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A super man.
5. Justice has long arms. 正义有长胳膊。 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
Financial problems are plaguing the company. 财政问题是这家公司焦头烂额。
Do not bury your head in the sand. 不要逃避现实。
1. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走 ,水往低处流 .
2. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
3. 试译:巧妇难为无米之炊。 The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice.
4. I'll always remember Thanksgivings as the times we ate good food, sang oldfashioned songs, and shared a lot of love with family and friends.
我将永远记得,感恩节是我们吃美食、唱 老歌、与家人朋友分享爱的时刻。
Traditional approaches in translation
Literal Translation 、Free Translation and Transliteration
Literal translation (直译)
?所谓“直译”,就是尽量使译语的 词汇意义、句法结构、文体风格与 原语的词汇意义、句法结构、文体 风格一致或相似。
因祸得福。 A loss may turn out to be gain.
1. Good to the last drop. (咖啡) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
2. Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进。
3. 激流勇进。 No return of the river.
4. 三头六臂 Having three heads and six arms.
5. You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. 您会发现我们的报价比别处要低。
6. This is our lowest quotation. I'm afraid we can't go further. 这是我方最低报价,恐怕不能再降了。
older, Leabharlann Baiduiser, calmer. A: 更老,更明智,更冷静 B: 人愈老,智愈高,心愈平。
Every time I see my grandfather, he gives me a big bear hug. A: 每次见到爷爷 ,他都要给我一个大大的熊式拥抱 . B:每次见到爷爷 ,他都要紧紧拥抱我 .
Literal translation直译
直译(Literal translation)指不仅忠实于原文内容,而且忠 实于原文形式的翻译方法. 第一位:忠于原文内容; 第二位:忠于原文形式要求在保持原文内容的前提下, 力求使译文与原文在选词用字、句法结构、形象比喻 及风格特征等方面尽可能趋同(无限接近)。 第三位:通顺的译文形式。
It is a white night; he thought a lot of problems about this future life. 在这个不眠之夜,他想了好多关于他未来生活的棘手 问题。
Do you want to be a dragon lady or a woman behind your man? A: 你想做一个龙女 ,还是做个男人背后的女人 ? B:你想做一个女强人 ,还是做个男人背后的女人 ?
由于语言的差异,有时很难保持逐字对等且保持原文 结构和语义,在这种情况下,就得借助意译。
walkman 随身听
开门红 get off to a good start
When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in the disguise(掩饰,伪装)?
?1) A qualified translation must be not only faithful in thought but smooth in language, which is a basic demand of a translator. ?2) literal translation & word-for-word translation ?3) literal translation & dead translation
7. Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. 和我不一样,我的劳力士表从不需要休息。
二、意译法 free translation
1)意译(归化法)指只忠实原文内容,不拘泥原文结构形式与修辞 手法的翻译方法。信息的传递为第一位。
第一位 忠于原文内容 第二位 通顺的译文形式要求在保持原文内容的前提下,力求使译 文在选词用字、句法结构、形象比喻及风格特征等方面尽可能符 合译语读者的阅读习惯和审美心理。通用、联用、惯用 第三位 忠于原文形式
直译 ≠ 死译
橱窗里摆着的是什么东西? A:Shop window in the displayed is what thing? B: What's that in the shop window?
Speech is silver, silence is golden. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。 One world, one dream. 同一个世界,同一个梦想。
5. Justice has long arms. 正义有长胳膊。 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
Financial problems are plaguing the company. 财政问题是这家公司焦头烂额。
Do not bury your head in the sand. 不要逃避现实。
1. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走 ,水往低处流 .
2. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
3. 试译:巧妇难为无米之炊。 The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice.
4. I'll always remember Thanksgivings as the times we ate good food, sang oldfashioned songs, and shared a lot of love with family and friends.
我将永远记得,感恩节是我们吃美食、唱 老歌、与家人朋友分享爱的时刻。
Traditional approaches in translation
Literal Translation 、Free Translation and Transliteration
Literal translation (直译)
?所谓“直译”,就是尽量使译语的 词汇意义、句法结构、文体风格与 原语的词汇意义、句法结构、文体 风格一致或相似。
因祸得福。 A loss may turn out to be gain.
1. Good to the last drop. (咖啡) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
2. Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进。
3. 激流勇进。 No return of the river.
4. 三头六臂 Having three heads and six arms.
5. You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. 您会发现我们的报价比别处要低。
6. This is our lowest quotation. I'm afraid we can't go further. 这是我方最低报价,恐怕不能再降了。
older, Leabharlann Baiduiser, calmer. A: 更老,更明智,更冷静 B: 人愈老,智愈高,心愈平。
Every time I see my grandfather, he gives me a big bear hug. A: 每次见到爷爷 ,他都要给我一个大大的熊式拥抱 . B:每次见到爷爷 ,他都要紧紧拥抱我 .
Literal translation直译
直译(Literal translation)指不仅忠实于原文内容,而且忠 实于原文形式的翻译方法. 第一位:忠于原文内容; 第二位:忠于原文形式要求在保持原文内容的前提下, 力求使译文与原文在选词用字、句法结构、形象比喻 及风格特征等方面尽可能趋同(无限接近)。 第三位:通顺的译文形式。
It is a white night; he thought a lot of problems about this future life. 在这个不眠之夜,他想了好多关于他未来生活的棘手 问题。
Do you want to be a dragon lady or a woman behind your man? A: 你想做一个龙女 ,还是做个男人背后的女人 ? B:你想做一个女强人 ,还是做个男人背后的女人 ?
由于语言的差异,有时很难保持逐字对等且保持原文 结构和语义,在这种情况下,就得借助意译。
walkman 随身听
开门红 get off to a good start
When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in the disguise(掩饰,伪装)?
?1) A qualified translation must be not only faithful in thought but smooth in language, which is a basic demand of a translator. ?2) literal translation & word-for-word translation ?3) literal translation & dead translation
7. Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. 和我不一样,我的劳力士表从不需要休息。
二、意译法 free translation
1)意译(归化法)指只忠实原文内容,不拘泥原文结构形式与修辞 手法的翻译方法。信息的传递为第一位。
第一位 忠于原文内容 第二位 通顺的译文形式要求在保持原文内容的前提下,力求使译 文在选词用字、句法结构、形象比喻及风格特征等方面尽可能符 合译语读者的阅读习惯和审美心理。通用、联用、惯用 第三位 忠于原文形式
直译 ≠ 死译
橱窗里摆着的是什么东西? A:Shop window in the displayed is what thing? B: What's that in the shop window?
Speech is silver, silence is golden. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。 One world, one dream. 同一个世界,同一个梦想。