
物流的英文作文1500字英文:Logistics is a crucial part of any business, as it involves the movement of goods from one location to another. As someone who has worked in the logistics industry for several years, I can attest to the importance of efficient and effective logistics operations. In this essay, I will discuss the various aspects of logistics and how theyimpact businesses.Firstly, logistics involves the planning, implementation, and control of the movement of goods. This includes transportation, storage, and distribution. For example, a company that produces clothing will need to transport their products from the factory to warehouses or retail stores. The logistics team will need to plan themost efficient route, choose the appropriate mode of transportation (such as trucks, ships, or planes), and ensure that the products are stored and distributedcorrectly.Secondly, logistics also involves the management of inventory. This means keeping track of the quantity and location of products at all times. For example, a company that produces food products will need to ensure that their inventory is properly stored and managed to prevent spoilage or expiration. The logistics team will need to monitor inventory levels, forecast demand, and coordinate with suppliers to ensure that there is enough stock to meet customer demand.Finally, logistics also plays a crucial role in customer satisfaction. For example, if a customer orders a product online, they expect it to be delivered quickly and in good condition. The logistics team will need to ensure that the product is shipped promptly, and that it arrivesin good condition. They will also need to provide tracking information so that the customer can monitor the progress of their order.In conclusion, logistics is a complex and essentialpart of any business. It involves the planning, implementation, and control of the movement of goods, the management of inventory, and the satisfaction of customers.A well-run logistics operation can help a business to operate more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.中文:物流是任何企业的重要组成部分,因为它涉及物品从一个地点到另一个地点的运动。

物流专业英语班级:物流三班姓名:***学号:**********Introduction to LogisticsLogrstics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and other resources in a repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requiements of customers. Logistics involves the integrtion of infomation, transportation, detailed list warehousing, materil handling, and packging, andand occasionally secwit. Logistics is a channel of th supply chain which adds the value of0f time and place utility. Today the complexity of poduction logistics can be modeled,d analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation softwareThe term logzshcs comes from the Greek logos (2byos), meaning "speeclt, reason, ratro, mtionalit, language, phrase", and more specifically from th Greek word lqgisrtki gaytonkq),), meaning acounting and financial organization. The word logistics has its aigin in the French verbb loger to lodge or t quarter. Its original use wasto describe the science ofmovemcnt, srppying &g & maintenance of military forces in the feld. Lateron it was sed to desaibe the managemcnt ft 0f materials fiow through an o:ganization, from raw materials through to Saished goodLogistics is considered to have originated in the military's nead tosupply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved 6rom their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roma and Byzantine empires, military officers with the titie Lagistikass were responsible for financia and supply distribution matterssLogistics management is that part of the supply cbain which plans, implernents and controls the efficient, effective forwad and reverse flow and storage of goods, savices andd related information between te point of origin and the poin of consumptioo in crder tott mect customer and legal requirements. A professioal woricing in the feld of logisticscs management is called a logisticianLogistics management is Known by many narnes; the most common are as foDowsMaterials ManagementChannel ManagementDistnbution (or Physical Distribution)Business or Logistics ManagemenlSupply Chain ManagementBusiness LogisticsLogastics as a business concept evolved m the 1950s Business logastics can be defined as "having the right item in he rightt quantity at the right time at the tight place for the right pnce In te nght condition to the nght customer , and Is the science of processsThe main fimchoas of a qualified logsshcran include invcntory managemeru, Inachasmg, transportabon, warehousing, consultation and the organizing nd plarming of these activitiess Logrsticrans combme a professional Imowledge of ech of these fimctrcn to coordmate resowcesee in ao organization. There are two ftmdamentally dfferent forms of logistic3: co8 opriniaoaa a steady flow of mateial; the other coordinates a sequence of resources to cnry otd some peujectc peopProduction logisticsThe tenn production logistics is used to describe logistic processes within an induatc) The purpose of production logistics is to ensure that each machine and workstation is being fed with he right product in the right quantily and qualityat the rigt time. The concem is nctncc the transportation itself; but to streamline and control the flow through value-adding prcessess and eliminate non-vlue-adding ones. Production logistics can be applied to existing as welll as new plants. Manufacturing in an existing plant is a constantly changing procss. Prothaetionn logistics provides he means to achieve customer response and capital efficienc))Warehouse management systems and warehouse control systemsAlthough there is some ftinctionality overlap, the. differences between warehouse management systems) and warehouse controlsystems (WCS) can e significant. AA WMS plans a weekly ctivity forecast based on such factots as statistis and trends, whereas a WCA acts s4pervisor, working in real time toneaaa For Instance, a WMS get the job docbe b the mostt ctock-keepl "gunft(SKU,)Aandfiveof. can tell the tystem rt n comsideratioos may avee SKU B hours m advance, bot by the_ trme It acts. other as going to need five of tri come into play, A WCS can ume and adapting to the situation and operational s 9tatus. Working synrgisticali, Dy making a last-minute decaston based preventthatproblembwarkinginreal1 1y, WMS and WCS can resolve these issues.Logistics has evolved to unmatched heights because of advances in the field all over the globe. Many organizations which used to treat the process as a buden are now focusingon the growth and development of logisties by making it as an integralorganization. Those with an interest in the 6eld may find some 101 part of te ll uutially confusing, so we present definitions of some frequently used Dhraser phraserABC aoalysisIt refers to the process of classification of products as per the level of terms of their relative criteria such as purchase or sales volume. It can be :mportance ia l tectinique that is used in a business sense fordenoting a categorization of lage voltt descnhed 18 a data into groups. These groups can be mrked as A, B and C. This means thatt ume or l activities thes l are considered high on prioriy are labeled as A, those witha lesser priority atete coder B and the groups of activities that are last on the list of priority are labeled C groupedOpen PollcyThis refers to a cargo insurance pohcy that has an open contracL An open pollform of lcy asa l cargo insrance policy that is used to cover all grpes of sbipments undertakcn b J l tbe insured party. sometimes referred to as blanket coverage, the client is covred forr sl":ation specified in the tems and conditions of the insurancee agreement, as long s those ll shipments have been properly declared to the company that underwrites the policyConsagneeTbis refers to an individual, company or manufacturer to whom a shipper or seller sends l merchandise. Intermediate consignee refrs to a patty who is responsible for merchandisee delivery to the ultmate consignee. intimate consignee, on te other hmd, refers to a party J l who is in the actual receipt of the merchandise in an export-related ransactionnAir Way billThis refers to a bill of lading that is related to air transportation which tends to serve as l the shippr's receipt. It indicates that the carrier company has consented to th licted goods J l and under an obligaion to carry the products that are delivered in the form of a ll consignment to the destination airport in accordance with te conditioos specifid to fr J l consignee and consignor. Air way bills are always non-negotableeLoglshcs can be referred to as an enternse planrung network used for the purnose off purpose information, material management, capital flows. In the words of a layman It cat bee described as deliveing at the right time, for the right prie and in the right condition. Whenen seen in te modem day competitive business action, it includes complex information alongg with importance to the control and communication systems of the organizaticrn. No matter the size and the area of operations of ati organization, logistics information plays an important role in the achievement of the goals of the organizationLogistics does not refer to a single activity performed for delivery of goods; it extends to delivery of goods at the right time, at the right place, in the right condition and at the right price The loglshcs manager ensures that no fraud Is committed dunng the logrstrcs process and the logistics systems nm in accordance with the predefined plans andpolicies of the organization. An efective and efficient logistics system ensures the smooth fimctioning ofthee organization and it is rightly considerd as an integral part of the plans of th organizationonThe plan must be clearly defined so that there is no confosion in the minds of the iogistics team. This clarity will help to accomplish the desired objectives of the organization. It must be drafed in accordance with the objectives of the organization. Itst aam must be to provide timely delivery of goods besides rendering noml ftmctions off logistics under strct deadlines and in conformity with busiess goals1sThe loglstics team works under predefined objectives to ensure that the product Is delivered as and when needed, for an economtcal pnce and in the nght condition It may use the services of various modes of transportation such as trucks, bses, trolleys,, COUTII er companies, flights, boats or outsource he task to third-party logistics (3PLS).IThus, logistics do play an important role in the execution of normal tasks associated with an organization. The orgnization must make necessary plans and guidelines to0enslue that their logistics information system is ftinctioning smoothly at all times.A Diversity of ModesTransport modes are the means by which people and freight achievemobthty. They fall into one of tluee basic ypes, depending on over wbat suiface thcy travel - land (roadd nil and Papelines), water (shipping), and air. Esch mode is charactcrized by a set of teehnioal, opaational and commercial charactetistics:Road transportatonfroad infrastriicbaes are large consumers of space with the lowest lcvel of physical co:iataints among tansponationa modes. Road transportation has an average opaatenalal flexibility as vehisles can serve several pnrposc but are ranely sble to move oirtcide roada.. Road transport systems have high maintenance costs, both for the vehicles and infrastriictures. Tey are mainly liaked to light industries where rapd movements of freightht in smatl atches are the normmRail transportationRailways ate composed of traced paths on wbieh sce bound vebicles. They have an average level of pbsical constrains linked to the types of tocomotives and a low gradient isB required, particularty fot freight. Heay industries are traditioaally linked with rail trnapprtrr systema, lthough containerization has improved th fexibi:ity o[ roil transportaion by by linking it with roa and maritime modes.IPipelloesPipeline routes ete practically unlimited as they can be laid on land ar under water Pipeline constriiction costs vary accoalg to the diameterand increase proportinally withitt the distance and wih the viscosigr of fiuids (from gas, low viscosity, to oit, ttigb viscosity).- The Trans Alaskan pipeline, which is 1,oo km long, was built under diffrcutt conditionss and bas to be above ground fbr most of ita path. Pipeline tenninals are very important aince they conespoad to refineries and harbors.Maritime transportationMaritime trensportation is the mast effective mode to move large quantities of cargo over long distances. Main maritimc routes are composed of oceans, coats, seas, lakes,, riven and ebannels. Bowever. due to the location of economic activities mantime cinulation takes place on specific parts of the maritime space, particulerty over the Norht Atlantic and Inc Notb Prcific. Mantime tiansporlation has bigh terminl costs, since portrt infraatuchaes are aong the most expensie to btdld, maintain and impDoe. Higbigb inveotory costs also charactierize maritime transponation. Mcre than any other ade,, maritime ransportiton is linkcd to heavy industris, such as steel and petrochemcalica1 frcilitie adjaeent to poct sites.Air transportationAir routes are practically unlimited, but they are denser over the North Atlantic, inside North Ameica and Europe and over the Noath Pacifi. Air transport constraints arere multidimensional and include he site (a commercial plane needs about 3,300 meters off runway fbrlanding and taldng off ), the climate, fog and aerial currents. Air activities are linked to the tertiary and quatemary sectors, notbly finance and tourism, which lean on tete long distance mobility of people. More recently, air transportation has been acconunodating growing quantities of high vaue freight and is playing a growing role in global logisticssIntermodal transportationConcerns a variety of modes used in combination so that the respective advantages of each mode are better exploited. Althoug intermodal transporation applies for passengerer movements, such as he usage of the diffrent, but interconneted modes of a public transitsit system, it is over reight transportation that the most signficant impacts have beenen obsenred, Contrinerization has been a powerful vector of intermodal integration, enabling maritime and land tansportatin modes to more effectively inerconnectectTelecommunicationsCover a grey area in terms of if they can be considered as a transport mode since uolike true transportation, telecommunications ofen does not have physicalhh ty Yet, they are structured as networks with a Practically unlimited capacity with verv 11 very low constraints, which may include te Physiogrphy and oceanic masses thatat may impair the settng off cables. Tey provide for the instantaneous movement ofinformati,l theory). Wave transmlssaons, because of their hmited coverage, often on (speed of light in require substations. such as for cellula phone networks. Satellites ar often uslsl Ing a geostationary orbit which is getting eowded. Hig network costs and low distribtioni0n costs chaacterize many telecommuication networks, which are linked to th tertiary and quaternary sectors (stockCK markets, business to business information networks, etc). Telecommunications can provide a substittion for personal movements in some economic sectors Introduction to WarehousingWt.aeo:_ho"s_ing ia the storage of goods for profit as the part of firm's logistics system. Thshpiz51-~n:locujte,thewarchouse.isastoragefecrtly that recelves goos and productsctsHlstoryWare-houstng s roots date back to the crcatton of grananes to store food d of fbmine. As European explorers began ngarehouses at the ports grew In Importance for thc storage of products and commodn to creale Shipping-trade routes with other narions, from afar. As railmads began to expend ravel andd t les for the storage of materials became necessary. Later, because the trnnsportation, the creation of rail depots resinctions On railroads, govemment placed more commercial wa:ehousing began to grow. World War n alsompacted warehousutg. As mass productlon grew throughout mamfactunng, the needs off efficientand effective wuehousing capabilitiesgrewwith it.Modern Developmentarehouse industry also cofed with new methods of distribution, such as just-in-hme U") maoufacturing-where warehousing is unnecessary because products are shipped dvectly to customers. Warehousig companie8- are now striving to beb nnfly storage facilities. They a:e transforming temselves into "third-party logisticss Provjders" or "3PLS" that provide a wide array of services aad flancioos. Con;emporaryy arebousing facilities ofrer ligkt manufacturing, caH centers, labeling, and othre non-sto:age optrons.Warebouse ClassificationsWarehouses are divided into public warehouse, private wa:ehouse, leased warehouse aod contract Werehouse. Public warehouse uwolves he client paying a staadard fee fior thee storage of merchandise. Private warehouse is storage and operations controlled completely .by a sinle manufacturer. Leaed warebouse is an optioa for more stabte inventoryrr Contract warehouse clients Fay fees regrdless of whether thy are usin the space or not:ot: the space is always there for them to use, however. Aecording to Overiew of Warebousingg in North America, contract waehouse accounts for more tban 60 percent of the U.S.+Commercial market.Warebouse FnnctionsWarehousing is a key eomponent of the overall business supply chain. Warehouse fia:etions includethe storage of goods to permit managing product fow or to accommodate longerproduction runs;a mixing point where products from difrerent suppliers are mixed and then distributed to fulfll customer orders;a sales branch and customer service location:a source of supplies for production;a staging area for final packaging or finishingWarehouse Operation and ManagementThe basic function of a warehouse is to receive customer orders, retrieve requheditems, and finally prepare and ship those items. There are many ways to organize theseoperations but the overall process in most warehouses shares the following common phaseaReceiving-the process of unloading, checking quality and quantity, anddisassembling or repacking items for storagePut-away-4efining the appropriate location for items and transferring them to thespecified storage location to wait for demandOrder picking-retrieving items from their storage locations and transporting themeither to a sorting process or straight to the shipping areaShipping-inspecting, packing, palletizing and loading items into a carrier for furtherdeliveryWarehouse operations need clear visibility and real-time information on the locationand movement of items. Using bar code, RFID, advanced labeling and wireless datacollection technologies, your warehouse eliminates costly inefficiencies in your receiving,put-away, picking and shipping processes. AII items are accounted for with bar code labelsand RFID tags. Inventory locations are clearly identified with long-range scannable labelsWareisouse employees receive ptcking and put-away instructions through wireless handheldand vehicle-mount terminals communicating real-time with yourhrmsWarehouse management systems (WMS) are best descnbed as the advancedtechnology and operating processes that optimize all warehousing functions. Thesefunctions typically begin with receipts from suppliers and end with shipments to customers, and include all inventory movements and Informataon fows in between Warehouse management systems have typicalty been associated with 1:operations. Small_ arger, more complex distriboaion non-complex distribution facilities have historiclly not becnc candidates to signiicantlyy viewed as streamline operations and reduce costs. However, evem smallrc and midsize companies are Increaslngly recognizing he sogrufiance of0f warehouse management systems in today's environment of interated logistics justin-time dehehand e-commerce fulfillment wery la practice, successful solutions are generally designed to mrgee compl uter hardware, software, and peripheral equipment with improved operating practices fer managing inventory, space, labor, capital and equipment in warehouses and distribution centers. Implementaion of a WMS allows a company to increase its competitive advantagee by reducing labor costs, improving customer service, increaing inventory accwacy, andd improvingflexibiliy and responsiveness. A WMS enables a company to manage inventoryr In real tlme, wath information as current as the most recent order, shipment, or receipt and any movement in beteennWith these technologies in place, the companies are better able to respond quickly to the needs of your customers译文物流简介物流是从原产地到消费地之间,在维修周期内对产品、信息和其他资源的一种管严流程,其目的是满足消费者的需要。

3PL primer for business success and ReverseLogisticsWhat is 3PL?More and more organizations worldwide want to develop products for global markets. At the same time , they need to source materials globally to be competitive. One of today ’ s trends to solve this problem is outsourcing logistics or using third-party- logistics (3PL) to manage complex distribution requirement.Outsourcing of logistics tasks and supply chain responsibilities is a dynamic model. The most interesting aspects than companies-manufacturers,retailer, wholesalers, and distributors-are turning over parts of their supply chain to firms that have their roots as commodity service providers. Firms that know ocean shipping, forwarding, warehousing, or trucking are now handling and, in some cases, managing broad domestic and international logistics activities.。

The nation policy of 3PL company and foreign have big gap Serious waste of resouces,third party logistics efficiency is not high . The lacБайду номын сангаас of systematic management ,equipment standardization is low. The concept of logistic management of domestic enteprises is still backward
Value-added Service Providers:
Logistics Integrators:
①focus on core competency ②cash infusion(现金输入管理) ③technological flexibility ④accelerated reengineering (企业再造) benefits ⑤reduce and control operating costs ⑥eliminate labor problems ⑦ risk pooling(风险共担)
Strategic choice
Lean logistic strategy . The establishment of 3PL value chain alliance Large 3PL enterprise virtualization of strategy

毕业论文物流英语作文模板Title: Graduation Thesis on Logistics in English。
Abstract:This graduation thesis aims to explore the role of logistics in modern business operations and its impact on the global economy. The paper will delve into the various aspects of logistics, including supply chain management, transportation, warehousing, and inventory management. It will also analyze the challenges and opportunities facing the logistics industry and propose strategies for improving efficiency and sustainability. The research will draw on both theoretical frameworks and practical case studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The findings of this thesis will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on logistics and provide valuableinsights for businesses and policymakers.Chapter 1: Introduction。

关于物流专的英语作文Title: The Evolution and Importance of Logistics in Modern Business.In the fast-paced world of globalization and interconnected supply chains, the significance of logistics cannot be overstated. It is the backbone of any successful business operation, ensuring the smooth flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers. This essay delvesinto the evolution of logistics, its integral role in modern business, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.The concept of logistics has undergone significant transformation over the years. In the early days, logistics primarily dealt with the transportation of goods from one place to another. However, with the advent of technology and the growth of global trade, logistics has evolved into a complex and multifaceted field. Today, logistics encompasses a wide range of activities, including inventorymanagement, warehousing, packaging, customs clearance, and tracking and tracing.The importance of logistics in modern business cannot be overstated. It is the lifeblood of any enterprise, connecting suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers in a seamless supply chain. Effective logistics management ensures that products are delivered to customers in a timely, cost-effective, and efficient manner. This, in turn, enhances customer satisfaction, builds brand reputation, and drives business growth.Moreover, logistics plays a crucial role in managing costs and risks. By optimizing inventory levels, reducing waste, and minimizing transportation costs, logistics helps businesses improve their overall profitability. Additionally, it helps mitigate risks by ensuring compliance with regulations, managing supply chain disruptions, and preparing for unexpected events.However, the evolution of logistics has also presented new challenges and opportunities. One of the key challengesis the increasing complexity of supply chains. With globalization, businesses are operating in a more interconnected and diverse environment, which requires a more sophisticated approach to logistics management. This includes the need for real-time tracking and tracing,flexible inventory management strategies, and cross-border coordination.Another challenge is the rise of e-commerce, which has transformed consumer behavior and expectations. Customers today demand faster delivery, greater convenience, and a seamless shopping experience. This has led to the emergence of new logistics models, such as same-day delivery, drop shipping, and automated fulfillment centers.Despite these challenges, the evolution of logisticshas also presented numerous opportunities. Technology, particularly advancements in analytics, artificial intelligence, and automation, has transformed logistics operations. These technologies enable businesses to achieve greater visibility and control over their supply chains, improve decision-making, and enhance operational efficiency.For example, analytics tools help businesses predict demand, optimize inventory levels, and identify areas for improvement. Artificial intelligence can automate routing and scheduling decisions, reducing transportation costs and minimizing delays. Automation technologies, such asrobotics and drones, are revolutionizing warehousing and delivery operations, increasing speed and accuracy.In conclusion, the evolution of logistics has been transformative for modern business. It has enabled businesses to achieve greater efficiency, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. However, the increasing complexity of supply chains and the rise of e-commerce have presented new challenges that require innovative solutions. Technology, particularly advancements in analytics,artificial intelligence, and automation, holds the key to addressing these challenges and seizing the opportunities ahead. As we move forward, it is crucial for businesses to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in logistics to ensure their competitiveness and success in the global market.。

附录1:英语3PL primer for business successWhat is 3PL?More and more organizations worldwide want to develop products for global markets. At the same time , they need to sourcematerials globally to be competitive. One of today’s trends to solve thisproblem is outsourcing logistics or using third-party- logistics (3PL)to manage complex distribution requirement.Outsourcing of logistics tasks and supply chain responsibilities is a dynamic model. The most interesting aspect is that companies-manufacturers,retailer,wholesalers, and distributors-are turning over parts of their supply chain to firms thathave their roots as commodity service providers. Firms that know ocean shipping,forwarding, warehousing, or trucking are now handling and, in some cases, managingbroad domestic and international logistics activities.3PLs, regardless of how experienced in outsourcing, face common challenges to prime their market and keep it primed. These include:Define yourself. How do you see yourself and your company? This is an important question. It frames who you are and how you present and position yourself in the market.Are you an ocean carrier with a 3PL service option? Are you a warehouse with a 3PLservice? Or are you a logistics service provider with a strong shipping, transport,warehouse or forwarding capability? There is substantial difference between these twoviews, a difference that affects how you position yourself and how you are perceived inthe market.g the same or similar activities better than competitors. Management tools--such as benchmarking, partnering,reengineering and change management, for example--are means that let companiesreduce costs and achieve performance improvements. They are necessary to sustainingcompetitiveness. But they can also be temporary achievements, as competitors work tomimic programs that work.Strategy is how you differentiate your company in the marketplace. It is what makes you unique and separates you from the competition. Positioning can reflect thecustomers you target, the type of service you provide or a blend of customers and service.For example, a strategy can be based on all importers and providing one-stop shopping.A strategy can be sliced for importers who bring in less than 500 containers per year; thisis a different segment than the broad approach of targeting all importers or even all largeimporters. Or a different strategy is focus on importers of less than 500 containers whoare distributors/ wholesalers to mass merchandisers and large retailers. With the strategy,you can assemble the resources and approaches needed for the market that you haveselected.Have outstanding management. Management is often what separates outstanding companies from the also-rans. It requires a leadership who has a sustainable vision, itsprocesses, goals and methodology. They have an entrepreneurial mindset. These peopleare proactive, not reactive. These leaders see the logistics service, not the freight,warehouse or other assets employed. They see the supply chain process, not thetransactions. All this separates them from executive caretakers who can flip-flop withmanagement de jour approaches, indifference or quick fixes to growth, positioning andprofits. Investors realize how critical outstanding management is to a company's success and so should the 3PL. These executives can break the company from its commodity service origins into being a value service provider.Research the market. For your marketing plan, you need to understand your market. Depending on your market position you may be looking for general or specific information as to opportunities or issues, with the market or with you. Define the market; define your customer. Look at the market you compete in. See its composition, size, trends and needs. Use internal and external data and additional research as needed. Find customers; who are they; who makes decisions; what decisions are made; how are they made, why are they made, what external factors exist for customers; and how are you perceived as compared to competitors. Learn if you are visible in this market. And remember, customers are both new and existing, with changing needs.Assess your capabilities. This is a moment of truth. You must honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses, your capabilities and limitations. This applies to all parts of your company, regardless of whether corporate office, division or field locations or partners/alliances and regardless whether domestic or international. The checklist of topics includes:Organization. Look at your structure as to vertical, horizontal or matrix. It should reflect the usual organization reporting arrangement. And, more importantly, it should support the means to providing a dynamic, ongoing logistics service with successful results.Skill sets. You want to establish yourself as a supply chain service solution provider, someone who will develop a tailored logistics program to fit the specific needs of each customer. Solution providers see the container-and more. They see pallets of product-and more. They know it is about the process, not the container or pallet.3PLs initially focus on investing in assets, warehouses and technology, without knowing how these fit into 3PL solutions. This approach3PL primer for business successconstructs answers without knowing the questions. Rather, the successful 3PL sells, design and manages customized logistics in an international or domestic venue. The issue then becomes whether existing personnel are capable of selling logistics and supply chain solutions.A holistic sales approach is needed for 3PLs than for commodity service providers. Commodity sales personnel often deal with the customer perspective of the need to manage costs. Yet the customer has additional accountabilities. 3PL sales personnel need to address the customer's supply chain accountability scope. The accountability scope is 90% of the customer attention span as compared to the 10-25% that freight or warehousing cost is. 3PLs must focus on the 90%, not the 10-25%, to gain business.Firms need training to facilitate these skills. Staffing is often built with existing personnel who have sales and operations experience with the commodity service parent company. 3PLs, not surprisingly, find that even with training, and with continuous performance monitoring afterward, less than 10% of the sales force can make the mindset change to sell logistics. As a result, they may employ non-shipping people to do logistics selling. They draw on outside firms with people who have real world supply chain knowledge and experience to sell and assist with designing and managing integrated logistics programs.Other. There are other points to recognize as to process design capability, people, technology, budget, sales targets and advertising. The overseas network, where applicable for international 3PLs, is a key factor.Conclusion. The ongoing challenge for 3PLs is to successfully design, sell and manage a logistics solution with easily monitored metrics and accountability. Consider the high rate of outsourcing failures. Causes ranging from a rush to procure business and not understanding the process and requirements to some 3PLs converting back into a commodity service. This conversion defeats the very purpose of the 3PL. Outsource service providers seek competitive advantage; they know that preserving competitive advantage is an ongoing challenge.附录2:中文第三方物流企业成功之处什么是第三方物流?愈来愈多的世界国际组织想要建立全球的产品市场,与此同时,他们在竞争中需要全球的资源来源。

物流运输英文作文模板英文:Logistics transportation plays a crucial role in the global economy. As a logistics professional, I have seen firsthand how the transportation of goods can impact businesses and consumers. There are various modes of transportation, including air, sea, road, and rail, each with its advantages and disadvantages.Air transportation is the fastest mode of transportation, but it is also the most expensive. It is ideal for transporting high-value goods, perishable items, and urgent shipments. For example, a company may choose to use air transportation to transport pharmaceuticals that require temperature-controlled environments or to deliver a last-minute shipment to a customer.Sea transportation is the most cost-effective mode of transportation, but it is also the slowest. It is ideal fortransporting large quantities of goods that are not time-sensitive. For example, a company may choose to use sea transportation to import raw materials or export finished products.Road transportation is the most flexible mode of transportation, as it can reach almost any destination. Itis ideal for transporting goods within a country or region. For example, a company may choose to use roadtransportation to deliver products to a retail store or to transport goods between warehouses.Rail transportation is an efficient mode of transportation for long distances and heavy goods. It is ideal for transporting bulk commodities such as coal, grain, and oil. For example, a company may choose to use rail transportation to transport raw materials to amanufacturing plant.Overall, logistics transportation is essential for businesses to operate and for consumers to access goods.The choice of transportation mode depends on the type ofgoods, the destination, and the urgency of the shipment.中文:物流运输在全球经济中起着至关重要的作用。

3. Use English in Daily Operations: Actively using English in daily logistics operations, such as writing emails, creating reports, and communicating with international partners, can help reinforce language skills and build confidence in using English in professional settings.
Case Study: The Impact of English Proficiency on Logistics Operations
To illustrate the importance of English proficiency in logistics, let's consider a case study of a multinational logistics company that operates in China. The company's staff includes both Chinese and foreign employees, and the official language of the company is English. However, the Chinese employees have varying levels of English proficiency, which has resulted in miscommunications and errors in operations. For example, during a shipment delivery, a misinterpretation of an English instruction led to the wrong product being sent to the customer, causing a delay and customer dissatisfaction. This case highlights the significant impact of English proficiency on the effectiveness and efficiency of logistics operations.

物流专业英语作文范文英文回答:Logistics: The Backbone of Modern Supply Chains.Logistics, the intricate and multifaceted discipline, plays a paramount role in ensuring the seamless flow of goods and services from their point of origin to theirfinal destination. It involves a complex web of interconnected processes that orchestrate the efficient and cost-effective movement and storage of materials, products, and information. In an increasingly globalized marketplace, logistics has become the cornerstone of supply chain management, enabling businesses to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.The scope of logistics encompasses a wide array of activities, including transportation, warehousing,inventory management, and supply chain design. Transportation, the backbone of any logistics system,involves the movement of goods via multiple modes, such as road, rail, sea, and air. Warehousing provides temporary storage facilities for goods awaiting further distribution or sale. Inventory management ensures the optimal level of stock to meet demand while minimizing inventory costs. Supply chain design involves the strategic planning and coordination of all logistics activities to ensure seamless integration and efficiency.The rapid advancements in technology have had a profound impact on the logistics industry. The advent of advanced tracking systems, such as GPS and RFID, has enabled real-time visibility of shipments, enhancing transparency and accountability. E-commerce platforms have revolutionized the way businesses reach customers, creating a surge in demand for parcel delivery services. The adoption of automation and robotics in warehousing has improved efficiency, reduced costs, and increased safety.To navigate the complexities of modern logistics, businesses require a highly skilled workforce with a comprehensive understanding of the industry. Logisticsprofessionals are responsible for planning, executing, and managing supply chain operations, leveraging their knowledge of transportation, warehousing, and inventory management. They collaborate with suppliers, customers, and transportation providers to ensure smooth and timely delivery of goods.In today's competitive business environment, logistics is not merely a cost center but a strategic competitive advantage. By optimizing their logistics operations, businesses can reduce lead times, minimize inventory costs, enhance customer service, and gain a competitive edge. Effective logistics management enables businesses to respond quickly to market demands, adapt to supply chain disruptions, and ultimately deliver superior value to their customers.中文回答:物流,现代供应链的支柱。

三级物流英语模板作文Third-Party Logistics。
Introduction:Third-party logistics (3PL) refers to the outsourcingof a company's logistics operations to an external provider. This encompasses a wide range of services, from warehousing and inventory management to transportation and order fulfillment. 3PLs play a critical role in supply chain optimization by providing cost-effective solutions and leveraging specialized expertise.Benefits of Third-Party Logistics:1. Cost Savings: 3PLs can typically provide lower costs than in-house logistics operations due to their economiesof scale, operational efficiency, and access to a networkof resources.2. Expertise and Technology: 3PLs possess specialized knowledge and utilize advanced technologies for logistics optimization. They can provide expertise in areas such as inventory management, transportation planning, and customs brokerage.3. Flexibility and Scalability: 3PLs offer flexible and scalable services to meet fluctuating demand and business growth. They can easily adjust their operations to support seasonal surges or expansion into new markets.4. Focus on Core Competencies: Outsourcing logistics toa 3PL allows companies to focus on their core business activities, freeing up resources that can be allocated to more strategic initiatives.5. Risk Management: 3PLs assume responsibility for logistics operations, reducing risk for the outsourcing company and providing a level of protection against supply chain disruptions.Types of 3PL Services:1. Warehousing and Inventory Management: Storage, inventory tracking, order picking, and packaging for both finished goods and raw materials.2. Transportation: Management of freight transportation through multiple modes (e.g., road, rail, air, ocean) and optimizing shipping costs and routes.3. Distribution: Order fulfillment, delivery to end customers, and reverse logistics (handling returns and exchanges).4. Value-Added Services: Customs brokerage, freight forwarding, supply chain consulting, and specialized industry-specific services.Choosing a 3PL Provider:1. Identify Logistics Needs: Clearly define the scope of services required, including volume, frequency, flexibility, and special requirements.2. Evaluate Providers: Research and compare reputable 3PLs based on their expertise, capacity, technology, financial stability, and references.3. Request Proposals: Outline requirements and request detailed proposals from potential providers, including pricing, service levels, and performance guarantees.4. Conduct Due Diligence: Visit the provider's facilities, interview key personnel, and assess their capabilities and commitment to service.5. Negotiate Contract: Clearly outline service expectations, pricing, performance metrics, and dispute resolution processes.Trends and Future of 3PL:1. Digitalization and Automation: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming logistics operations by automating tasks, optimizingprocesses, and enhancing decision-making.2. Sustainability: 3PLs are embracing eco-friendly practices and technologies to minimize environmental impact and meet customer demand for sustainable supply chains.3. Omnichannel Fulfillment: The rise of e-commerce and multi-channel retailing is driving the need for efficient and seamless omnichannel fulfillment, which 3PLs can provide through their integrated services.4. Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles: The use ofrobotics and autonomous vehicles in warehouses and transportation is expected to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs.Conclusion:Third-party logistics play a vital role in modern supply chains by providing cost-effective, flexible, and scalable solutions. By outsourcing logistics operations to a reputable 3PL provider, companies can focus on their corecompetencies, mitigate risks, and optimize their supply chain performance. As technology and innovation continue to reshape the industry, 3PLs are evolving to meet the evolving needs of businesses and consumers alike.。

专业英语物流英语作文In the contemporary globalized economy, the importance of professional English in the logistics industry cannot be overstated. As a critical component of international trade, logistics relies heavily on effective communication to ensure the seamless transportation of goods across borders. This essay will explore the evolution of English as the lingua franca in logistics and discuss its impact on the industry's efficiency, collaboration, and technological advancements.Firstly, the prevalence of English in logistics can be attributed to the fact that it is the most widely spoken language in international business. As companies from various linguistic backgrounds engage in trade, English serves as a common ground that facilitates communication. This has led to the development of standardized terminologies and protocols that are universally understood, thereby reducing the potential for misunderstandings and delays in the logistics process.Secondly, the impact of professional English on theefficiency of logistics operations is significant. By using English as the primary language for documentation, such as bills of lading, shipping instructions, and customs declarations, the industry can ensure that all parties involved have a clear and accurate understanding of the shipment details. This clarity is crucial for avoiding costly errors and ensuring that goods are delivered on time.Moreover, collaboration within the logistics industry is enhanced by the use of professional English. English enables professionals from different countries to work together, share knowledge, and solve problems collectively. This collaborative spirit is essential for the development of innovative logistics solutions and for addressing the challenges posed by an ever-changing global market.Furthermore, the role of English in the logistics industry extends to technological advancements. As new technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are integrated into logistics operations, English becomes the medium through which these technologies are discussed, developed, and implemented. The use of English in technical documentation, conferences, and training programs helps to disseminate knowledge and accelerate the adoption of these technologies.In conclusion, professional English plays a vital role in the logistics industry by promoting efficient communication, fostering collaboration, and facilitating the adoption of new technologies. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of English in logistics is likely to grow, making it an essential skill for professionals in the field. The industry's continued success will depend on its ability to adapt to the evolvinglinguistic landscape and to leverage the power of professional English to its fullest potential.。

外文资料翻译---分析第三方物流的发展Analysis of Third-Party Logistics DevelopmentLogistics is a term derived from the military's logistics support。
which has been widely used in the economic field since the Second World War。
The Logistics Management n of the United States defines logistics as the process of meeting the XXX the flow and storage of raw materials。
intermediate products。
final products。
and related n.Logistics comprises four key components: real flow。
real storage。
and management to coordinate the flow of n。
The primary n of logistics is to create time and space XXX the distance through storage.Third-party logistics (3PL) is a service provided by an external company to manage the logistics activities of another company。
The development of 3PL has been driven by theincreasing complexity of supply chain management。

物流所学英文作文英文:Logistics is an essential part of modern business operations. It involves the planning, implementation, and control of the movement and storage of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. As a logistics professional, I am responsible for ensuring that products are delivered on time, in the right quantity, andin good condition.One of the challenges I face in logistics is managing the supply chain. This involves coordinating with suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to ensure that goods are delivered efficiently and cost-effectively. For example, if a manufacturer is located in China and aretailer is located in the United States, I need to ensure that the goods are transported from China to the United States in a timely and cost-effective manner.Another challenge in logistics is managing inventory. This involves ensuring that there is enough inventory to meet customer demand while minimizing the cost of holding inventory. For example, if a retailer sells winter coats, I need to ensure that there is enough inventory to meet customer demand during the winter season, but not so much that there is excess inventory that will need to be sold at a discount.Overall, logistics is a complex field that requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. It is essential for businesses to invest in logisticsprofessionals to ensure that their supply chain isefficient and cost-effective.中文:物流是现代商业运营的重要组成部分。

物流专业英文作文英文:As a logistics professional, I am often asked about the challenges and opportunities in this field. In my experience, there are several key factors that impact logistics, including transportation, technology, and globalization.Transportation is one of the most important aspects of logistics. Whether it's by air, sea, or land, getting goods from point A to point B is crucial. One of the biggest challenges in transportation is managing costs. Fuel prices, labor costs, and infrastructure expenses can all affect the bottom line. However, there are also opportunities for innovation, such as using drones for delivery or implementing more efficient routing systems.Technology is another major factor in logistics. From warehouse management systems to GPS tracking, technologyhas revolutionized the way goods are moved and managed. However, with new technology comes new challenges, such as cybersecurity risks and the need for specialized skills.It's important for logistics professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools in order to remain competitive.Finally, globalization has had a significant impact on logistics. With more companies operating on a global scale, there is a greater need for cross-border transportation and customs clearance. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it also presents opportunities for growth and expansion.Overall, logistics is a dynamic and challenging field that requires a combination of technical expertise and strategic thinking. By staying informed and adaptable, logistics professionals can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities in this exciting industry.中文:作为一名物流专业人士,我经常被问及这个领域的挑战和机遇。
Third_party Logistics

Third-party logistics is the social division of labor and goods the product of economic development, and with the deepening social division of labor and the development of commodity economy and evolving.1.The Obstacles of traditional logistics Into Third Party Logistics in ChinaTraditional logistics transformation to meet the requirements of modern logistics third-party logistics there are the following obstacles: First, the concept of barriers. Theory of logistics, value-added services do not understand or know very little to satisfy the partition function of providing services; Second, barriers to logistics information services. Logistics enterprises in the traditional information management systems used in the small, many businesses within the information processing or manual operation, can not provide value-added services, logistics information; Third, specialized personnel and equipment obstacles. With specialized knowledge of logistics, management and marketing management of a serious lack of personnel, logistics facilities do not meet service requirements. Fourth, the backward mode of service. Therefore, the traditional logistics to third-party logistics changes have to overcome these obstacles, the condition of our country to take appropriate mode of operation of third-party logistics.Therefore, as a late-development logistics industry and logistics market power, should set up the new concept, based on a high starting point, to try to realize great-leap-forward development of the logistics industry in China. Professional personage points out: "the third party logistics is the most important reason for the existence is to let more professional logistics enterprise to service, let logistics has become enterprise value added another channel."2.Improper mode of operation of third-party logistics negative impactIf the logistics and content of the services not explicitly targeted, the market will result in the same mode of operation of the logistics enterprises identical, blind competition.Improper mode of operation of third-party logistics will give rise to many negative effects: First, some logistics enterprises in operation in the positioning mode, tend to exaggerate the service capacity, resulting in business can not do meticulous precision, can not form the core competitiveness, and ultimately as a result of the lower level of service, it is difficult to retain customers; Secondly, the logistics of the different characteristics suitable for their own clientele and services, the macro level, the logistics of inter-firm division of labor should be both competing and collaborating together to form a rational and healthy market of logistics services.3. Third party logistics in eastern countryIn recent years, the development of the logistics industry in China has achieved a great deal, but compared with the developed countries, logistics, on the whole, relatively backward. In the economic globalization today, China is becoming the "world factory", our country behind the logistics level directly affecting China's manufacturing enterprise competitiveness.4. several major viable operation mode of China's third-party logistics enterprises(1) Integrate the existing logistics resources, establish "non-asset-based" business model of third-party logistics.On the one hand, from our current state of third-party logistics enterprises, the part of investors due to lack of sufficient funds for the new asset-based third-party logistics enterprises to build, forcing them to adopt "non-asset-based" third-party Logistics form;(2) In order to enhance value-added logistics services chain targeting model based on logistics services.China's business-to third-party logistics services is still relatively low level, mainly focused on the basic needs of conventional projects. Outsourcing of production is the first main transport services, and the second is the city of delivery, the third is kept stored.(3)E-Commerce and the organic integration of third-party logistics modelE-commerce as a major commercial operation of the 21st century model for third-party logistics has provided a broad space for development at the same time, the development of third-party logistics for the realization of e-commerce security to provide a reality, and e-commerce integration, will become a major third-party logistics one mode of operation.(4) Integrated logistics agent modelChina is now the number of logistics companies, the supply is greater than the actual capacity; somewhat lacking in terms of quality, quality can not meet demand; logistics network is rich in resources, but low levels of use and management, lack of effective logistics management. Devoted to the world's leading third-party logistics companies such as the United States Federal Express, Japan's Sagawa urgent then, the domestic professional enterprises such as China's third-party logistics transportation company(5) Focus on the logistics modelFocus on the logistics model is characterized by a certain third-party logistics enterprise's assets and the broader logistics network, in a low field of providing integrated logistics services. Due to different areas of the logistics needs of different clients, when the limited capacity of a logistics company, they can take such a strategic focus to market segments in a stronger do fine.物流——第三方物流(Third- party Logistics )论文5/23定义第三方物流是指生产经营企业为集中精力搞好主业,把原来属于自己处理的物流活动,以合同方式委托给专业物流服务企业,同时通过信息系统与物流企业保持密切联系,以达到对物流全程管理控制的一种物流运作与管理方式。

物流专业英文作文Title: The Role of Logistics in Modern Supply Chains。
Logistics plays a crucial role in modern supply chains, ensuring the efficient flow of goods from production to consumption. In today's globalized world, where businesses operate across borders and continents, effective logistics management is more important than ever. This essay explores the significance of logistics in supply chain management, its key components, challenges, and future trends.Firstly, let's define logistics. It encompasses a range of activities involved in the planning, execution, and control of the movement and storage of goods and services, as well as related information, from the point of origin to the point of consumption. It includes transportation, warehousing, inventory management, packaging, and information management.One of the primary functions of logistics istransportation. Goods need to be moved efficiently from suppliers to manufacturers, from manufacturers to distributors, and finally to retailers and consumers. Various modes of transportation, such as road, rail, sea, and air, are utilized based on factors like cost, speed,and the nature of the goods being transported.Warehousing is another essential component of logistics. Warehouses serve as storage facilities where goods are kept before they are shipped to their final destinations. Effective warehouse management ensures that goods arestored safely, organized efficiently, and easily accessible when needed. It also involves activities like inventory control, order picking, and packaging.Inventory management is critical for optimizing supply chain performance. Maintaining the right level of inventory is essential to meet customer demand while minimizing costs associated with holding excess stock. Inventory management techniques like Just-in-Time (JIT) and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) help businesses achieve this balance by reducing stockouts and excess inventory.Packaging is often overlooked but plays a vital role in logistics. It protects goods during transportation and storage, facilitates handling, and serves as a means of branding and marketing. Packaging design must consider factors like product safety, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.Information management is increasingly important in logistics. Advances in technology have enabled real-time tracking and tracing of goods throughout the supply chain, providing visibility and transparency. This allows businesses to make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, and respond quickly to changes and disruptions.Despite its significance, logistics faces several challenges. One major challenge is the increasing complexity of supply chains due to globalization, outsourcing, and the proliferation of product variants. Managing multiple suppliers, transportation routes, and regulations requires sophisticated coordination and planning.Another challenge is the pressure to reduce costs while maintaining service levels. Rising fuel prices, labor costs, and environmental regulations add to the cost pressures faced by logistics providers. Balancing cost reduction initiatives with the need to deliver value to customers isa delicate task.Furthermore, the rapid pace of technological change presents both opportunities and challenges for logistics.On one hand, technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain offer new possibilities for optimizing processes and enhancing visibility. On the other hand, adopting these technologies requires significant investment and expertise.Looking ahead, several trends are shaping the future of logistics. Automation and robotics are transforming warehouses and distribution centers, improving efficiency and accuracy. Drones and autonomous vehicles hold the promise of revolutionizing last-mile delivery, especiallyin urban areas.Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in logistics, driven by concerns about environmental impact and regulatory requirements. Businesses are seeking ways to reduce carbon emissions, minimize waste, and optimize transportation routes to lower their ecological footprint.In conclusion, logistics plays a vital role in modern supply chains, enabling the efficient flow of goods from production to consumption. Its key components include transportation, warehousing, inventory management, packaging, and information management. Despite facing challenges like complexity, cost pressures, and technological change, logistics is evolving to meet the demands of the future, with trends like automation and sustainability shaping its trajectory.。
物流职业 英语作文

物流职业英语作文英文回答:Logistics is a vast and multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in the global economy. It encompasses the planning, implementation, and control of the efficient flow and storage of goods and services, from point of origin to point of consumption. Logistics professionals are responsible for managing the movement of products from suppliers to manufacturers, to distribution centers, and ultimately to the end consumer.Types of Logistics Jobs:Supply Chain Management: Oversees the entire supply chain, from procurement to delivery.Transportation Management: Plans and executes the transportation of goods, including choosing carriers, optimizing routes, and managing inventory.Warehouse Management: Manages the storage and distribution of goods within warehouses.Inventory Management: Tracks and controls inventory levels to ensure optimal stock levels and avoid shortages or overstocking.Customs Clearance: Handles the documentation and procedures required to clear goods through customs.Logistics Data Analysis: Analyzes data to identify trends, optimize processes, and improve decision-making.Logistics Engineering: Designs and implements logistics systems, including transportation networks and warehouse layouts.Transportation Security: Ensures the safety and security of goods during transportation.Skills and Qualifications:Bachelor's or Master's degree in logistics, supply chain management, or a related field.Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Knowledge of logistics software and technology.Ability to work independently and as part of a team.Experience in managing complex operations.Career Outlook:The logistics industry is growing rapidly due to increasing globalization and the rise of e-commerce. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 26% growth inlogistics jobs from 2020 to 2030. Logistics professionals can expect to find employment in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and technology.中文回答:物流职业。
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Third Party LogisticsFor a long time, China's domestic enterprises procurement, transportation, warehousing, agents, packaging, processing, distribution and other aspects of control is not strong, in the "Procurement black hole", "Logistics trap" in the waste is difficult to calculate losses. Therefore, the third party logistics research, the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of China's economy has a very important theoretical and practical significance.The meaning of the third party logisticsThird Party Logistics is a kind of business mode inside which a specialized logistics company provides logistics service to both supplier and demander. Third-party logistics is the social division of labor and goods the product of economic development, and with the deepening social division of labor and the development of commodity economy and evolving.The superiority of the third party logisticsThe third party logistics can reduce the operating costs of the production enterprise. Professional third party logistics providers make use of their professional advantages of scale production and cost advantages, by improving the resource utilization of each link to achieve cost saving , make the enterprise benefit from it.Using the third-party logistics enables users to gain competitiveadvantage, adding measurable value to products, enhancing customer service and assisting in opening new markets. Information network of the third party logistics enterprise make them have unique advantages in improving customer satisfaction. They can shorten the processing ability, to increase the order of customer demand, to reflect the time for direct to home the point to point distribution using powerful convenient information network, the realization of fast delivery of goods, improve customer satisfaction.The functions of the third party logisticsOne of its functions is as a one-step distribution center, warehousing, trucking and shipping documentation for the client. Together with the flow of goods, the information flows simultaneously. A third-party logistics company not only provides service to the local manufacturers, but also to the overseas cargo buyers. With its worldwide, information network, the cargo status is followed step by step and constantly reflected in the network , through which the overseas clients can easily see the entire progress.The present situation of Chinese logistics enterprisesThere is a huge gap in domestic and foreign logistics enterprises.The third party logistics is expected to become the engine of the global logistics industry growth. While the annual business volume of the third party logistics segment in developed countries account for a largepart of the total logistics industry volume, he figure on global level is lower. Meanwhile, china is the world’s largest single consumer goods. With a population of billion, the retail market in China is greatly attractive to investors. However, the low efficiency of distribution in retail sector has seriously hampered the development of retailing industry. By expecting to solve this problem, the retailers are desired to win a new competitive advantage over their competitors.As investment in the third party logistics infrastructure is increasing in China, and the third party logistics technique and equipment is enhancing, the third party logistics industry is booming. The rapid development of chain sales, auto, steel, medicine, and coal industry, arouses the development of related industries. With an enlarging scale and rapid growth speed, China’s modern logistics is enhancing its operating efficiency, performing more obvious functions in supporting and promoting economic development.The reasons for the growth of the third party logisticsSome of the major companies have been taking various measures in order to reduce operating costs. Whereas the area where companies want to strengthen by investing more is their core competency, the third party logistics can do their best to provide value-added services for their customer companies and help them cut down the total cost of logistics.For the customers, demand an exceptional service but are not willingto pay an extraordinary price for it. This requires the use of fast and frequent transportation services and flexibility in inventory levels. A third party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups and deliveries, whereas in-house transportation cannot.。