



➢小于10岁的儿童不要坐在前排座椅上。小于 12岁或身上下于1.5米的儿童坐在后排时请选用 适宜的带平安带的儿童座椅。 ➢408带有ISOFIX机构,适合欧盟和美国标准的 儿童座椅安装。
Q:儿童乘车应注意哪些平安 问题?
➢请使用后门“儿童平安锁〞。 ➢不要将无人照看的儿童放在车内。 ➢行车时,后车窗不要开启超过三分之一。
等空调出风口有凉气吹出 来时再关闭车窗,同时开 启空调内循环,待车内温度 感觉舒适后,可以开启外 循环,保持车内空气清新。
小窍门: ➢ 装备双区域自动空调车辆,系统工作时会根据设置调整车内各区
域的舒适度,当后排没有乘客时可将后排乘客出风口关闭优先满 足前排乘客的舒适度; ➢ 待车内有凉气时,将空气流向分配调节到乘客面部位置,可使乘 客更快感觉到凉爽; ➢ 建议为您的爱车加装正规太阳膜,这样可以有效的降低车内温度。
以获得抓地力。 ESP只能在物理极限内发挥作用,所以仍需慎重驾驶。
车辆行驶时,脚垫移动会卡 住制动、离合器或油门踏板, 这是非常危险的,可能导致 平安事故。
东风标致408地毯 的驾驶员位置装有 专门用于固定脚垫 的固定柱。
本卷须知: 安装脚垫时,要去除地毯上的包装膜。 选用原厂带固定卡扣的地垫。 不要将多个脚垫叠放。 安装地胶后不要再安装地垫。
➢肩带不可贴颈部; ➢孕妇将胯带避开腹部位置; ➢不要和儿童共用平安带; ➢平安带插锁不要插反。
发生碰撞事故时,平 安带起到的保护作用 是90% ,加上平安气 囊后,可以将防护效 能提高到95%。



Blue-i 用户手册Blue-i User ManualDPCADPCA1MRN 主界面介绍 MRN Main Page Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 MRN 通用按键介绍 MRN General Button Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 访问Blue-i 菜单 Access Blue-i Menu ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 天气 Weather ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 新闻信息 News .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 离车导航 Last One Mile Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 城市活动 City Event ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 车载收件箱 Inbox ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 股票 Stock ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 呼叫中心服务 Call Center Services . (11)一键导航One Push Navigation ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 周边搜索Nearby Searching .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 兴趣点搜索Points of interest Searching .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 实时交通信息Real Time Traffic Information .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 一键定位One Push Location ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 安全气囊爆开自动求助The Airbag Deployment Automatic Emergency Assistance ...................................................................................................................... 17 道路救援Roadside Assistance .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 紧急救援服务Emergency Assistance ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 被盗车辆定位Stolen Vehicle Tracking .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 维修保养预约Maintenance Appointment (21)DPCA2MRN 主界面介绍 MRN Main Page Introduction主界面介绍 Main Page Introduction车内多媒体播放菜单,可以选择广播、CD 、USB 、蓝牙等音源Muti-Media Manual, allow to select audio source include radio, CD, USB, Bluetooth电话菜单,可以通过蓝牙同步手机通讯录并进行蓝牙电话通话 Phone Manual, allow to sync the address book of mobile through bluetooth and make bluetooth phone call车机设置菜单,可以更换语言、屏幕等各种车机设置Setting Manual, allow to change the language, screen, etc setting.导航菜单,可以进入导航界面Navigation Manual, allow to enter the navigation pageTelematics 菜单,可以进入Blue-i 界面 Blue-i Manual, allow to enter the Blue-i pageDPCA3MRN 通用按键介绍 MRN General Button Introduction屏幕左侧上方Upper left side of screen屏幕左侧下方Lower left side of screen屏幕右侧下方Lower right side of screen屏幕正下方Bottom of screen屏幕正下方Bottom of screen屏幕左右两侧Left/right side of screenDPCA4访问Blue-i 菜单 Access Blue-i Menu操作指南 Guide1.点击”快捷菜单”Tap ”Quick Setting Menu ”2.点击“在线服务”,进入Blue-i 菜单T ap “在线服务” icon to open Blue-i menu3.滑动屏幕选择信息页面Slide left/right to select the page操作提示 Tips快捷菜单 Quick Setting Menu 翻页 PgUp/PgDnBlue-i 菜单包含:天气,新闻,离车导航,城市活动,收信箱,股票Blue-i menu provides information including :Weather, News, Last One Mile Navigation, City Event, Inbox, StockDPCA5天气 Weather操作指南 Guide1.在Blue-i 菜单中点击“天气”,进入天气首页Tap “Weather” in Blue -i menu to access the weather page2.屏幕默认显示当地天气概况General weather information of current location will be displayed by default3.滑动屏幕切换城市天气显示Slideleft/right to switch different cities’ weather display操作提示 Tips: 添加城市 Add city :切换城市 Switch citiesDPCA6新闻信息 News操作指南 Guide1.在Blue-i 菜单中点击“新闻”,进入新闻列表Tap “News” in Blue -i menu to access the news list2.在屏幕左侧点击选择新闻类别Select news type on the left side of screen by tapping the type name3.点击新闻标题查看详情Tap the news title to view the article操作提示 Tips: 上/下一页 Previous/Next page: 刷新新闻列表 Refresh news listDPCA7离车导航 Last One Mile Navigation操作指南 Guide当到达目的地附近停车场时,可将Blue-i 中未完成的目的地位置发送到手机,通过手机继续进行步行导航,直至达到目的地。



NAVIGATIONLearn how to enter a destination and operate the navigation system*1. Basic Navigation OperationA real-time navigation uses GPS and a map database to show your current location and help guide you to a desired destination. You can operate the system using voice commands or the system controls.To reduce the potential of driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.n Steering Wheel ControlsUse the steering wheel controls to give voice commands.n System Guidance Volume1.Press the Home button.2.Select Settings.3.Select System.4.Select System Volumes.5.Select System Volumes.n Navigation Display and ControlsTouch icons on the screen to enter information and make selections.*1 - If equippedNAVIGATIONEntering Your DestinationThere are several methods to enter a destination.n Home AddressStore your home address in the system so you can easily route to it.1.Select Set Home Location.2.Select an option.Select Use Current Location to set home location.If selecting Enter My Address,Recently Found or Saved Place,proceed to steps 3 and 4.3.Select the home location.4.Select Select.NAVIGATIONn Street Address1.Select the Map icon.2.Select the Search icon.3.Select Search Tools.4.Select Address.5.Enter the house number and street name. Select Done or a suggestion.6.Select your destination from the list.Select Go!.RoutingAfter a destination is set, you can alter or cancel your route.nMap LegendUsing the navigation system while driving can take your attention away from the road, causing a crash in which you could be seriously injured or NAVIGATION。






















NAVIGATIONLearn how to enter a destination and operate the navigation system*1. Basic Navigation OperationA real-time navigation uses GPS and a map database to show your current location and help guide you to a desired destination. You can operate the system using voice commands or the system controls.To reduce the potential of driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.n Steering Wheel ControlsUse the steering wheel controls to give voice commands.n Talk Button TipsThe system recognizes only the commands in the Voice Command Index, see Voice Portal Commands.•When using the Talk button, wait for a beep before saying a command.•To bypass the system prompts, simply press the Talk button again to say your command.•Speak in a clear, natural voice.•Reduce all background noise.•Adjust the dashboard vents away from the microphone in the ceiling.•Close the windows and moonroof*1.n System Guidance Volume*1 - If equipped1.Select the ENTER button on themap.2.Select Guidance Volume.3.Adjust the voice prompt volume.n Navigation Display and ControlsTouch icons on the screen to enter information and make selections.Entering Your DestinationUse several methods to enter a destination.n Home AddressStore your home address in the system so you can easily route to it.1.Press the SETTINGS button.2.Select Navi Settings, thenPersonal Info.3.Select Edit Go Home.4.Edit the name, address, and phoneumber the same way as an addressin the address book.5.Select OK.n Street Address1.Select the MENU button.2.Select Address.3.Enter an address to use as thedestination.RoutingChoose various settings that determine the navigation system functionality during route calculation.1.Select the SETTINGS button, thenNavigation Settings.2.Select Routing.3.Select an item.The following items are available:•Default: Restores the factory default settings.•Route Preference: Changes the route preferences (calculating method).•Unverified Routing: Sets whether you use the route guidance inunverified areas.•Traffic Rerouting: Sets whether you use automatic recalculation based on traffic information.•Edit POI Search Radius Along Route: Sets the distance from the route to find waypoints.•Avoided Area: Specifies areas to avoid when calculating a route.n Map LegendUsing the navigation system while driving can take your attention away from the road, causing a crash in which you could be seriously injured orn AcuraLink Real Time Traffic TM*13*16Displays continuously updated information and recalculates your route in response to traffic flow, incidents or road closures. Traffic information isonly available in certain areas.*16 - Requires an AcuraLink® subscription。

标致408handbook n2使用手册(下)

标致408handbook n2使用手册(下)
展开三角警告牌 在发生事故或故障等紧急停车情况下, 为了及时提示后面的车辆,必须点亮危 险警告灯并将三角警告牌放在车辆后面。 根据路面类型和能见度的不同,应 将三角警告牌放置在适当的距离处。
与事故车辆的摆放距离(单位:米) 普通公路
>=50m 将三角警告牌底部四个支架 1 展开 放稳。 张开两个警告牌边框 2 和 3,扣好卡 扣 4。 将三角警告牌反光的一面朝向其他 车辆驶来的方向。 使用完成后,按相反的顺序收折。
拉出安全带,然后将锁扣插入锁孔 中。 拉一下安全带,检查安全带是否锁 止。 根据撞击的方式和程度,预张紧装置 可以在气囊打开之前触发或独立触发。 预张紧装置在启动的时候会释放出气体 并伴有声响,这是由系统内置的爆燃式 点火装置产生的。 在以上情况下,气囊警告灯会点亮。 撞击发生后,请到东风标致特约商处检 查是否有必要更换安全带系统。
A. B.
侧气帘安装在座舱内侧上部,位于车身 与内饰之间。 侧气帘在乘员与侧车窗之间打开,以保 护乘员头部。 在 B 区发生由外向内垂直于侧面的剧烈 碰撞时,侧气囊在前座乘员和车门之间 打开,可以减少乘员胸部受伤害的程度。
如果该警告灯点亮,并伴随有蜂 鸣声和在多功能显示屏上显示的 信息,请与东风标致特约商联系, 以便对系统进行检查。在这种情 况下,碰撞时气囊可能不会打开。
作为安全带保护功能的辅助和补充,汽 车遇到强烈碰撞时,可以降低坐姿正确 且正确系有安全带的乘员受伤害的程度。 如果发生碰撞,电子检测系统记录并分 析撞击监测区域内受到的正面和侧面 (如果配置了侧气囊和侧气帘)的冲击 (见示意图) ,分别控制气囊是否起爆。 气囊起爆之后,气囊会立即迅速排气, 不会妨碍乘客从车内出来。 在发生非强烈碰撞的情况下,安全带提 供的保护更安全,气囊不充气打开;碰 撞的强烈程度取决于障碍物的类型和撞 击的相对速度和角度。 A. B.

DiagBox开通标致408 的USB和AUX功能

DiagBox开通标致408 的USB和AUX功能

DiagBox开通标致408 的USB和AUX功能将检测仪与汽车、电脑连接好。


二是要在汽车通电(不是点火)后再将检测仪连接电脑的USB口,如果冷车连接的话DiagBox 容易提示连接不上,不能进行通讯。










GPS导航仪使用说明书目录声明 (1)注意事项 (1)第一章配件及使用说明书信息 (2)1.1 产品包装 (2)1.2 说明书的使用 (2)第二章外观组件及基本使用说明 (3)2.1 产品外观 (3)2.2 基本使用 (3)2.3 导航仪供电、充电 (4)2.4 开机主界面及主要功能介绍 (8)第三章导航操作使用说明 (8)第四章媒体播放器使用说明 (8)4.1 MP3播放器 (8)4.2 视频播放器 (9)4.3 图片浏览器 (10)4.4 常用工具 (10)4.5 系统设置 (11)声明欢迎使用本公司GPS导航仪(以下简称导航仪)!本导航仪以GPS导航功能为主,支持音频播放、视频播放、图片浏览、电子书阅读等功能,是您出行休闲的好伴侣。

本导航仪采用当前最流行的ARM920T 内核的三星处理器,低功耗,性能优越。

















NAVIGATIONLearn how to enter a destination and operate the navigation system *1.Basic Navigation OperationA real-time navigation uses GPS and a map database to show your current location and help guide you to a desired destination. You can operate the system using voice commands or the system controls.To reduce the potential of driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.n Steering Wheel ControlsUse the steering wheel controls to give voice commands. If you press the Home button on the steering wheel, select Navigation and then scroll the left selector wheel, the following items are available. Use the steering wheel buttons to select the items.•Go Home •Recent Destination •Calculation Mode •Saved Places •Stop •Save Locationn System Guidance VolumeAdjust the volume using the volume knob during the voice guidance.1.Press the Home button.2.Select Settings.3.Select System.4.Select System Volumes.5.Select System Volumes.n Navigation Display and ControlsTouch icons on the screen to enter information and make selections.*1 - If equipped NAVIGATIONEntering Your DestinationThere are several methods to enter a destination.n Home AddressStore your home address in the system so you can easily route to it.1.Press the Home button and thenselect Navigation.2.Select the Where to button.3.Select the list icon and then selectSet Home Location.4.Select Enter My Address.5.Enter a house number and streetname.6.Select Done or a suggestion.7.Select an address from the list.8.Select Select.n Street AddressEnter a street address.NAVIGATION1.Press the Home button and then select Navigation.2.Select the search icon.3.Select the search bar.4.Enter the house number and street name.5.Select Done or a suggestion.RoutingAfter a destination is set, you can alter or cancel your route.nMap LegendUsing the navigation system while driving can take your attention away from the road, causing a crash in which you could be seriously injured orNAVIGATION。



致胜导航使用说明书目录第1章欢迎使用 ....................................................................................................................... 1-11.1 使用本手册......................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 安全注意事项 ..................................................................................................................... 1-11.3 使用之前............................................................................................................................. 1-21.3.1 什么叫GPS ............................................................................................................. 1-21.3.2 GPS接收卫星信号时间介绍.................................................................................... 1-2第2章概述............................................................................................................................... 2-12.1 产品技术参数 ..................................................................................................................... 2-12.2 主界面介绍......................................................................................................................... 2-1第3章导航............................................................................................................................... 3-1第4章媒体娱乐 ....................................................................................................................... 4-14.1 电影.................................................................................................................................... 4-14.1.2 向播放列表中添加文件 ............................................................................................ 4-24.1.3 选择文件添加进播放列表......................................................................................... 4-34.2 图片.................................................................................................................................... 4-44.2.2 选择文件.................................................................................................................. 4-54.3 音乐.................................................................................................................................... 4-54.3.2 向播放列表中添加文件 ............................................................................................ 4-74.3.3 选择文件添加进播放列表......................................................................................... 4-84.4 电子书 ................................................................................................................................ 4-84.4.2 选择文件.................................................................................................................. 4-9第5章系统设置 ....................................................................................................................... 5-15.1 地图路径............................................................................................................................. 5-15.2 系统信息............................................................................................................................. 5-25.3 触摸校准............................................................................................................................. 5-35.4 GPS信号 ........................................................................................................................... 5-35.5 系统设置............................................................................................................................. 5-4插图目录图2-1 控制台.................................................................................................................... 2-1图4-1 电影播放器............................................................................................................. 4-1图4-2 电影播放列表......................................................................................................... 4-2图4-3 文件选择(添加进播放列表) ............................................................................... 4-3图4-4 图片浏览器............................................................................................................. 4-4图4-5 图片文件选择......................................................................................................... 4-5图4-6 音乐播放器............................................................................................................. 4-6图4-7 音乐播放列表......................................................................................................... 4-7图4-8 文件选择(添加进播放列表) ............................................................................... 4-8图4-9 电子书.................................................................................................................... 4-9图4-10 电子书文件选择 ................................................................................................... 4-9图5-1 设置界面 ................................................................................................................ 5-1图5-2 地图路径 ................................................................................................................ 5-2图5-3 系统信息 ................................................................................................................ 5-2图5-4 触摸校准 ................................................................................................................ 5-3图5-5 触摸校准确认......................................................................................................... 5-3图5-6 GPS信息界面........................................................................................................ 5-4图5-7 系统设置 ................................................................................................................ 5-5第1章欢迎使用1.1 使用本手册欢迎使用导航系统。



IntroductionManual OverviewThe manual is divided into the following sections:•Getting started - A basic introduction that discusses the controls and how to communicate with the system.•Entering a Destination - How to enter an address or locate a point of interest (POI).•Driving to your Destination – An explanation of the map features, guidance, and cautions.•Information Features - Voice Command Help, Map Legend, Calendar, Calculator, and Key to Zagat Ratings.•System Set-up - How to set up and tailor the system for your personal use and use the Address Book.The back of this manual contains:•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)•Troubleshooting Guide •Glossary of Terms•Voice Command List System OverviewYour navigation system is a highlysophisticated location system with voicecontrol that uses satellites and a mapdatabase to show you where you are andto help guide you to a desireddestination.The navigation system receives signalsfrom the global positioning system(GPS), a network of 24 satellites in orbitaround the earth. By receiving signalsfrom several of these satellites, thenavigation system can determine thelatitude, longitude, and elevation ofyour vehicle. In addition, a gyroscopicyaw sensor and a vehicle speed sensorin your vehicle keep track of thedirection and speed of travel at all times.The navigation system applies thislocation, direction, and speedinformation to the maps and calculates aroute to the destination you enter. Asyou drive to that destination, the systemprovides map and voice guidance.The navigation system is easy to use.The locations of many places ofbusiness and entertainment are alreadyentered in the system. You can selectany of them as a destination by using thetouch screen, joystick or voice control.There are several ways to enter adestination, such as by point of interest(POI), by address, by phone number,and by selecting it from the map. Thelast 50 destinations are saved for reuseat a later date. The system also allowsyou to store a home address to simplifyreturning home from your destination.IntroductionAccessories PrecautionsIf you have front window tinting installed, be aware that if the tint has metallic properties, it can seriously degrade or prevent GPS reception. This is because the GPS antenna is located under the dash board.If you plan to install electronic components such as radar detectors, vehicle location devices, remote starters, additional amplifiers, or other audio components, ensure that they are not located near the navigation control unit under the driver’s seat, near the navigation screen in the dash, or near the GPS antenna under the dash board. Signal noise emanating from these devices can cause intermittent disruption of the navigation system.Important Safety InformationThe navigation system can distract yourattention from the road if you focus onthe screen or operate the system’scontrols while driving.Enter as much information as possibleinto the system before you begindriving, or when the vehicle is stopped.Then, as you drive, listen to the audioinstructions and use voice commandswhen possible.While driving, do not look at the screenor operate the system controls for morethan a second or so at a time, and onlyafter deciding you can do so safely. Pullto the side of the road if you need moretime to look at the screen or operate thecontrols.The navigation system is designed to provide route information to help you reach your destination. However, this route guidance may sometimes conflict with current road conditions such as street closures, road construction, detours, and out-of-date map data.Additionally, the system itself has certain limitations (see page 93). Therefore, you must verify the audio and visual route information provided by the system by carefully observing the roadway, signs and signals, etc. If you are unsure, proceed with caution. Always use your own good judgment, and obey traffic laws while driving.Map OverviewCurrent StreetThe current street on which your vehicle is appears at the bottom of the map screen (see page 18). A message saying “Not on a digitized road” may appear instead when you drive half a mile away from a mapped road. For more details, see Off-road Tracking on page 55. Verified/Unverified StreetYour navigation system has two kinds of streets: verified (dark colored) and unverified (light colored). The differences between the two types of streets are contrasted in the chart on page 7.“Unverified” Road“Verified” RoadIntroductionIntroduction Verified streets (dark colored) Unverified streets (light colored)When displayed These roads are found within metropolitan areas, andinclude interstate freeways and major roads connecting cities.These roads are found in rural areas, and typically include residential streets away from the center of a town.Street color Shown on daytime map screen as black or red, such asinterstate freeways.Shown on the daytimemap screen as light brown.Map Quality The database vendor has verified these streets.Information like turn restrictions, average speed, andwhether it is a one way street have been gathered andused when creating your route to a destination.These streets have not been verified by the database vendor. Thesystem does not contain information about one-way streets, turnrestrictions, or the road’s average speed. They are shown on themap for reference and can have errors in map location, naming,and address range.Routing differences While driving to your destination, the displayed routeline is solid blue. The system provides voice and mapguidance to your destination.Your route line is either a blue dotted “vector line,” or a dashedpink/blue line. For information on selecting this option, and therouting differences, see Unverified Area Routing on page 79.Cautions There are no pop-up boxes urging extra caution duringa route. However, because roads constantly change,you are urged to use common sense, and always obeyposted traffic restrictions.Regardless of whether the user chooses route guidance, there arecautionary screens before and during the route urging the user tobe extra cautious, and obey all traffic restrictions. See UnverifiedArea Routing on page 79.Guidance voice Voice guidance issues maneuvers such as “In a halfmile make a right turn.”The suffix “if possible” is added to each guidance maneuver. Forexample: “In a half mile make a right turn, if possible.”Time and distance “to go”The time and distance “to go,” displayed while onroute to a destination, is based on the average speedand distance for the roads used for your route.Because the average speed of these roads is not known, the timeand distance “to go” is based on a fixed average speed of 25 mphfor these roads.User AgreementIn using this DVD “Satellite Linked Navigation System” (the “DVD”), which includes HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. software, ALPINE ELECTRONICS, INC. software, NAVTEQ database contents, INFO USA CORPORATION database, ZAGAT SURVEY database contents, and ZENRIN CO. database contents (hereinafter referred to as “Licensors”), you are bound by the terms and conditions set forth below.By using your copy of the DVD, you have expressed your Agreement to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You should, therefore, make sure that you read and understand the following provisions. If for any reason you do not wish to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, please return the DVD to your dealer.•The DVD may not be copied,duplicated, or otherwise modified, inwhole or in part, without the expresswritten permission of the Licensors.•The DVD may not be transferred orsublicensed to any third party forprofit, rent or loan, or licensed forreuse in any manner.•The DVD may not be decompiled,reverse engineered or otherwisedisassembled, in whole or in part.•The DVD may not be used in anetwork or by any other manner ofsimultaneous use in multiple systems.•The DVD is intended solely forpersonal use (or internal use wherethe end-user is a business) by theconsumer. The DVD is not to be usedfor commercial purposes.•The Licensors do not guarantee to thecustomer that the functions includedin the DVD meet the specificobjectives of the user.•Licensor shall not be responsible forany damages caused by the use of theDVD to the actual user or to any thirdparty.•The warranty on the DVD shall notextend to an exchange or refund dueto misspelling, omission of letters, orany other cosmetic discrepancy in thecontents of the DVD.•The right to use the DVD shall expireeither when the user destroys theDVD or software, or when any of theterms of this Agreement are violatedand the Licensors exercise the optionto revoke the license to use the DVDor software.•The terms and conditions hereofapply to all subsequent users andowners as well as to the originalpurchaser.•The use of oil company logos in thedisplay are for your information andconvenience, and in no way impliesany sponsorship, approval orendorsement of these companies, ortheir products. The logos aretrademarks of their respectiveowners.User AgreementThe user shall indemnify and save harmless the Licensors, and their officers, employees and agents, from and against any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature of the cause of the claim, demand or action, alleging loss, costs, expense, damages or injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising out of the use or possession of the DVD or e, duplication, or disclosure of this DVD by or on behalf of the United States government is subject to “Restricted Rights” as set forth at FAR 52.227-14, -19 or DFARS 252.227- 7013, as applicable. Manufacturers are the Licensors, including HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., 2-1-1 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku Tokyo 107-8556 JAPAN., Alpine Electronics, Inc., 20-1 Yoshima Kogyodanchi, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-1192 JAPAN., NAVTEQ Corporation, 222 Merchandise Mart, Suite 900, Chicago, IL, 60654, INFO USA CORPORATION, 5711 South 86th Circle, Omaha, NE 68127.,Zagat Survey, LLC, 4 Columbus Circle, New York, NY, 10019., and ZENRIN CO., LTD., 1-1-1 Muromachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka803-8630, JAPAN.Getting StartedSystem ControlsMENU buttonDisplays the Enter destination by screen. When on a route, displays the Change route by screen.INFO buttonDisplays the screen for selecting Set up , Voice Command Help , Map Legend , Calendar , Calculator , and Key to Zagat Ratings .AUDIO buttonPress to display the audio screen.For information on audio system features, see the Audio section of the Owner’s manual.MAP/GUIDE buttonDisplays the map. When on a route, switches between themap and guidance screens.CANCEL buttonCancels the current screen and returns tothe previous screen display.。



T73调试操作规程一、设置多功能显示屏按键1、将数据线USB插头与电脑USB口连接,将另一头与中控台下行车电脑插头连接,并将钥匙打至‘ON’档;2、将调试电脑打开,进入系统,点击图标“”,打开PP2000程序;3、车型选择界面,选择4、出现车辆信息框,确认;,确认;5、,确认;6、,确认;7、,确认;8、,确认;9、进入配置选项,确认进入选项界面;10、,确认11、将配置选项“遥控器连接的类型”变更为“Les boutons 多功能显示屏”,按一下“F5”,使电脑进入配置,当配置完成后,屏幕显示“已实现远程设码”,确认。








NAVIGATIONLearn how to enter a destination and operate the navigation system*1.Basic Navigation OperationA real-time navigation uses GPS and a map database to show your current location and help guide you to a desired destination. You can operate the system using voice commands or the system controls.To reduce the potential of driver distraction, certain manual functions may be inoperable or grayed out while the vehicle is moving. Voice commands are always available.n Steering Wheel ControlsUse the steering wheel controls to givevoice commands.n Talk Button TipsThe system recognizes commands in the Voice Command Index, see Voice Portal Commands.•When using the Talk button, wait for a beep before saying a command.•To bypass the system prompts, simply press the Talk button again to sayyour command.•Speak in a clear, natural voice.•Reduce all background noise.•Adjust the dashboard vents away from the microphone in the ceiling.•Close the windows and moonroof*1.n System Guidance Volume*1 - If equipped1.Press the Home button.2.Select Settings.3.Select System.4.Select System Volumes.5.Select System Volumes.n Navigation Display and ControlsTouch icons on the screen to enter information and make selections.1.Select Set Home Location.2.Select an option.Select Use Current Location to sethome location.If selecting Enter My Address,Recently Found or Saved Place,proceed to steps 3 and 4.3.Select the home location.4.Select Select.n Street Address1.Select the Map icon.2.Select the Search icon.3.Select Search Tools.4.Select Address.5.Enter the house number and streetname. Select Done or a suggestion.6.Select your destination from the list.Select Go!.RoutingAfter a destination is set, you can alter or cancel your route. n Map Legendfrom the road, causing a crash in which you could be seriously injured or。



1. 打开车辆的导航系统:在车辆仪表盘上找到导航按钮或导航屏幕,点击或按下按钮以打开导航系统。

2. 输入目的地:使用触摸屏、旋钮或语音控制功能,输入您想要前往的目的地。


3. 确认目的地:系统会显示您输入的目的地信息,请仔细核对确保正确无误。


4. 开始导航:一旦确认目的地无误,点击“开始导航”按钮或选择“导航”选项,系统将开始为您提供导航指引。

5. 跟随导航指引:导航系统将为您提供语音和图像指引,告诉您何时转弯、何时变道等。


6. 导航选项:在导航过程中,您可以使用导航选项进行调整。


7. 结束导航:一旦到达目的地,导航系统会发出提示。





前 言为了确保东风标致408轿车的维修质量,方便维修人员查询、订购专用工具,我们编写了《408专用工具手册》。

手册中介绍了东风标致408轿车维修保养需要使用的专用工具,其内容包括工具名称、工具编号,并提供了工具示意图和部分工具的工作状态示意图,同时对部分工具的使用方法进行了简单介绍,详情请参见SERVICE BOX相关的维修工艺。





东风标致服务和备件部目 录专用工具手册使用说明 (1)专用工具汇总目录 (3)发动机维修工具 (5)变速箱维修工具 (9)后桥维修工具 (11)前桥维修工具 (12)制动系统维修工具 (15)悬架维修工具 (17)电器-诊断工具 (20)车身装备维修工具 (21)通用工具 (22)专用工具手册使用说明1.本手册按照工具的用途进行分类和排序(注:某些类别的工具在本手册中未涉及)。

分类规则如下:[00]:举升工具 [01]:发动机维修工具 [02]:离合器维修工具[03]:变速箱维修工具 [04]:传动系统维修工具 [05]:后桥维修工具[06]:前桥维修工具 [07]:转向系统维修工具 [08]:制动系统维修工具[09]:悬架维修工具 [10]:车轮和轮胎维修工具 [11]:车身结构维修工具[12]:电器-诊断工具 [13]:车身装备维修工具 [14]:换油保养工具[15]:通用工具 [16]:燃油系统维修工具 [17]:空调系统维修工具2.本手册中的工具编号与《维修工艺》中使用的工具编号一致,以便于查询。




目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.产品简介 (1)2.产品功能 (1)2.1 系统主界面 (1)2.2功能介绍 (2)第二章基本功能 (3)1.GPS导航 (3)2.音乐 (6)3.电子书 (9)4.图片浏览 (10)5.电影播放 (12)6.倒车后视 (13)第三章蓝牙功能 (14)1.蓝牙设置 (14)2.蓝牙通行码 (15)3.蓝牙连接 (16)4.拨号界面 (17)5.通话界面 (18)6.蓝牙音乐控制器 (19)第四章系统设置 (21)1.GPS设置 (21)2.音量控制 (21)3.GPS监视 (22)4.触摸校准 (23)5.通用设置 (24)6.系统信息 (25)7.LOGO设置 (25)8.屏幕调整 (26)9.亮度控制 (26)10.蓝牙设置 (27)附录:导航板技术规格 (1)1.接口引脚定义 (1)2.引脚功能描述 (3)3.技术规格 (5)第一章产品概述1.产品简介本产品是集导航、娱乐于一体的车载多媒体导航系统。


2.产品功能2.1 系统主界面主界面为左右移动界面,包含两个界面,如图:2.2功能介绍导航支持实时GPS导航蓝牙支持与蓝牙手机连接进行免提通话音乐支持WMA、MP3等格式的音频文件电子书支持TXT格式文本阅读图片支持JPG、GIF、BMP、PNG等格式图片的浏览电影支持WMV、AVI、MP4等文件格式的视频文件设置包含导航设置、音量控制、背景光、系统信息、触摸屏校准、LOGO设置、屏幕调整、蓝牙设置等功能。


第二章基本功能1. GPS导航设备开启后,首次进入导航软件,必须先对导航软件的路径进行相关设置。



诚意之作 浅析2014款东风标致408原车多媒体系统

诚意之作 浅析2014款东风标致408原车多媒体系统

产 品外观设计 更加 贴近年轻人 审美 ,而这 点在新4 08 上 也得 到了很好 的传承 。与 上一代相 比 ,采用全新 家
族 语言设计 的新4 0 8 可 以 说 是 一 次 完 美 的 蜕 变 ,前 脸 与 老款 相 比显 得 更 加 大 气  ̄ I ] I I I NN 。而 大 家 最 注 重 的 车 为 一 种 现 象 , 本 文 介 绍 的 全 新 40 8 也 是 出 厂 便 配上g . 7英寸 电 容 屏 的 主 机 。有 了 解 新 款 4 0 8 1  ̄ 9 人 应 该 都 知 道 , 它 标 榜 的 就 是 拥 有 同级 车 型 所

没有 的豪华配备 ,大尺寸屏 幕主机也正是 其中
之一 。在 全新4 0 8 推 出R 9 4 款车型 中,3 款中高
配车型均 配备了搭载 着厂家 自主开 发i ) g Bl u e — i 车载互联系统 。虽然标称是9 . 7 英寸的电容屏 ,
实际 上全新4 0 8 1  ̄ t ] 屏幕 可以分成 两大块 :用作

系 列 数据 ,这 么 看 来东 风 标致 去年 提 出 的 “ 升 蓝 计 划” 还 真 是颇 有 成效 。有 人 说
2 0 0 8和 新 一 代 4 0 8是 东 风 标 致 的 “ 升 蓝 计 划 ” 中的 两大 重 要 产 品 ,通 过 试 驾测 评 下 来也确 实能 让人感 受到 东风标 致的诚 意 。 相 比前 两期我们 介绍过 的 2 0 0 8 ,个 人认 为 全新 4 0 8确实 能担得起 “ 诚意” 二字 。
后 装市场 才刚刚吹起大尺寸屏幕导航 的风潮.前装市场已经
先行 一步为原车配备 ,这对于后 装市场 既是警号也是机遇。
o 8 4 微信平台搜 音响改装技术杂志
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

当手机与蓝牙设备连接上后,打开手机 中的音乐播放器,主机可将手机中播放 的音乐通过汽车音响播放,同时可进行 上一曲、下一曲选择,播放和暂停控制。
系统设置 主机信息
软件更新 屏幕亮度
点击【快速查询】 例如:上海大剧院
收音天线 扩展插座 导航天线
联系电话:4000 322 229
上一首 暂停/静音
下一首 停止
SD、USB、DVD多媒体—— 视频播放功能及软键操作介绍
德 赛 西 威 (后装)导 航 产 品 操作指南
生产厂家:惠州德赛西威汽车电子有限公司 厂家地址:广东省惠州市仲恺高新开发区15号小区 服务热线:0752-7833800 技术支持:0752-7833897 0752-7833889 传真电话:0752-7833888 制 作 人: 黄钢雄
NAV408 标致408车载导航功能介绍
上一首 暂停/静音
下一首 停止
SD、USB多媒体—— 浏览图片功能及软键操作介绍
上一张 缩小 放大 图片属性
SD、USB多媒体—— 浏览电子书功能及软键操作介绍
联系人Leabharlann 开启蓝牙后,点击“连接” 开始搜索连接手机
电源/喇叭 插座
CD机保险丝 (10A)
1、在空旷地方收不到卫星 可能原因: a、导航天线未插紧或安装位置被屏蔽-------从新检查GPS天线 b、a故障排除后,依旧收不到卫星-------找来新主机或新GPS天
支持USB 、SD浏览电子书
支持AUX音频输入 支持MP3中文显示 支持音乐e栈 支持CMMB视频输入 外接倒车摄像输入 采用6.5寸VGA(800X480)数字屏 智能音量控制 行车电脑显示 小游戏
目的地的设置:地图选点、智能周边选点、、交叉路口、地址输入(收藏夹、家庭、历史纪录) 目的地输入法:采用字母智能、笔画、手写输入 智能地图模式:自动、白天/黑夜显示模式转换、后台工作模式 路径规划设置:推荐、较短、高速、普通道路优先 地图显示模式:3D视角、车头朝前/地图朝北地图显示模式 高效路径计算:长途分段计算、路径清单显示、偏离路径重新规划、规避区域 智能导航模式:演示模式、正常模式 路线清单信息:距离、转向、偏离、道路名
2、地图中找不到目的地。 可能原因: a、客户输入的地址不准确,如西湖大酒店误为西湖酒店等。 b、客户输入的是旧名字,地图中也是旧名字,但是该单位已 经更名,或者已经变更地址等。 c、涉及国家安全的地图信息不在地图上显示出来,例如大使 馆、自来水厂、军事单位等。
如是德赛西威汽车电子有限公司的后装市场产 品,任何技术问题,请与我们保持联系,我司都愿意随 时提供相关的技术支持。
导 航:光庭地图导航 收 音:收音机 蓝 牙:蓝牙电话、蓝牙音乐
USB :USB多媒体播放
SD : SD多媒体播放
碟 片:播放DVD、CD 设 置:主机参数的设置控
中 控:多功能显示屏设置
常听电台/ 功能面板 的切换
电台 清单
SD 多媒体播放 USB 多媒体播放 DVD 多媒体播放
麦克风 TF、SD卡槽
支持FM、AM 收音功能
支持 USB、SD视频播放(MP4、AVI、3GP、RM)