英国文学TheAngloSaxonPeriod ppt课件
The Anglo-Saxon Period witnessed a Transition from tribal society to feudalism.
British Literature I
5. The Anglo-Saxon religious belief
The Anglo-Saxons were heathen (异教徒) people, believing in old mythology of Northern Europe.
Early Inhabitants
a tribe of Celts the land of Britons
primitive people clustering of huts
tribal society
2. The Roman Conquest
British Literature I
British Literature I
History and Selected Readings of British Literature
British Literature I
Outline of British Literature
▪ 1. Anglo-Saxon Period 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(449-1066) ▪ 2. Anglo-Norman Period (Middle Ages)盎格鲁- 诺曼时期
English language was influenced by the Northern mythology.
▪ 6.The Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1798-1832) ▪ 7.The Critical Realism 批判现实主义时期(19世纪30年代-
英国浪漫主义文学作品中常常包含深 刻的哲学思考,探讨人性、道德、自 由等主题,表现出对人类命运的关注 和思考。
英国浪漫主义文学关注历史背景,将 文学作品与历史事件、社会现实等联 系起来,展现出浓厚的历史感。
现实主义与浪漫主义相结合, 注重细节描写和人物塑造
关注人性探索,深入挖掘内心世界,强调个 性表达
心理分析、象征主义和神秘主义,注重艺术 表现和情感渲染
英国浪漫主义文学的主要代表人 物及其作品
英国浪漫主义诗歌形式多样,包 括长诗、短诗、叙事诗等,强调 韵律和节奏感。
英国浪漫主义诗歌善于运用象征 和隐喻手法,通过具象的描绘传 达抽象的概念和情感。
英国浪漫主义诗歌注重情感渲染 ,通过强烈的情感表达和渲染来 打动读者。
பைடு நூலகம்
英国浪漫主义作家善于描绘自然,将 自然元素融入到作品中,强调人与自 然的和谐共存。
拜伦、雪莱、济慈、华兹华斯 等
强调个人情感、自然和自由, 反对理性主义和传统束缚
富有想象力,追求形式和语言 的创新
Romanticism / the Romantic Movement
an attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of arts in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid19th century. a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality a reaction against the Enlightenment and against 18thcentury rationalism and physical materialism in general. emphasizing the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the
New poetic features
language: simple, everyday life speech, common vocabulary and accent dialect e.g. Blake, Wordsworth form: lyrics(sonnet, ode), narrative (ballad) purpose: emotional, confessional and visionary/prophetic principles: imagination
美国浪漫主义文学 优质课件
• 1. Irving is the first belletrist in American literature, writing for pleasure at a time when writing was practical and for useful purposes.
Herman Melville
Introduction of his life and family
Major Writings
• Adventure of Captain Bonneville • Adventure of the German Student • Art of Book-Making • Broken Heart • Devil and Tom Walker • English Writers in America • Legend of Sleepy Hollow • Little Britain • Old Christmas • Rip Van Winkle • Roscoe • Royal Poet • Rural Life in England • Spector Bridegroo • Stout Gentleman • Voyage • Widow and Her Son • Wif
American Romanticism Culture
• The "Romantic Period" refers to literary and cultural movements in England, Europe, and America roughly from 1770 to 1860. Romantic writers celebrated imagination/intuition versus reason/calculation, spontaneity versus control, subjectivity and metaphysical musing versus objective fact, revolutionary energy versus tradition, individualism versus social conformity, democracy versus monarchy, and so on.
british literature 浪漫主义时期
passage of the first Reform Bill
B. Historical, social background
1. Historically Influences of French Revolution (July 14th, 1789) 1. The British people --more and more dissatisfied with the reality of their country 2. The Revolution inspired them 2.Politically Rousseau’s new ideas about Nature, Society and Education in Du Contract
Ode to the West Wind
Keats was not only the last but also the most perfect of the Romanticists. While Scott was merely telling stories, and Wordsworth reforming poaw, and Shelley advocating impossible reforms, and Byron voicing his own egoism and the political discontent of the times, Keats lived apart from men and from all political measures, worshiping beauty like a devotee, perfectly content to write what was in his own heart, or to reflect some splendor of the natural world as he saw or dreamed it to be.
英国文学浪漫主义时期 ppt课件
Historical Background
Politically: the French Revolution
"Declaration of Rights of Man" (1791-2), Thomas Paine
"Inquiry concerning Political Justice" (1793), William Godwin
a tendency to turn or escape from the tumultuous嘈杂的动乱的and confusing society
Characteristics of Romanticism
•Love of Nature: The Romantics greatly emphasized on the importance of nature, and one of the main characteristics of Romanticism in poetry is the beauty of nature found in the country life. This was mainly because the industrial revolution had taken man from the peaceful country life towards the city life, transforming man's natural order. Nature was not only appreciated for its physical beauty by the Romantics, but also for its ability to help the urban man find his true identity.
Several names attached to Irving: A. He is Father of American Literature. He is the first American writer of imaginative
literature to gain international fame. He is equal to English writers. Before him, American literature was influenced by British Literature. Through Irving, American literature attained its independent status. The short story, as a literary genre, begins with Washington’s The Sketch Book.
Commonplaces of American Romanticism
New emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qua1ities of literature.
An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic states of their character.
New England Transcendentalism • The phase of New England Transendentalism is the summit of American Romanticism on Puritan soil.
英美文学课件3 The Romantic Period
“And because I am happy & dance & sing They think they have done me no injury, And are gone to praise God & his Priest & King, Who make up a heaven of our misery.”
• Wordsworth and Coleridge were the major representatives of this movement. They explored new theories and innovated mew techniques in poetry writing. Wordsworth’s theory is calling for simple themes drawn from humble life expressed in the language of ordinary people.
The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Experience) A little black thing among the snow Crying “’weep! ‘weep!” in notes of woe! “Where are thy father & mother? Say?” “They are both gone up to the church to pray.
• Wordsworth is regarded as a “worshipper of nature.” • “The Sparrow’s Nest” “To a Skylark” • “To the Cuckoo” “To a Butterfly” • “I Wandered lonely as a Cloud” • “An Evening Walk” • “My Heart Leaps up” • “Tintern Abbey”
英国浪漫时期文学课件The Romantic Period
The literature of the Romantic Movement expressed a more or less negative attitude of the different social strata of the time toward the existing social and political conditions that came with the industrial revolution and the growing importance of the bourgeoisie.
The outstanding “romantic” essayists of the first decades of the 19th century include William Hazlitt, Thomas de Quincey , Charles Lamb
The era of the Romantic Movement in the early 19th century English literature was a period of great poetry and great prose.
radical writers for the rights of the people
The Romantic Movement in English Literature as Part of the Romantic Movement in European Literature.
It came earliest in Germany in the late 18th century, began in England a little later, with the romantic precursors in late 18th century and then the great romantic poets in the last years of the 18th century and the first two decades of the 19th, and it arrived last in France, flowering in the early 19th century, with Victor Hugo, Chateaubriand (1768~ 1848) ,Beranger, Lamartine and George Sand(1804~1876).
English Literature 英美文学总结 PPT
(Middle ages)
5. Literature of the Renaissance(16th)
6. Literature of revolution and restoration(17th)
7. The age of Enlightenment(18th)
8.The romantic period (early 19th)) 9.The Victorian age (1930s on) 10.20th century literature
1. three languages were used by people in the English society. The Norman lords spoke French.
The Anglo-Saxon poor people spoke English; the scholars and clergymen used Latin in writing. The three languages coexisted and influenced one another and English language underwent a great deal of changes during this period.
English Literature 英美文学总结
1. The Anglo-Saxon Period 2. The Anglo-Norman Period 3. Literature of the 14th century 4. Literature of the 15th century
The French-speaking Normans, under the leadership of Duke William, invaded and conquered England in the year 1066. After defeating the English at the battle of Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. The Norman Conquest marks the beginning of the establishment of feudalism in England.
5. Literature of the Renaissance(16th)
6. Literature of revolution and restoration(17th)
7. The age of Enlightenment(18th)
8.The romantic period (early 19th)) 9.The Victorian age (1930s on) 10.20th century literature
1. three languages were used by people in the English society. The Norman lords spoke French.
The Anglo-Saxon poor people spoke English; the scholars and clergymen used Latin in writing. The three languages coexisted and influenced one another and English language underwent a great deal of changes during this period.
English Literature 英美文学总结
1. The Anglo-Saxon Period 2. The Anglo-Norman Period 3. Literature of the 14th century 4. Literature of the 15th century
The French-speaking Normans, under the leadership of Duke William, invaded and conquered England in the year 1066. After defeating the English at the battle of Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. The Norman Conquest marks the beginning of the establishment of feudalism in England.
▣一、中世纪文学(约5世纪一1485)-Old and Medieval English Literatu e-目-三、文艺复兴丽期文学15世纪后期一17世纪初)-The Renaissance Period-口三 17世纪文学-▣四、启蒙时期文学17世纪后期一18世纪中期-The Enlightenment Perio -▣五、浪漫主义时期文学1798-1832-The Romantic Period-▣六、现实主义时期文学 9世纪30年代-1918-▣七、现代主义文学时期1918-1945)-▣八、当代文学1945一
中世纪文学背景-目-英伦三岛遭遇三次外族入侵:古罗马人,盎-格-撒克逊人,诺曼底人。在英国文学史留-下深刻 响。-▣上吉时期(约450-1066年),盎格-撒克-逊文明兴盛时期,文学表现形式主要为诗歌-和散文。-▣ 世纪时期1066-15世纪后期,即从诺-曼底征服起到文艺复兴前,英国封建社会时-期文学,盛行民间抒情诗th folk ballad和-骑士抒情诗the romance-3
威廉·莎士比亚-▣Villiam Shakespeare-▣15641616-▣英国戏剧之父-▣两首长诗, 54首十四行诗和38部(或39-部戏剧-12
莎士比亚历史剧-口概括了英国历史上百余年间的动乱,塑造-系列正、反面君主形象,反映了莎士比亚-反对封建割据 拥护中央集权,谴责暴君暴-政,要求开明君主进行自上而下改革,建立-和谐社会关系的人文主义政治与道德理想。3
中世纪文学作品-▣英国文学最初同其他国家一样,是口头的。-▣《贝奥武甫》Boewulf,是英国8世纪-的一 英雄史诗,堂PPT)
▣公元10世纪,浪漫传奇-▣《高文爵王和绿衣骑王》-Sir Gawain and the Green Kn ght-▣以亚瑟王和圆桌骑士为题材-The Return of-在书三布在商单必里,出国-King Art ur-的其圆权0挂-到只项安函包覆-餐征核利的武器-Complenad the-Cunt for Wbol tess-h好aI-m Soil-Kefirdpr-立在城-斯铸联防-Excaibur-DIANA DUR AM
▣一、中世纪文学(约5世纪一1485)-Old and Medieval English Literatu e-目-三、文艺复兴丽期文学15世纪后期一17世纪初)-The Renaissance Period-口三 17世纪文学-▣四、启蒙时期文学17世纪后期一18世纪中期-The Enlightenment Perio -▣五、浪漫主义时期文学1798-1832-The Romantic Period-▣六、现实主义时期文学 9世纪30年代-1918-▣七、现代主义文学时期1918-1945)-▣八、当代文学1945一
中世纪文学背景-目-英伦三岛遭遇三次外族入侵:古罗马人,盎-格-撒克逊人,诺曼底人。在英国文学史留-下深刻 响。-▣上吉时期(约450-1066年),盎格-撒克-逊文明兴盛时期,文学表现形式主要为诗歌-和散文。-▣ 世纪时期1066-15世纪后期,即从诺-曼底征服起到文艺复兴前,英国封建社会时-期文学,盛行民间抒情诗th folk ballad和-骑士抒情诗the romance-3
威廉·莎士比亚-▣Villiam Shakespeare-▣15641616-▣英国戏剧之父-▣两首长诗, 54首十四行诗和38部(或39-部戏剧-12
莎士比亚历史剧-口概括了英国历史上百余年间的动乱,塑造-系列正、反面君主形象,反映了莎士比亚-反对封建割据 拥护中央集权,谴责暴君暴-政,要求开明君主进行自上而下改革,建立-和谐社会关系的人文主义政治与道德理想。3
中世纪文学作品-▣英国文学最初同其他国家一样,是口头的。-▣《贝奥武甫》Boewulf,是英国8世纪-的一 英雄史诗,堂PPT)
▣公元10世纪,浪漫传奇-▣《高文爵王和绿衣骑王》-Sir Gawain and the Green Kn ght-▣以亚瑟王和圆桌骑士为题材-The Return of-在书三布在商单必里,出国-King Art ur-的其圆权0挂-到只项安函包覆-餐征核利的武器-Complenad the-Cunt for Wbol tess-h好aI-m Soil-Kefirdpr-立在城-斯铸联防-Excaibur-DIANA DUR AM
❖ Three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke French, the lower class spoke English, and the scholars and clergymen used Latin.
1918) ▪ 8.The Modern Period现代主义时期(1918-1945) ▪ 9.Contemporary English Literature 当代文学(1945— 至
The AngloNorman Period (1066-1350)
1. The Norman Conquest
❖ After the conquest, feudal system was
established in English society. The new king
ruled England with a high hand. He made a
thorough job of taking over the country, and
It was William I landlords who pushed England
peasants into the feudal society
the King ruling the King’s office
church government
. government burnt alive7
pyramid in Egypt. At the top of it was the
King William and below him were his
1918) ▪ 8.The Modern Period现代主义时期(1918-1945) ▪ 9.Contemporary English Literature 当代文学(1945— 至
The AngloNorman Period (1066-1350)
1. The Norman Conquest
❖ After the conquest, feudal system was
established in English society. The new king
ruled England with a high hand. He made a
thorough job of taking over the country, and
It was William I landlords who pushed England
peasants into the feudal society
the King ruling the King’s office
church government
. government burnt alive7
pyramid in Egypt. At the top of it was the
King William and below him were his
• (7) Lyrical Ballads, 《抒情歌谣集》 a collection of poem by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, published in 1798, which marked the start of Romanticism as a literary trend.
Revolution exert great influence on English
• Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.
• English Romanticism is a revolt of the
English imagination against the
neoclassical reason. The French Revolution
Revolution exert great influence on English
• Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.
• English Romanticism is a revolt of the
English imagination against the
neoclassical reason. The French Revolution
18世纪末至 19世纪初, 英国社会变 革剧烈,工 业革命、政 治改革等推 动了社会进 步
浪漫主义文 学反对古典 主义,强调 个性解放和 情感表达
浪漫主义文 学受到德国 古典哲学、 法国启蒙运 动等思想的 影响
浪漫主义文 学强调自然、 情感、想象 力和个性, 反对理性、 逻辑和传统
浪漫主义文 学的代表人 物有拜伦、 雪莱、济慈 等
艺术特色:浪漫主义风格, 充满激情和想象力
影响:对欧洲文学和思想 产生了深远影响
评价:被誉为英国浪漫主 义文学的代表作之一
作者:威廉·布莱克 创作背景:18世纪末,英国工业革命时期 主题:对工业革命的批判和对人类未来的思考 艺术特色:象征主义、寓言、神话和宗教元素 影响:对后世文学和艺术产生了深远影响
强调个人情感和内心世界的表达 追求自由、平等、博爱的价值观 反对理性主义和功利主义 强调自然和人性的和谐统一
影响:对英国浪漫主义文学产生了深远影响,被誉为“英国浪漫主义 文学的开山之作”
创作背景:19世纪初的 欧洲社会动荡
主题:追求自由、反抗压 迫
描绘自然风光,表达对自然的热 爱和赞美
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a deepened appreciation of the beauties of nature;
a general exaltation of emotion over reason
a turning in upon the self and a heightened examination of human personality and its moods and mental potentialities;
Women and children were employed as cheap labor;
New machines were set up, rendering many out of work;
Disparity was growing between the rich and the poor;
purpose: emotional, confessional and visionary/prophetic
"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" (1792), Mary Wollstonecraft
The principle of Ration was giving way to an individualized, free, liberal, imaginative attitude towards life; a tendency to turn or escape from the tumultuous and confusing Here and Now
creative spirit over strict adherence to formal rules and traditional procedures;
an emphasis upon imagination
an obsessive interest in folk culture, national and ethnic cultural origins, and the medieval era; and a predilection for the exotic, the remote, the mysterious
The Romantic Period (1798-1832)
Historical Background
Politically: the French Revolution
"Declaration of Rights of Man" (1791-2), Thomas Paine
"Inquiry concerning Political Justice" (1793), William Godwin
a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality
a reaction against the Enlightenment and against 18thcentury rationalism and physical materialism in general.
New poetic features
language: simple, everyday life speech, common vocabulary and accent dialect e.g. Blake, Wordsworth
form: lyrics(sonnet, ode), narrative (ballad)
Poetry: the Age of Poetry
Differences between 18 th-century and 19 th-century ( between Neoclassicism and Romanticism)
reason vs passion reason vs imagination commercial vs natural industrial vs pastoral present vs past society vs individual order and stability vs freedom decorative expression vs simple and spontaneous expression
an attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of arts in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid19th century.
Expansion abroad continued: ( America), Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the West Indies and other nations.
Romanticism / te individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the
Characteristic attitudes
Economically: the great Industrial Revolution
Continued fast changes took place both in the country and in the cities;
Many farmhands driven out of land rushed into the city;
a general exaltation of emotion over reason
a turning in upon the self and a heightened examination of human personality and its moods and mental potentialities;
Women and children were employed as cheap labor;
New machines were set up, rendering many out of work;
Disparity was growing between the rich and the poor;
purpose: emotional, confessional and visionary/prophetic
"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" (1792), Mary Wollstonecraft
The principle of Ration was giving way to an individualized, free, liberal, imaginative attitude towards life; a tendency to turn or escape from the tumultuous and confusing Here and Now
creative spirit over strict adherence to formal rules and traditional procedures;
an emphasis upon imagination
an obsessive interest in folk culture, national and ethnic cultural origins, and the medieval era; and a predilection for the exotic, the remote, the mysterious
The Romantic Period (1798-1832)
Historical Background
Politically: the French Revolution
"Declaration of Rights of Man" (1791-2), Thomas Paine
"Inquiry concerning Political Justice" (1793), William Godwin
a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality
a reaction against the Enlightenment and against 18thcentury rationalism and physical materialism in general.
New poetic features
language: simple, everyday life speech, common vocabulary and accent dialect e.g. Blake, Wordsworth
form: lyrics(sonnet, ode), narrative (ballad)
Poetry: the Age of Poetry
Differences between 18 th-century and 19 th-century ( between Neoclassicism and Romanticism)
reason vs passion reason vs imagination commercial vs natural industrial vs pastoral present vs past society vs individual order and stability vs freedom decorative expression vs simple and spontaneous expression
an attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of arts in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid19th century.
Expansion abroad continued: ( America), Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the West Indies and other nations.
Romanticism / te individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the
Characteristic attitudes
Economically: the great Industrial Revolution
Continued fast changes took place both in the country and in the cities;
Many farmhands driven out of land rushed into the city;