论狄兰_托马斯诗歌中的非理性主义特征Acknowledgments First of all I wish to express my deep indebtedness to my tutor Prof. GuoQunying for her patient instruction in arranging the structure of my thesis. And I alsothank her especially for her invaluable criticism and insightful suggestions and forher detailed revision of my final draft. I also owe my thanks to my respectable teachers who have taught and supportedme during my graduate years: Prof. Ji Shenglei Prof. Li Zhengshuan Prof. DuanXiaoying Prof. Pan Bingxin Prof. Song Huiling and Prof. Ma Lili for their effectiveassistance and suggestions. In addition the encouragement and aid from my parents and my wife are alsoessential to the smooth completion of this thesis. 摘要狄兰托马斯是40年代以来英美诗坛最重要、最有影响力的诗人之一。
分 析 了狄 兰 诗 作 难 懂 的深 层 原 因 ;章燕 从 诗 合分 析
歌艺 术 层 对狄 兰 的 诗歌 进行 了精辟 分 析 ;王珏 则
Schmidt认 为 ,狄 兰 ·托 马斯早 期 的诗 歌具 有 权
描 述 了 狄 兰 ·托 马斯 诗 歌 语 言 的现 代 主义 特 征 。 这 威 性 (Authority),也 有评论 家 认 为其 早期 的诗 歌 独
使 输 入 空 问 共 有 抽 象结 构 投射 进 类 属 空 间 (Generic 是 恐 惧 的 ,所 以整 句 理 解 为 “死 亡 虽 不 可 避 免 ,令
Space),最 后 经 过 认 知 加 工 的 组 合 、完 善 和 拓 展 人 恐 惧 ,而 死 亡 也 不 得 称 霸 ” 。正 因为 缺 省 背 景 信
第 38卷 第 10期
Vo1.38 No.1O
doi:10.396% .issn.1008—9640.2018.10.018
开 封 教 育 学 院学 报 Journal of Kaifeng Institute of Education
2018年 10月 20 日
0ct-20 2018
节 形成 各 自的合 成 空 间 ,表 达独 特 的 内涵 ,三 个合成 空间作 为新 的 输入 空 间再 次经过 平 行 型整 合 ,得 出死 亡
主 题 内涵 义 。
关键 词 :概 念 整合 ;诗歌 ;意 象 ;死亡 主题 ;合 成机 制
中图分 类号 :1561.072
文献 标识 码 :A
重 点 聚 焦 输 入 空 间对 应 物 的成 分 映 射 机 制及 认 知 加 发 话 人 (speaker),向读 者传 递 个 人 意 图。情 感 空
狄兰 ・ 托 马斯 ( Dy l a n T h o ma s ,1 9 1 4 - 1 9 5 3 )在创作实
在 狄兰 ・ 托马斯诗选 》( 本文 引文均采用海岸译本 )中诗
践中把诗歌语言从 富于逻辑 、次序 的理性 传统中释放出来 ,
以一种别具一格 的范式成为 2 O世纪英 国诗歌发展史上 的重
No v. 2 01 4
狄兰 ・ 托马斯诗歌 审美源 泉 :三种 意象展现方式
严 丽
( 重 庆科 技学院 外 国语 学院,重庆 4 0 1 3 3 1 )
要: 英 国诗人狄 兰 ・ 托 马斯诗歌 中晦涩、密集的意 象运用是其诗歌 的一 大特点 ,虽然在这 些诗篇里 众多意象相 互衬
托 、相互渗透 、 相 互联 系甚至相互冲 突, 然 而正是纷繁 复杂、晦涩密集 、 纯粹朴 实的主客观意 象以三种展现 方式形成 了 诗人
独有 的审美源泉 ,使得诗人 当之 无愧 地成为英美诗歌 史上继奥登 以后 的最具影响 力的诗人之 一。 关键词 :诗歌 ;意 象展现 ;审美;主客观世 界
中图分类号 : l 1 O 6 文献标识码 :A 文章编号:1 6 7 3 — 2 2 1 9( 2 0 1 4 )1 卜0 0 6 3 - 0 3
将宗教意识与潜意识特 别是 性意识 结合在 一起 , 诗 中意象奇
崛, 联想突兀 , 在可 解不可解之间 , 然而色彩神奇 , 节奏 如
唱歌又如 念咒 , 自有一 种 叫人入迷 的力量 。 ”【 l 此评价定位 了意象在狄兰 ・ 托马斯诗 歌里的重要性和特色 。 意象是诗人
狄兰 ・ 托马斯诗歌审美特征突 出 , 其主 要源 泉是其诗 歌
) k l ' - J 的理论和概念 解释它 。 而 以庞德为主 的意象 派诗 人则主 张意象是诗歌 的要素 , 他还提倡 用鲜 明的感觉 中的具体对 象 来 表 达诗 意 ,反对 空泛 的 抒情 和 议论 。英 国 学者 Ro g e r F o wl e r 在( < 现代评论术语词 典 里解 释 “ 意 象”概念 时也提 到该词是 一个 “ 灵活得令人 困惑的术语 ”拉 J 。尽 管在 历朝历
语言的实体化——论狄兰•托马斯诗歌语言的现代主义特征摘要:狄兰•托 马斯的现代主义诗歌是诗人为了摆脱现代语言危机,探索语言表征现实,表征个体独特经验新的可能性的有益尝试。
为了反对合乎逻辑的、描述性的语言,诗人提出 将语言实体化的语言策略,强调充分展示语言的形式因素,充分发挥语言的视听效果,削弱或淡化诗歌语言的指示功能,拓展诗歌语言的意义空间。
诗人甚至通过语 法变异,打破统辖语言使用的语法规则,向人们昭示一种反理性的感觉模式和思维方式。
关键词:狄兰•托马斯;语言创新;语言危机;实体化;形式因素二 十世纪上半叶盛行于西方文坛的现代主义诗歌,是现代主义文学的一个分支。
像其他类型的现代主义文学一样,现代主义诗歌致力于运用新的创作手法,发掘新的主 题,并改革自维多利亚时代以来,日见抽象化、概念化的语言。
这种语言危机的典型表 现是语言所表现的经验与整个社会结构次序和经验分离,语言变得无力表达个人独特的个性和体验,并逐渐成为一个独立自主的世界,使人越来越受制于这种语言。
为了挣脱这一语言之网,现代主义诗人们不约而同地打出反理性的旗帜,主张用直觉、想象的语言,“探索语言表征现实,尤其是表征独一无二个性和体验的新的可 能性”[1](p6)。
本文将要讨论的狄兰•托马斯(Dylan Thomas,1914-1953)就是一位不断探索诗歌语言表现潜力,成功地创作出许多优秀诗篇的英国现代主义诗人。
On Stylistic Features of“The Force that Through the GreenFuse Drives the Flower”姓名:沙鑫课程:文体概论AbstractDylan Thomas created numbers of brilliant and profound poems in his short but glorious life, after which analyzing articles are as many as the poems. People tend to analyze purposes, backgrounds and emotions of his poems because of the multi-depth, but stylistic analysis provides a new way to understand this genius and his works in which the way his poems composed in the sense of phonology, lexicology and semantics. Because of his obsession of the theme life and death, The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower is a great example that shows his deep thoughts to find out what the essential force is to drive life and death. This article aims to give this poems a well inspection through stylistic analysis which is rarely done by others, hoping a better understanding can be cognized to this magnificent poet.Keywords:Dylan Thomas; stylistic analysis; poemI. IntroductionYoung genius, Wales born, died on a vigorous age, Dylan Thomas created a number of glorious modern poems that makes him one of the greatest poets in English literature history. Unlike peer poets, he focuses on the theme that contains real life as well as the eternal proposition of life and death. As Wang ZuoLiang(2013) concluded: “life and death are never insipid but filled with mysteries and dramatic factors, so death is like falling into a unpredictable night while life is like raising the curt ain and making your appearance.”(p. 873) Besides life and death, his poems are often full of images like blood, instinct, lust, subconsciousness and even dream. But he succeed the custom of intoning from his minstrel ancestors, which makes his poems phonologically pleasant and even sound like incantations. Interesting enough, with the overwhelmingly popular of the film Interstellar (2014), in which his famous poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night was quoted, he came back to people’s sights again. To review his works in a different perspective, a stylistic analysis is necessary.II. DefinitionStylistic features are situationally bound features that based on variety of language and linguistic features. They can be found at the three distinct levels of language: phonological, lexicogrammatical and semantic. Stylistic analysis starts with linguistic facts and the linguistic choices the writers have made usually contains two parts: Deviation and Repetition which make the feature stand out and is called Foregrounding. As a result, this paper is going to analyze Dylan Thomas’s famous poems: The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower.III.TextThe force that through the green fuse drives the flowerDrives my green age;that blasts the roots of treesIs my destroyer.And I am dumb to tell the crooked roseMy youth is bent by the same wintry fever.The force that drives the water through the rocksDrives my red blood;that dries the mouthing streamsTurns mine to wax.And I am dumb to mouth unto my veinsHow at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.The hand that whirls the water in the poolStirs the quicksand;that ropes the blowing windHauls my shroud sail.And I am dumb to tell the hanging manHow of my clay is made the hangman's lime.The lips of time leech to the fountain head;Love drips and gathers,but the fallen bloodShall calm her sores.And I am dumb to tell a weather's windHow time has ticked a heaven round the stars.And I am dumb to tell the lover's tombHow at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.IV. Phonological featuresAs a descendant of minstrel, Dylan Thomas’s poems are phonologically pleasant by adopting many phonological features.1.AssonanceTake The Force that Through t he Green Fuse Drives the Flower as an example, Dylan didn’t follow the strict rule of rhyme—repetition of the vowel with the same end consonant, instead he used assonance to arouse the addressee’s sensitivity to the sound quality of his poem.①e.g.…is my destroyer.…My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.Here destroyer [dɪ'strɒɪə] and fever ['fiːvə] are two assonances.In the second stanza of this poem, the combination of consonant [k] and [s] is frequently used.I think Sound Symbolism is adopted here. [k] and [s] suggest a harsh feeling to readers and may stand for the coarseness of life and death.②e.g.[ks]: rocks, wax, sucks.2.AlliterationAlliteration is repetition of the previous initial consonant which is also widely employed in this poem.③e.g.The Force that Through the Fuse Drives the Flower.In the three words Force, Fuse and Flower, [f] is the repeated initial consonant. What’s more, in the other two words The and That, [ð] is repeated here. These two alliterations suggest a feeling of violence which shows the unknown force that control life and death is powerful.More examples:W hirls the W ater… the li ps of time lee ch… w eather’s w ind…3.Graphological features—Loss of titleTitle is an important part of the poem,playing the role of pointing out the theme of it. However,poets sometimes deliberately omit the title so as to leave the poem open to readers’ interpretation. In this poem, the first line of first stanza: The force that through the green fuse drives the flower is taken as the title of this poem like his other poems, which not only gives the readers a impression of direct expressing of poet’s emotion but also leave the readers an ample space to think the theme of this poem.V. Lexical and Grammatical features1.Repetition of wordsWords like “the force”, “drives”, “blood”, “mouth” and “dumb” are repeated several times inthis poem. They emphasize the unknown force that drives the cycle of life and death that confuses the poet and makes him “dumb” to tell why the cycle goes on and on. Though the poet changed the “force” into words like “hand” and “time” in the third and fourth stanza, they still represent the “force” that drives the cycle only in the more visible and specific way.2.Repetition of linesIn every stanza of this poem, “And I am dumb to tell…” is repeated after different descriptions of the cycle of life and death. They all contribute to the establishment of poet’s image: a regular man( maybe a gentle lover according to “And I am dumb to tell the lover’s tomb”) who is confused with the cycle of life and death and can’t do anything to stop or change it.3.Conversion and PunsDistinctive types of word formation are used in this poem. Conversion means the changing of part of speech, for ins tance, in the line “I am dumb to mouth unto my veins”, “mouth” is used as a verb which shows the poet can’t explain why the mountain spring mouth can suck water. Similarly, in the line “the hand…that ropes the blowing wind”, “rope” is used as verb too whic h can mean the hand that drives life and death tie up the breath of life(blowing wind). Puns usually refers to the use of two meanings of the same word which is often used in this poem. For example, in the line “And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose; My youth is bent by the same winter fever”, “bent” means not only the damage to the rose but also the young death.4.Connotative meaningConnotative meaning refers to all kinds of associations words may evoke, particularly in certain emotional, situational contexts, over and above the basic or central referential meaning of words. Though words may evoke different connotations to people of different language background, the emotion or cognition to death is generally universal for humans. As a result, in this poem, many words contain connotative meaning of life and death. For example, in the line “How of my clay is made the hangman’s lime”, “clay” means mud, but according to the Bible, God created human with mud, so “clay” can also refers to life here. “lime” means to strew lime onto the dead body of criminals in order to accelerate the decomposing which in the poem can be a symbol of death. So in this line, life(clay) and death(lime) is unified and a cycle is being made. What’s more, the word “crooked rose” in the first stanza has a denotative meaning of “damagedflower”, but in this poem it can refer to perishing life or love.Another example is the line “The hand that whirls the water in the pool; Stirs the quicksand”. “Quicksand” is a pit filled with loose wet sand into which objects are sucked down and here in the poem it stands for death. On the other hand, “the hand” refers to the healing hand of angle in Bible, therefore, “the hand” becomes the force that can drives both life and death.VI. Semantic FeaturesTraditional figures of speech are divided into two parts: schemes and tropes. Schemes comprise those figures which arrange words into patterns of foregrounded regularity of form(such as alliteration, parallelism); Tropes refers to those figures which twist words away from their usual meanings or collocations to produce deviations(such as metaphor, oxymoron and irony). Since schemes have been discussed in the phonological features, I will focus on the tropes here.1.Figurative meaningFigurative meaning is a very common type of extension of meaning for a word or an expression through sense association. It is often used to make statements more concrete and lively.1.1 MetaphorMetaphor is the use of words that indicate something different from their literal meaning. For example, in the line “The force …that dries the mouthing streams turns mine to wax.”, it means the red blood of poet has been turned into dry wax, indicating the coming of death. In the line “The lips of time leech to the fountain head”, time is presented as a leech that sucks life from the beginning(fountain head), and time has been personified here because commonly lips are for human in literal works.1.2 SynecdocheSynecdoche is a trope by which one part of one thing is applied to signify the whole or vice versa. For example, in the line “The hand…that ropes the blowing wind hauls my shroud sail”, here “shroud” is a rope leading to the ship masthead to give lateral support to the masts, which I think can refer to the whole ship of life and “the hand” has controlled it just like the unknown force that controls life.2.AbsurdityAbsurdity refers to a combination of two expressions which are semantically incompatible, orstatement which is apparently self-contradictory. The former is oxymoron, and the latter is paradox. They often shock the reader into a fresh awareness of something that is otherwise received as commonplace.2.1 OxymoronOxymoron is a figure of speech in which markedly contradictory terms appear in conjunction so as to emphasize the statement. The most outstanding oxymoron in this poem is in the last line of first stanza “My youth is bent by the same wintery fever.” Here “wintery fever” is a ingenious combination of two contradictive words: winter and fever. As we all know, winter usually can be very cold and fever is when somebody get a rising temperature, but no matter which situation it is, it will do harm to the vitality of living things, which indicates the destructive power of “the force”.2.2 ParadoxA paradox is a statement of conclusion that seems self-contradictory or absurd but is really true. It is a kind of extended oxymoron. For example, in the line “The hand that whirls the water in the pool Stirs the quicksand”, “the hand” is supposed to be a kind and h ealing figure according to the Bible, but in the poem it turns into a sort of force that accelerates the death by stirring the quicksand. This paradox enhances the power of the unknown force that drives the cycle of life and death.3.Honest DeceptionHonest deception refers to the deliberately use of overstatement, understatement or words which are clearly opposite to what one really means.3.1 HyperboleHyperbole is a figure of speech in which exceptional exaggeration is deliberately used for emphasis rather than deception. For example, in the line “How time has ticked a heaven round the stars”, poet seems to indicate that time controls the motion of celestial bodies, which is obviously disobeying the scientific law and exaggerating. On the other hand, it is this exaggeration that enhances the power of the unknown force.3.2 IronyIrony is often used for wit and humor, sometimes for ridicule and sarcasm. In this poem, irony is used in the every last two lines of each stanza—“And I am dumb to…” . in fact, the poetis not dumb, because he noticed so many phenomenon in the nature that contain life and death and frankly the mystery of life and death is the most difficult one for people to solve. Here the poet said “I am dumb” is only a way to show how confusing it can be when it comes to life and death. VII. ConclusionStylistic analysis from three distinct levels of this poem shows us that it is not enough for someone who just has talent but lack of basic knowledge of linguistics to be a great poet or to write a masterpiece. Dylan Thomas combines his talent with the appropriate adoption of linguistic regularities and impresses the reader with his deep thoughts of life and death. Like his other poems, repetition of certain words and lines emphasizes the both the theme and the emotion of the poet, and well-chosen collocation of words make his poem not only catchy but also easy to understand. Widely used figurative devices contribute to the abundant images of this poem and also help to evoke the readers to think deeply about the real connotation. To sum up, stylistic analysis helps reader to appreciate this poem in a different perspective and further to other English poems.References廖云飞,(2014). Stylistic Analysis of “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”,《语文学刊·外语教育教学》[J],vol(4), 36-39.王佐良&金立群,(2013).《英国诗歌选集(下)》[M],上海: 上海译文出版社.徐有志,(2005).《英语文体学教程》[M],北京:高等教育出版社.。
关键词:《不要温和地走进那个良夜》 ;文体学;死亡;主题一、诗歌简介《不要温和地走进那个良夜》是英国诗人狄兰?托马斯创作于20世纪中期的诗歌,该诗歌表达了诗人对于死神将可爱的人们带离这个世界表达了愤怒,即“怒斥光明的消逝”。
该诗作于诗人的父亲逝世前的病危期间,整首诗充斥着夜晚与白昼、黑暗与光明、温和与狂暴、死亡与生命的二元对立,因此语言的张力十分饱满.二、诗歌中的文体结构变异分析1.表层结构变异――词汇变异(Lexical deviation)词汇的变异有三种,一为词汇性质的混淆,二为词汇搭配有意违反常规,矛盾搭配,三为对现有词汇的回避以及对新词的创造。
诗歌的第一句中“gentle”一词格外突出,“gentle”本为形容词,而在诗句“Do not go gentle into that good night”中,“gentle”被用作副词,很明显作者混淆了这一词的性质,但是却起到了耐人寻味的表达效果,这个词不仅仅是“go”的修饰语,它作为形容词更能刻画出诗人父亲的病态,弱不禁风,和衰老的特征,因此在这句诗中,作者将词汇性质混淆反而达到了一石二鸟的效果。
<ahref=";>南商所邮币卡交易中心</a>“good night”在诗中被译为“良夜”,表面意思为“美好的夜晚”,而实际上作者写这首诗的目的是为了表达死神将可爱的人们带离这个世界的愤怒之情,即“怒斥光明的消逝”,既然作者对死神是憎恶的,作者认为死神是可怕的,那么文中的“good night”就绝不会是褒义,作者有意地违反了常规的词语搭配,运用了矛盾搭配的手法,造成了一种出人意料、引人入胜的表达效果,能让读者更深的体会诗人的感情,意在告诉人们,此“良夜”并非彼“良夜”,不要轻易地向死神屈服。
ENGLISH ON CAMPUS2023年12期总第660期认知语言学视角下狄兰·托马斯诗歌中的“死亡”隐喻研究摘 要:现代隐喻不仅被视为修辞格,更是一种重要的认知模式。
威尔士诗歌研究者约翰·古德拜(John Goodby)将“进程诗学”的思想核心定义为“以一种力的方式体现世界客体与事件中不断同步的创造与毁灭”,从而奠定了诗人的生死观:生与死既是矛盾对立的, 又是循环共生的,生孕育着死,欲创造生命,死又重归新生,人生的演变与自然的交替,相辅相成。
二、概念隐喻理论和诗歌中的概念隐喻(一)概念隐喻长期以来隐喻都被视为修辞学中的一种修辞手段,但概念隐喻理论(Conceptual Metaphor)的提出使大众从认知角度重新解读隐喻。
与“隐喻通常被看作语言文字的特征,而非思想和行为的特点”相反,Lakoff & Johnson在《我们赖以生存的隐喻》 (Metaphors We Live By) 提出“隐喻是思想和行动所依据的概念系统本身的基础”。
通过展示托马斯诗歌中选择轴(selective axis)的不断生成的特点,文章重在指出这种特点与尼采理论的契合点。
成功和赞誉很早便降临托马斯;他的第一部诗集《十八首诗》(18 Poems)发表时托马斯仅仅19岁,但却在评论家中引起了广泛的反响。
狄兰・ 托马斯早期诗歌的解读
文 史 纵横
狄兰 ・ 托马斯早期诗歌 的解读
— —
从 尼 采 哲 学 角度
( 宁夏财 经职 业技 术 学院 宁夏银 川 7 5 0 0 0 1 )
【 摘 要】 本文从尼采哲学的视 角对迪 兰- 托马斯早期诗歌进 行解读。文章基于的理论重点就是尼采 的透视主 义理论 。通过展 示托 马 斯诗歌 中选择轴 ( s e l e c d v e a x i s ) 的不 断生成的特点 , 文章重在指 出这种特点与尼采理论的契合点。 亦即我们只能从不 同的视 角去观察事物 , 世界是人 类从 自己视 角进行 的解释 。而最终意在指 出托马斯诗歌 中这种不断生成的力量会导致意义的崩溃。
点, 并最 终推 向了 自我毁灭之 路 。
收 稿 日期 :0 00 —3 2 1—92
作者简介 : 高培新 ( 92 , , 1 8 一)男 山东滨 州人 , 助教 , 硕士研究生 , 从事英语 语言文学研究 。
第2 9卷
本诗中的反复不是传统意义上的直接重复 , 而 是反复的另一种形式——间隔反复 。下面我们来看
“ o k d i h ls h t e k d t evn ”.“ i Kn c e nt ef ht a c e h i e e d Ths
在这首诗中, 狄兰 ・ 托马斯通过对几组意象 的
相互 对抗 与转换 , 成 了时 间上 的 四季 更 替 , 呈现 完 也
了 自然界 中万事 万 物 从 无 到有 , 再从 有 到无 的往 返
高培 新 , 焦红卫 , 邢琳琳
( 滨州学 院 飞行 学院 , 山东 滨州 2 6 0 ) 5 6 3
要 :我切 开的面包》 英国著 名诗人狄 兰 ・托 马斯 的一首 经典作品 , 《 是 也是 文 学史上 占有 重要地 位的一 首诗歌 ,
对其进行 语体分析 不仅 可以帮助我们更好地理 解这部作 品 , 能使我们从 不 同角度对 其做 出新 的 阐释。 也 关键 词 : 诗歌 ; 语体 ; 兰 ・ 马斯 狄 托
f s o ra ,ti body ult, 这 两 句 中 , l hy ubek hs lo o e” 在 e 没有 生命 力 的 “ ra” “ n ” 比 喻成 了人 类 的 bed 与 wie被 “ls”与 “ lo ”这 一 修辞 的运 用 不仅 实 现 了语 f h e bod , 言 的升华 , 使具 体形 象 向人 类 的转化 变成 了现实 。 也
张 丽 芳
( 海对外贸易学院 商务外语学院 , 上 上海 摘 要 : 马 欺 的诗 作 《 山 》 写 了诗 人 童 年 时代 的 欢 托 蕨 描 快 时 光 , 中的 乡村 景 色描 写 清 新 自然 , 人 向 往 , 发 了诗 诗 令 抒 人 对 无 忧无 虑 的 童 年 时光 的怀 念 之 情 。 本 文 作 者 以 文 体 学 知 识 为理 论 基 础 , 语 音 、 j 、 从 词 r 句子 等 角 度 出发 , 析 了此 诗 的 - 剖 内涵和 美学 效 果 . 以使 读 者 更 深 刻 地 理 解诗 歌 , 到 对诗 人 寄 达 托在诗歌之上的情感的真正理解。 关 键 词 : 蕨 山》 文 学体 特 征 分 析 《
h r s sn sf lsh e ls , os , g ,ed , e des 以及 流音 [ , N h n , t ev s e o i 等 1  ̄ l ig l , a e , ] i el lrl ,g t o ey l t o g s w yo l,oy , odyl h , v l , f ln , o l , y h l等 营造 出静 谧 安 宁 i l o, l n 的 氛 围 , 达 诗 人 回 归 童 年 的那 种 最 真 实 , 表 自然 的 感 情 , 以及 对 以 往 美 好 时 光 的 留恋 和怀 念 。 《 山》 音韵 上 的 另一 个 特 点 是 长 元 音 , 蕨 在 双元 音 [ ] [i i ,a] : 的 大 量 使 用 ,如Ing tt e ci e l h , r , k , ht ,以及 ,i , m ,l , g tf e l e w i h i m i i i e
e y, e n, as g e me, l w ,e v s dase b re c e r e, e, e n r beo l a e , iis, a ly,arfe b m a s,
分 在 背景 的衬 托 下得 到 突 出 强化 。 该理 论 认 为 ,文 本 中 之 际 , 旨在 唤起 父亲 勇敢 面对 死亡 、 与命 运 作抗 争 的力量 。 某 些 部分 会 比 其它 部 分 更 能吸 引读 者 的注 意 力 ,产 生 显 全 诗如 下 : 著 效果 。 变异 和 平 行 是 前景 化 的 主 要方 式 。本 文 运 用 前 景 化 理论 分 析 托马 斯 的 代 表诗 作 , 从新 的 角 度增 加 对 其
迪伦 ・ 托马斯 ( D y l a n T h o m a s ) ,英 国浪 漫 主 义 和 现
代 主 义诗 人 ,被 认 为 是继 奥登 之 后 最重 要 的 英 国诗 人 和 2 O世纪 英 国最 出色 的诗人 ,代 表诗 作为 《 诗 十/ 首》 等 。 托 马 斯情 感 丰 富 , 易于 激 动 ,诗 风 独特 ,技 巧 多样 ,抒 情 性 强 。其 诗 歌主 题 主 要 是生 死 、 爱情 等 浪 漫主 义 诗 歌 主 题 ,但 从 诗 歌技 巧 的 角 度来 说 , 托 马斯 的 诗 则充 满 了
语 体 学 、文 学 文 体 学 等 。然 而 ,对 于什 么 是 文 体 ( s t y l e ) 斯基 ( V i c t o r S h k l o v s k i j ) 等人 的论 述 ,经 过 穆 卡洛 夫 斯 基
这个 问题 ,至 今 仍 没 有 统一 的定 义 。学 者们 曾给 文 体 下 ( J a n Mu k a r o v s k y ) 、雅 各布 森 ( R o m a n J a k o b s o n ) 等布 拉 格
基础 不 同。文体 学 方法 论的 基础 是语 言学 理论 ( 刘 世生 ,
终形成 ( 刘 世 生 ,3 4 ) 。穆 卡 洛 夫斯 基 和 雅 各 布 森 分 别
1.给诗歌一个奔跑的可能——试论狄兰·托马斯的诗歌艺术 [J], 邓永忠
2.死亡本能——对狄兰·托马斯诗歌死亡主题的弗洛伊德式解读 [J], 赵文荣
3.自然·人性·孩提时代r——解读狄兰·托马斯诗歌《十月献诗》 [J], 严丽
4.狄兰·托马斯早期诗歌的解读——从尼采哲学角度 [J], 王嘉嘉
5.艾米丽·狄金森死亡主题诗歌中的概念隐喻解读 [J], 张嘉明
1.给诗歌一个奔跑的可能——试论狄兰·托马斯的诗歌艺术 [J], 邓永忠
2.语言的实体化--论狄兰·托马斯诗歌语言的现代主义特征 [J], 王珏
3.词语自治:狄兰·托马斯与奥西普·曼德尔施塔姆诗歌语言的物质性 [J], 龚晓睿
4.从现代主义文学视角解析狄兰·托马斯的诗歌语言 [J], 周培蕊
5.狄兰·托马斯诗歌的语言艺术 [J], 焦翠;刘芳
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On Stylistic Features of“The Force that Through the GreenFuse Drives the Flower”姓名:沙鑫课程:文体概论AbstractDylan Thomas created numbers of brilliant and profound poems in his short but glorious life, after which analyzing articles are as many as the poems. People tend to analyze purposes, backgrounds and emotions of his poems because of the multi-depth, but stylistic analysis provides a new way to understand this genius and his works in which the way his poems composed in the sense of phonology, lexicology and semantics. Because of his obsession of the theme life and death, The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower is a great example that shows his deep thoughts to find out what the essential force is to drive life and death. This article aims to give this poems a well inspection through stylistic analysis which is rarely done by others, hoping a better understanding can be cognized to this magnificent poet.Keywords:Dylan Thomas; stylistic analysis; poemI. IntroductionYoung genius, Wales born, died on a vigorous age, Dylan Thomas created a number of glorious modern poems that makes him one of the greatest poets in English literature history. Unlike peer poets, he focuses on the theme that contains real life as well as the eternal proposition of life and death. As Wang ZuoLiang(2013) concluded: “life and death are never insipid but filled with mysteries and dramatic factors, so death is like falling into a unpredictable night while life is like raising the curt ain and making your appearance.”(p. 873) Besides life and death, his poems are often full of images like blood, instinct, lust, subconsciousness and even dream. But he succeed the custom of intoning from his minstrel ancestors, which makes his poems phonologically pleasant and even sound like incantations. Interesting enough, with the overwhelmingly popular of the film Interstellar (2014), in which his famous poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night was quoted, he came back to people’s sights again. To review his works in a different perspective, a stylistic analysis is necessary.II. DefinitionStylistic features are situationally bound features that based on variety of language and linguistic features. They can be found at the three distinct levels of language: phonological, lexicogrammatical and semantic. Stylistic analysis starts with linguistic facts and the linguistic choices the writers have made usually contains two parts: Deviation and Repetition which make the feature stand out and is called Foregrounding. As a result, this paper is going to analyze Dylan Thomas’s famous poems: The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower.III.TextThe force that through the green fuse drives the flowerDrives my green age;that blasts the roots of treesIs my destroyer.And I am dumb to tell the crooked roseMy youth is bent by the same wintry fever.The force that drives the water through the rocksDrives my red blood;that dries the mouthing streamsTurns mine to wax.And I am dumb to mouth unto my veinsHow at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.The hand that whirls the water in the poolStirs the quicksand;that ropes the blowing windHauls my shroud sail.And I am dumb to tell the hanging manHow of my clay is made the hangman's lime.The lips of time leech to the fountain head;Love drips and gathers,but the fallen bloodShall calm her sores.And I am dumb to tell a weather's windHow time has ticked a heaven round the stars.And I am dumb to tell the lover's tombHow at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.IV. Phonological featuresAs a descendant of minstrel, Dylan Thomas’s poems are phonologically pleasant by adopting many phonological features.1.AssonanceTake The Force that Through t he Green Fuse Drives the Flower as an example, Dylan didn’t follow the strict rule of rhyme—repetition of the vowel with the same end consonant, instead he used assonance to arouse the addressee’s sensitivity to the sound quality of his poem.①e.g.…is my destroyer.…My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.Here destroyer [dɪ'strɒɪə] and fever ['fiːvə] are two assonances.In the second stanza of this poem, the combination of consonant [k] and [s] is frequently used.I think Sound Symbolism is adopted here. [k] and [s] suggest a harsh feeling to readers and may stand for the coarseness of life and death.②e.g.[ks]: rocks, wax, sucks.2.AlliterationAlliteration is repetition of the previous initial consonant which is also widely employed in this poem.③e.g.The Force that Through the Fuse Drives the Flower.In the three words Force, Fuse and Flower, [f] is the repeated initial consonant. What’s more, in the other two words The and That, [ð] is repeated here. These two alliterations suggest a feeling of violence which shows the unknown force that control life and death is powerful.More examples:W hirls the W ater… the li ps of time lee ch… w eather’s w ind…3.Graphological features—Loss of titleTitle is an important part of the poem,playing the role of pointing out the theme of it. However,poets sometimes deliberately omit the title so as to leave the poem open to readers’ interpretation. In this poem, the first line of first stanza: The force that through the green fuse drives the flower is taken as the title of this poem like his other poems, which not only gives the readers a impression of direct expressing of poet’s emotion but also leave the readers an ample space to think the theme of this poem.V. Lexical and Grammatical features1.Repetition of wordsWords like “the force”, “drives”, “blood”, “mouth” and “dumb” are repeated several times inthis poem. They emphasize the unknown force that drives the cycle of life and death that confuses the poet and makes him “dumb” to tell why the cycle goes on and on. Though the poet changed the “force” into words like “hand” and “time” in the third and fourth stanza, they still represent the “force” that drives the cycle only in the more visible and specific way.2.Repetition of linesIn every stanza of this poem, “And I am dumb to tell…” is repeated after different descriptions of the cycle of life and death. They all contribute to the establishment of poet’s image: a regular man( maybe a gentle lover according to “And I am dumb to tell the lover’s tomb”) who is confused with the cycle of life and death and can’t do anything to stop or change it.3.Conversion and PunsDistinctive types of word formation are used in this poem. Conversion means the changing of part of speech, for ins tance, in the line “I am dumb to mouth unto my veins”, “mouth” is used as a verb which shows the poet can’t explain why the mountain spring mouth can suck water. Similarly, in the line “the hand…that ropes the blowing wind”, “rope” is used as verb too whic h can mean the hand that drives life and death tie up the breath of life(blowing wind). Puns usually refers to the use of two meanings of the same word which is often used in this poem. For example, in the line “And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose; My youth is bent by the same winter fever”, “bent” means not only the damage to the rose but also the young death.4.Connotative meaningConnotative meaning refers to all kinds of associations words may evoke, particularly in certain emotional, situational contexts, over and above the basic or central referential meaning of words. Though words may evoke different connotations to people of different language background, the emotion or cognition to death is generally universal for humans. As a result, in this poem, many words contain connotative meaning of life and death. For example, in the line “How of my clay is made the hangman’s lime”, “clay” means mud, but according to the Bible, God created human with mud, so “clay” can also refers to life here. “lime” means to strew lime onto the dead body of criminals in order to accelerate the decomposing which in the poem can be a symbol of death. So in this line, life(clay) and death(lime) is unified and a cycle is being made. What’s more, the word “crooked rose” in the first stanza has a denotative meaning of “damagedflower”, but in this poem it can refer to perishing life or love.Another example is the line “The hand that whirls the water in the pool; Stirs the quicksand”. “Quicksand” is a pit filled with loose wet sand into which objects are sucked down and here in the poem it stands for death. On the other hand, “the hand” refers to the healing hand of angle in Bible, therefore, “the hand” becomes the force that can drives both life and death.VI. Semantic FeaturesTraditional figures of speech are divided into two parts: schemes and tropes. Schemes comprise those figures which arrange words into patterns of foregrounded regularity of form(such as alliteration, parallelism); Tropes refers to those figures which twist words away from their usual meanings or collocations to produce deviations(such as metaphor, oxymoron and irony). Since schemes have been discussed in the phonological features, I will focus on the tropes here.1.Figurative meaningFigurative meaning is a very common type of extension of meaning for a word or an expression through sense association. It is often used to make statements more concrete and lively.1.1 MetaphorMetaphor is the use of words that indicate something different from their literal meaning. For example, in the line “The force …that dries the mouthing streams turns mine to wax.”, it means the red blood of poet has been turned into dry wax, indicating the coming of death. In the line “The lips of time leech to the fountain head”, time is presented as a leech that sucks life from the beginning(fountain head), and time has been personified here because commonly lips are for human in literal works.1.2 SynecdocheSynecdoche is a trope by which one part of one thing is applied to signify the whole or vice versa. For example, in the line “The hand…that ropes the blowing wind hauls my shroud sail”, here “shroud” is a rope leading to the ship masthead to give lateral support to the masts, which I think can refer to the whole ship of life and “the hand” has controlled it just like the unknown force that controls life.2.AbsurdityAbsurdity refers to a combination of two expressions which are semantically incompatible, orstatement which is apparently self-contradictory. The former is oxymoron, and the latter is paradox. They often shock the reader into a fresh awareness of something that is otherwise received as commonplace.2.1 OxymoronOxymoron is a figure of speech in which markedly contradictory terms appear in conjunction so as to emphasize the statement. The most outstanding oxymoron in this poem is in the last line of first stanza “My youth is bent by the same wintery fever.” Here “wintery fever” is a ingenious combination of two contradictive words: winter and fever. As we all know, winter usually can be very cold and fever is when somebody get a rising temperature, but no matter which situation it is, it will do harm to the vitality of living things, which indicates the destructive power of “the force”.2.2 ParadoxA paradox is a statement of conclusion that seems self-contradictory or absurd but is really true. It is a kind of extended oxymoron. For example, in the line “The hand that whirls the water in the pool Stirs the quicksand”, “the hand” is supposed to be a kind and h ealing figure according to the Bible, but in the poem it turns into a sort of force that accelerates the death by stirring the quicksand. This paradox enhances the power of the unknown force that drives the cycle of life and death.3.Honest DeceptionHonest deception refers to the deliberately use of overstatement, understatement or words which are clearly opposite to what one really means.3.1 HyperboleHyperbole is a figure of speech in which exceptional exaggeration is deliberately used for emphasis rather than deception. For example, in the line “How time has ticked a heaven round the stars”, poet seems to indicate that time controls the motion of celestial bodies, which is obviously disobeying the scientific law and exaggerating. On the other hand, it is this exaggeration that enhances the power of the unknown force.3.2 IronyIrony is often used for wit and humor, sometimes for ridicule and sarcasm. In this poem, irony is used in the every last two lines of each stanza—“And I am dumb to…” . in fact, the poetis not dumb, because he noticed so many phenomenon in the nature that contain life and death and frankly the mystery of life and death is the most difficult one for people to solve. Here the poet said “I am dumb” is only a way to show how confusing it can be when it comes to life and death. VII. ConclusionStylistic analysis from three distinct levels of this poem shows us that it is not enough for someone who just has talent but lack of basic knowledge of linguistics to be a great poet or to write a masterpiece. Dylan Thomas combines his talent with the appropriate adoption of linguistic regularities and impresses the reader with his deep thoughts of life and death. Like his other poems, repetition of certain words and lines emphasizes the both the theme and the emotion of the poet, and well-chosen collocation of words make his poem not only catchy but also easy to understand. Widely used figurative devices contribute to the abundant images of this poem and also help to evoke the readers to think deeply about the real connotation. To sum up, stylistic analysis helps reader to appreciate this poem in a different perspective and further to other English poems.References廖云飞,(2014). Stylistic Analysis of “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”,《语文学刊·外语教育教学》[J],vol(4), 36-39.王佐良&金立群,(2013).《英国诗歌选集(下)》[M],上海: 上海译文出版社.徐有志,(2005).《英语文体学教程》[M],北京:高等教育出版社.。