











________公司签字:________姓名:________职务:________日期:________见证人签字:________姓名:________职务:________日期:________英文文本:PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMATDate :To :Dear Sirs,PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT NO:TITLE:________(Company Name)That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as "NPOG") entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field SurfaceFacilities.("CONTRACT") dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR (S)"'We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with a principal business address at________(hereinafter referred to as " GUARANTOR") do hereby enter into the following undertakings with NPOG:(a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsepuently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s).(b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder;MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDTELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF)CONTRACT NO:NPOG/30/98-163(c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise.(d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.(e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f) This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns.(g) This guarantee shall be effective as of the________ day of____________199_____.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of____________199____________.For and on behalf:____________(Company)signature : ____________name :designation :WITNESSSignature: ____________Name: ____________Designation: ____________Date: ____________(二)国际工程履约保函格式(银行)致:________________公司,该公司执行________国家法律,注册办公地址为________(以下简称"NPOG")。



编号:TQC/K520国际工程履约保函格式(银行)完整版In the case of disputes between the two parties, the legitimate rights and interests of the partners should be protected. In the process of performing the contract, disputes should be submitted to arbitration. This paper is the main basis for restoring the cooperation scene.【适用合作签约/约束责任/违约追究/维护权益等场景】甲方:________________________乙方:________________________签订时间:________________________签订地点:________________________国际工程履约保函格式(银行)完整版下载说明:本协议资料适合用于需解决双方争议的场景下,维护合作方各自的合法权益,并在履行合同的过程中,双方当事人一旦发生争议,将争议提交仲裁或者诉讼,本文书即成为复原合作场景的主要依据。







工程合同履约保函英文---[Your Comany Name][Your Address][City, State, Zi Code][Country][Date][eneficiary Name][eneficiary Address][City, State, Zi Code][Country]Dear [eneficiary Name],We [Issuer's Name], as the [Issuer's osition, e.g., issuing ank/comany], herey issue this erformance ond No. [ond Numer] in favor of [eneficiary Name] for the sum of [Amount in Words and Figures] ([Amount in Figures]), equivalent to [Currency] [Amount in Figures], for the fulfillment of the oligations under the Contract No. [Contract Numer] etween [Contractor's Name] and [eneficiary Name], dated [Contract Date].This erformance ond is issued ursuant to the terms and conditions of the said Contract and shall come into force on [Effective Date] and shall remain valid until [Exiry Date or Condition for Validity].The urose of this ond is to guarantee the full and faithful erformance y [Contractor's Name] of all its oligations under the Contract. In the event of any default y [Contractor's Name] in erforming its oligations, we [Issuer's Name] agree to ay you [eneficiary Name] the amount required not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of [Maximum Liaility Amount in Words and Figures] ([Maximum Liaility Amount in Figures]), uon your written demand stating the effect of such default.Our liaility under this ond shall e limited to the amount stated aove, and we [Issuer's Name] shall have no liaility eyond this amount. Any ayment made y us under this ond shall immediately reduce the amount availale under this ond accordingly.We [Issuer's Name] herey waive our right to claim a set-off against any sum due under this ond. We also waive our right to argue that any default y [Contractor's Name] under theContract has een remedied or that any other circumstances exist which may constitute a defense to our ayment oligations under this ond.lease note that this ond does not extend to any liaility or oligation imosed y law or regulation other than the Contract itself. This ond is suject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758) or any other rules secified in the Contract.All disutes arising in connection with this ond shall e resolved in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction Country] and the courts of [Jurisdiction Country] shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disute.lease acknowledge receit of this erformance ond y signing elow and returning a coy of this letter to us.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your osition][Your Contact Information][Your Signature]---。



2019年国际工程履约保函格式(英)FERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMAT(BANK LETTERHEAD)TO: ____________(Company name),a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at ____________(hereinafter called NPOG)WHEREAS(1) by an agreement for the ____________(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and NPOG of the other part,the CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT.(2) one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by NPOG of this guarantee duly executed by (name of banker:)____________(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR) who hereby irrevocably andunconditionally guarantees and undertakes to NPOG as follows:i) if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of these obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to NPOG on first demand without proof or conditions the sum of US. Dollar____________(USD: ____________)within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party.ii) The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time,performances or otherwise,or by any change in mane or constitution of NPOG or the CONTRACTOR.iii) This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remainin force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three(3)months after the early termination of the CONTRACT,whichever is earlier.iv) The GUARANTOR agree that the guarantee is given regardless whether or not the sum outstanding occasioned by the loss,damages costs,expenses or otherwise incurred by NPOG is recoverable by legal action or arbitration.IN WITNESS whereof this guarantee has been duly executed by GUARANTOR the____________ day of _________199 ____________.For and on behalf of ____________(name of banker)Signature: ____________Name: ____________Designation:Banker’s seal: ____________。



工程建设承包人履约保函中英文CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE(发包人名称):(Name of the Employer):鉴于你方作为发包人已经与(承包人名称)(以下称“承包人”)于年月日签订了(工程名称)施工承包合同(以下称“主合同”)。

Whereas,you,as the employer,have signed construction contract(hereinafter referred to as the"main contract")with(name of contractor)(hereinafter referred to as"the contractor")on date month year.一、保证的范围及保证金额Scope and amount of guarantee我方的保证范围是承包人未按照主合同的约定履行义务,给你方造成的实际损失。


The scope of our guarantee is the actual loss caused to you by the contractor's failure to perform his obligations as stipulated in the main contract.The amount we guarantee is%of the total contract price stipulated in the main contract,and the maximum amount shall not exceed RMB(uppercase).二、保证的方式及保证期间Guarantee mode and guarantee period我方保证的方式为:连带责任保证。






三、保函内容1. 本保函是为保证[合同名称](以下简称“合同”)的履行而发出的,涉及的合同具体信息如下:合同编号:[合同编号]合同签订日期:[合同签订日期]合同总金额:[合同总金额]履约期限:[履约期限]2. 在合同有效期内,若[乙方全称]未能按照合同规定的履约义务履行,且[甲方全称]经书面告知后,[甲方全称]有权向[维持支付银行]索付保函金额。

3. 在收到[申请索付方]的索付通知后,[维持支付银行]将按照[申请索付方]的要求,立即支付保函金额至[申请索付方]指定的账户。

四、索付方式[申请索付方]通过以下方式向[维持支付银行]提出索付申请:1. 索付通知书应采用书面方式,由[申请索付方]向[维持支付银行]提供。

2. 索付通知书应包含以下信息:(1)索付日期;(2)保函编号;(3)索付金额;(4)申请索付人的签字及盖章;3. [维持支付银行]在收到索付通知书后,将根据通知书的要求,履行支付义务。


六、保函的变更、解除和终止1. 保函的变更、解除和终止应通过双方协商一致,并应书面确认。

2. 保函变更、解除和终止后产生的费用由变更、解除或终止方承担。




编号: YB-HT-008705国际工程履约保函格式Form of international project甲方:乙方:签订日期:年月日精选文档/ Word 文档 / 文字可改编订: YunBo Network国际工程履约保函格式(银行)说明:本合同书合用于明确两方一定执行的义务和应该享有的权益,在合同限期内依据合同商定或许依据法律规定执行义务,可用作电子存档或实体印刷,使用时请详尽阅读条款。

致: ________________________企业,该企业执行 ____________国家法律,注册办公地点为 ____________ (以下简称“ NPOG”)。

基于:(1)甲方( NPOG)和乙方(承包商)就 ____________达成协议,并签署本“合同” ,承包商赞同达成合同规定的内容。

(2)合同明确规定了此条款,即由 ____________银行(以下简称“担保人”)实时递交给 NPOG该保函。

____________银行不行撤除和无条件地向 NPOG担保以下内容:a)假如承包商在任一方面不可以执行合同或违约,则依据NPOG第一次提出的不带凭证和条件的要求,担保人在收到其要求后14天内,不论承包商或任何第三方能否有异议或反对,担保人都应第 1 页立刻支付总数为____________ 美元的担保金。

b)在征得或未征得担保人赞同的条件下,不论承包商和NPOG间签署何种协议,或许不论承包商在合同项下的义务发生何种变化,或许不论NPOG关于付款时间、执行状况以及其余事项作出何种退步,或不论 NPOG或承包商的名字组织机构发生何种改变,都不可以免去担保人的担保责任。

c)本保函连续有效,有效劳将相应地保持到最后查收通知单签发日期,或合同停止后 3 个月,两者以先为准。




STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE(合同范本)甲方:____________________乙方:____________________签订日期:____________________编号:YB-HT-031475国际工程履约保函格式(完整国际工程履约保函格式(完整版)_____号合同履约保函题目:_____致_____:鉴于_____公司(以下简称_____)就油田地面设施施工、试运和移交与_____(以下简称承包商)于_____年_____月_____日签订了_____号合同(以下简称合同),我们_____是遵照_____法律组建的一家公司,总部设在_____,(以下简称担保人),在此向_____提供以下担保:(a)保证承包商全面完整地履行和完成合同项下的义务以及由更改通知单和合同修改可能引起的需要承包商适时完成的工作。








担保人(盖章):_____公司见证人(签字):_____代表人(签字):_____ 职务:_____职务:_____XX网络科技有限公司YumBo Network Technology Co., Ltd.。



工程履约保函中英文对照PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMATDate:To:Dear Sirs,PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT NO:TITLE:________(Company Name)That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as NPOG) entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field Surface Facilities.(CONTRACT) dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR (S)'We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with aprincipal business address at________(hereinafter referred to as GUARANTOR) do hereby enter into the following undertakings with NPOG:(a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsequently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s)。

(b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder;MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDTELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF)CONTRACT NO: NPOG/30/98-163(c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiveror forbearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time,performance, or otherwise.(d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligations of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.(e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f) This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns.(g) This guarantee shall be effective as ofthe________ day of ____________199_____.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of____________199____________.For and on behalf:____________(Company)signature: ____________name:designation:WITNESSSignature: ____________Name: ____________Designation: ____________Date: ____________日期:致:亲爱的先生:________号合同履约保函题目:鉴于________公司(以下简称NPOG)就油田地面设施施工、试运和移交与________(以下简称承包商)于________年________月________日签订了________号合同(以下简称合同),我们________,是遵照________法律组建的一家公司,总部设在________,(以下简称担保人),在此想NPOG提供以下担保:(a)保证承包商全面完整地履行和完成合同项下的义务以及由更改通知单和合同修改可能引起的需要承包商适时完成的工作。











______________公司签字:____________姓名:____________ 职务:____________ 日期:____________ 见证人签字:____________ 姓名:____________ 职务:____________ 日期:____________。



编号:YB-HT-006098国际工程履约保函格式Form of international project甲方:乙方:签订日期:年月日精品文档/ Word文档/ 文字可改编订:YunBo Network国际工程履约保函格式(公司)_________号合同履约保函题目:_____________________________致______________:鉴于_________公司(以下简称_________)就油田地面设施施工、试运和移交与_________(以下简称承包商)于_________年_________月_________日签订了_________号合同(以下简称合同),我们_________是遵照_________法律组建的一家公司,总部设在_________,(以下简称担保人),在此向_________提供以下担保:(a)保证承包商全面完整地履行和完成合同项下的义务以及由更改通知单和合同修改可能引起的需要承包商适时完成的工作。








担保人(盖章):____________公司代表人(签字):________________职务:__________________________见证人(签字):________________职务:__________________________云博网络科技有限公司Yunbo Network Technology Co., Ltd.。



英⽂⽂本 FERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMAT (BANK LETTERHAD) TO: ____________(Company name),a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at____________(hereinafter called" NPOG") WHEREAS (1) by an agreement for the ____________(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and NPOG of the other part, the CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT. (2) one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by NPOG of this guarantee duly executed by (name of banker:) ____________(hereinafter called the " GUARANTOR") who hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to NPOG as follows: i) if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of this obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to NPOG on first demand without proof or conditions the sum of US. Dollar____________(USD: ____________) within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party. ii) The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performances or otherwise, or by any change in mane or constitution of NPOG or the CONTRACTOR. iii) This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three(3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier. iv) The GUARANTOR agree that the grauantee is given regardless whether or not the sum outstanding occasioned by the loss, damages costs ,expenses or otherwise incurred by NPOG is recoverable by legal action or arbitration. IN WITNESS whereof this guarantee has been duly executed by GUARANTOR the____________ day of____________199 ____________. For and on behalf of ____________ (name of banker) signature: ____________ name: ____________ designation: banker'' s seal: ____________。



国际工程履约保函格式[您的公司名称和地址][国际银行的名称和地址][日期]保函编号: [编号]尊敬的先生/女士,根据我们与 [受益人的公司名称和地址] 之间的合同协议(以下简称“合同”),我们通过此函向您确认并承诺在接到您方提出的正式索赔通知后履行我们在合同中所承担的义务。



请注意,该保证只在以下情况下有效:a) 受益人已根据合同的规定履行了所有相关条款和条件;b) 受益人已提交了正式索赔通知,并提供了相关证据。













履约保函中英文(总3页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除W hen writing the tender documents, the writer should ascertain whether to include the optional text, shown in parentheses [ ]在编写投标文件时,编者应该确定是否包含可选文本,如括号中所示[]Annex D EXAMPLE FORM OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY -SURETY BOND附件D 履约保证─担保书范例格式[See comments on Sub-Clause 4.2] [见对第4.2款的注释]Brief description of Contract合同简要介绍Name and address of Beneficiary受益人名称和地址(together with successors and assigns, all as defined in the Contract as the Employer).By this Bond, (name and address of contractor) (who is the contractor under such Contract) as Principal and (name and address of guarantor) as Guarantor are irrevocably ,held and firmly bound to the Beneficiary in the total amount of (the "Bond Amount", say: ) for the due performance of all such Principal's obligations and liabilities under the Contract.(包括所有合同中定义为雇主的继承人和转让的财产)根据本担保书,(填入承包商名称和地址)(即上述合同的承包商)作为委托人,以及(填入担保人名称和地址)作为担保人以担保金额总数为(填入“担保金额”,用文字表示:)不可撤回地对受益人恪守恰当履行委托人按照合同所应承担的一切义务和责任。



国际工程合同英文信函范文---[Your Comany Letterhead][Date][Reciient's Name][Reciient's osition][Comany Name][Comany Address][City, State, Zi Code][Country]Dear [Reciient's Name],Suject: [Contract Agreement] - [roject Name]I hoe this letter finds you well. I am writing to you on ehalf of [Your Comany Name], regarding our recent discussions aout the [roject Name]. We are leased to have reached an agreement on the terms and conditions stiulated in the contract.As we oth have acknowledged, the roject at hand requires meticulous lanning, collaoration, and timely execution to meet the set ojectives. Our comany is committed to delivering quality work within the secified timeframe and adhering to the highest standards of safety and efficiency.We have thoroughly reviewed the contract documents and are satisfied with the outlined scoe of work, ayment schedule, and milestones. We understand that the success of this roject is contingent uon clear communication and cooeration etween oth arties. Therefore, we would like to reiterate our commitment to maintaining oen lines of communication throughout the duration of the roject.lease find enclosed the final draft of the contract agreement, which includes the following key oints:1. roject Scoe: A detailed descrition of the work to e erformed, including secific deliverales and roject milestones.2. Timeline: A comrehensive schedule outlining the start date, key hases, and anticiated comletion date of the roject.3. ayment Terms: Clear secifications of ayment amounts, due dates, and consequences of late ayments or non-ayment.4. Quality Standards: The enchmarks that must e met for the roject's success, including safety requirements and erformance indicators.5. Resolution of Disutes: The rocess for addressing disagreements or conflicts that may arise during the roject's lifesan.6. Termination Clauses: Conditions under which the contract may e terminated y either arty.We kindly request that you review the enclosed documents and confirm that they align with our mutual understanding. Should there e any queries or areas requiring further clarification, lease do not hesitate to contact us. It is our leasure to discuss any concerns you may have to ensure a smooth and successful artnershi.Uon your review and aroval, we will roceed with the signing of the contract and initiate the necessary actions to commence the roject romtly. We look forward to working with you and are confident that our collaoration will yield excellent results for oth arties involved. Thank you for considering [Your Comany Name] for this significant roject. We areciate the trust you have laced in our caailities and are eager to demonstrate our exertise and dedication to achieving the roject's goals.Yours sincerely,[Your Name][Your osition][Your Comany Name][Your Contact Information]---。

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国际工程履约保函(中英文对照) -








TO: ____________(Company name), a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at ____________(hereinafter called NPOG)
(1) by an agreement for the ____________(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and NPOG of the other part, the
CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT.
(2) one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by NPOG of this guarantee duly executed by (name of banker:) ____________(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR) who hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to NPOG as follows:
i) if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of these obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to NPOG on first demand without proof or conditions the sum of US. Dollar ____________(USD: ____________) within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party.
ii) The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performances or otherwise, or by any change in mane or
constitution of NPOG or the CONTRACTOR.
iii) This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three (3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier.
iv) The GUARANTOR agree that the guarantee is given regardless whether or not the sum outstanding occasioned by the loss, damages costs, expenses or otherwise incurred by NPOG is recoverable by legal action or arbitration.
IN WITNESS whereof this guarantee has been duly executed by GUARANTOR the____________ day of _________199 ____________.
For and on behalf of ____________
(name of banker)
Signature: ____________ Name: ____________ Designation:
Banker”s seal: ____________。
