老友记 六人行 第二季第二十一集经典笔记
人物:1、瑞秋•格林(RACHEL GREENE)由珍妮佛•安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。
2、罗斯•盖勒(Ross Geller)由大卫•修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,于高中时即暗恋妹妹的同学瑞秋,但始终不敢表白3、莫妮卡•盖勒(Monica Geller)由科妮寇•克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演莫妮卡是《六人行》的中心人物,其他五人可以说就是由她延伸出来的。
4、钱德•宾(Chandler Bing)由马修•派瑞(Matthew Perry)扮演钱德为罗斯的大学同学,因而与罗斯、莫妮卡结识甚久5、菲比•巴费(Phoebe Buffay)由丽莎•库卓(Lisa Kudrow)扮演菲比为莫妮卡的旧室友,后因受不了其洁癖而搬走6、乔伊•崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani)由麦特•雷布兰克(Matt Le Blanc)扮演乔伊与钱德为共租公寓的室友,自然也是莫妮卡和瑞秋的邻居《电影手册》评价:friends是一部彻底而纯粹的通俗剧的代表,它是一部具有十足纽约风格的情景喜剧。
老友记 六人行 第六季第二十四和二十五集经典笔记
The One With The ProposalPart I Written by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan & Scott SilveriPart II Written by: Andrew Reich & Ted CohenParts I and II Transcribed by: Eric Aasen624 求婚(上集)钱德将向莫妮卡求婚的消息尽人皆知,惟独莫妮卡还被蒙在鼓里。
6.24 The One With The Proposal, part 1Everyone except Monica knows that Chandler is about to propose.He plans to do it at Monica's favorite restaurant, but they bump into Richard there, which derails(vi.使…出轨) his plans.Returning home, the rest of the gang almost blows the secret, and Chandler decides to act like marriage is the furthest thing from his mind, so Monica won't get suspicious.Rachel takes Phoebe and Joey to a charity event which her boss is hosting.Phoebe drinks a lot;Joey thinks the silent auction is just a contest to guess the right price, and he ends up buying a sailboat for $20,000.Rachel convinces the second-place bidder to buy it, but she also convinces Joey to keep it, in the process.A dorm-room water-balloon fight shows Ross that his relationship with Elizabeth doesn't have a future, so he breaks up with her.625 求婚(下集)为让求婚成为意外惊喜,钱德故布疑阵,让莫妮卡相信他今生都没有结婚的念头。
老友记 六人行 第二季第二十一集经典笔记
The One With the Two Bullies Originally written by Sebastian Jones and Brian Buckner.Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.221 两个小流氓莫妮卡注意到有一只股票(MEG)和自己的名字近似,决定放弃厨师这种伺候人的职业,尝试炒股谋生。
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is there. Monica is watching stock prices on a business channel.]stock price股票行市, 交易所卖价Announcer:Stocks and bonds are moving higherbond n.债券JOEY: Hey Monica, why are we watchin' the business channel? MONICA: 'Cause I was going by it the other day and I saw that there wasa stock with my initials, MEG, on it and, well, sometimes I have to watch for two or three hours before it comes up again but when it does, it's pretty exciting.go by偶尔看见/initials n.名字的缩写/come up出现/'Cause I was going by it the other day and I saw that there was a stock with my initials, MEG, on it: the first letter of each word in a full nameRACHEL: Ok honey, you really need a job.ROSS: Mon, speaking of which, dad says he knows someone you can call for an interview.MONICA: Really.PHOEBE: Ok, right there. That, that's the third sign(n.预兆)today. Right there.ROSS: On behalf of代表 everyone, I'd just like to say behuh.PHOEBE: No, 'cause you just said dad and everywhere I go today I keep getting signs telling me to go see my father. Like when I was walking over here and I passed a buffet...which is my father's last name.buffet n.餐具柜, 小卖部/last name n.(欧美人放在名字后面的)姓EVERYONE: Ahh.PHOEBE: And they were serving franks which is his first name minus the s at the end. And there was a rotisserie with spinning chicken.franks n.法兰克福香肠/rotisserie n.电转烤肉架,烤肉店/spinningchicken(在电转烤肉架)旋转的鸡/And they were serving franks which is his first name minus the s at the end. And there was a rotisserie with spinning chicken: frank (FRANKFURTER) is a cured cooked sausage(n.熟香肠) (as of beef or beef and pork) that may be skinless or stuffed in a casing(n.包装) ; rotisserie is an appliance fitted with a spit(n.烤肉叉) on which food is rotated(v.旋转) before or over a source of heatMONICA: His indian name?PHOEBE: No because I chickened out the last time when I tried to meet him. So I mean coincidences? I don't think so.chicken out <美俚>因害怕而停止做某事, 因胆小而放弃/No because I chickened out the last time when I tried to meet him. So I mean coincidences: chickened out means tolose the courage or confidence to do something--often at the last minuteROSS: Freakish.freakish adj.异想天开的, 朝三暮四的, 奇特的, 畸形的(=freaky) MONICA: Wow.JOEY: Freaky.MONICA: Weird, weird.RACHEL: Ok, so uh, who wants the last hamburger?PHOEBE: Oh, alright, that's it, now I have to go see him.MONICA: Why?PHOEBE: Hamburger. McDonald's. Old MacDonald had a farm, my dad is a pharmacist.pharmacist n.配药者,药剂师OPENING TITLES[Scene: Central Perk. Chandler and Ross enter in sweats carrying rackets.] CHANDLER: Man, I am so beat我累坏了.Man, I am so beat: being in a state of exhaustion(n.筋疲力尽)ROSS: Oh yeah.CHANDLER: Hey, you just wanna forget about忘记 raquetball and hang out here在这里混吧?ROSS: Yeah alright.[they sit at the couch]BIG BULLY: [walks back from the counter] Hey you're in our seats.bully n.恶霸,欺凌弱小者ROSS: Oh, sorry we didn't know.LITTLE BULLY: [walks back from the counter] Hey, we were sitting there.CHANDLER: Ok, there is one more way to say it, who knows it?LITTLE BULLY: Is that supposed to be funny?CHANDLER: No actually, I was just going for colorful(adj.有趣的).BIG BULLY: What's with this guy?LITTLE BULLY: What's with you?ROSS: Uh, nothing, nothing's with him. Enjoy your coffee.[as they're walking off离开, little bully grabs Chandlers hat from behind and puts it on himself]CHANDLER: What just happened?LITTLE BULLY: I just took your hat. See, I can be funny too. My, my joke is that I, I took your hat.CHANDLER: That, that is funny. Can I have it back?have back:(have sth. back)要回,收回LITTLE BULLY: No.CHANDLER: No?BIG BULLY: No.ROSS: Ok, ok, you know what? I think you're very funny. Kudos on that hat joke. But, come on guy just, just give him back the hat.kudos n.名望, 荣誉, 声誉/Kudos on that hat joke. But, come on guy just, just give him back the hat: an expression of approval and commendation(n.<正式>赞扬)BIG BULLY: Why should we?ROSS: Because it's a special hat. [Chandler looks at Ross funny] See hebought it 'cause he was feeling really down one day so he got the hat to cheer himself up, ya know. Now Chandler...feel down心情糟糕/cheer up v.使振奋, 感到振奋CHANDLER: Stop talking, stop talking now. Let me just get this straight. You're actually stealing my hat?BIG BULLY: You got a problem with that?CHANDLER: No, just wanna make sure we're on the same page.“Get on the same page”的应用较广,其基本含意是大家关注/讨论同一个问题,有时可引申为想之同所想,为之众所为,大家齐心协力做好一件事/No, just wanna make sure we're on the same page: be on the same page means to have the same understanding about the situation or information[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Joey and Rachel are sitting there and Monica walks in.]RACHEL: Hey, how'd the interview go?MONICA:It bit. It was a 50's theme restraunt. I have to cook in a costume and dance on the counter. I mean I was a chef at Cafe des Artistes. I mean how could I take a job where I have to make something called Laverne and Curly Fries?It bit逊毙了/50's theme restraunt五十年代的主题饭店/costume n.化妆服,戏服/curly fries n.卷的炸薯条/Cafe des Artistes:失业的莫尼卡忙于应征工作,但她对能找到的工作很沮丧,因为她现在的工作地点是在一家五十年代主题餐厅,她必须戴假胸脯,化妆成梦露,还要跳上柜台跳舞。
-Okay,Chandler. -Okay.And your horoscope says:"On the 5th,a special someone will give you a gift."Well,thank you in advance."But the 12th brings a lover's spat."You're going to make fun of my present.Why would you do that?Wait. "On the 19th, a secret crush announces itself."-Hey,guys. -Hey.It's Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.That's right. It's your first day.Are you psyched to fight crime with your robot sidekick?Am I? The lead in my own TV series?I've dreamed about this for years!Why have I not been preparing?You're gonna be great.But I gotta act with a robot. I know nothing about technology.I can't even use Chandler's computer, except to find porn. And that's only because it's there when you turn it on.Our spat will start early this month.I'll be waiting.The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad23I'm deciding which one to use. I'm going to write another book. Because the last one was such a big seller?If you must know, I have written 14 books.And as I'm the only one who has read them...I can tell you that they have been well received.But I lost all of them in the fire.So this one I'm gonna keep in an asbestos-lined box far away from Rachel. Who I forgive.What are you doing later?Rachel and I have to get our hair cut.-We do? -I wanna see what he wants.Elizabeth's dad wants to meet me.Wait a minute. Hold the phone.You're not Elizabeth's dad?That's the only one you get.And he hates me.He asked Elizabeth why she'd want to go out with a guy...who couldn't get a girl his own age.And what did she say to that?And that's yours.Come on. I really want this guy to like me.It would really help if you guys could make me look good.-Of course we'll help. -Thanks.We know how tough those parent-teacher conferences can be.-So here's your office set. -Wow!Mac Machiavelli,private investigator.Look at all the books I've read.Let's get you to wardrobe.When do I meet the robot?Right now. He's right here.Joey Tribbiani,this is..Wow! He's so lifelike.Unbelievable.This is Wayne,the man who created and operates C.H.E.E.S.E. How do you do there,buddy?I'll let you two guys get acquainted.Sorry about that.-So where's C.H.E.E.S.E.? -C.H.E.E.S.E. is right here.Nice to meet you,Mac.-This is the temporary robot,right? -No. Why?I thought it was gonna be a really cool robot.Like the Terminator, or when I first saw you.I spent two years developing this. It's state of the art.Sorry. It doesn't look like it can do anything.It can do this.This is my father, Paul Stevens. Dad, this is Ross Geller.It's great to meet you,Paul.I prefer that Liz's boyfriends address me as Mr. Stevens.Of course. Mr. Stevens.So,Ross...what's your problem?Excuse me?Why can't you get a girlfriend your own age?It's funny...It's not funny.I don't like you going out with my daughter,Ross.Okay,I can see that.I think if you give me one chance, I can change your mind.-Okay. -What?Okay. I'll give you one chance to change my mind.You've got one minute.-Daddy. -Fine. Two minutes. Go.A minute and 50 seconds.I want you to know, I've never done anything like this before.I mean,I've been in relationships in general.But I've never done it with a student. I mean,not...Not "it." We haven't done "it."I mean,we've done stuff...Okay. A joke. Lighten the mood.Two guys go into a bar. One of them is Irish.-I'm Irish. -And the Irish guy wins the joke.Ross! How crazy that we would run into you.Oh,my God! Thank you.I'd like you to meet my friends. This is Phoebe, Monica and Chandler. -Phoebe. -Hello.-Monica. -Hi.Chunder.-Chandler. -Never going to remember that.You're Elizabeth's dad? I see where she gets her...rugged handsomeness.Is there a Mrs. Stevens?There's a Mr. Bing!Unfortunately,Lizzie's mom passed away after she was born.I raised her by myself.I get that a lot.Why don't we all take a seat?I'll get us all some coffees.Yeah,why don't you...Talk about whatever you want.Whatever pops into your head.It is strange seeing Ross here, this time of day...because usually he's at the children's hospital.But not looking for dates.Monica is Ross's sister.He's a great brother!I had a sister.She passed away.You don't have to do that every time.But Ross is a great guy. I was roommates with him in college. Funny story...Your roommate in college died, didn't he?A part of him did,yes.Here we are,Paul,Elizabeth.I hope you guys are finding something to talk about.-Yes. We were just.. -Sorry I'm late.But I am ready to talk you up.-When does Liz's father get here? -I'm already here.Ross is so great!Hey,Phoebe. How's the book writing going?Really well. I'm up to page 47.-Wow! What are you writing? -Page numbers.Honey,you got the kind with the little girl.You said you'd buy the kind with the baby.-You said the baby creeps you out. -The little girl does.-You said the baby. -Why would a baby creep me out?Why would the little girl creep you out?Can you please talk a little slower?-This is for your book? -It's about relationships.The traps,the pitfalls, what not to do.Keep going. This stuff's great.Excuse me.And how none of it matters when the people really love each other. And how people will believe anything as long as it's a compliment. -Oh,hi! -Hi.-I left my keys here somewhere. -Well,let's look for them.Hey,look! Are these them?No.All right.-Here they are. -Good.-Thanks for your help. -Wait! Sorry!-Mr. Paul? -Just call me Paul.Paul. I just wanted you to know that...Ross really is a great guy.Maybe you could date him. It'd save me the trouble of killing him. Are you okay?You don't look old enough to have a 20-year-old daughter.Well,we were very young when we had her.-We? -It usually takes two people to...Oh,no! Yes! Of course. I know that!What I meant was are you still "we" or are you just you?I'm just me.My wife died shortly after Lizzie was born.So you raised her all on your own?Yes,I did.-What are you writing there? -I'm drawing a picture of you.Well,that's very flattering.But it'd be great if you could draw me with some clothes and a head. How was your first day?Pretty good. Except I got attitude from the robot.Damn those robots. They're supposed to be our faithful servants!It was the guy who controls the robot.He hates me. He had C.H.E.E.S.E. knock over the sandwich table... right when I was reaching for one.Why don't you get him fired?I may have to. I hate to do it. But I'm the star,you know?There's a limit to how many sandwiches I can eat off the floor. Excuse me.Joey Tribbiani.Joe! I'm glad I found you! I got an audition for you.But it's kind of on the q.t.The actor who has the part doesn't know he might be fired.It's the lead in a series.Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.I'm the lead in Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.Joey?Hi,Ross.I was just getting him to like you.Joey!Ross,Joey is not here.I'll just wait for him in here!Ross,it's okay. You can come out.Yeah. It's okay. It's me...Mr. Stevens.I didn't... Oh,my gosh. I didn't even see you.You did. You came in, got all awkward and ran to the bedroom. You were shouting,"Joey!"-Bye,Rachel. -Bye.I'll call you later.-See you. -Bye,Ross.What? What the..? How did...? What?You know, he lost his keys. So he was looking for them.In your mouth?No!Downstairs. And we got to talking...for two hours. I liked him. I invited him for coffee.You were at the coffeehouse!What's the big deal? So I kissed the guy.He is my girlfriend's father. It's weird!-You dated my sister! -That was different!-What? Why? -This is weird for me!Ross,look. This is good for you.Let's face it. So far the guy's not loving you.But I can turn that around. I've got the inside track.We could all go out to dinner. And I could talk you up.Plus the guy is a very successful lawyer.-How is that important? -It's important!There's a million guys who can play Mac...and there's one robot.And this one guy who controls it. I didn't know he could get me fired. -What am I gonna do? -You're a pretty charming guy.Thanks. But I have a problem to deal with.No,you've got to win over the guy who controls C.H.E.E.S.E.Go back there and kiss some serious robot ass!That's not a bad idea!If I have to be charming tomorrow, I'm not wasting it on you guys.I got some saved for you, Phoebe.Do you think Joey is more charming than me?Yeah. That's why I'm sleeping with him on the side.You wish."You wish."Stop writing about us.I'm not writing about you. I'm writing about other people.-Who? -Marsha and Chester.Fine. Then you know what? I will just write about Phyllis. -"Phyllis is sitting in the chair." -I see what you're doing."Phyllis sees what I'm doing."I have tasted my own medicine and it is bitter!Morning!How's my favorite genius and his robot?-Don't touch him! -Okay.Level with me. I keep hearing rumors that I might get fired.They even have actors reading for my part.Come on. You gotta give me a second chance.I love this little guy.That's why you didn't want me to touch him,right?I can't believe it. God!Hey,how are you doing?So it seemed that my prom date had stood me up.So Ross selflessly offered to take me.What a nice story.So Ross was in college...and decided to jump at the chance to take a young girl to her prom.I definitely did not see that one backfiring.-I'm going to the bathroom. -Take your time.I was a freshman and she was a senior. So it wasn't as bad as.. Look. I know I've been giving you a lot of jabs.It's partly because I'm very protective of Lizzie...and partly because they just keep coming to me.I admit after all the wonderful things Lizzie told me...and the many,many,many stories that Rachel has told me... well...you're not...all bad."Not all bad."I'm sorry I was so harsh. But you have to understand.I still look at Lizzie like she's a 12-year-old girl.I know what you mean. I do that too.-I beg your pardon? -I don't see her as a 12-year-old.I mean,I have a son who is 6 and I still think of him as a baby. -A son? -My ex-wife and I share custody of Ben. Incidentally,Carol and I are on excellent terms...as I'm sure you are with your wife.I'm sorry.It's unbelievable!Don't worry. I didn't realize you were married.We were. But that was just a...That was just a big drunken mistake.You're back.You two were married?I'm sorry. You were talking about Emily.We said we would meet at the coffeehouse at 6:00.We said 7:00.We said 6:00!The only way that I said 6:00...would be if I said the sentence, "Let's meet at 7:00,not at 6:00."If I had said 7:00,I would have said:"My boyfriend is such a wiseass. 7:00!"-Hi! -Oh,my good God!-I know what time you said. -What?Well,I know what time Chester and Marsha said.What time?Interesting turn of events.Suddenly it's my book to the rescue. Let's see.Very interesting.Well this certainly clears things up.What does it say?I will tell you as soon as you thank me for writing my book.Thank you for writing your book. It's a great book...and you are the queen of everything.Thanks. So are you.I told you I should not wear this color."Monica.. Marsha and Chester are planning on seeing a movie Sunday. "Marsha thinks they're meeting at 6:00. Chester thinks it's 7:00."-You knew we were gonna miss the movie? -Right.Instead of telling us, you decided to write it in your stupid book? "Marsha and Chester are mad at Phyllis."I can't believe I'm gonna lose this job.I'm so sorry,man. Is there anything I can do?Help me get this mini-fridge past the security guard.Joey,I want to talk to you.I don't want to talk to you.I hate you. You ruined my life.-Chandler,Wayne. Wayne,Chandler. -Hi.I'll get you your job back if you help me out.Why should I help you out?-The reason he just said. -What do you need?I saw you on stage talking to that beautiful woman.You know,Sarah. I wish I could talk to her.-Are you in love with her? -Yeah.Her. All of them. Anyone.Yeah. I've been there, my friend.Listen,I guarantee you keep your job...if you can teach me to talk to women like you do.You can't teach it. It's something you're born with.You can teach it. I can show you right now.-Really? -Sure. Yeah. I taught him.Yeah. You should see the woman I'm with, way out of my league. In fact,if you want,I can get you her.Well,if you think about it...Ross did learn something from each marriage.How to make the next one even shorter?Wait a minute. That's not fair.He was married to me a hell of a lot longer than he was to Emily. He just didn't tell me.Maybe I have to pee again.Well,this is fun.So, Ross, did you kill any of these wives?I have had enough of this! I care a great deal about your daughter. And I have treated her with respect!So if you've got a problem with me..-Are you yelling at me? -God,no.You know what? If you don't like Ross,that's fine.It doesn't matter. I'm going out with him anyway.Really?Well, if it doesn't matter to her...it doesn't matter to me. Still not yelling.What can I say?I still don't like you.I'm not so crazy about myself right now either.-Then we agree? -I guess so.-Neither of us like Ross. -I like Ross.Kids!I just thought of a story about how nice Ross is.That's okay. We're not liking Ross right now.Well,I got a lot of those too.You were right,C.H.E.E.S.E.-The shipment never made it to Omaha? -You got it.And the rabbi's beard? 100 percent horsehair.Nice catch, C.H.E.E.S.E.It's your line,C.H.E.E.S.E.Wayne! Wayne!。
The One With the Prom Video Originally written by Alexa Junge.Trascribed by Josh Hodge.214 高中舞会录影带乔伊经济状况好转,还清了借钱德的债,还送钱德一只昂贵(但俗气)的金手镯。
NOTE: For this episode, I'm using italics to signify portions contained in the prom video.italic adj.斜体的/Italic n.意大利语族/signify v.表明,意味;有重要性,有关系/portion n.部分/prom n.正式舞会[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler is playing foosball by himself, Joey enters]JOEY: Hey.CHANDLER: Hey. Hold on a second等一下. [shoots a goal] Huh?JOEY: Nice, nice. Hey I got somethin' for you. [hands Chandler an envelope].CHANDLER: What's this?JOEY: Eight hundred and twelve bucks.CHANDLER: Well, I don't know what Big Leon told ya but it's an even thousandif you want me for the whole night. What is this for?JOEY: Well, I'm makin money now and this is payin' you back for head shots, electric bills, and so many slices of pizza I can't even count. I love ya man.head shots n.爆头;口交/electric bill电费/a slice of pizza一份皮萨/Well, I’m making money now and this is payin’ you back for head shots, electric bills, and so many slices of pizza I can’t even count: photographs of the headCHANDLER: Well, thanks man. Now I can get my pony.pony n.小马JOEY: Hey, this is a little extra somethin' for uh, ya know, always bein' there for me. [hands Chandler a jewelry box]jewelry n.珠宝,珠宝类/jewelry box首饰盒CHANDLER: Wow, I don't know what to say. [opens the box and pulls out an incredibly gaudy gold bracelet] Wow, I, I don't know what to say.gaudy adj.<贬>炫丽的,华而不实的,俗气的/bracelet n.手镯.JOEY: Heh, what d'ya say?CHANDLER: I don't know. It's a bracelet.JOEY: Isn't it? And it's engraved too, check it out.grave n.坟墓/engrave v.在……上雕刻CHANDLER: [reads] To my best bud. [puts it back in the case] Thanks best bud.bud n.(short for buddy)兄弟/case n.箱子,袋子,套子to盒子JOEY: Put it on.CHANDLER: Oh, now? [puts it in his desk drawer] No, no,I think something this nice should be saved for a special occasion. [sets a chair in front of the drawer]JOEY: Oh, no no, that's the beauty part, it goes with everything. [gets the bracelet from the drawer] You put this on, you're good to go你戴起来会很好看. [puts the bracelet on Chandler] Ohhh man, you are so wearin' that bracelet你带上这个手镯很配.You put this on, you are good to go: good to go means 1.ready. ("We're good to go.") 2. On schedule, under control, etc. ("Are we good to go withthe plane tickets?") Notes: when used alone, "good to go" is a phrase indicating approval. Example: "I'll meet you at noon tomorrow? Good to go." The term is military in origin and, in that context, is used to convey that a series of required duties (such as a pre-flight[adj.起飞前的] inspection or other checklist) has been completed. Examples: "The plane is good to go."CHANDLER: I so am.可不是嘛JOEY: You have any idea what this'll do for your sex life?CHANDLER: Well, it'll probably slow it down at first but, once I get used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track重振雄风.OPENING TITLES[Scene: A kitchen somewhere. Monica is interviewing for a job] INTERVIEWER: Well, this all looks good.MONICA: Great.INTERVIEWER: And if I want to call for a reference on your last job? MONICA: Oh, that's there on the bottom, see the manager, Chandler Bing.INTERVIEWER: Alright, lets see if you're as good in person as you are on paper. Make me a salad.Alright, lets see if you’re as good in person as you are on paper: in one's bodily presenceMONICA: A salad? Really I, I could do something a little more complicated if you like.INTERVIEWER: No, just a salad will be fine.MONICA: You got it没问题.。
老友记 六人行 第六季第二十一集经典笔记
The One Where Ross MeetsElizabeth’s DadTeleplay by: Scott SiveriStory by: David J. LaganaTranscribed by: Eric Aasen621 罗斯和未来岳父会面和乔伊演对手戏的是个叫“奇思”的机器人,但乔伊却跟操控机器人的专家Wayne无法相处融洽。
6.21 The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's DadJoey doesn't get along well with the roboticist (Wayne) who controls his co-star, "C.H.E.E.S.E."To save himself from being fired, he teaches Wayne how to talk with women.Phoebe writes a book about relationships, which is really a book about Monica and Chandler, and everything they do.Ross meets Elizabeth's dad (Paul), who really doesn't approve of his daughter dating an older man.Paul and Rachel start dating.The gang's attempts to make Ross look good for Paul but continually backfire(v.不断地事与愿违).[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe, Rachel, Chandler, and Monica are there. Rachel is reading everyone’s horoscope.]horoscope n.星座运势Rachel: Okay, Chandler!Chandler: Okay.Rachel: And your horoscope says, "On the fifth a special someone is going to give you a gift."Chandler: (To Monica) Oh, well thank you in advance. (Kisses her.) Rachel:Op, but the twelfth brings a lover’s spat.spat n.口角Monica: (To Chandler) You are going to make a joke about my special present! Why would you do that?!Rachel: Oh, wait and on the nineteenth a secret crush announces itself.secret crush n.暗恋(Phoebe winks and licks her lips while eyeing Chandler.)wink vi.眨眼/eye vt.注视Joey: (entering) Hey guys!Chandler: Hey!!Rachel:(ecstatic) Oh my God! It’s Joey Tribbiani of Ma c andC.H.E.E.S.E.!!!!!!!ecstatic adj.狂喜的入迷的(Everyone claps and cheers, Joey mimics looking about with a gun.) look about v.四处查看Chandler:Oh that’s right. It’s your first day! So are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick?Psyched<俚>精神高昂,盼望某件事情(发生)/sidekick n.伙伴搭档Joey: Am I psyched? The lead in my own TV series? I’ve dreamed about this for years! Why have I not been preparing?!lead n.(领衔)主演Phoebe:No! Joey, you’re going to be great!Joey: But I got to act with a robot Pheebs, and-and I don’t know anything about technology! I can’t even use Chandler’s computer except to find porn! And-and that’s only‘cause it’s right there when you turn it on!Monica: I think our lover’s spat will start a little early this month.Phoebe: (in a sexy v oice to Chandler) I’ll be waiting.Opening Credits[Scene: Central Perk, time lapse. Phoebe is now looking at the covers of two different books.]cover n.封面Chandler: Are you judging them by their covers? Because you’rereally not supposed to do that.Phoebe:No, I’m just deciding which one to use—I’m gonna start writing another book!Rachel: Be-because the last one was such a big seller?Phoebe: Well, if you must know I have written 14 books. And as I am the only one who has read them, I can tell you that they all have been very well received. But I lost all of them in the fire.So this one I'm gonna keep in an asbestos-lined box far away from Rachel. Who I forgive.asbestos a.(含)石棉的/asbestos-lined adj.石棉防火带[石棉编织带加工精细编织紧密用于电缆及各种设备管道的缠绕包覆,起防火保温隔热作用]Ross: (entering) Hey!Chandler: Hey!Rachel: Hey!Ross: What are you guys doing later?Phoebe: Oh, Rachel and I have appointments to get our hair-cut.Rachel: (To Phoebe) We do?Phoebe: I want to see what he wants first.Rachel: Okay.Ross:(continuing) I just found out that Elizabeth’s dad wants to meet me.Chandler: Wait a minute, hold the phone! You’re not Elizabeth’s dad?!Ross:That's the only one you get你只能得逞这一次. And he hates me.OK,apparently he asked Elizabeth why she'd want to go out with a guy who couldn't get a girl his own age.Rachel:And what did she say to that?Ross: And that's yours.Ross: Come on guys, I-I really want this guy to like me. It-it would really help me out if you guys were here to kinda make me look good.All:Of course we’ll help! Yeah! We’ll be here!Ross: Thanks!Monica: We know how tough those parent/teacher conferences can be.parent/teacher conferences n.家长会[Scene: Pier 59 Studios, it’s the set of M ac and C.H.E.E.S.E. The producer is showing Joey around the set.]The Producer:(walking into Mac’s office) So uh, here’s your office set!office set n.办公室拍片现场Joey: Wow! Huh? (Picks up the phone) Mac Macaveli, Private Investigator! Look at all the books I've read.Private Investigator n.私人侦探The Producer: (checking his watch) Let’s get you into wardrobe for a fitting.fitting n.试穿Joey: Okay. Hey uh, when do I get to meet the robot?The Producer:I’m sorry, why don’t we do that right now? He’sright here. (Points to a guy.)Joey: Okay.The Producer:Joey Tribbiani, this is…Joey:Oh wow! He’s so lifelike! (Starts touching the guy’s cheeks) Unbelievable! (He starts tugging on the guy’s ears).lifelike adj.逼真的/tug v.拉(耳朵)The Producer: This is Wayne, the man who created and operatesC.H.E.E.S.E.Joey: (slaps Wayne on his cheek) How do you do there, Wayne? (Backs away.)The Producer:I’ll let you two guys get acquainted, huh? (Walks away.)get acquainted v.变得熟络Joey:Okay. Sorry about that…(Mimics that cheek th ing he just did.) Uh, so where’s C.H.E.E.S.E.?Wayne: C.H.E.E.S.E. is right here. (He puts on his headset, picks up the controller, and wheels C.H.E.E.S.E. in. C.H.E.E.S.E. is just a plain old robot on tracks; he kinda looks like No. 5 in the movie Short Circuit.)headset n.戴在头上的耳机或听筒/wheel vt.滚动转动使旋转[eg: He wheeled his bike through the narrow lane]/Johnny 5 (originally called "S-A-I-N-T Prototype Number 5") is the fictional robotic star of the movies Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2 and a TV special called Hot Cars, Cold Facts. He is a former military robot imbued(v.灌输) with intelligence and sentience(n.知觉) by a lightning bolt(n.晴天霹雳), and is considered to be alive in the philosophical(adj.哲学的) sense, as he has emotions and is self-aware(adj.有自知之明的).C.H.E.E.S.E.: (Wayne with a computerized voice) Nice to meet you Mac!Joey: (laughs) This is like the temporary robot, right?temporary adj.临时的还未完成的Wayne: No. Why?Joey: Well, I-I just, I just thought it was going to be like a really cool robot, y’know? Like the terminator or uh, when I first saw you.The Terminator is a 1984 science fiction/action film directed and co-written by James Cameron. It features Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton and MichaelBiehn.The film takes place(v.拍摄) in 1984, introducing the concept of a "terminator", specifically the titular(adj.有名无实的有头衔的) character (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a seemingly unstoppable cyborg assassin(n.暗杀者) who has beensent back from the year 2029 by a race of artificially intelligent computer-controlled machines bent on[v.下决心(eg: Jim seems bent on becoming a musician)]the extermination(n.消灭根绝) of mankind. The Terminator's mission is to killSarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) whose future son founds a resistance against them. A human, Kyle Reese, is also sent back from the future to protect her.Wayne:I spent two years developing this machine, it’s absolutely state of the art.state of the art : The highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time n.发展中之科技的目前进步水平当前最高端的技术产品Joey:I’m sorry, it just—I don’t know it doesn’t really look like it can do anything.Wayne:It can do this. (He moves C.H.E.E.S.E.’s arm close to Joey’s special area and he jumps back.)[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is at the counter drinking coffee as Elizabeth enters with her dad, Paul. Elizabeth goes to kiss Ross, but he just kisses her on the forehead. By the way Paul is played by Bruce Willis. Yes, that Bruce Willis from Moonlighting, Die Hard, and Armageddon.]Armageddon n.<圣经>哈米吉多顿(世界末日善恶决战的战场)/Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is an American actor and singer. He came to fame in the late 1980s and has since retained(v.保留保持) a career as both a Hollywood leading man and a supporting actor, in particular for his role as John McClane in the Die Hard series. Willis was married to actress Demi Moore and they had three daughters before their divorce in 2000 after thirteen years of marriage. He has received multiple awards and honors throughout his career and has publicly showed his support for the United States armed forces(n.陆海空三军). In various interviews, Willis has revealed his political opinions and interest in several conspiracy(n.阴谋) theories.Motion pictures that feature him as a leading actor or supporting co-star, have grossed[vt.获得...总收入(或毛利(eg: The firm grossed $3 million)] a total of $2.42 to $2.88 billion at the North American box office, placing him as the sixth (as strictly lead) or the ninth highest-grossing movie star (counting supporting roles) of all time.Elizabeth: This is my father, Paul Stevens. Dad, this is Ross Geller.Ross: It-it’s great to meet you Paul.Paul: I usually prefer Elizabeth’s boyfriends to address me as Mr. Stevens.Ross: Of course, of course, Mr. Stevens.Paul: So Ross, what your problem?Ross: Eh-wh—Excuse me?Paul:Why can’t you get a g irlfriend on your own age?Ross:That’s funny. Umm…. (Pause, then serious) It’s not funny.Paul:I don’t like you going out with my daughter Ross.Ross: Okay. I can, I can see that. Umm, but I think if you give me umm, one chance I can, I can change your mind.Paul: Okay.Ross: What?Paul:Okay. I’ll give you one chance to change my mind. (Ross laughs in relief) You got one minute. (Ross suddenly gets worried.)Elizabeth: Daddy!Paul: Fine! Two minutes. Go.Ross: This is—you—(Ross starts laughing.)Paul: (laughs then checking his watch) 1 minute 50 seconds.Ross: Okay, umm I want you to know that I have never done anything like this before. I mean, I mean I’ve been in um, relationships in general, uh but I have never done it with a student—I mean I not—not it! I mean, I mean I don’t—We haven’t done it. Uh, I mean, I mean, we’ve-we’ve-we’ve done stuff. (Paul is not amused.) Okay, okay, a joke, a joke—lighten the mood. Umm, two guys go into a bar. One of them is Irish.in general adv.总体而言/lighten v.减轻 (使)轻松/lighten the mood 放松心情/Irish n.爱尔兰人Paul:I’m Irish.Ross: And the Irish guy wins the joke!(Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe enter.)Monica: Ross!!Chandler: Ross!Monica:How crazy that we’d run into you!Ross: Oh God, thank you! (Runs and gives all of them a group hug.) Umm, uh, Mr. Stevens I’d like you to meet my friends uh, this is Phoebe, Monica, and Chandler.Paul: Phoebe.Phoebe:Hello.Paul: Monica.Monica:Hi.Paul: Chunder.Chandler:Chandler.Paul: Never going to remember that.Phoebe:You’re Elizabeth’s father, huh? I can see now where she gets her rugged handsomeness.rugged adj.粗壮的强健的粗犷的Monica: (obviously attracted to him) Is-is-is there a-a Mrs. Stevens?Chandler:There’s a Mr. Bing!Paul: No, unfortunately Lizzie’s mom passed away shortly after she was born. I raised her by myself.Phoebe and Monica: (sympathetic) Ohh!sympathetic adj.有同情心的Paul: I get that a lot.Ross:Okay umm, why don’t we all take a seat, y’know? And uh, and I’ll get us all some uh some coffees—(He goes to pull out Elizabeth’s chair, but Paul steps in)—Yeah, why don’t you. (Paul pulls out her chair) Uh and you guys can talk about whatever, whatever you want. Y’know? Whatever pops into your head. (He turns his back to Paul and Elizabeth and points to himself for Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe. Then he goes to order the coffee.)Monica:Y’know, it is so strange see ing Ross here this time of day,‘cause usually he’s got the children’s hospital.this time of day adv.此时此刻Phoebe: Yeah. Not looking for dates. (Monica turns in horror.)Elizabeth:So uh, Monica is Ross’s sister.Monica:And he’s a great brother!Paul: I had a sister.Monica: Ohh!Paul: She passed away.Monica and Phoebe: (sympathetic) Ohh!Paul:Oh, you don’t have to do that every time.Chandler: But uh Ross, Ross is a great guy! I was roommates with him in college. Uh, funny story… (He starts laughing then notices that Paul isn’t happy.) You r roommate in college died didn’t he?Paul: A part of him did yes.Ross: (returning with the coffee) Okay here we are Paul, Elizabeth. (He sets down their cups.) So I hope you guys were finding somethingto talk about.Chandler:Yes, we were just…(Rachel runs in.)Rachel:Hi, I’m sorry I’m late but I am ready, ready to talk you up! When does Liz’s father get here?talk up v.赞扬Paul:I’m already here.Rachel: Oh! Ross is sooo great![Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Phoebe is working on her book at the kitchen table]Monica: Hey, Pheebs. How's the book-writing going?Phoebe:Really well. I'm up to page 47.be up to <口>写到Monica: Wow! What are you writing?Phoebe:Page numbers.(Monica is on the couch, and Chandler is entering from the bathroom carrying a package of toilet paper)toilet paper n.卫生纸Chandler: Hey honey, you got the kind with the little girl, you said we were gonna to get the kind with the baby.Monica: No, you said the baby creeps you out.creep vt.由于恐惧,厌恶等)起鸡皮疙瘩汗毛直竖[eg: The sight of the snake made her flesh creep]creep sb out<俚>使某人抓狂Chandler: No, the little girl creeps me out.Monica: You said the baby.Chandler: Why would the baby creep me out?Monica: Why would the little girl creep you out?Phoebe:(writing frantically) You guys, I’m sorry, could you please talk a little slower?Chandler:This is going in your book?Phoebe:Yeah, it’s about relationships. Y’know? The traps, the pitfalls, what not to do, keep going. This stuff is great!pitfall n.陷阱圈套[eg: There are many pitfalls for teenagers today]Monica: What?! Excuse me!Phoebe: And how none of it matters when the people really love each other. (Chandler and Monica kiss.) And how people will believe anything you tell them as long as it’s a compliment.compliment n.恭维赞扬[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is there alone as Paul enters.]Rachel: (seeing him) Oh hi!Paul:Hi! Hi. (He’s looking around.) I think I left my keys here somewhere.Rachel:Oh! Well let’s look for them. (Finds some under one of the couch cushions. It has a pink, fuzzy ball on the key chain.) Oh-oh-hey! Are these them?fuzzy ballkeychain n.钥匙环Paul: No.Rachel: All right! (Throws them back under the cushion.)Paul: Oh, here they are right here. (Picks them up from underneath the corner of the couch.)Rachel: Oh good.Paul: Thanks for your help. (Starts to leave.)Rachel: (chasing after him) Oh, wait! Sorry, Mr. Paul? Mr. Paul?Paul: Just call me Paul.Rachel: Paul. Umm, I just wanted you to know that Ross really is a great guy.Paul: Well maybe you can date him then that would save me the trouble of killing him. (Rachel laughs then starts looking at him.) Are you okay?Rachel:You just don’t look old enough to have a twenty-year-old daughter.Paul: Well, we were very young when we had her.Rachel: Oh. We?Paul:Well yeah, it usually, it takes two people to… (He taps his index fingers together.)tap v.轻敲/index finger n.食指Rachel: Oh no! Yes! Of course, I know that! I just—I meant y’know are you still a‘We’or are you just‘You?’Paul:I’m just me, my wife died shortly after Lizzie was born.Rachel: (sympathetic) Ohh. So you raised her all on your own?Paul: Yes I did.Rachel: Ohh. (She touches his arm for support and likes what she feels) Ooh![Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's,Chandler and Monica are in the kitchen]Monica: What are you writing there?Chandler: I'm drawing a picture of you.Monica: Well, that's very flattering. But it'd be great if you could draw me with some clothes and a head.flattering adj.讨人喜欢的 (肖像等)比真容更美丽Joey: (enters) Hey!Chandler: Hey!Phoebe: Hey!Monica: How was your first day?Joey: Pretty great! Except I did get a little attitude from the robot.attitude n.(不佳的)态度Chandler:Damn those robots, they’re supposed to be our faith ful servants!faithful adj.忠诚的可靠的Joey:Anyway, it wasn’t the robot, it was the guy who controls him. Yeah, he doesn’t like me. He had C.H.E.E.S.E. knock over the sandwich right when I was reaching for one! Ohh!Phoebe:Well, why don’t you just get him fired?Joey:I may have to, I hate to do it, but I’m the star! Y’know? There’s a limit to how many sandwiches I can eat off the floor. (His cell phone rings) Excuse me. (Answers it, on phone) Joey Tribbiani.Estelle: (on the other end) Joe! I’m glad I found ya, I got an audition for ya!Joey: Wow!Estelle:The thing is it’s kinda on the Q.T. The actor who has the part doesn’t know he might be fired. It’s the lead in a series, Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.q.t.<俚>Short for quiet/如果你想要表达"悄悄地,偷偷地,秘密地进行"这样的意思,你是不是马上会想到 secretly?除此之外呢?今天我们就学习一种非常口语化的表达方式on the quiet。
老友记 六人行 第二季第二十集经典笔记
The One Where Old Yeller Dies Originally written by .Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.220 猎狗之死菲比回忆起母亲总是在看到令人伤心的电影时会捂起她的眼睛,例如《父亲离家时》(Old Yeller,1958年,以十九世纪为背景的家庭片,描述父亲不在时,小孩与他家猎狗共同为生活奋斗的感人故事。
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Phoebe enters to see Monica, Richard, Ross, and Rachel tearfully watching TV.]tearfully adv.含泪地PHOEBE: Hey. Watcha guys doin?RICHARD: Monica's making us watch Old Yeller.Old Yeller,Travies:《老黄狗》一译《父亲离家时》,这是一部描写人与狗感情的经典名片。
/Monica's making us watch OldYeller: Old Yeller is a Disney movie, which takes place in a small town in frontier(n.边境) Texas in the late 1860's. It is the story of a 14 year old boy named Travis Coates who must take care of his mama and little brother Arliss while his papa(n.爸爸) takes the cattle to market. An old yeller dog wanders onto the farm and steals the family's meat. Travis's hate for the old dog soon turns to love when the dog rescues Arliss from an angry mother bear.PHOEBE: Why are you guys so upset? It's Old Yeller, it's a happy movie.RACHEL: What?ROSS: What're you talkin' about?PHOEBE: C'mon, happy family gets a dog, frontier fun.frontier n.国境,边疆,边境/frontier fun荒野之乐ROSS: Yeah but Phoebs, what about the end?PHOEBE: What when Yeller saves the family from the wolf and everyone's happy?RACHEL: That's not the end.PHOEBE: Yu-huh. That's when my mother would shut off the TV and say 'The end'.MONICA: What about the part where he has rabies?rabies n.[医]狂犬病, 恐水病PHOEBE: He doesn't have rabies, he has babies. That's what my mom said.RICHARD: Uh, Phoebe, I don't think your mom would want you to see what's about to happen.PHOEBE: What, what's about to happen? [starts watching] I've never seen this part before. Hey, Travis, watcha doin' with that gun? Oh no, no no Travis, put down the gun. No no no no, he he's your buddy, he's your Yeller, no, no no, the end, THE END. [hear the gunshot from the TV] ok,what kind of a sick doggy snuff film is this?!be about to v.将要, 正打算/doggy n.小犬, 小狗adj.像狗一样的/snuff n.鼻烟adj.<俚>A real (not staged) filmed murder[Scene:Monica and Rachel's apartment. Richard is on the balcony smoking and Monica is on the phone.]MONICA: Hey, have you guys eaten, because uh, Richard and I just finished and we've got leftovers... Chicken and potatoes... What am I wearing?...Actually, nothing but rubber gloves.leftover n.剩菜/rubber gloves n.橡胶手套[Chandler and Joey come sprinting in]sprint v.疾跑,冲刺JOEY: Ya know, one of these times you're gonna really be naked and we're not gonna come over.one of these times有一天/come over过来MONICA: Alright, I've got a leg, three breasts and a wing.CHANDLER: Well, how do you find clothes that fit?JOEY: Oh, hey, Monica, we've got a question.MONICA: Alright, for the bizillionth time, yes I see other women in shower at the gym, and no I don't look.bizillion(=one million billion)一千亿/Alright, for the bizillionth time, yes I see other women in shower at the gym, and no I don't look: bizillion=bazillion: an infinite number of somethingJOEY: No, not that one. We're trying to figure out who to bring to the Knicks game tonight, we have an extra ticket.CHANDLER: Yeah, Ross can't go so it's between my friend Eric Prower who has breath issues and Dan with the poking. [starts poking Monica in the shoulder] 'Did you see that play? Do you want some more beer? Is that Spike Lee?'have breath issue有口臭/Dan with the poking喜欢戳人的Dan/Yeah, Ross can't go so it's between my friend Eric Prower who has breath issues and Dan with the poking: an odorous(adj.难闻的) exhalation(n.呼气)MONICA: Ok. [Richard walks in] Hey, why don't you ask Richard?JOEY: Ok, uh, hey Richard, if you had an extra ticket to the Knicks game and you had to choose between a friend who smells and one who bruises you who would you pick?smell v.散发(……气味的)/bruise v.打伤,撞伤,使青肿RICHARD: Wow. Well being a huge Knicks fan myself, I think you should take someone who's a huge Knicks fan.CHANDLER: Ok, that's Eric.RICHARD: Glad to be of help乐意效劳. Matches. [walks out to the balcony]match n.火柴to点烟MONICA: I meant, why don't you take Richard to the game? What? JOEY: I don't know.MONICA:C'mon.Keeps his fingers to himself and he's always minty fresh.minty adj.有薄荷香的,有薄荷味的CHANDLER: I don't know, Richard's really nice and everything, uh, it's just that we don't know him really well, ya know, and plus he's, ya know, old [Monica gives him a glare] -er than some people, but, uh, younger than some buildings.MONICA: So what, he's a little older, big deal, I mean he's important to me. Ya know if you ask him, he might take you on his Jag. [walks off]Jag n.积架车JOEY: How do we say yes now and make it seem like we're not doin' it just to ride in the cool car?make it 达到预定目标CHANDLER: Ok, this could be tough有点棘手.JOEY: [Monica walks back in the kitchen] Ok ok ok ok. Monica, we'll bring him, but only if he takes the Jaguar.Jaguar n.美洲虎CHANDLER: Ooh, you almost had it.[Scene: Ross's apartment. Ross is holding Ben.]ROSS: [smells Ben's butt] No no, you're fine, you're fine.CAROL: [enters with Susan] HelloROSS: Hi.SUSAN: Hey.CAROL: Hi honey.ROSS: Oh you guys are not gonna believe what happened.CAROL: What?SUSAN: What?ROSS: Ok, we were sitting over there playing on the floor and he grabs the table and he pulls himself up. He pulled himself up. Standing(adj.会站立的) man. I'm sorry you guys missed it but I did tape it so it you guys want to see it.CAROL: Uhh, we know, he already did it last week.SUSAN: You can watch our tape if you want.ROSS: I don't believe this. I miss, I miss the first time of everything.I missed, what, the first time he rolled over翻身, the first time he crawled. What else did I miss? Has he spoken yet, is he driving, does he have a favorite liquour(n.酒精饮品)?CAROL: Actually, he is getting closer on the talking thing. He can't quite say mama yet, but once he said yumen.ROSS: Ooh, I, I'm so sick of missing stuff. Ya know, I want him for more than, than a day, I want him for a whole weekend. No listen , I mean, I feel like-be sick of厌恶,厌倦CAROL and SUSAN: Great. That would be fine.ROSS: Really? I mean, I, I had a whole speach prepared.SUSAN: Oh shoot(=shit但更文明一点:讨厌!), that would have been fun.ROSS: Oh look, did, did you just see that? Did you see? He just waved, he just waved, he's never waved before, you've never waved before. Yes he has. Very good.[Scene: Central Perk. Monica and Rachel are there. Phoebe enters carrying video tapes.]PHOEBE: Hey.RACHEL: Hey Phoebs, whatcha got there?PHOEBE: Ok, Love Story, Brian's Song, and Terms of Endearment. endearment n.亲爱,钟爱MONICA: Wow, all you need now is The Killing Fields and some guacamole and you've got yourself a part-day.Love Story,Brian's Song,Terms of Endearment,The Killing Fields:在发现《老黄狗》的真相后,菲比担心自己以前所认为的所有欢乐影片都有一个糟糕的结尾,结果她就租来了《爱情故事(Love Story)》、《布里安之歌(Brian's Song)》和《母女情深(Terms of Endearment)》.事实上,这三部都是悲情落泪戏:《爱情故事》里面的男女主人公最后阴阳相隔;《布里安之歌》(又译《莫逆之交》),描写两个不同肤色的球员之间的莫逆之交,但最后其中一个生癌症去世;《母女情深》描写一对母女的真挚感情,但女儿因癌症去世,被认为是八十年代美国最感人肺腑的电影之一。
老友记 笔记【212】The One After the Superbowl
The One After the Superbowl212 超级杯后(第一集)一支广告总是勾起罗斯对马赛尔的思念。
2.12 The One After the Superbowl, Pt. IA TV commercial featuring a Monkey reminds Ross of Marcel.Ross decides to visit Marcel at the San Diego Zoo, since he's going to a convention in Los Angeles.Once there, he is told by a zoo representative that Marcel has died;however, an eccentric zoo keeper tells him Marcel was stolen and put into show business.Ross' search leads him back to New York, where Marcel is filming Outbreak II: The Virus Takes Manhattan.Joey begins dating Erica, a stalker who thinks he's really his soap opera character, Dr. Drake Ramoray.Phoebe dates Rob, a guy who hires her to sing songs for children at the library. Her songs are a little too real for the kids' parents.She gets fired, but all the kids come to the coffee house so they can still hear her.[Scene: In a TV commercial that the gang is watching at Monica and Rachel's.A guy is sitting at his desk and his boss comes in and drops a huge pile of papers on his desk. The guy looks dejected.]dejected adj.垂头丧气的Commercial Voiceover:Can't get the monkey off your back? Then put it in your mouth...voiceover n.画外音/a monkey on your back n.a serious problem that you cannot forget[eg: When you know you have to do everything perfectly, it puts a giant monkey on your back]/get the monkey off your back v.to end a problem[eg: By winning the championship, this team has finally got the monkey off its back](A monkey jumps on the desk and hands the guy a beer. He opens the beer and is suddenly on the beach, in a hammock, with beautiful women all around)hammock n.吊床Commercial Voiceover: With Monkey Shine Beer.'Cause it's a jungle out there.Ross: That commercial always makes me so sad.Joey: Yeah, but then the guy opens his beer and those girls run at him, so, everything seems to work out ok.run at v.拥上来Ross: I meant because the monkey in it reminds me of Marcel.Phoebe: I can see that, 'cause they both have those big brown eyes and, ya know, the little pouty chin.pouty adj.撅嘴的Monica: And the fact that they're both monkeys.Ross: Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, ya know, giving him away.Rachel:Oh, Ross, you had to, I mean, he was humping everything in sight.I mean, I have a Malibu Barbie that will no longer be wearing white to her wedding.Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years, and has been the subject of numerouscontroversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle. In recent years, Barbie has faced increasing competition from the Bratz range of dollsMalibu BarbieRoss: Remember when sometimes he'd borrow your hat,and when you got it back there'd be little monkey raisins in it.raisin n.葡萄干Chandler: Yeah, well sure, when he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my boss's hat.All of the sudden, I have this big attitude problem.Opening Credits[Scene: Central Perk. Chandler, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe are at the couch.]Joey: Hey, hey, check it out, guess what I got.Chandler: Rhythm?rhythm n.节奏Joey: No, my first fan mail.All: Alright!Monica: 'Dear Dr. Remore, know that I love you and would do anything to have you.Gosh.Your not-so-secretive admirer, Erica Ford. Ooh wait, PS enclosed please find 14 of my eyelashes.'secretive adj.秘密的/admirer n.仰慕者/PS n.postscript/enclose v.把……封入(信封)/enclosed adj.被附上的/eyelash n.睫毛Rachel: In crazy world, that means you're married.Monica: This wasn't addressed to Days of Our Lives, this came to your apartment. There's no stamp on it, this woman was in our building.address vt.在...上写收件人姓名地址[eg:She addressed the parcel wrongly]Joey: Oh my god, I got my very own stalker.stalker n.a person who illegally follows and watches someone, over a period of time 潜行而近者Ross: Hey guys.All: Hey.Phoebe: Ooh, where are you off to, travelin' Jake?Ross:Well, there's this paleontology conference in L.A. So I figured I'd go and then drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel.Chandler: You know I think he will be surprised, 'till he realizes he's a monkey, and you know, isn't capable of that emotion.Rachel: Oh, Phoebe, that really cute guy is here again.Phoebe:Oh,ok, so everyone, pretend like I'm telling you a story. And it's really funny. So everyone just laugh, now.Phoebe: I know, I know. Hello.Rob: Hi. I'm Rob Dohnen.Phoebe: Hi Rob Dohnen.Rob:I don't know anything about music, but I think you're really, really great.Phoebe: Oh, wow.Rob:Anyway, I schedule performers for the childrens libraries around the city and I was just thinking, have you ever thought about playing your songs for kids?performer n.艺人表演者Phoebe: Oh, I would love to have kids.You're... me play the songs that I will write for them.[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are standing around in the kitchen.]Joey: Hey, what do you wanna do for dinner?Chandler: Well we could just stay in and cook for ourselves.(both laugh hysterically)Hello.Erica: It's Erica.Joey: The stalker.Erica: Never mind, it's open.Chandler: (Joey grabs a frying pan) Yes, hitting her with a frying pan's a good idea. We might wanna have a backup plan, though, just in case she isn't a cartoon.frying pan n.煎锅/backup adj.候补的/a backup plan n.后备计划/in case adv.以防万一/cartoon n.卡通人物Joey:Let's get out of here.(They run out and knock on Monica and Rachel's door)Chandler: The one time they're not home.Joey:OK, we'll just leave, and when we pass her on the stairs, she won't know it's me 'cause we've never met.Chandler: That's how radio stars escape stalkers.Joey:She's comin'.(Both run back in their apartment. There's a knock at the door)Erica: It's me.Joey: This is it, this is how we're gonna die. Ready?Chandler: Wait, wait, wait. (Opens the top of the dish soap he's holding)dish soap n.洗洁精(Joey opens the door and sees Erica. Joey gets a huge smile and Chandler squeezed the dish soap in the air.)Brooke Shields (born May 31, 1965 in New York City) is an American actress and supermodel.Some of her better-known movies include Pretty Baby and The Blue Lagoon as well as tv shows such as Suddenly Susan and Lipstick Jungle.Erica: Hi.Joey: Erica.[Scene: San Diego Zoo. Ross is at the Monkey cages.]Lipson:Mr Geller.Hi, Dean Lipson, zoo administrator. I was told you had a question.administrator n.管理人Ross: Well, I can't seem to find the monkey I donated last year. He's a capuchin, answers to the name Marcel.capuchin n.<动>中南美的卷尾猴Lipson: I'm afraid I have some bad news. Marcel has passed on.pass on v.去世Ross: Oh my God, what happened?Lipson:Well he got sick, and then he got sicker, and then he got a little better but then he died.Ross: I can't believe this.Lipson:I'm sorry Mr. Geller. But ya know, there's an old saying, Sometimes monkeys die. It's not a great saying but it's certainly fitting today.fitting adj.恰当的Ross: Well, ya know, someone should have called me.Lipson:I'm sorry. Look, I know this can't bring him back but here, it's just a gesture.gesture n.something said or done by way of formality(n.礼节仪式) or courtesy(n.谦恭礼貌), as a symbol or token(n.标志), or for its effect(adv.为了做样子) on the attitudes of othersRoss: Zoo dollars?Lipson:Yes, and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. Well it's a lot cuter if your monkey hasn't just died.Macaw n.a long-tailed brilliantly colored parrot(n.鹦鹉) of Central and South America; among the largest and showiest( adj.艳丽的,引人注目的) of parrots[Scene: Library. Phoebe is getting ready to sing for the kids. Chandler, Monica, and Rachel are there.]Phoebe: I know.Monica: I can't believe Joey's having lunch with his stalker.What is she like?Chandler: Well, you remember Cathy Bates in Misery?Kathleen Doyle "Kathy" Bates (born June 28, 1948) is an Oscar-, Golden Globe- and Screen Actors Guild Award-winning American actress and director of stage and screen.Misery is a 1990 American horror/thriller from Columbia Pictures and Castle Rock Entertainment, based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Directed by Rob Reiner, the film received critical acclaim for Kathy Bates' Academy Award-winning performance. It was ranked #12 on Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments.Monica: Yeah.Chandler:Well, she looks the exact opposite of that.Rachel: And she's not crazy?Chandler: Oh no no no, she's a total wack job. Yeah, she thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Remore.wack n.<美俚>怪人/wack job n.<俚>Someone who is crazy and/or has lost their mind and acts like a damn lunatic. Someone you should avoid at all costs as they may be a harm to yourself or others.Rachel: Oh my God.Monica: And I mean, he's going out with her? He cannot pursue this.Chandler: Hey, just because this woman thinks she can actually see Joey through the magical box in her living room doesn't mean she's not a person.I mean, does she not deserve happiness, does she not deserve love?What're you lookin' at me for? He's the one who wants to boff the maniac.maniac n.疯子/boff<俚> A term to describe quick sexual intercourse which includes the man not taking off his pants and a lot of dry humping.[Scene: Library]Rob: Are you ok?Phoebe: No, I'm just...I'm nervous. So, you know what, maybe if I just, if I picture them all in their underwear.picture vt.想像Rob:That's not a good idea, that's kinda the reason the last guy got fired.Phoebe:I'm just...I'm used to playing for grown-ups. Ya know, they just, grown-ups drink their coffee and do their grown-up thing, ya know, and kids listen. This is a huge responsibility. What? Are you gonna kiss me?Ross: I was thinkin' about it.Phoebe:OK. OK, alrighty, let's play some tunes.Hi everybody, I'm Phoebetune n.曲调All: Hi Phoebe.Phoebe: Ok, I'm gonna play some songs about grandparents, OK.Now, grandma's a person who everyone likes,she bought you a train and a bright, shiny bike.shiny adj.闪耀的发亮的/Peru n.秘鲁But lately she hasn't been coming to dinnerAnd last time you saw her she looked so much thinnerNow, your mom and your dad said she moved to Perubut the truth is she died and some day you will tooLa-la-la la la-la-la la la-la-la la[Scene: A nice restraunt. Joey and Erica are dining.]Erica: Oh, Drake, isn't it amazing?Joey: Yeah, it is. . . what?Erica: Well, here we sit, devil may care, just a little while ago,you were reattaching someone's spinal cord.reattach v.重新连接上/spinal cord n.脊髓Joey:Yeah, that was a tricky one. In reality, that operation takes like, over 10 hours, but they only showed it for 2 minites.tricky adj.复杂的/in reality adv.事实上Erica: Who's they?Joey: No one.Erica: Oh Drake, you are so talented, let me see those hands. Oh these hands, these beautiful hands, oh I could just eat them,but I won't.Joey:Good, otherwise my watch would fall off. (Erica laughs hysterically like a devil)Erica: No, seriously. These hands. These miracle, magical, life-giving hands. Oh, just to be near them, touch them, maybe even lick one?Joey: Alright, just one. (she licks his hands rather emphatically) Wow, you're good at that.emphatically adv.用力地(Some guy at another table starts choking)Waiter: Oh my God! Someone, he's choking. Is anyone here a doctor?Erica: Well, yes, the best doctor in all of Salem, Dr. Drake Remore.[Scene: San Diege Zoo. Ross is still at the monkey cages. A janitor is sweeping.]janitor n.看门人Janitor: Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes.nocturnal adj.(动物)夜间活动的[eg: Owls are nocturnal]Ross: Hey look, I don't really enjoy being with other men that way. But zoo dollars?Janitor: It's about your monkey. It's alive.[Scene: Restraunt. Joey and Erica are still there.]Erica: I don't understand, why didn't you help that man?Joey: Cause I'm a neurosurgeon and that was clearly a case of foodal chokage. Alright, look, I got to tell you something.neurosurgeon n.神经外科医生Erica: No, no no no, you don't have to tell me anything. You don't have to explain yourself to me. Ooh, who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Remore?Joey: But that's what...Erica: I should just be happy to be near you.Joey: Hey I...(she cuts him off with a kiss)cut off v.打断Erica: Hey what?Joey: That's it, just hey. Like at the end of a dance, HEY! (she starts nibbling his hand) Hey.nibble v.啃细咬[Scene: Library. Phoebe is singing.]Phoebe: There'll be times when you get olderwhen you'll want to sleep with peopleJust to make them like youBut don'tCause that's another thing that you don't wanna do, everybodyThat's another thing that you don't wanna do.Monica: Excellent!Chandler: Very informative!informative adj.教育性的有益的Rachel: Not at all inappropriate!Phoebe: Thank you for coming everybody. There're cookies in the back.Rob: That was great, the kids loved you.Phoebe: Yay, I rock.Rob:And you know why? Because you told the truth, and nobody ever tells kids the truth.You were incredible.Phoebe: But.Rob: How did you know there was a but?Phoebe: I sense these things. It was either but or butter.Rob: The thing is, I think some of the parents, they were kinda hopin' that you'd play more songs about like, barnyard animals.the thing is<口>问题是/barnyard n.(通常用篱笆围起的)谷仓旁的场地barnyard animalPhoebe: I can do that.Rob: Really?Phoebe: Yeah.Rob: Because that would be fantastic. What? You wanna kiss me?Phoebe: Thinkin' about it.[Scene: San Diego Zoo. Ross and the janitor are in the nocturnal house.]Janitor: The bat. Ambassador of darkness, flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger, sightless spectre of the macabe.ambassador n.大使/flit v. move in an erratic(adj.无规律的) fluttering(n.振翼) manner飞过快地飞[eg:Bees were flitting from flower to flower]/messenger n.报信者/sightless adj.盲的/spectre n.幽灵/macabe n.having death as a subjectRoss: Buddy, my monkey?Janitor: Oh, yeah, right. There was a break-in, few months back, inside job. Your monkey was taken.break-in n.闯入非法进入Ross: Oh my God. But the zoo told me that my monkey was dead.Janitor: The zoo! Do you believe everything the zoo tells ya?Ross: That's the only thing the zoo's ever told me.Janitor: Of course they're gonna say he's dead. They don't want the bad publicity. It's all a great big cover-up. Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes?publicity n.(公众的)注意名声[eg: The new project gained publicity throughpapers]/cover-up n.掩饰Ross: That guy Lipson?Janitor:Lipson knows.Lipson knows huh? Hello Mr. Opossum,enigma of the trees, upside-down denizen of the night, taunting gravity with... opossum n负鼠/enigma n.神秘的事物谜/upside-down adj.颠倒的乱七八糟的/denizen n.居民/taunt v.嘲弄/gravity n.地心引力Ross: Buddy, my monkey, my monkey.Janitor:Word on the street.Well, when I say street, I mean those little pretend streets they have here at the zoo.pretend adj.假装的假想的[eg: It is a pretend meal this evening, with nothing whatever on the table]Ross: Of course.Janitor: Your monkey found a new career, in the entertainment field. That's all I know.Ross: This is unbelievable.Janitor: So, what is this information worth to you, my friend?Ross: Are you trying to get me to bribe you?bribe v.贿赂Janitor: Maybe.Ross: But you already told me everything.[Scene: Library. Ross show up with a MonkeyShine Beer poster.]Ross: Check it out, he actually is the MonkeyShine monkey.Rachel: Well, so what're you gonna do?Ross: Well, I guess I'm gonna call the beer company and try to find out where he is.Chandler: That's what I did when I lost my Clydesdales.The Clydesdale is a breed of draft horse(n.驮马) derived from the farm horses of Clydesdale, Scotland, and named after that region. Thought to be over 300 years old, the breed was extensively used for pulling heavy loads in rural, industrial and urban settings, their common use extending into the 1960s when they were a still a familiar sight pulling the carts of milk and vegetable vendors.Phoebe: Ok, hi again.All: Hi Phoebe.Phoebe: Today we're gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo,meadow n.草地牧场/moo n.牛叫声Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo.Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up,grind v.磨碎碾碎And that's how we get hamburgers.Now, chickens![Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Monica, Rachel, and the guys are watching Days of Our Lives.]Doctor: You're the only one who can save her,Drake.Joey: Damnit, I'm a doctor, I'm not God.Ross: Well, there goes my whole belief system.Erica: It's Erica.Joey: Oh my God, quick turn off the TV.Rachel: No no no, wait, I wanna see what happens.Joey: I get Leslie out of the coma and then we make out.Rachel: Well how can that be, you were just kissing Sabrina?Monica: Rachel, it's a world where Joey is a neuro-surgeon.Joey: Hey Erica, c'mon in.Erica: How did you get here so fast, I just saw you in Salem?Joey: Right, they choppered me in. What's up?chopper n.<俚>直升机/chopper sb in v.开直升机把我送到这里Erica: Ohh, and I see you're having a little party too. Is she here?Joey: Who?Erica: Sabrina. I know about you two. I saw you today kissing in the doctor's lounge.lounge n.休息室Joey: It's not what you think, that was...Erica: You told me I was the only one. (throws a glass of water in his face)Joey: Alright look, that's it. I don't think we should see each other anymore, alright. Look, I know I should've told you this a long time ago but I am not Drake Remore, OK. I'm not even a doctor, I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor.Erica: Oh my God. Do the people at the hospital know about this?Joey: Somebody wanna help me out here?Rachel: Oh, I know, I know.Erica: How can you be here and there.Joey: 'Cause it's a television show.Erica: Drake, what're you getting at?get at v.暗示Joey: I'm not Drake.Ross:That's right, he's not Drake, he's Hans Remore, Drake's evil twin.Erica: Is this true?Rachel:Yes, it is true. And I know this because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me.Monica: And then he told me he would run away with me, and he didn't. run away with v.与...私奔Chandler: And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard.toilet seat马桶座位/bastard n.an offensive or disagreeable(adj.厌恶的) person, used as a generalized(adj.广义的) term of abuse(n.辱骂)Erica: Is all this true?Joey: Yes, I'm afraid it is. You deserve much better than me,Erica. You deserve to be with the real Drake, he's the one you fell in love with. Go to Salem, find him, he's the guy for you.Erica: Oh Hans.Ross: Hans...Hans...Yo evil twin.Joey: Right. Goodbye Erica, good luck in Salem. Take care.Erica: I'll never forget you Hans. (Joey shuts the door in her face)Joey: Ok, alright, the people who threw the water.[Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe and Rob are sitting on the couch.] Phoebe: Fired! Why?Rob:The library board has had a lot of complaints from parents about some of the stuff in your songs.Phoebe: I can't believe it. Did you tell your board about how kids want to hear the truth?Rob: No.Phoebe: I see.Rob: Maybe if you just played some regular kiddie songs.Phoebe:No. What do you want me to be, like some stupid, big, like, purple dinosaur?purple adj.紫色的/dinosaur n.恐龙Rob: I'm not saying you have to be Barney.Phoebe: Who's Barney?[Scene: Central Perk. The whole gang is there.]Ross:Well, I tracked down Marcel and get this, he's healthy, he's happy, and he's right here in New York filming Outbreak II - The Virus Takes Manhattantrack down v.追查到/outbreak n.爆发Rachel: You're kidding.Joey: This is amazing.Ross: I know.Joey: I finally get a part on TV and the monkey's makin' movies.Phoebe: OK, Rachel, I'm ready.Rachel: OK.Kid: Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady that tells the truth?Phoebe: Yeah I guess that's me.Kid: (whistling and shouting out the door) She's here.whistle v.吹口哨(a rush of kids enter)Phoebe: Sometimes men love womensometimes men love menand then there are bisexualsthough some just say they're kidding themselves.la la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la...bisexual n.双性恋[Scene: City street. The whole gang is walking up to the movie set.]movie set n.电影片场Ross: This is so exciting, I haven't seen my monkey in almost a year.Chandler: What, you never look down in the shower? Oh please. I'm not allowed to make one joke in the monkey-is-penis genre?Security Guard:C'mon people, back up please, back up, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon. Ross: Excuse me, where can we find the monkey?Security Guard: I'm sorry guys, closed set.Ross: I'm sorry, you don't understand, I'm a friend of his. We used to live together.Security Guard:Yeah, and I have a timeshare in the Pocanos with Flipper.timeshare n.分时享用度假别墅所有权/Flipper is an influential punk band formed in San Francisco, California in 1979, continuing in often erratic fashion until the mid-1990s, then reuniting in 2005.Monica: Ross, there he is.Ross: Hey, buddy, Marcel. Marcel. In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight. In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight.(Marcel looks over and everyone joins in) a-weema-way,a-weema-way.....(Marcel runs over and hops up on Ross's shoulder) mighty adj.强有力的Closing Credits[Scene: Central Perk,Phoebe and Rob are singing Smelly Cat]Rob: What?Phoebe: I'm sorry.Rob: What’s wrong with that?Phoebe: I think you might want to pick a more masculine note. masculine adj.男子气的/note n.音符。
老友记 笔记【213】The One After the Superbow2
The One After the Superbow2213 超级杯后(第二集)大伙陪着马赛尔拍电影。
2.13 The One After the Superbowl, Pt. IIThe gang spends time on Marcel's movie set.Ross has a hard time getting time or attention from Marcel.Chandler bumps into Susie Moss, a girl he knew in the fourth grade, whom he embarrased by lifting her skirt during the class play.She comes on really strong but it turns out to be an elaborate scheme to get backat him.Monica and Rachel see Jean-Claude Van Damme;when Rachel tries to get him interested in Monica, he asks Rachel out instead, causing a rift(n.不和) between the roommates.Joey gets a small part in the movie but doesn't perform too well.[Scene: The next time at the movie set.]Security Guard: Excuse me folks, this is a...folk n.各位Joey: Closed set. We know but we're friends with the monkey.Ross:Good morning. Hey pal, look who I brought. It's your old friend Harry Elefante.pal n.兄弟Joey: Woah, dude, burn.burn<俚> An exclamatory(adj.惊叹的) response, generally used by a third party after someone has just received an insult[eg:She said you had a small penis? Oh, BURN!]Ross: I don't get it, he seemed so happy to see me yesterday.Trainer:Hey don't take it personal, he's under a lot of pressure, ya know, starring in a movie and all.don’t take it personal不要放在心上/star v.出演Rachel: Now just how big of a star is Marcel?Trainer: In human terms, I'd say Cybill Sheperd.in human terms adv.按照人类的标准/Cybill Lynne Shepherd (born February 18, 1950) is a American actress, singer and former fashion model.Her best known roles include starring as Jacy in The Last Picture Show, Maddie Hayes in Moonlighting, as Cybill Sheridan in Cybill, as Betsy in Taxi Driver and as Phyllis Kroll in The L Word.Chandler: (to guys wearing yellow isolation suits) So, are you guys in the movie, or are you just really paranoid?isolation suit n.隔离服Director’s Assistant:Hey Sal, Jerry wants to know if the monkey's ready for the subway set?set n.拍电影的一场戏Joey: Excuse me. Jerry is the director, which one's he?Director’s Assistant: The one in the director's chair.Joey: Gotcha. Phoebs, walk with me.Phoebe: OK. How come I'm walking with you?Joey: Well, we're just goin' over here so that we can get away from the horrible flesh eating virus, for the love of God, woman, listen to me. Is he lookin', is he lookin'?get away from v.逃离/flesh n.肉体Opening Creidts[Scene:At the movie set.]Susie: We've got a problem.Director’s Assistant: Tell me.Susie:I can't do Chris's makeup. She refuses to acknowledge that she has a moustasche.makeup n.化妆/moustache n.小胡子/Julia Fiona Roberts (born October 28, 1967) is an American actress and former fashion model. She became well known during the early 1990s after starring in the romantic comedy Pretty Woman opposite Richard Gere, which grossed $463 million worldwide. She won the Best Actress Academy Award in 2000 for her critically acclaimed turn as the title character in Erin Brockovich and earned Oscar nominations as Best Supporting Actress for Steel Magnolias (1989) and Best Actress for Pretty Woman (1990). Her films, which also include romantic comedies such as My Best Friend's Wedding, Mystic Pizza, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, and crime films such as The Pelican Brief and Ocean's Eleven, have collectively earned box office receipts(n.收入) of over $2 billion, making her the most successful actress in terms of box office receipts.Director’s Assistant: Is it bad?Susie: It looks like one of her eyebrows fell down. Now unless someone convinces her to let me bleach it, Jean-Claude Van Damme is gonna be making out with Gabe Kaplan.eyebrow n.眉毛/convince sb to do sth v.说服某人做某事/bleach v.漂白/Jean-Claude Van Damme (born Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg 18 October 1960(1960-10-18)) is a Belgian martial artist and actor who is best known for martial arts and action movies, the most successful being Bloodsport and Kickboxer. His Belgian background and his physique(n.体格) furnished(vt.提供) him the nickname The Muscles from Brussels.Gabriel "Gabe" Kaplan (born March 31, 1944) is an American comedian, actor and professional poker player. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for his role as Gabriel "Gabe" Kotter in the 1970s sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter, but he has become more visible in recent years in relation to the popularity of poker, especially the "No-Limit Texas Hold-'Em" type, particularly as co-host and joint commentator(n.评论员), with A.J. Benza, on High Stakes Poker on GSN.Director’s Assistant: I'll talk to her.Susie: I hate actors.Chandler:(to an extra in fatigues) Nice camouflage man, for a minute there I almost didn't see ya.extra n.拍电影的临时演员/fatigues n.(士兵干杂役时穿的)工作服/camouflage n.伪装掩饰[eg: They covered their tanks with leaves and branches as camouflage]Susie: Excuse me.Is your name Chandler?Chandler: Yes, yes it is.Susie: Chandler Bing?Chandler: Do you know me or are you just really good at this game?Susie: I'm Susie Moss. Fourth grade, glasses, I used to carry around a box of animal crackers like a purse.animal crackers n.做成动物形状的饼干/carry around v.随身携带/purse n.手提包Chandler: Susie Moss, right, yeah, wow, you look. . . great job growing up.Susie:It's nice to see you're not still wearing that denim cap with all the little mirrors on it.denim n.牛仔布/cap n.帽子Chandler: Oh, right, well yeah, I graduated fourth grade and realized I wasn't a pimp.pimp n.男妓Susie: Remember the class play? You pulled up my skirt and the entire auditorium saw my underpants.pull up v.掀起/skirt n.裙子/auditorium n.会堂礼堂/underpants n.内裤Chandler:Yes, back then, I used humor as a defense mechanism. Thank God I don't do that anymore.back then adv.那时候/denfense mechanism n.防卫机制[Scene: Monica and Rachel walking through the set]Monica: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.Rachel: What what what?Monica:Jean-Claude Van Damme. I didn't know he was in this movie, he is so hot.Rachel: You think?Monica:The muscles from Brussels, wham bam Van Damme, did you see Timecop?Timecop is a 1994 science fiction thriller film directed by Peter Hyams. Dark Horse published a comic book series of the same name.The film stars Jean-Claude Van Damme, Ron Silver, Bruce McGill and Mia Sara. It is set in the future (2004) where time travel is possible. Van Damme plays a Time Enforcement Agent, part of a specialized police organization. He is conflicted, because he knows it is possible to prevent his wife's death, but his job as a Time Enforcement Agent prevents him from acting on such a prevention.Rachel: No, was he any good in it?Monica: Rachel, he like, totally changed time.Rachel: Wow, so why don't you go talk to him?Monica: Oh, yeah.Rachel:What, so you go over there, you tell him you think he's cute, what's the worst that could happen?Monica: He could hear me.Rachel: OK, I'm doin' it for ya.Monica: Oh Rachel don't, don't you dare, don't. Tell him I cook.Rachel: Excuse me. Hi.Van Damme: Hi.Rachel:This is gonna sound kinda goofy but my friend over there, who cooks by the way, she thinks you're cute.goofy adj.silly愚笨的Van Damme: You don't think I'm cute?Rachel: I don't know, do you think you're cute? Ok, we're kinda gettin'off the track here.I was supposed to come here and tell you my friend thinks you're cute. So what should I tell her?get off the track v. deviate from(v.偏离) the main pointVan Damme: You can tell her I think her friend is cute.[Scene:back to Chandler and Susie,a voice in the background calls for makeup]]Susie: Oh that's me, I gotta go.Chandler: Oh OK.Susie:So listen, how many times am I gonna have to touch you on the arm before you ask me on a date.Chandler:Well, let's try one more... there you go, say Ernie's, 8 o'clock.Susie: I'll be there, and who knows, if things go well, maybe this time I'll get to see your underwear.Chandler: No one was around to hear that?[back to Rachel and Monica]Monica: So what'd he say?Rachel:Agh, what a jerk. I kept talking about you and he kept asking me out. I mean, naturally, you know, I said no.naturally adv.当然地[eg: Naturally you will want to discuss it with your wife]Monica: Well, thanks anyway.Rachel:He just kept asking, and asking, and asking, and asking, and asking.Monica: Rachel if you, if you want to go out with him, you can. Sounds like a big jerk to me but if that's what you want to do...Rachel: Jean-Claude she said yes, I'll see you tonight. Thank you.[Scene: Central Perk. Joey and the girls are sitting at the couches.]Rachel:And then Jean-Claude took me to that place Crossroads and that's where we hung out with Drew Barrymore.crossroad n.十字路口/Drew Barrymore (born February 22, 1975) is an American actress and film producer. She is the youngest member of the Barrymore family of American actors. She began acting when she was eleven months old. Barrymore made her screen debut in Altered States in 1980. Afterwards, she starred in her breakout role in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(n.外星人). She quickly became one of Hollywood's most recognized child actresses, going on to establish herself in mainly comic roles.Joey:Oh man, she's so smokin, she has got the greatest set of... no guys around.smoking adj.<俚> hotRachel: Does anybody need anything?Monica:Oh, I'll have an espresso. Oh acutally, I'll get it. If I ask you to, you'll probably end up drinking it yourself.espresso n.(用蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡/end up doing v.最终会Rachel: That is so unfair.Phoebe: I know. Oh, like you would drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme.Ross:Hey Joey I have to cancel racketball for tonight, that was Marcel's trainer. He's gonna let me have him for a couple of hours.Joey: You're blowin' me off for a monkey?blow sb off v.放弃与某人的约会Ross: Hey, we can reschedule for Saturday.reschedule vt.重新安排...的时间Joey: Yeah, unless you hook up with a bunch of pigeons.hook up with v.搭上/a bunch of pigeons n.一票鸽子Chandler: Hey, stick a fork in me, I am done.done adj.熟了Phoebe: Stick a fork what?Chandler: Like, when you're cooking a steak.Phoebe: Oh, Ok, I don't eat meat.Chandler: Well then, how do you know when vegetables are done?Phoebe: Well you know, you just, you eat them and you can tell. Chandler: Ok, then, eat me, I'm done.Chandler:I've met the perfect woman. Ok, we're sitting on her couch, we're fooling around, and then suddenly she turns to me and says, 'Do you ever want to do it in an elevator?'fool around v.make out亲热Monica: What did you say?Chandler:I believe my exact words were, 'Flaignen sten'. I mean I didn't know what to say, how do you know if you wanna do it on an elevator? Phoebe: Oh, you just know.[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Susie are making out on the couch.]Susie: Oh, shoot, we gotta go, got a reservation in 30 minutes.Chandler:Oh no no no no, no no no, you see, what I had planned shouldn't take more than two three minutes tops.Susie: Oh, 200 seconds of passion. We gotta go.Susie: But here's an idea, have you ever worn women's underwear?Chandler: Well, yes, actually, but they were my Aunt Edna's, and there were three of us in there.Susie:Well I was thinking it would be kind of sexy if you wore mine tonight, at dinner.Chandler: You want me to wear your panties?Susie: Could ya?Chandler: Well, if I was wearing your underwear,then what would you be wearing? You're swell.swell <口>很棒的一流的[eg:Our boy is doing swell at college][Scene: Ross's apartment. Ross is setting up for his time with Marcel. Joey is there.]Ross: Ok, got the music, got the dinner. Oh and check it out, I made Marcel's favorite dish, bananacake.Joey: Oooh.Ross: With mealworms.mealworm n.粉虱Joey: Candles. What do you think gonna happen here tonight?Ross:Hello. Oh hi, are you on your way over.. Oh. No, no, I understand, a monkey's gotta work. No, it's no big deal, it's not like I had anything special planned. Yeah Ok. Ok, bye.it's no big deal这没什么大不了[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Rachel are upset with each other. Phoebe is mediating.]mediate v.仲裁调停Phoebe: Ok, Rachel, why don't you start talking first.Rachel:Alright, I feel that this is totally unjustified. She gave me thegreen light, I did nothing but... Do you think I can't see you in the TV set?unjustified adj.不正当的完全没有道理的Phoebe: Alright Monica, if there is something that you would like to share...Monica: Ya know, you had no right to go out with him.Rachel: That is the most ridiculous.Monica:You sold me out.sell out v.背叛出卖Rachel: I did not sell you out.Monica: Yes you did. Absolutely.Rachel: Would you let me talk. (flicks Monica on the forehead)flick v.to strike lightly with a quick sharp motionMonica: Did you just flick me?Rachel: Ok, well, you wouldn't let me finish and I was just...(Monica flicks her back) Ow. That hurt.Monica: Quit flicking.Rachel: Ow, you stop flicking.Monica: You flicked me first.(They keep flicking each other. This turns into slapping each other. This leads to wrestling on the floor. All the while Phoebe is saying "Happy thoughts". Eventually Phoebe gets fed up.)slap v.拍掌击/wrestling/all the while adv.一直始终/fed up v.to be tired sated(adj.厌腻的),or disgusted beyond endurancePhoebe: OK, now I'm gonna kick some ass.(Phoebe grabs each of them by an ear)Monica & Rachel: Ow. Ow. Ow.Phoebe: Alright, now I will let go if you both stop.let go v.放开Rachel:Oh, what do you, you want me to stop seeing him, is that what you want?Monica: Uh-huh.Rachel: You want me to just call him up and tell him that you're seeing him instead? That's what you want?Monica: OK.Rachel: Oh that's what you want.Monica: Yes.Rachel: Fine.Monica: Fine.Phoebe:There we go.You know what, if we were in prison, you guys would be like my bitches.[Scene: A fancy restraunt. Joey, Ross, Chandler, Susie, and the Director's Assistant are there.]Ross: Thanks for letting me tag along tonight you guys.tag along v.follow another's lead especially in going from one place to another尾随Joey: Forget about it.Susie: How you doin there,squirmy?squirmy adj.扭曲的蠕动的[eg: The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kids]Chandler: I'm hangin in... and a little out.Joey:So, assistant to the director. That's a really exciting job, I mean,you must have a ton of cool responsibilities.Director's Assistant: I have nothing to do with casting.have nothing to do with v.与...无关/casting n.选角Joey: So what're you guys gonna eat?Susie:How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth and licking you all over?Chandler:Because I went to an all boys high school and God is making up for it.make up for v.补偿Susie: I want you right here, right now.Chandler:Right now, right here. Don't ya think we're in kind of a public plaaaa (Susie grabs him under the table)They do have the shrimp.shrimp n.虾Susie: Meet me in the bathroom.Chandler: I'm going to the bathroom now.[Scene: In the bathroom. Susie and Chandler are kissing. She backs into a stall.]stall n. a small compartment(厕所里的)隔间Susie: C'mon.Chandler: I can't believe we're doing this.Susie: Alright mister, let's see those panties.panties n.内裤Chandler: Alrighty.Susie: Ooh. Ooh. But ya know what would be even sexier?Chandler: What?Susie: If you didn't have your shirt tucked into them.tuck into v.藏进塞进Chandler: Oh.Susie:Alright. Now I would like to see you wearing nothing but them. Take your clothes off.Chandler:Ok, but I hope you realize this means we're gonna miss hearing about the specials.special n.(菜单上的)特色菜[eg: Thursday's special was steak]Susie: C'mon hurry, hurry.Chandler:Hey, do you want this done quick, or do you want this done right?Susie: Alright, turn around. Time to see you from behind.Chandler: OK.(She turns him facing the toilet and sneaks out of the stall and gathers up his clothes)sneak out of v.偷偷地逃/gather up v.收集起Susie: Oh, somebody's been doing his buns of steel video.buns n.(人的)臀部屁股/buns of steel n.a famous exercise training video to help people get fitChandler: Well, you want me to clench anything, or... Susie? Susie.clench v.夹紧Susie: This is for the fourth grade.Chandler: What do you mean?Susie:What do I mean. What do you mean what do I mean? I mean underpants, mister, that's what I mean.Chandler: What, what's what you mean?Susie:My skirt, you lifted, kids laughing. I was Susie Underpants 'till I was 18.lift v.掀起Chandler:That was in the fourth grade. How could you still be upset about that?Susie:Well, why don't you call me in 20 years and tell me if you're still upset about this.Chandler:Alright, I hope you realize you're not getting these underpants back.[Scene: Monica and Van Damme are walking down the street.]Monica:I can't believe this, just like 2 weeks ago I was watching Sudden Death, now I'm on a date with Jean-Claude Van Damme. Can you beat up that guy? Can you beat up that guy?beat up v.痛打/Sudden Death is a 1995 action movie, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. The film's story was written by Karen Elise Baldwin, the wife of then-Penguins owner, Howard Baldwin. It also features Dorian Harewood and Raymond J. Barry, and is directed by Peter Hyams. It has been rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. The film was shot during the 1994–95 NHL lockout(n.停工). The film also was the first appearance of, Iceburgh, the Penguins mascot. In the movie, Iceburgh's costume was worn by one of the villains and was referred to as "Icey" instead of "Iceburgh".Van Damme: Sure.Monica: This is so wild. I gotta admit, I was kinda surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date.a blind date n.从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会Van Damme: Normally, I would not do it.normally adv.通常情况下Monica: Well, what made you make the exception for me?make the exception v.破例Van Damme:'Cause Rachel told me you were dying to have a threesome with me and Drew Barrymore. By the way, Drew has some groundrules and...be dying to v.非常渴望/threesomen n.3P/groundrules n. A basic rule of procedure or behavior规矩底线[Scene: Back at Monica and Rachel's apartment. They are now fighting about what Rachel told Van Damme.]Monica: Say you're sorry.Rachel: No.Monica: Say it.Rachel: No.Monica: Rachel, you say you're sorry or your sweater gets it.Rachel:Ok, Ok, that is my favorite sweater, that is my third date sweater.Monica: Say you're sorry.Rachel: Ok, you wanna play? OK, let's play, let's play. (She grabs a jar of tomato sauce and Monica's purse)jar n.广口瓶/purse n.女式包Monica: What're you gonna do?Rachel: You give me back my sweater or it's handbag marinara.marinara n.(意大利烹饪用的含西红柿大蒜洋葱等调制成的)海员式沙司Monica: You don't have the guts.guts n.勇气胆量Rachel: Oh yeah. Well, at least I wasn't too chicken to tell some guy I thought he was cute.chicken adj.timid cowardly胆小的(Monica pulls a thread on Rachel's sweater and Rachel dumps the tomato sauce in Monica's purse)thread n.(一段)线Phoebe: Oh alright, stop, stop the madness. This is crazy. Who can even remember why this even started in the first place?(Monica and Rachel start yelling at the same time)Phoebe:Yes that's right. But still, I... look at your purse, look at your sweater, look at yourselves.Monica: I'll help you fix your sweater.fix v.修补Rachel: I'll help you throw out your purse.Monica: I'm sorry that I made you stop seeing him.Rachel: Well, I'm sorry I went out with him when I knew you liked him.Monica: I'm sorry that I borrowed your glovesglove n.手套[Scene: Back at the restroom at Marcel's. Chandler is still in the stall, Joey comes in to go to the bathroom.]restroom n.厕所(Joey starts whistling, Joey finishes the tune. Chandler whistles again.)whistle v.吹口哨/tune n.曲调Chandler: Joey?Joey: Ma?Chandler: Joey!Joey:Chandler? What're you still doin' here, I thought you guys took off.take off v.to start off or away离开Chandler: Oh, no no no, she took off with my clothes.Joey: Are you naked in there?Chandler: Not exactly... I'm wearin panties.Joey: Huh, you always wear panties?panties n. a woman's or child's undergarment(n.内衣) covering the lower trunk(n.主干) and made with closed crotch(n.胯部),usually used in plural (女用)内裤Chandler: No, no, this is the first time.Joey:Wow, talk about your bad luck, I mean, the first time you try panties and someone walks off with your clothes.walk off with v.偷走带走Chandler: I was not trying them out, Susie asked me to wear them. Joey: Well, let me see.Chandler: No. I'm not letting you or anybody else see, ever.Joey: Alright, alright.(climbs up in the next stall and looks over at Chandler) Woah, someone's flossing.floss is a form of female underwear so narrow as to effectively remove deposits(n.堆积物) from within surrounding(adj.周围的 crevices(n.裂缝). Similar to dental flossas used in the act of orthodontic hygiene(正牙卫生).Ross: Joey, some people don't like that.Joey: Chandler's wearing panties.Ross: What? Let me see. (climbs up in the other adjoining stall)adjoining adj.邻接的隔壁的Chandler: No, no, you don't have to see.Ross: Hi Tushie.tushie <俚> the buttocksChandler: Alright, one of you give me your underpants.Joey: Can't help you, I'm not wearing any.Chandler: How can you not be wearing any underwear?Joey: Oh, I'm gettin' heat from the guy in the hot pink thong.thong n. A garment(n.衣服) for the lower body that exposes the buttocks, consisting of a narrow strip(n.条) of fabric(n.织物) that passes between the thighs(n.大腿) supported by a waistband(n.腰带).Chandler:Alright look Ross I'll give you 50 dollars for your underpants.All: Hi.(Back at the table. Joey and Ross return. Shortly, Chandler comes out, holding the stall door in front of him, and leaves.)[Scene: Central Perk. Ross, Phoebe, and Chandler are sitting.]Chandler: Hey Phoebs, can I have the milk after you?Phoebe: I'm almost done with it, keep your panties on.Joey: Hey, hey, and I'm in the movie.Ross: What happened?Joey: One of the virus victims called in sick, so Cathy recommended me and boom, I'm dying on the gurney. Oh Ross, Marcel just finished his last scene if you want to go down there and say goodbye.call in sick v.打电话请病假/gurney n.(医院里推送病人用的)轮床Ross:Oh, that's OK, I mean, he's probably got parties to go to and stuff. But he's moved on. Hey, that's the way it goes right?Phoebe: Oh my God.Ross: What?("Looks Like We Made It" starts playing and we enter a whole sequence of Marcel and Ross having fun in the city.)a sequence of adj.一连串[Scene: City street. Whole gang is there seeing off Marcel. Marcel is driven off in a limo]limo n.豪华轿车Phoebe: You know, I think I want to write a song about all this.Rachel: Oh yeah.Phoebe:Yeah. Oh, except one of the strings on my guitar is broken. Hey, Chandler, can I borrow your G-string?G-string n.a strip of cloth passed between the legs and supported by a waist cord that is worn especially by striptease(n.脱衣舞) dancersChandler: How long you been waitin' to say that?Phoebe: About 20 minutes.Closing Credits[Scene: Filming a scene from the movie. Joey is dying on a gurney, Van Damme is looking over him.]Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.dying adj.垂死的Director: Cut.Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.Director: Cut.Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.Joey: MommyDirector: Cut.Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dead. (the guys pulls the blanket over Joey)END。
老友记 六人行 第二季第二十三集经典笔记
The One With the Chicken Pox Originally written by Brown Mandell.Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.223 出水痘菲比的海军恋人莱恩(反斗神鹰查理辛)来探望她,要呆两个星期;他们本计划好好玩玩,不想菲比出水痘,并且传染给了莱恩。
[Scene: Central Perk. Rachel, Monica, Joey, and Chandler are there.][Rachel brings a muffin to Chandler and Monica who are sitting on the couch.]muffin n.松饼RACHEL: Ok, Chandler, Mon, there's only one bananna nut muffin left.[Rachel holds the tray between them. Chandler grabs the muffin before Monica can.]MONICA: Oh, I ordered mine first.CHANDLER: Yeah, but I'm, I'm so much faster...MONICA: Give it to me.CHANDLER: No.MONICA: Give it to me.CHANDLER: Ok, you can have it. [He licks it and offers it to her.]MONICA: [She grabs the coffee cup on the table and licks the rim.] There you go, enjoy your coffee.CHANDLER: That was there when I got here那杯不是我的. [Takes a bite of his muffin.]PHOEBE: [enters] Hey you guys, you will never guess who's coming to New York.MONICA: [Chandler tries to come back with a smart-ass remark but can't swallow the muffin.] Quick, Phoebe, tell us before he can swallow. come back with努力说出/[Chandler tries to come back with a smart-ass remark but can't swallow the muffin.]: smart-ass means someone who is always trying to seem cleverer than everyone else in a way(在某种程度上) that is annoyingPHOEBE: Oh ok, Ryan, that guy I went out with, who's in the Navy海军. [Chandler is visibly upset]RACHEL: You went out with a guy in the Navy?PHOEBE: Yeah, I met him when I was playing guitar in Washington Square Park. Ryan threw in salt water taffy 'cause he didn't have any change. taffy(=toffee) 太妃糖,乳脂糖/salt water taffy盐水太妃糖/change n.零钱JOEY: Hey, is that when you wrote salt water taffy man?PHOEBE: No. No, he is my submaring guy. He resurfaces like every couple years and we have the most amazing three days together. Only this time he's coming for two weeks. Two whole weeks, which means yay. submarine n.潜水艇/resurface vi.(潜水艇)浮上水面RACHEL: So wait, this guy goes down for like two years at a time?at a time adv.每次, 在某时[Once again, Chandler has a bite in his mouth and can't come back恢复.] MONICA: That'll teach you to lick my muffin谁叫你舔我的松饼.ROSS: [enters] Hiii.JOEY: Oh no, what happened?ROSS: Well, I just spoke to Carol. Ben's got the chicken pox.chicken pox n.<医>水痘ALL: Oh no.ROSS: Yeah, so if you haven't already had it,chances are you're gonna get it.chances are……(放在句首)有可能RACHEL: Well I've had it.JOEY: Yeah, I've had it.MONICA: Had it.CHANDLER: Had it.PHOEBE: Well, I've never had it, I feel so left out我感觉被遗弃了.[Sees a red bump(n.肿块) on her arm.] Oh look!OPENING TITLES[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Richard are in her bedroom.]MONICA: Honey, you made the bed again. I told you, you don't have to do that. This isn't camp.make the bed铺床RICHARD: Ooh, then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for. Ok, I am going to take a shower and today I will be singing Jim Crochee's Leroy Brown.panty n.女内裤/panty raid内裤大袭击/uncalled for adj.不必要的,不适当的,没有理由的/Ooh, then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for: panty raid is a raid on a women's dormitory by college men usually to obtain panties as trophies; uncalled for means unjustified, improper[He walks out of the bedroom and Monica starts to remake the bed.]RICHARD: Monica... [He re-enters the bedroom and Monica jumps on the bed, trying to cover it.] Hey Mon, I have a question. Is Leroy the baddest man in the whole damn town or the fattest man in the whole damn town?Bad Bad Leroy Brown:理查德在洗澡时哼的歌,但他搞不清楚究竟是bad bad Leroy brown(坏怀的勒罗伊·布朗)还是fat fat Leroy Brown(胖胖的勒罗伊·布朗),莫尼卡告诉他是前者。
六人行全十季笔记解析《六人行全十季笔记解析》第一季: 看似普通的六人行第一集:首次相聚本集主要介绍了六个主要角色的背景和他们之间的关系。
第二季: 爱情纷争的六个人第四集:瑞秋征服所需瑞秋试图打扮更吸引人,但遇见了前男友巴里。
第三季: 六人行的波折与成长第七集:莫妮卡租了个贵宾房莫妮卡为追踪前男友理查德而搬进了一间昂贵的公寓。
第四季: 成长与理解第十集:瑞秋的一个大秘密瑞秋发现她怀孕了,但不确定是谁的孩子。
well received:口碑好原句:I can tell you that they all have been very well received.我可以告诉你们每本书口碑都很好help sb out:帮助某人原句:It would really help me out.parent- teacher conferences:家长会原句:We know how tough those parent- teacher conferences can be. 谁都知道参加家长会很辛苦lifelike:栩栩如生原句:He's so lifelike. 真是栩栩如生啊get acquainted:了解原句:I'll let you two guys get acquainted. 你们两个了解下对方state of the art:先进原句:it's absolutely state of the art. 它非常先进take a seat:坐一下原句:Why don't we all take a seat? 大家都坐吧pop into head:想到原句:Whatever pops into your head. 想到什么就聊什么look for date:泡妞原句:But not l ooking for dates. 不是去泡小妞儿creeps sb out:吓到某人原句:No, the little girl creeps me out.as long as it's a compliment:只要是好话save the trouble of:省掉...的功夫原句:It’d save me the trouble of killing him. 省得我宰掉他的功夫talk sb up:把某人捧上天原句:And I can talk you up! 我可以把你捧上天。
老友记六人行第一季第二十一集经典笔记The One With The Fake MonicaWritten by: Adam Chase and Ira UngerleiderTranscribed by guineapig121 假莫妮卡莫妮卡的信用卡被盗用;当收到信用卡消费帐单后,她发现小偷过着她梦想要但是又舍不得过的生活。
乔伊给自己想了个艺名Holden McGroin[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is looking at papers.] Joey: How could someone get a hold of your credit card number?get (a) hold of v.抓住, 得到Monica: I have no idea. But look how much they spent!Rachel:Monica, would you calm down? The credit card people said that you only have to pay for the stuff that you bought.calm down v.平静下来,镇定下来Monica: I know. It's just such reckless spending.reck v.顾虑,介意/reckless adj.不计后果的/reckless spending 挥霍无度Ross:I think when someone steals your credit card, they'vekind of already thrown caution(v.警告n.谨慎小心) to the wind 将警惕抛在风中,也就是毫无警惕。
老友记 六人行 第六季第二十二集经典笔记
The One Where Paul’s The ManTeleplay by: Sherry Bilsing & Ellen PlummerStory by: Brian CaldirolaTranscribed by: Eric Aasen622 Paul的故事莫妮卡参观当地一家博物馆时,填写了在此举行婚礼的预定申请,而其时她同钱德根本还没有订婚。
6.22 The One Where Paul's The ManMonica, not yet engaged, gets on a two-year waiting list to hold a wedding at a local museum;however, due to a cancellation, the museum calls and offers her a spot sooner, to Chandler's surprise.He freaks out... or so it seems.Paul tells Ross to stop dating Elizabeth;Ross and Elizabeth go away for a secret weekend at her grandmother's cabin, but Paul and Rachel show up there as well.Ross gets away with(v.侥幸逃脱惩罚) it, thanks to some emotional blackmail(n.勒索).Joey, back in show businees, tries to get his celebrity picture back on a dry cleaner's wall.Gunther realizes Joey's not working at the coffee house any more.[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, and Joey are there as Phoebe enters.]Phoebe: (dejected) Hi, you guys.Chandler: Hey!Monica: Hi!Rachel:What’s the matter?Phoebe:Well it’s just—it’s one of those situations that I just hate. Y’know? A massage client gave me three tickets to the Helmut-Peltz exhibit at the Morgan Chase museum.Morgan Chase Museum:菲比的按摩顾客给了她三张去“摩根大通博物馆(Morgan Chase Museum)”看展览的机会,这是摩根大通公司捐资兴建的工艺品博物馆/JPMorgan Chase is one of the oldest financial services firms in the world. The company, headquartered in New York City, is a leader in investment banking(n.投资银行业务), financial services, asset and wealth management and private equity(n.资产净值). With assets of $1.4 trillion(n.万亿), JPMorgan Chase is currently the 3rd largest banking institution in the United States, behind Bank of America and Citigroup. The hedge fund(n. 投机性的投资团体) unit of JPMorgan Chase is the largest hedge fund in the United States with $34 billion in assets as of 2007 . Formed in 2000 with the merger of the Chase Manhattan Corporation and J.P. Morgan & Co., the firm serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world's mostprominent(adj.卓越的) corporate, institutional and governmental clients.Joey:(nodding knowingly) Now you’re thinking you gotta sleep with him.knowingly adv.会意地Phoebe:No! No! It’s just that he gave me three tickets and there are six of us!Chandler:I’ll give u p my ticket.Joey: Me too.Phoebe:Okay that’s so generous!Chandler: And I think Ross is generous too.Phoebe:Great! Okay then it’s just us girls!Monica and Rachel: (less than enthused) Great.Phoebe: Yeah.Rachel: So what-what is the exhibit.Phoebe: I t’s mostly just photographs of lesbian love scenes interspersed with video games and free sandwiches.intersperse vt.散布点缀/intersperse with v.用...点缀着lesbian love sceneJoey: Oh man! (Hits Chandler)Ross: (entering) Hey!Rachel: Hi!Chandler: Hey!Joey: Hey Ross listen Chandler got you out of going to the lesbian sandwich museum this weekend!Ross: Thanks? But I have plans; Elizabeth and I are going out of town.Monica:Oh that’s great!Ross: Yeah.Monica:I mean think about all the money that you’re gonna make!Ross: Why? What?Monica: Well, her father pays you for baby-sitting right?baby-sit vi.担任临时保姆照顾婴儿Ross: No, no, that’s funny. But maybe it’s time to move on, let it go, y’know? Stop it! Besides, Rachel is going out with Elizabeth’s father, so ah, he’s much older than she is. Looks like I’m not the only one interested in fossils, huh?Rachel: I mean Ross all that does is remind us that you areinterested in fossils.Ross: Okay, okay. Uh, well uh, Rachel is going to need to yell sweet nothings (Paul enters) in his ear.nothing n.微不足道的事无关紧要之事(And walks up right behind Ross, and standard sitcom joke 2B follows with the person being insulted standing right behind the person doing the insulting while the rest of the people become frightened and try to warn the insulter about the ins ultee’s presence.)Chandler: Ross.Ross:Oh, come on you guys; that’s funny! Y’know? Because he’s need—he’s got like a hearing aid y’know, ‘cause-‘causey’know,‘cause he’s all old, and…hearing aid n.助听器(Paul reveals his presence by laughing, thus concluding standard sitcom joke 2B. Paul then pulls Ross aside to have a little chat with him and tells the rest of the group that he’ll just be one second.)Paul: Okay look, Ross, just so you know since Lizzie likes you so much, I’ve decided to accept the fact that you’re going out with her.Ross:Really? That okay, that’s great.Paul: Yeah. But then I changed my mind. I’m funny like that. So I told Lizzie, now I’m telling you, I don’t want you seeing my daughter anymore.Ross: All right look, I-I realize it upsets you.Paul: Yes it does.Ross: But, Elizabeth and I are-are both adults and so I don’t think there’s really anything you can do about it.Paul:I’ll call the university and tell them about your relationship and have you fired.Ross: Ohh! A man with a plan!Opening Credits[Scene: A Dry Cleaners, Joey is there with Phoebe and is trying to get his picture put back amongst the other celebrities hanging on the walls.]dry cleaner n.干洗店/amongst prep.在…中间Phoebe: Oh, this is so exciting! You get your picture back up on the wall of fame! Eek!Joey: I know.He's got all the big actors. It was so cool when I was up there before. Me and Jim Belushi would just be crackin’up about something… Then I get fired off of Days Of Our Lives and he takes me down. Now he’s just laughing at me. Look at him, that smug Belushi bastard, I’ll…crack up<俚>To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement[I really cracked up when I heard that joke]/smug adj.自鸣得意的/Jim Belushi,:乔伊要把自己的照片放到一家干洗店的名人照片墙上,这些照片的主人翁都曾到这里来干洗衣服。
老友记六人行第六季第二十集经典笔记Written by: Doty AbramsTranscribed by: Eric AasenWith Scenes Taken From Episodes Transcribed by: Mindy Mattingly Phillips, guineapig, Ruth Curran, Josh Hodge, and Me. 620 《麦克和奇思》乔伊去一个新的电视连续剧试镜,并且留下了联络方法。
6.20 The One With Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E.Joey auditions for a new TV show and makes the call-back list(进入了复选名单);but when the call-back time gets changed, Chandler neglects to give Joey the message.Chandler has a chance to redeem(v.挽回赎回补偿) himself when he takes a message that the part is available again.Phoebe and Ross help Joey run his lines(v.过台词), and they become convinced that they're great actors.Monica doesn't like the chick and the duck.We see flashbacks to earlier episodes demonstrating: Joey's acting; thepressure everyone feels at work; Chandler's mistakes; Joey's mistakes; friendsfighting and making up; Chandler and Joey hugging.[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Phoebe is helping Joey rehearse for an audition. Phoebe is overacting her part.]We've got 3 minutes till the reactor blows, we’re never gonna make it!reactor n.反应堆/blow vt. 使爆炸[eg: The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens(n.碎片)]You’ve got to get out of here! Save yourself!No! I won’t leave you!Don’t worry about me, I’m a robot! I’m just a machine!!No you’re not! Not to me!(she stops reading from the script) Oh my God.What?I am talented!Yeah, you’re great! Okay, let’s take it from…(interrupting) No, I mean I was really acting my ass off.act one’s ass off <俚>超会演/laugh my ass off<口>笑死我了笑得我下巴都掉了Yeah, I thought I was pretty good too.Oh yeah, you’re solid. Yeah, you’re just no me. solid <俚>(表演)精彩的Y’know what? I think that’s enough for now. Yeah. I don’twant to be over-rehearsed.(tremendously overacting) Fine! I’ll do it without you!(Joey gives her thumbs up) I don’t need you or anybody else! I’m gonna make it on my own! (Joey closes the door to his bedroom.) You’ll see!! You’ll see!!tremendously adv.可怕地非常地[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Joey is memorizing his lines. Chandler, Rachel, and Phoebe are there as well.](To Joey) So uh, what’s this thing you’re auditioning for?Oh, it’s a new TV show. Yeah. I’m up for the part of MacMacaveli or "Mac." Yeah, I’m a detective and I solve crimes with thehelp of my robot partner. He’s a, he’s a Computerized Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer or-or "C.H.E.E.S.E."with the help of adv.在…的帮助下/humanoid adj.有人的特征的/enforcer n.实施者So Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.That’s the title! Yeah! Y’know they really lucked out thatthe initials spell cheese.luck out v.运气特好That is lucky.Huh—Wait so Joey if you get this, you’re gonn a be like thestar of your own TV show! I mean you’ll be like the Big Cheese! (To Phoebe) Or the Big Mac—Hey! You those!The Big Mac is a type of cheeseburger(n. 夹干酪和碎牛肉的三明治), a signature sandwich sold by the McDonald's chain of fast-food restaurants since 1968, madewith beef patties(<美>肉饼), lettuce(n.莴苣), cheese, pickles(n.泡菜) and onion, with a "special sauce" and a sesame seed bun(n.小圆面包). The Big Mac was inventedin Pittsburgh by Jim Delligatti in 1967. Customer response around there was so good that it rolled-out(v.大量生产) nationally in1968.According to a famous advertisingjingle(n.广告歌), it consists of "two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce,cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun," though the most distinctive feature is a middle layer of bread used to stabilizecontents and prevent spillage(n.溢出).Well, don’t get your hopes up, because probably not gonnahappen.get one’s hopes up v.抱太大期望Now-now, why would you say that Joseph?I mean come on you guys! My own TV show? I just I don’t know ifI’m good enough.I am.Joey, what are you talking about? You’re a terrific actor.You really think so?Ugh, how can you even ask that question?![And with that we go into the save the budget portion of the show, which features flashbacks from previous episodes. The first set of auditions feature highlights or lowlights of Joey’s acting career.The first flashback is from The One With The Lesbian Wedding.] [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is there to watch Joey's first scene as Dr. Drake Remoray.]Whoa, she's pretty. (Mentioning the girl on TV)Yeah, and oh she's really nice too. She taught me all aboutyou know how to work the cameras, and smell-the-fart acting.fart <俗>屁I'm sorry, what?What?Excuse me?It's like, you got so many lines to learn so fast, thatsometimes you need a minute to remember your next one. So whileyou're thinkin' of it, you take this big pause where you look all intense, you know, like this. (Does this intense look where it looks like he's smelling a fart.)intense adj.剧烈的严肃的Oh, ok.(there's a gunshot on TV) There's my scene, there's my scene.[Joey on tv] "Mrs. Wallace, I'm Dr. Drake Ramoray, your sister's neurosurgeon. Your sister is suffering from a..." (Does the smell- the-fart look.)neurosurgeon n.神经外科医生/suffer from v.得了…(一种病) [The next flashback is from The One With The Butt. The gang iswatching Joey in Freud!](on stage in an Austrian accent) Vell, Eva, ve've done someexcellent vork here, and I vould have to say, your pwoblem isqviiiteclear. (He goes into a song and dance number.)All you want is a tinkle,What you envy's a schwang,A thing through which you can tinkle,Or play with, or simply let hang...austrian adj.奥地利的/number n.韵律/tinkle<俚>what little kids say when they have to pee...尿尿/schwang<俚> a slang form of the word penis [The next flashback is also from The One With The Butt and it's alsoon the soundtrack. He's Joey telling everyone about his big break in Monica and Rachel's apartment.]soundtrack n.电影配音I play Al Pacino's butt. All right? He goes into the shower,and then- I'm his butt.(trying not to laugh) Oh my God.C'mon, you guys. This is a real movie, and Al Pacino's in it,and that's big!Oh no, it's terrific, it's- it's- y'know, you deserve this,after all your years of struggling, you've finally been able tocrackyour way into show business.crack vt.强行进入Okay, okay, fine! Make jokes, I don't care! This is a big breakfor me!You're right, you're right, it is.Yes.So you gonna invite us all to the big opening?[Cut back to Joey about to leave for his audition for Mac andC.H.E.E.S.E.]All right well, I’m outta here. Wish me luck.Gooood luck! (overacting with a song this time) (singing)Gooood luck! We all wish you good luuuuuuuuck!!!Yeah, whatever. (Exits.)Wow, if l could dance, l'd be a triple threat.triple threat n.具有三种专长的多面手[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Ross are playing chess and are both studying the board intently.]intently adv.专心地It’s your turn.Oh, are we playing this?!(entering, dejectedly) Hey.Hey! How’d the audition go?Terrible! I messed up line! I shouldn’t even an actor!Wait a minute, are you doing that thing where you pretend itdidn’t go well but it really did go well?Yeah, did I fool ya我唬弄到你们了吗?Totally!So it did go well.Oh, it went well!Great!Oh that’s great!Yeah-yeah, it’s down to me and two other guys.Oh my God!Wow!And I know both of them, they’re really good. One of them isthe guy from those allergy commercials w ho’s always getting chased by those big flowers…allergy n.<医>敏感症Oh, I love that guy! (Laughs.)Oh-oh, what are you doing?(stops laughing) What I doing?I’m just so nervous! Y’know? The callback isn’t untiltomorrow at five. I feel like my head is going to explode! callback n.复面Well, it is overdue.overdue ing or arriving after the scheduled or expected time 晚来的Look, don’t worry. Okay? You’re gonna be fine.There’s just so much pressure. I mean no offense, but what you guys do is very d ifferent. I don’t know if you’d understand.Yeah, none of the rest of us have to deal with pressure at ourjobs.[Thus starts another series of flashbacks all dealing with thepressure the rest of the Friends have to deal with in their jobs. Thefirst flashback is from The One With The Stoned Guy.] [Scene: Chandler's office. He's on the phone, agitated.]agitated adj.troubled emotionally and usually deeply 焦躁不安的(on phone) Yes, Fran. I know what time it is, but I'mlooking at the WENUS and I'm not happy![The next flashback is from The One With The Prom Video. Monica is at a job interview at a new restaurant.]Alright, well I'm tearing the lettuce.tear v.撕开撕裂/lettuce n.莴苣生菜lettuceUh-huh. Is it dirty?Oh-oh, no no don't worry, I'm gonna wash it.Don't, I like it dirty.That's your call由你来定.call n.(比赛时裁判的)判定判决So, uh, what are you going to do next?Well, I thought that I would cut up the tomatos.Are they, uh, firm?firm adj.坚硬的They'r alright.You sure they haven't gone bad? You're sure they're notvery, very bad?No really, they're OK.You gonna slice them up real nice?slice sth up v.切片Actually, I was gonna do them julienne. julienne a.切丝的切细的n. 肉汁菜丝清汤Aaaahhhhhhh.I'm outa here. [Monica leaves][The next flashback is from The One With Rachel's Crush.][Scene: Bloomingdale’s, Rachel’s new job.](on the phone) Monica, I’m quitting! I just helped an 81year old woman put on a thong and she didn’t even buy it! (Pause) I’m telling you I’m quitting! That’s it! I’m tal king to my boss right now! (Pause) Yes I am! (Pause) Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am!Yes I am! Yes I am! Okay bye, call me when you get this message.(Hangs up.)thong[The next flashback is from The One With The Dozen Lasagnas, Phoebe is telling everyone but Rachel about the pass Paulo made on her.] make a pass at<俚>对某人作非礼举动性骚扰[eg: Paolo made a pass at me]Well, what happened?Well, he came in for a massage and everything was fineuntil... (The flashback shows Paulo lying face down on the massage table and slowly moving his hands up Phoebe's legs and grabbing her butt.)Ohhhhhh!Oh my God!And all of the sudden his hands weren't the problem anymore. (The flashback shows Paulo rolling over and showing Phoebe his equipment.)Was it...Oh, Boy Scouts could've camped under it!boy scout n.男童子军[The next flashback is from The One With Ross's Sandwich, Ross his confronting his boss about him eating Ross's sandwich.]You ate my sandwich?It was a simple mistake. It could happen to anyone.(getting upset) Oh-oh really?Now-now calm down. Come look in my office, some of itmay still be in the trash.(jumping to his feet in anger) What?Well, it was quite large. I-I-I-I-I had to throw mostof it away.You-you-you-you (trying to remain in control) threw my sandwich away![Cut to an outside shot of the museum.](losing control, we hear him shout outside) MY SANDWICH?!!![Cut to a shot of a park.](Ross's scream scares a flight of pigeonsaway.)[Cut back to Central Perk.]I want t his part so much! Y’know? If I don’t get this partMacaroni and Cheese again!—No, I didn’t say I’m never gonna eat that! That’s a lie.macaroni n.通心面Macaroni and Cheese[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Chandler is there talking to thechick and duck.]Oh come on guys, it’s not like I moved to Europe! I justmoved to across the hall! And would have you over all the time ifit weren’t for (struggles to get this out) Monica’s allergies.(Theduck quacks.) You’re right, I could never lie to yo u. She hates you.(The phone rings.) Should I get that? (Laughs, then answers thephone.) Hello? (Listens) Uh no, Joey’s not here right now. Can Itake a message? (Listens) Yeah, okay so the audition has been moved from 5:00 to 2:30? (Listens) Okay great. (Listens.) Bye. (Hangs up the phone and goes to write the message on the Magna-Doodle on thedoor but Monica walks in and forces him to jump out of the way.) have sb over v.将某人请过来Magna-Doodle(startled) Ahh! Aren’t you dressed yet?(looks down at his clothes) Am I naked again?!We’re supposed to meet my parents in 15 minutes.Yeah okay, I was just talking to the guys. Just look atthem I mean, is it okay if they come visit?Wh?! What about my allergies?!Oh right, your allergies. (Monica leaves and to the chickand duck) All her, she hates you. (Chandler leaves without finishing the message for Joey.)[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Joey and Chandler are playingfoosball and Joey scores a goal.]Yes!! Ha-ha!! All right! Hey! How cool would it be if you couldwatch like a real life-sized version of this? Huh? I mean how crazy would that be?As crazy as soccer?(The phone rings and Joey answers it.)(on phone) Hello? (Listens) What are you talking about? Theaudition’s not‘til 5:00! (Chandler suddenly remembers and looks at the unfinished message then tries to sneak over and finish it asJoeylistens.) Well, nobody told me! (Listens) Who’d you talk to?(Listens and turns around to see Chandler trying to finish themessage.) Nevermind! (Hangs up.)You mean you didn’t get it from this?The allergy guy got the part! Thanks!Well, maybe we can fix it y’know? Maybe we can send himsome-some big-big flowers and scare him!How could you do this to me Chandler?! This part could’veturned my whole career around!turn around v.颠覆I messed up. Okay? I’m sorry, I really messed up.Hey, you don’t even live here anymore! What are you doinganswering my phone? I have my machine!Which I bought for ya. Taught ya how to use it. You thoughtit was a copier. Look, if there was anything I could do, I would do it. Okay? But everybody’s allowed one mistake, right? copier n.复印机[Joey just laughs as a third set of flashbacks featuring Chandler’s mistakes starts. The first flashback is from The One With The Prom Video. It's Chandler telling Phoebe how much he hates the bracelet Joey bought him. They're both at Central Perk.]bracelet n.手镯You know he coulda gotten me a VCR, he coulda gotten me a set ofgolf clubs, but no, he has to get me the woman repeller! The eyesore from the Liberace house of crap!VCR abbr.VideoCassette Recorder 录象机/golf club n.高尔夫球棍/eyesore n.丑的东西眼中钉/References in popular culture: fiends (TV series): Chandler sarcasticallymocks Joey's purchase and gift of a golden "friendship bracelet", calling it an"eyesore from the Liberace House of Crap" /Wladziu ValentinoLiberace (May 16,1919 – February 4, 1987), better known by the stage name Liberace, was an Americanentertainer(n.艺人).He had a network television program "TheLiberace Show"beginning on July 1, 1952 which, for a time(adv.一度), had higher ratings than ILove Lucy. His brother George led the program's backing band. He became known for his extravagant costumes, personal charm and self-deprecating(n.自嘲) wit(n.智慧). His public image became linked with one ever-present(adj.being present always)stage prop(n.道具=property), a silver candelabrum(n.分枝烛台) perched(v.位于) on his piano. By 1955 he was making $50,000 per week at the Riviera nightclub in LasVegas and had over 160 official fan clubs with a quarter of amillion member fans(who throughout his career were mostly middle-aged women). He received a star onthe Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1960 for his contributions to the television industry.In 1966 he appeared in two highly-rated episodes of the U.S. televisionseries Batman.It's not that bad.Oh, yeah, easy for you to say, you don't have to walkaround sporting some reject from the Mr. T collection. (Joey walksinbehind Chandler)sport vt. <口>炫耀夸示[eg: sport one's wealth]/Laurence Tureaud (born May 21, 1952),better known as Mr. T, was most notably a star of the 1980s television series TheA-Team. Mr. T is famous for his trademark Mohawk-style haircut and for the manygold chains he wears around his neckChandler, Chandler.(in Mr.T’s tone)I pity the fool who puts on my jewelry, Ido, I do. I pity the fool that. . . (turns around and sees Joey)Hi!pity v.(觉得)可怜[The next flashback is from The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line. He's telling Joey that he kissed Cathy.]Yeah, I mean when you were late last night, Kathy and Igot to talking, and one thing lead to another and…And what?! Did you sleep with her?!No! No! No! I just kissed her.What?!! That’s even worse!!How is that worse?!I don’t know! But it’s the same!You’re right, I have no excuses! I was totally over the line.Over the line?! You-you’re-you’re so far past the line, that you-you can’t even see the line! The line is a dot to you! so far adv.就此范围(程度)来说[Cut b ack to Joey and Rachel’s apartment.]Look, I’m not saying that you should magically forgive me!But you’re not perfect! You’ve made some errors in judgment too!Name one![Chandler proceeds to point out Joey’s errors in this forth set of flashbacks. The first flashback is from The One With The Cat. Chandler has just returned home to see that their apartment has been cleaned out and finds Joey trapped in the entertainment center.] (lets him out) What happened?!!(getting out) Awww, man! He promised he wouldn’t take thechairs!!What the hell happened?!! How were you locked in?!! Andwhere the hell is all of our stuff?!!Well, this guy came by to look at the unit and-and he said hedidn’t think big enough to fit a grown man!So--You got in ?!I w as tryin’to make a sale!! Oh, man, if I ever run into thatguy again, do you know what I’m gonna do?BEND OVER?!!!bend over v.鞠躬弯下腰[The next flashback is from The One With The Candy Hearts. Joey and Chandler are waiting at a restaurant as Lorraine and her friend arrive.]Ok, now, remember, no trading. You get the pretty one, Iget the mess.Hi, Joey.(Sees Chandler.) Well well, look what you brought....And what did you bring?She's checking her coats. Joey, I'm gonna go wash the cabsmell off my hands. Will you get me a white Zinfandel, and a glass ofred for Janice.Zinfandel n.馨芳葡萄酒/red <口>红酒Janice?(Lorraine leaves. Joey shakes his head as though to say, 'It can't bethe same Janice.' Janice enters.)Janice?!Oh.... my.... God.[The next flashback is from The One With Ross's New Girlfriend. Chandler is telling Ross and Joey that Joey's tailortook advantage of him.]Joey's tailor...took advantage of me.take advantage of <口> To profit selfishly by; exploit[eg: took advantage of thecustomer]<俚>吃豆腐(=make a pass at)What?No way! I've been going to the guy for 12 years.Oh come on! He said he was going to do my inseam, and heran his hand up my leg, and then, there was definite...What?Cupping.cup vt. 使(手掌)成杯状/cupping<俚>To weigh, with one's hands, someones testicles(<解>睾丸)[eg:I was feeling bad, until Brian gave me some cupping. I felt betterafterwards]That's how they do pants! Ross, will you tell him? Isn't thathow they measure pants?Yes, yes it is. In prison![Cut back to the present.]I said name one![Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Monica and Rachel areconsoling Chandler.]I can’t believe I did this! What an idiot!Oh, stop beating yourself up! People make mistakes! Thesethings happen! There aren’t any message you’ve forgotten to give meare there? (Chandler has a disgusted look on his face.) Apparently you’re not very good at it! I… beat oneself up v.自责自我苛责Do you think he’ll ever forgive me?Of course he will! But Chandler the most important thing isyou forgive yourself!Y’know what? I-I kinda have.Already? That’s pretty bad what you did.Y’know what? He forgive you. And I like to bring a pad with me when I go answer the phone just in case… (Chandler gets thatdisgusted look back.) Okay…You didn’t see how mad he was, y’know?I’m sure he will forgive you. Look, we have all been there!Y’know, you fight, you make up, it’s just the way it works. makeup v.和解和好[We then go into another set of flashbacks of famous fights. The first is the second breakup of Ross and Rachel from The One With The Jellyfish.]It took people to break up this relationship!!Yeah! You and that girl from that copy place, which yesterdayyou took full responsibility for!!I didn’t know what I was tak ing full responsibility for! Okay?!I didn’t finish the whole letter!What?!!I fell asleep!(mocking him) You fell asleep?!It was 5:30 in the morning, and you had rambled on for 18 pages.Front and back!! (they go into the living room, trapping Monica, Chandler, and Joey in the kitchen) (to Rachel) Oh-oh-oh, and by the way, Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E means ‘you are,’ Y-O-U-R means‘your!’ ramble vi.漫谈漫笔没完没了地说(写)(+on/about)[eg: She rambled on about herchildren]/apostorphe:’Y'know I can’t believe I even about getting back together again! We are so over!!(starts to cry) FINE BY ME!! (he opens the door and traps Chandler behind it)And hey! Just so you know, it’s that common! Ithappen to every guy! And it a big deal!!(coming out from behind the door) I KNEW IT!!!![The next flashback is from The One After The Superbowl, Part II. Monica and Rachel are fighting over who gets to see Jean-Claude Van Damme.]You had no right to go out with him.That is the most ridiculous...You sold me out.I did not sell you out.Yes you did. You absolutely sold me...Would you let me talk. (flicks Monica on the forehead)flick v.轻弹弹脑门Did you just flick me?OK, well, you wouldn't let me finish and I was jus- [Monicaflicks her back] Ow. That hurt [flicks Monica](They keep flicking each other. This turns into slapping each other.) slap vt.拍击Oh! All right. Now, let's not do this!(Rachel tackles Monica onto the couch.)Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!(They wrestle on the couch for a little while until Monica gets the upper hand and pulls Rachel off of the couch by her sock. Monica removes Rachel's sock and starts beating her with it.This leads to wrestling on the floor. This finally angers Phoebe.)the upper hand n.优势OK, now I'm gonna kick some ass.(Phoebe grabs each of them by an ear.)Ow! Ow! Ow!ow int.表示突然疼痛所发出之声I know! I know! I know!Alright, now I will let go if you both stop.Fine!Fine!There we go这不就行了.You know what, if we were in prison, you guys would be, like, my bitches.bitch<俚>喽罗[The next flashback is from The One Where No One's Ready. Joey is retaliating against Chandler hiding his underwear by wearing a whole bunch of clothes.]retaliate v.报复Okay, buddy-boy. Here it is. You hide my clothes, I'm wearingeverything you own.Oh my God!Look at me! I'm Chandler! Could I wearing any more clothes? Maybe ifI wasn't going commando...commando n.突击(部)队突击队员(Chandler does this throat sound.)Yeah. Whew, it's hot with all of this stuff on. I ah, I betternot do any, I don't know, lunges. (starts doing lunges)lunge n.弓箭步[The next flashback is from The One Where Eddie Moves In. It's the sequence where Joey and Chandler are both saddened that they're not living together anymore. All By Myself is playing in the background.] sequence n.(电影中描述同一主题的)连续镜头[eg:There are several frighteningsequences in the film]/sadden v.悲哀惆怅[Joey's place. He goes to say something to Chandler in the otherchair but no one's there. He goes to call Chandler but decides nottoand throws the phone back down.][Chandler's. He's playing foosball by himself.][Joey's. Playing ping pong by himself.][Chandler is sitting in front of a window while it's raining outside.We see Joey through a rainy window. The camera zooms out to showit's just his tabletop water sculpture.]tabletop n.桌面/sculpture n.雕塑品[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Chandler is entering with a peace offering of a Joey Special, pizzas.]peace offering n.友好赠品谢罪礼物/Joey Special n.Joey套餐Joey? Got you a Joey Special, pizzas! Joe? (The phone rings and he answers it) (On phone) Hello? (Takes the phone away from his mouth when he realizes what he just did and yells.) Damnit! (Backon phone.) Hello? (Listens.) No, Joey’s not here right now, but I can take a messa ge I think. (Listens) He’s still got a chance for the part?! Oh, that’s great news! (Listens) Well no,obviously not for the actor who was mauled by his dog. (Listens) Oh well, that’s great. I will give Joey the message. Thank you! (Hangs up and goestowrite the message on the Magna-Doodle.) Yes! (Reading what he’swriting) Okay, Mac audition at 2:00. Allergy actor attacked. (Pause) By dog not flowers.maul vt.打伤抓破[eg: The hunter was mauled by a lion][Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Joey is entering to findChandler waiting patiently for him.]Hey!Please tell me you got the message!What message?The actor playing Mac couldn’t do it, they needed to seeyou at 2 o’clock.What?! It’s 6 o’clock!Du-du-I wrote it, I wrote it on the board! I wrote it onthe board, then I went all over New York City looking for ya! I went to Ross’s! I went to the coffeehouse! I went to any place that they made sandwiches!I can’t believe this Chandler!Sorry! I-I-I don’t know what to say.Well you-you-you-you might say congratulations! I saw the board!I went to the audition! I got the part!!(angrily) Is that supposed to be funny! I was reallyworried over here!Oh, well I’m uh…Y’know, sometimes that fake-out thing is just mean!Oh wow! Okay man, I’m sorry. I did not mean to make you feelbad.Well that’s good. Because you didn’t! And I’m incrediblyhappy for ya!!(shocked) That’s mean! You really had me going there你刚才让我觉得内疚!Oh, we could do this all day.Yeah, you’re right. Okay look, listen,let’s talk about whata huge star I’m gonna be!are gonna be a huge star! I’m gonna hug ya!You hug me!All right![What follows is the final set of flashbacks that feature a whole lot of lovin’between Chandler and Joey. There’s no words, just hugs andeven the kiss from The One With The Monkey. All of this is set to the song, You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me!][Cut back to the present, they are still in each other’s embrace.] Hey, do we do this too much?I think so. Yeah, get off me.Yeah.(They separate and shake hands.)[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment, Joey and Phoebe are reading a scene from Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.]Come on C.H.E.E.S.E., I’m not leaving without you! Try routingyour backup source through your primary CPU.route vt.按规定路线发送/backup source n.后备能源(overacting badly) I can’t! My circuits are fried! They’refried I tell you!!circuit n.电路/fried adj.烧焦的油炸的Wow! (Back to reading the scene.) Well then I’ll just have tocarry you.。
【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommateantique‘sNO.1 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate补充介绍一下Friends的官方站点,Url是/friends, 如果有什么纠纷,相信那里是最权威的地方查阅了,另外,在世博英语发现了一个用Friends学习英语的系列,大家也可以去那里看看。
记得刚开始看时,有个问题总是让我困惑,即为什么每一集(episode)的名字都叫做"The One ****",后来总算搞清楚了,原来它是the one with... 或者the one where,或者the one which...的意思,有时候甚至简写成TOW,呵呵,怎么样,明白了么?OK,让我们进入正题。
莫妮卡和调酒师(Wine Guy)保罗约会,此君伪装成离婚后一蹶不振的苦命人,靠博取同情来骗女人上床。
乔伊安慰他说,女性的种类与Ice Cream 一样多,离婚未尝不是好事。
这一集绝对是整个Friedns的基石,所谓pilot 就是如果播的不好,立马cancel的那种,所以无论剧情语言还有表演都非常精彩,这一集里面六个人都露面了,我立马就喜欢上了一脸坏笑的"幼兽"Joey(嘿嘿,一看就是我这种类型嘛),憨憨厚厚的Ross, 未经世事的Rach, 直爽坦白的"商贩"Chandler,成熟而又略带神经质的Monica,以及童趣无邪的Phoebe….以下是我觉得有意思的一些词句,一一讲解。
1.Chandler :So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?这是Chandler挖苦Paul的话,意思是:他有驼背么?有假发的驼子?2.Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck..这段话是不是很熟悉呀?对,《大话西游》里面一开始孙猴子发狠就是这样子讲的哦,不知道是谁抄袭谁,意思不用我解释了吧,这里Ross用来形容妻子Carol是Lesbian并同他离婚后的心情。
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The One With the Two Bullies Originally written by Sebastian Jones and Brian Buckner.Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.221 两个小流氓莫妮卡注意到有一只股票(MEG)和自己的名字近似,决定放弃厨师这种伺候人的职业,尝试炒股谋生。
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is there. Monica is watching stock prices on a business channel.]stock price股票行市, 交易所卖价Announcer:Stocks and bonds are moving higherbond n.债券JOEY: Hey Monica, why are we watchin' the business channel? MONICA: 'Cause I was going by it the other day and I saw that there wasa stock with my initials, MEG, on it and, well, sometimes I have to watch for two or three hours before it comes up again but when it does, it's pretty exciting.go by偶尔看见/initials n.名字的缩写/come up出现/'Cause I was going by it the other day and I saw that there was a stock with my initials, MEG, on it: the first letter of each word in a full nameRACHEL: Ok honey, you really need a job.ROSS: Mon, speaking of which, dad says he knows someone you can call for an interview.MONICA: Really.PHOEBE: Ok, right there. That, that's the third sign(n.预兆)today. Right there.ROSS: On behalf of代表 everyone, I'd just like to say behuh.PHOEBE: No, 'cause you just said dad and everywhere I go today I keep getting signs telling me to go see my father. Like when I was walking over here and I passed a buffet...which is my father's last name.buffet n.餐具柜, 小卖部/last name n.(欧美人放在名字后面的)姓EVERYONE: Ahh.PHOEBE: And they were serving franks which is his first name minus the s at the end. And there was a rotisserie with spinning chicken.franks n.法兰克福香肠/rotisserie n.电转烤肉架,烤肉店/spinningchicken(在电转烤肉架)旋转的鸡/And they were serving franks which is his first name minus the s at the end. And there was a rotisserie with spinning chicken: frank (FRANKFURTER) is a cured cooked sausage(n.熟香肠) (as of beef or beef and pork) that may be skinless or stuffed in a casing(n.包装) ; rotisserie is an appliance fitted with a spit(n.烤肉叉) on which food is rotated(v.旋转) before or over a source of heatMONICA: His indian name?PHOEBE: No because I chickened out the last time when I tried to meet him. So I mean coincidences? I don't think so.chicken out <美俚>因害怕而停止做某事, 因胆小而放弃/No because I chickened out the last time when I tried to meet him. So I mean coincidences: chickened out means tolose the courage or confidence to do something--often at the last minuteROSS: Freakish.freakish adj.异想天开的, 朝三暮四的, 奇特的, 畸形的(=freaky) MONICA: Wow.JOEY: Freaky.MONICA: Weird, weird.RACHEL: Ok, so uh, who wants the last hamburger?PHOEBE: Oh, alright, that's it, now I have to go see him.MONICA: Why?PHOEBE: Hamburger. McDonald's. Old MacDonald had a farm, my dad is a pharmacist.pharmacist n.配药者,药剂师OPENING TITLES[Scene: Central Perk. Chandler and Ross enter in sweats carrying rackets.] CHANDLER: Man, I am so beat我累坏了.Man, I am so beat: being in a state of exhaustion(n.筋疲力尽)ROSS: Oh yeah.CHANDLER: Hey, you just wanna forget about忘记 raquetball and hang out here在这里混吧?ROSS: Yeah alright.[they sit at the couch]BIG BULLY: [walks back from the counter] Hey you're in our seats.bully n.恶霸,欺凌弱小者ROSS: Oh, sorry we didn't know.LITTLE BULLY: [walks back from the counter] Hey, we were sitting there.CHANDLER: Ok, there is one more way to say it, who knows it?LITTLE BULLY: Is that supposed to be funny?CHANDLER: No actually, I was just going for colorful(adj.有趣的).BIG BULLY: What's with this guy?LITTLE BULLY: What's with you?ROSS: Uh, nothing, nothing's with him. Enjoy your coffee.[as they're walking off离开, little bully grabs Chandlers hat from behind and puts it on himself]CHANDLER: What just happened?LITTLE BULLY: I just took your hat. See, I can be funny too. My, my joke is that I, I took your hat.CHANDLER: That, that is funny. Can I have it back?have back:(have sth. back)要回,收回LITTLE BULLY: No.CHANDLER: No?BIG BULLY: No.ROSS: Ok, ok, you know what? I think you're very funny. Kudos on that hat joke. But, come on guy just, just give him back the hat.kudos n.名望, 荣誉, 声誉/Kudos on that hat joke. But, come on guy just, just give him back the hat: an expression of approval and commendation(n.<正式>赞扬)BIG BULLY: Why should we?ROSS: Because it's a special hat. [Chandler looks at Ross funny] See hebought it 'cause he was feeling really down one day so he got the hat to cheer himself up, ya know. Now Chandler...feel down心情糟糕/cheer up v.使振奋, 感到振奋CHANDLER: Stop talking, stop talking now. Let me just get this straight. You're actually stealing my hat?BIG BULLY: You got a problem with that?CHANDLER: No, just wanna make sure we're on the same page.“Get on the same page”的应用较广,其基本含意是大家关注/讨论同一个问题,有时可引申为想之同所想,为之众所为,大家齐心协力做好一件事/No, just wanna make sure we're on the same page: be on the same page means to have the same understanding about the situation or information[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Joey and Rachel are sitting there and Monica walks in.]RACHEL: Hey, how'd the interview go?MONICA:It bit. It was a 50's theme restraunt. I have to cook in a costume and dance on the counter. I mean I was a chef at Cafe des Artistes. I mean how could I take a job where I have to make something called Laverne and Curly Fries?It bit逊毙了/50's theme restraunt五十年代的主题饭店/costume n.化妆服,戏服/curly fries n.卷的炸薯条/Cafe des Artistes:失业的莫尼卡忙于应征工作,但她对能找到的工作很沮丧,因为她现在的工作地点是在一家五十年代主题餐厅,她必须戴假胸脯,化妆成梦露,还要跳上柜台跳舞。