e x p )(2222T t C t T t t A c +⎪⎪⎭
⎫ ⎝⎛-=ω (5) 式中:T 是与初始时刻脉冲宽度T FWHM 相关的参数,即T FWHM =2 T (ln 2)1/2;C 为啁啾参数。初始脉冲A (t )的傅里叶变换为。
t t t A s d )i exp()(21)(ωπ
2i )1(2)()i 1(exp 2i )1(2)()i 1(exp )1(22
12φωωφωωC T C C T C C T c c (6)
式中:C Tan 1-=φ。使用复解析信号法[12],将(6)式代入(3)式可得啁啾脉冲高斯光束的傅里叶谱