

英文字谜 方法

英文字谜 方法



一、英文字谜的定义和特点英文字谜(Crossword puzzle)是一种填字游戏,通常出现在报纸、杂志和网站上。











四、实战演练:解析一则英文字谜【示例】CLUES:1.Animal that carries its young on its back (6)2.A type of vitamin (5)3.To a higher degree (7)ANSWER:1.SLOTH2.B123.ACADEMIC通过以上解析,我们可以看到,掌握解英文字谜的方法和技巧,能够帮助我们更迅速地完成谜题。

Solving Crossword Puzzles Using Extended Potts Model

Solving Crossword Puzzles Using Extended Potts Model

Solving Crossword Puzzles Using ExtendedPotts ModelKazuki Jimbo1,Hiroya Takamura2,and Manabu Okumura21Tokyo Institute of Technology,Department of Computer Science2Tokyo Institute of Technology,Precision and Intelligence LaboratoryAbstract.Solving crossword puzzles by computers is a challenging taskin artificial intelligence.It requires logical inference and association aswell as vocabulary and common sense knowledge.For this task,wepresent an extension of the Potts model.This model can incorporatevarious clues for solving puzzles and require less computational cost com-pared with other existing models.1IntroductionThe crossword puzzle is one of the most famous puzzles in the world.Solving crossword puzzles automatically by computers is a challenging task in artificial intelligence and is more difficult than solving other logical puzzles.One has to use his or her linguistic knowledge,world knowledge,and logical and association inference when solving crossword puzzles,while one does not have to use them when solving sudoku or other logical puzzles.There are strict rules on sudoku or other logical puzzles and one can verify that his or her solution is correct by checking whether the solution follows the rules completely.On the other hand,rules on crossword puzzles are not strict because of the diversity of human language expressions.One cannot verify that his or her solution is correct by simply checking whether the solution follows the rules.In this writing,we introduce an extended Potts model for solving Japanese crossword ing this model,one can incorporate various clues for solv-ing crossword puzzles.Moreover,this model requires less computational cost compared with other existing models.2Related WorkKeim et al.constructed Proverb,a system which solves American-style cross-word puzzles in English automatically[2].Proverb divides the process of solving crossword puzzles into two steps:generating a list of candidate answers for each clue using many language resources and algorithms,andfinding the best solu-tion combining the candidate answers for the clues.In thefirst step,they used a database which contains more than350,000clue-answer pairs from5,133puz-zles.In American-style crossword puzzles,this database of clue-answer pairs is H.Hattori et al.(Eds.):JSAI2008,LNAI5447,pp.39–47,2009.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg200940K.Jimbo,H.Takamura,and M.Okumuravery useful because clues in American-style crossword puzzles are usually short and the same clue-answer pair can be found many times in different puzzles.In the second step,they used Shazeer et al.’s algorithm[1],whichfinds the optimal answer from the list of candidate answers.This algorithm recursively updates the weight of each candidate so that the expected number of correct answers will be maximized.Additionally,itfinds all feasible combinations of candidate answers,and then calculates the score of each feasible combination using the weights of candidate answers.The combination with the maximum score should be the solution.This algorithm is computationally complex because it needs tofind all fea-sible combinations of candidate answers.Moreover,this algorithm outputs no solutions if there is no feasible combination of candidate answers.On the other hand,the extended Potts model,which we propose in this writing,is computa-tionally less complex.Additionally,our model outputs a solution even if there are no feasible combinations.Sato attempted to automatically solve crossword puzzles in Japanese[3].His system also divides the solving process into two steps as in Proverb.Clues of Japanese crossword puzzles tend to be longer and hence more difficult than those of English ones.In order to tackle the difficulty,he classified the clues according to how their answers would be found.The algorithm used in his second step is Shazeer’s,the same one as in Proverb.Ernandes et al.constructed a crossword solver named WebCrow[4].The sys-tem uses the World Wide Web as a knowledge base.3The Proposed Model for Solving Crossword3.1Solving Crossword PuzzlesThe process of automatically solving crossword puzzles by computers is divided into two steps:making a list of candidate answers for each clue andfinding the correct combination of answers from the lists.Thefirst step is to create a list of candidate answers for each clue.This step is to answer some quizzes.Each crossword puzzle contains one grid and some clues.A clue is a hint which represents one word in the puzzle grid.Clues are often so ambiguous that one clue can represent more than one word.That is why most algorithms create a list of candidate answers for each clue,instead of a unique answer.In this step,the system searches linguistic resources or World Wide Web,retrieves candidate answers,and calculates their confidence scores. These candidate answers are inputs to the next step.Thisfirst step is similar to the question answering task.The second step is tofind the correct combination of answers from the lists. The combination should satisfy the following constraint:if two words cross each other,they should have the same character at the crossing point.Violation of this constraint means that at least one of the two words is incorrect.Solving Crossword Puzzles Using Extended Potts Model41 3.2Candidate Answer DetectionIn this section,we explain how to detect the candidate answers and their scores from clues of crossword puzzles.We introduce two types of methods:the method exploiting dictionaries as in Sato[3]and the method exploiting the World Wide Web as in Ernandes[4].We use multiple methods to generate candidate answers.First,the system ex-tracts content words from each clue.We refer to those content words as keywords. Next,the system applies multiple methods independently to each keyword and extracts candidate answers.Finally,the system merges all the extracted candi-dates into one list.We describe the details of these methods below.Dictionary-based method.First,we explain methods using dictionaries.Japanese-Japanese dictionary:This method looks up each keyword in a Japanese-Japanese dictionary(Iwanami Japanese dictionary),and returns the words found in the glosses(i.e.,definition sentences)as candidates.The score is the number of the words found.Japanese-Japanese dictionary(inverted):This method searches a Japanese-Japanese dictionary(Iwanami Japanese dictionary)for the entry words whose glosses contain the keyword.The candidate answers are those entry words.The score is the number of the keywords in the glosses.Japanese-Japanese dictionary(filling-in):Thefilling-in method attacksfilling-in clues,which contain a blank,such as“bon-ni kaerazu(It’s no use crying over spilt).”Only in this method,instead of extracting keywords in preprocess-ing,we take the clue as a pattern including blanks.Then,the method searches a Japanese-Japanese dictionary(Iwanami Japanese dictionary)for expressions matching the clue pattern.The candidate answers are the found expressions. The score is the number of the matched expressions in the dictionary. Thesaurus:This method returns the words categorized as in the same semantic group as the keyword,which is given by a thesaurus(Bunrui Goihyo,Word List by Semantic Principles).The score is the depth of the most specific ancestor shared by the keyword and the candidate words.Thesaurus(antonym):This methodfinds antonyms of keywords from a the-saurus(Kadokawa thesaurus).The score is the number of the found descriptions on the antonym information in the thesaurus.Web-based method.Second,we explain methods using the World Wide Web. Dictionary-based method has an advantage that we can obtain reliable answers from high-quality linguistic resources,but also has a disadvantage that we cannot obtain an answer if the knowledge is not contained in the resources.We expect that we can obtain answers for more various questions by using huge amount of information on the World Wide Web.42K.Jimbo,H.Takamura,and M.OkumuraSearch by keyword:For each clue,we create a query for web search(Yahoo! JAPAN)by listing keywords.The words in the snippets of the top50results retuned by the search engine with the query are used as candidates.The score is the number of the words found in the snippets.Filling-in pattern match:This method is a variation of‘Japanese-Japanese dic-tionary(filling-in)’method above.This method uses the World Wide Web in-stead of the dictionary.For eachfilling-in clue,we create a query of web search(Yahoo!JAPAN) consisting of the expression around the blank.Then,the method searches the snippets of the top50results for expressions matching the clue pattern.The score is the number of the found expressions in the50snippets.Candidate merging.After obtaining the lists of candidate answers by the above methods,the system merges these lists into one.If more than one method generate the same candidate,the score for the candidate the merged list is the sum of the scores given by each method.This merged list contains words of various parts of speech.However,most of the words used as answers of crossword puzzles are nouns.Therefore,the candidate words with other parts of speech than noun are excluded from the list.3.3Finding the Best CombinationGenerally,more than one answer candidates will be found for each clue.The correct solution of the puzzle may consist of words without the highest scores in the candidate lists.In other words,the highest-scored words may not be in the best combination.Then,it is important how tofind the best combination from the candidate lists.We use the extended Potts model for this purpose,which is described below.Originally,the Potts model is used for describing behaviors of spins on crystal trellis in the domain of statistical dynamics.This model is used for describing states of nodes on the problem concerned with network[6].For graph(or network)G(V,E),c i∈{1,...,n}represent states of nodes v i∈V The weight between v i and v j is represented by w ij.L is the set of indices for the observed nodes,a i∈{1,...,n}is the state of each observed variable indexed by i.Let H(c)denote an energy function,which indicates a state of the whole network:H(c)=−βij w ijδ(c i,c j)+αi∈L−δ(c i,a i),(1)whereβis a constant called the inverse-temperature,andαis a positive constant representing a weight on labeled data.Functionδreturns1if two arguments are equal to each other,0otherwise.The state is penalized if c i(i∈L)is different from a ing H(c),the probability distribution of the network is represented asP(c)=exp(−H(c))Z,(2)Solving Crossword Puzzles Using Extended Potts Model 43where Z is a normalization factor.One can estimate the state of this network at ˆc which maximizes P (ˆc ).However,it is computationally difficult to exactly estimate the state of this network.A mean-field approximation method described by Nishimori [5]can be applied in order to avoid this difficulty.In the method,P (c )is replaced by factorized function ρ(c )= i ρi (c i ),where ρi (c i )corresponds to the probability that the state of node v i is c i .Then we can obtain the function with the smallest value of the variational free energy:F (c )= cP (c )H (c )− c −P (c )log P (c )(3)=−αi c i ρi (c i )δ(c i ,a i )(4)−βij c i ,c j ρi (c i )ρj (c j )w ij δ(c i ,c j )(5)− ic i −ρi (c i )log ρi (c i ).(6)By minimizing F (c )under the condition that ∀i, c i ρi (c i )=1,we obtainthe following fixed point equation for i ∈L :ρi (c )=exp(αδ(c,a i )+β j w ij ρj (c ))n exp(αδ(n,a i )+β j w ij ρj (n )).(7)The fixed point equation for i ∈L can be obtained by removing αδ(c,a i )from above.This fixed point equation is solved by an iterative computation.We convert the crossword puzzle into a problem of finding a state of the network modeled by a variant of the Potts model.As pointed out by Shazeer et al.[1],crossword puzzles can be described by a graph as follows:Node:Blank for answer of a clueState:Selected answer of a clueEdge:Crossing of down and across blanks (nodes)However,the original Potts model cannot be applied straightforwardly for solving crossword puzzles in two reasons.First,in the Potts model,the value of energy function is low and the probability of combination is high,if the states of nodes connected with an edge are the same.However,in crossword puzzles,crossing blanks does not mean that the blanks have the same answer,while the character at the crossing point has to be shared by the blanks.Second,in the task of solving crossword puzzles,a list containing weighted multiple candidate words is given for each clue.Now,we define the extended Potts model,which is applicable to the task of solving crossword puzzles.First,we define the energy function H cross (c )asH cross (c )=−βij M ij (c i ,c j )+α i−S i (c i )(8)44K.Jimbo,H.Takamura,and M.Okumurawhile M ij is a function which indicates whether the words in two nodes v i and v j satisfy the constraint,and S i is the normalized score of node v i in the candidate list.When the states of v i and v j are c i and c j respectively,M ij (c i ,c j )=1if the two nodes have the same character at the crossing point,or the two nodes do not cross,and M ij (c i ,c j )=0otherwise.The score S i satisfies ∀i, c S i (c )=1.Then,we derive the probability of state vector P cross (c )and the free energy F cross (c )in the task of solving crossword puzzles from the energy function H cross as follows:P cross (c )=exp(−H cross (c ))Z,(9)F cross (c )=c P cross (c )H cross (c )(10)− c −P cross (c )log P cross (c )(11)=−α i c i ρi (c i )S i (c i )(12)−β ij c i ,c j ρi (c i )ρj (c j )M ij (c i ,c j )(13)− ic i −ρi (c i )log ρi (c i ),(14)while Z is the normalization factor and ρi (c i )is the probability that the state of node v i is c i .Note that ∀i, c i ρi (c i )=1.Minimizing F cross (c )on the condition that ∀i, c i ρi (c i )=1,we obtain the equationρi (c )=exp(αS i (c )+β j c j M ij (c,c j )ρj (c j )) n exp(αS i (n )+β j c jM ij (n,c j )ρj (c j )).(15)We can minimize F cross (c )by updating ρi recursively using this equation.In our experiments,we iteratively update ρi until the value of the energy function H cross (c )converges.After the convergence of H cross (c ),we select the word c i which maximizes value of ρi (c i )for each clue v i and output all c i as the final solution.In this writing,we call this model the extended Potts model.The constraints in the puzzle are embedded in this model as penalty factors.That is why this model outputs a solution even if there are no feasible combinations.In this writing,we compare two initial values of ρi :score-based initial value ρi (c i )=S i (c i )and random initial value satisfying ρi (c i )(0≤ρi (c i )≤1)andc i ρi (c i )=1.Annealing process can be applied to the Potts model.Annealing process is a process which increases the inverse temperature βby Δβ>0after every convergence of ρand executes the iterative updating again.In the extendedSolving Crossword Puzzles Using Extended Potts Model45 Potts model,largeβemphasizes the constraints.However,the scores of words tend to be neglected in this case.On the other hand,largeαemphasizes the scores of words.However,the constraints tend to be neglected in this case.Annealing processfirst computes the state of the network emphasizing the scores of words by settingβsmall.After that,the process setsβslightly larger and computes the state again.These two computations are iterated by turns until convergence.4ExperimentsWe conducted some experiments in order to test the performance on real cross-word puzzles.To measure the performance of our method,we used the word accuracy,which indicates the ratio of the correct words to all words for clues. This measure is also used by[1]and[3].4.1Data SetWe tested the performance using15puzzles from http://cross.matrix.jp/. The size of all these puzzles is7x7letters.The maximum,minimum,and average number of clues in each puzzle are22,18,and20.5,respectively.4.2ExperimentsWe tried search for the optimal solution using candidate answers that we ob-tained by the methods in section3.2.In this section,we used candidate answers from all the methods including Web-based ones,unless otherwise noted. Variation of parameters.We conducted the experiments with various param-eter values.We adjusted the parametersαandβin range of0–100000,executed the iterations without annealing,and calculated the word accuracy.The val-ues of the parameters which give the best performance are(α=1000,β=2) with the score-based initialization(14.9%correct),and(α=1000,β=2)and (α=500,β=5)with the random initialization(13.0%correct).Table1shows the variation of the word accuracy forfixedα=1000and variousβ.The word accuracy with the score-based initialization is higher than that with the random initialization in most cases.Next,we conducted the same experiment over the candidates from only dictionary-based methods.The word accuracy without the Web-based methods is much lower than that with the Web-based methods.Table1.The word accuracy(%)forfixedα=1000and variousββInitial value01251020304050Score12.313.014.914.011.713.39.18.810.1Random11.911.411.412.311.713.,H.Takamura,and M.OkumuraTable2.The word accuracy(%)with annealingΔβWithoutβInitial value0.—14.92Random10.712.011.711.412.710.1—11.410Score13.613.013.314.014.313.614.311.710Random11.411.412.713.012.310.712.711.7Annealing.We compared results with and without annealing,inα=1000, which gives high performance in the above experiment.We tested both the score-based initialization and the random initialization.The incrementΔβin one annealing step is set in range of0.01–5.We executed them withβfrom0to 2and from0to10.Table2shows the result.In most cases,annealing increases the word accuracy.However,how to decide the parameter values is also important when we employ annealing,because the word accuracy also depends on the parameter value.Comparison with related work.We conducted another experiment for com-paring Shazeer et al.’s method[1]and our method.The computer used in this experiment has2.66GHz x2dual core CPU and2GB memory.We compared only execution time.Shazeer et al.’s method takes more than3days for one puzzle,while our method takes15.47seconds in average for one puzzle with10times annealing. This result shows that our method using the extended Potts model is quite effective to shorten the execution time.Additionally,the execution time tends to be long if the number of candidates increases.5ConclusionWe proposed to use the extended Potts model for automatically solving cross-word puzzles.Our method is much faster than existing methods.However,the maximum word accuracy was around15%.This is because the method for can-didate answer detection is too rough.Consequently,the inaccurate result made a bad effect on the solution of optimization problems.Therefore,our future work will include making the candidate answer detection more accurate.For this work, question answering technology can be applied.Moreover,the extended Potts model has some parameters.How to decide the values of these parameters is also an open problem.References1.Shazeer,N.M.,Littman,M.L.,Keim,G.A.:Solving Crossword Puzzles as Probabilis-tic Constraint Satisfaction.In:Proceedings of the sixteenth national conference on Artificial intelligence and the eleventh Innovative applications of artificial intelligence conference innovative applications of artificial intelligence,pp.156–162(1999)Solving Crossword Puzzles Using Extended Potts Model47 2.Keim,G.A.,Shazeer,N.,Littman,M.L.,Agarwal,S.,Cheves,C.M.,Fitzgerald,J.,Grosland,J.,Jiang,F.,Pollard,S.,Weinmeister,K.:Proverb:The Probabilistic Cruciverbalist.In:Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,pp.710–717(1999)3.Sato,S.:Solving Japanese Crossword Puzzles.IPSJ SIG Notes,NL-147-11,69–76(2002)(in Japanese)4.Ernandes,M.,Angelini,G.,Goli,M.:WebCrow:a WEB-based system for CROss-Word solving.In:Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference of Artificial Intelligence,pp.1412–1417(2005)5.Nishimori,H.:Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing.Ox-ford University Press,Oxford(2001)6.Wu,F.-Y.:The Potts model.Reviews of Modern Physics54(1),235–268(1982)。



•In languages that
are written leftto-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid [grid]方 格from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases.
On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne, a journalist from Liverpool, England, published a "word-cross" puzzle in the New York World that embodied most of the features of the genre as we know it. This puzzle is frequently cited as the first crossword puzzle, and Wynne as the inventor. Later, the name of the puzzle was changed to "crossword".
Will Shortz is the only person known to hold a college degree in enigmatology, the study of puzzles. He has been the crossword puzzle editor for The New York Times since 1993. Shortz is the author or editor of more than 100 books and owns over 20,000 puzzle books and magazines dating back to 1545 .


袁隆平每晚入睡之前要读半小时书 .
2.Li Ming helped Mum with the housework _______ he arrived from school . (填空)
李明放学回家后帮妈妈做了家务活 .
3.I finished my homework _______ I went to bed last night . (填空)
10.make a crossword puzzle=do a crossword puzzle
11.有个好主意12. 在周一
12.造就一位英雄 13.谈论成功
14.考虑 15.选择一位非常棒的英雄
一.【要点1】be based on,“以…为基础/根据 ;根据…”:
1.The story is___________real life. 那故事是以现实生活为基础而写的.
1.Ithoughtit(my puzzle)________ (will)be fun because I did a lot of crossword puzzles when I was in Canada. 我认为那会很有趣,因为我在加拿大做过很多纵横字谜游戏 .
2.Then Ihada great idea.But whom________ (shall )my puzzle be about?Myhero ____________ (will not )be about somebody famous.It______ (will)be somebody whoI like very much. 后来我有了一个好主意.但我的谜语会是关于谁的呢?我的偶像不会是关于名人的.它会是某个我非常喜欢的人.
2.Ourcrossword puzzles are ___________ facts about our heroes.

解开谜题 英语作文

解开谜题 英语作文

解开谜题英语作文Cracking the Puzzle。

Puzzles have always been a source of fascination for me. Whether it's a crossword, a jigsaw or a Sudoku, the challenge of solving a puzzle is both satisfying and addictive. However, as I have grown older, I have come to realize that puzzles are not just a form of entertainment, but they can also teach us valuable life skills.The first skill that puzzles can teach us is patience. When faced with a difficult puzzle, it's easy to become frustrated and give up. However, with a little patience and perseverance, we can often find the solution. This is a valuable lesson that can be applied to many areas of life, whether it's studying for an exam, learning a new skill or dealing with a difficult situation.Another skill that puzzles can teach us is problem-solving. When we are faced with a puzzle, we need toanalyze the problem, break it down into smaller parts and come up with a strategy to solve it. This is a valuableskill that can be applied to many areas of life, from solving a complex work problem to dealing with a personal issue.Puzzles can also teach us the importance of attention to detail. When solving a puzzle, we need to pay close attention to the details and make sure that everything fits together perfectly. This is a valuable skill that can be applied to many areas of life, from proofreading a document to assembling a piece of furniture.Finally, puzzles can teach us the importance of teamwork. Many puzzles, such as jigsaws, can be solved more easily when working together with others. By collaborating and sharing ideas, we can often find the solution more quickly and efficiently. This is a valuable lesson that can be applied to many areas of life, from working on a group project to building a strong relationship.In conclusion, puzzles are not just a form ofentertainment, but they can also teach us valuable life skills. From patience and perseverance to problem-solving and attention to detail, the lessons we learn from puzzles can be applied to many areas of life. So the next timeyou're faced with a difficult puzzle, remember that it's not just a game, but a valuable opportunity to learn and grow.。

冀教版九年级英语第二单元Lesson 12课件

冀教版九年级英语第二单元Lesson 12课件

Stay hungry, stay foolish -- Jobs
Apple– a very familiar name that is always brought up in our ear sides, is a sign of times.
Steven Jobs, “The Godfather” of Apple, devoted all his life and passion to the promotion of computer science.
1. In the passage, apple means a kind of fruit. ( ) (T/F)
2. What is Steve Jobs? 3. What are ipad, iphone and ipod? 4. Steve Jobs is a hero, did he succeed easily? 5. Stay hungry, stay foolish. (Translate)
A. Danny
B. Jenny
4. What did Danny think of Li Ming’s puzzle?
A. It was fun.
B. It was interesting.
Read and Answer
1.What kind of crossword puzzles did Li Ming make?
3.How long did it take Jenny and Brain to solve the puzzle?
Five minutes.
They couldn’t guess, so I helped them. I said that the person’s favourite food was donuts. Five minutes later, they finished the whole puzzle. I told them that you made it for me.




单词发音英[ˈpʌzl]美[ˈpʌzl] [1]短语搭配Transport puzzle运输解谜Puzzle Dimension三维平衡球 ; 益智空间 ; 三维均衡球 ; 硬盘版Puzzle Game益智游戏 ; 拼图游戏 ; 益智类游戏 ; 解谜游戏Chinese puzzle难答之事 ; 中国迷宫Puzzle Kingdoms谜题王国 ; 解谜王国 ; 益智王国Puzzle Inlay宝石拼图 ; 宝石拼图游戏 ; 拼图彩晶Puzzle Hero谜题英雄 ; 解谜英雄 ; 消除英雄历险记 ; 解谜英雄历险记Mayan Puzzle玛雅之谜 ; 玛雅消除 ; 玛雅迷宫 ; 玛雅谜题Puzzle Agent谜题侦探 ; 解谜特工 ; 侦探故事双语例句Can you get the puzzle out?你能猜得出这个谜吗?I loved your puzzle.我喜欢你的字谜。

This one was quite the puzzle for me.这一次对我来说是很困惑。

So really we are working just a few pieces of a big puzzle.所以我们在几个大困惑上兜圈子。

This stays silent when the word puzzle is solved through careful analysis.当字谜通过仔细的分析被解开时,它保持沉默。

Yorkshire people seemed strange, and Martha was always rather a puzzle to her.约克郡的人似乎很奇怪,玛莎对她来说总是个谜。

People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.这一类人通常是优秀的工程师,士兵和字谜解答者。



国家开放大学教育最新《理工英语3》形考任务(单元自测1-8)试题与答案解析(正确答案已标红,请用 Ctrl+F进入查找答案)单元自测1试题1得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文—Could you give me your phone number?—_______选择一项:A.It doesn't matter.B.Sure. My phone number is 135-5674-5633.C.It's very kind of you to do so.反馈你的回答正确试题2得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文—What's your major please?—_______选择一项:A.Who knowsB.I'm not sureC.I'm majoring in Interior Design反馈你的回答正确试题3得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文There are ______ of ways to make your house look greener.选择一项:A.plentyB.lotC.many反馈你的回答正确试题4得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文Hold on a minute, please. I'll put you _____ .选择一项:A.throughB.onC.in反馈你的回答正确试题5得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文There are ______ students in Class One than in Class Two. 选择一项:A.moreB.mostC.many反馈你的回答正确试题6得分50.00/50.00 分试题正文二、完形填空:阅读下面的短文,选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。

Top 3 Green Home Innovations答案:D.There are many things you can do to reduce carbon emission and help to make the earth a better place for future generations. Here are a few suggestions.答案:EAlthough LED lamps cost more money than standard incandescent or compact fluorescent bulbs do at the beginning, these long-lasting LED lamps will eventually be worth the money because of nergy saved. LED lamps also produce a cleaner, more natural light.答案:C.“Water”is a hot topic, especially in the Southwest. Household water filters are now available to clean and reuse water from showers and baths. Gray water reuse systems redirect the used water from washing machines to lawns or gardens.答案:BA. Building materials and embellishments like paint and carpets can emit chemical compounds into the atmosphere, and because a home is an enclosed space, those compounds can sometimes accumulate to dangerous levels. Installing a whole-house air purification system is one way to keep indoor air clean and circulating.Going “green”doesn't have to be a challenge. A home is a long-term investment. You don't have to start over from cratch. Make small changes. Choose environmentally friendly paint or LED bulbs.Chances are that your home will need improvements eventually.Whenever possible, choose upgrades that will reduce your carbon footprint. It's good for the planet, and it's good for you.A. In recent years indoor air pollution has got a lot of attention.B. Air PurificationC. Water RecyclingD. In the last decade a growing number of people were interested in conserving energy and preserving the environment by living “green”E. LED Lighting单元自测2试题1得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文—What does your company specialize in?—_______选择一项:A.Our company is very large.B.Our company specializes in flood-proof development.C.Our company is located in Beijing.反馈你的回答正确试题2得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文—What is the training about?—_______选择一项:A.It is about one month.B.It is nothing.C.It is about the latest flood-proof design of hours.反馈你的回答正确试题3得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文Pei was the son of a ____ banker.选择一项:A.prominentB.promptC.prime反馈你的回答正确试题4得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文A _____ designer is needed.选择一项:A.full timingB.full-timeC.full time反馈你的回答正确试题5得分10.00/10.00 分试题正文My first ____ is the Taj Mahal because it is a teardrop of love.选择一项:A.recommendationB.recommendingC.recommend你的回答正确试题6得分50.00/50.00 分试题正文二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。



Computing Essentials 2008课后练习题答案详解Chapter 1: Information Technology, The Internet, and Y ouCrossword Puzzle Answers: (p22)Across1 、The most essential part of an information system. People信息系统最基本的部分。

人7 、Coordinates computer resources. Operating System协调计算机资源。

操作系统10 、Modifies signals for processing. Modem修改信号以便处理。

调制解调器12 、Data that has been processed by the computer. Information计算机处理过的数据。

信息13 、Unprocessed facts. Data没处理过的事实。

数据14 、Notebook computer that accepts handwritten input.. Tablet PC可以用手写输入的笔记本电脑。

平板电脑DownNum. Clue Answer2 、Uses computers to become more productive. End User使用电脑变得更有效率。

终端用户3 、Rules or guidelines to follow when using software, hardware, and data. Procedures使用软件,硬件和数据时遵循的规则或指引。

指令说明书4 、Created by word processors. Document Files文字处理创建出来的。

文档文件5 、Specialized programs that allow input and output devices to communicate. Device Drivers 允许输入和输出设备通信的专业程序。

九年级英语上册 Unit 2 lesson 12 Guess My Hero课件1 (新版)冀教版

九年级英语上册 Unit 2 lesson 12 Guess My Hero课件1 (新版)冀教版

4. What did Danny think of Li Ming’s puzzle? A. It was fun. B. It was interesting.
Read and Answer
1.What kind of crossword puzzles did Li Ming make? 2. When did Danny show the puzzle to Jenny and Brain? 3.How long did it take Jenny and Brain to solve the puzzle? 4.Whom was Li Ming’s puzzle about?
1. In the passage, apple means a kind of fruit. ( ) (T/F) 2. What is Steve Jobs? 3. What are ipad, iphone and ipod? 4. Steve Jobs is a hero, did he succeed easily? 5. Stay hungry, stay foolish. (Translate)
3.How long did it take Jenny and Brain to solve the puzzle?
Five minutes. They couldn’t guess, so I helped them. I said that the person’s favourite food was donuts. Five minutes later, they finished the whole puzzle. I told them that you made it for me.
Anyone can be a hero!

Crossword Puzzle填字游戏

Crossword Puzzle填字游戏
1 . o fih e 2 T r tn g 1 . o p o ie w t u l 3 T rv d i f e h
1 T h n e i t n t e r s b t n e o t t . o c a g n o a oh r o m, u sa c , rsae f 2 Un e l i a . h at l ft h y
1 A p r o r h n a i gt e s mef n t n a . e s n o i gh v n a u c i s t h o a oh ri i e e ts se n t e a d f r n y t m n f
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本 句 意 为 : 旦 温 度 接 近 冰点 时 , 就 开始 膨 胀 。 h p r gds n e 一 它 w i ei iac 意为 “ s n t 耳语 ( 能听
见) 的距 离 ” 即很 近 的距 离 , 里 指 轻 微 的程 度 。 , 这

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Hpia s e hi aeg t t pn utf nt i t j hg z

crossword puzzle

crossword puzzle

On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne, a journalist from Liverpool, England, published a "word-cross" puzzle in the New York World that embodied most of the features of the genre as we know it. This puzzle is frequently cited as the first crossword puzzle, and Wynne as the inventor. Later, the name of the puzzle was changed to "crossword".
• The first example of a crossword puzzle appeared on September 14, 1890, in the Italian magazine Il Secolo lllustrato della Domenica. It was designed by Giuseppe Airoldi and titled "Per passare il tempo" ("To pass the time").
Crossword puzzle
A crossword is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or rectangular gild of white and shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers.



Types one: cube
A picture about doing it
•In languages that are written left-toright, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases.
of white and shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues which lead to the answers.
• The first example of a crossword puzzle appeared on September 14, 1890, in the
Italian magazine Il Secolo lllustrato della Domenica. It was designed by Giuseppe
Will Shortz is the only person known to hold a college degree in enigmatology, the study of puzzles. He has been the crossword puzzle editor for The New York Times since 1993. Shortz is the author or editor of more than 100 books and owns over 20,000 puzzle books and magazines dating back to 1545 .

三年级下册crossword puzzle游戏规则

三年级下册crossword puzzle游戏规则

三年级下册crossword puzzle游戏规则1.拼字时间使用所有个立体字母方块,60秒内拼字组合2个字母以上任何词性的单词,每局游戏时间为30分种或将方块拿完时自然结束游戏。







puzzle 怎么读

puzzle 怎么读

puzzle 怎么读











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1. n. story handed down from the past, especially one that may not be true
5. n. exhibition of goods
6. adj. easily hurt or damaged
7. v. recognize or acknowledge sth as true, often reluctantly
8. adj. (of things) that can be used or obtained
10. n. money charged for a journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc
11. v. take part or become involved (participate)
13. v. keep sth in existence at the same level, standard, etc
16. v. use (money) to buy shares, property, etc, in order to earn interest or bring profit 17. n. taking and keeping possession
18. adj. needing immediate attention, action or decision
2. v. show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence (demonstrate)
3. n. chemical element, a gas without color, taste or smell, present in the air and necessary for all forms of life on earth
4. n. giving up of sth, usually in return for sth more important or valuable
7. v. choose sb for a job or position of responsibility
9. v. understand and enjoy (sth); value highly (appreciate)
12. n. person's behavior (esp its moral
14. v. provide evidence for the truth or correctness of (a report, an opinion, etc) (confirm)15. n. representation of a person or an animal in drawing, painting, etc
19. v. raise somebody to a higher position。
