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With the development of science and technology, and the improvement of people’s living standards, people are paying more and more attention to the comfortablity, safety and convenience of their living environment. The emergence of smart recent years, just meets the needs of people. It effectively constitutes appliances into a network and makes all kinds of appliances combined into an organic whole. It can intelligently control appliances locally or remotely, and exchange information with the outside world.

As a globally open wireless data and speech communication specification Bluetoo—th technology can provide low-power、short distance wireless air interface and implement wireless communication between various fixed and mobile equipments.Bluetooth technology mobile communications,wireless data collections,wireless remote control and sensing Computer network and automatic control and other areas.Using the bluetooth smart Bluetooth module.In the system,The PC side is controlled by USB bluetooth adapter.It’s control instruction is received by the lower end of Bluetooth module which sent it to the micro controller. A basic bluetooth and program was prepared in the MCU. So,the system can realize wireless control function of PC and simulation of electrical appliances .And then,data can be transmitted between the two parts.After that,a further development which is file transmission is implemented.

Keywords: Bluetooth technology; smart )、电子家庭(Electronic Home、E-,美国联邦通信委员会.)有关OdBm电平的ISM频段的标准。由于采用扩频技术,发射功率可以达到100mW。系统最大跳频速率为1600跳秒,在2.402GHz和2.480GHz之间,采用79个间隔为1MHz的频点来实现【31。系统设计通信距离为10cm~10m,如增大发射功率,其距离可长达100m。


蓝牙的链路控制单元,又称基带单元,包括3个集成芯片:连接控制器、基带处理器以及射频传输接收器,此外还使用了3—5个单独调谐元件。综述链路控制单元描述了基带链路控制器的数字信号处理规范。基带链路控制器负责处理基带协议和其它一些低层常规协议。链路控制单元的主要功能包括:建立物理链路及网络连接,包括面向连接的同步链路SCO(Synchronous Connection Oriented)链路、异步链路ACL(Asynchronous Connectionless)链路及匹克网;差错控制;在物理层提供验证和加密,其中验证基于“请求.响应”运算法则实现,为用户建立一个个人的信任域,而加密则用来保护连接中的个人信息。


链路管理器LM(Link Manager)软件模块设计了链路的数据设置、鉴权、链路硬件配置和其它一些协议。链路管理器能够发现其它蓝牙设备的链路管理器,并通过链路管理协议LMP(Link Mallager Protoc01)建立通信联系。链路管理器提供诸如发送和接收数据、设备号请求、链路地址查询、建立连接、鉴权、链路模式协商和建立、设备模式的切换等功能。

2.2 蓝牙协议栈

