小学英语-人物精品PPT课件 图文

He helps sick people. He is a doctor. 他帮助生病的人,他是一 个医生。
He teaches lessons. He is a teacher. 他教书的,他是一个教师。 She cleans streets. She is a cleaner. 她打扫街道的,她是一个清
He designs cars in a factory. He is an engineer. 他在 汽车厂工作,他是一个工程师
She sings songs. She is a singer. 她唱歌的,她是一 个歌手。
b eautiful
short/ l ong hair
f at/ heavy
怒火中烧,气贯长虹,他按捺不住冲 动的情 绪…… “深更半夜,两人呆在车里干什么?工 作班上 有的是 时间谈 ,昨晚 刚一起 喝的酒 ,有什 么要命 的事情 偏得这 时候说 ,电话 都不接 ……电 话?这 会儿我 俩都是 手机一 丢,莫 非…… ”他大 脑缺氧 ,心脏 急遽地 跳动起 来…… “呵呵 ……以 弗所的 寡妇(《 以弗所 的寡妇 》), 我明白 了,两 个月来 拼着性 命要走 ,一把 鼻涕一 把泪, 这儿病 那儿疼 ,归家 、爱怕 了…… 我始终 怀疑她 义无反 顾的决 心来自 何处? 她到底 是给自 己撕开 了那张 蒙面的 画皮… …百借 口、千 设难、 万般无 奈搭理 我;昨天 吐、今 天不上 班,‘ 热恋中 ’,就 像原先 对我, 白天见 、晚上 恋,万 水千山 ,一时 不见都 想念… …我扒 拉了一 圈的人 ,唯独 没睬这 只癞蛤 蟆,谁 知竟成 了她手 上的金 蟾…… 看来天 下真就 没有什 么不可 能,青 蛙变王 子、美 女与野 兽、武 大郎巧 娶潘金 莲、卖 油郎独 占花魁 ……越 是你不 待见的 ,偏就 是它… …惭愧 啊!我 竟不如 一只蛤 蟆,走 ,离开 她们… …”他 待要走 ,又一 转念: “若是 那种人 吗?不可 能啊? 莫不是 真就冤 枉了她? 兴许有 什么急 事儿… …不能 莽撞, 若不是 那种人 ,绝不 可能… …天意 遇上了 ,两个 月来的 谜,亦 或今晚 起底啦 ?‘是 福不是 祸,是 祸躲不 过’, 什么君 子小人 的,看 看再说 ……” 主意一 定,他 掉转车 头,把 车绕到 若的车 尾,停 下车, 两车相 距不足 二十米 远,熄 了火… …
He teaches lessons. He is a teacher. 他教书的,他是一个教师。 She cleans streets. She is a cleaner. 她打扫街道的,她是一个清
He designs cars in a factory. He is an engineer. 他在 汽车厂工作,他是一个工程师
She sings songs. She is a singer. 她唱歌的,她是一 个歌手。
b eautiful
short/ l ong hair
f at/ heavy
怒火中烧,气贯长虹,他按捺不住冲 动的情 绪…… “深更半夜,两人呆在车里干什么?工 作班上 有的是 时间谈 ,昨晚 刚一起 喝的酒 ,有什 么要命 的事情 偏得这 时候说 ,电话 都不接 ……电 话?这 会儿我 俩都是 手机一 丢,莫 非…… ”他大 脑缺氧 ,心脏 急遽地 跳动起 来…… “呵呵 ……以 弗所的 寡妇(《 以弗所 的寡妇 》), 我明白 了,两 个月来 拼着性 命要走 ,一把 鼻涕一 把泪, 这儿病 那儿疼 ,归家 、爱怕 了…… 我始终 怀疑她 义无反 顾的决 心来自 何处? 她到底 是给自 己撕开 了那张 蒙面的 画皮… …百借 口、千 设难、 万般无 奈搭理 我;昨天 吐、今 天不上 班,‘ 热恋中 ’,就 像原先 对我, 白天见 、晚上 恋,万 水千山 ,一时 不见都 想念… …我扒 拉了一 圈的人 ,唯独 没睬这 只癞蛤 蟆,谁 知竟成 了她手 上的金 蟾…… 看来天 下真就 没有什 么不可 能,青 蛙变王 子、美 女与野 兽、武 大郎巧 娶潘金 莲、卖 油郎独 占花魁 ……越 是你不 待见的 ,偏就 是它… …惭愧 啊!我 竟不如 一只蛤 蟆,走 ,离开 她们… …”他 待要走 ,又一 转念: “若是 那种人 吗?不可 能啊? 莫不是 真就冤 枉了她? 兴许有 什么急 事儿… …不能 莽撞, 若不是 那种人 ,绝不 可能… …天意 遇上了 ,两个 月来的 谜,亦 或今晚 起底啦 ?‘是 福不是 祸,是 祸躲不 过’, 什么君 子小人 的,看 看再说 ……” 主意一 定,他 掉转车 头,把 车绕到 若的车 尾,停 下车, 两车相 距不足 二十米 远,熄 了火… …

weak areas of students, and
subsequent teaching.
Teacher guidance
Teacher Role Positioning
Role as a guide
Teachers should act as guides for students, promoting them with clear learning objectives and directions
Shanghai version of primary school English PowerPo
• Course Introduction • Teaching content • Teaching resources • Teaching evaluation • Teacher guidance
Unit 5
Reading comprehension and cultural understanding
Teaching method
The teacher presentations and explanations new vocabulary, grammar, presence structures, and cultural information in class
Classroom performance
Evaluate students' performance in the classroom, such as whether they are able to think positively and express themselves clearly, in order to understand their learning status.

Practical exercises
Group exercises
Group discussion
Divide students into small groups and provide a topic for discussion Encourage them to express their opinions and exchange ideas with each other in English This helps improve their communication skills and understanding of different perspectives
Foster students' interest in English language learning
Prepare students for future English speaking environments and challenges
Course content
Basic greetings and introductions
Requesting and Providing Assistance
Requesting Assistance
This section of the courseware teachers students how to properly ask for help in English It covers ways to ask for help with various tasks, such as finding a loss item or asking for directions The courseware also teachers students how to respond appropriately when someone asks for their assistance
Group exercises
Group discussion
Divide students into small groups and provide a topic for discussion Encourage them to express their opinions and exchange ideas with each other in English This helps improve their communication skills and understanding of different perspectives
Foster students' interest in English language learning
Prepare students for future English speaking environments and challenges
Course content
Basic greetings and introductions
Requesting and Providing Assistance
Requesting Assistance
This section of the courseware teachers students how to properly ask for help in English It covers ways to ask for help with various tasks, such as finding a loss item or asking for directions The courseware also teachers students how to respond appropriately when someone asks for their assistance

(1)Her younger sister is a teacher. (2)Did you forget the famous writer’s name? (3)After supper, he went to visit his younger brother. (4)There is an eraser under the computer. (5)The second picture drew by my brother is very beautiful
hot [ hɔt ] fox stop [ stɔp ] dog not [ nɔt ] pot box [ bɔks ] clock sorry [ 'sɔri ] what [wɔt ]
(1)这是两个不同的音素, /i:/不是/ɪ/的单纯加长。它们的发音口腔部位不完全相同。 (2)发/ɪ/音时,口腔肌肉松弛;发/i:/时口腔肌肉紧张。 (3) /ɪ/是短元音,发音短促; /i:/是长元音,发音细长。
★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高。 (2)双唇中常,上下齿间可容下一食指,口腔肌肉松弛。 ★注意事项 (1)发/e/ 音时,口不能张得太大。 (2)要避免舌头随便移动,从而发成其他的双元音。 ★发音练习
(1)This is a pig. (2)Jim is as thin as a pin. (3)Dick often sits on the hill. (4)Bill lives in this village. (5)It is a pity, this city is too noisy.
(1)Her younger sister is a teacher. (2)Did you forget the famous writer’s name? (3)After supper, he went to visit his younger brother. (4)There is an eraser under the computer. (5)The second picture drew by my brother is very beautiful
hot [ hɔt ] fox stop [ stɔp ] dog not [ nɔt ] pot box [ bɔks ] clock sorry [ 'sɔri ] what [wɔt ]
(1)这是两个不同的音素, /i:/不是/ɪ/的单纯加长。它们的发音口腔部位不完全相同。 (2)发/ɪ/音时,口腔肌肉松弛;发/i:/时口腔肌肉紧张。 (3) /ɪ/是短元音,发音短促; /i:/是长元音,发音细长。
★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高。 (2)双唇中常,上下齿间可容下一食指,口腔肌肉松弛。 ★注意事项 (1)发/e/ 音时,口不能张得太大。 (2)要避免舌头随便移动,从而发成其他的双元音。 ★发音练习
(1)This is a pig. (2)Jim is as thin as a pin. (3)Dick often sits on the hill. (4)Bill lives in this village. (5)It is a pity, this city is too noisy.

Read and underline (细读剩余三页,划出他们做的事情)
First , Christmas Eve comes. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.
Discuss in groups (小组讨论; 如有不会的词句,可向组员或老师求助哦!)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
At Christmas
——By Mike
Read and match(默读纸条,图文匹配) stick(粘贴)
A:What do they do? B: They…
beautiful things(东西)
We put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our pprreessents under the tree. It looks great!
Read and order
First , we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great!
, we buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas.
Read and underline (细读剩余三页,划出他们做的事情)
First , Christmas Eve comes. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.
Discuss in groups (小组讨论; 如有不会的词句,可向组员或老师求助哦!)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜)
At Christmas
——By Mike
Read and match(默读纸条,图文匹配) stick(粘贴)
A:What do they do? B: They…
beautiful things(东西)
We put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our pprreessents under the tree. It looks great!
Read and order
First , we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree. We also put our presents under the tree. It looks great!
, we buy presents for our family and friends. We also buy a Christmas tree. We sometimes go to see Father Christmas.

Word apple also provides students with a variety of resources, including flashcards, word lists and audio recordings, to help them review and practice new words
"Primary School English Course"
"A Journey into the World of English Language Learning"
Include your school or organization's logo to give the course a professional touch
Word banana is another popular primary school English PPT courseware that focuses on vocabulary learning It uses a variety of engaging activities and games to make learning new words more enjoyable and effective
Word banana also provides students with additional resources, including word banks, example sentences and audio recordings, to help them practice and improve their English language skills
"Primary School English Course"
"A Journey into the World of English Language Learning"
Include your school or organization's logo to give the course a professional touch
Word banana is another popular primary school English PPT courseware that focuses on vocabulary learning It uses a variety of engaging activities and games to make learning new words more enjoyable and effective
Word banana also provides students with additional resources, including word banks, example sentences and audio recordings, to help them practice and improve their English language skills

Aquatic animal features
Aquatic animals typically have girls or lungs to break in water or air They also have specialized features such as fins or legs to move in water or on land
Mammalian features
Mammalian animals typically have hair, three middle ear bones, and a closed skeleton They also have a body temperature that is regulated at a constant level, and they give birth to live young
Aquatic animals
• Aquatic animal adaptations: Aquatic animals have adaptations that allow them to survive in their environment Some fish have swim bladders to stay busy in water, while amphibians have permanent skin that allows them to break through their skin while in water or on land Reptiles and mammas have adaptations that allow them to regulate their body temperature and maintain home ostasis in their environment
Aquatic animals typically have girls or lungs to break in water or air They also have specialized features such as fins or legs to move in water or on land
Mammalian features
Mammalian animals typically have hair, three middle ear bones, and a closed skeleton They also have a body temperature that is regulated at a constant level, and they give birth to live young
Aquatic animals
• Aquatic animal adaptations: Aquatic animals have adaptations that allow them to survive in their environment Some fish have swim bladders to stay busy in water, while amphibians have permanent skin that allows them to break through their skin while in water or on land Reptiles and mammas have adaptations that allow them to regulate their body temperature and maintain home ostasis in their environment

1. 把本课let’s talk 读给家长听。 2. 四会本课重点词汇。
Unit 1 My classroom
人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册
Part B
师生一起复习上节课Let’s do 部分内容,同 学们模仿做动作。
Open the door. Turn on the light. Close the window. Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard.
( B )1. Let’s
the classroom.
A. help
B. clean
C. close
( C )2. Let
clean the blackboard.
B. my
C. me
( A )3. —
is the green chair?
— It’s near the window.
Unit 1 My classroom
人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册
Part A
师生对话: T:Hello! Welcome to our school!
Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you, too. T: How are you? S: Fine,thank you.
Group work
x √ x √
desk chair window
小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起学Let's check吧。

Understanding Western culture is essential for effective communication and cultural sensitivity in a globalized world. It also helps to appreciate the values and traditions that shape Western society.
Cross cultural exchange
Cross-cultural exchange is essential for promoting global understanding and cooperation. It involves the sharing of ideas, values, and traditions between different cultures.
Cross-cultural exchange can take place through various channels, such as international business transactions, cultural festivals, and language learning programs.
团队协作能力。Βιβλιοθήκη Individual practice:学生独 立完成练习和作业,巩固所学
Teacher feedback:教师及 时给予学生反馈和指导,帮助 学生纠正错误和提高学习效果
Basic knowledge
Letters and Pronunciation
Cross cultural exchange
Cross-cultural exchange is essential for promoting global understanding and cooperation. It involves the sharing of ideas, values, and traditions between different cultures.
Cross-cultural exchange can take place through various channels, such as international business transactions, cultural festivals, and language learning programs.
团队协作能力。Βιβλιοθήκη Individual practice:学生独 立完成练习和作业,巩固所学
Teacher feedback:教师及 时给予学生反馈和指导,帮助 学生纠正错误和提高学习效果
Basic knowledge
Letters and Pronunciation

Were 3. ________ you on duty the day before yesterday?
was 4. Mr. King ________ in London two weeks ago. are 5. There ________ many kinds of animals in the zoo. was 6. What ________ the date yesterday? is 7. Look! A little girl ________ flying a kite.
3. It’s all right; it’s only _______m_e_(我).
T_o_d_a_y________(我_w_们e__) (a我rwe们eg)oiwnegnitn i_n________________(_他o(u我们r 们的的). )
car; tomorrow theirs
1. 泛指的抽象名词前。Life is very hard for some people. 2. 泛指的物质名词前。Water is very useful. 3. 泛指的复数名词前。Books are my best friends. 4. 泛指的“餐”名前。Come to have dinner/breakfast with me. 5. 大多数的专有名词前。He comes from France. 6. 语言的名词前。She can speak French. 7. 在季节和节日的名词前。Winter is the best time for skating. 8. 当名词前已有一些代词修饰时。My brother is a soldier. 9. 在体育项目的名词前。play basketball 10. 一些常用短语。 at home, go to school, at night
小学英语--人称代词 ppt课件

这个书包不是他的。 他的书包是黑色的。
my book =mine his sweater = his your desks = yours our desks = ours our classroom = ours our English teacher= ours their English teacher = theirs her CDs =hers its milk =its
Hers is blue.
Our books are green.Ours are small.
Your desks are big.
Yours are nice,too.
Their presents are nice. Theirs are red.
our pencil我们的铅笔.
ppt课件 20
在汉语中,“我的书包”中的” 我的”就是物主代词,表述书包的 主人是 “我”。英语中的物主代词 则有形容词性物主代词和名词性物 主代词之分。
主格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词
you he she we you they
my your his her our your their
us 只能用于宾语的位置
• You在人称代词中应该是最容易记的了:
“你”的主格 “你们”的主格

Vocabulary extension
It resources students to expand their vocabulary through reading, listening, and speaking activities, as well as games and quizzes
Vocabulary lists
The courseware includes vocabulary lists for each unit, with clear explanations and examples to help students understand and remember new words
Course features
Comprehensive courseware that covers all major areas of English language learning
Diverse and practical activities to help students apply their knowledge in real world settings
Online teaching resources
• Online courses: These courses provide additional learning materials and resources for students to access the outside of the classroom The courses include interactive quizzes, games, and virtual reality experiences, encoding students to further explore and develop their English language skills The online platform also allows for seamless integration with other educational technologies, facilitating effective teaching and learning
It resources students to expand their vocabulary through reading, listening, and speaking activities, as well as games and quizzes
Vocabulary lists
The courseware includes vocabulary lists for each unit, with clear explanations and examples to help students understand and remember new words
Course features
Comprehensive courseware that covers all major areas of English language learning
Diverse and practical activities to help students apply their knowledge in real world settings
Online teaching resources
• Online courses: These courses provide additional learning materials and resources for students to access the outside of the classroom The courses include interactive quizzes, games, and virtual reality experiences, encoding students to further explore and develop their English language skills The online platform also allows for seamless integration with other educational technologies, facilitating effective teaching and learning

句型结构: I'm+姓名.
例句 I'm Mike. 我是迈克。
-你好,我是刘欣。 -你好,我是约翰。
点击“Let's learn”, 跟我一起学朗读技巧吧!
Let’s learn
2.have, craser, an, I (.)
I have an eraser.
My name is Mike.
, my, is, Mike (.)
_C_lo_se_y_o_ur_b_oo_k_. _________________
—What‘s your name?你叫什么名字? —My name's John. 我叫约翰。
详解 此句是由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问他人的姓名。what
是疑问代词,what's是what is的缩写形式,意为“是什么”。
例句 —What's your name?
好极了 猜 那里 好
点击“Story time”, 跟我一起学朗读技巧吧!
Story time
Hello !
Hi !Who’s there? Guess!
Are you Tutu? No!
Haha ! I’m Zip !

2.行为动词:主语 行为动词( 其它)。如: We study English.我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,
要在动词 后加“-s”或“-es” 如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。
一般现在时的变化 1. be动词的变化。 否定句:主语 be not 其它。
❖2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑 问句,作否定回答) ______________________________________
当主语为第三人称单数,要用does构成一般疑 问句
如 -Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
动词 s的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,
如:cook-cooks, milk-milks
2.以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es, 如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes
strawberry _____
thief _____
you _____ peach___ sandwich ___
man_____ woman___
一般现在时基本用法介绍 一般现在时的功能 1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。
如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。
如: I don't like bread. 当主语为第三人称单数,用doesn‘t构成否定句
如:He doesn't often play.
一般疑问句:Do( Does ) 主语 动词原形 其它。 如- Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
要在动词 后加“-s”或“-es” 如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。
一般现在时的变化 1. be动词的变化。 否定句:主语 be not 其它。
❖2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑 问句,作否定回答) ______________________________________
当主语为第三人称单数,要用does构成一般疑 问句
如 -Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
动词 s的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,
如:cook-cooks, milk-milks
2.以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es, 如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes
strawberry _____
thief _____
you _____ peach___ sandwich ___
man_____ woman___
一般现在时基本用法介绍 一般现在时的功能 1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。
如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。
如: I don't like bread. 当主语为第三人称单数,用doesn‘t构成否定句
如:He doesn't often play.
一般疑问句:Do( Does ) 主语 动词原形 其它。 如- Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Import course
In PowerPoint, click "File">"Import", select the course file to import, and then import the course into the presentation.
Edit Course
After importing the course, the teacher can edit it as needed, such as adding comments, inserting images, adjusting fonts and colors, etc.
04 Unit 4: Time and Weather
Course import
Course Introduction
Introduce the course content and objectives of this unit, allowing students to understand the key and difficult points of learning.
Oral Practice
Teachers can organize students to engage in oral practice, simulate real-life scenarios for dialogue, such as self introduction, mutual greetings, etc.
Vocabulary exercises
Teachers can set some vocabulary exercises in PowerPoint, such as multiple-choice questions, fill in the blank questions, etc., to test students' mastery of new vocabulary.
In PowerPoint, click "File">"Import", select the course file to import, and then import the course into the presentation.
Edit Course
After importing the course, the teacher can edit it as needed, such as adding comments, inserting images, adjusting fonts and colors, etc.
04 Unit 4: Time and Weather
Course import
Course Introduction
Introduce the course content and objectives of this unit, allowing students to understand the key and difficult points of learning.
Oral Practice
Teachers can organize students to engage in oral practice, simulate real-life scenarios for dialogue, such as self introduction, mutual greetings, etc.
Vocabulary exercises
Teachers can set some vocabulary exercises in PowerPoint, such as multiple-choice questions, fill in the blank questions, etc., to test students' mastery of new vocabulary.

Identifying key information
Providing a text with key information missing and asking students to listen for specific details For example, a text about a trip to a theme park will include questions about the different attractions, food, and activities The students must listen carefully to fill in the missing information
Classroom Interaction and Action
Listening exercises
Listening to the text
Designing a listening exercise that includes a recorded text with different levels of diversity The students listen to the text and answer questions about it. This helps them improve their understanding of the language and their ability to listen actively
Oral Practice
Role playing
Designing scenarios for the students to role play For example, a scenario about buying crops at the market or ordering food at a restaurant The students must use the language they have learned to perform their roles, which helps them practice their speaking skills in a safe and controlled environment
Providing a text with key information missing and asking students to listen for specific details For example, a text about a trip to a theme park will include questions about the different attractions, food, and activities The students must listen carefully to fill in the missing information
Classroom Interaction and Action
Listening exercises
Listening to the text
Designing a listening exercise that includes a recorded text with different levels of diversity The students listen to the text and answer questions about it. This helps them improve their understanding of the language and their ability to listen actively
Oral Practice
Role playing
Designing scenarios for the students to role play For example, a scenario about buying crops at the market or ordering food at a restaurant The students must use the language they have learned to perform their roles, which helps them practice their speaking skills in a safe and controlled environment
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苏科铭 英教0931 26号
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A: Whaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้’s this? B: It’s _a_l_ig__h_t _.
A: Let’s _tu_r_n__o_n_t_h_e__li_g_h_t_.
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A: Let’s s_w__e_e_p_t_h_e__fl_o_o_r.
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A: What’s this? B: It’s _a_w__in_d__o_w_.
A: Let’s _c_l_e_a_n_t_h_e__b_o_a_rd__.
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Read after the tape.
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This ppt corresponds with the design of the rule basically,and it can be easy to understand among the children.Moreover,it will attract a lot of attention from children,making children feel more interested in studying English .The disadvantage of the ppt is that it lacks the creative mind.
A: Let’s _c_le_a_n__th_e__w_i_n_d_o_w_.
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A: What’s this? B: It’s _a_p__ic_t_u_re_.
A: Let’s p__u_t _u_p_t_h_e__p_ic_t_u_r_e.
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A: What’s this? B: It’s _a_b__o_a_rd___.
Unit One
Part A
1.Warming-up 2.Presentation 3.Practise 4.Self-evaluation
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This is a classroom. What’s in the classroom?
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Let’s guess these words:
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Look at the picture of a classroom. And answer:
What’s in the classroom? And how many?
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boar d
pictur e
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A: What’s this? B: It’s _a_d__o_o_r_.
A: Let’s _o_p_e_n__th_e__d_o_o_r_.