


Unit 1

1.help n. help v. helpful adj.

2.speak speaking

spoken speaker

3.read reader

4.quick quickly

5.main mainly

6.mean meaning

7.probable probably

8.difficult difficulty

9.call called

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html, named

11.fun funny

12.expess expression

13.cover discover

14.interest interesting interested

15.bore boring bored

16.relax relaxing relaxed

17.real really

18.much more most

19. loud loudly aloud

20.understand understanding

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,e useful

22.increase raise rise

23.create creative

24.good well

25.active activity

26.success successful

successfully succeed

27.night overnight

28.time times

29.wise wisely

30.write writer

learn learner

read reader

31.agree disagree

32.worry worried

33.develop development developing developed

34.easy easily

35.life longlife

36.advice suggestion

information news

37.important importance

Unit 2

1.wonder wonderful

2.whether weather

3.strange stranger

4.true truly truth

5.luck lucky luckily

6.miss miss Miss.

7.tradition traditional

8.touch touching

9.god goddess

10.celebrate celebration

11.medicine medical

12.thank thankful

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,y laid laid

14.lie lay lain

15.busy business

16.die dead death

17.care careful carefully

18.care careless carelessly

19.visit visitor

20.scary scared

21.happy happiness

22.decide decision

23.warm warmth

24.begin beginning

25.popular popularity

26. difference different differently

27.magic magician

28.special specially

29.culture cultural

30.foreign foreigner

Unit 3

1.beside besides

2.left left

3.right right

4.ride ride


5.normal normally

6.scary scared

7.suggest suggestion

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,te later latest lately

9.naer nearby

10.east eastern

11.south southern

12.hungry hunger

13.expensive inexpensive

14.crowded uncrowded

15.safe safety

16.polite politely

17. impolite impolitely

18.direct director

19. direct direction directly

20.correct correctly

21.speak speaker

speaking spoken

22.who whom

23.include including

24.lead leader

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,municate communication

26.post poster

27.please pleased pleasant

28.possible possibly

29.active activity

30.travel traveler

31.noise noisy

32.surprise surprised

33.tour tourist

34.clean clean

35.advice advise

Unit 4

1.fun funny

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,e useful used

3.help help helpful

4.silence silent

5.friend friendly friendship

6.quite quiet

7.shy shyness

8.crowd crowded uncrowded

9.able unable disabled

10.appear disappear

11.care careful carefully

careless carelessly

12.possible impossible possibly

13.most almost

14.slow slowly

15.prepare preparation

16.normal normally

17. success successful

successfully succeed

18.China Chinese

Japan Japanese

America American

Africa African

Europe European

English British

19.little less least

20.speak speech speaker

speaking spoken

21.hard hard

hardly hardly ever

22.difficult difficulty difficulties

23.alone lonely

24.happy unhappy

happiness unhappiness

25.absence absent

26.exam examinate examination

27.decide decision

28.advice advise

29.peron personal

30.exact exactly

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,municate communication

32.active activity

33.important importance

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,st last

35.introduct introduction

36.interest interesting interested

relax relaxing relaxed

bore boring bored

excite exciting excited

tire tiring tired

surprise surprising surprised

37.main mainly remain


Unit 5

1.wood wooden

2.paper paper

3.steel steal

4.fair unfair fairy

5.environment environmental

6.protect protection

7.paint painting

8.leave leaves

9.science scientist

10.produce production

11.difference different

12.wide widely

wise wisely

polite politely

impolite impolitely

13.know known

14.health healthy

15.busy business

16.visit visitor

17.everyday every day

18.cover discover

like dislike

agree disagree

19.with without

20.Germany German

21.post postman

poster postcard

22.internation international

interview internet

23.form from

24.beauty beautiful beautifully

25.celebrate celebration

26.rise raise increase

27.happy happiness

unhappy unhappiness

28.wish wishes

29.luck lucky luckily

30.live lively

31.love lovely

32.history historical

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,plete completely

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,ual unusual usually

35.invite invitation

36.class classic

37.night midnight overnight

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,pete competition competitor

Unit 6

1.invent inventor invention

2.word world

3.please pleased

pleasant pleasure

4.day daily diary

5. wide widely

wise wisely

polite politely

impolite impolitely

6.accident accidental

7.drink drink drinking water

8.near nearly

9.boil boiling

10.leave leaves

11.main mainly remain

12.sometimes some times

sometime some time

13.describe description

14.appear disappear

15.national international

16.trade trader

17.popular popularity

18.culture cultural

nature natural

19.understand understanding

20.with without

21.translate translation

22.advice advise

23.safe safety

24.sudden suddenly

25.music musical

26.salt salty

27.active activity

28.enjoy enjoyable

29.history historical

30.create creative

31.play player


32.some same

33.hard hard

hardly hardly ever

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,rmation message

news advice

Unit 7

1.choose choice

2.sixteen years old



3.worry worried

4.safe safety

5.cloth clothing clothes

6.ill silly

7.ring earring

8.sleep asleep sleepy

9.homework housework schoolwork

10.look look look

11.protect protection

12.discuss discussion

13.hungry hunger

14.warm warmth

15.danger dangerous

16.fall fell

feel felt

17.bad badly

18.teen teenager

19.pass past

20.write writer

learn learner

read reader

21.poem poet

22.society social


communicate communication

24.decide decision

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,cate education

26.older elder

27.run runner running

28. profession professional


29.train train training

30.again against

31.university universe

32.fair unfair fairy

33.achieve achievement

Unit 8

1.cloth clothes clothing

2.who whom whose

3.truck duck

4.attention attend

5.value valuable

6.rest rest test best

7.live alive lively

8.round around

9.happen happening

10.interview international internet

11.noise noisy noise-maker

12.strange strangely stranger

wide widely

wise wisely

polite politely

impolite impolitely

live lively

13.worry worried

14.maybe may be

15.easy uneasy easily

16.neighbor neighborhood

17.way away

18.sleep asleep sleepy

19.crowded uncrowded

20.express expression

21.circle bicycle

22.history historian historical

23.visit visitor

24.rise raise increase

25.lead leader

26. community

communicate communication

27.true truth truly

28.direct directly

direction director

29.medicine medical

30.ill illness silly


31.health healthy

32.special 特殊的/专门的specially

(反义词: general一般的)

especial 特别的/主要的/突出的especially

(反义词: ordinay普通的)

33.build building

34.victor victory

35.volunteer volunteer

36.center central

37.color color colorful

38.right right

left left

39.plan planner planning

run runner running

Unit 9

1.long along

2.electronic electricity

3.quite quiet

4.music musician musical

5.difference different differently

6.loud aloud loudly

7. noise noise-maker noisy

8.week weekly

weekday weekend

9.relax relaxing relaxed

tire tiring tired

amaze amazing amazed 10. direct directly

direction director

11.down down

12.end ending

13.fun funny

14..sudden suddenly

15.sad sadder sadness

red redder

16.certain certainly

17.act actor actress

action active activity

18.supermarket superhero

19.alone lonely

20.scary scared

21.describe description

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,fortable uncomfortable

expensive inexpensive

23.clear clearly

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,ual unusual usually

25.main mainly remain

26.move moving

touch touching

27. special 特殊的/专门的specially

(反义词: general一般的)

especial 特别的/主要的/突出的especially

(反义词: ordinay普通的)

28.pain painful

29.sound sound

30.die dead death

31.marry get married be married

32.perform performer performance

33.life longlife lifetime

34.popular popularity

35.beauty beautiful

36.strange stranger strangely

37.experience experience

38.national international

39.call recall

tell retell

Unit 10

1.wow cow bow

2.make cake lake

take shake

3.invite invitation

4.fun funny

5.happen happening

6.polite politely

impolite impolitely

7.turn return

call recall

tell retell

8.surprise surprising surprised

relax relaxing relaxed

tire tiring tired

amaze amazing amazed

interest interesting interested

9.find mind kind


10.value valuable

11.stop shop drop

12.friend friendly friendship

13.plan planning planner

run running runner

14.important importance

15.tie lie die

16.pass passport

17.eastern southern

western northern

18.coat coast

19. society social

20.possible impossible

21.forgeign forgeigner

22.understand understanding

23.manner runner winner

planner winner

24.birth birthday

25.stick chopsticks

26. information message

news advice

27.change exchange

28.actual actually

29. comfortable uncomfortable

30.have behave

31.cut cut

32.difference different differently

33.strange strangely

wise wisely

wide widely

polite politely

impolite impolitely

34.suggest suggestion

Unit 11

1.would could should

2.sleep asleep sleepy

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,te later latest lately

4. friend friendly friendship

5.happy happiness

unhappy unhappiness

6.bad badly

7.king queen

8.exam examine examination

9.either neither

10.power powerful

11.bank bank banker

12.wealth health

13.worry worried

14.care careful carefully

care careless carelessly

15.importance important

16. comfortable uncomfortable

17.rubblish litter

18.sudden suddenly

19.general generally

20.weigh weight

high height

21.should shoulder

22.alone lonely

23.Miss miss miss

24.down down

25.probable probably

26.beside besides

27. manner runner

planner winner

28.teammate classmate schoolmate

deskmate workmate

29.courage encourage

30.pull full

31.agree disagree agreement

32.luck lucky

unlucky luckily

33.advice advise

34.disappoint disappointment

disappointing disappointed

35.sure pressure

36.experience experience

Unit 12

1.expect expected

unexpected unexpectedly

2.oversleep stay up late

3.ready already

4.wake awake

5.of off


6.quick quickly

7.cloth clothes clothing

8.tooth teeth

foot feet

9.lift left

10.east least

11.full fill

12.build building

13.decide decision

14.line online

15.loud aloud loudly

16.dislike disagree

disbelief disappear disappoint

17.rise raise increase

18.running planning burning

19.live alive lively

20. late later latest lately

21.stare start

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,e become

23.collect collection

24.week weekly

weekday weekend workday

25.fish finish

26.fool fool

27.invite invitation

28. embarrass embarrassing embarrassed surprise surprising surprised relax relaxing relaxed

tire tiring tired

amaze amazing amazed interest interesting interested

29.change exchange

30.trick stick

31.introduct introduction

32.celebrate celebration

33.difference different differently

34.farm farming farmer

35.cross across

36.cover discover discovery

37.costume customer

38.once once

39. marry get married be married

40.happy happiness

unhappy unhappiness

41.end ending

42.describe description

43.believe believable

44.true truly truth

45.create creative

46.accident accidental

47. luck lucky

unlucky luckily

Unit 13

1.loud aloud loudly

2.rubbish litter

3.noise sound voice

4.pollute pollution

5.bottle bottom

6.fish fish fisherman

7.bad badly

8.real really

9.cut cut

10.advantage disadvantage

11.health healthy

12.wood wooden

13. difference different differently

14. act actor actress

action active activity

15.expensive inexpensive

16. special 特殊的/专门的specially

(反义词: general一般的)

especial 特别的/主要的/突出的especially

(反义词: ordinay普通的)

17.eastern southern

western northern

18.bin fin

19.cure curel

20.harm harmful

21.environment environmental

22.die dead death

23.danger dangerous

endanger endangered

24. believe believable

25.trade trader

26.protect protection


https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,ern government

28.science scientist scientific

29.develop development

developing developed

30.strong strongly

31. dislike disagree

disbelief disappear disappoint

32.sale sell

33.help help helpful

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,e reuse

reusable used to

35.circle bicycle recycle

36.actual actually

probable probably

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,ual unusual usually

38.parent president

present pleasant

39.inspire inspiration

40.enjoy enjoyable

41.work works

42.create creative creativity

43.busy business

44.recent recently

Unit 14

1. manner runner winner planner winner

2.stand standard

3. care careful carefully

care careless carelessly

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,pete competition competitor

5.music musician musical

6.advice advise

7.health healthy

8.medicine medical

9.instruct instruction

10. difference different differently

11.science scientist scientific

12.understand understanding

13.excite excitement

exciting excited

14.overnight oversleep overcome

15.train train training

16.slow slowly

17.prepare preparation

18.miss mess

19.foreign foreigner

20.graduate graduation

21.love lovely

22.believe believable

23.read reader

morning readings

24.enjoy enjoyable

25.pronounce pronunciation

26.degree agree disagree

27.celebrate celebration

28.advice advise

29.attend attention

30.none no one

31.thank thankful

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,st last lastly

33.begin beginning

34.ability able

35.head ahead

36.choose choice

37. act actor actress

action active activity

38. strange strangely

wise wisely

wide widely

polite politely

impolite impolitely

39. luck lucky

unlucky luckily

40.sing wing swing



九年级英语词性/词形变化 Unit 1 n. help v. helpful adj. speaking spoken speaker reader quickly mainly meaning probably difficulty called named funny expression discover interesting interested boring bored relaxing relaxed really more most 19. loud loudly aloud understanding useful raise rise creative well activity successful successfully succeed overnight times wisely writer learn learner read reader disagree worried development developing developed easily longlife suggestion information news importance Unit 2 wonderful weather stranger truly truth lucky luckily miss Miss. traditional touching goddess celebration medical thankful laid laid lay lain business dead death careful carefully careless carelessly visitor scared happiness decision warmth beginning popularity 26. difference different differently magician specially cultural foreigner Unit 3 besides left right ride


A 1. able ability(n.)inability (n.)disability(n.)unable (adj.)disabled(adj.) 2. absent absence(adj.) 3. absolute absolutely(adv.) absoluteness(n.) 4. absorb absorbed(adj.) 5. accept acceptable(adj.) acceptance(n.) 6. access accessible(adj.) 7. accident accidental(adj.) accidentally(adv.) 8. accomplish accomplishment(n.) 9. achieve achievable(adj.) achievement(n.) 10. act action(n.) 11. active activity(n.)activate(v.) 12. actual actually(adv.) 13. advertise advertisement(n.) 1. addict addicted(adj.)addiction(n.) 2. addition additional(adj.) 3. adjust adjustment(n.) 4. admire admirable(adj.)admiration(n.) 5. admit admission(n.) 6.advance advanced(adj.) 7.advantage advantageous(adj.) 8.advise advice(n.) 9.affect(影响) effect(n.)affective(adj) 10.age aged(adj.) 11.agree agreeable(adj.)agreement(n.) 12.agriculture agricultural(adj.) 13. allow allowable(adj.)allowance(n.) 14.amaze amazing / amazed(adj.) amazement(n.) 1.ambition ambitious(adj.) 2.amuse amusing / amused(adj.) amusement(n.) 3.analyze analysis(n.)analytic(adj.) 4.ancient anciently(adv.) 5.angry anger(n.) 6.announce announcement(n.) 7.annoy annoying(adj.) annoyance(n.) 8.annual annually(adv.) 9.anxious anxiety(n.)anxiously(adj.) 10.apologize apologetic(adj.)apology(n.) 11.appear appearance(n.)


动词变名词 1. v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree—agreement apartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue---argume nt争吵 commit 奉献一commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认一admission attract吸引一attraction有吸引力的事或人; con clude— con clusi on 结论compete— competiti on 竞争,比赛discuss— discussi on 讨论educate -------------- education disgree—disagreement department 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management经营管理 令人向往的地方 illustrate 阐明,举例说明--illustration invite —invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的 decide --- d ecision describe—description 描写,描绘express 表达expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize --------------- organization imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention 3.V+ ance 结尾allow—allowance 允许appear—appearance 外貌,出现4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束-- ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training 5.V+ 其他 Beg(乞讨)—beggar乞丐sit--seat 座位believe—belief 信仰behave 行为,举止--------- behavior know---knowledge fly —flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击hit 轰动一时的人或物, 碰撞 pollute --- pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-- resolution 决心impress 给人印象—impression 印象permit 允许-- permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve 解决- solution 解决方法 perform - performance 演出exist—existance 存在 mean --- meaning 意义 say ---- saying 谚语 employ--employer 雇主,老板 --employee 雇员 mix 混合 --- mixture 混合物 press 按,压一pressure 压力receive—receptionist 接待员serve—service 服务succeed-- success tour 在--- 旅游,在-- 作巡回演出直接+ 地点tour China ---tour 旅游/ develop---development


词形词性变化 1.feel________(过去式)___________(过去分词)感觉 2.beautiful___________(v.)美化 3。west_________(a.)西方的 4。press(v.)_______(n..)压力 5.afford (v.)_________(a.)买的起 6。impress(v.)_____________(a.)印象深刻的 7. entire (adj) adv) 完全地 8.hold(V. ____________(过去式)________(过去分词) 9.accident(n.)__________(adv.)意外地 10。trap__________(过去分词)被困,陷入11。invite__________(n.)请柬 12。serious __________(adv.)认真地 13。balance___________(a.)平衡的 14。simple__________(adv.)简单地 15。miss___________(现在分词)失踪的16。manner__________(复数)礼貌 17。amaze___________(现在分词) 18。true________(adv.)真正的

19。good_________ (比较级__________最高级 20。culture__________(a.)文化的 21。appreciate____________(n.)感激 22。reveal__________(过去式)_________ (过去分词)展示 23. relax___________(a.)放松的 24。hide__________过去式__________(过去分词)躲藏 25. build _________(n.)大楼________(v.) 重建 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,municate (v) ________ (n) 交际,沟通 27.gradual (adj.)____________(adv.)逐渐地,逐步地 28. fluent(adj.)____________(adv.)流利的,流畅的 29. polite (adj.) _________________ (adv.)______________(opp.) 不文明的 30. journal(n.)日志,杂志__________(n.)记者 31.brave (adj.) _____________ (n) 勇气 32. persuade (vt.) ______________ (adj.)有


英语词性转换归纳 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— (in )agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的--- pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission


高考英语核心词汇词性转换训练1及答案(转载) (2013-06-01 17:08:05) 转载▼ 标 分类:高考英语 签: 教育 1 ) 重要,重要的 1. Anybody can see the _________ of good health. 2. It is __________ to see that the brakes on your bicycle work properly. 3. More ______高考资源网____, the teacher should make the total meaning of the dialogue clear to the students before having them repeat it. ( 2 ) 发明,创造 1. Necessity is the mother of __________. 2. He __________ a story to explain why he was late. 3. It was absolutely new method __________ by himself. ( 3 ) 兴趣,使发生兴趣,有趣的,引起兴趣的 1. Geology __________ him. 2. He’s a most __________ man. 3. He did not seem at all __________ in the subject. 4. I will be most __________ to hear your personal views on the station there.


英语词性转换 1. 名词变形容词 (a)在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)例如:rain—rainy,cloud—cloudy,wind—windy,snow—snowy, health—healthy,luck—lucky,anger—angry guilt—guilty(内疚的)tourist—touristy(游客多的),salt (盐)—salty (咸的) silk(丝绸)—silky(丝绸般的),sleep—sleepy (昏昏欲睡的) 注意:1)如果以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写辅音字母再加“-y”。如:sun—sunny,fun—funny,fog—foggy(有雾的),fur—furry(毛皮的) 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加“-y”。 如:noise—noisy,ice—icy,shine—shiny(发亮的),taste(口味)—tasty(甜的)(b)名词后面加-ed,以e结尾的直接加d。 例如:spot(斑点)—spotted(有斑点的);talent—talented (有天赋的)organize—organized 有组织的;balance—balanced(平衡的) (c)一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词 例如:care—careful,thank—thankful,help—helpful, use—useful,meaning—meaningful (d)在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词 例如:care—careless(粗心的),use—useless(无用的) hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的) (e)一些以-ce结尾的名词,把-ce改为-t变成形容词 例如:difference—different,silence—silent,confidence—confident (f)。在名词后加-ly变为形容词 例如:friend—friendly,love—lovely,live---lively (g)。在名词后加-ous变为形容词 例如:danger—dangerous (h)名词后面加-al变为形容词 例如:music—musical;medicine—medical (这个比较特殊) (i)名词后面加-able变为形容词,如果以e结尾就去e再加“-able”。 例如:adjust—adjustable 可调整的value—valuable有价值的 (j)名词后面加-en变成形容词 例如:wood—wooden 木制的wool—woolen 羊毛的 (k)一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese,-ish或-n构成表示国籍,语言的形容词 例如:China—Chinese,Japan—Japanese,England—English, America—American,India—Indian,Australia —Australian (注意Canada—Canadian)


高考英语词性转换总汇 1.ability n. 能力;才能able a. 能够;有能力的unable a. 不能的,不能胜任的enable v. 使(人)能够 2.absence n. 不在,缺席absent a. 缺席,不在 3.achieve vt. 达到,取得achievement n 达成;完成[U], 成就,成绩[C] 4.act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事action n. 行动active a. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员 " 5.advertise vt. 为……做广告advertisement n. 广告 6.amaze v.惊奇,惊叹;震惊amazement n 惊奇,诧异[U] 7.amuse vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐amusement n. 娱乐 8.anger n. 怒,愤怒angry a. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv 愤怒地,生气地9.announce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n. 通告,通知 10.anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的anxiety[??'zai?ti] n. 1. 焦虑,挂念[U][C][(+about/for)] 2. 焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事[C][(+to)] 3.渴望[C][(+for)][+to-v] 11.asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡sleep vi. 1. 睡,睡觉2.长眠,安息3. 静止下来,保持寂静5. 发生性关系,与...上床[(+with)] ;vt. 1. 睡(觉)2. 用睡眠消除,以睡眠度过[(+off/away)] n.睡眠[U] 12.athlete n. 运动员athletic adj 运动的,体育的;athletics n. [?θ'letiks]体育运动,竞技[G] ,体育(课)[J] > 13.attention n. 注意,关心attentively ad. 注意地 14.attract v. 吸引,引起attractive a. 迷人的,有吸引力的;attraction n.吸引;吸引力[U] . 吸引物;喜闻乐见的事物[C] 15.advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议adviser n. [C]顾问;劝告者[(+on sth./to sb.)] 16.agree vi. 1. 意见一致[(+with/about/on)]2. 同意,赞同[(+to n)] . 3.相符[(+with)] 4.相宜,适合[(+with)] 5.和睦相处;vt. 1. 同意[+to-v] 2.承认[+(that)] 3.对...达成协议;接受 agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 17.agricultural a. 农业的agriculture n. 农业,农学 18.apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪apology n. 道歉;歉意 ! 19.appear vi. 出现appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌 20.application n. 申请apply v. 申请applicant n. n. 申请人[C][(+for)] 21.appreciate vt. 1. 欣赏,赏识2.感谢,感激3,体会,领会,察知;appreciation n. 1. 欣赏,鉴赏; 赏识[U] [(+of)]; 2.正确评价,鉴识[U][(+of)] 3感谢[U][S1][(+for)] 4. 涨价;增值[U] 22.argue vi. 争辩,争论argument n. 争论,辩论 23.arrange v. 安排,布置arrangement n. 安排,布置 24.arrival n. 到来,到达arrive vi. 到达;达到 25. age n.年龄;时代;老年;年龄段vt.& vi.(使)长大;使显老;使变老;使苍老 aged adj.老年的,陈年的 " 26. avail n.效用,利益vt.& vi. 有益于,有益于;使对某人有利 available adj. 可用的;有空的;可会见的;(戏票、车票等)有效的 27. analyze/ analyse vt.<美>分析;分解;解释;对…进行心理分析analysis n.分析,分解; 梗概,要略;[数]解析;验定复数:analyses; analyzable adj. 可被分析的,可以分解的 28. affect vt.影响;假装;感动;(疾病)侵袭n.感情,情感,心情;[精神病学]情绪反应


英语词性转换类型 (1).动词转化为名词, post-postage mail-mail weigh-weight advise-advice (2)动词转化成名词-形容词 act-actor / actress-active change-change-changeable (3) 动词转化成形容词,副词,名词 fill-full,need-necessary-necessarily interest(v. / n.) interested /interesting (4)n. a. n. a.名词转化为形容词 person personal ( 个人的; 私人的 ) fun funny (5)n. pl. n. pl.名词转化为名词复数 gentleman gentlemen human humans (6)a. ad. a. ad.形容词转化为副词 possible possibly probable probably (7)a. ad. n.形容词转化为副词,名词 true truly truth lucky luckily luck (8)原级比较级最高级 far farther / further farthest / furthest little less least 英语词性转换方法 一、名词变为形容词的方法 1. 在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。 例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky等。 注意:1)如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny, fun—funny等。 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加-y。例如:noise—noisy, ice—icy 等。 2. 一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词。 例如:care—careful, thank—thankful, help—helpful, use—useful, beauty—beautiful等。 3. 一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、语言的形容词。 例如:China—Chinese, Japan—Japanese, England—English, America—American, India—Indian, Australia —Australian(注意Canada—Canadian)。 4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。 例如:danger—dangerous等。 5. 在名词后加-ly变为形容词。 例如:friend—friendly, love—lovely等。 6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义的形容词。 例如:care—careless(粗心的),use—useless(无用的),hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的)等。 7. 一些以-ence结尾的名词,把ence改为ent变成形容词。 例如:difference—different, silence—silent等。 二、动词变为名词的方法 1.词形不变,词性改变。 例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。 2. 一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示“某一类人”的名词。 例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor等。


八年级英语下册词汇拓展 Units 1----2 1.foot (n.) →(pl.) 2.lie (v.) →(过去式.) 3.breathe (v.) →(n.) 4.knife (n.) →(pl.) 5.mean (v.) →(n.) 6.importance (n.) →(adj.) 7.decision (n.) →(v.) 8.death (n.) →(v.) →(adj.) 9.satisfaction (n.) →(v.) 10.owner (n.) →(v.) 11.difficulty (n.) →(adj.) 12.train (v.) →(n.) 13.kindness (n.) →(adj.) 14.understand (v.) →(过去式.) Units 3----4 1.hate (v.) →(反义词.) 2.develop (v.) →(n.) 3.fair (adj.) →(n.) →(反义词.) https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,munication (n.) →(v.) 5.argue (v.) →(n.) 6.cloud (n.) →(adj.) https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,pete (v.) →(n.) 8.opinion (v.) →(同义词.) 9.push (v.) →(反义词.)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,ual (adj.) →(反义词.) →(adv.) Units 5----6 1.suddenly (adv.) →(adj.) 2.strange (adj.) →(n.) 3.wind (n.) →(adj.) 4.asleep (adj.) →(v.) 5.icy (adj.) →(n.) https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,pletely (adv.) →(adj.& v.) 7.silence (n.) →(adj.) 8.recently (adv.) →(adj.) 9.truth (n.) →(adj.) →(adv.) 10.weak (adj.) →(反义词.) 11.wife (n.) →(对应词.) 12.lead (v.) →(n.) →(过去式.) 13.heavy (adj.) → (adv.) Units 7----8 1.tour (v. & n.) →(n.) 2.achievement (n.) →(v.) 3.thick (adj.) →(反义词.) 4.include (v.) →(prep.) 5.succeed (v.) →(n.) →(adj.) 6.nature(n.) →(adj.)


词性变换 派生----后缀法 (1).-ence -ance结尾的名词 Exist--existence存在occur--occurrence发生 refer--reference参考/指prefer-preference偏好,更喜欢differ-difference不同accept--acceptance接受 appear--appearance出现perform-performance履行 resist-resistance抵制guide-guidance指导 enter-entrance进入insure--insurance保险 important-importance重要性assist-assistance帮助 disturb--disturbance打扰inter--interference干扰,干预,Influential--influence影响,感化,violent---violence激烈,暴力,Significant--significance意义,意味。 (2).-tion -sion结尾的名词 Produce--production生产introduce--introduction介绍Consume-consumption消费assume--assumption假设,认为Suppose--supposition假设,认为reduce--reduction减少 Describe--description描述receive--reception接收,接待处Protect-protection保护direct--direction指导,方向,指令Instruct--instruction指令suggest--suggestion建议 Construct--construction建设infect--infection注射 Reject--rejection驳斥object--objection反对


动词变名词1.v+ment结尾 achieve---achievement成就advertise---advertisement广告agree---agreement同意 apartment公寓 amusement娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit---commitment奉献compliment称赞,恭维 develop---development发展 disgree---disagreement不赞同department局,部 experiment实验,试验 equip装备---equipment装备,器材govern统治---government政府manage---management经营管理 2.V+tion结尾 admit---admission承认 attract---attraction吸引

conclude---conclusion结论compete---competition竞争,比赛discuss---discussion讨论 educate---education教育 decide---decision决定 describe---description描写,描绘express----expression词语;表达graduate---graduation毕业 operate---operation操作,动手术organize---organization imagine---imagination想象力introduce---introduction介绍instruct---instruction指导,介绍invent---inventor/invention发明illustrate---illustration阐明,举例说明invite---invitation邀请 inspire---inspiration灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute---pollution污染 predict---prediction预言pronounce---pronunciation resolve---resolution决心 impress---impression印象



n.(名词) Adj.(形容词) Adv.(副词) 其它(动词的过去式,过去分词), 等待 1 arrange 2 develop 3 explore 4 true 5 amaze, 6 invite 7 gentle 8 amuse 9 attract 10 safe 11 free 12 Greece 13 leave 14 forget 15 invent 16 argue 17 nine 18 twelve 19 forty 20 ninety-nine 21 calculate 22 electric

23 life 24 success 25 sail 26 business 27 silence 28 accurate 29 die 30 lie 31 open 32 power 33 think 34 win 35 frighten 36 create 37 lose 38 laugh 39 high 40 weigh 41 part 42 peace 43 care 44 harm 45 fierce

46 they 47 own 48 quiet 49 friend 50 rob 51 thief 52 navigate 53 .visit 54 noise 55 cross 56 danger 57 crowd 58 sale 59 luck 60 assist 61 write 62 catch, 63 teach 65 fell 66 fall 67 probable 68 favour 69 attend


1 高考考纲词汇词形变化背诵总结 Group1 1.action n.行动 act vt. 做事,表演,演出 active adj.积极的,主动的 actor n.演员 activity n.活动 2.African adj.非洲的,非洲人 Africa n.非洲 3.apologize v.道歉 apology n.歉意 4.angry adj.生气的,愤怒的 anger n.生气,愤怒 5.agreement n.同意 agree v.同意 6.anxiously ad v.焦急 anxious adj.焦急的,忧虑的 anxiety n.急于,不安,忧虑 7.attend vt.出席,关心,照料 attention n.出席,关心,注意 attentive adj.专心的 attentively ad v.专心地 8.achieve vt.实现,取得,达到 achievement n.成功,胜利,目标 9.absence n.缺席,不在 absent adj.缺席的 10.arrival n.到达,来到 arrive v.到达,来到 11.basic adj.基础的,根本的 base v.以...为基础 base n.基础,根本,基地 12.bath n.洗浴,洗澡 bathe v.洗澡,游泳 13.beautifully ad v.美丽 地,漂亮地 beautiful adj.美丽的,漂 亮的 beauty n.美丽,漂亮 14.breath n.呼吸 breathe v.呼吸 15.believable adj.可信的 believe v.相信 belief n.信仰 Group2 1.chemist n.化学家 chemical adj.化学的 chemistry n.化学 2.correct vt./ adj.改正,/正 确的 correction n.正确,改正 correctly ad v.正确的 3.conclude vt.推断,总结 conclusion n.结论,总结 conclusive adj.决定性的 4.connect v.联系,连接 connection n.联系,连接 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,fort vt.安慰 comfortable adj.舒适,舒服 comfortably ad v.舒适地, 舒服地 6.choose vt.选择 choice n.选择 7.celebrate vt.庆祝 celebration n.庆祝 8.centre n.中心,中央 central adj.中心的,中央的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b18083480.html,plete vt.完成 complete adj.完全的,完整 的 completely ad v.完全,完整 10.cross v.横过,跨越 crossing n.路口 across ad v.横过,跨越 11.certain adj.肯定,当然,有 把握 certainly ad v.肯定,有把握 certainty n.肯定,当然,有把 握 12.die v.死 death n.死亡 dead adj.死的 dying adj.將死的 deadly adj.死一样的,致命的 13.distant adj.遥远的 distance n.距离,遥远 14.dirt n.脏,灰塵


英语词性转换规则大全 (1).动词转化为名词, post-postage mail-mail weigh-weight advise-advice (2)动词转化成名词-形容词 act-actor / actress-active change-change-changeable (3) 动词转化成形容词,副词,名词 fill-full need-necessary-necessarily interest(v. / n.) interested /interesting (4)n. a. n. a.名词转化为形容词 person personal ( 个人的; 私人的 ) fun funny (5)n. pl. n. pl.名词转化为名词复数 gentleman gentlemen human humans (6)a. ad. a. ad.形容词转化为副词 possible possibly probable probably (7)a. ad. n.形容词转化为副词,名词 true truly truth lucky luckily luck (8)原级比较级最高级 far farther / further farthest / furthest little less least 一、名词变为形容词的方法 1. 在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy, health—healthy, luck—lucky等。 注意:1)如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny, fun—funny等。 2)少数以不发音的e结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉e再加-y。例如:noise—noisy, ice—icy 等。


常见词形变化动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— agreement appoint----appointment disappoint----disappointment disagree --- disagreement amuse----amusement 娱乐argue---argument争吵commit—commitment奉献develop---development equip ---equipment 装备,器材govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion/sion 结尾admit—admission承认attract—attraction 有吸引力的事或人; conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛consider---consideration discuss—discussion 讨论 decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘direct---direction determine---determination educate-----education explain----explanation express ----expression graduate—graduation hesitate---hesitation invite—invitation imagine—imagination 想象力introduce—introduction 介绍instruct—instruction 指导,介绍invent—inventor / invention illustrate --illustration inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的impress—impression operate—operation organize----organization permit---permission pollute----pollution predict---prediction prepare---preparation pronounce ---pronunciation resolve -----resolution 决心 suggest --suggestion solve -----solution satisfy----satisfaction 3.V+ ance /ence结尾 allow—allowance 允许appear—appearance 外貌,出现disappear---disappearance 消失perform----performance --performer exist—existence 存在 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 able---ability---disable assist----assisitant analyze---analysis arrive-- arrival到达beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐believe—belief 信仰 behave ----behavior die---dead----death employ--employer雇主--employee雇员 know---knowledge fly----flight fail----failure
