句子由主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状 语等不同的成分组成,各成分在句子 中起到不同的作用。Biblioteka 句法结构与句型句法结构
句法结构是指句子的内部构造和组织方 式,包括简单句、复合句、并列句等。
句型是根据句子的结构特点和语义功能划 分的句子类型,如陈述句、疑问句、祈使 句等。
语音学研究语言的发音和音系规则,语法学研究词法和句法规则,词汇学研究词汇的构成和意义,语义学研究词 汇和句子的意义。此外,社会语言学、心理语言学、计算机语言学等分支学科也丰富了语言学的研究范围。
该领域关注第二语言学习的过程、影响因素、学 习策略等,旨在揭示第二语言学习的本质和规律 ,为外语教学提供理论支持和实践指导。
语言教学理论与实践主要研究如何有 效地教授和学习语言。
该领域关注语言教学方法、教材设计 、课程设置等方面,旨在提高语言教 学的效果和质量,培养学习者的语言 运用能力。
语言接触是指不同语言或方言之间的接触和交流 01 ,这种接触会导致语言的变异和融合。
语言变异是指在一个语言的内部,由于地域、社 02 会、年龄等因素的影响,导致语音、词汇、语法
社会语言学研究语言接触与变异,旨在揭示语言 03 变化的原因和规律,以及变异对语言的生存和发
音变是指语音在连续发出时发生的音素变化, 包括同化、异化、弱化等。
Hale Waihona Puke Phoneme(音位): phonological and abstract unit, a unit of distinctive value; the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words.
1. Bilabial双唇 ; 2. Labiodental唇齿的; 3. Dental or
interdental齿音和齿 间; 4. Alveolar齿龈音 ; 5. Palatoalveolar腭齿音; 6. Palatal 腭音; 7. Velar软腭音; 8. Uvular小舌音; 9. Glottal声门.
What is linguistics
Linguistics, the scientific study of language, concerns itself with all aspects of how people use language and what they must know in order to do so.
The diagram of single vowel classification by applying the two criteria so far mentioned:
I Language as a Formal System
The study of how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. is called phonology音系学.
2. Scopes of linguistics
☺General linguistics—studies linguistics as a whole.
☺ Phonetics—study of sounds ☺ Phonology--study of the system of
sounds, how they are combined ☺ Morphology—study of the structure and
language development, more practical than written form, hard to record • writing : • permanent, can be recorded
• ngue and parole • —by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure
• descriptive –describes and analyzes the language people are currently speaking. It deals with “what people actually say”
• 3.2 synchronic vs. diachronic • synchronic—description of a language at
• 2.1.4. Language is symbolic. • 2.1.5. Language is human –specific. • 2.1.6. Language is used for
2.2. Design features of language
• 2.2.1. arbitrariness • 2.2.2. productivity • 2.2.3. duality • 2.2.4. displacement • 2.2.5. cultural transmission
Linguistics: A Coursebook
4.3 Coarticulation
Coarticulation: the influence on a sound by its
neighbors e.g. cap [kap]
f v θ ð s z ∫3
Approxi w mant
t∫ d3
Table 1 A chart of English consonants
Linguistics: A Coursebook
5.3 Classification of vowels
Linguistics: A Coursebook
5. Phonetic Classification
Vowels and consonants Classification of consonants Classification of vowels
Linguistics: A Coursebook
Linguistics: A Coursebook
4.1 Segment and divergence
Segment: any linguistic unit in a sequence which may be isolated from the rest of the sequence, e.g. a sound in an utterance or a letter in a written text. (Feasibility)
“From now on I will consider language to be a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.” --Noam Chomsky (1928- ): Syntactic Structures (1957)
内容上, 既要传授基础理论知识也要反映语 言学中的最新发展,要求学生理解深,力求 贯通,比较,自创。 观点上,不拘泥于一派之说。要求学生了解 各派理论并分析其优劣。
讲授本书内容可详可简,授课教师可根据学 校的教学方案和学生程度进行调整。
对课程总体内容的了解 对语言和语言学基本原理的理解 对语言和语言学专门知识的理解和分析
“A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which the members of a society interact in terms of their total culture.” --George Trager: The Field of Linguistics (1949)
What does “language” mean?
1. in general language can mean what a person says or said 2. in particular , use of language, a constant way of speaking or writing 3. variety of language 4. specific language 5. the common features of all human languages
1. A: Are you going to the seminar? B: It‟s on linguistics. 2. A: Would you like some coffee? B: Coffee would keep me awake. 3. A: 我带的钱不够,今天买不了。 B: 那就下次再买吧。
Chapter Eight Language in Use
1. Definition of Pragmatics
The study of language in use. The study of meaning in context. The study of speakers‟ meaning, utterance meaning, & contextual meaning.
2. Robert Gibbs named Obama Press Secretary U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has named his longtime spokesman Robert Gibbs as his White House press secretary
“Janet! Donkeys!” (David Copperfield)
Leech曾指出,“意义”在语义学中是二价 的(bivalent),而在语用学中就成了三价的 (trivalent)。也就是说,语义研究的是“X 的意义是Y”(X means Y)。例如:Donkey means “ass”。而语用学研究的是“说话者 S通过话语X来表达Y的意思”(S means Y by X)。例如一个家庭主妇对仆人说: “Janet! donkeys!”的时候,单独从语义上 看并没有明确的意思;但是从语用学角度 看,女主人是想让Janet把驴子从草坪上赶 走。 Sentence meaning: What does X mean? Utterance meaning: What do you mean by X?
1.3 Design features of languageDesign features: the features that define our human languages. They make our language advantageous over animal “languages”.1.3.1 ArbitrarinessThe forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. (Saussure)(1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme andits meaning(2) At the syntactic level(3) Arbitrariness and convention1.3.2 Duality“ By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its ownprinciples of organization” (Lyon, 1982:20).Advantage: A large number of different units can be formed our of a small number of elements.1.3.3 CreativityLanguage can produce sentence that has never been heard. Language is resourceful because of its duality andrecursiveness.1.3.4 DisplacementHuman languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present ( in time and space) at the moment of communication.Other design featuresCultural transmissionLanguage is passed down from generation to generation. Human being must be exposed to language environment.InterchangeabilityAny human being can be both a producer and receiver of the message.1.4 Origin of languageThe bow-wow theoryThe pooh-pooh theoryThe “yo-he-ho” theory1.5 Functions of language1.5.1 Informative1.5.2 Interpersonal function1.5.3 Performative1.5.4 Emotive function1.5.5 Phatic communion1.5.6 Recreational function1.5.7 Metalingual function1.6 What is linguistics?Linguistics is the scientific study of language.1.7 Main branches of linguistics1.7.1 PhoneticsPhonetics is the subfield of linguistics that studies speech sounds in human language.Major domains: Articulatory phonetics, Acoustic phonetics, Auditory phonetics1.7.2 Phonology-Phonology is the subfield of linguistics that studies the sound pattern of a language. -It deals with the rules governing the structure,distribution and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.-Phonetics vs. PhonologyPhonetics is the study of speech sounds that the human voice is capable of creating whereas phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that constitute language and meaning. The first focus on chaos while the second focuses on order.1.7.3 MorphologyMorphology is the subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words and the relationships among words.1.7.4 SyntaxSyntax is the subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the relationships among the internal parts.1.7.5 SemanticsSemantics is the subfield of linguistics that studies the nature of the meaning of individual words, and the meaning of wordsgrouped into phrases and sentences.1.7.6 PragmaticsPragmatics is the subfield of linguistics that studies the use of words, phrases and sentences in the actual context of discourse.1.8 Macrolinguistics1.8.1 PsycholinguisticsPsycholinguistics studies the relationship between language and mind. It also studies language development in the child, biological foundations of language and the relationship between language and cognition.1.8.2 SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics is the study of characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and thecharacteristics of their speakers.1.8.3 Anthropological linguisticsAnthropological linguistics is the study of the history and structure of formerly unwritten languages. They are concerned with the emergence and divergence of languages over thousands of years.1.8.4 Computational linguisticsComputational linguistics is an interdisciplinary field which centers around the use of computers to process or produce human language.1.9 Important distinctions in linguistics1.9.1 Descriptive vs. prescriptive-Descriptive (non-normative): to describe what people say. “… the linguist tries to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms, of correctness.” (Lyon, 1982:47)-Prescriptive: to prescribe how people should say. In the 18th century, the grammarians tried to lay down rules for the correct use oflanguage and settle the disputes over usage once and for all.1.9.2 Synchronic vs. diachronic-Synchronic linguistics is the study of a given language at a given period of time. E.g. “A Grammar of Modern Greek”-Diachronic linguistics is the study of the changes the language has experienced.1.9.3 Langue & parole (Saussure)-Langue is the abstract linguistic form or system shared by all the members of a speech community. It is a social product. It is a set of convention.-Parole is the actual or actualized language. It is the concrete use of the conventions or application of the rules.1.9.4 Competence and performance (Chomsky)-Competence refers to the ideal language speaker’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules.-Performance refers to the actual use of language by the speaker in concrete situation.1.9.5 Etic vs. Emic (Pike)Questions and ExercisesDo you think that onomatopoeia indicates a non-arbitrary relationship between form and meaning?Does the traffic light system have duality, why?Communication can take many forms, such as sign, speech, body language and facial expression. Do body language and facial expressionshare or lack the distinctive properties of human language?Can you mention some typical expressions of phatic communion in Chinese?。
胡壮麟 第十章 语言学教程ppt课件
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Criticisms and the revival of corpus linguistics
Chomsky changed the direction of linguistics away from empiricism to rationalism.
(c) He lends Tony books.
(d) He owes Tony books.
How can ungrammatical utterances be distinguished from ones that haven’t occurred? If the corpus does not contain sentence (a), how do we conclude that it is ungrammatical while the rest of the sentences are grammatical?
1. the corpus could never be a useful tool for the linguist, as the linguist must seek to model language competence rather than performance.
2. the only way to account for a grammar of a language is y description of its rules, rather than by enumeration of its sentences. It is the syntactic rules that are finite.
There are also problems of practicality with corpus linguistics.
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3.1 Corpus Linguistics
Corpus linguistics deals with the principles and practice of using corpora in language study.
Leech(1993)描写了适用于文本语料的注解的7条 准则。
1. 为了恢复到自然的语料,从有注解的语料里删去 注解是可能的。 2. 从文本里单独摘录注解是可能的。 3. 注解方案应该以终端用户可利用的指导方针为基 础。 4. 应该弄清楚,注解是如何并且由谁来完成。 5. 终端用户应该知道语料注解不是没有错误的,而 只是一种潜在的有用的工具。 6. 注解方案应尽可能地立足于普遍接受的和中性的 理论原则。 7. 任何注解方案都无优先权被视为是标准的注解。
Corpus linguistics contributes to semantics by helping to establish an approach which is objective, because semantic distinctions are associated in texts with characteristic observable contexts—syntactic, morphological and prosodic—and by considering he environment of the linguistic entities an empirical objective indicator for a particular semantic distinction can be arrived. Another role of corpora in semantics has been in establishing more firmly the notions of fuzzy categories and gradience. In looking empirically at natural language in corpora, clearcut boundaries do not exist; instead there are gradients of membership which are connected with frequency of inclusion.
1Chapter 1_intro胡壮麟语言学教程第一章
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Writing is derivative of speech.
2. What is Language?
Language “is not to be confused with human speech, of which it is only a definite part, though certainly an essential one. It is both a social product of the faculty of speech and a collection of necessary conventions that have been adopted by a social body to permit individuals to exercise that faculty”.
--R. H. Robins (1921-2000):
General Linguistics (1989)
“Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of symbols principally transmitted by vocal sounds.”
It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and sociocultural roles.
2. What is this course about?Chapter 1 Invitations to LinguisticsChapter 2 Speech SoundsChapter 3 LexiconChapter 4 SyntaxChapter 5 MeaningChapter 6 Language and cognitionChapter 7 Language, Culture, and SocietyChapter 8 Language in useChapter 9 language and literatureChapter 10 language and computerChapter 11 linguistics and foreign language teachingChapter 12 Theories and schools of modern linguistics1. languageDefinitionFeaturesFunctions1) Definition:Sapir, 1921: Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols.(语言是纯粹人为的、非本能的、用任意制造出来的符号系统来传达观念、情绪和欲望的方法。
)Hall, 1968: Language is "the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols." (语言是人们通过惯用的任意性的口头-听觉符号进行交际和互动的惯例。
语言学教程胡壮麟(第四版)第1章第1章Invitations to Linguistics第一部分Design features of languageThe features that define our human languages can be called design features which can distinguish human language from any animal system of communication.1. ArbitrarinessArbitrariness, put forward by Saussure, means that the forms of linguistic signs have no natural relationship to their meanings. For example, there is no necessary relationship between the word monkey and the animal it symbolizes.However, there are different levels of arbitrariness:1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning.Language is not entirely arbitrary, even with onomatopoeic words that sound like the sounds they describe, such as crash, bang in English.Totally different words are used to describe the sound. e.g. the dog barks bowwow in English but 汪汪汪in Chinese.Besides, some compound words are also not entirely arbitrary, such as photocopy.2) Arbitrariness at the syntactic level:Language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level. And there is a certain degree of correspondence between the sequence of clauses and the real happening. For example,He came in and sat down. He sat down and came in. He sat down after came in.3) Arbitrariness and conventionConvention means you have to say things in this way andyou can’t change the expression any other way. The link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative, and conventionality of language makes learn a language laborious.2. DualityDuality means that the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. The property of duality only exists in such a system, namely, with both elements and units.Many animals communicate with special calls, which have corresponding meanings. That is, the primary units have meanings but cannot be further divided into elements. For example, tens of thousands of words are formed out of a small set of sounds, around 40 in the case of the English language.3. CreativityCreativity means that language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness, and refers to the feature that one is able to construct and understand an infinitely large number of sentences in his native language, including these that one has never heard before.①Because of duality, the speaker is able to combine the basic linguistic units to form an infinite set of sentences, most of which are never produced or heard.②Recursiveness, refers t o the rule which can be applied repeatedly without any definite limit. The recursive nature of language provides a theoretical basis for the possibility of creating endless sentences.E.g. He bought a book which was written by a teacher whotaught in a sch ool which…4. DisplacementDisplacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present at the moment of conversation. We can talk about things that are not present, as easily as we do things present. In other words, we can refer to real and unreal things, things of the past, of the present, of the future.Displacement benefits human beings by giving us the power to handle generalizations and abstractions. Once we can talk about physically distant thing, we acquire the ability to understand concepts which denote “non-things”, such as truth and beauty. For example, I can refer to Confucius even though he has been dead for over 2550 years.第二部分Hu Zhuanglin, language has at least seven functions1. Phatic communion(寒暄功能)考过It refers to the social interaction of language. We always use such small, seemingly meaningless expressions to maintain a comfortable relationship between people without any factual content. Ritual exchanges about health or weather such as Good morning, God bless you often state the obvious. They indicate that a channel of communication is open if it should be needed.Different cultures have different topics of phatic communication. For example, Chinese people useThe informative function means language is the instrument of thought and people often feel they need to speak their thoughts aloud.And language serves for the expression of content, that is, of the speaker’s experience of the realThe emotive function is one of the most powerful uses of language, because it is crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. e.g. God, damn it,The interpersonal function means people can use language to establish and maintain their status in a society.For example, the ways in which people address others and refer to themselves indicate the various grades of interpersonal relations, such as Dear Sir, Dear Professor, yours.In addition, attached to the interpersonal function of language is its function of expressing identity. For example, the shouting of names or slogans at public meetings all signal who we are and whereThe performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies.The recreational function means people use language for the sheer joy of using it, such as a baby’s babbling or a chanter’s chanting.The metalingual function means language can be used to talk about itself. For example, I can use the word “book” to talk about a book.To organize any written text into a coherent whole, writers employ certain expressions to keep their readers informed aboutwhere they are and where they are going. This makes the language infinitely self-reflexive, that is, we human can talk about talk and think about thinking.第三部分Main branches of linguistics1. Phonetics(语音学)Phonetics studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is, how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc.2. Phonology(音系学)Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.3. Morphology(形态学)Morphology is concerned with the internal structure of words, it studies the minimal units of meaning – morphemes and word-formation processes.4. Syntax(句法学)Syntax studies the sentence structure of language. Specifically, it is the study of the rules governing the ways in which words, word groups and phrases are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between sentential elements.5. Semantics(语义学)Semantics studies the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.6. Pragmatics(语用学)Pragmatics studies the intended meaning of a speaker and takes context into consideration.第四部分Important distinctions in linguistics 重要区别1. Descriptive vs. prescriptive(描写式和规定式)To say that linguistics is a descriptive science is to say that the linguist tries to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms, of correctness.Prescriptive linguistics aims to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all.For example, “Don’t say X.” is a prescriptive command; “People don’t say X.” is a descriptive statement. The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are. In the 18th century, all the main European languages were studied prescriptively. However, modern linguistics is mostly descriptive because the nature of linguistics as a science determines its preoccupation with description instead of prescription.E.g. A grammar of Ancient Chinese.Diachronic: The study of language as it changes through time is diachronic.E.g. From Old English to Standard English.In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study. The reason is that unless the various state of a language are successfully studied it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical development.Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics aslangue and parole.①Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the actual or actualized language, or the realization of language.②Langue is relative stable and systematic, parole is subject to personal and situational constraints;③Langue is not spoken by an individual, parole is always a naturally occurring event.What a linguist should do, according to Saussure, is to abstract langue from instances of parole, i.e. to discover the regularities governing all instances of parole and make them the subject of linguistics.the linguistic competence, and the actual use of language in concrete situations is called performance. Competence enables a speaker to produce and understand an indefinite number of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities.A speaker’s co mpetence is stable while his performance is often influenced by psychological and social factors. So a speaker’s performance doesn’t always match his supposed competence. Chomsky believes that linguists ought to study competence, rather than performance.C homsky’s competence-performance distinction is not exactly the same as, though similar to, Saussure’s langue-parole distinction.Langue is a social product and a set of conventions of a community, while competence is considered as a property of mind of each individual.Saussure looks at language more from a sociological orsociolinguistic point of view than Chomsky since the latter deals with his issues psychologically or psycholinguistically.。
语言学教程胡壮麟(第四版) 第1章
![语言学教程胡壮麟(第四版) 第1章](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8e28c58ddd36a32d72758146.png)
第1章Invitations to Linguistics第一部分Design features of languageThe features that define our human languages can be called design features which can distinguish human language from any animal system of communication.1. ArbitrarinessArbitrariness, put forward by Saussure, means that the forms of linguistic signs have no natural relationship to their meanings. For example, there is no necessary relationship between the word monkey and the animal it symbolizes.However, there are different levels of arbitrariness:1) Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning.Language is not entirely arbitrary, even with onomatopoeic words that sound like the sounds they describe, such as crash, bang in English.Totally different words are used to describe the sound. e.g. the dog barks bowwow in English but 汪汪汪in Chinese.Besides, some compound words are also not entirely arbitrary, such as photocopy.2) Arbitrariness at the syntactic level:Language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level. And there is a certain degree of correspondence between the sequence of clauses and the real happening. For example,He came in and sat down. He sat down and came in. He sat down after came in.3) Arbitrariness and conventionConvention means you have to say things in this way and you can’t change the expression any other way. The link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative, and conventionality of language makes learn a language laborious.2. DualityDuality means that the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. The property of duality only exists in such a system, namely, with both elements and units.Many animals communicate with special calls, which have corresponding meanings. That is, the primary units have meanings but cannot be further divided into elements. For example, tens of thousands of words are formed out of a small set of sounds, around 40 in the case of the English language.3. CreativityCreativity means that language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness, and refers to the feature that one is able to construct and understand an infinitely large number of sentences in his native language, including these that one has never heard before.①Because of duality, the speaker is able to combine the basic linguistic units to form an infinite set of sentences, most of which are never produced or heard.②Recursiveness, refers to the rule which can be applied repeatedly without any definite limit. The recursive nature of language provides a theoretical basis for the possibility of creating endless sentences.E.g. He bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which…4. DisplacementDisplacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present at the moment of conversation. We can talk about things that are not present, as easily as we do things present. In other words, we can refer to real and unreal things, things of the past, of the present, of the future.Displacement benefits human beings by giving us the power to handle generalizations and abstractions. Once we can talk about physically distant thing, we acquire the ability to understand concepts which denote “non-things”, such as truth and beauty. For example, I can refer to Confucius even though he has been dead for over 2550 years.第二部分Hu Zhuanglin, language has at least seven functions1. Phatic communion(寒暄功能)考过It refers to the social interaction of language. We always use such small, seemingly meaningless expressions to maintain a comfortable relationship between people without any factual content. Ritual exchanges about health or weather such as Good morning, God bless you often state the obvious. They indicate that a channel of communication is open if it should be needed.Different cultures have different topics of phatic communication. For example, Chinese people useThe informative function means language is the instrument of thought and people often feel they need to speak their thoughts aloud.And language serves for the expression of content, that is, of the speaker’s experience of the realThe emotive function is one of the most powerful uses of language, because it is crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. e.g. God, damn it,The interpersonal function means people can use language to establish and maintain their status in a society.For example, the ways in which people address others and refer to themselves indicate the various grades of interpersonal relations, such as Dear Sir, Dear Professor, yours.In addition, attached to the interpersonal function of language is its function of expressing identity. For example, the shouting of names or slogans at public meetings all signal who we are and whereThe performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies.The recreational function means people use language for the sheer joy of using it, such as a baby’s babbling or a chanter’s chanting.The metalingual function means language can be used to talk about itself. For example, I can use the word “book” to talk about a book.To organize any written text into a coherent whole, writers employ certain expressions to keep their readers informed about where they are and where they are going. This makes the language infinitely self-reflexive, that is, we human can talk about talk and think about thinking.第三部分Main branches of linguistics1. Phonetics(语音学)Phonetics studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is, how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc.2. Phonology(音系学)Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.3. Morphology(形态学)Morphology is concerned with the internal structure of words, it studies the minimal units of meaning – morphemes and word-formation processes.4. Syntax(句法学)Syntax studies the sentence structure of language. Specifically, it is the study of the rules governing the ways in which words, word groups and phrases are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between sentential elements.5. Semantics(语义学)Semantics studies the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.6. Pragmatics(语用学)Pragmatics studies the intended meaning of a speaker and takes context into consideration.第四部分Important distinctions in linguistics 重要区别1. Descriptive vs. prescriptive(描写式和规定式)To say that linguistics is a descriptive science is to say that the linguist tries to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms, of correctness.Prescriptive linguistics aims to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all.For example, “Don’t say X.” is a prescriptive command; “People don’t say X.” is a descriptive statement. The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are. In the 18th century, all the main European languages were studied prescriptively. However, modern linguistics is mostly descriptive because the nature of linguistics as a science determines its preoccupation with description instead of prescription.E.g. A grammar of Ancient Chinese.Diachronic: The study of language as it changes through time is diachronic.E.g. From Old English to Standard English.In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study. The reason is that unless the various state of a language are successfully studied it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical development.Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics as langue and parole.①Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the actual or actualized language, or the realization of language.②Langue is relative stable and systematic, parole is subject to personal and situational constraints;③Langue is not spoken by an individual, parole is always a naturally occurring event.What a linguist should do, according to Saussure, is to abstract langue from instances of parole, i.e. to discover the regularities governing all instances of parole and make them the subject of linguistics.the linguistic competence, and the actual use of language in concrete situations is called performance. Competence enables a speaker to produce and understand an indefinite number of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities.A speaker’s competence is stable while his performance is often influenced by psychological and social factors. So a speaker’s performance doesn’t always match his supposed competence. Chomsky believes that linguists ought to study competence, rather than performance.Chomsky’s competence-performance distinction is not exactly the same as, though similar to, Saussure’s langue-parole distinction.Langue is a social product and a set of conventions of a community, while competence is considered as a property of mind of each individual.Saussure looks at language more from a sociological or sociolinguistic point of view than Chomsky since the latter deals with his issues psychologically or psycholinguistically.。
The study of words
3.1 Introductions:
• U.S. fast food giant McDonald's Corp said on Tuesday it would give its Chinese employees their first across-the-board pay rise.
dictionary dictation prediction dictograph
audible audience audiometer auditor auditorium
visual visible visit vision
Diagram B to classify morphemes
3.4 Morphs and allomorphs
Morphs are the smallest meaningful phonetic segments of an utterance on the level of parole.
morpheme (langue) morph (parole)
3.3 What is morpheme??
• Morpheme is the minimal linguistic sign, a grammatical unit in which there is an arbitrary union of a sound and a meaning and that cannot be further analyzed.
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• 1. What is linguistics? • -The Definition • Linguistics is the scientific study of language.
2. Scopes of linguistics
☺General linguistics—studies linguistics as a whole. ☺ Phonetics—study of sounds ☺ Phonology--study of the system of sounds, how they are combined ☺ Morphology—study of the structure and formation of words
• 2.1.4. Language is symbolic. • 2.1.5. Language is human –specific. • 2.1.6. Language is used for communication
2.2. Design features of language
• • • • • 2.2.1. arbitrariness 2.2.2. productivity 2.2.3. duality 2.2.4. displacement 2.2.5. cultural transmission
• ngue and parole • —by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure • langue—abstract systems shared by all members of a speech community • parole—the realization of langue in actual use
3. Some important distinctions of linguistics
• 3.1 prescriptive vs. descriptive • prescriptive—Traditional Grammar taught to learners of a language is basically prescriptive. It tells the reader ―how they should say‖—laying down rules for ―correct‖ behavior • descriptive –describes and analyzes the language people are currently speaking. It deals with ―what people actually say‖
Why linguistics?
• • For those who will be language educators…
• For those who will be engaged in other occupations than language…
Teaching approaches
☺ Syntax—study of sentences, rules governing sentence making ☺ Semantics—study of meaning in isolation ☺ Pragmatics-- study of meaning in context ☺ Sociolinguistics—study of the social aspects of language ☺ Psycholinguistics—study of how human beings acquire language
• 3.2 synchronic vs. diachronic • synchronic—description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study • diachronic—the study of a language as it changes through time
The term paper !!
• A thesis of 1000 words is required for the course. You can choose any topic about language. Remember the DUE TIME is December 20, not the end of the semester. So you are highly recommended to start early. No excuse is accepted for delay of the paper. Serious penalty is waiting for you if you forget about the thesis: one day’s delay can make you lose 10 points, and a week’s delay means you fail in the paper.
• 3.5 competence and performance • — put forth by american linguist Noam Chomsky • competence—learner’s knowledge of a language • performance—the actual realization of the knowledge in real linguistic communication
Introduction to Modern Linguistics
Lecture 1 An Introduction
Course Description
• The course is aimed at the introduction of basic theories and principles of linguistics, as well as the best known issues and discoveries of language studies. Participants are also required to implement these theories and principles to analyze language phenomena, solve language problems and improve their own language competence.
• • • • Lectures Discussion Seminars Presentation
Assessment of the course
• • • • • • • • Total Scores 100 points 100 points 100 points 50 points 50 points 100 points 100 points 600 points 10 quizzes participation term paper class engagement performance office hours final examination
• A small quiz of 10 minutes is done each time when a new chapter begins. •
Reference Books
• 1. 何兆熊,梅德明, «现代语言学», 外语 教育与研究出版社,1999,北京 • 2. 胡壮麟, «语言学教程»(修订本),北 京大学出版社,2001年,北京 • 3. Fromkin, Victoria and Rodman, Robert. 1998. An introduction to language. 6th ed. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
☺ Applied linguistics—General sense: the application of the theories and principles of linguistics to other areas. ☺ Narrow sense: the application of the theories and principles of linguistics to language teaching ☺ Neurolinguistics—deals with the way in which language is presented in the brain
2. What is language?
• 2.1. Definition: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. • 2.1.1. Language is a system. • 2.1.2. Language is ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrbitrary. • 2.1.3. Language is vocal. • .
☺ Historical linguistics—considers how language changes over time in pronunciation, syntax, and meaning ☺ Stylistics and poetics—study literary language and how it achieves its effects ☺ Dialectology—observes how language varies across geographical or social boundaries ☺ Computational linguistics—look at languages as essentially formal systems, which could be mastered by machines