跨文化交际课程 各单元中的术语 关键词

一、文化认知(Cultural Awareness)文化认知是指对不同文化之间的差异和特点进行了解和理解的能力。
二、文化折衷主义(Cultural Hybridization)文化折衷主义是指不同文化之间互相吸收、交融并形成新的文化形态的过程。
三、文化霸权(Cultural Hegemony)文化霸权指的是在跨文化交际中,某一文化因其经济、政治或军事上的强势,通过文化传播手段和方式来主导其他文化的现象。
四、文化认同(Cultural Identity)文化认同是指个体对于自己所属文化的认同感和对该文化的归属感。
五、文化冲击(Culture Shock)文化冲击是指个体在跨越文化差异的过程中,经历新文化所带来的一系列困惑、不适和认知上的障碍。
《跨文化交际》课程 术语解释

Introduction1.Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvement in international businessoperations.经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。
2.Macroculture:The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming onelarge society.宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。
3.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds andnationlities.熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。
4.Microcultures:cultures within cultures微观文化:文化中的文化5.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。
Chapter 16.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, whichaffect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

《跨文化交际英语实用教程》名词解释Define the following terms:1. Culture: it refers to a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values,norms and social practices, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people.文化:它是指一组学习者对信仰、价值观、规范和社会实践的共同理解,从而影响了一个相对大的群体的行为。
2. Intercultural communication:It is communication between people from different cultural backgrounds, or it refers to communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:它是来自不同文化背景的人们之间的交流,也就是说,人们的文化观念和符号系统之间的沟通是不同的,足以改变交际活动。
3. Denotative meaning tends to be described as the definitional,literal,obvious or commonsense meaning of a word.外延意义往往被描述为定义,文字,一个词明显或常识性的意义。
4. Connotative meaning is used to refer to the socio—cultural associations of the word.内涵意义是指词的社会文化协会。

《跨文化商务交际》课程学习大纲课程名称:跨文化商务交际课程英文《跨文化商务交际》课程学习大纲课程名称: 跨文化商务交际课程英文名称:课程编码: 401022060 学时/学分: 32学时 3学分适用对象: 商务英语专业编写人: 张宁一、课程介绍《跨文化商务交际》为我国高等英语专业商务类核心课程之一。
学习目标一览表1. 掌握本课程的基础性内容,包括跨文化交际学的需求,发展简史及内涵等基本知识点的识记和理解。
知识2. 对跨文化交际理论有较系统的理解和掌握。
目标3. 能够结合本专业特点理论联系实际,透过现象把握其基本规律。
1. 通晓跨文化交流的本质、基本理论和技巧。
2. 了解文化差异产生的过程。
能力目标 3. 掌握基本的沟通方法和策略。
4. 提高英语语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力1. 培养科学、严谨的学习态度、执着探索、创新改革的科学精神。
文化素质2. 培养自身的国际视野、创新意识、跨文化交际和人际交往意识。

跨文化交际实用教程unit1重点词汇及问题Unit 1第一单元需要掌握的术语:Global village:All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet.Melting pot:a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities.Cultural Diversity: refers to the mix of cultures and sub-cultures of a group or organization or region.Intercultural communication: communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.Encul turation: all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation. Acculturation: the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures. Ethnocentrism: the belief that your own cultural background is superior.SourceThe source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.EncodingEncoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.MessageThe term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object.ChannelThe term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.NoiseThe term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.ReceiverThe receiver is the person who attends to the message.DecodingDecoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process. The receiver is actively involved in the communication process by assigning meaning to the symbols received.Receiver responseReceiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message.(信息接受者在收到并解码/理解信息之后所作出的反应)FeedbackFeedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.(信息接受者所作出的反应中能让信息发送者收到并理解的那一部分)ContextGenerally, context can be defined as the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication.五、简答和案例分析1. What are the four trends that lead to the development of the global village?The four trends that lead to the development of global village are:1) Convenient transportation systems;2) Innovative communication systems;3) Economic globalization;4) Widespread migration(p.8-9)2. What are the three aspects where the cultural differences exist?The three aspects where the cultural differences exist are:1) the material and spiritual products people produce2) what they do 3) what they think3. What are the three ingredients of culture?The three ingredients of culture are:1) artifacts 2) behavior3) concepts (beliefs, values, world views…)4. How to understand cultural iceberg?Just as an iceberg which has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, culture has some aspects that are observable and others that can only be suspected and imagined. Also like an iceberg, the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface. (pg. 7)5. What are the characteristic of culture?1) Culture is shared,2) Culture is learned,3) Culture is dynamic,4) Culture is ethnocentric.6. What are the characteristic of communication?1) Communication is dynamic2) Communication is irreversible3) Communication is symbolic4) Communication is systematic5) Communication is transactional. (pg. 8)6) Communication is contextual. (pg. 8)7. How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing?1) In China, the use of given names is limited to husband and wife, very close friends, juniors by elders or superiors, while more English-speaking people address others by using the first name, even when people meet for the first time.2) Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage. These terms are used after the surname to show politeness and respect. (pg. 23), but The English equivalents of the above kinship terms are not so used.3) In Chinese, people use a person’s title, office, or profession in addressing people. In English, only a few occupations or titles are used .8. How is the Chinese writing style different from the American style?1) Some oriental writing…is marked by what may be called an approach by indirection. In this kind of writing, the development of the paragraph may be said to be ‘turning and turning in a widening gyre.’The circles or gyres turn around the subject and show it from a variety of tangential views, but the subject is never looked at directly. Things are developed in terms of what they are not, rather than in terms of what they are.”2) An English paragraph usually begins with a topic statement, and then, by a series of subdivisions of that topic statement, each supported by example and illustrations,proceeds, to develop that central idea and relate that idea to all other ideas in the whole essay, and to employ that idea in it proper relationship with the other ideas, to prove something, or perhaps to argue something.”9. What are the different features of M-time and P-time?回答时注意:Monochronic 和Polychronic 两项都要列举几条,八条不用都回答上,但是第一条一定要回答上。

1. 身份认同在跨文化沟通中,理解和尊重他人的身份认同是至关重要的。
1.1 多元身份在跨文化沟通中,一个人可能具有多个身份,如国籍、种族、性别、宗教信仰等。
1.2 文化认同文化认同是指个人对自己所属的文化群体的认同感。
2. 语言和交际语言是跨文化沟通中最基本的工具。
2.1 实质性和形式性交际在跨文化沟通中,有些文化更注重正式和礼貌的交际方式,而有些文化则更倾向于直接和坦率的交流。
2.2 非语言交际非语言交际是指通过身体语言、面部表情、眼神接触等方式进行的信息传递。

Chapter 7etiquette 礼仪protocol 礼节social engagement 社交活动initial contacts 初次见面tipping 小费cocktail party 鸡尾酒会vodka 伏特加superstition 迷信Hispanic 西班牙的Sabbath 安息日Ramadan 斋月reciprocity 互惠Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁撒克逊人CHAPTER 8negotiation 谈判counterpart /opponent 谈判对手cultural bias 文化偏见intercultural negotiation跨文化谈判中的变量因素variablesorientation toward time 时间取向nature of persuasion 劝说的性质consensus一致通过、集体决策decision-makingmajority voting 投票决策risk-taking propensity 承担风险倾向communication交流的复杂性complexityrelationship-based 关系导向task-based 任务导向a win-win strategy 双赢策略base of trust 信任基础concern with protocol 对礼仪的关注faux pas 失言、失礼Conflict interests 利益冲突mindset 思想观念Chapter 9Cultural adaptation 文化适应Cultural shock 文化休克Rejection phase 敌意阶段Regression phase 倒退阶段Relational model 理性模型Intercultural跨文化交际能力communicationcompetenceReverse cultural shock 逆向文化休克Stress-adaptation growth压力-适应成长模型modelethnocentrism 民族优越感intercourse 交流、交往acculturation 文化适应Chapter 6nonverbal非言语交际communicationbody language /kinesics 肢体语言eye contact /oculesics 目光对视touch / haptics 接触smell /olfactics 嗅觉paralanguage 副语言intimate zone 亲密距离personal zone 个人距离social zone 社会距离spatial / proximics 空间语言public zone 公共距离temporal language/空间语言chronemicspunctuality and准时与及时promptnessAccent and dialects 口音与方言M-time cultural and单时制文化和多时制文化P-time culturalChapter 1Interethnic跨民族交际communicationCommunication barriers 交际障碍Avoidance of the规避陌生事物unfamiliarUncertainty reduction 减少不确定性withdrawal 退却Cultural chock 文化休克/文化震惊ethnocentrism 民族优越感/民族中心主义Chapter 2Maslow’s hierarchy needs马斯洛层次需要理论Interpersonal人际传播communicationIntrapersonal自我传播communicationOrganizational组织传播communicationMass communication 大众传播Sender 信息源encoding 编码The contextualized model 环境模式The linear model 线性模式The circular model 循环模式Cultural context 文化背景ego 自我/利己主义/自负Chapter 3Cultural 文化Artifact 物质enculturation 文化适应Filial piety 孝道Dominant cultural 主流文化Poly-chronic 多时制Mono-chronic 单时制Chapter 4Cultural values 文化价值观In-group 圈里人ritual 仪式Universal values 普遍价值观Cultural-specific values 某种文化特有的价值观Priorities of cultural文化价值观的主次valuesHuman nature 人性Power distance 权利距离Uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避masculinity 男性气质Femininity 女性气质Long-term orientation 长期倾向High- and low-context 高语境/低语境Cognitive 认知结构Chapter 5Denotational meaning 概念意义Discourse pattern 语篇思维模式Linear language 线性模式Deductive pattern 演绎模式Pragmatic failure 语用失误Sapir-Whorf hypothesis 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说Offer and thanks 款待和致谢Connotational meaning 内涵意义compliment 称赞/恭维Language determinism 语言决定论Inductive pattern 推理模式Pragmatic transfer 语用迁移Conversation taboo 会话禁忌Pragmalinguistic failure 语用语言失误Sociopragmatic failure 社交语用失误slang 俚语Leave-taking 告别。

Review & relate(key terms & contents) Intercultural Communication in English•Culture (Unit 2)(Definitions & Metaphors;Intercultural-ness)•Communication (Unit 2)(Elements of Characteristics:Context; Participants; Messages;Channels; Noise; Feedback )•Cultural Differences / Diversities(Unit 3)(Addressing; Friendship;Family Structure) (The Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Chart:Five Basic Qs / Value Systems;Hofstede’s Five Dimensions;High-/Low-Context Cultures)•Language and Culture (Unit 4)(Categorizations; Colors; Animals;Plants; Kinship terms; Titles头衔) (The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)萨丕尔—沃尔夫假说•Verbal communication (Unit 5)( Conversation / Discourse Style;Hign-involvement/high-considerateness;dire ct/indirect-ness;Ping-Pong/Bowling Game;Person/Status-Oriented;Self-Enhancement/Effacement style; Speaker/Listen-Responsible)•Nonverbal communication (Unit 6) (Hand Gestures; Eye Contact;Postur姿势; Bowing; Touching;Smile/Laugh; Silence )•Time (Unit 7)(Pace of life;Punctuality;单一时间多元时间观•Space (Unit 7)(Personal Space;Home Space:layout, invitation and reception)(Unit 8, 9, 10)•Intercultural Perception•Intercultural Adaptation (适应)•Acquiring Intercultural Competence(Ethnocentrism种族(或民族、社会集团、文化)优越感; 种族(或民族)中心主义Culture Shock文化冲击/震荡: 突然处于一个与前大不相同的社会和文化环境中因而感到困惑、忧虑、烦恼的心情(北京人在纽约)Stereotype定势:针对目标群体成员所特有的正面或方面的判断/刻板印象/成见Prejudice偏见:对于某一特定群体,种类,宗教或性取向的无端的憎恶和怀疑) Return Cultural ShockAlso: reverse cultural shock;the feeling of not fitting in to your home country--a mixtureof emotions, after living abroad for an extended time) (e.g. 纽约人在北京)。

1. 文化冲突(Cultural Conflict):指在不同文化间发生的摩擦或冲突。
2. 文化智商(Cultural Intelligence):指人们在跨文化环境中有效运用跨文化知识、技巧和能力的能力。
3. 冷冻音(Frozen Accent):指在学习第二语言时,母语的语音习惯会影响人们发音的现象。
4. 文化微观描绘(Culture Micro-Mapping):研究人们在跨文化交际中特定情境下的行为和交际方式的方法。
5. 柔性文化 (Flexible Culture):柔性文化强调对不同文化之间的差异保持开放和灵活的态度。
6. 文化同化(Cultural Assimilation):指在跨文化交际中,个体为了更好地适应和融入特定文化,逐渐接受并遵从目标文化的价值观、行为方式和社会规范的过程。
7. 语言障碍(Language Barrier):指由于语言差异导致的交际障碍。


跨⽂化交际必备词A stereotype is a cognitive structure containing the perceiver’s knowledge,beliefs,and experiences about some human social groups.A being orientation refers to spontaneous expression of the human personality.Beliefs serve as the storage system for the content of our past experiences,including thoughts,memories,and interpretations of events. Cultural patterns are a useful umbrella term that allows us to talk about values,beliefs,and other orientations collectively.Context is the information that surrounds an event;it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of the event.Co-cultures are cultures discussing groups or social communities exhibiting communicationcharacteristics,perceptions,values,beliefs,and practices that are sufficiently different to distinguish them from other groups and communities and from the dominant culture.Communication is a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their internal states with other people through the use of symbols.Culture is a set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have increased the probability of survival and resulted in satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche,and thus became shared among those who could communicate with each other because they had a common language and they lived in the same time and place.Cultural identity:the identification of communications of a shared system of symbolic verbal and nonverbal behavior that are meaningful to group members who have a sense of belonging and who share traditions,heritage,language,and similar norms of appropriate behavior.Cultural identity is a social construction.Collectivism is a kind of thought that people primarily view themselves as members of groups and collectives rather than as autonomous individuals.In such cultures people emphasize community,collaboration,shared interest,harmony,tradition,the public good,and maintaining face.Collectivism means greater emphasis on the views.needs,and goals of the in-group rather than oneself;social norms and duty defined by the in-group rather than behavior to get pleasure;beliefs shared with the in-group rather than beliefs that distinguish the self from in-group;and great readiness to cooperate with in-group members. (1)Culture shock is a mental state that comes from the transition that occurs when you go from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one and find that your old,established patterns of behavior are ineffective.Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all your familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.These signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situation of daily life:how to give orders,how to make purchases,when and where not to respond.Now these cues,which may bewords,gestures,facial expressions,customs,or norms,are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much as a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept.All of us depend for our peace of mind and efficiency on hundreds of these cues,most of which we are not consciously aware of.All human interaction is influenced to some degree by the cultural,social,and physical settings in which it occurs.These settings are called the communication context.Ethnocentrism is the notion that one’s own culture is superior to any other.It is the idea that other cultures should be measured by the degree to which they live up to our cultural standards.We are ethnocentric when we view othercultures through the narrow lens of our own culture or social position.Ethics refers to judgments that focus om degrees of rightness and wrongness,virtue and vice,and obligation in human behavior.Family is a group of intimates,who generate a sense of home and group identity,complete with strong ties of loyalty and emotion,and an experience of a history and a future.Globalization is worldwide interconnectedness,evidenced in global movements of natural resources,trade goods,human labour,finance capital,information,and infectious diseases.History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time;it illumines reality,vitalizes memory,provides guidance in daily life,and brings us tidings of antiquity.Individualism is a kind of thought that involves self-motivation,autonomy,and independent thinking,which takes in thefollowing forms.People’s personal goals take priority over their allegiance to groups like the family or the employer.The loyalty of individualists to a given group is very weak;they feel they belong to many groups and are apt to change their membership as it suits to them,switching churches,for example,or leaving one employer for another.Such thought stresses personal rights and responsibilities,privacy,voicing one’s own opinion,freedom,innovation,and self-expression.Identity is the reflective self-conception or self-image that we each derive from our family,gender,cultural,ethnic,and individual socialization process. Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.Intercultural communication competence is the overall internal capability of an individual to manage the key challenging features of intercultural communication:namely,cultural differences and unfamiliarity,inter-group posture,and the accompanying experience of stress.Masculinity and feminity refer to the degree to which masculine or feminine traits are valued and revealed.Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.Objectivity is the state of being objective,just,unbiased and not influenced by emotions or personal prejudices.Prejudices are deeply held negative feelings associated with a particular group.Prejudice amounts to a rigid and irrational generalization about a category of people.Prejudice is irrational to the extent that people hold inflexible attitudes supported by little or no direct evidence.Prejudice may target people of a particular social class,sex,sexual orientation,age,political affiliation,race,or ethnicity.(1)Perception is the means by which you make sense of your physical and social world.(2)Perception is the process of selecting,organizing,and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of the world.(3)Perception is the process whereby people convert external events and experiences into meaningful internal understanding.Power distance is a characteristic of a culture defining the extent to which the less powerful person in society accepts inequality in power and considers it asnormal.Racism is the belief in the inherent superiority of a particular race.It denies the basic equality of humankind and corelates ability with physical composition.Thus it assumes that success or failure in any societal endeavor will depend upon genetic endowment rather than environment and access to opportunity.Stereotypes are a collection of false assumptions that people in all cultures make about the characteristics of members of various groups.Social organizations or social institutions are the groups that members of a culture turn to for lessons about the meaning of life and methods for living that life.The dominant culture is a type of culture that one group possesses the power to speak for the entire culture while setting the tone and agenda that others will usually follow.The being-in-dong orientation stresses the idea of development and growth.It emphasizes the kind of activity that contributes to the development of all aspects of the self as an integral whole.The doing orientation describes activity in which accomplishments are measurable by standards external to the individual.Uncertainty avoidance defines the extent to which people within a culture are made nervous by situations which they perceive as unstructured,unclear,or unpredictable,situations which they therefore try to avoid by maintaining strict codes of behavior and a belief in absolute truths.Values are culturally defined standards of desirability,goodness,and beauty that serve as broad guidelines for social living.Values are shared ideas about what is true,right,and beautiful which underline cultural patterns and guide society in response to the physical and social environment./doc/71b3d2be67ec102de3bd897e.html ck of communication has given rise to differences in language,in thinking, in systems of belief and culture generally. These differences have made hostility among societies endemic and seemingly eternal. 语⾔,思维以及信仰和⽂化体制的差异通常源于匮乏的交流。

1. 文化:文化是指一组人共同拥有的信仰、价值观、行为模式、语言、习俗等共同特征。
2. 跨文化意识:跨文化意识是指对不同文化之间差异性的认知和理解。
3. 跨文化沟通:跨文化沟通是指在不同文化背景下进行有效的信息交流和理解。
4. 文化冲突:文化冲突指在跨文化交际中由于文化差异引发的矛盾、误解或不适应。
5. 语言barrier:语言障碍指因为不同语言的使用而导致的交流困难。
6. 文化适应:文化适应是指在跨文化环境中适应和融入新的文化。
7. 文化敏感性:文化敏感性是指对他人文化背景的敏感和尊重。

"Cross-cultural communication" 是指在不同文化背景下进行交流和理解的过程。
1. Intercultural Communication: 跨文化交际的常用术语。
2. Cultural Exchange: 文化交流,表示在不同文化间分享和交流信息。
3. Global Communication: 全球交流,指的是超越国界进行的跨文化沟通。
4. Diversity and Inclusion: 多元性与包容,强调在交际中考虑和尊重不同文化的多样性。
5. Interpersonal Understanding: 人际理解,强调在交流中理解和尊重他人的文化差异。
6. Cultural Sensitivity: 文化敏感性,指的是在交际中考虑并尊重他人的文化背景。
7. Adaptation and Adjustment: 适应与调整,表示在不同文化环境中调整自己的交际方式以融入当地文化。
8. Global Citizenship: 全球公民意识,鼓励个体在跨文化交际中具有开放、包容和全球意识。
9. Cultural Intelligence (CQ): 文化智商,强调个体在不同文化中有效交往的能力。
10. Bridging Cultural Divides: 架桥文化分歧,表示尝试弥合不同文化间的差异。

附录:《跨文化交际》各单元主要术语表(注:打“*”为重点)Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures(1)Globalization *Globalization refers to the increasing unification of the world’s economic order through reduction of such barriers to international trade as tariffs, export fees, and import quotas. It describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through communication, transportation, and trade. The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation.Unit 2 Culture and Communication(1)Culture * (from intercultural communication perspective) . Culture was treated earlier as a complex whole of our social traditions and as a prerequisite for us to be a member of the society. Culture can be a set of fundamental ideas, practices, and experiences of a group of people that are symbolically transmitted generation to generation through a learning process. Culture may as well refer to beliefs, norms, and attitudes that are used to guide our behaviors and solve human problem. Culture can be defined as the coherent, learned, shared view of a group of people about life’s concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior.(2) Culture Identity * refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.(3) Subculture * are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.The Monday morning sales meeting is an example of a specific business subculture. Although the term subculture refers to student, medical, middle-class, and business groups to name a few, it is more frequently used to refer to racial and ethnic groups.(4) Co-culture. A co-culture is a group of people within a culture that differentiate themselves from the larger culture to which they belong.(5) Subgroup are groups with the dominant culture does not agree and with which it has communication problems.(6) Sender/Source. The person who transmits a message.As senders, we form messages and attempt to communicate them to others through verbal and nonverbal symbols.(7) Message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver. They include the elements of meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding.(8) Encoding: the process of transforming ideas and feelings into symbols and organizing them is called encoding a message.(9) Channel/Medium. A channel is both the route traveled by the message and the means of transportation. Messages are transmitted through a variety of sensory channels. We may use sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, or any combination of these to carry a message.(10) Receiver. As receivers, we process the messages sent to us and react to them both verbally and nonverbally.(11) Decoding: the process of transforming messages back into ideas and feelings is called decoding.(12) Feedback. As receivers attempt to decode the meaning of messages, they are likely to give some kind of verbal or nonverbal response. This response, called feedback, tells the sender whether the message has been heard, seen, or understood.(13) Noise * is any stimulus,external or internal to the participants,that interferes with the sharing of meaning.Much of our success as communicators depends on how we cope with external,interxnal,and semantic noises,each of which can create blocks in the sensory channels and interfere with the decoding process.(14) Context (from the perspective of communication) the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication. It’s the information that surrounds an event, it is in extricably bound up with the meaning of the event.(15) Intercultural communication * refers to communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. (16) International communication *It takes place between nations and governments rather than in individuals ;it is quite formal and ritualized.(17) Interracial communication * occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races that pertain to different physical characteristics. (18) Interethnic communication*refers to communication between people of the same race ,but different ethnic backgrounds .(19) Intracultural communication * is defined as communication between and among members of the same culture .Unit 3 Cultural Diversity(1) Cultural pattern * is a system of beliefs and values that work in combination to provide a coherent, if not always consistent model for perceiving the world.(2) Context * (from the perspective of culture) Hall claims that human interaction, on the broad level, can be divided into low-context and high-context communication systems. A high-context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is either in the context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message.A low-context (LC) communication is just the opposite;(3) High context communication *high-context communication refers to communication patterns of indirect verbal mode. In high-context communication, the listener or interpreter of the message is expected to “read between the lines,” to accurately infer the implicit intent of the verbal message, and to observe the nonverbal nuances and subtleties that accompany and enhance the verbal message.(4) Low context communication *In general, low-context communication refers to communication patterns of direct verbal mode.In low-context communication, the speaker is expected to be responsible for sending clear, persuasive message that the listener can decode easily.(5) Uncertainty avoidance * a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It reflects the extent to which members of a society attempt to cope with anxiety by minimizing uncertainty. People in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance tend to be more emotional.People in cultures with low uncertainty avoidance tend to be more pragmatic, they are more tolerant of change.(6) Power distance * Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.Unit 4 Language and Culture(略)Unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication(1) Verbal intercultural communication *happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.(2) Dialect is a form of language peculiar to a group of people, as distinguished from the literary language of the whole people.(4) Pidgin * is a special language variety that mixes or lends languages for restricted purposes such as tradingl(5) Creole is a language that has developed from a mixture of different languages and has become the main language in a particular place.(6) Lingua franca * is a linguage or way of communicating which is used between people who do not speak one another’s native language.(7) Taboo refers to some words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people,or in certain for religious or social reasons.(8) Euphemism means the act of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.(9) Jargon refers to words and expressions that are used in special or technical ways by particular groups of people, often making the language difficult to understand.Unit 6 Cultural and Nonverbal Communication(1) Nonverbal communication * It is called ‘all those messages that people exchange beyond the words themselves’.It is a system of symbols, signs and gestures developed and used by members of a culture to bring specific message to expression.(2) Proxemics * is the interrelated observations and theories of man’s use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture. It’s a subcategory of the study of nonverbal communication along with haptics(touch), kinesics(body movement), vocalics( paralanguage), and chronemics (structure of time).(3) Kinesics * is the term used for communicating through various types of body movements including facial expressions, gestures, posture and stance, and other mannerisms that may accompany or replace oral messages.(4) Chronemics *is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication. The way that an individual would perceive and value time, structure our time and react to time is a powerful communication tool, and helps set the stage for the communication process.(5) Paralanguage * refers to the rate, pitch and volume qualities of the voice, which interrupt or temporarily take the place of speech and affect the meaning of a message (6) Haptics * is any form of nonverbal communication involving touch. Haptics is thescience of understanding and improving human interaction with the physical world through the sense of touch.(7) Chromatics r efers to the study of color use in aff ecting people’s mood, emotions, and impression of others.(8) Olfactics The study of communication via smell is called Olfactics. This sense is mediated by specialized sensory cells of the nasal cavity of vertebrates, which can be considered analogous to sensory cells of the antennae of invertebrates.(9) Oculesics, a subcategory of kinesics, is the study of eye movement, eye behavior, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication. Oculesics is a form of nonverbal communication focusing on deriving meaning from eye behavior.Unit 7 Time and Space Across Culture(略)Unit 8 Cross-Cultural Perception(1) Sensation is the neurological process by which people become aware of their environment.(2) Perception * in its simplest sense, perception is, as Marshall Singer tells us ‘the process by which an individual selects, evaluates, and organizes stimuli from the external world’. In other words, perception is an internal process whereby we convert the physical energies of the world into meaningful internal experiences.(3) Selection. The first step in the perception process is selection. Within your physiological limitations you are exposed to more stimuli than you could possibly manage.(5) Interpretation. It refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding.(6) Anxiety occurs because of not knowing what one is expected to do, and focusing on that feeling and not be totally present in the communication transaction.(7) Uncertainty. It refers to our cognitive inability to explain our own or other’s feelings and behaviors in interactions because of an ambiguous situation that evokes anxiety.P104\125(8) Assuming similarity instead of difference假定一致性(1) To assume people know how someone else is thinking based on how they see things is called projected cognitive similarity.(2)Assuming similarity instead of difference refers to the assumption that people are more similar to you than they actually are or that another person's situation is more similar to you own situation than it in fact is.(9) Ethnocentrism * refers to our tendency to identify with our in-group (e.g.,ethnic or racial group,culture) and to evaluate out-groups and their members according to its standard. (10) Stereotypes * refers to negative or positive judgment made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.(11) Prejudice * refers to the irrational dislike,suspicion,or hatred of a particular group,race,religion,or sexual orientation.(12) Racism is any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race.Unit 9 Intercultural Adaptation(1) Acculturation * refers to an individual’s learning and adopting the norms and values of the new host culture.(2) Assimilation is the degree to which an individual relinquishes an original culture for another .when individuals are assimilated into a mainstream culture,they lose their previous culture.(3) Integration takes place when individuals become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integrity integration ensures a continuity of culture. (4) Separation. When individuals prefer low levels of interaction with the host culture and associated microcultural groups while desiring a close connection with, and reaffirmation of, their native culture, the mode of acculturation is called separation.(5) Segregation .It occurs when the more politically and economically powerful culture does not want the intercultural contact, the separation is initiated and enforced by the dominant society. (6) Marginalization * It occurs when the individual chooses not to identify with his or her native culture or with the host culture.(7) Culture shock * refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture.(8) Intercultural adaptation * It refers broadly to the process of increasing our level of fitness to meet the demands of a new cultural environment.Unit 10 Acquiring Intercultural Competence(1) Competent communication有能力的交际an interaction that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives in a way that is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs.(2) Intercultural communication competence跨文化交际能力* involves cognition affect and behavior ,which are inseparable in reality.(3) Intercultural competence跨文化能力refers to the ability to understand and adapt to the target culture; in another word, it refers to the sensitivity to cultural diversity, i.e, the abi lity to behave in an appropriate way and to regulate one’s communication and interaction according to the context.。
跨文化交际 知识点整理


跨文化交际(Intercultural Communication)是指不同文化之间进行的交际活动。
2.文化冲突(Culture Clash):指不同文化之间的价值、信仰、行为方式等存在差异,导致交流过程中产生的冲突。
3.文化认知(Cultural Awareness):指人们对不同文化的理解、认识和感知。
4.跨文化交际能力(Intercultural Communication Competence):指具备有效应对跨文化交际的能力,包括对不同文化的理解、适应和应对。
5.文化智商(Cultural Intelligence):指人们在跨文化交际中应对复杂情境的能力,包括对文化差异的认知、理解和应对能力。
6.文化适应(Culture Adaptation):指在新的文化环境中,个体逐渐适应并接受该文化的过程。
7.文化刻板印象(Cultural Stereotype):指对某一文化或文化群体的普遍化、片面化的看法和评价。
8.文化代际冲突(Intergenerational Culture Conflict):指不同世代之间在文化、价值观念等方面的差异导致的冲突。
9.文化霸权(Cultural Hegemony):指某一特定文化在全球范围内的主导地位。

跨文化交际重点归纳Unit 1 Intercultural CommunicationWhat is culture?Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. Generally speaking, culture is the way of life.Culture is everything and everywhere.Thanks to culture, without it we can’t survive in societyA metaphor比喻of cultureWe compare culture to iceberg.It suggests that only small part of it is visible while most of it lies concealed.Habits, dress and manners are visible.Worldview, value systems, ways of thinking, national character and any other deep concepts are foundation of visible part.“Where are you going?”in China ,we give a general answer to it.Chinese culture emphasizes on social relationship and the heavy interdependence between Chinese people.In western countries, it may be interpreted as an intrusion into one’sprivacy.The underlying individual-oriented relationship is the invisible part of the iceberg.exercise1. If you are a tourist guide, what are you expected to say when you are showing the foreign visitors to another site?A. This way, please.B. Come here, please.C. Follow me, please.D. Move on.2. A visitor stops you in the corridor of your head-office probably to ask for the way. What is your most likely reply to the visitor’s “Excuse me”?A. What’s the matter?B. Yes?C. That’s all right.D. Don’t worry.3. At a fair, a visitor, accidentally having knocked down your poster, says, “I’m terribly sorry.” What should you reply?A. It doesn’t matter.B. Never mind.C. Don’t worry.D. That’s all right.What is Intercultural communication?“Intercultural communication is contact between persons who identify themselves as distinct from one another in cultural terms.” (Collier & Thomas, 1998)intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar & Porter)To further understand “intercultural communication”, please read the section of “Intercultural Communication Reading” on P.2 and answer the questions:1 In the story, why does Pete could not communicate well with Chinese students?Language problemCulture problemThe way Pete handled the intercultural communication situation2 What are the major barriers in intercultural communication? Language difference.(If we understand others’ language or dialect, but not their communication rules, we can made fluent fools of ourselves.) Nonverbal communication: gestures, postures, facial expression etc. Stereotypes: like culture, religion, idea, value, etc.Watch a video and get a deeper understanding.Classifications of Communicationverbal /nonverbalDirect /indirectInterpersonal / interorganizational / mass media-basedIntracultural /interculturalIntrapersonal / interpersonal/…Case studyRead the passage of “ an Intercultural Classroom”. This is the beginning of this passage:It was a hot day. Since it was still too early to use the air-conditioner, according to the regulations of the university, every class kept its door open to make the classroom cooler. While I was lecturing on Chinese grammar in Class 4, waves of laughter came from the neighboring Class 5. A German student named Stephen raised his hand and stood up. “The laughter from Class 5 is bothering us. I think we should go to their class to protest,” he said….1 How many different solutions did Class 4 propose?2 what is the mode of communication favored by Asians? What cultural values underlie it?Asian people are very courteous and indirect in their communications. They put great emphasis on group harmony, they are very tolerant, even when they are offended. These collectivistic values, shaped by Confusion teachings, were spread from China to many Asian countries.3 what is the mode of communication favored by Westerners? What cultural values underlie it?Westerners are generally very direct and frank in their mode ofcommunication. And they have a strong sense of protecting their own rights. Individualistic values are the underlying principles governing their behavior.Classroom activity 11. Read the story on P1 and answer: Why do you think the driver is asking for $50 instead of $32.5?2. Work in groups and write down 5 ways to deal with the situation. Some likely interpretationsThe taxi driver is trying to cheat Lee.extra charges for luggage that Lee doesn’t know about.Extra charges for tolls that Lee doesn’t know.There is an honest misunderstanding.L ee misunderstood what the driver said, or didn’t hear what he said clearly.The driver has included a tip for himself –an unreasonably large one. Culture NoteTaxi charges: in taxis in the us, it is quite normal to have a small extra charge for each of luggage. In the us there are also sometimes tolls for bridges, tunnels and certain roads. and the taxi driver will pay these first and then add them to the cost of the ride.Tipping: in the us it is normal to add a tip of 10%-15% to the cost of a taxi ride. (tipping is not normal in fast-food restaurants where customs gettheir own food.Taxis in the Us: while taxis can often be found at Us airports, taxis are rare in all but the largest American cities, and to get a taxi people often need to call a taxi company. This is because most Americans drive their cars. (in large cities, taxi drivers are often immigrants form other countries who do not speak English as their first language.)Classroom activity 2Read Letter to Fran: Not Eating and answer the following questions.1. Why did Nancy eat so little?2. Tell the possible reasons for Nancy’s problem.Possible reasonsOn the whole, American cooking tends to be somewhat more bland than the cooking in most parts of China.Some westerners have allergic reactions to MSG(often used in Chinese cooking) and get headaches if they eat food containing it.Some Christians won’t drink alcoholic beverages.Read Fran’s Response: Not Eating after class and get more information. Discuss the differences of table manners between Chinese and Westerners.Chinese people often use words like color 、smell 、taste、shape to describe the food.Westerners usually pay more attention to the calories、vitamins、proteinsand so on.we would invite many people “the more the better”If the host respect you ,he will give you a seat at first and sit on the left chair .The host will prepare all the things ready. The host will get delicious food into the guest’s bowl .Westerners would like to keep quiet. They regard the right as a symbol of respect.The host will let the guests choose what to eat or drink.Individualist and CollectivistWhat are the characteristics of Individualist and Collectivist? Classroom activity 3Read the passage Individualist and Collectivist Cultures and finish the following tasks.What are some differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Assignment:Review unit 1 and Preview unit 2Work in teams of 6 and deliver a presentation on following topics:What are differences between an individualist culture and a collectivistone?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Unit 2Review: Interpretation解释、翻译of greetings上哪去?Where are you going?It’s none of your business!去哪啦?Where have you been?吃过了吗?Have you had your meal?Are you going to invite me to dinner?Acceptable Greetings中文出去呀?吃饭去?回来了?忙着呢?忙什么呢?在洗车呀?这衣服真漂亮,新买的吧?你看起来气色不错。


• “入门问讳” • 禁忌语就是不能随便说、随便问的事。 • Privacy(不受干扰的)独处;不受干扰 (或侵扰)的自由;秘密;私下;私事; 私生活或隐私。 • (一)英美人不喜欢别人询问年龄。 • (二)英美人,尤其是女性,不喜欢别人 询问其婚姻状况。
• (三)英美人的最大忌讳是个人的收入与 开支。 • (四)英美人不喜欢别人询问他们的宗教 信仰。 • (五)英美人不随便询问别人的详细地址。 • (六)英美人不喜欢别人询问个人的政治 倾向。
九、不要拐弯抹角“打游击”——说 请求
• “你很忙吧?” • “你下午有空吗?”(我下午可以来看你 吗?如果你下午有空,我想去看你。)
• 令英美人不解的中国式的间接回答法。 • ①A、我想听辛的课,可以吗? • B、哦,我想,辛先生的身体不大好。 • ②A、我什么时候可以回来取票? • B、别急,正在办。 • ③A、我们想知道什么时候期末考。 • B、是的,我们对你们所取得的成绩感到 • 很满意。 • ④A、你要我带什么材料来? • B、我们需要各种材料。
• “刑不上大夫,礼不下庶人。”
六、“对不起”不等于没道理—— 说 道歉
• 该谢不谢,不够礼貌;该道歉,不道歉, 同样无礼。英美人说“对不起”( I’m sorry./Pardon me./Excuse me.) 也比中国人多。
七、“每天至少称赞三个人”—— 说 恭维
• 中国人对美国人频繁使用称赞语有两种不 太妥贴的反应。 • 一是把他们的称赞语看得太重了,以为他 们从来都是对人对物、对事作客观的真值 判断。 • 二是把美国人的恭维话看得太重了
三、让“球”滚动的艺术——说闲 聊
• (一)谈论天气 • (二)如果两人经第三者介绍相互问好后, 就力求找到共同点。
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Review & relate
(key terms & contents) Intercultural Communication in English
•Culture (Unit 2)
(Definitions & Metaphors;
•Communication (Unit 2)
(Elements of Characteristics:
Context; Participants; Messages;
Channels; Noise; Feedback )
•Cultural Differences / Diversities
(Unit 3) (Addressing; Friendship;
Family Structure) (The Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Chart:
Five Basic Qs / Value Systems;
Hofstede’s Five Dimensions;
High-/Low-Context Cultures)
•Language and Culture (Unit 4)
(Categorizations; Colors; Animals;
Plants; Kinship terms; Titles头衔) (The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)
•Verbal communication (Unit 5)
( Conversation / Discourse Style; Hign-involvement/high-considerateness; direct/indirect-ness;
Ping-Pong/Bowling Game;
Self-Enhancement/Effacement style; Speaker/Listen-Responsible)
•Nonverbal communication (Unit 6) (Hand Gestures; Eye Contact;
Postur姿势; Bowing; Touching;
Smile/Laugh; Silence )
•Time (Unit 7)
(Pace of life;
•Space (Unit 7)
(Personal Space;
Home Space:
layout, invitation and reception)
(Unit 8, 9, 10)
•Intercultural Perception
•Intercultural Adaptation (适应)•Acquiring Intercultural Competence (Ethnocentrism
种族(或民族、社会集团、文化)优越感; 种族(或民族)中心主义
Culture Shock
文化冲击/震荡: 突然处于一个与前大不相同的社会和文化环境中因而感到困惑、忧虑、烦恼的心情(北京人在纽约)
Return Cultural Shock
Also: reverse cultural shock;
the feeling of not fitting in to your home country--a mixture of emotions, after living abroad for an extended time) (e.g. 纽约人在北京)。