小学五年级英语上册Unit 11《Water》ppt课件


五年级英语上册 Unit 11 Water课件3 牛津上海版

五年级英语上册 Unit 11 Water课件3 牛津上海版

Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
Cooks use water to cook food.
Zookeepers use water to feed animals.
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
How do we use water?
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
How do we use water?
We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too.
1. Listen to and read page 74. 2. Talk about how you and your family
members use water. 3. Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64.
Oxford English
Module 4 The natural world
What do you know about water?
Does it have any colour? Does it have any shape? Does it ve any taste?
Water is very useful. Where does water come from?

小学英语沪教牛津版五年级上册Unit 11《Water》(第1课时)教学PPT

小学英语沪教牛津版五年级上册Unit 11《Water》(第1课时)教学PPT

Look and learn
grow crops
Hale Waihona Puke How do we use water? We use water to grow crops.
Look and learn
grow crops Major crops include(包括): pumpkin, corn(玉米), rice, potatoes, wheat(小麦), soybeans(黄豆), sugarcane(甘蔗)and cotton (棉花).
Listening Request: 1. Sit up straight and listen carefully ; 2. Pay attention to the pronunciation, loudness and fluency; 3. Don’t speak when others speaking.
Can you guess?
It has no shapes. It has no colors. It has no smell and no taste. And it is very important. People use it to wash. People use it to flush. People use it to brush. What is it?
Let’s think
➢Where does water come from? ➢How do we use water? ➢How can we save water?
Let’s learn
Where does water come from ? It comes from the _____.
3) Farmers use water to ___________.



1. Listen to and read page 74. 2. Talk about how you and your family
members use water. 3. Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64.
只要我们坚持了,就没有克服不了的困难。或许,为了将来,为了自己的发展,我们会把一件事情想得非常透彻,对自己越来越严,要求越来越高,对任何机会都不曾错过,其 目的也只不过是不让自己随时陷入逆境与失去那种面对困难不曾屈服的精神。但有时,“千里之行,始于足下。”我们更需要用时间持久的用心去做一件事情,让自己其中那小 小的浅浅的进步,来击破打破突破自己那本以为可以高枕无忧十分舒适的区域,强迫逼迫自己一刻不停的马不停蹄的一直向前走,向前看,向前进。所有的未来,都是靠脚步去 丈量。没有走,怎么知道,不可能;没有去努力,又怎么知道不能实现?幸福都是奋斗出来的。那不如,生活中、工作中,就让这“幸福都是奋斗出来的”完完全全彻彻底底的 渗入我们的心灵,着心、心平气和的去体验、去察觉这一种灵魂深处的安详,侧耳聆听这仅属于我们自己生命最原始最动人的节奏。但,这种聆听,它绝不是仅限于、执着于 “我”,而是观察一种生命状态能够扩展和超脱到什么程度,也就是那“幸福都是奋斗出来的”深处又会是如何?生命不止,奋斗不息!又或者,对于很多优秀的人来说,我们 奋斗了一辈子,拼搏了一辈子,也只是人家的起点。可是,这微不足道的进步,对于我们来说,却是幸福的,也是知足的,因为我们清清楚楚的知道自己需要的是什么,隐隐约 约的感觉到自己的人生正把握在自己手中,并且这一切还是通过我们自己勤勤恳恳努力,去积极争取的!“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”当我们坦然接受这人生的终局, 或许,这无所皈依的心灵就有了归宿,这生命中觅寻处那真正的幸福、真正的清香也就从此真正的灿烂了我们的人生。一生有多少属于我们的时光?陌上的花,落了又开了,开 了又落了。无数个岁月就这样在悄无声息的时光里静静的流逝。童年的玩伴,曾经的天真,只能在梦里回味,每回梦醒时分,总是多了很多伤感。不知不觉中,走过了青春年少, 走过了人世间风风雨雨。爱过了,恨过了,哭过了,笑过了,才渐渐明白,酸甜苦辣咸才是人生的真味!生老病死是自然规律。所以,面对生活中经历的一切顺境和逆境都学会 了坦然承受,面对突然而至的灾难多了一份从容和冷静。这世上没有什么不能承受的,只要你有足够的坚强!这世上没有什么不能放下的,只要你有足够的胸襟! 一生有多少 属于我们的时光?当你为今天的落日而感伤流泪的时候,你也将错过了明日的旭日东升;当你为过去的遗憾郁郁寡欢,患得患失的时候,你也将忽略了沿途美丽的风景,淡漠了 对未来美好生活的憧憬。没有十全十美的生活,没有一帆风顺的旅途。波平浪静的人生太乏味,抑郁忧伤的人生少欢乐,风雨过后的彩虹最绚丽,历经磨砺的生命才丰盈而深刻。 见过了各样的人生:有的轻浮,有的踏实;有的喧哗,有的落寞;有的激扬,有的低回。肉体凡胎的我们之所以苦恼或喜悦,大都是缘于生活里的际遇沉浮,走不出个人心里的 藩篱。也许我们能挺得过物质生活的匮乏,却不能抵挡住内心的种种纠结。其实幸福和欢乐大多时候是对人对事对生活的一种态度,一花一世界,一树一菩提,就是一粒小小的 沙子,也有自己精彩的乾坤。如果想到我们终有一天会灰飞烟灭,一切象风一样无影亦无踪,还去争个什么?还去抱怨什么?还要烦恼什么?未曾生我谁是我?生我之时我是谁? 长大成人方是我,合眼朦胧又是谁?一生真的没有多少时光,何必要和生活过不去,和自己过不去呢。你在与不在,太阳每天都会照常升起;你愁与不愁,生活都将要继续。时

五年级英语上册 Unit 11 Water(第3课时)课件 牛津上海

五年级英语上册 Unit 11 Water(第3课时)课件 牛津上海

Let’s think
Where does water come from?
How do we use water?
How can we save water?
Let’s learn
Where does water come from ? It comes from the _____.
The fire is .d.. angerous/hot. The firemen are .s..trong/brave. They put out fires .
Look and learn
grow crops
How do we use water?
We use water to grow crops.
Word bank
Speaking Request: 1. The team leader ask the group members one by one; 2. Pay attention to the pronunciation, loudness and fluency; 3. Don’t disturb others.
Comes from
rain river sea tap ice cloud
put out fires grow crops
clean make drinks brush teeth flush toilet
Saving water
Turn off taps. Reuse water. Flow slowly.
5AM4 Unit 11 Water
Period 1 : Useful water



Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
How do we use water?
We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too.
Farmers use water to grow crops.
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
Water is very useful. Where does water come from?
It comes from the rain.
It comes from the sea. It comes from the tap.
Read aloud
Think and say
Complete the sentences
1. Listen to and read page 74. 2. Talk about how you and your family
members use water. 3. Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64.
洁心与大熊在进入高中的第一天相识,两人都是大个子,分座位的时候,老师让男女生各排一队,一队一个次第走到座位上,最后一排有六张桌子,洁心谦虚地站到一个比自己矮一点 点的女生前面,与大熊成了同桌

五年级英语上册 Unit 11 Water(第1课时)课件 牛津上海版

五年级英语上册 Unit 11 Water(第1课时)课件 牛津上海版

1.Surf the internet, and learn more things about water and life.
2.Write a short passage about water and life. (Give your own opinions about water and life, and list enough facts to support your opinions.)
Blackboard design
P3 Water and life
wonderful amazing exciting terrible
We use water to…
everywhere water cycle water treatment
Water Festival polluted water
What are they doing? They are pouring water at each other.
Water makes their life exciting!
Brain storm What can we do with water? We can …
row a boat
ski on water
Smart ears
_T_h_e_ Dai people in Yunnan, China, have a “Water Festival”. Brothers and sisters gather together to welcome _______ NewthYeeiarr. _T_h_e_n__, __t_h_e_y_ pour water at each other. How exciting!

五年级上册英语-Module 4 Unit 11 Water Period 3 沪教牛津版PPT课件

五年级上册英语-Module 4 Unit 11 Water Period 3 沪教牛津版PPT课件

>>Lead-inre can you find water?
Look and say
What’s this? tap What’s coming out of?
Look and say
Where is Little Drop? It is in the sea.
Look and say
Where is Little Drop now? How does he get there?
It is in the sky. It gets hot and goes up.
Look and say
Where is Little Drop sitting? It is sitting on a cloud.
A、养成查字典的好习惯 不能光注重最后的评价,应把评价贯穿始终,并且通过评价真正提高学生的说话质量,即评即改。
D、课本中正文下面的注解及课后练习的词语部分应是重点。 2、在习作时,引导学生不拘一格来写。但要强调把内容写清楚,学习运用平时积累的语言材料。
Look and say
Little Drop comes down. How does it comes down? Where does it go now?
It comes down as rainwater. It goes inside a tree.

五年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit 11 Water

五年级上册英语课件-Module 4 Unit  11  Water
It is in the sky. It gets ot and goes up.
Look and say
Where is Little Drop sitting? It is sitting on a cloud.
Look and say
Look and say
Where can you find water?
Look and say
Water is in the waterfall, Water is in the rain, It comes down as rainwater. Where is Little Drop now? Unit 11 Water Look and say Where is Little Drop? >>Presentation Look and say Look and say How does he get there? Put the sentences in order Put the sentences in order 故事The journey of Little Water Drop。 Look and say It goes inside a tree.
Unit 11 Water
Period 3
Read and guess
Water all around us
Water has no taste at all. Water has no smell. Water is in the waterfall, The fountain, pump and well. Water is everywhere around us. Water is in the rain, In the bath, in the pond, And in the sea again.
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What do you know about water?
➢ Does it have any colour? ➢ Does it have any shape? ➢ Does it have any taste?
How do we use water?
Firemen use water to put out fires.
1. Listen to and read page 74. 2. Talk about how you and your family
members use water. 3. Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64.
How do we use water?
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
How do we use water?
We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too.
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
Cooks use water to cook food.
Zookeepers use water to feed animals.
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use wateter to put out fires. They are brave!
Farmers use water to grow crops.
Firemen use water to put out fires. Farmers use water to grow crops.
Think and write
Water is very useful. We should save water. I use water to ______________________. My father uses water _______________. My mother ________________________. Cooks ____________________________. __________________________________. __________________________________.
Water is very useful. Where does water come from?
It comes from the rain.
It comes from the sea. It comes from the tap.
Think and say
Water is very useful. We should save water.