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Subject: Movie Product Placement Strategy Analysis


With the development of society, product placement starting concern, especially film and product placement of fusion, for movies and commercials brought better communication effect.

Nowadays advertising media environment is getting more and more complex, new media technology communication high speed development, traditional advertising their own problem, advertisers for advertisement investment cost increases, the audience's attention scarcity problem, traditional advertising has been reduced by the light, advertising effect decreased gradually. In this product placement quietly entered people's field of vision, and implantable advertising has been a known hot topic, especially in the movie ads new broadcast carrier, on the film effect and the effect of advertisement plays an undeniable role in promoting mutual. With the increase of the ads, movie ads have some problems. For the movie ads, many still depends on the implantation strategy. So this article aims at the movie product placement strategy analysis. By the methods of literature research and case analysis, through the six latest film and film advertising implant preparation stage, middle stage and later stage of implantation of extending respectively movie product placement strategy analysis. Find the movie product placement strategy problems and advantages and disadvantages. Finally, product placement in the film before the late three stages are put forward the corresponding strategies and perspectives.

Key words: Film; Ads; Strategy; Three stages


中文摘要 (Ⅰ)

英文摘要 (Ⅱ)

1 绪论 (1)

1.1论文的研究背景 (1)

1.2 论文研究的目的及意义 (1)

1.3 研究的主要内容与方法 (2)

2 电影植入式广告的概况 (3)

2.1 电影植入式广告的国内外发展状况 (3)

2.2电影植入式广告的含义 (3)

2.3 电影与植入广告结合的必然性 (3)

2.3.1电影选择了广告 (3)

2.3.2广告选择了电影 (4)

2.4 电影植入广告的理论支持 (4)

2.4.1参照群体理论 (4)

2.4.2经典条件反射理论 (5)

2.4.3模仿学习理论 (5)

2.4.4移情理论 (5)

3 电影中植入广告策略的应用现状 (6)

3.1 电影中植入广告策略的三个阶段 (6)

3.1.1 电影植入广告策略的前期准备阶段 (6)

3.1.2 电影植入广告策略的中期植入阶段 (6)

3.1.3 电影植入广告策略的后期延伸阶段 (11)

3.2电影植入式广告的优势及劣势 (11)

3.2.1电影植入式广告的优势 (11)

3.2.2电影植入式广告的劣势 (12)

3.3电影植入式广告存在的问题 (12)
