01.《A B C song》字母歌Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg, Aa—Bb—Cc—Dd—Ee—Ff—Gg,Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn, Hh—Ii—Jj—Kk—Ll—Mm—Nn,Oo-Pp-Qq,Rr-Ss-Tt,Oo—Pp—Qq,Rr—Ss—Tt,Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy-Zz.Uu—Vv—Ww—Xx—Yy—Zz。
Xx-Yy-Zz, now you see, I can say my ABCs.Xx—Yy—Zz,现在你看,我会说我的ABCs。
02.《Colour song》颜色歌Red and yellow and pink and green,红色,黄色,粉红色和绿色,Purple and orange and blue.紫色,橙色和蓝色。
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,我能唱彩虹歌,唱彩虹歌,Sing a rainbow now.现在唱彩虹歌。
03. 《Head shoulder knees and toes》身体部位歌Head and shoulders, knees and toes头和肩膀,膝盖和脚趾Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. 头和肩膀,膝盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. 头和肩膀,膝盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.眼睛、耳朵、嘴和鼻子。
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. 头和肩膀,膝盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。
- 介绍音乐的概念和定义
- 研究音乐的基本元素:节奏、音高、音色等
- 研究欣赏不同类型的音乐:古典音乐、流行音乐、民族音乐等
- 研究辨别不同乐器的声音
- 研究不同音符和休止符的符号表示和演奏方法
- 练简单的节奏组合和伴奏
- 研究常见的儿歌歌词和旋律
- 练集体合唱和唱出自己的声音
- 研究如何运用声音表达不同的情感和意境- 研究唱歌的技巧和注意事项
- 研究在小组中合作演唱歌曲
- 练和其他乐器的合奏
- 介绍常见的打击乐器和演奏方法
- 练基本的打击乐器演奏技巧
- 研究常见的弦乐器和演奏方法
- 练简单的弦乐器演奏技巧和曲目
- 介绍常见的木管乐器和演奏方法
- 研究吹奏木管乐器的基本技巧
人教版pep五年级英语书上册10首歌曲【英文版】Title: Learning English Through Music1. "Hello Song" - A simple and friendly song that helps students practice saying "Hello" in English.2. "My Friend" - A song about friendship that teaches students basic vocabulary and phrases in English.3. "Days of the Week" - A song that teaches students the days of the week in English and helps them practice counting.4. "Numbers Song" - A fun song that teaches students numbers from 1 to 20 in English.5. "Colors Song" - A song that teaches students basic colors in English and helps them associate them with words.6. "Fruits Song" - A song that teaches students names of fruits in English and helps them practice their pronunciation.7. "School Song" - A song that teaches students basic school vocabulary and phrases in English.8. "How Are You?" - A song that teaches students basic greetingsand responses in English.9. "Open Your Eyes" - A song that teaches students to pay attention to details and observations in English.10. "Tick Tock Clock Song" - A fun song that teaches students names of different types of clocks in English.【中文版】英语学习中的音乐之旅1. “打招呼歌”- 这是一首简单友好的歌曲,帮助学生练习用英语说“你好”。
1. 歌词示例。
- Hello, hello, how are you?- Fine, fine, thank you.- Hello, hello, how are you?- Oh, oh, just so - so.2. 歌曲作用。
- 这首歌主要用于帮助学生学习日常问候语。
通过欢快的旋律,让学生轻松地记住“how are you”以及对应的回答“fine, thank you”和“just so - so”等表达。
3. 教学建议。
- 在课堂上,可以先让学生听几遍歌曲,感受旋律和歌词的节奏。
二、“ABC Song”1. 歌词内容。
- A B C D E F G.- H I J K L M N.- O P Q, R S T.- U V W, X Y Z.- Now you know your A B C.- Every body sing with me.2. 歌曲意义。
- 这是一首非常经典的英语字母歌。
3. 教学应用。
- 教师可以在字母教学环节播放这首歌曲。
Lazy Mary
会唱 Lazy Mary
一.一边听字母歌曲一边用投影出示所有歌词 一开始听歌曲,既营造出英语氛围,又让学生对所有歌词有了初步印象。
Lazy mary will you get up,
will you get up.will you ge up.
师:“Now we are play a game ,play co ect these fishes. Dscovers small fish's secret,Then links the small fish .”(现在我们来玩个小游戏,小鱼接龙,仔细观察,去发现小鱼的秘密,然后把它们连起来,并且每连一条鱼,请念出相应的单词,教师可以适当指导)学生自由操作,教师下去观察,指导。
师: Whats this 幼:嘴巴 师:oh,this is mouth,follow me "mouth"学生看老师口型跟读 ,向mouth打招呼"hello mouth" 类似学习nose 、eye 、ear 师:小朋友学的可真快,鼓励鼓励自己 幼、good dood verygood.
1.感知单词one toten与数字1-10的对应。
2.能够标准发出单词one to five.
导入语:“good mining ,my babies. Look, what is it”
2|2 1 7| 1 ·
0 ||
my friend? your friend.
1=D 4/4
16.Father and Mother
12 3 12 2 3 4 4 |5 4 3 3 4 2 |
· ·
5 | 1
1 1
1 1| 3
5 3
1 |
5 5
5 5 6 7 | 1 — 0 0 ||
ten lit-tle can-dles dance. one lit-tle can-dle dances
· ··
13. Happy Birthday to You!
Happy birthday to you!
1=F 2/4
2. Happy Teachers’ Day
1 2 1 |7 3 |5
2 | 1
5 1
Hel-lo! Hap-py Teachers’ Day!
1 5 5
2 | 5
2 2 6
2 | |
Hel-lo! Hap-py Miss || White!
5 | 4 4
Teachers’ Day Hel-lo! Hel-lo, 5 ·3 Hap-py, Hap-py Teachers’ Day!
···· · ·
5 5 | 1 1 1 5 5 | 1 1 1 — | With a quack quack here and a quack quack there 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | here a quack, there a quack, ev-very-where a quack quack . 1 1 1 5 | 6 6 5 — | 3 3 2 2 | 1 — 0 0 || Old Mac-Don-ald had a farm E I E I O.
Hi, Amy. What are you doing ? I’m reading a letter. It’s from my friend, Lucy. Where does she live? She lives in London.
Dear Amy, , we went on a school trip. We went ice-skating. I wore warm clothes.
Trousers、 a sweater. The ice was very cold. First, I fell over. But it didn’t hurt.
Yesterday, I cleaned my room . I finished my homework. I washed my trousers. They were very dirty. Then I helped my mum. Mum was very happy. You are a very good boy.
Lucy school
on a .
She went
She warm clothestrousers and a .
The very
was .
First, she
Then she
人们说,你就要 离开村庄, 我们将怀念 你的微笑. 你的眼睛 比太阳更明亮, 照耀在我们的心上.
人们说,你就要 离开村庄, 我们将怀念 你的微笑. 你的眼睛 比太阳更明亮, 照耀在我们的心上.
Was it a school trip? We went to the Great Wall. We climbed to the top. We saw lots of mountains.
小学英语歌曲教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够理解并唱出五首常用的英语儿童歌曲。
2. 技能目标:学生能够用英语进行简单的自我介绍和日常交流。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的团队协作精神,增强自信心。
二、教学内容:1. 歌曲名称:《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》学习歌曲中的动物词汇和农场生活场景。
2. 歌曲名称:《The wheels on the Bus》学习歌曲中的交通工具词汇和描述交通工具的句子。
3. 歌曲名称:《Five Little Monkeys》学习数字词汇和描述动物行为的句子。
4. 歌曲名称:《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》学习水上游乐词汇和描述划船动作的句子。
5. 歌曲名称:《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》学习身体部位词汇和描述身体部位的句子。
1. 情境教学法:通过设置歌曲中的场景,让学生在实际情境中学习英语。
2. 互动教学法:引导学生参与歌曲演唱、角色扮演等互动活动,提高学生的参与度和积极性。
3. 游戏教学法:运用各种游戏,让学生在游戏中轻松学习英语。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动:引导学生唱一首简单的英文歌曲,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。
2. 新课导入:介绍本节课要学习的歌曲,展示歌曲图片,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 歌曲学习:分段教唱歌曲,让学生跟读、模仿,确保学生能够熟练掌握歌曲。
4. 歌词理解:讲解歌曲中的词汇和句型,帮助学生理解歌词含义。
5. 实践活动:分组进行角色扮演,让学生运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。
五、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的积极参与情况。
2. 歌曲演唱:检查学生对歌曲的熟练程度,包括歌词记忆和发音准确性。
3. 词汇和句型掌握:通过角色扮演等活动,检验学生对词汇和句型的运用能力。
2. 我爱我的爷爷 我爱我的奶奶 他们都爱我 他们都爱我
骄傲感 三.分节教歌词,说对可跟读
五.自由练习 六.分小组依次向全班展示
课堂教学是教与学的双边活动,教学过程中如果只有教师的 表演,而没有作为教学的主体—学生的积极参与,教学是不会有 成效的,这就要求教师要发努力调动每一位学生学习的积极性, 吸引他们参与英语知识学习的过程主动练习。在本课教学中,新 授单词 love 、they 后,再唱歌曲学生们积极性颇高。
教学 目标
教 学 过 程
教学 反思
At the zoo
At the zoo
1、会唱 At the zoo
2、复习动物单词 ,学习基本句子 3、通过游戏促进交往能力和初步的竞争意识
本课学生接触到的都是学生喜欢的小动物,我让他们模仿各种动物的 动作,学生的兴趣一下子就提高起来了。很多歌曲动作都是参考的学生模 仿动物的动作,大家集思广益,最后确定了现在我们所学的整套歌曲动作, 学生参与的积极性非常高。在这里我要强调一点,一开始学生兴趣是不大 的,不要马上放弃,激起学生的兴趣后,到后面效果会非常的好。
三.分节教歌词,说对可跟读 四.让学生模仿歌曲中的节奏和感情 五.自由练习 六.分小组依次向全班展示 七.全班齐唱
通过本次英语活动,学生基本上可以掌握颜色单词,并能说一些简单 的英语口语, I like (颜色)。活动通过听、说、学、用等多种游戏形式,
本学期的英语校本课程以“英语歌曲(English songs)”为主题,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生在快乐中学习英语,感受英语,体会英语给他们带来的快乐。
I am a boy and you are a girl
Do you want to be my friend
I am a girl and you are a boy
I am a girl and you are a boy
I am a girl and you are a boy
通过本次英语活动,学生基本上可以掌握颜色单词,并能说一些简单的英语口语,I like (颜色)。活动通过听、说、学、用等多种游戏形式,使其在玩中将所学知识得到巩固和使用,让他们说说身上衣服的颜色,并能够在教师带动下积极参加到游戏中,并通过找朋友锻炼学生的口语能力。
I lovemy father
I love my mother
They love me
Theylove me
I lovemygrandpa
I love my grandma
They love me
Theylove me
Do you want to be my friend
I am a girl and you are a boy
I am a girl and you are a boy
I am a girl and you are a boy
Yes I want to be your friend
一年级英语学习课本歌曲课件Title: First Grade English Learning Textbook Song Lesson MaterialsIntroduction:In the first-grade English learning curriculum, the integration of songs into the lessons can greatly enhance students' language comprehension and pronunciation skills. This article aims to provide a comprehensive collection of song lesson materials for first-grade English learning textbooks, assisting teachers in creating engaging and effective classes for their students.Song Lesson Material 1: "Hello, How Are You?"- Description: This energetic and interactive song introduces basic greetings and expressions, helping students develop conversational skills.- Lyrics:Hello, hello, how are you?Hello, hello, it's nice to see you!I'm fine, I'm fine, I hope you're fine too.I'm fine, I'm fine, nice to meet you!- Activities:1. Listening: Play the song and ask students to listen carefully, focusing on the greetings and responses.2. Singing: Guide the students to sing along with the music, allowing them to practice pronunciation and intonation.3. Role-Playing: Divide the class into pairs and encourage students to greet each other using the phrases learned from the song.Song Lesson Material 2: "The Colors Song"- Description: This song introduces primary colors and expands students' vocabulary related to colors.- Lyrics:Red, red, the color is red.Blue, blue, the color is blue.Yellow, yellow, the color is yellow.Red, blue, yellow, sing it with me too.- Activities:1. Vocabulary Introduction: Prior to listening to the song, present flashcards or objects of the colors mentioned in the lyrics, eliciting the corresponding English words from the students.2. Singing: Play the song while encouraging students to sing along and point to the colors mentioned in the lyrics.3. Coloring Activity: Distribute coloring sheets that include the primary colors. Instruct students to color each object according to the specific color mentioned.Song Lesson Material 3: "The Weather Song"- Description: This song familiarizes students with basic weather vocabulary, enhancing their understanding of weather-related expressions.- Lyrics:What's the weather, what's the weather,What's the weather like today?It's sunny, it's sunny,The sun is shining, hip hip hooray!- Activities:1. Warm-up Discussion: Encourage students to share their experiences of different weather conditions they have encountered.2. Listening and Singing: Play the song for students, instructing them to listen for the weather words and sing along.3. Weather Report Activity: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different weather condition. Instruct them to create and present a weather report using the vocabulary learned from the song.Conclusion:By incorporating these engaging and interactive song lessons into the first-grade English learning curriculum, teachers can enhance students' language skills and promote a positive learning environment. These song materials provide a foundation for students to build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and develop conversational abilities. By utilizing theseresources creatively, teachers can make English learning enjoyable and effective for their first-grade students.。
校园英语歌曲1 Lazy MaryLazy mary will you get up,will you get up.will you ge up.Lazy mary will you get up,will you get up today.No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,I won’t get up,I won’t get up,No, no, Mother, I won’t get up,I won’t get up today.2《Head and shoulders》Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.3英文数字歌one one oneOne One One kitten in the sunTwo Two Two baby kangaroos.Three Three Three birds in a treeFour Four Four pretty wooden doorsFive Five Five bee in the hiveSix Six Six big and little sticksSeven Seven Seven star in heavenEight Eight Eight very high gatesNine Nine Nine grapes on the vineTen Ten Ten big fat hens4 我心永恒夜夜在我梦中见到你感觉你我的心仍为你悸动穿越层层时空随着风入我梦你的心从未曾不同你我尽在不言中你的爱拌我航行始终飞翔如风般自由你让我无忧无惧永远的活在爱中只是一见钟情两颗心已相通刹那化成永恒情浓怨命运总捉弄缱绻时太匆匆留我一世一生的痛你我尽在不言中你的爱伴我航行始终飞翔如风般自由你让我无忧无惧永远的活在爱中记得所有的感动星光下我们紧紧相拥无论是否能重逢我的心永远守候只盼来生与共I see you,I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear...far...Wherever you areI believeThat the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you're here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we're oneLove was when I loved youEvery night in my dreams One true time I hold to In my life we'll always go onYou're hereThere's nothing I fearAnd I knowThat my heart will go onWe'll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on5 Down in the ValleyDown in the valley, the valley so low.Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.Hear the wind blow, hear the wind blow.Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.Waiting this letter, containing three lines.Answer my question, will you be mine?Will you be mine, dear, will you be mine?Answer my question, will you be mine?Roses love sunshine, violets love dew.Angels in heaven know I love you.Know I love you, dear, know I love you.Angels in heaven know I love you.6 Hush, little BabyHush,little baby,don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird.And if that mockingbird don't sing,Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring.If that dimond righ is brass,Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass.And if that looking glass should crack,papa's gonna buy you a jumping jack.If that jumping jack won't hop,Papa's gonna buy you a lollipop.When that lollipop is done,Papa's gonna buy you a another one.If that lolliopo is all eaten up,papa's gonna buy you a real live pup.And if that real live pup won't bark,papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart.If that horse and cart fall down,you'll still be the prettiest girl in town.7Old dan tunkerI come to town the other night.Heard the noise and I saw the fight.The watchman was a-runnin' roun'Cryin' Old Dan tucker's come to town.So get out the way,Old Dan TuckerYou're too late to stay for supper.Supper's over and breakfast's cookin'Old Dan Tucker,standin' there lookin'Well,Old Dan,he went down to the get some meal to put in his swillThe miller swore by the point of his knife.He never seen such a man in his life.Old Dan Tucker's scared a skunkThe he fell in the fire,and he kicked up a chunk A red-hot Coal rolled in his shoe.And my,oh,my,how the ashes flew.Old Dan Tucker was a mighty man.Washed his face in a frying pan.combed his hair with a wagon wheeland dired with a tootheache in his heel.8You are My sunshineThe other night,dear,as I lay sleeping.I dreamed I held you in my arms.When I awoke,dear,I was mistaken.and I hung my head and cried.CHORUSYou are my sunshine,my only make me happy when skies are'll never know,dear,how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.I'll always love you and make you happy.If you will only say the same.But if you leave me to love another.You'll regret it all some day.CHORUSYou told me once,dear,you really loved me. and no one esle could come between.But now you've left me and love have shattered all my dreams.9He's Got the Whole workd in his handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the whole wide world in His andsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the little bitty babies in His handsHe's got the little bitty babies in His handsHe's got the little bitty babies in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got you and me,brother,in His handsHe's got you and me,sister,in His handsHe's got all of us,children,in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the wind and the rain in His handsHe's got the clouds and the sunshine in His hands He's got the deserts and the oceans in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the rich and poor in His handsHe's got the singers and the preachers in His hands He's got the actors and the teachers in His hands He's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the meek and humble in His handsHe's got the meek and humble in His handsHe's got the meek and humble in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the whole wide world in His handsHe's got the whole world in His handsHe's got the whole world in His hands。
小学一年级英语歌曲教案第一篇:小学一年级英语歌曲教案小学一年级英语歌曲教案小学一年级英语歌曲 PART A 教学名称:ABC字母歌教学时间:一课时学习目标::知识目标:学会二十六个英文单词,认识并学会发音。
知道其中的五个元音并能正确说;单词,Song ,Now, known, sing……用法:do you know ……yes ,I know./no,I don't(know him /her);sing an english song……2:能力目标:能根据扩展联想识别由二十六个字母开头的简单字母,了解大意。
教学重点:学会识记二十六个字母,正确读出;识记五个元音字母;Know 的基本用法do you know……yes I know him/her.No, I don't know(him/her)。
课前准备将学生学习资料(歌词)发给学生,卡通图片,教学流程:一、开始上课引出课题T:Good morning,class!S:Good morning,teacher!2、用英语向学生做自我介绍Hello , boys and girls!Nice to see you ,my name is liu tingitng.(男孩们,女孩们,你们好,拿出事先准备好的写有自己姓名的汉语拼音卡片,指着自己,对学生说:My name is×××.我的名字叫刘婷婷,然后在黑板上写下)I am your English teacher.(有人知道什么意思吗?让学生回答……我是你们的英语老师)Now ,you have know me.(现在你们都认识我了。
)这里今天我们要学的两个单词Now,现在;know 认识,了解,在黑板上写下来,并带同学们读。
以提高学生英语语言综合能力运用为基本宗旨, 以提高学生学习英语兴趣为目的,培养学生的合作意思与创新精神。
首先根据学生的兴趣爱好选择一些简单、生动活泼的英文歌,如:big big world。
第一课节日的歌聆听: Jingle bells铃儿响叮当(英文版)jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!o what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh.jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!o what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh.jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!o what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh.jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!o what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh.dashing through the snowon a one-horse open sleigh,over the fields we go,laughing all the way;bells on bob-tail ring,making spirits bright,what fun it is to ride and singa sleighing song tonight.演唱:Happy New Year演唱:小蓓蕾组合happy new year happy new yearhappy new year to you allwe are singing we are dancinghappy new year to you allhappy new year happy new yearhappy new year to you allwe are singing we are dancinghappy new year to you all新年好呀新年好呀祝贺大家新年好我们唱歌我们跳舞祝贺大家新年好新年好呀新年好呀祝贺大家新年好我们唱歌我们跳舞祝贺大家新年好第二课我们的歌聆听: Yesterday once more————昔日重现When I was young 当我年轻时I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音机Waiting' for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌When they played I'd sing along 我常随着一起清唱It made me smile. 笑容满面Those were such happy times 那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago 并不遥远How I wondered where they'd gone 我是多么想知道他们去了哪儿But they're back again 但是它们又回来了Just like a long lost friend 像一位久未谋面的旧日朋友All the songs I loved so well. 那些歌我依旧喜欢Every Sha-la-la-la每一声 Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're starting' to sing's So fine.当他们开始唱时如此欢畅When they get to the part 当他们唱到Where he's breakin' her heart 他让她伤心的那一段时It can really make me cry 我真的哭了Just like before 一如往昔It's yesterday once more. 这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Lookin' back on how it was 回首过去的In years gone by 那些时光And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed. 一切都变了It was songs of love that 这就是那些跟着唱过的I would sing to then 旧情歌And I'd memorize each word 我会记住每个字眼Those old melodies 那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me 对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away. 可以把岁月融化Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's So fine. 当他们开始唱时如此欢畅All my best memories 我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry. 有些甚至让我泪流满面Just like before 一如往昔It's yesterday once more. 这是昨日的重现Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's So fine. 当他们开始唱时如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines 依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're startin' to sing's So fine. 当他们开始唱时如此欢畅演唱:Big big world歌手:EmillaBig big world-Emilia 大世界(艾美丽娅)I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!It's not a big big thing if U leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。
pep小学英语课本歌曲大全pep小学英语课本歌曲大全【篇一】Where is the hospital?《医院在哪儿?》Where is the hospital?医院在哪儿?Is it near the park?在公园附近吗?Where is the cinema?电影院在哪里?Is it near the mall?在商场附近吗?Come to the bookstore.到书店来。
It’s next to the light.就在路灯旁边。
Come with me! Come with me!跟我来!跟我来!Come with me tonight!今晚跟我来!【篇二】How do you get there?《你怎样去那里?》You go by subway,你坐地铁去,And I’ll go by taxi.我坐出租车去。
And I’ll be at school before you.我会比你先到学校。
You go by airplane,你坐飞机去,And I’ll go by a big ship.我坐大船去。
And I’ll be in Scotland before you.我会比你先到苏格兰。
【篇三】What are you going to do?《你打算做什么?》I’m going to walk on the moon!我要到月球上走走!Hooray! Hooray!万岁!万岁!I’m going to walk on the moon!我要到月球上走走!Hooray!Hooray!万岁!万岁!When I grow up, I’ll walk on the moon. 当我长大了,我会去月球上行走。
When I grow up, I’ll walk on the moon. 当我长大了,我会去月球上行走。
What are you going to do?你打算做什么?。
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锦山第三小学英语校本教材目录1. 三上Unit1 Part A Let's chant (3)2. 三上Unit1 Part B Let's do (3)3. 三上Unit1 Part A Let's sing (4)4. 三上Unit1 Part B Let's sing (4)5. 三上Unit2 Part A Let's do (5)6. 三上Unit2 Part B Let's do (5)7. 三上Unit2 Part B Let's sing (6)8. 三上Unit3 Part A Let's play (6)9. 三上Unit3 Part A Let's do (7)10. 三上Unit3 Part B Let's do (7)11. 三上Unit3 Part B Let's sing (8)12. 三上Unit4 Part A Let's chant (8)13. 三上Unit4 Part B Let's do (9)14. 三上Unit4 Part B Let's sing (9)15. 三上Unit5 Part A Let's do (10)16. 三上Unit5 Part B Let's do (11)17. 三上Unit5 Part B Let's sing (11)18. 三上Unit6 Part A Let's chant (11)19. 三上Unit6 Part B Let's chant (12)20. 三上Unit6 Part B Let's sing (12)21. 三上Recycle 1 Sing a song (13)22. 三上Recycle 2 Sing a song (13)23. 三下Unit1 Part A Let's chant (14)24. 三下Unit1 Part B Let's chant (14)25. 三下Unit1 Part B Let's sing (15)26. 三下Unit2 Part A Let's chant (15)27. 三下Unit2 Part B Let's chant (16)28. 三下Unit2 Part B Let's sing (16)29. 三下Unit3 Part A Let's do (17)30. 三下Unit3 Part B Let's do (17)31. 三下Unit3 Part B Let's sing (18)32. 三下Unit4 Part A Let's do (18)33. 三下Unit4 Part B Let's do (19)34. 三下Unit4 Part B Let's sing (19)35. 三下Unit5 Part A Let's chant (20)36. 三下Unit5 Part B Let's do (20)37. 三下Unit5 Part B Let's sing (21)38. 三下Unit6 Part A Let's chant (21)39. 三下Unit6 Part B Let's chant (22)40. 三下Unit6 Part B Let's sing (22)41. 三下Recycle 1 Sing a song (23)42. 三下Recycle 2 Sing a song (23)44. 四上Unit1 Part B Let's sing (24)45. 四上Unit2 Part A Let's do (25)46. 四上Unit2 Part B Let's sing (25)47. 四上Unit3 Part A Let's chant (26)48. 四上Unit3 Part B Let's sing (26)49. 四上Unit4 Part A Let's do (27)50. 四上Unit4 Part B Let's sing (27)51. 四上Unit5 Part B Let's do (28)52. 四上Unit5 Part B Let's sing (28)53. 四上Unit6 Part B Listen and chant (29)54. 四上Unit6 Part B Let's sing (29)55. 四上Recycle 2 Sing a song (30)56. 四下Unit1 Part A Let's do (30)57. 四下Unit1 Part B Let's sing (31)58. 四下Unit2 Part A Let's do (31)59. 四下Unit2 Part B Let's sing (32)60. 四下Unit3 Part A Let's chant (32)61. 四下Unit3 Part B Let's sing (33)62. 四下Unit4 Part B Let's chant (33)63. 四下Unit4 Part B Let's sing (34)64. 四下Unit5 Part A Let's do (34)65. 四下Unit5 Part B Let's sing (35)66. 四下Unit6 Part B Let's sing (35)67. 五上Unit1 Part A Let's sing (36)68. 五上Unit2 Part A Let's sing (36)69. 五上Unit3 Part A Let's sing (37)70. 五上Unit4 Part A Let's sing (37)71. 五上Unit5 Part A Let's sing (38)72. 五上Unit6 Part A Let's sing (38)73. 五下Unit1 Part A Let's sing (39)74. 五下Unit2 Part A Let's sing (40)75. 五下Unit3 Part A Let's sing (40)76. 五下Unit4 Part A Let's sing (41)77. 五下Unit5 Part A Let's sing (41)78. 五下Unit6 Part A Let's sing (42)79. 六上Unit1 Part A Let's sing (42)80. 六上Unit2 Part A Let's sing (43)81. 六上Unit3 Part A Let's sing (43)82. 六上Unit4 Part A Let's sing (44)83. 六上Unit5 Part A Let's sing (44)84. 六上Unit6 Part A Let's sing (45)85. 六下Unit1 Part A Let's sing (45)86. 六下Unit2 Part A Let's sing (46)87. 六下Unit3 Part A Let's sing (46)1.三上Unit1 Part A Let's chant2.三上Unit1 Part B Let's do3.三上Unit1 Part A Let's singHello!Hello, Sarah! Do,oh, do. Hello, John!Do, oh, do.Hello, Mike! Do, oh,do. Hello! Hello!Hello!5.三上Unit2 Part A Let's do6.三上Unit2 Part B Let's do7.三上Unit2 Part B Let's sing9.三上Unit3 Part A Let's do10.三上Unit3 Part B Let's do11.三上Unit3 Part B Let's singHead and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.12.三上Unit4 Part A Let's chant13.三上Unit4 Part B Let's do14.三上Unit4 Part B Let's sing15.三上Unit5 Part A Let's doOld MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.And on that farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.With a quack quack here and a quack quack there, Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.16.三上Unit5 Part B Let's do17.三上Unit5 Part B Let's singLet's have some cake today. Let's have some cake today.Let's have some cake today, on such a lovely day. Let's have some milk today. Let's have some milk today.Let's have some milk today, on such a lovely day.18.三上Unit6 Part A Let's chant19.三上Unit6 Part B Let's chant20.三上Unit6 Part B Let's singOne little, two little, three little candles, Four little, five little, six little candles, Seven little, eight little, nine little candles, Ten little candies dancing.21.三上Recycle 1 Sing a song22.三上Recycle 2 Sing a song23.三下Unit1 Part A Let's chant24.三下Unit1 Part B Let's chant25.三下Unit1 Part B Let's sing26.三下Unit2 Part A Let's chant27.三下Unit2 Part B Let's chant28.三下Unit2 Part B Let's sing29.三下Unit3 Part A Let's do30.三下Unit3 Part B Let's do31.三下Unit3 Part B Let's sing32.三下Unit4 Part A Let's do33.三下Unit4 Part B Let's do34.三下Unit4 Part B Let's sing35.三下Unit5 Part A Let's chant36.三下Unit5 Part B Let's do37.三下Unit5 Part B Let's sing38.三下Unit6 Part A Let's chant39.三下Unit6 Part B Let's chant40.三下Unit6 Part B Let's sing41.三下Recycle 1 Sing a song42.三下Recycle 2 Sing a song43.四上Unit1 Part A Let's do44.四上Unit1 Part B Let's sing45.四上Unit2 Part A Let's do46.四上Unit2 Part B Let's sing47.四上Unit3 Part A Let's chant48.四上Unit3 Part B Let's sing49.四上Unit4 Part A Let's do50.四上Unit4 Part B Let's sing51.四上Unit5 Part B Let's do52.四上Unit5 Part B Let's sing53.四上Unit6 Part B Listen and chant54.四上Unit6 Part B Let's sing55.四上Recycle 2 Sing a song56.四下Unit1 Part A Let's do57.四下Unit1 Part B Let's sing58.四下Unit2 Part A Let's do59.四下Unit2 Part B Let's sing60.四下Unit3 Part A Let's chant61.四下Unit3 Part B Let's sing62.四下Unit4 Part B Let's chant63.四下Unit4 Part B Let's sing64.四下Unit5 Part A Let's do65.四下Unit5 Part B Let's sing66.四下Unit6 Part B Let's sing67.五上Unit1 Part A Let's singWho's your English teacher at school? Who's your English teacher at school? Is she pretty or tall or short?Tell me what you know!Who's your Chinese teacher at school? Who's your Chinese teacher at school? Is he funny or young or old?Tell me what you know!68.五上Unit2 Part A Let's singMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.Days for school and days for fun.Happy days for everyone!Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.Days for school and days for fun.Happy days for everyone!69.五上Unit3 Part A Let's singWhat would you like to eat today?Eat today? Eat today?What would you like to eat today? Something sweet to eat.What would you like to eat today?Eat today? Eat today?What would you like to eat today? Something sweet to eat.70.五上Unit4 Part A Let's singWhat can you do? What can you do?I can sing English songs.Can you sing songs, too?I can do kung fu. I can do kung fu.I can dance and draw cartoons.Can you draw cartoons, too?71.五上Unit5 Part A Let's singBeside the big plant, What can you see? Above the big clock, There’s a photo of me. Beside the big plant, What can you see? Between the two windows, There’s a photo of me.72.五上Unit6 Part A Let's singUp in the mountain, The mountain so high, There is a forest, Touching the sky. Deep in the forest, The forest so low, There is a flower, Starting to grow.73.五下Unit1 Part A Let's singI like to do things on the weekend.I clean my room and go shopping at the mall.I have a music class and do exercises.I play football and play basketball.Summer, winter, Spring and fall, Spring and fall,Spring and fall. Summer. winter, Spring and fall, What's your favourite season?75.五下Unit3 Part A Let's singApples, peaches, pears and plums,Tell me when your birthday comes. January, February, March, April,May, June, July, August,September, October, November, December. Please tell me when it's your birthday.My birthday is in January. My birthday is in January. My birthday is in January. It's on January 1st.My birthday is in August. My birthday is in August. My birthday is in August. It's on August 5th.77.五下Unit5 Part A Let's singRabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are climbing, some are jumping, Animals in the zo00. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are eating, some are sleeping, Animals everywhere!School days! School days! We come to work and play. We need to work and talk quietly. And listen every day. We need to keep our desks clean. We need to take turns to talk. Keep to the left, And keep to the right. And you will be a good student at school.79.六上Unit1 Part A Let's singWhere is the hospital? Is it near the park?Where is the cinema? Is it near the mall?Come to the bookstore. It’s next to the light.Come with me! Come with me!Come with me tonight!You go by subway, And I'll go by taxi.And I'll be at school before you.You go by airplane,And I'll go by a big ship.And I'll be in Scotland before you.81.六上Unit3 Part A Let's singI'm going to walk on the moon! Hooray! Hooray! I'm going to walk on the moon! Hooray! Hooray! When I grow up, I'll walk on the moon.When I grow up, I'll walk on the moon.What are you going to do?82.六上Unit4 Part A Let's sing83.六上Unit5 Part A Let's singMy mother is a teacher. My father is a worker. My uncle is a policeman. What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? I want to be a pilot. I want to be a postman. I want to be a scientist. That’s what I will be.84.六上Unit6 Part A Let's sing85.六下Unit1 Part A Let's singMy small cat, my small cat, My small cat is smaller than yours. He's smaller and shorter and younger than yours. My small cat.My big dog, my big dog. My big dog is bigger than yours. He's bigger and longer and stronger than yours. My big dog.86.六下Unit2 Part A Let's singLast weekend I went to the zoo.What did you do last weekend?I saw a film and played ping-pong.What did you do last weekend?Last night I watched TV.What did you do last night?I stayed at home and read a book.What did you do last night?87.六下Unit3 Part A Let's singWhere did you go on your holiday, holiday,holiday?Did you swim? Did you shop?What did you do?I went swimming in the sea,in the sea,in the sea.I went shopping near the sea.I bought a gift for you.88.六下Unit4 Part A Let's singNow I am taller, taller than before.Every day I grow bigger. Every day I grow more.Once I was a young boy, younger than I am today.Now I am a big boy, and I'm bigger every day.For school I got up early, earlier than before.Every day I get up early, sometimes at four!Once I didn't talk a lot, I wasn't an active boy.。