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1)For many people today,reading is very important.

1-5:CBDDD 6-10:BABAB 11-15:DCCCB 16-20:ACDDC

2)The past 20 years have seen enormous changes in the lives and ……1-5:CBCDD 6-10:DADBD 11-15:CAADA 16-20:CDBBC

3)Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American……

1-5:CACBD 6-10:DACBD 11-15:CBBAA 16-20:CABCC

4)The British government expects the total number of overseas

1-5:CACDB 6-10:DACDB 11-15:CADBA 16-20:BACDC

5)There are three kinds of goals:short-term, medium-range

1-5:ABCDA 6-10:BCCDC 11-15:ABCDD 16-20:BACDC

6) A growing world population and the discoveries

1-5:DACCB 6-10:BDACC 11-15:DDACB 16-20:ACDAC

7)In primitive societies sick people had to rely on medicine

1-5:BDDBD 6-10:ACBCB 11-15:CCDBD 16-20:DCCBD

8)Many traffic accidents fiow essentially from

1-5:BDCCC 6-10:BBCBD 11-15:DCABC 16-20:ADDCC

9)How important is your 1 ? 2 everyone wants to be

1-5:BCDBA 6-10:CADBC 11-15:DABDC 16-20:ABDAC

10)What is the bassis of truly happy marriage? Romance?

1-5:DBBAD 6-10:CACAB 11-15:DACBD 16-20:ACBDA

11) 1 the hours when you labour through your work you

1-5:CACBA 6-10:DCBCA 11-15:CDADB 16-20:DACAC

12)There are two factors which determine an individual,s

1-5:CACBA 6-10:BCBDA 11-15:DABCD 16-20:CBCDC

13) 1 a company executive who spent ten years in federal

1-5:BABAC 6-10:BBDCA 11-15:BCABC 16-20:ADBCA

14)Some people believe that international sports create goodwill

1-5:BACDB 6-10:CDDAB 11-15:ABDDA 16-20:BDCAC

15)Online shopping is becoming more and more popular

1-5:CACBC 6-10:CCBDC 11-15:DDBBD 16-20:DDBCB

16)Friends play an important part in our lives,

1-5:CBDCB 6-10:ACADB 11-15:DDBAC 16-20:BABCC

17)If a woman decides to take a job outside the home,

1-5:BADCB 6-10:CADAB 11-15:CADBA 16-20:DBCAD

18)If there is one thing I,m absolutely confident 1 ?

1-5:BCDAC 6-10:ABCDA 11-15:BDCAB 16-20:ACABC

19)Unavoidably,Global climate is to change. “No matter 1 1-5:ADCCA 6-10:BCCDA 11-15:ADBAC 16-20:CBADB

20)Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship 1 trust, 1-5:CBACB 6-10:ACCAB 11-15:CACAB 16-20:ACSAB
