



闸北第八中学2020第一学期期中考试高三数学(满分150分, 考试时间120分钟)一.填空题 (本大题满分56分)本大题有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分。

1.已知集合{}21,xA y y x R ==+∈,集合{}R x x x y y B ∈++-==,322,则集合A B I=__________。

2.若函数()f x ax b =+(0)a ≠有一个零点是1,则2()g x bx ax =-的零点是 ___ ; 3.函数()cos f x ax ax =+(0)a >的最小正周期为π,最大值为b ,则log a b =___ ______ .4.函数sin arcsin y x x =+的值域是 。

5.已知数列{}n a 满足=n a 4(1,2,3,4)( 5 ,)n n n a n n N -=⎧⎨-≥∈⎩ ,则2011a =___________;6.函数2lg()(10)y x x =≥的反函数是_______________; 7.设函数)52sin(2)(ππ+=x x f ,若对任意x R ∈,都有)()()(21x f x f x f ≤≤成立,则21x x -的最小值为 ;8.lim∞→n 221222nn++++L 的值是______________; 9.若函数()(1)()xf x x x a =+-为奇函数,则a =__________;10.设,x y 为实数,若2241x y xy ++=则2x y +的最大值是 .。

11.函数11y x =-的图像与函数2sin (24)y x x π=-≤≤的图像所有交点的横坐标之和等于_____________。

12.符号][x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,如2]08.1[,3][-=-=π。

定义函数][}{x x x -=,给出如下四个命题:①函数}{x 的定义域为R ,值域为]1,0[;②方程21}{=x 有无数解;③函数}{x 是周期函数;④函数}{x 是R 上的增函数。



2019—2020学年度上海市闸北区八中新校高三第一学期期中试卷高中物理一、 (55分)选择题.本大题共11小题,每题5分.每题给出的四个答案中,至少有一个是正确的.把正确答案全选出来,并将正确答案前面的字母填写在题后的方括号内.每一小题全选对的得5分;选对但不全,得部分分;有选错或不答的,得O 分.填写在方括号外的字母,不作为选出的答案.1.如下图,水平传送带A 、B 间距离为10m ,以恒定的速度1m/s 匀速传动。

现将一质量为0.2kg 的小物体无初速放在A 端,物体与传送带间滑动摩擦系数为0.5,g 取10m/s 2,那么物体由A 运动到B 的过程中传送带对物体做的功为: ( )A .零B .10JC .0.1JD .除上面三个数值以外的某一值2.如下图。

重为G 的棒可绕O 点转动,另一端P 搭在物体M 上表面。

物体M 处于水平光滑地面上,在以下情形下,M 对P 的支持力N 如何样变化( ) A .假设M 受水平向左推力作用,仍静止,那么N 变大 B .假设M 受水平向左推力作用,仍静止,那么N 不变 C .假设M 受水平向右推力作用,仍静止,那么N 变大 D .假设M 受水平向右推力作用,仍静止,那么N 不变3.如下图,相同质量的物体由静止起从底边长相等,倾角不同的斜面顶端下滑到底面( )A .假设物体与斜面间动摩擦因数相同,那么物体缺失的机械能也相同;B .假设物体与斜面间动摩擦因数相同,那么物体到达底端时动能相同;C .假设物体到达底端时动能相同,那么物体与倾角小的斜面间动摩擦因数较小;D .假设物体到达底端时动能相同,那么物体与倾角小的斜面间动摩擦因数较大。

4.如下图,在竖直平面内,有一光滑圆形轨道,AB 为其水平方向的直径,甲、乙两球同时以同样大小的速度从A 点动身,沿轨道内表面按图示方向运动到B 点,运动中均不脱离圆轨道,那么以下讲法正确的选项是:( ) A .甲球先到达B B .乙球先到达BA BMVAB甲乙OP MC. 球同时到达BD .假设两球质量相等那么同时到达B5.一个气泡由湖面下20m 深处上升到湖面下10m 深处,它的体积约为原先体积的(温度不变)( )A .3倍B .2倍C .1.5倍D .0.7倍6.关于电场力的功及电势能变化情形正确的选项是 ( )A .电场中某点电势的大小等于电场力将单位正电荷从该点移到零电势点电场力所做的功B .电场中某点电势的大小等于单位正电荷在该点所具有的电势能C .在电场中不管移动正电荷依旧负电荷,只要电场力做正功,电荷电势能都要减少D .正电荷沿电场线方向移动,电势能减少;负电荷沿电场线方向移动,电势能增加 7.如下图,10℃的氧气和20℃的氢气的体积相同,水银柱在管中央。



2020年上海市闸北第八中学高三英语上学期期中考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Best Cities to Visit in WinterCold rains, icy sidewalks and gray skies can make winter travel a trial. But here are four cities around the world that make for a great cold-weather destination:Prague,Czech RepublicWith its snow-capped spires and winding streets,Pragueis a fairytale city that remains ly tourist-free in winter.The amazing architecture looks even prettier under a sheet of snow, with one of the most beautiful areas being the old town, with its Romanesque vaults. Gas street lamps have been placed throughout the city center, adding a romantic color1 to evenings. Cafes here are ideal for escaping the bitter cold.Salzburg,AustriaWith its Christmas songs and traditional markets, this is a perfect city for a winter break. “Silent Night” was performed for the first time in thechurchofOberndorfon the border ofSalzburgon Christmas Eve in 1818.The city's main market is held in the shadow ofSalzburg'sHohensalzburgCastle, but the one held inMirabell Squareis especially popular with food lovers who come to taste local food such as halusky—pieces of dumpling mixed with fried bacon.Tromso,NorwayTromso is widely regarded asNorway's most beautiful city and is a base for spoiling the northern lights. There are several attractive museums, including thePolarMuseum, which offers an insight into the history of Arctic expeditions, and theTromsoMuseum, which is famous for its Sami exhibitions.Amsterdam,NetherlandsIn winter,Amsterdam' s museums are much less crowded, making it the time to visit attractions such as Rijksmuseum or the Anne Frank House. Built originally to house a circus, the Royal Carre Theater is more than 130 years old. Children will love the spectacular performances.1. What can you do inPrague?A. Enjoy the fascinating architecture.B. Taste local food halusky.C. Appreciate Sami exhibitions.D. Watch a circus performance.2. Where was “Silent Night” first performed?A. In thechurchofOberndorf.B. InHohensalzburgCastle.C. InMirabell Square.D. In the Polar Museum.3. Which city will you choose if you want to see the northern lights?A. Prague.B. Salzburg.C. Tromso.D.Amsterdam.BSalad plants have already been grown in old sheltersand tunnels. Urban farming is a regular topic of interest at places like the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, where leaders consider whether the world's food system, blamed for causing both obesity and malnutrition, can be fixed. There are already plenty of urban farming projects around the world, particularly in the US, Japan and the Netherlands, from urban fish and plant farms to vertical farming.“It's becoming an expanding industry,” said Richard Ballard, one of the founders of the farm Growing Underground. “There're several other businesses starting up in London in containers, and there are other vertical farms around the country now.”Growing Underground is not a standard farm. The rows of crops could be in almost any tunnel, but these plants are 100 feet below Clapham High Street and show that urban agriculture is, in some cases at least, nota fad. The underground farm has occupied a part of the Second World War air-raid shelters for nearly five years, and Ballard is planning to expand into the rest of the space later this year.Growing Underground supplies herb and salad mixes to grocery shops, supermarkets and restaurants. Being in London creates an advantage, Ballard says, as they can harvest and deliver in an hour.He adds other advantages. Being underground means temperatures never go below 15℃surface greenhouses need to be heated. They can do more harvests: 60 crops a year, compared with about seven in a traditional farm. Electricity to power the lights is a major cost, but the company believes renewable energy will become cheaper.Similar British companies include the Jones Food Company in Lincolnshire, while in the US AeroFarms has several projects in New Jersey, and Edenworks in Brooklyn.4. What do we know about urban farming?A. It leads to a healthier lifestyle.B. It is rarely discussed at the WEF.C. Different farming methods are used.D. Local governments pay efforts to develop it.5. Which of the following best explains "a fad" underlined in Paragraph 3?A. A dream that's easy to realize.B. A field controlled for a long time.C. An approach to a serious problem.D. A fashion that’s popular for a short time.6. What can we learn about the underground farm?A. It is more productive than a traditional farm.B. It provides food directly to the customers.C. Its major products are herbs and salads.D. It uses less energy than a greenhouse.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Current food system causes health problemsB. Growing Underground attracts more peopleC. Traditional farming will be replaced soonD. Urban farming isstill thought costly and time-consumingCChimps use loud calls and gestures to make their feelings known but until now, the exact meaning for individual movements has remained a mystery. Now researchers believe they have translated the key gestures used in the chimp community and identified their intentions for the first time.From 4,351 gestures, experts were able to identify 66 that are used for 19 specific message meanings, including showing a foot to tell a child they can climb on their back. The researchers were able to narrow down these 66 gestures to 36 that are used intentionally to achieve 15 purposes. The translations were made by Dr Catherine Hobaiter and her colleagues at St Andrews University in Scotland.Dr Hobaiter used behavior sampling and filmed all recorded cases of gestural communication. Other gestures include stomping their feet to ask another chimp to stop what they are doing, and slapping objects together to ask another to follow them. Of the 19 meanings,17 encouraged interactions to start, or to develop, such as “move closer,” and “change play”. Some of the gestures were found to have more than one meaning. and only 10 of the 66 gestures were used for only a single meaning.Researchers collected a total of 471 video clips from two social groups of chimps at a shelter near Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. As well as identifying what the gesture means, they also discovered the technique needed to increase the chances of success.“Human children use gestures to communicate before they produce their first words, and their earliest gestures typically appear around 10 months of age,” explained the researchers. “In great apes, there is good evidence that language-trained individuals are capable of acquiring and understanding signals, but this is far less clear in their natural communication. ”8. Chimps slap the objects to____________.A. tell others to stop what they are doingB. ask others chimps to join themC. gather other chimps to move closerD. encourage interactions to start9. What did researchers find after studying 471 video clips?A. Chimps trained in language are good at understanding signals.B. Two social groups of chimps live at a shelter near Kinshasa.C. Language-trained individuals do well in natural communication.D. Chimps’earliest gestures appear around 10 months of age.10. How is the last paragraph developed?A. By analyzing causes.B. By examining differences.C By making comparisons. D. By following time order.11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A A New Research on Chimps B. Human Children and ChimpsC. Getting the Chimps Trained for LanguageD. Translating the Sign Language of ChimpsDPeople from Britain and Ireland first came to live in Australia in 1788. They brought different dialects (方言) of English with them. These different kinds of English began to mix and change. The newcomers soon began to speak with their own typical accent (口音) and vocabulary. More and more people came to Australia during the Gold Rush in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some came from Britain and Ireland; others came from non-English speaking countries. Australian English continued to grow and change.Australian English has also been influenced by American English. During the Second World War, there were many American soldiers staying in Australia. More importantly, American television shows and music have been popular in Australia since the 1950s.Australians use many words that other English speakers do not use. The famous Australian greeting, for example, is G’day! A native forest is called the bush and central Australia is called the outback. Many words were brought to Australia from Britain and Ireland. For example, mate means “friend”, and it is still used in Britain. Some of these words have changed in meaning. Some words have come from Australian original languages, many of which are names for animals, plants and places, like dingo and kangaroo.Australian spelling comes from British spelling. In words like organise and realise, -ise is the expected and taught spelling method. In words like colour, favourite, -ouris the normal, but nouns such as the Labor Party and Victor Harbor are spelled with -or. Program, on the other hand, is more common than programme.There are also differences in the definition (定义) of words Australians use in different parts of the country. For example, football means “rugby” in New South Wales and Queensland, but “Australian rules football" in everywhere else in Australia. In New South Wales, a swimming costume is called a cossie or swimmers, while in Queensland it is called togs and bathers in Victoria.12. What does paragraph 1 mainly talk about?A. Reasons why English is important.B. Different dialects of Australian English.C. Various aspects that Australian English has been influenced.D. Changes of the accent and vocabulary in English.13. According to the text, which of the following is spoken only by Australians?A. Mate.B. Outback.C. Program.D. Rugby.14. Which is the following can best describe Australian English?A. Confusing and interesting.B. Multicultural and creative.C. Crazy and boring.D. Unchangeable and mixed.15. What might be the best title for the text?A. The History of AustraliaB. The Birth of Australian EnglishC. The Development of Australian EnglishD Different Kinds of English Across the World第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMy Biggest ChallengeAs a writer on an adventure sports magazine, I’dalways fought shy of doing the adventurous stuff myself, preferring instead to observe the experts from a safe distance and relay their experiences to readers in the form of written language. Thus, when I was challenged to take part in a mountain climb in aid of raising money for charity-and to write about it afterwards-I was unwilling, to say the least.I was lucky enough to have a brilliant climbing coach called Keith, who put me through my paces after my daily work. He gave me knowledge about everything from the importance of building muscle groups to how to avoid tiredness through nutrition. It quickly became apparent that the mechanics of climbing were more complex than I had imagined. There was the equipment and techniques I’d never even heard of, all of which would come in handy on the snow-capped peak I’d be climbing.Aware of the challenge, Keith made a detailed action plan and I forced myself to stick to it, doing a daily workout at the gym and going on hikes with a heavy pack. I perfected my technique on the climbing wall and even went to climb the mountains to get vital experience. My self-belief increased alongside my muscle power and I became confident about finishing the climb.All too soon I was on a plane to my destination. On that day, when I looked up at the mountain, I thought of abandoning it. But then I remembered all the hard work I’d done and how disappointed Keith would be if I gave up at the last minute-not to mention letting down the charity and the sense of failure I’d experience myself. With a deep breath I gathered my equipment and headed out into the sunshine to meet the rest of the group.And as I sit here now, tapping away on my laptop, I’m amazed at the details in which I can recall every second of the climb: the burning muscles, the tiredness, the minor problems along the way. Could I have been better prepared? Possibly. Would I be back for another go? Thankfully not. The feeling of being excited when I stood on top of the world is a never-to-be-repeated experience but one I will enjoy forever nevertheless.1. At the beginning of the activity, the author revealed his ______.A. disappointment in the coming adventure.B. expectation of writing about his experience.C. lack of enthusiasm for the challenge he’d been offered.D. curiosity about taking part in the mountain climb for charity.2. What did the author realise during his climb training?A. The knowledge about climbing was really confusing.B. The equipment was the key factor to reach the peak.C. Climbing was much more complicated than expected.D. Hard training was far more important than making plans.3. How did the author feel after he succeeded in climbing the mountain?A. He was relieved that he wouldn’t have to do it again.B. He was well satisfied that he had done his best for it.C. He was surprised that he had managed to complete it.D.He was regretful that it wasn’t as smooth as imagined.BDogs are often called as “man's best friend”, MacKenzie, a four-pound Chihuahua(吉娃娃), was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog Competition on October 19, 2020.In its tenth year in 2020 the annual contest is the brainchild of American Humane, the country's first national charitable organization founded for the safety and well-being of animals. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make extremely great contributions to society.The competition of 2020 attracted over 400 entries(参赛者)from across the country. These heroic dogs have gone above the call of duty, saving lives, comforting the ill and aged and reminding us of the powerful, age-old ties between animals and people. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who wonthe judges' hearts.MacKenzie's growth was not easy. Born with a mouth disability, she had to be fed through a tube(管子)for the first year of her life. Despite her own struggles, she always seemed to think more of other animals in need. “Never have I seen such a will to live. Though sick, she carefully looked after the baby animals at the rescue(救助)center,” said her caretaker.A life-saving operation performed in 2014 gave MacKenzie the ability to eat independently. The seven-year-old chihuahua is now working for the Mia Foundation, an organization that rescues and nurses animals with inborn disabilities. The chihuahua does an excellent job and has raised various animals. She plays nurse, cleans, comforts and hugs them, acting as their mother and teaching them how to socialize, play and have good manners.In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also visits schools to educate kids about the importance of accepting physical differences in both animals and people. Her heartwarming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie a worthy receiver ofAmerica's top dog honor.4. What can we infer about the American Hero Dog Competition?A. It was first held in 2010B. It was held to honor caretakers of dogs.C. It takes place every ten years.D. It was started by a charitable organization.5. With what quality did MacKenzie win the award?A. Talent and braveryB. Friendliness and care.C. Courage and selflessness.D. Confidence and independence.6. In which aspect can students benefit from MacKenzie's visits?A. Learning from failures.B. Understanding the disabled.C. Valuing physical health.D. Developing practical ability.7. What's the best title for the text?A. Dogs Are Man's Best Friends.B. Treat Dogs the Way We Want to Be Treated.C. Touching Stories between MacKenzie and PeopleD. 2020 American Hero Dog: A TinyChihuahua.CI had very good parents. My mother came toAmericafromScotlandby herself when she was 11, and she didn’t have much education. My dad was kind of a street kid, and he eventually went into the insurance business, selling nickel policies door to door.One day, my dad asked his boss, “What's the toughest market to sell?” and the insurance guy replied “Well, black people. They don’t buy insurance.” My dad thought, but they have kids; they have families. Why wouldn’t they buy insurance? So he said, “Give meHarlem.”When my dad died in 1994, I talked about him onThe Tonight Show. I told the story of how he worked in Harlem and how he always taught us to be open-minded and not to say or think things of racism (种族主义). Then one day, I got a letter from a woman who was about 75 years old.She wrote that when she was a little girl, a man used to come to her house to collect policies. She said this man was the only white person who had ever come to dinner at their house. The man was very kind to her, she said, and his name was Angelo—was this my father?The letter made me cry. I called her up and said yes, that was in fact my dad, and she told me how kind he had been to her family. Her whole attitude toward white people was based on that one nice man she met in her childhood, who always treated her with kindness and respect and always gave her a piece of candy. From thisexperience, I learned a valuable life lesson: never judge people and be open-minded and kind to others.8. What did my father do after knowing what was the toughest market to sell?A. He asked his boss to give him some insurance.B. He went toScotlandto improve his education.C. He specially went to white families with kids.D. He choseHarlemto face the toughest challenge.9. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. It was rare that a businessman had dinner in his customer's house.B. Angelo was the only white person to sell insurance inHarlem.C. The little girl admired Angelo very much.D. Racism was a serious problem inAmericaat that time.10. Which of the following can best describe the author’s father?A. Stubborn and generous.B. Patient and intelligent.C. Determined and open-minded.D. Confident and romantic.11. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Memories from a TV Show.B. A Letter from an Old Lady.C. Life Lessons from My Father.D. My Father's Experience inHarlem.DSome people take their holiday decoration very seriously. And some take it to the next level. The Griffith family in Kenova, West Virginia, is in this camp. They put on a display that shows they’re just filled with Halloween spirit.Each year, this family displays 3,000 pumpkins (南瓜) in front of their home for the Halloween season. Yes, you readthatright. Ric Griffith puts out one jack-o’ -lantern (南瓜灯) for every person who lives in Kenova.Of course he doesn’t do it all on his own. He has a lot of help from his family, and also from members of the community who are super-proud of what has become quite the tourist attraction over the years. More than 30,000 people stop by to see the amazing display, which includes jack‑o’‑lanterns cut to look like the faces of famous people, animals, cartoon characters, and other creative designs. It’s certainly a must-see as part of the area’s Ceredo-Kenova Autumnfest.To fit in all 3,000 pumpkins, Griffith and his helpers spread them across the home’s garden and front porch (门廊), as well as on the roof!Griffith began the tradition back in 1978 with just fivepumpkins and, many years later, it’s much bigger and better. People can’t help but come to the area, walking along the sidewalk outside the house to get that perfect Halloween experience.“Locals take great pride in it, and then there are people from around the country who plan fall trips and include it in their trips so they can see it,” said Tyson Compton, president of the Cabell‑Huntington Convention and Visitors Bureau. “It’s really something.”“It’s become a tradition for many people in our area, and it feels good to keep that going,” Griffith said.12. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The Griffiths selling 3,000 pumpkins a day.B. Ric Griffith giving 3,000 jack-o’‑lanterns to tourists.C. Ric Griffith teaching 3,000 people how to display jack-o’‑lanterns.D. The Griffiths decorating their house with 3,000 pumpkins.13. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. Ric Griffith’s idea has received support from his community.B. There are only two kinds of jack-o’‑lanterns.C. Ric Griffith dislikes asking for help from others.D. There are 30,000 people in Kenova.14. What do we know about the tradition?A. It began with 1,978 pumpkins.B. It has lasted more than 40 years.C. It includes five pumpkin competitions.D. It encourages people to do more exercise.15. What’s Tyson Compton’s attitude towards the tradition?A. Worried.B. Uncaring.C. Favorable.D. Uncertain.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。






































































2020届上海市闸北第八中学高三英语上学期期中考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATheatre and film fans will be excited about what's on stage and on screen.THEATRE☆Take in a Broadway show at Mirvish Venues. The Grand Theatre hosts plays and musicals in London, Ontario. The building dates back to 1901 and starts a rare architectural feature.☆In the heart of Ontario's bread-basket, treat yourself to uniquely Canadian modern productions at the Blyth Festival in Goderich.☆Ontario becomes popular on the stage as theatre festivals. The Stratford Festival produces classic productions mainly on Shakespeare in Stratford. Works by Bernard Shaw, the founder of social realism in English literature enrich the stage at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake.FILM☆Expand your mind with great modem, independent film during the Reel Asian FilmFestival or visit the TIFF Bell Lightbox for exhibitions related to film and theatre.☆Making productions that don't reach half an hour by new filmmakers, the Breakthroughs Film Festival provides some of the most video movies.☆Five amazing programs feature films from across the globe during the Durham Region International Film Festival.☆One of the top film festivals in the world, the 'Toronto International Film Festival features everything from mainstream Hollywood productions to international cinema.COMEDY☆For a laugh, head to a comedy club. Absolute Comedy, Second City and Yuks Yuks all specialize in finding your funny bone.☆The Toronto Alliance for the Peforming Arts will keep you up to date on what 's playing onToronto's stages; you can look through their “TOnight” for on-the-go performing arts tickets, reviews and searches on your mobile.1. Where should those preferring realistic dramas go?A. London.B. Stratford.C. Goderich.D. Niagara-on-the-Lake.2. What does the Breakthroughs Film Festival focus on?A. Short films.B. Films across the world.C. Modern films.D. Films by young directors.3. What might “TOnight” be?A. A comedy.B. An application.C. A guidebook.D. An organization.BWhether for a special holiday, as a way of showing gratitude or just a way of letting someone know you care, gift giving is a universal custom Though the purpose may be similar from place to place, traditions vary widely from one country to the next. A behavior that shows respect in one place might be consideredoffensivesomewhere else. Take a look at unique gifting traditions from around the world.Here in theUS, a set of kitchen knives seems like the perfect gift idea for a wedding. However, in certain European countries likeGermany, people believe that a knife presented as a gift will cut off your friendship. There is a way to break it: Tie a coin to the knife or gift box. The receiver then returns the coin to you as a “payment”to remove the bad luck.There's a well-known Italian wedding tradition where the groom's (新郎) tie is cut into a number of tiny pieces. Wedding guests can then "buy” these tie pieces in exchange for cash. It's a fun way to give money to the new couple thatleaves guests with a wedding souvenir.As left hands are considered unclean in Indian culture, behaviors such as touching, passing money, or giving gifts are to be done with the right hand. Different from some other cultures , an odd number (奇数) of thingsor currency represents good luck. For example, £11 should be given rather than £10.InZimbabwe, it is common to directly ask for a gift. When you receive a gift without asking for it, even if the giver's family is poor, it's the worst way to reject the offering. Also, expressing thanks with actions is better than giving thanks orally (口头地).These may include jumping up and down, dancing, or whistling.4. What does the underlined word “offensive“ in paragraph 1 refer to?A. Rude.B. Creative.C. Suitable.D. Caring.5. How do people prevent friendship breaking down when giving gifts like knives?A. The guests cut the groom's tie into pieces.B. The receiver returns the coin to the giver.C. The giver gives gifts with the right hand.D. The receiver expresses thanks by dancing.6. What can we learn about the gift giving inZimbabwe?A. It is not proper to ask for a gift directly.B. It's better to reject a gift from a poor family.C. One can express thanks by writing letters.D. Showing gratitude with actions is better than words.7. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. The Wayof Showing GratitudeB. A Fun Behavior to Respect PeopleC. Various Gift Giving TraditionsD. A Special Custom of Gift GivingCAn anti-obesity program for Australian girls didn’t lead to any improvements in their diet, physical activities or body weight a year later, according to a new report.Findings from the school-based intervention (介入), which involved exercise sessions and nutrition workshops for lower-income girls, are the latest disappointment in a lot of research attempting tohead offadult obesity and the disease risks that come with it.Especially during the middle-and high-school years, girls’ physical activity reduces obviously, according to lead researcher David Lubans, from theUniversityofNewcastleinNew South Wales,Australia. He said, “In the future we need to make the programs more interesting and exciting and present information in a way that is meaningful to adolescent girl.”Lubans and his workmates conducted their study in 12 schools in low-income areas ofNew South Wales. At the start of the study, girls in both groups weighed an average of close to 130pounds, with about four in ten considered overweight. Over the next year, adolescents in the intervention group were given pedometers (计步器) to encourage walking and running and invited to nutrition workshops and regular exercise sessions during the schoolday and at lunchtime. Participation in some of those activities were less than ideal. For example, the girls went to only one-quarter of lunchtime exercise sessions, and less than one in ten completed at-home physicalactivity or nutrition challenges, the researchers reported. At the end of the year, girls in both groups had gained a similar amount of weight and there was no difference in their average body fat.Preventive medicine researcher Robert Klesges said that although some anti-obesity programs have helped adults lose weight, the teen population has always been a source of failure for researchers. “The common belief is: nothing works,” he said. “And we have got to get beyond that.”“We need to think outside the box,” said Klesges, who wasn’t involved in the new study. “That could include learning from what has worked in adult studies, such as giving meal replacement drinks or prepared foods to teens who have trouble making changes to their diet. Or, it could mean using a “step-care” method — rather than researchers or their doctor telling them to keep doing the same thing.” Klesges said.8. The underlined words “head off” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “________”.A. damageB. defendC. preventD. affect9. The methods used in the program to stop obesity don’t include ________.A. walking and runningB. inviting them to nutrition workshopsC. joining exercise sessions regularlyD. giving meal replacement drinks10. The main reason for the failure of the anti-obesity program is probably that ________.A. the participants didn’t take an active part in itB. the program was not interesting and exciting to participantsC. the participants didn’t get extra nutrition or exercise helpD. the program didn’t pay attention to healthy exercise11. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. As researchers, it is important to have creative research methods.B. Researchers need to give meals or prepare foods to participants.C. Teen girls have no difficulty in making changes to their diet.D. Some ant-obesity programs have not helped adults lose weight.DTourism is often about seeking deeper emotional and personal connections with the world around us. Not all travel experiences, however, need to take place in the real world. With the evolution of virtual reality(VR) technology, tourism will increasingly become a combination of physical and virtual worlds. VR may even removethe need to travel entirely.But can a VR experience really equal a real world one? Many experts believe it can. Studies have shown that our brains have an inbuilt VR-like mechanism that enables us to live imagined experiences. Much of our waking life is spent thinking about either the past or the future. This is known as" mind wandering". During these events we' re not paying attention to the current world around us. Instead, we' re recalling memories, or creating and processing imagined futures.When engaged in mind wandering, our brains process these mental images using the same pathways used to receive inputs from the real world. So, the imagined past or future can create emotions and feelings similar to how we react to everyday life. VR can create these same feelings.While critics might argue that a virtual experience will never match reality, there are several ways VR tourism could make a positive contribution. Firstly it could help protect sensitive locations from over-tourism. In recent years famous sites such as Maya Bay in Thailand, and Cambodia's Angkor Wat Temples have had to limit the number of visitors because of their negative impact. These places are now producing their own VR experiences that will allow tourists to pass through virtual models of the sites.Virtual reality may also allow people back in time, to experience historical events, visit ancient cities, and even to walk among dinosaurs.Finally, in a world where many people suffer from stress and depression due to overwork, virtual tourism may provide a cheap and convenient way for people to take brief holidays to otherwise unreachable destinations and recharge their batteries, without ever leaving their homes.It sounds like science fiction but it's already happening. As virtual technology improves and as people continue to demand new and interesting experiences, expect more virtual tourism, both in combination with the real world and instead of it.12. What is driving the development of virtual tourism?A. Companies seeking to make more money.B. Improvements in virtual reality technology.C. People's demand for more shared experiences.D. People's deeper understanding of the physical world.13. Which of the following best describes "mind wandering"?A. The brain processes which help people think VR is real.B. The way the brain processes inputs from the real world.C. Brain activities focusing on past or future events.D. Experiences coming from a person's imagination.14. What does the underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refer to?A. Science fiction.B. Virtual technology.C. Virtual tourism.D. The real world.15. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To describe the advantages of VR tourism.B. To give suggestions for reducing over-tourism.C. To encourage people to develop VR technology.D. To argue VR tourism will replace the real world travel.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年上海市闸北第八中学高三英语期中考试试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMy mother and her best friend Martha were in their mid-80s when they saw each other for the last time.They had been friends since they were 18, both of them students atWesleyanCollegeinMacon,Georgia. My mother was the dreamy one, who loved to read and dream herself as an actress. Martha, however, was more practical. I’m not sure what they had in common except that they trusted each other, helped each other, and stayed in touch even when life separated them.Martha spent most of her adulthood inAtlanta, where she raised three kids. My mother, meanwhile, raised eight children, and moved many times during her financially and emotionally troubled marriage, which included several months living with her family inseedymotels.I sensed my mother hid her troubles from most people, but not from Martha, and I knew from my mother that Martha carried her own sorrows. Their willingness to share sorrow without judgment was part of what bond them.The best friendships can also withstand (抵挡) periods without communication. They didn’t communicate a lot — this was before the ease of emails and texts and yet I knew they were always in each other’s minds.One day in 2008, 1 drove my mother to Martha’s house for their final visit. The moment my mother hobbled (蹒跚) into Martha’s house, they threw their arms around each other and went to sit out in the garden, laughing until they were dizzy. I snapped a photo, and spotted something joyous, young and free on my mom, which existed only in the presence of her best friend.Two years later, my mother died. Of all the people I had to tell, Martha was the hardest because I felt it erased her past. After that, we lost touch. But I still think of her and how that friendship strengthened my mother.1. What does the underlined word “seedy” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. largeB. dirtyC. urbanD. bright2. The author’s mother and Martha had a lasting friendship partly because they________.A. were willing to shareB. were constantly in touchC. had much in commonD. had a likeness in personality3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A. To tell the importance of friendship.B. To express his gratitude to his mother.C. To share his standard of choosing a friend.D. To praise the friendship between Martha and his mother.BThe relationship between humans and the Amazon Rainforest has not always been a harmonious one. However, recent research suggests that the native peoples ofthe Putumayo region helped to protect the rainforest, leaving it unchanged for 5,000 years. Perhaps humans’ coexisting with nature is possible after all.The study, published in PNAS, looked at soil samples in the Putumayo region of the Amazon in Peru to find how humans influenced the land. The researchers found that the trees still growing in the region today have been growing there for the last 5,000 years — evidence that the area has not been home to cities and farmland in that time. Traces of charcoal(木炭) found in the, soil, however, indicate that people did live there; they just did so in a way that had minimum influence on their environment.To come to these conclusions the team dug a 0.6-0.9 meter deep column into the ground, taking samples of soilfrom different heights along the column. Back in the lab, samples were carbon- dated to determine their age and then sorted under a microscope to look for microscopic mineral particles, known as phytoliths (植硅体). Phytoliths are essential evidence of plants— they remained in the soil thousands of years after the plant died. So researchers can use them to tell which plants have grown in an area in the past.Over 5,000 years’ worth of samples, no species loss was detected. These findings suggest that contrary to common belief, the Amazon is not untouched by humans, but rather has been protected by them for thousands of years. The management of the rainforest by native peoples appears to have been vital in preserving its biodiversity and will continue to be important in the fight to prevent it from acollapse.As Nigel Pitman, a co-author on the paper, said: “Since this particular forest is still being protected by native peoples, I hope this study reminds us all how important it is to support their work.”4. How did native peoples deal with the rainforest in the region of Putumayo?A. They always destroyed the rainforest.B. They had a side effect on the rainforest.C. They never lived in the area of the forest.D. They had been in harmony with the forest.5. What did the researchers try to find in the Amazon forest in Peru?A. The diversity of the plants in the rainforest.B. The evidence of human influence on the forest.C. The nutrition of the soil samples in the rainforest.D. The survival age of growing trees in the rainforest.6. What does the underlined word “collapse” mean in Paragraph 4?A. Sudden decrease.B. Bad management.C. Poor preservation.D. Over development.7. What can be inferred from Nigel Pitman's words?A. Native peoples should protectthe rainforest.B. We should help protect the Amazon Rainforest.C. More science research should be done on rainforest.D We should make good use of the Amazon Rainforest.COn the night of September 19, 1961, Betty Hill and her husband Barney were driving home through the White Mountains from Niagara Falls. They were travelling on anearly deserted two-lane highway when Betty noticed a steady light in the sky that was getting bigger and brighter.She thought it was a planet or a star. Barney, stimulated at her excitement, said it was probably just a wandering aeroplane. Whatever it was, it appeared to be following them.They stopped their car for a closer look. What they said happened next, changed their lives. The flying object was noiseless. It appeared to be spinning. It was as big as a jet but shaped like a pancake.So formed the tale of Betty Hill, a New Hampshire social worker who, with Barney, a postal worker, claimed to be kidnapped by aliens, who were from outer space, on a moonlit night about 60 years ago.After reluctantly going public with her experience, Hill, who died of cancer at her New Hampshire home, aged 85, became a celebrity on the UFO circuit and was known as the “first lady of UFOs”.Intriguingly, at the time of the incident, the Hills remembered nothing except that they had spied a strange object in the sky. Later, troubled by nightmares and other stress-related pains, the couple underwenthypnosis(催眠) where the full story came out with the aid of Boston psychiatrist Benjamin Simon, an expert in medical hypnosis.On their night of contact the Hills arrived homeat 5 a.m., unable to account for two lost hours. They were alsoconfused by the odd marks on their telescopes, deep signs on the tops of Barney’s best shoes, Betty’s torn dress and strange circular markings on their car that made the needle of a compass jump wildly.After seeing them for six months, the psychiatrist concluded the Hills’ lost memory about the hours they lost on that night in 1961 “appeared to involve an amazing experience on the part of both of the Hills”. Whether the experience had been fantasy or reality, Simon could not say, but he said he was convinced they had not been lying. He guessed that it had been a kind of shared dream.Reports of aliens capturing humans and taking them aboard oddly shaped spacecraft were “comparatively rare” before 1975. After a movie, “The UFO Incident”, about the Hills came out, however, such stories increased.8. When they saw the strange object in the sky, Barney and Betty Hill ______________.A. were astonished at its strange flight and noiseB. regarded it as just a wandering car following themC. realized immediately what the danger it might causeD. showed curiosity in discovering what it really was9. The word “Intriguingly” in paragraph 6 most probably means “______________”.A. RidiculouslyB. TemporarilyC. RemarkablyD. Mysteriously10. The Hills later sought the help of a psychiatrist because ______________.A. they had lots of secrets in their lives after the strange experienceB. their lives were greatly disturbed by the unexpected experienceC. they wanted to share their unforgettable experience with the expertD. they hoped to forget completely what had happened to them11. This article was written in order to ______________.A. describe an unusual event to the readersB. convince readers of the existence of UFOsC. record how people were caught by aliensD. warn people of the dangers the UFOs causeDIn recent years,people have been focusing on the quality of food that children are fed in schools. Former First Lady Michelle Obama worked hard to make school lunches healthier, resulting in new menus that featured less fat and salt, more fruits and vegetables.But high-quality nutrients count for little when there is no time to eat them. Amy Ettinger reports, "There is no national standard on how much time kids get to eat that meal. " And with schools being occupied with test scores, teachers are using every available minute for lesson time, which often leaves kids without enough eatingtime.This is a problem because the length of the school lunch period is a key factor (因素) in how much nutrition children actually gel. Research has found that having less than 20 minutes for lunch results in children consuming much less of their lunch than those with more than 20 minutes.This is really terrible. For many low-income kids, that cafeteria lunch can represent half their daily energy intake. There's also another terrible message that it's acceptable to wolf down food as fast as possible before rushing off to your next class. Cafeteria time should be a chance to interact with friends, to learn important social skills, to observe and share varieties of food. It should be a break in day, a chance to relax before heading into the afternoon.As Ettinger explains,some parents are hoping the National Parent Teacher Association will address this issue. This, in turn, would help parents push their kids' schools for better lunch time standards. Meanwhile, if you have a kid in this situation, you can help by packing a healthy lunch to spare them the cafeteria lineup. Make the foods easy to eat, provide non-messy snacks that can be eaten in class, put great effort into serving a hearty breakfast, and sit down as a family for dinner whenever possible.12. What did Michelle Obama make efforts to improve?A. The quality of school lunches.B. The performance of school kids.C. The school lunch time kids have.D. The eating habits of school kids.13. What happens to children in American schools?A. They are occupied with many tests.B. They fail to get along with each other.C. They consume more meat than before.D. They have less lunch time than before.14. How are low-income kids influenced by the problem at school?A. They can't go to classes on time.B. They can't have enough energy.C. They can't share different kinds of food.D. They can't hold a positive attitude toward life.15.What can parents do to solve the problem?A. Prepare a better lunch for their kids.B. Stop their kids going to the cafeteria.C. Force schools to make adjustments to lunch.D. Guide their kids on how to pack their own lunch.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANAME: JohnFAVORITE SPORT: Basketball FAVORITE SNACK: PizzaHOBBY: Photography PET: Beagle named MaxFUNNIEST MOMENT: “On Max's birthday, we sang the ‘Happy Birthday’ song to him and he got a big treat. A month later, my family sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me. Max got so excited because he remembered the song. He whined(嘀咕) when he didn't get a treat, so we gave him one.”NAME: SarahFAVORITE SPORT: Track and field FAVORITE SNACK: GranolaHOBBY: Guitar PET: Cat named LuluFUNNIEST MOMENT: “One day in my kindergarten, I opened my snack bag and found a tennis ball and a sock! My little brother had played his first practical joke. Thanks, Bryan!”NAME: PaulFAVORITE SPORT: Baseball FAVORITE SNACK: Apple with peanut butterHOBBY: Making comics PET: Tropical fishFUNIEST MOMENT: “In a school play, I was supposed to say the line ‘Stop right there, cowboy!’ Devin was playing the cowboy, and 1 said, ‘Stop right there, Devin!’ It was supposed to be a serious part of the play, but Devin cracked up. Then everybody else laughed, too, including me.”NAME: ScottFAVORITE SPORT: Soccer FAVORITE SNACK: BananasHOBBY: Drawing dinosaursPET: Hermit crab named HermieFUNNIEST MOMENT: “One night, we were camping in a state park. I heard a loud thumping(砰砰作响) outside the tent. I was sure that it was a bear! I used my flashlight to look around the campsite(野营地) and saw a little toad hopping away, going thump, thump, thump!”1.Whom will you get in touch with if you also like taking photos?A.Scott.B.Sarah.C.John.D.Paul.2.Where did Sarah find the tennis ball and the sock?A.At her friend's birthday party.B.In her kindergarten.C.In her school.D.In a state park.3.Outside the tent, what thumped that night?A.A bear.B.A cat.C.A fish.D.A toad.BThese days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world! The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient China. It was then known as cuju (kick ball), a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside. Goals were hung in the air. Football as we know it today started inGreat Britain, where the game was given new rules.That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. It is also a game that is very cheap to play. You don’t need expensive equipment; even the ball doesn’t have to cost much money. All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags.Another factor behind football’s global popularity is the creativity and excitement on the field. It is fun enough to attract millions of people. You do not have to be a fan to recognize the skill of professional players or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.What’s more, football has become one of the best ways for people to communicate: it does not require words, but everyone understands it. It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field.“Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, ...” said Bill Shankly, the famous footballer and manager. “I can tell you with certainty it is much, much more important than that.” This might sound funny, but one only has to think about the Earth to realize that our planet is shaped like a football.4. What can we know from paragraph one?A. Some people like to play football on the Moon.B. The game called cuju was given new rules today.C. Cuju is different from football as we know it today.D. Many people like playing a ball made of plastic bags.5. According to the author, there are ________ reasons why football became so popular in the world.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 66. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Football is round.B. Football is more than just a sport.C. Our planet is shaped like a football.D. What Bill Shankly said sounds funny.7. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A. To talk about the history of football.B. To express his/her love of football.C. To explain why football is such a popular game.D. To prove that he/she is a professional football fan.CLike all cultural institutions, galleries and art fairs are adapting to a new reality.Art Basel Hong Kong, Asia's biggest contemporary-art fair, was cancelled because of covid-19, but anyone he who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative:the viewing room. At the click of a keyboard) you could enter an overall view but private visual salon, without having to brave the airless Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.There, on one webpage, was Jeff Koons riffing(翻唱)on Botticelli's "Primavera" in a tribute to the history of painting at David Zwirner Gallery. Ota Fine Arts offered one collector the chance to acquire an "infinity(无限)room“, one of the most Instagrammed artworks of recent years- the creation of the fantasies,nonagenarian (九十多岁) Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. White Cube presented a large collection of international works by Andreas Gursky (German), Theaster Gates (American) and Beatriz Milhazes (Brazilian). But not every artist, gallery and form showed to equal advantage in this alternative fair. Not surprisingly, simple two-dimensional works in bright colours came across best No sculpture or conceptual art was includedBesides depth and texture, there are aspects of gallery hopping that a website is unlikely to copy. One isserendipity—the sense of wandering between artworks and encountering the unexpected. Another is sociability. Art is a communion between artist and viewer, but galleries and fairs are also places to swap opinions and share enthusiasms.Thereare ways to compensate (or these inevitable(不可避免的)disadvantages. As they shut their physical doors, some of the world's nest galleries and museums are offering advanced interactive visits, 360 degree videos and walk around tours of their collections, allwithout queues and high ticket prices. One of the best is laid on bythe Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam;its tour allows visitors to view its Vermeers and Rembrandts, including the magnicent "Night Watch”, far more closely than would normally he possible. Another standout offering is from the Museu de Arte de SPaulo, which has an even broader collection. On its virtual platform, its pain tings, spanning 700 years, appear to be hanging in an open-plan space, seemingly hung on glass panels, or "crystal easels” as the. museum calls them, ideal for close-up inspection,8. From the paragraph 3, we may knowA. "Primavera" was originally painted by JeKoonsB.“innity room” was the most popular artworks of recent years on social mediaC. White Cube displayed a great many works by artists from different nationsD. Various paintings and statues showed on the webpage are well-received9. What does the underlined word "serendipity" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. surpriseB. treasureC. expectationD. compromise10. What is the purpose of writing the last paragraph?A.To introduce some popular art show in the world.B. To show that there are some alternative ways to promote the display during covid-19 epidemic.C. To prove that paintings hung on glass panels can be idealfor close-up inspection,D. To release some information about some extraordinary art shows.11. What is the best title?A. Art beyond the internet.B. Fascinating art.C. Art under covid-19.D. gallery hoppingDHave you ever imagined that your simple T-shirt could cool you down by up to5℃on these hot summer days? Thanks to a recent discovery, the possibility is getting closer. While there are many alternatives that manage to keep the body warm, this amazing invention aims to offer real relief for those who are eager to feel comfortable and fresh in the outdoors on extremely hot days.Its inventors, engineers Ma Yaoguang of Zhejiang University and Tao Guangming of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, look a completely innovative approach. They designed a special textile dial can absorb body heat and re-emit its energy into space as mid-infrared radiation (MIR). This textile cools both the objects and their surroundings through a technique that is known as radiative cooling, Science reveals. This means that even when it looks like you are wearing a regular shirt, you are actually wearing a device that works like amirror.Research conducted at Stanford University in 2017 had already managed to cool the wearer by 3℃, but this previous trial was limited. So researchers still need to test the new approach to determine how effectively the new fabric cools while the wearers are standing or walking, and not directly facing the sky, like in their trials. They also need to examine and measure how well it works when T-shirts are not in close contact with the skin.Inventors Yaoguang and Guangming are now looking out for textile manufacturers and clothing brands that are interested in using their fabric. They estimate that the new material will increase clothing manufacturing costs by just 10 percent. “We can make it with mass production which means everybody can get a T-shirt and the cost is basically the same as theirs,” old Yaoguang said.So if you are an athlete or simply someone that has to deal with the extremely high temperatures, be patient because your days of feeling hot and bothered may be corning to an end!12. What is the purpose of the new invention?A. To warm up people's body.B. To cool people off in hot weather.C. To detect the wearers' temperature.D. To protect clothes from becoming wet.13. How does the special product work?A. By turning sunlight into energy.B. By sending out absorbed heat.C. By keeping heat out completely.D. By using light color1 s to reflect sunlight.14. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A. The invention needs further testing.B. The previous studies lack evidence.C. The new fabric has a good cooling effect.D. The new fabric applies to various situations.15. The invention of the T-shirt may hean example of ________.A. barking up the wrong treeB. robbing Peter to pay PaulC. killing two birds with one stoneD. pulling the cart before the horse第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020届上海市闸北第八中学高三英语上学期期中试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt's just before l pm and hungry guests are starting to emerge out onto the wooden floor at the back of the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge in Zimbabwe. A few have already settled in for lunch, drinking beer and enjoying their sandwiches and salads in the sunshine. It's a normal setting until you look up. Overhead, the sky is filled with several hundred vultures (秃鹭).They too have arrived for their midday snack. Every day the team at this hotel places last night's leftover meat out for the vultures to eat. They call it the "Vulture Restaurant" and it's a vital part of protecting these birds, who have become some of the most endangered species in Africa.In Zimbabwe, where illegal hunting of elephants and rhinos is a major issue, poisoning poses a significant threat to the birds. "In recent years hunters have realized they can use poison to kill animals. It's effective because it's silent and therefore doesn't attract much attention.when the vultures eat the bodies of the dead animals they die too," says Roger Parry, Wildlife Manager at the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust.The Vulture Restaurant initiative is part feeding programme, part education programme. By attracting the birds to the Vulture Restaurant every day the team can ensure they're regularly getting a safe meal, and while the birds are there they can educate tourists from all over the world about these creatures.“Lunch” is served by Moses Garira. He has the unenviable task of wandering out into the middle of the clearing with a box full of meat, dropping the contents onto the ground and running for his life as the vultures fly downward suddenly for their food. No one, surely, would volunteer for this role, but Garira rather enjoys it. Back in the safety of the viewing seats, he tells the onlookers about the importance of vultures. "They're hugely important in terms of their role of cleaning up the bodies of dead animals," says Garira. "Notably, they're safely able to digest bacteria like anthrax. Without vultures, there'd be a lot more disease in the world."1. What's the biggest threat vultures facing in Zimbabwe?A. Overhunting.B. Unsafe food.C. Loss of habitat.D. A bird disease.2. What would others think of Garira's job?A. Scary.B. Relaxing.C. Well-paid.D. Time-consuming3. What do Garira's words mean?A. Birds are human's best friends.B. People know little about vultures.C. Vultures are environmentally favorable.D. Vultures are in urgentneed of protection.BThe term "bird brain" is frequently used to describe a person's lack of intelligence and good decision-making ability. However, some scientists believe it should be considered a praise, given that many birds can perform human tasks like producing and using tools, solving problems, and planning for future needs. Now,Griffin, an African Grey parrot, has proved that birds may even possess better visual memories than human adults and children.The study, led by Hrag Pailian, a researcher at Harvard University, had the parrot compete in the game against twenty-one undergraduate students and twenty-one 6 to 8-year-old children. The popular challenge involves hiding a small object under one of three or more upside-down cups, which are moved around. Participants are required to accurately identify the cup under which the object lies. To make the task more challenging, the researchers required participants to track two, three, and four objects at the same time.An analysis of the results showed thatGriffinoutperformed the 6 to 8-year-olds across all levels on average. Even more impressive, the "bird brain" performed as well as, or slightly better than, the 21 Harvard students on 12 of the 14 trials! It was only in the final two tests, which had the most objects and most movement, that the parrot fell behind the adults. However,Griffin's performance was never below that of the children.Griffinwas the candidate of choice because the scientists needed an animal that had a brain functionality similar to that of humans. "The fact that the smart parrot loves to show off his brain power in exchange for a few cashews (腰果) did not hurt either", said Irene Pepperberg, a Harvard lecturer, who has trained Griffin and several other African Grey parrots, has been studying the species for over four decades and is considered a pioneer in the study of bird intelligence.4. Whatwere the participants required to do in the study?A. Identify different kinds of objects.B. Tell where the hidden object lies.C. Track other participants' performance.D. Move around upside-down cups.5. What did the results of the study indicate?A. 6 to 8-year-olds did better thanGriffin.B. Parrots have a better memory than other birds.C. Harvard students have a better visual memory.D.Griffinoutsmarted Harvard students in some trials.6. Why wasGriffinchosen for the experiment?A. It was good at making decisions.B. It was specially trained for experiments.C. It had similar brain functions to human beings.D. It loved to show off his language power for some treats.7. What is the best title for the text?A. "Bird brain" becomes a term for a stupid person.B. Harvard lecturer pioneers in bird intelligence study.C. Parrot outsmarted Harvard students in visual memory test.D. Researchers made new discoveries about human intelligence.CI have a memory of being about five years old, picking up a beautiful grilled(烧烤的)cheese sandwich made for me by my hard —working mother and turning it over to see that theother side was burned. Suddenly what I thought was the perfect sandwich was not so perfect. Mom had tried to hide that fact from me. There was no question; I ate it anyway without complaining. However, that moment has stuck in my mind for many years. Now, at the age of 43 as a mother of two children and as a biology professor where I am routinely the "academic mother" of hundreds of students every year,I find that I believe inThe Grilled Cheese Principle.Here is what I mean Making a grilled cheese sandwich is easy right? But when I think of how many burned grilled cheese sandwiches I have eaten, or I have made myself, I realize that most of the grilled cheese sandwiches I have known have had at least one burned side. The thing is that although it is a ly easy thing to make, I can also easily lose focus, and before long the sandwich is burned. For my mother, the first side was usually perfect and the second side got burned due to her being distracted. For me,I have tended to burn the first side,but then I more carefullymonitor the second side.Either way,the grilled cheese sandwich suffers because it has not been given the attention it deservesSo, I have learned that even the simplest task deserves my full attention. When I am multi-tasking, I am doing none of the tasks well. And when I allow myself to be distracted, I am not in the present moment — not paying attention to the small details of living or enjoying the processSo now, I believe the best way to make a perfect grilled cheese sandwich is to make only one at a time and give it my full attention.8. How did the writer react to the sandwich with burned side?A. She ate it with some complaintsB. She showed no interest.C. She thought it was still perfectD. She was deeply impressed with it9. What doesThe Grilled Cheese Principlemean?A. Even simple things deserve full attentionB. Losing focus makes the sandwich burnedC. Self-made sandwiches are always burnedD. we should make only one sandwich at a time10. Which of the following can we infer from the passage?A. Everything cannot be done well without full attentionB. Moms always like to lie to kids when they have done something wrongC. We can lose focus more easily when we do easy things.D. Multi-tasking can be an obstacle to the achievement of tasks.11. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A. Nothing is perfectB. Learn to appreciate the burned sandwichesC. Devote yourself to one thing at a time.D. Never do multi-tasksDWilliam had worked hard to pass the exams to enter high school. When the term began, however, his father told him that there was no money to pay for his school fees because of the summer drought. Still, William wantedto learn.He made the village library his school. One day, he found a book calledUsing Energy. On the book’s cover was a picture of windmills, tall steel towers with blades (叶片) spinning like giant fans. He learned that wind—something of which his hometown had plenty—could produce electricity.He couldn’t help picturing his own windmill in mind, but collecting the parts and tools he needed would take months. In a junkyard, he dug through piles of used metal, old cars, and worn-out tractors, searching for anything that might help him construct his machine. He made four-foot-long blades from plastic pipe, which he melted over a fire, flattened out, and hardened with bamboo poles.Earning some money, he paid a blacksmith to attach the piston (活塞) to the pedal sprocket (踏板链轮) of an old bicycle frame. This would be the axle (轮轴) of the windmill. When the wind blew, the spinning blades would turn the bicycle wheel and spin a small dynamo (发电机), donated by his friend.When he had collected all the parts, William began putting them together. He fixed the blades to the tractor fan he found, using washers (垫圈) he’d made from bottle caps. Next he pushed the fan onto the piston joint to the bicycle frame. With the help of his two best friends, Williambuilt a 16-foot-tall tower from trunks of trees and lifted the ninety-pound windmill to the top.The big moments eventually came. He climbed up the tower and connected two wires that held a small bulb. As the wind whipped around him, the blades began to turn, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The light bulb flickered (闪烁), then flashed to life. The crowd cheered from below. “Wachitabwina (well done)!”William’s machine now powered his house. And the story of the boy who’d built a power-generating windmill to rescue his family from the drought spread across the Internet.12. After readingUsing Energy, what did William decide to do?A. Make use of wind.B. Enter a high school.C. Build a village library.D. Learn to survive a drought.13. According to Para.3, which of the following word can best describe William?A. Humorous.B. Determined.C. Cooperative.D. Friendly.14. What can you learn about William’s machine?A. It was built by villagers.B. It worked at the first attempt.C. It took him years to complete it.D. It was made from metal materials.15. What is the besttitle for the passage?A. Winds Of HopeB. Ideas Worth SpreadingC. Learning from ExperienceD. Windmills for Villages第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020年上海市闸北第八中学高三英语上学期期中试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASome colleges have started offering their own gap year programs to support students who want to take a year off in a meaningful way. Below, we’ll look at four of these programs.American University Gap ProgramWhen to apply: By July 15 or November 15Is there funding available? No.In American University Gap Program, students spend three days per week with a government or business organization in the city. Students go on field trips, listen to guest speakers, take part in hands-on lessons and work on service projects as a group. Students who complete the program can earn seven credits.Duke University Gap Year ProgramWhen to apply: By early May of each yearIs there funding available? Yes, $5,000 to $15,000.Though Duke University has no course of study or experience for its gap year program, it encourages students to have an independent plan for their year off, particularly one that promotes personal growth. Independent experiences may include community service, personalized experiential learning opportunities and others.Florida State University Gap YearWhen to apply: By February 24Is there funding available? Yes, up to $5,000.Florida State University offers gap year funding to students wishing to work or volunteer before starting college. In order to get the momey, students must explain their plans for their gap year. The experience must last over one year.St Norbert College Bridge Year ExperienceWhen to apply: not specifiedIs there funding available? Not specified.Students taking part in the Bridge Year Experience can travel to locations such as New Mexico, Wisconsin and Guatemala during the fall term, where they learn about the local cultures, take courses and get serviceopportunities.1.What does Duke University advise students to do during their gap year?A.Focus on their personal growth.B.Be independent of their parents.C.Apply before the end of November.D.Contact some off-campus organization.2.How can students get gap year funding from Florida State University?A.By having extra credits.B.By organizing several projects.C.By showing their gap plans.D.By doing volunteer work.3.If you are interested in travelling, you can choose ________.A.Florida State University Gap YearB.American University Gap ProgramC.Duke University Gap Year ProgramD.St. Norbert College Bridge Year ExperienceBSome of the oldest art in human history is being damaged, scientists say. And climate change may be speeding up its loss. Newresearch reports that ancient rock art in Indonesian caves is degrading over time, as bits of rock slowly break off from the walls. It's a huge loss for human history.Salt crystals(结晶)building up on the walls are a key part of the problem, the study suggests. These salt crystals go into the cave walls, changing sizes as temperatures rise and fall. This process causes the rock to slowly break down.Salt crystals may become larger when exposed to repeated changes between wet conditions and periods of drought. These kinds of changes are expected to become more obvious as the climate continues to warm.In particular, the researchers say, climate change may cause more intense El Nino(厄尔尼诺)events in the future. These events can strengthen the kinds of conditions that help salt crystals form Scientists are still debating the exact influence of climate change on El Nino, a natural climate cycle that drives changing patterns of warming and cooling in thePacific Ocean.The new study, led by Jillian Huntley, examined 11 ancient cave art sites in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The researchers found evidence of salt formation at all 11 sites. It's merely a small part There are more than 300 known eave art sites around the region. The researchers note that salt crystals may indeed be part of the problem, adding that climate change is a growing threat, one that deserves more attention.4. What is the main cause of the rocks breaking off from the wall?A. Weather patterns.B. Salt crystals.C. Wet conditions.D. Drought Periods.5. Which of the following may researchers agree with?A. El Nino events prevent salt crystals forming.B. Climate change makes little difference to El Nino.C.Salt crystals may become much larger in wet conditions.D. Constant warm weather may cause salt crystals to change size.6. Which word best describes Huntley's attitude to climate change?A. Worried.B. Curious.C. Doubtful.D. Positive.7. What can we learn from thelast paragraph?A. The formation and patterns of salt crystals.B. The impact of climate change on ancient rock arts.C. The historical value of ancient rock art in cave sites.D. The threats of human activities to ancient eave art sites.CJerry Lawson had a love of science and invention from a very young age. And, with the support of his family and teachers, he took that love and helped change the world for billions of people, when he invented the modem video game cartridge.Both of Jerry's parents supported his love of science and invention. His father, a longshoreman, was a science fan and encouraged Jerry to always experiment with things. Jerry's first-grade teacher helped encourage him on his path to be someone influential similar to George Washington Carver, a great AfricanAmerican inventor. His first love in school was chemistry but he ended up liking electronics(电子学)even more.He earned an amateur ham radio license at age 13 and built his own radio station in his room, with an antenna hanging out of his window! Jerry earned money from fixing television sets, visiting people's homes for inhouse repair, and also working at local electronics stores. Jerry also made walkie-talkies and sold them to other kids. He spent many Saturdays at an electronics store that had all of the parts he needed for his inventions. He would use his small allowance and money he earned to buy parts to help fuel his inventions.When he was a young adult, Jerry joined Fairchild Semiconductor as an engineer. During this time, he created his own video arcade game(街机游戏),Demolition Derby, in his garage.A few years later, Jerry was asked to work on a secret project. Not even his boss was allowed to know whathe was doing! What it turned out to be was that he was designing the Fairchild Channel F video gameconsole(游戏控制器)and leading the team that invented the video game cartridge. This was the first of its kind and enabled kids around the world to affordably play video games at home.Just like with automobiles,many advances have occurred since the inventionof video games. Video games are now one of the biggest forms of entertainment in the world. But all of this would not have been possible without the vision, passion, and skill of Jerry Lawson and his learn.8. How did Jerry earn money when he was a teenager?A. By running his radio station.B. By selling television sets.C. By repairing things for others.D. By making electronic parts.9. Before Jerry's secret project, playing video games at home was_____.A. expensiveB. harmfulC. commonD. tiring10. What does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?A. Jerry Lawson and his team can be more skillful.B. Jerry Lawson is important to the game industry.C.Many advances have taken place in the automobile industry.D. Video games are now the most popular form of entertainment.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Video Gaming-An Important IndustryB. Game Console-Key to Home Video GamesC. Jerry Lawson-Father of Modern GamingD. Support and Encouragement-Necessary for SuccessDLearning to say “yes, and”When I first heard about the improvisation (即兴交流) class, I was hesitating. As a quiet and shy girl, I feared improvising in front of strangers. However,I knew I wanted to work as a science communicator after finishing my Ph.D., so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to learn how to speak and communicate with others effectively. I signed up, knowing the experience would give me help.During our first class, we learned an important concept of improvisation: “yes, and.” It means that, as improvisers, we’d better accept what fellow performers say. If someone says that rhinos (犀牛) are librarians, for example, then rhinos are librarians. We do not question the logic; we say “yes” and then continue with the sceneas if nothing is wrong.The first few scenes were hard, but as weeks turned into months, I became more comfortable andeven started to enjoy our classes. I became better at listening, relating to my conversation partners, and communicating clearly in the moment. Once when I was giving a presentation about my science, an audience member surprised me with a question that didn’t grow out of the information I’d presented. Instead of getting confused and nervous, I took the “yes, and” approach—accepting the question and letting my mind focus on why it was asked. That helped me find an appropriate answer. I got pretty excited about it.The benefits of improvisation go beyond communication. Before attending the class, I would get stuck when my experiments produced unexpected data, thinking that I had made a mistake. But now, instead of getting discouraged, I will stay open to the possibility that the results are real, keep exploring the data and end up identifying a new type of cell—one that isn’t behaving as expected.I think all scientists can benefit from this lesson. If the data say rhinos are librarians, then it’s worth findingout whether rhinos are, in fact, librarians. As scientists, our job isn’t to challenge data that support a preconceived (先入为主的) story, but to say “yes, and.”12. Why did the author attend the improvisation class?A. To get a different experience.B. To finish her Ph.D. at university.C. To give up her job as a science communicator.D. To improve her speaking and communicating ability.13. What was the author’s change after attending the improvisation class?A. She formed her own idea quickly.B. She came up with lots of creative responses.C. She paid more attention to the logic of answers.D. She became a good listener before giving an opinion.14. The author mentions applying the “yes, and” approach to her scientific experiments to ______.A. explain the process of using the methodB. prove the benefits of the improvisation classC. share her own research experiences with readersD. attract fellow scientists to attend the improvisation class15. What can be inferred about scientists from the last paragraph?A. They should attend the improvisation class.B. They should question all preconceived ideas.C. They should carry on research by admitting earlier data.D. They should try to improve their professional knowledge.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年上海市市八高级中学高三英语上学期期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AKate Humble: Books that changed my lifeKate Humble is a writer and broadcaster specializing in science, wildlife and rural affairs. Together with her husband site runs Humble by Nature, a rural skills education centre on working farm near Monmouth intheWyeValley.Winnie the Poohby A A MilneMy father used to read this to me when I was very young — he used different voices for all the animals. The characterization (角色设定) was so clever; we all know someone just like each inhabitant of the HundredAcre Wood: gloomy Eeyore; thick but loyal Pooh; enthusiastic Tigger.A A Milne was masterful in exploring the way they got along together, opening my eyes to how society really works.Last Chance to Seeby Douglas Adams and Mark CarwardineThis book tells of the authors, adventures as they set out to find the rarest of animals, those on the edge of extinction.Their travels are rather exciting and they share a wonderful humour, which really appealed to me. Yet underpinning (支撑) everything is the realization that we can't just sit back and allow species to disappear. PicturePalaceby Paul TherouxI've always loved Theroux's travel writing, but this novel took my breath away. The words aren't long or complicated but, fromthat first paragraph, his writing grabs you by the nose hairs and drags you along. I had an art teacher who told me, “You're only an artist when you've found your own style, not when you're copying someone else, and Theroux represents this.”1. Why did the author mention the characterization ofWinnie the Pooh?A. To indicate the book has realistic values.B. To show how adorable the characters are.C. To persuade people to learn from the characters.D. To prove the writer is good at creating characters.2. What didLast Chance to Seestrike into Kate's heart?A. Curiosity.B. Responsibility.C. Exploration.D. Devotion.3. Which writer does Kate Humble like for his original writing?A. A A Milne.B. Douglas Adams.C. Mark Carwardine.D. Paul Theroux.BJapan has announced emergency Covid measures in Tokyo and three other areas in order to control rising infections (传染病), just three months before the country is set to host the Olympics. The government said the state of emergency — set to last for about two weeks— would be “short and powerful”. Under the measures, bars will be required to close and big sporting events will be held without audience. The government has insisted that the Olympics will go ahead in July.Prime minister Yoshihide Suga announced the measures on Friday, saying they would begin on Sunday and remain in place until 11 May. In addition to to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo will be affected. It has marked the third state of emergency in japan since the pandemic began. “I sincerely apologize for causing trouble for many people again,” he said. “It is feared that infection in major cities will spread across the whole country if we take no measures.”Under the rules, major facilities like department stores will close, as well as restaurants, bars, and KTV rooms serving alcohol. Restaurants that do not serve alcohol are being told to close early, and companies are being asked to make arrangements for people to work remotely. Schools will remain open. Besides, the emergency measurescoincide withthe country’s “Golden Week” holiday, which runs from late April to the first week of May and is the busiest travel period of the year. Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike urged residents to start taking precautions immediately. In an effort to discourage people from going out at night. She said neon signs (霓虹灯) would be turned off.The coronavirus toll in Japan has been much lower than that in many other countries, with about 558,000 cases and fewer than 10,000 deaths, according to figures collected by Johns Hopkins University. But there are concerns over the latest rise in infections, with reports of hospital bed shortages in some areas.Tokyo 2020 president Seiko Hashimoto said at a news conference on Friday that organizers were not considering canceling the event. “I hope the coronavirus situation improves with the prevention measures the government, Tokyo, and other regional governments have put into place,” she said. “We, as Tokyo 2020, continue to wish for the swift return to normal and will continue to work closely to make sure a safe and secure Olympics can happen.”4. According to the passage, what does Japanese government advise people to do?A. To watch a live game.B. To work at home.C. To hang out in the evening.D. To study at home.5. What is the aim of bringing in emergency Covid measures?A. To relieve people's fear of the the pandemic.B. To settle the problem of hospital bed shortages.C. To test government’s management of emergency.D. To ensure the smooth running of the upcoming Olympics.6. Which words can best describe the government’s action?A. generous and brilliant.B. costly but useless.C. positive and considerate.D. accidental but efficient.7. What does the underlined phrase “coincide with” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. meet withB. deal withC. make upD. set upCA team of engineers atHarvardUniversity in trying to create the first robotic fly. Designed to do what a fly does naturally, the tiny is the size of a fat housefly. Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks."The added difficulty with a project like this is that actually none of its components is off the shelf and so we have to develop them all on our own’ said Robert Wood, a Harvard engineering professor.They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly. “The seemingly simple system which just moves the wings hasa number of interdependencies (相互依赖)on the individual components, each of which individually has to perform well, but then has to be matched well to everything it d connected to,” said Wood.While this first robotic flyer is linked to a small, off-board power source, the goal is eventually to equip it with a built-in power source, so that it might someday perform data-gathering work at rescue sites,in farmers’ fields or on the battlefield. "Basically it should be able to take off, land and fly around,” he said.Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect-scale. Yet, the power, sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications.“You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions, you know, to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animal,but using these robots instead” he said. "So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on a day-to-day basis.”8. What is the typical characteristic of the robotic fly?A. It's automatic.B.It's very small.C. It's controllable.D. It's quite powerful.9. We can infer from the passage that the robotic flyer can____ .A. act as a spy planeB. help do farm workC.fly at a very high speedD. answer many scientific questions10. What is Wood's idea about the robotic fly according to the last paragraph?A. It is highly questionable.B. It has wide practical applications.C. It gives scientists interest in flying machines.D. It points to a new direction in studying biology.11. What can be the best title for the passage?A. Harvand's Study in the Field of Insects.B. A Breakthrough in Engineering ScienceC. An Interesting Invention一Robotic FlyD. Robotic Fly一a Copy of Real Life InsectDThe English language is changing, and you are responsible! Whether we consider changes in grammar, spelling, pronunciation, or the very vocabulary of the language, you have played your part and continue to do so.When we first learned basic grammar and spelling, perhaps in elementary school, we might have gotten the impression that these things were sacred. The rules that apply to such things might have been presented as unchanging and unchangeable. While this way might be helpful for teaching children, it is far from accurate.The English language, like many others, is a living, growing, ever-evolving thing. Like it or not, you are involved in this change. These changes take many forms. Grammar and spelling have changed greatly over the years and centuries, with the spelling differences in different countries today a reflection of this. While thelanguage of a thousand years ago might be called English, most of us would hardly recognize it today as the same language.The first involves changes in the pronunciation of words. Many are familiar with the differences between the British and American ways of pronouncing certain words. In addition to these differences, the pronunciation of many words has changed over the years because of how you have decided to pronounce them. For example, consider the word "err." The traditional pronunciation of this word rhymes with the word "her." Older dictionaries show this to be the primary or only pronunciation. However, in recent years, more and more people have been pronouncing it so that it sounds like "air." Another change in the language involves the addition and removal of words. The makers of dictionaries decide which words deserve to be officially adopted as part of the English language. Through the centuries, many words have come from other languages. In fact, English has probably done this more than any other language in the world, which is why spelling and pronunciation rules for English have so many exceptions.Of course, many slang words have been just short-lived fashions that have died out quickly. Others, though, have been adopted by mainstream society and become respectable, as have many technical terms. So then remember, the next time you repeat the newest expression to hit the street, or make up your own words, you may be contributing to the future of the English language.12. When we begin to learn English, we think _________.A. it is interesting to pick up a new languageB. English rules are wrongly presented in factC. grammar and spelling rules are unchangeableD. only adults have the ability to affect a language13. From paragraph 3 we can know that_________.A. we can change the English languageB. many languages are changing over yearsC. English has changed little in the past 1,000 yearsD. there were main changes in grammar and pronunciation14. Why is the pronunciation of words changing?A. people speak in different waysB. people have adopted foreign wordsC. it has been affected by American EnglishD. makers of dictionaries often change them15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Foreign words involved in English.B. The British speaks differently from Americans.C. English language is changing over years.D. You can change the English language.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。







2016 年以来,北极中心区域冬季多次出现爆发性增温现象,使得2016~ 2017年北极年最大海冰覆盖范围达到了1979 年以来的最低值,目前夏季海冰覆盖面积也缩小约30%。














2020届上海市闸北第八中学高三英语期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABrooklyn Children's MuseumFounded in 1899 as the country's first museum specifically made for children, today BCM is comprehensive, with a permanent collection of 30,000 objects, including musical instruments, masks and dolls. Kids love the interactive World Brooklyn, a small cityscape(城市风光)lined by stores where children can pretend to be working grown-ups.Children's Museum of ManhattanLooking for interactive art that welcomes curious minds? Then head to Inside Art, the current show up at CMOM, which lets your little ones climb in and over and all around the exhibits. It's ideas like this that make the 40,000-square-foot so special. Learning about culture, history and science is a pride for kids aged six and under. CMOM also hosts classes—like Gross Biology for kids who are interested in insects-all designed with the latest child-development research in mind.DiMenna Children's History MuseumThe hands-on displays at this kid-focused arm of the New York Historical Society transport children back through 350 years of US history, with a special focus on NYC. Children are encouraged to climb around and interact with exhibits that highlight the lives of kids who grew up to become famous doctors, athletes and political figures! Little New Yorkers can get in on sing-alongs and crafts. Other family programs include cookings classes, games and story hours.Staten Island Children's MuseumStaten Island Children's Museum nurtures(培养)creativity. It offers hands-on experiences like the Block Harbor(plenty of blocks to play with!), larger-than-life games like Connect Four and Dominoes, and even the opportunity to climb through a human-sized anthill or play firefighter at Ladder 11, so you'll find immersive(沉浸式的)fun around every corner. Don't forget to stop by Green Living Room powered by the wind energy where the kids can learn about ways to reduce our carbon footprint.1. Which museum provides biology classes for kids?A. Brooklyn Children's Museum.B. Staten Island Children's Museum.C. Children's Museum of Manhattan.D. DiMenna Children's History Museum.2. What can kids do in DiMenna Children's History Museum?A. Play interesting games with great firefighters.B. Know about famous people's childhood lives.C. Run stores like adults in different small streets.D. Cook delicious local food with foreign athletes.3. Where can kids learn how to protect the environment?A. At Ladder 11.B. At the Block Harbor.C In Green Living Room. D. On a human-sized anthill.BAccording to the study posted onScienceDirect, gardening just two to three times a week increase the benefits of better well-being as much as possible and lower stress levels.The research explored why residents engaged with gardening and the extent to which they recognized any health benefits from the activity.A questionnaire was handed out electronically within theUK, with 5,766 gardeners and 249 non-gardeners responding. Data was collected on factors including garden typology(类型学), frequency of gardening and individual awareness of health and well-being."This is the first time the dose response(剂量效应)to gardening has been tested and the evidence from the survey strongly suggests that the more frequently you garden, the greaterthe health benefits," said Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) lead author Dr Lauriane Chalmin-Pui. In fact, gardening every day has the same positive impact on well-being than undertaking regular and powerful exercise like cycling or running.When gardening, our brains are pleasantly entertained by nature around us. Gardening takes our attention away from ourselves and our stresses, therefore, it helps restore our minds and reduce unfavorable feelings.Improving health, however, was not the main motive power to garden, but rather the direct pleasure gardening brought to the participants."Gardening is like effortless exercise because it doesn't feel as exhausting and hard as going to the gym, for example, but we canexpendsimilar amounts of energy," Chalmin-Pui added.Most people say they garden for pleasure and enjoyment, so people who like gardening may be easy to be addicted to it. However, this sometimes may become a piece of good news, from the aspect of mental health. "We hope all the millions of new gardeners will be getting their daily gardening and feeling all the better for it. " Chalmin-Pui said in the interview.4. What can be inferred about gardening from the survey?A. Improving health is the aim of the participants.BGardening makes no difference to health.C. Health benefits from frequent gardening.D. Too much gardening always does harm to health.5. What does the underlined word "expend" mean in paragraph 7?A. Consume.B. Make use of.C. Increase.D. Save.6. Why do so many participantslike gardening?A. It isn't exhausting.B. It is good for health.C. It brings pleasure.D. It is like going to the gym.7. What is Chalmin-Pui's attitude to the new gardeners' gardening?A. Carefree.B. SupportiveC. Tolerant.D. Indifferent.CIvrea is a town in the Piedmont province of northern Italy. It is known for its localcarnival(狂欢节)organized in February.The main part of the carnival is the famous Battle of the Oranges (La battaglia delle arance). The Battle includes nine teams who throw oranges at each other during three carnival days – Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.Oranges were not always used in the battle. In the middle ages people used beans. Twice a year the local feudal lord gave a pot of beans to the poor families who, as sign of rebellion, threw them out of their homes. Later beans became part of carnival as sort of “ammunition” for throwing at people passing by.It is still not known why exactly people started using oranges. It is believed that the origin for this tradition is in the mid 19th century. The legend says that local girls, standing on balconies, started to throw some oranges, together with confetti,lupins(白羽扇豆)and flowers, onto the parade carriages. The girls actually wanted to draw attention of boysin the carriages. Boys “answered” by throwing some objects back at girls. Little battle started that way.Battle of the Oranges got strict rules after the World War II. The battles are organized on town's squares. The battles are fought between teams in carriages (symbolizing local the guards of localtyrant(恶霸)) and the teams walking beside those carriages (symbolizing rebellious people of Ivrea).Oranges for the event are brought from the island of Sicily. The oranges used are of low quality, not suitable for humans. About 270,000 kilograms of oranges are used each year.The carnival ends with a silent march on the night of “Fat Tuesday”. The Carnival "general" says goodbye toeveryone with the phrase "See you next Fat Thursday at 1 p.m."Special prizes are awarded to three best foot teams, three carriages drawn by two horses and three carriages drawn by four horses. Different elements are judged like for example throwing ability, fair play or decoration of carriages.8. The word "ammunition" (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to________.A. decorationB. bulletsC. advertisementD. presents9. In Battle of the Oranges, the teams walking beside carriages act as ________.A. the Carnival generalB. the local feudal lordC. the rebellious people of IvreaD. the guards of local tyrant(暴君)10. Which of the following statements about Battle of the Oranges is NOT true?A. In the middle ages, people threw beans out of homes as a sign of rebellion.B. Girls throw oranges towards carriages in the parade to attract the attention of boys inside.C. Tons of oranges are used every year to hold the festival.D. People started to throw oranges because they are of low quality and not suitable to eat.11. What is this passage mainly about?A. A traditional activity in an Italian carnivalB. The origin of Battle of the OrangeC. How people enjoy themselves in the Orange CarnivalD. The rules of activities in carnivals in ItalyD“Tell her,” I whispered to my daughter as she pressed her body against mine. She folded my free arm around her little shoulders while I finished loading the groceries onto the conveyer belt.I smiled at the young cashier who had a butterfly knot tied to her black ponytail(马尾辫). My daughter was right when she'd whispered to me, “Her hair is so pretty.”“Tell her,” I repeated witha gentle push. My girl only dug her pink cheeks deeper into my side as she nervously twisted the edge of my sleeve in her small fist.The cashier looked down at my daughter, her expression showing a little concern. “My daughter thinks your hair is beautiful.” I explained.The cashier's face lit up. “You do?” This led my little one out of her hiding place. She looked up and nodded.“Thank you so much! You made my day,” the cashier said with a smile brilliant enough to compete with herhighlights. My daughter returned it with a shining smile of her own.As I walked out of the store, holding my daughter's hand, I stole a glance back at the young woman. Her energy was clearly brighter now than it had: been when we first entered her line.After loading my groceries in the trunk, I climbed into the driver's seat. It was then that my daughter made a declaration, “Mom, I think I'm going to start telling everyone when I like their hair.” “You should, honey.” And she did. She still does.It's a rare occasion if we make a trip out in public without her telling someone that she loves their hair, or nails, or shirt, or shoes. To be honest, I think she even does so more than me. And it's one of my favorite things about this girl. She learned, at a very young age, that by simply telling people when you see beauty in them, you can draw out the beauty of human connection.12. Why was the author's daughter nervous in the store?A. She was frightened of the cashier.B. She was too shy to express herself.C. She was unable to pay the groceries.D. She was unhappy to greet a stranger.13. What made the cashier more energetic in her work?A. The praise from a little girl.B. The support of the customers.C. The competition environment.D. The understanding of a mother.14. What does the author think of her daughter now?A. Kind and independent.B. Lively and cheerful.C. Careful and generous.D. Smart and proud.15. What is the best title of the text?A. The Beauty Of Good MannersB. The Power In Raising Others UpC. A Girl's New Way OutOf TroubleD. A Mother's Love For Her Daughter第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年上海市第八中学高三英语期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAs a nation, we are getting bigger and eating more. But there are effective ways to control your appetite and eat only as much as you need.Keep away from low-nutrition snacksThat means ice cream, sweets, chips biscuits, cakes and any other salty orsugary snacks you eat between meals. Although we have a tendency to eat them, you can learn to live without these unhealthy-and-fattening-additions to your diet. Try to make it a habit to eat them only when offered at social events or as a special treat.Leave half an hour between main course and dessertHaving a break between courses gives your brain time to receive the fullness signal and make you more likely to refuse the sweet stuff. And, in fact, as soon as you feel the first signals of fullness, remove your plate from the table. That will tell your brain that food time is over.Make yours a small helpingPut an end to super-sized portions. You won’t be missing out—today’s small was the medium or large of a few decade ago. Select or serve yourself a modest portion and eat it slowly enjoying the flavors. Before you know it, small will feel just right. What’s more, ordering the smaller size leads to wearing the smaller size.Distract yourselfWhen you find yourself hunting down food, even though you’re even hungry, do something else for 20 minutes. Drink a large glass of water as thirst is often confused with a desire for food. Choose something that engages your brain as well as your hands, such as writing a letter or listening to a song. You could also go for a short walk or do something that you enjoy. If you think you really are hungry, set an alarm for 20 minutes’ time and if you still want to eat when it rings, fine. If not, the urge will have passed.1. Which way suits you better if you tend to order a large portion of food?A. Distract yourself.B. Make yours a small helping.C. Keep away from low-nutrition snacks.D. Leave half an hour between main course and dessert.2. Why should you have a break between main course and dessert?A. To give people time to chat.B. To have a good appetite for sweet stuff.C. To reduce appetite for dessert.D. To give the host time to remove your plate.3. When you find yourself pursuing for food, what should you do?A. Eat some biscuits.B. Eat some sugary snacks.C. Have some soft drinks.D. Listen to a lovely melody.BScientists say baby sharks are at risk of being born smaller and without the energy they need to survive because of warming oceans from climate change.Scientists studied epaulette sharks, which live off Australia and New Guinea. They found that warmer conditions sped up the sharks’ growing process. That meant the sharks were born earlier and very tired. The findings could be used in the study of other sharks, including those that give birth to live young.The scientists studied 27 sharks. Some were raised in average summer water temperatures, about 27 degrees Celsius. Others were raised in higher temperatures around 29 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius. They found that the sharks raised in the warmest temperatures weighed much less than those raised in average temperatures. They also showed reduced energy levels.Epaulette sharks can grow to a length of about one meter. Their name comes from large spots on their bodies that look like decorations on some military clothing.One study this year found that worldwide numbers of oceanie sharks and rays dropped more than 70 percent between 1970 and 2018. Overfishing is a main concern, while climate change and pollution also threaten shark.Carolyn Wheeler is a doctoral student at the University of Massachusetts Boston and with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Australia. She was the lead author of the epaulette shark study. She said that while all the sharks survived, those raised in warmer temperatures were not strong enough to survive for long in the wild.She added that if the sharks are born smaller than usual “they are probably going to have to start looking for food sooner—and they’re going to have less time to adjust to their surroundings.” The study should serve as a warning to ocean governing agencies that careful management is needed to prevent the loss of more sharks.4. In what aspect do the warmer conditions affect the baby sharks?A. Their food.B. Their body weight.C. Their living habits.D. Their moving route.5. How did the scientists carry out their study?A. By studying former data.B. By tracking sharks in the wild.C. By collecting information about climate change.D. By comparing sharks in waters of different temperatures6. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?A. The origin of sharks’ names.B. The sharks’ appearance.C. The threats to sharks’ survival.D. The sharks’ living environment.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Scientists Raise Sharks to Deal with ProblemsB. Global Warming Has Reduced Shark PopulationsC. Baby Sharks Struggle to Survive in Warming OceansD. Scientists Are Struggling to Save Sharks from ExtinctionCTo show empathy is to identify with another’s feelings. It is to emotionally put yourself in the place of another. The ability to empathize is directly dependent on your ability to feel your own feelings and identify them.If you have never felt a certain feeling, it will be hard for you to understand how another person is feeling. If you have never put your hand in a flame, you will not know the pain of fire. If you have not experienced jealousy, you will not understand its power.Readingabout a feeling and intellectually knowing about it is very different than actually experiencing it for yourself.Among those with an equal level of emotional intelligence, the person who has actually experienced the widest range and variety of feelings — the great depths of depression and the heights of fulfillment, for example, — is the one who is most able to empathize. On the other hand, when we say that someone “can’t relate” to other people, it is likely because they haven’t experienced, acknowledged or accepted many feelings of their own.Once you have felt discriminated against, for example, it is much easier to relate with someone else who has been discriminated against. Our innate emotional intelligence gives us the ability to quickly recall those instances and form associations when we encounter discrimination again. We then can use the “reliving” of those emotionsto guide our thinking and actions. This is one of the ways nature slowly evolves towards a higher level of survival.For this process to work, the first step is that we must be able to experience our own emotions. This means we must be open to them and not distract ourselves from them or try to numb ourselves from our feelings through drugs, alcohol, etc.Next, we need to become aware of what we are actually feeling — to acknowledge, identify, and accept our feelings. Only then can we empathize with others. That is one reason why it is important to work on your own emotional awareness and sensitivity — in other words, to be “in touch with” your feelings.8. How does the author explain the feelings of empathy?A. By giving examples.B. By having classification.C. By making comparison.D. By providing data.9. Which statement may the author agree with?A. Low level of empathy leads to fewer varieties of feelings.B. The deeper one’s feelings are, the more empathetic one is.C. Empathy is a way we recently picked up for better survival.D. Rich experiences may not go with a high level of empathy.10. What’s the purpose of the last two paragraphs of the text?A. To advise a sincere attitude to one’s experiences.B To suggest a right understanding of empathy.C. To require a realbond with one’s emotions.D. To call for true acceptance of one’s feelings.11. What is the best title for the text?A. How Empathy UnfoldsB. Be Open to Your EmotionsC. Why Is Empathy ImportantD. Accept Your True SelfDCanadaIs Our NeighbourCanada and the United States are neighbours.They are on the same land.They share the same long boundary(国界).These two nations are similar in many ways.Canada buys many goods from the United States.Cars and clothes are two examples.The United States also buys goods from Canada.Much of the paper used in the United States comes from Canada.Some of the oilweuse comes from Canada,too.Americans travel toCanadaon holiday.And Canadians often visit the United States.It is easy for the people ofone country to go to the other country.Canadians read about the United States in newspapers and magazines.Many Americans watch Canadian baseball and hockey (曲棍球)matches on Sundays.However,there are important differences between theUnited Statesand Canada.The United States has more people.Because the population is smaller,there are more open places in Canada.There is much unused land.This is another important difference.12.Canadabuys from theUnited States.A.oil and paperB.nothingC.many thingsD.everything13.In the first paragraph “we” means ________.A.CanadiansB.AmericansC.ChineseD.students14.The people in theUnited Stateslike Canadian ________.A.baseballB.basketballC.newspapersD.oil15.Which of the following statements is WRONG?A.Canada has less people than theUSA.B.Canada has not used all the land.C.Canada is connected withAmerica.D.Canadians don’t like hockey.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020年上海市闸北第八中学高三英语期中试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AInformation on school visits to Kew GardensEnjoy yourselves in a wonderland of science with over 50,000 living plants and a variety of educational events or amusing activities. Here is essential information about planning a school visit to Kew.Educational course pricesYou can plan a self-led visit or book one of our educational courses. Students will take part in the educational courses in groups of 15. Prices vary according to different situations.EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) to Key Stage 4:45-minute course: 35/group 90-minute course: 70/groupKey Stage 5:Half day (one course): 80/group Full day (two courses): 160/groupTeachers and adults:Up to required key stage proportions (比例): FreeAdults needed for 1:1 special educational needs support: FreeAdults above the required proportions: 11/personThe payment will due within 28 calendar days of making the booking.Health and safetyRequired supervising (监护) adult-student proportions:Key Stage 1: 1:5 Key Stage 2: 1:8Key stage 3: 1:10 Key Stage 4: 1:12Key Stage 5: 1:12The group sizes should be controlled if you are visiting potentially busy areas such as the glasshouse and other attractions. The maximum number of students visiting the glasshouses is 15 per group and each group to Kew shops should include no more than 10 students.If there is an emergency, please contact the nearest Kew staff member or call Constabulary on 0208 32 3333 for direct and quick support. Please do not call 999.Planning your visitYour tickets and two planning passes will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment. You can complete your risk assessment with the passes, ensure you bring your tickets and the receipt document and show them to the staff members at the gate on the day of your visit.Recommended timingsThe Kew Gardens opens at 10 am. You are recommended to spend at least three to five hours on your visit. The closing time varies throughout the year. But the earliest is 3:30 pm. We have a fixed schedule for educational courses, which is from 10:30 am to 2:20 pm.1.How much should a group of 15 Key Stage I students and 4 teachers pay for a 45-minute course?A.35B.46C.57D.812.What should one do in an emergency?A.Check the risk assessment.B.Call 999 immediately.C.Ask adults or teachers for help.D.Seek help from the staff member nearby.3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To introduce Kew Gardens.B.To give tips on visiting Kew Gardens.C.To attract potential visitors to Kew Gardens.D.To inform coming activities in Kew Gardens.BAbout a billion birds die from flying into buildings each year inNorth America. Suspicions havebeen that birds may regard the open areas behind glass as safe passageways. Or they may mistake the reflected trees for the real thing.Researchers would like to reduce collisions, which requires a solid understanding about what makes a bird more or less likely to die by crashing into a building in the first place.“There was ly little known at a broad scale. Previous studies were at one small study site.'' Jared Elmore, a graduate student in natural resource ecology and management atOklahomaStateUniversity. So he and his colleagues used a previously created data set of building collisions for birds at 40 sites throughoutMexico,Canadaand theU.S.The first finding was obvious: bigger buildings with more glass kill more birds. But the details were more remarkable. "We found that life history predicted collisions. Migrants(候鸟), insect-eaters and woodland-inhabiting species collided more than their counterparts(同类).”Most migratory species travel at night, when lights near buildings can distract or disorient(使迷失方向)them. And Elmore thinks that insect-eating birds might be attracted to buildings because their insect prey(猎物)is attracted to the lights. He suspects that woodland species get tooled by the reflections of trees and bushes in the windows. The results are in the journal Conservation Biology.By understanding which birds are more likely to collide with buildings, researchers can perhaps determine the best way to adapt buildings, or their lighting, to help prevent such accidents. And by knowing risks, along with migration timing and behavior, building managers can better predict when birds are at their greatest danger - and improve lighting strategics accordingly.Elmore's next project will use radar to help predict bird migrations. " I think that would maybe go a long way in terms of providing information to people, to the public, to building managers, on when they can get the most benefit in terms of lights-out policies."4. What is the possible reason for birds' crashing into buildings?A. They didn't see the buildings.B. They took reflections for reality.C. They assumed the windows to be open.D. They considered buildings as safe routes.5. What is Jared Elmore's study different from the previous ones?A. It created a new data set.B. It went beyond national borders.C. It covered a wider range of sites.D. I’ll studied some specific bird species.6. What was the most noticeable finding of Jared Elmore's study?A. Migratory species travel at night.B. Birds tend to be misled by glasses.C. Bigger buildings cause more collisions.D. Birds living habits give rise to collisions.7. Which of the following can help reduce bird collision?A. Adjust the lightening system.B. Attach radars to each building.C. Adopt strict lights-out policies.D. Ban using glasses on buildings.CA cheap printed sensor could transmit wildfire warnings. Wildfires have recently destroyed regions across the world, and theirgravityis increasing. Hoping to reduce harm, researchersled by Yapei Wang, a Chinese chemist ofRenminUniversity, say they have developed an inexpensive sensor to detect such fires earlier with less effort.Current detection methods rely heavily on human watchfulness, which can delay an effective response. Most wildfires are reported by the general public, and other alerts come from routine foot patrols and watchtower observers. Passing planes and satellites also occasionally spot something, but “the fire first appears on the ground," Wang says. “ When you see the fire from the sky, it is too late. ”The team says its new sensor can be placed near tree trunks' bases and send a wireless signal to a nearby receiver if there is a dramatic temperature increase. That heat also powers the sensor itself, without replacing batteries. The team printed the substances onto ordinary paper to create a sensor for just $ 0.40.But improving coordination among the different agencies involved in firefighting is even more crucial to address, says Graham Kent, an earthquake expert at theUniversityofNevada,Reno, who was not part of the study.Kentis director of ALERTWildfire, a network that uses cameras and crowd sourcing to watch for fires inCalifornia,NevadaandOregon. “The whole way that you respond to a fire until it's put out is like a ballet," he says. “You'd have to choreograph (设计) it just so, with resources precisely used at the right time and place and in the right order from detection to confirmation to assignment to extinguishment (熄灭).Fire detection is just step one.Wang says his team's next steps are to extend the device'ssignal range beyond the current 100 meters, which can limit practical use, and to develop a protective shield for it. The transmitter's effectiveness, he notes, will also need to be examined in the field ahead.8. What does the underlined word “gravity” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A. Pull.B. Extinction.C. Popularity.D. Severity.9. What do we know about the sensor?A. Its price remains high.B. Its batteries are replaceable.C. It can detect fires earlier and easier.D. It can reduce firefighters' pain.10. What doesKentmean in paragraph 4?A. Firefighting is easy but crucial.B. Fire detection resources are rich.C. Putting out a fire is an orderly activity.D. Technology is the key to extinguishing a fire.11. What's the plan for the new sensor according to Wang?A. Improving and testing it.B. Limiting its use and transmission.C. Examing and reducing its signal range.D. Getting it on the market ahead of time.DTrees are “social creature” that communicate with each other in cooperative ways that hold lessons for humans, too, ecologist Suzanne Simard says. Simard grew up in Canadian forests as a child of loggers before becoming an ecologist. She's now a professor of forest ecology at theUniversityofBritish Columbia.Trees are linked to neighboring trees by a network of fungi below the surface of the earth that resembles the nervous networks in the brain, she explains. In one study, Simard watched as a Douglas fir tree that had been injured by insects appeared to send chemical warning signals to a pine nearby. The pine tree then produced defense enzymes to protect against the insect.“This was a breakthrough,” Simard says. The trees were sharing “information that actually is important to the health of the whole forest.”In addition to warning each other of danger, Simard says that trees have been known to share nutrients at critical times to keep each other healthy. She says the trees in a forest are often linked to each other via an older tree she calls a “mother” or “hub” tree.“In connecting with all the trees of different ages, the mother trees can actually ease the growth of these young trees,” she says. “The young trees will link into the network of the old trees and benefit from that huge resource capacity. And the old trees would also pass a little bit of carbon and nutrients and water to the young trees, at crucial times in their lives, that actually help them survive.”The study of trees took on a new resonance for Simard when she suffered from breast cancer. During hertreatment, she learned that one of the medicines she relied on was actually obtained from what some trees produce for their own mutual defense. She explains her research on cooperation in the forest, and shares her personal story in the new bookFinding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of theForest.12. How could a Douglas fir tree send chemical warning signals to a pine nearby?A. By an underground network of fungi.B. By the nervous networks in the brain.C. By making cooperation with each other.D. By holding lessons to it as human beings.13. According to Simard, what was a breakthrough?A. Simard was-brought up in Canadian forests.B. She became a professor of forest ecology.C. The pine tree produced defense enzymes.D. Vital information was shared among trees.14. What helped Simard understand trees further?A. Her rich knowledge of trees.B. Her childhood in the forest.C. Her medicine gained from trees.D. Her research on cooperation.15. In Simard's book we may discover the wisdom of the forest except .A. communicating cooperativelyB. warning each other of dangerC. sharing nutrientsat critical timesD. sacrificing mother trees for survival第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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一、 (55分)选择题.本大题共11小题,每小题5分.每小题给出的四个答案中,至少有一个是正确的.把正确答案全选出来,并将正确答案前面的字母填写在题后的方括号内.每一小题全选对的得5分;选对但不全,得部分分;有选错或不答的,得O 分.填写在方括号外的字母,不作为选出的答案.
1.如图所示,水平传送带A 、B 间距离为2020m ,以恒定的速度1m/s 匀速传动。

现将一质量为0.2kg 的小物体无初速放在A 端,物体与传送带间滑动摩擦系数为0.5,g 取2020m/s 2
,则物体由A 运动到B 的过程中传送带对物体做的功为: ( ) A .零 B .2020J
C .0.1J
D .除上面三个数值以外的某一值

重为G 的棒可绕O 点转动,另一端P 搭在物体M 上表面。

物体M 处于水平光滑地面上,在下列情况下,M 对P 的支持力N 怎样变化( ) A .若M 受水平向左推力作用,仍静止,则N 变大 B .若M 受水平向左推力作用,仍静止,则N 不变 C .若M 受水平向右推力作用,仍静止,则N 变大 D .若M 受水平向右推力作用,仍静止,则N 不变
( )
A .若物体与斜面间动摩擦因数相同,则物体损失的机械能也相同;
B .若物体与斜面间动摩擦因数相同,则物体到达底端时动能相同;
C .若物体到达底端时动能相同,则物体与倾角小的斜面间动摩擦因数较小;
D .若物体到达底端时动能相同,则物体与倾角小的斜面间动摩擦因数较大。

4.如图所示,在竖直平面内,有一光滑圆形轨道,AB 为其水平方向的直径,甲、乙两球同时以同样大小的速度从A 点出发,沿轨道内表面按图示方向运动到B 点,运动中均不脱离圆轨道,则下列说法正确的是:( ) A .甲球先到达 B
B .乙球先到达B C. 球同时到达B
D .若两球质量相等则同时到达B
5.一个气泡由湖面下20m 深处上升到湖面下2020m 深处,它的体积约为原来体积的(温度不
变) ( )
A .3倍
B .2倍
C .1.5倍
D .0.7倍 6.关于电场力的功及电势能变化情况正确的是 ( )
A .电场中某点电势的大小等于电场力将单位正电荷从该点移到零电势点电场力所做的功
B .电场中某点电势的大小等于单位正电荷在该点所具有的电势能
C .在电场中无论移动正电荷还是负电荷,只要电场力做正功,电荷电势能都要减少
D .正电荷沿电场线方向移动,电势能减少;负电荷沿电场线方向移动,电势能增加 7.如图所示,2020℃的氧气和20℃的氢气的体积相同,水银柱在管中央。

下列说法正确的是( )
A .当两端温度均升高2020℃时,水银柱向右移动
B .当两端温度均升高2020℃时,水银柱向左移动
C .当O 2升高20℃时,H 2升高2020℃时,两者温度相等,水银柱向右移动
D .当O 2升高20℃时,H 2升高2020℃时,两者温度相等,水银柱不动 8.带负电的检验电荷,只受电场力作用,下面几种情况正确的是( ) A .它的运动方向跟所在位置的场强方向相反; B .它受力的方向跟所在位置的场强方向相反; C .它的动能增加,电势能减小; D .它的电势能越来越大。


法中正确的是( ) (A )粒子一定从a 向b 运动; (B )粒子一定带正电;
(C )粒子在P 点的速度比在Q 点的速度大; (D )粒子在P 点的电势能比在Q 点的电势能小。

O 2
H 2
静止后把悬线烧断,则小球在电场中作 ( ) A .自由落体运动 B .曲线运动
C .沿着悬线的延长线作匀加速运动
D .变加速直线运动
11.如图所示,A 、B 、C 、D 是某匀强电场中的4个等势面,一个质子和一个粒子(电荷量是质子的2倍,质量是质子的4倍) 同时在A 等势面从静止出发,向右运动,当到达D 面时。

下列说法正确的是( )
A .电场力做功之比为1:2
B .它们的动能之比为2:1
C .它们的速度之比为1:2
D .它们运动的时间之比为1: 1
12.如图所示,在倾角为β=30º的光滑斜面N 和可绕O 点转动的光滑档板P 间静止着重2020N 的球。

当P 与N 夹角α=________度时,P 受压力最小;当α=60º时,斜面N 受压力为______N 。

13.质量2吨,以恒定功率40千瓦在水平路面行驶的汽车,最大速度为20米/秒,它在前进中所受阻力大小是________ 牛,当它以2020米/秒速度行驶时加速度为__________米/秒2
14.雪豹的心脏每跳一次输送2×2020-4m 3
的血液,设雪豹心脏主动脉内径为2cm ,血压(可作看心脏压送血液的压强)的平均值为3×20204
Pa ,心跳每分钟60次,则雪豹心脏的平均功率为____W ,血液从心脏流出的平均速度约___m/s 。

0-50V -100V
11ααO N
O F 0-F 0
t 2t 3t 4t
15.原来静止地光滑水平面上的物体,质量为m ,计时开始后受到如图所示的力F 的作用。

则4t 时,物体速度大小为_______0_____;0到4t 时间内物体位移大小为____________。

16.A 、B 两个带电小球,电量分别为+Q 和+9Q ,相距0.4米,如果引入第三个带电小球C ,正好使三个小球都处于静止状态,则第三个小球应带___ ____电,应放在离A 球______米处,且C 球带电量为_______________。

17.A 、B 两带电小球,A 固定不动,B 的质量为m 。

在库仑力作用下,B 由静止开始运动。

已知初始时,A 、B 间的距离为d ,B 的加速度为a 。

经过一段时间后,B 的加速度变为a/4,此时A 、B 间的距离应为_______。

已知此时B 的速度为v ,则在此过程中电势能的减少量为____ ______。

18.一列横波沿x 轴传播,t 1时刻的波形如图中实线所示,t 2时刻的波形如图中虚线所示。

s t t )8
(12+=,振动周期为0.5s 。

向是___ ______,传播距离是__________m 。

C 的检验电荷从电场中的A 点移到B 点时,它的电势能减少了6×2020-7
J ,则在这个过程中,电场力对检验电荷做了____________J 的___ _____功(填“正”或“负”),A 、B 两点之间的电势差为__________V 。

20.如图所示,一段长L=2020cm 的水银柱在试管中封闭了一段空气柱,试管被固定在车上与车一同以5m/s 2

已知大气压强P 0=75cmHg ,g 取2020m/s 2
,则被封闭气体压强为_________________ cmHg 。

y /m
x /m
21.一高空试验火箭在地面上静止时,其仪器舱内气体的压强P 0=1atm ,温度T 0=288K ,当火箭以a=15m/s 2
的加速度竖直上升的过程中仪器舱内水银气压计的读数变为P =0.8 P 0,已知仪器舱是密封的,不考虑气压计的热胀冷缩,求此时舱内的温度是______________K 。

22.如图所示,匀强电场水平向左,带正电物体沿绝缘、粗糙水平板向右运动,经A 点时动能为20200J ,到B 点时动能减少80J 。

减少的动能中有3/5转化为电势能,则它再经过B 点时,动能大小是___________,再经过A 点时,动能大小是___________。

23.(2020分)如图所示,两个带等量异种电荷的小球,质量均为2g ,各用5.1cm 长的绝缘细线吊住,细线质量不计,小球可看成质点,悬点OO /
相距d=4cm 。

平衡时,各偏离竖直方向1cm ,求:


E 0



2020cm高的水银后,封闭左管口,求继续向右管中注入多高的水银,可使左管水银面上升4cm ,设整个过程中温度保持不变,且大气压强P0=760mmHg。
