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Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

--- How are you?

--- I`m fine, thank you. / Fine, thanks. / Very well, thanks. / I`m OK.

fine = good = nice

--- What`s this / that? --- It`s a ruler.

orange: 橙色;橙子It`s an orange. 这是个橙子。It`s orange. 它是橙色。in English / in Chinese 用某种语言用介词in.

key (复数)keys this (复数)these that (复数)those

颜色家族( colors ):red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown

Can: 情态动词+动词原形


1. 国际音标


[ɑ:] [ɜ:] [i:] [ɔ:] [u:] [ʌ] [ɪ] [ɒ] [ʊ] [ə] [e] [æ]

[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [iə] [ɛə] [uə] [au] [əu]


[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ] [dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]

2. be动词的用法am, is, are

口诀:我用am, 你用are, is 连着他她它。单数is复数are.

I am a student. She is my mother.

They are my friends.

3. 冠词a, an, the的用法

a, an 表示一个,表泛指,the表示特指。

a + 辅音发音开头的单词 a pen a ruler

an + 元音发音开头的单词an apple an eraser an orange

Eg. ---What`s this in English? --- It`s a jacket.

This is a pen. It`s an English pen.

--- What`s this in English, Maria? --- It`s an eraser.

I have a pen, the pen is blue.

Unit 1 My name`s Gina.


--- Nice to meet (see)you. 见到你很高兴。

--- Nice to meet (see)you, too. 见到你也很高兴。

数字:zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten telephone number = phone number 电话号码

--- What`s your telephone number / phone number?

--- It`s 0936 – 4234978.

first name = given name 名

last name = family name 姓

friend (复数)friends in China 在中国

primary school 小学middle school 中学high school 高中


1. 人称代词和物主代词

This is Alice and she is my friend.

Good morning, My name is Amy.

This is a famous singer. His name is Liu Huan.

This is my mom, and her name is Mary.

2. 询问姓名句型及回答:

--- What`s your name? --- Alan. / I`m Alan. / My name`s Alan.

--- What his name? --- He`s Eric. / His name is Eric.

--- What`s her name? --- She`s Marry. / Her name is Mary.

3. 名和姓的区分

中国:李华外国:Jenny Green

姓氏名名(first name)姓氏(last name)4. 含有be动词的一般疑问句

--- Is he Jack? --- Yes, he is. / No, he isn`t.

--- Are you Helen? --- Yes, I am. / No, I`m not.

Unit 2 This is sister.


My Family Tree (家谱)

grand parents grand father ( grand pa ) + grand mother ( grand ma ) parents = fa ther ( dad ) + mo ther ( mom ) uncle + aunt bro ther ( son ) sis ter ( daughter ) cousin Have a good day! 过得愉快!

photo = picture photo (复数)photo s

this (复数)these that (复数)those

this (对应词)that these (复数)those


1. 指示代词:

this 这个,指代离说话人近的事物。these 这些

This is my mother. These are my brothers.

that 那个,指代离说话人远的事物。those 那些

That is my father. Those are my parents.



2. of的名词所有格……的……

a picture of my family 我家庭的照片

the name of my dog 我的狗的名字

3. 特殊疑问词Who

--- Who`s he? --- He`s my brother. Who`s = Who is He`s = He is --- Who`s she? --- She`s my sister. She`s = She is
