
新概念英语第二册综合水平测试题一、根据音标写单词(10分)1. [rɪ’mɑːk]2. [rɪ'maɪnd]3. [glɪm(p)s]4. [flaɪt]5。
['fɒrɪst] 6. [’vɪlɪdʒə]7。
[dɪ’skʌvə]8.[sə'dʒest]9. [kə’lekt]10。
[swiːp]11. [rɪ'wɔːd]12。
[kɔːz]14. ['fɪŋgə]15。
[ɪk’spləʊʒ(ə)n]17. [sməʊk]18. [ɪn'kriːs]19。
['fjuːtʃə]二、单项填空(20分)21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.A. little B。
a little C. a few D. few22。
Everyone ______ here last Monday。
were B。
is C. are D。
Did Julie study _______ exams?A. toB. forC. haveD. at24。
It was a _________ day yesterday。
rain B。
raining C. rainy D。
to rain25。
There are also many fast food restaurants in _________ parts of our city。
A. otherB. othersC. another D。
the others26. You needn’t _________ your English。
I will help you.A. worryB. worriedC. worry aboutD. worried about27. —_________ does you mother go to the supermarket?-By bus。
新概念二Lesson 33基础能力测试-新概念英语第二册课后练习及答案

Lesson 33检测练习【基础过关】一、写出下列单词1.v.解释;叙述__________________2. v. 挣扎________________3.n.黑暗__________________4. n.暴风雨______________________5.adv.在前面__________________6.n.峭壁__________________7.v.前进;行进__________________8.adj.好笑的__________________9.adj.恶劣的_____________________10.adj.陡峭的__________________二、翻译下列短语1.能够做…… ____________________2.从海岸出发________________3.被困暴风雨中___________________4.游了8英里距离__________________5.第二天凌晨_______________________6.高高的峭壁上_______________________7.挣扎着爬上峭壁__________________8.醒来_________________________9.第二天_________________10.撞在石岩上__________________11.留在船上________________________12.下了一整天雨______________________13.窗外______________________________14.向岸边游去________________________三、翻译句子1.几乎过了一个星期,那女孩才能讲述自己的遭遇。
__________________________________________________________________________ 2.一天,他坐着小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。

测试一:A1.He is busy.2.He is leaning English.3.He has a new book.4.He lives in the country.5.He will see you tomorrow.6.He can understand you.7.He must write a letter.8.He may come next week.9.He does a lot of work every day.10.He did a lot of work yesterday.11.He played football yesterday.12.He bought a new coat last week.13.He has had a letter from Tom.14.He was busy this morning.15.He could play football very well when he was younger.16.He always tries to get up early.17.He might see you next week.18.He always enjoys agood film.19.He had finished his work before you came.20.He watches television every night.B1.some2.a3.any4.any5.a6.some7.a8.any9.any 10.anyC1.I haven’t got much butter.2.You haven’t got many cigarettes.3.We haven’t got much milk.4.She hasn’t got many biscuits.5.They haven’t got much stationery.D1.bought2.aired3.lost4.listened5.emptiedE1.Q.Did he buy a new car?Q.What did he buy?N.He didn’t buy a new car.2.Q.Can she come tomorrow?Q.When can she come?N.She can’t come tomorrow.3.Q.Were they here yesterday?Q.When were they here?N.They weren’t here yesterday.4.Q.Must he leave early?Q.Why must he leave early?N.He mustn’t leave early.5.Q.Did he give you a pen?Q.What did he give you?N.He didn’t g ive you a pen.6.Q.Does he live next door?Q.Where does he live?N.He doesn’t live next door.7.Q.Do you know him well?Q.How well do you know him?N.You don’t know him well.8.Q.Has he found his pen?Q.What has he found?N.He hasn’t found his pen.9.Q.Did you s ee that film?Q.When did you see that film?N.You didn’t see that film.10.Q.Did he arrive at two o’clock?Q.When did he arrive?N.He didn’t arrive at two o’clock.F1.slowlyzily3.badly4.carefully5.suddenlyG1.He’ll.2.She’ll.3.I’ll.4.He won’t.5.We shan’t.H1.his2.mine3.hers4.theirs5.yoursI1.cooler2.wetterter4.easier5.more expensiverger7.more interesting8.prettier9.more beautiful 10.more intelligentJ1.yesterday2.tomorrow3.today4.this afternoon5.the day after tomorrow6.the day before yesterdayst night8.tomorrow morning9.this morning 10.yesterday afternoonK1.at2.on3.in4.in5.onL1.over2.under3.across/in4.along5.on6.in7.off8.between9.into 10.out ofM1.Which2.Who3.Which4.Who5.WhichN1.This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.2.He is the man whom I invited to the party.3.These are the things which Ibought yesterday.4.He is the man who came here last week.5.He is the policeman who caught the thieves.6.She is the nurse who looked after me.7.She is the woman whom I met yesterday.8.I am the person who wrote to you.9.They are the people whom Isaw yesterday.10.They are the trees which we cut down yesterday.O1.knives2.boxes3.shelves4.wives5.dishesP1.No,I didn’t.I took her to a party.2.Yes,I did.3.She sat near the window.4.A middle-aged lady(came into our compartment).5.She was middle-aged.6.She sat opposite Sally.7.She said"Hello"to Sally.8.To make herself beautiful.(She did it to make herself beautiful.)9.No,she didn’t.She thought she was ugly.10.She said,"But you are still ugly."(She said she was still ugly.)测试二:第二单元A(a)1 Ienjoyed the film yesterday.2 My mother went to market.3(This morning)the children asked questions continuously in class.4(On Sundays)we stay at home.5(This morning)I borrowed abook from the library.(b)1 She rarely.2 The shops always.3 We never.4 We sometimes.5 Do you ever.(后面直接照抄)B(a)are playing.play.is kicking.is running(b)died.left.spent.bought.went.stayed.listened.lent.kept.lost(c)I have just received.He has been the re.he has already visited.He has just bought.and has gone(d)1.did.buy.2.hasnever lent.3 Have you burnt.4.fought.5.have just won.(e)1 was leaving/left.arrived 2was working/worked.was sitting/sat 3was walking/walked.met 4was reading.heard 5dropped(f)略(g)1 shall be ironing 2will be arriving 3We’ll be seeing 4shall be watching 5will be correcting(h)1 After.2 After.3 When.4.him until he.5 As soon as.(i).was built.became/had become.died.was built.were called.was begun.(was)completed.cost.has beenvisited.(j)1 told.would come/would be coming 2said.(had)cut 3told.had never played 4did he say.had done/would do 5did he tell.(had)bought/would buy(k)1 rains 2will never pass 3is 4will get 5enjoyslFashing.catching.catching.havingspent.fishing.fishing.sitting.doing C(a)1 You must/will have to see adoctor.2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here.4 Imust/have to some help.5 He had to go out last night.(b)1 He must be afool.2 He must be mad.3 She must be over forty.(c)1 Can/May Iuse your telephone?2 He may telephone tomorrow.3 Can/May Ihave two tickets please?4 The play may have begun already.5 Can/May Ileave the table please?D(a)略E1 the most unusual2better.than3more interesting than4the laziest5worse thanF1in2On3during/in4at5on.in6in7at.inG1in 2from 3on 4of 5in 6of Special difficulties难点:A1By the way2borrowed3ask4grown5Besides6its7yet8desk9It is10 homeB1at 2up 3on 4out.back 5outC1Who knocked this vase over?3 Put your jacket on5The thieves woke the night watchman upD1.the men to fire at the enemy.2.his wife to wear this dress. to explain it.4.allow him to enter the room.5.her son to read.E1 She made me this dress.2 Ilent him my book.3 Ishowed George the letter.4 Pass your mother that cup.5 Johnny gave his sister the doll.测试三:Key to Pre-unit Test 3Key structuresA:1.He read the book and returned it to the library.2.The boy climbed the tree and picked some apples.3.I opened the door and he came into the hall.4.He looked for his pen but(he)could not find it.5.She called to him but he didn’t answer her.6.Everyone was out so Ileft amessage.7.He plays both soccer and rugby.8.Both children and adults enjoy holidays.9.He must be either very clever or very foolish.10.Neither George nor Dave plays football.11.George plays neither soccer nor rugby.12.He neither knows nor cares.13.He not only forgot to take his umbrella but he forgot to take his briefcase as well. B:abelieve.are joking.do not know.know.believe.forget.looked.Are you trying.believed.think.do you live.do not knowbput.cooked.smelt.told.sang.began.felt.put.creptchas begun.was.flew.has flown.landed.landed.has just refused.wanted.did not take.wasdwas telling/told.used to work.was.used to work.saved.bought.used to make.had.employed.smiled.remembered.was still smiling.opened.came.wantede1.We are going to leave at 6o’clock.2.I am going to pay these bills tomorrow.\3.Are you going to write to him?4.She is not going to look for anew job.5.When are you going to buy anew car?fwill be held.will be visiting.will be building.will also be building.will be held.will be called.will have completed.will have finishedgfound.had run.had spent.took.saw.burst.said.had never runhwas asked.was wanted.was told.had been picked up.is now being sent.to be found.was stoleni1.He said(that)he was very tired.2.She asked if Iwas tired.3.Tom asked if Jack would arrive tomorrow.4.Tom asked when Jack would arrive.5.Mary asked if I’d ever been abroad.6.Jane asked why Ihadn’t written to her.j1.he’s2.don’t hurry3.you’d enjoy4.werek1.to see2.ironing3.to leave4.arguing/to argue5.seeing6.waiting7.working8.going C:a1.mustn’t2.needn’t3.needn’t4.mustn’tb1.Have alook at this.2.He had awash before going out.3.I had aswim in the sea this morning.4.She is having arest.c1.Could2.was able to3.could4.was able toD:The Wayle.a small river.the park.the Wayle.the river bank.Some children.games.the bank.some people.the river.the chil dren.a ball.a passing boat.Some people.the bank.the man in the boat.The ball.the water.the children.anyE:1.There’s little Ican do to help him.2.There aren’t many apples on the tree,but you can pick afew if you want to.3.He has less work to do than Ihave.4.There isn’t much whisky in this bottle,but you can have alittle if you want it.5.He has fewer books than Ihave.6.There were few people in the shop.F :1.to2.out of/from3.(up)to4.at5.intoG:1.with.to2.for3.for4.with5.at Special difficulties难点:A:1.too2.denied3.jobs4.passed5.other6.looked at7.so8.such a9.continuously10.robbed11.one12.noticeB:’Haven’t you finished this book yet?’he asked.’I haven’t even started it,’I answered.’Why not?’he asked.’It’s an exciting story.”Perhaps it is,’I answered,’but it’s too difficult for me.I spend more time looking up the dictionary than reading the book.’C:1.out2.up3.with4.up5.backD:1.made2.make3.does4.make5.do6.makes。

新概念2测试题及答案1. 词汇理解:根据新概念英语第二册第一课,请解释以下单词的意思。
- Lesson: "A Private Conversation"- Words: private, conversation, theatre, annoyed2. 语法应用:请改写以下句子,使用新概念英语第二册第二课中学到的现在完成时态。
- Original Sentence: "I have never been to Paris."- New Sentence: (使用现在完成时态改写)3. 阅读理解:阅读新概念英语第二册第三课 "Please Send Me a Card",回答以下问题。
- What is the main reason for the author to write the letter?4. 听力理解:听新概念英语第二册第四课 "An Exciting Trip" 的录音,回答以下问题。
- What was the weather like when the trip started?5. 口语表达:根据新概念英语第二册第五课 "No Wrong Numbers",请用英语描述一个你曾经遇到的电话错误。
答案1. 词汇理解:- private: not intended for or to be accessed by others- conversation: a talk, especially one in which several people are involved- theatre: a building, room, or outdoor area where plays are performed- annoyed: slightly angry or irritated2. 语法应用:- New Sentence: "I have never visited the Eiffel Tower."3. 阅读理解:- The main reason for the author to write the letter is to request a postcard from the recipient of the letter.4. 听力理解:- The weather was sunny when the trip started.5. 口语表达:- "Once, I received a call from someone who was lookingfor a pizza delivery service. I explained that I was not the number they were trying to reach, but they insisted on ordering a large pepperoni pizza. It was a funny mix-up that ended with me giving them the correct number for the pizza place."请注意,这些测试题和答案仅作为示例,实际使用时应根据具体课程内容和学习者的水平进行调整。

单元测试1:Ais busy.is leaning English.has a new book.lives in the country.will see you tomorrow.can understand you.must write a letter.may come next week.does a lot of work every day.did a lot of work yesterday.played football yesterday.bought a new coat last week.has had a letter from Tom.was busy this morning.could play football very well when he was younger.always tries to get up early.might see you next week.always enjoys a good film.had finished his work before you came.watches television every night.BChaven't got much butter.haven't got many cigarettes.haven't got much milk.hasn't got many biscuits.haven't got much stationery.DEdid he buydidn't buy a new car.can she comecan't come tomorrow.were they hereweren't here yesterday.must he leave earlymustn't leave early.did he give youdidn't give you a pen.does he livedoesn't live next door.well do you know himdon't know him well.has he foundhasn't found his pen.did you see that filmdidn't see that film.did he arrivedidn't arrive at two o'clock.FG 'll... 'll... 'll... won't ... shan't...HIexpensive interesting beautiful intelligentJafternoon day after tomorrow day before yesterday night morning morning afternoonKLin 10 .out ofMNis the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.is the man whom I invited to the party.are the things which I bought yesterday.is the man who came here last week. is the policeman who caught the thieves.is the nurse who looked after me. is the woman whom I met yesterday. am the person who wrote to you.are the people whom I saw yesterday. are the trees which we cut down yesterday.OP,I didn' took her to a party.,I did.sat near the window.middle-aged lady came into our compartment.was middle-aged.sat opposite Sally.said"Hello"to Sally.make herself beautiful.She did it to make herself beautiful.,she didn' thought she was ugly.said,"But you are still ugly."She said she was still ugly.单元测试2:Aa 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.2 My mother went to market.3 This morning the children asked questions continuously in class.4 On Sundays we stay at home.5 This morning I borrowed a book from the library.b 1 She rarely...2 The shops always...3 We never...4 We sometimes...5 Do you ever...后面直接照抄Ba are playing...play...is kicking...is runningbdied...left...spent...bought...wen t...stayed...listened...lent...kep t...lostc I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has goned 1 ...did...buy...2 ...hasnever lent...3 Have you burnt...4 ...fought...5 ...have just won...e 1 was leaving/left...arrived2 was working/worked...wassitting/sat3 was walking/walked...met4 was reading...heard5droppedf 略g 1 shall be ironing2 will be arriving3 We'll be seeing4 shall be watching5 will be correctingh 1 After...2 After...3 When...4 ...him until he...5 As soon as...i ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...wasbegun...wascompleted...cost...has beenvisited...j 1 told...would come/would be coming2 said...had cut3 told...had never played4 did he say...had done/would do5 did he tell...had bought/would buy k 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoyslFashing...catching...catching...ha vingspent...fishing...fishing...si tting...doingCa 1 You must/will have to see a doctor.2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here.4 I must/have to some help.5 He had to go out last night.b 1 He must be a fool.2 He must be mad.3 She must be over forty.c 1 Can/May I use your telephone2 He may telephone tomorrow.3 Can/May I have two tickets please4 The play may have begun already.5 Can/May I leave the table pleaseDa 略b ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a...E1 the most unusual2 better...than3 more interesting than4 the laziest5 worse thanF1 in2 On3 during/in4 at5 on...in6 in7 at...inG1 in2 from3 on4 of5 in6 ofSpecial difficultiesa1 By the way2 borrowed3 ask4 grown5 Besides6 its7 yet8 desk9 It is10 homeb1 at2 up3 on4 out...back5 outc1 Who knocked this vase over3 Put your jacket on5 The thieves woke the night watchman upd1 ...the men to fire at the enemy.2 ...his wife to wear this dress.3 to explain it.4 ...allow him to enter the room.5 ...her son to read.e1 She made me this dress.2 I lent him my book.3 I showed George the letter.4 Pass your mother that cup.5 Johnny gave his sister the doll. Key StructuresAa 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.2 My mother went to market.3 This morning the children asked questions continuously in class.4 On Sundays we stay at home.5 This morning I borrowed a book from the library.b 1 She rarely...2 The shops always...3 We never...4 We sometimes...5 Do you ever...后面直接照抄Ba are playing...play...is kicking...is runningbdied...left...spent...bought...wen t...stayed...listened...lent...kep t...lostc I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has goned 1 ...did...buy...2 ...hasnever lent...3 Have you burnt...4 ...fought...5 ...have just won...e 1 was leaving/left...arrived2 was working/worked...wassitting/sat3 was walking/walked...met4 was reading...heard5droppedf 略g 1 shall be ironing2 will be arriving3 We'll be seeing4 shall be watching5 will be correctingh 1 After...2 After...3 When...4 ...him until he...5 As soon as...i ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...wasbegun...wascompleted...cost...has beenvisited...j 1 told...would come/would be coming2 said...had cut3 told...had never played4 did he say...had done/would do5 did he tell...had bought/would buyk 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoyslFashing...catching...catching...ha vingspent...fishing...fishing...si tting...doingCa 1 You must/will have to see a doctor.2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise3 she said we must/would haveto/had to stay here.4 I must/have to some help.5 He had to go out last night.b 1 He must be a fool.2 He must be mad.3 She must be over forty.c 1 Can/May I use your telephone2 He may telephone tomorrow.3 Can/May I have two tickets please4 The play may have begun already.5 Can/May I leave the table pleaseDa 略b ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a...E 1 the most unusual2 better...than3 more interesting than4 the laziest5 worse thanF 1 in 2 On 3 during/in 4 at 5 on...in6 in7 at...inG 1 in 2 from 3 on 4 of 5 in 6 of Special difficultiesa 1 By the way2 borrowed3 ask4 grown5 Besides6 its7 yet8 desk9 It is10 homeb 1 at 2 up 3 on 4 out...back 5 outc 1 Who knocked this vase over3 Put ypur jacket on5 The thieves woke the night watchman upd 1 ...the men to fire at the enemy.2 ...his wife to wear this dress.3 to explain it.4 ...allow him to enter the room.5 ...her son to read.e 1 She made me this dress.2 I lent him my typewriter.3 I showed George the letter.4 Pass your mother that cup.5 Johnny gave his sister the doll. 单元测试3Bba look at this.had a wash before going out.had a swim in the sea this morning. is having a rest.cable to able toDThe Wayle...a small river...the park...the Wayle...the river bank...Some children...games...the bank...some people...theriver...the children...a ball...a passing boat...Some people...the bank...the man in the boat...The ball...the water...the children...anyE's little I can do to help him.aren't many apples on the tree, but you can pick a few if you want to. has less work to do than I have. isn't much whisky in this bottle, but you can have a little if you want it.has fewer books than I have.were few people in the shop.Fof/from 3.uptoG...toSpecial difficultiesaatab'Haven't you finished this book yet' he asked.'I haven't even started it,' I answered.'Why not' he asked.'It's an exciting story.''Perhaps it is,' I answered, 'but it's too difficult for me. I spend more time looking up the dictionary than reading the book.'cd单元测试4:Key to Pre-unit Test 4Key structuresA 1 He missed the train because he did not hurry.2 Although he ran fast, he failed to win the race.3 I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately.4 My neighbour, who went to Tokyo fora holiday, could not return home because he did not have enough money.5 Finding the door unlocked, I went into the kitchen.6 I bought a picture which was very valuable.7 He walked quietly down the corridor so that no one would hear him.8 They cleared the ground to build a house.BOne day, a workman who was digging in a field accidentally struck a 6, 000-volt electricity cable with his spade. Although he was thrown twenty feet, he was unhurt. However, that night the neighbouring town was in darkness and no one knew what had happened.Ca I'dwouldprefer…don't understand…doesn't matter…does that word mean…don't know…is bringingb got…decided…began…wrote…includ ed…paid…rang…was not surprised…led…hid…was embarrassedc lookd…arrived…have been waiting…said…answered…Were…wen t…said…got…weren't…came…said …waited…didn't come…have you been doing…asked…have just been… answeredd came… was used… used to hide… would often bury/often buried…wouldfail/failed… went…was examining… showed… was… dug… founde is setting out/will set out…will send…receive…receive/have received…will try…locate/have located…will fire…willcarry…will pour…will be sentf will soon be sending up…will be taking…will grab…will soon be sending…will tell…will have sent g haddiscovered…appeared…had taken…died…happened…claimed…had died…had been searching…had been foundh was taking…had been asked…having been instructed…must have beenpleased…be stopped…could be heard… were both thrown1 He told me to keep quiet.2 He suggestedthat I should send hima telegramor He suggested sending him….3 He insistedthat I should ask him about itor He insisted on my asking him….4 He told me not to worry about it. j1 I wonder if he can wait a few minutes longe.2 I wonder when he will arrive.3 I wonder if he has passed his examination.4 I wonder where he is.k1 had listened2 had written3 would have had1 meeting…running…pretending…meet ing…coming…preventing…following …meeting…doing… coming…speaking Da1 should/ought to come2 had to do3 should have/ought to have come4 should have/ought to have askedb1 He is having a new house built.2 She will have a new dress made.3 I had my hair cut yesterday.4 We must have this tree cut down.c1 I did not manage to get into town this morning.2 They did not manage to find the boy who had run away.3 He did not manage to find a new job.4 I did not manage to translate the passage into English.Ebreakfast… the children… school…the market… The children… school… work… the house. some tarts for tea… a short time… butter and flour… sticky pastry… the telephone… the receiver…two sticky fingers…the voice…the receiver…a mess…pastry…the telephone…the door knobs…the kitchen…the door bell…the dead…the postman…a registered letterF of…deal…most…most…oldest…many …Many…more…few…than…lot of…deal… from…lessG 1 in…at…in…in2 at…out of3 to…in…with…in…inH1 with2 at3 of4 for5 to6 for7 of8 toSpecial difficultiesa1 loose 4 hard 7 used to 10 pick 13 let 16 amused2 rise 5 won 8 dropped 11 grown 14 part 17 checking3 laid 6 quiet 9 at 12 invented 15 reason 18 advisebsample sentencesIf you promise not to mention it to anyone else, I'll tell you a secret. Have you said your prayers tonight, JohnnyHe told me a lie.She said nothing to me or to anyone else.I always tell the children a story before they go to bed.‘Are they really coming tonight’-‘Of course. They said so. ’c1 Our school dining room is very large.2 He told us a ghost story.3 She gave me a birthday present.4 We stopped at a village pub.5 The party leader made a speech.。
新概念II 第二单元测试卷(有答案)Test for Unit 2 in New Concept English II

Test for Unit2in New Concept English II新概念II第二单元测试卷(Time:60minutes Total points:100)Name:_________Class:_________Score:_________I.Translate according to the given Chinese根据汉语提示写出相应的英语单词。
(35%)1.精通音乐的______________2.市场,集市______________3.玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制)______________4.(吹奏地)管乐器______________5.曲调______________6.一瞥______________7.蛇______________8.动作______________9.继续______________10.跳舞______________11.显然______________12.差别______________13.印度的______________14.(地球的)极______________15.飞行______________16.探险家______________17.处于______________18.严重的______________19.地点______________18.严重的______________21.坠毁______________22.袋子______________23.越过______________24.飞机______________25.无尽的______________26.平原______________27.森林______________28.危险,冒险______________29.野餐______________30.边缘______________31.带,皮带______________32.所有______________33.呼吸______________34.(常用复数)内有的物品______________35.修理______________36.无罪的,不亏心的______________ 37.良心,道德心______________38.皮夹,钱夹______________ 39.存款______________40.村民______________ 41.百分之…______________42.卸(货)______________ 43.木制的______________44.非常,极其______________ 45.发生______________46.使惊讶______________ 47.堆______________48.羊毛的______________ 49.(常用复数)货物,商品______________50.发现______________51.承认______________52.关在(一个狭小的空间里)______________53.正常的,通常的______________54.贪杯的______________ 55.鬼魂______________56.(鬼)来访,闹鬼______________57.堵______________58.家具______________59.威士忌酒______________60.暗示______________61.摇动______________62.接受______________63.拔______________64.药棉______________65.搜集______________66.收藏品,收集品______________67.点头______________68.同时______________II.Choose the best answer.(15%)()1.I nodded.This means I_____.A.agreedB.said noC.shoutedD.whispered()2.He asked me how my brother was.“How______?”he asked.A.is your brotherB.your brother wasC.your brother isD.was your brother ()3.He heard a noise_____coming from the bar.A.which wasB.who wasC.that isD.which is()4.Mr.Ian Thompson_____a public house a short time ago.A.has boughtB.boughtC.was boughtD.is bought()5.Workers began_____a number of wooden boxes.A.unloadB.to unloadingC.unloadedD.unloading()6.What did he find?He was surprised at what_____.A.did he findB.he did findC.he foundD.he has found ()7.The wallet was found_____one of the villagers.A.fromB.byC.out ofD.of()8._____had it been wrapped up in?A newspaper.A.WhereB.WhoC.HowD.What()9.They didn’t steal anything.They stole_____.A.anythingB.not anythingC.not nothingD.nothing()10.He would be able to reach the Pole_____was300miles away.A.whichB.whoC.itD.which it()11.The writer couldn’t speak because_____.A.the dentist had just pulled one of his teeth outB.the dentist was talking all the timeC.there was something in his mouthD.he had a toothache()12.Mr.Thompson wants to sell his pub because_____.A.he heard a strange noise coming from the barB.he found the doors had been blocked by chairsC.he found five empty whisky bottlesD.he thinks it’s visited by a ghost()13.The man had hidden in the box_____.A.to get to SydneyB.because it contained woolen goodsC.to avoid paying the fare from London to SydneyD.because no one would find him()14.The snake probably‘danced’_____.A.by listening to the Indian musicB.by listening to the jazzC.by looking at the snake charmerD.by following the movements of the snake charmer’s pipe()15.The writer was sorry he made rude remarks because_____.A.his wife reminded him that he had bought a terrible tieB.he has a lot of tiesC.his wife has a lot of hatsD.his wife got annoyed with himIII.Words often confused.Choose the correct words in the following sentences.Underline the better one(10%)1.He borrows money from people(continuously)(continually).2.The crowd cheered as the soldiers marched(past)(passed)3.On the first day all went well.But on the(next)(other)day there was a storm.4.I am looking for a new(work)(job).5.He is a very(experience)(experienced)doctor.6.The government is trying to persuade people to(economize)(save)money.7.It was(such)(so)a good book that it was bought by a film company.8.He ran(such)(so)quickly that I could not catch him.9.Do you(deny)(refuse)that you have told me a lie?10.The ball went over the fence and the football player asked a boy to(fetch)(bring)it.e the joining words in parentheses.(10%)1.I had made a mistake.I had criticized his work.(not only…but…as well)__________________________________________________2.The villagers ran away in fear.They never came back again.(and)___________________________________________________3.Woolen goods cannot be eaten.At least they are soft.The man had had a few hours’sleep.(but…so)___________________________________________________4.He paid back the money.He bought himself a clear conscience.(not only…but also)___________________________________________________5.Thieves can be very daring.They can be very timid.(either…or)___________________________________________________V.Verbs followed by to,at,for and with.(10%)1.I knock_______the door.at2.Whom does this book belong_______?to3.please don’t mention it_______my husband,but I paid$50_______this hat.to…for4.I don’t agree_______you.with5.She preferred_______wait______him.to…for6.We have been corresponding______each other for years.with7.How do you a account______this?for8.Do you object______my smoking?to9.I’m surprised______you!at10.You must reply______his letter.withVI.Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.(10%)1.I’d love_________(see)that film.Will it be on tomorrow?2.He’s accustomed to_________(work)very hard.3.These shirts need________(iron).4.I hate________(leave)so early,but I’m afraid I have to.5.They continued_________(argue)till after midnight.6.Would you like_________(come)with me?7.I shall be looking forward to_________(see)you soon.8.You must never come into this room without__________(knock)first.9.I got tired of_________(wait)so I left.10.I don’t believe in________(work)too hard.VII.Translate the sentences.(10%)1.我现在是一个100%诚实的人了!____________________________________________________________________________________.2.萨姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了,课时却不见有人来送还给他。

New Concept English BookⅡ一、单项选择1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did.A. Did, taughtB. does, teachC. Did, teach D Do,teach2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great manyA.tomatoesB.potatosC.vegetablesD.meat3、He until it stopped raining.A.waitedB. didn't waitC. didn’t leaveD.left4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area.B.will beC.has beenD.have been5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend?——A .It’s none of your business! B.Dear me!C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself.6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinemaA. are,goesB. is,goesC. are,goD. is,go7、If their house not like ours, what it look like?A.is, isB.is, doesC.does, doesD.does, is8. I’m _______ in that ________ filmA. interesting, interestedB. interested, interestingC. interested, interestedD. interesting, interesting9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time!------ I ____________.A. will comeB. comeC. shall comeD. am coming10. -------_____________?-------I am Italian.A.What’s your jobB. What’s your nameC. What nationality are youD.Where do you from11. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk s.A. any, anyB. any, someC. some, someD.some,any12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat!A. runsB. is runningC. is going to runD.is runing13. It’s very cold. _______ your coat.A. Take offB. Put onC. Turn onD.Put off14.The man could not bear it.He could not it.A.carry15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang .A.at onceB.immediatelyC.againD.at that moment16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday.17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone.A.shouts atB.callsC.cries out at18.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds.B.waitingC.expecting forD.expecting to19.The man is fond of gardens. .A.They like himB.They like to himC.He likes themD.He likes they20.How many times did the clock .A.hitB.beatC.knock二、Change the sentences with what or what a(n)21. It was very hot yesterday.What a hot day it was yesterday!22. It is so coldWhat cold weather it is!23. You have such an old bike.What an old bike you have!24. The book Tom is reading is very interesting.What an interesting book Tom is reading!25. We live in a very noisy place.What a noisy place we live in!三、用over, between, along, in front of, behind, 或across 等介词或介词短语填空26. A lot of birds are flying ___over____ the river.27. The teacher is standing _____in front of_______ the blackboard.28. I am running __along_____ the Great Wall(长城).29. They are swimming __across____ the river.30. I am sitting ____between_____my brother and my sister.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:31、He is not very friendly (friend) towards newcomers(新来的).32、She slammed the telephone down angrily (angry).33、It was a sudden decision (decide)34、She works for that restaurant as a waitress (waiter)35、She is very excited (exciting) about winning the first prize.36、What have you been done lately (late).37、We are very pleased (please) with our new house.38、She rarely ( rare) visited her aunt.39、“What do you want?”She asked rudely (rude)40、I had a long conversation (converse) with her the other day〔不久前一天〕.五、词组互译41、none of your business 与你无关42、破坏我的假日spoil my holiday43、在回家的路上on the way back home44、by the way 顺便说一下45、今天就到此为止let’s call it today六、阅读理解How many different languages are spoken in the world today? There are about 5,000 different languages. Nearly 900 languages are spoken in India.Chinese is the language spoken by the biggest number of people in the world.But the most widely spoken language in the world is English.300,000,000 people speak English as a first language.Nearly twice as many--about 650 million people speak it as a foreign language.How many words are there in the English language? There are about 490,000.Also,there are about 300,000 words used in science(科技).There are more words in English than in any other language.But most people use no more than 60,000 words.Children,leaving school at the age of 1 6,know about 1 5,000 words.1.The Chinese language is spoken ________.A.in most countries in the worldB.in 600 countriesC.by the biggest number of people in the world2.About 650 million people speak English as________.A.a first languageB.well as the native speakersC.a second language3.Only ________ English words are used by most people.A.six thousandB.three hundred thousandC.sixty thousand4.Children ________ know about 15,000 words.A.who start school at the age of 6B.who study at schoolC.who finish school at sixteen5.Which of the following is true’A.There are no more than 5,000 different languages in the world.B.English is the most widely-used language.C.The Indian people speak 800 languages.One day a poor student was walking through a town. He had not had anything to eat for several days and he was very hungry. And when he saw a man selling homemade hamburgers, he let out a scream and fell to the ground. When the surprised seller asked the student what the matter was, the student answered, “I don’t like hamburgers. In fact, I hate them. Whenever I see them, I feel ill and can’t eat.”The hamburger seller then thought that he would play a joke on the student. He put ten hamburgers in the comer of a room and then locked the student in it. After a short time, the hamburger seller opened the door of the room. He was surprised to find that the student had eaten all the hamburgers. The student ex plained. “For some strange reason, I suddenly decided that I liked hamburgers.”The hamburger seller was angry that the student had fooled him. He asked what other things he did not like to eat. “Oh, I like everything, ”answered the student, “Except at the moment Iwould hate to drink two cups of good strong tea!”6. The student was very hungry because .A.he was illB.he had not eaten for a long timeC.he saw the hamburgers7. The hamburger seller wanted to the student.A.help B,pull up C.play a joke on8. The hamburger seller was surprised to find the student had eaten hamburgers.A.tenB.fiveC.two9. In fact, .A.the seller wanted to sell some hamburgers to the studentB.the student really hated hamburgersC.the student fooled the hamburger seller10. The student .A.wanted some teaB.didn’t like teaC.hated strong teaGeorge works in a factory. He was born in a very poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work, but he is paid less because of this. He likes to watch football matches very much and spends much time on it.One evening there was a big football match on a playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and hurried there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold out. He was sorry for it. He saw a pole(电线杆)outside the playground and climbed it up quickly. A policeman came and said. “It’s dangerous to stay on it! Come down!”“Wait a minute, please!” George sa id and just at that moment the policeman heard cheers in the playground and asked in a hurry. “Which team has kicked a goal?” “Ours!” “Wonderful!You can stay there. But take care!” the policeman said happily and left. When the match would soon be over, he came back again and asked,“Who’s won?” “Theirs, 3-2.” “Come down, ”the policeman said a ngrily, “Such a match isn’t worth watching!”George had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said in a hurry, “Climb up quickly and see who’s kicked a goal!”11. George is paid less because he didn’t learn much when he was young.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say12. George climbed up the pole because he hoped to save some money.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say13. The policeman soon changed his mind at the first time because he thought it was safe for George to be on the pole.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say14. The policeman became angry when he heard their team had lost the game.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say15. Both George and the policeman are football fans.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say七、完型填空Mrs. Williams loved flowers and had a small __1__ beautiful garden.In the summer,her roses were always the __2__ in her street.0ne summer afternoon her __3__ rang,and when she went to the front door,she saw a small boy outside.He was about seven years old.and was holding a big bunch(束)of beautiful roses in his hand.“I __4__ roses, ” he said.“Do you want any? They are quite cheap.One shilling __5__ a big bunch.They are fresh(新鲜).I __6__ them this afternoon.” ’“My boy,” Mrs. Williams answered,“I pick __7__ whenever I want,and don’t pay __8__ for them,because I have lots in my garden.”“Oh,no,you haven’t,”said the small boy.“The re __9__ any roses in your garden ----__10__ they are here in my hand!”1.A and B or C but2.A better B worst C best3.A bell B telephone C door4.A sell B sold C am selling5.A for B by C in6.A brought B took C picked7.A flowers B roses C a flower8.A nothing B something C anything9.A haven't B won’t C aren’t10.A so B and C because。

新概念英语第二册第25-34课测试卷一、单词与短语互译(30分)1.not only…but…as well2.neither…nor..3.外国人4.鉴赏5.材料6.上下颠倒地7.put up one’s tent 8.wind one’s way across…9.舒适的,安逸的10.爬到…里面11.believe in ancient myths12.没有效果13.从某地飞往某地14.废弃(v)15.偏僻的,人迹罕至的16.row on the river17. be out of sight 18.对某人大声喊19.a book of his own 20.他早年的艰难岁月21.一个穿着讲究的女人22.最昂贵的物品之一23.出发,动身24.struggle up the cliffs 25.向岸边游去26.在前面(adv.)27.不知不觉地发现某人处在…28.拜访某地29.not any more 30.一个十五岁的男孩二、用所给动词的正确形式填空(20分)1.The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west .2.”You (joke),”I replied. “I (not know) anyone who does .”3. She (pay) the bill and (leave) the shop.4.”Up till now I (be) to New York three times .” he (add)5.She never expected her bicycle (find). The thief (question).6.On (arrive) at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she (see).7.He (worry) all week. Last Saturday he (receive) a letter from the local police .8.”You (always be) late , Tom .”his teacher (say). “You (be)late five times this week. You (be) nearly late every class . Don’t (be) late next time. Or I’ll punish you. Then I (call) up your mother.”三、句子翻译(15分)1.她的英文讲得不但非常认真,而且吐字也非常清楚。

新概念英语第二册第二单元测试答案全解1、We can see ______ stars at night if it doesn’t rain. [单选题] *A. a thousand ofB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of(正确答案)2、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)3、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of4、His picture is on show in London this month. [单选题] *A. 给...看B. 展出(正确答案)C. 出示D. 上演5、—______ do you play basketball?—Twice a week.()[单选题] *A. How often(正确答案)B. How muchC. How manyD. How long6、John will go home as soon as he _______ his work. [单选题] *A. finishB. will finishC. finishedD. finishes(正确答案)7、We’re proud that China _______ stronger and stronger these years. [单选题] *A. will becomeB. becameC. is becoming(正确答案)D. was becoming8、She was seen _____ that theatre just now. [单选题] *A. enteredB. enterC. to enter(正确答案)D. to be entering9、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at10、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains11、7.—________ is the Shanghai Wild Animal Park?—It’s 15km east of the Bund. [单选题] *A.WhoB.WhatC.WhenD.Where (正确答案)12、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)13、Bob used ______ on the right in China, but he soon got used ______ on the left in England.()[单选题] *A. to drive; to driveB. to drive; drivingC. to driving; to driveD. to drive; to driving(正确答案)14、We often go to the zoo _______ Saturday mornings. [单选题] *A. atB. inC. on(正确答案)D. of15、My sister gave me a _______ at my birthday party. [单选题] *A. parentB. peaceC. patientD. present(正确答案)16、We ______ boating last weekend.()[单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. are goingD. will go17、—Excuse me, how long does it ______ to walk to the library? —About 15 minutes, I’m afraid.()[单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. spendC. costD. pay18、Boys and girls, _______ up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营).[单选题] *A. puttingB. to putC. put(正确答案)D. puts19、If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *A. keep fatB. keep calmC. keep healthy(正确答案)D. keep on20、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about21、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like22、26.There’s some fruit in the kitchen. We ________ buy any. [单选题] * A.need toB.needn’t toC.don’t needD.don’t need to(正确答案)23、()it is to have a cold drink on a hot day! [单选题] *A. What a great funB. How great funC. What great fun(正确答案)D. How a great fun24、I don’t like playing chess. It is _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. interestedC. boring(正确答案)D. bored25、--What are you going to be in the future?--I want to be _______ actor. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /26、Our teacher suggested that each of us _____ a study plan for the tong summer vacation. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. madeC. will makeD. would make27、—Look at those purple gloves! Are they ______, Mary?—No, they aren’t. ______ are pink. ()[单选题] *A. you; IB. your; MyC. yours; Mine(正确答案)D. you; Me28、What’s the point of going to school when I can’t do anything there? [单选题] *A. 时间B. 意义(正确答案)C. 方向D. 目标29、There was a time()I wondered why I would like to do this boring job. [单选题] *A. whichB. whyC. whereD. when(正确答案)30、This kind of work _______ skills and speed. [单选题] *A. looks forB. waits forC. calls for(正确答案)D. cares for。

●第A部分第三人称的应用(用he改写句子)1. I am busy.→He is busy.【一般现在时】2. I am learning English. →He is learning English.【现在进行时】3. I have a new book. →He has a new book.【一般现在时】4. I live in the country. →He lives in the country.【一般现在时】5. I shall see you tomorrow. →He will see you tomorrow.【一般将来时】※英语中第一人称用shall,第二、三人称用will;美语中均用will。
6. I can understand you. →He can understand you.【情态动词can】7. I must write a letter. →He must write a letter.【情态动词must】8. I may come next week. →He may come next week.【情态动词may】9. I do a lot of work every day. →He does a lot of work every day.【一般现在时】10. I did a lot of work yesterday. →He did a lot of work yesterday.【一般过去时】11. I played football yesterday. →He played football yesterday.【一般过去时】12. I bought a new coat last week. →He bought a new coat last week.【一般过去时】13. I have had a letter from Tom. →He has had a letter from Tom.【现在完成时】14. I was busy this morning. →He was busy this morning. 【一般过去时】15. I could play football very well when I was younger.→He could play football very well when he was younger.【一般过去时】16. I always try to get up early. →He always tries to get up early.【一般现在时】17. I might see you next week. →He might see you next week.【情态动词might】18. I always enjoy a good film. →He always enjoys a good film.【一般现在时】19. I had finished my work before you came.→He had finished his work before you came.【过去完成时】20. I watch television every night. →He watches television every night.【一般现在时】●第B部分用a,some或any填空单数可数名词前用a;some用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中;any 用于否定句和疑问句中。

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 11. b选b最为正确。
所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。
3.b因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。
4.db. above(在……上方);c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。
a. before 和 d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。
但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面”5.c因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。
6.ab. they 只做主语; c. their只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。
7.da. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.8.ba. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅) d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。

New Concept English Book Ⅱ一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 3、He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didn't wait C. didn ’t leave D.left 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A.is B.will be C.has been D.have been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? ————A .I t’s none of your business! It’s none of your business! B.Dear me! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like? A.is, is B.is, does C.does, does D.does, is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ filmA. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 10. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A. What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you D.Where do you from 1111. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk . I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalks. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D.some,any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D.is runing 1313. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. . It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 14.The man could not bear it.He could not it. A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang . A.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment 16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday. A.final B.end test D.bottom 17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone. A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits 18.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds. A.expecting B.waiting C.expecting for D.expecting to 19.The man is fond of gardens. . A.They like him B.They like to him C.He likes them D.He likes they 20.How many times did the clock . A.hit B.beat C.knock D.strike 二、用一般过去和过去进行时填空. 21. I (fall) when I (skate). 22. While Tome and Jerry (eat), they (hear) a strane noise. 23. Julie (see) something weird when she (walk) in the park. 24. Mr. White (walk) in the street when it (start) to rain. 25. When David (come) home, John (make) dinner. 三、用三、用 over, between, along, in front of, behind, 或 across 等介词或介词短语填空等介词或介词短语填空26. A lot of birds are flying _______ the river. 27. The teacher is standing ___________ the blackboard. 28. I am running _______ the Great Wall(长城). 29. They are swimming _____ the river. 30. I am sitting ________my brother and my sister. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:31、He is not very (friend) towards newcomers(新来的). 32、She slammed the telephone down (angry). 33、It was a sudden (decide) 34、She works for that restaurant as a (waiter) 35、She is very (exciting) about winning the first prize. 36、What have you been done (late). 37、We are very (please) with our new house. 38、She ( rare) visited her aunt. 39、“What do you want ?”She asked (rude) 40、I had a long (converse) with her the other day (不久前一天). 五、词组互译五、词组互译41、none of your business 42、和某人谈话、和某人谈话43、在回家的路上、在回家的路上44、by the way 45、注意、注意六、阅读理解六、阅读理解How How many many many different different different languages languages languages are are are spoken spoken spoken in in in the the the world world world today? today? today? There There There are are are about about about 5,000 5,000 5,000 different different languages. Nearly 900 languages are spoken in India .Chinese is the language spoken by the biggest number of people in the world .But the most widely spoken language in the world is English .300,000,000 people speak English as a first language .Nearly twice as many--about 650 million people speak it as a foreign language .How many words are there in the English language? There are about 490,000.Also ,there are about 300,000 words used in science(科技).There are more words in English than in any other language .But most people use no more than 60,000 words .Children ,leaving school at the age of 1 6,know about 1 5,000 words .1.The Chinese language is spoken ________. A.in most countries in the world B.in 600 countries C.by the biggest number of people in the world 2.About 650 million people speak English as________.A.a first language B.well as the native speakers C.a second language 3.Only ________ English words are used by most people .A.six thousand B.three hundred thousand C.sixty thousand 4.Children ________ know about 15,000 words .A.who start school at the age of 6 B.who study at school C.who finish school at sixteen 5.5.Which of the following is true’Which of the following is true’A.There are no more than 5,000 different languages in the world .B.English is the most widely-used language .C.The Indian people speak 800 languages .One day a poor student was walking through a town. He had not had anything to eat for several days and he was very hungry. And when he saw a man selling homemade hamburgers, he let out a scream and fell to the ground. When the surprised seller asked the student what the matter was, the student answered, “I don’t like hamburgers. In fact, I hate them. Whenever I see them, I feel ill and can’t eat.”The The hamburger hamburger hamburger seller seller seller then then then thought thought thought that that that he he he would would would play play play a a a joke joke joke on on on the the the student. student. student. He He He put put put ten ten hamburgers hamburgers in in in the the the comer comer comer of of of a a a room room room and and and then then then locked locked locked the the the student student student in in in it. it. it. After After After a a a short short short time, time, time, the the hamburger seller opened the door of the room. He was surprised to find that the student had eaten all all the the the hamburgers. hamburgers. hamburgers. The The The student student student explained. explained. explained. “For “For “For some some some strange strange strange reason, reason, reason, I I I suddenly suddenly suddenly decided decided decided that that that I I liked hamburgers.”The hamburger seller was angry that the student had fooled him. He asked what other things he he did did did not not not like like like to to to eat. eat. eat. “Oh, “Oh, “Oh, I I I like like like everything, everything, everything, ”answered ”answered ”answered the the the student, student, student, “Except “Except “Except at at at the the the moment moment moment I I would hate to drink two cups of good strong tea!”6. The student was very hungry because . A.he was ill B.he had not eaten for a long time C.he saw the hamburgers 7. The hamburger seller wanted to the student. A.help B,pull up C.play a joke on 8. The hamburger seller was surprised to find the student had eaten hamburgers. A.ten B.five C.two 9. In fact, . A.the seller wanted to sell some hamburgers to the student B.the student really hated hamburgers C.the student fooled the hamburger seller 10. The student . A.wanted some tea B.B.didn’t like tea didn’t like tea C.hated strong tea George works in a factory. He was born in a very poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work, but he is paid less because of this. He likes to watch football matches very much and spends much time on it. One evening there was a big football match on a playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and hurried there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold out. He was was sorry sorry sorry for for for it. it. it. He He He saw saw saw a a a pole(pole(电线杆)outside )outside the the the playground playground playground and and and climbed climbed climbed it it it up up up quickly. quickly. quickly. A A policeman came and said. “It’s dangerous to stay on it! Come down!”“Wait a minute, please!” George said and just at that moment the policeman heard cheers in the playground and asked in a hurry. “Which team has kicked a goal?” “Ours!” “Wonderful!You can stay there. But take care!” the policeman s aid happily and left. When the match would soon be over, he came back again and asked ,“Who’s won?” “Theirs, 3-2.” “Come down, ”the policeman said a n grily, “Such a match isn’t worth watching!”ngrily, “Such a match isn’t worth watching!”George had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said in a hurry, “Climb up quickly and see who’s kicked a goal!”11. George is paid less because he didn’t learn much when he was young . A.Right B.Wrong C.C.Doesn’t say Doesn’t say12. George climbed up the pole because he hoped to save some money. A.Right B.Wrong C.C.Doesn’t say Doesn’t say13. 13. The The The policeman policeman policeman soon soon soon changed changed changed his his his mind mind mind at at at the the the first first first time time time because because because he he he thought thought thought it it it was was was safe safe safe for for George to be on the pole. A.Right B.Wrong C.C.Doesn’t say Doesn’t say14. The policeman became angry when he heard their team had lost the game. A.Right B.Wrong C.C.Doesn’t say Doesn’t say15. Both George and the policeman are football fans. A.Right B.Wrong C.C.Doesn’t say Doesn’t say七、完型填空七、完型填空Mrs. Williams loved flowers and had a small __1__ beautiful garden .In the summer ,her roses were always the __2__ in her street .0ne summer afternoon her __3__ rang ,and when she went to the front door ,she saw a small boy outside .He was about seven years old .and was holding a big bunch(束)of beautiful roses in his hand .“I __4__ roses, ” he said.One shilling __5__ a big .“Do you want any? They are quite cheapbunch.They are fresh(新鲜).I __6__ them this afternoon.” ’“My boy,” Mrs. Williams answered,“I pick __7__ whenever I want,and don’t pay __8__ for them,because I have lots in my garden.”----__10__ they “Oh,no,you haven’t,”said the small boy.“There __9__ any roses in your garden are here in my hand!”1.A and B or C but 2.A better B worst C best 3.A bell B telephone C door 4.A sell B sold C am selling 5.A for B by C in 6.A brought B took C picked 7.A flowers B roses C a flower 8.A nothing B something C anything 9.A haven't B won’t C aren’t10.A so B and C because 。

新概念英语同步测试卷答案book2【篇一:新概念英语第二册原创配套练习book2-7】幽默故事:“im sorry ,madam ,but i shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulling your boys tooth .” “twenty dollars! why ,i understand you to say that you charged only four dollars for such work!”“yes ,but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared four other patients out of the office .” 猜测下列单词的意思chargeyelled scare听力练习:听课文回答下列问题1. where were detectives waiting all morning ?2. what were they expecting from south africa?3. what had someone told the policeman ?4. how many men took the parcel off the plane?5. how many men were keeping guard at the door?6. when they opened the parcel , why were they surprised?本课语言知识复习a:写出下列单词1.侦探2.机场3. 等待,期待4. 贵重的5. 包裹6.钻石7.主要的 8.警戒,守卫 9. 珍贵的10.救生员 11.保镖b:词性转换1.detective –v. __________2.valuable ___________n.3. surprised _______ v. 第二部分:本课重点语言知识a:单项选择:1. she is ___ a letter from her son .a. waitingb. lookingc. wishingd. expecting2. some thieves tried to ____ valuable paintings from the gallery .a. take offb. stealc. thieved. rob3.you follow the men , and we’ll _____ guard at the door.a. dob. havec. keepd. make4.you must look after this book. it’s old and very ____, because there are only a few of these. a. precious b. expensive c. dear d. value5. can you ____ those books off that shelf please ?a. wantb. takec. putd. have6. _____ your coat and make yourself comfortable .a. take offb. take outc. put offd. put out7. ____, the poorly-dress woman is very rich.a. at my surpriseb. on my surprisec. to surprised. to my surprise8. you can’t go through ______ with cigarettes and wines.a. airportb. customsc. buildingd. custom9. the room was _____ people asking for the writer’s autograph. (签名)a. full withb. filled ofc. fill withd. full of10. it is said that the most precious diamonds are from ___.a. southern africab. the south africac. south africad. south african11. the people ___ the small village when it was getting dark.a. got inb. arrived inc. got tod. got at12. the sports team _____ athens (雅典) in the early morninga. arrived inb. arrivedc. gotd. reached to13. he is very busy , so don’t ___ him to stay here for longer than a week . a. wait b. wake c. wantd. expect14. the plane ____ safely . they stood and watched until it was out of sight . a. landed b. took away c. took off d. take off15.there is a _____ look on his face.a. surpriseb. surprisingc. surprised语法复习:将下列两个句子合并成一个,用正确的时态1. we expected a letter from mary. mary came to visit us . (when )2. two detectives kept guard at the door. then two others opened the parcel. (when )3. i took a walk with my friend . we met our old teacher . (when )4. the lazy boy lay in bed . his sister was doing exercises outside. (while )5. the girl played the violin at home . we enjoyed ourselves outside. (while )翻译句子1.令我们吃惊的是,十个警察在守卫大门。

朗文外研新概念英语2的课前测试题答案1、Tom sits _______ Mary and Jane. [单选题] *A. amongB. between(正确答案)C. onD. next2、Have you done something _______ on the weekends? [单选题] *A. special(正确答案)B. soreC. convenientD. slim3、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)4、--Henry treats his secretary badly.--Yes. He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office. [单选题] *A. littleB. least(正确答案)C. lessD. most5、If people _____ overanxious about remembering something, they will forget it. [单选题] *A. will beB. would beC. wereD. are(正确答案)6、96.Let's cross the street from school. There is a park ______ the school. [单选题] *A.far fromB.next toC.atD.opposite(正确答案)7、______ my great joy, I met an old friend I haven' t seen for years ______ my way ______ town. [单选题] *A. To, in, forB. To, on, to(正确答案)C. With, in, toD. For, in, for8、( ) It ___ the Chinese people 8 years to build the Dam. [单选题] *A. took(正确答案)B. costsC. paidD. spends9、Li Lei often takes a walk early ______ the morning.()[单选题] *A. atB. onC. in(正确答案)D. for10、35.___________ good music the teacher is playing! [单选题] * A.What(正确答案)B.HowC.What aD.What the11、_______ win the competition, he practiced a lot. [单选题] *A. BecauseB. In order to(正确答案)C. Thanks toD. In addition to12、This pair of shoes only _______ me 10 yuan. [单选题] *A. spentB. tookC. paidD. cost(正确答案)13、My brother is _______ actor. He works very hard. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. one14、I am so excited to receive a _______ from my husband on my birthday. [单选题] *A. present(正确答案)B. percentC. parentD. peace15、You should finish your homework as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. 赶快地B. 尽能力C. 一...就D. 尽快地(正确答案)16、We have made a _______ tour plan to Sydney. [单选题] *A. two dayB. two daysC. two-day(正确答案)D. two-days17、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t18、The office building will be _______ a library. [单选题] *A. turned onB. turned upC. turned into(正确答案)D. turned off19、Don’t _______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worry(正确答案)B. worried aboutC. worry aboutD. worried20、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take21、—What do you think of Animal World? —______. I watch it every day.()[单选题] *A. I don’t mind it.B. I like it.(正确答案)C. I can’t stand it.D. I don’t like it.22、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *A.take(正确答案)B.takingC.tookD.to take23、34.My mother isn't in now, but she will be back ______ ten minutes. [单选题] * A.forB.beforeC.in(正确答案)D.at24、He held his()when the results were read out. [单选题] *A. breath(正确答案)B. voiceC. soundD. thought25、She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit. [单选题] *A. which(正确答案)B. whoC.itD. that26、—How do you find()birthday party of the Blairs? —I should say it was __________ complete failure.[单选题] *A.a; aB. the ; a(正确答案)C.a; /D.the; /27、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on28、Do you know what()the change in his attitude? [单选题] *A. got throughB. brought about(正确答案)C. turned intoD. resulted from29、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)30、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?。

新概念英语第二册试卷答案【篇一:新概念第二册入学试题(带答案)】>姓名分数一写出下面名词的复数形式:(1.5*5=7.5)1 man2 knife3 dress4 housewife5 box二写出比较级和最高级(1.5*14=21)3 big三用be动词的适当形式填空:(1.5*6=9)1)i ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? no, i _____ not.2)how _______ your father?3)the books______ on the desk.4)______ david and helen from england?5)_______ there any apple juice in the bottle?6)i ______ 10 last year.四根据括号中所给定的人称代词的适当形式填空(1.5*14=21)1. that is not _________ kite. that kite is very small, but mine is very big. ( i )2. the dress is _________. ( she )3. is this _________ watch? (you) no, it’s not _________ . ( i )4. _________ is my brother. ________ name is jack. look! ( he )5. _________ dresses are red. (we)7. show _________ your kite, ok? (they)8. i have a beautiful cat. _________name is mimi. ( it )9. are these ________ tickets? ( they )10. that is _________ classroom. ( we )11. _________ a nurse. ( she )12. that is not _________ car . ( he )13. where are _________from? ( they )五用以下的介词填空:(1.5*10=15)n、under1.the plane is flying the village.2.my books are the table.3.there are some eggs the refrigerator.4.melody is sitting anna and kate.5.the boat is going the bridge.6.two cats are running the wall.7.it’s 4 o’cl ock. the students are coming class.8.tom is swimming the river.9.it’s 9 o’clock. the students are going class.10david is jumping branch.(树枝)六用形容词的适当形式填空(1.5*5=7.5)1. an elephant(大象) is __________(big) than a horse.2. she is the ___________ (tall) student i have ever employed.3. my elder sister is four years __________ (old) than i.4. a car can not run as _______________ (fast)as a train, but it can run _____ (fast) than a bicycle.七改写以下句子:i 把下面句子改为主语是she的句子(1.5*5=7.5)1 i don’t live there.2 i must call the doctor.3 i like ice cream.4 i will go with him.5 i have already cleaned the room.ii把下面句子改为否定句、一般疑问句以及翻译原句。

关键句型练习答案A.a.1.I enjoyed the film yesterday.2.My mother went to market.3.(This morning)the children asked questions continuously in class(this morning).4.(On Sundays)we stay at home(on Sundays).5.(This morning)I borrowed a book from the library(this morning).b.1.She rarely answers my letters.2.The shops always close on Saturday afternoons.3.We never work after six o,clock.4.We sometimes spend our holidays abroad.5.Do you ever buy CDs?B.a.are playing…play…is kicking…is runningb.died…left…spent…bought…went…stayed…listened…lent…krpt…lostc.I have just received…He has been there…he has already visited…He has just bought…and has goned..1.What did you buy yesterday?2.Up till now,he has never lent me anything.3.Have you burnt those old papers yet?4.He fought in Flanders in the First World War.5.We have just won the match.e.1.was leaving/left…arrived2.was woeking/worked…was sitting/sat3.was walking/walked…met4.was reading…hear d5.droppedf.I shall go to the theatre…Reg and Ishall/will see the first performance…the producer will give a short speech.He will speak to…The play will be very successful and I think a great many people will enjoy it very much..g.1.shall be ironing2.will be arriving3.We,ll be seeing4 shall be watching5.will be correctingh..1.After she had written the letter,she went to the post office.2.After he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.3.When I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off .4.We did not disturb him until he had finished work..5.As soonas he had left the room,I turned on the radio.i. The Taj Mahai was built in the seventeenth century…A few years after he became/had become ruler,his wife…died.TheTaj Mahal was built in her honour.Experts were called in from many parts of the world…The Taj Mahal,which was begun in 1632 and (was)completed in 1654 ,cost a fortune.Up to the present day,it was been visited by million of people.j.1.told…would come/would be com ing2.said…(had)cut3.told…had never played4.did he say…had done/would do5.did he tell…(had)bought/would buyk.1.rains 2.will never pass 3.is4.will get5.enjoysl.Fishing…catching…catching…having spent…fishing…fishing…sitting…doingC.a.1.You must/will have to see a doctor.2.Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?3.She said we must/would have to/had to stay here.4.I must/have to have some help.5.He had to go out last night.b.1.He must be a fool.2 .He must be mad.3.She must be over forty.c.1.Can/May I use your telephone?2.He may telephone tomrrow.3.Can/May I have tow tickets please?4.The play may have begun aiready.5.Can/May I heave the table please?D.a.some soap a picture some milk some moneya woman a window a bus some sandsome rice a/some newspaper some watera cloud a son some coal a secretary some oilb….to a house in Brige Street.Yesterday a beggar…for a meal and sang (some)songs.I gave him a meal.He ate the fod and drank the beer.Then he put a piece of cheese…Later a neighbour…His name is Percy Buttons…in the street once a month…asks for a meal and a glass of beer.E.1.It is the most unusual flim I have ever seen.2.Mr.Jones is a better teacher than Mr.Brown.3.This book is more interesting than that one.4.She is the laziest pupil in the class.5.The weather today is worse than it was yeaterday.F.1.in 2.On 3.during/in 4.at 5.on…in 6.in 7.at…inG.1.in 2.from 3.on 4.of 5.in 6.of难点练习答案A.1.By the way 2.borrowed 3.ask 4.grown5.Beside6.its7.yet8.desk9.It is 10.homeB.1.at 2.up 3.on 4out….back 5.outC.1.Who knocked this vase over?2.Put your jacket on.3.The thieves woke the night watchman up.D.1.The office ordered the men to fire at the enemy.2.He wants his wife to wear this dress.3.She wants us to explain it.4.I cannot allow him to enter the room.5.She taught her son to read.E.1.She made me this dress.2.I lent him my typewriter.3.I showed George the letter.4.Pass your mother that cup.5.Johnny gave his sister the doll.。

新概念英语第二册—测试卷与答案1.not only…but also2.neither…nor3.foreigner4.n5.material6.upside down7.XXX12.have no effect 13.fly from…to… 14.abandon 15.remote16.row along the river17.be invisible XXX himself 20.his early difficult years21.a well-dressed woman 22.one of the most expensive items23.set off24.struggle up the cliffs 25.swim towards the shore26.ahead (adv.) e across XXX28.visit a place 29.not anymore 30.a fifteen-year-old boy1.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.2."You're joking," I replied。
"I don't know anyone who does."3.She paid the bill and left the shop.4."Up till now。
I have been to New York three times," he added.5.She never expected her bicycle to be found。
The thief was ned.6.Upon arriving at the shore。
the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.7.He had been worrying all week。

新概念英语第二册测试卷(二)I. 选择正确答案。
(25分)( ) 1. There are about _____ soldiers on the playground. A. two hundreds of B. two hundred C. two hundreds D. two hundred of ( )2. Wang Ling is a pupil of _____. A. my mother B. mother of me C. mother ‟s of me D. my mother‟s ( )3. _____ in the same group. A. I and John is B. John and I are C. I and John isn‟t D. John and I am ( )4. He ‟s turned off the light, _____? A. is he B. isn‟t isn‟t he he C. has he D. hasn‟t he ( )5. ---“Could you _____ me your magazine?”------““Sorry, someone has _____ it already.” A. borrow…lent B. lent …borrowed C. lend …borrowed D. borrow …lent ( )6. I don ‟t think he is having a meeting, _____? A. does he B. don ‟t I C. is he D. isn ‟t he ( )7. The students stopped _____ when the teacher came in. A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. talked ( )8. Study hard, _____ you ‟ll keep up with your classmates. A. then B. or C. nor D. but ( )9. To my surprise, _____ a little boy can draw _____ many beautiful pictures. A. such…so B. so …such C. so …so D. such …such ( )10. The book isn ‟t difficult. There ‟re _____ new words. A. a few B. little C. many D. few ( )11. He was born _____ the night _____ October 15, 1970. A. on…of B. on …on C. at …in D. in …in ( )12. He gave me two answers _____ the question, but _____ of them is right. A. of…neither B. to …both C. of …both D. to …neither ( )13. I will come to see you _____ next month. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times ( )14. I not only heard it but _____ it. A. saw B. see C. seeing D. to see ( )15. )15. —— The plane is leaving right now, but Jim hasn‟t arrived yet. — Well, he said he _____ here on time. A. came B. would come C. can be D. will be ( )16. He ‟ll go to Shanghai if it _____ tomorrow. A. rains B. rain C. don ‟t rain D. doesn‟t rain ( )17. ---Are you going to play basketball or football? ---I would rather _____ football. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played ( )18. The old lady used to go shopping every day, _____? A. did he B. usedn ‟t she C. did she D. didn‟t he ( )19. This kind of recorder is made _____ Japan. A. of B. in C. from D. with ( )20. The number of girls in Class Two _____ twenty-four. A. has B. have C. are D. is ( )21. I _____ twenty yuan for the English-Chinese dictionary. A. cost B. spent C. used D. paid ‟t want to _____ it. ( )22. I _____ a present, but I didnA. accept…receive B. received…accept C. accepted…receive D. has received…accepted ( )23. Alice _____ a young man from China two years ago. A. married with B. married C. was married with D. married to ( )24. I can‟t use my bike because it _____. A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. will repair D. was repairing ( )25. She had written a number of books _____ the end of last year. A. for B. in C. by D. at II. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在横线上写出单词的完全形式。

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 11. b选b最为正确。
所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。
3.b因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。
4.db. above(在……上方);c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。
a. before 和d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。
但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面”5.c因为用a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。
6.ab. they 只做主语;c. their只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。
7.da. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.8.ba. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅) d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。

新概念英语测试2答案【篇一:新概念2课前测验答案】class=txt>a1.he is busy.2.he is leaning english.3.he has a new book.4.he lives in the country.5.he will see you tomorrow.6.he can understand you.7.he must write a letter.8.he may come next week.9.he does a lot of work every day.10.he did a lot of work yesterday.11.he played football yesterday.12.he bought a new coat last week.13.he has had a letter from tom.14.he was busy this morning.15.he could play football very well when he was younger.16.he always tries to get up early.17.he might see you next week.18.he always enjoys a good film.19.he had finished his work before you came.20.he watches television every night.b1.some2.a3.any4.any5.a6.some7.a8.any9.any 10.anyc1.i havent got much butter.2.you havent got many cigarettes.3.we havent got much milk.4.she hasnt got many biscuits.5.they havent got much stationery.d1.bought2.aired3.lost4.listened5.emptiede1.q.did he buy a new car?q.what did he buy?n.he didnt buy a new car.2.q.can she come tomorrow?q.when can she come?n.she cant come tomorrow.3.q.were they here yesterday?q.when were they here?n.they werent here yesterday.4.q.must he leave early?q.why must he leave early?n.he mustnt leave early.5.q.did he give you a pen?q.what did he give you?n.he didnt give you a pen.6.q.does he live next door?q.where does he live?n.he doesnt live next door.7.q.do you know him well?q.how well do you know him?n.you dont know him well.8.q.has he found his pen?q.what has he found?n.he hasnt found his pen.9.q.did you see that film?q.when did you see that film?n.you didnt see that film.10.q.did he arrive at two oclock?q.when did he arrive?n.he didnt arrive at two oclock.f1.slowlyzily3.badly4.carefully5.suddenlyg1.hell...2.shell...3.ill...4.he wont ...5.we shant...h1.his2.mine3.hers4.theirs5.yoursi1.cooler2.wetterter4.easier5.more expensiverger7.more interesting8.prettier 9.more beautiful 10.more intelligentj1.yesterday2.tomorrow3.today4.this afternoon5.the day after tomorrow6.the day before yesterdayst night8.tomorrow morning 9.this morning10.yesterday afternoonk1.at2.on3.in4.in5.onl1.over2.under3.across/in4.along5.on6.in7.off8.between9.into 10 .out ofm1.which2.who3.which4.who5.whichn1.this is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.2.he is the man whom i invited to the party.3.these are the things which i bought yesterday.4.he is the man who came here last week.5.he is the policeman who caught the thieves.6.she is the nurse who looked after me.7.she is the woman whom i met yesterday.8.i am the person who wrote to you.9.they are the people whom i saw yesterday.10.they are the trees which we cut down yesterday.o1.knives2.boxes3.shelves4.wives5.dishesp1.no,i didnt.i took her to a party.2.yes,i did.3.she sat near the window.4.a middle-aged lady (came into our compartment).5.she was middle-aged.6.she sat opposite sally.7.she saidhelloto sally.8.to make herself beautiful.(she did it to make herself beautiful.)9.no,she didnt.she thought she was ugly.10.she said,but you are still ugly.(she said she was still ugly.) key to pre-unit test 2key structuresaa1.i enjoyed the film yesterday.2.my brother went to market.3.the children asked questions continuously in class this morning.4.we stay at home on sundays.5.i borrowed a book from the library this morning.b.1.she rarely amswers my letters.2.the shops always close on saturday afternoons.3.we never work after six oclock.4.we sometimes spend our holidays abroad.5.do you ever buy cds?baare playing...play...is kicking...is runningbdied...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept.. .lostci have just received...he has been there...he has already visited...he has just bought...and has goned1.what did you buy yesterday?2.up till now,he has never lent me anything.3.have you burnt those old papers yet?4.he fought in flanders in the first world war.5.we have just won the match.e1.was leaving...arrived2.was working...was sitting3.was walking...met4.was reading...heard5.dropopedfi shall go to the theatre...reg and i will see the first performance...the producer will give a short speech.he will speak to ...the play will be very successful and i think a great many people will enjoy it very much.g1.shall be ironing2.will be arriving3.well be seeing4.shall be watching5.will be correctingh1.after she had written the letters,she went to the post office.2.after he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.3.when i had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off.4.we did not disturb him until he had finished work.5.as soon as he had left the room,i turned on the radio.was built...had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...was complete...cost...has been visitedj1.told...would come2.said...cut3.told...had never played4.did he say...had done5.did he tell...boughtk1.rains2.will never pass3.is4.will get5.enjoyslfishing...catching...catching...havingspent...fishing...fishing...sitting...doingca1.you must see a doctor.2.must you make so much noise?3.she said we must had to stay here.4.i must have some help.5.he had to go out last night.b1.he must be a fool.2.he must be mad.3.she must be over forty.c1.can i use your telephone?2.he may telephone tomorrow.3.can i have two tickets please?4.the play may have begun already.5.can i leave the table please?dasome soapa picturesome milksome moneya womana window a bussome sandsome ricea\some newspapersome watera clouda sonsome coala secretarysome oilba.../...a...a...a...the.../...the...the...the...a...a.../...the...a...a...ae1.the most unusual2.better...than3.more interesting...than【篇二:新概念二测试4答案(完整)】pre(读pre字母音)-unit testif you can do this test go on to unit 4key structuresa word order in complex statements复合句1 he missed the train. he did not hurry. (because)he missed the train because he did not hurry.2 he ran fast. he failed to win the race. (although)although he ran fast, he failed to win the race.3 i was tired. i went to sleep immediately. (so…that)i was so tired that i went to sleep immediately.4 my neighbour went to tokyo for a holiday. he could not return home. he did not have enough money. ( who…because) my neighbour, who went to tokyo for a holiday, could not return home because he did not have enough money.5 i found the door unlocked. i went into the kitchen. (finding) finding the door unlocked, i went into the kitchen.6 i bought a picture. it was very valuable. (which)i bought a picture which was very valuabe.7 he walked quietly down the corridor走廊. he did not want anyone to hear him. ( so that)he walked quietly down the corridor so that no one to hear him.8 they cleared the ground. they wanted to build a house. (to) they cleared the ground to build a house.b compositionwrite two or three sentences using the ideas given below.a workman was digging in a field---struck a 6000-voltelectricity电力电流cable电缆with his spade铁锹---was thrown twenty feet---unhurt--- town was in darkness---no one knewwhat had happened.one day, a workman who was digging in a field accidentally意外地 struck a 6000-volt electricity cable with his spade.although he was thrown twenty feet, he was unhurt. however, that night the neighbouring town was in darkness and no one knew what had happened.c verbsa these things always happen.what is happening? what always happens?give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.‘let’s eat here,’ i said to my wife.‘i (prefer) to have a drink first,’ she answered.‘that’s a good idea,’ i said. i picked up the menu菜单. ‘i (not understand) a thing,’ i said. ‘it’s all in spanish.’‘it .‘what(mean)?’ i asked.‘iwe called the waiter and pointed to the word on the menu.‘two,’ i said, holding up举起two fingers.after some time, my wife said suddenly, ‘look! heus two boiled eggs!’dreams of finding lost treasure true recently. a new machine called ‘the revealer’ has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. the in a cave near the seashore where—to collect it. armed whit the new machine, a search into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. the leader of the the soil near the entrance to the cave whenthe was almost worthless.e what will happen tonight?give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.a out tonight to search for the shipwreck失事船只. the crew船员radio messages to the wreck失事船只 until the moment the查找……地) the wreak, 下沉 ship. if the sea is rough 不平静的倒) oil on the water. they are helicopters are very useful for rescue救援word, but they cannot be used at night. f what will happen?what will be happening? what will have happened? what will have been happening?give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.up four astronauts to repair it. the shuttle航天飞机endeavour 奋进号the astronauts to the hubble. a robot-arm from the of course, the hubble is above the earth’s atmosphere, so itthe stars and distant galaxies that we universe. by the time you read, the hubble’s eagle eyeus thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.g what happened? what had happened? what had been happening?after howard tutankhamen’s tomb, strange the ‘curse of the pharaohs’法老. these absurd荒唐可笑的stories have been forgotten, but carter’s great discovery remains. archaeologists 考古学家 had h give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.to drive out of town, i began to acquire confidence. sure that i had passed, i was【篇三:新概念2课前测试答案【完整版】】1.he is busy.2.he is leaning english.3.he has a new book.4.he lives in the country.5.he will see you tomorrow.6.he can understand you.7.he must write a letter.8.he may come next week.9.he does a lot of work every day.10.he did a lot of work yesterday.11.he played football yesterday.12.he bought a new coat last week.13.he has had a letter from tom.14.he was busy this morning.15.he could play football very well when he was younger.16.he always tries to get up early.17.he might see you next week.18.he always enjoys a good film.19.he had finished his work before you came.20.he watches television every night.b1.some2.a3.any4.any5.a6.some7.a8.any9.any 10.anyc1.i havent got much butter.2.you havent got many cigarettes.3.we havent got much milk.4.she hasnt got many biscuits.ey havent got much stationery.d1.bought2.aired3.lost4.listened5.emptiede1.q.did he buy a new car?q.what did he buy?n.he didnt buy a new car.2.q.can she come tomorrow?q.when can she come?第 1 页共 1 页n.she cant come tomorrow.3.q.were they here yesterday?q.when were they here?n.they werent here yesterday.4.q.must he leave early?q.why must he leave early?n.he mustnt leave early.5.q.did he give you a pen?q.what did he give you?n.he didnt give you a pen.6.q.does he live next door?q.where does he live?n.he doesnt live next door.7.q.do you know him well?q.how well do you know him?n.you dont know him well.8.q.has he found his pen?q.what has he found?n.he hasnt found his pen.9.q.did you see that film?q.when did you see that film?n.you didnt see that film.10.q.did he arrive at two oclock?q.when did he arrive?n.he didnt arrive at two oclock.f1.slowlyzily3.badly4.carefully5.suddenlyg1.hell...2.shell...3.ill...4.he wont ...5.we shant...h1.his2.mine3.hers4.theirs5.yoursi1.cooler2.wetterter4.easier5.more expensiverger7.more interesting8.prettier 9.more beautiful 10.more intelligentj第 2 页共 2 页1.yesterday2.tomorrow3.today4.this afternoon5.the day after tomorrow6.the day before yesterdayst night8.tomorrow morning9.this morning10.yesterday afternoonk1.at2.on3.in4.in5.onl1.over2.under3.across/in4.along5.on6.in7.off8.between9.into 10 .out ofm1.which2.who3.which4.who5.whichn1.this is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.2.he is the man whom i invited to the party.3.these are the things which i bought yesterday.4.he is the man who came here last week.5.he is the policeman who caught the thieves.6.she is the nurse who looked after me.7.she is the woman whom i met yesterday.8.i am the person who wrote to you.9.they are the people whom i saw yesterday.10.they are the trees which we cut down yesterday.o1.knives2.boxes3.shelves4.wives5.dishesp1.no,i didnt.i took her to a party.2.yes,i did.3.she sat near the window.4.a middle-aged lady (came into our compartment).5.she was middle-aged.6.she sat opposite sally.7.she saidhelloto sally.8.to make herself beautiful.(she did it to make herself beautiful.)9.no,she didnt.she thought she was ugly.10.she said,but you are still ugly.(she said she was still ugly.)第 3 页共 3 页key structures单元测试2答案:aa 1 i enjoyed the film yesterday.2 my mother went to market.3 (this morning) the children asked questions continuously in class.4 (on sundays) we stay at home.5 (this morning) i borrowed a book from the library.b 1 she rarely...2 the shops always...3 we never...4 we sometimes...5 do you ever...(后面直接照抄)ba are playing...play...is kicking...is runningbdied...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept.. .lostc i have just received...he has been there...he has already visited...he has just bought...and has goned 1 ...did...buy...2 ...hasnever lent...3 have you burnt...4 ...fought...5 ...have just won...e 1 was leaving/left...arrived2 was working/worked...was sitting/sat3 was walking/walked...met4 was reading...heard5droppedf 略g 1 shall be ironing2 will be arriving3 well be seeing4 shall be watching5 will be correctingh 1 after...2 after...3 when...4 ...him until he...5 as soon as...第 4 页共 4 页i ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...(was)completed...cost...has beenvisited... j 1 told...would come/would be coming2 said...(had) cut3 told...had never played4 did he say...had done/would do5 did he tell...(had) bought/would buyk 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoyslfashing...catching...catching...havingspent...fishing...fishing...si tting...doing ca 1 you must/will have to see a doctor.2 must you/do you have to make so much noise?3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here.4 i must/have to some help.5 he had to go out last night.b 1 he must be a fool.2 he must be mad.3 she must be over forty.c 1 can/may i use your telephone?2 he may telephone tomorrow.3 can/may i have two tickets please?4 the play may have begun already.5 can/may i leave the table please?da 略b ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a...e 1 the most unusual2 better...than3 more interesting than4 the laziest5 worse thanf 1 in 2 on 3 during/in 4 at 5 on...in 6 in 7 at...ing 1 in 2 from 3 on 4 of 5 in 6 ofspecial difficultiesa 1 by the way2 borrowed3 ask4 grown5 besides6 its7 yet8 desk第 5 页共 5 页。
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enjoyed the film yesterday.
mother went to market.
3.(This morning)the children asked questions continuously in class(this morning).
4.(On Sundays)we stay at home(on Sundays).
5.(This morning)I borrowed a book from the library(this morning). rarely answers my letters.
shops always close on Saturday afternoons.
never work after six o,clock.
sometimes spend our holidays abroad.
you ever buy CDs
playing…play…is kicking…is running …left…spent…bought…went…stayed…listened…lent…krpt…lo st have just received…He has been there…he has already visited…He has just bought…and has gone
d.. did you buy yesterday
till now,he has never lent me anything.
you burnt those old papers yet
fought in Flanders in the First World War.
have just won the match.
woeking/worked…was sitting/sat
shall go to the theatre…Reg and Ishall/will see the first performance…the producer will give a short will speak to…The play will be very successful and I think a great many people will enjoy it very much..
be ironing
be arriving
,ll be seeing
4 shall be watching
be correcting
h.. she had written the letter,she went to the post office.
he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.
I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off .
did not disturb him until he had finished work..
soonas he had left the room,I turned on the radio.
i. The Taj Mahai was built in the seventeenth century…A few years after he became/had become ruler,his wife… T aj Mahal was built in her were called in from many parts of the world…The Taj
Mahal,which was begun in 1632 and (was)completed in 1654 ,cost a to the present day,it was been visited by million of people. …would come/would be coming
…had neve r played
he say…had done/would do
he tell…(had)bought/would buy
never pass
…catching…catching…having spent…fishing…fishing…sitting…doing must/will have to see a doctor.
you/Do you have to make so much noise
said we must/would have to/had to stay here.
must/have to have some help.
had to go out last night.
must be a fool.
2 .He must be mad.
must be over forty.
I use your telephone
may telephone tomrrow.
May I have tow tickets please
play may have begun aiready.
May I heave the table please
soap a picture some milk some money
a woman a window a bus some sand
some rice a/some newspaper some water
a cloud a son some coal a secretary some oil
b….to a house in Brige a beggar…for a meal and sang (some) gave him a ate t he fod and drank the he put a piece of cheese…Later a neighbour…His name is Percy Buttons…in the street once a month…asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
is the most unusual flim I have ever seen.
is a better teacher than .
book is more interesting than that one.
is the laziest pupil in the class.
weather today is worse than it was yeaterday.
in …in …in
the way
knocked this vase over
your jacket on.
thieves woke the night watchman up. office ordered the men to fire at the enemy. wants his wife to wear this dress.
wants us to explain it.
cannot allow him to enter the room. taught her son to read.
made me this dress.
lent him my typewriter.
showed George the letter.
your mother that cup.
gave his sister the doll.。