Clean Techniques Medical Asepsis 消毒灭菌
asepsis[æ 'sepsis] 无菌(法) integral['intiɡrəl] asepsis 完全无菌 disinfection [,disin'fekʃən] 消毒 terminal ['tə:minəl] disinfection 终末消毒
evaluation [i,vælju'eiʃən] 评价
Measurement of Vital Signs 测量生命体征
taking oral ['ɔ:rəl](rectal ['rektəl], axillary [æk'siləri]) temperature 量口腔 (直肠、腋下)体温
门诊部Topic 1、挂号咨询Topic 2、病历Topic 3、医生问诊Topic 4、候诊Topic 1单词:挂号take a registration挂号处 registration office专家号expert number普通号 average number挂号费 registration fee大厅main floor内科 medical department医务部medical administration division院办 hospital administration office护理部 nursing department值班室 duty room医护办公室 staff office填表内容:name 、age、 gender、 address 、work place、 post code、 ID number、 telephone number句型:where don’t you feel well?which department do you want to register with?you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ).Topic 2单词:办理病历buy a case history史 past medical history家族史family history个人病史 personal history过敏史allergies检查资料Inspection data血液检查 blood test化验室数据laboratory data一般资料 physical data生理指标 physical signs其他检查数据 other lab data住院治疗情况 hospital course卡的种类 medical card医疗卡 social security card医保卡 medical insurance card信用卡 bank card / fiscard句型:she has much experience with that kind of case.She made a clinical record for the patient.The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. Topic 3单词:诊断方法diagnostic method望诊inspection问诊inquiry听诊 auscultation叩诊 percussion触诊palpation面部facial organs眉毛 eyebrow睫毛 eyelash眼皮eyelids鼻子nose下巴chin鬓角 temple瞳孔 pupil嘴mouth舌头 tongue额头forehead眼睑 eyelid面颊cheek嘴唇 lip药物种类:止痛药analgesics [ˌænəl'dʒi:zɪks]止咳药 antitussive [ˌæntɪ'tʌsɪv]利尿药diuretics [daɪ'jʊəretɪks]止泻药antidiarrheal ['æntɪdəri:l]解毒药 antidote [ˈæntidəʊt]抗癌药anticarcinogen [ænti:kɑ:'sɪnədʒɪn]抗凝药anticoagulant [ˌæntikəʊˈægjələnt] 美 [ˌæntikoʊˈægjələnt]血管舒张药vasodilator [ˌvæsəʊdaɪ'leɪtə]退烧药antipyretics [æntɪpaɪ'retɪks] 美 [æntɪpaɪ'ret ɪks]祛痰药expectorant [ɪkˈspektərənt] 美 [ɪkˈspɛktərənt]止血药hemostatic [ˌhi:mə'stætɪk]止痒药antipruritic [ænti:p'rʊərɪtɪk] 美 [æntai:p'r ʊərɪtɪk]抗风湿药antirheumatic [æntɜ:'hu:mætɪk] 美[ænt ɜ:'hu:mætɪk]抗菌/抗生素antibiotics [ˌæntɪbaɪ'ɒtɪks]强心药cardiac tonic [ˈkɑ:di:ˌæk ˈtɔnɪk]血管收缩药vasoconstrictor [ˌvæsəʊkən'strɪktə]抗癫痫药antiepileptic [æntaɪpɪ'leptɪk]镇静药sedative [ˈsedətɪv]解痉药antispamodic***anesthetics [æntɪspæz'mɑdɪk] ***[ænɪs'θɪtɪks]句型:what are the symptoms?Can you tell me how did it get started?Topic 4单词:处方prescription看处方you’re your prescription过敏be allergic to消毒sterilize [ˈsterəlaɪz]棉球swab [swɒb]皮试skin test反应reaction预约make an appointment with the receptionist可能引起过敏的食物:小麦wheat鸡蛋egg乳制品dairy products [ˈdeəri]香蕉banana花生peanut鱼fish腰果lumbar [ˈlʌmbə(r)] beans芝麻sesame酱油soy sauce句型:Hold still please .It is important that you don’t skip a day, or the treatment will be of no effect.You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.急诊室Topic 1、receiving the call and sending the ambulanceTopic 2、emergency patient receivingTopic 3、inquiry and settlementTopic 4、Emergency arrangementTopic 1单词:救护车ambulance急救医护人员paramedic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk]现场scene医院医师内科医师pysician [fɪˈzɪʃn]神外医师neurosurgen麻醉科医师anesthetist [ə'nesθɪtɪst]理疗科physiotherapist [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst]营养科医师dietician [ˌdaɪɪ'tɪʃən]流行病医师epidemiologist [ˌepɪˌdi:mɪ'ɒlədʒɪst]妇科医师gynecology [ˌgaɪnɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]泌尿外科医师urological surgeon [ˌjʊərə'lɒdʒɪkl]药剂医师pharmacist [ˈfɑ:məsɪst]整形科医师plastic surgeon传染病科医师doctor for infectious diseases [ɪnˈfekʃəs]卫生医师hygienist [haɪˈdʒi:nɪst]助产士midwife急救 making an ambulance人工呼吸artificial respiration [ˌrespəˈreɪʃn]输氧oxygen therapy输血blood transfusion [trænsˈfju:ʒn]止血 stop/arrest the blood止咳喘relieve dyspnoea and cough [dɪs'pni:ə]句型:please tell me what the matter is.Try to calm down,madam.So tell me where you are and we’ll be there.Could you tell me exactly where you are?Can you tell me your phone number?We will have an ambulance in about ten minutes.Please put a bandage round the wound.Clean cloth instead of bandage is okay.Don’t move him .Hold still. Arresting bleeding is the most important thing at this moment. There is an accident on the Third Ring Road and a man has been knocked down by a car. I’ll get to the scene. Tell the ambulance driver to be prepared.Topic 2单词:担架stretcher轻点easy does it.氧气罩oxygen mask遭遇encounter人体所需营养:糖sugar蛋白质protein无机盐inorganic salt/mineral脂肪fat水water维生素vitamin句型:Prepare ice pack for the patient. Bandage the wound. Put a piece of cloth on the wound to diminish the inflammation . He hasn’t got up yet.Topic 3单词:诊断diagnosis开药方prescribe打针inject肌肉注射intramuscular injection预防注射inoculation止血arrest the bleeding of blood治疗treatment配药fill a prescription皮下注射hypodermic injection静脉注射intravenous injection点滴注射fluid infusion句型:Try to move your arm as little as possible. Your elbow seems to be not all right.So to be on the safe side, you’d better go to see the doctor. Where do you feeluncomfortable?Topic 4单词:关节joint膝盖骨kneecap骨盆pelvis肝脏liver胆囊gall bladder胰腺 pancreas脾spleen十二指肠 duodenum阑尾 appendix盲肠 blind gut食管 gullet热敷 hot compress冷敷 cold compress洗胃 gastric lavage灌肠 enema导尿 urethral catheterization包扎 dress拆线 remove the stitches止血 hemostasis缝合切口 sew up the incision心脏按摩 cardiac massage句型:Are you the patient’s relation? We are arranging the operation. Be calm and listen to me. His condition is a little serious. His legs was seriously damaged. So perhaps it has to be amputated. He has lost much blood. But it only released his condition.Yes, we will try but not definitely. We need your signature on the operation report/the guarantee letter. That can release his condition. He needs blood transfusion. I promise you to try our best.外科Topic 1、handling injury or woundTopic 2、operation schemeTopic 3、preoperative preparationTopic 4、recuperation after the operationTopic 1单词:割伤cut烫伤burn出血 bleeding瘀伤 bruise外伤 trauma晒伤 a sun burn手指扭伤sprained finger骨折fracture扭伤 sprain擦伤 scratch烫伤 scald脱臼dislocation蜜蜂蛰伤 a bee sting句型:Put her on the bed. Here are some anti-inflammatory tablets. Take off her watch, ring and anything bounding her. Don’t rip away the cloth on the burn, or it would be infected. Help her wash the wound under the running water. Don’t apply anything to the burn till it is suggested or ordered by the doctor. For example someone will apply some gentian violet to the burn, but the color is too dark that it makes impossible for the doctor to see the burn clearly.Topic 2单词:器官移植organ transplantation心脏heart肺 lung肾kidney骨髓bone marrow肝移植liver transplantation胃gastric transplantation毛发 hair transplantation干细胞移植 stem cell transplantation疗法 therapies针灸疗法 food therapy中医疗法 traditional Chinese medicine therapy音乐疗法 music therapy精神疗法 psychiatric therapy句型:Are you the relative of Yolanda?We have worked out the operation scheme. What functions can this program perform?Topic 3单词:大脑brain食道 esophagus小肠 small intestine大肠 large intestine直肠rectum句型:Do you feel better? You should be very careful in a week or two.. Do the doctors have much experience in operating? You will get intensive care if your husband stays with you.. That is helpful for your recovery. By the way, is there any problem I need to pay attention to before the operation? Your diet should be given special attention. You just need to relax and keep calm. Has it gotten worse?Topic 4单词:吃药take medicine洗澡 take a bath上厕所 spend a penny换床单 change bed sheets句型:You are going to be discharged from hospital tomorrow. The doctor has written you a certificate for you. Complete recovery will still take a long time. Donnot mention it. That is out duty.内科Topic 1、diagnosis of diseasesTopic 2、consultation 专家会诊Topic 3、prescription and suggestions 开药及提示Topic 4、further diagnosi复诊检查Topic 1单词:咳嗽cough咽喉痛 sore throat花粉热 hay fever痉挛 convulsion神经痛heart disease痢疾 dysentery失眠 insomnia发烧 fever流感influenza肝炎 hepatitis湿疹 eczema肾结石 renal calculus心力衰竭 heart failure阑尾炎 appendicitis疱疹herpes脑中风 stroke打喷嚏 sneeze破伤风 tetanus风湿症 rheumatism贫血 anemis腹膜炎 peritonitis句型:Is there any other symptom? Last night she had a terrible headache and her nose was stuffed up. Follow the doctor’s words. By the way , does she has a history of pulmonitis? I will write you a prescription. And is she got worse, take her to the hospital immediately. This often occurs at this age. It seems that my throat is inflamed.Topic 2单词:镇静药sedative特效药specific medicine抓药have a prescription made up轻泻药laxative服药 take medicine退热药antipyretic换药change dressings预防药preventative medicine血液成分:血小板 platelets白细胞 white blood cells红细胞red blood cells血浆plasma句型:Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let me introduce these experts to you. They come from several well-known local hospital. I want to ask more detailed questions. What are her symptoms these days. Have you taken her temperature? Does she have a persistant cough? Is her cough more likewheezing? Is she suffering from lack of appetite? We reached a conclusion that she has caught pulmonitis.The illness usually occurs on children who are in poor health. The medicine on it will help her a great deal. You can change dressings for the patient.Topic 3单词:药片tablet药膏ointment药丸pill药粉medicinal powder药水liquid medicine医院分类children’s hospital句型:Can you fill the prescription for me, please?By the way ,you got this prescription from Dr.Karl, didn’t you?Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals. You can also refer to the instructions on it. Make sure you read them carefully. Shake the bottle before drinking. I hope you can recover soon. I have a severe pain in my stomach. You’d better go to children’s hospital for help. Just a moment, please.Topic 4、单词:水痘Chickenpox尿布疹diaper rash口吃stammer腮腺炎mumps上网surf online吃辣椒 eat hot peppers句型:Are you coming for your child’s further diagnosis? How is your child’s condition going? How long does it last? Has she taken medicine on time? Pulmonitis usually occurs on children. If it is delayed ,it may even cause danger of losing life. Is there any remedial measure? Your child’s inflammation is basically controlled. Your child is now our of danger. She will be all right soon if she takes medicine on time. Taking medicine on time is the guarantee of recovering. She is not allowed to dabble in water and have a cold drink, Tuck her up when she is sleeping. She only needs some time to recover.妇幼保健Topic 1、婚前体检 premarital physical examination Topic 2、常规孕检 routine pregnancy checkTopic 3、儿科常见病 common pediatric diseases Topic 4、儿科注射 pediatric injectionTopic 1单词:乳汁不足 lack of lactation引导分泌物 vaginal discharge宫颈糜烂 erosion of cervix宫颈息肉 cervical polyp宫颈肥大 hypertrophy of cervix宫颈粘膜炎 endocervicitis剖腹产cesarean section接触性出血 contact bleeding下腹部肿块abdominal mass常规盆腔检查 pelvic exam乳房自检 breast self-exam宫颈裂伤 cervical laceration妊娠 pregnancy脱垂感 sensation of prolapse外生殖器检查 external genital exam临床乳腺检查clinical breast exam测量指标:体温 temperature身高 height血压 blood pressure脉搏 pulse体重weight心跳 heart beat身体部位名称:肚脐 navel腰waist屁股 buttock臀部 hip锁骨 collar bone脊柱 backbone肩胛骨 shoulder blade腹部 abdomen肩shoulder颅骨 skull肋骨 rib肩关节 shoulder joint胸骨 breastbone句型:It is very necessary to have a CT scan. Do you feel unwell in your ()?Maybe you can measure your ()first. Please describe your trouble in detail to me. When did this pain begin? Are you always in the blues? You should pay special attention.Topic 2单词:检查CT 身体检查CT examination产后检查physical examination心理检查 psychological examination胃肠检查 gastrointestinal examination句型:Well,what was the amount of menstrual flow? When was the your last period? Is your menstruaaion regular? Well, any other discomforts? How about your appetite? I suggest you having a pregnancy test. The result of the pregnancy test is positive. You are pregnant .Congratulations! Where is the pain? I am afraid it is a sign of miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. I will give some medicine by injection and orally, You should call the emergency immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more severe than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.Topic 3单词:一阵bout小儿科 pediatric department妇产科 obstetrics and gynecology department眼科 ophthalmology department耳鼻喉科 ENT department皮肤科 skin department创伤科 traumatology department麻醉科 anesthesiology department牙科 dental department泌尿科 urology department矫形外科 orthopedic surgery department病理科 pathology department新生儿惊厥 neonatal convulsions高热惊厥 febrile convulsions新生儿肺炎 pneumonia of the newborn早产儿 premature infant拉肚子 suffer from diarrhea昏厥 faint肚子痛 stomachache新生儿肝炎 neonatal hepatitis新生儿败血症 neonatal septicemia背痛 backache呕吐 vomit胸痛 chest pain耳朵痛 earache句型:He had a long bout of illness last year. What seems to be the trouble with your child? Can you tell me what he had for supper?Has he vomited? Is there any other symptom? Which part? Now you have to take your child to get his tools tested. I will write out a slip for you to take to the library. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me. Follow the doctor’s advice. I do advise you to remind your child of avoiding oily food for the next few days.Topic 4单词:营养丰富的食物谷类 cereal奶类 milk & diary products肉类 meat贝类 shellfish干果类 nuts蛋类 egg products根茎类 root vegetables鱼虾 fish and prawn豆类 beans and peas瓜果类 fruits句型:It is time for me to give you IV fluids . IV fluids can prevent bacteria from entering your body and causing an infection. This IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to get his heart overloaded. What’s happened? You will be well soon after the injection. What should my child pay attention to after injection. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thank you for your advice. You would better takeyour child to department of cardiac surgery. You should eat more cereal.中西药房Topic 1、pricing 划价Topic 2、charging and taking medicine 收费和取药Topic 3、dealing with questionsTopic 4、medicine bulk purchaseTopic 1单词:药方、处方prescription 给。
医学护理专业英语词汇大全1. Medical Nursing: 医学护理2. Nursing: 护理3. Patient: 病人4. Doctor: 医生5. Nurse: 护士6. Healthcare: 医疗保健7. Hospital: 医院8. Clinic: 诊所9. Emergency: 急诊10. Ward: 病房11. Operating Room: 手术室12. Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 重症监护室13. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): 新生儿重症监护室14. Outpatient: 门诊病人15. Inpatient: 住院病人16. Diagnosis: 诊断17. Treatment: 治疗18. Medication: 药物19. Surgery: 手术20. Anesthesia: 麻醉21. Rehabilitation: 康复22. Palliative Care: 缓解治疗23. Vital Signs: 生命体征24. Blood Pressure: 血压25. Heart Rate: 心率26. Respiratory Rate: 呼吸率27. Temperature: 温度28. Oxygen Saturation: 血氧饱和度29. Pain Assessment: 疼痛评估30. Wound Care: 创伤护理31. Infection Control: 感染控制32. Fall Prevention: 跌倒预防33. Medication Administration: 药物管理34. Intravenous (IV) Therapy: 静脉注射疗法35. Intramuscular (IM) Injection: 肌肉注射36. Subcutaneous (SC) Injection: 皮下注射37. Oral Medication: 口服药物38. Intravenous Fluids: 静脉输液39. Oxygen Therapy: 氧气疗法40. Catheterization: 导尿41. Urinary Catheter: 尿管42. Feeding Tube: 饲管43. Ostomy Care: 建造护理44. Enteral Nutrition: 肠道营养45. Respiratory Therapy: 呼吸治疗46. Physical Therapy: 物理疗法47. Occupational Therapy: 职业疗法48. Speech Therapy: 言语疗法49. Mental Health: 心理健康50. Dementia Care: 痴呆护理。
医疗护理 词汇
![医疗护理 词汇](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/496806bf6e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374c8f.png)
1. head [hed] - 名词,头。
2. neck [nek] - 名词,脖子。
3. shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə(r)] - 名词,肩膀。
4. arm [ɑːm] - 名词,手臂。
5. hand [hænd] - 名词,手。
6. finger [ˈfɪŋɡə(r)] - 名词,手指。
7. chest [tʃest] - 名词,胸部。
8. back [bæk] - 名词,背部。
9. waist [weɪst] - 名词,腰部。
10. hip [hɪp] - 名词,臀部。
11. leg [leɡ] - 名词,腿。
12. knee [niː] - 名词,膝盖。
13. foot [fʊt] (复数feet [fiːt]) - 名词,脚。
14. toe [təʊ] - 名词,脚趾。
1. illness [ˈɪlnəs] - 名词,疾病。
2. disease [dɪˈziːz] - 名词,疾病(多指具体的某一种疾病)3. fever [ˈfiːvə(r)] - 名词,发烧。
4. cough [kɒf] - 名词/动词,咳嗽。
5. cold [kəʊld] - 名词,感冒;形容词,冷的。
6. headache [ˈhedeɪk] - 名词,头痛。
7. stomachache [ˈstʌməkeɪk] - 名词,胃痛。
8. toothache [ˈtuːθeɪk] - 名词,牙痛。
9. infection [ɪnˈfekʃn] - 名词,感染。
10. injury [ˈɪndʒəri] - 名词,受伤。
1. inject [ɪnˈdʒekt] - 动词,注射。
2. bandage [ˈbændɪdʒ] - 名词/动词,绷带;用绷带包扎。
3. measure [ˈmeʒə(r)] - 名词/动词,测量(如测量体温等)4. clean [kliːn] - 动词/形容词,清洁;干净的。
护理基础英语培训课程 第一节.receiving_the_patient
![护理基础英语培训课程 第一节.receiving_the_patient](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/80a22cd57f1922791688e8c3.png)
Sample Dialogue ( 样本对话)
Personal articles
个人用品 5. toothbrush, toothpaste, slippers, towels and so Hale Waihona Puke n. 牙刷, 牙膏,拖鞋,毛巾等等。
例如: soap 肥皂 comb 梳子 tissue 纸巾 tea 茶 cup 杯子 water 水
5. and here is a locker for you to put other things in. 这里还有一个置物柜给您放其他的东西。
Sample Dialogue ( 样本对话)
6. if you have any valuables, you can put them in the hospital safe, or you can ask your relatives to take them home. 如果您有贵重物品,可以放在医院的保险柜里或者请家属带 回家。
4.The toilet is over there. And our hospital supply hot water for you. 卫生间在那边, 我们医院为您提供有热水。 5.We will take your vital signs now. 我们现在要为您测生命体征。 6.Please wait a moment. I'll let your doctor know. /I'll inform your doctor. 请等一会儿,我去通知医生
Receiving a new patient(接待新 病人)
New words and Expressions (名词短语解析)
1. admission . 入院
第一部分 护理英语基本词汇A abandon 放弃,放任,抛弃,放纵abdo men 腹部abdo men distension 腹胀abdo men ultrasound 腹部超声检查abdo minal 腹部的abdo minal breathing 腹式呼吸abdo minal C T 腹部C T检查abdo minal hernias 腹疝abdo minal pain 腹痛abdo minal paracentesis 腹腔穿刺术abduction 外展abducens nerve 外展神经aberrant 异常的ability 能力,才能abnormal 异常abnormality 畸形,异常性abnormal finding 异常发现abortion 流产,流产的胎儿abrasion 磨损,擦伤abrupt 突然的,意外的,不连贯的abruption 分离,分开,脱离,剥离abruptio placentae 胎盘早期剥离abscess 脓肿absence 没有,不在,缺席,缺乏absent 不在的,缺席的,缺少的absent minded 心不在焉的,茫然的,恍惚的absolute contraindication 绝对禁止absorbable suture 可吸收的缝线·1·absorption 吸收absorption of drainage 引流物的吸收abstinence 节制(戒烟、酒或其他嗜好),禁欲abstinence from alcohol 戒除酒精abstract 摘要(病例、病史),摘录,抽象的abstracting ability 抽象的能力abuse 滥用,虐待abuse :physical ,verbal ,sexual ,financial abuse 身体的,言词的,性的,财经的,虐待或滥用academic 学院的,理论的acarbose (Precose ) 阿卡波糖accelerate 加速,促进acceleration 加速度accentuation 增强,亢进acceptable 可接受的,合格的acceptance 接受,承诺,容忍,赞同access 通路,访问,入门,v t .接近accessibility 易接近,可到达accessory 辅助的accident 意外事故,事故acco m modate 调节适应acco mpany 陪伴,伴奏acco mplish 完成(任务)等accumulate 积累,积聚accurative 正确的,精确的Accutane 异维A 酸(isotretinoin 制剂的商品名)acebutolol (Sectral ) 醋丁洛尔acetaminophen 唱acetylcysteine 对乙酰氨基酚acetate 醋酸盐acetazolamide 乙酰唑胺acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸盐acetohexamide (Dy melor ) 乙酰苯磺酰环己脲(口服降血糖药)acetone 丙酮acetonuria 丙酮尿acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱acetylsalicylic acid (ASA ) 乙酰水杨酸(阿司匹林)·2·常用护理英语词汇手册achalasia 弛缓不能,失弛缓性ache 疼痛achieve v t .完成,达到achlorhydria 胃酸缺乏acid 酸;酸的acidosis 酸中毒ackno w ledge v t .承认acne vulgaris 普通粉刺(痤疮)acoustic 有关声音的,声学的acoustic nerve 听神经acquired 获得的,后天的acquired im munodeficiency syndro me (AIDS ) 后天获得的免疫缺陷综合征acrocyanosis 手足发绀acromegaly 肢端肥大症acromegaly and gigantism 肢端肥大症及巨人症acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节acrophobia 高处恐怖action 行动activate v t .刺激,使活动activated charcoal 活性炭(药用炭)active listening 积极的倾听activities of daily living (AD L ) 日常生活活动activity 活动activity level 活动水平activity progress notes 活动进程记录actual 实际的,真实的acoustic neuroma 听神经瘤acuity 敏锐(尤指感官)acupuncture 针刺,针灸acute 急性的,尖锐的acute (angle 唱closure )glauco ma 急性闭角性青光眼acute adrenal insufficiency 急性肾上腺功能不足acute artery thrombosis 急性动脉栓塞acute cholecystitis 急性胆囊炎acute cystitis 急性膀胱炎·3·第一部分 护理英语基本词汇acute dyspnea 急性呼吸困难acute dystonia 急性张力障碍acute epiglottitis 急性会厌炎acute episodic w heezing 急性发作喘鸣acute exacerbation 急性加剧acute glo merulonephritis 急性肾小球性肾炎acute idiopathic polyneuropathy (Guillian 唱Barre syndro me ) 急性自发性多发性神经病acute interstitial pneumonitis 急性间质性肺炎acute laryngitis 急性咽炎acute left ventricular failure 急性左心室衰竭acute leukemia 急性白血病acute lo w er gastrointestinal bleeding 急性下胃肠道出血acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗死acute onset 急性发作acute otitis media 急性中耳炎acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎acute pulmonary edema 急性肺水肿acute pyelonephritis 急性肾盂肾炎acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS ) 急性呼吸窘迫综合征acute respiratory failure 急性呼吸衰竭acute rheumatic fever &rheumatic heart disease 急性风湿热及风湿性心脏病acute nasosinusitis 急性鼻窦炎acute small intestine obstruction 急性小肠梗阻acute spasmodic laryngitis (spasmodic croup ) 急性痉挛性喉炎acute tracheitis 急性气管炎acute tubular necrosis 急性肾小管坏死acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding 急性上胃肠道出血acyanotic 不发绀的adapt v t .使适应adaptable 能适应的adaptability 适应性added care 加强护理addict n .v t .沉溺,上瘾(的)人addison ’s disease 慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退·4·常用护理英语词汇手册addition 加,增加物,增加additional 附加的,另外的adduct v t .使内收adduction 内收作用aden ,adenoid 腺,腺样的adenocarcino ma 腺癌adenoma 腺瘤adenovirus 腺病毒的adequacy 适当,足够adequate 适当的,足够的adequate fluid intake 足够的液体摄入adequate kno w ledge 足够的知识adhere v i .黏附,坚持adherence 黏附,依附adhesion 支持adhesive tape 粘胶带(布,纸或塑料带)adipose tissue 脂肪组织adjacent 接近的,毗连的adjunct 附件,附属物;附属的adjust v t .调整,校准adjustment 调整administer v .管理,治理,执行,给药administer afterload reduction medication 给予降低后负荷的药物administer analgesic 给予镇痛剂administer and monitor I V fluid 给予及监察静脉注射输液administer antibiotic as prescribed 按处方给服抗生素administer care of endotracheal tube 给予气管插管护理administer corticosteroid 给服皮质激素administer digitoxin 给服地高辛administration 管理admission 收入院,承认admission nursing assessment 入院护理评估admission of patient to the operation room 病人进入手术室admit v .容许,承认,接纳admit data ,patient ’s identification and demographic data 入院资料,身份证及户口资料·5·第一部分 护理英语基本词汇adolescent 青春期adolescent ’s reaction 青春期的反应adopt v t .采纳,收养adrenal 肾上腺;肾上腺的adrenalectomy 肾上腺切除术Adrenalinn 肾上腺(epinephrine )制剂的商品名adrenergic 肾上腺素能的;肾上腺素能药adrenocortical 肾上腺皮质的adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison ’s disease ) 肾上腺皮质功能减退症(艾迪生病)adrenocorticotrophim hor mone (AC T H ) 促肾上腺皮质激素Adriamycin 多柔比星,阿霉素,盐酸阿霉素(doxorubicin hydrochloride ,盐酸多柔比星)制剂的商品名adult 成年人,成年的adult daycare center 成人日间护理中心adult injection clinic 成人注射诊室adult respiratory distress syndro me 成人呼吸衰竭综合征adventitious 偶发的,偶然的,外来的adverse effect 副作用adverse drug reaction 药物的不良反应advise v t .劝告,忠告,建议advocacy group 拥护,辩护组advocate v t .拥护(主张,意见等);拥护者aerobic 有氧的,增氧健身法的aerobic exercise 有氧运动aesthetic 美的,审美的A FB smears 抗酸杆菌涂片afebrile 不发热的affect 影响,感情,情感,(疾病)侵袭affected 患病的,受到影响的,受(疾病)侵袭的affection 感情affiliation 联系,从属关系after cast applied should be w atching 上石膏反应观察afterload 后负荷after w ard 后来against p rep .相反,反对,靠着,倚着·6·常用护理英语词汇手册age discrimination 年龄歧视aged 年老的,时间长的agenesis 发育不全,无生育能力agent 因子,剂,物,因素aggravate v t.加重,恶化aggregation 集合,集合体,聚合aggression 进攻,侵略aggressive 侵犯的,侵略性的aging 老化,衰老aging demographics 老人人口学aging elimination problems 老人的排泄问题agitate v.焦虑不安,激动agitated delirium 激动性谵妄agitation 激动agnosia 认识不能agonist 主动肌,主缩肌,显效药,促效药agoraphobia 广场恐怖agranulocytosis 粒细胞缺乏症agree v i.同意,赞成……的意见ague 疟疾aid in hemostasis 帮助止血ailment 小病,不严重的疾病aimless 无目标的air and ox ygen(O2) 空气及氧气air borne 空气载体air mattress 空气垫褥airflo w 气流airtight 不透气的air w ay 气道akathisia 静坐不能akinesia 运动不能alarm 警报,警钟albumin 白蛋白albumin and total protein(SAA G) 白蛋白及总蛋白albuminuria 蛋白尿albuterol(Proventil,Ventolin) 舒喘宁,沙丁胺醇·7·第一部分 护理英语基本词汇alcohol 酒精alcohol and I V drug users 酒精及静脉注射毒品使用者alcohol dependency and abuse (alcoholism ) 酒精依赖及滥用者(酗酒者)alcohol intoxication dro w siness 酒精中毒性嗜睡alcoholic hepatitis 酒精性肝炎alcoholic rehabilitation treatment center 酒精中毒的康复治疗中心alcoholism 酗酒aldosterone 醛固酮alert 注意,警觉alfentanil (Alfenta ) 阿尔芬太尼(镇痛药)align v t .v i .排列,成直线aligned 排成直线alignment 排列,成直线alimentary 营养的,饮食的alimentary canal 营养通道alkali 碱alkaline 碱性,碱性的alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶alkalosis 碱中毒alkaptonuria 尿黑酸尿allay v t .减轻,缓和alleged 声称的,所谓的allergic 敏感的,过敏的allergic eye diseases 过敏性眼病allergic reaction 过敏反应allergic rhinitis 过敏性鼻炎allergy 变应性alleviate v t .缓和,减轻allograft 同种异体移植allopurinol 别嘌醇(治痛风药)allotment 分配allo w v t .允许,承认almonds dried 杏仁干alopecia 脱发,脱毛alpha 唱adrenoceptor blocker α唱肾上腺受体阻滞剂alpha 唱fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白·8·常用护理英语词汇手册alprazolam (Xanax ) 阿普唑仑,三唑安定alter v .改变alteration 改变,变更,改造alteration in body image 身体形象改变altered mental status 精神状态改变alternate 交替的,轮流的;v .交替,轮流,改变alternative 两者择一的altitude 高度,海拔altruism 利他主义,关心别人aluminum 铝aluminum toxicity 铝中毒alveolar 小泡的,肺泡的alveolar abscess 牙槽小泡脓肿alveolar sac 小泡囊alveoli 气泡,齿槽突起(alveolus 的复数)alveolus 肺泡,小泡,牙槽Alzheimer ’s center 阿尔茨海默病中心Alzheimer ’s disease 阿尔茨海默病(老年痴呆症)amantadine 金刚烷胺amaurosis fugax 一时性黑ambient 周围的ambiguous genitalia 两性生殖器ambivalence 矛盾的ambulant clinic 门诊ambulate v .移动,走动ambulation 走动ambulatory 走动的,流动的,非固定的amebiosis (amebiasis ) 阿米巴病amenorrhea 闭经amenorrhea and menopause 闭经及绝经aminophylline 氨茶碱aminotransferase 转氨酶amiodarone (cordarone )antidysrhythmic 胺碘酮,乙胺碘呋酮,抗心律失常药amitriptyline 阿米替林amlodipine (N orvasc ) 氨氯地平·9·第一部分 护理英语基本词汇amniotic fluid 羊水am monia 氨amnesia 遗忘症,记忆丧失amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术amniocytes or trophoblastic cell 羊膜细胞或滋养层的细胞amnion 羊膜amniotic 羊膜的amniotic fluid studies 羊水研究amount of hemoglobin 血红蛋白量amoxicillin 阿莫西林,羟氨苄青霉素amphetamine 苯异丙胺,苯丙胺amphojel 氢氧化铝凝胶amphotericin B 两性霉素Bamplify v t .放大amplitude 幅度amputation 截断术amrinone 氨力农(强心药)amylase 淀粉酶amyloidosis 淀粉样变性amyotrophic 肌萎缩的A merican Nurse Association 美国护士协会anaerobes 厌气菌anal 肛门的anal canal 肛门通道anal fissures or fistulas 肛瘘和肛裂anal intercourse 肛门性交anal sphincter tone 肛门括约肌张力analgesia 痛觉缺失,无痛法,止痛法,镇痛analgesic 止痛剂analysis 分析analysis of amniotic fluid 羊水分析analysis of maternal serum 母亲血清分析anaphylactic 过敏的,导致过敏的anaphylactic reaction 过敏反应anaphylactic shock 过敏性休克anaphylaxis 过敏症,过敏反应;过敏性〔免〕·01·常用护理英语词汇手册anasarca 全身水肿anastomosis 吻合术anatomically ad.在解剖学上anatomy 解剖,解剖学,分解,分析ancient 古代,年老者Andrew’s bed use for prone position 安德列床用作俯卧位androgen 雄激素,雄酮android 男性样的anemia 贫血anemia of prematurity 早产儿贫血anesthesia 麻醉anesthetic agent 麻醉剂aneuploid 非整倍的aneurysm 动脉瘤aneurysm of abdo minal aorta 腹主动脉瘤aneurysm of peripheral artery 周围动脉瘤aneurysm of thoracic aorta 胸主动脉瘤anger 忿怒,愤怒angina 咽喉炎,痉挛性、窒息性疼痛angina pectoris 心绞痛angioedema 血管神经性水肿angiogenesis 血管生成angiography 血管造影angio ma 血管瘤angio myolipoma 血管肌脂瘤angioplasty 血管成形术angioscope 血管镜angiotensin 血管紧张素angiotensin converting enzy me inhibitor 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂angiotensinⅡblocker 血管紧张素Ⅱ阻断剂angiotensinⅡreceptor blocker 血管紧张素受体阻断剂angiotensin唱converting enzy me(ACE) 血管紧张素转化酶angle唱closure glauco ma 闭角青光眼animal 动物ankle 踝ankle joint replacement 踝关节置换术ankylosis 关节强硬,关节强直ankylosing spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎anal fissure 肛裂annoy v.使……苦恼,骚扰annual 一年的annually 一年一次,每年anogenital 肛门生殖的anorectal 肛门直肠的anorexia 厌食anorexia nausea 恶心厌食anorexia nervosa 神经性厌食anoscope 肛门镜anovular 不排卵的anoxia 缺氧antabuse 双硫仑,戒酒硫,双硫醒〔治慢性酒精中毒药〕antacid 抗酸antagonist 对抗肌,拮抗肌,拮抗药,对抗药antecubital fossa 肘前窝anterior 前面的,在前的anterior axillary 腋前anterior posterior diameter 前后径anthrax 炭疽anthropoid 类人的antianxiety 抗焦虑antianxiety and hypnotic agents 抗焦虑和催眠药antiarrhythmic 抗心律失常药antibiotic 抗生素antibody 抗体antibody response 抗体反应anticholinergic 抗胆碱能的anticholinergic effects 抗胆碱能作用anticholinergic medication 抗胆碱能药物anticholinergic syndrome 抗胆碱能药综合征anticholinesterase 抗胆碱酯酶anticipate v.预期,占先anticipatory 预料的,预想的anticoagulant 抗凝剂,抗凝血药;抗凝血的anticoagulant therapy 抗凝血剂治疗anticoagulation 抗凝血作用anticonvulsant 抗惊厥药antidepressant 抗抑郁药antidiuretic hor mone(AD H) 抗利尿激素,血管升压素antidote 解毒剂,解毒药antiembolism 抗栓药antiemetic 止吐剂,止吐药antifungal agents 抗真菌药物antigen 抗原antihistamine 抗组胺antihypertensive 抗高血压药anti唱inflam matory agents 抗炎药物antimicrobial 抗微生物,抗菌antimicrobial sensitivities 抗菌的敏感试验antimicrobial soap or detergent 抗菌肥皂和去污剂antineoplastic 抗肿瘤剂antipathy 憎恶,反感antiperspirant 止汗药,防汗药antipruritic 止痒药物antipsychotic 抗精神病药物antipyretic 退热的;退热剂antirheumatic agent 抗风湿药物antiseptic 抗菌剂antiserum 抗毒血清antitoxin 抗毒素antiviral agent 抗病毒药物anuria 无尿anus 肛门anxiety 焦虑anxiety or depression 焦虑及抑郁症anxious 焦虑的,渴望的anxious mood 焦虑的情绪aorta 主动脉aortic 主动脉的aortic pulsation 主动脉搏动aortic regurgitation 主动脉反流aortic stenosis 主动脉狭窄aortic valve replacement 主动脉瓣置换术aortic valves 主动脉瓣aortic唱cave cannulation 主动脉及腔静脉插管apathy 淡漠,无情,冷淡,情感淡漠,无情感aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血apex of heart 心尖Apgar score 阿普加评分,阿氏评分(出生婴儿1分钟的生理指标)aphasia 语言失能,失语症aphthous ulcer 口疮性溃疡apical 尖,尖端,顶点apical impulse 心尖搏动aplastic 发育不全的apnea 呼吸暂停,窒息apocrine gland 顶浆分泌腺apparatus 器械,装置,仪器,器官,机构apparent 显然的,外观上的appearance 外貌appearance and odor 外观和气味appendecto my 阑尾切除术appendicitis 阑尾炎appendix 阑尾,蚓突,附录,附属物,附件appetite 食欲apple juice 苹果汁apple sause 苹果沙司appliance 应用,适用,器械,装置,支架,器械架apply side rail 应用侧床栏appointment 预约,安排appreciation 赏识,鉴识,感激apprehension 理解,理解力,忧虑approach 研究,探讨,方法,接近,进路(手术)appropriate 适当的appropriate drug regimen 适当的药物疗法appropriate for injection into thigh 适合于大腿注入appropriate shelter 适当的庇护appropriate to methods of sterilization 适当的消毒方法appropriate vocabulary 适当的词句approve 准许,赞同approximately 大约,大概apraxia 运用不能,失用apricot 杏aqua glycolic 乙二醇液Aqua M E PHY T O N 维生素K1(phytonadione)的商品名aqueous 水的,水样的aqueous glutaraldehyde 戊二醛水溶液aqueous humor 房水arch 弓,足弓,弓形纹areola 小区,晕argument 争论,辩论arise v.站立,上升,出现,兴起arm 手臂arousal 觉醒arrange v.排列,整理,安排arrangement 排列,安排arrest 阻滞,停止arrhythmia 心律失常,不整arsenic 砷artane 安坦arterial blood gases(ABG) 动脉血气arterial blood gas(ABG)analysis 动脉血气分析arterial catheter 动脉导管arterial embolecto my 动脉血栓切除术arterial pressure monitoring 动脉压监测arteriography and venography 动脉造影和静脉造影arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease 冠状动脉硬化病arteriovenous 动静脉的,连接动静脉的arteriovenous fistula 动静脉瘘artery 动脉artery embolism 动脉栓塞arthritis 关节炎arthropods 节肢动物arthroscope 关节镜arthroscopy resection and repair 关节镜下切除术或修复article 物品,商品articulation 关节artificial 人工的,人造的,假的artificial heart 假体心脏as soon as possible 尽可能快asbestos 石棉ascend v.上升,攀登ascending thoracic aorta 升主动脉瘤ascites 腹水ascorbic(vitamin C) 维生素Casepsis 无菌aseptic delivery of packing contents 递送包装的无菌内容物aseptic principles 无菌原则aseptic syringe 无菌注射器aseptic technique maintained 保持无菌技术aseptic bulb syringe 连橡皮球的注射器(灌洗或吸痰用)aspartate 天冬氨酸,天冬氨酸盐aspect 外观,方面aspirate 抽吸物,吸出物;v.抽吸aspiration 吸引(术),误吸aspiration of spinal fluid 抽吸脊髓液aspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎aspirate secretion 抽吸分泌物aspirin 阿司匹林assault 攻击assay v.n.测定,分析,化验;测定法assert v.主张,声明,断言,维护主权assess v.估定,评定assess fetal maturity 检查胎儿的成熟度assess level of consciousness 检查意识水平assess responsiveness 检查反应情况assess the acid唱base balance 测定酸碱平衡assessment 评价asset 资产,有用的东西assign v t.分配,指派assist v.参与assistance needed 需要帮助assistant 助手,助理assisting patient in activities 帮助病人进行活动associate 同伴,伙伴;v.联合,联想association 结合,协会,相关,关联,联合assume v.假定,承担,摆架子asterixis 扑翼性震颤asthma 哮喘asthma clinic 哮喘诊断asthmatic bronchitis 哮喘性支气管炎astig matism 散光asy m metric chest expansion 不对称的胸部扩张asy m metric posturing 不对称的姿势asy m metry of extremities 不对称的肢体asy mptomatic 无症状ataxia 共济失调ataxic 共济失调的atelectasis(lung collapse) 肺不张atenolol(Tenormin) 氨酰心安atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化atherosclerotic changes 动脉硬化改变atherosclerotic唱occlusive disease 动脉硬化阻塞性病Ativan 劳拉西泮(抗焦虑药)atmosphere 大气,气氛atopic dermatitis(Eczema) 特应性皮炎(湿疹)atony 张力缺乏,张力弛缓,弛缓,无力atresia 闭锁atrial 心房atrial fibrillation 心房震颤atrial flutter 心房扑动atrial premature beats(atrial extrasystoles) 房性早搏(房性期外收缩)atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损atrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞atrioventricular bundle of His 希氏房室束atrioventricular dissociation 房室分离atrioventricular junction rhythm 房室分界节律atrioventricular node 房室结atrophy 萎缩atrophic endometrium 子宫内膜萎缩atrophic vaginitis 萎缩性阴道炎atropine and pralidoxime 阿托品及解磷定attach v.附加,系,贴,缚attach ECG 连接心电图attachment 附着,附着体,附件,附属品;依恋attack 发作,发病,攻击attain v.达到,获得attempt 努力,尝试,企图;v t.尝试,企图attend v.参加,注意,照料,出席,随从attending to the co mfort of patient 注意病人的舒服attendant 护理员,侍者,服务员attention 注意力,关心,关注attitude 态度atypical 非典型的atypical(dysplastic)nevi 不典型的(发育不良的)痣atypical pneumonia 非典型肺炎audible 听得见的audiologist 听力学专家audiology 听力学audiotape 录音磁带auditory 听觉的,耳的,听力的aug ment v.增加,增大aura 气味,气氛,先兆auricle 耳郭auscultate v.听诊auscultation 听诊auscultation of fetal heart唱beat 胎儿心音听诊auscultation w heezing,crackle 听诊喘鸣音和干 音authorize v.授权与,批准,委托代替,使……有理,辩护authority 权威,权力autism 孤独癖,自我中心主义,缄默症autograft 自体移植automatic 自动的,无意识的autoim mune disease 自身免疫性疾病autoim mune hemolytic anemia 自身免疫性溶血性贫血autoim munity 自体免疫autonomic 自律药;自主的,自律的autonomy 自主性autopsy 尸体解剖autosomal 正染色体的,常染色体的autosomal dominant inheritance 常染色体的显性遗传autosomal recessive inheritance 常染色体的隐性遗传autosome 常染色体,正染色体autotransfusion 自身输血availability 有效,有用,有益available 有用的,有空的,可利用的average 平均,平均值averse 不愿意的,反对的aversion 厌恶avocado 鳄梨(奶油果)avoidance 回避aw ake v t.唤醒;v i.醒,觉醒aw areness 意识,知觉axial 轴的,轴向的axilla 腋axillary 腋窝的axillary temperature 腋下体温axis 轴azidothy midine(AZ T) 叠氮胸苷azotemia 氮血症BB唱ly mphocytes B淋巴细胞Babinski 巴宾斯基征babysitter 临时照顾幼儿者bacillary dysentery 细菌性痢疾Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin(BCG)卡介苗back 背back surgery laminecto my 背部手术,椎板切除术backache 背痛background 背景bacon 咸肉,熏肉bacterial 细菌的bacterial agents,escherichia coli 细菌物质,埃希大肠杆菌bacterial conjunctivitis 细菌性结膜炎bacterial keratitis 细菌性角膜炎bacterial overgro w th 细菌过度生长bacterial peritonitis 细菌性腹膜炎bacterial pneumonia 细菌性肺炎bacterial vaginosis 细菌性阴道病bacterial(cocci,bacilli,spirilla) 细菌的(球菌,杆菌,螺旋体)bactericidal 杀菌的baggy 悬垂的Bailey rib retractor 贝氏肋骨牵开器baked(roast) 烧烤balance 平衡baldness(alopecia) 秃发,脱发balloon 气球ballottement 冲击触诊法banded 扎紧bandage 绷带barbecue 烤肉;v.烤肉barbiturate 巴比妥bargain v t.讲价,交易,意料barium esophagography 食管吞钡摄影barium of upper G I imaging 上消化道吞钡影像barotrauma 气压伤barrier 屏障,障壁basal cell layer 基底细胞层base cell carcino ma 基底细胞瘤basal ganglia 基底核baseline 基线basil po w der 紫苏粉basis 基础basophil 嗜碱粒细胞bath oil 沐浴油bathroom 浴室bath soap 浴皂bath solution and medication 沐浴液及药物bath to w el 浴巾bathing 沐浴bathing infant 新生儿沐浴bathtub 浴缸batter v.猛击battery 电池bear v t.负担,忍受,带给bearing 支撑,生育beat 跳动,敲声 v t.敲,打 v i.搏动beat steady 心跳稳定bed making 铺床bed bath 床上浴bedbug 臭虫bedpan 便盆bed scale 床上磅称bedside co m mode 床边便桶bedside lamp 床边灯bedside rails raised 升起床边围栏bedtime 就寝时间bedsore 褥疮(decubitus)bedspread 床罩单beef 牛肉beef broth 牛肉汤beforehand 预先准备好的,预先,提前behave v i.举动,举止,运转v t.行为表现behavior 举止,行为behavior irritable 激动的行为behavioral therapy 行为治疗belief 相信,信仰Bell’s palsy 贝尔麻痹,面神经麻痹belonging 个人拥有物belo w the patella 髌骨下belt 带,腰带Benadryl 盐酸苯拉明制剂的商品名benazepril 贝那普利〔抗高血压药〕Bence Jones protein 本斯·琼斯蛋白bend n.v.弯,弯曲bend knee 弯膝bending 弯身beneficial 有益的,有用的benefit 利益,好处;v t.有益于,有助于benign 良性的,温和的benign esophageal lesion 良性食管病变benign esophageal neoplasm 良性食管肿瘤(新生物)benign nasal tumor 良性鼻肿瘤benign prostatic hyperplasia 良性前列腺增生benign tumor of liver 良性肝肿瘤benign tumor of the sto mach 良性胃肿瘤bent v.弯曲,屈服,致力于benzodiazepine 苯二氮 类(任何一类弱安定药,包括安定)benztropine 甲磺胺苯扎托品bereavement 丧亲beta唱adrenergic blocking agent β唱肾上腺素阻断剂betray v.背叛beverage 饮料bewilder v.迷惑,混乱bibasilar 双侧基底部bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐bicuspid or mitral valves 二尖瓣或僧帽瓣bilateral 双侧的bilateral nares 双侧鼻孔bilateral subtotal lobecto my 双侧次全肺叶切除术bilateral vocal cord paralysis 双侧声带麻痹bile 胆汁bile ascites 胆性腹水bile melanin 胆黑素bile salt malabsorption 胆盐吸收不良biliary 胆汁的biliary tract 胆管biliary obstruction 胆管阻塞biliary stricture 胆管狭窄bilirubin 胆红素bilirubin direct test 胆红素直接试验bilirubin indirect test 胆红素间接试验bind v.捆绑binge 狂欢作乐biofeedback 生物反馈biohazard hamper or bag(red color) 生物危害物废弃桶或袋(红色的)biohazardous(infectious)w aste 生物危害(感染性)废弃物biological 生物学的biology 生物,生物学biophysical 生物物理的bioprosthesis valves 生物假体瓣(人工瓣膜)biopsy 活组织检查biosynthetic 生物合成的bipolar 双极的bipolar disorder 双极情感障碍(既有狂躁又有抑制的精神病)bird and rodent,mites 鸟及啮齿动物,小虫birth place,nation 出生地,国籍birth w eight 出生体重bisacodyl 比沙可啶,双醋苯啶(泻药)biscuit 饼干bismuth 铋bismuth subsalicylate 次水杨酸铋bitter 苦,苦味;苦味的,痛苦的bizarre 奇异的,古怪的black bean 黑豆black color 黑色blackout (暂时)的眩晕, (记忆)的中断bladder 膀胱bladder aug mentation 膀胱增大bladder cancer 膀胱癌bladder infection 膀胱感染bladder training 膀胱训练blade 刀片,叶片,板,叶鞘blanch v t.变白bland 无味的,清淡的,刺激性少的blanket 毯子blast 一阵(风),爆炸,原始细胞 v t.爆炸,毁灭bleed v t.使出血,放血;v i.出血bleeding time 出血时间blend v t.混合n.混合blepharitis 睑炎blepharoplasty 睑成形术blind 盲,盲目,挡板,遮光帘blister 水泡bloat v t.使膨胀 v i.膨胀,肿起block 块,片,部件,阻滞,阻断blocker 阻滞剂blood lipid abnormalities 血脂异常blood pressure 血压blood pressure cuff 血压计袖套blood test 验血blood transfusion 输血blood typing 血型检定blood area nitrogen(BU N) 血尿素氮blue nevi 蓝痣blue sclera or yello w sclera 蓝色巩膜或黄色巩膜bluish discoloration 变紫蓝色blunt 钝的,生硬的blur v.把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清blurred vision 视力模糊blurry 模糊的,不清楚的B唱mode ultrasonography B型超声波board 木板,甲板,膳食body image 身体形象。
医生和护士互相问候,并介绍 患者的病情概况。
护士详细汇报患者的各项指标 和护理情况。
医生和护士共同讨论患者的治 疗方案,并制定下一步的护理 计划。
护士与患者进行交流,询问患 者的感受,并提供安慰和鼓励 。
1 1. 清晰描述
护理工作流程是护士在工作中执行的步骤,旨在提供安全有效高质量的护理服务。 这些流程包括评估、诊断、计划、实施、评估、记录等步骤。
诊断 2
计划 3
实施 4
评估 5
护士应该熟悉护理工作流程,并将其应用到实践中。 这有助于确保护理服务的安全有效性,并提高护理质量。
同时,护士也要注意患者的心理状态,使用鼓励和安慰的语言,建立良好的 医患关系。
清晰简洁 1
客观准确 2
逻辑顺序 3
规范格式 4
遵循国际标准格式。 病历记录是患者医疗信息的宝贵资料,也是护理人员的重要工作之一。良好的病历记录有助于了解患者病情,制定护理计划,评估护理效用英语撰写护理工作报告,包括患者 病情变化、护理措施和效果等。
二、医学英语词汇1. 人体器官:heart, lung, liver, kidney, brain, stomach, intestine, etc.2. 常见疾病:diabetes, hypertension, asthma, pneumonia, stroke, etc.3. 医学检查:physical examination, blood test, X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, etc.4. 药物和治疗:antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretics, surgery, radiation therapy, etc.5. 护理操作:taking vital signs, wound dressing, administering medication, giving injections, etc.三、常用短语1. 病人相关:patient care, vital signs, medical history, pain assessment, patient education, etc.2. 护理措施:bedside care, hygiene care, wound care, medication administration, etc.3. 护理沟通:establish rapport, listen actively, provide emotional support, convey information, etc.4. 紧急护理:cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, emergency response, etc.5. 职业道德:confidentiality, integrity, empathy, advocacy, etc.四、句子结构1. 简单句:The patient needs immediate medical attention.2. 并列句:The nurse assessed the patient's vital signs, and then administered the prescribed medication.3. 从句:When the doctor arrived, the nurse explained the patient's condition in detail.4. 特殊疑问句:What is the patient's medical history?5. 陈述祈使句:Please take the patient's blood pressure regularly.实例1:大一护理专业的学生需要学习和掌握大量的医学英语词汇,以便准确理解课堂内容和进行临床实践。
Hale Waihona Puke 护理学3Research & Development How Was R&D Managed?
How was the project managed through R&D? – How many teams, number of people, reporting structure, etc. – How well did that work? Improvements?
Was timing appropriate? Cost? How do initial sales compare to goals? How has product been received?
Key Lessons
What Went Right
Changes: how tracked, communicated – How well did this work?
Other methods: email, schedules, databases, reports, etc.
Was team properly prepared to receive product? – BOM & paperwork complete & accurate? – Materials ordered & ready?
Project Management How Was the Project Managed?
Meetings: who/when/how often – How well did this work?
• -oid 像、类、似、状
– Al′buminoid (白蛋白样的,类蛋白) – Ca′rotinoid (类胡萝卜素) – ′Rheumatoid (类风湿的)
• -meter 计
– Ther′mometer (体温计) – Spi′rometer (肺活量计) – Sphyg′mometer (脉搏计)
• Prefixation
– Autograft isograft allograft xenograft
• Suffixation
– Immune immunity immunize immunization
• Combining vowel Retr-o-gastr-ic –O I A
Word-formation in Medical Terminology
• Affixation 词缀法 • Backformation 逆成法
• Composition 合成法 • Clipping 截短法
• Conversion 转类法 • Acronyms 首字母缩略
• Blending 拼缀法
• 重读音节确定
Ba′cil●lus (杆菌) Appendi′ci●tis(阑尾炎) ade′no●ma(腺瘤) Splenocera′to●sis(脾硬化) Transu′re●thral(经尿道的) strepto′co ● cus(链球菌)
护理专业常用英语词汇一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语)Nursing processesAssessmentNursing diagnosisPlanningIntervention (implementation, management) EvaluationDaily care of the patientMorning (evening) care, AM (HS) care BedmakingOral hygiene (mouth care)Brushing the teethFlossing the teethDenture careBathingCleanliness and skin carPerineal careHair careShavingCare of nails and feetChanging hospital gownsMassageBedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulseCounting respirationsMeasuring (taking) blood pressure CatheterizationCardiac catheterizationLaryngeal catheterization; intubationRetro-urethral catheterization 护理过程估计护理诊断计划措施(实施、管理)评价对病人的日常护理晨(晚)间护理整理床铺口腔卫生刷牙清牙垢清洗假牙洗澡清洁与皮肤护理会阴部护理梳头刮脸指甲修剪和洗脚更换住院服装按摩褥疮护理测量生命体征测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度测量桡动脉脉搏计呼吸次数测量血压导管插入术心导管插入术喉插管术逆行导尿管插入术Urethral catheterizationClean techniques (medical asepsis) AsepsisIntegral asepsisDisinfectionConcomitant (concurrent) Disinfection Steam DisinfectionTerminal DisinfectionDisinfection by ultraviolet light SterilizationChemical SterilizationIntermittent Sterilization DecompressionCardiac decompressionCerebral decompressionOrbital decompression Decompression of pericardium Gastro-intestinal decompression Decompression of rectum Decompression of spinal cord DialysisPeritoneal dialysisHemodialysisDrainageAspiration (suction) drainageClosed drainageNegative pressure drainageOpen drainagePostural drainageVaginal drainageVesicocelomic drainageEnemaBarium enemaBlind enemaContrast enemaGlycerin enema 尿道导管插入术消毒灭菌(医学无菌)无菌(法)完全无菌消毒随时消毒,即时消毒蒸气消毒终末消毒紫外线消毒灭菌,消毒化学灭菌法间歇灭菌法减压(术)心脏减压术脑减压术眼眶减压术心包减压术胃肠减压术直肠减压术脊髓减压术透析腹膜透析血液透析引流、导液吸引导液(引流)关闭引流法负压吸引法开放引流法体位引流法阴道引流法膀胱腹腔引流灌肠钡灌肠肛管排气法对比灌肠甘油灌肠High (low) enemaMagnesium sulfate enema Retention (non-retention) enema Soapsuds enemaTurpentine enemaFeedingForced (forcible) feedingIntubation (tube) feedingVassal feedingRectal feedingHeat and cold applicationsApplying hot compressesApplying hot soaksAssisting the patient to take a sitz bath Applying hot water bottlesApplying cold compressesGiving a cold (an alcohol) sponge bath InfusionGlucose infusionGlucose-saline infusionSaline infusionInjectionEndermic (intracutaneous) injection Hypertonic saline injection Hypodermic injection Intramuscular injectionIntrapleural injectionIntraocular injectionIntrauterine injectionNasal injectionPeritoneal injectionRectal injectionSubconjunctival injectionUrethral injectionVaginal injectionIrrigation 高(低)位灌肠硫酸镁灌肠保留(无保留)灌肠肥皂水灌肠松节油灌肠饲,喂养强制喂养管饲法鼻饲法直肠营养法冷、热敷热敷湿热敷帮病人坐浴用热水瓶冷敷冷水(酒精)擦浴输入,注入葡萄糖液输注葡萄糖-盐水输注盐水输注注射皮内注射高渗盐水注射皮下注射肌肉注射胸膜腔注射眼球内注射子宫内注射鼻内注射腹膜腔注射直肠注射结膜下注射尿道注射阴道注射冲洗Vaginal irrigationBladder irrigation Continuous irrigationMediate irrigationIsolationStrict isolationContact isolationRespiratory isolation Drainage (secretion) precautions Enteric precautionsBlood (body fluid) precautions Protective isolationLavageGastric lavageIntestinal lavagePeritoneal lavagePleural lavageMedicationEndermic medication Epidermic medication Hypodermatic medicationIonic medicationNasal medicationOral medicationRectal medicationSublingual medication Transduodenal medication Vaginal medication SuctioningUpper airway suctioning Nasogastric suctioningWound suctionin TransfusionArterial transfusionBlood transfusionDirect (immediate) transfusion 阴道冲洗膀胱冲洗连续冲洗法间接冲洗法隔离、分离严密隔离接触隔离呼吸道隔离引流预防措施肠道预防措施血液(体液)预防措施保护性隔离灌洗,洗出法洗胃洗肠腹膜腔灌洗胸膜腔灌洗药疗,投药,给药皮内投药法皮上投药法皮下投药法离子透药疗法鼻内投药法口服法直肠投药法舌下投药法十二指肠内投药法阴道投药法吸气,引液上呼吸道抽吸鼻胃抽吸伤口吸引输血,输液动脉输血输血直接输血Drip transfusionIndirect transfusionPlasma transfusionVenous transfusionDiet nursingAbsolute diet (fasting)Balanced dietBland dietConvalescent dietDiabetic dietEucaloric dietFat-free dietSalt-free dietFever dietFull dietHalf dietHigh caloric dietHigh-carbohydrate dietHigh-protein (protein-rich) dietInvalid dietLight dietLiquid dietHigh fat dietLow fat dietLow caloric dietLow-protein dietLow-residue dietNourishing dietObesity dietPrenatal dietRegimens dietSmooth (soft) dietEmergency care (first aid) Cardiopulmonary resuscitationMouth-to mouth (mouth-to-nose) resuscitation Emergency care used to control hemorrhage 滴注输血(液)间接输血输血清静脉输血,静脉输液饮食护理禁食均衡饮食清淡饮食恢复期饮食糖尿病饮食适当热量饮食无脂饮食无盐饮食热病饮食全食,普通饮食半食高热量饮食高糖饮食高蛋白饮食病弱者饮食易消化饮食流质饮食高脂饮食低脂饮食低热量饮食低蛋白饮食低渣饮食滋补饮食肥胖饮食孕期饮食规定食谱细(软)饮食急救护理心肺复苏术口对口(口对鼻)复苏术止血措施Emergency care given to help a patient who is vomitingEmergency care for a patient during a seizure Hospice carePostmortem care 呕吐患者急救癫痫发作急救临终护理死亡后护理二、Commonly Used Nursing Equipment (常用护理器械)Absorbent cotton Adhesive plaster BandageBath towelCotton wool balls WipesDressingElastic bandage GauzeMaskMattressRubber sheet SwabAlcohol burner Breast pumpCuret(te)DropperEnema can Enema syringe Finger stall Forceps Hemostatic forceps Obstetric forceps FunnelGastric tubeGlass measure cup Hypodermic syringe NeedleAmpoule (ampute) 脱脂棉胶布绷带浴巾棉球棉球敷料弹力绷带纱布口罩垫子橡皮单拭子,药签酒精灯吸奶器刮器,刮匙滴管灌肠筒灌肠注射器指套钳子止血钳产钳漏斗胃管玻璃量杯皮下注射器针头安瓿Ice bagIncubatorKidney basinMeasuring tapeMedicine cupMurphy’s drip bulb Percussion hammerRectal tubeRubber air ringRubber glovesSand bagScalpelScissorsSpecimen container Sphygmomanometer StethoscopeSuckerRibbon gutTest tubeThermometerThree-channel tubeSpatula (padded tongue blade) TourniquetTrayUltraviolet lampVessel clampVialBedside commodeBedside railsBedpanDisposable collecting bag Emesis basinPatient packUrinalBinderSling 冰袋保温箱弯盘带尺药杯墨菲氏滴管叩诊锤肛管橡皮气圈橡皮手套沙袋手术刀剪刀取样器皿血压计听诊器吸管肠线试管体温计三腔管压舌板止血带托盘紫外线灯止血钳,血管夹药瓶床边洗脸台,便桶床栏床上便盆一次性集尿袋盂盆医院为病人提供的个人用具男用尿壶,贮尿器腹带,绷带悬带SlintScrotal supportCane (walking stick) CrutchStretcherWalkerWheelchairIsolation unit, set-up Cannula(e)Perfusion cannula Wash-out cannula CatheterCardiac catheter Indwelling catheter Double current catheter Flexible catheter Female catheter Prostatic catheter Tracheal catheter DialyserDialyzatorDrainage-tube EnematorIntubatorIrrigatorOxygen tankRubber-topped hemostat SpeculumAnal speculumAural speculumEye speculumNasal speculum Speculum orisRectal speculum Urethral speculum Vaginal speculum 夹板阴囊托手杖拐杖担架助行器轮椅消毒室,消毒病房套管、插管灌注套管冲洗套管导管心导管留置导尿管双腔导管软导管女导尿管前列腺导尿管气管吸引导管透析膜透析器引流管灌肠器插关器、喉管插入器冲洗器氧气筒带橡皮头的止血器窥器,张口器肛门张开器,扩肛器耳窥器,耳镜开睑器鼻窥器,鼻镜张口器直肠窥器,直肠张开器尿道窥器阴道窥器SuctionSputum suction apparatu Mechanical suctionVentilator (respirator) Automatic ventilatorPositive pressure ventilator Negative pressure ventilator Cabinet respiratorAutoclave sterilizer (disinfector) BronchoscopeCystoscopeDefibrillator Electrocardiograph Electroencephalograph GastroscopeHyperbaric oxygen chamber PacemakerSpirometer 吸吮器吸痰器机械吸吮器呼吸机,呼吸器自动呼吸机正压呼吸机负压呼吸机箱式呼吸器高压蒸汽灭菌器支气管镜膀胱镜除颤器心电图机脑电图机胃镜高压氧仓起搏器肺活量计三、Organization and Members of A Healht Care Facility (医院部门及主要职务术语)Hospital superintendent / director/ administrator Medical directorDepartment headAttending physician/ doctor in charge Resident doctorPhysician‘s assistantInternDirector of nursingNursing education directorNursing supervisorHead nurseRegistered nurse(RN)Licensed practical nurse(LRN)Nursing assistantOrderlyGeneral office of the hospital 医院院长医务主任科主任主治医师住院医师医生助理,医士实习医生护理部主任护理教育处长总护士长护士长注册护士持照护士,护士助理护士,护理员护理员,卫生员,男助理护士院部办公室Out-patient departmentOut-patientIn-patient departmentOut-patientEmergency department (unit)Nursing departmentRegistration/ registrar’s officeMedical records divisionAdmission officeDepartment of internal medicineInternist , physicianDepartment of general medicineGeneral practitionerDepartment of cardiologyCardiologist ,heat specialistDepartment of respiratory medicineDepartment of digestive medicine(G. I. department ) GastrologistDepartment of proctologyProctologistDepartment of hepatologyHepatologistDepartment of nephrologyNephrologistDepartment of hemotologyHemotologistDepartment of endocrinologyEndocrinologistDepartment of neurologyNeurologistDepartment of psychiatryPsychiatristDepartment of geriatricsGeriatricianDepartment of (general) surgerySurgeon 门诊部门诊病人住院部住院病人急诊部护理部挂号室病案室住院处内科内科医生大内科全科医生心内科心脏专家呼吸科消化科胃病专家(医生)肛肠科肛肠科专家(医生)肝病科肝病专家(医生)肾内科肾内科专家(医生)血液科血液科专家(医生)内分泌科内分泌专家(医生)神经科神经科专家(医生)神经病科神经病专家(医生)老年病科老年病专家(医生)普通外科外科医生Department of neuro-surgery Department of thoracic/ chest surgery Department of cardiovascular surgery Department of esthetic surgery Department of abdominal surgery Department of orthopedics OrthopedistDepartment of plastic surgery Department of anesthesiology AnesthetistDepartment of obstetrics and gynecology Obstetrician/ accoucheur(F.) GynecologistMidwife/accoucheuse(F.) Department of pediatricsPediatricianDepartment of neonatology NeonatologistDepartment of ophthalmology OphthalmologistOculistOpticianDepartment of stomatology StomatologistDepartment of dentistryDental departmentDentistDepartment of orthodontics OrthodontistDepartment of otorhinolaryngology/ ENT(ear,nose,throat) department Otorhinolaryngologist)OtolaryngologistENT specialistAurist/ otologistRhinologist 神经外科胸外科心血管外科美容外科腹外科矫形外科、骨科骨科医生整形外科麻醉科麻醉师妇产科产科医生妇科专家(医生)助产士小儿科儿科医生新生儿科新生儿科专家(医生)眼科眼科专家(医生)眼科医生验光师口腔科口腔科专家(医生)牙科牙科牙医师正牙科正牙专家(医生)耳鼻喉科耳鼻喉科耳鼻喉科专家(医生)耳鼻喉科专家(医生)耳鼻喉科专家(医生)耳科医生鼻科医生LaryngologistDepartment of dermatology DermatologistDepartment of traditional Chinese medicine TCM physician/ doctorDepartment of acupuncture AcupuncturistDepartment of massageMassagistDepartment of pathologyPathologistDepartment of radiologyRadiologistX-ray technologistX-ray technicianDepartment of physical therapy Department of radioisotopeDepartment of dieteticsDietitian/ dieticianDiet technicianCookChefPharmacyDispensaryPharmacistPharmaceutist(Br.)Druggist(Am.)DispenserClinical laboratoryLaboratory technicianAssayerPulmonary function labNursing station/deskIntensive Care Unit(ICU)Blood bankMortuary 喉科医生皮肤科皮肤科专家(医生)中医科中医大夫针灸科针灸师按摩科按摩师病理科病理学家放射科放射科专家X光技师X光技术员体疗科放射性同位素科营养科营养师营养技术人员炊事员厨师药房药房制剂师制剂师药剂师药剂士临床化验室化验室技术员化验师肺功能检查室护理站监护室血库太平间Waiting room Consulting room Bronchoscop room Gastro-endoscopic room Disinfection room Dressing room Injection room Therapeutic room Operating room Recovery room Medical ward Surgical ward Maternity ward Isolation ward General ward Observation ward Optical ward Children’s wardMale wardPrivate ward 接待室、会客室、候诊室咨询室支气管镜室心电图室脑电图室胃镜室消毒室换药室注射室治疗间手术室康复室内科病房外科病房产科病房隔离病房普通病房观察病房眼科病房儿童病房男病房特等病房。
Topic 1、婚前体检premarital physical examinationTopic 2、常规孕检routine pregnancy checkTopic 3、儿科常见病common pediatric diseasesTopic 4、儿科注射pediatric injectionTopic 1单词:乳汁不足lack of lactation 引导分泌物vaginal discharge 宫颈糜烂erosion of cervix 宫颈息肉cervical polyp宫颈肥大hypertrophy of cervix 宫颈粘膜炎endocervicitis 剖腹产cesarean section接触性出血contact bleeding下腹部肿块abdominal mass 常规盆腔检查pelvic exam 乳房自检breast self-exam 宫颈裂伤cervical laceration 妊娠pregnancy 脱垂感sensation of prolapse 外生殖器检查external genital exam 临床乳腺检查clinical breast exam测量指标:体温temperature 身高height 血压blood pressure 脉搏pulse 体重weight 心跳heart beat身体部位名称:肚脐navel 腰waist 屁股buttock 臀部hip 锁骨collar bone 脊柱backbone 肩胛骨shoulder blade 腹部abdomen 肩shoulder颅骨skull 肋骨rib 肩关节shoulder joint 胸骨breastbone句型:It is very necessary to have a CT scan. Do you feel unwell in your ()?Maybe you can measure your ()first. Please describe your trouble in detail to me. When did this pain begin? Are you always in the blues? You should pay special attention.Topic 2单词:检查CT 身体检查CT examination 产后检查physical examination 心理检查psychological examination 胃肠检查gastrointestinal examination句型:Well,what was the amount of menstrual flow? When was the your last period? Is your menstruaaion regular? Well,any other discomforts? How about your appetite? I suggest you having a pregnancy test. The result of the pregnancy test is positive. You are pregnant .Congratulations! Where is the pain? I am afraid it is a sign of miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. I will give some medicine by injection and orally,You should call the emergency immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more severe than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.Topic 3单词:一阵bout 小儿科pediatric department 妇产科obstetrics and gynecology department 眼科ophthalmology department 耳鼻喉科ENT department 皮肤科skin department 创伤科traumatology department 麻醉科anesthesiology department 牙科dentaldepartment 泌尿科urology department 矫形外科orthopedic surgery department 病理科pathology department新生儿惊厥neonatal convulsions 高热惊厥febrile convulsions 新生儿肺炎pneumonia of the newborn 早产儿premature infant 拉肚子suffer from diarrhea 昏厥faint 肚子痛stomachache 新生儿肝炎neonatal hepatitis 新生儿败血症neonatal septicemia 背痛backache 呕吐vomit 胸痛chest pain 耳朵痛earache句型:He had a long bout of illness last year. What seems to be the trouble with your child?Can you tell me what he had for supper?Has he vomited? Is there any other symptom? Which part? Now you have to take your child to get his tools tested. I will write out a slip for you to take to the library. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me. Follow the doctor’s advice. I do advise you to remind your child of avoiding oily food for the next few days.Topic 4单词:营养丰富的食物谷类cereal 奶类milk & diary products 肉类meat 贝类shellfish 干果类nuts 蛋类egg products 根茎类root vegetables 鱼虾fish and prawn 豆类beans and peas 瓜果类fruits句型:It is time for me to give you IV fluids . IV fluids can prevent bacteria from entering your body and causing an infection. This IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to get his heart overloaded. What’s happened? You will be well soon after the injection. What should my child pay attention to after injection. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thank you for your advice. You would better take your child to department of cardiac surgery. You should eat more cereal.中西药房Topic 1、pricing 划价Topic 2、charging and taking medicine 收费和取药Topic 3、dealing with questionsTopic 4、medicine bulk purchaseTopic 1单词:药方、处方prescription 给。
移交; (权力、责任等的) 移交 ,交接工作
be admitted for
入院,允许,准许进 入
shift [ʃift]
变换, 转移
pain relief [ri’li:f]
liver [‘livə]
continuous [kən’tinjuəs]
连续的, 没有中断的
syringe driver ['sirindʒ]
x-ray [‘eksrei]
vegetarian [vedʒɪ‵teəri:ən] 素食者
chew [tʃu:]
咀嚼; 咬
donor [‘dəʊnə]
捐赠者 ,献血者
pudding [‘pudiŋ]
甜食; 甜点心
radiology [reɪdi:’ɔlədʒi:]
relaxation [ri:læk’seɪʃən]
psychotic [saɪ’kɔtɪk]
episode [′episəud]
(人生的)一段经 历
scream [skri:m]
(因伤痛、害怕等)尖叫 ,
surgical [′sɜ:dʒɪkəl]
complain of
注射器 ,针筒
medication [‘medɪ‵keɪʃən]
ward [wɔ:d]
病房, 病区
dose [dəus]
(一次)剂量, 一剂,
stretcher [‘stretʃə]
一、护理学基础知识(Basic Nursing Knowledge)1. Patient care(病人护理):refers to the assistance or treatment provided to individuals who are ill, injured, or disabled to help them maintain or regain their health and well-being.2. Nursing process(护理过程):a systematic approach to care, involving the assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing interventions.3. Vital signs(生命体征):include measurements such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate, which indicate the overall health status of a patient.4. Infection control(感染控制):refers to the measures taken to prevent and control the spread of infections in healthcare settings, such as hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, and isolation precautions.二、护理实践(Nursing Practice)1. Bedside care(床边护理):the care provided by nurses at the bedside of patients, which includes tasks such as giving medication, changing dressings, and assisting with personal hygiene.2. Patient assessment(病人评估):the systematic collection and analysis of data about a patient's health status to identify their needs and develop a care plan.3. Medication administration(药物管理):the process of giving medications to patients, including checking the medication order, preparing the medication, and ensuring the correct dosage and route of administration.4. Wound care(伤口护理):the management of wounds, including cleaning, dressing, and monitoring for signs of infection or healing.三、护理专业技能(Nursing Skills)1. Intravenous therapy(静脉输液):the administration of fluids, medications, or blood products through a vein, usually using an intravenous (IV) catheter.2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)(心肺复苏):a life-saving technique used in emergencies to restore blood circulation and breathing in cardiac arrest patients.3. Urinary catheterization(导尿):the insertion of a thin tube into the bladder to drain urine, often done for patients who are unable to urinate on their own.4. Patient education(病人教育):providing patients with information and skills to help them manage their health conditions and make informed decisions about their care.四、护理领域专业术语(Nursing Terminology)1. Palliative care(姑息护理):care provided to patients with serious illnesses to improve their quality of life, focusing on pain and symptom management, emotional support, and decision-making assistance.2. Evidence-based practice(循证实践):a problem-solving approach that incorporates the best available evidence from research, clinical expertise, and patient preferences to inform decision-making in nursing practice.3. Holistic care(整体护理):care that addresses the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of a patient, taking into account their unique circumstances and preferences.4. Ethical considerations(伦理考虑):the ethical principles and guidelines that nurses should follow in their practice, such as respect for autonomy, beneficence, and justice.五、护理研究与发展(Nursing Research and Development)1. Quantitative research(定量研究):a research method that collects numerical data and uses statistical analysis to investigate relationships or patterns.2. Qualitative research(定性研究):a research method that collects non-numerical data, such as interviews or observations, to gain an in-depth understanding of a specific phenomenon.3. Evidence synthesis(证据综合):the process of reviewing and analyzing multiple research studies to draw conclusions and make recommendations for practice.4. Quality improvement(质量改进):a systematic approach to improving healthcare outcomes and processes, often involving the use of performance measures and data analysis.以上是护理学专业常用的英语词汇,它们涵盖了护理学基础知识、实践技能、专业术语以及研究与发展等领域。
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挂号take a registration
挂号处registration office
专家号expert number
普通号average number
挂号费registration fee
大厅main floor
内科medical department
医务部medical administration division
Topic 2
办理病历buy a case history
史past medical history
家族史family history
个人病史personal history
检查资料Inspection data
血液检查blood test
化验室数据laboratory data
she has much experience with that kind of case.
She made a clinical record for the patient.
The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.
Topic 3
诊断方法diagnostic method
You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.
抗菌/抗生素antibiotics [ˌæntɪbaɪ'ɒtɪks]
强心药cardiac tonic[ˈkɑ:di:ˌækˈtɔnɪk]
祛痰药expectorant [ɪkˈspektərənt]美[ɪkˈspɛktərənt]
止血药hemostatic [ˌhi:mə'stætɪk]
止痒药antipruritic [ænti:p'rʊərɪtɪk]美[æntai:p'rʊərɪtɪk]
抗风湿药antБайду номын сангаасrheumatic [æntɜ:'hu:mætɪk]美[æntɜ:'hu:mætɪk]
过敏be allergic to
皮试skin test
预约make an appointment with the receptionist
乳制品dairy products [ˈdeəri]
where don’t you feel well?
which department do you want to register with?
you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ).
院办hospital administration office
护理部nursing department
值班室duty room
医护办公室staff office
name、age、gender、address、work place、post code、ID number、
telephone number
抗癌药anticarcinogen [ænti:kɑ:'sɪnədʒɪn]
抗凝药anticoagulant [ˌæntikəʊˈægjələnt]美[ˌæntikoʊˈægjələnt]
血管舒张药vasodilator [ˌvæsəʊdaɪ'leɪtə]
退烧药antipyretics [æntɪpaɪ'retɪks]美[æntɪpaɪ'retɪks]
面部facial organs
一般资料physical data
生理指标physical signs
其他检查数据other lab data
住院治疗情况hospital course
卡的种类medical card
医疗卡social security card
医保卡medical insurance card
信用卡bank card / fiscard
what are the symptoms?
Can you tell me how did it get started?
Topic 4
看处方you’re your prescription
Topic 1、挂号咨询
Topic 2、病历
Topic 3、医生问诊
Topic 4、候诊
Topic 1
止痛药analgesics [ˌænəl'dʒi:zɪks]
止咳药antitussive [ˌæntɪ'tʌsɪv]
利尿药diuretics [daɪ'jʊəretɪks]
止泻药antidiarrheal ['æntɪdəri:l]
解毒药antidote [ˈæntidəʊt]
腰果lumbar [ˈlʌmbə(r)] beans
酱油soy sauce
Hold still please .
It is important that you don’t skip a day, or the treatment will be of no effect.