新世纪商务英语本科生 第二版 商务英语阅读教程2 Unit8答案及注解
新世纪商务英语本科生 第二版 商务英语阅读教程2 Unit13答案及注解

Unit Thirteen OpulencePart I Pre-reading Questions1.Have you ever read The Wealth of Nations? How much do you know about the naturalprogress of opulence?答案范例:Yes, I have. As far as I’m concerned, people should first possess something that other people don’t possess. And then they exchange the things they possess with each other to accumulate wealth. The things can be raw materials, manufactured goods, personal skills and so on.2.What are the monetary policies? What are the influential factors in equilibrium interest rate?答案范例:Monetary policies include expansionary, contracted and prudent monetary policies and are the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the monetary base.The influential factors in equilibrium interest rate are money supply and level of income.3.Can money buy happiness? Why or why not?答案范例:I think money can’t buy happiness, because the true value of life is reflected in our intrinsic heart. A happy family needs our love for family members, so does a happy friendship. And love can’t be bought with money. As long as we have a pair of eyes that can find beauty in the world and be content with our lot, we will be happy, which has nothing to do with money.Part II Extensive Reading段落大意难句解析词汇TEXT A1. 主旨归纳在城镇居民和农村居民之间进行的商业模式具有互惠互利性,城镇和农村的各工种居民的相互帮助促进了城镇的发展和农村的进步。
新世纪商务英语本科生 第二版 商务英语阅读教程2 Unit8答案及注解

Unit Eight Marketing (I)Part I Pre-reading Questions1.How can businesses attract more customers with similar products and services?答案范例:With similar products and services, businesses can attract more customers by means of high quality, competitive price, diverse channel, and effective marketing.2.Is branding important? Why?答案范例:Yes, branding is important for the following reasons:a)Branding demonstrates a company’s promise to its customers.b)Effective branding promotes recognition.c)Effective branding helps to build trust with customers..d)Branding provides motivation and direction for the staff.3.What makes a successful salesman?答案范例:There are some key ingredients of a successful salesman, such as:a)They aim high.b)They keep close contact with the customers.c)They pay close attention to market changes.d)They collaborate extensively, both internally and externally.e)They are always on the lookout for the opponents.Part II Extensive Reading段落大意难句解析词汇Text A1. 主旨归纳本文通过星巴克在遭遇困境时作出运营调整的事例,说明企业要想为股东创造长期价值,就必须为顾客和员工创造长期价值。

新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit12答案Unit12Part I Background Information美国“安全第一”网络银行成立于195年,是世界上第一-家新型的网络银行。
Part II Notes to the TextsText A What Is a Bank Really For?1.ATM:automated/automatic teller machine,自动柜员机。
2.immediate ae;附近。
3.You’re banking where it was convenient to walk in sit down,and start an account–even though there’s a good chance that you seldom,if ever,actually walk into your bank to a teller anyone.即使以前去过,你现在也不会再去开户银行与出纳员面对面交读了。

《《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案》来自南京廖华在线阅读本文:《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。
世纪商务英语阅读教程2 (基础篇)unit 8

Reading Skill Focus
A:Guided Practice
Reading Skill Focus
A:Guided Practice
Reading Skill Focus
A:Guided Practice
Reading Skill Focus
B:Let’s Try
Reading Skill Focus
Comprehensive Reading
Getting the Most of Meetings
Text : A
One aspect of business life which many managers are unhappy with is the need to attend meetings. Research indicates that managers will spend between a third or half of their working lives in meetings. Although most managers would agree that it is hard to think of an alternative to meetings, as a means of considering information and making collective decisions, their length and frequency can cause problems with the workload of even the bestorganized executives. Meetings work best if they take place only when necessary and not as a matter of routine. One example of this is the discussion of personnel or career matters between members of staff and their line and personnel managers[1]. Another is during the early stages of a project when the team in charge of the project needs to learn to understand and trust one another.
当代商务英语综合教程2 Unit 8 What's Your Spiritual IQ

tune in to your spirit. Garden, walk or jog, arrange flowers, listen to music
that touches your soul.
10 Ask Questions of Yourself. Some people use their contemplative time
It's the secret weapon that will help you cope with the hassles of life.
Here's how to put spiritual intelligence to work for you.
Her ex had done it again. After missing their 10-year-old daughter's
Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset. If you're walking the dog, take
the time to admire an azalea bush in bloom. Follow the flight of a bird;
watch clouds float overhead. Gaze into the night sky and think of the stars
Text A What's Your Spiritual IQ?
What happened? Without consciously realizing why or how, Jennie had
新世纪商务英语本科生 第二版 商务英语阅读教程2 Unit6答案及注解

Unit Six TravelPart I Pre-reading Questions1.How often do you travel? What’s the purpose of your last travel?答案范例:I usually travel twice every year, once during the summer vacation and once during the winter vacation. My last travel was to visit the Great Pyramid of Gaza.2.Does tourism promote international peace? How?答案范例:Yes, it does. Tourism can promote cultural understanding, mutual respect and peace dialogues at national and international levels.It also creates incredible opportunities for strengthening cross-border relations.3.What do you think contributes to a wonderful destination?答案范例:Many features such as friendly atmosphere, a safe environment, beautiful scenery, charming attractions, delicious food and comfortable accommodation can contribute to a wonderful destination.Part II Extensive Reading段落大意难句解析词汇TEXT A1.主旨归纳:文章从经济发展、科技和创新、旅游服务等方面对旅游业的影响,证明旅游消费者和零售商将面临又一个黄金期。

新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)Unit 1Part IExercisesI. Reading for information 。
A. Reading to find main ideas1. A2. CB. Reading to find major details3 . D 4. BC. Reading to find relevant facts5. C6. AII. TranslationTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1A hundred papers in the boys' scrawls; he had shirked this work for weeks, feeling all the time as if a sword were hanging over his head.有一百份卷子要批,而且全是男孩们用潦草的字迹写成的,这事他已经拖了好几个星期了。
2I’ve spent a fortune on it behind closed doors.我私下里已经花了一大笔钱来学习音乐了。
3 His face was beaded with perspiration.他的脸上挂满了汗珠。
4 No judge delivering a sentence felt more pained and helpless.没有哪个宣布判决的法官会比此时的谢卡尔更痛苦、更无助。
5 Truth required as much strength to give as to receive.说出事实和接受事实同样需要勇气。
III. SummaryComplete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms.1 Truth is like the sun because no human being can ever look it straight in the face without blinking or being dazed .2 Sekhar thought that morning till night , the essence of human relationships consisted in tempering truth so that it might not shock .3 Sekhar practiced truth for only one day and he had three trials :The first one was with his wife , the second with his colleague and the last one with his headmaster4 His wife took the apple pie as her culinary masterpiece while Sekhar thought that it wasn't good and he was unable to swallow it.5 His colleague thought so and so was a fine man while Sekhar regarded him as mean and selfish .6 The headmaster was eager to show off his singing , but his singing made Sekhar half stupefied .7 Sekhar compared the headmaster's singing to three things: a dozen frogs, a buffalo, and loose window shutters in a storm.8 Sekhar realized that truth required as much strength to give as to receive .Part II Reading for PleasureExerciseAnswer the following questions.1After reading the story, what do you think about Hell?Hell is not so terrible as most people think because it can be transformed intoHeaven through hard work, courage, faith and love. The real Hell is in one’sheart.2What is your definition of Heaven now?Heaven is a land of beauty and peace, and it is the result of our hard work.3What kind of people can rest in Heaven after they die? All those hardworking people with courage and determination can rest inHeaven after they die, because although they cannot all reach Heaven in thefirst place, they can build Hell into Heaven.4What kind of people will end up in Hell? Those who are afraid of Hell and do not have courage to fight difficulties anddisasters will end up in Hell.5What is the moral of this parable?This parable tells us that our destiny is controlled by ourselves.新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)Unit 2Part IExercisesI. Reading for information 。

商务英语第二版课后答案【篇一:商务英语阅读(第二版) 王关富unit2the_world_economic_forum 课后答案】hanged global realityexercises1. answer the questions on the text:1) what are the features of the two major economies that the world has seen formore than 200 years?one has dominated technological innovation and trade and amassed great wealth. the second—much of it politically under the thumb of the first—has remained poor and technologically dependent.2) how much did low-and-middle-income countries contribute to world growth in 2010?almost half (46%)3) taking a long term view, why is it good news that developing countries are growing fast?as billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.4) what are the worst-case scenarios that europe has so far avoided?a collapse of the euro, a debt crisis that spills from small economies such as greece and ireland to much bigger ones like italy and spain, and bitter social uest in those nations that are having to massage wages down while cutting public budgets.5) why does jim walker think that 2011 will be a “year of reckoning”?because jim walker thinks that the rebound in the us is a mirage created by excessive stimulus. he expects the us to slip into the double dip it dodged in 2010.6) why has the private-sector debt crisis of 2008-2009 morphed into a public-sector debt crisis in 2010-11?it has been the result of the debt and deficits amassed in the process of stimulating economies and bailing out banks during the downturn.7) what are the risks that emerging economies face?a. sharp rise in inflationb. rising oil pricesc. soaring food price8) what did china and india do to cope with inflation and rising food prices? china raised the reserve-requirement ratio;india resorted to diplomatic means when pakistan temporarily cut off some exports of onions to the country.9) how can the disaffection with global capitalism in the developed world be prevented from turning into a backlash against it?it would help if there were mechanisms in place to manage the stresses in the international economy.10) what is the most serious division between countries that policymakers have to contend with?economic disparity2. fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) the search for the child sharply today, with almost a third of the volunteers heading home.2) the former federal reserve chairman says there is a risk that the us coulda recession by year’s end.3) the ceo of the firm said that they would traditional labor-intensive products 4) in the aftermath of the financial crisis the group some of its ambitious regional expansion plans.5) toyota motor corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its us workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its american plants by 10% to falling sales.6) eventually, it must a system that functions on stability, or it will fail and cause an unstoppable breakdown and widespread hardship.7) unfortunately most of the central banks in the world today are still firmly politicians.8) the stock market’s endurance could depend heavily on whether economic and corporate performance remains uncertain, or begins indicating that the economy truly is 9) survivors were encouraged to talk about their horrible experiences to help them 10) other countries—notably australia—have also avoided a bust in their housing markets, and have instead seen prices increases3. match the terms in column a with the explanations in column b:1)double-dip recessiona) a physical substance, such as food, grains, and metals,which is interchangeable with another product of thesame type, and which investors buy or sell, usuallythrough future contracts2) credit ratingb) a measure that examines the weighted average ofprices of foodstuffs, often used as an important factorto assess the cost of living. 3)austerity c) a government policy of deficit-cutting, lower spending,and a reduction in the amount of benefits and publicservices provided, sometimes coupled with increasesreserves each commercial bank must hold to customerdeposits and notes.5)protective tariff e) the part of the economy that is not state controlled,and is run by individuals and companies for profit. 6)beggar thy neighbor f) an expression in economics describing policy thatseeks benefits for one country at the expense of others.such policies attempt to remedy the economicproblems in one country by means which tend toworsen the problems of other countries.7) commodity g) a published ranking based on detailed financialanalysis by a credit bureau, of one’s financi al history, specifically as it relates to one’s ability to meet debtobligations. 8)sovereign-debt crisis h) a crisis in which a national government owes so muchdebt that it is unable to repay or on the edge ofbankruptcy. 9)food-price indexi) a tariff which tries to ban imports to stop themcompeting with local products 10)reserve requirement j) a situation where economic growth slides back tonegative after a short-lived growth and the economymay move into a deeper and longer downturn.4. translate the following into chinese:星期五,世界上20个主要经济体的领导人结束了在这座东北亚首都城市举行的为期两天的峰会。

Book II Unit EightChecki ng Your Vocabu laryWord Detect ive1. (page 259)1) d 2) f 3) g 4) c 5) a 6) b 7) e 8) j2. (page 259)1) pressu re 2) part 3) change d 4) keep 5) positi on3. (page 227)1) thrown off balanc e 2) draw on 3) go for 4) in kind 5) by defini tionEnhanc e Your Langua ge Awaren essWordsin Action1.(page 262)1) mature d 2) stuff3) identi fy 4) conver t 5) classi c 6) shortc oming s 7) breeds8) stress9) mainta in 10) impuls e 11) pose 12) claims 13) identi ty 14) media15) tap 16) reason able2.(page 263)1) gradua te with honour s 2) fireshersel f up 3) take…bythethroat4) take action5) make an excuse6) in kind7) in the face of 8) trying for 9) nurse…throug hIncrea singYour Word Power1. (page 264)1) a. mature b. ripe c. mature/ripe d. ripe e. mature d2) a. select b. was electe d c. were select ed d. choose2. (page 265)Grammar Review(page 267)1. 1)is 2) has 3) is 4) were 5) were/are6) are 7) is 8) are 9) is 10) is2. 1) its 2) its 3) his 4) our 5) his/her6) themse lves7) he or she/ one 8) them 9) its 10) themse lvesCLOZE(page 268)1) discov ered2) intens e 3) contri butor s 4) disadv antag ed 5) achiev ement6) fascin ating7) troubl ed 8) even 9) physic al 10) who11) with 12) lead 13) advant age 14) obstac le 15) referTRANSL ATION(page 269)1) It is true that no one is perfec t, but we can always do better.2) Mozart is oftenreferr ed to as one of the greate st musici ans of all time.3) Advers ity comesto everyone, but the qualit y of your life may depend in a largemeasur e on how you tap into resour ces availa ble to handle that advers ity.4) When writin g, you can draw on your person al experi encefor exampl es to help explai n your ideas.5) Christ mas is a little warmth in the depthof winter and a bright lightin the dark.6) Someti mes we do get less when we go for more.7) It will only make your life worseif you refuse to forgiv e thosewho have done you wrongand be determ inedto repaythem in kind.8) Many farmer s claimthat the viciou s weathe r this summer has driven them to despai r.。
新世纪商务英语本科生 第二版 商务英语阅读教程2 Unit11答案及注解

Unit ElevenPart I Pre-reading Questions1.What is logistics according to your own knowledge?答案范例:Logistics is used more broadly to refer to the process of coordinating and moving resources – people, materials, inventory, and equipment – from one location to storage at the desired destination. It may involve the integration of information flow, materials handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing, and often security.2.What is the goal of logistics?答案范例:The goal of logistics is to ensure that resources are moved to the destination more efficiently and timely.3.Are supply chains important in the global economy? Why?答案范例:Yes, they are. Supply chains encompass the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities. They also include coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In essence, supply chains integrate supply and demand management within and across companies.Part II Extensive Reading段落大意难句解析词汇Text A1. 主旨归纳文章通过对沃尔玛总部配销中心的流水线工作场景介绍,引出供应链管理概念,并指出其在当今世界商业活动中扮演着重要角色。

商务英语阅读unit 8

In addition, three countries that are in the European Economic Area (EEA) but not the EU — Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein — also apply many EU regulations, however, having no vote in EU decision-making processes. Switzerland has agreements with the EU governing many aspects of product North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is one of the most powerful and wide-reaching treaties in the world. It governs the entire spectrum of North American trade and has hemispheric cooperation on a scale never before seen.
NAFTA is a treaty between Canada, Mexico, and the United States that was designed to foster greater trade between the three countries. NAFTA has been in effect since 1 January 1994. It has since been updated with two major additions, the North American Agreement for Economic Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement for Labor Cooperation (NAALC). A very recent addition was the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, designed to foster cooperation on issues of national security.
商务英语阅读(第二版) 王关富 Unit8 The decade of Steve 课后答案

Unit 8The decade of SteveExercises1.Answer the questions on the text.1)What makes the story of Steve Jobs so incredible and remarkable?So perseverant in his goals;Experiencing and overcoming so many difficulties and frustrations;Dominating in as many as four distinct industries;Running Apple so well------creatively, competitively, and profitably;Miraculously returning from his fatal diseases.2)What are the four markets that Steve Jobs reorganized and dominated?Music, movies, mobile telephones as well as computing.3)Why is he regarded as the rare businessman?Predilections unique to him.Distinctive design taste and elegant retail stores.Outside-the box approach to advertisingA showman, born salesman, and a magician.Legitimate worldwide celebrityAlways making products customers want to buy.Visionary but grounded in reality.Motivated not by money, but by a visceral ardor for Apple.4)What astounding achievements has Steve Jobs made up to date?Increasing corporate worth from $5 billion in 2000 to $170 billion now.Moving from cash drain and near bankruptcy to $34 billion in cash and market securities.275 retail stores in 9 countries with 73% share of US MP3 player market, and undisputed leadership in mobile phone innovation.His personal net worth about $5 billion.5)What was the first important success of Steve’s team?It created the first Macintosh (iMac), a breakthrough all-in-one computer and monitor. With drastic cost cutting and lucrative sales, it greatly improved the Apple’s balance sheet and financially got Apple well prepared for big investments and business leap.6)Why did Steve object to Ellison buy out Apple in 1997?Because he didn’t like people to second-guess the intention of his return (as making money) and wanted to take high moral ground so that he could easy and graceful decisions.7)Why did Steve build Apple-owned retail stores and some have doubts?Because through the building of retail stores, Steve could establish direct contact with customers, get to know what they really want, and fill the stores with allthose products.But some people at the time, even members of the board had great doubts about establishing retail stores. They are extremely nervous that the stores might become a risky cash drain.8)What are the outstanding qualities reflected from Jobs’integration ofmicromanagement with big-picture vision?# Micro-management:Consciousness/ dedication/ concentrationHe tries to know everything about Apple. He is involved in so many details that people can hardly believe. He is so detailed that he might tell an ad writer that the third word in the fourth paragraph wasn’t right.# Big-picture vision:Acumen for market changeHe recognized gorgeous design as differentiator for Apple.Creative, innovative and visionary in product developmentClients responded “Give me the next Steve Jobs”Knack for taking opportunities at the right momentHe made iTunes compatible with Windows and expanded Apple market to all PCs.He developed Apple’s own digital-music sales stores.9)How did Steve Jobs master the message?Carefully consider what he and Apple say and don’t say to the public.Rehearse time and again before speaking publicly.Authorize only a small number of executives to speak publicly.He is careful to avoid overexposure.Nobody is supposed to speak without the permission of Apple’s media relations team reporting directly Steve Jobs.10) How did Steve Jobs handle Apple’s stock options backdating scandal?He remained silent initially but later in the report to SEC he admitted and apologized for the change of option grant dates for employee benefits. He said it was totally inappropriate for Apple to do.11) Whom did Steve Jobs thank and why when he returned?He thanked Tim Cook (Apple’s chief operating officer) for excellent running of the company during his absence.He also thanked a twentysomething who died in a car crash for donating his liver.12) How do people feel about the future of Apple?Though some are worried about its future due to Steve’s health problem, most are confident about its future because:He is a fabulous brand and irreplaceable person.He has educated and influenced Apple employees well enough to think and behave like him.His influence has gone beyond Apple and become a hero for the IT industry.His pursuit for secrecy and surprise and proven brilliance will ensure greater successes for Apple in the future.2.Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1)When the starlet was asked about her new boyfriend, she couldn’t help but gushabout him and their intimate plans for Valentine’s Day.2)The leaking of as many as 251,000 State Department documents, including secretembassy reports from around the world, is nothing short of a political meltdown for US foreign policy.3)With very critical views on the government economic policies, she often palsaround with those scholars who also take rather radical stance on economic issues.4)It is high time for everyone in the department to kick into full gear and fulfill oursales quota by the end of the year.5)The mother did whatever possible to prevent her son from hanging out with theguy who she thought was up to nothing good.6)Obama’s victory in the election was viewed by many as progress in the UnitedStates. But I think his ethnicity is beside the point.7)The neighbors said what happened was totally out of character for the womanthey knew as quiet and friendly.8)Unfortunately, the firm has not been able to pare) production cost to the level thatmatches its competitors in the market.9)On the back of strong corporate earnings reports from a number of firms last week,coupled with the improving unemployment rate, investor sentiment was bolstered on the first trading day of the week.10)The team is expected to take a vote tonight that could set in motion a new plan torevitalize the financial market.11)It was a long time before our business partners could catch on to what we reallyintended.12)As a shrewd man, he successfully pounced at the opportunity last year to becomethe marketing manager.3.Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A______________________ B________________________________________ 1)market share A) A group of advisors, originally to a political candidate,for their expertise in particular fields, but now to anydecision makers, whether or not in politics. 62)cash drain B) The rate of new product development, which isgetting faster with more severe competition andfaster technological advancement. 103)shareholder wealth C) Percentage or proportion of the total availablemarket or market segment that a product orcompany takes. 14)net worth D) A group of executives employed to manage aproject, department, or company with theirparticular expertise or skills. 55)management team E) A person, project, business or company thatcontinues to consume large amounts of cash withno end in sight. 26)brain trust F) A person or firm that invests in a businessventure, providing capital for start-up orexpansion, and expecting a higher rate of returnthan that for traditional investments. 97)balance sheet G) The wealth shareholders get to accrue from theirownership of shares in a firm, which can beincreased by raising either share prices ordividend payments. 38)captains of industry H) A financial statement that summarizes acompany's assets, liabilities and shareholders'equity at a specific point in time. 79)Venture capitalist I) Total assets minus total liabilities, an importantdeterminant of the value of a company, primarilycomposed of all the money that has been investedand the retained earnings for the duration of itsoperation. 410)product cycle L) A business leader who is especially successfuland powerful and whose means of amassing apersonal fortune contributes substantially to thecountry in some way. 84.Translate the following passage into Chinese:头已秃顶,留着胡须的他坐在其超大的华盛顿办公室内谈论着经济话题,从眼神可看出显得疲劳。

新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit11答案Unit11Part I Background Information“物流”的英文是logistics,原意是“军事后勤保障”。
Part II Notes to the TextsText A Supply-Chaining1.I had never seen what a supply chain looked like in action until I visited Wal-Martheadquarters in Bentonville,Arkansas.我从来没看过供应链实际的运作,直到我去参观了阿肯色州班多维尔的沃尔玛总部。
2.These little conveyor belts fed into a bigger belt,like streams feeding into a powerful river.这些小传送带通向一个较大的传送带,就像溪流汇合成大河。

新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit8答案Unit8Part I Background Information过去人们常说:“如果你制造出一种质量更好的捕鼠器,市场就会把路铺到你家大门口。

Unit 8 Focus on Global WarmingText comprehensionI. AII. 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. F.III.1. Paragraph2. Because global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet(the earth). Low-lying nations could be awash in seawater, rain and drought patterns across the world could change, hurricanes could become more frequent, and El Ninos could become more intense.2. Paragraph3. Our factories, power plants, and cars burn coal and gasoline and spit out carbon dioxide, produce methane by allowing our trash to decompose in landfills and by breeding large herds of methane-belching cattle, and release nitrogen oxide by using nitrogen-based fertilizers.3. Paragraph4. The increased concentrations of greenhouse gases prevent additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, so cause the global warming.4. Paragraph 7. A slight increase in heat and rain in equatorial regions would increase vector-borne 带菌媒介引起的diseases such as malaria; more intense rains and hurricanes could cause more severe flooding and more deaths in coastal regions and along riverbeds; even a moderate rise in sea level could threaten the low-lying islands; hotter summers couldlead to more cases of heatstroke, hospital admissions and deaths among vulnerable people with heart problems or respiratory problems.5. Paragraph 8 and 10. We can curb our consumption of fossil fuels and use technologies to reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases like carbon二氧化碳 dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, and protect the forests in the world, and we can also advocate policies that will combat global warming over the long term, things like clean cars, environmentally responsible renewable energy technologies, and stopping the clear-cutting of valuable forests.IV.1. Global warming will probably be the most serious threat to our Earth, if we do not take into account of some other possible disasters, such as another world war, collision of our Earth with some small orbiting planet, or spread of incurable diseases.2. In terms of human health, the people of the poorer countries will suffer most, because their countries do not have money to protect them when climate changes.Structural analysisSub-ideas in the second part.1) the causes of the rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Paragraphs 3 and 4)2) the effect of such concentration on climate change (Paragraphs 5 and 6)3) the potential threat of global warming to human health and survival (Paragraph 7)Part one. Vocabulary1 Phrase1. with the exception of: except, apart from 除……之外,不包括……在内2. In essence = essentially, basically 本质上,根本上3. wherever possible: whenever it is possible 只要可能4. over the long term: over a long period 从长远看5. alternative = substitutable, different, replaceableII.1. focus;2. much the same;3. consciousness;4. threat;5. deserved;6. decomposed;7. revealed;8. frequent.III. Word derivationFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. Her natural good sense was improved by the perusal (peruse) of the best books.2. Efforts to reach the injured men have been intensified (intense) because of a sudden deterioration of weather conditions.3. I knew he deserved to be punished but making him stay in every night for a year is a little excessive (excess).4. Theories of the origin of life are partly speculative (speculate), since there is so little direct evidence available.5. This is a book that contains an abundance (abundant) of valuable information.6. The cost of the flights, accommodation and car rental is two thousand dollars inclusive (include).7. When an iron object is heated in a fire, it glows red and emits (emission) radiation.8. We hardly ever go into London. Whatever we need we can buy locally (local).1. peruse v. 熟读,精读perusal n. 熟读,精读;仔细研究e.g. 他每天都要读各种报纸。
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Unit Eight Marketing (I)Part I Pre-reading Questions1.How can businesses attract more customers with similar products and services?答案范例:With similar products and services, businesses can attract more customers by means of high quality, competitive price, diverse channel, and effective marketing.2.Is branding important? Why?答案范例:Yes, branding is important for the following reasons:a)Branding demonstrates a company’s promise to its customers.b)Effective branding promotes recognition.c)Effective branding helps to build trust with customers..d)Branding provides motivation and direction for the staff.3.What makes a successful salesman?答案范例:There are some key ingredients of a successful salesman, such as:a)They aim high.b)They keep close contact with the customers.c)They pay close attention to market changes.d)They collaborate extensively, both internally and externally.e)They are always on the lookout for the opponents.Part II Extensive Reading段落大意难句解析词汇Text A1. 主旨归纳本文通过星巴克在遭遇困境时作出运营调整的事例,说明企业要想为股东创造长期价值,就必须为顾客和员工创造长期价值。
2. 结构分析I. 要接近客户不是件容易的事,但星巴克老板霍华德·舒尔茨却极力做到这一点。
(Para. 1)II. 星巴克近年来面临业绩下滑、顾客投诉增多的困境。
(Paras. 2–3)III. 舒尔茨重掌帅印,提出差异化战略。
(Paras. 4–6)IV. 通过对星巴克运营模式的分析与反思,舒尔茨领悟到要想为股东创造长期价值,就必须为顾客和员工创造长期价值。
(Paras. 7–9)3. 难句解析(1)I’m walking up to a Starbucks with Howard Schultz when we spot a barista standing in theparking lot, passing 11 cups of coffee through a car window. (Para. 1) 我和霍华德·舒尔茨正走向一家星巴克,这时我们看到一位招待站在停车场里,正把11杯咖啡递进一辆小车的窗户里。
lot[lɒt] n.一块(地),(作特定用途的)界定场地e.g.If oil or gold is discovered under your lot, you can sell the mineral rights.如果在你的地里发现石油或金子,你可以出售开采权。
(2) Its stock has slid some 40% in the past 12 months, shaving more than $400 million fromSchultz’s personal bean pile. (Para 2) 在过去12个月里,公司股价下跌约40%,舒尔茨的个人资产蒸发超过4亿美元。
stock [stɒk] n.股本,资本e.g. Two years later, when Compaq went public, their stock was valued at $38 million.两年后康柏公司上市时,他们的股票价值为3800万美元。
shave[ʃeɪv] v.(少量地)削减,调低e.g. She’s already shaved four seconds off the national record for the mile.她已经把1英里赛跑的全国纪录减少了4秒。
(3) But perhaps most hurtful have been the mounting complaints from customers, employees andeven Schultz himself that in its pursuit of growth, the company has strayed too far from its roots. (Para. 3) 但是,最伤人的可能还是那些越来越多的来自顾客、员工、甚至舒尔茨本人的抱怨:公司在追求发展的同时,已严重偏离了其根本。
mounting [ˈmaʊntɪŋ] adj.上升的,增长的e.g. There was mounting pressure on him to resign.要求他辞职的压力越来越大。
stray [streɪ] v. 偏离;迷路e.g. This meeting is beginning to stray from the point. 会议开始偏离主题了。
(4) We are doing everything we can to differentiate Starbucks from everyone else that isattempting to be in the coffee business... (Para. 5) 我们正尽己所能,使星巴克和其他试图在咖啡行业立足的品牌有所区别……differentiate[ˌdɪfəˈrenʃɪeɪt] v. 使不同,使有差别e.g. What is it that differentiates these two substances?是什么构成了这两种物质的差别?attempt [əˈtempt] v. 试图,尝试e.g. I will attempt to answer all your questions. 我将努力回答你的全部问题。
(5) Of course, every change that Starbucks has made over the past few years…was made for a reason: to smooth operations or boost sales, two inescapable goals for a publicly traded company. (Para. 9) 当然,在过去几年中星巴克所作的每一次改变……都是为了同一个目的:使公司运作平稳,或提高销售额——这是任何一家上市公司的不二目标。
smooth[smu:ð] v.使顺利e.g. He tried to smooth the way for his Prime Minister’s visit here. 他设法为他的总理访问此间铺平道路。
boost[bu:st] v.促进e.g. Lower interest rates can boost the economy by reducing borrowing costs for consumersand businesses.低利率可以通过为消费者和商家降低借贷成本来促进经济发展。
4. 词汇注释(1)put a jolt into the company 给公司打一剂强心针(2)tapestry ['tæpɪstrɪ] n.各种各样的人(或物)(这里social tapestry指“社会生活”)(3)shave [ʃeɪv] v.(少量地)削减,调低(4)apostle [ə'pɒsl] n. 热心的追随者(5)start-up years 创业初期(6)drip coffee 滴滤咖啡(7)chief creative officer首席创意官(8)core purpose核心目的Text B1. 主旨归纳本文节选自《世界上最伟大的推销员》一书,介绍了羊皮卷上所列的有关营销秘诀和原则的六点要求。
2. 结构分析I.用全身心的爱来迎接每一天。
(Paras. 1–5)II.坚持不懈,直到成功。
(Paras. 6–8)III.我是自然界最伟大的奇迹。
(Paras. 9–14)IV.今天我将成为自己情绪的掌控者。
(Paras. 15–19)V.我要笑遍世界(Paras. 20–22)VI.我现在就会付诸行动(Paras. 23–28)3. 难句解析(1)My reasoning they may counter; my speech they may distrust; my apparel they maydisapprove; my face they may reject; and even my bargains may cause them suspicion. (Para.4) 我的推理,他们可能反驳;我的言语,他们可能怀疑;我的穿着,他们可能反对,我的面孔,他们可能排斥;甚至我廉价出售的商品都可能引起他们的猜疑。
counter[ˈkaʊntə(r)] v.反驳,驳斥e.g. I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished. 我试图争辩,但他却申辩说各项计划尚未完成。
distrust [dɪsˈtrʌst] v.不信任e.g.I don’t have any particular reason to distrust them.我没有任何特殊的理由不信任他们。
(2)…yet my love will melt all hearts likened to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay. (Para.4) ……然而我的爱会感动所有的心灵,就好像太阳的光芒能软化最寒冷的冻土一样。