



1. 鸡腿肉500克
2. 香菇200克
3. 姜片适量
4. 大葱适量
5. 料酒适量
6. 生抽适量
7. 盐适量
8. 白胡椒粉适量
9. 鸡精适量
10. 水淀粉适量
11. 食用油适量
1. 鸡腿肉切块,放入碗中,加入适量姜片、料酒、盐和胡椒粉,腌制15分钟。
2. 香菇切片备用。
3. 热锅加入食用油,油热后将腌制好的鸡块放入锅中煎至两面金黄。
4. 加入适量的姜片和大葱,炒香。
5. 加入切好的香菇,翻炒均匀。
6. 倒入适量的生抽,翻炒均匀后加入水,将火调小,盖上锅盖悠悠
7. 加入适量的盐和鸡精调味,再翻炒均匀。
8. 用水淀粉勾芡,使汤汁稍微浓稠一些。
9. 最后,将炖煮好的香菇滑鸡装盘,撒上一些葱花点缀即可。
1. 在腌制鸡腿肉时,可选择加入一小勺淀粉,使鸡肉更加滑嫩。
2. 煎鸡块时,可以将鸡皮放在锅底,这样可以使鸡皮更加酥脆美味。
3. 炖煮香菇滑鸡时,可适量加入香料如八角、香叶等,增加菜肴的


猪肉香葱饺(水饺) 猪肉白菜饺 猪肉韭菜饺 香炸饺 香炸云吞 云吞 拌云吞 蒸饺 鸡腿 鸭腿 云吞(面、粉、伊面、米线) 7元 7元 7元 7元 7元
牛腩拌面(面、粉、伊面、米线) 肉丝拌面(面、粉、伊面、米线) 香菇滑鸡拌面(面、粉、伊面、米线) 辣子鸡拌面(面、粉、伊面、米线) 肥肠拌面(面、粉、伊面、米线) 香菇滑鸡(面、粉、伊面、米线) 7元 6元 6元 6元 6元 6元 6元 6元 7元 6元 8元 10 元
西红柿(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 榨菜(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 洋葱(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 青椒(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 土豆(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡) 鱼香(肉丝) 木耳(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 平菇(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 苦瓜(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 上海青(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡) 豆角(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡) 莲白(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 红萝卜(肉丝、香菇滑鸡、火腿、辣子鸡、鸡蛋) 回锅肉盖饭 10 元 牛腩盖饭 10 元
4 元起 辣子鸡丁(面、粉、伊面、米线) 6 元起 香辣鸡丁(面、粉、伊面、米线) 4元 5元 7元 6元 牛腩(面、粉、伊面、米线) 肉丝(面、粉、伊面、米线) 鸡腿(面、粉、伊面、米线) 鸭腿(面、粉、伊面、米线)

描写酒楼美食的句子唯美(精选100句)酒楼美食:唤醒味蕾的绝妙舞蹈1. 酒楼的美味佳肴仿佛是大厨们的艺术杰作,每一口都是味蕾的盛宴。
2. 蚂蚁上树,清爽辣味在口中翻滚,令人难以抗拒。
3. 佛跳墙,海鲜的鲜美与荟萃的食材交织出的香气,让人陶醉其中。
4. 红烧狮子头,酥脆外皮中包裹着温热的猪肉丸子,咸香十足。
5. 古老肉,细腻柔嫩,蘸上酱汁,满口的鲜嫩与香味迸发。
6. 糖醋里脊,酸甜之间带着微辣,咬一口,让人心生满足。
7. 麻辣香锅,红红的辣椒和各种食材翻滚在一起,刺激味蕾的同时也点燃了心灵。
8. 宫保鸡丁,外酥里嫩的鸡肉搭配花生和香辣的酱汁,让人回味无穷。
9. 豉汁蒸排骨,排骨入口即化,配上浓郁的豉汁,令人忍不住多嚼几口。
10. 清蒸鲈鱼,鱼肉鲜嫩,蒸得恰到好处,口感极佳。
11. 酒香蒸鸽蛋,细腻的鸽蛋散发出酒香,滋味令人陶醉。
12. 腊味拼盘,五香腊肉与脆爽的腊味干果搭配,一口接一口的美味。
13. 水晶虾饺,外皮晶莹剔透,皮薄馅多,鲜美十足。
14. 猪肘子炖豆角,炖得肉质鲜嫩红亮,浓郁的豆角汤汁搭配美味的猪肘子,令人回味。
15. 梅菜扣肉,咸香梅菜与软糯的扣肉相得益彰,一口下去美味四溢。
16. 花雕醉蟹,清醇的花雕酒浸润了螃蟹的鲜美,入口顷刻间晕染甜醉。
17. 干锅千层肚,麻辣味与脆嫩的千层肚相互交织,令人无法抵挡。
18. 笑傲江湖炒花蛤,新鲜的花蛤与各种香料炒制,带来满口的鲜香。
19. 家常炒豆芽,轻盈的豆芽与鲜嫩的肉丝翻炒在一起,简单又美味。
20. 苦瓜炒鸡蛋,鸡蛋的香味和苦瓜的清爽相辅相成,平衡味蕾的感官享受。
21. 青椒牛肉,嫩滑多汁的牛肉搭配青椒的清爽,回味无穷。
22. 芙蓉蟹粉豆腐,豆腐香滑细腻,搭配上浓郁的蟹粉,味道鲜美。
23. 糖醋黄瓜,脆嫩的黄瓜蘸上糖醋酱,清凉开胃。
24. 麻婆豆腐,豆腐的滑嫩与麻辣酱汁的搭配,让人欲罢不能。
25. 清蒸凤爪,皮嫩肉浓,蒸得刚刚好,咬一口十分满足。

家常菜谱100道简单冬季菜谱1. 红烧排骨2. 干煸茄子3. 酱烧肉片4. 春卷土豆丝5. 锅包肉6. 芹菜炒肉7. 虾仁豆腐8. 西兰花炒蛋 9. 豆角炒肉片 10. 糖醋里脊 11. 素鸡炒芹菜 12. 茭白炒肉末 13. 麻婆豆腐 14. 小炒肉 15. 香菇滑鸡 16. 椒盐排骨 17. 水煮肉片18. 酱汁排骨 19. 豆角焖鸡 20. 蒜香土豆片 21. 酸辣土豆丝 22. 回锅肉 23. 青椒拌豆腐 24. 清炒芹菜 25. 香菇肉末 26. 豆角炒香干 27. 四季豆炒肉末 28. 芹菜炒虾仁 29. 豆腐烧鸡翅 30. 香菇鸡片 31. 糖醋藕片 32. 鱼香肉丝 33. 芹菜炒虾球34. 尖椒肉丝 35. 甜酸肉 36. 豆腐烧鱼 37. 蚝油芹菜 38. 蒜蓉青菜 39. 豆腐肉末 40. 茶树菇炒肉末 41. 干煸四季豆 42. 杏鲍菇炒肉末 43. 水煮肉片 44. 地三鲜 45. 芹菜肉丸 46. 小香肠炒豆芽47. 酱爆肉片 48. 回锅大虾 49. 鱼香茄子 50. 肉末茄子 51. 红烧肉 52. 干煸豆角 53. 肉丝炒芹菜54. 茄汁豆腐 55. 虾仁炒豆腐 56. 杏鲍菇肉末57. 干煸茄子 58. 干煸豆角 59. 生煎肉饼 60. 豆角肉末 61. 清炒西兰花 62. 虾仁炒芹菜 63. 虾仁豆角 64. 香菇滑鸡 65. 腊肉炒豆腐 66. 小炒时蔬67. 鱼香肉丝 68. 蒜蓉茄子 69. 鱼香豆腐 70. 虾仁豆腐 71. 糖醋排骨 72. 干煸豆腐 73. 芹菜炒肉74. 豆腐肉末 75. 清炒藕片 76. 西红柿肉末 77. 老醋肉 78. 素炒豆腐 79. 芹菜炒肉末 80. 豆腐炒肉末 81. 西兰花炒肉片 82. 蒜苔炒肉末 83. 酸辣豆腐 84. 春卷炒肉丝 85. 香菇豆腐 86. 水煮豆腐87. 鱼香肉片 88. 干煸肉片 89. 火爆肉丝 90. 蒜苔肉丝 91. 西红柿鸡蛋 92. 水煮牛肉 93. 酱烧鱼片 94. 豆豉炒肉末 95. 酱汁肉丝 96. 咖喱牛肉97. 蒜蓉炒豆腐 98. 醋溜黄瓜 99. 干煸豆干 100. 甜酸茄子。

家常小炒菜谱1000大全——轻松学会美味佳肴,让家人朋友赞不绝口1. 酸辣土豆丝食材:土豆、青椒、红椒、葱、姜、蒜、醋、盐、糖、生抽、辣椒油做法:1)土豆切丝,用清水浸泡去除多余淀粉;2)青椒、红椒切丝,葱、姜、蒜切末;3)锅中放油,油热后放入葱姜蒜末炒香;4)加入土豆丝翻炒,放入醋、盐、糖、生抽调味;5)加入青椒、红椒丝,翻炒均匀,出锅前淋入辣椒油即可。
2. 宫保鸡丁食材:鸡胸肉、花生米、干辣椒、葱、姜、蒜、盐、生抽、料酒、淀粉、醋、糖做法:1)鸡胸肉切丁,加入料酒、盐、淀粉抓匀腌制10分钟;2)花生米炒香备用;3)干辣椒切段,葱、姜、蒜切末;4)锅中放油,油热后放入干辣椒段、葱姜蒜末炒香;5)加入鸡丁翻炒至变色,放入生抽、醋、糖调味;6)加入花生米,翻炒均匀即可。
3. 地三鲜食材:茄子、土豆、青椒、葱、姜、蒜、盐、生抽、糖、淀粉做法:1)茄子、土豆、青椒切块,葱、姜、蒜切末;2)锅中放油,油热后放入葱姜蒜末炒香;3)加入茄子、土豆块翻炒,放入生抽、盐、糖调味;4)加入适量水,炖至茄子、土豆熟软;5)加入青椒块,翻炒均匀,出锅前用水淀粉勾芡即可。
4. 鱼香肉丝食材:猪肉、木耳、胡萝卜、青椒、葱、姜、蒜、盐、生抽、料酒、淀粉、醋、糖、豆瓣酱做法:1)猪肉切丝,加入料酒、盐、淀粉抓匀腌制10分钟;2)木耳、胡萝卜、青椒切丝,葱、姜、蒜切末;3)锅中放油,油热后放入葱姜蒜末、豆瓣酱炒香;4)加入肉丝翻炒至变色,放入木耳、胡萝卜、青椒丝;5)加入生抽、醋、糖调味,翻炒均匀即可。
5. 蚝油生菜食材:生菜、蒜、蚝油、盐、糖、生抽做法:1)生菜洗净,蒜切末;2)锅中放水,水开后加入适量盐,放入生菜焯水后捞出;3)锅中放油,油热后放入蒜末炒香;4)加入蚝油、生抽、糖、盐调味,翻炒均匀;家常小炒菜谱1000大全——家常美食,温情满满,共享美好时光6. 青椒肉丝食材:猪肉、青椒、红椒、葱、姜、生抽、料酒、盐、淀粉、食用油做法:1)猪肉切丝,加入料酒、生抽、盐、淀粉拌匀腌制15分钟;2)青椒、红椒洗净去蒂切丝,葱、姜切丝;3)锅中放油,油热后放入葱丝、姜丝爆香;4)加入肉丝快速翻炒至变色,然后加入青椒、红椒丝;5)炒至青椒断生,肉丝熟透,出锅前撒上少许葱丝提香。


下面是我为你们带来的一些唯美描写家乡美食的句子,让我们一起沉浸在那美味的世界中吧:1. 故乡的美食,是惊叹和享受的味蕾盛宴。
2. 桂花酒,香气袭人,轻吹一口,滋味醉人。
3. 天鹅掌,色泽如玉,细腻入味,让人回味无穷。
4. 香炸臭豆腐,外酥里嫩,一口咬下,香味四溢。
5. 荔枝酥,外焦里嫩,香甜满口,让人欲罢不能。
6. 南瓜饼,外脆里软,味道独特,让人百吃不厌。
7. 炖排骨,肉质鲜美,入口即化,美味无比。
8. 鲜榨果汁,色泽鲜艳,清新甘甜,让人沁人心脾。
9. 香酥麻花,口感独特,甜而不腻,让人流连忘返。
10. 担担面,特色麻辣,酱香浓郁,回味无穷。
11. 脆皮乳猪,外脆内嫩,肥而不腻,令人垂涎欲滴。
12. 豌豆黄,细腻滑嫩,口感如丝,香甜可口。
13. 鸭血粉丝汤,汤汁鲜美,滑嫩可口,舌尖上的湖南香。
14. 红烧狮子头,咸甜适中,肉质绵软,香气扑鼻。
15. 老皮儿豆腐,质地细腻,清淡爽口,让人回味无穷。
16. 油爆大虾,鲜嫩多汁,酥脆可口,令人欲罢不能。
17. 雪菜肉丝面,香气扑鼻,口感细腻,美味可口。
18. 烤全鱼,外香内嫩,鱼肉鲜美,回味无穷。
19. 蛋黄酥,香甜可口,外酥内软,令人忍不住多吃一口。
20. 三鲜锅贴,皮薄馅鲜,焦香四溢,回味无穷。
21. 香辣腐乳,口感细腻,吃过一口,仿佛回到了故乡。
22. 豌豆饼,外脆内软,酥香可口,咬上一口,满足感油然而生。
23. 百果沙拉,色彩缤纷,清新独特,一口下去,细细品味。
24. 红烧茄子,酱香四溢,入口即化,让人欲罢不能。
25. 香菇滑鸡,肉质鲜嫩,汤汁鲜美,醇香扑鼻。
26. 豉椒蒸排骨,原汁原味,鲜嫩多汁,回味无穷。
27. 卤肉饭,五香味浓郁,肉质细腻,让人食指大动。
28. 冰糖葫芦,甜而不腻,口感爽脆,滋味美妙。

1. 汤饭:将米饭和水一起放入锅中,加入适量的调料,如盐、鸡精等,煮至米饭煮熟,形成浓稠的汤汁。
2. 蒸饭:将米饭放入蒸锅中蒸熟,可以加入适量的调料,如蒸鱼豉油等,味道更香。
75. 毛笋煮饭:将米饭和水一起放入锅中,加入适量的毛第二篇示例:煮饭是人类最古老的烹饪方法之一,可以说是人类文明发展的基础之一。
1. 比目鱼煮饭:将比目鱼切成小块,与米饭一起放入锅中煮熟,味道鲜美。
3. 酸辣煮饭:在米饭中加入适量的醋和辣椒,制作出一道酸辣可口的煮饭。
4. 香菇煮饭:将香菇切片与米饭一起煮熟,香味扑鼻,口感独特。
5. 腌制煮饭:在煮饭之前将食材腌制一段时间,增加口感和味道。
7. 老母鸡煮饭:用老母鸡熬制的鸡汤煮米饭,味道鲜美,有滋补功效。
12. 虾仁煮饭:将新鲜的虾仁与米饭一起煮熟,口感鲜美,富含蛋白质。
13. 盐水煮饭:在煮饭之前加入适量的盐调味,让米饭更加美味。
15. 咖喱煮饭:将咖喱粉与米饭搭配煮制,口味浓郁,香气四溢。
22. 茶叶煮饭:将茶叶与米饭一起煮熟,口感清香,有助于提神醒脑。
48. 石斛煮饭:将石斛切成小块与米饭一起煮熟,口感绵软,有补益健康功效。
56. 论文煮饭:将论文与米饭一起煮熟,口感无味,但可以增加饱腹感。
72. 青菜煮饭:将青菜切成小第三篇示例:煮饭是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一项技能,无论是家常菜还是节日大餐,都需要通过煮饭来完成。

介绍我最喜欢的菜香菇滑鸡英语作文100字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Food: Mushroom ChickenHave you ever tried mushroom chicken before? It's the most delicious dish in the whole wide world! Let me tell you all about this yummy meal.First off, the star of the show is the mushrooms. Big brown mushrooms are my favorite kind to use. They look like little umbrellas and have a lovely earthy smell. I love going to the grocery store with my mom and picking out the perfect mushrooms - they have to be plump and firm, not slimy or dried out.Next, you need some chicken! My mom usually gets boneless, skinless chicken breasts. They are so tender and juicy when cooked properly. Sometimes we get chicken thighs instead for extra flavor. Either way, the chicken has to be fresh and high quality.Now for the fun part - the cooking! First, my mom slices up the mushrooms nice and thick. Then she cuts the chicken into bite-sized pieces. She lets me help with this part sometimes. Just don't tell her I occasionally sneak a few pieces of raw chicken when she's not looking!Once everything is prepped, it's time to start cooking. My mom heats up some oil or butter in a big pan or wok. The mushrooms go in first to start browning. Their smell starts wafting through the kitchen and makes my mouth water. After a few minutes, it's time for the chicken. Mom throws in the pieces and they sizzle deliciously.At this point, my sister and I start fighting over who gets to stir the pan. Stirring is the best job! You have to keep the ingredients moving so nothing burns or sticks. Little by little, the chicken starts turning crispy and golden brown on the outside. The mushrooms shrink down and get all wrinkly. It looks so good!When the chicken is just about done cooking through, mom adds some secret ingredients to make a tasty sauce. First comes the garlic - you can never have too much garlic! Then she adds splashes of soy sauce and oyster sauce for saltiness and richness.A little sesame oil goes in for nuttiness. Finally, she mixes in acornstarch slurry to thicken everything up into a glossy, clingy sauce that coats each piece perfectly.By now, the entire house is filled with the most incredible aroma. My tummy starts grumbling uncontrollably. Luckily, it's just about time to eat! Mom gives the mushroom chicken one final toss in the pan to mix everything together. Then she scoops it out onto a big plate or bowl.Finally, it's chowtime! We gather around the table, plates and forks in hand. I can barely wait to dig in. That first bite is always heavenly - the tender chicken, the meaty mushrooms, the rich savory sauce. It's an explosion of tastes and textures in my mouth. I pretty much inhale the whole plate in about 30 seconds!My sister and I always beg for seconds...and thirds...and fourths. We just can't get enough! Before we know it, the entire dish is devoured. All that's left are a few streaks of sauce on our plates that we greedily lap up.As I lean back in my chair, completely stuffed, I can't help but feel pure bliss. Mushroom chicken is just the most wonderful, flavorful, satisfying meal. It brings my family so much joy every time we make it. I'll never get tired of this classic dish!In fact, I'm already dreaming about the next time we can cook up a big batch of mushroom chicken goodness. Maybe if I'm really good, my parents will let me take over more of the cooking steps! A kid can dream, right? Until then, I'll just have to keep devouring every delicious bite.篇2My Absolute Favorite Food: Mushroom Chicken!Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my very favorite food in the whole wide world - mushroom chicken! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Mushroom chicken is the yummiest, most delicious dish you could ever imagine.First, let me tell you about the main ingredients. Mushrooms are these funny little fungi that come in lots of shapes, sizes and colors. My favorites are the white button mushrooms because they are cute and round. Mushrooms have an amazing earthy, savory flavor that is just out of this world. The chicken is juicy and tender white meat. I prefer breast meat over the dark thigh and leg meat.But mushroom chicken isn't just mushrooms and chicken. Oh no, there's so much more! The sauce is what really makes it special. It's a thick, velvety brown sauce made with chicken broth,soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil and other delectable ingredients. When you cook the mushrooms and chicken in that sauce, they soak up all the incredible flavors. It's pure heaven!My mom makes the best mushroom chicken. First, she thickly slices the mushrooms and chicken into bite-size pieces. Then she mixes up the sauce. The kitchen starts smelling amazing at this point! She sautés the chicken in a hot pan to get it nicely browned on the outside but still juicy inside.Next, she adds the mushrooms and sauce and lets it all simmer for a little while so the flavors can blend. Finally, she thickens the sauce with a little cornstarch so it's not too runny. While the mushroom chicken is cooking, my sister and I set the table. We can barely contain our excitement!When it's finally time to eat, I just close my eyes and savor every delicious bite. The chicken is so tender and juicy. The mushrooms are meaty and packed with flavor. And that sauce! It coats every piece and tastes better than anything else in the world. I absolutely have to have rice with my mushroom chicken to soak up any extra sauce. Yum yum yum!My family knows mushroom chicken is my #1 favorite, so they let me go first and take as much as I want. I usually pile my plate super high. Sometimes I even have to unbutton my pants alittle at the end because I'm so stuffed! It's totally worth it though.Mushroom chicken brings my family so much happiness. We all get together, talk and laugh over a amazing homecooked meal. On special occasions like birthdays, Chinese New Year or when relatives visit, mushroom chicken is always on the menu. One bite transports me to my happy place.When I grow up, I definitely want to learn how to make mushroom chicken myself. I'll hire a private chef to teach me my mom's secret recipe! That way I can enjoy it anytime I want. Maybe I'll even open up my own mushroom chicken restaurant one day. It would be the best restaurant ever with the most mouthwatering mushroom chicken in the world!If you've never tried mushroom chicken before, you are seriously missing out. It's savoury, flavourful, comforting and downright addictive. The mushrooms are the star alongside tender chicken in a sauce so good it belongs in a fancy restaurant. Trust me, after one bite of mushroom chicken, you'll be a believer too. It will become your new favorite food! What are you waiting for? Go find some mushroom chicken to try right now. Your tastebuds will thank me!篇3My Absolute Favorite Food - Mushroom ChickenDo you have a favorite food? I sure do! My favorite dish in the whole wide world is mushroom chicken. It's so delicious and tasty that just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Let me tell you all about this amazing meal.First, let's talk about the main ingredient - chicken! Who doesn't love chicken? It's such a versatile meat that can be cooked in so many different ways. For mushroom chicken, the pieces are lightly fried until the outside is crispy and golden brown. The insides stay tender and juicy. Mmm, doesn't that sound scrumptious already?But mushroom chicken isn't just about the chicken. The real star is the mushrooms! Big, meaty mushrooms are sauteed with garlic, onions, and a secret blend of yummy spices and sauces. The mushrooms soak up all those rich flavors. When you bite into one, an explosion of deliciousness happens in your mouth. It's earthy, savory, and so satisfying.Then the chicken and mushrooms are combined together. The sauce they're cooked in is thick, velvety, and deeply flavorful from all the spices. As you eat, you get the crispy chickencontrasted with the soft mushrooms all enveloped in that luscious sauce. It's honestly food heaven!My favorite way to eat mushroom chicken is over a big pile of steaming white rice. The rice soaks up all the extra sauce so you don't miss a single drop. I'll scoop up the chicken, mushrooms, and rice together for the perfect bite. Sometimes I'll add a bit of soy sauce on the side for a little extra saltiness and flavor.Speaking of flavor, let me tell you about all the incredible seasonings that go into mushroom chicken. There's finely minced garlic, green onions, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, white pepper, rice vinegar, and so much more. The garlic and onions create an amazing aroma. The oyster sauce gives it a unique umami punch. A hint of sesame oil makes it slightly nutty. The vinegar adds brightness and acidity to cut through the richness. And white pepper gives it a kick of heat without being too spicy. It's a masterpiece of flavors all working in harmony.One of the best things about mushroom chicken is that it's actually pretty easy to make at home. With some basic ingredients from the grocery store and a good recipe, even a kid could whip it篇4My Favorite Food: Braised Mushrooms and ChickenHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite food in the whole wide world - braised mushrooms and chicken. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water! This dish is the definition of delicious.First, let me tell you about the star ingredients - the mushrooms and chicken. The mushrooms are big, juicy mushroom caps, usually shiitake or cremini. Their texture is meaty and satisfying to chew. The chicken is boneless thigh meat, so tender and juicy. When you get a bite with both the mushroom and chicken together, it's heaven!But the magic doesn't stop there. The sauce that the mushrooms and chicken are braised in is out of this world! It's a rich, savory sauce made with soy sauce, rice wine, garlic, ginger and other yummy seasonings. The sauce coats every bite and packs such an explosion of umami flavor. Just typing about it is making me hungry!I love how the mushrooms soak up all that delicious braising liquid like little flavor sponges. And the chicken gets sofork-tender from slow braising. Every component just melds together perfectly in your mouth.My mom always serves this dish over a big bowl of fluffy white rice to soak up any extra sauce. She'll also have some fresh green veggies on the side, like crisp baby bok choy or garlicky sauteed string beans. A perfectly balanced meal!Honestly, words can't do justice to how insanely tasty this dish is. It's sweet, salty, umami, with so many layers of flavors and textures. I could eat a whole potful of it easily! Whenever my mom makes braised mushrooms and chicken for dinner, I'm the happiest kid in the world.This amazing dish comes from my mom's side of the family. She learned the recipe from my grandma, who learned it from her mom, and so on. It's a beloved tradition passed down for generations. My mom always says food is love, and you can really taste the love in every bite.I have so many wonderful memories tied to this meal too. Like when my mom would make a huge batch for my grandparents' anniversary and the whole family would get together. Or the time she entered it in our town's annualcook-off and won first prize! Mushrooms and chicken will forever remind me of happy times with my loved ones.Someday, I'm going to be a mom myself. And you'd better believe I'll be teaching my own kids how to make this incredible braised mushrooms and chicken dish. It's hands-down the most delicious, most comforting food I know. A taste of home, family and love in every bite.Well, there you have it - the story behind my all-time favorite meal! Writing this has gotten me so excited, I can practically smell the garlic and mushrooms simmering away. I need to run to the kitchen right now and beg my mom to make a batch of her famous braised mushrooms and chicken. Until next time, happy eating!篇5My Favorite Food: Stir-Fried Mushrooms and ChickenHi, my name is Tommy, and I'm going to tell you all about my favorite food in the whole wide world – stir-fried mushrooms and chicken! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Whenever my mom makes this dish, the aroma fills our house, and I can't wait to dig in.First of all, let me tell you about the star of the show – the mushrooms! They're so meaty and juicy, and they soak up all the delicious flavors like little sponges. My favorite kind to use is theclassic button mushroom, but sometimes my mom likes to mix it up with shiitake or oyster mushrooms too. No matter what kind she uses, they always turn out super yummy.Next up, we've got the chicken. My mom always uses boneless, skinless chicken thighs because they're extra tender and juicy. She cuts them into bite-sized pieces so they cook quickly and evenly. The chicken is so tasty when it's cooked with the mushrooms and all the other ingredients.Speaking of ingredients, let me tell you about the magic that happens when my mom starts cooking. First, she heats up some oil in the wok or pan until it's nice and hot. Then, she adds some minced garlic and ginger. The smells that fill the kitchen are amazing! Once the garlic and ginger are fragrant, she adds the chicken and lets it brown a little bit.Next comes the mushrooms, and this is where things really start to get exciting. My mom tosses them in with the chicken and lets them soak up all those delicious flavors. She adds a splash of soy sauce, a little rice wine vinegar, and sometimes a touch of oyster sauce too. The mushrooms start to shrink down and release their juices, mixing with the chicken and creating the most incredible sauce.But wait, there's more! My mom also adds some green onions (or scallions, as some people call them), which add a fresh, crisp flavor to the dish. Sometimes she'll throw in some sliced carrots or water chestnuts too, for extra crunch and nutrition.As everything cooks together, the smells in the kitchen become almost too much to bear. I can't help but hover around the stove, trying to sneak a taste whenever I can. My mom always has to shoo me away, but it's worth a try!Finally, when everything is cooked to perfection, my mom gives it one final toss and serves it up piping hot. We usually have it over a bed of fluffy white rice, but sometimes we'll have it with noodles or even wrapped up in lettuce leaves.The first bite is always pure heaven. The mushrooms are so meaty and flavorful, and the chicken is tender and juicy. The sauce is rich and savory, with just the right amount of sweetness and tanginess. And the veggies add a nice crunch and freshness to the dish.I could honestly eat this every single day and never get tired of it. In fact, I usually do end up eating way more than I should because it's just so darn good!But my favorite part of all might just be the leftovers. If there are any left over (which doesn't happen very often), my mom will pack them up for my lunch the next day. There's nothing better than opening up my lunchbox and being greeted by that incredible aroma. All my friends always get so jealous and ask me to trade, but there's no way I'm giving up my precious stir-fried mushrooms and chicken!So there you have it, my absolute favorite food in the world. It's a dish that's packed with flavor, nutrition, and so many wonderful memories. Whenever I smell that distinct aroma or take a bite of those succulent mushrooms and tender chicken, I'm instantly transported back to my mom's kitchen, surrounded by the warmth and love that goes into every single bite.If you've never tried stir-fried mushrooms and chicken before, I highly recommend giving it a shot. And if you have tried it, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a dish that's sure to make your taste buds dance with joy and leave you craving more and more.So what are you waiting for? Go find yourself some mushrooms, chicken, and all the other ingredients, and get cooking! Trust me, your taste buds (and your belly) will thank you.篇6My Absolute Favorite Food: Mushroom ChickenOh boy, do I ever love mushroom chicken! It's hands down the yummiest, most delicious food ever in the whole wide world. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water like crazy.Mushroom chicken is a Chinese dish made with tender chicken, fresh mushrooms, and a scrumptious savory sauce. The chicken is cut into bite-sized pieces and cooked until perfectly juicy. The mushrooms add an amazing earthy flavor and meaty texture. And the sauce? Oh man, the sauce is simply out of this world!It's made with soy sauce, rice wine, garlic, ginger, and a secret blend of spices. The sauce coats every piece of chicken and mushroom, infusing it with incredible umami goodness. When you take a bite, an explosion of flavors dances across your tongue. The saltiness from the soy sauce, the zestiness of the garlic and ginger, the rich mushroom taste - it's pure culinary bliss!My mouth is watering just describing it. I can almost smell the aroma wafting through the air, that irresistible combinationof savory chicken and earthy mushrooms simmered in that heavenly sauce. It's enough to drive anyone wild with hunger!Mushroom chicken can be served over steamed rice or crispy noodles. I prefer it with a big pile of fluffy white rice to soak up every last drop of the luscious sauce. I scarf it down so quickly, the plate is always left clean as a whistle. Not a single grain of rice or chunk of mushroom left behind!My parents tease me that I'd eat an entire bucketful of mushroom chicken if they let me. And you know what? They're probably right! I can't get enough of that flavor-packed dish. It's been my #1 favorite food ever since I was a little kid.In fact, mushroom chicken is so delicious, so darn scrumptious, that I've been known to eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yup, I'd gladly skip pancakes, burgers, and pizza to chow down on a heaping plate of that mushroom chicken goodness morning, noon and night!Mom makes it for me on my birthday every year, and I get so excited, I can barely sleep the night before. I lie awake, tummy rumbling, mouth watering, just imagining biting into those tender morsels coated in that magnificent sauce. It's like a gift from the food gods!As soon as I catch a whiff of it cooking in the kitchen, I sprint to the table, ready to dig in. I seriously don't know how I resist the urge to sneak spoonfuls straight from the pot. The aroma alone is enough to drive me into a frenzy of hunger!Then the glorious moment arrives when Mom sets the steaming hot dish in front of me, fresh from the stove, those juicy mushrooms and chunks of chicken swimming in a pool of that luscious brown sauce. It's absolutely heavenly! I take one bite, and BAM - flavor paradise explodes in my mouth.I can't help but shovel it in as fast as humanly possible, groaning with delight at each insanely delectable morsel. The savory, the umami, the textures! It's just pure edible perfection on a plate. No other dish in the world can compare to the splendor of mushroom chicken.Before I know it, the plate is licked clean, not even a smear of sauce left behind. I always finish it way too fast, despite my best efforts to savor each divine bite. It's just that crazy irresistible and addictively delicious!People always ask me why I love mushroom chicken so much. Is it the tender chicken? The earthy mushrooms? The sauce so lip-smackingly scrumptious? The truth is, it's the whole gloriously delectable package that sends me into flavor nirvana.From the aromas that have me hooked before I even taste it, to the party of textures and tastes that dance across my tongue, to the euphoric food coma I slip into after devouring every last morsel - mushroom chicken has my heart, mind, soul and belly completely and utterly devoted.It's not just a dish to me, it's an experience. An edible ecstasy.A reason to wake up each morning and live life to the fullest, knowing mushroom chicken perfection awaits. In my world, there's nothing better!So that's why mushroom chicken reigns supreme as my #1 favorite food ever. From the moment I tasted it as a tot, I was permanently hooked. It's been a lifelong, undying love affair with this otherworldly umami creation. And I have a feeling this delicious obsession will stick with me forever!。


⾹菇滑鸡的家常做法 ⼲⾹菇⽔浸物中含组氨酸、⾕氨酸、丙氨酸等多种氨基酸及胆碱、麦⾓甾醇等。
制作⾹菇滑鸡需要准备的材料主料鸡⾁300g⾹菇150g辅料油适量盐适量耗油半汤匙⽣抽半汤匙料酒半瓶盖青椒1个⼤蒜适量姜适量淀粉适量红辣椒1个 ⾹菇滑鸡烹饪过程中的步骤图 1.准备鸡⾁300g,⾹菇150g,青红尖椒各⼀根 2.准备⼀个⼩碗,依次放⼊半汤匙蚝油,半汤匙⽣抽,半瓶盖料酒调成料汁 3.⾸先把鸡块洗⼲净并斩块备⽤ 4.把⼀个⾹菇⽤⼗字⼑对半切成四份,青红尖椒切段备⽤ 5.锅烧热,下⼊姜蒜末煸炒出⾹ 6.姜蒜末⾹味出来后,倒⼊鸡块翻炒2分钟 7.看到鸡块变⾊后倒⼊⾹菇煸炒均匀 8.倒⼊事先调好的料汁翻炒均匀焖1分钟左右 9.沿着锅边倒⼊2/3碗的清⽔,然后盖上锅盖焖 10.看到汤汁减少,倒⼊适量的⽔淀粉(⽔3汤匙:淀粉1/3汤汁),再翻炒均匀后继续焖 11.焖都汤汁浓稠,添加适量⾷⽤盐搅拌均匀后倒⼊青红尖椒即可关⽕出锅 12.完成。
⾹菇滑鸡,重点就在这个“滑”字,所以步骤⼗⼀定要添加⽔淀粉不可以省略哦 跟⾹菇相搭配的⾷物 1、⾹菇+莴笋 莴笋与⾹菇搭配⾷⽤,有利尿通便、降⾎脂降⾎压的功效。
2、⾹菇+西兰花 ⼆者搭配可滋补元⽓,润肺,化痰,改善⾷欲不振、⾝体容易疲倦等状况。
3、⾹菇+荸荠 荸荠性味⽢寒,具有清热、化痰、消积等功效;⾹菇能补⽓益胃、滋补强⾝,具有降⾎压、降⾎脂的功效。
特别适合作为原发 性⾼⾎压、⾼脂⾎症、冠⼼病、癌症及糖尿病等病患者的辅助治疗⾷物。
4、⾹菇+⼝蘑 ⾹菇、⼝蘑均为中外驰名的⾷⽤菌珍品,两者搭配具有滋补强壮、消⾷化痰、清神降压、润肤和抗癌的作⽤。

接下来,让我们一起来准备这道美食吧!首先,准备好以下食材:鸡肉 500 克(建议选用鸡腿肉或鸡胸肉,口感更为鲜嫩)香菇 100 克(新鲜香菇或干香菇均可,干香菇需提前泡发)大米 300 克生姜 1 小块大蒜 3 瓣葱 1 根生抽 2 汤匙料酒 1 汤匙蚝油 1 汤匙盐 1/2 茶匙胡椒粉 1/2 茶匙淀粉 1 汤匙食用油适量准备好食材后,我们开始处理食材。
加入1 汤匙生抽、1 汤匙料酒、1/2 茶匙盐、1/2 茶匙胡椒粉和 1 汤匙淀粉,搅拌均匀,腌制 15 20 分钟。
加入 1 汤匙生抽、1 汤匙蚝油,翻炒均匀,让鸡肉和香菇充分吸收调味料的香味。

制作香菇滑鸡面英语作文Title: Making Mushroom Chicken NoodleCooking delicious and hearty meals at home can be a rewarding experience. One such dish that combines savory flavors and comforting textures is the Mushroom Chicken Noodle. This dish is a delightful medley of tender chicken, earthy mushrooms, and flavorful noodles, all brought together in a delectable broth. Today, we will explore the stepbystep process of creating this mouthwatering dish that is sure to satisfy your taste buds and warm your soul.To begin, gather all the necessary ingredients for the Mushroom Chicken Noodle. You will need boneless chicken thighs, fresh mushrooms (such as shiitake or button mushrooms), noodles of your choice (such as egg noodles or rice noodles), chicken broth, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and green onions. These ingredients can be easily found at your local grocery store, ensuring a hasslefree preparation process.Start by preparing the chicken thighs. Trim off any excessfat and cut the chicken into bitesized pieces. Season the chicken with salt and pepper to enhance its flavor. In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat some oil over mediumhigh heat. Add the seasoned chicken pieces and cook until they are golden brown and cooked through. This step helps to develop rich and savory flavors in the dish.Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the pot and set it aside. In the same pot, add finely chopped garlic and ginger, sautéing them until fragrant. Next, add the sliced mushrooms to the pot and cook until they are soft and golden. Mushrooms add a deep umami flavor to the dish, enhancing its overall taste profile.After the mushrooms have cooked down, return the cooked chicken to the pot. Pour in the chicken broth, soy sauce, and any additional seasonings of your choice. Bring the broth to a simmer and let the flavors meld together, creating a delicious and aromatic base for the Mushroom Chicken Noodle.While the broth is simmering, cook the noodles according to the package instructions in a separate pot. Once the noodles are tender, drain them and divide them into serving bowls. Ladle the hot broth, chicken, and mushrooms over the noodles, ensuring each bowl is filled with a generous amount of the savory broth and ingredients.To garnish the Mushroom Chicken Noodle, sprinkle some thinly sliced green onions on top. Green onions add a refreshing and crisp element to the dish, balancing out the rich flavors of the broth and chicken. You can also add a drizzle of sesame oil or a sprinkle of chili flakes for an extra kick of flavor, depending on your preference.In conclusion, the Mushroom Chicken Noodle is a comforting and satisfying dish that is perfect for any occasion. Its warm broth, tender chicken, earthy mushrooms, and flavorful noodles come together to create a harmonious and delightful culinary experience. By following these simple steps and using quality ingredients, you can easily recreate this scrumptious dish in the comfort of your own kitchen. Enjoy the process of making Mushroom Chicken Noodle and savor every delicious bite.。

二、实习目的1. 了解香菇滑鸡的制作流程和烹饪技巧,提高自己的烹饪技能。
2. 掌握厨房的运作模式,熟悉各个岗位的职责。
3. 培养团队合作精神,提高自己的沟通协调能力。
4. 拓宽视野,了解餐饮行业的现状和发展趋势。
三、实习过程1. 准备阶段在实习开始前,我首先了解了香菇滑鸡这道菜肴的背景知识,包括其历史渊源、营养价值、口感特点等。
2. 实践阶段(1)食材准备在师傅的指导下,我学习了如何挑选新鲜的鸡肉和香菇。
3. 总结阶段实习结束后,我对香菇滑鸡的制作过程进行了总结,包括食材准备、调味品选择、烹饪技巧、团队合作等方面。
四、实习收获1. 烹饪技能得到提升:通过实习,我掌握了香菇滑鸡的制作流程和烹饪技巧,为今后的烹饪生涯奠定了基础。
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