



烟台汽车工程职业学院《外贸英语》课程标准专业带头人:林红华系主任:林治熙教学中心:经贸教研室批准日期:二〇一一年二月目录一、课程概述 (1)(一)课程性质 (1)(二)课程基本理念 (2)(三)课程设计思路 (2)二、课程目标 (3)(一)总体目标 (3)(二)具体目标 (3)三、内容标准 (5)(一)学习目标 (5)(二)活动安排 (6)(三)知识要点 (12)(四)技能要点 (13)四、实施建议 (13)(一)教学建议 (13)(二)考核评价建议 (15)(三)教材编写建议 (16)(四)实验实训设备配置建议 (16)(五)课程资源开发与利用建议 (17)五、其它说明 (21)一、课程概述(一)课程性质《外贸英语》课程为我院报关与国际货运专业学生必修的一门专业课。









Outline of International Trade Practice(English)Course Code: 030243ACourse Mode:required coursePeriods: 48 lecturing: 32 Experiment: 16 Credits: 3Preparatory Courses:International Trade (English)Majors: International Trade一、Objectives of LecturingInternational Trade Practices (English) is a main course for students majoring in international trade. This course focuses on the basic procedures involved in international trade. This course should help the students have a general idea of the basic procedures involved in international trade and grasp the basic operating techniques concerned.二、Basic Requirement of Lecturing and its relationship with graduationThe contents involve international trade terms, terms of commodities, international cargo transport, cargo insurance, terms of price, international payment and settlement, claims, force majeure and arbitration, business negotiation and establishment of contract, etc. Among these, we should emphasize on international trade terms, terms of commodities, international cargo transport, cargo insurance.The lecturing methods of this course are the com bination of the teacher’s lecturing and the students’ imitative practices, based on the multi-medias. The students can learn the difficulties and the major parts through the lecturing and the practice.The students should analyze the cases based on the knowledge they have grasped. They should improve their abilities through imitative practices. Meanwhile they should practice trade forms by themselves.三、The allocation of periods for the contentsAllocation四、Contents of LecturingChapter 1 International Trade Terms1.1Generalization1.2 A Guide to Incoterms 2000 and 20101.3Incoterms and ContractsThe difficulties and the major parts: the definition of trade terms, the responsibilities and obligations born by the buyer and the seller in each trade terms.Learning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the function of the trade terms, understand the implication and features of each trade terms and grasp the differences among certain trade terms.Exercises: Case studyChapter 2 Terms of Commodity2.1 Name of Commodity2.2 Quality of Commodity2.3 Quantity of Commodity2.4 Packing of Commodity2.5 Commodity Inspection and Customs FormalitiesThe difficulties and the major parts: the methods to stipulate the name of the commodity and the quality, calculation of weight, neutral packing.Learning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the name of commodity, the quality, the quantity and the packing, understand the methods to describe the name of commodities and the quality, and grasp the techniques to describe the name of commodities the quality, the quantity and the packing in the international contract.Exercise: Case studyChapter 3 International Cargo Transport3.1 Modes of Transport3.2 Clause of Shipment3.3 Major Shipping DocumentsThe difficulties and the major parts: ocean transport, clause of shipment, the function and the type of the bill of ladingLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the mode of transport and its features, understand the clause of shipment and grasp the function and the type of the B/L.Exercise: Case studyChapter 4 Cargo Insurance4.1 Parties to the Insurance4.2 Marine Insurance4.3 Insurance of Land, Air and Postal Transportation4.4 Fundamental Principles of Cargo InsuranceThe difficulties and the major parts: types of risks, losses and expenses covered, scope of insurance coverageLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the scope of insurance coverage, understand the implication of basic coverage and additional coverage and their respective scope of insurance coverage, and grasp the methods to cover insurance in international trade.Exercise: Case studyChapter 5 Terms of Price5.1 Conversion of Major Trade Terms5.2 Exchange Cost5.3 Money of Account and Avoidance of Foreign Exchange Risk5.4 Use of Commission and Discount5.5 Clause of PriceThe difficulties and the major parts: conversion of major trade terms, exchange cost, use of commission and discountLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the pricing strategies, understand the implication and use of commission and discount, and grasp the conversion of major trade term, exchange cost and clause of price.Exercise: Case studyChapter 6 International Payment and Settlement6.1 Payment Currency6.2 Credit Instruments6.3 Payment Methods6.4 Risk Level Assessment of PaymentsThe difficulties and the major parts: collection and letter of creditLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the flow of a documentary credit and a collection, understand the implication and features of remittance, collection and L/C, and grasp the chief contents and the varieties of the L/C.Exercise: Case studyChapter 7 Claims, Force Majeure and Arbitration7.1 Claims7.2 Force Majeure7.3 ArbitrationThe difficulties and the major parts: claims, force majeure and arbitrationLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the definition of the terms such as claims, force majeure and arbitration, understand the function of the clause of force majeure, and grasp the force majeure clause in the contract.Exercise: Case studyChapter 8 Business Negotiation and Establishment of Contract8.1 Enquiry8.2 Offer8.3 Counter-offer8.4 Acceptance8.5 Conclusion of ContractThe difficulties and the major parts: offer with engagement, conclusion of contractLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the stages in the business negotiation, understand the two required factors, and grasp the meaning of acceptance and conclusion of contract.Exercise: Case study五、ExaminationThis subject adopts a written examination, with the final score accounting for 70% and imitative practices accounting for 30%.六、Bibliography[1] William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan M. McHugh. Understanding Business. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2002[2] Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld. International Economics---theory and Policy. 5th ed. Addison Wesley Longman & 清华大学出版社,2002[3] Lillian H. Channey and Jeanette S. Martin. Intercultural Business Communication. 2nd ed. Pearson Education. 2002[4] 帅建林.International Trade Practices (Second Edition). Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press. 2012[5]帅建林.International Trade Practices (Third Edition). Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press. 2015执笔人:于晓云教研室主任:系教学主任审核签名:。



《国际贸易理论》课程教学大纲一、课程目的和任务:通过本课程的学习,学生能够对包括国际贸易基本概念、原理及总体框架有一个较好的理解,能够掌握国际贸易的理论与政策、国际贸易与全球化、国际贸易法律与惯例等基本原理和基本知识,能够较深刻认识国际贸易不仅仅是国际经济问题,也是复杂的国际政治和国际经济的交织,掌握掌握国际贸易主要政策与措施,具备利用所学知识理解和分析世界经济的能力和解决中国对外贸易实际问题的能力二、课程教学的主要内容及学时分配Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Main Contents :1. Definition of International trade and its classifications2. The brief history of International trade and its process3.The role and status of International trade.3.1International trade and Country3.2International trade and corporate3.3International trade and peopleObjectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.have a general idea about International trade;2.Know the brief history of international trade;3.Know the main issues concerning international trade. Important and Difficult points:Definition of international trade; why international tradeChapter 2 GlobalizationMain contents:1.The definition of globalization and its genre;1.1The globalization of markets;1.2The globalization of production;2.The emergence of global institutions2.1WTO2.2IMF and WB2.3UN3.Drivers of globalization4.The changing demographics of the global economy5.The changing world order;6.The debate on GlobalizationObjectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.Understand what is meant by the term globalization;2.Recognize the main drivers of globalization;3.Describe the changing nature of the global economy;4.Explain the main arguments in the debates over the impact of globalization;5.Understand how the process of the globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for business managersImportant and Difficult points:Definition of globalization; drivers of globalization; the changing world economy and order. Chapter 3 International Trade TheoryMain contents:1.An overview of trade theory1.1The benefits of trade;1.2The pattern of international trade;1.3Trade theory and government policy;1.4Mercantilism Absolute advantage1.5Comparative advantage;1.6The gains from trade1.7Qualifications and assumptions1.8Extensions of he Ricardian Model;1.9Heckscher-ohlin theory;1.10The Leontief paradox;1.11The product Life-cycle theory;2.New trade theory2.1Increase product variety and reducing costs;2.2Economies of Scale, first-mover advantages,and the pattern of trade;2.3Implication of new trade theory;2.4National competitive advantage: Poter’s Diamond;3.Implications for managers.Objectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.Understand why nations trade with each other;2.Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows between nations;3.Recognize why many economists believe that unrestricted free trade between nations will raisethe economic welfare of countries that participate in a free trade system;4.Explain the arguments of those who maintain that government can play a proactive role inpromoting national competitive advantage in certain industries;5.Understand the implications that international trade theory holds for business practice.Important and Difficult points:the international trade theory, the new trade theory.Chapter 4 The Political Economy of International TradeMain contents:1.Instruments of Trade Policy1.1Tariffs1.2Subsidies1.3Import quotas and voluntary export restraints1.4Local content requirements1.5Administrative Policies1.6Anti-dumping policies2.The case for Government intervention2.1Political arguments for intervention2.2Economic arguments for intervention3.The revised case for free trade3.1retaliation and trade war3.2Domestic policies4.Development of the world trade system4.1GATT, Trade liberalization, and economic growth: 1947-1979;4.2Protectionist trends: 1980-1993;4.3The Uruguay round and the WTO;4.4Experience to date: WTO4.5The Future of the WTO: Unsolved Issues and the Doha round5.Implications for managers5.1trade barriers and firm strategy5.2Policy implicationsObjectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows;2.Understand why governments sometimes intervene in international trade;3.Summarize and explain the arguments against strategic trade policy;4.Describe the development of the world trading system and the current trade issues;5.Explain the implications for managers of developments in the world trading system.Important and Difficult points:the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows; the world trading system and its development三、课程实施建议本课程建议采用CBL、PBL等多种教学方法和手段。
























《国际贸易》课程标准学院:教研室:课程名称:国际贸易课程代码:执笔人:审核人:年月日《国际贸易》课程标准课程编号:03022111 课程名称:《国际贸易》适用专业:商务英语教学模式:讲授先修课程:无后继课程:《外贸单证理论与实务》计划学时:32一、课程性质本课程是为高职高专商务英语专业开设的一门专业必修课,该课程旨在通过系统的国际贸易基本知识和理论,为培养高端外贸人才的培养目标服务,以系统讲授的方式使学生具备基本的的外贸业务能力,为后续课程《外贸单证理论与实务》打下外贸专业知识方面的基础。














精品文档南京化工职业技术学院《国际贸易实务》课程标准适用专业:商务英语专业基本学时: 60课程归属:市场营销批准日期:经济管理系二○一一年十一月《国际贸易实务》课程标准一、课程类型及适用专业(一)课程定位《国际贸易实务》是高等职业院校商务英语专业的专业核心课程。









(二)设计思路1. 学习过程即为工作过程。


2. 开发工作过程导向的课程,根据企业的业务流程和工作任务,与行业专家共同开发课程,以企业真实工作任务作为课程“主题”来设计学习情境,确定教学项目,使学生在“真实”的职业情境中、完成任务的过程中掌握综合职业能力。



作者、书名、出版社、出版年份、目录Thomas A.Pugel. International Economics(15th). Renmin University of China p ress. 2012-12CONTENTSChapter 1 International Economics Is DifferentFour ControversiesEconomics and the Nation-StateThe Scheme of This BookPART ONE THE THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADEChapter 2 The Basic Theory Using Demand and SupplyFour Questions about TradeA Look AheadDemand and SupplyCase Study Trade Is ImportantGlobal Crisis The Trade Mini-Collapse of 2009Two National Markets and the Opening of TradeChapter 3 Why Everybody Trades: Comparative Advantage 33Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute AdvantageCase Study Mercantilism: Older Than Smith—and Alive TodayRicardo’s Theory of Comparative AdvantageRicardo’s Constant Costs and the Producti on-Possibility CurveFocus on Labor Absolute Advantage Does MatterExtension What If Trade Doesn’t Balance?Chapter 4 Trade: Factor Availability and Factor Proportions Are KeyProduction with Increasing Marginal CostsCommunity Indifference CurvesProduction and Consumption TogetherFocus on China The Opening of Trade and China’s Shift Out of AgricultureThe Gains from TradeTrade Affects Production and ConsumptionWhat Determines the Trade Pattern?The Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O) TheoryChapter 5 Who Gains and Who Loses from Trade?Who Gains and Who Loses within a CountryThree Implications of the H–O TheoryExtension A Factor-Ratio ParadoxDoes Heckscher–Ohlin Explain Actual Trade Patterns?Case Study The Leontief ParadoxWhat Are the Export-Oriented and Import-Competing Factors?Focus on China China’s Exports and ImportsDo Factor Prices Equalize Internationally?Focus on Labor U.S. Jobs and Foreign Trade 86Chapter 6 Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and TradeScale EconomiesIntra-Industry TradeMonopolistic Competition and TradeExtension The Individual Firm in MonopolisticOligopoly and TradeExtension The Gravity Model of TradeChapter 7 Growth and TradeBalanced versus Biased GrowthGrowth in Only One FactorChanges in the Country’s Willingness to TradeCase Study The Dutch Disease and DeindustrializationEffects on the Country’s Terms of TradeTechnology and TradeFocus on Labor Trade, Technology, and U.S. WagesPART TWO TRADE POLICYChapter 8 Analysis of a TariffGlobal Governance WTO and GATT: Tariff SuccessA Preview of ConclusionsThe Effect of a Tariff on Domestic ProducersThe Effect of a Tariff on Domestic ConsumersThe Tariff as Government RevenueThe Net National Loss from a TariffExtension The Effective Rate of ProtectionCase Study They Tax Exports, TooThe Terms-of-Trade Effect and a Nationally Optimal TariffChapter 9 Nontariff Barriers to ImportsTypes of Nontariff Barriers to ImportsThe Import QuotaGlobal Governance The WTO: Beyond TariffsGlobal Crisis Dodging ProtectionismExtension A Domestic Monopoly Prefers a QuotaVoluntary Export Restraints (VERs)Other Nontariff BarriersCase Study VERs: Two ExamplesCase Study Carrots Are Fruit, Snails Are Fish, and X-Men Are Not HumansHow Big Are the Costs of Protection?International Trade DisputesFocus on China China’s First Decade in the WTOChapter 10 Arguments for and against ProtectionThe Ideal World of First BestThe Realistic World of Second BestPromoting Domestic Production or EmploymentThe Infant Industry ArgumentFocus on Labor How Much Does It Cost to Protect a Job?The Dying Industry Argument and Adjustment AssistanceThe Developing Government (Public Revenue) ArgumentOther Arguments for Protection: Non=economic ObjectivesThe Politics of Protection The Basic Elements of the Political-Economic Analysis Case Study How Sweet It Is (or Isn’t)Chapter 11 Pushing ExportsDumpingReacting to Dumping: What Should a Dumpee Think?Actual Antidumping Policies: What Is Unfair?Case Study Antidumping in ActionProposals for ReformExport SubsidiesWTO Rules on SubsidiesShould the Importing Country Impose Countervailing Duties?Case Study Agriculture Is AmazingStrategic Export Subsidies Could Be GoodGlobal Governance Dogfight at the WTOChapter 12 Trade Blocs and Trade BlocksTypes of Economic BlocsIs Trade Discrimination Good or Bad?The Basic Theory of Trade Blocs: Trade Creation and Trade DiversionOther Possible Gains from a Trade BlocThe EU ExperienceCase Study Postwar Trade Integration in EuropeNorth America Becomes a BlocTrade Blocs among Developing CountriesTrade EmbargoesChapter 13 Trade and the EnvironmentIs Free Trade Anti-Environment?Is the WTO Anti-Environment?Global Governance Dolphins, Turtles, and the WTOThe Specificity Rule AgainA Preview of Policy PrescriptionsTrade and Domestic PollutionTrans-border PollutionGlobal Environmental ChallengesChapter 14 Trade Policies for Developing CountriesWhich Trade Policy for Developing Countries?Are the Long-Run Price Trends against Primary Producers?Case Study Special Challenges of TransitionInternational Cartels to Raise Primary-Product PricesImport-Substituting Industrialization (ISI)Exports of Manufactures to Industrial CountriesChapter 15 Multinationals and Migration: International Factor MovementsForeign Direct InvestmentMultinational EnterprisesFDI: History and Current PatternsWhy Do Multinational Enterprises Exist?Taxation of Mul tinational Enterprises’ProfitsCase Study CEMEX: A Model Multinational from an Unusual PlaceMNEs and International TradeShould the Home Country Restrict FDI Outflows?Should the Host Country Restrict FDI Inflows?Focus on China China as a Host CountryMigrationHow Migration Affects Labor MarketsShould the Sending Country Restrict Emigration?Should the Receiving Country Restrict Immigration?Case Study Are Immigrants a Fiscal Burden?APPENDIXESA The Web and the Library: International Numbers and Other InformationB Deriving Production-Possibility CurvesC Offer CurvesD The Nationally Optimal Tariff周瑞琪. International Trade Practice. University of International Business and Economics press. 2011.9CONTENTSChapter One General Introduction(第一章导论)1.1 Reasons for International Trade (国际间贸易的起因)1.2 Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade (国际贸易与国内贸易的差异)1.3 Classification of International Trade(国际贸易的分类)1.4 Export and Import Procedures(进出口贸易的程序)1.5 Overview of This Book (本书的基本内容)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Two International Trade Terms(第二章国际贸易术语)2.1 Three Sets of Rules (三种贸易术语的解释规则)2.2 Basics of Incoterms 2010 (2010年国际贸易术语解释通则基本概念)2.3 Application Issues(贸易术语在使用中应注意的问题)2.4 Determinants of Choice of Trade Terms (贸易术语选用的决定因素)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Chapter Three Export Price(第三章出口商品的价格)3.1 Expression of Export Price(出口价格的表达)3.2 Pricing Considerations(影响定价的因素)3.3 Calculation of Price(价格的计算)3.4 Understanding the Price(价格的评估)3.5 Communication of Price(价格的沟通)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Chapter Four Terms of Commodity(第四章商品条款)4.1 Name of Commodity (商品的名称)4.2 Specifying Quality(商品的品质)4.3 Measuring Quantity(商品的数量)4.4 Packing and Marking(商品的包装及标志)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Chapter Five Cargo Transportation(第五章国际货物运输)5.1 Ocean Transportation (海洋运输)5.2 Other Modes of Transportation (其他运输方式)5.3 Transportation Documents(运输单据)5.4 Shipment Clause in the Sales Contract(销售合同中的装运条款)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Six Cargo Transportation Insurance(第六章货物运输保险)6.1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance(货物保险的基本原则)6.2 Marine Risks and Losses(海上风险和损失)6.3 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of CIC(我国海上货物保险范围)6.4 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of ICC(协会货物保险范围)6.5 Other Types of Cargo Insurance(其他货物保险的种类)6.6 Procedures of Cargo Insurance(货物保险程序)6.7 Insurance Terms in the Sales Contract(销售合同中的保险条款)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Seven International Payments(第七章国际货款支付)7.1 Issues in Concern(影响支付条件的因素)7.2 Paying Instruments(支付工具)7.3 Remittance(汇付)7.4 Collection(托收)7.5 Basics of Letter of Credit(信用证基础知识)7.6 Types of Documentary Credit(跟单信用证的种类)7.7 Letter of Guarantee(L/G)(保函)7.8 Export Financing(出口融资)7.9 Payment Problems(支付中出现的问题)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Eight Export Documentation(第八章出口单证)8.1 Significance of Documentation(单证的重要性)8.2 Basic Requirements for Documentation(单证的基本要求)8.3 Prerequisites of Documentation(制单的依据)8.4 Export Documents(出口单证的种类)8.5 Clause Concerning Documents in the Sales Contract(销售合同中有关单证的条款)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Specimens(单证样本)Chapter Nine Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration(第九章商检、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁)9.1 Commodity Inspection(商品检验)9.2 Disputes and Claims(争议和索赔)9.3 Force Majeure(不可抗力)9.4 Arbitration(仲裁)Summary(总结)Key Terms(主要术语)Abbreviations(缩略语)Exercises(练习)Key to Exercises(练习答案)Glossary(词汇表)Appendix 1INCOTERMS 2010 (FOB, CFR, CIF)(附录12010年国际贸易术语解释通则(FOB,CFR,CIF))Appendix 2CISG 1980 (Part II)(附录2联合国国际货物销售合同公约1980(第二部分)) References (参考书目)帅建林. International Trade Practice. University of International Business and Economics press. 2007.9CONTENTSPart 1 OverviewChapter 1 Introduction to International TradeChapter 2 International Trade PolicyChapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade BlockChapter 4 WTO :A Navigation GuidePart 2 Terms of International TradeChapter 5 International Trade TermsChapter Terms of CommodityChapter International Cargo TransportChapter 8 Cargo InsuranceChapter 9 Terms of PriceChapter 10 International Payment and SettlementChapter 11 Claims, Force Majeure and ArbitrationPart 3 International Trade ProcedureChapter 12 Launching a Profitable TransactionChapter 13 Business Negotiation and Establishment of ContractChapter 14 Exporting ElementsChapter 15 Importing ElementsChapter 16 DocumentationPart 4 Trade FormsChapter 17 Agency, Distribution and ConsignmentChapter 18 TendersChapter 19 Counter TradeChapter 20 Futures TradingChapter 21 E-CommerceAppendix Glossary of International Trade Terms with English-Chinese InterpretationsBibliographyPaul R.Krugman & Maurice Obstfeld. International Economics:Theory andPolicy,8E. Tsinghua University press. 2011-11Contents前言第1章绪论第1部分国际贸易理论第2章世界贸易:概览第3章劳动生产率和比较优势:李嘉图模型第4章资源、比较优势和收入分配第5章标准贸易模型第6章规模经济、不完全竞争和国际贸易第7章国际要素流动第2部分国际贸易政策第8章贸易政策工具第9章贸易政策中的政治经济学第10章发展中国家的贸易政策第11章贸易政策中的争论数学附录第4章附录要素比例模型第5章附录贸易下的世界经济第6章附录垄断竞争模模型张素芳,International trade: theory and practice. University of International Business & Economics Press, Beijing, 2010contentsSection I. International Trade Theory and PolicyCHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE1.The Reasons for International Trade1.1. Resources reasons1.2. Economic reasons1.3. Other reasons2. The Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade'.'2.1. More plex context2.2. More difficult and risky2.3. Higher skills required3.Basic Concepts Relating to International Trade3.1. Visible trade and invisible trade3.2. Favorable balance of trade and unfavorable balance oft rade3.3. General trade system and special trade system3.4. Volume of international trade and quantum of international trade3.5. Commodity position of international trade3.6. Geographical position of international trade3.7. Degree of dependence on foreign tradeCHAPTER 2.CLASSICAL TRADE THEORIES1.Mercantilism1.1. The development of mercantilist thought1.2. The mercantilist economic system1.3. Economic policies pursued by the mercantilists1.4. Discussions2.David Hume's Challenge to Mercantilism2.1. Assumptions of price-specie=flow mechanism2.2. The price-specie-flow mechanism3.Adam Smith's Theory of Absolute Advantage3.1. Assumptions of Adam Smith's theory of absolute advantage3.2. Challenge to Mercantilism3.3. Example4.David Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage4.1. The concept of parative advantage4.2. Example4.3. Analysis of the theory of parative advantage by using modemtools. CHAPTER 3.NEOCLASSICAL TRADE THEORIES.1.Gains from Trade in Neoclassical Trade Theory1.1. Increasing opportunity costs on the PPF1.2. General equilibrium and gains in autarky1.3. General equilibrium and gains after the introduction of international trade ...2.Reciprocal Demand Theory2.1. A country's offer curve2.2. Trading equilibrium2.3. Measurement of terms of trade3.Factor Endowment Theory3.1. Factor intensity in production3.2. Factor endowments, factor prices, and parative advantage3.3. Assumptions of the factor proportions theory.,3.4. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem.:3.5. An example to illustrate H-O theorem.3.6. The factor price equalization theorem:3.7. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem4.The Leontief Paradox——An Empirical Test of the Factor Proportions Theory 4.1. The Leontief paradox.-4.2. Suggested explanations for the Leontief Paradox and related theories CHAPTER 4.POST-HECKSHER-OHLIN THEORIES OF TRADE1.The Product Cycle Theory1.1. The imitation lag hypothesis1.2. The product cycle theory2.The Linder Theory2.1. Assumptions of the Linder theory2.2. Trade es in the overlapping ranges of products ophistication.:3.Intra-Industry Trade Theory3.1. Explanations of intra-industry trade3.2. Measurement of intra-industry tradeCHAPTER 5.IMPORT PROTECTION POLICY: TARIFFS1.Types of Import Tariffs1.1. In terms of the means of collection1.2. In terms of the different tariff rates applied1.3. In terms of special purposes for collection2.The Effects of Import Tariffs2.1. Concepts of consumer surplus and producer surplus2.2. The welfare effects of import tariffs3.Measurement of Import Tariffs3.1. The 'height' of import tariffs3.2. Nominal versus effective tariff ratesCHAPTER 6.IMPORT PROTECTION POLICY: NON-TARIFF BARRIERS''1.Forms of Non-tariff Barriers.1.1. Quantity control measures1.2. Price control measures1.3. Para-tariff measures1.4. Finance measures1.5. Anti-petitive measures.,.1.6. Miscellaneous measures2.Effects of Non-tariff Barriers2.1. The effects of an import quota2.2. The effects of a subsidy to an import-peting industryCHAPTER 7.EXPORT PROMOTION AND OTHER POLICIES1.Export Subsidy and Production Subsidy1.1. Export subsidy and its effects1.2. Production subsidy and its effects.2.Other Export Promotion Policies2.1. Devaluation of home currency.2.2. Commodity dumping2.3. Bonded warehouse2.4. Special trade zone2.5. Export promotion programs3.Export Restrictions and Import Promotion Policies3.1. Export restrictions policies3.2. Import promotion policies4.Trade Sanctions4.1. Introduction to trade sanctions4.2. Effectiveness of trade sanctionsCHAPTER 8.ARGUMENTS AGAINST FREE TRADE1.Traditional Arguments against Free Trade1.1. Infant industry argument.1.2. Terms of trade argument1.3. Balance of trade argument1.4. Tariff to reduce aggregate unemployment argument1.5. Fair petition argument1.6. National security argument2.New Protectionism2.1. Tariff to extract foreign monopoly profit2.2. Export subsidy in duopoly3.The Political Economy of Trade Policy3.1. Median voter model3.2. Collective action theory.3.3. Contribution in political campaignsCHAPTER 9.REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATIONof Regional Economic Integration1.1. Preferential tariff arrangement1.2. Free trade area1.3. Customs union1.4. Common market.1.5. Economic union2.The Static and Dynamic Effects of Regional Economic Integration2.1. Static effects of regional economic integration2.2. Dynamic effects of regional economic integration3.Economic Integration in Europe, North America and Asia3.1. Economic integration in Europe……………………………………Chapter 10 International Cargo Transportation InsuranceChapter 11 International Trade PaymentChapter 12 Inspection,Claim,Force Majeure and ArbitrationChapter 13 Trade Negotiation and Formation of the ContractChapter 14 Implementation of the Contract丹尼斯·R·阿普尔亚德 & 小艾尔弗雷德·J·菲尔德 & 史蒂文·L·科布.国际贸易.中国人民大学出版社. 2012-7第1章国际经济学的世界第一部分古典贸易理论第2章早期的国际贸易理论:由重商主义向大卫·李嘉图的古典贸易理论的演进第3章大卫·李嘉图的古典贸易理论和比较优势第4章对古典贸易模型的扩充及验证第二部分新贸易理论第5章新古典贸易理论——基本分析工具的介绍第6章新古典贸易理论中的贸易利得第7章贸易提供曲线和贸易条件第8章贸易的基础:要素禀赋理论和赫克歇尔俄林模型第9章要素禀赋理论的实证分析第三部分贸易理论的扩展第10章后赫克歇尔俄林贸易理论与产业内贸易第11章经济增长与国际贸易第12章国际要素流动第四部分贸易政策第13章贸易政策工具第14章贸易政策的影响第15章对干涉主义贸易政策的争论第16章经济的政治因素与美国的对外贸易政策第17章经济一体化第18章国际贸易与发展中国家参考文献当我被上帝造出来时,上帝问我想在人间当一个怎样的人,我不假思索的说,我要做一个伟大的世人皆知的人。












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01 知识目标
掌握国际贸易实务的基本概念、原理、规则和惯 例。
02 能力目标
能够运用英语进行国际贸易实务操作,具备跨文 化交流能力。
03 素质目标



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《国际贸易实务》课程标准编制单位:国贸教研室编制时间: 2013年09月1日执笔者:江卫华教研室主任:审核人:系(部)主任:一、课程基本信息课程编码A0301230 课程名称国际贸易实务授课学期 2考查\课程性质专业课总学时48 学分 3 考核方式非试卷适用专业应用英语专业(国际商务方向、涉外事务方向)二、课程性质及定位(一)课程性质对于应用英语专业(国际商务方向、涉外事务方向)来说,本门课程是该专业的专业必修课。









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