
22类高频场景词汇一、家庭场景(Family Scene)1. father [ˈfɑːðə(r)] n. 父亲。
2. mother [ˈmʌðə(r)] n. 母亲。
3. son [sʌn] n. 儿子。
4. daughter [ˈdɔːtə(r)] n. 女儿。
5. brother [ˈbrʌðə(r)] n. 兄弟。
6. sister [ˈsɪstə(r)] n. 姐妹。
7. grandfather [ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r)] n. 祖父;外祖父。
8. grandmother [ˈɡrænmʌðə(r)] n. 祖母;外祖母。
9. home [həʊm] n. 家;adv. 在家。
10. family [ˈfæməli] n. 家庭。
二、学校场景(School Scene)1. teacher [ˈtiːtʃə(r)] n. 教师。
2. student [ˈstjuːdnt] n. 学生。
3. classroom [ˈklɑːsruːm] n. 教室。
4. desk [desk] n. 书桌。
5. chair [tʃeə(r)] n. 椅子。
6. book [bʊk] n. 书。
7. pen [pen] n. 钢笔。
8. pencil [ˈpensl] n. 铅笔。
9. blackboard [ˈblækbɔːd] n. 黑板。
10. schoolbag [ˈskuːlbæɡ] n. 书包。
三、购物场景(Shopping Scene)1. shop [ʃɒp] n. 商店;v. 购物。
2. supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt] n. 超级市场。
3. grocery [ˈɡrəʊsəri] n. 食品杂货店。
4. product [ˈprɒdʌkt] n. 产品。
5. price [praɪs] n. 价格。

1. 商务会议(Business meeting):讨论、决策、报告、策略、计划、预算、合作、合同等词汇。
2. 社交活动(Social event):聚会、庆祝、交流、邀请、活动、款待、演讲、合影等词汇。
3. 旅行(Travel):预定、机票、火车票、酒店、行程、景点、导游、旅游保险等词汇。
4. 购物(Shopping):购买、支付、折扣、优惠、物品、品牌、售后服务、退换等词汇。
5. 学习(Learning):课程、学术、知识、教育、实践、研究、讲座、报告等词汇。
6. 运动(Sports):锻炼、健身、比赛、球类、体育馆、训练、冠军、奖牌等词汇。
7. 餐饮(Dining):点菜、菜单、服务、口味、食材、烹饪、
8. 健康(Health):医生、药物、治疗、疾病、健康检查、保健、康复、药方等词汇。
9. 娱乐(Entertainment):电影、音乐、演唱会、展览、剧院、游戏、笑话、娱乐设施等词汇。
10. 日常生活(Everyday life):起床、洗漱、穿衣、用餐、交通、工作、休息、家庭等词汇。
英语场景 搭配

volume 卷 current/back issue 现/过刊 periodical 期刊
2.人物:librarian 图书管理员
Campus life 校园生活
二、餐厅 重点
Order menu wine list (酒单) alcohol steak French Fries (薯条)
2. 买单:
Check the bill please!(买单!) Treat (请客) split the bill (分开付)
postpone/delay/cancel (推迟、延迟、取消)
I hope you are packed and ready to leave. (我希望你已经打包完毕准备出发了)
I have packed my passport in one of my bags. (我把护照装在一个包里了)
tell me about your present job.。.
There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager's job. And finally
it was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified(合格)。
optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程 0e/requirement (必修课) presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课)

(3) 欢声笑语:形容人们在一起快乐地说笑,气氛融洽。
高考英语-读后续写10个场景高级词汇短语素材表示人物喜乐——30个高级词汇1.难以形容地开心:indescribably wild joy2.极为感动:be overwhelmingly moved3.几乎无法掩饰他的兴奋的心情:can hardly conceal his excitement4.既兴奋又开心:a mixture of excitement and delight5.激发某人的激情:kindle sb. with/to passion6.显示出极大的意愿:show a greater readiness7.被强烈地吸引:be powerfully attracted to8.心情愉快:in cheerful spirits9.振作精神:keep up one’s spirits10.满意的表情:a satisfied look11.对...感到满意:be content with12.对...很高兴:be delighted at13.为成功而欣喜:be excited with joy at the success14.被...场面所吸引:be fascinated by the spectacle of15.被她的美貌所吸引:be fascinated with her beauty16.因...而高兴:be joyful over/about17.喜爱,对...着迷: be keen on18.快乐至极:be overwhelmed with19.高兴地跳起来:dance/jump for joy20.欣喜若狂:be wild with delight21.—个令人鼓舞的表情:an encouraging expression22.过一个愉快的假日:have a pleasant holiday23.心满意足,非常幸福:on the top of the world24.对...感到非常高兴:overjoyed at/to do25.流下幸福的泪水:tears of happiness flowing down26.乐得大叫:yell with delight27.使某人心情愉快:brighten sb’s heart28.使某人安心:set one ’s heart at rest29.感到鼓舞的:feel inspired/encouraged30.精神高涨:be in high spirits表人物悲忧消沉——22个高级词汇1.强烈的失落感:a strong sense of loss2.陷入绝望:fall into despair3.让他很伤感:put him into a sentimental mood4.避免陷入消极的旋涡:avoid getting sucked into a whirlpool of negativity5.哭泣释放苦闷情绪:crying gives some emotional release6.减轻某人的痛苦/烦恼:ease sb of his pain/trouble7.因某人的死亡而痛心:break one’s heart over one ’death8.使某人悲痛:make one’s heart bleed9.伤心而死:die of a broken heart10.悲痛欲绝:cry one ’s heart out11.怀着沉重的心情:with a heavy heart12.沮丧的:with a sinking heart13.忧郁的:with sorrowful heart14.惊慌失措:be seized wilh panic15.有点惊讶:come as something of a surprise16.感到极度疲劳和难以招架:feel exhausted and overwhelmed17.很可能引发一阵挫败感:be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration18.感到一阵悲伤:a flash of grief came upon sb.19.情绪低落:be down in spirits20.垂头丧气:lose one ’s spirit21.心里悲伤:be sad at heart22.意志消沉:a broken spirit表人物怨怒——24个高级词汇1.引起某人的不快:arouse one’s displeasure2.对某人的行为感到不满:be displeased at one ’s conduct3.易为琐事而恼火:be easily annoyed at trifles4.气得说不出话:be speechless with indignation5.不断地抱怨:complain constantly6.对某人大发脾气:rage at sb.7.怒火万丈:flame high8.气得满脸通红:flame with anger9.勃然大怒:fly into a rage10.对某人生气:get irritated at11.对某人勃然大怒:get mad/cross at sb.12.愁眉苦脸:have a worried look13.对抱怨不予理会:ignore/disregard a complaint14.对...表示不满:express/voice a complaint about15.怒气冲冲地跑出房间:run out of the room in a16.愤怒地跺脚:stamp one’s foot in anger17.感到尴尬的:feel embarrassed18.感到困惑的:feel puzzled/confused19.感到沮丧的:feel frustrated/depressed20.感到恶心的:feel disgusted/sickened21.感到恼怒的:feel annoyed22.感到愤怒的:feel irritated23.感到泄气的:feel discouraged24.充满怨恨的眼神:a resentful look表人物其他情绪——8个高级词汇1.激发兴趣:find...highly stimulating2.宽容的精神:a forgiving spirit3.以和蔼可亲的态度:with a kindly and4.他一点也不感兴趣:not in the least is he interested5.混合着焦虑与希望的情绪:mixed with the emotion6.引起强烈的情感:set off strong feelings in the7.对...彻底上瘾:be hopelessly addicted to8.在这些情绪的控制下:under the domination of表人物体型——12个高级词汇1.优美的身段:a graceful figure2.匀称的形体:a shapely figure3.痩削的身材:a skinny figure4.细长的身体:a slim figure5.发育良好的身体:a well-developed figure6.仪表堂堂:an imposing/a dashing/a handsome/a7.(人)形体很好:have a good figure8.改善形体:improve one ’s figure9.看到月光下有一个模糊的人影:see a dark figure in the moonlight10.显露出她优美的身段:show off her lovely figure11.中等身材:an average build12.身材魁梧的人:a well-built man表人物个性品格——60个高级词汇1.务实的:be down-to-earth2.脱颖而出:stand out from the crowd3.保守的性格:conservative personalities4.缺乏责任感:lack of responsibility5.具有...的美德:with the virtue of6.责任感:sense of responsibility7.—个专心致志进行探索的科学家:a scientist bent on making adiscovery8.高素质、有经验的老师:highly qualified,well-experienced teachingstaff9.光明的前途:promising future10.关于...很无知:be ignoranl about11.具有对教学过程敏锐的洞察力:armed/equipped with a keen insightinto the teaching process12.—夜成名的人:an overnight successful person/an instant successfulperson13.生在城市,长在城市:city born and city bred14.脾气好的人:a good-hummored/good natured person15.完人:a faultless/perfect person16.知名人士:a notable personage17.—个从事专门职业的人:a professional person18.一个有自制力的人:a self-possessed pereon19.一个疑心重的人:a suspicious person20.天资高的人:a talented person21.有抱负的人:an ambitious person22.留胡须的人:a bearded man23.聪明人:an intellectual person24.个性强的人:a man of fine personality25.个性迷人的女人:a woman of engaging/fascinating26.有突出的个性:have striking personalities27.温和可爱的个性:lovable and good natured28.容易相处的人:an easy person to deal with29.冷酷无情的人:a cold-blooded man30.成年人:a full-grown man31.性情和善的男子:a good-natured man32.心肠冷酷的人:a hard-hearted man33.有前途的青年:a promising young man34.严肃的年轻人:a serious young man35.头脑简单的人:a simple-minded man36.能说会道的人:a smooth-spoken man37.消息灵通/见多识广的人:a well-informed man38.娴静有礼的淑女:a quiet, gracious lady39.说话直率的人:an out spoken man40.有教养的女子:a cultured woman41.相貌平平的女人:a homely woman42.单身女人:a single woman43.丑女人:an ugly woman44.未婚妇女:an unmarried woman45.时髦的社交界妇女:a fashionable lady46.无辜/无邪的人:an innocent man47.一位多才多艺的女子:an accomplished young48.岁出头的姑娘:a girl in her early twenties49.动人的姑娘:an attractive girl50.浪漫的人:a romantic figure51.没有头脑的少女:an empty-headed girl52.著名人物:a well-known /prominent figure53.品格纯洁无瑕的女子:a girl of stainless character54.伟大的历史人物:a great historical character55.品格正直的人:a man of upright character56.没有出息的人:a worthless character57.具有独立的性格:possess an independent character58.有诚实的好名声:have an excellent character for honesty59.性格果断:be of a determined character60.乐观和有抱负的:be optimistic and ambitious表人物动作或心理活动——70个高级词汇1.给某人造成负担:impose a heavy burden on sb.2.步态优美地走:walk grarefully3.不顾对...的忧虑:regardless of concerns over4.互相谅解,相互理解:mutual understanding5.鼓起勇气:muster up courage6.首次露面:make one's first appearance7.面对斗争与改变:in the face of struggle and change8.服从志愿者组织的指挥:follow orders from the voluntaryorganization9.没有履行职责:fail to carry out one ’s duties10.有不端行为:display unacceptable behavior11.损害高中生形象:damage the image of high school students12.标志着童年到成年的过渡:mark the transition from childhood toadulthood13.吸引注意:capture the attention14.完全一团糟:be competely in a mess15.被认为是权威:be considered an authority16.对某事不存幻想:be under no illusion about sth.17.—项有意义的活动:a meaningful /rewarding activity18.彻底信仰奇迹:believe whole heartedly in the great miracle19.相信:in the belief that20.期待...:in the expectation that21.经受起起落落:go through ups and downs22.自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone23.感觉很不适应:feel out of place24.毫无倦意:show no signs of tiredness25.关于...很无知:be ignorant about26.走神:keep drifting away27.无力改变结果:be powerless to change the28.不愿改变:be reluctant to make changes29.赞赏的目光:an admiring gaze30.嫉妒的目光:an envious glance31.朝某人匆匆瞥了一眼:cast a hasty glance at sb.32.向某人投以爱慕的目光:cast admiring glance at33.凝望着天上的星星:gaze up at the stars34.首次窥见:gaze the first glimpse of35.凝视着某人:look at sb. with a fixed gaze36.好奇地向某人看了一眼:throw a curious glance at37.听到远处的隆隆雷声:hear the thunder rolling in38.极力称赞、大肆吹捧某人:praise sb. (up) to the39.从未听说过反对某人的话:never hear anything40.深受赞扬:be received with much appreciation41.爆发出阵阵喝彩声:break into shouts of applause42.不耐心地听:listen impatiently43.自吹自擂:sing one ’s own praise44.承担全部责任:bear all the blame45.收回前言,承认说錯:eat one ’s words46.无意中得罪某人:offend sb. unintentionally47.严厉训斥某人:give sb. a sharp scolding48.致闭幕词:give a closing address49.说一句妙语:utter a witty remark50.就某事发表意见:make a remarkupon sh.51.触犯某人的话:offending remarks of sb.52.议论某人:pass remarks ahout sb.53.字斟句酌:pick one ’s words54.引述某人一段引人深思的评论:quote an55.说得明白而深刻:say sth. Clearly and impressively56.穿过田野的散步:a walk across the fields57.低声表示赞同:give a murmur of approval58.故意地说:say sth.deliberately59.散步,闲逛:have/take a stroll60.—跃而起:jump to one ’s feet61.来回漫步:pace back and forth62.在城里闲逛:stroll about/around/through the town63.毫无目的地在街上游落:stroll aimlessly through the streets64.步行穿过马路:walk across a street65.臂挽着臂走:walk arm in arm66.以栽培花木为消遣:look upon gardening as a recreation67.在倾盆大雨中走:walk through the pouring rain68.漫步向山里走去:wander into the woods69.在乡间漫步:wander over the countryside70.平衡不同水平的学生的兴趣爱好:balance the interests of differentlevels of students表人物日常活动1.常常发生的事:a frequent occurrence2.费时的:time-consuming3.让某人记忆犹新:remain fresh in one ’s memory4.一件身心有益的事情:an enchanting mental and physical business5.省钱省时间:be less time-consuming and more economical6.辛劳的任务:an arduous/a painstaking/a laborious task7.需要紧急处理:require urgent attention8.值得珍藏的经历:a truly memorable experience9.回忆高中生活的美好时刻:recall the sweet moment of one's highschool life10.经受起起落落:go through ups and downs11.自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone12.长途电话:a long-distance telephone13.在会上发表演讲:address a meeting14.有某人的电话:be wanted on the phone15.叫某人接电话:get sb. on the phone16.接通电话:get through17.拿起听筒:pick up the phone18.跟某人通电话:speak to sb. over the phone19.战线:the line is busy/the number is engaged20.盖过邮戳的邮票:a used stamp21.通知某人rm sb. of sth.表示天气——15个高级词汇1.多雨的季节:a rainy season2.暴风雨之夜:a stormy night3.四面春风:exposed to the four winds of heaven4.连绵不断的雨:continuous/constant rains5.在茫茫大雨中:in the blinding rain6.深埋在雪中:be buried in snow7.难以忍受的热:unbearably hot8.在春天温暖的阳光里:in the warm spring sunshine9.放晴了:clear up10.狂风暴雨:fierce/heavy/violent storms11.及时雨,好雨:a timely/seasonable rain12.沐日光浴:bathe/bask in (the ) sunshine13.在盛夏灼热的阳光下:under the表示地理位置——9个高级词汇1.位置优越的城市:a favorably situated city2.水下面的暗礁:a hidden rock beneath the surface of3.—个偏僻的小村子:a small village off the map4.离海滨仅咫尺之遥:within a stone’s throw of the5.位于...最北端:be situated at the northern extreme6.在群山环抱的村庄里:in a village among the hills7.朝南的房间:room facing south8.人烟稀少的农村地区:the thinly populated rural area。

十大场景1. 机场场景1.票已售完 2、接人晚点 3、送人伤感Airport 机场Air line 航线flight 航班check-in counter 安检通道direct/non-stop flight 直达航班take off 起飞departure time 起飞时间arrival time 抵达时间air hostess 空姐first class 头等仓economy class 经济舱transfer 转乘飞机destination 目的地one-way ticket 单程票round-trip ticket 往返票safe landing 安全着陆safety/seat belt 安全带security check 安全检查declare/claim 报关,申报customs 海关boarding card 登机牌2.大学场景a.选课(男生常常因为上课要早起而逃课,男生选课少,女生选课多)学生逃课常见的三个原因1、生病 get ill2、睡过头 over sleep3、traffic (车坏了,或者交通的问题semester/term 学期required course/compulsory course 必修课optional course/selective course 选修课credit 学分cut /drop/ miss/ a class 逃课drop school/ quit school 辍学seminar 研讨会b.论文1、题目难选2、资料难查3、打字困难(机房总被占,总会出现打印错误4.不能在预定时间完成论文paper/thesis/essay 论文term paper 学期论文research paper 研究论文extension 延期deadline 最后期限typing error 打印错误quality paper 打印纸revise 修改c.考试(男生不过女生过,临时抱佛脚)midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试quiz 随堂小测验pop test 突如其来的考试pass/get through the exam 考试刚刚及格fail/bomb the test 考试不及格make up 补考ace/nail the test 考试考得很好scholarship 奖学金mark/score 分数full mark/score 满分note 笔记take notes 记笔记d.人物称呼freshman 大一的新生sophomore 大二的学生junior 大三的学生senior 大四的学生teaching assistant 助教research assistant 研教lecturer 讲师tutor 导师,家教faculty (member) 全体员工bachelor: 学士master 硕士doctor 博士graduate 毕业生undergraduate 本科生postgraduate 研究生3.餐馆场景(菜不好,上菜慢)a.与餐馆有关的词汇restaurant饭店 cafe 咖啡馆 bar酒吧 pub 酒吧 inn 小旅店cafeteria/canteen 餐厅,食堂b.上菜程序waiter/ waitress: 服务生menu 菜单order 点菜soup 汤main course 主菜salad 沙拉dessert 甜点snack 零食whisky 威士忌c.上菜内容bacon 熏肉beef 牛肉beverage 饮料champagne 香宾seasonings: 调料steak:牛排pork:猪肉flesh :鲜肉pea 豌豆juice 果汁soft drink 软饮(不含酒精的饮料)hard drink 硬饮spring roll 春卷ice creamjam/jelly 果酱mushroom 蘑菇mustard 芥末pie 派roll 卷c.付账, 结账bill/check 帐单It's my treat. 我请客I’ll treat you 我请客It is on me 我请客go Dutch= let’s go fifty fifty AA制Let's split the bill. AA制Let’s go fifty fifty. AA制Tip 小费4.医院场景1、医生难找2、病情如何3、有病耽误课4.朋友责备应该早点去看病I told you …Examine/check up 检查Have/ catch/get a cold 感冒Have a fever/temperature 发烧Sore foot 脚疼flu 流感bird flu 禽流感fracture 骨折faint 晕倒heart attack: 心脏病high blood pressure 高血压prescribe 开药方prescription 处方签pill/tablet 药片dosage 剂量give ab an injection /shot 给某人打针dentist 牙医surgeon 外科医生physician 内科医生physicist 物理学家ICU: intensive care unit 特护病房emergency room 急救市ambulance 救护车5.工作场景1、找到工作高兴2、失去工作伤心3. 很少拒绝工作,如果有,也是因为要经常出差,想和家人一起.找工作Interview 面试Interviewer 面试官Interviewee 面试者hunt a job 找工作job hunter 找工作的人job applicant找工作的人recruit 招聘vacant position 空缺职位finance department 财政部门human resources 人力资源part-time job 兼职full-time job 全职apply for 申请want ads 招聘广告resume 简历letter of application 申请信,求职信personal information 个人信息,基本信息certificates 证书working experience 工作经验sales manager 销售经理job promotion 升职接受工作Accept the offer 接受工作Salary 薪水Wages 报酬Income 收入bonus 奖金business trip 出差6.旅馆场景reserve /book 预定make a reservation 预定Single room 单人间double room 双人间spare/vacant room 空闲的房间check in 办理如住手续check out 办理出来手续room service 客房服务7.邮局场景Postage 邮资airmail 航空信件registered mail 挂号信mailbox 油箱package/parcel 包裹send a telegram/send a cable 发电报urgent cable 急电postcard 明信片post office 邮局postal code 邮政编码express mail 快件8. 图书馆场景1、想借的书借不到。

高中英语读后续写常见场景短语词汇一、表示人物喜爱难以形容地开心:indescribably wild joy极为感动:be overwhelmingly moved几乎无法掩饰他的兴奋的心情:can hardly conceal既兴奋又开心:a mixture of excitement and激发某人的激情:kindle sb. with/to passion显示出极大的意愿:show a greater readiness被强烈地吸引:be powerfully attracted to心情愉快:in cheerful spirits振作精神:keep up one’s spirits满意的表情:a satisfied look对...感到满意:be content with对...很高兴:be delighted at为成功而欣喜:be excited with joy at the success被...场面所吸引:be fascinated by the spectacle of被她的美貌所吸引:be fascinated with her beauty 因...而高兴:be joyful over/about喜爱,对...着迷: be keen on快乐至极:be overwhelmed with高兴地跳起来:dance/jump for joy欣喜若狂:be wild with delight—个令人鼓舞的表情:an encouraging expression 过一个愉快的假日:have a pleasant holiday心满意足,非常幸福:on the top of the world 对...感到非常高兴:overjoyed at/to do流下幸福的泪水:tears of happiness flowing down 乐得大叫:yell with delight使某人心情愉快:brighten sb’s heart使某人安心:set one ’ s heart at rest感到鼓舞的:feel inspired/encouraged精神高涨:be in high spirits二、表人物悲忧消沉强烈的失落感:a strong sense of loss陷入绝望:fall into despair让他很伤感:put him into a sentimental mood避免陷入消极的旋涡:avoid getting sucked into a whirlpool of negativity 哭泣释放苦闷情绪:crying gives some emotional release减轻某人的痛苦/烦恼:ease sb of his pain/trouble因某人的死亡而痛心:break one’ s heart over one ’ death使某人悲痛:make one’s heart bleed伤心而死:die of a broken heart悲痛欲绝:cry one ’ s heart out怀着沉重的心情:with a heavy heart沮丧的:with a sinking heart忧郁的:with sorrowful heart惊慌失措:be seized wilh panic有点惊讶:come as something of a surprise感到极度疲劳和难以招架:feel exhausted and overwhelmed很可能引发一阵挫败感:be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration 感到一阵悲伤:a flash of grief came upon sb.情绪低落:be down in spirits垂头丧气:lose one ’ s spirit心里悲伤:be sad at heart意志消沉:a broken spirit三、表人物怨怒引起某人的不快:arouse one’s displeasure对某人的行为感到不满:be displeased at one ’ s conduct 易为琐事而恼火:be easily annoyed at trifles气得说不出话:be speechless with indignation不断地抱怨:complain constantly对某人大发脾气:rage at sb.怒火万丈:flame high气得满脸通红:flame with anger勃然大怒:fly into a rage对某人生气:get irritated at对某人勃然大怒:get mad/cross at sb.愁眉苦脸:have a worried look对抱怨不予理会:ignore/disregard a complaint 对...表示不满:express/voice a complaint about怒气冲冲地跑出房间:run out of the room in a愤怒地跺脚:stamp one’s foot in anger感到尴尬的:feel embarrassed感到困惑的:feel puzzled/confused感到沮丧:feel frustrated/depressed感到恶心的:feel disgusted/sickened感到恼怒的:feel annoyed感到愤怒的:feel irritated感到泄气的:feel discouraged充满怨恨的眼神:a resentful look四、表人物其他情绪激发兴趣:find...highly stimulating宽容的精神:a forgiving spirit以和蔼可亲的态度:with a kindly and他一点也不感兴趣:not in the least is he interested混合着焦虑与希望的情绪:mixed with the emotion 引起强烈的情感:set off strong feelings in the 对...彻底上瘾:be hopelessly addicted to在这些情绪的控制下:under the domination of五、表人物体型优美的身段:a graceful figure匀称的形体:a shapely figure痩削的身材:a skinny figure细长的身体:a slim figure发育良好的身体:a well-developed figure仪表堂堂:an imposing/a dashing/a handsome/a(人)形体很好:have a good figure改善形体:improve one ’ s figure看到月光下有一个模糊的人影:see a dark figure in the moonlight 显露出她优美的身段:show off her lovely figure中等身材:an average build身材魁梧的人:a well-built ma六、表人物个性品格务实的:be down-to-earth脱颖而出:stand out from the crowd保守的性格:conservative personalities缺乏责任感:lack of responsibility具有...的美德:with the virtue of责任感:sense of responsibility—个专心致志进行探索的科学家:a scientist bent on making a discovery高素质、有经验的老师:highly qualified,well-experienced teaching staff光明的前途:promising future关于...很无知:be ignoranl about具有对教学过程敏锐的洞察力:armed/equipped with a keen insight into the teaching process—夜成名的人:an overnight successful person/an instant successful person生在城市,长在城市:city born and city bred脾气好的人:a good-hummored/good natured person完人:a faultless/perfect person知名人士:a notable personage—个从事专门职业的人:a professional person一个有自制力的人:a self-possessed pereon一个疑心重的人:a suspicious person天资高的人:a talented person有抱负的人:an ambitious person留胡须的人:a bearded man聪明人:an intellectual person个性强的人:a man of fine personality个性迷人的女人:a woman of engaging/fascinating 有突出的个性:have striking personalities温和可爱的个性:lovable and good natured容易相处的人:an easy person to deal with冷酷无情的人:a cold-blooded man成年人:a full-grown man性情和善的男子:a good-natured man心肠冷酷的人:a hard-hearted man有前途的青年:a promising young man严肃的年轻人:a serious young man头脑简单的人:a simple-minded man能说会道的人:a smooth-spoken man消息灵通/见多识广的人:a well-informed man娴静有礼的淑女:a quiet, gracious lady说话直率的人:an out spoken man有教养的女子:a cultured woman相貌平平的女人:a homely woman单身女人:a single woman丑女人:an ugly woman未婚妇女:an unmarried woman时髦的社交界妇女:a fashionable lady无辜/无邪的人:an innocent man一位多才多艺的女子:an accomplished youngn岁出头的姑娘:a girl in her early twenties动人的姑娘:an attractive girl浪漫的人:a romantic figure没有头脑的少女:an empty-headed girl著名人物:a well-known /prominent figure品格纯洁无瑕的女子:a girl of stainless character伟大的历史人物:a great historical character品格正直的人:a man of upright character没有出息的人:a worthless character具有独立的性格:possess an independent character有诚实的好名声:have an excellent character for honesty性格果断:be of a determined character乐观和有抱负的:be optimistic and ambitious七、表人物动作或心理活动给某人造成负担:impose a heavy burden on sb.步态优美地走:walk grarefully不顾对...的忧虑:regardless of concerns over互相谅解,相互理解:mutual understanding鼓起勇气:muster up courage首次露面:make one s first appearance面对斗争与改变:in the face of struggle and change服从志愿者组织的指挥:follow orders from the voluntary organization没有履行职责:fail to carry out one ’ s duties有不端行为:display unacceptable behavior损害高中生形象:damage the image of high school students标志着童年到成年的过渡:mark the transition from childhood to adulthood 吸引注意:capture the attention完全一团糟:be competely in a mess被认为是权威:be considered an authority对某事不存幻想:be under no illusion about sth.—项有意义的活动:a meaningful /rewarding activity彻底信仰奇迹:believe whole heartedly in the great miracle 相信:in the belief that期待...:in the expectation that经受起起落落:go through ups and downs自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone感觉很不适应:feel out of place毫无倦意:show no signs of tiredness关于...很无知:be ignorant about走神:keep drifting away无力改变结果:be powerless to change the不愿改变:be reluctant to make changes赞赏的目光:an admiring gaze嫉妒的目光:an envious glance朝某人匆匆瞥了一眼:cast a hasty glance at sb.向某人投以爱慕的目光:cast admiring glance at凝望着天上的星星:gaze up at the stars首次窥见:gaze the first glimpse of凝视着某人:look at sb. with a fixed gaze好奇地向某人看了一眼:throw a curious glance at 听到远处的隆隆雷声:hear the thunder rolling in 极力称赞、大肆吹捧某人:praise sb. (up) to the 从未听说过反对某人的话:never hear anything深受赞扬:be received with much appreciation 爆发出阵阵喝彩声:break into shouts of applause 不耐心地听:listen impatiently自吹自擂:sing one ’ s own praise承担全部责任:bear all the blame收回前言,承认说錯:eat one ’ s words无意中得罪某人:offend sb. unintentionally严厉训斥某人:give sb. a sharp scolding致闭幕词:give a closing address说一句妙语:utter a witty remark就某事发表意见:make a remarkupon sh.触犯某人的话:offending remarks of sb.议论某人:pass remarks ahout sb.字斟句酌:pick one ’ s words引述某人一段引人深思的评论:quote an说得明白而深刻:say sth. clearly and impressively穿过田野的散步:a walk across the fields低声表示赞同:give a murmur of approval故意地说:say sth.deliberately散步,闲逛:have/take a stroll—跃而起:jump to one ’ s feet来回跋步:pace back and forth在城里闲逛:stroll about/around/through the town毫无目的地在街上游落:stroll aimlessly through the streets步行穿过马路:walk across a street臂挽着臂走:walk arm in arm以栽培花木为消遣:look upon gardening as a recreation在倾盆大雨中走:walk through the pouring rain漫步向山里走去:wander into the woods在乡间漫步:wander over the countryside平衡不同水平的学生的兴趣爱好:balance the interests of different levels of students八、表人物日常活动常常发生的事:a frequent occurrence费时的:time-consuming让某人记忆犹新:remain fresh in one ’ s memory一件身心有益的事情:an enchanting mental and physical business省钱省时间:be less time-consuming and more economical辛劳的任务:an arduous/a painstaking/a laborious task需要紧急处理:require urgent attention值得珍藏的经历:a truly memorable experience回忆高中生活的美好时刻:recall the sweet moment of one s high school life 经受起起落落:go through ups and downs自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone长途电话:a long-distance telephone在会上发表演讲:address a meeting有某人的电话:be wanted on the phone叫某人接电话:get sb. on the phone接通电话:get through拿起听筒:pick up the phone跟某人通电话:speak to sb. over the phone占线:the line is busy/the number is engaged盖过邮戳的邮票:a used stamp通知某人...:inform sb. of sth.九、表示天气常常发生的事:a frequent occurrence费时的:time-consuming让某人记忆犹新:remain fresh in one ’ s memory一件身心有益的事情:an enchanting mental and physical business省钱省时间:be less time-consuming and more economical辛劳的任务:an arduous/a painstaking/a laborious task需要紧急处理:require urgent attention值得珍藏的经历:a truly memorable experience回忆高中生活的美好时刻:recall the sweet moment of one s high school life 经受起起落落:go through ups and downs自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone长途电话:a long-distance telephone在会上发表演讲:address a meeting有某人的电话:be wanted on the phone叫某人接电话:get sb. on the phone接通电话:get through拿起听筒:pick up the phone跟某人通电话:speak to sb. over the phone占线:the line is busy/the number is engaged盖过邮戳的邮票:a used stamp通知某人...:inform sb. of sth.十、表示地理位置位置优越的城市:a favorably situated city水下面的暗礁:a hidden rock beneath the surface of—个偏僻的小村子:a small village off the map离海滨仅处尺之遥:within a stone’s throw of the位于...最北端:be situated at the northern extreme在群山环抱的村庄里:in a village among the hills朝南的房间:room facing south人烟稀少的农村地区:the thiny populated rural area位于太平洋沿岸某处:be located somewhere on the Pacific coast。

常见场景词汇一、交通场景***A、机场场景送别:airway, airport, see sb. off.询问:flight, fly; direct flight, transfer; arrival, departure, destination;one-way ticket, return ticket, one-week return ticket; first class, business class, economy class, regular class; airline, airway, air lounge, book, reserve, reservation, be booked up, get ticket changed, switch; on time, delayed, postponed, put off, behind schedule, cancelled.登机:luggage, baggage, suitcase, briefcase, bag, backpack; check-in, board, boarding pass, air ticket, the Customs.机上:take off, land; fasten, seat belt, safety belt, life belt; blanket, drink, beverage.故障:bad weather, mechanical problems.人:captain, pilot, airhostess, passenger, porter.**B、事故场景交通堵塞:be held in traffic, be stuck in traffic, break down; rush hours, traffic jam, peak season;事故后果:consequence, crash, minor injury, slightly injured. **C、交通工具工具:car, van, truck, lorry, jeep, bus, coach;工具的一部分:wheel, tyre(tire), flat tyre(tire), headlight, windscreen, brake.二、家庭生活*A、写信:write home, hear from, receive a letter from, mail, email.**B、电话:ring, contact, cell phone, operator, dial, wrong number, not in, nobody by that name.*C、过节节日:Christmas, Thanksgiving;**出游:travel, tour, trip, journey, visit***三、健康场景A、受伤:twist, strain, injure, hurt, wound;B、外伤部位:shoulder, ankle, knee, wrist;C、内伤部位:stomach, liver, lung, heart;D、检查措施: make an appointment, check, x-ray, operation, treat, cure, diagnose;E、症状描述: tired, sneeze, running nose, not in the condition ,feel not myself, out of shape;F、建议处方:ward, take two days off, more vegetables, less fried(fast) food, quit(give up) smoking.G、相关人员:doctor, nurse, dentist, surgeon, physician, psychologist;H、医疗相关:radio doctor, car doctor, repairman, mechanic, engineer;I、诊断行为:fix, mend, repair, stop working, go wrong.四、娱乐场景A、陶冶情操票务:ticket, fare;观赏活动:film, movie, theatre, concert, play, show, TV,art gallery;相关词汇:channel, part, actor, actress, scene, act, oil painting, romance, love story, horror, action, documentary, commentary, science, news, sports, comedy, soap opera, quiz show, sit-com(situation comedy), thriller;参与活动:dance, disco, sing, karaoke.**B、户外活动出游:camping, picnicking, boating, skating, swimming, visiting, historical sites, natural beauty, scenery, tourist attraction, sightseeing;球赛:game, match, score, season, superstar.*****五、用餐场景:A、预定:a table for four, reserve a table, reservation, book, corner table;B、等待:hungry, starving, order, menu, waiting line, queue;C、用餐:try something Italian, appetite, appetizer, salad, soup, main dish, side dish, dessert;D、食物:steak, French fries, pizza, apple pie, spaghetti, sea food;E、埋单:treat, my turn, on me, go Dutch;*****六、学习场景A、选课: course, day course, evening course, optional course, literature, curriculum, extra curriculum;B、作业:report, essay, assignment, presentation, paper, due, credit, rewrite;C、考试:mark, score, exam, fail, pass, go over, review;D、教授:lecture, topic, briefing, mission, take notes, follow; Lab assistant,E、学生:freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduation, graduate, undergraduate.*****七、买卖场景A、买卖租赁:for sale, rent, book, reserve, reservation;B、廉价购买:on sale, bargain, (特价商品,讨价还价) flea market(跳蚤市场), garage sale宅前出售(在出售人住所进行的清宅旧货出售)C、买书:book, paperback, hardcover, edition, bestseller, copy, volume, magazine, issue,D、买家具:furniture, furnish;E、广告:advertise, advertisement, quote rate;*****八、工作场景A、找工作申请:apply, application letter, resume, personal statement; candidate寻觅:job-hunting, job opportunity, /job possibility/job vacancy, recruit;面试:interview, interviewer, interviewee;跳槽:job hopping.B、办公室工作:forward email, typing, type writer, typist, typing errors, arrange appointment(files), confirm arrangement;出差:business trip, on behalf of, vacation;雇佣关系:employment, employee, employment, director, boss, secretary.九、公共生活****A、银行:account, loan, interest, interest rate, cash, cheque, deposit, draw, overdraft, exchange;****B、填表:surname, last name, family name, first name, given name, sex, gender, address, occupation, marital status, print, sign, signature;****C、邮局:deliver, send, mail, parcel, postage, registered mail, express mail;****D、租房:book, reserve, reservation, let, full up, booked up,single room, double room, three-bedroom house, bedroom, bathroom, waiting room, living room, sitting room, kitchen, dining room, balcony;**E、交通标示:sign, one-way street, drunk driving, traffic rules, regulation, observe.十、天气场景**A、天气:sunny, cloudy, overcast, snow, rain, drizzle, shower, downpour, rain cats and dogs, windy, breeze, typhoon, tornado, twister, hurricane, storm, tsunami, cold, warm up, swing, forecast.****B、活动:BBQ(barbecue), laundry, camping.十一、其他**A、集会活动:appointment, date, meeting, conference, party, assembly, lecture, seminar;****B、图书馆:library, librarian, overdue, fine;article; Due ,open , close , borrow, return ,on reserve , additional copy,check out ,***C、购物场所:department store, supermarket, gas station, convenience store, chain store, grocer’s, grocery.。

a yv c n o n a a t o m? ( st r =I l I
a 加 毒 。 e) n r v ?
四、 医院及健康场景
有 空房 间吗? Altero r cuid 房 间已 满。 l h om a ocpe . e
Srtg be tae y Bi l
lቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
堂鎏旦 ・ 生
1. 。 依据惯用法、 5C 固定搭配等进行选择。ta s. h 意为“ r tb t s . e ot 以某物招待某人”即期末考试的前夜, ,
“ 甚至放纵 自己去看 电影了。 我”
1. 。 依据句( ) 6A 文 意逻辑进行选择 。“ ” 我 开始放 弃学 业了 , 在考试的前一天晚上去看 电影 , 第二天 ,我 ” “
rnhf s炸 i r i ghl o e hp i ; 景下的常用语和 常见表达对解题是很有帮助的。对这 口可 乐 Fec e 薯 条 dnn alcf eso ;
些常用词汇和短语不仅要 知道 其本 身的意思 , 还要 知 rs ua tcft i;a t n餐 厅 ; u e et rn ae r cne a ; ea e b ft自助 餐 道它们的同义表 达方式。这是因为现在听 力试题一般 不会在选项 中出现对话 中的原词和词组。以下场景 是 对话 当中所 占比例最 大的 , 掌握 了这些场景 下的常用 短语和表达方式 , 也就从词汇和短语方面抓住 了解题 的关键。 sm t p邮 票 e vl e信 封 p cae, acl 裹 a ne p o akg pre 包 oew i t 重 et otg vre h 超 g x aps e额 外 邮 资 sn p s , r a e d, t o dl e tr, i寄 / ei r l t ma v a ee l g A信 epesma 快件 a xrs i l

拿走拿走别客气~Topic 1:问路与交通1) 关键词:动词+副词短语:turn left/right 左转/右转;walk/go along/straight 直走;go/walk through 穿过交通方式:on foot 步行;by train/bike/bus 乘火车/骑自行车/乘公共汽车;take a bus 乘公共汽车;take a train 乘火车;on the bus 乘公共汽车;on one's bike 骑自行车2) 经典例句(问路)1.Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?打扰一下,这附近有银行吗?2.Which is the way to the supermarket?请问哪一条路是去超市的?3.Do you know the way to Bridge Street?你知道去布里奇大街的路吗?4.Would you please tell me the way to the bank?请问你能告诉我去银行怎么走吗?5.Could you tell me how I can get to the hotel?你能告诉我如何去旅馆吗?(指路)1.Yes,there is.It's on Center Street.是的,有。
2.It's in front of the library.它在图书馆前面。
3.Go down this street.沿着这条街走。
4.Turn left at the first crossing.在第一个十字路口左转。

八年级英语上册第八单元必背课文、单词、重点短语与语法梳理汇总一、必背课文2d 对话部分Tony: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?Mark: Sure, Tony. I'd love to. When shall we have the party?Tony: Let's have it today after class.Mark: No, today is too busy. If we have it today, half the class won't come.Tony: OK, let's have it tomorrow then.Mark: Hmm... There's a test the day after tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for the test. Why not have it on the weekend?Tony: OK, good idea. Let's have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.Mark: No, I don't think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let's play party games instead.Tony: OK, good idea. Can you organize the party games?Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?Tony: Yes, no problem.这篇对话重点如下:-计划班级派对的讨论:围绕派对的时间、活动内容展开讨论,展示了如何协商安排活动,运用了“will + 动词原形”表示将来可能性的用法,如“half the class won't come”“Students will leave early”等。

1.学校场景课程分类Optional course 选修课Required course 必修课Day course 白天的课Evening course 晚上的课经常出现的科目或专业Chinese 中文English 英语mathematic 数学history 历史chemistry 化学Literature 文学Biology 生物Physics 物理Politics 政治Geography 地理Psychology 心理学考试Final exam 期终考试middle exam 期中考试make up 补考test测验pop test 事先没有说好的测验quiz 测验oral test 口试考试临近draw on / in sight of / draw nearly考试延期或取消delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类public school 公立学校private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校Tuition 学费学校中的人president 校长headmaster principal principledean 院长professor 教授lecturer 讲师coordinator 管理员net webdegreedoctor 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士freshman 大一新生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生图书馆借书lend / borrow / check out参考书reference book续借renew过期overdue还书return罚金fineattend / have a lecture 上课cut a class 逃课ask for a leavemiss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教research assistant 助研semester 学期2.交通运输场景transportationfare 车票driving license 驾照rush hours 高峰时间traffic jam 交通堵塞overtake 超车one way street 单行道over speed 超速police officer 交警ticket 罚单fine 罚金fast way / express way / high way 高速公路motor way 机动车道super way 飞机机动车道free way 免费高速公路交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train(女) / bus / bike(女) / walk(女) / taxi (女):女生比较喜欢tunnel / channel 隧道ring road 环线subway(美) / underground (英) 地铁metro 地道地铁Munderpass人行地道overhead 轻轨flyover 人行天桥mag –lev 磁悬浮take a taxi 乘出租车call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车3.电话场景mobile phone 手机pay phone 公用电话telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页dial (拨电话号码) / press (按电话号码)extension 分机operator 总机put~through 接通wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人is not in 不在?be not inhold on 不要挂断,稍等take/leave a message 留言hang up / get off 挂断credit call 记账式电话bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话collect call 对方付费电话4.机场场景plane / craft 飞机book 订票timetable 时间表destination 目的地open ticketone way ticket 单程票round trip ticket 来回票non-stop / direct flight 直航transfer / lay over / stop over 转机first / business / economy cabin 头等/ 商务/ 经济舱confirm the flight 确认航班check in 登记boarding card 登机牌security check 安检see off 送行送别时的祝语keep in touch 保持联系safe landing 安全着陆board 登机take off 起飞departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带land 着陆arrival 进港pick up 接机5.公司场景job vacancy 有空缺职位letter of application 求职信resume 简历resume包括几部分basic / personal info. 基本信息/个人资料academic background 教育背景work experience 工作经验certificates and honoursinterview 面试offer 聘用信work experience 工作经验work overtime 加班ask for a raise 加钱wage 周薪salary 日薪bonus奖金allowance 津贴annual income 年收入promotion 升职fire 解雇resign 辞职retire 退休laid-off 下岗work / job / career / course 工作post / position / vocation / title 职务假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期vacation 休假annual leave 年假sick leave 病假rest 休息break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息coffee breakaway 离开一会公司职位从大到小chairman of the boardpresident -- general manager—manager –department manager—head –officer –specialist(专员)-- clerk6.租房场景live on campus 住校live off campus 住校外for sale 可销售的房子for rent / lease 可出租的房子to let 同上rent 租金utilities 公用事业费location 位置suburb / downtown 市郊/ 市中心condition 住房条件furnished 配家具unfurnished 无装修leaking 漏水blackout 断电environment 环境transportation 交通land lord 房东land lady 房东太太tenant 房客roommate 室友好的室友:neat 整洁的considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的noisy 吵闹的7.医院场景see a doctor 去医院看医生send for a doctor 让医生出诊health center / clinic 卫生所/ 门诊部physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医make an appointment 预约emergency 急诊check up / exam 检查cold(感冒)——flu (流感) ——headache (头痛)——sore throat(嗓子痛)——fever(发烧)——toothache(牙疼) ——stomachache (胃疼)prescribe 开药方pill / tablet 药片liquid 喝药水injection => shot 注射operation 手术medical result 诊断结果8.宾馆场景make a reservation 预订房间confirm a reservation 确认预订cancel a reservation 取消预订fully booked / full up / full 客满porter 行旅员tips 小费reception 前台check in 登记入住single room 单人房double room 一张大床的双人房twin room 两张单人床的双人房suite 套房bathroom toilet / w.c closet restroom 厕所room service 客房服务(四级听力中的客房服务一般只有考一种——送餐) lounge 男士用休息区lobby 大堂business center 商务中心salon 美容厅ball 舞厅bar 酒吧night club 夜总会check out 退房9.邮局场景post / send / mail 寄letter / mail 信registered mail 挂号信regular mail 平信airmail 航空信parcel / package 包裹telegram / cable 电报rate 费率overweight 超重postage 邮资email 电子邮件reply 回复forward 转发cc(carbon copy) 抄送bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送subject 主题attach 附件attachment10.饭店场景eat out 出去吃take away 外带fast food 快餐book a table 订位子waiter / waitness 服务员waitressmenu 菜单order 点菜appetizer 开胃菜main course 主食dessert 餐后甜点bill 账单service charge 服务费change 找零tips 小费keep the change 不用找零了11.其他closed 关门open 开门office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间关于开关power on / off 开/关turn on / off 开/关switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关) 干杯cheerspropose a toast tobottom upthe best book 最好的书圣经the best thing 最好的事情选择the last thing 最不愿意做的事情the last man 最不愿意见的人best seller 畅销的东西sell up 卖完,卖光售罄sell out卖完,卖光售罄/ 出卖朋友或原则sell off 低价处理库存商品selling machine 自动售货机selling point 卖点count the days 渴望count on = dependent / rely on depend oncount in 把……考虑在内count for nothing 一钱不值count for little 无足轻重count for much 举足轻重count down 倒计时count up 相加count up to 共计关于旅行traveljourney 陆上长途旅行trip 陆上短途旅行outing 远足stroll 散步wander 徘徊picnic 野餐camping 野营tour 周游cruise 水上短途旅行voyage 水上长途旅行关于死亡的说法没有感情色彩的:die / end up / meat one’s death / decease 褒义的:pass away贬义的:kick the bucket关于和别人相处的好的说法get on with = get along (well) withbe in good term withlive in peace with关于强调point outemphasizelay / put emphasis ongive emphasis to达成协议找到出路find a way outreach an agreementreach a consensus关于“得失”gains and lossesgive and take关于拜访drop in / at / over / bystop in / over / bycall on sbcall at / round swlook in / uppay a visit topay / make a call to关于碰见,偶遇come acrossrun intobump intohappen to meet关于花钱、花费的词TakeSpendCostChargePayBuy关于水waterrunning / tap ~ 自来水fresh ~ 活水still ~ 死水pure ~ 纯净水purified ~ 净化水mineral ~ 矿泉水be used to do 被用于be used to dong 习惯于get used to doing 渐渐习惯于used to do 过去常常单复数意思不太一样的词ruin 毁灭ruins 废墟authority 权威authorities 当局brain 头脑brains 智力,智慧custom 风俗习惯customs 海关damage 破坏,损坏damages 赔偿费ground 地面土地grounds 院子,监狱manner 礼貌方式manners 外貌minute 分钟minutes 会议记录paper 纸张papers 试卷time 时间times 时代关于“调查”researchsurvey 市场调查opinion poll 名义调查民意调查questionnaire 问卷调查investigation 很正式的调查interview 会见,访谈belong to 属于participate in 参加be engaged in 从事、参加be involved in 卷入消磨时间kill timepass timecount one’s thumbs用完、缺少run out ofbe short ofbe lack in lack of / ina little 一点not a little 很多a bit 一点not a bit 一点也没有短对话中常用单词和句型1.表示期待、希望、渴望做某事的说法expect / hope / wishbe eager / anxious /dying tolook for ward towait / yean / thirst / long forcan not waitcounting the days2.下列词语与“but”一样含有转折的的意思actuallywellreallyin factas a matter of factto tell you the truth3.表示建议的句型how about……做……如何I heard about……我听说……If I were you ……如果我是你……It seems to me that……在我看来似乎……Let’s ……shall we ? 让我们……怎么样?Let us ……will you ? 让我们……怎么样?Shall I / we ……What about ……做……如何Why don’t you ……你为什么不……Why not + 动词原型为什么不……Would you like ……你要……吗?Wouldn’t ……be better / wiser 做……不是更好吗?4.表示同意、附和的句型I agree with youExactlyI couldn’t agree with you more / betterI think soI can’t wait any minuteBelieve it or notI will ……if 假如……我就会It’s my turn 轮到我了我请客Why not ?Y ou are rightI guess so 我猜也是No problem 没问题Of causeOut of question 毫无疑问So do I / me too 我也是Sure / absolutely / beautiful 当然,很好Good ideaThat sounds really nice 听起来真不错5.表示询问的句型Any questions / any thing wrong 有什么问题吗?Can you give me some ideas 可以给我一些建议吗?Do you know ……Do you want to……Do you find any wrong with 你觉得……有什么不对劲吗? How long will it take 做什么要花多久I am thinking of ……我正在考虑做……I suppose think ……我猜想……What’s your plane plan 你的计划是什么?What happens if ……如果……怎么办?What shall we do 我们该怎么做?6.表示否定的句型Actually / as a matter of fact 事实上……How can you do sth 你怎么可以……I can’t afford any disturbance 不要再烦我I couldn’t agree with youI didn’t men to 我本不打算I don’t think soIt doesn’t matter 无所谓I wish ……但愿……I’d like to but 我很愿意但是……I’d love to butI just can’t bearI am afraid notI am sorry but……is not everything ……不是关键no bother / why bother 不要麻烦no , thanksreallyThat’s his opinionTo tell you the truthWell , as far as I know7.表示“不得不”have to 表示客观上不得不做某事must 主观上的必须做某事be bound tocannot buthave no choice but8.表示“迟到”behind timebe delayed / overduebehind schedulebe late9.表示“紧张”trembleshake all overget one’s tongue tiedhave one’s mind go blanknervous10.以下词组听到后意思取反mean to 想要……planned to 原计划……intended to 原打算……tended toused to 过去常常…11.以下句型要引起重视,重点听取,就算本身不是考点也一定直接引向考点反意疑问句( ……,didn’t you ?)反问句倒装句助动词do / did / doesit is ……that / who / when……的句型正确答案的特征1. 含义肯定的不是正确选项,模糊的是正确选项意思具体的不是正确选项,概括的是正确选项意思详细的不是正确选项,抽象的是正确选项意思肤浅的不是正确选项,深刻的是正确选项2. 含有一下单词的一般是正确选项neither / either / also / besides / almost / especially / possibly / probably / likely perhaps / might / may / maybe / could /can / all / none3. 含有以下三种结构的一般可能是正确选项系表结构(系动词+标语表语) 比较结构(……than……) 复合句4. 含有四级词汇替换项的一般是正确选项5. 表示“同意或不同意”,“喜欢或不喜欢”,“应该或不应该的”的一般为正确选项6. 以下三种选项一般其中有一个可能是正确选项反意项形似项近似项7. 同意项不可能是正确选项,等例排除。
中考英语重点词汇讲解Like 的用法两个常用词性:介词:翻译成"像,类似";及物动词:翻译成"喜欢";1. what`s something like ?可以用来询问天气,事物等怎么样场景一:询问天气----what`s the weather like ?天气怎么样?----it is fine!和好!场景二:询问考试----what`s the exam like ?考试怎么样?----so difficult!很难!2. What be somebody like ?询问某人的品质,性格等内在的东西----What is her mother like?她妈妈怎么样?----She is a very kind woman.她是一个非常善良的女人。
3.What do somebody look like?某人看上去如何,侧重于外表----What does she look like ?她长什么样?----She is a girl with long hair.她是一个长头发的女孩。
4.what does somebody like ?询问某人喜欢什么,like 是动词----what do you like ?你喜欢什么?----I like reading.我喜欢读书。
5. How does somebody like ...? 询问某人认...怎么样----How do you like the computer ?你觉得这台电脑怎么样?----Its wonderful!非常棒!6. look like:看起来像……,强调的是外观You look like a successful man.你看起来像个成功的人。
7. feel like:(1) 感觉像…The cloth feel like silk.这块布摸起来像丝绸。
(2)想要某事,想做某事I don`t feel like cooking.我不想做饭。

(1)餐馆场景:order点菜serve上菜change零钱(Keep the change!不用找零钱了!)tip 小费treat 请客(This is my treat!我请客!) go Dutch AA制(Let’s go fifty-fifty.) steak 牛排cheese 奶酪sandwich 三明治bacon 腌肉soup 汤plain water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的) doughnut 多纳圈appetizer 开胃物dessert 甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道) go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭snack bar 小吃街、大排挡hamburger 汉堡包coke 可口可乐French fries 炸薯条cafeteria 自助餐厅buffet 自助餐dining hall 食堂coffee shop 咖啡店restaurant 饭店canteen 小卖部(2)邮局场景:stamp 邮票envelope 信封package/parcel 包裹overweight 超重extra postage 额外邮资send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄/发信express mail 快件airmail 航空信件surface mail 陆地邮寄open an account 开一个帐户(3)图书馆场景:library card 借书证borrow lend bookshelf 书架novel 小说science fiction 科幻小说magazine 杂志periodical 期刊reference book 参考书librarian 图书管理员pay a fine 交罚款Can I help you?What can I do for you?(4)医院及健康场景:aspirin 阿司匹林regular doctor 私人医生emergence department 急诊室ICU (= intensive care unit) 特护病房treatment 治疗手段take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压medicine:pills/tablets 药丸/药片heart attack 心脏病cold / flu 流感:have / catch a cold pain 疼痛痛苦headache 头疼stomachache wei 胃痛backache 背痛、腰疼sore-throat 喉咙痛cough 咳嗽fever 发烧问:How is it going?How are you?答:I’m fine. / I feel good/terrific. / I couldn’t be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 好。

1.重点词汇:失踪(disappear)、寻找(search for)、冒险(adventure)、特长(specialty)
2.重点短语:不见了(gone missing)、四处寻找(look for everywhere)、突然想起(suddenly remember)

试题分析:Section A部分的8个小对话,通常都是一男一女的对话。
应试策略: 80%的答案都是和第二个说话人相关.熟悉四级听力常考的十大场景:学习场景、天气场景、医院场景、打工场景、租房场景、娱乐场景、餐馆场景、选课场景、论文场景、图书馆场景。
一、转折句式常见转折:1.but 转折如:I…d like to, but we have visitors from Finland.Neither do I. But I think we should get it over with.2. however, though, yet等其他转折如:The speech is good, though it could be better.解题技巧:1.转折之后为听音重点如果听到but, however等表示转折的词语,应该重点留意后面的内容,答案往往就在其中。
如:If it rains,we won‟t go to the park.Please tell him the truth if he comes.2. 非真实条件句非真实条件句,即虚拟条件句,它所表示的是与事实相反或在说话人看来不太肯能实现的事情。

12020牛津译林版高中英语必修三短语归纳小结Book 3 Unit 1 短语荟萃(1)词汇表重点短语(12)brazil nut n.巴西坚果(3)water lily n.睡莲(3)in turn 相应地,转而⑶相应地,转而⑶break down 使分解(为),使变化(成)⑶使分解(为),使变化(成)⑶ breathe life into 给…带来起色,注入活力⑶给…带来起色,注入活力⑶ due /dju ː/ to 由于,因为⑶由于,因为⑶ build up 逐渐增加,扩大(5) come up with 想岀,想到(6)call for (公开)要求;需要(6) spring to mind 突然记起(或想到)(8) get rid/r ɪd/of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉(11) give rise to 使发生(或存在)(13)(2)课本中其它短语(195)on account of (p.1)由于由于our human victories over nature 战胜自然的胜利战胜自然的胜利 takes one's revenge on 报复报复a documentary script 一部纪实剧本一部纪实剧本 a TV show transcript 电视节目打印单电视节目打印单 make a booklet 制作一个小册子制作一个小册子 environmental problems 环境问题环境问题 the human race 人类人类do harm (to...) 对……有害对……有害cut down 削减;减少使用;砍倒(树木)砍倒(树木) sound the alarm 发出警报发出警报 be thankful for 因为……而感谢因为……而感谢 work together 合作合作protect the environment 保护环境保护环境 be full of (p.2) 充满……充满…… natural wonders 自然奇观自然奇观 home to ……的家园……的家园a wide range of wildlife 种类繁多的野生动物种类繁多的野生动物 judging from 根据……判断根据……判断a natural treasure 天然宝藏,自然保藏天然宝藏,自然保藏 a huge sea of green 一望无际的绿色海洋一望无际的绿色海洋 play a significant role in 在……中起重要作用在……中起重要作用 maintain the fine balance of the Earth's ecosystem 保持地球生态系统的良好平衡地球生态系统的良好平衡cross into eight countries 横穿八个国家横穿八个国家 an area of ……的面积……的面积square kilometres 平方公里平方公里 half the size of ……大小的一半……大小的一半 in length 在长度上在长度上the Yangtze River 扬子江,长江扬子江,长江one in ten 十分之一十分之一(be)known to sb (p.3) 为……所熟悉为……所熟悉 lie down 躺下躺下an unbelievable variety of wildlife 种类繁多的野生动物种类繁多的野生动物 at the bo om 在底部在底部a system of roots 根系,根系统根系,根系统 beneath the ground 在地下在地下the mass of leaf li er 大量的树叶垃圾大量的树叶垃圾the towering ancient hardwoods 高耸的古代硬木高耸的古代硬木 a significant number of 大量的大量的 food chain 食物链食物链 feed on 以……为食以……为食 at least 至少至少a ny army of 一小批……一小批…… return...to...把……还给……把……还给…… fix carbon 固定碳固定碳be known as 以知名,被认为是,知名,被认为是, 称为称为 one major danger to ……的一个主要危险……的一个主要危险these irreplaceable plants and animals 不可代替的动植物ca le farming 养牛业养牛业in danger of ex nc on 处于灭绝的危险中,濒临灭绝处于灭绝的危险中,濒临灭绝 be le with a ques on 留下一个问题留下一个问题 afford to do sth 有能力做某事有能力做某事 be poor in nutrients (p.5) 营养不良营养不良 for one thing 一则,其一一则,其一 the rainy season 雨季雨季the water level 水平面,水平线水平面,水平线 go away 离开,外出,消失离开,外出,消失 take away 拿走,拿走,夺走;夺走;带走,抓走;抓走;从…中减去,从…中减去,从…中减去,从…从…中扣除;for another thing 再则,其次,另一方面再则,其次,另一方面 take in 收留,收容;欺骗,欺骗,使上当;使上当;使上当;理解,理解,领会,领悟,看清,看明白;摄入,吸收;收入,进账看清,看明白;摄入,吸收;收入,进账 as a result 结果结果lock up 锁好,把…关入锁好,把…关入 nega ve prefixes 否定前缀否定前缀 fill in the table 填写表格填写表格have no idea 不知道不知道make comparisons 进行比较进行比较gain a be er understanding 更好地理解更好地理解 three mes as large as 三倍大三倍大be lost 失去了,丢了;失踪,迷路;流失失去了,丢了;失踪,迷路;流失leave out (p.6) 省略;排除,不包括省略;排除,不包括2global warming 全球变暖全球变暖a major problem 主要问题主要问题 greenhouse gases 温室气体温室气体extreme weather events 极端天气事件极端天气事件 and so on 等等等等solu ons to these problems 问题的解决办法问题的解决办法leading experts on environmental issues 环境问题的首席专家专家solve these problems 解决问题解决问题 modern technology 现代技术现代技术a change of lifestyle 生活方式的变革生活方式的变革 get started 开始开始 avoid doing sth 避免做某事避免做某事 in short responses 简短的应答简短的应答at the beginning of 在……开始的时候在……开始的时候 informal speech 非正式演讲非正式演讲 take photos of (p.7)拍……的照片拍……的照片make every effort 尽一切努力,尽力,竭尽全力尽一切努力,尽力,竭尽全力 keep away from 远离远离 a forest clean a forest clean--up ac vity 森林清理活动森林清理活动 take part in 参加,参与参加,参与(be)devoted to (doing sth) 致力于,献身于致力于,献身于 at first 最初,起初,开始时最初,起初,开始时 what if 如果…怎么办如果…怎么办at the entrance to 在……的入口处在……的入口处 stop... from 阻止……阻止…… divide... into 把……分成把……分成clean up 打扫,清扫,清理,收拾干净,弄整洁打扫,清扫,清理,收拾干净,弄整洁 be worth one ’s/the effort 值得努力值得努力 sign up 注册,报名,签约注册,报名,签约 a news report (p.8) 新闻报道新闻报道cause increasing harm to 对…造成越来越大的伤害对…造成越来越大的伤害 a fearsome hunter 可怕的猎人/猎手猎手have the greatest impact on 对……有极大的影响对……有极大的影响 animal popula ons 动物种群,动物数量动物种群,动物数量 bring...close to ex nc on 使……濒临灭绝使……濒临灭绝 go ex nct 灭绝,走向灭绝灭绝,走向灭绝have indirect effects on 对……有间接的影响对……有间接的影响 destroy animal habitats 破坏动物栖息地破坏动物栖息地 leave many animals with nowhere to live 让许多动物无处栖身处栖身put animals in danger 把动物置于危险之中把动物置于危险之中have a deep and damaging influence 有深的有破坏力的影响影响cause the loss of (p.9)造成…的损失/灭绝灭绝 play a role in 在……起作用/扮演角色扮演角色hunt endangered animals 猎杀濒危动物猎杀濒危动物create well create well--planned and well planned and well--managed protected areas 创建规划良好、管理完善的保护区建规划良好、管理完善的保护区take small ac ons 采取小的行动采取小的行动understand the problems facing animals 了解/理解动物面临的问题面临的问题in danger (p.10) 在危险中在危险中 at risk 有风险的,在危险中有风险的,在危险中 take care of 照顾,照看;看护照顾,照看;看护 with these measures 有了这些措施有了这些措施 of great importance 很重要很重要 take measures to 采取措施……采取措施……make efforts to 努力……努力……call on people to 号召人们……号召人们…… call for people to 号召人们……号召人们……call for the protec on of animals 号召对动物的保护号召对动物的保护 for instance 例如例如 take the example of 拿……来举例拿……来举例News that Ma ers (p.11) 要闻,重要新闻要闻,重要新闻 join sb in 加入到……当中一起……加入到……当中一起…… a local resident 当地居民当地居民senior manager of a local factory 当地一家工厂的高级经理chief of ……的头头/首领首领Environmental Protec on Commi ee 环保委员会环保委员会have significant environmental costs 有极大的环境成本有极大的环境成本 over that me 在那段时间里在那段时间里heavy industry factories 重工业工厂重工业工厂 enjoy outdoor ac vi es 享受户外活动享受户外活动 not...any more 不再不再colour the sky a smoky grey 把天空染成烟灰把天空染成烟灰for health and safety reasons alone 仅出于健康和安全原因protest against 抗议抗议feel that way 这样/那样想,有这种/那种感觉那种感觉 tend to 倾向于,往往……倾向于,往往……connect...with...把……和……联系起来把……和……联系起来 clouds of dirty smoke 污浊的烟云污浊的烟云 (be)eager to 急于……,渴望……急于……,渴望…… make huge profits 赚大钱,获得巨大利润赚大钱,获得巨大利润 in defence of 保卫,捍卫;为……辩护保卫,捍卫;为……辩护 point out 指出指出be concerned about 关心……,担心……关心……,担心…… take various measures 采取各式措施采取各式措施in the produc on process 在生产过程中在生产过程中draw one ’s a en on to (p.12)把某人的注意力吸引3到……到……economic benefits 经济利益经济利益 on the rise 在上升,在增加在上升,在增加 search for 搜索,搜寻,追索搜索,搜寻,追索 fight the problem 解决问题解决问题 deal with pollu on 应对污染应对污染maintain air and water quality 保持空气和水质保持空气和水质 achieve a balance between 在……之间达成平衡在……之间达成平衡 economic development 经济发展经济发展 strict clean strict clean--up requirements 严格的清理要求严格的清理要求work hand in hand with 与……并肩工作/携手工作携手工作 other branches of government 政府其它部门政府其它部门 development strategies 发展策略发展策略in an environmentally friendly way 用环保的方式用环保的方式 a community a community--wide effort 全社区的努力全社区的努力 follow the golden rule 遵循黄金法则遵循黄金法则 save energy 节约能源节约能源 use the bike use the bike--sharing system 使用自行车共享系统使用自行车共享系统 a former UN official 前联合国官员前联合国官员li people out of poverty 使人们摆脱贫困使人们摆脱贫困 advance economic growth 促进经济增长促进经济增长aim for economic development 以经济发展为目标以经济发展为目标 leave a be er, cleaner and healthier planet to our children 给我们的孩子们留下一个更美好、更清洁、更健康的星球build a human community with a shared future 构建人类命运共同体类命运共同体habitat loss (p.13) 栖息地丧失栖息地丧失interact with others 与他人互动与他人互动make eye contact with others 与他人眼神交流与他人眼神交流 make sure 确保,务必确保,务必listen to one ’s feedback 听反馈听反馈 respond appropriately 恰当地应答恰当地应答various causes of ……的各式各样的原因……的各式各样的原因 large amounts of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)大量的(修饰不可数名词) water bodies 水体水体poisonous chemicals 有毒化学物有毒化学物 have a long have a long--las ng effect on 对……有持久的影响对……有持久的影响 prevent further damage to 防止对……进一步破坏防止对……进一步破坏 draw public a en on to the problem 引起公众对这个问题的注意题的注意pass strict laws 通过严格的法律通过严格的法律 be important to (p.14) 对……重要对……重要take the viewer on an eye -opening journey 让观众大开眼界its own dis nct geography and climate 独特的地理和气候over me 随着时间的推移,久而久之随着时间的推移,久而久之4Book 3 Unit 2 短语荟萃(1)词汇表重点短语(9)at large 整个,全部(16)roll call /'r əʊl k ɔːl/ n.点名(16) safe and sound 安然无恙的(16) occur to 被想到,浮现在脑中浮现在脑中(17) keep one's head(在困境中)保持冷静(17) run out of 用完,耗尽(20)take the form of 呈现...的形状;采取...的形式(25) break out 突然开始,爆发(26) far and wide 到处,各处(26)(2)课本中其它短语(153) natural disasters (p.15)自然灾难自然灾难 kind of 稍微,有几分,有点儿稍微,有几分,有点儿 a loving mother 慈母,慈爱的母亲慈母,慈爱的母亲 a butcher in cold blood 冷血屠夫冷血屠夫 (be)caught in 陷于,淋雨陷于,淋雨an expert from a novel 小说节选小说节选a famous volcanic erup on 出名的火山喷发出名的火山喷发 make an informa on folder 制作信息文件夹制作信息文件夹 escape an earthquake (p.16) 躲避地震躲避地震 suffer slight injuries 轻微受伤轻微受伤 head teacher 班主任;校长班主任;校长hold on to 保住,守住;保存,保留;坚持保住,守住;保存,保留;坚持 at the same me 与此同时与此同时 in case 以防,万一以防,万一loud crashes of glass breaking 玻璃破碎的巨大撞击声玻璃破碎的巨大撞击声 remain s ll 别动,保持不动别动,保持不动 the moment 一……就一……就 make one ’s escape 逃跑逃跑in an orderly line 整齐地排成一行,有序的一行/一队一队 go down the stairs 下楼,下楼梯下楼,下楼梯 rush to 奔向,冲向,急急前往奔向,冲向,急急前往 a series of (p.17) 一系列一系列leave thousands dead 造成数千人死亡造成数千人死亡 survive the disaster 从灾难中幸存下来从灾难中幸存下来 a 10a 10--year year--old girl 十岁的女孩十岁的女孩 on the sandy beach 在沙滩上在沙滩上on the top of 在……上面,在……顶上在……上面,在……顶上signs of an approaching tsunami 海啸逼近的迹象海啸逼近的迹象 warn sb of sth 警告某人某事警告某人某事 a safety officer 安全员安全员 to one ’s great relief 令某人极为欣慰的是令某人极为欣慰的是 the coming danger 即将到来的危险即将到来的危险clear...of...清除掉……的……清除掉……的……crash into the coast 坠入海岸坠入海岸 at a primary school (p.18) 在小学在小学a destruc ve storm (p.19) 一场毁灭性的风暴一场毁灭性的风暴 neighbouring countries 邻国邻国cause serious damage 造成严重损害造成严重损害 get prepared for 为……做准备为……做准备 in order to 为了为了protect...from...保护……免受……保护……免受……make the difference between life and death 起着生死攸关的作用关的作用e down large outdoor objects 系紧大型室外物体系紧大型室外物体 blow away 吹走,刮走;炸飞,干掉;使印象深刻吹走,刮走;炸飞,干掉;使印象深刻 inform sb/oneself of 通知某人/自己……自己……go on 进行,发生;继续;流逝,过去;接着做;凭…作出判断;开始运转,开启作出判断;开始运转,开启 pay a en on to 注意注意news updates 新闻更新新闻更新 in the face of 面对面对 drinking water 饮用水饮用水 water the flowers 浇花浇花master these words 掌握这些单词掌握这些单词 use sensory informa on 使用感官信息使用感官信息put the reader in the ac on 让读者参与进来让读者参与进来 descrip ve details 描述性细节描述性细节 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事transport...into the scene 把……带进场景把……带进场景 a end a conference (p.20) 参加会议参加会议one of the ci es to be hit 被袭击的城市之一被袭击的城市之一 turn on the TV 打开电视机打开电视机on one ’s way 在路上;快要到来在路上;快要到来 a bit of a shock 有点震惊有点震惊much too dangerous 太危险,非常危险太危险,非常危险 the power failure 电力故障,停电电力故障,停电 be afraid of 害怕……害怕……only to see huge trees lying across the street 只看到大树横躺在街上横躺在街上come to help 来帮忙来帮忙donate food and clothes to chari es 给慈善机构捐食物衣服衣服in this case 在这种情况下在这种情况下match... with... (p.21)把……和……搭配起来把……和……搭配起来 the local people 当地人当地人arrive at the airport 到达机场到达机场 learn some safety ps 学习一些安全提示学习一些安全提示 a end a staff mee ng 参加员工会议参加员工会议5describe ...in great detail 详细描述……详细描述……raise funds 筹集基金筹集基金go through 经历,经受;翻阅,翻找;通读;彻查;被通过,被批准通过,被批准people from other neighbourhoods 其他社区的人其他社区的人 provide sb with sth 向某人提供……向某人提供…… sleeping bags 睡袋睡袋give sb advice 给某人建议给某人建议flood safety ps (p.22) 洪水安全提示洪水安全提示 wash away 冲垮,冲走冲垮,冲走the upper levels of ……的上层……的上层watch out for 当心,密切注意;戒备,提防当心,密切注意;戒备,提防 stay away from 远离远离keywords=key words 关键词关键词in the living room (p.23)在起居室,在客厅里在起居室,在客厅里look through 逐一查看,浏览,翻阅;穿过……看逐一查看,浏览,翻阅;穿过……看 the endless rain outside 外面没完没了的雨外面没完没了的雨 rain non rain non--stop 雨不停地下雨不停地下a storm this bad 这么严重的风暴/暴雨暴雨 on the roof 在屋顶上在屋顶上a weather report 天气预报,天气报告天气预报,天气报告 on the radio 广播中,通过广播广播中,通过广播 disaster supplies 救灾物资救灾物资 right away 立刻,马上立刻,马上be curious to do sth 好奇地……好奇地……move the dinner table against the door 把餐桌顶在门上把餐桌顶在门上 force the door open 用力把门打开,把门迫开/撞开撞开 ask for clarifica on (p.24) 要求澄清要求澄清 transi onal words or sentences 过渡词或句过渡词或句 make connec ons with 与……联系起来与……联系起来 in terms of 就……而言就……而言reveal a character ’s personality 揭露一个人物的性格揭露一个人物的性格 a talented Bri sh writer (p.25) 有才华的英国作家有才华的英国作家 leave one ’s mark on 在……留下印记,产生深远的影响产生深远的影响 classic novel 经典小说经典小说an interna onal tourist des na on 国际旅游胜地国际旅游胜地 a typical Roman city 典型的罗马城市典型的罗马城市in the energy and skill of its people 在其人民的活力和技艺里艺里trading ships 商船商船golden pleasure boats 金色游船金色游船in the glassy water of the port 在港口的光滑如镜的水中在港口的光滑如镜的水中 move in all direc ons 向四面八方移动向四面八方移动 above all 尤其,首先尤其,首先 roll away 滚动离开,翻滚离开,滚滚而去;滚开滚动离开,翻滚离开,滚滚而去;滚开 with unspeakable fear 带着无法形容的恐惧带着无法形容的恐惧of a pale and dying red (p.26) 一种苍白的,快要死的红色at that moment 在那一刻在那一刻 in the distance 在远处在远处the crash of falling roofs 屋顶坍塌的巨响屋顶坍塌的巨响 a moment later 一会儿之后一会儿之后throw out 扔掉,丢掉;错过,浪费;不受理,不立案;撵走,开除撵走,开除a shower of ashes 阵雨似的灰烬阵雨似的灰烬many a noisy crash 许多嘈杂的撞击声许多嘈杂的撞击声 in the stormy sea 在狂风暴雨中在狂风暴雨中 push against the other 推挤对方推挤对方 be separated from 与……分离与……分离 no hope of 没有……的希望没有……的希望res ng place 休息处,安息处,坟墓休息处,安息处,坟墓 as if 好像好像the remains of ……的剩余物/遗物/遗骸遗骸burn bright and short 烧得灿烂而短暂烧得灿烂而短暂a sense of fear and confusion 恐惧和困惑感恐惧和困惑感 be aware of 意识到,明白意识到,明白search and rescue dogs (p.27) 搜救犬搜救犬 life detector 生命探测器/探测仪探测仪 search and rescue robots 搜救机器人搜救机器人unmanned aircra 无人驾驶飞机,无人机无人驾驶飞机,无人机advantages and disadvantages 优缺点,优势和劣势,利与弊与弊rescue efforts on land 陆上救援陆上救援 sharp sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉敏锐的嗅觉locate survivors 定位到幸存者,找到幸存者定位到幸存者,找到幸存者 raise a type of dog 养一种狗养一种狗a destruc ve earthquake 毁灭性地震毁灭性地震work alongside members of the China Interna onal Search and Rescue Team 与中国国际搜救队一起工作与中国国际搜救队一起工作 the best the best--known novel (P known novel (P.28).28)最著名的小说最著名的小说 leave one's drought leave one's drought--hit home 离开干旱袭击的家园离开干旱袭击的家园 in search of 寻找,搜寻寻找,搜寻the struggle for survival 为生存而做的斗争为生存而做的斗争 bring about 导致,引起,带来导致,引起,带来extreme weather events 极端天气事件极端天气事件6Book 3 Unit 3 短语荟萃(1)词汇表重点短语(12)take off 突然大受欢迎,迅速流行(29) to a certain extent 在一定程度上在一定程度上(30) at one's finger ps 掌握(信息),熟悉、精通(知识等),了如指掌(30)bring up 使显示在计算机屏幕上,调出;提出(30) above all else 最重要的是,尤其是尤其是 (31) belong to 属于,归…所有(34) set up 创建,建立(34)be glued to sth 全神贯注看着某物,离某物很近(39) shoot past 飞驰而过(39)knock sb off one's feet 撞倒某人,使某人双脚离地(39) be lost in 全神贯注,沉浸于(40) cut back on 减少,削减(40) (2)课本中其它短语(175)cross barriers and connect cultures (p.29) 跨越障碍,连接文化文化a blog post 一篇博客(帖子)一篇博客(帖子) hold a debate 举行辩论举行辩论important milestones in the development of the Internet 网络发展中重要的里程碑网络发展中重要的里程碑send an email 发送电子邮件发送电子邮件 a test message 测试消息测试消息 send a message 发信息发信息separate...from...把……和……分离开来把……和……分离开来 the user name 用户名用户名the University of Cambridge 剑桥大学剑桥大学a coffee pot 咖啡壶咖啡壶avoid wasted trips for coffee 避免浪费时间去喝咖啡避免浪费时间去喝咖啡 Japanese comics 日本漫画日本漫画street signs 路标,路牌,街道标志路标,路牌,街道标志 Chinese characters 汉字汉字throughout the world 全世界全世界the "Face with Tears of Joy"emoji “喜极而泣”表情符号the "Word" of the Year 2015 2015年度“词”年度“词” a technological wonder (p.30) 科技奇迹科技奇迹 far far--reaching changes 影响深远的变化影响深远的变化 all aspects of one ’s lives 生活的方方面面生活的方方面面 on the Internet 在网上在网上a world without fron ers 没有边界的世界没有边界的世界 across the world 全世界全世界a single shared community 单一共享社区单一共享社区 enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事使某人能够做某事reach beyond one ’s villages 越过村庄,走出村庄越过村庄,走出村庄get in touch with 与……接触与……接触life life--changing advantages 改变生活的好处改变生活的好处to a certain extent 在某种程度上在某种程度上 find out 发现,查明发现,查明travel packages 旅游套餐旅游套餐 military affairs 军事事务军事事务 learning resources 学习资源学习资源 a search engine 搜索引擎搜索引擎 no wonder 难怪难怪the majority of 大多数大多数turn to... for informa on 向……获取信息向……获取信息 all sorts of (p.31) 各种各样的各种各样的 electronic commerce 电子商务电子商务search shop a er shop 一个店一个店的寻找一个店一个店的寻找 compare styles and prices 比较式样和价格比较式样和价格 go on holiday 去度假去度假make all one ’s travel arrangements 安排好旅行安排好旅行 establish and maintain social e 建立并维持社会关系建立并维持社会关系 physical distance 身体距离,物理距离身体距离,物理距离 get in the way 挡道,妨碍挡道,妨碍keep in contact with 与……保持联系与……保持联系 long long--lost friends 久违的朋友久违的朋友as with 如同,和……一样,就……而言如同,和……一样,就……而言 be aware of 意识到意识到a place of discovery, wonder and inspira on 一个有发现、有奇迹和有灵感的地方有奇迹和有灵感的地方suppor ng details (p.32) 支持细节支持细节have access to 有权使用,接近,可以利用有权使用,接近,可以利用gather informa on 收集信息收集信息 order a taxi 叫出租车叫出租车keep in contact with 与……保持联系与……保持联系 in various ways 以各种方式以各种方式bring sb great convenience (p.33)给某人带来极大的方便给某人带来极大的方便 raise all sorts of ques ons 提各种问题提各种问题 surf the Internet 上网上网in the digital world 在数字世界在数字世界 computer files 电脑文件电脑文件 a web page 网页网页have the right to say no 有权利拒绝有权利拒绝 cut off contact 切断联系切断联系leave a comment on an update 对更新留言对更新留言 make a "before make a "before--and and--a er" comparison 做一个做一个“前后”“前后”比较in the past 在过去在过去(be) likely to 很可能……很可能……various styles of dancing (p.34) 各种舞蹈风格各种舞蹈风格7ps for dancing 舞蹈提示舞蹈提示inspiring stories 鼓舞人心的故事鼓舞人心的故事 dance lovers 舞蹈爱好者舞蹈爱好者on a regular basis 定期地,经常地定期地,经常地 achieve such success 取得这样的成功取得这样的成功through other forms of new media 通过其它形式新媒体通过其它形式新媒体 a technical team 技术团队技术团队 develop an app 开发应用程序开发应用程序 so as to 以便以便sa sfy different uses' needs 满足不同用户的需要满足不同用户的需要 do research (p.35) 进行研究进行研究 jump for joy 高兴得跳起来高兴得跳起来 have a conversa on with 与…交谈与…交谈 get...doing 开始做,让……开始……开始做,让……开始…… the picture bank 图片库图片库 chat online 网上聊天网上聊天 an IT teacher (p.36) IT 老师,信息技术老师老师,信息技术老师give a brief introduc on to 对……作简要介绍对……作简要介绍 the first general the first general--purpose computers 第一批通用计算机第一批通用计算机 come onto the market 上市上市public commercial use 公共商业用途公共商业用途 in general 总的来说,大体上,总体上总的来说,大体上,总体上 mid mid--2008 2008年年中年年中the early/ late 1980s 20世纪80年代初/末 instant messaging (p.37) 即时通信即时通信 travel booking 旅游预订旅游预订 internet users 网络用户网络用户 view charts 查看图表查看图表 bar charts 条形图,柱状图条形图,柱状图 pie charts 饼状图饼状图 line charts 线状图线状图go up (p.38) 上去;上涨,上升;被建起;爆炸,起火;响起,大作响起,大作go down 下去;下降,下跌;跪下,趴下;被打败;得到…回应;落山;沉没;坠毁;出故障,暂停运行到…回应;落山;沉没;坠毁;出故障,暂停运行 remain / stay the same / unchanged 保持不变保持不变 in a formal style 用正式的风格用正式的风格 come to a conclusion 得出结论得出结论(be)based on facts and figures 基于事实和数字基于事实和数字 clarify the recent changes 澄清最近的变化澄清最近的变化 predict the future 预测未来预测未来use simple and plain language 使用简单明了的语言使用简单明了的语言 a smart choice (p.39) 明智的选择明智的选择a smartphone addict 手机迷,手机上瘾者手机迷,手机上瘾者 walk down the street 沿着街道走沿着街道走 have dinner with friends 和朋友吃饭和朋友吃饭lie in bed 躺在床上躺在床上reach for 伸手去取伸手去取a dead ba ery 没电的电池没电的电池 feel stressed 感到有压力感到有压力have the uncomfortable feeling 有不舒服的感觉有不舒服的感觉take up 开始从事,喜欢上,开始干;占用,花费;占领,占据,占有;继续,把…接着进行下去领,占据,占有;继续,把…接着进行下去 quit the habit 戒掉这个习惯戒掉这个习惯make a change 做出改变,进行变革做出改变,进行变革 at that very moment 就在那一刻就在那一刻 make up one's mind 下决心下决心be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事习惯于做某事 social media updates 社交媒体更新社交媒体更新 every few minutes 每隔几分钟每隔几分钟 something of value 有价值的东西有价值的东西 slow down 减速,慢下来减速,慢下来stretch out 伸展;平躺;伸出,伸开伸展;平躺;伸出,伸开feel disconnected from 与……不联系,与……失去联系与……不联系,与……失去联系 pick up (p.40) 拿起,提起,拾起,站起(或爬起);接载,取走;获得,学会;得(病);接收到;发现,找到,识别;好转,改善;恢复;加速到,识别;好转,改善;恢复;加速keep a journal 记日记记日记 daily ac vi es 日常活动日常活动 make progress 取得进步取得进步 go out for a run 出去跑步出去跑步 feel more alive 感觉更有活力感觉更有活力the rich and earthy smell of the soil 土壤浓郁的泥土气息土壤浓郁的泥土气息 best of all 最好的是最好的是 with one's own eyes 用自己的眼睛用自己的眼睛 wide wide--ranging conversa on 广泛的谈话广泛的谈话 no longer 不再不再enjoy each other's company 享受彼此的陪伴享受彼此的陪伴 play badminton 打羽毛球打羽毛球up to date 现代的,最新的,时髦的,新式的现代的,最新的,时髦的,新式的 a great apprecia on for life 对生活的极大感激对生活的极大感激 escape from the modern world 逃离现代社会逃离现代社会 take advantage of 利用利用design a public service adver sement 设计一个公益广告设计一个公益广告 come up with a story or a slogan 编个故事或标语编个故事或标语 put down 放下;写下;镇压放下;写下;镇压 lead speaker (p.41) 主讲人, 一辩一辩 argue against 为反对…而辩,反驳为反对…而辩,反驳previous opposi on speaker 前面的反方发言人前面的反方发言人 build on key arguments 以关键论点为基础以关键论点为基础 summary speaker 总结演讲者,四辩总结演讲者,四辩 on the contrary 相反相反。

有点惊讶:come as something of a surprise 感到极度疲劳和难以招架:feel exhausted and overwhelmed 很可能引发一阵挫败感:be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration
感到一阵悲伤:a flash of grief came upon sb.
天资高的人:a talented person 有抱负的人:an ambitious person 留胡须的人:a bearded man 聪明人:an intellectual person 个性强的人:a man of fine personality 个性迷人的女人:a woman of engaging/fascinating
务实的:be down-to-earth 脱颖而出:stand out from the crowd 保守的性格:conservative personalities
缺乏责任感:lack of responsibility 具有...的美德:with the virtue of 责任感:sense of responsibility —个专心致志进行探索的科学家:a scientist bent on making a discovery 高素质、有经验的老师:highly qualified,well-experienced teaching staff
被 强 烈 地 吸 引 : be powerfully attracted to
心情愉快:in cheerful spirits 振作精神:keep up one’s spirits
满意的表情:a satisfied look 对...感到满意:be content with

1.电话:book;hold on;put through;speaking;wrong number; call back;2.酒店:reserve;room card;check in; confirm;fill out; single room;check out3.超市:discount; pay in cash; pay in check; credit card; half; shop assistant; in stock4.餐厅:order; serve; commend; tip; change; keep the change; go Dutch5.邮局:parcel; airmail; surface mail; registered mail; send; envelop; letter box6.医院:aspirin; fever; headache; sore throat; have a cold; take one’s tempe rature7.图书馆:librarian; library card; pay a fine; bookshelf; lend; borrow8.购物:store, department store, shopping center , size, expensive, color, price, cheap, bargain, popular/fashionable, in fashion, out of fashion, brand, counter, pay in cash, credit card, shop assistant9.天气:cloudy, overcast, thunder, strong/ high wind, tornado, typhoon, storm, blizzard, downpour, shower, clear up, put away clothes, weather in California, weather in London / Seattle, It rains cats and dogs.10.机场:flight, plane, book, timetable, Welcome on board ,destination safe landing,board, take off, departure, safety / seat belt, land, arrival, pick up, security check, see off, keep in touch, one way ticket, round trip ticket, direct flight, check in, behind schedule, flight number, passenger11.国家:China, America, New York, Japan, France, Germany, London, West Street, East Street, Beijing West Station12.天气:weather, sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, foggy13.交通工具:by car, by air, by train, by sea14.职业:accountant 会计bank teller 银行出纳员actor 演员actress 女演员director 导演dancer 舞蹈演员singer 歌手doctor 医生nurse 护士physician 内科医师surgeon 外科医生customs officer 海关官员pilot 飞行员police officer 警官baker 面包师cook 厨师waiter/waitress 服务员secretary 秘书lawyer 律师judge 法官carpenter 木匠mechanic 机械工navigator 航海家architect 建筑师businessman 商人producer 电影制片人painter 油漆匠plumber 水管工人electrician 电工tailor 裁缝师driver 司机teacher 老师taxi driver 出租车司机 baker 面包师captain 船长sailor 水手professor 教授barber 理发师hairdresser 美容师astronaut 宇航员scientist 科学家clerk 职员shop assistant 店员journalist 记者writer 作家farmer 农民hotel receptionist 宾馆接待员 librarian 图书馆理员post clerk 邮局职员bank clerk 银行职员1. waiter/waitress——customer:reserve a table, dessert, course, reservation, table cloth, menu, well-done, raw, medium, bill, tip2. hotel receptionist——customer:reservation, vacant beds, single room, double room, book a room bath, lavatory, occupy a room, full , front desk, check in, check out, register3. librarian——reader/student:library card, borrow, latest issue, catalogue, due, over-due, fine, novel, renew, fiction, magazine, bookshelf, journal, file, reference book, periodical, reading room4. post clerk——customer:mail, post, postage, stamp, parcel, package, post card, telegram, urgent cable, airmail, registered letter, money order, envelope, remittance5. shop assistant——customer:for sale, on sale, marked price, bargain, retail price, wholesale price, be sold out, size, color, style, fitting room, cheap, expensive, checkout, brand, discount6. teacher——student:textbook, courses, grade, mark, subject, exam, term paper, thesis, test, quiz, seminar, assignment, homework, deadline, presentation, lesson, class, score, final exam, required courses, selective courses, attendance, absent, pass, fail, hand in7. bank clerk——customer:saving, deposit, withdraw, cash, draw on one's account(开户),open an account, interest rate, Foreign Exchange Certificate, RMB, dollar, pound, coin, fixed deposit (定期存款),current account (活期存款账户),saving account, check account8. doctor——patient:feel dizzy, headache, sore throat, pain, cough, fever, vomit, stomachache, no appetite, temperature, surgeon, prescribe, operation, diagnose, injection, to take an X-ray9. boss——secretary:file, type, schedule, make an appointment, report10. lawyer——client:court, charge, sue, witness, case, lawsuit, the accused, judge, jury, illegal, appeal to11. policeman——driver:driving license, suspend, drunken driving, speed limit, speeding, exceed, traffic light, fine, ticket, police station15.空间:across perp. 穿过,遍及temple n. 庙,寺along perp. 沿着,顺着church n. 教堂,教会的behind perp. 在后面tower n. 塔,楼塔around perp. 附近,前后gym n. 健身房,体育馆way n. 道路,方法especially adv. 特别地view n. 风景,看法outing n. 郊游,短途旅行apartment n. 公寓楼,房间cover v. 遮盖,掩蔽palace n. 宫,宫殿offer n. 提供,给予investigate v. 调查,研究show around 领….参观give a ride 搭车sports centre 体育运动中心arrive at/in 到达walk around 四处走动,绕…而走sounds not too bad 听起来还不错go through 通过,用完,检查,完成16.人物关系:parents 父母doctor 医生family 家人、家庭 soldier 士兵friend 朋友policeman 警察classmate 同学relationship 关系teacher 教师student 学生possible 可能husband 丈夫salesman 销售员buyer 买手colleague 同事neighbor 邻居engineer 工程师banker 银行家/职员17.建议:advise v.建议suggestion n.建议,示意recommend v.建议,劝告,推荐a dvice n.建议,忠告,劝告propose v.建议,打算,计划s uggest v.建议,启发improve v.提高,改善stomachache n.腹痛,胃痛boring adj.无聊的geography n.地理,地形sunrise n.日出,黎明invitation n.邀请introduction n.介绍information n.信息,资料chemistry n.化学;化学过程dentist n.牙科医生check v.检查,核对personal adj. 个人的;身体的take medicine 吃药have a bad cold 患重感冒have a good rest 好好休息talk with 与……交流be interested in 对……感兴趣at the moment 此刻,当时instead of 代替;而不是…18.主旨大意:favorite 喜欢,喜爱keep 保持,保留,抚养conversation 谈话happiness 幸福physically 物理上,身体上thought 思想,认为problem 问题chance 机会regardless 不顾后果地;不管怎样lifestyle 生活方式adulthood 成年avoid 避免disease 疾病concern about 表示关心spend … in doing sth花费时间做某事worry about 担忧,担心take care of 照顾in a while 过一会儿,不久now that 既然have a chance to 有机会做某事19.情感交际:excited adj. 激动的 favorite n.adj.喜欢的picnic n. 野餐 last v. 持续;adj.最近的,上一次的sure a dj. 确信的,必然的weekend n. .周末upset adj. 心烦的 argue v. 争吵trouble N.麻烦;v.使烦恼forgive v. 原谅remember v.记得surprise n. 惊奇,惊讶;v. 使惊奇million n.百万;无数online adj. 在线的chat v.闲聊bet v. 打赌excellent adj.卓越的usually Adv. 经常地stranger n.陌生人dislike v. 厌恶,不喜欢never adv.从不foreign adj.外国的culture n.文化regard v.认为,看作;n. 关注waste v.浪费offer v. 提出,给与kind adj. 和蔼的;n. 种类time n. 时间,次数,倍数cross. v. 横跨,穿过matter n. 事情,问题;v. 要紧fall v. 落下,降落grammar n.语法wonderful adj.奇妙的,令人高兴的b reak v. 打破;n. 休息What’s up出什么事?makesb do …让某人去做Have a good time 玩得高兴Have a picnic 去野餐Look so excitded 看起来很激动What’s the matter怎么样?有什么事?What should I do? 我应该做什么Why don’t you do?为什么不...Be good at 擅长去做Call sb up 打电话给某人Give sb surprise 给某人惊喜Lose one’s way迷路Take care of 照顾20 饮食:(1)主食类healthy food 健康食物sandwich 三明治pizza 披萨bread 面包pie 派,馅饼rolls 小圆面包、卷饼rice 米饭fried egg 煎鸡蛋noodles 面条instant noodles 方便面porridge 粥 hot dog 热狗fast food 速食(2)甜品类biscuit 饼干m ilk shake 奶昔 puddings 布丁mousse 慕斯puffs 泡芙cheese 奶酪cocoa 可可dessert 甜品milk chocolate 牛奶巧克力(3)水果类peach 桃子pear 梨 orange 橙子grape 葡萄strawberry 草莓 watermelon 西瓜lemon 柠檬 mango 芒果(4)饮品类coke 可乐juice 果汁tea 茶green tea 绿茶soda water 苏打水beer 啤酒cocktail 鸡尾酒lemon tea 柠檬茶black tea 红茶mineral water矿泉水21.健康:Much better.好多了。
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重点场景词汇短语整理.doc重点场景词汇短语一、Campus life 校园生活(短对话及长对话重点)12年12月出现的重要表达: take turns to make presentation (轮流做演示)12年6月真题中出现的新考点:tuition 学费1、作业词汇:assignment/assigned book (指定书目 10年6月第11题)paper essays(07-6听写答案) book/research report composition 作文textbook教科书/reference book参考书(07-6听写答案) copy 副本搭配作业的一些常见表达:be through with sth 结束,完成(四次考到)due 到期have sb's hands full with sth 忙于做某事(两次考到)narrow down the topic 细化题目 (两次考到)2、课程形式词汇:seminar(06-6、07-6-词汇,研讨会)原句: do you have the seminar schedule with you? (你有研讨会的日程表么?)optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程09-12词汇)compulsory course/requirement (必修课) presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课)搭配词汇:hardly/barely stay awake (无法保持清醒。
三次考到,最新10-6考点) tutoring service 一对一辅导课程最新课程名称advanced physics (高级物理) data processing (数据处理) computer programming (计算机程序)biology 生物 Statistics 统计学课程 Psychological counseling 心理咨询3、名称freshman(大一) sophomore(大二) junior(大三) senior(大四)(05年考点)graduate(毕业生) undergraduate (在校生,本科生) postgraduate (多次考到,研究生)tutor(导师) graduate school (研究生院)4、图书馆重点(1).书籍:journal 学术类刊物(08-6)原句:did you check the pile of the journals you borrowed for the library the other day?(你查过那一摞头几天从图书馆借来的学刊了么?)volume 卷 current/back issue 现/过刊 periodical 期刊(2).人物:librarian 图书管理员二、Job hunting 求职 (长对话重点)recommendation 推荐(11-12)short list 候选人名单(2010-12) job vacancy 职位空缺(2010-12)job applicant candidate 候选人(多次考到)apply for application (2008/09/10)Position/post (多次考到。
职位) resume (简历,注意发音,多次考到)recruit (连续考到。
招聘) reputation(多次考到)resign (辞职,多次考到)benefit (package) (福利,两次考到) paid vacation (带薪假期)social security (美国的社会保险) relocation expenses (异地补偿费用)phased retirement (08-12 阶段性退休) be laid off (解雇 09-12考点)hotel consultant (08-6 酒店咨询) sales manager(08-12 销售经理)Administrative work (08-12 行政工作)2008-6the job will involve much train travel (工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会)tell me about your present job...2008-12There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager's job. And finallyit was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified (合格).(20个候选人竞争销售经理的职位。
)promotion(09-6/12连续考到)2009-6I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled.(我听说你升职了,你开心死了吧)not really, the new office is huge,but the work load has doubled.(也不见得,新办公室挺大的,但是工作量也翻倍了)2009-12 Aren’t you disappointed that you didn’t get the promotion?2010-06 19.C) It enables him to apply theory to practice 能够让他把理论应用于实际22.A) Getting along well with colleagues 与同事和睦相处2010-12 25 C) Send in a written applicaon as soon as possible 尽快发来书面申请2011-6 25 B what does the man say contribute the success of the business?(男士说是什么造就了他商业的成功)2011-12 what position in the company appeals to you most? 职位最吸引你的是什么?2012-12 he is tied up in meetings. 他忙于开会三、机场(飞机上)次重点1.机场地点Security check(安检处) Gate(登机口) Terminal (航站楼)Check-in counter (换票柜台) Customs (海关)2. 机场人物Airhostess/stewardess (空姐) steward (空哥、空少) flight attendant (飞机乘务员)3. 飞机动作Take off/land (起飞、降落) ascend/descend(上升、下降)postpone/delay/cancel (推迟、延迟、取消)最近题目例句:(2007-12)I hope you are packed and ready to leave. (我希望你已经打包完毕准备出发了)I have packed my passport in one of my bags. (我把护照装在一个包里了)四、餐厅11年12月最新考点:recommendation 推荐 be allergic to 过敏1.点菜:Order menu wine list (酒单) alcohol steak French Fries (薯条)2. 埋单:Check the bill please!(埋单) Treat (请客) split the bill (分开付)五、酒店2010-6 washing-up 洗碗工作2007-6/12Reservation (高频词,预定) honeymoon suite (07年6月词汇,蜜月套间)hotel clerk (07年6月词汇,等于receptionist) discount (07年6月词汇, 折扣)continental breakfast (07年6月词汇,免欧式早餐)六、新内容:减肥与健康(自09年起至10年12月多次出现)gym 健身房overweight=out of shape 胖 dieting 节食 lose weight 减肥 slim 苗条larger waist 腰有些肥(可以指人也可以指服装) physical training 身体锻炼weight-lifting 举重补充:四六级听力主题高频词汇一、学生生活场景1.教育相关词汇graduate school 研究生院 business degree 商学位higher education 高等教育 adult education 成人教育undergraduate 本科生 postgraduate 研究生universal education 普及教育2.图书馆场景online catalogue 网上图书一览表 reference material 参考资料reference desk 咨询处 catalogue 目录index 索引 reference stacks 书库delivery/circulation desk 借书处 date of expiry/deadline 期限due 应付费 overdue 过期pay a fine 交罚款 renew 续借on loan 借出的 reserve/book 欲借in circulation 在书库里 out of circulation 借走了periodical journals 定期刊物 current/back issue 最新/过期的bibliography 书目 on the shelf 在书架上paper back 平装 hard back 精装librarian 图书馆长 information desk 咨询台3.课程作业谈论read it through the way 按章节顺序读read books from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书brush up on 温习 keep drifting away 走神attend a lecture 上课 take sb. out of sth. 说服某人不干某事seminar shedule 论文安排 take the course 选课narrow it down 缩小 fill up 课程人数已满information science 信息科学 online education 网络教育term paper 学期论文 assignments 作业poll 民意测验 presentation 针对某一专题发表的演讲class list 班级人名列表 get frozen up 僵住an extra copy 额外的复印本 lecture notes 课堂笔记fill sb. in 给某人补课 schedule/school timetable 课程表individual study 自习 individual coaching/tutorial 个别指导attendance/participation 出勤率miss a class 缺课 cut a class 旷课course arrangement 课程安排 application form 申请表assessment 综合评估 extension 延期at least 150 words at length 至少150字fixed answer 固定答案 specialized course 专业课required course 必修课 optional/selective course 选修课basic course 基础课4. 教授评价相关office hour 教授与学生面谈时间 office hour 坐班时间be lost/be all at sea/in the dark 听不懂figure out/make sense/follow words 听懂drop off 放弃 doze off 打瞌睡associate professor 副教授 lecturer 讲师punctual/prompt 不迟到 run over time5.考试相关谈论credit system 学分制 mark/score/grade 分数blue-book 考卷 report card 成绩单open-book exam 开卷考试 pop test 抽考passing/failing grade (不)及格 quiz 小测验be backed up 堆积作业 make up the exam 补考6.校园生活场景housing office 住宿办公室 tuition 学费dormitory deposit 宿舍保证金 live off campus 搬出校园director of student housing 学生住宿经理security office 安全管理处 room and board 食宿school dining hall 学生食堂 canteen 食堂cafeteria 自助餐厅 accommodation 住宿lounge 大厅 gymnasium体育馆auditorium 礼堂 orientation program 新生训练teaching facilities 教学设施 assistantship (大学)研究生助教奖学金scholarship 奖学金 after-school activities 课外活动voluntary labor 义务劳动 register/enroll 登记、报到admissions office 招生办 school discipline 校纪a grant-aided student 领助学金的学生registration form 注册表 teaching building 教室locker room 更衣室 new students enrollment 新生报道处recreation center 娱乐室 opening ceremony 开学典礼expel sb. from school 开除 letter of recommendation 推荐信the student union 学生会 graduation appraisal 毕业评估graduation ceremony 毕业典礼二、工作、生活场景1.工作选择场景job resume 工作简历 be impressive 印象深刻first impression 第一印象 hand in resume 投简历drop off resume/CV 投简历 help-wanted section 招工广告栏want ad 招聘广告 an assistant director 助理a teacher certificate 教师资格证 job-hunting 找工作job interview 工作面试 application letter 求职信position/post/offer/vacancy/opening 职位accept /take the post 接受 turn down/refuse 拒绝experience in the post 职业经验 professional expertise 专业技能be equally competent for job 同样能够胜任工作easy to get along with 容易与人相处self-confidence 自信full scope to show one’s ability 完全发挥个人能力TA (teaching assistant) 助教 RA (research assistant) 研究助理stack of papers 成堆的文件 further talk 进一步谈判immediate boss 直接上司 clerk/office worker 办公室人员night shift 夜班 seasonal unemployment 季节性失业dismissal 开除、解雇 overtime/extra time 加班2.相关工作谈论admission office 招生办公室 target reader 目标读者bring her ability into full play 发挥她能力方面的优势come up with the name 起名字pop out of her childhood dreams 从她童年的梦中找到灵感a large international company 大型外企right candidate for this position 职业的合适候选人head broker 经纪人经理 stock market 股票市场deal with the clients on the daily basis 与底层的客户打交道paid vacation 带薪假 personnel department 人事部public relation 公关 job prospect 职业前景marketing director 销售经理 stay competitive 保持竞争力human resources 人力资源 commercials 商业广告recruit graduate students 招聘研究生switch work time 调整工作时间pay your own way 为你的选择付出代价三、家庭生活场景1.租房谈判词汇make a mess 弄脏cut down on their living expenses 削减生活开支have an apartment for rent 有房出租welcome any time by appointment 预约后随时欢迎save the trip 缩短路程 book a hotel 预定旅馆、housing developers 房地产开发商 housing coordinator 房屋中介dispose 定金 deposit 押金enrolment 登记注册 landlord 房东tenant 房客 landlady 房东太太property 房产2.住房格局词汇honeymoon suite 蜜月套房 basement 地下室shared kitchen 公用厨房 living room 客厅balcony 阳台 single room 单人间share room 共用房间 double room 双人间twin-bed room 有两张单人床的双人房double-bed room 有一张双人床的双人房bedroom 卧室 entrance hall 门厅,大堂porch 走廊 shared social area 公用空间3.住房家具词汇air conditioner available 有空调 furnace/stove 炉子switch 开关 cupboard 碗柜heater 热水器 curtain/drape 窗帘sheet 床单 pillow 枕头mat 席子 mattress 床垫chest 柜子 couch 沙发rug 小地毯 carpet 地毯shower 淋浴4.住房周边设施词汇two blocks from home 离房子有两个街区surroundings 环境 downtown area 市区laundry 洗衣店 rural areas 乡村suburban area 郊区四、公共生活场景1.交通场景spot a place to park the car 找地方泊车a parking space 停车位 speeding 超速行驶crash into 撞上 fall off 坠落overtake the truck ahead of him 超过前面的卡车non-stop train 直达火车 a dining car 餐车subway entrance 地铁入口 break down 抛锚flat tire 爆胎 rush hour 高峰期traffic jam 堵车 garage 修车场give sb. a ride/lift/hitchhiker 搭车shuttle bus 班车 tow away 拖走pay a fine 罚款2. 餐厅场景watch my weight 关注我的体重 make it to the bar 及时到酒吧赴约dessert 甜点 steak 牛排fried food 快餐 tips 小费eat out/full/ stuffed/ done 吃饱了 snack bar 快餐小吃店take-away 外卖 vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉delicious/tasty/terrific 好吃 horrible/awful/disgusting难吃3.银行场景bank book 存折 open an account 开户earn interest 赚取利息 savings account 储蓄存款账户current account 活期存款账户 check account 支票帐户deposit account 定期存款账户 annual interest rate 年利率monthly interest account 按月计息账户daily interest account 按天计息账户instant account 速成户头 service charge 服务费/手续费signature card 签名卡 withdraw 提款blank check 空白支票 exchange rate 汇率。