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中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。自然风光旖旎秀美,历史文化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地(World Cultural and Natural Heritages sites)达29处。在改革开放的推动下,现代化建设突飞猛进,城乡面貌日新月异。古代中国的风采神韵与现代中国的蓬勃英姿交相辉映。这些都为发展国内外旅游创造了优越的条件。


As a country with a long history of civilization,China is a vast oriental nation full of modern vitality,unique in the richness and variety of its tourism resources. Besides picturesque natural scenery,lengthy history and complex culture,China embodies the different folk customs of56nationalities(ethnic groups).Now,there are29places that have been listed as World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.As a result of opening-up and reform,China’s modernization drive is surging ahead, and the cities and the country are experiencing daily changes.The ancient glory of China and its modem boom add radiance and charm to each other,joining to create ideal conditions for developing domestic and international tourism.


中国正日益成为外国游客的目的地。中国一度被认为不是理想的旅游目的地,但现在已拥有很多国际水准的(international caliber)新宾馆。古城西安是中国最著名的旅游城市之

一,它建于公元前2世纪,以古老建筑以及保卫中国第一皇帝(秦始皇)陵墓的象征性军队的兵马俑(terra cotta“warriors and horses”)而著称于世。北京是另一个广受欢迎的旅游胜地。作为有700多年历史的古都,它是故宫、紫禁城、颐和园的所在地。中国还有其他鲜为人知的景点。如桂林以其山清水秀著称,有一句世代相传的中国谚语说:“桂林山水甲天下”。


Increasingly,China is becoming a destination for international tourists.Once considered a difficult place to visit,China now has many new,international caliber hotels.One of the best-known places to visit in China is the ancient city of Xi’an. Built in the second century BC,the city is famous for its historic architecture,as well as a symbolic“army”of terra cotta“warriors and horses”which guards the tomb of China’s first emperor,Qinshihuang.Beijing is another popular destination. As China’s capital for more than700years,it is the home of the Palace Museum, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.There are other,lesser known sights as well.The city of Guilin is renowned for its green hills and clear water.A centuries-old Chinese saying state:“The beauty of all mountains and waters is dwarfed,when compared with those in Guilin.”





Nowadays in cities it has become fashionable to remain single,and those who do so seem to be so free and unconstrained.But environmentally this is something undesirable as a recent research report suggests that getting married is an "environment-friendly"action.This sounds somewhat sensational,but it is a simple plain truth:a person living alone consumes much more natural resources than the average a person does when living together with another one.For example,if a person lives by himself in a house which can house two people,the resources used to build the house are partly wasted,and so are water and electricity.So we can see one plus one is less than two.Smaller families mean more families have to be established for the same number of people.As a result,cities get larger and larger, doing serious damage to the surrounding habitats of many species.


