公开课 高中英语拓展阅读:奇迹男孩PPT课件

经典台词 (Classic Lines)
Kindness is everywhere, all you need to do is look....”“So , I guess, we just to look, look for the goodness. They are actually....everywhere. 善良是无处不在的,你所需要做的就是去看,所以,我们只需要去看,我们一直都在寻找善良,其实善良是无处不在的。
经 典 台 词(Classic Lines)
经典台词 (Classic Lines)
You're different by nature. You don't have to hide. 你天生与众不同,不必躲躲藏藏。
Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking ,we’d know that no one’s ordinary.we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives. 如果你能看透每一个人的心,就会知道,没有人是普通的。每个人都值得大家站起来为他鼓掌一次。
影片通过对奥吉和他的家人、同学的人物刻画,深刻地探讨了人类的困惑、恐惧、希望 和爱。这种探讨和揭示,让电影超越了单纯的励志故事,成为一个社会现象的呈现和人性的 深度剖析。
Who is it that I aspire to be? That is the question that we should be asking ourselves all the time. 我想要成为变成一个什么样的人?这是我们每一个人都应该反复思考的问题。

这部影片不仅有有治愈作用,更有教育意义。它教 育我们要懂得包容。任何一个人都不是完美之人, 身上或多或少都存在缺陷,对于他人的缺陷我们应 该持包容之心,不耻笑,不侮辱,这样才能一个高 修养的人。另一方面,它也诠释了美丽的定义,真 是的美丽不是局限于外表的美丽,它是一种内在修 养的积淀与散发,一个心怀善意的人才是最美丽的。
2019年6月 ***
大家好,今天我向大家分享一部我最喜欢的电影 《奇迹男孩》,这是一部温情满满、动人心弦的治 愈大片,英文名Wonder一词虽然极为简练却又含义 隽永,意味深长。小男主角的乐观与顽强是全影片 的精髓之处,更是一种奇迹的展现,奇迹的发生不 仅仅局限于单一的故事线,更是融合了生命、际遇、 人性、亲情、友情的等多方面的展示,看完之后, 内心感触很深。
影片与学习都起到了很好的启示作用, 在未来我也要做一个内心美丽的人,帮助更多的人。
影片中父母挥洒亲情的雨露,奥吉的心灵才得以洗涤。影 片中的爸爸妈妈一直以一种平等的姿态去与奥吉交流问题, 任何事情都会征求他的意见,不强迫不强制,让我印象最 为深刻的一幕是奥吉他脱下头盔的那一刻,他哭着和妈妈 说“为什么我会这么丑”,面对奥吉的哭泣,妈妈认真的 说道“你一点也不丑,正因为我是你的妈妈,说话才最算 数,因为我最了解你”。看到这一幕内心似乎被触动了, 也感受到了母爱的伟大之处,奥吉妈妈的母爱就像一汪深 深的海水,以处世泰然的态度默默守护与容纳着奥吉,也 时刻保护着他,让他不受到伤害,奥吉在亲情的感化下, 心灵埋下了爱的种子,他也学会以平等温和的眼光去对待 人事。。
湖南省高考英语 M2 Unit 3 Amazing people(1)课件 牛津译林

热 点 单词
4. Expressed in clear and fluent English, the message couldn't have been misunderstood. I still remember an expression used by the speaker, which nonnatives wouldn't have used.
10.I'd never fought in a real war. That fighter was the first plane I had flown.
11.We were commanded to shoot at the figures. Who was the commander anyway?
3.curious adj. 好奇的 → curiosity n. 好奇心 → curiously adv. 好奇地
4.preserve vt. 保护,保存 →preservation n. 保护, 保存 → preserved adj. 经防腐处理的
热 点 单词
5.discover vt. 发 现 → discovery n. 发 现 ; discoverer发现者
重 点 短语
look up to sb.

奥吉的妈妈,是位全职家庭主妇,虽然对奥吉 关怀无微不至,但也理智地放手让奥吉面对 复杂的社会,而且不断地鼓励奥吉,说他脸上 的疤就和她脸上的皱纹一样是特色,而不是 丑陋. Augie's mother, is a full-time housewife, although he care class, but also to let he in the face of complex society, and constantly encourage augie, said the scar on his face, and the wrinkles on her face, is characteristic, not ugly
电影《奇迹男孩》改编自全球畅销小说《奇迹》,讲述了一个温暖千万家庭的成 长故事。10 岁的奥吉天生脸部畸形,此前一直在家中和妈妈自学。当他小学五 年级时,奥吉进入父母为他精心挑选的学校上学。在这里,奥吉将与校长、老师 以及性格迥异的同学相处,他不寻常的外表让他成为同学们讨论的焦点,并终日 受到嘲笑和排斥,就连好不容易交到的新朋友也似乎不太值得信任。幸运的是, 在成长过程中,奥吉的父母、姐姐一直是他最坚强的后盾,在他们的支持与关爱 下,奥吉凭借自身的勇气、善良、聪敏影响激励了许多身边的人,并收获了友谊、 尊重与爱,最终成长为大家心目中的不可思议的“奇迹”。
2017年12月 Wonder nomination of the twenty-third commentator selection Award.
Plot introduction The influence of the film What can we learn from the movie
北师大版高中英语必修一Unit2《Lesson 4 Superhero》 课件 (共33张PPT)

TV shows and films when he was 8.
F 2. He fell off his horse and broke his
back at the age of 50.
T 3. His experiences encouraged many
Voice your opinion
In pairs, discuss the following: 1. How would you describe Christopher Reeve ? 2. Do you think he is a hero? Why?
READING STRATEGIES: Working out meaning •Find the word in the text . •Is the word a noun ,verb , adjective ,etc ? •Think about the context
9. Use your questions to interview your partner.
“The really great person is the person who makes everybody feel about .”
1. This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people living with all kinds of problems. not only … but also … 不但……而 且…… 连接句子的同等成分。如:

奇迹男孩第六章英文As the sun rose, August Pullman's heart filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Today was the day he would finally step into his new school, a place where he would be faced with the unknown and the challenges of fitting in. Despite his anxiety, he was determined to make the best of it, ready to show the world that his appearance, marked by numerous surgeries and scars, would not define him.As he walked through the school gates, August's gaze was drawn to the bustling crowds of students, their laughter and chatter filling the air. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he was just like them, with dreams and aspirations that were worth pursuing. He clutched his backpack tightly, feeling the familiar weight of his medical supplies, a constant reminder of his unique journey. August's first encounter with his classmates was filled with awkward moments and fleeting glances. He could sense the curiosity and whispered comments that followed him, but he chose to ignore them, focusing instead on the kind faces that reached out to him with smiles and friendly greetings.Slowly, August began to navigate his new environment, making small steps towards integrating into the school community. He found solace in the classroom, where the familiarity of learning and thecamaraderie of his classmates provided a sense of comfort. As the days passed, August's confidence grew, and he began to participate more in class discussions and extracurricular activities.Yet, the road ahead was not without its challenges. August faced moments of loneliness and moments when he felt like an outsider. But he persevered, drawing strength from the support of his family and friends, who never failed to remind him of his worth and his ability to overcome any obstacle.As the chapter drew to a close, August Pullman stood at a crossroads, poised between the past that had shaped him and the future that awaited him. But one thing was clear: he was no longer just a boy with a story to tell; he was a boy who was writing his own story, one filled with hope, courage, and the potential for greatness.朝阳初升,奥古斯特·普尔曼的心中充满了激动与紧张交织的情绪。

On Halloween, Daisy ruins the costume Auggie was planning to wear. Auggie has to dress in a Ghostface mask and cloak.
However, when he enters his classroom, he overheard Jack, who tells his classmate Julian that he will kill himself if he looks like Auggie. Auggie feels betrayed at that moment. He becomes sick, unwilling to go to school, and no longer want to make friend with anyone.
In science class, realization dawns on him, and he resolves to partner with Auggie instead of Julian for the school science fair.
When Julian confronts Jack in the hallway, a fight breaks out between the two boys because Julian calls Auggie a "freak". Jack is suspended from school for two days. Mr. Tushman later reads Jack's letter knowing he was defending Auggie. Jack later apologizes to Auggie and they reconcile.
人教版高中英语选修七 Unit1 Reading Marty’s Story reading 公开课教学课件共24张PPT

Fill in the blanks.
stronger Because of my disability, I have become_______ ___________ and more ___________.I psychologically independent have normal life.I have realized that managed to live a ______ being disabled persons don’t mean life is not accept us for who we are __________. satisfying Please________ encouragement. and give us _____________.
Life is not easy. However, Nick lives well.
Reading: Reading
Marty’s STORY story MARTY’S
Para.2: Para.3: Marty’s life has become easier. Marty’s disease developed. An introduction to Marty and his disease. The advantages of his disease. Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.
Careful reading: Para 4-5.
1.Why his life is a lot easier at high school and what things does he do? 2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.
奇迹男孩 英文版

奇迹男孩英文版"August 'Auggie' Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school. Starting 5th grade at Beecher Prep, he wants nothing more than to be treated as an ordinary kid—but his new classmates can’t get past Auggie’s extraordinary face. WONDER, now a #1 New York Times bestseller and included on the Texas Bluebonnet Award master list, begins from Auggie’s point of view, but soon switches to include his classmates, his sister, her boyfriend, and others. These perspectives converge in a portrait of one community’s struggle with empathy, compassion, and acceptance.In a world where bullying among young people is an epidemic, this is a refreshing new narrative full of heart and hope. R.J. Palacio has called her debut novel “a meditation on kindness” — indeed, every reader will come away with a greater appreciation for the simple courage of friendship. Auggie is a— 1 —hero to root for, a diamond in the rough who proves that you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.Join the conversation: #ChooseKind"Please note that this content is a fictional description inspired by the book "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio. If you are looking for the actual text of the book "Wonder" in English, it is copyrighted material and cannot be provided here. You would need to purchase the book or borrow it from a library. The text provided is for the purpose of creating a document that aligns with the task given and does not represent the actual content of the book.— 2 —。

Characters --- Jack
We go to a flashback scene when Jack was picked to give Auggie a tour. He was already dreading having to do it with Charlotte and Julian. His mom tells him to help Auggie because of an incident from a while back where Jack's little brother cried upon seeing Auggie at an ice cream shop.
Characters --- Via
Via has her own teen problems as well as feeling left out with all of the parental attention given to her sick brother. Her best friend, Miranda, has been ignoring her all year but she meets a new boy Justin who encourages her to join Drama Club. Via and Justin develop a close friendship which later turns into a romantic relationship and her first kiss. Via is selected to be an understudy for the lead role in the school's production of "Our Town," but Miranda gets the lead role. Miranda realizes the pain and harm she's done to Via, and on opening night pretends to fall ill. Via takes her place and gives a performance that earns her a standing ovation.

August “Auggie” Pullman is 10 years old, and he isn’t like other children. He has a facialdefect which makes itdifficult for him to make friends. His parents taught him at home up until the 5th grade, but now they want him to go to a real school. They enroll him in a local private school.Over the first few months of school, Auggie’s classmates get used to the way his face looks. He becomes friends with Jack and with Summer, a girl who sits with him at lunch on his first day. Then someone starts a rumor that if anyone touches Auggie, they will get the plague. So his classmates avoid touching him,and Auggie begins to feel excluded. Then Halloween, Auggie’s favorite holiday, arrives. Everyone dresses up in costumes and wears them at school. Auggie overhears Jack talking to Julian, the most popular boy in school. Jack says that he would kill himself if he looked like Auggie. Auggie is devastated, but Jack has no idea that Auggie heard him.。
《Amazing things》PPT习题课件(第2课时)

2、要思想集中,认真排除干扰,精神专注,高 度标准为使远眺图的中心成为使用者水平视线的 中心点。
第一步、首先在能把远眺图都看清的位置,熟悉 一下最远处几个框细微的纹路,
第二步、然后逐渐加大距离至远眺图最远处的几 个框处于模糊与清晰之间的位置停止。
第三步、思想集中,认真排除干扰,精神专注, 开始远眺,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进的感 觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认最远处几个框每一层 的绿白线条。
愿知识与您相伴 让我们共同成长 感谢您的阅读与支持
—I hurt my leg.
7.—Who is in the bedroom? — Nobody ( 没有人 ). 8. Suddenly ( 突然 ) a car hit the tree in front of me. 9.There is something strange ( 奇怪的 ) in the garden. 10.I felt surprised ( 惊讶的 ) that they could sing the English song so well.
A.That’s a good idea. B.I put it in the theatre. C.What’s the matter with you? D.So your bag can be left in the park. E.I can’t remember. F.It’s also my favourite book. G.Here it is!

facial deformity, he has been home-schooled and he
frequently wears an astronaut helmet to hide his face.
Characters --- Via
Via has her own teen problems as well as feeling left out with all of the parental attention given to her sick brother. Her best friend, Miranda, has been ignoring her all year but she meets a new boy Justin who encourages her to join Drama Club. Via and Justin develop a close friendship which later turns into a romantic relationship and her first kiss. Via is selected to be an understudy for the lead role in the school's production of "Our Town," but Miranda gets the lead role. Miranda realizes the pain and harm she's done to Via, and on opening night pretends to fall ill. Via takes her place and gives a performance that earns her a standing ovation.
高考英语总复习第一轮 Module2 Unit 3 Amazing people课件(江苏专版)

一般来说,sure和certain的用法是相同的,但sure的语 气比certain听起来弱些,而区别主要体现在搭配上。
(1)两者都能用于以下句型中: a. be sure / certain + about / of短语,表示“对(某事)有
把握”。主语必须是人,about / of之后多跟名词、 代词。 ◆I am sure / certain of his returning. 我确信他会回来。
d. 口 语 中 , sure 常 作 副 词 , 用 在 肯 定 答 语 中 替 代 surely,这时与of course,certainly意思相当,而 certain不可作副词用。
◆— Would you please turn down the radio a little bit? ——请你把收音机音量调小点,好吗?
application n. 申请;应用;专心 applied adj. 应用的
◆He applied himself to learning French. 他专心学习法语。
①Apply some medicine ________ his wound.
A. on
B. for
C. to
D. in
◆He made a sure answer. 他回答得准确无误。
◆A certain person called on me yesterday. 昨天有个人来找过我。 c. 在祈使句中常用sure,不宜用certain。
◆Be sure and remember what I told you. 千万要记住我对你讲的话。
wellpreserved adj. 保存良好的 preservation n. 维护;保护;保持

Suppose a news reporter from the school TV station wants to interview some of you about Christopher Reeve, what will you talk about?
S trong-willed 意志坚强的
Senior High English [Module 1]
Unit 2 Heroes
Lesson 4 Superhero
in the air
? What happened
in the wheelchair
Superman films
acted in TV shows & films
1960 in college
most famous
1995 1996 after 2004 the accident
Disaster came
How serious was the
disaster ?
What did Christopher do
after the accident and
was in 1st school play
got involved with charity work
passed away but remembered by people worldwide
returned raised money made speeches
born 19 52 1956 divorced
a movie fan
Christopher’s wife
Christopher’s parent

dad said that he and Via wanted to walk me to school since it was on
their way to the subway station. I was also glad that we would all be
going together.
setting time and place
I know everyone in our neighborhood, and they know me too. I know every part of our block, from the bricks to the tree trunks and to Time the cracks in the sidewalk. I’m familiar with Mrs. Grimaldi, who always sits by her window, and the old man who walks up and down place the street whistling(吹哨)like a bird. I know the shop where my mom buys our cookies, and the friendly waitresses at the coffee shop who call me “honey” and give me sugars. But now, everything felt strange to me. Via whispered in my ear, saying that everyone was just as nervous as I was. She reminded me that it was everyone’s first day of school. I nodded, trying to calm down, but I still felt anxious. As soon as we turn the corner, I saw all the kids in front of the school. The teachers were greeting new students and their parents in front of the school gate.

奇迹男孩英文演讲稿I'm talking about miracle Miracle boy. This is a very good film。
The famous saying in the first lesson puts forward the whole idea: "when you choose between right and good,please choose kindness".The film "miracle boy" is adapted from the world's best-selling film.The novel miracle. Tell a story about the growth of thousands of warm families. The 10-year-old Auggie's deformed child taught himself at home with his mother. When he entered the fifth grade primary school, ogie's parents carefully selected his school here。
Keep a good relationship with the principal, teachers and students of ogi school。
He's different.His appearance made him the focus of the students' attention. And all the ridicule and rejection.Friends don't seem to be trustworthy. Fortunately,in the process of growing up. Augie's parents and sister are his strongest support. In their support and love. Courage,kindness and wisdominfluence the inspiration of many people around them. And obtain Friendship. Respect and love. And finally came to people's minds.我今天演讲的是奇迹男孩。
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Very nervous
afraid _S_u_p_e_r_nervous
August’s appearance
I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you are thinking, it’s probably worse.
August’s personality
shy unconfident sensitive observant kind-hearted
helpful well-behaved ……
The other characters Attitudes towards August
Jack Ms. Petosa Henry Miles Julian
five kids
VS small
August’s group
The fight
Who do you think are the winners? Why?
Eddie’s group
August’s group
Character development
What changes can you findБайду номын сангаасin August? What changes can you find in the classmates?
“Yeah, dudes, thanks,” I said, holding my palm up like Jack just had, though I wasn’t sure if they’d high-five me, too.(L152) ……
The classmates’ changes
“Leave them alone, dude,” said Henry, with Miles and Amos right behind him. (L122) …the first guy yanked me by my arm and started pulling me behind him as we ran…(L132)
friendly nice
unkind mean
“Darth Sidious”
Ambiguous Darth Sidious’s face gets burned by Sith lightning
and becomes totally deforme(d隐. H晦is的sk)in gets all
Extended reading
Appreciation of excerpts
How did you feel on your first day of high school?
Excerpt One
On the First Day of Middle School
8 August’s group successfully lost Eddie’s group and
highfived each other.
The fight
Obvious bullying (verbal and behavioral)
six kids Eddie’s big group
August’s changes
“Look,” I said, stepping in front of Jack. “We’re a lot smaller than you guys …” ……And this was the point where I knew I should run away as fast as I could, but Jack was still on the ground and I was not to leave him.(L116-119)
Excerpt Two
On the Nature Reserve Trip
6 Eddie pulled August and Henry fought with Eddie. 1 August and Jack walked into a group of seventh
August’s feelings
I admit that the first day of school I was so nervous that the butterflies in my stomach were more like pigeons flying around my insides. (L1)
4 August stepped in front of Jack and tried to reason
with Eddie.
9 August burst out crying and his classmates
comforted him.
7 Miles grabbed August and helped him escape.
Verbal shriveled up
Bullying (欺凌)!
“a lamb to the slaughter”
Dad compared ___A_u_g_u_s_t__to a weak and vulnerable (易受伤害的) lamb; and compared ___sc_h_o_o_l___to the slaughter house, where August was sure to become the victim of __b_u_ll_y_in_g___.
5 Henry, Miles and Amos came to August’s rescue.
3 Eddie pushed Jack and made Jack fall. 2 The seventh graders laughed at August’s face and
called him an ugly freak.