



英文电影精彩对白It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. 只有在这种神秘的爱情方程中,才能找到逻辑或原由来。

You need to believe that someting extraordinary is possible......你需要去相信,生命中有些特别的东西,是可能存在的……Maybe the part that knows the waking fron the dream maybe isn t here(brain)maybe it s here( heart) .可能从梦幻中醒来的部分,不是在脑海里,而是在心上。

——《A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵》In memory, love lives forever.My darling I’m waiting for you.爱在记忆里永生,亲爱的,我在这里等你。

New lovers are nervous and tender, but smash everything- for the heart is an organ of fire.初恋的人们心存紧张并满怀柔情,但却可以抵御一切——只因为心如烈火!Betrayals in war are childlike compared with our betrayals during peace.战火硝烟中的背叛与我们在太平盛世中的背叛相较而言,就天真单纯得多了!——《The English Patient英国病人》Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.人一生中出人头地的机会不多,一旦有了一定要抓住机会!If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.如果你想活着,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度。



Episode 1: The One with Ross's New Gilfriend[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is recapping last season, and as she talks we see a montage of scenes from Ross and Rachel.]Central Perk: 中央公园咖啡厅recap: 扼要重述montage: 蒙太奇,镜头组接,合成画面scene: 场面-Phoebe: Ok, so this is pretty much what's happened so far.pretty much: 几乎so far: 迄今为止到目前为止大概是这样子。

Ross was in love with Rachel since, you know, forever,in love with: 爱上forever: 永远打从一开始Ross就爱Rachel,but every time he tried to tell her, something kind of got in the way, like cats, and Italian guys.guy: 男人,家伙in the way: 在路上,挡道的Italian: 意大利人的但每次他想要表白总是会遇上阻碍,像是猫咪,意大利佬。

Finally Chandler was like "forget about her" but when Ross was in China on his dig, Chandler let it slip that Ross was in love with Rachel.forget: 忘记dig: 考古挖掘let slip: 无意中说出slip: 滑倒,犯错,减退最后Chandler劝他死心,但当Ross去中国考古时Chandler说漏嘴Ross爱Rachel。



四个婚礼和一个葬礼中英台词完整版Introduction:Weddings and funerals are two significant events that bring people together to celebrate or mourn the milestones of life. In this article, we will present the complete script of a play titled "Four Weddings and a Funeral," which revolves around four weddings and one funeral. The dialogue will be presented in both English and Mandarin, allowing readers to appreciate the storyline and enjoy the play.Script:Scene 1: Wedding 1 - Lucy's Wedding(Lucy, the bride, is standing beside her father as the ceremony begins. Charles, the groom, stands at the altar, nervous but excited.)Officiant: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lucy and Charles in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?Lucy's Father: I do.Officiant: Charles, repeat after me. I, Charles, take you, Lucy, to be my lawful wedded wife...Charles (nervously): I, Charles, take you, Lucy, to be my lawful wedded wife...(As the ceremony continues, the scene transitions to Wedding 2.)Scene 2: Wedding 2 - Anna's Wedding(Anna, the bride, and Mark, the groom, stand facing each other, exchanging vows.)Anna: Mark, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one. Today, in front of our loved ones, I promise to love and cherish you, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.Mark: Anna, you are my everything. I vow to be there for you, to support and love you, and to laugh and cry with you. I am excited to begin this new chapter of our lives together.(Scene transitions to Wedding 3.)Scene 3: Wedding 3 - Carrie's Wedding(Carrie, the bride, and Peter, the groom, exchange their heartfelt vows.)Carrie: Peter, you came into my life like a ray of sunshine. With you, I feel safe, loved, and cherished. Today, I promise to be your partner, your best friend, and your confidant. I am grateful and excited to build a future with you.Peter: Carrie, you are the love of my life. Today, I pledge my love and fidelity to you. I promise to support and encourage you in all your endeavors. Together, we will create a lifetime of wonderful memories.(Scene transitions to Wedding 4.)Scene 4: Wedding 4 - Fiona's Wedding(Fiona, the bride, stands at the altar with her fiancé, James.)Officiant: We are gathered here to celebrate the union of Fiona and James. Please join hands and exchange your vows.Fiona: James, being with you feels like coming home. Today, I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and love you unconditionally.James: Fiona, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one. Today, I make a solemn vow to give you my love, my respect, and my support. With you, life is an adventure worth living.(Scene transitions to the Funeral.)Scene 5: Funeral(Friends and family gather to pay their last respects to Matthew, a close friend.)Eulogist: Today, we gather to remember and honor Matthew. He touched the hearts of everyone he met and brought joy into our lives. He will be deeply missed.(Friends and family share their fond memories, and the scene fades out.)Conclusion:In this article, we presented the complete script of "Four Weddings and a Funeral." This play revolved around the joyous occasions of four weddings and the somber event of a funeral. By including both English and Mandarin dialogue, readers were given the opportunity to appreciate the storyline and immerse themselves in the play. Whether celebrating love or mourning theloss of a loved one, these significant life moments serve as reminders of the importance of cherishing and valuing the relationships in our lives.。



1,Frankly,my dear,I don‟t give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。

(《乱世佳人》1939)2,I‟m going to make him an offer he can‟t refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。

(《教父》1972)3,You don‟t understand!I coulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could‟ve been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954)4,Toto,I‟ve got a feeling we‟re not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。

(《绿野仙踪》1939)5,Here‟s looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。

(《卡萨布兰卡》1942)6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。

(《拨云见日》1983)7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I‟m ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。

(《日落大道》1950)8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。

(《星球大战》1977)9,Fasten your seatbelts. It‟s going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。

(《彗星美人》1950)10,You talking to me?你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976)11、原文:“Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?“ 出处:琼?哈罗(Jean Harlow),《地狱天使》Hell…s Angels,1930 译文:“假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?“12,I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。




电影片名翻译的交际翻译特性和翻译方法)))从纽马克的交际翻译理论谈起盛卓立(浙江师范大学 外国语学院,浙江 金华 321004)摘 要:电影片名的翻译在电影翻译中所占比例不大,但是作用却不可忽视。


关键词:电影片名翻译;交际翻译;翻译方法中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-5934(2006)01-0079-04在这个全球化的时代,电影成为了跨文化交际的一个重要形式。










如影片Mission:Im -possible 的译名就有5职业特工队6,5不可能的任务6和5碟中碟6等译名,又如Eye for an E ye 被译为5以眼还眼6,5逍遥法外6等。








Sara小编整理了一些电影的优美台词语录,有兴趣的亲可以来阅读一下!电影中优美的经典台词1. 不是我不想走啊!....要走你自己走吧!-----《东成西就》2. 《野鹅敢死队》:难道你要我们走出非洲吗那你就跑吧。







3. 《教父》:我费了一生的精力,试图不让自己变得十分粗心。

女人和小孩子们可以很粗心,但男人不会.4. 《教父》:我见过KB的场面,你也见过的。

可是你没有权利称呼我为杀人犯,你有权利把我杀死!5. 《教父》告诉他我所做的一切,告诉他你所看到的一切,因为我最痛恨有人撒谎了。

6. 《小伙子与大姑娘》我父亲经常说一个男人一生中都应该表现的从容不迫、不紧不慢,除非事情已经迫在眉睫了。

7. 《极速传说》:赛车和做人一样,有时候要停,有时候要冲。

8. 《流金岁月》:然我不介意牺牲自己的感情,但是我真的很介意牺牲你。

9. 《发条橘子》:只有笨蛋才思考,聪明人用灵感,我们大多时间都是笨蛋,偶尔才成为了聪明人。


10. 《半生缘》:如果我和他真的结婚了,这也就不会成为一个故事了。

11. 《冒险王》:一个男人要和一个女人一辈子永远不变生活在一起,是一种冒险,所以世上需要冒险王。

12. 《向左走向右走》;”缘分不是这样的。



四个婚礼和一个葬礼-早安,斯达顿太太Good morning, Mrs. Statons.- Morning, madam.你迟到了!Late! Late!终于来了At last.很抱歉,我们迟到了Sorry we're late.放在后面吧Go in the back.妈的!妈的!Oh, fuck! Fuck!妈的!Fuck!妈的!Oh, fuck!妈的!开你的车子吧Fuck! Right, we take yours.它的时速只有四十哩It only goes miles an hour.那个出口?What turnoff?千万不要是BBetter not be the B.是BIt's the B.去他的!Fuck it!该死!Fuck!见鬼Fuck.来吧Come on.妈的!Fuck!妈的Fuck.妈的Fuck.见鬼!Fuck! Fuckity fuck.见他妈的鬼糟了Bugger.你好漂亮Look at you in white.有没有打结了呢?Is it twisted?你好!你很漂亮Hello! You look lovely.你好,查尔斯!Hello, Charles!你这次迟到得最不同凡响There's a greatness to your lateness.我已拼尽全力It's not achievedwithout real suffering.非常抱歉I am so, so sorry.婚礼后我会自杀若这样会让你好过点的话I'll kill myself after the service,if that's any consolation.没关系,有汤姆作后备Doesn't matter.Tom was standing by.谢了,你真是圣人Thanks, Tom. You're a saint.而且发型还棒透了And a disastrous haircut.你记得带戒指吧?You haven't forgotten the rings?记得No.最讨厌别人迟到Hate people being late.开始了Here we go.她很美丽吧?Oh, isn't she lovely?你一定是瞎了眼她像一大团棉花糖Scarlett, you're blind.She looks like a big meringue.亲爱的朋友欢迎在安格斯和…Dear friends, what a joy it is towelcome you to our church...萝拉的大日子莅临本教堂...on this wonderful dayfor Angus and Laura.在仪式开始之前,请大家一起…Before we start the service,let us all join together...颂唱第一首圣歌...in the first hymn.远古时代的…人们的足迹印在英国青葱的山岭而圣洁的…子民在英国翠绿的草原上…显现过那副神圣的面容曾照耀在…阴霾密布的山丘上耶路撒冷…在邪恶的试炼里兴建起来思嘉Scarlett.亲爱的各位,我们聚集在这里Dearly beloved, we aregathered here...在上帝和会众的面前...in the sight of God and inthe face of this congregation...跟这两位共订鸳盟的男女一起...to join together this manand this woman in holy matrimony. 这个光荣的人生阶段Which is an honorable estate...由混沌初开之际已经制定...instituted in the timeof man's innocency.-我很快回来-若有人能够提出…- Back in a sec.- lf any man can show...这两人不能结为合法夫妇的…...any just cause or impediment...理由或障碍...why they may not be lawfullyjoined together...马上提出来,否则请保持缄默...let him speak now or foreverhold his peace.你愿意承诺去爱她Do you promise to love her...安慰她,以她为荣无论疾病健康fort her, honor and keep herin sickness and in health... 都从一而终...and forsaking all others...在有生之年都视她为妻子吗?...keep thee only unto her for aslong as ye both shall live?我愿意I do.疼爱和珍视他To love and to cherish...至死不渝Till death us do part.至死不渝...till death us do part.我再次向你许下承诺Thereto, I pledge thee my troth.我再次向你许下承诺And thereto, I pledge thee my troth.你有戒指吗?Do you have the ring?我替你戴上戒指,娶你为妻With this ring, I thee wed.我替你戴上戒指,娶你为妻With this ring, I thee wed.我以谦卑的躯体崇敬你With my body, I thee worship.我以谦卑的躯体崇敬你With my body, I thee worship.我把世上最好的东西奉献给你And with all my worldly goods,I do thee endow.我把世上最好的东西奉献给你And with all my worldly goods,I thee endow.若我单凭人和天使的口才说话当中却没有爱的话If I speak with the tongues of menand of angels, but have not love...我就是吵耳的铙钹...I am become a sounding brassor a clanging cymbal.说得好Good point.没有你,我不能微笑没有你,我不能微笑我无法欢笑歌咏一事无成你悲伤时,我也感到难过我感到难过你快乐所以我快乐若你知道我的经历帽子很漂亮Great hat.谢了,我特地买的Thanks. I bought it specially.这样好了There.各就各位Get in position, please.谢谢,笑一个Thank you. Smile.场面很大,你意下如何?Splendid, I thought.What did you think?场面很大,你意下如何?I thought, splendid.What did you think?场面很大Splendid, I thought.思嘉,好美的洋装!Scarlett, fabulous dress!教会的紫色配上异教的橘色Ecclesiastical purpleand pagan orange...象征着异教和基督教在婚姻里...symbolizing the magicalsymbiosis in marriage...奇妙的共生的现象?...between heathen andChristian traditions?对That's right.漂亮,再拍一个Lovely. And again.知道戴着黑帽的女孩是谁吗?Any idea who the girlin the black hat is?她叫嘉莉Name's Carrie.蛮漂亮的She's pretty.美国人American.真有趣Interesting.是荡妇Slut.真的吗?Really?从前替时尚杂志工作现居美国Used to work at Vogue.Lives in America now.只会跟魅力非凡的人交往Only goes out withvery glamorous people.没你的份Quite out of your league.那我就放心了,谢了Well, that's a relief. Thanks.待会见See you there.进去吧Off you go.对,宴会上见Right. Reception.再见!…Bye! Bye!还有人踩到牛屎吗?Anyone else tread in a cowpat?我想没有了,待会见No, thought not. See you in a mo.若他不是我哥哥我还会这么讨厌他吗?Do you think I'd hate him as muchif he wasn't my brother?真不想一身臭味出席酒会而失去碰到姻缘的机会Don't want to blow chancesfor romance......by smelling of dungat the reception.我从不懂怎么应付这种场面Oh, God. I never know what tosay in these wretched lineups.很简单,热情地拥抱他说新娘好像怀孕了It's a cinch. Give a big, warm hugand say the bride looks pregnant.或是按惯例说:『你很自豪吧』Or stick with tradition,"You must be very proud."愿主保佑我们Heaven preserve us.你很自豪吧You must be very proud.谢谢Indeed.你好Hello.-你好-你好- Hello.- Hello.-我们见过面的,我是理查-对- Hi, we've met. It's Richard Maples.- Oh, yes.王八蛋Bastard.-好吗,伯纳-好吗,查理- Hello, Bern.- Hello, Chuck.两杯,谢谢Two, please.-好好享受-保重了- You have fun, now.- Take care.你好Oh, hello.你好Hi.-要喝一杯吗?-谢谢- You want one of these?- Oh, thank you.-我…-好吗,查尔斯- l...- Hello, Charles.约翰,你好吗?Hello, dear John. How are you?我很好,这位是…Good. This is...嘉莉- Carrie.- Carrie.-很高兴认识你,我叫约翰-你好- Delighted. I'm John.- Hi, John.你的女朋友好吗?How's your girlfriend?她不再是我的女朋友了She's no longer my girlfriend.别难过人们说她一直跟陶比有染Don't be too gloomy. Rumor is shenever stopped bonking Toby de Lisle.她是我的妻子She's now my wife.太好了…恭喜你Excellent.Excellent. Congratulations.我失陪了Excuse me.有孩子了没?Any kids or anything, John?打算何时生…Do we hear the patter of tiny...一个?...feet?没有No.来日方长,对吗?不忙的Well, there's plenty of timefor that, isn't there? No hurry.你好吗?Hi. How are you?我叫菲欧娜My name's Fiona.我叫吉罗德I'm Gerald.你做哪一行业?What do you do?我在受训,预备当神父I'm training to be a priest.我的天!Good Lord!你会主持结婚典礼吗?Do you do weddings?现在还不能,将来一定会No. No, not yet.I will, though, of course.简直是精神折磨Jolly nerve-racking.就像初夜一样Yes, rather like the first timeone has sex.我想是吧Well, I suppose so.当然没那么混乱也不会用那么多保险套Rather less messy, of course.And far less call for condoms.你觉得怎么样?记得那次你把爸爸的船开动螺旋桨把我的腿打碎吗?这次更烂那个穿灰衣服的男孩是谁?Who's that boyover there in the gray?他叫大卫His name's David.很有魅力,是不是?Something of a dish, isn't he?我一向都是这样想的Well, I've always thought so.他们干嘛…?Why are they...?-魅力小子是聋子-可惜- The dish can't hear.- Oh!天啊Gosh.对,不能说话…Yeah, silent...但却引人入胜...but deadly attractive.就是这样Bang, bang, bang. That's it.请到帐篷就坐,晚餐准备好了Into the marquee, please.Dinner is served.你好吗?How do you do?我叫汤姆,很高兴认识你Hello, Tom. Splendid to meet you.令人兴奋Very exciting.你好Hi.我叫思嘉My name's Scarlett.别让我喝太多否则我会很轻佻的Don't let me drink too much,because I'll get really flirty.你好吗?我叫查尔斯How do you do? My name is Charles.别说笑,查尔斯已经死了二十年Don't be ridiculous.Charles died years ago.他是另一个查尔斯吧Must be a different Charles.你说我不认得自己的兄弟吗?You're saying I don't knowmy own brother?不是的No, no.各位,很抱歉打扰你们吃甜点Ladies and gentlemen, sorry todrag you from your desserts.身为伴郎我觉得我要说几句话There are one or two little thingsI feel I should say as best man. 我只是第二次当伴郎This is only the second timeI've ever been best man.希望我还算称职吧I hope I did the job okaythat time.至少上一对夫妇还愿意跟我说话The couple in question are at leaststill talking to me.很可惜,他们却互不理睬Unfortunately, they're not actuallytalking to each other.他们几个月前离婚了The divorce came througha couple of months ago.但他们向我保证此事跟我无关But I'm assured it had absolutelynothing to do with me.宝拉显然在我演讲之前Apparently, Paula knew Pierce sleptwith her sister...已知道皮尔斯跟她的妹妹睡...before I mentioned itin the speech.可是他跟岳母睡却真是意外The fact that he slept with hermother came as a surprise...但我却以为这段两日婚姻是…...but I think was incidental tothe nightmare of recrimination... 随之而来的互相责备和暴力所导致的...and violence that becametheir two-day marriage.说够了,我要说的是安格斯Anyway, enough of that. My jobtoday is to talk about Angus.他并没有秘密And there are no skeletonsin his cupboard...我是这样想的...or so I thought.我待会会去求证,我想说的是…I'll get to that in a minute.I'd just like to say this:一如以往…I am as ever...对于像安格斯和萝拉一样愿意许下承诺的人...in bewildered awe of anyonewho makes this kind of commitment...我都异常敬佩...that Angus and Laurahave made today.我自知办不到I know I couldn't do it...他们办得到,实在太好了...and I think it's wonderfulthey can.说回安格斯和他的同类So back to Angus and those sheep.各位先生、女士,请举杯So, ladies and gentlemen,if you'd raise your glasses.-敬一对壁人-好!- The adorable couple.- Yes!敬一对壁人The adorable couple!敬一对壁人The adorable couple!替我吻新娘!Get one for me, Angus!我第一次看见盖瑞夫跳舞时The first time I sawGareth on the dance floor...还以为会弄出人命...I feared lives would be lost.她很漂亮She's a pretty girl.你目不转睛地看着她一见钟情吗?The one you can't take your eyes off.Love at first sight? 不,我曾跟她的舞伴玩橄榄球No, it's the bloke she's dancing with.I played rugby with him at school.我在想他是打哪个位置的I'm trying to rememberwhat position he played.我们来辩论一下Though, let's say forthe sake of argument...人们参加婚礼时会爱上别人...one did take a fancy to someoneat a wedding.有没有人可以就这样说Do you think there are peoplewho can just say:『宝贝,我叫查尔斯你今晚走运了?』"Hi, babe. My name's Charles.This is your lucky night"? 他们肯定不是英国人If there are, they're not English.的确如此Quite.三个星期是最低限度的试探期Three weeks is aboutmy question-popping minimum.你知道我爱你的,是不是?You know I love you,Jean, don't you?我爱你…I love you.I love you.麦克,虽然我不认识你And Mike, I've never met you before...但我真的很爱你...but I love you very much.I really do.别理会她,她喝醉了Ignore her, she's drunk.至少我希望她是At least I hope she is.否则我的麻烦可大了Otherwise, I'm in real trouble.你过得怎么样?How's it going, Lyds?烂透了Bloody awful.亲爱的,怎么了?Oh, dear. What's the problem?大家都说我会有艳遇I was promised sex.Everybody said it:你是伴娘,会有艳遇推也推不掉"You'll be a bridesmaid, you'll get sex.You'll be fighting them off."可是现在简直是门可罗雀But not so much as a tonguein sight.我的意思是,若你想要…Well, I mean, if you fancy...干什么...anything...我永远都会…...I could always...别说无聊事了Oh, don't be ridiculous, Bernard.-我才不是那么绝望呢-当然了- I'm not that desperate.- No, right. Of course.有道理Fair enough.说得好It's a good point.再见!Bye!好好享受良辰美景!Have a lovely, lovely time!再见!Bye!你今晚住在哪?Where are you staying tonight,Charles?思嘉和我在旅舍里下榻Scarlett and I are at some pub.好像叫什么幸运船的不是所有人都住那里吗?The Lucky Boat, something like that.Aren't we all?不,计划有些微变动No. Slight change of plan.他们要到我家去The others are comingback to my place.南茜会在我们玩拼字游戏时弄宵夜给我们吃Nansy's there. Might cook us eggsand bac over a late-night Scrabble.不知道你有没有兴趣参加Wondered if you'd like to join.好极了,非常谢谢你Yeah, great. Thanks very much.有房间给思嘉睡吗?Is there room for Scarlett?当然有,一共间房Oh, absolutely. rooms, actually.你是全英国最富有的人吗?Tommy, are you the richest manin England?不是!No, no!我们大概是第七位吧I believe we're about seventh.最富有的当然是女王The queen, obviously.那个布兰森也混得很不错And that Branson bloke'sdoing terribly well.真是好消息Well, excellent news.我去告诉思嘉I'll go tell Scarlett.好的Yeah.除非…That's...你走桃花运...unless you get lucky first.算了吧!快走…Forget about it! Get out of it!Get out. Go on!你好Hi.你好,还以为你已经走了Hi. Hi! I thought you'd gone.我还在,我想知道你今晚住在哪Not yet. I was just wonderingwhere you were staying tonight. 这个…Well...我本来是住在一间叫什么…I was staying at some pub calledThe Lucky...-幸运船的旅馆里-是船夫...Boat or something like that.- Boatman.对Right.不过我现在要跟朋友到朋友的家里But now I'm going to stay at somefriend's house with some friends.正确来说,那是一座大城堡Well, I think enormous castle isa more accurate description.真可惜,我也是住在船夫旅馆That's too bad becauseI'm at The Boatman.我很高兴Well, it was nice...虽然还不算认识你...not quite meeting you.那篇演讲词很精彩It was a great speech.谢了Thanks.我要走了Well, I'm going now.不!不…别走No! No, no, don't go.我们可以聊聊,现在还早呢We can meet now.The evening's just getting going.你我都知道那只是自欺欺人We both know that's a big lie.该死Fuck.城堡在召唤了,你清醒吗?The castle beckons, I think, Tom.Are you sober?绝对清醒,我整晚都喝橘子汁Absolutely. Orange juice all night.来吧Come on.各位再见了!Bye, everybody!伯纳!Bernard!支持你的男人哔…向全世界说你爱他给予他无尽的爱支持--汤姆,可以停车吗?Tom, can you stop the car?停车!Stop the car!对不起,我还是想…Sorry. Sorry.I just think I might...留在旅馆里...stay in that pub after all.干嘛?Why on earth?我在研究名字中有船字的旅馆No, seriously. I'm researchingpubs with "boat" in the title.希望能有决定性的成果I hope to produce the definitive work.-请便-实在荒谬- Please yourself.- It's a silly thing, you know?对Right.古怪的决定Odd decision.你好Hello.你好Hi.你好Hi.结果房间不够分配Turned out there wasn'troom for all of us.你说那是一座城堡You said it was a castle.的确是城堡No, it is a castle.是很小的城堡It's just a very, very small one.只不过楼上楼下各一间房真罕见Tiny. Just one up,one down, which is rare.要喝点什么吗?Drink, sir?我想喝威士忌,谢谢Yeah. I'd like a glassof whiskey, please. Thanks.-你要喝吗?-听来不错- Do you want?- Yeah, sounds good.-给这位女士多调一杯-要两杯吗?- Make another one for the lady.- Doubles, sir?谢了Thanks.原来你也在这里,你好吗?You here too? How are you?你好,我很好Hello. I'm fine.-有没有见过嘉莉?-谁?- Haven't seen Carrie, have you?- Who?嘉莉,来自美国的美腿女郎Carrie. American girl.Lovely legs.是婚礼上的宾客,芳香扑鼻Wedding guest. Nice smell.抱歉,没看见No. Sorry.该死!可恶Damn. Blast.还以为已经得手了I think I was in there.若你看见她可以告诉她我回房了吗?If you see her, could youtell her I've gone to my room? 好的Yeah, yeah.-威士忌-谢谢- Your whiskey, sir.- Thank you.这杯是…And one for the...上路用的,好极Road. Lovely.我想要喝一杯,一起喝好吗?I think I might have one.Mind if I join you?好的,太好了No. It'd be lovely.一杯威士忌,一支雪茄Another glass of whiskeyand a cigar.等等,要一瓶吧Hold on. Make that a bottle.让我们静下来看看能否喝到天亮We might as well settle in. Let'ssee if we can push on till dawn.-婚礼办得真好-对- Lovely wedding.- Yes, yes.我跟他哥哥一起念书,那厮很棒I was at school with his brotherBufty. Tremendous bloke.他是宿舍的舍监,经常欺负我He was head of my house.Buggered me senseless.教我认识人生真谛Taught me things about life.你在哪认识他的?Where you know him from?大学University.真好…Splendid. Splendid. Yep.我没上大学觉得没此必要I didn't go myself.I couldn't see the point.我在金融界工作要诗歌来干嘛?When you're workingthe money markets......what use is Wordsworthgonna be?打扰了你妻子问你可否马上上楼?Excuse me. Your wife says,"Could you come upstairs at once?若你忘了的话,是号房Room , in caseyou can't remember."-我妻子?-是的- My wife?- Yes, sir.是我妻子!…Oh, my wife! My wife!你醉了,连妻子也忘记了You are drunk. You can'tremember you got a wife.对Yeah, yeah.-若你不介意的话…-不介意,你走吧- Do you mind if I...?- No, no. Off you go.-祝你好运-谢了- Best of luck.- Thanks.幸好我还是独身可以继续寻找凯蒂的芳踪Lucky bachelor me, I'll have anothersearch for that Katie creature.-是嘉莉-对,漂亮的小妞- Carrie.- That's the one. Damn fine filly.我知道我得手了I think I'm in there.-你好-你好- Hi.- Hello.很对不起Sorry about that.没关系,他很难缠的That's fine.He was hard to get rid of.对Yeah.这样…So...也许我们可以…Maybe we could just...先躲一会,然后…...skulk around herefor a bit, and then...再下去...go back down.好主意我不是经常都偷偷摸摸的Now that's a thought.I don't usually skulk a lot...但有需要的话,我也会躲起来...but I suppose I could skulkif skulking were required.你经常都是鬼鬼祟祟的吗?Do you skulk regularly?不,通常我不觉得…No. No, I don't normally...自己是个逃避者,不过…...think of myself as a skulker,but...你何不进来先躲一会Well, why don't you come inand skulk for a while...再作打算...and we'll see.新郎新娘没在教堂里接吻I noticed the bride and groomdidn't kiss in the church...有点奇怪...which is kind of strange.在我的家乡,人们经常接吻Where I come from,kissing is very big.是吗?你说得对,我们较保守Is it? Yes, well, you're right.We probably are more reserved. 『你可以跟新娘接吻了』没列在经文中"You may now kiss the bride,"isn't in the Book of Common Prayer.我总害怕自己会一时冲动而越轨I always worry I'll go too farin the heat of the moment.你觉得怎样才算是越轨呢?How far do you thinktoo far would be, then?我不知道Oh, I don't know.也许…Maybe...这样还可以吧...that would be all right.这样很好That would be fine.事实上,这是有拒绝的意思In fact, it might be a bit dismissive.也许这样…Maybe this...会比较好...would be better.若再进一步就会有危险了Yeah, I think it would be dangerousto take it any further.我的意思是…I mean...你知道…You know...这样也许有点过分了?That might be taking it a little far.这样又如何?What about this?那个牧师会觉得事情失控了吗?You think the vicar would think thingshad slipped a bit out of his control?他会I think he might.这种事跟婚礼比起来…This kind of thing is reallybetter suited...更适合度蜜月...to the honeymoon thanto the service itself.为何要叫做蜜月呢?Why do you thinkit's called a honeymoon?不知道,可能是…I don't know. I suppose it's...『蜜』是因为这段时间甜如蜜..."honey" because it's sweetas honey.至于『月』,那是因为丈夫…And "moon" because it wasthe first time...第一次看见太太的屁股...a husband got to seehis wife's bottom.怎么了?What's happening?我要走了I have to go.-到哪去?-美国- Where?- America.真可悲That is a tragedy.在我离开之前Just before I go...你想于何时宣布订婚的事?...when were you thinking ofannouncing the engagement?对不起,谁要订婚?Sorry. Whose engagement?我们的Ours.既然我们已经睡过了,应该结婚I assumed since we slept together,we'd be getting married. 你觉得呢?What did you think?什么?What?我…I...你知道Gosh, you know, that...这种事要仔细考虑清楚...takes a lot of thinking about,that kind of thing.很明显的,我…Obviously, I'm...你在开玩笑You're joking.天!还以为这是『致命的吸引力』God! For a moment there,I thought I was in Fatal Attraction. 你是葛伦克萝斯我的兔宝宝则在锅子里I thought you were Glenn Close, andI'd find my pet rabbit on the stove.不是的No.然而我们都错过了一段良缘了But I think we've both misseda great opportunity here.再见Bye.(伯纳与莉蒂亚之喜宴)(三个月后)妈的!Oh, fuck!妈的Fuck.妈的见他妈的鬼Fuck. Fuckity fuck.该死,妈的!Fuck. Fuck!-开车还是坐计程车?-计程车吧,找不到停车位的- Car or taxi?- Taxi. We could never park. 还是开车好一点Car seems a good idea.-妈的-妈的- Fuck.- Fuck.别管它,没有人注意到的Leave it. No one will notice.这次…Well...对不起,我迟到了,堵车...sorry I'm late. Traffic.是的Yeah.今天是谁结婚呢?Who is it today?再照一张One more, quick.他们准备好了They're ready to go.因父In the name of the Father...及子...and of the Son...及圣灵之命,阿们...and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.大家一起祈祷Let us pray.天父,你把婚姻的缔结变为神圣的神秘Father, you have made the bondof marriage a holymystery...象征基督对教会的爱...a symbol of Christ's lovefor his church.请你透过儿子主耶稣基督Hear our prayersfor Bernard and Lydia...垂听我们为伯纳和莉蒂亚的祷告...through your son,Jesus Christ, our lord...他与你一起统治大地...who lives and reigns with you...及圣山羊…...and the Holy goat.圣灵Ghost.唯一及永在的真神,阿们One God, forever and ever. Amen.首次主持婚礼他是这家人的朋友It's his first time.He's a friend of the family.-太好了-伯纳和莉蒂亚- Excellent.- Bernard and Lydia...我要询问你们是否愿意承担婚姻的义务...I shall now ask if you freelyundertake the obligations of marriage.伯纳,请你跟我说一遍Bernard, repeat after me:我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...妨碍我,莉蒂亚…...why I, Lydia...妨碍我,伯纳…...why I, Bernard...对不起Sorry.我…Why I...伯纳葛佛瑞圣约翰德莱尼...Bernard GodfreySaint John Delaney...我,伯纳杰佛瑞辛约翰德莱尼Why I, Bernard GeoffreySinjin Delaney...跟莉蒂亚约翰希博特...may not be joinedin matrimony...结为夫妇...to Lydia John Hibbott.跟莉蒂亚琼希博特...may not be joinedin matrimony...结为夫妇...to Lydia Jane Hibbott.莉蒂亚Lydia...请你跟我说一遍...repeat after me:我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...妨碍我,莉蒂亚琼希博特...why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott...妨碍我,莉蒂亚琼希博特...why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott...下『蛋』给…...may not be johned in matrimony...下嫁给…...may not be joined in matrimony...伯纳杰佛瑞...to Bernard Geoffrey...辛约翰德莱尼...Sijern... Sijin Delaney.伯纳…...to Bernard...杰佛瑞…...Geoffrey...辛约翰德莱尼...Sinjin Delaney.我请在坐各位见证I call upon those persons herepresent to witness...我请在坐各位见证I call upon those persons herepresent to witness...我,伯纳...that I, Bernard...德莱尼...Delaney...我,伯纳德莱尼...that I, Bernard Delaney...愿意娶你,莉蒂亚琼希博特...do take thee,Lydia Jane Hibbott...愿意娶你,莉蒂亚琼希博特...do take thee,Lydia Jane Hibbott...为我的『可怕』妻子...to be my awful wedded wife.为我的合法妻子...to be my lawful wedded wife.对…对极了That's r... That's right.愿全能的天父祝福你们May almighty God bless you all.因父、及子、及圣零…圣灵之名The Father, the Sonand the Holy spigot... Spirit.阿们Amen.好极了!Bravo!好极了!Bravo!好极了!Bravo!!Effect,{\fn幼圆\fscx\fscy}<font color="#ffff">Thanks.{\r\fn幼圆}{\fn幼圆}<font color=#BDE>{\r\fn幼圆}-我们来了-这边!- We're coming, Bernie.- Up here!对不起Sorry.对不起…Sorry. Sorry.这边?当然了That way? Yes, of course.-对不起,你们两个…-汤姆,别动- Sorry. Could you two...?- Tom, don't go away.对不起Sorry.我对婚姻有一个新理论I've got a new theoryabout marriage.两个相爱的人同居,突然间…Two people are in love, they livetogether, and then suddenly... 一天他们相对无言...one day they run outof conversation.连一个话题都找不到Totally. They can't think ofa single thing to say to each other.就是这样,惊惶失措That's it. Panic.然后突然之间Then suddenly...他们想出了打破僵局的方法...it occurs to the chap that there isa way out of the deadlock.-是什么?-他向她求婚- Which is?- He'll ask her to marry him.英明!真英明!Brilliant. Brilliant!他们这辈子都有话可说了They've got something to talk aboutfor the rest of their lives.婚姻是解决无话可说的方法You're saying marriage is a wayto get out of a pause in conversation.是打破僵局的灵丹妙药The definitive icebreaker.汤姆,演讲的内容是什么?Tom, how's the speech coming along?我想是很不错的,老少咸宜It's pretty good, I think.Something for everyone.笑中有泪Tears, laughter.好极了Excellent.这个理论非常好I think it's a very goodtheory, Gareth.有些人却认为结婚是因为有真爱There is another argument that ithas something to do with true love.这也是一种见解Now there's a thought.有什么可以效劳的地方?Can I help you, sir?麻烦你给我三杯白兰地Can I have three glassesof brandy, please?你好Hi.你好- Hello.- How are you?你好吗?很好Fine. Fine.对不起,见到你实在太高兴了Yeah. Sorry, I'm overwhelmedto see you.请你别再回美国去了Look, don't go backto America. Please.-我很快回来,知道吗?-好的- Be back in two secs, okay?- Okay.菲欧娜Hi, Fi.这是你们的,五小时后见That's yours and yours.See you in hours.-出了状况吗?-对,这个婚礼真是棒呆了- Something happened?- Yes. This is a bloody great wedding.你好Hi.你看起来很完美其实也许你天生完美Well, you look perfect.In fact, you probably are perfect. -你近来好吗?-真的很好- Well, how are you?- I'm really well.查尔斯,他是我的未婚夫哈米什Charles, I'd like youto meet Hamish, my fiance.太好了Excellent.太好了Excellent.你好吗?哈米什,很高兴认识你How do you do, Hamish?Delighted to meet you.很高兴见到嘉莉返回英国Charming to find Carrie back here.我可是费尽唇舌的呢It took lots of persuading.走吧,我对詹姆士说带了你来Come on, darling, I told JamesI was getting you.他会想我已经拿你没法了He'll think I've totally lostcontrol over you already.待会见I'll see you later.你还好吧?How are you doing, Charles?突然之间就不好了Not great, actually, suddenly.我不知道I don't know.我的意思是…I mean...我干嘛老是参加婚礼…What the hell's going on here?Why am I always at weddings...而新郎总不是我?...and never actuallygetting married, Matt?也许是因为你有点邋遢It's probably becauseyou're a bit scruffy.对Yeah.或是因为你还没碰到意中人Or it could also be becauseyou haven't met the right girl.就是这样吗?But you see, is that it?也许其实我经常都碰到意中人Maybe I have met the right girls.Maybe I meet them all the time.-可能问题在我身上-胡说- Maybe it's me.- Oh, nonsense.各位先生、女士My lords, ladies and gentlemen...晚餐已经准备好了...dinner is served.可能你会在晚宴上找到妻子呢Come on. Odds on youmeet your wife at dinner.对Yes.天啊Oh, my God.查尔斯?Charles?你好Hi.-你好,我是阿利斯泰尔-你好- Hello, I'm Alistair.- Great.你认识薇洛妮卡的And I believe you know Veronica.对,你好,薇Yeah. Hi, V.妮基Nicki.真好Great.你结婚了吗?Tell me, are you married?还没No.你是同性恋的吗?Are you a lesbian?老天爷!Good lord!你为何会这么说的呢?Well, what made you say that?这是女人独身的可能性之一It's one of the possibilitiesfor unmarried girls.总比说找不到意中人It's a bit more interestingthan saying:来得有趣吧"Oh, dear. Just never foundthe right chap."对Quite right.开心就好,不是吗?Why be dull?谢谢Thank you.事实上,我早已有意中人只是他不爱我The truth is, I have met the rightperson, only he's not in love with me.在我不再爱他之前,没人有机会Until I stop loving him,no one stands a chance.真倒霉Bad luck.可不是吗?Yes, isn't it?我念书时曾经是同性恋者I was a lesbian once at school...只当了十五分钟,该不算数吧...but only for minutes.I don't think it counts.茶叶一共有四百多种There are different kinds of tea...还不包括所谓的水果茶在内...and that's not including all theseso-called fruit teas.我曾带薇到印度参观茶园I took Veronica to Indiato look at the plantations.好极了Excellent.你曾和她游印度吧I believe you and herwent there once.是的That's right.查尔斯讨厌透了Charles was vile.我快要吐了,他却坚持说笑话He insisted on cracking jokeswhile I was ill.我只想使你振作起来I was cheering you up.原来你就是那个薇洛妮卡!You're that Veronica!哪个薇洛妮卡呢?Which Veronica?查理?Charlie?记得孟买吗?Remember Bombay?我跟查理约会时When Charles and I were going out,he told me he'd had...他说他跟『呕吐的薇』...this interesting journeyaround India...在印度有一次有趣的旅程呢大概是如此吧...with Vomiting Veronica.I think that was it.我也记不起自己说过了也许有吧I don't remember ever mentioning it.Maybe I did.查尔斯Oh, come on, Charles.你是我约会过的人中最轻率的了I don't think I've been outwith anyone less discreet.你说得有点夸张了That's a bit of an exaggeration.才不是呢It is not.。



















Hugh Grant 羞涩的英国绅士——休·格兰特

Hugh Grant 羞涩的英国绅士——休·格兰特

Hugh Grant 羞涩的英国绅士——休格兰特



1.格兰特·希尔绅士哲学 [J], LA
2.休·格兰特好莱坞捧红的"英国小生" [J], 尹小波
3.格兰特·希尔绅士哲学 [J], LA
4.Hugh Grant:His Movie“Phase” [J], 李娇
5.休·格兰特:英国绅士变身倒霉海盗 [J], Bryan Alexander;芥子





影片中第一个讲述的是Angus 与Laura的婚礼。





















NO.1 Forrest Gump1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)2.Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)3.Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不离)5.Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢)6.You just stay away from me please.(求你离开我)7.If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开)8.It made me look like a duck in water.(它让我如鱼得水)9.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事)10.I was messed up for a long time.(这些年我一塌糊涂)11.I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating aro und accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡)NO. 2 The Lion King1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。



























#1# Grouplove - Tongue Tied在某处* 00:03 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)“Want you go to a real party?”* 00:12 艺术家The Artist (2011)* 00:14 阳光姐妹淘써니(2011)* 00:15 两小无猜Melody (1971)* 00:16 月升王国Moonrise Kingdom (2012)* 00:17 王子殿下Your Highness (2011)* 00:18 布吉舞Стиляги (2008)* 00:19 海盗电台The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:19 独家新闻Scoop (2006)* 00:20 127小时127 Hours (2010)* 00:23 摇滚年代Rock of Ages (2012)* 00:25 通往仙境To the Wonder (2012)* 00:26 绝代艳后Marie Antoinette (2006)* 00:27 两小无猜Melody (1971)* 00:28 雨中曲Singin' in the Rain (1952)* 00:29 摩登时代Modern Times (1936)* 00:30 宿醉2 The Hangover Part II (2011)* 00:31 泰迪熊Ted (2012)* 00:32 海盗电台The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:33 贫民窟的百万富翁Slumdog Millionaire (2008)* 00:34 涉外大饭店The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)* 00:35 黑暗阴影Dark Shadows (2012)* 00:36 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)* 00:37 一夜狂欢A Hard Day's Night (1964)* 00:38 我与梦露的一周My Week with Marilyn (2011)* 00:39 女人就是女人Une femme est une femme (1961)* 00:39 在路上On the Road (2012)* 00:41 通往仙境To the Wonder (2012)* 00:42 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)* 00:43 悬崖上的金鱼姬崖の上のポニョ(2008)* 00:44 太坏了Superbad (2007)* 00:45 疯狂愚蠢的爱Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)* 00:46 巴黎,我爱你Paris, je t'aime (2006)* 00:47 荒野生存Into the Wild (2007)* 00:48 四个婚礼和一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) * 00:49 独裁者The Dictator (2012)* 00:50 喜剧之王The King of Comedy (1982)* 00:51 一天One Day (2011)* 00:51 单身男子A Single Man (2009)* 00:52 里约大冒险Rio (2011)* 00:53 被解救的姜戈Django Unchained (2012)* 00:54 大傻瓜Vollidiot (2007)* 00:55 天才一族The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) * 00:55 超级英雄Super (2010)* 00:56 狗镇之主Lords of Dogtown (2005)* 00:57 篮球日记The Basketball Diaries (1995)* 00:57 八部半8½ (1963)* 00:58 龙虎少年队21 Jump Street (2012)* 00:59 让子弹飞(2010)* 00:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士The Dark Knight (2008)* 01:00 海盗电台The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:01 一周One Week (1920)* 01:03 四头狮子Four Lions (2010)* 01:03 社交网络The Social Network (2010)* 01:04 X计划Project X (2012)* 01:05 芭萨提的颜色Rang De Basanti (2006)* 01:06 罗马假日Roman Holiday (1953)* 01:07 精武门精武门(1972)* 01:07 X计划Project X (2012)* 01:08 爱在黎明破晓前Before Sunrise (1995)* 01:09 天才一族The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 01:12 白日梦国度Daydream Nation (2010)* 01:13 触不可及Intouchables (2011)* 01:14 大师The Master (2012)* 01:15 海盗电台The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:16 我爱你莫里斯I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)* 01:17 通往仙境To the Wonder (2012)* 01:18 操行零分Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège (1933)* 01:19 两小无猜Jeux d'enfants (2003)* 01:20 现代启示录Apocalypse Now (1979)* 01:21 低俗小说Pulp Fiction (1994)* 01:22 狗男女Go (1999)* 01:23 无敌破坏王Wreck-It Ralph (2012)* 01:23 魔法师的学徒The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)* 01:25 城市之光City Lights (1931)* 01:26 登堂入室Dans la maison (2012)* 01:26 通往仙境To the Wonder (2012)* 01:21 金玉满堂金玉满堂(1995)#2# Imagine Dragons - Radioactive* 01:29 指环王1:魔戒再现The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) “You shall not pass!”* 01:35 一代宗师The Grandmaster (2013)* 01:35 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:36 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:38 公民凯恩Citizen Kane (1941)* 01:38 无法无天Lawless (2012)* 01:39 环形使者Looper (2012)* 01:40 乡下人Hick (2011)* 01:41 恶魔的替身The Devil's Double (2011)* 01:42 超能失控Chronicle (2012)* 01:43 沉默的羔羊The Silence of the Lambs (1991)* 01:44 饥饿游戏The Hunger Games (2012)* 01:45 X战警:第一战X-Men: First Class (2011)* 01:46 V字仇杀队V for Vendetta (2005)* 01:47 西部往事C'era una volta il West (1968)* 01:48 坠入The Fall (2006)* 01:49 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:50 逃离德黑兰Argo (2012)* 01:51 西北偏北North by Northwest (1959)* 01:53 猎杀本·拉登Zero Dark Thirty (2012)* 01:53 迫降航班Flight (2012)* 01:54 普罗米修斯Prometheus (2012)* 01:55 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主之魔镜魔镜Mirror Mirror (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主与猎人Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 01:57 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:59 黑衣人3 Men in Black III (2012)* 01:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士The Dark Knight (2008)* 02:00 雨果Hugo (2011)* 02:01 致命急件Premium Rush (2012)* 02:03 霍比特人1:意外之旅The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) * 02:05 白雪公主与猎人Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 02:08 无耻混蛋Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:09 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:10 飞越疯人院One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)* 02:12 猜火车Trainspotting (1996)* 02:15 通往仙境To the Wonder (2012)* 02:16 盗梦空间Inception (2010)* 02:17 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:18 环形使者Looper (2012)* 02:19 盗梦空间Inception (2010)* 02:20 康斯坦丁Constantine (2005)* 02:21 搏击俱乐部Fight Club (1999)* 02:22 诸神之怒Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 02:22 一代宗师The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:24 勇敢传说Brave (2012)* 02:25 出租车司机Taxi Driver (1976)* 02:28 黑暗阴影Dark Shadows (2012)* 02:29 迫降航班Flight (2012)* 02:30 碟中谍4 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)* 02:30 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:32 被解救的姜戈Django Unchained (2012)* 02:32 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011) *02:33 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:33 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:33 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:34 美国队长Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)* 02:36 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:36 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:37 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:40 海啸奇迹Lo imposible (2012)* 02:41 盗梦空间Inception (2010)* 02:42 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:43 云图Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:44 雷神Thor (2011)* 02:45 伤心小号曲Balada triste de trompeta (2010)* 02:45 一代宗师The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:46 铁甲钢拳Real Steel (2011)* 02:48 超级战舰Battleship (2012)* 02:49 源代码Source Code (2011)* 02:50 无耻混蛋Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:51 少年派的奇幻漂流Life of Pi (2012)* 02:52 一代宗师The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:53 寻求正义Seeking Justice (2011)* 02:54 在路上On the Road (2012)* 02:55 通缉令Wanted (2008)* 02:55 触不可及Intouchables (2011)* 02:56 云图Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:58 亡命驾驶Drive (2011)* 02:59 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994)* 03:03 诸神之怒Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 03:04 无耻混蛋Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 03:07 勇敢传说Brave (2012)* 03:09 不明身份Unknown (2011)* 03:11 海啸奇迹Lo imposible (2012)* 03:12 复仇者联盟The Avengers (2012)* 03:14 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘(1995)* 03:16 普罗米修斯Prometheus (2012)* 03:17 异星战场John Carter (2012)* 03:18 饥饿Hunger (2008)* 03:19 血色将至There Will Be Blood (2007)* 03:20 西游降魔篇(2013)* 03:21 复仇者联盟The Avengers (2012)* 03:24 猩球崛起Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)* 03:27 超凡蜘蛛侠The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)* 03:28 雷神Thor (2011)* 03:29 一代宗师The Grandmaster (2013)* 03:31 英雄(2002)* 03:34 三个火枪手The Three Musketeers (2011)* 03:35 特警判官Dredd (2012)* 03:36 黑暗阴影Dark Shadows (2012)* 03:36 环形使者Looper (2012)* 03:37 雷神Thor (2011)* 03:38 细节The Details (2011)* 03:41 云图Cloud Atlas (2012) #3# Mew - Comforting Sounds* 03:45 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994) “I love you ,Leon”* 03:58 少年派的奇幻漂流Life of Pi (2012)* 03:59 钢铁苍穹Iron Sky (2012)* 04:01 无姓之人Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:02 本杰明·巴顿奇事The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) * 04:03 超市夜未眠Cashback (2006)* 04:04 通灵男孩诺曼ParaNorman (2012)* 04:05 荒野生存Into the Wild (2007)* 04:07 天气预报员The Weather Man (2005)* 04:08 雷神Thor (2011)* 04:09 反基督者Antichrist (2009)* 04:10 钢琴家The Pianist (2002)* 04:11 机械师The Machinist (2004)* 04:12 127小时127 Hours (2010)* 04:13 V字仇杀队V for Vendetta (2005)* 04:14 潜水艇Submarine (2011)* 04:15 碧海蓝天Le grand bleu (1988)* 04:17 天才一族The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 04:19 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)* 04:21 随心所欲Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux (1962)* 04:25 细节The Details (2011)* 04:26 暖暖内含光Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)* 04:27 超脱Detachment (2011)* 04:28 无姓之人Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:30 永远的莉莉亚Lilya 4-ever (2002)* 04:31 蓝白红三部曲之蓝Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)* 04:32 嚎叫Howl (2010)* 04:33 致命禁闭Detention (2012)* 04:34 海扁王Kick-Ass (2010)* 04:34 荒野生存Into the Wild (2007)* 04:35 全面回忆Total Recall (2012)* 04:35 爱Amour (2012)* 04:35 生活多美好It's a Wonderful Life (1946)* 04:36 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)* 04:36 双面玛莎Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)* 04:37 迷失东京Lost in Translation (2003)* 04:37 潜水艇Submarine (2011)* 04:38 绿里奇迹The Green Mile (1999)* 04:38 记忆碎片Memento (2000)* 04:39 亡命驾驶Drive (2011)* 04:39 猜火车Trainspotting (1996)* 04:39 生命之树The Tree of Life (2011)* 04:40 超凡蜘蛛侠The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)* 04:42 安全没有保障Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)* 04:43 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) * 04:45 南国野兽Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)* 04:47 我杀了我妈妈J'ai tué ma mère (2009)* 04:48 捅马蜂窝的女孩Luftslottet som sprängdes (2009)* 04:50 疯狂愚蠢的爱Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)* 04:51 遁入虚无Enter the Void (2009)* 04:53 和莎莫的500天(500) Days of Summer (2009)* 04:55 安全没有保障Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)* 04:56 点球成金Moneyball (2011)* 04:57 楚门的世界The Truman Show (1998)* 04:59 野草莓Smultronstället (1957) * 05:00 将军号The General (1926)* 05:02 男孩们回来了The Boys Are Back (2009)* 05:03 逍遥骑士Easy Rider (1969)* 05:05 无姓之人Mr. Nobody (2009)* 05:07 和莎莫的500天(500) Days of Summer (2009)* 05:08 跳支华尔兹Take This Waltz (2011)* 05:10 阿甘正传Forrest Gump (1994)* 05:15 四百击Les quatre cents coups (1959)* 05:17 潜水艇Submarine (2011)* 05:18 黑神驹The Black Stallion (1979)* 05:19 蒂莫西的奇异生活The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012) * 05:20 大师The Master (2012)* 05:21 乌云背后的幸福线Silver Linings Playbook (2012)* 05:22 质数的孤独La solitudine dei numeri primi (2010)* 05:23 通缉令Wanted (2008)* 05:24 末代皇帝The Last Emperor (1987)* 05:24 跳支华尔兹Take This Waltz (2011)* 05:25 乌云背后的幸福线Silver Linings Playbook (2012)* 05:25 罗拉快跑Lola rennt (1998)* 05:27 神秘肌肤Mysterious Skin (2004)* 05:30 布吉舞Стиляги (2008)* 05:33 天才一族The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 05:35 卡萨布兰卡Casablanca (1942)* 05:36 黑色大丽花The Black Dahlia (2006)* 05:37 本杰明·巴顿奇事The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) * 05:38 无姓之人Mr. Nobody (2009)* 05:39 文科恋曲Liberal Arts (2012)* 05:40 初吻La boum (1980)* 05:42 海啸奇迹Lo imposible (2012)* 05:45 成长教育An Education (2009)* 05:46 少年派的奇幻漂流Life of Pi (2012)* 05:48 锈与骨De rouille et d'os (2012)* 05:50 凯文怎么了We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)* 05:51 机器人总动员WALL·E (2008)* 05:54 乌云背后的幸福线Silver Linings Playbook (2012)* 05:57 毕业生The Graduate (1967)* 05:59 我杀了我妈妈J'ai tué ma mère (2009) * 06:01 文科恋曲Liberal Arts (2012)* 06:02 美好的一年A Good Year (2006)* 06:03 春天不是读书天Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)* 06:03 亡命驾驶Drive (2011)* 06:04 蓝色情人节Blue Valentine (2010)* 06:06 席德与南茜Sid and Nancy (1986)* 06:07 樱花盛开Kirschblüten - Hanami (2008)* 06:09 朱诺Juno (2007)* 06:10 和莎莫的500天(500) Days of Summer (2009)* 06:12 毕业生The Graduate (1967)* 06:13 我家买了动物园We Bought a Zoo (2011)* 06:14 通往仙境To the Wonder (2012)* 06:15 潜水艇Submarine (2011)* 06:16 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)* 06:18 云图Cloud Atlas (2012)* 06:20 保罗Paul (2011)* 06:22 天使爱美丽Amélie (2001)* 06:24 跳支华尔兹Take This Waltz (2011)* 06:27 南国野兽Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)* 06:30 蒂莫西的奇异生活The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012)* 06:33 南国野兽Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)* 06:38 初学者Beginners (2010) “I love you ”* 06:40 断背山Brokeback Mountain (2005)* 06:44 盗梦空间Inception (2010)* 07:05“时间不逝,圆圈不圆。




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来吧!让我们趁着最美好的佳节,先看看“我爱你”的电影镜头,再将这份爱意传递出去......01当哈利遇上莎莉When Harry Met Sally”经典台词:I love that you get cold when it's 71℉out. 我爱你当外面71华氏度的时候还感冒I love that it takes you 1 1/2 hours to order a sandwich. 我爱你用半个小时点三明治I love that you get a crinkle here when you look at me like I'm nuts. 我爱你皱着眉看着傻傻的我I love that after I spend a day with you I smell your perfume on my clothes. 我爱整天和你在一起然后在我衣服上能闻到你的香味And I love that you are the last person I wanna talk to before I go to sleep at night. 我还爱你是每晚睡前我最后一个想说话的人And it's not because I'm lonely or because it's New Year's Eve. 这不是因为我孤单或者是新年夜I came cos when you realize you wanna spend the rest of your life with someone 我来是因为如果你意识到你要和某个人共渡余生you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. 你会想你的余生能越快开始越好02人鬼情未了Ghost”经典台词:It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I’m just afraid that I’m going to lose it.当生命中美好的东西到来时,我却觉得会失去它Never say love if you don’t really mean it.如果不当真的话你就不要说爱03猫屎先生As Good as It Gets”经典台词:I definitily hate the pills,and what I am going to compliment for you..is I’d like to take one.我真的非常讨厌吃药,而我要对你说的恭维话,就是我愿意去吃药You make me wanna be a better man.你让我希望自己变得更好love was the one, which can drive people do as good as it gets.爱就是让我们尽善尽美的动力04廊桥遗梦The Bridges of Madison County”经典台词:Francesca: Yea, but they are not kids any more. Things change.弗朗西斯卡:是啊,可他们不再是孩子了。

电影经典台词——四个婚礼与一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral

电影经典台词——四个婚礼与一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral

"He was my north, my south, my east and west.他是我的南北,我的西东。

My working week and my Sunday rest.是我作息的意义。

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song.是我的日夜,欢唱谈话的内容。

l thought that love would last forever...我以为爱会永恒不朽……...l was wrong.……我错了。

"一段简短的墓志铭把一个人的一生概括Gareth used to prefer funerals to weddings.贾力一直喜欢葬礼多于婚礼。

He said it was easier to get enthusiastic about a ceremony...他说对于自己起码有可能参与的仪式……...one had an outside chance of eventually being involved in.……总比较容易投入。

ln order to prepare this speech, l rang people to get a general picture...为了准备今天的讲词,我打电话给各人。

...of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him.……希望知道大家对贾力的印象。

''Fat'' seems to have been a word people most connected with him.“肥胖”似乎是大部分人联想的字眼。

''Terribly rude'' also rang a lot of bells.很多人也提到极度无礼。

''So very fat and very rude'' seems to have been the stranger's viewpoint. 那么陌生人眼中的他大概是“很胖和极度无礼”。



英语电影对白中的委婉语Euphemism in English film dialogue s 摘要:英语电影对白中的委婉语是电影常见的一种语境,对委婉语的研究同研究任何语言的表达方式一样,需要进行深入的剖析、科学的探研,本文也是立足于深入、科学的角度出发,从英语电影对白中使用委婉语的作用、英语电影对白中委婉语的表现方式、英语电影对白中委婉语的文化分析和英语电影对白中委婉语的语言魅力等四个方面,进行全面的展开和深刻的诠释,为的是让大家对英语电影对白中的委婉语有一个较为彻底的研究和理解。

关键词:电影;英语对白;委婉语Abstract: English movie white in the of euphemism language is movie common of a context, on euphemism language of research with research any language and speech as, needs entered in-depth of analysis, and science of exploration Institute, this is based Yu in-depth, and science of angle departure, from English movie white in the using euphemism language of role, and English movie white in the euphemism language of performance way, and English movie white in the euphemism language of culture analysis and English movie white in the euphemism language of language charm, four a aspects, for full of expand and deep of interpretation, To allow everyone to euphemism in English film dialogues for a more thorough study and understanding.Key words:The movie; Film in English; euphemism1.英语电影对白中使用委婉语的作用要想论证出英语电影对白中使用委婉语的作用,首先还是要解析委婉语的概念,即英语电影中委婉语的概念。




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经典英语电影台词对话【篇一:经典英语电影台词对话】2017骞?鏈?0鏃?- 鐢靛奖銆婄編濂充笌閲庡吔銆嬩笂鏄犱互鏉ュ彛纰戠垎妫?褰辩墖鏀圭紪鑷?em>缁忓吀鐖辨儏绔ヨ瘽,閭d箞鐢靛奖銆婄編濂充笌閲庡吔銆?em>缁忓吀鍙拌瘝瀵圭櫧鏈夊摢浜?褰辩墖涓?湁鍝?簺鍔ㄤ汉鐨勭埍鎯呭?鐧?鐢靛奖銆婄編濂充笌閲庡吔銆?em>缁忓吀鍙拌瘝...【篇二:经典英语电影台词对话】《泰坦尼克号》jack: you must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.《系列》 bond. james bond.《阿甘正传》 momma always said: life is like a box of chocolates, forrest. you never know what you re gonna get.mother: it s my time. it s just my time. oh, now, don t you be afraid sweetheart. death is just a part of life, something we re all destined to do. i didn t know it. but i was destined to be your momma. i did the best i could.jenny: are you stupid or something?forrest: momma says that stupid is as stupid does.《终结者》 i ll be back!《英国病人》we die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers,fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. i want all this marked on my body. we are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. i know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that s all i ve wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.《罗马假日》 i have to leave you now. i m going to that corner there,and turn. you stay in car and drive away. promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. just drive away and leave me as i leave you.well, life isn t always what one likes, isn t it?《卡萨布兰卡》 of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.《我不是天使》 it s not the men in your life that counts,it s the life in your men.《地狱的天使》 would you be shocked if i changed into something more comfortable?《鸭子汤》i could dance with you till the cows come home.on second thoughts,i d rather dance with the cows till you came home.《美梦成真》the end ,is only the beginning..《 phenomenon》will you love me for the rest of my life?no, i ll love you for the rest of mine..《日出之前》if there s any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone or sharing something。

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四个婚礼和一个葬礼-早安,斯达顿太太Good morning, Mrs. Statons.- Morning, madam.你迟到了!Late! Late!终于来了At last.很抱歉,我们迟到了Sorry we're late.放在后面吧Go in the back.妈的!妈的!Oh, fuck! Fuck!妈的!Fuck!妈的!Oh, fuck!妈的!开你的车子吧Fuck! Right, we take yours.它的时速只有四十哩It only goes miles an hour.那个出口?What turnoff?千万不要是BBetter not be the B.是BIt's the B.去他的!Fuck it!该死!Fuck!见鬼Fuck.来吧Come on.妈的!Fuck!妈的Fuck.妈的Fuck.见鬼!Fuck! Fuckity fuck.见他妈的鬼糟了Bugger.你好漂亮Look at you in white.有没有打结了呢?Is it twisted?你好!你很漂亮Hello! You look lovely.你好,查尔斯!Hello, Charles!你这次迟到得最不同凡响There's a greatness to your lateness.我已拼尽全力It's not achievedwithout real suffering.非常抱歉I am so, so sorry.婚礼后我会自杀若这样会让你好过点的话I'll kill myself after the service,if that's any consolation.没关系,有汤姆作后备Doesn't matter.Tom was standing by.谢了,你真是圣人Thanks, Tom. You're a saint.而且发型还棒透了And a disastrous haircut.你记得带戒指吧?You haven't forgotten the rings?记得No.最讨厌别人迟到Hate people being late.开始了Here we go.她很美丽吧?Oh, isn't she lovely?你一定是瞎了眼她像一大团棉花糖Scarlett, you're blind.She looks like a big meringue.亲爱的朋友欢迎在安格斯和…Dear friends, what a joy it is towelcome you to our church...萝拉的大日子莅临本教堂...on this wonderful dayfor Angus and Laura.在仪式开始之前,请大家一起…Before we start the service,let us all join together...颂唱第一首圣歌...in the first hymn.远古时代的…人们的足迹印在英国青葱的山岭而圣洁的…子民在英国翠绿的草原上…显现过那副神圣的面容曾照耀在…阴霾密布的山丘上耶路撒冷…在邪恶的试炼里兴建起来思嘉Scarlett.亲爱的各位,我们聚集在这里Dearly beloved, we aregathered here...在上帝和会众的面前...in the sight of God and inthe face of this congregation...跟这两位共订鸳盟的男女一起...to join together this manand this woman in holy matrimony. 这个光荣的人生阶段Which is an honorable estate...由混沌初开之际已经制定...instituted in the timeof man's innocency.-我很快回来-若有人能够提出…- Back in a sec.- lf any man can show...这两人不能结为合法夫妇的…...any just cause or impediment...理由或障碍...why they may not be lawfullyjoined together...马上提出来,否则请保持缄默...let him speak now or foreverhold his peace.你愿意承诺去爱她Do you promise to love her...安慰她,以她为荣无论疾病健康fort her, honor and keep herin sickness and in health... 都从一而终...and forsaking all others...在有生之年都视她为妻子吗?...keep thee only unto her for aslong as ye both shall live?我愿意I do.疼爱和珍视他To love and to cherish...至死不渝Till death us do part.至死不渝...till death us do part.我再次向你许下承诺Thereto, I pledge thee my troth.我再次向你许下承诺And thereto, I pledge thee my troth.你有戒指吗?Do you have the ring?我替你戴上戒指,娶你为妻With this ring, I thee wed.我替你戴上戒指,娶你为妻With this ring, I thee wed.我以谦卑的躯体崇敬你With my body, I thee worship.我以谦卑的躯体崇敬你With my body, I thee worship.我把世上最好的东西奉献给你And with all my worldly goods,I do thee endow.我把世上最好的东西奉献给你And with all my worldly goods,I thee endow.若我单凭人和天使的口才说话当中却没有爱的话If I speak with the tongues of menand of angels, but have not love...我就是吵耳的铙钹...I am become a sounding brassor a clanging cymbal.说得好Good point.没有你,我不能微笑没有你,我不能微笑我无法欢笑歌咏一事无成你悲伤时,我也感到难过我感到难过你快乐所以我快乐若你知道我的经历帽子很漂亮Great hat.谢了,我特地买的Thanks. I bought it specially.这样好了There.各就各位Get in position, please.谢谢,笑一个Thank you. Smile.场面很大,你意下如何?Splendid, I thought.What did you think?场面很大,你意下如何?I thought, splendid.What did you think?场面很大Splendid, I thought.思嘉,好美的洋装!Scarlett, fabulous dress!教会的紫色配上异教的橘色Ecclesiastical purpleand pagan orange...象征着异教和基督教在婚姻里...symbolizing the magicalsymbiosis in marriage...奇妙的共生的现象?...between heathen andChristian traditions?对That's right.漂亮,再拍一个Lovely. And again.知道戴着黑帽的女孩是谁吗?Any idea who the girlin the black hat is?她叫嘉莉Name's Carrie.蛮漂亮的She's pretty.美国人American.真有趣Interesting.是荡妇Slut.真的吗?Really?从前替时尚杂志工作现居美国Used to work at Vogue.Lives in America now.只会跟魅力非凡的人交往Only goes out withvery glamorous people.没你的份Quite out of your league.那我就放心了,谢了Well, that's a relief. Thanks.待会见See you there.进去吧Off you go.对,宴会上见Right. Reception.再见!…Bye! Bye!还有人踩到牛屎吗?Anyone else tread in a cowpat?我想没有了,待会见No, thought not. See you in a mo.若他不是我哥哥我还会这么讨厌他吗?Do you think I'd hate him as muchif he wasn't my brother?真不想一身臭味出席酒会而失去碰到姻缘的机会Don't want to blow chancesfor romance......by smelling of dungat the reception.我从不懂怎么应付这种场面Oh, God. I never know what tosay in these wretched lineups.很简单,热情地拥抱他说新娘好像怀孕了It's a cinch. Give a big, warm hugand say the bride looks pregnant.或是按惯例说:『你很自豪吧』Or stick with tradition,"You must be very proud."愿主保佑我们Heaven preserve us.你很自豪吧You must be very proud.谢谢Indeed.你好Hello.-你好-你好- Hello.- Hello.-我们见过面的,我是理查-对- Hi, we've met. It's Richard Maples.- Oh, yes.王八蛋Bastard.-好吗,伯纳-好吗,查理- Hello, Bern.- Hello, Chuck.两杯,谢谢Two, please.-好好享受-保重了- You have fun, now.- Take care.你好Oh, hello.你好Hi.-要喝一杯吗?-谢谢- You want one of these?- Oh, thank you.-我…-好吗,查尔斯- l...- Hello, Charles.约翰,你好吗?Hello, dear John. How are you?我很好,这位是…Good. This is...嘉莉- Carrie.- Carrie.-很高兴认识你,我叫约翰-你好- Delighted. I'm John.- Hi, John.你的女朋友好吗?How's your girlfriend?她不再是我的女朋友了She's no longer my girlfriend.别难过人们说她一直跟陶比有染Don't be too gloomy. Rumor is shenever stopped bonking Toby de Lisle.她是我的妻子She's now my wife.太好了…恭喜你Excellent.Excellent. Congratulations.我失陪了Excuse me.有孩子了没?Any kids or anything, John?打算何时生…Do we hear the patter of tiny...一个?...feet?没有No.来日方长,对吗?不忙的Well, there's plenty of timefor that, isn't there? No hurry.你好吗?Hi. How are you?我叫菲欧娜My name's Fiona.我叫吉罗德I'm Gerald.你做哪一行业?What do you do?我在受训,预备当神父I'm training to be a priest.我的天!Good Lord!你会主持结婚典礼吗?Do you do weddings?现在还不能,将来一定会No. No, not yet.I will, though, of course.简直是精神折磨Jolly nerve-racking.就像初夜一样Yes, rather like the first timeone has sex.我想是吧Well, I suppose so.当然没那么混乱也不会用那么多保险套Rather less messy, of course.And far less call for condoms.你觉得怎么样?记得那次你把爸爸的船开动螺旋桨把我的腿打碎吗?这次更烂那个穿灰衣服的男孩是谁?Who's that boyover there in the gray?他叫大卫His name's David.很有魅力,是不是?Something of a dish, isn't he?我一向都是这样想的Well, I've always thought so.他们干嘛…?Why are they...?-魅力小子是聋子-可惜- The dish can't hear.- Oh!天啊Gosh.对,不能说话…Yeah, silent...但却引人入胜...but deadly attractive.就是这样Bang, bang, bang. That's it.请到帐篷就坐,晚餐准备好了Into the marquee, please.Dinner is served.你好吗?How do you do?我叫汤姆,很高兴认识你Hello, Tom. Splendid to meet you.令人兴奋Very exciting.你好Hi.我叫思嘉My name's Scarlett.别让我喝太多否则我会很轻佻的Don't let me drink too much,because I'll get really flirty.你好吗?我叫查尔斯How do you do? My name is Charles.别说笑,查尔斯已经死了二十年Don't be ridiculous.Charles died years ago.他是另一个查尔斯吧Must be a different Charles.你说我不认得自己的兄弟吗?You're saying I don't knowmy own brother?不是的No, no.各位,很抱歉打扰你们吃甜点Ladies and gentlemen, sorry todrag you from your desserts.身为伴郎我觉得我要说几句话There are one or two little thingsI feel I should say as best man. 我只是第二次当伴郎This is only the second timeI've ever been best man.希望我还算称职吧I hope I did the job okaythat time.至少上一对夫妇还愿意跟我说话The couple in question are at leaststill talking to me.很可惜,他们却互不理睬Unfortunately, they're not actuallytalking to each other.他们几个月前离婚了The divorce came througha couple of months ago.但他们向我保证此事跟我无关But I'm assured it had absolutelynothing to do with me.宝拉显然在我演讲之前Apparently, Paula knew Pierce sleptwith her sister...已知道皮尔斯跟她的妹妹睡...before I mentioned itin the speech.可是他跟岳母睡却真是意外The fact that he slept with hermother came as a surprise...但我却以为这段两日婚姻是…...but I think was incidental tothe nightmare of recrimination... 随之而来的互相责备和暴力所导致的...and violence that becametheir two-day marriage.说够了,我要说的是安格斯Anyway, enough of that. My jobtoday is to talk about Angus.他并没有秘密And there are no skeletonsin his cupboard...我是这样想的...or so I thought.我待会会去求证,我想说的是…I'll get to that in a minute.I'd just like to say this:一如以往…I am as ever...对于像安格斯和萝拉一样愿意许下承诺的人...in bewildered awe of anyonewho makes this kind of commitment...我都异常敬佩...that Angus and Laurahave made today.我自知办不到I know I couldn't do it...他们办得到,实在太好了...and I think it's wonderfulthey can.说回安格斯和他的同类So back to Angus and those sheep.各位先生、女士,请举杯So, ladies and gentlemen,if you'd raise your glasses.-敬一对壁人-好!- The adorable couple.- Yes!敬一对壁人The adorable couple!敬一对壁人The adorable couple!替我吻新娘!Get one for me, Angus!我第一次看见盖瑞夫跳舞时The first time I sawGareth on the dance floor...还以为会弄出人命...I feared lives would be lost.她很漂亮She's a pretty girl.你目不转睛地看着她一见钟情吗?The one you can't take your eyes off.Love at first sight? 不,我曾跟她的舞伴玩橄榄球No, it's the bloke she's dancing with.I played rugby with him at school.我在想他是打哪个位置的I'm trying to rememberwhat position he played.我们来辩论一下Though, let's say forthe sake of argument...人们参加婚礼时会爱上别人...one did take a fancy to someoneat a wedding.有没有人可以就这样说Do you think there are peoplewho can just say:『宝贝,我叫查尔斯你今晚走运了?』"Hi, babe. My name's Charles.This is your lucky night"? 他们肯定不是英国人If there are, they're not English.的确如此Quite.三个星期是最低限度的试探期Three weeks is aboutmy question-popping minimum.你知道我爱你的,是不是?You know I love you,Jean, don't you?我爱你…I love you.I love you.麦克,虽然我不认识你And Mike, I've never met you before...但我真的很爱你...but I love you very much.I really do.别理会她,她喝醉了Ignore her, she's drunk.至少我希望她是At least I hope she is.否则我的麻烦可大了Otherwise, I'm in real trouble.你过得怎么样?How's it going, Lyds?烂透了Bloody awful.亲爱的,怎么了?Oh, dear. What's the problem?大家都说我会有艳遇I was promised sex.Everybody said it:你是伴娘,会有艳遇推也推不掉"You'll be a bridesmaid, you'll get sex.You'll be fighting them off."可是现在简直是门可罗雀But not so much as a tonguein sight.我的意思是,若你想要…Well, I mean, if you fancy...干什么...anything...我永远都会…...I could always...别说无聊事了Oh, don't be ridiculous, Bernard.-我才不是那么绝望呢-当然了- I'm not that desperate.- No, right. Of course.有道理Fair enough.说得好It's a good point.再见!Bye!好好享受良辰美景!Have a lovely, lovely time!再见!Bye!你今晚住在哪?Where are you staying tonight,Charles?思嘉和我在旅舍里下榻Scarlett and I are at some pub.好像叫什么幸运船的不是所有人都住那里吗?The Lucky Boat, something like that.Aren't we all?不,计划有些微变动No. Slight change of plan.他们要到我家去The others are comingback to my place.南茜会在我们玩拼字游戏时弄宵夜给我们吃Nansy's there. Might cook us eggsand bac over a late-night Scrabble.不知道你有没有兴趣参加Wondered if you'd like to join.好极了,非常谢谢你Yeah, great. Thanks very much.有房间给思嘉睡吗?Is there room for Scarlett?当然有,一共间房Oh, absolutely. rooms, actually.你是全英国最富有的人吗?Tommy, are you the richest manin England?不是!No, no!我们大概是第七位吧I believe we're about seventh.最富有的当然是女王The queen, obviously.那个布兰森也混得很不错And that Branson bloke'sdoing terribly well.真是好消息Well, excellent news.我去告诉思嘉I'll go tell Scarlett.好的Yeah.除非…That's...你走桃花运...unless you get lucky first.算了吧!快走…Forget about it! Get out of it!Get out. Go on!你好Hi.你好,还以为你已经走了Hi. Hi! I thought you'd gone.我还在,我想知道你今晚住在哪Not yet. I was just wonderingwhere you were staying tonight. 这个…Well...我本来是住在一间叫什么…I was staying at some pub calledThe Lucky...-幸运船的旅馆里-是船夫...Boat or something like that.- Boatman.对Right.不过我现在要跟朋友到朋友的家里But now I'm going to stay at somefriend's house with some friends.正确来说,那是一座大城堡Well, I think enormous castle isa more accurate description.真可惜,我也是住在船夫旅馆That's too bad becauseI'm at The Boatman.我很高兴Well, it was nice...虽然还不算认识你...not quite meeting you.那篇演讲词很精彩It was a great speech.谢了Thanks.我要走了Well, I'm going now.不!不…别走No! No, no, don't go.我们可以聊聊,现在还早呢We can meet now.The evening's just getting going.你我都知道那只是自欺欺人We both know that's a big lie.该死Fuck.城堡在召唤了,你清醒吗?The castle beckons, I think, Tom.Are you sober?绝对清醒,我整晚都喝橘子汁Absolutely. Orange juice all night.来吧Come on.各位再见了!Bye, everybody!伯纳!Bernard!支持你的男人哔…向全世界说你爱他给予他无尽的爱支持--汤姆,可以停车吗?Tom, can you stop the car?停车!Stop the car!对不起,我还是想…Sorry. Sorry.I just think I might...留在旅馆里...stay in that pub after all.干嘛?Why on earth?我在研究名字中有船字的旅馆No, seriously. I'm researchingpubs with "boat" in the title.希望能有决定性的成果I hope to produce the definitive work.-请便-实在荒谬- Please yourself.- It's a silly thing, you know?对Right.古怪的决定Odd decision.你好Hello.你好Hi.你好Hi.结果房间不够分配Turned out there wasn'troom for all of us.你说那是一座城堡You said it was a castle.的确是城堡No, it is a castle.是很小的城堡It's just a very, very small one.只不过楼上楼下各一间房真罕见Tiny. Just one up,one down, which is rare.要喝点什么吗?Drink, sir?我想喝威士忌,谢谢Yeah. I'd like a glassof whiskey, please. Thanks.-你要喝吗?-听来不错- Do you want?- Yeah, sounds good.-给这位女士多调一杯-要两杯吗?- Make another one for the lady.- Doubles, sir?谢了Thanks.原来你也在这里,你好吗?You here too? How are you?你好,我很好Hello. I'm fine.-有没有见过嘉莉?-谁?- Haven't seen Carrie, have you?- Who?嘉莉,来自美国的美腿女郎Carrie. American girl.Lovely legs.是婚礼上的宾客,芳香扑鼻Wedding guest. Nice smell.抱歉,没看见No. Sorry.该死!可恶Damn. Blast.还以为已经得手了I think I was in there.若你看见她可以告诉她我回房了吗?If you see her, could youtell her I've gone to my room? 好的Yeah, yeah.-威士忌-谢谢- Your whiskey, sir.- Thank you.这杯是…And one for the...上路用的,好极Road. Lovely.我想要喝一杯,一起喝好吗?I think I might have one.Mind if I join you?好的,太好了No. It'd be lovely.一杯威士忌,一支雪茄Another glass of whiskeyand a cigar.等等,要一瓶吧Hold on. Make that a bottle.让我们静下来看看能否喝到天亮We might as well settle in. Let'ssee if we can push on till dawn.-婚礼办得真好-对- Lovely wedding.- Yes, yes.我跟他哥哥一起念书,那厮很棒I was at school with his brotherBufty. Tremendous bloke.他是宿舍的舍监,经常欺负我He was head of my house.Buggered me senseless.教我认识人生真谛Taught me things about life.你在哪认识他的?Where you know him from?大学University.真好…Splendid. Splendid. Yep.我没上大学觉得没此必要I didn't go myself.I couldn't see the point.我在金融界工作要诗歌来干嘛?When you're workingthe money markets......what use is Wordsworthgonna be?打扰了你妻子问你可否马上上楼?Excuse me. Your wife says,"Could you come upstairs at once?若你忘了的话,是号房Room , in caseyou can't remember."-我妻子?-是的- My wife?- Yes, sir.是我妻子!…Oh, my wife! My wife!你醉了,连妻子也忘记了You are drunk. You can'tremember you got a wife.对Yeah, yeah.-若你不介意的话…-不介意,你走吧- Do you mind if I...?- No, no. Off you go.-祝你好运-谢了- Best of luck.- Thanks.幸好我还是独身可以继续寻找凯蒂的芳踪Lucky bachelor me, I'll have anothersearch for that Katie creature.-是嘉莉-对,漂亮的小妞- Carrie.- That's the one. Damn fine filly.我知道我得手了I think I'm in there.-你好-你好- Hi.- Hello.很对不起Sorry about that.没关系,他很难缠的That's fine.He was hard to get rid of.对Yeah.这样…So...也许我们可以…Maybe we could just...先躲一会,然后…...skulk around herefor a bit, and then...再下去...go back down.好主意我不是经常都偷偷摸摸的Now that's a thought.I don't usually skulk a lot...但有需要的话,我也会躲起来...but I suppose I could skulkif skulking were required.你经常都是鬼鬼祟祟的吗?Do you skulk regularly?不,通常我不觉得…No. No, I don't normally...自己是个逃避者,不过…...think of myself as a skulker,but...你何不进来先躲一会Well, why don't you come inand skulk for a while...再作打算...and we'll see.新郎新娘没在教堂里接吻I noticed the bride and groomdidn't kiss in the church...有点奇怪...which is kind of strange.在我的家乡,人们经常接吻Where I come from,kissing is very big.是吗?你说得对,我们较保守Is it? Yes, well, you're right.We probably are more reserved. 『你可以跟新娘接吻了』没列在经文中"You may now kiss the bride,"isn't in the Book of Common Prayer.我总害怕自己会一时冲动而越轨I always worry I'll go too farin the heat of the moment.你觉得怎样才算是越轨呢?How far do you thinktoo far would be, then?我不知道Oh, I don't know.也许…Maybe...这样还可以吧...that would be all right.这样很好That would be fine.事实上,这是有拒绝的意思In fact, it might be a bit dismissive.也许这样…Maybe this...会比较好...would be better.若再进一步就会有危险了Yeah, I think it would be dangerousto take it any further.我的意思是…I mean...你知道…You know...这样也许有点过分了?That might be taking it a little far.这样又如何?What about this?那个牧师会觉得事情失控了吗?You think the vicar would think thingshad slipped a bit out of his control?他会I think he might.这种事跟婚礼比起来…This kind of thing is reallybetter suited...更适合度蜜月...to the honeymoon thanto the service itself.为何要叫做蜜月呢?Why do you thinkit's called a honeymoon?不知道,可能是…I don't know. I suppose it's...『蜜』是因为这段时间甜如蜜..."honey" because it's sweetas honey.至于『月』,那是因为丈夫…And "moon" because it wasthe first time...第一次看见太太的屁股...a husband got to seehis wife's bottom.怎么了?What's happening?我要走了I have to go.-到哪去?-美国- Where?- America.真可悲That is a tragedy.在我离开之前Just before I go...你想于何时宣布订婚的事?...when were you thinking ofannouncing the engagement?对不起,谁要订婚?Sorry. Whose engagement?我们的Ours.既然我们已经睡过了,应该结婚I assumed since we slept together,we'd be getting married. 你觉得呢?What did you think?什么?What?我…I...你知道Gosh, you know, that...这种事要仔细考虑清楚...takes a lot of thinking about,that kind of thing.很明显的,我…Obviously, I'm...你在开玩笑You're joking.天!还以为这是『致命的吸引力』God! For a moment there,I thought I was in Fatal Attraction. 你是葛伦克萝斯我的兔宝宝则在锅子里I thought you were Glenn Close, andI'd find my pet rabbit on the stove.不是的No.然而我们都错过了一段良缘了But I think we've both misseda great opportunity here.再见Bye.(伯纳与莉蒂亚之喜宴)(三个月后)妈的!Oh, fuck!妈的Fuck.妈的见他妈的鬼Fuck. Fuckity fuck.该死,妈的!Fuck. Fuck!-开车还是坐计程车?-计程车吧,找不到停车位的- Car or taxi?- Taxi. We could never park. 还是开车好一点Car seems a good idea.-妈的-妈的- Fuck.- Fuck.别管它,没有人注意到的Leave it. No one will notice.这次…Well...对不起,我迟到了,堵车...sorry I'm late. Traffic.是的Yeah.今天是谁结婚呢?Who is it today?再照一张One more, quick.他们准备好了They're ready to go.因父In the name of the Father...及子...and of the Son...及圣灵之命,阿们...and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.大家一起祈祷Let us pray.天父,你把婚姻的缔结变为神圣的神秘Father, you have made the bondof marriage a holymystery...象征基督对教会的爱...a symbol of Christ's lovefor his church.请你透过儿子主耶稣基督Hear our prayersfor Bernard and Lydia...垂听我们为伯纳和莉蒂亚的祷告...through your son,Jesus Christ, our lord...他与你一起统治大地...who lives and reigns with you...及圣山羊…...and the Holy goat.圣灵Ghost.唯一及永在的真神,阿们One God, forever and ever. Amen.首次主持婚礼他是这家人的朋友It's his first time.He's a friend of the family.-太好了-伯纳和莉蒂亚- Excellent.- Bernard and Lydia...我要询问你们是否愿意承担婚姻的义务...I shall now ask if you freelyundertake the obligations of marriage.伯纳,请你跟我说一遍Bernard, repeat after me:我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...妨碍我,莉蒂亚…...why I, Lydia...妨碍我,伯纳…...why I, Bernard...对不起Sorry.我…Why I...伯纳葛佛瑞圣约翰德莱尼...Bernard GodfreySaint John Delaney...我,伯纳杰佛瑞辛约翰德莱尼Why I, Bernard GeoffreySinjin Delaney...跟莉蒂亚约翰希博特...may not be joinedin matrimony...结为夫妇...to Lydia John Hibbott.跟莉蒂亚琼希博特...may not be joinedin matrimony...结为夫妇...to Lydia Jane Hibbott.莉蒂亚Lydia...请你跟我说一遍...repeat after me:我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...我庄严地宣告I do solemnly declare...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...没任何法律上的障碍...that I know not of anylawful impediment...妨碍我,莉蒂亚琼希博特...why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott...妨碍我,莉蒂亚琼希博特...why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott...下『蛋』给…...may not be johned in matrimony...下嫁给…...may not be joined in matrimony...伯纳杰佛瑞...to Bernard Geoffrey...辛约翰德莱尼...Sijern... Sijin Delaney.伯纳…...to Bernard...杰佛瑞…...Geoffrey...辛约翰德莱尼...Sinjin Delaney.我请在坐各位见证I call upon those persons herepresent to witness...我请在坐各位见证I call upon those persons herepresent to witness...我,伯纳...that I, Bernard...德莱尼...Delaney...我,伯纳德莱尼...that I, Bernard Delaney...愿意娶你,莉蒂亚琼希博特...do take thee,Lydia Jane Hibbott...愿意娶你,莉蒂亚琼希博特...do take thee,Lydia Jane Hibbott...为我的『可怕』妻子...to be my awful wedded wife.为我的合法妻子...to be my lawful wedded wife.对…对极了That's r... That's right.愿全能的天父祝福你们May almighty God bless you all.因父、及子、及圣零…圣灵之名The Father, the Sonand the Holy spigot... Spirit.阿们Amen.好极了!Bravo!好极了!Bravo!好极了!Bravo!!Effect,{\fn幼圆\fscx\fscy}<font color="#ffff">Thanks.{\r\fn幼圆}{\fn幼圆}<font color=#BDE>{\r\fn幼圆}-我们来了-这边!- We're coming, Bernie.- Up here!对不起Sorry.对不起…Sorry. Sorry.这边?当然了That way? Yes, of course.-对不起,你们两个…-汤姆,别动- Sorry. Could you two...?- Tom, don't go away.对不起Sorry.我对婚姻有一个新理论I've got a new theoryabout marriage.两个相爱的人同居,突然间…Two people are in love, they livetogether, and then suddenly... 一天他们相对无言...one day they run outof conversation.连一个话题都找不到Totally. They can't think ofa single thing to say to each other.就是这样,惊惶失措That's it. Panic.然后突然之间Then suddenly...他们想出了打破僵局的方法...it occurs to the chap that there isa way out of the deadlock.-是什么?-他向她求婚- Which is?- He'll ask her to marry him.英明!真英明!Brilliant. Brilliant!他们这辈子都有话可说了They've got something to talk aboutfor the rest of their lives.婚姻是解决无话可说的方法You're saying marriage is a wayto get out of a pause in conversation.是打破僵局的灵丹妙药The definitive icebreaker.汤姆,演讲的内容是什么?Tom, how's the speech coming along?我想是很不错的,老少咸宜It's pretty good, I think.Something for everyone.笑中有泪Tears, laughter.好极了Excellent.这个理论非常好I think it's a very goodtheory, Gareth.有些人却认为结婚是因为有真爱There is another argument that ithas something to do with true love.这也是一种见解Now there's a thought.有什么可以效劳的地方?Can I help you, sir?麻烦你给我三杯白兰地Can I have three glassesof brandy, please?你好Hi.你好- Hello.- How are you?你好吗?很好Fine. Fine.对不起,见到你实在太高兴了Yeah. Sorry, I'm overwhelmedto see you.请你别再回美国去了Look, don't go backto America. Please.-我很快回来,知道吗?-好的- Be back in two secs, okay?- Okay.菲欧娜Hi, Fi.这是你们的,五小时后见That's yours and yours.See you in hours.-出了状况吗?-对,这个婚礼真是棒呆了- Something happened?- Yes. This is a bloody great wedding.你好Hi.你看起来很完美其实也许你天生完美Well, you look perfect.In fact, you probably are perfect. -你近来好吗?-真的很好- Well, how are you?- I'm really well.查尔斯,他是我的未婚夫哈米什Charles, I'd like youto meet Hamish, my fiance.太好了Excellent.太好了Excellent.你好吗?哈米什,很高兴认识你How do you do, Hamish?Delighted to meet you.很高兴见到嘉莉返回英国Charming to find Carrie back here.我可是费尽唇舌的呢It took lots of persuading.走吧,我对詹姆士说带了你来Come on, darling, I told JamesI was getting you.他会想我已经拿你没法了He'll think I've totally lostcontrol over you already.待会见I'll see you later.你还好吧?How are you doing, Charles?突然之间就不好了Not great, actually, suddenly.我不知道I don't know.我的意思是…I mean...我干嘛老是参加婚礼…What the hell's going on here?Why am I always at weddings...而新郎总不是我?...and never actuallygetting married, Matt?也许是因为你有点邋遢It's probably becauseyou're a bit scruffy.对Yeah.或是因为你还没碰到意中人Or it could also be becauseyou haven't met the right girl.就是这样吗?But you see, is that it?也许其实我经常都碰到意中人Maybe I have met the right girls.Maybe I meet them all the time.-可能问题在我身上-胡说- Maybe it's me.- Oh, nonsense.各位先生、女士My lords, ladies and gentlemen...晚餐已经准备好了...dinner is served.可能你会在晚宴上找到妻子呢Come on. Odds on youmeet your wife at dinner.对Yes.天啊Oh, my God.查尔斯?Charles?你好Hi.-你好,我是阿利斯泰尔-你好- Hello, I'm Alistair.- Great.你认识薇洛妮卡的And I believe you know Veronica.对,你好,薇Yeah. Hi, V.妮基Nicki.真好Great.你结婚了吗?Tell me, are you married?还没No.你是同性恋的吗?Are you a lesbian?老天爷!Good lord!你为何会这么说的呢?Well, what made you say that?这是女人独身的可能性之一It's one of the possibilitiesfor unmarried girls.总比说找不到意中人It's a bit more interestingthan saying:来得有趣吧"Oh, dear. Just never foundthe right chap."对Quite right.开心就好,不是吗?Why be dull?谢谢Thank you.事实上,我早已有意中人只是他不爱我The truth is, I have met the rightperson, only he's not in love with me.在我不再爱他之前,没人有机会Until I stop loving him,no one stands a chance.真倒霉Bad luck.可不是吗?Yes, isn't it?我念书时曾经是同性恋者I was a lesbian once at school...只当了十五分钟,该不算数吧...but only for minutes.I don't think it counts.茶叶一共有四百多种There are different kinds of tea...还不包括所谓的水果茶在内...and that's not including all theseso-called fruit teas.我曾带薇到印度参观茶园I took Veronica to Indiato look at the plantations.好极了Excellent.你曾和她游印度吧I believe you and herwent there once.是的That's right.查尔斯讨厌透了Charles was vile.我快要吐了,他却坚持说笑话He insisted on cracking jokeswhile I was ill.我只想使你振作起来I was cheering you up.原来你就是那个薇洛妮卡!You're that Veronica!哪个薇洛妮卡呢?Which Veronica?查理?Charlie?记得孟买吗?Remember Bombay?我跟查理约会时When Charles and I were going out,he told me he'd had...他说他跟『呕吐的薇』...this interesting journeyaround India...在印度有一次有趣的旅程呢大概是如此吧...with Vomiting Veronica.I think that was it.我也记不起自己说过了也许有吧I don't remember ever mentioning it.Maybe I did.查尔斯Oh, come on, Charles.你是我约会过的人中最轻率的了I don't think I've been outwith anyone less discreet.你说得有点夸张了That's a bit of an exaggeration.才不是呢It is not.。
