
Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescopes every night. In fact, a typical astronomer spends most of his or her time analyzing data and may only be at the telescope a few weeks of the year. Some astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use a telescope at all. You might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it. Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.许多人认为天文学家是那种每晚都把时间花在冰冷的天文台上,通过望远镜仔细观察的人。

今天,环球托福为备考托福听力的考友们带来托福TPO听力文本翻译Lecture1Astronomy (上),帮助大家复习托福听力以及分析听力文章的重点通常出现在哪些关键词后。
下面,请看环球托福分享的托福TPO听力文本:Geocentric&Heliocentric theoryNarrator Listen to part of a lecture in a history of science class. Aristarchus-Heliocentric Theory ProfessorOk, we have been talking about how throughout history, it was often difficult for people to give up ideas which have long been taken for granted as scientific truth, even if those ideas were false. In Astronomy, for example, the distinction between the solar system and the universe wasn’t clear until modern times. The ancient Greeks believed that what we called the solar system was in fact the entire universe, and that the universe was geocentric. Geocentric means Earth-centered, so the geocentric view holds that the Sun, the planets, and the stars, all revolve around the Earth, which is stationary. Of course, we now know that the planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun, and that the solar system is only a tiny part of the universe.托福TPO听力文本翻译我们已经讨论过,纵观历史,当人们要放弃长久以来已经被理所当然地视为科学真理的观点,是如何的困难,即使这些观点是错的。

托福听力词汇知识之地球科学托福听力词汇知识之地球科学地球科学Earth’s interior 地球的内部Seismic waves地震波Compression 压缩Shear (a deformation of an object in whichparallel planes remain parallel but are shiftedin a direction parallel to themselves)Slow down 减慢速度Reflect 反射Depth深度Density 密度Boundary边界Mantle 地幔Crust 地壳Core地心Continental plate 大陆板块Tectonic plate (地球表面的)构造板块Continental drift 大陆漂移Layer, strata 层Stratify 分层Crack 裂缝Molten lava 融化的岩浆Climatic shift=Climatic changes气候变化Consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的Solar energy太阳能Radiate 发射,放射Crude approximation 大概的猜测Speculation猜测Cooling down 冷却Mechanism 机制Length of the dayPhysical force 体力Imaginary line 虚拟线Artificial reservoir 人工水库LatitudeRedistribute再分配,再分布Spin 快速旋转Minerals 矿物质Diverse 多样的Specimen,Sample 样品Abundant 丰富的Glassy像玻璃的Amazon stones天河石Firing vapor 炙热的水蒸汽Wipe out 根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰Elevation 海拔,海拔增高Precise measurement 精确的测量Global Positioning System全球定位系统Longitude 经度Latitude 维度Alternative sources of energy 可替代资源Gas hydrate气体水合物Trap 困住Flame 火焰Potential 潜在的Model 模式Geological fault地质断层Crack 裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带postulate 假设chunk 大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical 圆柱形的ground tilt measurement 地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary adj. 沉淀性的accumulate 积累托福听力高分笔记技巧1.记关键词所谓关键词,是指与听力中心内容有密切关系的词汇和短语,是考点的主要出处。
SAT阅读 托福听力自然科学场景补充之地质篇

地幔mantle是位千地壳下面的种间层,厚度约2865公里,主要由致密的造岩物质构成, 这是地球内部体积最大、质晕最大的 一层。地幔又可分成上地幔up per mante l 和下地幔l ower mante l 两层。 一殷认为上地幔顶部存在 一个软流层 ats hen os p heer , 推测是由千放射元素大 量集中, 蜕变放热, 将岩石熔融后造成的。 据推测, 这里品度约1300 �右, 压力有3万 个大气压, 已接近岩石的熔点,因此形成了超铁镁物质的塑性体,在压力的长期作用下,以 半枯性状态缓慢流动, 故称软流层。软流层被认为是岩浆的发源地。软流层以上的地幔部分
与核交界处的品度为3500 沈上, 外核与内核交界处品度为6300 ?C核心品度约6600 �c
横波不能在外核中传播,表明了外核的物质在高品和高压环境下呈液态或熔融状态,而地球 内核呈固态。 外核相对千地壳的“流动” , 可能 是地球磁场产生的主要原因。
大陆漂移Continental Drift假说是解释地壳运动和海陆分布、 演变的学说。 大陆彼此之 间以及大陆相对千 大洋盆地间的大规模水平运动,称大陆漂移。大陆漂移说认为,地球上所 有大陆在中生代以前曾经是统一的巨大陆块,称之为泛大陆或联合古陆Pangaea, 中生代开 始分裂并漂移,逐渐达到现在 的位置。大陆漂移的动力机制与地球自转的两种分力有关: 向 西漂移的潮沙力Tidal Force 和指向赤道的离极力pole-fleeing force。较轻硅铝质的大陆块漂 浮在较重的黏性的砫镁层之上, 由千潮沙力和离极力的作用使泛大陆破裂并与砫镁层分离, 而向西、 向赤道作大规模水平漂移, 并且向附近移动的活动。

Now that we've all introduced ourselves to the new members, let's get down to work.As the committee in charge of this year's tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda.First, we have to review the budget.The president has informed me that the trustees have set aside $3,000 for the purchase of trees and our environmental T-shirt sale netted a profit of $1,500.Second, we have to finalize the choice of trees.As you know, we're working with Richardson's Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year.Mr.Richardson has presented us with several choices within our price range that he thinks would meet our needs.He's sent us pictures of the trees for us to look at, but he wanted me to tell you that we're welcome to visit the nursery if we want to see the trees stly, we need to plan some kind of ceremony to commemorate the planting.Several ideas, including a garden party of some sort, have been suggested.So let's get on with it and turn to the first order of business.既然现在我们已经向新成员们做了自我介绍,让我们开始工作吧。
托福TPO1-30听力原文文本全集18 版整理

智课网TOEFL备考资料托福TPO1-30听力原文文本全集18 版整理摘要:托福TPO听力1-30听力原文文本全集1.8 版整理!大家都知道托福听力TPO试题都来源于历年考试机经,对于该试题内容的权威性和仿真性自不用说,为方便大家更深入的研究小编特给出了托福TPO听力1-30听力原文文本全集1.8 版资料,同学们可以好好练习一下。
托福 TPO听力1-30听力原文文本全集1.8 版整理!大家都知道托福听力 TPO试题都来源于历年考试机经,对于该试题内容的权威性和仿真性自不用说,为方便大家更深入的研究小编特给出了托福TPO听力1-30听力原文文本全集1.8 版资料,同学们可以好好练习一下。
1.Why does the student go to see the librarian? #To sign up for a seminar on using electronic sources for research #To report that a journal is missing from the reference area #To find out the procedure for checking out journal articles #To ask about how to look for resources for a class paper #2.What does the librarian say about the availability of journals and articles in the library? #They are not easy to find if a professor put them on reserve #Most of them are accessible in an electronic format #Most of them can be checked out for three weeks #Printed versions from the past three years are located in the reference section #3.What does the librarian suggest the student should do to save time? #Choose an easier research topic#Concentrate on five journals#Read the summaries of the articles first#Install a new program on her home computer#4.What can be inferred about why the woman decides to use the computer in the library?#She thinks she might need additional help from the man#She does not have a computer at home#She has to hand in her assignment by the end of the day#She will be meeting a friend in the library later on#5.Why does the woman say this #She had forgotten about the information#She is surprised she was not aware of the information#She is annoyed that the information was published only recently#She is concerned that the librarian gave her incorrect information针对大家托福听力提分困难的复习处境,小马有开发出模拟托福听力考场环境的托福听力APP,小马托福听力APP中涵盖了TPO1-34听力真题全部内容的,答案解析应有尽有。

有一道题目问地核的构成物质最多是什么,有iron, silicon(硅),还有两个忘记了。

老托福听力PartC原文1Everyone is interested in improving their diet.每个人都对他们的饮食感兴趣。
Adding grains is one of the easiest ways.增加谷物是最容易的方法之一。
Many people in the United States have a growing concern about nutrition, sograins are often served in restaurants.在美国,关于营养,许多人越来越关注,所以谷物在餐厅里经常摆上餐桌。
And many grains are now available in grocery stores, too, though for someyou still have to go to health food stores.而且,现在许多谷物也可在食品杂货店买到,尽管你们中的某些人依然不得不去健康食品店。
You can stock up when you go, though, because uncooked grains keep a longtime.不过,当你去的时候你可以囤货,因为没有煮过的谷物保存时间长。
老托福听力30篇下载之James Polk(原文+翻译)

官方网站:老托福听力30篇下载之James Polk(原文+翻译)老托福听力30篇是托福听力考试备考必备的材料,下面为大家整理了老托福听力30篇中James Polk 相关内容,还附带有原文及翻译,同学们可下载进行练习。
托福考试备考资料你选老托福听力30篇了吗?没选也不要紧,下面小马编辑为大家精选了老托福听力30篇中James Polk相关的原文及翻译,同学们不用下载完整版的老托福听力30篇也可以,还等什么,赶快来下载吧。
So, uh . . . as Jim said, James Polk was the eleventh President, and . . . uh . . . well, my report's about the next President—Zachary Taylor. Taylor was elected in 1849. It's surprising because . . . well, he was the first President that didn't have any previous political experience. The main reason he was chosen as a candidate was because he was a war hero. In the army, his men called him "Old Rough and Ready". I guess because of his . . . "rough edges." He was kind of blunt and he didn't really look like a military hero. He liked to do things like wear civilian clothes instead of a uniform, even in battle. And he was so short and plump he had to be lifted up onto his horse.But he did win a lot of battles and he became more and more popular. So, the Whig party decided to nominate him for the presidency, even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues. I couldn't find much about his accomplishments, probably because he was only in office about a year and a half before he died. But one thing, he pushed for the development of the transcontinental railroad because he thought it was important to form a link with the West Coast. There was a lot of wealth in California and Oregon from commerce and minerals and stuff. Also, he established an agricultural bureau in the Department of the Interior and promoted more government aid to agriculture. Well, that's about all I found. Like I said, he died in office in 1850, so his Vice President took over, and that's the next report, so . . . thank you.所以,嗯…就像Jim所说,James Polk是第11任总统,并且…嗯…好了,我的报告时关于下一任总统——Zachary Taylor。

小马整理来自历年的(1)托福笔试PBT 和(2)机考CBT 的真题!!!!——这才是你需要的单词。
1. geology 地质学2. rock 岩石3. dinosaur 【古生物】恐龙4. comet 【天文】彗星5. plow犁,耕6. evolution7. disappear8. fascinate9. radiocarbon10. fossil11. extinction12. temperature13. constant14. underground15. discuss16. kill off17. wind up18. exactly19. afterward20. amazing (【美】plow, 又作plough 【英】进化消失迷住放射性碳化石灭绝温度恒定地下的讨论消灭终结确切地历来令人惊奇的21. impact 冲击22. probably 可能23. flame 火焰24. explain 解释25. eventually 最终26. species 物种27. geological 地质学的28. evidence 证明29. crash 撞击30. enormous 巨大的31. crater 陨石坑32. swept 卷走33. burst 爆裂34. intense 强烈的35. mammal 哺乳动物36. survive 存活37. dust 尘埃38. atmosphere 大气层39. global climate change40. affect 影响全球气候变化1. axis 地轴2. imaginary line 想象中的线3. spin4. rotation5. artificial reservoir6. redistribute7. equator8. latitude9. accuracy10. settlement11. describe12. illustrate13. serious14. activity15. affect16. surface17. pollute18. mineral content19. slightly20. remain 旋转【天文】自转人工水库重新分配 (地球或天体的赤道【地理】纬度精确性定居描述说明系列活动影响表面污染矿物含量略微地保留21. increase 增加22. ice skater 滑冰者23. recreation 娱乐24. gravity 重力25. compare 比较26. length27. completely28. center29. speed30. direct31. tremendous32. aware33. physical34. significant35. matter36. measurable37. motion长度全部地中心速度直接的巨大的意识到物理的重要的因素显著的运动1. comprise 由…组成 2. pave 铺设而成的街道 3. repel4. drain5. gutter6. evaporation7. urbanization8. condensation9. cling 10. measure 11. temperature 12. urban 13. environment 14. lifestyle 15. process 16. reflect 17. sunlight 18. prevent 19. vehicle 20. dust【物理】弹回排水渠沟,街沟蒸发(作用城市化【物理】凝聚(作用附着测量温度城市环境生活方式过程反射日光防止交通工具尘埃21. particle 微粒 22. vary 变化 23. release 释放 24. rainfall 降水 25. elevation 海拔高度 26. concentration 27. density 28. fog 29. form30. prevalent 31. climatologist 32. emerge 33. average 34. frequent 35. flood 36. meteorology 37. eventually 38. heat 39. affect 40. important 41. requirement 42. surrounding 集中密度雾形成普遍的气候学家出现平均频发的洪水气象学最终热量影响重要的需求周围的43. industry 工业 44. water vapor 水蒸气 45. liquid 液体 46. thunderstorm 雷阵雨47. generate 产生 48. reduce 49. suspend 50. take place1. strata2. shoreline3. length4. formation5. tidal6. cycle7. gravitational8. origin9. sample 10. ocean 减少悬浮发生地层;层大陆海岸线长度形成潮汐的循环重力的来源样本海洋11. worn away 磨损 12. wave 海浪 13. ancient 古老的 14. approximate 大约的 15. illustrate 阐明 16. describe 17. rotate 18. extreme 19. weather 20. vary 21. composition 22. geology 23. opposite 24. complete 25. tiny26. layer 27. mud 28. dust29. blown over 30. sand 31. stripe 32. indicate 描述自转极端的天气变化组成地理学相反的完整的微小的层泥尘埃被淡忘沙子条纹显示33. thickness 厚度 34. alternate 交互的 35. deposit 沉淀 36. represent 表示 37. revolve (使)旋转 38. speed up 39. gravity 40. pulling 41. drag 42. turn1. lava2. volcanic eruption3. magma4. hazard5. fragmentary6. pyroclastics7. avalanche8. destruction9. material 加速重力吸引拖动转动熔岩火山爆发【地质】岩浆危险【地质学】碎屑质的【地质】火成碎屑物(的雪崩破坏物质10. expel 喷出 11. explosion 爆发 12. rarely 稀少地 13. expert 专家 14. location 地点 15. occur 16. damage 17. flow18. frequently 19. eject 20. emit 21. mixture 22. gas 23. dust24. ash 25. predict 26. form27. familiar 28. convince 29. boost 30. describe 31. typically 发生破坏流频繁地喷出发出混合物气体尘埃灰预测形成熟悉使相信推描述典型的32. project 项目 33. tremendous 巨大的 34. temperature 温度 35. path路径36. island 岛屿 37. literally 38. completely 39. release 40. combination 41. fluid 42. fragment 43. pressure 44. wiped out1. investigation2. vibration3. disappear4. makeup5. interior 不夸张的完全地释放混合物流动的碎片压力消灭调研调查震动消失构造内部6. assignment 作业7. important 重要的 8. geologist 地质学家 9. accurate精确地10. seismic wave 地震波 11. earthquake 12. travel 13. enable 14. inner part 15. reveal 16. compression 17. shear 18. liquid 19. solid 20. depth 21. disappear 22. reflect 23. boundary 24. mantle 25. core 26. crust 27. molten 地震传递使能够内部显示压缩切断液体固体深度消失反射界线地幔地核地壳熔融的28. lava 熔岩 29. volcano 火山 30. source 来源1. disturb2. atmosphere3. climatic shift4. Ice Age5. back up6. review7. in general8. define9. consistent 10. pattern 11. significant 12. period 13. occur 14. balance 15. solar energy 打扰,扰乱大气气候变化冰河时代后退复习大多数定义一贯的模式重要的时期出现平衡太阳能16. radiate 辐射 17. surface 表面 18. exchange 转换19. differently 以不同的方式 20. system 系统 21. complex 22. crude 23. approximation 24. sophisticated 25. hypothesis 26. speculating 27. volcanic 28. activity 29. mechanism 30. erupt 31. disperse 32. particle 33. global 34. complete 35. involve 36. different 37. operate 复杂的粗略的近似值精密的假说猜测火山的活动途径喷发散布微粒全球的完整的包含不同的起作用1. diverse 多样的2. abundant 富裕的,多余的3. geologist4. invite5. mineral6. diverse7. specimen8. closely9. feldspar10. abundant11. divided into12. type13. orthoclase14. notice15. vary16. glassy17. volcanic18. collect19. trip 地质学家邀请矿石多样的标本仔细地【矿】长石丰富的分为种类【矿】正长石注意到变化光滑的火山的收集旅行20. microcline 【矿】微斜长石21. amazonstone 【矿】天河石,绿长石22. identify 识别23. jewelry 珠宝24. attractive 有吸引力的25. plagioclase feldspar 【矿】斜长岩26. rare 稀有的27. particularly 特别地28. proud 自豪29. variety 多样性30. collection 收藏品31. slide 幻灯片1. sedimentary rock2. photosynthesis3. accumulate 沉积岩光合作用积累4. fossil fuel 化石能源5. coal 煤6. oil 石油7. natural gas 天然气8. trapped 被困的9. remain 残骸10. process 过程11. store 储存12. chemical compound 化合物13. release 释放14. decay 腐烂15. energy 能量16. organic matter 有机物17. completely 彻底地18. hence 由此19. considerable 相当多的20. rate 速度21. dig up 开采22. burn 燃烧23. nonrenewable 不可再生的24. resource 资源25. alternative 可替代的26. renewed 可再生的1. precise 准确的2. surface 表面3. previously 之前的4. mountain-climbing5. recalculate 登山重新计算6. elevation 海拔高度7. determine 确定8. traditional 传统的9. survey 测量10. method 方法11. measurement 度量单位12. take advantage of 利用13. recent 最近的14. advance 进步15. technology 技术16. satellite 人造卫星17. circle 环绕... 运行18. constantly 不断地19. send out 发出20. signal 信号21. contain 包含22. important 重要的23. longitude 【地理】经度24. latitude 【地理】纬度25. special 特殊的26. receiver 接收器27. summit 山顶28. heavy 沉重29. reduce 减轻30. handheld telephone 手持电话31. access 通过32. peak 山顶1. property 财产,财富2. earthquake 地震3. reasonable 较好的4. article 文章5. tremendous 巨大的6. damage 破坏7. seismologist 地震学家8. method 方法9. prediction 预测10. fairly 相当11. locate 指出... 的位置12. potential 潜在的13. specific 确切的14. occur 发生15. introduce16. model17. fault18. crack19. crust20. seismic gap21. activity22. postulate23. due24. phenomena25. tilt26. cylindrical27. tube28. tend to29. correctly30. successful31. evacuate 介绍模式断层裂缝地壳地震活动空白地带活动假定到期现象倾斜圆柱形的管子倾向于正确地成功的撤离32. struck 侵袭33. unfortunately 不幸的是34. consistently 一贯地35. perfect 完美的36. based on 基于37. closely38. a series of39. probability40. formula41. calculate42. confidence1. long-term2. eventually3. global4. oceanographer5. analyze6. sediment7. ocean floor8. depth 紧密地一系列可能性公式计算信任长期的最终的全球的海洋学家分析沉积物海底深度9. remain 遗骸10. layer 层11. determine 确定12. period 周期13. Ice Age 冰河时代14. decrease 减少15. drop 下降16. feet 英尺17. evaporate 蒸发18. frozen 冻结19. continental 大陆的20. glacier 冰山21. melt 融化22. indicate 显示23. regular 规律的24. historical 历史的25. data 数据26. in order to 为了27. possible 可能的28. effect 影响29. global warming 全球变暖30. industrial 工业的31. pollutant 污染物质32. capable 有能力的33. temperature 温度34. urgent 紧急的35. precisely 精确地36. sea level37. rise1. attractive2. direction3. original4. long-lost5. province6. complex7. process8. involve9. state-of-the-art10. technology11. location12. pinpoint 海平面上升有吸引力的方向原始的,最初的长久不见的省复杂的过程需要采用最先进水平的技术位置确定13. interesting 有趣的14. major 主要的15. market 市场16. livestock 家畜17. crop 农作物18. official19. necessary20. trade21. movement22. good23. trend24. reverse25. escape26. threat27. disease28. cholera29. epidemic30. negative31. project32. stress33. flow34. completely 政府必要的贸易运动商品趋势转变逃避威胁疾病【医】霍乱流行负面的项目强调流完全地35. unhindered 不被阻碍的36. single 单独的37. region 地区38. influence 影响39. evident 明显的40. disuse41. simply1. alternative2. surface3. seawater4. lookout5. source6. plentiful7. coal8. oil9. gas hydrate10. below11. pressure12. trap 弃用几乎可替代的表面海水留心观察资源丰富的煤石油天然气水合物在... 下面压力使受限于13. crystal 晶体14. individual 单独的15. molecule 分子16. methane 【化】甲烷17. natural gas 天然气18. strange19. stuff20. match21. burst22. flame23. chunk24. normal25. air pressure26. temperature27. hiss28. bubble29. melt30. escape31. hard32. miner33. handle34. arctic region 奇特的物质火柴燃烧火焰大块正常大气压温度发出咝咝声冒泡融化逸出困难矿工处理北极地区35. mile 英里36. environmentalist 环境学家37. warn 警告38. disastrous 灾难性的39. offshore 近岸的40. drilling 【矿】钻井41. seep 渗漏42. deposit 沉积43. release 释放44. atmosphere 大气层45. recall 回忆起46. greenhouse gas 温室气体47. worsen 恶化48. global warming 全球变暖49. offer 提供50. interesting 有趣的51. possibility 可能性52. fuel 供给燃料53. furnace 暖炉1. glacier 冰川2. formation 行成3. topographic map 地形地图4. continent 大陆5. flat 平坦的6. Great Plains7. prairie8. steppe9. feature10. level11. terrain12. dry13. climate14. absence15. actually16. shallow17. inland sea18. sediment19. smooth20. border21. responsible22. block23. moist 大平原大草原大草原特征水平的地形干燥的气候缺乏事实上浅的内海沉积物使光滑边缘负责任的阻碍湿润的24. intervene 干涉25. irrigation 灌溉26. windy 多风的27. divide 分成28. zone 地带29. mix 混合30. intermediate 中等程度的31. height 高度1. fuel 能源2. contain 包括百分比 3. percentage4. alternative 可替代的5. compose 构成6. chemical 化学品7. naphtha 【化】石脑油8. promising (有)前途的9. gasoline 石油污染 10. pollute11. require 需要12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. completely engine regular combustion minor mechanical modification change over doubt fear freeze antifreeze undergone especially government vehicle 彻底地发动机正常的燃烧较少的机械方面的改造改装怀疑害怕冻结【化】防冻液经历特别政府交通工具 1. destructive 2. thunderstorm 破坏性的暴风雨3. development4. tornado5. violent6. frightening7. powerful8. interesting9. exactly 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. occur front humid gulf air masses rapidly rush replace inrushing extreme thermal instability rotate demolish suck up 发展龙卷风剧烈的恐怖的强有力的有趣的精确地出现【气】锋(指冷热空气团交汇线)潮湿的海湾【气】气团迅速地急速流动取代流入的极度的热量的不稳定性旋转毁坏吸收25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. air pressure drop remain explode outward technological predict 大气压下降保持爆破向外技术的预测。

老托福听力PartC原文1Scientists are always on the lookout for alternative sources of energy.科学家总是在查找替代能源。
Today were going to discuss one thats so plentiful they say it could supply more energy than all the coal and oil in the world.今日我们将探讨一种如此充分的,他们说能够供应比世界上全部的煤炭和石油更多的能量。
Its found in something called gas hydrate and, believe it or not, thats a kind of ice.它被发觉于某种叫做气体水合物(的东东)而且,信不信由你,那是一种冰。
Thats right. But the water in this ice was way down below the Earths surface when it was frozen, so it was under a lot of pressure.是的,但是在这种冰里的水在当它结冰时会降到地球表面下很深(的地方),所以它会在很大的压力之下(所以压力很大)。
And trapped inside the crystals of ice are individual molecules of methane --- thats whats in natural gas.被困在冰的晶体中的是单个的甲烷分子——这就是自然气。
All this makes gas hydrate pretty strange stuff.全部这些(状况)使得气体水合物(成为)很诡异的东西。

Before we start our first lab, I'd like to tell you a little bit about the workbook we'll be using. The first thing I'd like to point out is that the workbook contains a very large amount of material, far more than you could ever handle in a single semester. What you're supposed to do is choose the experiments and activities that you want to do—within a certain framework, of course. Part of my job is to help you make your choices. Next, I'd like to mention that in each workbook chapter, there are usually two subsections. The first is called "Experiments" and the second is called "Activities." In the "Experiments" section, the workbook gives full instructions for all the experiments, including alternate procedures. Choose the procedure you wish—there's plenty of equipment available. In the "Activities" section, you will find suggestions for projects that you can do on your own time. You'll see that there are usually no detailed instructions for the activities—you're supposed to do them your own way. If there are no questions, let's turn to Chapter One now.在开始我们的第一个实验之前,我想要告诉你们一些关于我们将会用到的作业本的事情。

老托听力文本目录校园类17+4=21 (2)第一篇宿舍噪音 (2)第一篇(打工场景) (10)生物类15+13=28 (12)第一篇reptile (13)第一篇(实验介绍) (20)天文类3+3=6 (26)第一篇Jupiter (27)第一篇(登陆月球和火星) (28)地球科学类5+12=17 (30)第一篇恐龙消失 (30)第一篇(地球interior) (32)人类学类5+3=8 (38)第一篇The origin of farming of prehistoric times (38)第一篇 (41)历史类16+31=47 (42)第一篇建筑 (42)第一篇(舞蹈) (50)人体生理心理学类2+7=9 (66)66第一篇(Baby hypothesis) (67)Business类4 (71)语言学类3 (73)校园类17+4=21第一篇宿舍噪音W: So how do you like living in the renovated dorms?M: There aren‟t much different than the old dorms, ju st some new pane and windows. The windows are nice so they shut off the noise really well. The street‟s just outside, but I can barely hear the traffic.W: Um, they must be good windows, I bet they must have double panes and glass; they shut off a lot o f noise that the single pane wouldn‟t stop.M: Yeah, I wish I had something just the factor between me and my neighbor‟s room. Sometimes he turns up the music so loud that I have trouble getting into sleep. Anyway I guess I‟m better off than the people who‟ll be moving into the new dorms. Did you see how thin the walls are that they putting up between those rooms?W: I haven‟t seen them but I did read something about them in the campus newspaper. They are supposed to be better than the thick concrete wa ll you‟ve got here.M: Better? How?W: Well, what they doing is separating each room with 2 thin layer of plasterboards and each one is nailed to a different frame. That way they vibrate independently.M: Oh, I see, so the sound from one room doesn‟t just vibrate the wall and go directly into next room. There is a gap between 2 layers of wall.W: That‟s right.M: Well, I‟m still stuck with this neighbor and I am not sure what to do.W: You know heavy bear wall doesn‟t help. You should hang somet hing up like some fur rags or some decorated cross. That would act like a kind of a second wall and absorb some sound. I got some extras you can use, people hey.M: I‟d appreciate it; anything to get a good night sleep.第二篇W: Can I help you find something? Oh, hi, Rick!M: Oh, hi, Julie. When did you start working here? I thought you were waiting tables in Teresa‟s café.W: Yeah, I quitted, because I had to work too many nights. I started here just a few days ago. It‟s perfect! I work all afternoon shift. So my mornings are free for classes, and I can study at night. So what are you looking for?M: Well, I can‟t seem to find the 8th book for English 626. I only found these seven. I‟m probably looking right at itW: Um…English 626…English 626… Are you sure they are 8?M: Yeah, they are 8 titles on my syllabus. And look, the card on the shelf had eight listed. But I can only find seven of the books.W: You are right. Oh, here they are. They are on the wrong shelves over here by economics books.I‟ll have to put these into the English books so they are not so hard to find.M: Thanks a lot. Can you point me the direction of the computer paper?W: Sure, it‟s… 2 or 3 aisles over. Why don‟t you follow me? It‟s easier just to show you.第三篇选课M: Janet! Nice to see you again. Ready to plan you schedule for next semester?W: Yeah, I‟ve already looked at the list of classes. And I hope to take business law and intro tofinance this coming semester.M: That sounds good. And it is always best plans the courses in your major first and then fit out the requirements on the electives then.W: I like to take one other business course, but I am not sure which one?M: How are about an economics course?W: I took one this past semester and got a lot out of it.M: Oh, that‟s right I remember you telling me about it. Well, let‟s see what else you need? W: I need another English course and was thinking about taking a poetry class.M: Let me see, the prerequisite for all the poetry classes is the English composition.W: I took that my first semester.M: Well, modern American poetry fits in your scheduleW: With Doctor Turner?M: Um-huh…W: That‟ll be great! I heard all about her from my roommate, the English major.M: This should up tobe a pretty good semester for you, what else do you need to take?W: I have to take one more math course but I have been putting it at all. I heard that calculus isreally tough.M: It is! But you may want to take it and just take these four courses this semester.W: That‟s not a bad idea! I just hope it doesn‟t affect my grade point average!第四篇学生抗议食堂W: Excuse me. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?M: No I guess not.M: Great! This is for a student council report; we want to find out what students think the campus food service the results would tell us what kind of changes to push for.M: I think everyone has pretty strong opinions about that.W: Yeah, that‟s one thing I found out already. Ok, first how often do you eat in the cafeteria? M: Almost everyday, I‟ve got a meal contract.W: And do you usually eat here at Anderson hall.M: Yeah, I live next door.W: And you mention that you have a meal contract, is that right?M: Uh-huh! For breakfast and dinner, Monday to Saturday.W: What‟s your general impression of the food here?M: Well, people complain a lot, but basically I think it‟s ok. The vegetables are usually overcooked, but I mean they had to feed hundreds of people here. You are not going to get something freshly prepared just for you.W: What if I just put down generally satisfactory, would like more fresh vegetables, ok?M: Sure.W: So you think the other things like soup and dessert‟s okay?M: Yeah, that‟s about right.W: Is there anything you like to change about the cafeteria?M: Yes, the hours. Sometimes it‟s a real rush for me to get back here before 6:30.第五篇学习问题★W: Excuse me! I need to a copy of Steven Hakim‟s Brief History of Time. And I don‟t know where to look for it?M: D id you check the status on the library‟s computer?W: I tried but I couldn‟t figure out what to do.M: Well I can call it up right here. You wanted Hakim‟s book right? It looks like it will be out for another 6 weeks.W: Oh no, I really need it for paper that due in 2 weeks. Is there anything you can do?M: Sure, we can try to get it from another library, just fill out this form and it should be here in 3 or 5 days. But it will cost 2 dollars.W: What a relief! That‟s a really help!**********************************************************★M: Good morning. Is this where we should come to add or drop a course?W: Yes, it is. Just write the name of the course you want to drop on this little form.M: Great! Now where do I write the Astronomy course that I want to add?W: Sorry it‟s too late to add a course. You could only add courses two weeks since this semester. And Friday was the last day.M: But I‟m senior. And if I dropped the class without adding in one, I wouldn‟t have enough credits to graduate.W: So, what you have to do then is to get the professor‟s approval and have him sign the special add form. Then bring it back to me, and I put it through.M: Okay. Thanks. I hope I‟ll be able to find them.**********************************************************★M: Hi, Lanyard, we missed you in psychology class yesterday.W: I have a terrible cough. So I stayed at home. Do you take notes?M: Well, no one can ever recite for my handwriting. Tina was there, too. And you are more likely to be able to read her notes.W: Do you know where she is today?M: I know she has class in the morning. But she always eats lunch in the cafeteria around noon.W: Good! I‟ll try to catch her then.第六篇打工场景M: So you are going to be writing for the school newspaper?W: Yes, I‟m excited about it. I‟m thinking about journalism as a career.M: Well! Congratulations! How do they decide whom to hire?W: I have to send the writing sample. I used one of the essays I‟ve written for the literature class, then the editor assigned me a topic to write a short article about it.M: What did you write about?W: Actually, it was a lot of fun. I wrote about the students‟ play that has been performed this month.M: Oh, I saw that play. The director is a friend of mine. It really called in a stir around here. W: Yeah, I know. That‟s what I wrote about --people‟s reaction to it. It‟s really interesting. M: Have you finished the article? Can I read it?W: Sure. I just made a couple of copies. So you can have one.M: Thanks. I wish I were a better writer. Working for the paper sounds like fun.W: Well, they‟re looking to add one or two more photographers to the staff.M: You‟re kidding! May be I‟ll go over and apply.W: If you want, I‟ll walk over with you to the newspaper office and introduce you to the photographic editor and some of the other photographers.M: That will be terrific! But can we go tomorrow? I have to go to math class now. And if we go tomorrow, then I‟ll have time tonight to put together a portfolio of photographs to show them.W: Sure. And maybe you should call them and set up a time to meeting them tomorrow. M: Good idea. I‟ll do that before I go to class.W: All right. See you tomorrow.第七篇学习问题W: Hey, Kevin, I haven‟t seen you since the beginning of the semester, how is it going?M: Well, I am a little overwhelmed. It‟s strange. I always want to go to a big university like this but now I am here. I am not so sure. I mean the courses ar e interesting enough, but… W: What‟s bothering you then?M: Well after going to a small high school and knowing everybody it‟s a pretty shagged to be in huge lecture hall with hundreds of students. And not one professor even knows my name. W: I know y ou mean. I‟ve so pretty lost myself last year but I know about something that might help. It‟s called the mentor group.M: The what?W: The mentor group. It‟s like a support group. I joined it last year when I was a first year student.M: So what is it?W: It‟s basically professors and small group of students getting together informally to discuss all kinds of subjects. You have the chance to meet professors and other students.M: Hem, sounds worthwhile, but doesn‟t it take up a lot of studying ti me?W: Not really, you can study all the time you know and this is like a little break.M: I guess you could meet professor whose course you might take later!W: Exactly, that‟s what happened to me! I am taking the psychology course with Professor Green. I didn‟t know how interesting psychology was, till I got to talk to him in the mentor group.M: You talk to him in the mentor group! Is it too late to join?W: I don‟t think so; if I were you I go over to the dean‟s office and sign up.M: I was going to the library to return a book but I can do it later I guess.第八篇注册学校W: Here we are at registration again; I can‟t believe how much tuition has gone up.M: I know. It‟s ridiculous. You know my cousin Anne pays nothing to go her school in Kentucky.W: Nothing! Maybe I should transfer there.M: You can‟t, only students from certain part of Kentucky can go. It‟s only for students from the Appalachian Mountains area.W: So with no tuition how do they run the school?M: Well, they get a lot of donations.W: And that pays for everything?M: Well, they also get some money from the government and besides that all the students are required to work at the college. That‟s why the college doesn‟t need to hire a lot ofoutside-workers.W: Oh yeah, that will help cut the school expenses, so what kind of job do they do?M: My cousin helps to clean the dorms. I think her roommate washes dishes in the cafeteria. Things like that.W: That sounds great! Come to think of it. I heard of something in Georgia called hope scholarship.M: Hope scholarship? What‟s that?W: I think they used state lottery money to give free tuition. But not everyone from Georgia qualifies. You need at least B average in high school.M: I should apply for that. I had really good grades in high school.W: No, you had to be from Georgia.M: Just my luck.第九篇学习问题W: What‟s the matter? I‟ve never seen you look so tense?M: Oh, I am just frustrated. That‟s all. I have been working on this lab report for my biology class for hours and the results keep coming out wrong.W: Did you use the right procedures?M: Yeah, that‟s not the problem…it‟s just the…well, it‟s just, you know every time I do the statistics I get the different results. Did you ever take biology?W: No, I fill my science requirement with physics, I really don‟t car e for biology especially dissection. I must pass it down in high school. We had to cut open that.M: Ok, I get the picture, I am bit squish myself but biology requires the least math, whichisn‟t my best subject. I really don‟t see why we even have to t ake science classes if we are not major in it. I am never going to use this in the real life.W: Well that‟s not the point really, a college graduate suppose to be well-rounded it. You knowwith broad education. You can only specialize in grad school.M: Sure, if I ever get there. It just seems I run one biology lab report could stand in the wave of brilliant career in sociology.W: You don‟t be silly; you will manage somehow. See how come you don‟t have the result for one of your XXX to write down.M: Whoops! I must forgot to add it in. No wonder my figures were messed up!十篇W: Hi, Mark, how is it going?M: Well, not so great.W: What's wrong?M: I‟ve got a big problem with the poetry course that‟s required for my major.W: Is it all sold up?M: No, no, there's plenty room, but there's prerequisite. I‟ve got to take an introduction to poetry before I can take the special course in poets of the 1960's, and the introductory course is only offered in the evenings.W: You don't like evening classes?M: No, that's not the point. I work in the cafeteria every evening; I need the money to pay my tuition.W: Can you ask someone that work to switch hours with you? Maybe you could just switch a couple of evening since the course probably only needs two times a week?M: I wish I could, my boss just did me a favor by putting me on evenings. And he'll hit the ceiling if I ask to change again.W: Wait a minute, I have an idea, have you checked the course over at the community college?They might offer intro-to-poetry course during the day!M: Hey, that's a great idea! I am free this afternoon, I think I'll go over and check it out.W: Yeah, their courses are actually cheaper and you can transfer the credits over here!M: Thank for the advice, Linda. I'll let you know what happens.W: Sure, Mark, good luck! Oh, while you there, could you find out when the pool is open? M: No problem.第十一篇学习问题M: I'm really glad we got Cindy to be in our study group.W: That's for sure, his background in art should be a big help getting ready for this art history final.M: Now, what we'll have to do is to figure out where we‟re going to meet.W: Why don't we just meet in the library?M: The six people in the group will probably make too much noise. How about my dorm room?W: There is not enough space, where would we all sit?M: Oh, I know, the snack bar in the student center! It is not too crowd in the evening, and we can push some tables together.W: That'll work! I'll let everyone know to be there at 7:00 tonight.第十二篇买书M: Excuse me. I am looking for the textbook for a course called Psychology of Personality, but Ican't find it anywhere.W: Is that the book for Dr. Peterson's course?M: That's right, Psychology 3601.W: Yes, yes, I was afraid of that. It seems we didn't order enough books for that class. You are the 7th person today who‟s come in looking for one.M: But classes begin on Monday.W: I wouldn't worry, Dr. Peterson was aware of the problem, and we got another shipment of books coming in before the end of the month.M: Can I reserve the copy?W: No problem. Just give me your name and phone number, we'll call you when the books arrive.第十三篇停车★M: I‟ve got another parking ticket. I don't understand why?W: What color sticker do you have?M: It's gold; it's for this lot!W: Well, where did you park?M: Over there, next to that green truck.W: You are right in front of the loading dock; that's where they unload the kitchen supplies. M: So what?W: You are lucky you only got a ticket. Normally, security tows any cars that park there.第十四篇打工场景★Listen to a conversation between an advisor and a student.W: Come on in, Paul, and have a seat. How can I help you?M: Well, I need to choose my major, and I guess I am not sure what I want to do for a career. W: Oh!M: My problem is that I love philosophy, but my dad doesn't want me to get a degree in the humanities. He said that I'll be better off financially with a career in something like business. W: Yes, people in the humanities often do make lower salaries.M: Yeah, and I don't want to be poor, so I‟m doomed.W: Hem...I guess you know that a lot of famous philosophers work in other fields, too. In fact,some of them did ground-breaking work.M: Like Aristotle?W: Um, this is just one example. There were doctors, lawyers, historians, mathematicians. Lock for example, he was trained to medicine.M: Yeah, but you are talking about geniuses. I get to grades, but I'm not a genius.W: My point is, you could work in a higher paid field and pursue philosophy on the side. It's not too late for you to declare a double major.M: But what other fields what I choose?W: I can help you with that, there's a special test you can take to determine your talents. You can take it now and it only takes an hour, then we can match your talents to a variety of job descriptions and go for there.M: Ok, that sounds like a good plan!第十五篇打工场景M: Ms. Preska, I am Tim Louis.W: Nice to meet you, Tim. The work study office called to let me know you will come in. You are interested in job here this coming semester.M: Yes, I was hoping the library might be able to use me.W: We always need some help from work study students. Can you tell me a little about yourself?M: Let‟s see, I am a sophomore. I live off campus and I major in business.W: Fine, what about work experience?M: I have been the lifeguard for 3 summers at city pool. Here on campus I work last year in the cafeteria. This semester I am at the computer center 3 evenings a week but I prefer the afternoon job.W: We have the opening for someone to share books 4 afternoons a week, a total of 16 hours. Will that suit you?M: Perfectly, my courses in next semester all meet in the morning.W: The job is yours then. Please read through this information before your begin, your first day of work will be 2 weeks from today.M: Thank you very much, I‟ll see you then.第十六篇暑假出行M: So where are you going to be this summer?W: I‟ve got a part time job at the gallery in New York. And I will be taking a joining class at night.M: That's great. You can learn a lot working in an art gallery, and there's no place like New York for an inspiring artist. I lived there myself when I was first at the college.W: I know how lucky I am to have this job but to tell you the truth; I have my heart set on going out west this summer.M: Out west? You mean California.W: No, the southwest, the desert and everythingM: Why the desert?W: Well, you know, Georgia O'Keeffe is my favorite artist, and she did such good work out there.M: That' true. But O'Keeffe didn't start out in the southwest, you know. She lived in New York for years, and she did some very impressive painting there.W: I guess you mean the skyscraper series. It's funny I never really thought about where she paint them before.M: It was in New York and she got a lot out of living there. She didn't always enjoy it. But later on she said that being around so many artists that help her to develop her own artistic vision.W: That's a new way of looking at the city. Now I can only find affordable place to live.第十七篇学习问题★Listen to part of the conversation between two college studentsM: Could we stop for a few minutes before we go over chapter five? I'm gonna need extra emerge to get through that one.W: Why? The first four chapters went really fast.M: I know, but the professor said the test would go up to chapter five. And that's the one I understand least. My notes from that day are a mess, circles made of broken lines, the word "GESTALT" in big letters, complete confusion.W: Ok, well, let's start with the broken lines. There suppose to be an illustration of the principle of closure. The idea is that your brain doesn't take in information exactly the same way as your eyes see it. I mean it's not like your eyes are camera and your brain just see the photographs it takes. The point is that your brain perceives more than your eyes actually see. Imaging individual broken lines and the shape of the circle, your brain perceives them to be a circle, even though the shape isn't complete. Your brain fills in the empty spaces because what it sees is familiar to a complete pattern.M: Oh, I get it. Our brains‟ close is based in the circle --- closure, so is closure the same thing as GESTALT?W: Well, closure is part of GESTALT. It's one of the five principles that try to explain how thebrain organizes the information it perceives.M: Hem, do you think that the other four principles would be on the test?W: Probably seems they are all in chapter five. We'd better go over all of them.M: Yeah, I'm sure you are right. But let's go and get something to eat before we do the rest, ok? Otherwise, I don't think my brain will be able to perceive anything.W: Sure, let's go.第一篇(打工场景)It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of medical school and wondering if I'd ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live patient!Well, I have good news for you! You don't have to wait until your third or fourth year ofMedical school to get some hands-on experience! The dean has invited me here to tell you about the university's rural opportunity program. If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community. You won't have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like.The program was designed to encourage medical students like yourselves to consider careers in rural communities that are still understaffed. It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons. First, they don't know much about it. And second, specialists in the cities usually make more money. But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community.I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town. Let me tell you, it was really great! I got to work with real patients. I watched the birth of a child, assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experience --- all in one summer. And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesn't --- no pollution or traffic jams, for instance!My experience made me want to work where I'm needed and appreciated. I don't miss the city at all!第二篇(选课场景)In the few minutes that remain of today's class, I'd like to discuss next week's schedule with you. Because I'm presenting a paper at a conference in Detroit on Thursday, I won't be here for either Wednesday's or Friday's class. I will, however, be here for Monday's. Next Friday, a week from today, is the midterm exam, marking the halfway point in the semester. Professor Andrews has agreed to administer the exam. In place of the usual Wednesday class, I've arranged an optional review session. Since it is optional, attendance will not be taken; however, attending the class would be a good idea for those worried about the midterm. So, remember: optional class next Wednesday; midterm, Friday.第三篇(打工场景)Good afternoon. I'm here today to talk to you about a career with our airline. We're especially interested in recruiting people to fill openings for flight attendants.First of all, to work as a flight attendant with us, you must be accepted into our training program --- and with so many people applying, it's not easy to be selected. From the thousands of applications that we receive annually, we choose fewer than a thousand people for training. So, we require experience serving the public; and it also helps if you've earned some college credits.Also, not everybody who gets accepted into the training program makes it through.The course meets six days a week for five weeks. The training includes extensive classroom workin such subjects as first aid and passenger psychology as well as practical training in flight procedures and meal service. A lot of our graduates say that our fight attendants develop the skills of a nurse, a headwaiter, and a public relations executive!But, as a flight attendant myself, I can say that all of the hard work is worth it. Of course, I get to travel throughout the country, and the airline pays all of my expenses while I'm away from my base station. And, what I like best of all is that I've made friends with people from all over the country!第四篇(Housing场景)I need to make sure you understand how to get housing for next year. When you entered as first-year students this year, the school assigned you to a dorm and a roommate, but next year as returning students you'll choose both your roommate and your dorm. But whether or not you actually get to live in your first choice depends on what number you or your roommate draws in the lottery system. The system gives priority to the students who have been here longest. Fourth-year students get the first block of numbers, third-years get the second block, and second-years --- like you'll be --- get the third. The lower the number you draw, the sooner you choose. Number one gets the first choice, number two gets the second choice, and so on.You can use either your won or your intended roommate's number to make your room choice. If your roommate for next year has been at the school longer than you have, they'll be in a better block of numbers and so will have a better number than any second-year student. But most of you will probably be rooming with other second-year students and so neither of you may have a great number. You may not get into your first or even second choice. Of course, if you've made plans to live off campus, you don't need to enter the lottery at all.Dorm space will be especially tight this year because the dorms on North Campus will be closed for renovations. This means that those of you who draw the worst numbers won't be able to get dorm housing at all. In that case, the housing office will help you find off-campus housing.生物类15+13=28。

TOEFL老托福听力PartC原文汇总3篇TOEFL老托福听力PartC原文汇总1The winds of a tornado are the most violent and destructive ones on Earth.龙卷风是地球上最猛烈和最具破坏性的风。
Any of you who have seen one knows very well how frightening and powerful they are.任何看见过龙卷风的人都非常了解他们是多么令人恐惧和强大。
What's interesting about them is that scientists don't actually know exactly why tornadoes occur.关于它们有意思的是科学家事实上并不确切地知道龙卷风为什么发生。
We do know, however, what happens when tornadoes are formed.然而,我们的确知道,当龙卷风形成时发生了什么。
As you remember, a front occurs when cool, dry air from the north meets warm, humid air ing from the south, from the Gulf of Mexico, for tornadoes in the United States.正如你们所记得的,当来自北方的凉爽干燥的空气遇到来自南方,来自墨西哥湾的温暖湿润的空气,会出现一个峰,形成在美国的龙卷风。
Where these air masses meet, a narrow zone of storm clouds develops, and thunderstorms, and sometimes tornadoes, occur.在这些气团相遇的地方,一个狭窄的暴风雨云团地带形成了,还有雷暴,以及有时会发生龙卷风。

听力第30篇和第14篇Lesson30Gravitation万有引力Gravitation is a very important force in the universe.万有引力是宇宙中一个非常重要的力。
Every object has a gravitational pull,which is rather like magnetism.每个物体都有引力,就像磁力一样。
But,unlike magnetism,gravitation is not found only in iron and steel.但与磁性不同的是,万有引力不仅仅在刚和铁中被发现。
It is in every object large or small;它存在于每个物体当中,无论这物体是大是小。
but large objects,such as the earth;have a stronger pull than small ones.但大的物体,比如地球,比小的物体有更强的引力。
Sir Isaac Newton,the great scientist of the seventeenth century,first studied gravitation.艾萨克·牛顿爵士,17世纪的伟大的科学家,第一个研究了引力。
When he was a boy,he often saw apples falling to the ground.当他还是个孩子的时候,他经常看到苹果掉到地上。
He wondered why they did not fly up into the sky.他和奇怪为什么它们没有飞到天上去。
According to the law which he later produced,everything in the universe attractseverything else towards itself.根据他后来制定的定律,宇宙中所有的物体使其他所有的物体对它有吸引。

For some time now, scientists have understood that the earth's crust is divided into plates that move about at the rate of a few inches a year.但随着时间的推移山脉和火山得以形成。
But over time, form mountain ranges and volcanoes.他们也已经搞清楚地球的地幔,就是地壳和核心之间的那层是板块运动的主要参与者。
地幔.jpgThey have also known that the earth's mantle, the layer between the earth's crust and core, was the major player in the movement of the plates.科学家认为地幔是一种天气系统。
Scientists talk about the mantle as a kind of weather system.地幔部分持续的流动有冷却器和温暖,就像风暴云聚集一样。
There are cooler and warmer sections of the mantle that are in constant flux with one another, much like gathering storm clouds.这些地下风暴低于地球表面,虽然发展非常缓慢,最终会对地壳产生强大的力量。
These subterranean storms miles below the earth's surface, though very slow in development, can eventually exertpowerful force on the earth's crust.。
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I'm glad you brought up the question of our investigations into the makeup of the Earth's interior. In fact, since this is the topic of your reading assignment for next time, let me spend these last few minutes of class talking about it. There were several important discoveries in the early part of this century that helped geologists develop a more accurate picture of the Earth's interior. The first key discovery had to do with seismic waves. Remember they are the vibrations caused by earthquakes. Well, scientists found that they traveled thousands of miles through the Earth's interior. This finding enabled geologists to study the inner parts of the Earth. You see, these studies revealed that these vibrations were of two types: compression or P waves and shear or S waves. And researchers found that P waves travel through both liquids and solids, while S waves travel only through solid matter. In 1906, a British geologist discovered that P waves slowed down at a certain depth but kept traveling deeper. On the other hand, S waves either disappeared or were reflected back, so he concluded that the depth marked the boundary between a solid mantle and a liquid core. Three years later, another boundary was discovered, that between the mantle and the Earth's crust. There's still a lot to be learned about the Earth. For instance, geologists know that the core is hot. Evidence of this is the molten lava that flows out of volcanoes. But we're still not sure what the source of the heat is.