现在进行时过去进行时 课件

现在进行时过去进行时   课件
现在进行时过去进行时   课件




- Is this raincoat yours? 这件雨衣是你的吗?

- No, mine is hanging there behind the door. 不是,我的在门后边挂着。

I don't really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.



现在进行时由“助动词be(is/am/are)+ v-ing”构成。

I am looking for a pair of black shoes. 我正在找双黑色的鞋。

He is picking the apples on that tree. 他正在摘那棵树上的苹果。


1.直接+ ing (例:sleep+ing sleeping)

2.去掉不发音的e+ing (例:bite-e+ing biting)


音字母+ing (例:sit- sitting)

4.以ie结尾变ie为y+ing (例:die-dying lie-lying)


(1)表示说话人说话时正在进行的动作,它不涉及该动作的发生和结果,译成汉语“正在”,这一用法常和表示此刻的时间状语连用,如now, at this time, at present,at the moment等。

I'm doing my homework now. 我现在正在做作业。

It's raining hard. 天正在下雨。

-What are you doing? 你在干什么?

-I'm doing some washing. 我在洗衣服。

(2)表示现阶段但并非眼下正在进行着的动作,这种动作常与表示一段的时间状语连用,如these days , this week等。

Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly.


The foreign guests are visiting Beijing this week. 本周那些外国客人在参观北京。He is writing a novel now. 目前他在写一本小说。

He is learning English at college. 他在大学学英语。


表示某个按最近的计划或安排将要进行的动作,或即将开始或进行的动作。常用的这类词go, come, leave, stay, start, arrive, land, meet, move, return, stay, stop, do, dine等,通常要与表示将来的时间状语连用,以区别此刻正在进行的动作。

He is coming to see you tomorrow. 他明天要来看你。

His sister is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow. 他姐姐明天动身去香港。

They're flying to Beijing tomorrow. 他们明天飞往北京。


和always ,forever, continually, constantly, instantly, continuously等频度副词连用,表示经常、反复发生的动作,不强调动作的进行性。表达厌烦、愤怒、抱怨、赞扬等情感。

He is constantly leaving his things about. 他时常乱丢东西。(表责怪)She is always changing her clothes. 她老是换衣服。(表责怪)

He is always working hard. 他总是学习很用功。(表赞赏)They’re forever quarrelling about something. 他们老是为某件事争吵。(不满) (5)表示刚刚过去的动作。这一用法不强调动作的进行性。

Do you hear what he's saying, mother? 妈妈,你听见他说的了吗?Every word I'm telling you is true. 我告诉你的每一句话都是真的。(6)描写一种状态,具有感情色彩

I am missing you dreadfully. 我非常想念你。

My head is splitting. 我头痛欲裂。

He is playing us a trick. 他在耍我们呢。

How fast he is forgetting his shame. 他多么快就忘了他的耻辱!



You are sitting over there. 你到那边去坐。

Don’t stand idle. You are helping her a little. 不要闲着,你要帮她一下。(8)wonder, hope, think 等表示心理的动词用于进行时可以表示婉转的语气I’m wondering if I may come a little late. 我在想我能不能晚来一会儿。I’m hoping you’ll give us some suggestions. 我很希望你给我们一些建议。



We read newspapers every day. 我们每天读报。(说明习惯)

She is now reading the newspaper. 她现在正在读报。(强调现阶段)

The bus is stopping. 汽车渐渐停下来。

The bus stops. 迅速停车。


He sings well.他唱得很好。

He is singing a song. 他正在唱一首歌。

He lives in Liangxiang. (永久性)他家住良乡。

He is living in Liangxiang. (段时间居住)他现在住在良乡。


Jane is doing fine work at college. 简在大学学习很好。(赞扬)

Jane does fine work at college. 简在大学学习很好。(事实)


并非所有的动词都有进行时,如表状态、感情、感觉的动词,通常只能用一般现在时而不用进行时,因为这些动词不能表示一个正在进行的动作,如know, love, hate, want, like, see, hear, taste, smell, have(有), be等。

The food tastes delicious! 饭很香!(正)

The food is tasting delicious. (误)

I like English very much. 我喜欢学英语。(正)

I am liking English very much. (误)

5、现在进行时的被动语态be being done

She is teaching the boy a lesson.

→ The boy is being taught a lesson.

Now he is making the girl laugh.

→ Now the girl is being made to laugh.

The parents are taking good care of their baby.

→ Their baby is being taken good care of(by the parents).




例:He was cooking at six last night. 昨天晚上六点,他正在做饭。


例:I was staying here from March to May last year.


2.与过去进行时连用的时间状语,常见的有at nine last night

at that time= then at this time yesterday

或者:when the teacher came in while he was reading 的提示

3.过去进行时的构成:was\were +现在分词


肯定句He was cooking at six last night.

否定句He was not cooking at six last night.

一般疑问句Was he cooking at six last night?

肯定和否定回答Yes ,he was. No, he wasn’t.

特殊疑问句What was he doing at six last night?


Jim was reading when the teacher came in.


Jim was reading while Kate was watching TV.


Jim came in while Kate was watching TV.



He watched TV last night. (过去时间last night, 用一般过去时)He was watching TV at nine last night.

(过去时间last night+点时间at nine, 用过去进行时) 7. 过去进行时的时间状语:when, while

(1)while表示一段时间,因此它所引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用进行时态,如:When/While we were having supper, the light went out.



I was walking in the street when someone called me.



(1)过去进行时可表示按计划、安排过去某时刻将要发生的动作。如:He said they were leaving for Beijing this afternoon.



I was wondering whether you could come to join us.



He was always thinking of others. 他总是想到人家。



give______ use______ move_____ skate______ draw_______ tell_____ ring______ wear______ get_______ put______ be_______ write______ lie_____carry______die_______hit______stop_____ keep_____ hurt_____ know_____ begin______ forget______ save______ close______ see_______ 二、用动词的正确时态填空

1)I________(talk).You________(listen)tO me now.

2)Look,the boy__________(run)fas

3)----What are you doing?----I_________(do) my homework.

4)----_______the students_______(read) English.----Yes,they are.

5)Tom_______(not study)English.He is studying Chinese.

6)----Who_______(sing)a song? ----Li Ying is.

7. ______ it ______(rain) when you left school? Yes, it ____. (No, it ____)

8. What _____ your father _____ (do) when he was your age?

9. One day, Edison _____ (wait) for a train to arrive, and suddenly a little boy ran to the track(轨道) to play.

10. He asked me if I ______ (go) fishing that afternoon.

11. The three of them were in a hurry because their plane _____ (leave) in five minutes.

12. In a letter, john told us that he _____ (come) to china next month.

13. When the bell rang, jenny _____ (wait) in her seat.

14. She _____ (make) her dress the whole afternoon.

15. While my father ____ (look) through the evening paper, he suddenly ____ a cry


1. My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell, was riding

B. fell, were riding

C. had fallen, rode

D. had fallen, was riding

2. Tom ___ into the house when no one ___.

A. slipped, was looking

B. had slipped, looked

C. slipped, had looked

D. was slipping, looked

3. The last time I __ Jane she ___ cotton in the fields.

A. had seen, was picking

B. saw, picked

C. had seen, picked

D. saw, was picking

4.I don’t think Jim saw me; he ___ into space.

A. just stared

B. was just staring

C. has just stared

D. had just stared

5. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ___ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked

B. was working

C. had been working

D. had worked

6.---Hey, look where you are going!

---Oh, I’m terribly sorry.________.

A. I’m not notici ng

B. I wasn’t noticing

C. I haven’t noticed

D. I don’t notice

7. The reporter said that the UFO ___ east to west when he saw it.

A. was traveling

B. traveled

C. had been traveling

D. was to travel

8. I ___ my breakfast when the morning post came.

A. had

B. had been having

C. have been having

D. was having

9.When I arrived at his office, he ___ on the phone.

A. was speaking

B. spoke

C. had been speaking

D. had spoken

9.Having a computer for personal use is no easy task because technology _______ so rapidly.

A. is changing

B. has changed

C. will have changed

D. will change

10. .Look! The twins_____their mother do the housework.

A.are wanting


C.are helping

D.are looking

11.I can’t catch up with the fashion, because the clothes style_______ all the time.

A. has changed

B. is changed

C. is changing

D. changed

12.Don’t make any noise while the students_______ to the class.

A. are listening

B. listened

C. have listened

D. had listened

13.My brother ___ while he _ __ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell, was riding

B. fell, were riding

C. had fallen, rode

D. had fallen, was riding

14.The kite_______ high in the sky now. It looks like a big bird.

A. has flown

B. is flying

C. was flying

D. flew

15.As we all know, the population in the world _______ faster and faster.

A. is grown

B. is growing

C. are grown

D. are growing

16. It was Friday evening. 16、Mr and Mrs. Green _____ ready to fly to England.

a. are getting

b. get

c. were getting

d. got

17. Lei Feng _____ always _____ of others when he ______ in the army.

a. is, thinking, was

b. was, thinking, is

c. did, think, is

d. was, thinking, was

18. A girl ______ my pen fall off the table when she _____ me.

a. saw, passed

b. was seeing, passed

c. was seeing, passed

d. was seeing, was passing

19. We ____ for tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.

a. were waiting, waiting

b. were waiting, wait

c. waited, waiting

d. waited, wait

20. He ____ his father on the farm the whole afternoon last Saturday.

a. helps

b. would help

c. was helping

d. is helping

21. While mother _______ some washing, I _____ a kite for Kate.

a. did, made

b. was doing, made

c. was doing, was making

d. did, was making

22. “_______ you angry then?” “they ______ too much noise.”

a. are, were making

b. were, were making

c. are, made

d. were, made

23. He ____ some cooking at that time, so _____ me

a. did, heard

b. did, didn’t hear

c. was doing, heard

d. was doing, didn’t hear

24. This time yesterday jack _____ his bike. He _____ TV

a. repaired, didn’t watch

b. was repairing, watched

c. repaired, watched

d. was repairing, wasn’t watching

25. His parents wanted to know how he _____ on with his new classmates.

a. was getting

b. gets

c. is getting

d. will get


1. Linda was write carefully at nine last night.

2. Tomorrow they were swimming in a river.

3. At that time, she listening to the radio.

4. Jim and I was playing when he came in.

5. I was studiing English when he knocked at the door.


Mary was riding a bike at that time.



肯定和否定回答:__________________________________ 特殊疑问句:______________________________
