行政生态学2(Administrative ecology 2)
公共行政学 第二章 公共行政环境
![公共行政学 第二章 公共行政环境](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d65ab2e8856a561252d36f7b.png)
影响公共行政活动的内、外部因素的总和。 (二)特点 1、广泛性 2、复杂性 3、差异性 4、多变性
按空间划分——外部公共行政环境与内部公 共行政环境 (一)外部公共行政环境 1、自然地理环境——一国所处的地理位置与自 然状况,如地形、气候等。 2、政治环境——政党制度、政治文化、阶级状 况等。 3、经济环境——经济体制、经济的发展水平等。
2、五大行政பைடு நூலகம்态要素
五种主要的行政生态要素包括经济要素、社 会要素、沟通网络、符号系统、政治构架。 (1)经济要素—社会经济体制和生产力发展水平 三种经济结构:“互惠—重配”结构 “集市—有限市场”结构 “市场—企业”结构 (2)社会要素—各种社会组织 两类社会组织:以血缘关系为纽带结成的自然 团体、以利益关系为纽带结成的人为团体。
(1)1947年高斯发表了《政府生态学》,指出政 府组织与行政行为必须考虑到生态环境,首创 以行政生态学方法研究公共行政现象。 (2)1957年,里格斯发表了《公共行政的比较研 究》。1961年,出版了《行政生态学》,其后 又连续发表了相关论著。这些著作确立了行政 生态学的基本思想,开创了公共行政研究的一 个新途径。
4、文化环境——意识形态、道德伦理、价值观念、 科学、教育等。 (二)内部公共行政环境 1、组织文化——组织在一定的环境中逐步形成 的全体组织成员共同遵守和信奉的价值观、 思维方式和行为准则。 2、组织物质环境,包括办公室布局等。
②要了解一个国家的公共行政,不应该仅仅局限于行政系统本身,而应跳出行政系统,从社会这个大系统来考察,即考察一个国家的行政与该国社会环境的关系;2、行政生态学的含义:研究“自然以及人类文化环境与公共政策运行之间的相互影响情形”的一门行政学分支学科;3、行政生态学的研究范围:探讨各国所特有的社会文化及历史等诸因素是如何影响并塑造该国的公共行政;研究各国的公共行政又如何影响该国的社会变迁与发展;三种行政模式1、农业社会的行政模式——融合型行政模式特点:(1 )以农业生产力为经济基础;(2 )土地的分配与管理是政府的最重要事务;(3 )官僚的职位重于行政政策;(4 )家族与亲族主义的行政风范;(5 )世卿世禄制度;(6 )政治与行政不分,权力来源于君主,行政官吏在政治经济上都是特权阶层;(7 )政府与民众沟通少,同一阶级间交往也受空间限制;(8 )行政活动以地域或土地为基础,行政的主要问题是维持行政的一致和统一。
2、工业社会的行政模式——衍射型行政模式特点:(1 )自由经济或前苏联式的管制经济为经济基础;(2 )民众与政府关系密切,有影响政府决策的渠道;(3 )平等主义的行政风范,成就导向与对事不对人的原则;(4 )高度的社会流动,发达的沟通渠道;(5 )政府职能明确,各行政机构分工精细,各司其职,讲求行政效率与科学性;(6 )行政的主要问题是谋求专业化基础上的协调与统一;3、过渡社会的行政模式——棱柱型行政模式特点:(1)异质性:一个社会在同一时间里,同时存在着不同的制度、行为与观点,而多元社会、多元经济、多元价值导致公共行政的多元性也即异质性特点;(2)重叠性:指行政机构的重叠现象,即行政机构不一定产生其应当功能,行政行为往往受非行政标准所主宰,而非由行政标准决定;行政任务往往由非行政机构来完成;(3)形式主义:指政府所制定的政策和法令不能付诸实施,形同虚设,徒有虚名。
从里格斯的行政生态学看中国公共行政的价值选择王义学(南京理工大学 人文与社会科学学院,江苏 南京 210094)摘要:行政生态学是运用生态学的理论和方法来研究公共行政而形成的一门交叉学科,对世界各国尤其是发展中国家的公共行政产生了重大而深远的影响。
美国著名行政学家里格斯(Fred W ・R iggs )运用生态学的观点研究政府的行政管理与行政环境的互动关系,从而创立了以生态学研究行政管理理论的新体系,使行政生态学成为现代政府管理理论中颇具特色的理论。
在城市规划中,注重绿地 系统布局,保护自然生态 系统和生物多样性。
通过城市规划与建设手段 ,推动节能减排,降低城 市对生态环境的压力。
依据行政生态学理论进行 环境影响评价,预测人类 活动对生态系统的潜在影 响。
建立生态补偿机制,通过 经济补偿手段促进生态环 境的保护和恢复。
里格斯的行政生态学理 论课件
• 里格斯行政生态学理论概述 • 行政生态学的基本原理 • 里格斯行政生态学理论的应用 • 对中国行政管理的启示 • 案例分析与实践 • 总结与展望
CHAPTER 01景和起源
20世纪中叶,随着全球化和工业化 进程的加速,各国政府面临着日益复 杂的行政管理问题。在这样的背景下 ,里格斯行政生态学理论应运而生。
• 通过阅读相关文献和案例,了解不同国家行政生态的特点和差异。
• 关注现实生活中的行政生态问题,运用行政生态学理论进行分 析和思考。
01 02 03 04
• 在制定行政管理政策时,充分考虑行政生态各要素的影响,确保政 策与实际需求的契合。
里格斯认为,行政行为是行政人员 在特定行政生态下的一种适应性行 为,行政行为的合理性取决于其与 行政生态的契合程度。
一、 生平与著述出生与求学:弗雷德·W ·里格斯,美国著名行政学家,比较行政学和行政生态学创始人。
1917年生于国桂林,1948年获美国哥伦比亚大学政治科学博士学位;任职经历任职经历::1948-1951年,美国对外政策协会非正式研究会员;1951-1955年,任纽约公共行政—政府情报交换所所长助理;1956-1967年,美国印第安纳州立大学政治学系任教; 1967年起,一直担任美国夏威夷大学东西方研究中心的资深研究员,同时兼任美国斯坦福行为科学高级研究中心的研究员。
❖ 2、行政生态学的必要性:
❖ 首先,“在现代的、过渡的社会里,一直有一种建 立正式的政治和行政制度的趋势,但是这些制度却 仍然只是一些形式主义的制度。这就是说,有效的 行为绝大部分仍取决于传统的结构和压力,诸如家 族、宗教以及一些继续存在的社会和经济成规。因 此,只有以生态学的观点——亦即从非行政的因素 去观察,才能了解这些国家的政治与行政”。
第二讲 行政生态学理论
行政生态理论的代表人物 行政生态理论的主要思想 对行政生态理论的简要评述
《公共 行政学 前沿》
《对公共 行政学的 反思》 强调了组 织环境的 重要性
就任美国 政治学会 的第40任
行政生态理论的代表人物 里格斯的主要学术贡献
提出了“农业社 会和工业社会” 的概念 并随后发表了 《农业社会和工 业社会:走向比 较行政的类型学》
在印度公共行 政学院的赞助 下,出版了 《公共行政生 态学》
由于对公共行 政学研究所做 出的终身成就 获得美国公共 行政学会颁发 的“德怀 特·沃尔多奖”
❖ 研究公共行政的生态学方法,可以毫不夸张地说是从基础做 起,从一个地方的各种因素(如土壤、气候、地理位置)到 生活在那里的人(他们的人数、年龄和知识、以及他们赖以 谋生的科学技术和社会技术状况,以及人与人之间的关系) 。应该在这一背景下研究他们的公共管理工具和实践,从而 使他们进一步了解他们在做什么,并恰当地评价是怎样做的 。
▪ (d)关于职能的立法简单,而立法的执行则 不然
丁煌《西方公共行政管理理论精要》笔记和考研真题详解(第17章 里格斯的行政生态学理论)【圣才出品】
![丁煌《西方公共行政管理理论精要》笔记和考研真题详解(第17章 里格斯的行政生态学理论)【圣才出品】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0f716087482fb4daa58d4bd5.png)
第四讲 行政生态学
![第四讲 行政生态学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c0276a81941ea76e59fa0452.png)
(7)确立了新型的人事关系,公务员不是对上级个人 服从,而是对职位的服从。
里格斯认为,影响一个国家行政的生态 要素是多种多样的,其中最主要的有五 个要素,即: 经济要素、社会要素、沟通网、符号 系统和政治构架。
一个国家的行政模式基本上由该国的经济结构所 决定。他把社会经济结构依社会类型分为三种:
(9)行政活动以地域或土地为基础, 行政的主要问题是维持行政的一致和 统一。
(1)机构重叠,职责不清。行政机构 已经设立,但不能有效运作;
(2)许多行政制度已经建立,但在实 际的行政过程中仍然受各种传统势力 的影响而不能起到约束和规范作用;
(2)行政生态学在某些方面、一定程度上 符合马克思主义基本原理。
(3)行政生态环境所包括的内容是非常广泛 的。里格斯的理论缺乏完整性、系统性。
(4)里格斯虽一再标榜其研究的学术性,称 其对三种行政模型所做的生态分析纯粹是技术 性的,是一种“非价值判断”,不具有任何 “目的论的性质”,似乎非常客观、中立,其 实他根本无法摆脱他作为一个具有“美国优越” 意识的学者的立场。
成就取向很有限。虽然依门第、种族、身 份等关系的用人标准已经被放弃,一种以 成就为取向的考试制度已经建立起来,但 因为整个人事政策是不确定的,要确定一 个人的真才实学则是相当困难的。
内发式变迁:社会变迁的动力来自于内 部,社会结构的内部发生变化。
外发式变迁:社会发展的动力来自于外 部,如受到外国侵略、冲击时,被迫改 变其行为方式,改进某些法律条文。
(3)正确认识我国行政环境的多样性 注意各地、各级政府行政环境的差
里格斯认为,影响一个国家行政的生态要素是各种各样的,但其 中最主要的有五个要素:经济要素、社会要素、沟通网、符号系统和 政治构架。 ——经济要素是影响一个国家行政的第一位要素,一个国家的行 政模式,基本上是由该国的经济结构所决定的。 ——社会要素主要是指各种社会组织,有两大类:一类是以血缘 关系为纽带结成的自然团体;一类是以利益关系为纽带结成的人为团 体。 ——沟通网包括社会的文化水平、使用语言的状况、社会舆论的 力量,以及通讯和交通的状况等使整个社会互相“沟通”的手段,它 对该国的公共行政也发生重要影响。 ——符号系统指包括政治神话、政治法则、政治典章在内的一整 套政治符号系统。 ——政治构架指政治与行政应是相对分离的,政治是决定政策的 过程,行政是执行政策的过程。
以生存和发展的最深层环境。经济环境包括物质技术和经济制 度两个方面。 (1) 物质生产与人口生产的发展状况对行政组织的影响 ① 生产力的发展状况决定的行政组织的存亡和性质。 ② 生产力的发展状况制约着行政组织的功能发挥和部门设置。 ③ 生产力的发展状况提供了行政组织运行的物质基础。 ④ 人口的发展状况影响着行政组织的发展战略和人口管理功能。 (2) 生产关系与具体的经济体制对行政组织的影响 ① 基本的生产关系决定着行政组织的性质和变化。 ②具体的经济体制影响着行政组织的功能配置和运行模式(自然 经济、计划经济和市场经济)。
(1)行政环境制约和影响行政管理系统及其活 动 (即基础和条件);
——行政环境是行政管理产生、存在和发展的基础 ——行政环境决定行政管理的目标、内容和性质 ——行政环境决定行政管理的方式和方法
行政生态学主要代表人物是美国哈佛大学教授约翰· 高斯和佛雷德·里格斯。
后者运用“结构功能分析法〞和“物理学光谱分析〞的概念,对世界各国行政生态背景进行研究,总结出三种行政形态,即融合型---- 农业社会的行政形态,衍射型----工业社会的行政形态,棱柱型----农业社会向工业社会过渡的行政形态。
1、农业化行政形态、工业化行政形态 、“过渡 形态”(中间均衡模型) 2、融合的一棱柱的一衍射的模型 融合型行政:功能扩散的 棱柱型行政:过渡性的 衍射型行政:功能专一性的
(2)社会要素:家庭所扮演的角色异常重要,社团发 展则较脆弱。 (3)沟通网络:社会沟通的渠道比传统社会畅通,但 比现代社会的同化性程度低。 (4)符号系统:传统社会的符号系统和现代社会的符 号系统并存
(5) 政治构架:政治权力与行政权力的分离未完成
A.重描述,轻规范:注重解释行政是什么样,试图 建立一种所谓价值中立的行政生态模式理论,较少关 注行政应当怎么样做。 B.对行政生态环境的考察分析并不完整、系统;
C.有些术语的使用过于随意 :“多元化”与“一元 化”
A.研究方法上的创新:比较(国别、制度)的方法, 生态的方法(强调环境因素的重要性)。为行政学开 辟了新的领域,开创了比较行政学这一新的学科。 B.提出的三种行政模式具有一定的解释性:尤其是 棱柱行政模式对过渡社会的公共行政现象具有很强的 解释性。
第02章 行政管理学之行政环境2
![第02章 行政管理学之行政环境2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3853610502020740be1e9b70.png)
地球环境影响人类文明的形成与发展,从而制约着各国行政 组织的发展模式。 自然资源和国土面积影响各国综合国力的强弱,从而制约着 其行政组织的财力基础与功能发挥 。 自然资源和环境影响各国经济发展的方向与结构,从而制约 着其行政组织的部门设置与功能体系 。 地理形状影响一个国家的民族团结、国家统一与行政管理的 稳定状况。 地理环境制约着政府的国际战略及其相应的功能组织。
主要包括一个国家的思想 道德状况和科学文化状况。 道德状况和科学文化状况。 任何行政系统的活动都受 到一定的文化氛围的制约。 到一定的文化氛围的制约。 任何行政系统的活动都以 一定文化氛围为前提。 一定文化氛围为前提。
气候、资源、人口、民族,阶级、传统、科技; ;
行 政 环 境
国际环境 国内环境 地域
物质经济环境 政治法律环境 精神文化环境
• 这一时期的行政学家继承了早期行政学的 基本信念,认为“真正的民主与真正的效 率是统一的”,经济和效率是行政管理的 基本准则。
• 此时期将官僚制度及其组织和管理问题作 为研究重点,力图通过对行政现象的科学 分析,发现行政管理的原则和规律,并尝 试着为行政学确立一个基本的理论模式和 学科体系。
• 超Y理论 又称“应变理论”或“权变理论”,是根据 “复
杂人假设”提出的一种管理理论。由J·J·摩尔斯和 J·W·洛斯奇创立。其主要观点有:
研究》一文,主张政治与行政分离,将行政管理作为一门 独立的学科加以研究。时代背景 • 5、1900年美学者古德诺出版发表《政治与行政》一书, 进一步明确指出政治与行政的区分。(自此行政学作为一 个新的、独立的研究领域得以确立。) • 6、1926怀特《行政学导论》、1927威洛比《公共行政原 理》,对其内容进行系统研究和阐述。行政学理论体系得 以形成。
现实对行政学理论提出挑战。人们纷纷提出所谓的“新模 式”以取代“旧的传统理论” (如:美青年学者:“新 公共行政学”运动;英学者:提出重视行政道德规范和社 会需要的“社区服务模式”)。此时行政学更加注重政府 行政的社会和政治意义。 • 创新: • 系统论、控制论等管理实践中广泛且成功的应用为西方行 政学的进一步创新奠定了重要的方法论基础; • 经验主义学派、权变理论学派等新的管理学派相继诞生, 且目标管理理论、权变学说在政府行政管理实践中得到直 接应用,为创新提供现实可能性。
里格斯行政生态学1.引言1.1 概述概述部分要对文章的主题进行简要介绍和概括,说明文章的背景和意义。
1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行阐述里格斯行政生态学的相关内容:第一部分是引言部分,引言部分将对里格斯行政生态学进行概述,并介绍文章的结构和目的。
后。同时 , 现代工业文明又 势不可 挡的强 力推进。 东部沿 海地区 如 上海广东深圳等地已经发 展的相当 充足 , 某 些领域 已步入 后现代 社 会。从经济运行机制看 , 现代自由经济已经显露出 无比的优越性 , 但 是市场化程度不一而足 , 经济结构面临重大调 整。从行政技术上 看 , 中国政府的领导能力和执 政水平 不断提 高 , 举世 瞩目。但 是由于 幅 员辽阔 , 行政层级过多 , 导致的行政不力、 甚至偏 远基层的无序状 态。 随 着全球 化的加 深 , 某些 领域 步入国 际前列 , 有些领 域还未 作出 回 应。中国行政生态的异质性实质上是国家发展和 全球化进程中必 然 经历的发展过程所表现出的状态特征。
第三 , 中国政府行政的重叠性
行政生态学认为过渡型社会即发展中国家的 公共行政存在着 严 重的重叠性。所谓! 重叠性∀ , 是指 ! 一个结构 ( st ructu re) 并不一定 产 生其当有的功能 ( f unct ion ) 行政 行为往 往受 非行政 行为的 标准所 主 宰 , 而不受行政的标准所 决定。同理 , 经济 行为不 受市场 规律控 制 , 而受非经济的因素所决定。 ∀ 在过渡社会中 , 在组织 和结构上 , 由于 功 能的分工不明 , 呈现出传统与现代的重叠。 我国的政府组织结构脱胎 于解放 后的计 划经济 时代 , 改革开 放 后 , 随着社会经济文化各个方 面的飞 速发展 , 社会事 务日 趋庞杂 , 政 府管理范围也随之扩张 , 政府的权力也急剧膨胀 , 这样原有的行政 机 构 在不能 很好的 适应社 会发展 的需求 , 行政 职能增 加 , 行政 机构 扩 大 , 增加和扩大并不是在提前计划好的状态下进行 的 , 因此难免职 能 的重叠和机构之间争权夺 利。而行政 系统的 改革 , 是远远 难于经 济 改革的 , 行政改革是中国现阶段改革的最大难题。 我国政府必须承担大量的 社会职 能 , 从 而设立 了庞大 的行政 机 构。同时 , 我国在建国初期实行的计划经济体制 囊括一切社会事 务 , 最终导致行政 机构的膨胀。就国务院而言 , 尽管从 1978 年以 来政府 经历了好几次机构改革 , 但收效不大 , 并没有从 根本上解决问 题。 政 府部门林立 , 职能混乱 , 某些机构形同摆设。机构 的重复建设致使 社 会资源的浪费 , 行政效率低下。
行政生态学行政生态学(Administrative ecology)行政生态学是比较行政学的代表作。
行政生态学的理论先驱是美国学者约翰·M·高斯(JohnM·Gaus),他正式把“生态学”一词引入行政学研究领域;而理论集大成者则是另一位美国著名行政学家弗雷德·W·里格斯(Fred W·Riggs),他运用生态学的理论与方法来研究行政现象,即从公共行政的社会环境、文化背景、意识形态等外部关系上着手,去分析一个社会的行政制度和行政行为。
纵向维度是与三种社会形态相适应的三种行政类型:与农业社会相适应的熔合型行政模式(Fused Model);与现代工业社会相适应的衍射型行政模式(Diffracted Model);与过渡转型期社会相适应的棱镜型行政模式(Prismatic Model)。
更为重要的是,在方法论层面,里格斯不再仅停留在作为自然科学的生态学上,而是将其上升为一种方法论,这对于我国行政管理理论建第27卷 第5期 牡丹江大学学报 Vol.27 No.52018年5月 Journal of Mudanjiang University May. 2018文章编号:1008-8717(2018)05-0001-04里格斯行政生态学理论的方法论意蕴探究周春晓1 彭辉安2(1.广西师范大学马克思主义学院 广西师范大学漓江学院, 广西 桂林 541006;2.桂林旅游学院,广西 桂林 541006)摘 要:行政生态学是运用生态学理论和方法研究公共行政与行政环境之间相互关系的一门交叉学科。
关键词:里格斯; 行政生态学理论; 方法论中图分类号:C93-03 文献标识码:AExploration of Methodology Relating to Riggs'sEcology of Public AdministrationZHOU Chun-xiao 1 ,PENG Hui-an 2(1. School of Marxism, Guangxi Normal University Lijiang College of GuangXi Normal University, Guilin,Guangxi 541006; 2. Guilin Tourism University, Guilin, Guangxi 541006)Abstract: Ecology of public administration is an interdiscipline that researches the relationship between public administration and administrative environment via ecological theories and methods. Using theories and methods relating to ecology, Riggs not only compares these two subjects from the angle of ecology but parallels them from the aspect of philosophical methodology. Hence, the most important thing for studying ecology of public administration is only to take methodology into consideration.Key words: Riggs; ecology of public administration; methodology 收稿日期:基金项目:作者简介:2017-12-222016年度广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目(项目批准号KY2016YB794);2016年广西师范大学马克思主义学院研究生创新项目(MYYJ16B01);2018年广西研究生教育创新计划项目“社会协同治理的实践理性研究”的阶段性研究成果周春晓(1987-),女,广西北海人,讲师,广西师范大学在读博士生,研究方向:马克思主义理论及其当代价值,管理哲学。
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行政生态学2(Administrative ecology 2)行政生态学2(Administrative ecology 2)Administrative ecology is to use ecological theory and methods of public administration research results, the basic theory and methods of the relationship and interaction between the subject and its borrowing ecology environment, to study the relationship between administrative system and social environment, through a simulation ecosystem to study the ecological administrative system of [i]. A very important concept of administrative ecology is the administrative ecological environment. Administrative ecological environment is also borrowed from the concept of ecology, from the administrative and ecological environment to explore the relationship between administrative law, that a country's administrative management and its ecological environment is closely related. From the objective social environment and the relationship between administrative management, first of all, the main body of administrative management exists in a certain environment. The behavior of civil servants is not only affected by internal physiological and psychological factors, but also affected by external social environment and natural environment. The administrative organization is a subsystem of the larger social system, which presents a series of objective requirements and supports or restrictions to theadministrative organizations, and the administrative organizations provide services for the environment. Secondly, the administrative goallies in the requirements of environmental improvement and the possible conditions provided by the environment, at the same time it reflects the government's active transformation of the environment. Practice has proved that recognizing the environment, is the premise of correct understanding of administrative nature,functions, principles, methods, behavior and government institutions of self construction and the operation of the law, but also an important prerequisite for administrative reform, improve administrative efficiency. Administrative ecological environment including social economic structure, cultural background, historical tradition, ideology, social system, population structure, natural geography, the impact of these factors on the administration is enormous, even is irresistible. Among them, the political ecological environment, economic ecological environment and cultural ecological environment play a major role in administrative management. [ii].A sudden crisis of SARS not only to the daily administration of the government brings a great challenge, but also a profound impact on the whole society such as economy, culture and people's normal social life: people who travel less hot weather, many people wearing masks, Zuogongjiaoche people less, many people ride a bike this is not the only one. These factors, in turn, will affect the administrative behavior of the government. In this crisis, the Chinese government has made many important decisions striking against SARS, analysis from the perspectiveof administrative ecology, affect the ecological environment factors of these decisions are mainly in the following three aspects: First, political factors, including international political factors and domestic political factors. Any government should adhere to a principle in the face of crisis: in the face of economic interests and the safety of people's lives, the latter should always be higher than the former. This is also the theoretical knowledge that any civilized society should have.The Chinese government in April 20th, the original five days announced an epidemic to published once a day, and the WHO's practices, truthfully report the epidemic around all over the world, won the praise of experts and WHO, to establish a good image in the eyes of the world Chinese. China have a saying: how I do not know their. So it is with the government. Only a government with good faith can win the trust of the people and be supported by the people so as to establish its prestige and achieve long-term development. Objectively speaking, the decision made by the Chinese government has a lot to do with the international political environment and the domestic political environment. Here, we mainly talk about the international environment. After the SARS crisis, due to various reasons, "at the early stage of the outbreak, we were not aware of the seriousness of the epidemic.". There are defects in the public health system, the organizational command is not unified, and the information channels are not smooth,...... Our prevention and control work has been a bit passive for some time." (Vice Premier and Ministerof health Wu Yi spoke at the Geneva World Conference on health), the disease spread to Hongkong and Taiwan, Singapore, especially in Canada and the United States, it has aroused wide attention of theinternational community, the WHO was invited to intervene, governments and foreign companies have canceled the Beijing conference and tourism, And asked their citizens, foreign students and non essential embassy personnel to return home and so on, all this has finally turned the SARS issue into a disguised international sanctions". Foreign media such as France, Britain, Canada, the United States media criticism China government did not handle the SARSepidemic situation, foreign political leaders have to cancel or postpone the visit to China, all of which are not likely to have a certain degree not our government decision-making influence. And the positive reaction of the international community after the decisive decision taken by the Chinese government has provided a certain degree of affirmation for our country to continue to implement this decision. As Stephen, Morgan Stanley's chief economist at Roach Stanley, theworld's leading investor, sees in the report entitled "China's vigilance", "China's leaders have come up against the crisis.", Reflects their new and independent leadership skills. After the SARS crisis, China will become more mature and powerful".Secondly, economic factors, including international economic factors and domestic economic factors. Among them, the international economic factors, including the impact of SARS on the international economy andSARS, the impact of international investment on China's economy two. We are here mainly talking about the latter. After the outbreak of the Sars crisis, some international organizations and some countries regard China as a epidemic area, and investors' confidence in investment has declined. Some investment projects and original projects have been postponed. This is to have some side effects to attract foreign investment in China, one of the hardest hit by the SARS Guangdong, Beijing, is a global electronic, optical, automotive, clothing supply center, which willaffect the overseas manufacturers and investors in China's confidence. According to foreign reports, some European and American manufacturers are pondering whether to disperse procurement and OEM manufacturing to central and South America to reducetheir dependence on Chinese manufacturing. Some experts pointed out that the impact of SARS on China's foreign investment is even greater than the Asian financial crisis and 9.11[iii]. These are the adverse effects of SARS on China's economy in terms of international investment. From the domestic economic factors, first of all, SARS has a greatimpact on China's tourism industry; secondly, China's aviation industry is also facing challenges. Many flights were forced to be cancelled and the number of passengers dropped, which would affect the revenues of our airline industry. Third, the impact of SARS on China's tourism industry has spread to restaurants, retail and other service industries. Fourth, from an indirect point of view, atypical pneumonia has brought about a heavy psychological burden, which has affected our country's foreigntrade and foreign trade. In general, a relationship with the flowindustry impact is relatively large, such as traffic, including aviation, railway, automobile, including tourism, catering, entertainment,including exhibition, these effects will be relatively large, whileother industries are relatively small, some industries, such as medicine, including the medical service. This may have some role in promoting. According to the State Council Development Research Center of theMinistry of macroeconomic research expert analysis, the impact of the epidemic on the annual GDP of 0.5 to 1.2 percentage points [iv]. The effect of SARS on the most serious China economy, or in terms of employment, according to CCTV quoted a government researchers said, affected by atypical pneumonia (SARS) epidemic, unemployment China more than 8 million people, compared to the end of 2002 increased by nearly 1 times. These are the adverse effects of SARS on China's economy. Of course, to see these adverse effects at the same time, should also see China's economy because of its favorable factorscharacteristics to resist the adverse effects, including small proportion of tourism revenue accounted for only 0.2% of GDP in our country, is not enough to have a substantial impact on China's economy; China GDP accounted for more than half the manufacturing industry the manufacturing industry, is not affected by SARS, automobile manufacturing, chip and other industries are good; because most agricultural products sold nearby, accounted for 1/7 of agricultural GDP may from the impact of SARS; the Chinese economic network were notdamaged; although the real estate industry is likely to decline, butfive percent of GDP for the construction industry has not been a recession signal etc.. Moreover, the SARS outbreak Chinese when theworld authoritative economic research institutions and the media and groups of Chinese economy generally optimistic that "SARS interferenceis limited to the second quarter," Chinese economy has not lost luster, the SARS crisis will soon die "," SARS hinder not high growth "China economy, on the one hand Chinese is because of the huge market capacity and cheap labor force and increasingly improve the investment environment to attract foreign capital strength, on the other hand, because of the special test in the fight against SARS, the government Chinese the doings won the world's trust and respect, as chairman of the Executive Committee of the American Chamber of commerce Steve? Van Andel said:" the attitude and quickly, complete response for the government of this field China epidemic showed There was no parallel in history.,trade partners, will help employers and investors to establish a letter Heart, and all this will make China's economy continue to maintain the momentum of growth." In the process of China government in the fight against SARS, also issued a series ofpolicies to stimulate the economy, Chinese financial performance, many initiatives are linked together, at one time, effectively ensurethe central in the very period of "grasping (one hand grasping the prevention and treatment of SARS, economic development strategy)". Including very attractive to civil aviation, tourism, commerce, catering,taxi and other shoufeidianyiqing influence industry, will take the reduction of administrative fees and appropriate tax incentives and other measures to give the necessary policy support, which ease the plight of recovery for these industries, employment would play a very active role. On the whole,The overall impact of SARS on China's economy is the decisive factor for our government to make and implement these measures. It is also a positive result of the two-way interaction between the economic environment and government actions.Finally, the quality of citizenship factors. As the service object of government activities, citizen quality plays a vital role in government activities. In turn, the government activities also have a negative effect on the quality of citizens. Through this SARS incident, this point is very obvious. Objectively speaking, in the SARS crisis, the ability of our citizens to deal with emergencies has been greatly tested. Social consciousness, scientific literacy, legal sense and self organizing ability...... These constitute the basic elements of the quality of modern citizens, in the face of SARS hit a special moment, have been tested and challenged. There is no scientific knowledge, ignorance of SARS may lead to excessive fear, and may thus lead to a group of incorrect discrimination; if there is no need for self organizationability, the local epidemic situation, may cause widespread panic and confusion. Some time ago appeared in parts of the "buy" vinegar andsalt have adequate supply of daily necessities, and some traders took the opportunity to price gouging practice, is not a good sign. There have been recent cases of avoidance of family members of doctors and nurses, or the irrationality of passengers who do not allow buses to stop near hospitals. Even in some areas also appeared large-scale epidemic areas to flee epidemic and invalid traffic incident. Although a few things, but it is necessary to draw attention to. These phenomena reflect the public awareness of our society needs to be improved. As a civilized society of citizens should be aware that every citizen is a member of the society, have the responsibility and obligation to safeguard public safety, public affairs should be treated in a cooperative manner, maintaining public security and public order of society, to public affairs, public security, public order can have a non cooperative attitude, go ahead. The individual citizen should not only ask the society to give him public security, but he will threaten or destroy public security intentionally or unintentionally. The current SARS epidemic is a challenge to the whole society, and is closelyrelated to every citizen. It depends on the enhancement of public awareness and active participation in [v]. In the face of some unsatisfactory places in the society, the government should strengthen public awareness, strengthen social control in a timely and effective manner, and shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding public security and public affairs. In particular, in order to adapt to the social needs of the information age and the masses' informed demands, the governmentshould improve the transparency of information in respect of public affairs,respect the people's right to know and release SARS in a timely manner. The illegal behavior of others in society, such as blocking traffic, the government should take decisive measures to stop or even punish. From the Chinese government in the recent performance, could have done this, including the introduction of "public health emergency regulations", the epidemic reporting and information disclosure problems, made specific provisions on liability, false, concealed or other duties ineffective, punishment is severe: the main person in charge governments at all levels shall be subject to administrative sanctions, orwithdrawal or reduction; more serious, should undertake the criminal responsibility "[vi] in accordance with the law; and for the governmentin violation of the provisions of the price, especially to hoarding and profiteering up prices, disrupt the market order of the illegal operators, the relevant departments will be based on the State Food and Drug Administration and other five ministries Bureau in April 21st issued" on the strengthening of the prevention and treatment of atypical pneumonia and drug supervision and management work of the emergency notice ", according to law, shall be given a heavier punishment for intentional; Whoever spreads the infectious disease pathogens, endangers public security, causes serious injury or death, or causes heavy losses to public or private property, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment or deathpenalty. This is China's Supreme People's court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate announced in May 14th on the handling of several issues concerning the application of law impairing the prevention and control of outbreaks of infectious diseases and other disasters Criminal Cases Interpretation of the provisions of the. According to this provision, the prevention and cure of SARS issued false advertising will violate the criminal law, the dumping of waste emissions containing pathogens of infectious diseases caused by the sudden spread of infectious diseases can be sentenced to 3 to 7 years, by preventing "SARS" price gouging by criminal law penalties against SARS in production and sales of counterfeit products will be subject to heavy penalties, make up the spread of epidemic situation of infectious diseases the most terrible information may be sentenced to 5 years of [vii]. These government policies are standard measures, do some unfair phenomenon in our society because of various reasons including the quality of citizens, resulting in turn said, these measures to strengthen the government and the people's communication, to quell rumors, stable people, and regulate people's behaviors, the crisis of citizens settled as soon as possible panic and confusion, enhance the ability of citizens when faced with crisis reaction and coping ability, Should be talking about a very positive role.To sum up, because "the administrative ecological environment is the sum of the various conditions related to the administrative system", [viii], in order to analyze the government's behavior, we must closelyintegrate the various conditions related to the administrative system. The US of government actions taken by Chinese government in the SARS event and the administrative ecological environment in the political, economic and civic quality three factors analysis, a very close relation we can see the two. This suggests that we must in the formulation of public policy in consideration of environmental factors, the consideration of environmentalfactors comprehensively, public policy implementation will drag smaller, due to unfavorable factors caused by the loss will be a bit less, which will have a greater extent to the support of the people. On the other hand, if the environmental factor is not considered enough, even the environmental factor is not taken into consideration, the decision-maker can only shoulder all the negative consequences. In conclusion, to analyze the human crisis from the perspective of administrative ecology, can make us more profound understanding to the interactive relationship between administrative system andadministrative ecological environment, so as to make corresponding preparations from the system, material, spiritual and psychological, so that once the crisis occurs, you can quickly enter for state and do analysis to develop measures for environment and adjust the strategy in time, this is not only for our government's ability to govern a test, is an opportunity to improve and promote the optimization of the administrative system, we should seize this opportunity, in the process of struggle and crisis continue to evolve and improve, to fight this warwithout smoke the war. The pain is still undetermined pain, a series of measures in the government in the past the crisis is taken, to analyzethe reasons, results and advantages and disadvantages, will help us to take more effective measures to further improve the government's ability.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] Cui Yuluan, female, College of law and politics of East China Normal University, political science graduate students--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[i] Tang Xinglin, Riggs's administration ecology theory, Journal of Shanghai Administration College, 2000, third, forty-fourth pages [ii] Yang Xin, administration ecology environment and modern city administration, special economic zone theory and practice, 1995, issue ninth, fiftieth pages[iii] Yu Hai, the impact of SARS on foreign trade is greater thanthe Asian financial crisis and 9.11, Xinhuanet, Beijing, June 2 [iv] Zhang Liqun Li Jianwei Lu Zhongyuan, "SARS may make the annual economic growth slowed down 0.5 - 1.2% -- on" SARS "on the economicimpact of the preliminary analysis and suggestion", "China economic times", June 3, 2003[v] people's network reporter Zhang Yulai, "prevention and treatmentof SARS: to have a sense of law, public awareness", people's network,May 7, 2003[vi], Lu Bing, "fight SARS: public health emergency response mechanism", "Southern Weekend", May 8, 2003[vii] Tian min, Li Shufeng, judicial interpretation of criminal cases of infectious diseases, Xinhua, May 15, 2003[viii] Wang Huning, administrative ecology analysis,thirty-first pages, Fudan University press, 1989 edition.。