
财经纵横企业负债经营存在的问题与对策冯传晶 辽宁师范大学海华学院管理系摘要:伴随着市场经济的成长与发展,众多企业开始运用负债经营的方式来进行融资。
关键词:负债经营;风险;经营结构中图分类号:F275.1 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2018)009-0179-03一、引言在竞争尤其激烈的这个大的市场环境下,更多的企业开启了负债经营这种经营模式。


一、负债经营的利与弊1. 利:(1)融资渠道多样化。
2. 弊:(1)财务风险增加。
二、对策1. 积极开展负债经营前的调查研究。
2. 控制负债比率。
3. 合理利用负债资金。
4. 提高企业盈利水平。
5. 加强财务风险管理。

借:生产成本 制造费用 管理费用 贷:应付职工薪酬——非货币性福利
借:银行存款 贷:预收账款 借:预收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)
购货单位补付款项:借:银行存款 贷:预收账款退回多付的款项:相反分录。
企业转销确实无法支付的应付账款应按其账面余额计入营业外收入,借记“应付账款”科目,贷记“营业外收入”科目。 借:应付账款 贷:营业外收入
企业按照有关规定向职工支付工资奖金津贴等。借:应付职工薪酬——工资 贷:银行存款 库存现金
企业从应付职工薪酬中扣还的各种款项(代垫的家属药费、个人所得税等)借:应付职工薪酬 贷:银行存款 库存现金 其他应收款 应交税费—应交个人所得税

IntroductionWith the rapid growth of the global economy, many enterprises have resorted to borrowing as a means to finance their operations. While debt funding can be an effective way to garner capital investment, it can also lead to excessive debt accumulation which may negatively impact the overall financial stability and liquidity of the business. In this context, this paper aims to provide an analysis of the problems and possible solutions related to enterprises operating with largeamounts of debt.Problems Arising from Overreliance on Debt FinancingOne of the main problems of too much debt accumulation is that enterprises become overburdened by the need to keep up with the payments of their loans. This greatly reduces their financial stability, as they may not have sufficient funds to invest in new projects or long-term strategies. Furthermore, excessive debt may lead to high interest rates, reducing the profitability of the businessand increasing the risk of default.Another problem related to excessive debt accumulation is that it can affect key stakeholders such as suppliers, investors, and employees. For example, suppliers may start to view enterprises as high credit risks and may therefore require upfront payments or request for shorter payment terms. Investors may become hesitant to invest in the business, and employees may face cuts in salaries or job losses due to the need for cost-cutting measures.Possible Solutions to Debt ProblemsThere are several measures that a business can take to address debt problems. Firstly, the enterprise can engage in a debt-restructuring plan to refinance its debt obligations. This may involve negotiating with lenders for payment terms that better match the enterprise’s financial situation. Additionally, the enterprise may seek to finance its operations through equity investment rather than debt funding, thereby reducing its reliance on loans.Another way to deal with debt problems is through cost-cutting measures such as reducing the size of the workforce or renegotiating supplier contracts. This may help to alleviate short-term financial difficulties and free up resources to pay off Outstanding loans.Finally, a proactive approach to managing debt risks is to ensure that the enterprise has a solid financial plan in place. This may involve regular reviews of the enterprise’s financial statements, benchmarking against industry standards, and implementingproper debt management policies. ConclusionIn conclusion, enterprise debt is a significant problem that can hinder the financial stability, profitability, and long-term prospects of a business. To address this issue, enterprises must take a proactive approach to managing their debt levels through measures such as debt-restructuring plans, cost-cutting measures, and implementing proper financial management policies. With proper management, enterprises cansecure long-term sustainability and ensure that their financial future remains bright.。


下载论文网关键词:负债经营关键词:浅析,企业,负债,经营,在的,问题,对策,本文,负债,经营, 摘要:本文在对负债经营进行简要概述的基础上,分析了目前企业负债经营存在的问题,进而提出了改善企业负债经营问题的建议,期望企业能够运用好负债经营这把双刃剑,为企业带来高利润,促进企业的发展。

企业负债经营的问题和对策二. 企业负债经营现状及成因(一)1,企业负债经营的现状分析目前,我国不少企业,尤其是国有企业存在着资本金和债务比例不合理,负债比率过高的状况,主要表现在以下方面: 1、(1)从企业的资产负债来看,负债比率过高。
根据国家经贸委和国有资产管理局的统计资料,我国企业( 国有企业) 的资产负债率, 1991年平均为6015 % , 1992年为6115 % , 到1993年上升到***** % ,1994年为7012 % ,而1995年则达到80 %以上; 1996年达到8211 % ; 1997年、1998年为80% 。
根据经验标准,流动负债与长期负债的比率一般要求达到50% ,而我国企业总体平均达到92 % ,比经验标准超过42 个百分点左右,这说明我国企业的流动负债过度。
一般而言,长期负债率应在30 % - 70 %之间,而我国企业年均为20 %左右,这说明我国企业的长期负债处于较低水平。
(3)从企业的偿债能力分析,资产收益率偏低偿债能力1/ 10差。
我国企业的流动比率平均在 1 左右,与经验标准2相差约一倍, 而利息保障系数为0166 ,有的企业甚至为负值,这说明我国企业的偿债能力严重不足,资本收益率偏低。
我国企业长期负债的80 % ,流动负债的30 %以上来自银行贷款,企业正常的生产经营资金有三分之一要靠企业间的结算债务来维持,相互拖欠,“三角债”现象严重,这足以表明我国企业的债务结构已处于高危险状态。
(5) 从企业间负债水平看,相差悬殊。
中国工商银行上海经济信息咨询公司数据库编列的1285 户国有工业企业资料显示: 资产负债率最高的达到***** % ,最低的仅为***** % , 两者相差10倍以上;流动负债与长期负债比率最高的达1066% , 最低为零,即无负债。

1. 资金成本监控商业银行需密切关注资金的成本,包括存款利率、借款利率以及市场利率的变化。通过建立有效的监控机制,银行可以及时调整负债组合,以确保资金成本保持在一个合理的范围内。此外,商业银行还可以定期审查和评估各项存款产品的利率,并优化产品结构,以降低整体资金成本。
2. 风险管理商业银行在负债经营管理中需要始终关注风险因素。银行可以通过制定严格的风险管理政策和措施,对负债进行有效控制。例如,商业银行可以设定合理的风险预警指标,及时监测和识别可能对负债带来风险的因素,如市场波动、利率风险等,并采取相应的风险对冲与管理策略,以减少潜在风险对负债经营的影响。
ChatPPT Generation

1. 引言1.1 什么是企业负债经营企业负债经营是指企业通过借贷等方式获取资金来进行经营活动。
1.2 负债经营的意义在企业管理中,负债经营是一种常见的经营方式,其意义主要表现在以下几个方面:负债经营可以帮助企业扩大规模和提高竞争力。

外文翻译Foreign debt management analysisMaterial Source: Women’s Consultation Briefing PaperAuthor: Gail Lerner, Rebecca Desiree Lozada and Viola TorresThere is a strong consensus in the international community that the debt burden is a serious barrier to the creation of any meaningful development strategy. The Secretary General’s report of earlier this year rightly identifies debt as a significant obstacle to development in low-income, middle-income and transition economy countries. It recognizes that debt financing ought to be an integral part of a country's development effort and not a hindrance.The foreign debt is growing exponentially. Debt relief continues to be an exercise of power and control through the conditionalities imposed by the International Financial Institutions (IFIs). Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) impose unacceptable conditions on debtor nations and drain them of precious resources. Present debt-management proposals such as those devised by creditors—the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, to include the Enhanced HIPC—offer too little, too late, to too few countries. Because these are designed by creditors, their purpose is debt collection, not debt relief. Both lenders and borrowers must take responsibility for the debt crisis. It is unjust that creditors dominate the debt relief process. Unless present debt-management plans are transformed into effective, equitable, development-oriented and durable debt release opportunities, the devastating cycle of debt accumulation will repeat itself, condemning millions more people to suffering.Debtor governments are obliged to prioritize debt repayments over spending on health, education, sanitation, clean water and other social needs. This undermines accountability by debtor governments to the people, which in turn erodes local democratic institutions. Debt and loan negotiations are always conducted in secret between elites in the North and elites in the South, fostering corruption.Finally, if the debt problem is to be resolved in a way that contributes in an integral way to sustainable community, attention must be paid to how concurrent channels of development financing contribute towards the creation and expansion of external debt. For example, attention needs to be given to how existing trade andinvestment agreements might inhibit rather than enhance revenue-generating opportunities for developing countries. Vigilance needs to be maintained so that development efforts are not financed through modalities, instruments or mechanisms that create additional burdensome debt.International fora of civil society convened by the international Jubilee campaigns call for the cancellation of all illegitimate debts of all Southern countries. The prevailing opinion is that there are several categories of illegitimate debt, which can be identified as follows:1. Debts that are illegitimate to repay, that is, they cannot be serviced without causing harm to people and communities.2. Debts incurred by illegitimate debtors and creditors acting illegitimately which includes both “odious debt” (that is any debt incurred not for the needs or interests of the state but to strengthen a despotic regime that represses its own population).3. Debts incurred for illegitimate uses, such as debts for projects which were never built or did not befit the people as they were intended; debts contracted for fraudulent purposes;4. Debts incurred with illegitimate terms, included debts incurred at usurious interest rates; debts that became unpayable as a result of external factors (unilateral increase in interest rates) over which debtors have no control.Caught as they are at the divide between the productive and reproductive spheres of life, women have borne the full impact of debt dependence, adherence to SAPs and underdevelopment. In their multitude roles of worker, caregiver, home manager, wife and mother, women’s time and energies are stretched to breaking point as they strive to enable the family to survive economic crises.Instead of perpetuating this set-up, the Financing for Development process must work for systemic, structural and policy changes and programmes that will free countries from the debt trap, prevent the repetition of these problems and promote political and economic democracy and equity, gender equality, popular empowerment and sustainable communities.From this framework and towards this end, we recommend that the international community ensure the:* Immediate cancellation of 100% of the debts of low-income countries, immediate debt relief for severely indebted middle income countries, and cancellation of the illegitimate debts of all Southern countries.* Active participation of civil society in decision-making processes that determine the allocation of funds from new loans and debt relief.* Elimination of any conditionalities attached to new loans and debt relief that perpetuate indebtedness, as articulated in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) and the enhanced HIPC initiatives, starting with heavily indebted poor countries in Africa.* Introduction of a new, independent and transparent arbitration process for negotiating and agreeing upon international debt cancellation which ensures that losses and gains are equally shared along with the introduction of ethical lending and borrowing policies to prevent future recurrence of the debt crisis.Debt financing involves any money that a business borrows in order to run operations. Also referred to as loans, it can be a long-term or short-term solution to needed cash flow. There are various options for obtaining the money a business may need to operate effectively.For any viable business, loans are available. Terms may vary, but every loan is set to be repaid with interest at a future date. This cash flow option can be attractive to business owners because they do not have to sacrifice any ownership interests in their business. Furthermore, the interest on borrowed money may be tax-deductible. Finally, the costs are relatively fixed, and therefore predictable in planning for future business expenses.When looking for a short- or long-term cash flow solution, a business may find that a loan is the most viable option. By definition, short-term debt financing provides money needed for day-to-day business operations with plans for repayment in less than one year. Day-to-day business operation needs may include purchasing inventory or supplies or paying employee wages. Short-term financing is also referred to as operating loans, and can include lines of credit or credit cards.On the other hand, long-term loans provide greater amounts of money that are paid back over a longer period of time. A business may use long-term debt financing to purchase equipment, land, buildings or machinery. This money then is used to purchase business assets in which the scheduled loan repayment and the usefulness of the asset extends longer than one year.A business can obtain money from different sources depending on its needs and financial situation. Banks and credit unions are traditional sources for borrowing money and offer a variety of options especially for businesses. If a business does not yet have established credit, or its credit is poor, it still may be able to get the moneyneeded through a commercial finance company, which offers loans with higher interest rates to high-risk borrowers. Also, commercial financial institutions are available for loaning money, as well as for providing funds for inventory or equipment purchases.Debt financing can be a useful tool for a business in need of additional cash flow. However, it is meant to be a means to an end, namely of generating more money for a business in order to grow it. Business owners should try to avoid falling into the revolving trap of getting their business into an unmanageable state of debt. Remember that "he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase" .译文国外负债经营的分析资料来源:联合国妇女咨询简报作者:Gail Lerner, Rebecca Desiree Lozada and Viola Torres在当今国际社会有一个强烈的共识:债务负担对制定有意义的发展战略是一个严重的障碍。


企业在负债经营 中存在的 问题及对策
武 建 凌 西 南石 油 大 学 经济 管 理 学院 四 川成 都 61 0 5 0 0
摘要 : 我 国企业 的高 负债 经营成本、现金 流的异 常 紧张 、 负债 率的快速增 长、净利润 的急剧 下降 , 都成 为部 分上 市 公 司正在 面临解决的难题 。通过 分析 企业 负债经 营存 在 的问题 , 科 学合理 的制 定举债前 、后 的风 险防范措施 。 关键 词 : 企业 ; 负债 ; 经 营; 防 范措 施 ; 经 营 风 险
风险, 排除—切威胁企业生存和发展的因素。 ( -)  ̄ I J 强对企业偿债能力分析。企业进行负债 , 到期就要偿还本 息。为了使企业能够更有效地进行负债 , 企业应该定期进行偿债能力 分析, 通过计算企业的资产负债率、速动比率、现金流动负债 比率、 已获利息倍数、带息负债比率和或有负债 比率并关注与前期相比的 增减变动情况, 来及时调整企业的负债规馍及负债结构。对于流动资 产 占总资产 比例较大的企业来说 , 由于短期负债E 匕 仞 J 较大, 应该特别注 重加强对企业短期偿债能力的分析 , 通过计算流动比率、速动比率、 现金比率和现金流动负债比率并观察与前期S H t t 的增减变动隋况, 来 时刻对企业的负债经营隋况进行动态观察; 而对于固定资产等非流动 性资产占总资产比例较高的企业来说, 由于长期负债 比I 歹 l I 较高, 要特别 注重加强对企业长期偿债能力分析, 通过计算资产负债率、已获利息 倍数、茕 息负债比率和或有负债比率并观察与前期相 比的增减变动隋 况, 来时刻关注企业的负债经营状况。 ( 三艉 高对企业资金管理水平。为了使企业能够按时偿债、有效 使用企业所筹集到的资金 , 企业应该提高资金的管理水平。在资金的 刘 } 使用上 , 企业不仅要考虑借款的到期 日和利息的支付 i E I , 还要考虑 企业使用资金的高峰期和低谷期。既要避免企业因资金不足而影响 二 举债前风险的防范措施 正常的生产经营活动, 使企业经营业绩下滑, 又要防I E 企 业因过度或者 ( 一 握 置 的举债时机。企业在举皆 质 务时, 应该考虑借入资金 过早地筹集资金而使大量资金闲置, 增加企业的利息成本 , 造成资金浪 的时间、借款期限的长短以及采用的 息方式, 并目 根据借款利率的 费。 变动及时敞出相应的举债安排。 ( 四 寺 企业的盈利能力。企业进行负债经营, 最主要的目的是提 ( 二) 确定适度的负债规模。不同的行 业对于负债规模的确定有不 高企业的经济效益。要想有效地进行负债、提高经济效益, 关键是要 同的标准。因此, 企业在确定负债规模时, 应该结合 自身行业特点 , 综 增强企业的偿债能力, 而有效增强企业偿债能力的根本途径是提高企 合考虑企业的生产经营状况、管理水平以及风险承受能力。根据最低 业的盈利水准, 保持企业的盈利能力。因此, 企业应该定期进行盈利能 的负债成本和最小的风险程度来确定最佳的负债规模 , 从而取得最大 力分析, 通过计算销售净利率、销售毛利率、资产净利率和权益净利 的经济效益。 率并观察与前期相 比的增减变动隋况, 来时刻关注企业的盈利能力, 以 ( 三) 建立合理的负债结构。企业的负债有银行借款、应付账款 、 便及时调整企业的负债筹资策略。 预收账款、租赁以及发行债券等多种形式。不同的负债形式, 其成本 不一样, 企业承担的风险也不同。—般来讲, 企业在进行负债时 , 应该 四、结论 综合考虑和分析企业的负债成本 、现金流量状况以及风险承受能力, ( 一) 企业应该综合考虑 自身的生产经营状况、管理水平、风险承 据此来确定合理的负债结构。 受能力及其行业特点, 确定适宜的负债筹资组合, 建立适度的负债规模 ( 四) 确立科学的负债经营管理原则。企业在进行负债经营过程中, 和合理的负债结构, 争取以最低的资金成本和最小的风险程度, 来获取 应该通过遵循科学的负债经营原则来生产、经营和管理。企业应该确 最大 的经济效益 。 立股东财富最大化的负债经营原则, 与利润最大化不同的是 , 股东财富 ( 二) 企业在负债经营蜘 司, 应该充分考虑资金的时间价值和市场的 最大化充分考虑了资金的时间价值和市场当中的风险因素, 克服了企 风险因素, 避免因追求短期经济利益而忽视长远发展 ; 在注意资产负债 业片面追求短期经济效益而忽略长远发展的行为。企业在注意资产负 率高低的同时注重负债结构, 防止因资不抵债或资金周转不灵而破产; 债率高低的同时也要注重负债结构。既要防止企业资产负债率过高 , 遵守国家的经济政策和相关的法律规定 , 避免为了追求巨额利润而从 使其资不抵债, 最终导致 “ 红字破产” , 又要避免企业虽然资产负债率 事违法活动, 最终导致 “ 法律破产”。 不高 , 资又抵债, 但是资金周转不灵, 致使企业无法按时 丕 债务而形 ( 三) 在负债经营过程中, 企业应该利用财务分析方法 , 通过计算相 成 “ 蓝字破产”。 关的财务指标, 定期对企业的偿债能力和盈利能力进行分析 , 以便及时

1. 财务风险负债经营意味着企业需要承担债务,从而增加了财务风险。
2. 债务成本债务需要支付利息和其他费用,这会增加企业的财务负担。
3. 压力和限制企业负债经营可能导致企业受到一定程度的压力和限制。
1. 健康财务管理企业应加强财务管理,制定合理的财务计划和预算,避免财务风险。
2. 多样化融资渠道企业可以探索多样化的融资渠道,减少对单一融资渠道的依赖。
3. 提高绩效和盈利能力企业应通过提高绩效和盈利能力来增加自身的现金流。
4. 控制风险企业应加强风险管理,减少可能导致经营困难的风险。
5. 持续监测债务状况企业应定期监测自身的债务状况,及时了解债务的偿还情况和未来的债务负担。

Problems and Countermeasures of College Students ' liability management in Enterprise 作者: 马文康;张丽静
作者机构: 东北林业大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨150040
出版物刊名: 经济研究导刊
页码: 29-31页
年卷期: 2015年 第20期
主题词: 负债经营;创业企业;大学生

企业负债经营的问题与对策外文资料翻译The advantages and disadvantages of debt managementI. INTRODUCTIONLiabilities can raise the money. Enterprises in the case of insufficient funds, debt management may use more power to expand enterprise scale and economic strength, short time to improve the operation efficiency of enterprises and competitiveness. Any a enterprise not only in the case of insufficient funds need indebtedness, in funds under the condition of relatively abundant indebtedness is also very necessary. Even if an enterprise internal capital accumulation, more by its own capital alone enterprise scale and he can use the amount of money is limited. Through responsible business, and control can be obtained more the amount of capital. As long as reasonable use these funds organization and coordination, expand the business scope of business and the way of thinking, improve the technology and equipment, reform process, the introduction of advanced technology, updating equipment, expand the scale of enterprise, broaden the scope of business, improve the quality of the enterprise, can strengthen enterprise economic strength and competition ability.II. The advantages of debt managementDebt management is a commodity to a certain stage of economic development. The inevitable product of market economy is the only way for the development of enterprises. Enterprises to develop, relying on internal accumulation and its own funds to meet the needs of enterprise development, not only does not allow time and the number would still be difficult to meet the demand, it will lose business opportunities and constraints of the rapid development of enterprises. Rational use of debt, to enable businesses to obtain financial leverage effect. Improper use may increase the enterprise’s fina ncial risk, so that enterprises involved in financial crises.Tax debt can play a role. Because under the current system, the financial liabilities included in the cost of interest, and before the deduction of income tax, it can generate tax so that small business income tax, thus increasing the equity capital gains. The higher interest charges on, the greater the tax section, so that businesses with liabilities using its own funds for all businessesprices, investors will lose faith in business, this is not conducive to enterprise long-term development.Anyhow, debt management benefits a lot, but at the same time, the risk of operating liabilities are concomitant, indebtedness of the earnings and risks are fused together. Therefore, the enterprise can not blindly to finance operations with debt.Author:Gabilondo, Jose, Florida International University, Miami, FloridaLatin American and Caribbean Law and Economics Association (ALACDE) Annual Papers负债经营的优点和缺点第一部分介绍负债经营是商品经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,也是市场经济中企业发展的必由之路。
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企业负债经营的问题与对策外文资料翻译The advantages and disadvantages of debt managementI. INTRODUCTIONLiabilities can raise the money. Enterprises in the case of insufficient funds, debt management may use more power to expand enterprise scale and economic strength, short time to improve the operation efficiency of enterprises and competitiveness. Any a enterprise not only in the case of insufficient funds need indebtedness, in funds under the condition of relatively abundant indebtedness is also very necessary. Even if an enterprise internal capital accumulation, more by its own capital alone enterprise scale and he can use the amount of money is limited. Through responsible business, and control can be obtained more the amount of capital. As long as reasonable use these funds organization and coordination, expand the business scope of business and the way of thinking, improve the technology and equipment, reform process, the introduction of advanced technology, updating equipment, expand the scale of enterprise, broaden the scope of business, improve the quality of the enterprise, can strengthen enterprise economic strength and competition ability.II. The advantages of debt managementDebt management is a commodity to a certain stage of economic development. The inevitable product of market economy is the only way for the development of enterprises. Enterprises to develop, relying on internal accumulation and its own funds to meet the needs of enterprise development, not only does not allow time and the number would still be difficult to meet the demand, it will lose business opportunities and constraints of the rapid development of enterprises. Rational use of debt, to enable businesses to obtain financial leverage effect. Improper use may increase the enterprise’s finan cial risk, so that enterprises involved in financial crises.Tax debt can play a role. Because under the current system, the financial liabilities included in the cost of interest, and before the deduction of income tax, it can generate tax so that small business income tax, thus increasing the equity capital gains. The higher interest charges on, the greater the tax section, so that businesses with liabilities using its own funds for all businessescompared to the cost increase, reduction in profits. The amount of income tax be reduced, thereby reducing the amount of income tax paid to reduce the tax burden on enterprises.Liabilities of business enterprises can reduce the cost of capital. Operating requirements of the liabilities of enterprises regularly pay interest and principal payments due to creditors for a smaller investment risk and therefore required a low rate of return on investment. In addition, the role of the above-mentioned tax and therefore the cost of debt capital is usually less than the cost of equity capital.Liabilities of business can benefit from inflation. Liabilities are generally due to debt service, an increase in the inflation rate, the original liability of the real purchasing power will decline, after the enterprise by reducing the amount of debt service, in fact, is to shift the consequences of currency depreciation to the creditors.Debt management is beneficial to maintain control of companies. In the enterprise facing a new financing decisions, such as if to find stock way to raise equity capital, not only the cost of capital than debt financing, will also bring equity scattered, affect the existing shareholders for the control of the enterprise. But if to issue bonds or borrow from Banks and other financial institutions capital, to raise debt capital, the creditor has no right to participate in the company's operating decisions, while expanding enterprise capital source does not affect the control of the enterprise, is conducive to maintaining existing shareholders control enterprise production and business operation activities.The balance of financing in comparison with other modes of financing, financing a short time, to spend a small price. Borrowing in particular, after consultation of the loan amount, repayment terms, with the period shall change, but also for solution through consultations with greater flexibility.Ⅲ.The disadvantages of debt managementDebt to maintain the existing shareholders under the premise of control brought about by the rapid growth of wealth. Thus, capital markets, as well as for business managers have entrepreneurial spirit and readiness to take risks is a positive innovation as an important sign of the measure, that is, the level of debt. However, enterprises in the process of debt as a result of the business environment there are many uncertain factors, especially in pre-borrowing the idea ofoperating conditions is not conducive to business development, will result in the risk of debt. Run the risk of liability comes mainly from the financial risk and business risk issues.Financial risk is increasing due to the use of debt and financial burden, and thus the solvency of the enterprise may be lost, eventually leading to the risk of corporate insolvency. When enterprises are facing low economic development, due to a fixed amount of the interest burden, the profits will fall, bringing the interests of a substantial decline in rate of return of negative impact. Funding for the liabilities, businesses have due and timely payment of interest and a statutory duty to repay the principal. Once the financial conditions deteriorate, or the operation of short-term funds is inappropriate, it will enable the enterprises are facing the risk of insolvency. Thus, on the one hand, may cause long-term part of the short-term liabilities, and enable enterprises to increase the operating costs; On the other hand, will also affect the credibility of enterprises to make financing more difficult.Excessive debt is likely to cause the agency conflict between shareholders and creditors. The creditors' interests are not compromised a premise condition is the enterprise the risk degree is in predicting the allowed range. In the real economic life shareholders tend to invest in risky projects, because if the project is successful, the creditors can get fixed interest and principal, the rest of the profits for shareholders possess completely, and then realize the transfer of wealth from creditors to shareholder; If the high risk of investment project failed, the loss shall be borne by the common shareholders and creditors. In addition, shareholders to issue new bonds will also damage the interests of the creditors. Because shareholders in order to get new money, often can give new creditors claims priority, so that we can reduce new debt to pay interest rates, but also increase the risk of the creditors, led to the original real fall in the value of the bond.Debt ratio is too high, can lead to the company's share price. Business owners to the enterprise debt management's tolerance is limited. When the indebtedness of the investment rate is lower than its cost of capital, the enterprise must took part from the returns of originally by the owners used to repay the debt principal and interest, the owner income will therefore suffer. Owner may therefore selling stocks, due to the influence of psychological factors such as market expectations at the same time, enterprise's stock market is bound to decline. That stock marketprices, investors will lose faith in business, this is not conducive to enterprise long-term development.Anyhow, debt management benefits a lot, but at the same time, the risk of operating liabilities are concomitant, indebtedness of the earnings and risks are fused together. Therefore, the enterprise can not blindly to finance operations with debt.Author:Gabilondo, Jose, Florida International University, Miami, FloridaLatin American and Caribbean Law and Economics Association (ALACDE) Annual Papers负债经营的优点和缺点第一部分介绍负债经营是商品经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,也是市场经济中企业发展的必由之路。