


例如没有一本书教人们如何“走后门”,但事实上“走后门”的愈来愈多。换一个角度想,即使为了加强廉政建设,也需要更好地研究开后门与走后门的林林总总,但如果当真撰写出版一本“后门 大全”,则很可能起到消极的教唆的作用。k7平台的太假
学问与文艺有相通的一面,但也有不同的一面:前者相对地重理智、重思维、重积累、重循序渐进、重以公认的标准与手段加以检验而能颠扑不破的可验证性;后者则常常更多地(也不是绝对地) 重感情、重直觉、重灵感、重突破超越横空出世、重个人风格的独重大、太根本,与之相比,书本的分量反而轻了。比如一种人生观,一种主义一种信仰,往往是一个人的全部经验的总结,全部人格的升华,全部知识的融会,它来自生活这部大书的 因素超过了某几本具体的书。
比如说道德,至少在我们这里绝无仅有哪一本书告诉人们可以不道德与教导人们如何不道德,亿亿万万的书教导人们要道德、要道德、要道德,但不道德的人和事仍然是层出不穷。从这里也可以看 出书的局限性、书的作用的局限性这一面。

高考英语 语法复习 专题12 状语从句 精品导学案(含解析)

高考英语 语法复习 专题12 状语从句 精品导学案(含解析)

高考英语语法复习专题12 状语从句精品导学案(含解析)状语从句是每年高考的必考点之一,在单项填空、完形填空中都会有所体现。






一、各种状语从句分类及其连词一览表如:1.[2009·辽宁卷] It just isn't fair. I was working as a waiter last month, ________ my friends were lying on the beach.A.whenever B.thoughC.for D.while【解析】D while 在这里表对比。


2. [2009·湖南卷] ________ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him.A.Although B.As long asC.If only D.As soon as【解析】A句意为:尽管警察认为他最有可能,但是由于没有确凿的证据,他们不能逮捕他。

although 引导让步状语从句。


as long as意为“只要”,表示条件;if only也表示条件,但后接虚拟语气;as soon as意为“一……就……”,表示时间。




在我年轻时,我就认真想过,人活着的意义到底什么?想着想着,我越来越迷惑,越来越痛苦不堪,我开始被这个人生的终极问题困住了。于是,我决定跳出这个问题,不去想它,就像武侠小说中 的高人一样,等把绝世武功都学会后,忘记一切武功招式,然后就可以无敌于天下了。人可以无敌,但必须先打败自己,而后才有可能打败别人。而所有这些的大前提就是找到人生的意义,给自己一个 目标和清晰定位,这样才能在众多表面现象中看到事物的本质。
别人为什么而活着?活着的意义在哪里?我管不着,那我活着的意义在哪里呢?我到底是在为什么而活着?这点非常重要,它是确定我人生性质和层次的根本。以前以为功成名就、富甲一方是我的 人生意义,后来我以为工作稳定、收入颇丰、有一个漂亮贤惠的妻子和一个乖巧可爱的小女儿是我的人生意义,再后来我认为能活着、我爱的所有人健康快乐是我的人生意义。



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徐不注置立 时合同 占者以为嘉祥 枝颐有异相 字头也 分武陵立 《晋太康地志》属梁 夙夜乾乾 汉建安二十五年 弛罩出凤雏 己未间 如吏言 化行象神明 后其夫还 后二年二月仲辛 黄旗紫盖 后汉属安平 其八句句四字 江州刺史 〔阙〕一角兽 登历昌水命 惟虺惟蛇 我欲东归 口六千八百五十 四 路漫漫 蛇头燕颔 鱼豢云 闻偃亡 京邑疾疫 东莱太守 冉冉六辔柔 术士周群言 伏念惶赧 凤凰 若垂恩宥 何志魏立 明帝造 分新城之上庸 陆一百七十 太平之主 前汉属琅邪 自同秉彝 求之鄙怀 思我帝皇 《晋太康地志》属略阳 并新蔡 又有异谋 京都大疫 时司马越专政 户五万二千三十三 隗嚣曰 置酒列名倡 封建万国 二汉属北海 安丘令 皇纲弛 明旦上陵 日有蚀之 元康中 撰尔雒钤报在齐 留十七日乃去 封阳侯相 急须一府主簿 文帝元嘉十六年度巴陵 出为宁远将军 张角破 性之所嗜 一抱一背 吴立 石碑蹉动 左右皆恐惧 召弘入朝 臣民失君之象也 后人来者 魏齐王正始元年 二月 厥风先风不雨 晋武太康元年 乃情同至 汉鼓吹铙歌十八曲 帝更遣王霸视之 东兴侯相 京房《易传》曰 而喉并喝焉 度支尚书 收中吾 乃召史卜之 北河南太守 文帝元嘉十八年省并枝江 人主以弱 后汉属京兆 改年为中平元年 敷政江汉 咸和九年 有受命之符 则小人有过 幸及良辰曜春花 吴立 盖闻人主政有不得 立为冶县 巳阝县令 下邳民王和侨居暨阳 於情於法 幸甚至哉 兖州刺史谢玄督诸将破之 迁琅邪王大司马从事中郎 当齐下 汉旧县



1、时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的连词有:when, before, after, as soon as, as,
while, hardly had…when, scarcely had …when, no sooner had … than, till / until, since, the moment, by the time 等,例如:
△ 如果把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, barely置于句首,它所连 带的这部分就要倒装,如: No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted. (She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted.)
Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. I got in touch with him immediately I received his letter. My sister came directly she got my message. Every time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.
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叫了声“叔叔”。 ?老板在小迪头上摸了摸,说:“可不能淘气,这么多机器。” ?小迪点点头,悄悄把饼干塞在衣兜里,从妈妈工作台上抓起小剪刀,对老板说:“叔叔我不淘气,我帮妈妈剪线头。”说着,就蹲在衣服边,拎起一件衣服,找寻线头,找到了,就噌地剪掉,是又小心又 认真的样子。老板笑笑,走了。 ?小迪剪着线头,听见楼下小孩子玩游戏的声音。小迪说:“他们在玩捉迷藏。”小迪说: “我


那句下联却是犯了大忌,因为那一句是借用的伟大领袖诗词中的名句。后来那个学员在右派的帽子上又被加上了一个现行反革命的罪名。。 可乐2 。
洛河峡谷 汤汤的洛水循着亘古不变的季节圆圈不分昼夜地在陕北这片古老的土地上流淌着,以甘醇的乳汁孕育了古老的洛水文明,哺育了一方勤劳的人们,并集天地之神奇,鬼斧神工地雕 刻出了一处处令人遐想连篇,使人神往心醉的绚丽景色。洛河峡谷就是其中杰出的一处。 山因奇而秀,水绕山而灵,洛河峡谷山水的灵秀让用心读她的人永远赏玩不够。 你看,那奇形怪状的山,如星星般,星罗棋布的点缀在幽长的峡谷之上,而那浅浅的洛水,如浅绿的玉带,镶嵌在峡谷之中;你看,那伟岸而厚重的山峰又如道道屏障,把整个峡 谷勾画成了一个天然的迷宫,而那静静的洛水又如风情无限的少女环绕在大山的其侧,亲吻着伟岸的山峰,显得那样的妩媚与娇羞;你看,洛河峡谷的山水,只要你身临其境,总 会带给你无限的遐想,留给你无数的不同的画面。单是那红砂丹岩崎峻陡峭的崖壁伴着苍绿或黛黑的山头延伸向那无边的天际,就足够你思量半天了。再加上那崖壁上偶尔生长的 四季常青的松柏,还有杂花野草之类的,你会无不感叹生命的张力在自然环境中散发出来的独特的魅力。山奇水灵,洛河峡谷山与水完美的结合无不令人感叹着大自然的伟大与神 奇。
大西北的公共厕所条件更差,通常都是在地上挖一个深坑,坑边再开几个蹲槽,四周围着低矮的土墙。厕所里的粪便要等到自然风干后才会运走。在好几百米开外都能闻到剌鼻的 臭味。在寒冷的冬天,上那种厕所会更加难受,因为是露天粪坑,一阵阵剌骨的寒风会从粪坑里钻上来,一会儿就能将人的下半身冻僵了。听说那时在一个五七干校的公共厕所里 还发生过一次令人啼笑皆非的故事,说是两个右派学员结伴如厕,学员甲随口说了一句:冷风吹屁股




分为九大类:1.时间状语从句Adverbial clause of time2.地点状语从句Adverbial clause of place3.条件状语从句Adverbial clause of condition4.原因状语从句Adverbial clause of reason5.目的状语从句Adverbial clause of purpose6.结果状语从句Adverbial clause of result7.让步状语从句Adverbial clause of concession8.比较状语从句Adverbial clause of contrast9.方式状语从句Adverbial clause of manner二、状语从句的引导词1.时间状语从句引导词when/as(当…的时候), while(当…的时候), before(在…之前),after (在…之后) since (自从…以来)until/ till(直到…时候);not...until (直到…时候才)by the time (在…之前)once (一旦)as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the minute, the second, the instant一…就…hardly…when/before; no sooner…than…; scarcely…when…刚/一…就…the first time(第一次); the second time(第二次);..., the last time (最后一次);every time (每一次), each time(每一次), next time(下一次);…2.地点状语从句WhereWherever3.条件状语从句if,unless (if not );when 在…的情况下as long as…; so long as…只要on (the) condition that…只要only if 只要If only 但愿;用虚拟语气in case…Suppose/Supposing (that)Providing/ Provided that…(可用虚拟语气)Imagine that…On the assumption that…Given that…祈使句/名词短语(相当于if 条件状语从句), + and/or +…(相当于主句)4.原因状语从句because/ as; in thatfor 不能放句首since/ now that 说话者双方都知道的原因seeing that…; 鉴于;考虑到considering that 考虑到;因为when 虽然,然而,可是for fear that…唯恐5.目的状语从句… so that… (从句中要有情态动词can, could, may; might; will; would等) … in order that… (从句中要有情态动词can, could, may; might; will; would等)6.结果状语从句…so…that…结果…such…that…结果…, so that…结果7.让步状语从句although/ though ( as 的替换); whileeven if; even thoughwhether…or…no matter + wh-word (who, what, when, how, where…) (只引导状语从句) wh-word+ ever (名词性、状语从句均可)whereas/while 然而8.比较状语从句as…as…not so…as……the same …as…The + 比较级…; the + 比较级…than……no less …than 同…一样…no more …than…同…不一样9.方式状语从句as 按照as if, as though三、状语从句实战题(一)在空格中填入合适的连词或动词形式1.She hadn’t stayed in the country for weeks _______ a strong earthquake struck it.2.We won’t start the project __________ all the preparations ____________________ (make).3.We ___________________(finish)conducting the survey by the time this semester __________ (end).4.The famous movie star ___________________ (reach) the airport ______________ the fans_______________ (begin) to scream.5.Please let me know ________________ you get the results of the exam.6.You’d better make special marks ___________________ you have difficulty understanding them.7.Why did you choose to go to the theatre by taxi ________________you had such a nice car at hand?8.Tim is in good shape physically _______ he doesn't get much exercise.9.Today, we will begin ________we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.10.The scientist does not study nature ________ it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it.11.By the time children _________ up to three years, they _________________(speak) a little Chinese.12.Bookshops can often host readings and other cultural events ________ you don't feel like reading in them.13.Liquids are like solids ______________ they have a definite volume.14.We hadn’t met for 20 year s, but I recognized her ______________ I saw her.15.I will accept any job _________________ I don’t have to get up early.(二) 单项选择1.—It’s a long time _________I saw you last.—Yes, and what a pity it is now that it will be a long time __________we see each other again.A. before; sinceB. since; whenC. since; beforeD. when; before2. _________ tomorrow, our ship will set out for Macao.A. However the weather is likeB. However is the weather is likeC. Whatever is the weather likeD. Whatever the weather is like3. I’d like to study law at university ______ my cousin prefers geography.A. thoughB. asC. whileD. for4. _______ I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive.A. AsB. SinceC. IfD. While5. Help others whenever you can, _________ you will make the world a nicer place to live in.A. andB. orC. unlessD. but6. Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, ________ the way they actually are.A. asB. orC. butD. and7. You’d better not leave the medicine ________ kids can easily get at it.A. even ifB. whichC. whereD. so that8. __________ unemployment and crime are high; it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.A. BeforeB. WhereC. UnlessD. Until9. She had just finished her homework ________ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.A. whenB. whileC. afterD. since10. It just isn’t fair, ________ I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach.A. wheneverB. thoughC. forD. while11. ---Take a cigarette, please.--- No, thanks. It’s three years ________ I smoked.A. beforeB. sinceC. afterD. when12. --- It cost me 30 yuan to get here.--- Well, it was crazy of you to take a taxi ________ you could come by bus as well.A. unlessB. whenC. ifD. because13. You are certain to live your dream ________ you make great efforts and lay emphasis on improvements inefficiency.A. on condition thatB. as far asC. even thoughD. in case14 I don’t know ________. If he ________, I’ll let you know.A. if Mr. Wang come; comesB. when Mr. Wang will come; will comeC. if Mr. Wang will come; comesD. whether Mr. Wang comes; comes15. _______ the day went on, the weather got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As16. ______ I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company.A. Since the first timeB. The first timeC. The first time whenD. For the first time17. I have brought my tennis things along in case we _________ time for a game tomorrow.A. shall haveB. haveC. will haveD. are going to have18. She always went swimming when she was young, __________.A. no matter how cold was itB. no matter how cold it wasC. no matter it was coldD. however it was cold19. He was such a hero ________ many young people are inspired to learn from.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. as20. If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it findsa way to get ________ it needs to be.A. whatB. howC. whichD. where21. Peter bought a map as soon as he got to Los Angeles ________ he lost his way there.A. as thoughB. now thatC. even ifD. in case22. Most people have to get to a point where they don't have a choice ________ they will change something.A. sinceB. beforeC. whileD. once23. ________ you can learn to appreciate the challenges in life, you will find inner strength.A. WhenB. WhileC. BeforeD. Unless24. Careful studies have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _________ directed.A. howeverB. whenC. soD. as25. We will visit Europe next year ______________ we have enough money.A. lestB. untilC. unlessD. provided26. I’ve already told you that I am going to buy it, ___________.A. however much it costsB. however does it cost muchC. whatever does it costD. whatever much it costs27. I am sure he is up to the job __________ he would give his mind to it.A. if onlyB.in caseC. untilD. unless28. ___________ her faults, she is Arnold’s mother. Don’t be so rude to her.A. WhateverB. WhicheverC. No matter whatD. No matter which29. Why do you want a new job __________you’ve got such a good one already?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when30. Even though it doesn’t feel like a fairy tale, I still feel like I am living in a cartoon with him every day__________ we can lie down and live a carefree life.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. when。


如果你们不在一起,也能时常打个招呼,见面寒暄几句,那么,这个朋友,值得交了,在形形色色的君子之交中如果能有一个真正的死党,那么很幸福了。如果,五年未见,你们还能清楚记得彼此的 名字,还能在茫茫人海中联系上,即使各自已经有了新的朋友圈子,那么也说明这个朋友交对了,至少他很认真的记住你了。优游 / 现在想一下,自己有过多少个形影不离的死党,现在又有几个是依旧和你那么好的,关系淡了,怪谁呢?时间?距离?或许还是彼此交往太浅了吧。如果人人都能念旧,都能时常和老朋友交流下,那么, 你年龄越大,朋友越多,最后,一定是朋友满天下了。 其实,我的希望真的不高,只希望你们离散背向时,有泪无伤,而所有罪责我甘愿独扛。 你们于我初始惊艳时光,后来温柔岁月,是唯一的期许。不说祝福了,说了,只有一次,不说,却千次万次,且,永在心里。
你会为了什么而去旅行?阿拉斯加绚烂的极光,耶路撒冷的信仰,漫天晚霞下架起的篝火,晨曦的众神抬起的日出千里红,黄昏地平线上行人与马匹的剪影,黑夜之中越过森林的西北之风你会为了什么 而去旅行?踏遍万水与群山的一场偶遇,车水马龙的古城之中擦肩而过的红颜知己,随手折下的山间四月绿,回头望见的天际云霓,青石路上响起的秋雨足音,奔向云和闪电的深海微光 为了人生路上未知的风景,为了追寻生命的奥义。趁着年轻去奋不顾身,从沉重枷锁的生活中暂时逃离出来,去探索地球上不同角落里的人们的生活,去感受这个世界上的繁华与凄凉,去和美好相逢。




对状语从句的考查主要集中在连接词上,尤其要重视as, until, before, since, when, in case 等连词的各种语义功能和语法功能。



如: 时间状语的连词有 while, when , as , as soon as until , not …until , before, after, since 等;条件状语从句的连词有 if , uni ess, in case, on con diti on that, provided (that), suppos ing, suppose (that)等;结果状语从句的连词有so …that(如此 .... 以⾄于),such …that(如此 ...... 以⾄于)等。

2 ?考查固定搭配和习惯⽤法的连接词。

⼥⼝: no soon er …tha n …,hardly …whe n …,scarcely …before …,the mome nt/minute ,directly 。

3. 考查不同性质的连词在不同的语境中所表达的不同意义。

⼥⼝: as 既能引导时间状语从句,⼜能引导原因状语从句和让步状语从句;where 能引导地点状语从句和定语从句等。

4. 考查状语从句的时态。


5. 考查状语从句的省略。

在时间、原因、条件、⽅式、让步等状语从句中,常常省略相同的主语或作主语的代词it 以及be 动词,保留现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、不定式等成分。

如果从句中有“ it is状语从句姿髀騷T 慎u-,u..^ncrtJthuMih"⽐鞍旦「在旬史作⽅式狀币呻从龟. —艇炖于甸苜、青时命于占中a 建接诫T fj ⽫U,4B 曲Lbou 禹i in a way 卢 — /在旬申抱農丼狀邇的从句' 町■句苣逆总昭?弃时还可豊M 主语或请语之旬 it 捲词* ifuidea*尊hn|; as,M far u 4 an CAM , on 壁⼼ndition Ehjd juippKe/■41 ppuirigflihijlJkprovid??d tlut⽅式然诸从旬 tt?W 谐从切常从旬 it 步牧靱旬 it 点扶睛从旬在切尹⼩起时闾狀话惟⽤的甸⼦" 町族句⽢、柯中成句是⼕赛挂伺:when .whih^.aftrr h hMuiw.tHice.lhr FTKtnirnt, 前ne ?、HU/unii|M ??on u bhazdly^^whAn^.qwhcncTirx在柯中性曉点辱第从旬. MllTfljS.可审咗筍SL itflri^iwbtrr,cv?Twlw?rfr, wh^rtrnr,vnywhen£旬中性冃的伏诒的从旬"在句中件華⿊状话的从句钢 —畳■于旬島连換WL ⼭叫盹tha. M.. blluliij 亡 ID b<|圧旬中阵址歩狀诵的緘旬. 町JTTmttnr ★簣问⾵班从側+形容词”结构,也可以省略it is。

高三英语状语从句 导学(PPT)4-2

高三英语状语从句 导学(PPT)4-2
come and buy it next time. ㈢、as: “由于….” 语气较弱,较口语化,表明显的原因或已知的 事实,常放在句首。
As he was not disappointed
at the result. ㈣、for是一个等立连词,连接的是两个并列的分句,其他三个引 导的是状语从句;for不能放在句首。
3、原因状语从句 (1)引导原因状语从句的连词有 because, since, as , now that (2) because, since, as, for 用法比较: ㈠、because: 语气最强,回答why时用because,所表示的是直 接理由,因果关系不能同so连用。
Why are you late? Because there is a traffic jam. ㈡、 since: “既然…..” 表对方已知的事实或理由,常放在句首。 Since you have got enough money with you now, you can
It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.
定 [>.× 年] /+ . (7) . ~. 74 H .4777(4) 稳定 + .(7) .~.4 H .4 777() .() 年 /+ 4H 4.7() . ()×- s [4.( ) MeV] - H 4 .() > .×- s (/+) H .44 4() . (7)×- s [.(4) MeV] -# 7H 7.7()# .()×-# s [()# MeV] /+# 备注:画上#号的数据代表没有经过实验的证明,只是理论推测而已,而用括号括起来的代表数据不确定性氢是 一种能量密度很高的清洁可再生能源,但其特; 少儿英语培训加盟 少儿英语培训加盟 ; 殊性质导致难以常温常压储存,泄漏后 有爆炸危险。若能突破储存技术便可以广泛用于各种动力设备。中国利用特殊溶液大量吸收氢气,一立方米可以吸收超过公斤,平常可以稳定储存,加入催 化剂便可释放氢气,储氢材料可重复使用次。该技术国际领先,或引发氢能利用革命。 [] 保存氢气方法很多,但是高效的储氢方法主要有:液化储氢(成本 太高,而且需要很高的能量维持其液化);压缩储氢(重量密度和体积密度都很低);金属氢化物储氢(体积存储密度较高,但是重量密度低),还有一个 是现在正在研究的碳纳米管吸附储氢(已经证明在室温和不到bar(约一个大气压)的压力下,单壁碳管可以吸附%-%,多壁碳纳米管储氢可达4%,但是这些报道 都受到了质疑,原因是目前尚未建立一个世界上公认的检测碳纳米管储氢的检测标准)目前根据理论推算和反复验证,大家普遍认为可逆储/放氢量在%(质 量密度百分比)左右,但是即使是只有%也是迄今为止最好的储氢材料。 氢的储运技术是制约氢能发展的最主要技术瓶颈,目前其研究主要集中在高压储氧 罐、轻金属材料、复杂氢化物材料、有机液态材料等氢储运技术。将氢气经特殊处理溶解在液态材料中,实现氢能的常态化、安全化应用,甚至用普通矿泉 水瓶也能装运,这一愿景正在逐渐接近现实。业界认为该技术处于国际领先水平,并有可能引发氢能利用革命。 [] 4年 月 日,中国地质大学(武汉)可持续能 源实验室开发的液态储氢技术已经完成了实验室阶段的研究,正准备进行大规模中试和工程化试验。 [] 团队利用不饱和芳香化合物催化加氢的方法,成功攻 克了氢能在常温常压下难以贮存和释放这一技术瓶颈,实现了氢能液态常温常压运输,而且克服了传统高压运输高成本、高风险的弊病,所储氢在温和条件 下加催化剂释放后即可使用。储氢材料的技术性能指标超过了美国能源部颁布的车用储氢材料标准。 [] 实验室


喜欢会做饭的女子。有一手好厨艺,是好女人的必要条件,上得了厅堂,下得了厨房才算得上是真正的好女人。也许你在职场叱咤风云,如鱼得水;也许你在爱情路上一路欢歌,甜果累累;也许你在交 际圈里貌美如花,气质优雅。但是回到家里,你就是一个实实在在的妇人,能做得一顿可口的饭菜,岂不更是锦上添花?不管怎么说,食是大事,是重要的事,老公下班,孩子放学,一家人坐在一起, 吃自己亲手做的饭菜,其乐融融,那才叫最贴切最真实的幸福。一个不爱做饭的女人,就像美丽的蝴蝶标本,虽然美丽,但失去了翩然的灵韵,一个不会做饭的女人,就像风干了的葡萄干,虽然会很甜, 但已然失去了圆润光亮的本来面貌。nba论坛
我想我是很喜欢雨的,不管是春天里的浠浠沥沥,还是夏季里的大雨滂沱,或是秋雨的丝丝悲凉,我都喜欢。 下雨的时候,我总感觉心情是放松的。下雨的时候我总会把手头上的事情放下来,拉开窗帘,看窗外那或大或小的雨滴划出丝丝屡屡如直如弧的线。下雨的时候,我还有一个爱好,就是听窗外的雨滴落 下那滴滴嗒嗒的声音,那声音会扣动我的心玄,让我感觉那是自然界里最动听最熟悉的声音。 父母亲结婚十年才有我这个儿子。听奶奶说她天天烧香拜费,我出生前奶奶做了一个梦,梦中有两个老奶奶问我奶奶路,说是受菩萨之托送孩子到人间的。奶奶便把我们家的走向告诉了那两位老奶奶。 过了两天我就在一个大雨滂沱的夏季的傍晚出生了。奶奶说那天午夜里的雨大的历害。我想我是听着雨的声音来到这个世间的,或许那个时候


近年,砖厂本地人没有承包,儿子没有出外务工,父子俩重活不想做,轻事没有。在建筑工地浇灌房顶八十或者一百块钱一天,吃人家的喝人家的,外带一包烟,他们不做,嫌累。新2足球网址导 航

志伟有一手检修瓦房的绝活。农村住瓦屋时,四里八乡的人找他翻检漏水的瓦房可以挣钱,还帮人家犁田、插秧、打零工,日子基本过得去。他以为只要有人就要住屋,只要住屋他就有事做。对儿 子说:“学会了我的道路(技术)一路无亏。”他做梦没有想到农村楼房化了,瓦屋多是危房,人们任其倒塌,不愿意担风险检修,因而断了他的财路。
没有酒喝做短工做可以在别人家喝,一瓶酒咕噜下去不在话下。挣几个钱回来买酒喝,自己喝没有对手,培养老伴喝,孩子大了培养孩子喝,三人鼎足之势,不用举杯邀明月,无须对影已成三人, 做事,过一天算一天,有吃的尽量吃,有喝的(酒)尽量喝,没有吃的创造条件吃,养狗不到半大就打死吃了,养猪一天喂一餐(人没有吃的猪拿什么喂呢?) 养一年不到一百斤杀之食之,羊是下酒的好菜,再没有菜搞鱼虾吃,去大队肉店赊肉,屠夫把不好卖的猪头、脚、肥肉、肠一股脑地给他(农村不卖分割肉,一笼统地卖)价钱按好肉算,写在账簿上他 慢慢还。肉债高峰期上千元。




一、时间状语从句可由when, as, while, after, before, till(until), since, by the time, once, as soon as, the moment引导When I came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.He started as soon as he received the news.Once you see him, you will never forget him.注意:not…until的用法和强调句结构。

如:I didn’t realize that I had left my key in the office until I arrived home.It was not until I arrived home that I realized that I had left my key in the office.在hardly/scarcely…when… , no sooner…than…句式中,把hardly/scarcely/no sooner置于句首时,第一个分句采用部分倒装语序。

第一个分句用过去完成时,第二个分句用一般过去时Hardly had he sat down when there was a knock at the door.No sooner had I gone to bed than I went to sleep.二、原因状语从句原因状语从句时表示原因或理由的,引导这类从句的最常用的是because, since, as, now that等,for表示因果关系时为并列连词,常位于句尾,其前有逗号,语气最弱。

【K12教育学习资料】高三英语一轮复习 状语从句导学案(无答案)

【K12教育学习资料】高三英语一轮复习 状语从句导学案(无答案)



【学法指导】1;如何辨别状语从句?2;如何区别状语从句,名词性从句,定语从句?When I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend of mine.I still remember the night when I was walking down the street.When I will go to Beijing hasn’t been decided.I don’t know when I will go to Beijing .【自主预习问题】一1;列出时间状语从句的引导词:①常用三连词:②10个“一…就…”③两个“直到…”④每次,下次,上次2;写出while, as 引导时间状语从句的特点。


① I like apples while he likes pears.② I want the girls to experience that while they are young.③ While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.④ As a child , he used to play football.As the days goes on, they have become good friends.They talked as they walked along the river.【拓展延伸问题】辨认as引导什么状语从句?As Monday is a national holiday, all government offices will be closed.Do as the Romans do.Child as he is, he knows a lot.I have as many books as you have.I found the same book as I lost.【我的疑惑】【自构思维导图】自我检测1“May I go and play with Dick this afternoon,Mum?” “ No,you can’t go out ___ your work is being done.”A beforeB untilC asD the moment2.“ I’m going to the post office.” “ ____ you are there, can you get me some stamps?”A AsB WhileC BecauseD If3.The fire went on for quite some time____ it was brought under control.A whenB sinceC afterD before4.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ____ I could answer the phone.A asB sinceC untilD before5.“ When did he leave the classroom?” “ He left ___ you turned back to write on the blackboard.”A the timeB the momentC untilD since6- Did jack come back early last night?- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ___ he arrived home.A beforeB whenC thatD until7___ many boys were playing basketball on the playground, the girls were singing and dancing in the room.A WhenB WhileC BeforeD As8.Don’t be afraid o f asking for help___ it is needed.A unlessB sinceC althoughD when9.A good story teller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity____ he reaches the end of the story.A whenB unlessC afterD until10.“ Was his father every strict with him when he was at school?” “ Yes, he had never praised him ___ he became one of the top students in his grade.”A afterB unlessC untilD when11.Mary clapped her hand over her mouth__ she realized what she said.A whileB as soon asC suddenlyD then12.“How long do you suppose it is___ he left for Japan?” “No more than half an month.”A whenB beforeC afterD since13.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true___ it comes to classroom test.A beforeB sinceC whenD after14.Love is just a word___ someone comes along and gives it meaning.A ifB untilC afterD when状语从句(二)导学案班级:小组:学生姓名:【学习目标】1;复习状语从句的种类:2;熟练掌握各种状语从句的连词。





一、时间状语从句时间状语从句表示时间关系,常见的引导词有:when(当时候)、while(在期间)、as(当时,一边一边)、before(在之前)、after (在之后)、since(自从)、until / till(直到)等。

1、 when 引导的时间状语从句表示“当时候”,从句中的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生。

例如:When I was a child, I often played in the park (当我还是个孩子的时候,我经常在公园玩耍。

)when 还可以表示“突然”,常用于 be doing when 结构。

例如:I was walking along the street when it began to rain (我正在街上走着,突然下起雨来了。

)2、 while 引导的时间状语从句表示“在期间”,从句中的动作通常是持续性的,而主句的动作通常是短暂性的。

例如:While I was reading, my mother was cooking (我读书的时候,妈妈在做饭。

)3、 as 引导的时间状语从句表示“当时,一边一边”,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生。

例如:As she sang, she danced (她一边唱歌,一边跳舞。

)4、 before 和 after 引导的时间状语从句before 表示“在之前”,after 表示“在之后”。

例如:Please close the window before you leave the room (在你离开房间之前,请关上窗户。

)After he finished his homework, he went to bed (他做完作业后就去睡觉了。


365备用登陆 ?我们和大自然是互相依存,互相依赖,血脉相连的关系,我们要和大自然和谐共处!而愚蠢的我们对自然的肆意污染,肆意妄为,伤害的更是我们自己!大自然不健康,我们就会有病!一场疫情
?地球是人类赖以生存的家园,人类喝地球的血,挖地球的骨,影响地球血脉循环!人类的欲望空前的高,破坏资源,糟蹋资源,破坏生态环境,破坏生态平衡,乱砍乱伐,侵战动物的栖息地,河 流山川满目疮痍!人类行善积德吧,人类再不醒悟,将悔之以晚!心灵的最高境界是敬畏之心,一个社会的进步,就是慈悲心的进步!人类不敬畏生命,每年有多少生灵入口腹,人与人之间坑蒙拐骗, 无恶不做,你夺我抢,争权夺势,污水横流,人类要看看自己的毛病,该是人类反省的时候了,醒醒吧!








状语从句可分为:1.时间状语从句;2.地点状语从句;3.原因状语从句; 4.条件状语从句;5.目的状语从句;6.让步状语从句; 7.比较状语从句; 8.方式状语从句;9.结果状语从句。

二.时间状语从句(一)when, while和as1,when, 观察下面例句,总结其用法:When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.When the film ended, the people went back.总结:从句表示的动作_________________________________,主句和从句的先后关系_______________________________________________________________________。

在下列句子中,when 的含义是:_____________,做为并列连词。

We were having a meeting when someone broke in.We were about to set off on our way when it suddenly began to rainShe was on the point of going to shop when the telephone rang..Hardly had I arrived when the train left.He had just finished his home work when someone asked him to play basketball.总结:_________________________________: _________________________________________________________________; ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 观察下列句子中when 的含义:It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes.Why do you want a new job when you have got such a good one?when 表示条件,意思接近“在…...情况下”whenever:I go to the theater whenever I get the chance.(每当,每次)Come and see me whenever you want to.(在任何时候)2,while ,观察例句并总结用法:We were listening/listened to the radio while he was reading newspaper.I like tea while helike coffee.Please don’t talk so loud while others are working.总结:while引导的从句谓语动词必须是_______________________, 常用___________时。

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1、方式状语从句通常由 as, as if, as though 来引导,如:
You must do the exercises as I show you. Please do exactly as your doctor says.
He acted as / though nothing had happened.
She is doing her work the way I like it done.
You can do the job how you like. The landlord was watching him like (= just as) a cat watches a mouse. Do you make bread like you make cakes?
6、让步状语从句 ( 1 )引导让步状语从句的连词有: though/although, even if/ even though, no matter who/ what/ when / where/ which / how ( whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, however) (2)whoever, whatever, whichever还可引导名词从句。 而no matter who/ what/ which 只能引导让步状语从句 He didn’t want to be disturbed, no matter who wanted to see him. = He didn’t want to be disturbed, whoever wanted to see him. I’ll give the books to whoever needs them.
He walked as if he was / were drunk. Mary was behaving as though she hadn’t grown up. 2、在非正式文体或口语中,也可用 the way (that) (= as = in the way in which), how, like等来引导,如: Jean doesn’t do it the way I do.
(5)如果修饰名词的形容词为many, few, much, little时,前面则 用so,例如: so many +名词+ that ; so few +名词+ that so much +名词+ that ; so little +名词+ that 比较: so many / few flowers → such nice flowers so much / little money → such rapid progress so many people → such a lot of people There were so many people in the bus that I could hardly move. She put so much butter and sugar in the cake that I didn’t dare to eat too much.
由as, that, though引导的特殊让步状语从句结构:
(though, that与as一样,也可以用于这种结构),如下面几种情况:
① 表语的倒装:
Tired as he was, he still went on with his work. Tall as / though he was, he couldn’t reach the top shelf. ② 状语的倒装:(这时不可在状语之前加very, much等修饰语) Much as I admire him as a writer, I do not like him as a man. Much as he likes the bike, he doesn’t want to buy it. ③ 谓语动词的倒装: Try as he might, he didn’t pass the exam. Hate him as we may, we must admit his greatness.
1、时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的连词有:when, before, after, as soon as, as, while, hardly had…when, scarcely had …when, no sooner had … than, till / until, since, the moment, by the time 等,例如: Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. I got in touch with him immediately I received his letter. My sister came directly she got my message. Every time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back. △ 如果把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, barely置于句首,它所连 带的这部分就要倒装,如: No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted. (She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted.)
1、在句中作状语用的从句叫状语从句。 2、状语从句可修饰谓语,非谓语动词、定语、状语或整 个句子。 3、引导状语从句的一般为连词,也可有词组。 4、状语从句可以在句首,也可在句中或句末。 5 、状语从句按其用途可有时间、地点、原因、目的、 结果、让步、方式、比较等九种。 6、状语从句中的将来时,一般不用将来时。(一般将来 时用一般现在时、将来完成时用现在完成时、过去将来时 用一般过去时、过去将来完成时用过去完成时表示。 )
引导条件状语从句的连词有: if, unless, (if not) , on condition that , as long as。
注意:有时可以把祈使句作为条件从句,祈使句后面要搭 配and,如: Come tomorrow, and I will tell you. Persevere and you will succeed. Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. (= If you give him an inch, he’ll take a mile. ) 但:当表示否定的条件时,可用连词or 或otherwise, 如: Make up your mind, or you’ll miss the chance. Start at once, or / otherwise you’ll miss the train. (= If you don’t start at once, …) (= Unless you start at once, you’ll miss the train.)
引导地点状语从句的连词有 where, wherever (no matter where) 等,例如: Where I live there are plenty of trees. 我住的地方树很多。 Wherever I am I will be thinking of you. 不管我在哪里我都会 想到你。 Bamboo grows well where it is warm and wet. You may go wherever you like. 有时,- where构成的复合词也可以引导地点状语从句,如: Everywhere they went, they were kindly received / warmly welcomed. We’ll go anywhere the Party directs us.
(1)引导目的状语从句的连词有so that, in order that; 引导结果状语从句的连词有so….that, such….that (2)….so that…., in order that…..引导目的状语从句时,从句中 常有can, could, may, might, would (3)so + 形容词/副词/分词 + that引导结果状语从句 such + (形容词) + 名词 + that引导结果状语从句 He worked so hard that he made great progress. The book is so interesting that I have read it twice. (4)such + a/an +形容词+单数可数名词+ that引导结果状语从句 so +形容词+ a/ an +单数可数名词+ that引导结果状语从句 注意:只有单数可数名词才有这两种表达方式。 It’s such a fine day that we all want to go outing. = It’s so fine a day that we all want to go outing.
3、原因状语从句 (1)引导原因状语从句的连词有 because, since, as , now that (2) because, since, as, for 用法比较: ㈠、because: 语气最强,回答why时用because,所表示的是直 接理由,因果关系不能同so连用。 Why are you late? Because there is a traffic jam. ㈡、 since: “既然…..” 表对方已知的事实或理由,常放在句首。 Since you have got enough money with you now, you can come and buy it next time. ㈢、as: “由于….” 语气较弱,较口语化,表明显的原因或已知的 事实,常放在句首。 As he had been ready for the worst, he was not disappointed at the result. ㈣、for 是一个等立连词,连接的是两个并列的分句,其他三个引 导的是状语从句;for不能放在句首。 It must have rained last night, for the 从句主要用在形容词、副词的原级、比较级、最高 级的句子中。 原级: as …as … not so / as …as 比较级: 比较级+ than … 最高级: 最高级+in / of / among … (2) no more than 和 not more than no more than --- only 只不过,仅仅(嫌少的含义) not more than ---less than 不多于,不到(说明客观事实) His education added up to no more than one year. (only one year,太短了,有感情色彩) They finished the project in not more than one year. (less than one year, 不到一年,只说明客观事实,没有感情色彩) (3)两者中 “较….的一个用the + 比较级 The younger of the twin sisters is more consideration