【VIP专享】美国60年代社会运动小结American Social Movements of the 1960s


America 1960s

America 1960s

• The 1960s in the United States was an age of great turbulence and dramatic change. "Hippies", in particular, was attacking the mainstream culture by every ways. They were discontented with the existing government and disagreed with the values of their parents' generation. They also felt uncertain about the society and tried to change the world through rock music, drugs and sex.
The hippies inherited the countercultural values of the Beat Generation, created their own communities, listened to psychedelic ([.saiki’delik] 引起幻觉的) rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as cannabis ( [‘kænəbis]大麻) and LSD to explore alternative states of consciousness.
thousands of young people from all over the world to travel to San Francisco, wearingIfflowers ingoing their hair and distributing flowers to passersby, earning them you’re to San Francisco, the name, “Flower Children”. Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair, The people you meet in this city is warm and friendly, For those people who are going to San Francisco, This summer will full of the sunshine of love.



the Women's Movement
• Groups:
professional women appointed to a Commission on the Status of Women white housewivies and mothers( Most of them were influenced by the book the Feminine Mystique, in 1963, by Betty Friedan) young activists in the Civil Rights movement and anti-war movement
• Beginng Event: Freedom Speech Movement
In Octomber 1964, a CORE organiser distributed information and collected money at the campus of the University at Berkeley. The university police chief and deans came to stop him, and finally would arrest him. Then a large crowd of students spontaneously surrounded the car and protested so that 800 students were arrested. However, the university was closed and the teachers voted to change the school rules. The movement was ended with students' success.

Social Movement

Social   Movement

“I live in America, but I don’t belong here.”
The Hippie choose to live together in state-owned herd villages, located in New
York L.A San Francisco
Aim: For equality with men in education rights, political rights, business rights and property right of inheritance(遗产). Represent: The United States first conference of women was hold in Seneca Falls in 1848 Susan B. Anthony ——in 1869 The National Women's Suffrage Association
• the 44th and current President of the United States • the first African American president • took place on January 20, 2009 • the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
The Hippie
--Rebel and Guard US Sprit
What is Hippie?
“Youth in the 1960s, in the United
States, they are opposed to social state, and to Outrageous outfits, with long hair, live in groups, addicted to drug to vent their dissatisfaction with the community and society.”



Second, were inspired by Betty Friedan’s book “Feminine Mystique”

The third group were young activists They thought that women were discriminated in the social movements. They demanded that be treated equally. All in all, women asked for equal rights, equal power, equal working opportunities, equal payment. They asked for rights for voting. They had the right to choose their life style.
Martin Luther King—The Leader

Martin Luther King, who was born in 1929,is well-known to us all as a freedom fighter. King led a boycott of the bus company and led many demonstrations against racial discrimination.
In 1972, President Nixon withdrew the U.S. troop from Vietnam.
Counterculture (反主流文化)

Counterculture is a part of The Youth Movement. Young people were not satisfied with the traditional values, and they thought they had rights to choose their own way of lives. Hippies, drugs, rock music



III. The Youth Movement/Anti-War Movement
(3) The young people rejected the war in Vietnam.
(4)The Hippies wore long hair, strange and colorful clothes and many of them used drugs.
the civil rights movement
mixed race marriages forbidden no right to vote
protested segregation laws (separation of blacks and whites) shops restaurants hospitals schools buses/trains
(3)The third group were young activists (激进主义分子, 行动 主义分子) in the civil rights and anti-war movements.
NOW (the National Organization for Women ) ((美国)全国妇女组织)
(3)This organization supported racism, killed a lot of black people.
是美国历史上最悠久,最庞大的恐怖主义组织,又成为白色 联盟和无形帝国。
Ku Klux Klan 3K党 in 1920s
Ku Klux Klan 3K党 in2006
6. Ku Klux Klan (三K党)(white terrorists)
(1)The most notorious terrorist group against black civil rights workers in the South was known as Ku Klux Klan三K 党 (2) Ku Klux Klan was founded in Tennessee in 1865.



These social issues included support for civil rights, women's rights, and gay rights movements, and a rejection of the Vietnam War. Hippies became the largest countercultural group in the United States.

As the movement's ideals spread beyond college campuses, doubts about the war also began to appear within the administration itself. A mass movement began rising in opposition to the Vietnam War, ending in the massive Moratorium protests in 1969, as well as the movement of resistance to conscription ("the Draft") for the war.
The social movements in 1960s

The civil rights movement
The youth movement /anti-war movement

The women’s liberation movements
Why did the social movement begin?
Move on …
One kind of protest was called a "sit-in". Other terms heard in the United States included "the Draft", "draft dodger", "conscientious objector", and "Vietnam vet". As the US government sent more troops to Vietnam and the number of war death grew, public feeling against government policy grew so strong that President Johnson decided not to run for re-election in 1968.



















The Beatles helped shape the culture, politics and fashion of the Sixties, as well as the music of those that followed them.
Drug Use : first widespread and socially accepted
The expansion of military in Vietnam fueled the antiwar movement at home.
Many demonstrations took place, like the burning of draft cards(征兵证).
Other people saw the counterculture as self-indulgent, rebellious, unpatriotic, and destructive of America's moral order.
Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his now infamous “I have a dream” speech out side the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. He recognized that civil rights movement needed
The presidential election of John F. Kennedy symbolized a new beginning for a new generation.
People’s Opinion
To some Americans, counterculture reflected American ideals of free speech, equality, and pursuit of happiness.



歌曲: “Let it all hang out!”(让我们畅所欲言吧) 青年运动的开端: 1964年10月 直接行动策略: 静坐。 青年运动的结果
以“嬉皮士”为代表的“反文化”的形 成。
自由之行(1947) 选民登记 投票权 平等权 政治权
1963年8月28日在 华盛顿特区一次示 威游行中,发表演 说“我有一个梦 想”。
南部黑人拥有选举权。 种族主义仍然存在。
the women’s liberation movement
美国黑人, 青年人 和妇女 对自己的生活不满意
在美国南部和 南部以外的地区,黑人 有着不同的生活经历。 年轻人厌恶 美国社会中传统白人 男性价值观
二战中与二战后 妇女生活的变化
禁止不同人种结婚 无选举权
必备要件 •意图造成变化的集体行动
the civil rights movement
the youth movement
the youth antiwar movement
the anti-war movement

American_Social_Movement 讲课

American_Social_Movement 讲课

The United States today celebrates the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with memorials (纪念活动 纪念活动), 纪念活动 parades (游行 and a "King Day of 游行) 游行 Service." The King holiday, which President Ronald Reagan signed into law in 1983, has become known as a day of community service (社区服务 社区服务). 社区服务
Martin Luther King
•Born in 1929 •Graduated in 1955 •Worked in a church •Organized his first action in 1955 •Formed an organization for black leaders to work together in 1957 •Give speech “ I Have a Dream” in 1963 •Received the Nobel Peace Price in 1964 •Murdered in 1968 •King’s Day —— the 3rd Monday in January
I. Background of the Civil Rights Movement
Greensboro Sit-in (格林斯博罗静坐 格林斯博罗静坐) 格林斯博罗静坐
On February 1, 1960, 4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro, North Carolina (北卡罗莱纳州 sat down at a department 北卡罗莱纳州), 北卡罗莱纳州 lunch counter and ordered coffee. When refused, they continued to sit at the counter, openly defying the segregation law prevailing in the state. The next day, more students joined them. Thus began the civil rights movement ,which spread from the south to the north.

【免费下载】美国60年代社会运动小结American Social Movements of the 1960s

【免费下载】美国60年代社会运动小结American Social Movements of the 1960s

American Social Movements of the 1960sI. IntroductionAmerican social movements in the 1960s was marked with the quiet "sit-in".On February 1,1960,4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro went to a store and sat down at the lunch counter which refused to serve the black .The students ,believing the segregation law was wrong ,didn't move and continued to sit .There were three trends in the 1960s in America,the civil rights movements,the young anti-war and the women's liberation movements. "We shall overcome!" "Let it all hang out !" and"Speak your heart without interruption"somehow expressed their attitude and goals in the movements.II. The Three Social Movements of the 1960s1. The Civil Rights MovementIn the 1960s after the World War II ,Afo-Americans were dissatisfied with their lives because of the segregation laws in Southern states.Black and white children couldn't go to the same school ,and most Negroes were not allowed to vote. They were prevented from good jobs and education,which was not the American way of life and couldn't fulfill their American dreams.The civil rights movements began when black people spontaneously protested segregation laws and created organization to make the protest successful.The true beginning was that a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man on the bus in 1955.The members of NAACP informed other organization about her act of civil disobedience.Black people began to boycott the bussystem.From Rosa Parks' spontaneous action and from the social base of Negro churchs,community and political organizations ,grew support for protest against segregation.There main organizations were Congress of Racial Equality (CORE),Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC).Civil rights activists used different direct action tactics .They first used "sit-in" tactics to fight segregation and later ,"freedom rides".Black and white CORE members travelled together on buses to challenge segregation. In the summer of 1963,hundred of thousands of peaceful demonstrators went to Washington DC,where Martin Luther King gave the famous speech "I HAVE A DREAM". In 1965,as racial violence continued ,black people began to change their nonviolence in fighting discrimination into violence.They made Stokely Carmicheal chairman of the SNCC.He spoke about "black power" and organized the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in Oakland in 1966.In September 1961,the federal government declared segregation illegal in all interstate bus stations.In 1964,the Civil Rights Act was passed Congress and signed into law by President Johnson to improve the racial relations.Legal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement.Southern Afro-American can vote.2. The Youth Movement/Anti-War MovementMany young people resented traditional white male values in US society.They believed their fathers were selfish and they don't want to follow their mothers' examples either.Young people believed they had the rights to choose the way theywould live their lives.They wanted to work at jobs which were interesting,not just to make money.When the Vietnam began,many people thought it was wrong.Young people,black and white,didn't want to join the army.Mothers didn't want their sons drafted into the army.After working in the South during "Freedom Summer" in 1964,many white students changed greatly in their attitudes and beliefs.In October 1964,students protested that the CORE workers be free and rules against free speech be changed.They sat around the police car for 32 hours.Graduates students organized a strike and closed the university.The young people's "Free Speech Movement"began with success.Later some students formed a "counterculture".They reject capitalism and other American principles.They were looked for happiness and called Hippies which represented a new culture they created.Their direct action strategies included teach-ins,protest marched and rallies,and attacks on federal offices.A loose coalition of many organization was formed under a series of"Mobilization Committees to End the War in Vietnam"The president Johnson decided not to run for re-election in 1968 because of the anger of people.In 1973,the US signed a peace treaty.3. The Women’s MovementMiddle-class white women were well-educated and had the opportunity to work in responsible jobs during WWII. But when men returned from war,they were given the good jobs.Thus women earned less and had fewer opportunities.They becamehousewives ,isolated at home with their children.The women movement was started by three groups and an accident.The first was a group of women who were appointed to a Commission on the Status of Women,They found women were not equal with men and situation of some women was shocking.The second group were mostly white housewives and mothers who read Betty Friedan's book,The Feminine Mystique.The book changed the way women thought about themselves and other women.The third group were young activists in the civil rights and anti-war movements.They believed male leaders of these movements were discriminating against women in the movements.They became known as the "women's liberation "group ,or "women's lib",used radical tactics and received a great deal of bad publicity.The accident was a word in the Civil Rights Act,which made discrimination in employment based on race or sex illegal.In 1966,the National Organization for Women(NOW)was formed.They argued that women were strong leaders and organizers and they could do more than simple work such as cooking and secretarial work.They also called for a change in working area and economic practice.To educate the public and the gain support,women used many of the same tactics used by the civil rights and anti-war movements and added some of their own tactics. III ConclusionThe social movements of 1960s had a strong effect on the way people think and act,and caused changes in many laws.However,many of the problems they hoped to solve still exist in US today.。



Some white professional men and women
Black and white young people Usually male
Some white housewives older Some white housewives
One of the most important of all social movement in the 1960s U.S. history. Rosa Parks (罗莎· 帕克斯) spontaneous action (自发行为) in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement
加载中∙ ∙ ∙ 即将开始
100% 99% 96% 94% 86% 79% 70% 63% 58% 49% 41% 34% 27% 20% 17% 8% 5% 0%
Social movement of the 1960s
组员: 赵超然 覃臻 谭秀梅
introductio 02
Many young people resented traditional white male values in US society. They belived they had the right to choose the way they would live their lives.they wanted to work at jobs which were interesting,not just work to make money.they thought that they knew better than their teachers.








1.试析十月革命对美国工人运动的影响 [J], 沈莉华
2.从纽约公交大罢工看美国工人运动的特点和趋势 [J], 罗文东;李潇潇
3.经济危机中的美国工人运动分析 [J], 李磊
4.试论美国早期工人运动的特点——关于美国和西欧工人运动的比较研究 [J], 张友伦
5.美国新保守主义政治文化背景下的工人运动新足迹 [J], 司各特·马歇尔(著);李雅静(译)

social_movements_in_the_1960s 美国20世纪60年代的社会运动

social_movements_in_the_1960s 美国20世纪60年代的社会运动
Youth Movement/ Anti-War Movement
• After working in the South during “Freedom Summer” 1964, many white students from the North changed greatly, both in appearance and in their attitudes and beliefs. • They had lost respect for authority after seeing their friends beaten and arrested by Southern policemen and sentenced to jail for long terms by Southern judges. They gave speeches about the civil rights movement, about nonviolence and the need to change society and worked to gain support for the civil rights movement. • The young people’s “Free Speech Movement” began with success.
The Civil Rights Movement
• The civil rights movement began when black people spontaneously protested segregation laws and created organizations to make the protests successful.
Background and Definition
































"宗教右派" 虽然与"新右派"关系密切,但由于它的领袖主要是各教派的布道者,既有福音派,又有新教原教旨主义;既包含天主教正统派,又有犹太教正统派,因而它比"新右派"具有更多的神学色彩。





尤其是学生参加了政治*** 活动,并且爆发了许多反对越战和任何形式的战争。





英语国家社会与文化2 social movements of 1960s

英语国家社会与文化2 social movements of 1960s

Chapter 9 Social Movements in 1960sFocal Points in this Topic(重点的知识点)1. Greensboro "sit-in"2.The Civil Rights Movement3.Martin Luther King, jr.4.The Anti-war Movement5.Free Speech Movement6.The Counter Culture7.Women's Liberation MovementI. Brief introductionQ: What is a social movement?Definitiona social movement: a type of behavior in which a large number of participants consciously attempt to change existing institutions and establish a new order of life.Two basic characteristics of all social movements: "structure"(有组织)and "spontaneity"(自发性) structureStructure means organizationsSpontaneity refers to the spontaneous actionsNecessary parts of a social movement:The historical background of the American social movements of the 1960s•1. WW2 & Korean War( the defeat of US in Korean War)•2. Hard times of depression of 1930s•3. American Dream美国梦(用此流行语以强调所谓民主、平等和自由等美国的立国理想)•4. Afro-Americans, young people and women were dissatisfied with their lives.American Negroes experienced different lives in the South and outside the South of AmericaWomen experienced different lives during and after World War IIYoung people resented traditional white male values in US societyCivil Rights Movement (黑人民权运动),i.boycotts抵制(refusals to buy particular products),ii.sit-in 静坐抗议(quite sit down as demonstrations)iii.the actions of freedom riders, 自由乘车客,1961年美国南部黑人民权运动者为抗议长途汽车种族隔离而采取的抗议行动,乘车示威的黑人(尤指美国南部黑人为抗议种族歧视而乘坐专为白人服务的公共汽车者)In 1963 a march to Washington led by Martin Luther King.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 民权法案The Voting Rights Act of 1965 选举权法-------It refers to the US law that forced the southern states to allow African-Americans to enter restaurants, hotels, theatres, train stations, buses etc. which had been reserved for white people for white people only (segregation).---Greensboro Sit-in (格林斯博罗静坐)On February 1, 1960, 4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro, North Carolina [,kærə'lainə] (北卡罗莱纳州), sat down at a department lunch counter午餐室and ordered coffee. When refused, they continued to sit at the counter 柜台, openly defying 反抗the segregation law prevailing in the state.The next day, more students joined them. Thus began the civil rights movement (黑人民权运动), which spread from the south to the north.Later, this quiet “sit-in” became the major nonviolent direct action tactics to be used by black civil rights activists.The civil rights movement produced such great leaders as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X马尔科姆艾克斯, who inspired a generation of both blacks and whites to devote their lives to fighting for racial equality in the U.S.Montgomery [mənt'gʌməri] Bus Boycott 蒙哥马利抵制公交车隔离政策运动In December 1955, Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat to a white man on a public bus. Alabama law required that blacks sit at the back of the bus, and when asked, surrender their seats to whites.Mrs. Parks was arrested.Local black leaders decided to boycott the city's bus system.Black people in the city spontaneously began to boycott the bus system refusing to ride on public buses.In the year long Montgomery bus boycott, blacks young and old, walked to work.With the bus company near bankruptcy, the aid of a 1956 Supreme Court decision, Montgomery blacks triumphed.Martin Luther King, Jr.•an Atlanta-born Baptist minister(浸礼会牧师)the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.•To promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregation and other kinds of social injustice, King organized a series of "marches"The March on Washington of August, 1963, when King delivered his famous "I have a Dream" speech.•As a civil rights leader, King worked not only to end racial discrimination (种族歧视) and poverty, but also to raise the self image of the blacks.•Due to his strong belief in nonviolent peaceful protest, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis(孟斐斯) in April 1968.I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.Results of the civil rights movement•Legal segregation ended in the South.•Southern Afro-Americans can vote.•But Racism is still a problem.III. The Youth Movement青年运动•Because they resented traditional white male values in U.S. society, many young people were involved in the social movements of the 1960.•Free Speech Movement 自由言论运动(20世纪60年代兴起于美国加州大学的学生运动)•Mario Savio (马里奥·萨维奥), a student who had just returned from working with SNCC in the Mississippi Freedom Summer, took off his shoes and stood on top of the police car.•He demanded that the CORE worker be freed and the rules against free speech be changed.The students sat around the car for 32 hours in spontaneous, nonviolent, direct action.Mario Savio, 1964•Other students "sat-in"静坐抗议at the administration buildings行政办公室and organized "Free University" classes.•The California governor called hundreds of police to the campus. 800 students were arrested. •Graduate students organized a strike and closed the university.•The teachers and professors voted to change the rule that violate the 1st and 14th Amendments. (Bill of rights)•The young people's "Free Speech Movement" began with success.Counter Culture(反主流文化)•In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left appeared a phenomenon that historians called the "counter culture".•The Counter Culture rejected capitalism and other American principles.•They had morals different from taught by their parents. Some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.•Among the most famous were the hippies (嬉皮士). They sought new experience through dropping out退学, drugs.•Music, rock music in particular became the chief vehicle媒介for the counter cultural assault on traditional American society.•The counter culture exerted发挥a great influence upon people's attitudes toward social mores ['m ɔ:ri:z]习俗, marriage, career, and success.The Anti-War Movement (against the war in Vietnam)Song: “Hell, no, we won’t go.”(战场如地狱,我们绝不去)Organizations---1. some as refugees from religious and political persecution (逃避宗教和政治迫害的难民)---2. some as adventurers from the Old World seeking a better life(从旧大陆来寻求好生活的冒险家)---3. some as captives brought to American against their own will to be sold into slavery (有一些则是被抓获后违背他们的意愿运到美国,被出卖为奴隶)Though people all share a common American culture, the nation contains many racial and ethnic subcultures with their own distinctive characteristics. (虽然人们有共同的美国文化,但美利坚民族包含了许多种族和少数民族的亚文化群)。


• the youth movement: young people, many middle cl ass white people;
• the women's movement: professionals, educated wo men of colour, young or middle-aged white house wi vies and mothers, young activists.
the social movements' members
• the civil right movement: male negro leaders, black a nd white young people, white professional men and women, some house wives;
➢ CORE: the Congress of Racial Equality, by James Farm er
➢ SCLC: the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, by Ella Baker, in 1957
—— the non-violent prophase
➢ Afro-Americans:They had a taste of life outside the s outh so that they know that life in the segregated so uth was not the American way of life.
➢ Women:During WWII,women had the opportunity to work in responsible jobs for good pays, but they don' t have them in the 1960s.



二十世纪六十年代美国发生的事英语作文The 1960s was a tumultuous decade in American history, marked by significant cultural, social, and political changes that continue to shape the country to this day. From the Civil Rights Movement to the Vietnam War, the 1960s was a time of great unrest and upheaval.One of the defining events of the 1960s was the Civil Rights Movement, which sought to end segregation and discrimination against African Americans. Led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, the movement saw protests, marches, and acts of civil disobedience that raised awareness of the systemic racism and inequality faced by African Americans. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were major victories for the movement, signaling a significant step towards equality for all Americans.Another major event of the 1960s was the Vietnam War, which deeply divided the country and sparked widespread protests and anti-war movements. Many Americans questioned the government's involvement in the conflict and called for an end to the violence and bloodshed. The war also had a profound impact on American culture, with music, art, and literature reflecting the turmoil and dissent of the era.The 1960s was also a time of great technological advancement, with the United States leading the way in space exploration. The Apollo 11 mission, which landed the first humans on the moon in 1969, was a monumental achievement that captured the imagination of people around the world and showcased America's technological prowess.In addition to these major events, the 1960s saw significant changes in popular culture, with the rise of countercultural movements such as the hippie movement, which rejected mainstream society and embraced peace, love, and social change. The music of the 1960s also played a key role in shaping the cultural landscape, with iconic artists such as The Beatles, Bob Dylan, and Jimi Hendrix providing the soundtrack to a generation.Overall, the 1960s was a decade of great change and upheaval in America, with events and movements that continue to resonate today. From the Civil Rights Movement to the Vietnam War, the 1960s was a time of activism, protest, and progress that continues to inspire and influence future generations.。

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American Social Movements of the 1960sI. IntroductionAmerican social movements in the 1960s was marked with the quiet "sit-in".On February 1,1960,4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro went to a store and sat down at the lunch counter which refused to serve the black .The students ,believing the segregation law was wrong ,didn't move and continued to sit .There were three trends in the 1960s in America,the civil rights movements,the young anti-war and the women's liberation movements. "We shall overcome!" "Let it all hang out !" and"Speak your heart without interruption"somehow expressed their attitude and goals in the movements.II. The Three Social Movements of the 1960s1. The Civil Rights MovementIn the 1960s after the World War II ,Afo-Americans were dissatisfied with their lives because of the segregation laws in Southern states.Black and white children couldn't go to the same school ,and most Negroes were not allowed to vote. They were prevented from good jobs and education,which was not the American way of life and couldn't fulfill their American dreams.The civil rights movements began when black people spontaneously protested segregation laws and created organization to make the protest successful.The true beginning was that a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man on the bus in 1955.The members of NAACP informed other organization about her act of civil disobedience.Black people began to boycott the bussystem.From Rosa Parks' spontaneous action and from the social base of Negro churchs,community and political organizations ,grew support for protest against segregation.There main organizations were Congress of Racial Equality (CORE),Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC).Civil rights activists used different direct action tactics .They first used "sit-in" tactics to fight segregation and later ,"freedom rides".Black and white CORE members travelled together on buses to challenge segregation. In the summer of 1963,hundred of thousands of peaceful demonstrators went to Washington DC,where Martin Luther King gave the famous speech "I HAVE A DREAM". In 1965,as racial violence continued ,black people began to change their nonviolence in fighting discrimination into violence.They made Stokely Carmicheal chairman of the SNCC.He spoke about "black power" and organized the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in Oakland in 1966.In September 1961,the federal government declared segregation illegal in all interstate bus stations.In 1964,the Civil Rights Act was passed Congress and signed into law by President Johnson to improve the racial relations.Legal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement.Southern Afro-American can vote.2. The Youth Movement/Anti-War MovementMany young people resented traditional white male values in US society.They believed their fathers were selfish and they don't want to follow their mothers' examples either.Young people believed they had the rights to choose the way theywould live their lives.They wanted to work at jobs which were interesting,not just to make money.When the Vietnam began,many people thought it was wrong.Young people,black and white,didn't want to join the army.Mothers didn't want their sons drafted into the army.After working in the South during "Freedom Summer" in 1964,many white students changed greatly in their attitudes and beliefs.In October 1964,students protested that the CORE workers be free and rules against free speech be changed.They sat around the police car for 32 hours.Graduates students organized a strike and closed the university.The young people's "Free Speech Movement"began with success.Later some students formed a "counterculture".They reject capitalism and other American principles.They were looked for happiness and called Hippies which represented a new culture they created.Their direct action strategies included teach-ins,protest marched and rallies,and attacks on federal offices.A loose coalition of many organization was formed under a series of"Mobilization Committees to End the War in Vietnam"The president Johnson decided not to run for re-election in 1968 because of the anger of people.In 1973,the US signed a peace treaty.3. The Women’s MovementMiddle-class white women were well-educated and had the opportunity to work in responsible jobs during WWII. But when men returned from war,they were given the good jobs.Thus women earned less and had fewer opportunities.They becamehousewives ,isolated at home with their children.The women movement was started by three groups and an accident.The first was a group of women who were appointed to a Commission on the Status of Women,They found women were not equal with men and situation of some women was shocking.The second group were mostly white housewives and mothers who read Betty Friedan's book,The Feminine Mystique.The book changed the way women thought about themselves and other women.The third group were young activists in the civil rights and anti-war movements.They believed male leaders of these movements were discriminating against women in the movements.They became known as the "women's liberation "group ,or "women's lib",used radical tactics and received a great deal of bad publicity.The accident was a word in the Civil Rights Act,which made discrimination in employment based on race or sex illegal.In 1966,the National Organization for Women(NOW)was formed.They argued that women were strong leaders and organizers and they could do more than simple work such as cooking and secretarial work.They also called for a change in working area and economic practice.To educate the public and the gain support,women used many of the same tactics used by the civil rights and anti-war movements and added some of their own tactics. III ConclusionThe social movements of 1960s had a strong effect on the way people think and act,and caused changes in many laws.However,many of the problems they hoped to solve still exist in US today.。
