
一、法律体系及法律原则1. Common Law(普通法):源于英国的法律制度,以判例为基础,注重司法判决的先例。
2. Civil Law(民法):法律体系以法典为基础,强调通过法典和条例规范法律事务。
3. Statute(法令):由立法机关制定通过的具有法律效力的规定。
4. Case Law(判例法):法院对特定案件的判决和裁决形成的先例,对类似案件具有法律约束力。
5. Precedent(先例):判决或裁决后的法律准则,被认为可以指导类似案件的判决。
6. Hierarchy of Laws(法律等级):指不同法律的优先级别,一般按照宪法、法令、法律、法规、命令、条例等顺序排列。
二、合同法1. Contract(合同):双方达成的协议,包括权利和义务。
2. Offer(提议):要约,表明愿意与他人达成协议。
3. Acceptance(接受):对提议的同意。
4. Consideration(对价):作为一方履行合同义务的回报。
5. Breach of Contract(违约):未能按照合同约定履行义务。
6. Force Majeure(不可抗力):无法预见或控制的事件,免除违约责任。
7. Jurisdiction(管辖权):法院对案件有管辖权的能力。
8. Damages(赔偿金):违约方需支付给另一方的经济损失补偿。
9. Termination(终止):合同约定的条件下,解除合同关系。
三、知识产权法1. Intellectual Property(知识产权):由创造性思维产生的无形资产。
2. Copyright(版权):保护个人作品的权益。
3. Patent(专利):保护新发明的独特性和可产业化的权益。
4. Trademark(商标):区分商品来源的标志。

法律英语词汇学习1. 引言法律英语是法律学习的重要组成部分,掌握法律英语词汇是理解和运用法律文件的基础。
2. 常用法律英语词汇2.1 法律文件在学习法律英语之前,首先需要了解一些常见的法律文件类型。
以下是一些常用的法律文件的英文表达:•Constitution: 宪法•Statute: 法令•Regulation: 规定•Ordinance: 条例•Decree: 法令/法令书•Directive: 指令•Treaty: 条约•Agreement: 合同•Contract: 合同•Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): 谅解备忘录2.2 法律流程和程序学习法律英语,也需要了解一些常见的法律流程和程序。
以下是一些常用的法律流程和程序的英文表达:•Lawsuit: 诉讼•Hearing: 审理/听证会•Trial: 审判•Appeal: 上诉•Verdict: 裁决•Judgement: 判决•Defendant: 被告•Plntiff: 原告•Witness: 证人•Subpoena: 传票•Petition: 请愿•Settlement: 和解2.3 法律术语掌握常用法律术语对理解法律文件和案件非常重要。
以下是一些常见的法律术语的英文表达:•Legal liability: 法律责任•Breach of contract: 违约•Intellectual property: 知识产权•Tort: 侵权行为•Negligence: 过失•Force majeure: 不可抗力•Injunction: 禁令•Liability insurance: 责任保险•Statute of limitations: 诉讼时效•Confidentiality agreement: 保密协议•Arbitration: 仲裁3. 学习方法3.1 阅读法律文件阅读法律文件是学习法律英语的重要方法之一。

下面是一些常见的法律英语术语:1. Lawsuit(诉讼)诉讼是指在法院提起的一系列法律程序,目的是解决法律纠纷。
2. Plaintiff(原告)原告是在一起诉讼中提起诉讼的一方。
3. Defendant(被告)被告是在一起诉讼中被指控的一方。
4. Contract(合同)合同是由两个或多个当事人之间达成的法律协议。
5. Breach of Contract(合同违约)合同违约是指合同一方未能履行其在合同中规定的义务。
6. Tort(侵权行为)侵权行为指的是一方在未获得另一方同意的情况下,通过行为或不行为给另一方造成了伤害或损失。
7. Negligence(疏忽)疏忽是指一方在行为上未能按照合理的标准行事,从而给他人造成伤害或损失。
8. Crime(犯罪)犯罪是指违反法律的行为。
9. Plaintiff’s Attorney(原告律师)原告律师是代表原告在诉讼过程中提供法律援助的专业人士。
10. Defendant’s Attorney(被告律师)被告律师是代表被告在诉讼过程中提供法律援助的专业人士。

法律常用术语分类中英对照法律常用术语【(一)、法令】rule 条例law 法律criminal law 刑法interpret 解释(法律)the legislature 立法机构the legal system/ the judicial system/ court system 法律体系【(二)、主体】the judge 法官the lawyer 律师(总称)the jury 陪审团the juror 陪审团成员the prosecutor(刑事案件)原告人;检察官,公诉人;the plaintiff (民事案件) 原告人the injured party/victim被害人witness/eyewitness 见证人,目击者the prosecution 原告及其代理律师;代表原告的律师the accused/defendant 被告人the defense lawyer/counselor 被告辩护律师【(三)、违法】【案件种类】case 案件crime - criminal adj.a criminal case 刑事案件a civil case民事案件【行为/罪名--criminal behavior】guilt n. [Antonym] innocence guilty adj. [Antonym]innocentguilty of a crime/chargeinnocent of a crime/chargecommit a crime violate a criminal lawmurder 谋杀罪 first-degree murder (deliberately)一级谋杀罪;故意杀人罪manslaughter (not intentionally) 一般杀人罪;过失杀人罪forgery 伪造罪 sexual harassment 性骚扰malfeasance 渎职罪criminal: n. 罪犯 a convicted criminal :one who has been judged guilty in a court of law a hardened criminal :someone who has committed many crimes stab v. 用刀具行凶,捅,刺 to kill or hurt someone by pushing a knife or other sharp object into their body stab someone to death 刺死flick knife /switch blade/knife 弹簧刀mug v. =rob 抢劫 to attack someone in a public place and steal their money, jewellery, or other possessions 【(四)、程序】【逮捕】arrestpick up :to arrest someone and take them away in a car 【调查】investigationconduct a criminal investigation intocriminal proceedings :the process of examining a crime in a court of lawcross-examination 【诉讼】find someone guilty/not guilty ofsomething :officially decide that they are guilty/not guiltyto be charged with/to be accused ofto accuse sb. of certain crimecharge v. to charge sb. with certain crime be charged with (doing) sth e.g. They are the jury forthe trial of a boy charged with murdering his father.prosecute -prosecution n. to prosecute sb. for sth. face prosecution overto bring a prosecution against sb. 对…提起诉讼escape prosecutioncriminal charges :official statements saying that sb is accused by the police of committing a crime claim v. to say that someone’s actions are the cause of something 【法庭种类】a criminal court刑事法庭,e.g. The scene is a jury room in a criminal court.a civil court 民事法庭children’s court 少年法庭The Supreme Court 最高法院【监督】supervise 监督【作证】to testify v.作证 to make a statement about something you saw, know, or experienced, usually in a court of law testify for/against someone testimony 证词proofdefinite proof provide the proofpresent the proofevidence 证据,证物 to identify 鉴别flimsy adj. not very reliable flimsy evidence accurate adj. correct or true in every detail unshakable adj. 不可动摇的 self-contradiction 自相矛盾alibi n. 不在场的证据 someone who has an alibi can prove that they were somewhere else when a crime was committed and so can claim to be not guilty 【庭审】question v.questi on/suspect sb’s motive【辩护】to defend sb为…辩护to refute 反驳--refutable adj.--refutation n. 【陪审团讨论】the jury 陪审团a grand jury 大陪审团the juror 陪审团成员the jury room 陪审室discuss - discussion 讨论proposal 提议vote 投票abstain v. 弃权vote for/in favor of/againsttake a preliminary vote e.g. I think it’s customary to take a preliminary voteanalyze 分析assume v. 假定ballot n. 无记名投票to argue with 争论agreement 一致意见disagreement 反对意见a reasonable doubtto hang the jury: to make the jury unable to reach a unanimous decisiondeclare a hung juryreach a unanimous decisionbe deemed innocent/guilty 被认为无罪/有罪prove innocent/guilty 被证明无罪/有罪【审判】guilty/ not guilty(innocent)trial/ the jury trial 审判a fair trialset free / acquitted 无罪释放admit v. agree that something is true 承认plead guilty to something : say that you areguilty e.g. He pleaded guilty to all charges. 【(五)、处罚--punishment】【场所】reform school 感化院,jail/ prison n.监狱【方式】jail v. to put someone in jail to be in jailjail someone for somethinggo/ be sent to jailto serve a jail termbe executedthe executionerto pull the switchto send sb. to the chair =send someone to the electric chair /to sentence sb. to be electrocuted 电刑 to sentence sb. to death give the sentence 施刑get out of jail 【其他】have the right to do 有权 on behalf of 代表draft 法案,草案 Government bill 政府议案 to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案 to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律 ratification, confirmation 批准 law enforcement 法律的实施to come into force 生效 decree 法令 clause 条款minutes 备忘录 report 判例汇编 codification 法律汇编legislation 立法 legislator 立法者 jurist 法学家jurisprudence 法学 legitimation 合法化 legality, lawfulness 法制,合法 legal, lawful 合法的,依法的 to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法 outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的 offender 罪犯 to abolish 废止,取消 rescission, annulment 废除,取消 repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律)cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同) cancellation (支票)作废 annulment 撤消(遗嘱) repeal rescission 撤消(判决) revocation 撤消immunity 豁免,豁免权 disability, legal incapacity 无资格 nonretroactive character 不溯既往性 prescription 剥夺公权 attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收constitutional law 宪法 canon law 教会法规 common law 习惯法 criminal law 刑法 administrative law 行政法civil law 民法 commercial law, mercantile law 商法 law of nations 万国公法,国际法 international law 国际法natural law 自然法 labour laws 劳工法 fiscal law 财政法 Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法Military Law 军法 Conscript Law 兵役法Copyright Law 著作权法 penal code 刑法典 code of mercantile law 商法典 civil rights 民事权利,公民权利right of asylum 避难权 human rights, rights of man 人权 (customs) duties 关税 death duty, death tax 遗产税royalties 版税。

一、法律系统与机构1. Legal system - 法律体系2. Judiciary - 司法机关3. Court - 法院4. Judge - 法官5. Lawyer/attorney - 律师/律师6. Prosecutor - 检察官7. Plaintiff - 原告8. Defendant - 被告9. Jury - 陪审团10. Witness - 证人二、合同法1. Contract - 合同2. Offer - 供应3. Acceptance - 接受4. Consideration - 对价5. Mutual assent - 相互同意6. Breach of contract - 违约7. Performance - 履行8. Termination - 终止9. Damages - 损害赔偿三、刑法1. Crime - 犯罪2. Offense - 违反3. Felony - 重罪4. Misdemeanor - 轻罪5. Homicide - 杀人罪6. Robbery - 抢劫罪7. Theft - 盗窃罪8. Assault - 袭击罪9. Burglary - 入室盗窃罪10. Arson - 纵火罪四、知识产权1. Intellectual property - 知识产权2. Patent - 专利3. Trademark - 商标4. Copyright - 版权5. Infringement - 侵权6. Royalties - 版权使用费五、公司法1. Corporation - 公司2. Shareholder - 股东3. Board of directors - 董事会4. Corporate governance - 公司治理5. Merger - 合并6. Acquisition - 收购7. IPO (Initial Public Offering) - 首次公开发行六、国际法1. International law - 国际法2. Treaty - 条约3. Diplomacy - 外交4. Sovereignty - 主权5. Human rights - 人权6. United Nations - 联合国7. World Trade Organization - 世界贸易组织七、家庭法1. Family law - 家庭法2. Divorce - 离婚3. Child custody - 子女抚养权4. Alimony - 赡养费5. Prenuptial agreement - 婚前协议6. Domestic violence - 家庭暴力八、地产法1. Property law - 房地产法2. Real estate - 房地产3. Landlord - 房东4. Tenant - 租户5. Lease agreement - 租赁协议6. Eviction - 驱逐九、金融法1. Financial law - 金融法2. Banking - 银行业3. Insurance - 保险4. Securities - 证券5. Insider trading - 内幕交易6. Money laundering - 洗钱十、法律程序1. Legal procedure - 法律程序2. Jurisdiction - 司法管辖权3. Due process - 正当程序4. Statute of limitations - 诉讼时效5. Appeal - 上诉6. Habeas corpus - 人身保护令总结:本文提供了一个全面的法律英语词汇大全,包含了法律体系与机构、合同法、刑法、知识产权、公司法、国际法、家庭法、地产法、金融法以及法律程序等方面的常用词汇。

一、常见法律英语词汇1. Law: 法律2. Legal: 合法的3. Act: 法案4. Statute: 法规5. Regulation: 规章6. Code: 法典7. Constitution: 宪法8. Court: 法院9. Judge: 法官10. Attorney: 律师11. Plaintiff: 原告12. Defendant: 被告13. Trial: 审判14. Appeal: 上诉15. Evidence: 证据16. Witness: 证人17. Verdict: 判决18. Sentence: 判决19. Crime: 犯罪20. Guilty: 有罪21. Innocent: 无罪22. Jury: 陪审团23. Bail: 保释24. Arrest: 逮捕25. Sentence: 判决26. Plaintiff: 原告27. Defendant: 被告28. Tort: 侵权行为29. Contract: 合同30. Agreement: 协议二、合同法律英语词汇1. Offer: 出价2. Acceptance: 接受3. Consideration: 酬劳4. Capacity: 能力5. Legality: 合法性6. Breach: 违约7. Termination: 终止8. Damages: 赔偿9. Indemnification: 补偿10. Non-disclosure: 保密11. Force majeure: 不可抗力12. Arbitration: 仲裁13. Governing Law: 管辖法律14. Counteroffer: 还盘15. Execution: 履行三、刑事法律英语词汇1. Murder: 谋杀2. Manslaughter: 杀人未遂3. Robbery: 抢劫4. Burglary: 入室盗窃5. Theft: 盗窃6. Fraud: 欺诈7. Kidnapping: 绑架8. Assault: 袭击9. Battery: 伤害10. Arson: 纵火11. Embezzlement: 挪用公款12. Forgery: 伪造13. Bribery: 贿赂14. Drug trafficking: 贩毒15. Money laundering: 洗钱四、民事法律英语词汇1. Breach of contract: 违约3. Negligence: 过失4. Defamation: 诽谤5. Libel: 诽谤(书面)6. Slander: 诽谤(口头)7. Damages: 赔偿8. Injunction: 禁令9. Unjust enrichment: 不当得利10. Property: 财产11. Title: 所有权12. Lease: 租约13. Lien: 留置权14. Trust: 托管15. Guardianship: 监护五、知识产权法律英语词汇1. Patent: 专利2. Trademark: 商标4. Infringement: 侵权5. Royalty: 版权使用费6. Intellectual Property: 知识产权7. Trade secret: 商业秘密8. Piracy: 盗版六、国际法律英语词汇1. Sovereignty: 主权2. Treaty: 条约3. Diplomacy: 外交4. Sanction: 制裁5. Dispute: 争议6. International Court of Justice: 国际法院7. Human Rights: 人权8. Immigration: 移民9. Visa: 签证10. Extradition: 引渡以上是法律英语词汇的一些常见分类及词汇,希望能够对大家提高阅读能力有所帮助。

法律英文术语法律英语专业词汇汇总来源:谭玉的日志一、律师部分案件受理费court acceptance fee案情重大、复杂important and complicated case案由cause of action案子case包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件)被上诉人appellee被诉人respondent; defendant本案律师councel pro hac vice本地律师local counsel毕业证diploma; graduation certificate辩护词defense; pleadings辩护律师defense lawyer辩护要点point of defense辩护意见submission财产租赁property tenancy裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)裁决书award(用于仲裁)裁决书verdict(用于陪审团)采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests查阅法条source legal provisions产权转让conveyancing出差go on errand; go on a business trip出国深造further study abroad出具律师意见书providing legal opinion出示的证据exhibit出庭appear in court传票summons; subpoena答辩状answer; reply代理词representation代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations代理仲裁agency for arbitration代写文书drafting of legal instruments待决案件pending case当事人陈述statement of the parties第三人third party吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license调查笔录investigative record调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence调解mediation调解书mediation二审案件case of trial of second instance发送电子邮件send e-mail法律顾问legal consultants法律意见书legal opinions法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal counseling法庭division; tribunal法学博士学位LL.D (Doctor of Laws)法学会law society法学课程legal courses法学硕士学位LL.M (Master of Laws)法学系faculty of law; department of law法学学士学位LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士)法学院law school法院公告court announcement反诉状counterclaim房地产律师real estate lawyer; real property lawyer非合伙律师associate lawyer非诉讼业务non-litigation practice高级合伙人senior partner高级律师senior lawyer各类协议和合同agreements and contracts公安局Public Security Bureau公司上市company listing公诉案件public-prosecuting case公证书notarial certificate国办律师事务所state-run law office国际贸易international trade国际诉讼international litigation国内诉讼domestic litigation合伙律师partner lawyer合伙制律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice合同审查、草拟、修改contract review, drafting and revision 会见当事人interview a client会见犯罪嫌疑人interview a criminal suspect兼职律师part-time lawyer监狱prison; jail鉴定结论expert conclusion缴纳会费membership dues举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision勘验笔录record of request看守所detention house抗诉书protest控告人accuser; complainant跨国诉讼transnational litigation劳动争议labor disputes劳动争议仲裁委员会arbitration committee for labor disputes 劳改场reform-through-labor farm; prison farm利害关系人interested party; party in interest律管处处长director of lawyer control department律师lawyer attorney; attorney at law律师惩戒lawyer discipline律师法Lawyer Law律师费lawyer fee律师函lawyer's letter律师见证lawyer attestation/authentication律师见证书lawyer certification/authentication/witness律师卷宗lawyer's docile; file律师刊物lawyer's journal律师联系电话contact phone number of a lawyer律师事务所law office; law firm律师收费billing by lawyer律师网站lawyer website律师协会National Bar (Lawyer) Association律师协会会员member of Lawyer Association律师协会秘书长secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association 律师协会章程Articles of Lawyer Assocition律师业务室lawyer's office律师执业证lawyer license律师助理assistant lawyer律师资格考试bar exam; lawyer qualification exam律师资格证lawyer qualification certificate民事案件civil case民事调解civil mediation民事诉讼civil litigation派出所local police station; police substation判决judgement(用于民事、行政案件);determination(用于终审);sentence(用于刑事案);verdict(由陪审团作出)旁证circumstantial evidence企业章程articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw 企业重组corporate restructure起诉状information; indictment取消律师资格disbar全国律师代表大会National Lawyer Congress缺席宣判pronounce judgement or determination by default人民法院People's Court人民检察院People's Procuratorate认定事实determine facts上诉案件case of trial of second instance; appellate case上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal涉外律师lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters申请复议administrative reconsideration petition申请加入律师协会application for admission to Law Association 申请人petitioner; claimant申诉案件appeal case申诉人(仲裁)claimant; plaintiff申诉书appeal for revision, petition for revision实习律师apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period实习律师证certificate of apprentice lawyer视听证据audio-visual reference material适用法律apply law to facts受害人victim书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法建议书judicial advise司法局Judicial Bureau司法局副局长deputy director of Judicial Bureau司法局局长director of Judicial Bureau司法统一考试uniform judicial exam送达service of process诉讼litigation; action; lawsuit诉讼当事人litigation party; litigious party诉讼业务litigation practice诉状complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim推销法律服务promote/market legal service外国律师事务所foreign law office委托代理合同authorized representation contract委托代理人agent ad litem; entrusted agent委托授权书power of attorney物证material evidence嫌疑人criminal suspect项目融资project financing项目谈判project negotiating刑事案件criminal case刑事诉讼criminal litigation行政诉讼administrative litigation休庭adjourn the court; recess宣判pronounce judgement; determination宣誓书affidavit业务进修attendance in advanced studies一审案件case of trial of first instance与国外律师事务所交流communicate with foreign law firms 原告plaintiff证券律师securities lawyer证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit执行笔录execution record执业登记registration for practice执业范围scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area 执业申请practice application执业证年检annual inspection of lawyer license仲裁arbitration仲裁案件arbitration case仲裁机构arbitration agency专门律师specialized lawyer专职律师professional lawyer; full-time lawyer撰写法律文章write legal thesis资信调查credit standing investigation自诉案件private prosecuting case二、诉讼法律案件case案件发回remand/rimit a case (to a low court)案件名称title of a case案卷材料materials in the case案情陈述书statement of case案外人person other than involved in the case案值total value involved in the case败诉方losing party办案人员personnel handling a case保全措施申请书application for protective measures报案report a case (to security authorities)被告defendant; the accused被告人最后陈述final statement of the accused被告向原告第二次答辩rejoinder被害人victim被害人的诉讼代理人victim's agent ad litem被上诉人respondent; the appellee被申请人respondent被申请执行人party against whom execution is filed被执行人person subject to enforcement本诉principal action必要共同诉讼人party in necessary co-litigation变通管辖jurisdiction by accord辩护defense辩护律师defense attorney/lawyer辩护人defender辩护证据exculpatory evidence; defense evidence辩论阶段stage of court debate驳回反诉dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim驳回请求deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling驳回诉讼dismiss an action/suit驳回通知书notice of dismissal驳回自诉dismiss/reject a private prosecution驳回自诉裁定书ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case补充答辩supplementary answer补充判决supplementary judgement补充侦查supplementary investigation不公开审理trial in camera不立案决定书written decision of no case-filing不批准逮捕决定书written decision of disapproving an arrest不起诉nol pros不予受理起诉通知书notice of dismissal of accusation by the court财产保全申请书application for attachment; application for property preservation 裁定order; determination (指最终裁定)裁定管辖jurisdiction by order裁定书order; ruling裁决书award采信的证据admitted evidence查封seal up撤回上诉withdraw appeal撤诉withdraw a lawsuit撤销立案revoke a case placed on file撤销原判,发回重审rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial出示的证据exhibit除权判决invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)传唤summon; call传闻证据hearsay答辩answer; reply答辩陈述书statement of defence答辩状answer; reply大法官associate justices; justice大检察官deputy chief procurator代理控告agency for accusation代理申诉agency for appeal代理审判员acting judge代为申请取保候审agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving弹劾式诉讼accusatory procedure当事人陈述statement of the parties当庭宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court地区管辖territorial jurisdiction地区检察分院inter-mediate People's Procuratorate第三人third party调查笔录record of investigation定期宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date定罪证据incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence冻结freeze督促程序procedure of supervision and urge独任庭sole-judge bench独任仲裁员sole arbitrator对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施compulsory measures against impairment of civil action对席判决judgement inter parties二审trial of second instance二审案件case of trial of second insurance罚款impose a fine法定证据statutory legal evidence法定证据制度system of legal evidence法官judges法警bailiff; court police法律文书legal instruments/papers法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal consulting法庭辩论court debate法庭调查court investigation法庭审理笔录court record法庭审理方式mode of court trial法庭庭长chief judge of a tribunal法院court法院公告court announcement反诉counterclaim反诉答辩状answer with counterclaim反诉状counterclaim犯罪嫌疑人criminal suspect附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action附带民事诉讼被告defendant of collateral civil action复查reexamination; recheck复验reinspect高级法官senior judge高级检察官senior procurator高级人民法院Higher People's Court告诉案件case of complaint告诉才处理的案件case accepted at complaint告诉申诉庭complaint and petition division工读学校work-study school for delinquent children公安部Ministry of Public Security公安分局public security sub-bureau公安厅public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government公开审理trial in public公开审判制度open trial system公示催告程序procedure of public summons for exhortation公诉案件public-prosecuting case公诉词statement of public prosecution公证机关public notary office共同管辖concurrent jurisdiction管辖jurisdiction国际司法协助international judicial assistance海事法院maritime court合议庭collegial panel合议庭评议笔录record of deliberating by the collegiate bench和解composition; compromise核对诉讼当事人身份check identity of litigious parties恢复执行resumption of execution回避withdrawal混合式诉讼mixed action基层人民法院basic People's Court羁押期限term in custody级别管辖subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels监视居住living at home under surveillance监狱prison检察官procurator检察权prosecutorial power检察委员会procuratorial/prosecutorial committee检察院procuratorate检察院派出机构outpost tribunal of procuratorate简易程序summary procedure鉴定结论expert conclusion经济审判庭economic tribunal径行判决direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice 纠问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings拘传summon by force; summon by warrant拘留所detention house举报information/report of an offence举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision军事法院military procuratorate开庭审理open a court session开庭通知notice of court session勘验笔录record of inquest看守所detention house可执行财产executable property控告式诉讼accusatory proceedings控诉证据incriminating evidence控诉职能accusation function扣押distrain on; attachment扣押物distress/distraint宽限期period of grace劳动争议仲裁申请书petition for labor dispute arbitration劳改场reform-through-labor farm劳教所reeducation-through-labor office类推判决的核准程序procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence累积证据cumulative evidence立案报告place a case on file立案管辖functional jurisdiction立案决定书written decision of case-filing立案侦查report of placing a case on file利害关系人interested party临时裁决书interim award律师见证书lawyer's written attestation; lawyer's written authentication 律师事务所law office; law firm律师提前介入prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分exemption from criminal penalty民事案件civil case民事审判庭civil tribunal民事诉讼civil action民事诉讼法Civil Procedural Law扭送seize and deliver a suspect to the police派出法庭detached tribunal派出所police station判决judgement; determination判决书judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)旁证circumstantial evidence陪审员juror批准逮捕approval of arrest破案clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case破产bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序general/ordinary procedure普通管辖general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation起诉filing of a lawsuit起诉sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状indictment; information区县检察院grassroots People's Procuratorate取保候审the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving缺席判决default judgement人民调解委员会People's Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determinationof a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉appeal上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal少管所juvenile prison社会治安综合治理comprehensive treatment of social security涉外案件cases involving foreign interests涉外民事诉讼foreign civil proceedings涉外刑事诉讼foreign criminal proceedings申请人applicant; petitioner申请书petition; application for arbitration申请执行人execution applicant申诉人宣誓书claimant's affidavit of authenticity申诉书appeal for revision; petition for revision神示证据制度system of divinity evidence神示制度ordeal system审查案件case review审查并决定逮捕examine and decide arrest审查起诉阶段stage of review and prosecution审理通知书notice of hearing审判长presiding judge审判长宣布开庭presiding judge announce court in session审判管辖adjudgement/trial jurisdiction审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision审判委员会judicial committee审判员judge审问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定legally effective judgement/order 胜诉方winning party省市自治区检察院higher People's Procuratorate失踪和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death实(质)体证据substantial evidence实物证据tangible evidence实在证据real evidence示意证据demonstrative evidence视听证据audio-visual evidence收容所collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官chief justice首席检察官chief procurator受害人的近亲属victim's immediate family受理acceptance受理刑事案件审批表registration form of acceptance of criminal case受送达人the addressee书记员court clerk书记员宣读法庭纪律court clerk reads court rules书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法机关judicial organizatons司法警察judicial police司法局judicial bureau司法厅judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government司法协助judicial assistance死缓的复核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence死刑复核权competence for judicial review of death sentence送达service of process送达传票service of summons/subpoena送达诉状service of bill of complaint搜查search诉sue; suit; action; lawsuit诉前财产保全property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼litigation; lawsuit; sue; action诉讼保全attachment诉讼参加人litigious participants诉讼代理人agent ad litem诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim特别程序special procedures提起公诉institute a public prosecution铁路法院railway court铁路检察院railroad transport procuratorate庭审程序procedure of court trial通缉wanted for arrest投案appearance退回补充侦查return of a case for supplementary investigation委托辩护entrusted defense未成年人法庭juvenile court无行政职务的法官associate judge无正当理由拒不到庭refuse to appear in court without due cause无罪判决acquittal, finding of " not guilty "物证material evidence先予执行申请书application for advanced execution先予执行advanced execution刑事案件criminal case刑事拘留criminal detention刑事强制拘留criminal coercive/compulsory measures刑事审判庭criminal tribunal刑事诉讼criminal proceedings刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedural Law刑事自诉状self-incriminating criminal complaint行政案件administrative case行政审判庭administrative tribunal行政诉讼administrative proceedings行政诉讼法Administrative Procedural Law宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death宣判笔录record of rendition of judgement选民资格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters询问证人inquire/question a witness训诫reprimand讯问笔录record of interrogation询问犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect言词证据verbal evidence要求传唤证人申请书application for subpoena一裁终局arbitration award shall be final and binding一审trial of first instance一审案件case of trial of first instance应诉通知书notice of respondence to action有罪判决sentence; finding of "guilty"予审preliminary examinantion; pretrial原告plaintiff院长court president阅卷笔录record of file review (by lawyers)再审案件case of retrial再审申请书petition for retrial责令具结悔过order to sign a statement of repentance债权人会议creditors' meeting侦查阶段investigation stage侦查终结conclusion of investigation征询原、被告最后意见consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant证据evidence证据保全preserve evidence证据保全申请书application for evidence preservation证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit支付令payment order/warrant知识产权庭intellectual property tribunal执行程序procedure execution执行逮捕execution of arrest执行和解conciliation of execution执行回转recovery of execution执行庭executive tribunal执行异议objection to execution执行员executor执行中止discontinuance of execution执行终结conclusion of execution指定辩护appointed defense指定仲裁员声明statement of appointing arbitrator中级人民法院intermediate People's Court中途退庭retreat during court session without permission仲裁arbitration仲裁被诉人respondent; defendant仲裁裁决award仲裁申请书arbitration仲裁申诉人claimant; plaintiff仲裁庭arbitration tribunal仲裁委员会arbitration committee仲裁协议arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration仲裁员arbitrator主诉检察官principal procurator助理检察官assistant procurator助理审判员assistant judge专门法院special court专门管辖specific jurisdiction专属管辖exclusive jurisdiction追究刑事责任investigate for criminal responsibility自首confession to justice自诉案件private-prosecuting case自行辩护self-defense自由心证制度doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence 自侦案件self-investigating case最高人民法院the Supreme People's Court最高人民检察院the Supreme People's Procuratorate 最后裁决书final award三、民事法律法律渊源source of law制定法statute判例法case law; precedent普通法common law特别法special law固有法native law; indigenous law继受法adopted law实体法substantial law程序法procedural law原则法fundamental law例外法exception law司法解释judicial interpretation习惯法customary law公序良俗public order and moral自然法natural law罗马法Roman Law私法private law公法public law市民法jus civile万民法jus gentium民法法系civil law system英美法系system of Anglo-American law大陆法系civil law system普通法common law大陆法continental law罗马法系Roman law system英吉利法English law衡平法equity; law of equity日尔曼法Germantic law教会法ecclesiastical law寺院法canon law伊斯兰法Islamic law民法法律规范norm of civil law授权规范authorization norm禁止规范forbidding norm义务性规范obligatory norm命令性规范commanding norm民法基本原则fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则principle of equality自愿原则principle of free will公平原则principle of justice等价有偿原则principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原则principle of good faith行为act作为act不作为omission合法行为lawful act违法行为unlawful act民事权利权利能力civil right绝对权absolute right相对权relative right优先权right of priority先买权preemption原权antecedent right救济权right of relief支配权right of dominion请求权right of claim物上请求权right of claim for real thing形成权right of formation撤销权right of claiming cancellation否认权right of claiming cancellation解除权right of renouncement代位权subrogated right选择权right of choice承认权right of admission终止权right of termination抗辩权right of defense一时性抗辩权momentary right of defense永久性抗辩权permanent counter-argument right不安抗辩权unstable counter-argument right同时履行抗辩权defense right of simultaneous performance 既得权tested right期待权expectant right专属权exclusive right非专属权non-exclusive right人身权利personal right人权human right人格权right of personality生命健康权right of life and health姓名权right of name名称权right of name肖像权right of portraiture自由权right of freedom名誉权right reputation隐私权right of privacy私生活秘密权right of privacy贞操权virginity right身份权right of status亲权parental power; parental right亲属权right of relative探视权visitation right配偶权right of spouse荣誉权right of honor权利的保护protection of right公力救济public protection私力救济self-protection权利本位standard of right社会本位standard of society无责任行为irresponsible right正当防卫justifiable right; ligitimate defence防卫行为act of defence自为行为self-conducting act紧急避险act of rescue; necessity自助行为act of self-help不可抗力force majeure意外事件accident行为能力capacity for act意思能力capacity of will民事行为civil act意思表示declaration of intention意思表示一致meeting of minds; consensus完全行为能力perfect capacity for act限制行为能力restrictive capacity for act准禁治产人quasi-interdicted person保佐protection自治产人minor who is capable of administering his own capacity 无行为能力incapacity for act禁治产人interdicted person自然人natural person公民citizen住所domicile居所residence经常居住地frequently dwelling place户籍census register监护guardianship个体工商户individual business农村承包经营户leaseholding rural household合伙partnership合伙人partner合伙协议partnership agreement合伙财产property of partnership合伙债务debt of partnership入伙join partnership退伙withdrawal from partnership合伙企业partnership business establishment个人合伙partnership法人合伙partnership of legal person特别合伙special partnership普通合伙general partnership有限合伙limited partnership民事合伙civil partnership隐名合伙sleeping partnership; dormant partnership私营企业private enterprise; proprietorship法人legal person企业法人legal body of enterprise企业集团group of enterprise关联企业affiliate enterprise个人独资企业individual business establishment国有独资企业solely state-owned enterprise中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise中外合作企业Sino-foreign contractual enterprise社团法人legal body of mass organization财团法人legal body of financial group联营joint venture法人型联营association of legal persons合伙型联营coordinated management in partnership协作型联营cooperation-type coordinated management合作社cooperative民事法律行为civil legal act单方民事法律行为unilateral civil legal act双方民事法律行为bilateral civil legal act多方民事法律行为joint act civil legal act有偿民事法律行为civil legal act with consideration无偿民事法律行为civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award 实践性民事法律行为practical civil legal act诺成性民事法律行为consental civil legal act要式民事法律行为formal civil legal act不要式民事法律行为informal civil legal act要因民事法律行为causative civil legal act不要因民事法律行为noncausative civil legal act主民事法律行为principal civil legal act从民事法律行为accessory civil legal act附条件民事法律行为conditional civil legal act附期限民事法律行为civil legal act with term生前民事法律行为civil legal actbefore death死后民事法律行为civil legal act after death准民事法律行为quasi-civil legal act无效行为ineffective act可撤销民事行为revocable civil act违法行为illegal act; unlawful act侵权行为tort欺诈fraud胁迫duress乘人之危taking advantage of others' precarious position 以合法形式掩盖非法目的legal form concealing illegal intention 恶意串通malicious collaboration重大误解gross misunderstanding显失公平obvious unjust误传misrepresentation代理agency本人principal被代理人principal受托人trustee代理人agent本代理人original agent法定代理人statutory agent; legal agent委托代理人agent by mandate指定代理人designated agent复代理人subagent再代理人subagent转代理人subagent代理权right of agency授权行为act of authorization授权委托书power of attorney代理行为act of agency委托代理agency by mandate本代理original agency复代理subagency次代理subagency有权代理authorized agency表见代理agency by estoppel; apparent agency律师代理agency by lawyer普通代理general agency全权代理general agency全权代理委托书general power of attorney共同代理joint agency独家代理sole agency居间brokerage居间人broker行纪commission; broker house信托trust时效time limit; prescription; limitation时效中止suspension of prescription/limitation时效中断interruption of limitation/prescription时效延长extension of limitation取得时效acquisitive prescription时效终止lapse of time; termination of prescription期日date期间term涉外民事关系civil relations with foreign elements冲突规范rule of conflict准据法applicable law; governing law反致renvoi; remission转致transmission识别identification公共秩序保留reserve of public order法律规避evasion of law国籍nationality国有化nationalization法律责任legal liability民事责任civil liability/responsibility行政责任administrative liability/responsibility刑事责任criminal liability/responsibility违约责任liability of breach of contract; responsibility of default 有限责任limited liability无限责任unlimited liability按份责任shared/several liability连带责任joint and several liability过失责任liability for negligence; negligent liability过错责任fault liability; liability for fault单独过错sole fault共同过错joint fault混合过错mixed fault被害人过错victim's fault第三人过错third party's fault推定过错presumptive fault恶意bad faith; malice故意deliberate intention; intention; willfulness过失negligence重大过失gross negligence疏忽大意的过失careless and inadvertent negligence过于自信的过失negligence with undue assumption损害事实facts of damage有形损失tangible damage/loss无形损失intangible damage/loss财产损失property damage/loss人身损失personal damage/loss精神损失spiritual damage/loss民事责任承担方式methods of bearing civil liability停止侵害cease the infringing act排除妨碍exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle消除危险elimination of danger返还财产restitution of property恢复原状restitution; restitution of original state赔偿损失compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss支付违约金payment of liquidated damage消除影响eliminate ill effects恢复名誉rehabilitate one's reputation赔礼道歉extend a formal apology物权jus ad rem; right in rem; real right物权制度real right system; right in rem system一物一权原则the principal of One thing, One Right物权法定主义principal of legality of right in rem物权公示原则principal of public summons of right in rem 物权法jus rerem物property生产资料raw material for production生活资料means of livelihood; means of subsistence流通物res in commercium; a thing in commerce限制流通物limited merchantable thing禁止流通物res extra commercium; a thing out of commerce 资产asset固定资产fixed asset流动资产current asset; floating asset动产movables; chattel不动产immovable; real estate特定物res certae; a certain thing种类物genus; indefinite thing可分物res divisibiles; divisible things不可分物res indivisibiles; indivisible things主物res capitalis; a principal thing从物res accessoria; an accessory thing原物original thing孳息fruits天然孳息natural fruits法定孳息legal fruits无主物bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods 遗失物lost property漂流物drifting object埋藏物fortuna; hidden property货币currency证券securities债券bond物权分类classification of right in rem/real right自物权jus in re propria; right of full ownership所有权dominium; ownership; title所有权凭证document of title; title of ownership占有权dominium utile; equitable ownership使用权right of use; right to use of收益权right to earnings; right to yields处分权right of disposing; jus dispodendi善意占有possession in good faith恶意占有malicious possession按份共有several possession共同共有joint possession他物权jus in re aliena用益物权real right for usufruct使用权right to use; right of use土地使用权right to the use of land林权forest ownership采矿权mining ownership经营权managerial authority; power of management 承包经营权right to contracted management相邻权neighboring right; relatedright地上权superficies。

法律英语重点专业术语1. 异议(Objection)- 定义:宣称对某项证据、诉讼程序或推定事实的合法性提出质疑。
- 例句:The defense lawyer raised an objection to the admissibility of the witness's statement. (辩护律师对证人陈述的可证据性提出了异议。
)2. 陪审团(Jury)- 定义:由普通公民组成的法庭成员小组,负责听取证据并对案件作出裁决。
- 例句:The defendant requested a trial by jury. (被告请求进行陪审团审判。
)3. 遗嘱(Will)- 定义:被遗嘱人在生前所做的书面声明,规定了他们在去世后财产、遗产、监护权等方面的安排。
- 例句:The deceased's will was read out in the presence of the family members. (在家人面前宣读了亡人的遗嘱。
)4. 聆讯(Hearing)- 定义:在法庭上进行的非正式讨论或审理,目的是解决特定问题。
- 例句:The hearing was adjourned until next week. (聆讯被延期至下周。
)5. 保释(Bail)- 定义:通过支付一定金额或提供财产作为抵押,被告在审判期间被保释出狱,以确保其出庭接受审判。
- 例句:The judge granted bail to the defendant pending further investigation. (法官在进一步调查前准许了被告的保释。
)6. 联邦调查局(FBI)- 定义:美国联邦调查局,是美国国内主要负责执法和情报收集的联邦机构。
- 例句:The FBI is conducting an investigation into the case. (FBI 正在对该案展开调查。

下面是一些常用的法律英语词汇:1. Law - 法律2. Legal - 法律的3. Legislation - 立法4. Statute - 法令5. Act - 法案6. Constitution - 宪法7. Court - 法院8. Judge - 法官9. Jury - 陪审团10. Plaintiff - 原告11. Defendant - 被告12. Attorney - 律师13. Witness - 证人14. Evidence - 证据15. Trial - 审判16. Verdict - 裁决17. Appeal - 上诉18. Jurisdiction - 司法权19. Bail - 保释20. Sentencing - 判决21. Tort - 侵权行为22. Contract - 合同23. Breach - 违约24. Liability - 责任25. Damages - 赔偿金26. Negligence - 疏忽27. Fraud - 欺诈28. Property - 财产29. Estate - 房地产30. Will - 遗嘱31. Trust - 信托32. Patent - 专利33. Copyright - 版权34. Trademark - 商标35. Infringement - 侵权36. Bankruptcy - 破产37. Contractual - 合同的38. Criminal - 刑事的39. Civil - 民事的40. Administrative - 行政的41. Constitutional - 宪法的42. International - 国际的43. Liability - 责任44. Negligence - 疏忽45. Intentional - 故意的46. Due Process - 正当程序47. Jurisprudence - 法学48. Precedent - 先例49. Stare Decisis - 依据先例50. Habeas Corpus - 人身保护权51. Confidentiality - 保密性52. Dispute - 争端53. Injunction - 禁令54. Public - 公共的55. Private - 私人的56. Liability - 责任57. Malpractice - 不当行为58. Probate - 遗产审计59. Slander - 诽谤60. Libel - 诽谤罪61. Suing - 控告62. Settlement - 和解63. Restitution - 赔偿64. Breach of contract - 违约65. Act of God - 天灾66. Affidavit - 宣誓书67. Doctrines - 教条68. Breach of trust - 违背信任69. Jurisdiction - 司法权70. Lien - 留置权71. Remedy - 补救72. Statutes of limitations - 时效法73. Contempt - 蔑视74. Acquittal - 无罪释放75. Inadmissible - 不可采用的76. Null and void - 无效77. Alibi - 不在场证明78. Arraignment - 传讯79. Litigation - 诉讼80. Conviction - 有罪定罪81. Cross-examination - 盘问82. Defamation - 诽谤83. Inquest - 审讯84. Disbar - 剥夺执业权85. Extradition - 引渡86. Fiduciary - 受托人87. Indictment - 起诉书88. Plea - 奏折89. Pro bono - 免费律师90. Testimony - 证词91. Warrant - 法令92. Appeal - 上诉93. Bailiff - 安保人员94. Dismiss - 解雇95. Embezzlement - 盗窃罪96. Forfeit - 剥夺97. Injunction - 禁制令98. Mitigating - 降低99. Notary - 公证人100. Tortfeasor - 侵权者以上是一些常见的法律英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助!。

常用的法律英语术语draft 法案,草案Government bill 政府议案to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律ratification, confirmation 批准law enforcement 法律的实施to come into force 生效decree 法令clause 条款minutes 备忘录report 判例汇编codification 法律汇编legislation 立法legislator 立法者jurist 法学家jurisprudence 法学legitimation 合法化legality, lawfulness 法制,合法legal, lawful 合法的,依法的to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的offender 罪犯to abolish 废止,取消rescission, annulment 废除,取消repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律) cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同) cancellation (支票)作废annulment 撤消(遗嘱)repeal rescission 撤消(判决)revocation 撤消immunity 豁免,豁免权disability, legal incapacity 无资格nonretroactive character 不溯既往性prescription 剥夺公权attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收constitutional law 宪法canon law 教会法规common law 习惯法criminal law 刑法administrative law 行政法civil law 民法commercial law, mercantile law 商法law of nations 万国公法,国际法international law 国际法natural law 自然法labour laws 劳工法fiscal law 财政法Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法Military Law 军法Conscript Law 兵役法Copyright Law 著作权法penal code 刑法典code of mercantile law 商法典civil rights 民事权利,公民权利right of asylum 避难权human rights, rights of man 人权(customs) duties 关税death duty, death tax 遗产税royalties 版税ratification, confirmation 批准law enforcement 法律的实施to come into force 生效decree 法令clause 条款minutes 备忘录report 判例汇编codification 法律汇编legislation 立法legislator 立法者jurist 法学家jurisprudence 法学legitimation 合法化legality, lawfulness 法制,合法legal, lawful 合法的,依法的to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的offender 罪犯to abolish 废止,取消rescission, annulment 废除,取消repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律)cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同) cancellation (支票)作废annulment 撤消(遗嘱)repeal rescission 撤消(判决)revocation 撤消immunity 豁免,豁免权disability, legal incapacity 无资格nonretroactive character 不溯既往性prescription 剥夺公权attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收constitutional law 宪法canon law 教会法规common law 习惯法criminal law 刑法administrative law 行政法civil law 民法commercial law, mercantile law 商法law of nations 公法,国际法international law 国际法natural law 自然法labour laws 劳工法fiscal law 财政法Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法Military Law 军法Conscript Law 兵役法Copyright Law 著作权法penal code 刑法典code of mercantile law 商法典civil rights 民事权利,公民权利right of asylum 避难权human rights, rights of man 人权(customs) duties 关税death duty, death tax 遗产税royalties 版税案件case案件发回remand/rimit a case (to a low court)案件名称title of a case案卷材料materials in the case案情陈述书statement of case案外人person other than involved in the case案值total value involved in the case败诉方losing party办案人员personnel handling a case保全措施申请书application for protective measures 报案report a case (to security authorities)被告defendant; the accused被告人最后陈述final statement of the accused被告向原告第二次答辩rejoinder被害人victim被害人的诉讼代理人victim's agent ad litem被上诉人respondent; the appellee被申请人respondent被申请执行人party against whom execution is filed被执行人person subject to enforcement本诉principal action必要共同诉讼人party in necessary co-litigation变通管辖jurisdiction by accord辩护defense辩护律师defense attorney/lawyer辩护人defender辩护证据exculpatory evidence; defense evidence辩论阶段stage of court debate驳回反诉dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim驳回请求deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement /ruling驳回诉讼dismiss an action/suit驳回通知书notice of dismissal驳回自诉dismiss/reject a private prosecution驳回自诉裁定书ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case补充答辩supplementary answer补充判决supplementary judgement补充侦查supplementary investigation不公开审理trial in camera不立案决定书written decision of no case-filing不批准逮捕决定书written decision of disapproving an arrest不起诉nol pros不予受理起诉通知书notice of dismissal of accusation by the court财产保全申请书application for attachment; application for property preservation 裁定order; determination (指最终裁定)裁定管辖jurisdiction by order裁定书order; ruling裁决书award采信的证据admitted evidence查封seal up撤回上诉withdraw appeal撤诉withdraw a lawsuit撤销立案revoke a case placed on file撤销原判,发回重审rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial出示的证据exhibit除权判决invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)传唤summon; call传闻证据hearsay答辩answer; reply答辩陈述书statement of defence答辩状answer; reply大法官associate justices; justice大检察官deputy chief procurator代理控告agency for accusation代理申诉agency for appeal代理审判员acting judge代为申请取保候审agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving弹劾式诉讼accusatory procedure当事人陈述statement of the parties当庭宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court地区管辖territorial jurisdiction地区检察分院inter-mediate People's Procuratorate第三人third party调查笔录record of investigation定期宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date定罪证据incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence冻结freeze督促程序procedure of supervision and urge独任庭sole-judge bench独任仲裁员sole arbitrator对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施compulsory measures against impairment of civil acti on对席判决judgement inter parties二审trial of second instance二审案件case of trial of second insurance罚款impose a fine法定证据statutory legal evidence法定证据制度system of legal evidence法官judges法警bailiff; court police法律文书legal instruments/papers法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal consulting法庭辩论court debate法庭调查court investigation法庭审理笔录court record法庭审理方式mode of court trial法庭庭长chief judge of a tribunal法院court法院公告court announcement反诉counterclaim反诉答辩状answer with counterclaim反诉状counterclaim犯罪嫌疑人criminal suspect附带民事诉讼案件a collateral civil action附带民事诉讼被告defendant of collateral civil action复查reexamination; recheck复验reinspect高级法官senior judge高级检察官senior procurator高级人民法院Higher People's Court告诉案件case of complaint告诉才处理的案件case accepted at complaint告诉申诉庭complaint and petition division工读学校work-study school for delinquent children公安部Ministry of Public Security公安分局public security sub-bureau公安厅public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions a nd cities under direct jurisdiction of central government公开审理trial in public公开审判制度open trial system公示催告程序procedure of public summons for exhortation公诉案件public-prosecuting case公诉词statement of public prosecution公证机关public notary office共同管辖concurrent jurisdiction管辖jurisdiction国际司法协助international judicial assistance海事法院maritime court合议庭collegial panel合议庭评议笔录record of deliberating by the collegiate bench和解composition; compromise核对诉讼当事人身份check identity of litigious parties恢复执行resumption of execution回避withdrawal混合式诉讼mixed action基层人民法院basic People's Court羁押期限term in custody级别管辖subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels监视居住living at home under surveillance监狱prison检察官procurator检察权prosecutorial power检察委员会procuratorial/prosecutorial committee检察院procuratorate检察院派出机构outpost tribunal of procuratorate简易程序summary procedure鉴定结论expert conclusion经济审判庭economic tribunal径行判决direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice 纠问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings拘传summon by force; summon by warrant拘留所detention house举报information/report of an offence举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision军事法院military procuratorate开庭审理open a court session开庭通知notice of court session勘验笔录record of inquest看守所detention house可执行财产executable property控告式诉讼accusatory proceedings控诉证据incriminating evidence控诉职能accusation function扣押distrain on; attachment扣押物distress/distraint宽限期period of grace劳动争议仲裁申请书petition for labor dispute arbitration劳改场reform-through-labor farm劳教所reeducation-through-labor office类推判决的核准程序procedure for examination and approval of analogical sente nce累积证据cumulative evidence立案报告place a case on file立案管辖functional jurisdiction立案决定书written decision of case-filing立案侦查report of placing a case on file利害关系人interested party临时裁决书interim award律师见证书lawyer's written attestation; lawyer's written authentication律师事务所law office; law firm律师提前介入prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分exemption from criminal penalty民事案件civil case民事审判庭civil tribunal民事诉讼civil action民事诉讼法Civil Procedural Law扭送seize and deliver a suspect to the police派出法庭detached tribunal派出所police station判决judgement; determination判决书judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)旁证circumstantial evidence陪审员juror批准逮捕approval of arrest破案clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case破产bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序general/ordinary procedure普通管辖general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business co rporation起诉filing of a lawsuit起诉sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状indictment; information区县检察院grassroots People's Procuratorate取保候审the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving缺席判决default judgement人民调解委员会People's Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless 认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉appeal上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal少管所juvenile prison社会治安综合治理comprehensive treatment of social security涉外案件cases involving foreign interests涉外民事诉讼foreign civil proceedings涉外刑事诉讼foreign criminal proceedings申请人applicant; petitioner申请书petition; application for arbitration申请执行人execution applicant申诉人宣誓书claimant's affidavit of authenticity申诉书appeal for revision; petition for revision神示证据制度system of divinity evidence神示制度ordeal system审查案件case review审查并决定逮捕examine and decide arrest审查起诉阶段stage of review and prosecution审理通知书notice of hearing审判长presiding judge审判长宣布开庭presiding judge announce court in session 审判管辖adjudgement/trial jurisdiction审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision审判委员会judicial committee审判员judge审问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定legally effective judgement/order胜诉方winning party省市自治区检察院higher People's Procuratorate失踪和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death实(质)体证据substantial evidence实物证据tangible evidence实在证据real evidence示意证据demonstrative evidence视听证据audio-visual evidence收容所collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官chief justice首席检察官chief procurator受害人的近亲属victim's immediate family受理acceptance受理刑事案件审批表registration form of acceptance of criminal case受送达人the addressee书记员court clerk书记员宣读法庭纪律court clerk reads court rules书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法机关judicial organizatons司法警察judicial police司法局judicial bureau司法厅judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and citie s under direct jurisdiction of central government司法协助judicial assistance死缓的复核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence死刑复核权competence for judicial review of death sentence送达service of process送达传票service of summons/subpoena送达诉状service of bill of complaint搜查search诉sue; suit; action; lawsuit诉前财产保全property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼litigation; lawsuit; sue; action诉讼保全attachment诉讼参加人litigious participants诉讼代理人agent ad litem诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim特别程序special procedures提起公诉institute a public prosecution铁路法院railway court铁路检察院railroad transport procuratorate庭审程序procedure of court trial通缉wanted for arrest投案appearance退回补充侦查return of a case for supplementary investigation委托辩护entrusted defense未成年人法庭juvenile court无行政职务的法官associate judge无正当理由拒不到庭refuse to appear in court without due cause无罪判决acquittal, finding of “ not guilty ”物证material evidence先予执行申请书application for advanced execution先予执行advanced execution刑事案件criminal case刑事拘留criminal detention刑事强制拘留criminal coercive/compulsory measures刑事审判庭criminal tribunal刑事诉讼criminal proceedings刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedural Law刑事自诉状self-incriminating criminal complaint行政案件administrative case行政审判庭administrative tribunal行政诉讼administrative proceedings行政诉讼法Administrative Procedural Law宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death宣判笔录record of rendition of judgement选民资格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters询问证人inquire/question a witness训诫reprimand讯问笔录record of interrogation询问犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect言词证据verbal evidence要求传唤证人申请书application for subpoena一裁终局arbitration award shall be final and binding一审trial of first instance一审案件case of trial of first instance应诉通知书notice of respondence to action有罪判决sentence; finding of “guilty”予审preliminary examinantion; pretrial原告plaintiff院长court president阅卷笔录record of file review (by lawyers)再审案件case of retrial再审申请书petition for retrial责令具结悔过order to sign a statement of repentance债权人会议creditors' meeting侦查阶段investigation stage侦查终结conclusion of investigation征询原、被告最后意见consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant 证据evidence证据保全preserve evidence证据保全申请书application for evidence preservation证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit支付令payment order/warrant知识产权庭intellectual property tribunal执行程序procedure execution执行逮捕execution of arrest执行和解conciliation of execution执行回转recovery of execution执行庭executive tribunal执行异议objection to execution执行员executor执行中止discontinuance of execution执行终结conclusion of execution指定辩护appointed defense指定仲裁员声明statement of appointing arbitrator中级人民法院intermediate People's Court中途退庭retreat during court session without permission仲裁arbitration仲裁被诉人respondent; defendant仲裁裁决award仲裁申请书arbitration仲裁申诉人claimant; plaintiff仲裁庭arbitration tribunal仲裁委员会arbitration committee仲裁协议arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration仲裁员arbitrator主诉检察官principal procurator助理检察官assistant procurator助理审判员assistant judge专门法院special court专门管辖specific jurisdiction专属管辖exclusive jurisdiction追究刑事责任investigate for criminal responsibility自首confession to justice自诉案件private-prosecuting case自行辩护self-defense自由心证制度doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence 自侦案件self-investigating case最高人民法院the Supreme People's Court最高人民检察院the Supreme People's Procuratorate 最后裁决书final awardAa law 法规,法例argumentative question 争论性的问题attempt 企图aabate 降低,减少,排除abduct 拐骗,诱拐abortion 堕胎abscond 潜逃,逃跑absolve 宣告无罪abstract 摘要abuse (people) 虐待,辱骂abuse (power) 滥用权利abuse (office) 滥用职权acceptance of bribes 受贿accessory 从犯accident 事故,意外accomplice 共犯,帮凶accord and satisfaction 和解与清偿according to law 按照法律,依照法律,与法律一致accusation 指控,控告accused 被告acquittal 宣告无罪act of Congress 国会法案act of God 不可抗力,天灾adjudication 判决,裁定admitted into evidence 接收为证据admissible evidence 可接纳的证据admission 供认,招认adoption 收养,领养,认养;采用,接纳Adult Probation and Parole 成人缓刑与假释adultery 通奸advisement of rights 权利告诫advocate (n) 辩护人advocate (v) 辩护;倡导affiant 宣誓人,立誓词人affidavit 宣誓书,经宣誓的书面陈述affirm 确认,(上诉院)维持原判aggravated 加重的aggravated circumstances 增加严重性的情节agreement 协议aid and abet 协谋,教唆,帮凶aiding escape 协助逃跑aiding prostitution 协助卖淫alias 别名,化名,假名alibi 不在现场的证据alien 外侨,侨民alimony (付给前配偶的)赡养费allegation 指称,指控alleged thief 被指称为窃贼的人allocution 认罪供词,自白供词amnesty 大赦ancillary 附属的animal control officer 动物检疫人员animal cruelty 虐畜罪anticompetitive practices 防止竞争措施antitrust act 反托拉斯法案,发信托案appeal 上诉appearance 出庭appellate court 上诉法庭applicability 可适应性appoint 指定,委派,委任appraisal 估价aquatic wildlife 野生水中动物,鱼类arbitration 仲裁,公断argument 争辩,辩论arm of the law 法律的权利armed robbery 持械抢劫arraignment 提审,提讯,提堂,过堂arraignment hearing 提讯听证arrest 逮捕,拘捕arrest on suspicion 因有疑而被捕arrest warrant 逮捕证,通缉令arresting officer 执行逮捕的警员arsenal 弹药库,枪械库arson 纵火罪ascertain 确定,查明aspersion 中伤,诽谤assassin 刺客,暗杀凶手assailant 攻击者assault 攻击assault and battery 殴打罪,伤害人身罪assess 估价,征收assets 资产asylum 庇护atrocity 暴行attempted crime 犯罪未遂attempted murder 谋杀未遂audit 稽查,查帐,审计,审核authenticate 鉴定,认证auto burglary 偷汽车里的东西auto theft 偷汽车automobile homicide 车祸杀人autopsy 验尸,尸体剖检avow 招认,承认award (v) 判给award (n) 裁定额Bbackup 后援,后备badge (of a police officer) 徽章bail 保释,保释金bail bond 保释保证金,保金bail bondsman 保释代理人bail forfeiture 保释金没收bail jumping 弃保潜逃,保释中逃跑,逃保Bail Reform Act 保释修正案bailey 法庭bailiff 法警,法庭执行官ban 禁止,禁令,取缔bandit 盗贼,土匪banish 流放,驱逐bar 律师业bar association 律师协会barricade 临时防御,障碍物befouling water 污染水源behavior 品性,行为bench 法官席,法官bench trail 法官(无陪审团)审讯bench warrant 法庭传票beyond reasonable doubt 理无置疑,无合理怀疑bias 偏见bicycle path 自行车/脚踏车/单车专用道bid 投标,出价bigamy 一夫多妻制;重婚罪bill (in a legislature) 议案bill of lading 提货单,提单bill of particular 诉讼明细书Bill of Rights 人权法案,基本权利法案bind over 责令待审binding 有约束力的,附有义务的binding agreement 有约束力的协议birthright 与生俱来的权利black market 黑市blackmail 勒索,敲诈,讹诈blood alcohol 血液内的酒精含量blood test 验血bludgeon 杖刑board certified (medical) 拥有(医学)公会认可的资格执照board examiner (medical) (医学)公会监考员boating infractions 划船游乐方面的违规body search 搜身book verb 入案,落案bookie /bookmaker 赌博(各种比赛)的经纪人bookmaking 外围下注bound 受到约束的bounty hunter 为领赏而追捕逃犯的人brandish a weapon 挥动武器(来威胁)breaking and entering 强行闯入bribe 行贿,贿赂brief 摘要书,辨诉状bring to justice 移送法办,绳之以法burden of proof 举证责任burglary 盗窃,盗窃罪business license 营业执照bylaws 规章,规程C(credit for) time served 已服刑时间campaign contribution 竞选捐献,竞选献金cannabis 大麻,大麻类毒品capital punishment 死刑carcass 动物尸体carjacking 劫车carpool lane 合用车专用道carrying a concealed weapon 身携暗器,携带暗器case 案子,诉讼案件case in chief 主案,控方的证据case law 判例法,案例法causation 因果关系,造事原因causing catastrophe 造成大灾难caveat 警告,中止诉讼的通知cease and desist 停止,制止census 人口普查,人口调查certified 被证明的,有保证的chain of custody 接受监管的次序a. preemptory challenge 不述理由而要求陪审员退席b. challenge for cause 有原因要求陪审员退席challenge (v) 反对,质问change of venue 变更审判地点,转移管辖character evidence 人格证据,品德证据charges 指控,罪名charge to the jury (法官)对陪审团的指导charitable organization 慈善机构,慈善组织charity drive 慈善活动chattel 动产,有形财产chief justice 首席法官child endangerment 危害儿童child labor law 童工法child molestation 猥亵儿童child welfare service 儿童福利服务choking 窒息circuit court 巡回法庭circumstantial evidence 间接证据,旁证citation 罚单,传票civil code 民事法典civil enforcement 执行民事法典civil law 民法civil liberty 公民自由civil right 公民权利claim (n) 要求权claim (v) 声称,断言claim (damages) 索赔claim (lost or stolen property) 认领claimant 债权人,原告,索赔人clandestine 暗中的,秘密的class action lawsuit 集体诉讼classified (advertisement) 分类的classified (document) 保密的clerk of the court 法庭书记closing argument 终结陈述,终结辩论cocaine 古柯碱,可卡因,白粉co-conspirator 共谋人,篡谋人coercion 强迫,胁迫,挟制cohabitation 同居commercial drivers license 商业性驾驶执照commit a crime 犯下罪行commitment hearing 拘禁听证common law 判例法,习惯法,普通法common law marriage 普通法/习惯法上的婚姻community service 社区服务community standards 共同道德标准compelling argument 有道理/有说服力的争辩competence 能力,权限competent council 合格的律师competent court 管辖法院,主管法院complaint 控诉,民事起诉compulsory education 义务教育compulsory process 强制到庭的程序computer crimes 用计算机(电脑)犯罪concealed firearm 夹带/夹藏的枪械concealed weapon 夹带/夹藏武器,暗器concurrent sentences 合并刑期,同时执行confession 认罪,供认,招认confidentiality 保密性,机密性confinement 监禁,拘留confiscate 没收,充公conflict of interest 利益冲突confrontation of witness 证人对质consecutive sentences 连续刑期conspiracy 共谋,篡谋conspiracy to commit a crime 篡谋犯罪constable 警察constitutional right 宪法权利contempt of court 蔑视法庭continuance/continuation (of the case) 诉讼延期,展延contract 契约,合同contract law 合同法,契约法contradict 反驳contradict oneself 自相矛盾contradiction 矛盾convict noun 罪犯convict verb 定罪conviction 定罪,判罪coroner 验尸官correctional officer 狱警,监管警员corroborate 证实costs incurred 所引起的费用counsel 律师counseling 心理辅导count 罪项court 法庭,法院court appointed attorney 法庭任命的律师court interpreter 法庭翻译,法庭传译court of appeals 上诉法院court of last resort 终审法院court of record 案件记录所在。

完整版)法律专业英语词汇Part 1: 刑法词汇1.罪犯(criminal):犯罪行为的实施者。
8.贩毒(drug trafficking):非法交易毒品或在毒品交易中参与。
10.洗钱(money laundering):将非法获取的资金合法化。
Part 2: 民事法词汇1.合同(contract):双方达成的书面或口头协议,产生法律效力。
6.法定继承人(legal heir):根据法律规定,有权继承遗产的人。
8.违约(breach of contract):不履行或违反合同中规定的义务。
9.诉讼费用(n costs):诉讼过程中产生的费用,如律师费、鉴定费等。
10.司法鉴定(judicial appraisal):法院指定的专门机构对相关事实或证据进行鉴定。
Part 3: 行政法词汇1.行政机关(administrative organ):政府管理机关,行使行政权力。
2.行政处罚(administrative penalty):行政机关根据法律或法规对违法行为采取的处罚措施。
3.行政许可(administrative license):行政机关根据法律或法规对特定行为发出的批准文件。

一、常见法律英语词汇列表1. Legal system - 法律体系2. Jurisdiction - 司法权3. Legislation - 立法4. Statute - 法规5. Regulation - 规章6. Amendment - 修正案7. Adjudication - 判决8. Defendant - 被告9. Plaintiff - 原告10. Evidence - 证据11. Trial - 审判12. Appeal - 上诉13. Attorney - 律师14. Advocate - 辩护人15. Judge - 法官16. Court - 法庭17. Legal precedent - 法律先例18. Contract - 合同19. Tort - 侵权行为20. Intellectual property - 知识产权21. Copyright - 版权22. Trademark - 商标23. Patent - 专利24. Liability - 责任25. Injunction - 禁令26. Arbitration - 仲裁27. Fraud - 欺诈28. Negligence - 过失29. Confidentiality - 保密30. Compliance - 合规二、法律英语词汇解析1. Legal system(法律体系):法律体系指的是一国或地区的法律制度和机构的总称,包括宪法、法律、司法权力等。
2. Jurisdiction(司法权):司法权指的是法院对特定案件的管辖权,包括管辖范围和地域范围。

一、通用法律术语w - 法律2.Legislation - 法规3.Statute - 法令4.Regulation - 规章5.Act - 法案6.Case - 案例7.Jurisdiction - 管辖权8.Court - 法院9.Judge - 法官10.A ttorney - 律师11.D efendant - 被告12.P lntiff - 原告13.W itness - 证人14.E vidence - 证据15.V erdict - 裁决二、合同法1.Contract - 合同2.Offer - 出价3.Acceptance - 接受4.Consideration - 对价5.Breach - 违约6.Performance - 履行7.Damages - 损害赔偿8.Termination - 终止9.Agreement - 协议10.C ounteroffer -还盘三、刑法1.Crime - 犯罪2.Offense - 违法行为3.Murder - 谋杀4.Robbery - 抢劫5.Theft - 盗窃6.Assault - 袭击7.Fraud - 欺诈8.Sentence - 判决9.Conviction - 定罪10.G uilty - 有罪11.I nnocent - 无罪四、知识产权法1.Copyright - 版权2.Trademark - 商标3.Patent - 专利4.Infringement - 侵权5.Intellectual Property - 知识产权6.License - 许可证7.Royalty - 版税8.Invention - 发明9.Trade Secret - 商业秘密10.F r Use - 合理使用五、公司法pany - 公司2.Shareholder - 股东3.Director - 董事4.Merger - 合并5.Acquisition - 收购6.Incorporation - 注册成立7.Bylaws - 法规章程8.Share - 股份9.Dividend - 红利10.B oard of Directors - 董事会六、劳动法1.Employment - 就业2.Employee - 员工3.Employer - 雇主4.Discrimination - 歧视5.Overtime - 加班6.Termination - 解雇7.Retaliation - 报复8.Worker’s Compensation - 工伤赔偿9.Collective Bargning - 集体协商10.M inimum Wage - 最低工资结论以上展示了一个很全的法律英语词汇列表,覆盖了通用法律术语以及一些常见的法律领域术语。

法律英语词汇大全(完美版)一、基本法律词汇1. 法律(Law):国家制定或认可的,用以规范社会成员行为、调整社会关系的规范总称。
2. 法规(Regulation):国家行政机关根据法律制定的具有普遍约束力的规范性文件。
3. 条款(Clause):法律、合同等文件中的具体规定。
4. 判决(Judgment):法院对案件审理后作出的结论性意见。
5. 律师(Lawyer):依法取得执业资格,为社会提供法律服务的专业人员。
6. 诉讼(Lawsuit):当事人依法向法院提起的请求保护自己合法权益的程序。
二、刑法相关词汇1. 犯罪(Crime):违反刑法规定,危害社会,依法应受刑罚处罚的行为。
2. 罪名(Charge):对犯罪嫌疑人指控的具体犯罪名称。
3. 刑罚(Punishment):国家对犯罪分子实行的一种强制措施,包括主刑和附加刑。
4. 刑事责任(Criminal Responsibility):犯罪分子因其犯罪行为所应承担的法律责任。
5. 量刑(Sentencing):法院根据犯罪分子的犯罪事实、情节和悔罪表现,依法决定刑罚的种类和幅度。
三、民法相关词汇1. 合同(Contract):当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。
2. 权利(Right):法律赋予当事人实现某种利益的可能性。
3. 义务(Obligation):当事人依法应承担的责任。
4. 赔偿(Compensation):因侵权行为给他人造成损失,依法应承担的经济补偿责任。
5. 继承(Inheritance):继承人依法取得被继承人遗产的法律制度。
四、商法相关词汇1. 公司(Company):依法设立的,以营利为目的的企业法人。
2. 股东(Shareholder):持有公司股份,享有公司权益和承担公司风险的人。
3. 破产(Bankruptcy):债务人因不能清偿到期债务,经法院宣告破产,对其财产进行清算的法律程序。
4. 票据(Bill):具有一定格式,载明一定金额,由出票人签发,无条件支付给持票人或指定人的有价证券。

1、TWO MAIN LEGAL FAMILIESCommon/English/English-American Law (Legal) System/Family 普通法系- case law system- Anglo-Saxon case-law system- Anglo-American legal systemContinental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系- civilian legal system- civil-law system2、civil law民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法)4、case law(案例法)vs. statutory law(成文法)statutory / written / codified / enacted law制定法、成文法5、adversary trial system(对抗制)vs. inquisitorial system (纠问制)6、jury trial system陪审团制度7、The reports of the United States Supreme Court联邦最高法院判例汇编The reports of some States州法院判例汇编8、legal cases法律案例9、private law and / vs. public law10、the statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law(其成文法继续适用通过判例法(注:即先例)进行的有约束力的解释)11、Common law (in narrow sense):- common general law- local law- itinerant judges of the English royal court- enforcement of a claim- special form of action: writ- classical Roman law- Provisions of Oxford (1258)牛津条例- “writ upon the case”本案令状12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状;recourse 追索权;追索,追偿13、Equity law衡平法- “ equity ”——doing equity- chancellor- relief 救济- judiciary- Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and / vs. ordinary common law courts-maxim- fixed, inflexible- equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage at sea)- In a conflict between law & equity,equity should prevail.14、awardcompensatory, compensatedamagesspecific performance特定履行|实际履行injunction强制令real/immoveable property(不动产)and / vs. personal/moveable property (动产)15、common law remedy/relief:普通法救济- (compensatory) damages金钱赔偿16、equity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济- injunction ( a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act)强制令- specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by the court to perform his obligations according to the terms of the agreement)- restitution17、judicialexpress (明示)vs. implied (默示)provision, providejurisdiction 管辖区域,法域; (司法)管辖权civil suit民事诉讼titlethe law of property财产法before the judge在法庭上17、apply/applicable/available适用于be subject to受。

常见法律英语词汇1. 法律文件名称•Complnt(诉状)•Writ(文书)•Summons(传票)•Affidavit(宣誓书)•Indictment(起诉书)•Subpoena(传唤令)•Pleading(辩词)•Judgment(判决书)•Decree(裁定书)2. 法律程序•Trial(审判)•Hearing(听证会)•Arrgnment(提讯)•Bl(保释)•Plea(答辩)•Evidence(证据)•Witnesses(证人)•Cross-examination(盘问)•Verdict(裁决)3.法律机构名称•Court(法庭)•Judge(法官)•Attorney(律师)•Prosecutor(检察官)•Plntiff(原告)•Defendant(被告)•Jury(陪审团)•Bliff(法警)4. 合同和协议•Contract(合同)•Agreement(协议)•Terms and Conditions(条款和条件)•Breach(违约)•Consideration(对价)•Indemnification(赔偿)•Confidentiality(保密)•Force Majeure(不可抗力)5. 知识产权•Intellectual Property(知识产权)•Patent(专利)•Trademark(商标)•Copyright(版权)•Infringement(侵权)•Royalty(版税)6. 公司法•Corporation(公司)•Shareholder(股东)•Board of Directors(董事会)•Articles of Incorporation(公司章程)•Shareholder Meeting(股东会议)•Merger(合并)7. 证明和认证•Notarization(公证)•Certification(认证)•Authentication(认证)8. 跨国交易•International Trade(国际贸易)•Import(进口)•Export(出口)•Customs(海关)•Tariff(关税)•Free Trade Agreement(自由贸易协定)9. 诉讼程序•Statute of Limitations(诉讼时效)•Discovery(证据交换)•Motion(动议)•Appeal(上诉)•Pretrial Conference(庭前会议)•Statutory Law(法令)•Case Law(判例法)10. 人权•Human Rights(人权)•Civil Liberties(公民权利)•Freedom of Speech(言论自由)•Right to Privacy(隐私权)•Due Process(正当程序)•Equality(平等)结论在法律翻译中,准确理解和恰当使用常见的法律英语专业词汇是至关重要的。

法律英语专业术语法律英语词汇:民法、商法和经济法Civil Laws, Commercial Laws and Economic Laws按照出资比例:in proportion to one’srespective contributions to the investment 办理注销登记:cancel the registration被代理人:the principal被侵权人the infringed本人名义:in one’s name标的subject matter补偿制度compensation system不动产登记制Lot and Block System财产法property law财产的添附accretion of property; property accession财产抵押权property mortgage财产继承权:the right of inheritance财产关系和人身关系:property relationships and personalrelationships财产管理人property administrator; custodian of property财产混同confusion; hotchpot财产留置权encumbrance采用书面形式:in writing仓单warehouse voucher草签合同initial a contract; sign a referendum contract; adreferendum contract 长期合同long-term contract偿付能力solvency capability of reimbursement超越代理权:beyo nd the scope of one’spower of agency撤消合同cancellation of contract撤销合同cancel a contract; rescind a contract; avoid acontract撤销权right of rescission; right of revocation撤销要约revocation of offer; revoke an offer撤销遗赠cancellation o will; revocationi of will承运人actual fault of the carrier承运人的留置权carrier’s lien诚信原则principle of good faith诚实信用原则:principle honesty and credibility; principle ofhonestry and good faith; good faith principle ; bona fide principle船舶承租人charterer船舶抵押权right of mortgage with respect to a ship; mortageof the ship; ship mortgage船舶抵押权的设定establishment of mortgage of the ship船舶抵押的消灭extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship 船舶抵押权登记registration of ship mortgage船舶留置权possessory lien; lien of ship村民委员会:the village committee惩罚性的损害赔偿punitive damages乘人之危:take advantage of one’sunfavorable position处分财产dispose of properties处分权act of disposition处分原则principle of disposition代理民事活动:be represented in civil activities by代理权终止:the expiration of one’spower of agency单独承担的责任undivided responsibility单方法律行为unilateral obligation单方行政行为unilateral administrative act等价有偿:making compensation for equal value对等原则principle of reciprocity对价consideration对抗措施counter measure对人权right in personam; personal right对世权real right; right in rem恶意串通:conspire maliciously恶意行为ill will mala fides法人judicial person; legal body法人的权利能力legal capacity of juristic person法人的责任能力capacity for responsibility of juristic person 法人权限corporate power法人人格corporate personality法人身份status of a legal person法人团体corporation法人资格corporate capacity法人组织章程:the articles of association of the legal person 负共同连带责任liable jointly and severally负全部责任bear all responsibilities; in all charge负有解释的义务accountable负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors附带的条件incident附带要求contingent claim附带原因contributory cause; inherent cause附条件的民事法律行为:conditional civil juristic acts附条件的权利conditional right赋予权力entitle个体工商户:individual businesses个人合伙:individual partnership各尽所能,按劳分配from each according to his ability, to eachaccording to his needs给付定金:leave a deposit with the other party工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry andcommerce公民基本义务fundamental duties of citizens合同contract合同法contract law合同副本copies of the contract合同规定contract provisions/stipulations合同履行地法lex loci contractus合同期限contract period (or contract term)合同条款contract terms (or contract clause)合同有效期contract life合同正本originals of the contract合伙人:partners合议制collegial system核准登记的经营范围:within the range approved and registered恢复原状recovery of original state; restitution;restoration of he original conditions; retitutio in integrum集体所有制企业:an enterprise under collective ownership技术合同纠纷案件controversy over a technology contract监护人:guardian经主管机关核准登记:approved and registered by the competentauthority居民委员会:the neighborhood committee履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship埋藏物、隐藏物:buried or concealed object买卖、出租、抵押、转让:be sold, leased, mortgaged or transferred农村承包经营户:leaseholding farm households平等主体:civil subjects with equal status企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterprise aslegal person 企业法人解散:disbanding of an enterprise as legal person契约自由liberty of contract取得不当得利:profits acquired improperly and without a lawfulbasis取得法人资格:be qualified as a legal person全民所有制企业:an enterprise owned by the whole people 让与alien; alienate; assign; cede让与的利益benefit of cession让与权benefit of cessioni设定义务的规则rule of imposing duty设立、变更、终止民事关系:establish, change or terminate civilrelationship所有权ownership书面合同a written contract双倍返还定金:repay the deposit in double双方法律行为bilateral legal transaction擅自变更或者解除(民事法律行为):alter or rescind one’s act arbitrarily他物权right over the property of another提供一定的财产作为抵押物:offer a specific property as a pledge违反合同breach of contract委托代理:entrusted agency委托代理人:an entrusted agent无过错责任liability without negligence无民事行为能力人:a person having no capacity for civilconduct无因管理:act as manager or provide services in order toprotect another person’s interests when he is notl egally or contractually obligated to do so下落不明one’s whereabouts have beenunknown限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civilconduct享有连带权利的每个债权人:each of the joint creditors行使代理权:exercise the power of agency宣告为无(限制)民事行为能力人:declare … to bea person to be without or withlimited capacity for civil conduct遗失物、漂流物:lost-and-found objects, flotsam以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押物的价款优先得到偿还:to keep the pledge to offset thedebt or have priority in satisfying his claim out of the proceeds from the saleof the pledge 以合法形式掩盖非法目的:perform under the guise of legitimate actswhich conceal illegitimate purposes以欺诈、胁迫的手段:as a result of cheating or coercion意思表示show one’s intention意思表示真实:the intention expressed is genuine优先购买的权利:a right of pre-emption优先权priority, preemptive right有过错的一方:the erring party有连带责任的conjunctly and severally有权向债务人追偿:have the right to claim repayment from thedebto造成财产损失:cause any property loss责任能力capacity for responsibility责任年龄capacity of responsibility; year of discretion债的标的object of obligation债的发生creation of obligation债的消灭extinction of obligation占有人有权留置该财产:the possessor shall have a lien on theproperty指定代理:appointed agency执行合同carry out a contract, execute/implement/fulfill/performa contract 主要办事机构:the main administrative office追偿:claim compensation from住所:domicile。

法律英语专业词汇汇总一、律师部分案件受理费court acceptance fee案情重大、复杂important and complicated case案由cause of action案子case包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件);the accused (用于刑事案件)被上诉人appellee被诉人respondent; defendant本案律师councel pro hac vice本地律师local counsel毕业证diploma; graduation certificate辩护词defense; pleadings辩护律师defense lawyer辩护要点point of defense辩护意见submission财产租赁property tenancy裁定书order; ruling; determination (才旨终审裁定)裁决书award (用于仲裁)裁决书verdict (用于陪审团)采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests查阅法条source legal provisions产权转让conveyancing出差go on errand; go on a business trip出国深造further study abroad出具律师意见书providing legal opinion出示的证据exhibit出庭appear in court传票summons; subpoena答辩状answer; reply代理词representation代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate代理公证、商标、专利、、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations代理彳中裁agency for arbitration代写文书drafting of legal instruments待决案件pending case当事人陈述statement of the parties第三人third party吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license调查笔录investigative record调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence调解mediation调解书mediation二审案件case of trial of second instance发送电子邮件send法律顾问legal consultants法律意见书legal opinions法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal counseling法庭division; tribunal法学博士学位LL.D (Doctor of Laws)法学会law society法学课程legal courses法学硕士学位LL.M (Master of Laws)法学系faculty of law; department of law法学学士学位LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士)法学院law school法院公告court announcement反诉状counterclaim房地产律师real estate lawyer; real property lawyer 非合伙律师associate lawyer非诉讼业务non-litigation practice高级合伙人senior partner高级律师senior lawyer各类协议和合同agreements and contracts公安局Public Security Bureau公司上市company listing公诉案件public-prosecuting case公证书notarial certificate国办律师事务所state-run law office国际贸易international trade国际诉讼international litigation国内诉讼domestic litigation合伙律师partner lawyer合伙制律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice 合同审查、草拟、修改contract review, drafting and revision会见当事人interview a client会见才□罪嫌疑人interview a criminal suspect兼职律师part-time lawyer监狱prison; jail鉴定结论expert conclusion缴纳会费membership dues举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision 勘验笔录record of request看守所detention house抗诉书protest控告人accuser; complainant跨国诉讼transnational litigation劳动争议labor disputes劳动争议仲裁委员会arbitration committee for labor disputes 劳改场reform-through-labor farm; prison farm利害关系人interested party; party in interest律管处处长director of lawyer control department律师lawyer attorney; attorney at law律师惩戒lawyer discipline律师法Lawyer Law律师费lawyer fee律师函lawyer's letter律师见证lawyer attestation/authentication律师见证书lawyer certification/authentication/witness律师卷宗lawyer's docile; file律师刊物lawyer's journal律师联系电话contact phone number of a lawyer律师事务所law office; law firm律师收费billing by lawyer律师网站lawyer website律师协会National Bar (Lawyer) Association律师协会会员member of Lawyer Association律师协会秘书长secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association 律师协会章程Articles of Lawyer Assocition律师业务室lawyer's office律师执业证lawyer license律师助理assistant lawyer律师资格考试bar exam; lawyer qualification exam律师资格证lawyer qualification certificate民事案件civil case民事调解civil mediation民事诉讼civil litigation派出所local police station; police substation判决judgement(用于民事、行政案件);determination(用于终审);sentence(用于刑事案);verdict(由陪审团作出)旁证circumstantial evidence企业章程articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw 企业重组corporate restructure起诉状information; indictment取消律师资格disbar全国律师代表大会National Lawyer Congress缺席宣判pronounce judgement or determination by default人民法院People's Court人民检察院People's Procuratorate认定事实determine facts上诉案件case of trial of second instance; appellate case上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal涉夕卜律师lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters申请复议administrative reconsideration petition申请力口入律师协会application for admission to Law Association 申请人petitioner; claimant申诉案件appeal case申诉人(仲裁)claimant; plaintiff申诉书appeal for revision, petition for revision实习律师apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period实习律师证certificate of apprentice lawyer视听证据audio-visual reference material适用法律apply law to facts受害人victim书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法建议书judicial advise司法局Judicial Bureau司法局副局长deputy director of Judicial Bureau司法局局长director of Judicial Bureau司法统一考试uniform judicial exam送达service of process诉讼litigation; action; lawsuit诉讼当事人litigation party; litigious party诉讼业务litigation practice诉状complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim 推销法律月艮务promote/market legal service外国律师事务所foreign law office委托代理合同authorized representation contract 委托代理人agent ad litem; entrusted agent委托授权书power of attorney物证material evidence嫌疑人criminal suspect项目融资project financing项目谈判project negotiating刑事案件criminal case刑事诉讼criminal litigation行政诉讼administrative litigation休庭adjourn the court; recess宣判pronounce judgement; determination宣誓书affidavit业务进修attendance in advanced studies一审案件case of trial of first instance与国夕卜律师事务所交流communicate with foreign law firms 原告plaintiff证券律师securities lawyer证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit执行笔录execution record执业登十己registration for practice执业范围scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area 执业申请practice application执业证年检annual inspection of lawyer license仲裁arbitration仲裁案件arbitration case仲裁机构arbitration agency专门律师specialized lawyer专职律师professional lawyer; full-time lawyer撰写法律文章write legal thesis资信调查credit standing investigation自诉案件private prosecuting case二、诉讼法律案件case案件发回remand/rimit a case (to a low court)案件名称title of a case案卷材料materials in the case案情陈述书statement of case案夕卜人person other than involved in the case案值total value involved in the case败诉方losing party办案人员personnel handling a case保全措施申请书application for protective measures 报案report a case (to security authorities)被告defendant; the accused被告人最后陈述final statement of the accused被告向原告第二次答辩rejoinder被害人victim被害人的诉讼代理人victim's agent ad litem被上诉人respondent; the appellee被申请人respondent被申请执行人party against whom execution is filed 被执行人person subject to enforcement本诉principal action必要共同诉讼人party in necessary co-litigation变通管辖jurisdiction by accord辩护defense辩护律师defense attorney/lawyer辩护人defender辩护证据exculpatory evidence; defense evidence辩论阶段stage of court debate驳回反诉dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim驳回请求deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling驳回诉讼dismiss an action/suit驳回通知书notice of dismissal驳回自诉dismiss/reject a private prosecution驳回自诉裁定书ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case补充答辩supplementary answer补充判决supplementary judgement补充侦查supplementary investigation不公开审理trial in camera不立案决定书written decision of no case-filing不批准逮捕决定书written decision of disapproving an arrest不起诉nol pros不予受理起诉通知书notice of dismissal of accusation by the court 财产保全申请书application for attachment; application for property preservation 裁定order; determination ( 指最终裁定)裁定管辖jurisdiction by order裁定书order; ruling裁决书award采信的证据admitted evidence查封seal up撤回上诉withdraw appeal撤诉withdraw a lawsuit撤销立案revoke a case placed on file撤销原判,发回重审rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial出示的证据exhibit除权判决invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)传唤summon; call传闻证据hearsay答辩answer; reply答辩陈述书statement of defence答辩状answer; reply大法官associate justices; justice大检察官deputy chief procurator代理控告agency for accusation代理申诉agency for appeal代理审判员acting judge代为申请取保候审agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving弹劾式诉讼accusatory procedure当事人陈述statement of the parties当庭宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court地区管辖territorial jurisdiction地区检察分院inter-mediate People's Procuratorate第三人third party调查笔录record of investigation定期宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date定罪证据incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence冻结freeze督促程序procedure of supervision and urge独任庭sole-judge bench独任仲裁员sole arbitrator对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施compulsory measures against impairment of civil action对席判决judgement inter parties二审trial of second instance二审案件case of trial of second insurance 罚款impose a fine法定证据statutory legal evidence法定证据制度system of legal evidence法官judges法警bailiff; court police法律文书legal instruments/papers法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal consulting法庭辩论court debate法庭调查court investigation法庭审理笔录court record法庭审理方式mode of court trial法庭庭长chief judge of a tribunal法院court法院公告court announcement反诉counterclaim反诉答辩状answer with counterclaim反诉状counterclaim犯罪嫌疑人criminal suspect附带民事诉讼案件a collateral civil action附带民事诉讼被告defendant of collateral civil action复查reexamination; recheck复验reinspect高级法官senior judge高级检察官senior procurator高级人民法院Higher People's Court告诉案件case of complaint告诉才处理的案件case accepted at complaint告诉申诉庭complaint and petition division工读学校work-study school for delinquent children公安部Ministry of Public Security公安分局public security sub-bureau公安厅public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government公开审理trial in public公开审判制度open trial system公示催告程序procedure of public summons for exhortation公诉案件public-prosecuting case公诉词statement of public prosecution公证机关public notary office共同管辖concurrent jurisdiction管辖jurisdiction国际司法协助international judicial assistance海事法院maritime court合议庭collegial panel合议庭评议笔录record of deliberating by the collegiate bench和解composition; compromise核对诉讼当事人身份check identity of litigious parties恢复执行resumption of execution回避withdrawal混合式诉讼mixed action基层人民法院basic People's Court羁押期限term in custody级另U管辖subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels 监视居住living at home under surveillance监狱prison检察官procurator检察权prosecutorial power检察委员会procuratorial/prosecutorial committee检察院procuratorate检察院派出机构outpost tribunal of procuratorate简易程序summary procedure鉴定结论expert conclusion经济审判庭economic tribunal径行半U决direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice纠问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings拘传summon by force; summon by warrant拘留所detention house举才艮information/report of an offence举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision军事法院military procuratorate开庭审理open a court session开庭通知notice of court session勘验笔录record of inquest看守所detention house可执行财产executable property控告式诉讼accusatory proceedings控诉证据incriminating evidence控诉职能accusation function才口才甲distrain on; attachment扣押物distress/distraint宽限期period of grace劳动争议彳中裁申请书p etition for labor dispute arbitration劳改场reform-through-labor farm劳教所reeducation-through-labor office类推判决的核准程序procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence累积证据cumulative evidence立案报告place a case on file立案管辖functional jurisdiction立案决定书written decision of case-filing立案侦查report of placing a case on file利害关系人interested party临时裁决书interim award律师见证书lawyer's written attestation; lawyer's written authentication 律师事务所law office; law firm律师提前介入prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分exemption from criminal penalty民事案件civil case民事审判庭civil tribunal民事诉讼civil action民事诉讼法Civil Procedural Law扭送seize and deliver a suspect to the police派出法庭detached tribunal派出所police station判决judgement; determination判决书judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)旁证circumstantial evidence陪审员juror批准逮捕approval of arrest破案clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case破产bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序general/ordinary procedure普通管辖general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation起诉filing of a lawsuit起诉sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状indictment; information区县检察院grassroots People's Procuratorate取保候审the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving缺席判决default judgement人民调解委员会People's Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉appeal上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal少管所juvenile prison社会治安综合治理comprehensive treatment of social security 涉夕卜案件cases involving foreign interests涉夕卜民事诉讼foreign civil proceedings涉夕卜刑事诉讼foreign criminal proceedings申请人applicant; petitioner申请书petition; application for arbitration申请执行人execution applicant申诉人宣誓书claimant's affidavit of authenticity申诉书appeal for revision; petition for revision神示证据制度system of divinity evidence神示制度ordeal system审查案件case review审查并决定逮捕examine and decide arrest审查起诉阶段stage of review and prosecution审理通知书notice of hearing审判长presiding judge审判长宣布开庭presiding judge announce court in session审判管辖adjudgement/trial jurisdiction审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision审判委员会judicial committee审判员judge审问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定legally effective judgement/order胜诉方winning party省市自治区检察院higher People's Procuratorate失踪和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death实(质)体证据substantial evidence实物证据tangible evidence实在证据real evidence示意证据demonstrative evidence视听证据audio-visual evidence收容所collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官chief justice首席检察官chief procurator受害人的近亲属victim's immediate family受理acceptance受理刑事案件审批表registration form of acceptance of criminal case 受送达人the addressee书记员court clerk书十己员宣读法庭仑己律court clerk reads court rules书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法机关judicial organizatons司法警察judicial police司法局judicial bureau司法厅judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government司法协助judicial assistance死缓的复核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence死刑复核权competence for judicial review of death sentence送达service of process送达传票service of summons/subpoena送达诉状service of bill of complaint搜查search诉sue; suit; action; lawsuit诉前财产保全property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼litigation; lawsuit; sue; action诉讼保全attachment诉讼参力口人litigious participants诉讼代理人agent ad litem诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim特别程序special procedures提起公诉institute a public prosecution铁路法院railway court铁路检察院railroad transport procuratorate庭审程序procedure of court trial通缉wanted for arrest投案appearance退回补充侦查return of a case for supplementary investigation委托辩护entrusted defense未成年人法庭juvenile court无行政职务的法官associate judge无正当理由拒不至 ^庭r efuse to appear in court without due cause 无罪判决acquittal, finding of " not guilty "物证material evidence先予执行申请书application for advanced execution先予执行advanced execution刑事案件criminal case刑事拘留criminal detention刑事强制拘留criminal coercive/compulsory measures刑事审判庭criminal tribunal刑事诉讼criminal proceedings刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedural Law刑事自诉状self-incriminating criminal complaint行政案件administrative case行政审判庭administrative tribunal行政诉讼administrative proceedings行政诉讼法Administrative Procedural Law宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death宣判笔录record of rendition of judgement选民资格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters询问证人inquire/question a witness训诫reprimand讯问笔录record of interrogation询问犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect言词证据verbal evidence要求传唤证人申请书application for subpoena一裁终局arbitration award shall be final and binding一审trial of first instance一审案件case of trial of first instance应诉通知书notice of respondence to action有罪判决sentence; finding of "guilty"予审preliminary examinantion; pretrial原告plaintiff院长court president阅卷笔录record of file review (by lawyers)再审案件case of retrial再审申请书petition for retrial责令具结悔过order to sign a statement of repentance债权人会议creditors' meeting侦查阶段investigation stage侦查终结conclusion of investigation征询原、被告最后意见consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant证据evidence证据保全preserve evidence证据保全申请书application for evidence preservation证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit支付令payment order/warrant知识产权庭intellectual property tribunal执行程序procedure execution执行逮捕execution of arrest执行和解conciliation of execution执行回转recovery of execution执行庭executive tribunal执行异议objection to execution执行员executor执行中止discontinuance of execution执行终结conclusion of execution指定辩护appointed defense指定仲裁员声明statement of appointing arbitrator中级人民法院intermediate People's Court中途退庭retreat during court session without permission 仲裁arbitration仲裁被诉人respondent; defendant仲裁裁决award仲裁申请书arbitration彳中裁申诉人claimant; plaintiff仲裁庭arbitration tribunal彳中裁委员会arbitration committee彳中裁协议arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration 仲裁员arbitrator主诉检察官principal procurator助理检察官assistant procurator助理审判员assistant judge专门法院special court专门管辖specific jurisdiction专属管辖exclusive jurisdiction追究开U事责任investigate for criminal responsibility自首confession to justice自诉案件private-prosecuting case自行辩护self-defense自由心证制度doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence 自侦案件self-investigating case最高人民法院the Supreme People's Court最高人民检察院the Supreme People's Procuratorate最后裁决书final award三、民事法律法律渊源source of law带9定法statute判例法case law; precedent普通法common law特另U法special law固有法native law; indigenous law继受法adopted law实体法substantial law程序法procedural law原贝U法fundamental law例外法exception law司法解释judicial interpretation习惯法customary law公序良俗public order and moral自然法natural law罗马法Roman Law私法private law公法public law市民法jus civile万民法jus gentium民法法系civil law system英美法系system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系civil law system普通法common law大陆法continental law罗马法系Roman law system英吉利法English law衡平法equity; law of equity日尔曼法Germantic law教会法ecclesiastical law寺院法canon law伊斯兰法Islamic law民法法律规范norm of civil law授权规范authorization norm禁止规范forbidding norm义务性规范obligatory norm命令性规范commanding norm民法基本原贝U fundamental principles of civil law 平等原贝U principle of equality自愿原贝U principle of free will公平原贝U principle of justice等价有偿原贝U principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原贝U principle of good faith行为act作为act不作为omission合法行为lawful act违法行为unlawful act民事权利权利能力civil right绝对权absolute right相对权relative right优先权right of priority先买权preemption原权antecedent right救济权right of relief支配权right of dominion请求权right of claim物上请求权right of claim for real thing形成权right of formation撤销权right of claiming cancellation否认权right of claiming cancellation解除权right of renouncement代位权subrogated right选择权right of choice承认权right of admission终止权right of termination抗辩权right of defense一时性抗辩权momentary right of defense永久性抗辩权permanent counter-argument right不安抗辩权unstable counter-argument right同时履行抗辩权defense right of simultaneous performance 既得权tested right期待权expectant right专属权exclusive right非专属权non-exclusive right人身权禾U personal right人权human right人格权right of personality生命健康权right of life and health姓名权right of name名称权right of name肖像权right of portraiture自由权right of freedom名誉权right reputation隐私权right of privacy私生活秘密权right of privacy贞操权virginity right身份权right of status亲权parental power; parental right亲属权right of relative探视权visitation right配偶权right of spouse荣誉权right of honor权利的保护protection of right公力救济public protection私力救济self-protection权禾U本位standard of right社会本位standard of society无责任行为irresponsible right正当防卫justifiable right; ligitimate defence防卫行为act of defence自为行为self-conducting act紧急避险act of rescue; necessity自助行为act of self-help不可抗力force majeure意夕卜事件accident行为能力capacity for act意思能力capacity of will民事行为civil act意思表示declaration of intention意思表示一致meeting of minds; consensus完全行为能力perfect capacity for act限制行为能力restrictive capacity for act准禁治产人quasi-interdicted person保佐protection自治产人minor who is capable of administering his own capacity 无行为能力incapacity for act禁治产人interdicted person自然人natural person公民citizen住所domicile居所residence经常居住地frequently dwelling place户籍census register监护guardianship个体工商户individual business农村承包经营户leaseholding rural household合伙partnership合伙人partner合伙协议partnership agreement合伙财产property of partnership合伙债务debt of partnership入伙join partnership退伙withdrawal from partnership合伙企业partnership business establishment个人合伙partnership法人合伙partnership of legal person特另U合伙special partnership普通合伙general partnership有限合伙limited partnership民事合伙civil partnership隐名合伙sleeping partnership; dormant partnership 私营企业private enterprise; proprietorship法人legal person企业法人legal body of enterprise企业集团group of enterprise关联企业affiliate enterprise个人独资企业individual business establishment国有独资企业solely state-owned enterprise中夕卜合资企业Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise中夕卜合作企业Sino-foreign contractual enterprise社团法人legal body of mass organization财团法人legal body of financial group联营joint venture法人型联营association of legal persons合伙型联营coordinated management in partnership协作型联营cooperation-type coordinated management合作社cooperative民事法律行为civil legal act单方民事法律行为unilateral civil legal act双方民事法律行为bilateral civil legal act多方民事法律行为joint act civil legal act有偿民事法律行为civil legal act with consideration无偿民事法律行为civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award实践性民事法律行为practical civil legal act诺成性民事法律行为consental civil legal act要式民事法律行为formal civil legal act不要式民事法律行为informal civil legal act要因民事法律行为causative civil legal act不要因民事法律行为noncausative civil legal act主民事法律行为principal civil legal act从民事法律行为accessory civil legal act附条件民事法律行为conditional civil legal act附期限民事法律行为civil legal act with term生前民事法律行为civil legal act before death死后民事法律行为civil legal act after death准民事法律行为quasi-civil legal act无效行为ineffective act可撤销民事行为revocable civil act违法行为illegal act; unlawful act侵权行为tort欺诈fraud胁迫duress乘人之危taking advantage of others' precarious position以合法形式掩盖非法目的legal form concealing illegal intention 恶意串通malicious collaboration重大误解gross misunderstanding显失公平obvious unjust误传misrepresentation代理agency本人principal被代理人principal受托人trustee代理人agent本代理人original agent法定代理人statutory agent; legal agent 委托代理人agent by mandate指定代理人designated agent复代理人subagent再代理人subagent转代理人subagent代理权right of agency授权行为act of authorization授权委托书power of attorney代理行为act of agency委托代理agency by mandate本代理original agency复代理subagency次代理subagency有权代理authorized agency表见代理agency by estoppel; apparent agency律师代理agency by lawyer普通代理general agency全权代理general agency全权代理委托书general power of attorney共同代理joint agency独家代理sole agency居间brokerage居间人broker行纪commission; broker house信托trust日寸效time limit; prescription; limitation时效中止suspension of prescription/limitation时效中断interruption of limitation/prescription时效延长extension of limitation取得时效acquisitive prescription时效终止lapse of time; termination of prescription 期日date期间term涉夕卜民事关系civil relations with foreign elements 冲突规范rule of conflict准据法applicable law; governing law反致renvoi; remission转致transmission识别identification公共秩序保留reserve of public order法律规避evasion of law国籍nationality国有化nationalization法律责任legal liability民事责任civil liability/responsibility行政责任administrative liability/responsibility刑事责任criminal liability/responsibility违约责任liability of breach of contract; responsibility of default 有限责任limited liability无限责任unlimited liability按份责任shared/several liability连带责任joint and several liability过失责任liability for negligence; negligent liability过错责任fault liability; liability for fault单独过错sole fault共同过错joint fault混合过丰昔mixed fault被害人过错victim's fault第三人过错third party's fault推定过错presumptive fault恶意bad faith; malice故意deliberate intention; intention; willfulness过失negligence重大过失gross negligence疏忽大意的过失careless and inadvertent negligence 过于自信的过失negligence with undue assumption 损害事实facts of damage有形损失tangible damage/loss无形损失intangible damage/loss财产损失property damage/loss人身损失personal damage/loss精 1 申损失spiritual damage/loss民事责任承担方式methods of bearing civil liability 停止侵害cease the infringing act排除妨碍exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle 消除危险elimination of danger返还财产restitution of property恢复原状restitution; restitution of original state赔偿损失compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss支付违约金payment of liquidated damage消除影响eliminate ill effects恢复名誉rehabilitate one's reputation赔礼道歉extend a formal apology物权jus ad rem; right in rem; real right物权制度real right system; right in rem system一物一权原贝U the principal of One thing, One Right物权法定主义principal of legality of right in rem物权公示原贝U principal of public summons of right in rem 物权法jus rerem物property生产资料raw material for production生活资料means of livelihood; means of subsistence流通物res in commercium; a thing in commerce限制流通物limited merchantable thing禁止流通物res extra commercium; a thing out of commerce 资产asset固定资产fixed asset流动资产current asset; floating asset动产movables; chattel不动产immovable; real estate特定物res certae; a certain thing种类物genus; indefinite thing可分物res divisibiles; divisible things不可分物res indivisibiles; indivisible things主物res capitalis; a principal thing从物res accessoria; an accessory thing原物original thing孳息fruits天然孳息natural fruits法定孳息legal fruits无主物bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods 遗失物lost property漂流物drifting object埋藏物fortuna; hidden property货币currency证券securities债券bond物权分类classification of right in rem/real right自物权jus in re propria; right of full ownership所有权dominium; ownership; title所有权凭证document of title; title of ownership占有权dominium utile; equitable ownership使用权right of use; right to use of收益权right to earnings; right to yields处分权right of disposing; jus dispodendi善意占有possession in good faith恶意占有malicious possession按份共有several possession共同共有joint possession他物权jus in re aliena用益物权real right for usufruct使用权right to use; right of use土地使用权right to the use of land林权forest ownership采矿权mining ownership经营权managerial authority; power of management承包经营权right to contracted management相邻权neighboring right; relatedright地上权superficies永佃权jus emphyteuticum; right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract地役权servitude; easement人役权servitus personarum; personal servitude担保物权real right for security物的担保security for thing。

一、合同法1. Contract - 合同2. Offer - 出价3. Acceptance - 接受4. Consideration - 对价5. Breach of contract - 违约6. Damages - 赔偿7. Termination - 终止8. Force majeure - 不可抗力9. Arbitration - 仲裁10. Jurisdiction - 管辖权二、刑法1. Crime - 犯罪2. Offense - 罪行3. Guilty - 有罪4. Innocent - 无辜5. Evidence - 证据6. Attorney - 律师7. Bail - 保释金8. Trial - 审判9. Verdict - 裁决10. Sentence - 判决三、知识产权法1. Copyright - 版权2. Patent - 专利3. Trademark - 商标4. Infringement - 侵权5. Royalties - 版权费6. Intellectual property - 知识产权7. Fair use - 合理使用8. Injunction - 禁令9. License - 许可10. Trade secret - 商业秘密四、劳动法1. Employee - 雇员2. Employer - 雇主3. Labor contract - 劳动合同4. Minimum wage - 最低工资5. Overtime pay - 加班费6. Discrimination - 歧视7. Harassment - 骚扰8. Unemployment benefits - 失业救济金9. Collective bargaining - 集体谈判10. Work injury compensation - 劳动争议五、国际法1. Treaty - 条约2. Diplomacy - 外交3. Sovereignty - 主权4. United Nations - 联合国5. International Court of Justice - 国际法庭6. Human rights - 人权7. Humanitarian law - 人道主义法律8. Peacekeeping - 维和9. Sanctions - 制裁10. War crime - 战争罪六、民事诉讼1. Plaintiff - 原告2. Defendant - 被告3. Complaint - 控诉4. Pleading - 辩词5. Judgment - 判决书6. Appeal - 上诉7. Discovery - 调查8. Subpoena - 传票9. Mediation - 调解10. Settlement - 和解总结:了解法律英语词汇不仅有助于提高法律专业的英语水平,也为国际法律领域的合作和交流提供了便利。
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美联英语提供:法律英语:常用法律专业术语大全小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/?tid=16-73374-0 1类推判决的核准程序procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence累积证据cumulative evidence立案报告place a case on file立案管辖functional jurisdiction立案决定书written decision of case-filing立案侦查report of placing a case on file利害关系人interested party临时裁决书interim award律师见证书lawyer’s written attestation; lawyer’s written authentication律师事务所law office; law firm律师提前介入prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分exemption from criminal penalty民事案件civil case民事审判庭civil tribunal民事诉讼civil action民事诉讼法Civil Procedural Law扭送seize and deliver a suspect to the police法律英语常用词汇大全2派出法庭detached tribunal派出所police station判决judgement; determination判决书judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)旁证circumstantial evidence陪审员juror批准逮捕approval of arrest破案clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case破产bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序general/ordinary procedure普通管辖general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation起诉filing of a lawsuit起诉sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状indictment; information区县检察院grassroots People’s Procuratorate取保候审the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving缺席判决default judgement人民调解委员会People’s Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉appeal上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal少管所juvenile prison社会治安综合治理comprehensive treatment of social security涉外案件cases involving foreign interests法律英语常用词汇大全3涉外民事诉讼foreign civil proceedings涉外刑事诉讼foreign criminal proceedings申请人applicant; petitioner申请书petition; application for arbitration申请执行人execution applicant申诉人宣誓书claimant’s affidavit of authenticity申诉书appeal for revision; petition for revision神示证据制度system of divinity evidence神示制度ordeal system审查案件case review审查并决定逮捕examine and decide arrest审查起诉阶段stage of review and prosecution审理通知书notice of hearing审判长presiding judge审判长宣布开庭presiding judge announce court in session审判管辖adjudgement/trial jurisdiction审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision审判委员会judicial committee审判员judge审问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定legally effective judgement/order胜诉方winning party省市自治区检察院higher People’s Proc uratorate失踪和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death实(质)体证据substantial evidence实物证据tangible evidence实在证据real evidence示意证据demonstrative evidence视听证据audio-visual evidence收容所collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官chief justice首席检察官chief procurator受害人的近亲属victim’s immediate family受理acceptance受理刑事案件审批表registration form of acceptance of criminal case受送达人the addressee书记员court clerk书记员宣读法庭纪律court clerk reads court rules法律英语常用词汇大全4书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法机关judicial organizations司法警察judicial police司法局judicial bureau司法厅judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government司法协助judicial assistance死缓的复核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence死刑复核权competence for judicial review of death sentence送达service of process送达传票service of summons/subpoena送达诉状service of bill of complaint搜查search诉sue; suit; action; lawsuit诉前财产保全property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼litigation; lawsuit; sue; action诉讼保全attachment诉讼参加人litigious participants诉讼代理人agent ad litem诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim特别程序special procedures提起公诉institute a public prosecution铁路法院railway court铁路检察院railroad transport procuratorate庭审程序procedure of court trial通缉wanted for arrest投案appearance退回补充侦查return of a case for supplementary investigation 委托辩护entrusted defense未成年人法庭juvenile court无行政职务的法官associate judge法律英语常用词汇大全5三、民事法律法律渊源source of law制定法statute判例法case law; precedent普通法common law特别法special law固有法native law; indigenous law继受法adopted law实体法substantial law程序法procedural law原则法fundamental law例外法exception law司法解释judicial interpretation习惯法customary law公序良俗public order and moral自然法natural law罗马法Roman Law私法private law公法public law市民法jus civile万民法jus gentium民法法系civil law system英美法系system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系civil law system普通法common law大陆法continental law罗马法系Roman law system法律英语常用词汇大全6不作为omission合法行为lawful act违法行为unlawful act民事权利权利能力civil right绝对权absolute right相对权relative right优先权right of priority先买权preemption原权antecedent right救济权right of relief支配权right of dominion请求权right of claim物上请求权right of claim for real thing 形成权right of formation撤销权right of claiming cancellation 否认权right of claiming cancellation 解除权right of renouncement代位权subrogated right选择权right of choice承认权right of admission终止权right of termination抗辩权right of defense一时性抗辩权momentary right of defense永久性抗辩权permanent counter-argument right不安抗辩权unstable counter-argument right同时履行抗辩权defense right of simultaneous performance 既得权tested right期待权expectant right美联英语:。