
广西南宁市小升初数学三模试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________亲爱的小朋友们,这一段时间的学习,你们收获怎么样呢?今天就让我们来检验一下吧!一、填空题 (共15题;共28分)1. (1分)填一填钟面上时针和分针组成的角的度数.________度2. (2分)读一读下面的温度,并用正数或负数表示出来.非洲利比亚的加里延地区是世界上最热的地方,曾经出现过五十七点八摄氏度的高温.________世界上最冷的地方在南极.1967年,挪威科学家在南极点附近曾测得零下九十四点五摄氏度的低温.________3. (1分)(2016·吉安模拟) 一个表面积50平方厘米的圆柱体,底面积是15平方厘米,把2个这样的圆柱体拼成一个大圆柱体,这个大圆柱体的表面积是________平方厘米.4. (1分)(2020·巴中) 如果x÷y=2,那么x、y成________比例关系。
5. (4分) (2020六下·新沂期中) 如果9A=4B(A、B都不为0),则A:B=________:________;如果 =(x、y都不为0),则x:y=________:________。
6. (1分) (2019六下·南海期中) 将9本书放进5个抽屉里,总有一个抽屉里至少放了________本书.7. (1分)(2020·竹山) 把18个橘子放进4个果盘里,总有一个果盘里至少放进了________个橘子。
8. (6分)说出下面各百分率的意义.(1)产品的合格率是指________的个数占________的百分之几.(2)种子的发芽率是指________的种子数占________的百分之几.(3)海水的含盐率是指________的质量占________的百分之几.9. (1分)(2016·吉安模拟) A和B两个圆柱体容器,内部底面积之比是4:3,往网个容器中注入两样多的水,A容器中水深60厘米,B容器中水深________厘米.10. (1分)在线段此例尺为的地图上,量得甲、乙两地之间的距离为2.5cm,甲、乙两地之间的实际距离是________千米?11. (1分) (2015六下·西塞山期中) 一个长3cm、宽2cm的长方形按3:1放大,得到的图形的面积是________ cm3 .12. (1分)将一个圆柱体的侧面展开,得到一个正方形,圆柱的底面半径是5厘米,圆柱的高是________厘米。

最新六年级下册数学综合练习题(含答案)(1)小升初模拟训练(三)一、选择题1.小强的妈妈将2.5千克香油分装在一些玻璃瓶里,每个瓶最多可装0.4千克,妈妈需要准备()个瓶.A. 6B. 6.25C. 72.如图,点A的位置用数对表示是(1,5)。
A. (5,5)B. (5,1)C. (4,1)D. (6,1)3.把25枚棋子放入下图的三角形内,那么一定有一个小三角形中至少放入()枚。
A. 9B. 8C. 7D. 64.把圆柱体的底面半径和高都扩大2倍,那么它的体积就扩大( )倍。
A. 8B. 6C. 45.甲乙两地相距720千米,客车和货车分别从两站同时相对开出,3.6小时相遇,客车和货车的速度比是3∶2,客车和货车每小时各行多少千米?正确的解答是()A. 客车每小时行150千米,货车每小时行110千米B. 客车每小时行100千米,货车每小时行60千米C. 客车每小时行210千米,货车每小时行170千米D. 客车每小时行120千米,货车每小时行80千米6.甲、乙两桶油各5千克,从甲桶倒出千克,从乙桶倒出,余下的油()A.甲桶多B.乙桶多C.两桶一样多7.长度约为8米的可能是()。
A. 手指B. 铅笔盒C. 铁丝8.一个圆柱与一个圆锥的底面积和体积分别相等,已知圆柱的高是12cm,圆锥的高是()。
A. 36cmB. 24cmC. 8cmD. 4cm9.0.8里面有()个1%。
A. 8B. 80C. 80010.,A与B的最简整数比是()A. 5:2B. 10:1C. 1:10D. 2:511.甲数是乙数的3倍,甲与甲、乙两数和的比是()A. 1∶3B. 3∶1C. 3∶4D. 4∶1二、判断题12.分子、分母都是奇数的分数,一定是最简分数。
13.长为8分米,宽为6厘米的长方形的面积为48 cm2。

2016年广西大学附属中学小升初考试模拟试题一一、填空题:1、一个长50米,宽25米,平均水深1.5米的水池,占地面积是( )平方米。
2、如果3x = 2y, 那么x : y= ( )3、两百零八万五千三百 写作( )4、车轮周长一定,所行驶的路程与车轮的转数成( )比例。
5、用边长为5厘米的两个正方形拼成一个长方形,它的周长是( )厘米。
6、把3个1, 2个0组成一个五位数后,一个零都不读的数是( )7、学校买来15个足球,每个x 元,又买来y 个篮球,每个62元,买足球和篮球共用去( )元8、爸爸晚上9:40上火车,第二天8:20下火车,他乘车所用时间是( )9、星兴车队运送一批救灾物资,原计划每小时行40千米,7.5小时到达灾区,实际每天多行了10千米,这样到达灾区用了( )小时。
10、把甲班人数的九分之一调入乙班,则两班人数相等,原来甲乙两班人数比是( )11、数一数,该图中共有( )个三角形12、一个平行四边形的面积是4.2平方厘米,高1.4厘米,则底是( )厘米。
13、学校计划5月份用电500度,实际节约了20%,实际用电( )度。
1、 2、 4、 7、 11、 ( )、 2215、张老师把72张号码是1-72的卡片,依次发给A 、B 、C 、D 四个同学,第68号卡片发给了同学( )。
二、计算题1、 953 ÷ 131 + 2.4 ÷ 1312、 8.06 -(3.96 + 4.2 ÷ 121)三、解答下面的应用题1、在100位旅游者中,有75人懂法语,83人懂英语,另有10人这两种语言都不懂。

2013年广西大学附属中学升学考试模拟试题(四)云帆小升初命题研究中心 命制一、填空题(每题2分,共16分)1. 一个带分数,若把分数部分扩大4倍,这个数变为325 ,如果把分数部分扩大7倍,这个数变为515,原数是 。
2. 今年哥哥20岁,弟弟13岁,当两人年龄和是43岁时,哥哥的年龄是 岁。
3. 在比例尺是1:4000000的地图上,量得甲、乙两港的距离是9厘米,一艘货轮于上午6时以每小时24千米的速度从甲港开往乙港,到达乙港的时间是 时。
知道两种足球的单价相差32元,李老师带了 元钱。
【答案】7685. 甲、乙两个容积相同的瓶子分别装满盐水,已知甲瓶中盐与水的比是2:9,乙瓶中盐与水的 比 是3:10。
现在把甲、乙两瓶盐水混合在一起,那 么混合盐水中盐与水的比是 。
【答案】59∶227或592276.长方体容器内装有水,容器的 内 底 面 长14厘米,宽9厘米。
如果圆柱和圆锥等 底等高,那么圆柱的体积是 立方厘米。
【答案】2167.一车西瓜共重2005千克,假设每个西瓜 的 质 量相等,且每个西瓜的千克数都是 大 于1 的 自 然 数,卖掉一些西瓜后还剩1520千克,每个西瓜重 千克。
如果他们同时分别从直路两端出发,他们跑了9分钟迎面相遇 次。
二、选择题(每小题只有一个答案正确,每小题3分,共9分)1.河岸边种了200棵树苗,经过园林工人的精心管理,成活率达到百分之几( )A.200%B.95%C.120%2.一个正方形的面积是100平方厘米,把它按10∶1的比放大。
放大后图形的面积是多少平方厘米( )A.1000平方厘米B.2000平方厘米C.10000平方厘米3.下面的三个图形,哪两个图形的周长相等( )图形①和② 图形②和③ 图形①和③ 三、计算题(每题5分,共10分)12. [2-(32-0.5)×522]÷323;13. (1-12 )×(1+12 )×(1-13 )×(1+13 )×…×(1-199 )×(1+199).四、应用题。

2、如果3x = 2y,那么x : y=()3、两百零八万五千三百写作(4、车轮周长一定,所行驶的路程与车轮的转数成()比例。
6、把3个1, 2个0组成一个五位数后,一个零都不读的数是()7、学校买来15个足球,每个x元,又买来y个篮球,每个62元,买足球和篮球共用去()元8爸爸晚上9:40上火车,第二天8:20下火车,他乘车所用时间是(9、星兴车队运送一批救灾物资,了10千米,这样到达灾区用了()小时。
二、计算题‘小3 1 小 1 21、9 - + 1 —+ 2.4 + 1 -5 3 38.06 - (3.96 + 4.2 + 1 -)2三、解答下面的应用题1、在100位旅游者中,有75人懂法语,83人懂英语,另有10人这两种语言都不懂。
既懂法语又懂英语的旅游者有多少人?2、甲乙两人同时从两地相对出发,甲骑自行车每小时行15千米,乙骑摩托车每小时行34 千米,甲离出发地37.5千米处于乙相遇。

故答案为:4/3.考点:倒数的认识分析:根据倒数的意义,乘积是1的两个数互为倒数.求一个小数的倒数,首先把小数化成分数(能约分的要约分),然后把分子和分母调换位置即可.【倒数的认识】【倒数的定义】乘积是1的两个数互为倒数. 倒数描述的是两个数之间的关系,是相互依存的. 【注意】1的倒数是1,0没有倒数.【倒数的求法】求真分数和假分数的倒数的方法:将分子分母调换位置.求带分数的倒数:先把带分数化成假分数,再将分子、分母调换位置.求小数的倒数:先把小数化成分数,再将分子、分母调换位置.也可以根据倒数的意义,用1除以一个数来求它的倒数. 互为倒数的两个数之间不能用等于号连接,因为它们之间不是相等的关系.【常考题型】【例1】0.3的倒数是().【分析】根据倒数的定义求解.解:0.3=3/10的倒数是10/3.故答案为:10/3.【点评】此题主要考查了倒数的定义:若两个数的乘积是1,我们就称这两个数互为倒数.【例2】一个数除以9/7等于18/7的倒数,求这个数.【分析】根据题意,18/7的倒数是1÷18/7,再乘上9/7即可.解:1÷18/7×9/7;=7/18×9/7,=1/2;答:这个数是1/2.【点评】根据题意,先求出的倒数,再根据被除数=商×除数,列式解答.[举一反三]1、( )的倒数比1大A、小数B、分数C、比1小的数答案;CA、1.5=3/2,它的倒数为2/3B、假分数或带分数的倒数等于或小于它本身,真分数的倒数大于它本身。
C、比如1/2它的倒数为2/1,比1大.2、因为17/35 X 35/17 = 1,所以()A、17/35和35/17都是倒数B、17/35是倒数C、17/35和35/17互为倒数D、35/17是倒数3、0.4的倒数是()A、1/4B、4C、2、5D、2/54、()的倒数比它本身大A、带分数B、真分数C、假分数D、小数5、()的倒数大于它本身A、整数B、假分数C、真分数D、小数2、考点:圆、圆环的面积分析:根据环形面积公式:环形面积=外圆面积-内圆面积,或环形面积=3.14×(外圆半径的平方-内圆半径的平方).【圆、圆环的面积】【圆的面积公式】设OA=r,则S=πr2【圆环的面积】圆环的面积等于大圆的面积减去小圆的面积即可得,公式:S=πr22-πr12=π(r22-r12)【常考题型】【例1】因为大圆的半径和小圆的直径相等,所以大圆面积是小圆面积的()A、2倍B、4倍C、1/4D、1/2【分析】大圆的半径和小圆的直径相等,说明大圆的半径是小圆的半径的2倍,利用圆的面积公式和积的变化规律即可推理得出正确答案进行选择.解:大圆的半径和小圆的直径相等,说明大圆的半径是小圆的半径的2倍,圆的面积=πr2,根据积的变化规律可得,r扩大2倍,则r2就会扩大2×2=4倍,所以大圆的面积是小圆的面积的4倍.故选:B.【点评】此题考查了积的变化规律在圆的面积公式中的灵活应用,这里可以得出结论:半径扩大几倍,圆的面积就扩大几倍的平方.【例2】在图中,正方形的面积是100平方厘米,那么这个圆的面积是多少平方厘米?周长呢?【分析】看图可知:正方形的边长等于圆的半径,先利用正方形的面积公式求出正方形的边长,即得出圆的半径,由此根据圆的周长和面积公式即可列式解答.解:因为10×10=100,所以正方形的边长是10厘米,所以圆的面积是:3.14×10×10=314(平方厘米);周长是:3.14×10×2=62.8(厘米),答:这个圆的面积是314平方厘米,周长是62.8厘米.【点评】此题考查圆的周长与面积公式的计算应用,关键是结合图形,利用正方形的面积公式求出正方形的边长,即这个圆的半径.3、考点:简单事件发生的可能性求解分析:因为一副扑克牌有54张,其中6有4张,求抽到6的可能性,即求4张是54张的几分之几,根据求一个数是另一个数的几分之几,用除法解答,继而判断即可.【简单事件发生的可能性求解】【简单事件发生可能性】一般地,如果在一次试验中,有b种可能的结果,并且它们发生的可能性都相等,所求事件发生的a种结果,那么这一事件发生的可能性是a/b(b不为0).特别地:当a为必然事件时,可能性是1;当a为不可能事件时,可能性是0;【列举法求解】用列举法求简单事件发生的可能性,可以用数值表示及其表示方法。

广西英语小升初模拟试卷及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer to the question.A. The students are discussing their summer vacation plans.B. The students are comparing their English books.C. The students are talking about their favorite sports.Question: What are the students mainly discussing in the conversation?1.A2.B3.CAnswer: 3. CExplanation: The conversation focuses on the students sharing their favorite sports, making option C the correct answer.2、Listen to the short dialogue and complete the following sentence with the correct word.M: Hi, can you tell me the time, please?W: Sure, it’s __________.1.a quarter to nine2.half past nine3.a quarter past nineQuestion: What time is it according to the dialogue?1.a quarter to nine2.half past nine3.a quarter past nineAnswer: 1. a quarter to nineExplanation: The woman responds to the man’s question by indicating that it’s 15 minutes before 9 o’clock, which is “a quarter to nine.”3、You hear a conversation between two students, Tom and Lily, discussing their weekend plans. Listen and answer the following question: What activity does Tom mention he will be doing this weekend?A)He will be playing soccer.B)He will be going to the movies.C)He will be helping his father in the garden.Answer: C) He will be helping his father in the garden.Explanation: In the conversation, Tom says, “I’m going to help my dad in the garden this weekend,” which indicates option C is the correct answer.4、Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student named Mark. The teacher is asking Mark about his homework progress. Listen and answer the following question:What subject does Mark mention he is having trouble with?A)MathematicsB)EnglishC)ScienceAnswer: A) MathematicsExplanation: In the dialogue, the teacher asks Mark, “How are you doing with your math homework?” indicating that Mark is having trouble with mathematics, making option A the correct answer.5.You are listening to a conversation between a student and a teacher. The student is asking for advice on choosing a school. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A)The student wants to change schools because the current one is too easy.B)The student is looking for a school that offers a strong science program.C)The student is concerned about the distance to the new school from their home.D)The student is unsure about the school’s extracurricular activities.Answer: B) The student is looking for a school that offers a strong science program.Explanation: In the conversation, the student mentions, “I’ve always been interested in science, and I want to go to a school that can really challenge me in that area.” This indicates that the student is seeking a school with a strong science program.6.Listen to a short dialogue between two students discussing their summer plans. Choose the correct answer based on the information provided.A)The first student is planning to work part-time during the summer.B)The second student is going to study abroad for the summer.C)Both students are going to take a summer job.D)The first student is not interested in going anywhere during the summer.Answer: A) The first student is planning to work part-time during the summer.Explanation: One of the students says, “I’m going to work at the local grocery store for the summer to save some money.” This statement confirms that the first student has a plan to work part-time. The second student does not mention studying abroad or taking a summer job.7、Question: What is the name of the capital city of France?A)LondonB)ParisC)BerlinD)RomeAnswer: B) ParisExplanation: The capital city of France is Paris, which is known for its historical landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral. The other options are capitals of different countries. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Berlin is the capital of Germany, and Rome is the capital of Italy.8、Question: How many letters are in the word “elephant”?A)6B)7C)8D)9Answer: B) 7Explanation: The word “elephant” consists of seven letters. The options provided give different counts of letters, but the correct answer is 7, as“elephant” is spelled with seven letters.9.Listen to the conversation between two friends about their school day.A. What subject does the girl like the most?1.Math2.English3.ScienceAnswer: 2. EnglishExplanation: In the con versation, the girl says, “I really enjoy English class, because our teacher is so fun and engaging.”10.Listen to the dialogue between a student and a teacher discussing a school project.A. What is the teacher’s main concern about the project?1.The project is too easy2.The project is too difficult3.The project is not on topicAnswer: 3. The project is not on topicExplanation: The teacher says, “I think you guys have missed the point of the project. It should focus on environmental issues, but your ideas are all about technology. Let’s get back on track.”11.You are listening to a conversation between a student and a teacher.Student: “Miss Green, can I have a few minutes to discuss my science project with you?”Teacher: “Certainly, but we need to make sure we have enough time. What’s theproblem with your project?”Student: “Well, I’m not sure about the methodology I should use to test the effect of sunlight on plant growth.”Question: What is the main topic of the conversation?A) The student’s progres s in math.B) The student’s science project.C) The teacher’s preferred teaching method.D) The student’s difficulty with English.Answer: B) The student’s science project.Explanation: The conversation is about the student’s science project, specifically the methodology for testing the effect of sunlight on plant growth.12.You are listening to a weather report for the city of London.Weather Report: “This afternoon, London will experience scattered showers with a high of 18 degrees Celsius. There is a 60% chance of rain in the evening, with temperatures dropping to 13 degrees. Wind speeds will be around 15 miles per hour from the north-northeast.”Question: What is the weather forecast for this evening in London?A) Clear skies and a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius.B) Scattered showers and a temperature of 13 degrees Celsius.C) A sunny day with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.D) Heavy rain and a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.Answer: B) Scattered showers and a temperature of 13 degrees Celsius.Explanation: The weather report states that there is a 60% chance of rain in the evening with temperatures dropping to 13 degrees, indicating that the weather forecast for this evening includes scattered showers with a lower temperature.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which of the following sentences is correct in terms of grammar and meaning?A. She have gone to the store.B. She has gone to the store.C. She have been to the store.D. She has been to the store.Answer: BExplanation: The correct sentence is “She has gone to the store.” The present perfect tense is used to describe actions that have a present result, and it requires the auxiliary verb “has” with the past participle “gone.”2、 Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The teacher__________the students to be quiet in the library.A. askedB. toldC. asked forD. requestedAnswer: BExplanation: The correct answer is “told.” The phrase “asked the students to be quiet” would imply that the teacher was making a request, which is less formal. The word “told” is more appropriate as it indicates a direct instruction.3、Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?A. I have been to the Great Wall.B. I have went to the Great Wall.C. I have go to the Great Wall.D. I have gone to the Great Wall.Answer: A. I have been to the Great Wall.Explanation: The correct sentence is “I have been to the Great Wall” because “have been” is the correct past perfect tense to use after “have.” The other options are incorrect due to the use of “have went,” “have go,” and “have gone” which are not the correct forms to follow “have” in this context.4、Choose the word that best completes the sentence.If you_______to the library, you can borrow some books.A. goB. goesC. goingD. wentAnswer: A. goExplanation: The correct word to complete the sentence is “go.” The sentence is in the present tense and needs a verb in its base form. “Go” is the base form of the verb “go,” making it the correct choice. The other options are incorrect as “goes” is the third person singular present tense form, “going” is the present participle, and “went” is the past simple tense form.5、What is the correct p ast tense form of the verb “do”?A)didB)doedC)doneD)doneAnswer: A) didExplanation: The correct past tense form of the verb “do” is “did”. The word “doed” is not a recognized past tense form, and “done” is the past participle, not the past tense. “Do” remains unchanged in the simple present tense.6、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:If you_______your homework, you can play video games.A)finishB)finishesC)finishedD)finishedAnswer: A) finishExplanation: The correct word to complete the sentence is “finish” becauseit is the base form of the verb, used to form the imperative (command) form in the sentence. The other options are in the past tense or present tense forms, which do not fit the context of giving a command or instruction.7.The sentence “She is taller than he” is an example of which grammatical structure?A)Present PerfectB)Past SimpleC)Comparative AdjectiveD)Present ContinuousAnswer: C) Comparative AdjectiveExplanation: The sentence uses the comparative form of the adjective “taller” to show a comparison between two people. It is not related to the present perfect, past simple, or present continuous tenses.8.Which of the following words is a homophone of “there”?A)TheirB)They’reC)HereD)ThereAnswer: B) They’reExplanation: “They’re” is a homophone of “there.” Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. “Their” refers to possession, “Here” is a place, and “There” refers to a place or distance.9.Which sentence is correctly formed using the past simple tense?A. She was eating apples while watching TV last night.B. I was eating apples when he came in.C. He had been eating apples for two hours when we arrived.D. She had eaten apples before she went to bed.Answer: BExplanation: The correct use of the past simple tense is to describe actions in the past without any specific time reference. Option B correctly uses the past simple tense with “was eating” and “came in,” indicating past actions. The other options either u se past perfect tense (“had been eating” and “had eaten”) or present continuous tense (“was eating apples while watching TV”), which are not appropriate for the context of the question.10.Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The teacher asked the students________the assignment before the class started.A. to doB. to have doneC. to have been doingD. to have doneAnswer: AExplanation: The correct phrase to use in this context is “to do,” indicating an action that was expected or required before a specific point in time. “To do” is the correct infinitive form to express this intention. Theother options are not suitable because “to have done” implies an action that was completed before the time mentioned, “to have been doing” suggests an actio n in progress at a past time, and “to have done” is a repetition of the same idea in the sentence.11.What is the correct way to spell “sister” in English?A. susterB. sissorC. sistterD. sisterAnswer: D. sisterExplanation: The correct spelling of “sister” in English is option D.12.Which of the following sentences is correct?A. I don’t have any brother.B. I don’t have any brothers.C. I don’t have any brother’s.D. I don’t have brother.Answer: B. I don’t have any brothers.Explanation: Option B is the correct sentence because it is using the plural form of “brother” to indicate that the speaker does not have any brothers. The other options are grammatically incorrect.三、完型填空(10分)Section 3: Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given.Tom was a keen 1)_________ and loved to spend his weekends exploring new places. One sunny Saturday, he decided to visit a small, picturesque village that he had heard about from his friends. As he walked through the cobblestone streets, he noticed a 2)_________ of different shops and restaurants.He decided to stop at a small café and have a cup of coffee. The café was cozy, with a warm atmosphere. The 3)_________ were friendly and the coffee was delicious. After enjoying his coffee, Tom decided to take a walk around the village. He visited a local museum, where he learned about the village’s rich history.The museum had many 4)_________ from the past, including old photographs and artifacts. Tom found the experience both interesting and educational. As he walked back to the café, he couldn’t help but admire the beautiful scenery of the village.1)A)artist B) athlete C) reader D) travelerE)A)variety B) selection C) collection D) assortmentF)A)customers B) staff C) visitors D) audienceG)A)documents B) relics C) publications D) exhibitsAnswer:1) D) traveler2) D) assortment3) B) staff4) D) exhibits四、阅读理解(26分)Title: The World of AnimalsOnce upon a time, in a small town, there was a young boy named Tom. Tom had a deep love for animals. He would often spend his free time at the local zoo, observing and learning about the different creatures that lived there.One sunny afternoon, Tom visited the zoo again. He decided to focus on the birds section. As he walked through the enclosure, he noticed a particular bird with vibrant red feathers and a long, slender beak. It was the most beautiful bird he had ever seen.Tom watched the bird for a while, and then he realized that it was a Scarlet Macaw. The Scarlet Macaw is a large parrot native to South America. These birds are known for their bright red feathers, which are believed to help them attract mates. They are also highly intelligent and can live for up to 60 years in theTom was fascinated by the Scarlet Macaw and decided to read more about it. Here is what he learned:The Scarlet MacawThe Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) is one of the most striking birds in the world. It is easily recognizable by its vivid red and blue feathers, which are a result of a special type of pigment in their feathers. These birds are social animals and often live in groups called flocks. They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds and calls.Scarlet Macaws are primarily herbivores, feeding on fruits, seeds, and nuts. They use their long beaks to crack open hard-shelled fruits and nuts. These birds are also known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech.Unfortunately, the Scarlet Macaw is an endangered species. Their populations have been declining due to habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these magnificent birds.Questions:1.What is the main color of the Scarlet Macaw’s feathers?A) RedB) BlueC) GreenD) Yellow2.What type of bird is the Scarlet Macaw?A) ParrotC) 鸽子D) 鸭子3.Why is the Scarlet Macaw considered an endangered species?A) Because it is too intelligentB) Because it is poached and its habitat is being destroyedC) Because it cannot adapt to climate changeD) Because it is not socialAnswers:1.A) Red2.A) Parrot3.B) Because it is poached and its habitat is being destroyed五、写作题(16分)Sure, I can provide an example of an English writing task suitable for the transition from elementary to junior high school (often referred to as “small升初”or “primary to secondary” transition in China). For this level, it’s appropriate to choose a topic that is both engaging and not too complex, focusing on basic sentence structures and simple expressions of thoughts or experiences.Writing Task (Writing Section)Topic: My Favorite SeasonInstructions: Write a short essay about your favorite season. Explain whyit is your favorite and describe some activities you enjoy doing during that time. Your essay should be at least five sentences long. Use simple past tense where appropriate to describe past experiences.Example Essay:My Favorite SeasonMy favorite season is autumn. It is the time when the leaves turn beautiful colors like red, orange, and yellow. During autumn, I love going for long walks in the park with my family. Last year, we went to the woods and collected different leaves. We made a big collage with them, which is now hanging in our living room. Autumn makes me feel happy because everything looks magical, and it’s not too cold or too hot outside. I always look forward to autumn every year.Analysis:This example demonstrates how a student could approach the writing task. The essay is straightforward and uses simple language that is expected at the elementary to junior high transition level. Here are the key points:1.Introduction: The essay starts by stating the favorite season.2.Description: It describes the characteristics of autumn that make it special.3.Personal Experience: A specific memory is shared to illustrate what the student enjoys during the season.4.Emotional Connection: The essay expresses personal feelings towards theseason.5.Conclusion: A final statement reinforces the student’s anticipat ion for the season each year.The use of the simple past tense (“we went,” “we made”) is appropriate for showing past experiences. This example should help students understand the structure and content required for such an essay while also inspiring them to write about their own favorite seasons.。

广西大学附属中学小升初考试模拟试题四一、填空题:1、在0.28,28.9%和113中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。
2、有10根完全相同的圆柱形木头,要把每根木头都锯成3段,每锯1段需要3分钟,把这10根木头全部锯完,需要( )分钟。
3、把54900改写成用“万’作单位的数是( )。
4、如图所示,甲、乙两个相同的长方形中有不同的阴影部分,则甲和乙两幅图中的阴影面积相比,则甲( )乙(选填“<” “>”或“ =” )。
5、甲数是乙数的54,乙数就比甲数多( )%。
6、在3、5、8、3、9、6这组数据中,中位数是( ),众数是( )。
7、一直棱长为7厘米的小正方形,需要( )块这样的小正方形才能拼成体积为2744立方厘米的正方体。
8、如果向东偏北30°走100米记做+100的话,那么向南偏西60°走50米就记为( )。
9、北京到天津的实际距离是120千米,在一幅地图上量得两地的图上距离是2.4厘米,这幅地图的比例尺是( )。
10、把一个圆柱体的侧面展开后得到一个正方形,已知圆柱体的高时125.6厘米,它的底面半径是 厘米。
(π≈3.14)二、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案)11、从下面( )盒子中任意摸1个球,摸到红球的可能性是21。
12、已知xy = k + 31,k 一定时,x 和y 成( ) A.正比例 B.反比例 C. 不成比例13、小马虎在计算3(x+6)时没有看见括号,按3x+6计算:结果比原来( )A.少12B.多xC. 少6三、计算题(能简算的要简算,并写出计算过程)14、1 + 2–3–4 + 5 + 6–7–8 + 9 + 10- ┅┅ + 9815、有这样一种*运算,规定a*b=a(a+b),若2*(3*x)=52,你能把x求出吗?动动脑筋,你一定行,请把解答过程写出来。

2016年广西大学附属中学小升初考试模拟试题一一、填空题:1、一个长50米,宽25米,平均水深1.5米的水池,占地面积是( )平方米。
2、如果3x = 2y, 那么x : y= ( )3、两百零八万五千三百 写作( )4、车轮周长一定,所行驶的路程与车轮的转数成( )比例。
5、用边长为5厘米的两个正方形拼成一个长方形,它的周长是( )厘米。
6、把3个1, 2个0组成一个五位数后,一个零都不读的数是( )7、学校买来15个足球,每个x 元,又买来y 个篮球,每个62元,买足球和篮球共用去( )元8、爸爸晚上9:40上火车,第二天8:20下火车,他乘车所用时间是( )9、星兴车队运送一批救灾物资,原计划每小时行40千米,7.5小时到达灾区,实际每天多行了10千米,这样到达灾区用了( )小时。
10、把甲班人数的九分之一调入乙班,则两班人数相等,原来甲乙两班人数比是( )11、数一数,该图中共有( )个三角形12、一个平行四边形的面积是4.2平方厘米,高1.4厘米,则底是( )厘米。
13、学校计划5月份用电500度,实际节约了20%,实际用电( )度。
1、 2、 4、 7、 11、 ( )、 2215、张老师把72张号码是1-72的卡片,依次发给A 、B 、C 、D 四个同学,第68号卡片发给了同学( )。
二、计算题1、 953 ÷ 131 + 2.4 ÷ 1312、 8.06 -(3.96 + 4.2 ÷ 121)三、解答下面的应用题1、在100位旅游者中,有75人懂法语,83人懂英语,另有10人这两种语言都不懂。
511 2015南宁市广西大学附中小升初英语+语文真题

(每题1分,共5分)()a cat and two dogs under the table an hour ago.A.was()!She in the room.sing()3.Is she going to school going to hospital?()is apple,and that’s peach.;a;a;an;an()5.—Which one dose not have two legs?--cock bird fish duck二、根据图画情景,判断下面句子正误,正确写T,错误写F,把答案写在括号里(每题1分,共5分)()boy goes to see the doctor with his mother.()boy catches a cold.()doctor wears a pair of glasses.()nurse is in front of him.()boy feels bad.三、阅读理解。
(每题1分,共5分)Do you like rain?Why does it rain?Let me tell you.When water on the earth becomes warm enough(足够地),it becomes vapor(水蒸气),and goes into the a lot of air quickly cools,the water vapor gets together,and forms(形成)tiny water droplets(小水滴)。
The tiny water droplets get together,we call them the time goes by,the clouds can attract(吸引)more waterdroplets to water droplets grow heavy enough,they drop down as this is the rain.请根据短文内容,用ABCDE字母先后顺序,标上序号,把答案写在括号里。

2015年广西大学附属中学小升初考试真题一、填空题(1-10题每小题2分,11-14题每小题1分,共24分)1. 在自然数内最小的奇数与最小的质数的和是,最小的质数与最小的合数的和是。
2. 一个圆的面积是以这个圆的半径为边长的正方形的面积的倍(π取3)。
3. 王叔叔家有两个孩子,是一个男孩和一个女孩的可能性是。
4. 小明由家去学校然后又按原路返回,去时每分钟行a米,回来时每分钟行b米,那么小明来回的平均速度为(用含a和b的式子表示)。
5. 小明沿着公路骑车,从第1根电线杆到第10根电线杆用了3分钟,。
6. 有甲、乙、丙三种饮料,甲种比乙种便宜5%,乙种比丙种贵5%,三种饮料相比,最便宜的是种。
7. 把105根木材按6层堆积起来,堆积的时候,若每次上层木材比下层木材少1根,则下层应放根。
8. 若“※”是新规定的某种运算规则,则有P※Q=5P+4Q,请计算x※9=91中x= 。
9. 公园里有一排彩旗,按2面红旗、3面黄旗、4面绿旗的顺序依次排列,小红看到这排彩旗的最后1面是黄旗,已知这排彩旗不超过200面,这排彩旗最多面。
10. 甲、乙、丙、丁四人参加800米赛跑,赛后他们说各自的名次:甲说:“丙第一,我第二”乙说:“我第一,丁第三”丙说:“乙第二,我第四”丁什么也没说。
实际上甲、乙、丙都只说对了一半,则从第一名到第四名依次排列是 .11. 我国唐代诗人杜牧的《山行》一诗,反映了枫树等植物的树叶到了(季节)会由绿变红。
12. 发生“日食”是由于月亮挡在地球与之间。
13. “三山五岳”中的“五岳”之首是山。
14. 在我国,家庭电灯、电视机等使用的交流电,通常电压是伏。
二、计算题(第15题5分,第16题和17题每题6分,第十八题8分,共25分)15. 1379792136+--16. 23.3(2-75%)+56+(1+25%17.的值!!,计算!!!若54111098766,5433,322⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯⨯=⨯=18. 如图,在三角形ABC 中,DC=3BD, DE=EA,若三角形ABC 的面积是1,则阴影部分的面积是多少?三.解答题(共25分)19. (本题7分)甲、乙两车同时从A、B两地相对开出,已知甲车每小时行驶45千米,乙车每小时行驶50千米,3小时后两车正好相距90千米,A、B两地相距多少千米?20. (本小题8分)某商场在春节期间开展优惠活动。

最新小升初数学入学测试题一、选择题1. ∶4=4∶1应填的数是()A. 14B. 3C. 16D. 152.=()A. 1B. 0C. 16D. 113.圆锥的侧面展开后是一个()A. 圆B. 扇形C. 三角形D. 梯形4.如果圆的半径是5厘米,那么它的周长是()厘米.A. 5πB. 10πC. 15πD. 25π5.一个圆柱体切拼成一个近似长方体后,()。
A. 表面积不变,体积不变。
B. 表面积变大,体积不变。
C. 表面积变大,体积变大。
D. 无法确定6.用数值比例尺表示是()A. 1︰30B. 30︰1C. 1︰30000D. 1︰30000007.一个有盖圆柱形油桶的表面有()个面.A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 68.下面题中的两个关联的量()圆柱的高一定,它的底面积和体积.A. 成正比例B. 成反比例C. 不成比例9.一个圆柱的体积是80立方分米,底面积是16平方分米,它的高是()分米。
A. 5B. 15C. 30D. 6010.小军把他的书放在书架的三个格子里,最少的一格放27本,最多的一格放34本,那么书架上的书总数大约是( )本.A. 180B. 150C. 120D. 9011.()A. B. C. D.12.一杯盐水,盐占5%,那么盐与水的比是()。
A. 1:19B. 1:20C. 1:21二、填空题13.一个圆锥的体积是7.2立方米,与它等底等高的圆柱的体积是________立方米。

2016 名校小升初测试真题卷2016 年小升初招生考试模拟测试卷(综合卷)说明:试卷含数学卷(90 分)、语文卷( 70 分)、英语卷( 20 分)试卷满分: 180 分,考试时间: 120 分钟姓名: _______________得分:____________数学卷( A:90 分)一、填空( 10 分, 1 空 1 分)1、学校有皮球若干个,若平均分 6 个班余下 5 个,平均分 4 个班余下 3 个,平均分 8 个班余下 7个,批球至少有()个。
2、当六点十分,分和的角是()3、数 A 的小数点向左移一位后,所得的数比原来少7.28,数 A 是()4、已知是(1 1 1,A、B 是不同的自然数, A 、B 分3 A B)5、一堆卜,含水95% ,晒若干天后,含水90% ,是卜重 50 千克,卜原重()千克6、有一个分数,将它的分母加上2,得到7;如果将9它的分母加上3,得到3。
那么原来个分数是()47、按律填数: 1、5、14、30、55、91、⋯⋯,第 9个数是()8、小期末考文、数学、思品三科的平均分是87分,加上史、自然的成后平均分是89 分。
已知史比自然少得12 分,史得了()分。
19、如果规定a b 5 a b ,其中a、 b 是自然数,那么210*6= ()10、求 13 个自然数的平均数,结果按四舍五入法精确到十分位是 26.9,那么精确到百分位应是()二、选择题( 10 分)1、某品牌牛奶每袋 2 元,现甲商店打八五折,乙商店“买四送一”,丙商店每袋便宜 12% 。
小明要买 5 袋,去()店最便宜。
A.甲B.乙C.丙2、为了尽快收回资金,某公司同时以30 万元的价格卖出两套设备,其中一套设备盈利20% ,另一套设备亏本 20% ,那么该公司卖出这两套设备()。
A.赚 2.5 万元B.亏 2.5 万元C.赚 2 万元3、一个三角形的两条直角边分别是 3 厘米、 2 厘米,按 1:4 的比例放大后,面积是()平方厘米。

广西小升初语文模拟试卷(一)D卷一、基础题 (共6题;共54分)1. (11分)看拼音写词语。
shānɡlianɡmìfēnɡqí yìwān yán________________________________pàn wànɡcuò shīchuán rǎn cíài________________________________2. (11分)读拼音,写词语。
yǔ sǎnā yídì di fāng biàn________________________________jiāo huìyóu xìmǔ jībǔ chōng________________________________3. (1分)在横线上填上恰当的词语。
________的音乐会 ________的山中小曲 ________的乐曲________的声音________的呢喃细语________的鸟叫4. (11分)照样子,写句子。
5. (9分)古诗谚语填空。
(1) ________,潭面无风镜未磨。
(2) ________,远近高低各不同。
6. (11分)(2018·安阳模拟) 我会积累运用。
广西小升初语文全真模拟试卷 (8)C卷

广西小升初语文全真模拟试卷 (8)C卷一、积累和运用。
(共11题;共30分)1. (2分)读拼音,写汉字。
qín guóguān dǐbiàn zhōu________________________2. (2分)手到擒来,读下边的句子,给带横线的词语选择正确的解释。
招呼:A呼唤 B用语言或动作表示问候 C吩咐,关照 D照料 E小心,留神①总理招呼我坐在他的写字台对面。
________3. (2分) (2019五上·浙江期末) 下列词语中有错误的一项是()。
A . 猎豹B . 冠军C . 府冲D . 陆地4. (2分)仔细读课文《酿》,回答想象一下东东听了老师的朗读,他联想到什么?5. (4分)选择恰当的关联词语填空即使……也……因为……所以……只要……就……如果……就……尽管……还是……不但……而且……①________从童年到老年,经过漫长的岁月,________我懂得了一个道理:应该尊敬普通人。
6. (4.0分)根据要求完成对话。

新小升初数学模拟试题一、细心琢磨·正确填空1.电梯上升3层可以记作+3,下降5层可以记作________.2.5400 =________ L=________ mL3.等底等高的圆柱和圆锥的体积相差16立方米,这个圆柱的体积是________立方米,圆锥的体积是________立方米.4.甲、乙两数的比是5:4,甲数比乙数多________(填分数),乙数比甲数少________ %.5.用合适的单位名称填空。
6.把20克糖溶解在装有180克水的杯子中,糖与水的最简整数比是________,这杯溏水的含糖率是________ %。
三、反复比较·慎重选择16.下面的说法正确的是()A. 一个数的倒数一定比这个数小B. 大圆的圆周率比小圆的圆周率大C. 用110粒种子做发芽实验,全部发芽,这些种子的发芽率是110%D. 比的前项和后项同时乘或除以相同的数(0除外),比值不变17.一头牛重500千克,两头牛重()吨.A. 500B. 2C. 118.小学生上学实行新的收费标准后,每人每学期要交课本费75元,作业本费15元,三(1)班有学生48人,这个班的学生每学期入学一共要交()A. 4800元B. 4500元C. 4320元19.一个梯形的上底是3米,下底是10米,高是下底的2倍,这个梯形的面积是()。

2016年小学升初中数学入学考试试题三套汇编十小学升初中数学入学考试试题1一、判断题1. 13/100时=13分。
( )2. 两个数的最小公倍数一定比这两个数都大。
( )3. 如果被除数和除数扩大相同的倍数,那么商和余数都不变。
( )4. 李师傅4天完成5天的任务,他的工作效率提高了25%。
( )5. 图中的阴影部分用分数表示是1/2。
( )6. 在平面上,通过圆心的直线一定是这个圆的对称轴。
( )一、 选择题1. 如果712 x 是分子为12的假分数,那么x 能取自然数的个数是( ) ① 8 ② 6 ③ 7 ④ 52. 等腰梯形、长方形、正方形的对称轴条数分别是 x 、y 、z ,则x+y+xz+yz 等于( ) ① 6 ② 15 ③ 10 ④ 123. 甲数比乙数的3倍还多B,如果甲数是A,那么表示乙数的算式是( ) ① 3A+B ② 3A-B ③ (A-B )÷3 ④ (A+B )÷34. 一个圆柱的侧面展开后是正方形,那么这个圆柱的高与底面直径的比是( ) ① 1:1 ② 2∏:1 ③1:∏ ④ ∏:15. 一个正方体的棱长增加了10%,它的体积增加了( )① 10% ② 30% ③ 33.1%二、 填空题1. 从49个学生中选一名班长,甲、乙、丙三人为候选人,统计了37张选票后的结果,甲得15票,乙得10票,丙得12票。
甲至少再得( )票,才能保证以最多的票数当选为班长。
2. 乘数是1 74,积比被乘数多4,积加被乘数的和是( )。
3. 把两个相同的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是1000平方厘米,原来每个正方体的表面积( )平方厘米,体积( )立方厘米。
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2016年广西大学附属中学小升初测试模拟试题一一、填空题:1、一个长50米,宽25米,平均水深1.5米的水池,占地面积是( )平方米。
2、如果3x = 2y, 那么x : y= ( )3、两百零八万五千三百 写作( )4、车轮周长一定,所行驶的路程和车轮的转数成( )比例。
5、用边长为5厘米的两个正方形拼成一个长方形,它的周长是( )厘米。
6、把3个1, 2个0组成一个五位数后,一个零都不读的数是( )7、学校买来15个足球,每个x 元,又买来y 个篮球,每个62元,买足球和篮球共用去( )元8、爸爸晚上9:40上火车,第二天8:20下火车,他乘车所用时间是( )9、星兴车队运送一批救灾物资,原计划每小时行40千米,7.5小时到达灾区,实际每天多行了10千米,这样到达灾区用了( )小时。
10、把甲班人数的九分之一调入乙班,则两班人数相等,原来甲乙两班人数比是( )11、数一数,该图中共有( )个三角形12、一个平行四边形的面积是4.2平方厘米,高1.4厘米,则底是( )厘米。
13、学校计划5月份用电500度,实际节约了20%,实际用电( )度。
1、 2、 4、 7、 11、 ( )、 2215、张老师把72张号码是1-72的卡片,依次发给A 、B 、C 、D 四个同学,第68号卡片发给了同学( )。
二、计算题1、 953 ÷ 131 + 2.4 ÷ 1312、 8.06 -(3.96 + 4.2 ÷ 121) 三、解答下面的使用题1、在100位旅游者中,有75人懂法语,83人懂英语,另有10人这两种语言都不懂。
()1 、Is she ?A、singB、singingC、sings()2、当你打电话时,问对方是谁,你应该说?A、Who are you?B、Who is that?C、Who is this?七、按要求完成下列各题。
I have three (pencil-box )4、连词成句。
you ,school ,do ,go ,how ,to5、写出thin 的反义词:广西大学附属中学小升初测试模拟试题二一、填空题:1、8升15毫升=( )升 =( )毫升2、一个长方体有( )条棱( )个面。
3、在一个比例式中,两个内项的积是4,一个外项是52,另一个外项是( ) 4、如果一个三角形三个内角的度数之比是4 : 3 : 2,那么这个三角形的最大内角是( )度。
5、甲除以乙的商是0.75,乙数和甲数的最简整数比是( )6、一个长方体木料,长2米,宽和厚都是2分米,把它锯成4段,表面积增加( )7、如图,把一个长方体的表面展开那么原来正方体中( )和( )是相对的面。
A B CD E F8、李莉小朋友上学时走8分钟,回家时走10分钟,她回家时比上学时速度放慢了( ) 9、2006年元旦是星期日,2008年元旦是星期( )10、a , b , c 为非零自然数,且a ×54=b ×43=c ×23,则a , b , c 三个数从大到小排序为( ) 二、解方程:1、 2 ÷ 221 = x : 5 2、 5(x - 0.3)= 28.5 三、选用灵活的方法计算:54+ 954+ 9954+ 99954+ 999954 四、你能在( )里填上合适的数,使他在计算中既用到乘法分配律,又用到加法分配律吗?7 × 53 + 7 × 41 +( )×( ) 五、使用题:夏季到了,饮料很走俏,各家商店纷纷出招,这是他们所做的广告:鲜果饮料:大瓶10元(1000毫升),小瓶2元(200毫升)。
在很多人眼 里,我是一个不折不扣的笨小孩。
母亲回来生气地责骂时,我zhèn zhèn yǒu cí地说,“老师讲要表扬诚实的孩子,您却批评我!”母亲忍不住扑哧笑了。
那年,春天的花开得特别艳,尤其我家向阳的窗下(那里有个半米宽的窄台),花朵更是měi bù shèng shōu。
于是父母每隔一个小时tǎn tè bù ān地唤我一次,昏昏沉沉往下坠落的我,就被父母一声一声、柔和而又有力、平缓而又焦虑、掺杂着心疼和希翼的呼唤拉回了这鸟语花香的世界。
只有我自己知道,是48小时的昏迷中母亲带泪的呼唤,父亲紧握我的手的力量,是一睁开眼他们qiáo cuì面容上的极大喜悦,和眼眶里滑落的中年人的泪水,让我一刹.那长大了。
zhèn zhèn yǒu címěi bù shèng shōutǎn tè bù ān qiáo cuì懵懵..()煞.白()刹.那()绚.丽()2、读了本文,你认为“成长的桥”在文中指的是什么?3、第二段中母亲回来生气地责骂我时,我的回答让母亲忍不住笑了。
( ) (1)He a book now.A. readsB. readingC. is reading( ) (2)A: Would you like some help?B:A. No,pleaseB.Yes, I can do it myselfC.No,thank you2、用括号里的词的适当形式填空。
He is (tall )than my daugther.3、连词成句。
today ,fine ,a ,day ,what4、写出下列词语的英语单词。
老师: 铅笔:广西大学附属中学小升初测试模拟试题四一、填空题:1、在0.28,28.9%和113中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。
2、有10根完全相同的圆柱形木头,要把每根木头都锯成3段,每锯1段需要3分钟,把这10根木头全部锯完,需要( )分钟。