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J: Linken Park—Remember The Name. Welcome to English Solon! I’m
B: I’m Betty! 咱们这期的节目里呢,关键词是“social network site社
交网”。比如我们比较熟悉的人人网开心网 QQ 校友都属于social net work也就是SNS 的范畴。
J: 嗯,聊到这个话题,相信大家或多或少都有些共鸣。But ,let ’s first
take a close look at the weather and some latest news.
B: That a song from Alicia Keys___Trying sleep with a broken heart. 现
在让我们开始今天的话题 Social Network Site。说到这个社交网吧,可以说真的是包罗万象,那么它到底有没有一个定义呢,Jim ? J: 问得好。社交网,又称社交网站,英文名SNS ,全称Social Network
Site ,起源于美国,专指旨在帮助人们建立社会性网络的互联网应用服务。目前的社交网站通常含义很广范,除了计算机终端所提供的,已成熟普及的信息载体服务,其它包括SMS 短信,彩信,飞信等即时通信在内的移动互联网功能也逐步被纳入社交网的范畴。 B: 够专业!确实是这样,你可能没有智能手机smart phone,你可能
还没有自己的微博账户,但你肯定知道像FaceBook ,腾讯滔滔,甚至是校内开心网这些网站。从2009年开始,新浪微博以不可阻挡之势席卷而来。嗯,从鸡毛蒜皮之事到政治空间的扩展,可以说它以“微”之名,行“革命”之实,好不热闹。
J: 可这热闹究竟是温暖的围脖还是闹剧?了解他人琐碎小事的动机
B: You got so many questions!说到社交网的影响,咱们先从娱乐节开
J: 好的,我知道很多明星都爱织围脖呢。
B: Right !The increasing popularity of the micro-blog has given stars
the chance to interact with fans on their own terms. Now, all the without-makeup, behind-the-scenes, all the exclusive pictures__the bread and butter of the paparazzi__are being posted online by stars themselves. 明星们呢通过微博有了更多与粉丝直接交流的机会,那些素面的,私密的照片都被明星们自己传到了网上,省却了狗仔队的辛苦。
J: The micro-blog has become the instant platform for celebrities to report the everyday details of their lives. Several big micro-bloging websites are now flush with celebritity accounts.
B: Hong Kong singer and actress GiGi updates her micro-blog as many
as 12 times a day. 像梁咏琪就特别热衷于微博,一天最多能更新个12次。Also mainland actress Yao Chen ’s micro-blog has been acclaimed as the most popular celebrity micro-blog on . Her humorous posts have attracted 1.26 million followers.
J: 嗯,大陆新秀,姚晨的微博已经被新浪网评为最受欢迎的微博。她幽默搞笑点的文字吸引了超过126完的追随者。
B: Yeah,YaoChen once said “I don’t thi nk stars should be mysterious a
anymore. Stars should show a more lively, more authentic side of themselves to fans. And a micro-blog is a good way to do it.”
J: 不光国内是这样,像小甜甜布兰妮也喜欢用Mini-blog 。Britney
Spears uses Twitter to update fans about her and her children.
B: Justin Timberlake——Until the end of time. You are listening to the
our bilingual radio program English Solon.
J: 我们今天聊是社交网对于社会的影响。Betty ,咱们刚才说到了社交网对娱乐界的影响。Stars love it. Also, fans love it. They’ve flocked to it, and even created a new “responsibility ” for loyal followers. By continually posting comments, fans can help increase the popularity of their favorite stars’ micro-blogs. 那么在其他领域,它有什么影响吗? B: Certainly. SNS has much inluences on Productivity. 据了解,社交网
正在演变成企业用来拓展业务,招聘员工,营销推广等的重要工具。It ’s being welcomed by more and more enterprises as a approach to expand business, recruit staff and advertise. 求职者通过社交网站的联系功能可以更便捷的获得职位空缺信the information of job vacancies. 对于企业来说,社交网站将有可能加快招聘的进程,使招聘工作更有针对性。By using SNS, the process of recruiting the ideal employees is expedited.
J: 但我觉得你说的只是在中国的情况。(怎么说?)在中国,多数
企业对工作场所使用微博,开心网,Facebook 等社交网站持开明态度。日前,一项调查显示,中国大陆地区63%的受访企业还没有制定关于员工使用社交网站的政策,对于员工使用社交网站持“静观其变”的态度. 然而在国外,很多公司明确规定在工作时间员工是不可以使用社交网站的。
嗯That ’s interesting.